A further conversation with my pal Lester ... updated 30th June Remember Lester Jones, the interesting social constructionist who troubled to engage with “Recititive” at the Guardian’s “Comment Is Free”? Alas, shortly after that conversation Recititive was despatched to the gulag by the Guardian mods. They do like to preserve the intellectual purity of their thought-world, and poor Recititive was judged altogether too polluting. However, some very similar right-wing swine named “unsanctimonius” is playing with the fire of the mods instead, and today he had an encounter with the aforementioned Lester Jones. As there are one or two half-useful pointers to debating technique in it I will reproduce the goalmouth moments here:- The thread followed on a very fine and interesting piece of writing about the illusion of leadership by the (I think) Marxist intellectual Jeremy Seabrook. It finished with this splendid observation:-
“Unsanctimonious” duly praised Mr Seabrook thus (trolling ever so slightly, you understand):-
And off we went. Lester Jones, defending his ideological turf next in the thread:-
Three quick explicatory comments from “unsanctimonious” followed:-
At this point someone with the handle “followtheoil” remarked that “there IS NO society, only individuals and groups of individuals working together for their interests.” “Unsanctimonious” responded:-
It turned out that not only was he a prisoner, but he was “an anthropologist of the not-po-mo kind” who saw fit to inform me that “community bonds are ‘imagined’ ... check out the brilliant book on nationalism ‘Imagined Communities’ by Benedict Anderson ... What is no longer possible is to return to the ethnically-based ‘England’ of previous centuries - it’s too late for that.” Actually, I think this guy was pretty harmless. But the immediate need was to destroy this damned “reality as social construct” argument which is such a winner for the other side. There is, though, a line of attack in ethnic interests:-
This was too much for Lester Jones, an arch-constuctionist, who responded:-
Oh dear, another ban on the way. “Unsanctimonious” will be number six ... or seven. I forget now. Actually, under the new system at CiF nobody is liquidated anymore. It’s an administrative death, whereby one’s comments are not posted on the thread but submitted to the mods for clearance. Invariably, they disappear into the memory hole, of course. Anyway, “unsanctimonius” is still striving to kill off social construction:-
Lester has a dangerous memory ...
Well, what’s his game? I haven’t figured it out yet.
But he’s not telling ...
This is shaping up for a shake-down along the lines of “racist! ... “Nazi!”. You can tell because he thinks he knows all about me. So here’s an old problem: how to evade the smear, and keep the attack on social construction going?
But that didn’t wash. Here’s his most determined attempt to line me against the wall:-
So Mr Jones has banged heads with other nationalists and emerged having make them look ridiculous. And, of course, racist. And political failures. And ...
So has a combination of Salterism and Scroobyite normality warded off the danger? Well, that’s it for this evening CiF-wise. And the thread will close tomorrow, I guess. But it would be interesting to know what else Lester, as a liberal guinea pig, can do to prosecute his anti-nationalist argument. If he tries, I will add it to this post. UPDATE, 30TH JUNE And here is what he did, dropping the battle of ideas and becoming more personal.
So he has noted the many thought-crimes at MR, and thinks we are making an effort not to speak of our real beliefs! His position is now plain to see. It is uber-libertarian, but our desire to save our people naturally implies the reining-in of the agencies of harm, of which his own pursuit of the unfettered will is one. Yes, Lester, I would rein you in for the greater good. Any objection to that?
Posted by Bill on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 07:43 | # Postmodern Liberalism has rendered traditional Western governance a no brainer, just look around you. It is a destroyer, a bulldozer leveller with the single goal - the end game. Something will be left of course, there always is. It’s back to the drawing board but not from the same start position, that’s gone. 3
Posted by the Narrator... on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 13:48 | #
Here are a few exerts which get to the point, “Billy Johnson loved to set around listening to the entertaining tales his great-Uncle Frank would spin…..Uncle Frank was a big (standing 6’ 2” in his youth) yet gentle man. His aged and weathered face, highlighted by his white hair and beard, still seemed jolly, as his cheeks would flush red with laughter while regaling a visitor with a comical yarn from his past. He would often sit next to his fireplace, his large hands clasped around his cane revealing his gnarled knuckles and scared fingers, and tell of of his early years growing up on the old family farm and how they struggled to survive during the Great Depression. Lighting up his pipe, he would go into detail about the various characters and events he knew throughout his life, as well as the sorrows and joys he had partaken of. The following week, on Uncle Frank’s birthday, Billy rushed home from school and went straight for Uncle Frank’s apartment. The man was in his thirties, short, with black beady eyes and coal black hair. His face, brown and covered with pock marks, seemed to be held in a constant mocking snarl, as his eyes darted around, examining Billy up and down. It was then that his parents emerged from the kitchen accompanied by a woman named Judith, who identified herself as a state official. “What’s going on?”, Billy asked “Where is Uncle Frank?” “He’s right there”, answered the official, pointing to the strange little brown man humped up in Uncle Frank’s Chair. “That’s not Uncle Frank!”, protested Billy. The official frowned. “Sure it is”, she said. “Frank, show the young man your identification.” Examining it, Billy saw that indeed it was a picture of the little brown man and that he was identified on the card as Frank Johnson. “THIS IS NOT UNCLE FRANK!” Billy shouted. “For one thing Uncle Frank is 85 years old. For another thing he is White. And he..” “What does that have to do with this?” Billy asked incredulously. “Your parents and I have already had this conversation”, the official continued. “You see billy, Uncle Frank is, really, just an idea. A name given out and recognized by the state.
I mean, after all, why on earth couldn’t a recently arrived Pakistani be Lester Jones? Get his job, home, family etc.. Which period of Lester’s history does see as the time he wish’s for all social evolution to be forcibly halted, and corralled into arbitrary cultural (legal) distinctions? ... 4
Posted by Fr. John on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 14:26 | # “In other words, without a philosophy of a heirarchical consciousness no statement on absolute human potential is valid, and neo-marxism has no such philosophical content.” Oh, bravo! What a sentence. Or, to put it another way, “In the Beginning, God….” As Gilbert said (in the Mikado) “So glad to have my opinion backed by a competent authority.” lol Bravo. 5
Posted by ben tillman on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 20:46 | # From a commenter named Whitenights: ...what used to be called journalism is now derided as ‘conspiracy theory’. Classic. 6
Posted by silver on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 22:20 | # Suzerainty. Hate to mention trivialities that only solidify my reputation as an unserious time-waster, but this about the fifth time I’ve seen you use this unusual word, so it’s clearly a favorite. You might want to get it right, then. 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 00:37 | # Silver, never wish infallibility on anyone. Most of all me. Narrator, thank you for the being so Frank. I can’t entirely decide whether it’s an RDNE story or a social construct story. It shares something of both, but I think it’s probably RDNE. Judith the social constructionist would not have needed Juan. She would have proved that the 85 year-old white Frank only existed as a mental construct, and could be changed to the chain-smoking Mex by a postmodern exercise of the will. At bottom, of course, RDNE is simply a stratagem to force other races on Europeans. But our thinking apparatus really does function by association and by description using language, and that’s why social construction is a “construction” of a certain externality - what our thinking apparatus represents to us - in its own right. The gist is that our thinking apparatus can only represent externality to itself, and that representation can never actually be that externality. Of course, this is where the Marxian imagination sets to, undoing all the ethnic certainties it doesn’t like. It is a perilous undertaking because it can be hoist on its own petard, if its victim is as unscrupulous as it is. But this is not necessary. Ethnic interests and loyalties are not communicated by the thinking apparatus but by the emotions, and these are not associative in function and do not employ language. Lester Jones tried to get around this by claiming that ethnic interests and loyalties are “directed” by the thinking apparatus - something I quashed with reference to implicit/explicit racism. Another thing he said, to which I did not bother to respond, was that we ethnocentrists ascribe a belief in the inherent specialness of our own ethnic interests. First, there is no requirement for such an ascription. An interest is an interest whether we acknowledge it or not, and whether we inflate it into something “special” or not. We need not place any construction upon it to follow it. Second, I think Lester was falling into employing the old white supremacism smear here. Taking that apart is such a basic procedure in WN, frankly I couldn’t be bothered to stoop to it. Perhaps I should have done. 8
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 02:14 | # GW, If you had your druthers just how much and by what means would you rein in the will to individuality of people like Lester? 9
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 12:50 | # cc, That is an excellent question. Lester gives very little away about what “people” like him actually are. The only clue he gives here is that “who to love” remark, which rather suggests a miscegenator or a homosexual. But, obviously, one must begin by setting aside that sort of speculation and dealing at the abstract, ideational level. Ideationally, Lester is insisting on the core principle of the radical wing of liberalism, which is the freedom to do anything that doesn’t harm or restrain another sovereign individual. This position lies hard up against the libertarian pole of the libertarian <> authoritarian axis (I don’t mean libertarian in a Popperian or Randian sense, of course - all this is liberalism). Now, the interesting thing about this position of absolute individual sovereignty is that when one decouples it from liberalism and examines it in isolation, it is immediately clear that it’s not really a problem. Indeed, the only reason there is a problem of sovereignty is because uber-libertarians bring a certain note of fierceness and fervour to their “independence”. They are permanently frozen into a fighting posture. Why? For what purpose are they fighting? Carl Schmitt, the German jurist and philosopher, wrote “liberalism changed all political conceptions in a peculiar and systematic fashion” and “liberalism not only recognizes with self-evident logic the autonomy of different human realms, but drives them towards specialization and even towards complete separation”. In this instance what it has done, this curiously aggressive liberal analysis, is to force out group dynamics and group adaptiveness from the life of Man, leaving only the individual. Obviously, if the energy of separation is switched off, the component parts - individualism and the group - are attracted towards one another again. This is inevitable and mete because individualism is part of the selected or genetic endowment (of European Man in particular). Its political excision and its setting upon a pedestal as the unique life-value is unnatural, and requires all that tremendous and tremendously wasteful energy just to maintain it there - energy that is expressed in all the hatred that abounds among liberals for people like us. So what, for Lester and his personal soveriegnty, is the meaning and consequence of reuniting the individual and the group? What does he have now that he will he lose? Well, certainly something because measures to restore an adaptive communal life are bound to be “harder” and more radical at the outset. Nationalism, for me, is the necessary politics of such change. In a secured future time, however, we don’t want radicalism to hang around to curdle into state oppression. Instead, it must be allowed to mature into conservatism - a difficult word for Americans, I know, but that can’t be helped. Today, though, we must be radical. The emphasis has to be changed from the individual to the group thus: “the freedom to do anything that doesn’t harm or restrain another sovereign individual” becomes “the freedom to pursue any interests that do not damage the interests and integrity of the group.” So let’s suppose that Lester is indeed a homosexual. His liberty to practise homosexuality must, it seems to me, be inviolable. But the liberty of the group to maintain the adaptive effect of its laws and customs - essentially, proximate interests - must also be inviolable. A deal has to be struck, and in the case of homosexuality the one I have suggested in the past is the trade of discretion for tolerance. Lester as a homosexual would lose his liberty to be careless towards the group, and the group would take no interest in his sexuality. But what if Lester is not a homosexual but a miscegenating heterosexual? There are both ultimate and proximate ethnic genetic interests damaged through exogamy, and we should be in no doubt that measures to weigh against it - and especially its promotion - are necessary. What these might be and how they would engage with the problem is a difficult moral issue. People fall in love, and I think it is effectively impossible to follow an absolutist EGI line. The state has available many handy tools, however, in the form of immigration laws and procedure, citizenship laws, repatriation programmes, censorship and broadcasting law, the prosecution of merchants of miscegenation (political and cultural), the appointment of responsible persons to roles of cultural and religious leadership, and so on. Cultural leadership is obviously very important and influential indeed, and would go a great distance towards repairing public attitudes. Of course, in the past white society had - and, to some degree, still has - the powerful and highly adaptive mechanism of social stigma to price and contain miscegenative behaviour by its own members. Quite apart from the effects of cultural leadership, the encouragement of group awareness generally would strengthen this a good deal. “Miscegenative Lester” wouldn’t like it, but his liberty to miscegenate would be, if not curtailed in toto, certainly subject to powerful normalising currents - and a serious reduction in opportunities. In essence, all this is only the reversal of the trends to the contrary - towards maladaptive exogamy - that have characterised public life for the last five decades. I don’t doubt that it sounds extreme to the liberal ear, but the modern liberal dispensation is utterly extreme to anyone who has survived it with his own ears still working. 10
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 16:34 | # For all Western Europe’s more extreme liberalism I think it is a nut more easily cracked than America. People there, I dare say, still have a consciousness (however weak) of being English or French or German. This is a tribal/national consciousness. The clock is ticking, but a nationalist government can still be had at the ballot box. The machinery of government censorship and approbation are already in place: get power and flip the script. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 01:40 | # The other way to understand Lester Jones is as a “white person” in the sense lampooned by the blog “Stuff White People Like”: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/ (check out some of their log entries, any string of them — I just skimmed a couple of pages of them, #87 through #103 — you’ll get the idea. Here are a couple more, excerpts that happen to be posted over at Steve Sailer’s today: http://isteve.blogspot.com/2008/07/my-contribution-to-stuff-white-people.html ) This blog’s crew (headed by someone signing as “Christian Lander,” I think) have a got a book out which will surely be a huge best-seller thanks to … you guessed it, thanks to “white people.” In the States “white people” in this sense is mainly, I would say, a West-Coast phenomenon, places like San Francisco and Seattle, though of course it’s found everywhere. In the U.K. it might be referred to as “Guardian readers,” let’s say — something like that. This Lester Jones specimen fits the Stuff White People Like stereotype to perfection. 12
Posted by Exmajor on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 19:44 | # Very depressing for those of us on the right to see this poster ‘LesterJones’ so comprehensively destroy our position. I guess we have to concede that the liberals are right and that we are a bunch of brain-dead imbeciles talking crap. It’s pretty depressing for me to admit it, but there’s no point in being dishonest - he’s obviously a clever guy and people like the poster ‘unsanctimonious’ haven’t really got the arguments to undermine him. 13
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 21:41 | # Guess so, major. We’ll just give up, then, and celebrate that vibrant ole diversity like Lester does. After you, of course, sir ... 14
Posted by Englander on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 22:27 | # Mr. Major must have been reading a different exchange to the one I was reading. 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 01:00 | # Englander, I think Exmajor was being sarcastic and sees things as we do. 16
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 00:16 | # Svi, I didn’t respond to Fred’s criticism of the authoritarianism comment, but since you have mentioned it too I will do so now, in a manner of speaking. It is certainly not my understanding that any partial corrective ... anything that falls short of a total and ruthless replacement of liberalism will change, or even very much ameliorate, the range of possibilities which liberalism allows. I understand Fred’s championing of “germ theory”, and I can quite see that many Americans, caring little for the meaning of their own Enlightenment-based, national submission to equality, boundless material progress and individualism, honestly believe that a return to white racial consciousness will suffice. But white racial consciousness was not driven out of our hearts by ethno-aggressive Jews, just like that. It was not neatly substituted with ... what, exactly? Holocaust guilt in the Appalachians? Adoration of negroes in Alabama? We do not have Holocaust guilt and love of negroes enough to answer for our self-estrangement. The case for the Jewish causative has not been made in detail terms. All the energy poured into it has been intellectually negative. Rise above the negatives and it does not convince. It does not add up. Certainly, it does not add up in Sweden or Ireland, or in Prague now and Belgrade tomorrow. No, white racial consciousness is incompatible with the only system of ideas in operation in the Western world and has, over a passage of centuries and in the very entrails of 20th Century war, weakened and waned to its present pathetic state. Our self-estrangement is a signal of liberalism’s universality and power. Not taking that universality and power seriously, difficult and demanding though it is, amounts to an intellectual dereliction. This is something that needs to be understood by all thinking nationalists, such as we are. As it is, we are in perpetual danger of becoming political froth ... just objects on the surface of a reactionary effusion. It is not enough merely to separate in that manner, and be satisfied with it, expect something to follow on from it. Nothing will follow on. This is only the beginning. Those of us that can, have to travel further. If we don’t, and just continue to “wake our people up” and “go through the Jew” we will, I promise you, look back in anger one day and ask what more we might have done to bodily haul our foolish, sleeping people away from their fate. 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 03:03 | # GW, you subscribe to exactly the same explanation of what’s gone wrong as Lawrence Auster, Jim Kalb, Mark Richardson, to a large extent Paul Gottfried, and many others of course, including myself as of a few years ago. (I recently needed to look something up in the Turnabout archives and unexpectedly happened on the exact thread over there in which I first grappled with the beginnings of the transition I’ve undergone, away from blaming generic “liberalism” to fixing way more blame on the Jews as Jews, not as generic non-denominational liberals: it was around Christmas, 2005 [it was a thread on “The War on Christmas, 2005,” something like that], so a little more than a year after MR.com began I first began to change my view.) Obviously there’s also a deep flaw in ourselves. The flaw isn’t that we’re so manipulable (the non-élite classes can’t be blamed if they’re manipulable: being manipulation-proof and standing guard against this sort of attack we’re being subjected to was never supposed to be their responsibility; it’s an élite responsibility), the flaw is that the élites we produce refuse to defend us. That’s some kind of grave flaw in our people, that we produce traitorous élites like the Bushes, backstabbers of the nation. It’s like a person whose body doesn’t produce white blood cells to defend against infection: a grave flaw. But it takes two to tango: without either our deep flaw or the Jews — or the Jews — this almost inconceivable nightmare wouldn’t be upon us. As I’ve said, I view “liberalism” as a miasma theory and false. “Liberalism” is actually created as part of the disease process itself. It’s a manifestation of the disease, not its cause. The British government created the chavs. The British people didn’t. The U.S. political string-pullers created Barack Obama. The American people didn’t. If someone has the measles the spots all over him correspond to liberalism. The spots aren’t the cause of his measles. Something else is. In pathology there’s disease with its symptoms and signs, and there’s pathogenesis, the cause of disease. Disease and pathogenesis are two entirely different things. Liberalism is a symptom and a sign, not a cause. Furthermore, liberalism, in addition to being a miasma theory, is to an extent a mirage, a mirage created by those who control the media, since the ordinary people don’t agree with liberalism but aren’t given a chance to protest except by getting their deer rifles and spilling into the streets, and protesting that way, which they don’t want to do naturally. What’s going on gets blamed on liberalism but the people aren’t liberal. How does that work then? “Liberalism” is a mirage. The string-pullers have assigned “liberalism” to the people, the way you color an apple red or a leaf green in a coloring book. It’s not real. That’s all I’ll say, except I think the main mechanism by which the Jews pull it off (the main one among a number of them) is, as I heard David Duke tell someone after his latest speech, through their monopoly control of the media (there are others but that’s the main one, the crucial one, the decisive one). Right about here in the conversation JJR would typically say, “Their monopoly control of the media? You seem to know nothing about Jews: where there are two Jews there are five trillion different conflicting opinions and eighteen quintillion different conflicting pressure groups that immediately form and start pressuring government.” That’s right, except where certain issues are concerned: where certain issues are concerned those five trillion opinions and eighteen quintillion pressure groups that immediately form and start pressuring the government are not conflicting but uniformly in total agreement, every one of the five trillion and every one of the eighteen quintillion. On those issues there’s no internal Jewish-group disagreement, no internal conflict. One such issue is race-replacement of Eurochristians. With the countable-on-the-fingers-of-one-hand exceptions we all know and repeat often (Rabbi Meyer Schiller, Lawrence Auster, Chaim ben Pesach, and three others or something), race-replacement of Eurochristians is not only supported by Jews across the board (I’m talking about Eurosphere diaspora Jews, not Israelis, who of course don’t concern themselves with our immigration policies), it’s supported with an intensity, a fervor, comparable to the intensity and fervor associated with religion. I’m not saying our race-replacement is part of their religion (which one reader misunderstood me to be saying at one point), I’m saying the intensity of their support for our race-replacement is comparable to religious intensity — it’s my way of illustrating how intense their support for it is: it’s something which is very impressive to behold. 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 03:31 | #
Who runs the U.S. massively influences those countries the way who ran the Soviet Union massively influenced the USSR satellite countries. Who runs the U.S.? And who runs the humungously powerful U.S. based NGOs such as Soros’ multiple tentacles, the big foundations such as Ford with immense international reach and influence, etc.? Whoever it is, that’s who runs Sweden, population eight million, Ireland, population three million, Prague, and Belgrade, in the sense in which Moscow ran Prague, East Berlin, Belgrade, Budapest, Warsaw, Riga, Vilnius, etc.: certain leeway is permitted, and certain leeway isn’t. Leeway on race isn’t. It’s coming from the ‘Kwa. 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 04:02 | # Forget who’s in charge on communism the way the Hungarians did in ‘56? That’s OK, a sharp reminder in the form of your boss’s tanks pulverizing your capital will be swift, to both sort you out and be a lesson to anyone else who might get funny ideas. Forget who’s in charge on race (who’s in charge on the requirement that countries henceforth be multiracial/multicultural) the way the Serbians did in 1999? That’s OK, a sharp reminder in the form of your boss’s warplanes pulverizing your capital will be swift, to both sort you out and be a lesson to anyone else who might get funny ideas of having a monoracial monocultural nation. The U.S. enforces race-replacement on Europe the way the USSR enforced communist theory and practice on its satellites. 1999 in the skies over Belgrade was the same as 1956 in the streets of Budapest and 1968 in those of Prague. You’re seeing the same thing, all three places: the power in charge whipping subordinates into line and in so doing keeping anyone else from pulling the same shenanigans, namely deviating from communism or deviating from race-replacement. Are these subordinate countries controlling themselves? No, they’re being controlled. Are the other subordinate countries, the ones that weren’t directly bombed by warplanes or invaded by tank armies but saw what happened to those that were, controlling themselves? No, they understand what the threat is and are careful henceforth to conform and not make waves, be it on communism or on race-replacement. Prague ‘68: The boss wants communism, so communism it is. Belgrade ‘99: The boss wants race-replacement, so race-replacement it is. The naïve onlooker thinks they’re all doing it because they honestly want to, and are at liberty to change policy. 20
Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 14:48 | # Something to think about department: The Jewish Criticism of Gentile Culture: A Reprise “Do you remember, he asked me, what Lueger, the anti-Semitic mayor of Vienna, once said to the municipality of Vienna when a subsidy for the natural sciences was asked for? “Science? That is what one Jew cribs from another.” That is what I say about Ideengeschichte, history of ideas. (Isaiah Berlin, reflecting on a conversation with Lewis Namier; in Efron 1994, 13) The material in the previous four chapters indicates that individuals who strongly identified as Jews have been the main motivating force behind several highly influential intellectual movements that have simultaneously subjected gentile culture to radical criticism and allowed for the continuity of Jewish identification. Together these movements comprise the intellectual and politi-cal left in this century, and they are the direct intellectual ancestors of current leftist intellectual and political movements, particularly postmodernism and multiculturalism. The originators of these movements were all vitally concerned with anti-Semitism, and all of the utopias envisioned by these intellectual and political movements would end anti-Semitism while allowing for Jewish group conti-nuity. A generation of Jewish radicals looked to the Soviet Union as an idyllic place where Jews could rise to positions of preeminence and where anti-Semitism was officially outlawed while Jewish national life flourished. The psychoanalytic movement and the Frankfurt School looked forward to the day when gentiles would be inoculated against anti-Semitism by a clinical priest-hood that could heal the personal inadequacies and the frustrations at loss of status that gentiles murderously projected onto the Jews. And the Boasians and the Frankfurt School and their descendants would prevent the develop-ment of anti-Semitic ideologies of majoritarian ethnocentrism. 21
Posted by skeptical on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 15:51 | # Guessedworker, I took note of this quote from Lester Jones: “However you spin it, what you want is to tell people how to think, who to love and what parameters they must adopt, parameters devised by you based on ideology and twisted ‘studies’.” Ironically, this is precisely what a hegemonic liberalism is doing right now. Telling people what to think. Reminding us about who we can (and should!) now love. Justifying an ideology on fraudulent science while ruthlessly repudiating even the mildest hints of dissent (see James Watson). 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 17:59 | # Fred, First of all if you think Auster, Gottfried, Jim or Mark would approve of the direction of my ideas, you would be wrong. Auster, for example, has already condemned me. Mark left MR all that while ago because we are insufficiently conservative, to which I responded that he was stuck in a rut! My thinking, which is a work in progress (and, given my limitations, is likely to stay that way), is more radical by orders of magnitude than the anti-semiticism of Alex Linder. If you read this MR thread you will see that Alex describes himself, without much conviction, as a libertarian - by which I presume he means a small-government and, no doubt, anti-federal conservative rather than a Popperian or anarcho-capitalist or whatever. Almost every American WN one encounters seems to fit into that general category. What they cannot see is that the ideas which form American postmodernity also informed the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and are the same ideas which found expression in revolutionary France and in the long-run, socialising politics of Whiggish England. Ultimately, they are derived from the continental rationalists and English empiricists of the 17th Century, and found their way into the revolutionary fervour of the Enlightenment through Kant and the German Idealists. By way of an entertainment, I guess you could say that my argument here draws from a fairly “hard” rationalist approach, since it insists on deductive reason both to explain the present and plot a path into the future. Your argument draws from empiricism in that it insists on drawing conclusions from the experience of Jewish ethnocentric behaviours. Nothing, but nothing, is new. The question for both of us is whether the political products and causes in which Jews have been active [and they are legion: Classical Marxism (1867), Critical Theory (1937), Postmodernism (1967), Freudianism (1900), Second-wave Feminism (1963), Second-Wave Libertarianism (1947), LBGT Rights (1969), American Civil Rights (1955), White Privilege (1990), White Abolitionism (1994), Open Borders and Immigration (1965), Neoconservatism (1979), Holocaustism (1970s), academic race denial (1910), promotion of miscegenation (1981), internet pornography(1990s) ...] are sufficient to explain the postmodern West by themselves, or whether those products and causes fit within the historical narrative and are dependent, albeit parasytically perhaps, upon its inherent dynamics of liberty, equality, justice and progress. This is too large a question for a comment. I will give it some thought, and see how it might form the subject of a post. 23
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 21:03 | # By way of a synthesis of the post above and the direction the thread has taken, “unsanctimonious” tested the Guardian-reading left’s committment to Jewish ethnic interests today. A young lady, apparently of Polish extraction, had written an article about Polish anti-semitisim. “Unsanctimonious” made a one-line comment: “Anti-semitism is reactive.” A number of Jewish or liberal-left muscles went into spasm, and the usual insults, some more veiled than others, flew. All of them were against Talk Policy, but that didn’t seem to matter. “Unsanctimonious” made a few measured but detailed responses, quoting MacDonald and Nathan Abrams. None are now standing. More than that, every sign that “Unsanctimonious” had ever visited the thread was completely removed - a scorched earth policy extending even to the ID line:-
I test-commented to see whether another ban was in place. Yep ...
The problem is deep. I get the strongest feeling that it is impossible for Guardianistas to read a pro-European comment in the context of Jewish ethnocentrism. They simply cannot control Mr Pavlov. The emotional identity with Jewish ethnic interests is religious. 25
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 19:47 | # “My thinking…is more radical by orders of magnitude than the anti-semiticism of Alex Linder.” -GW That’s good to hear. If we can manage to take control of the system that our organizational and inventive genius gave birth to we can reinvigorate our people into the healthy, vital, confident race we ought to be. A race with its feet planted firmly on the ground yet with its eyes fixed on the horizon. Building micro-communities out in the woods, ultimately, ain’t going to cut it. If we can succeed in pulling our people back from the precipice’s edge there is no reason our new order should not last a thousand years. That will be our finest our. 26
Posted by Robert Reis on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 11:26 | # From Ireland Had enough of immigrants? http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=eiBPIHEAmig The state of Ireland http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=dDy_hRR09zc&feature=PlayList&p=340C4265B6542C75&index=0 Answer Ireland’s call? 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 14:01 | # Truly EXCELLENT videos posted above by Robert Reis! Everyone should watch AT LEAST the first one (watch all three if you’ve time!). Warmest congratulations to the Irish comrades who put those out!!! By the way, who cut the Catholic Church’s balls off? They’re an important force in Ireland and normally would be opposing at least that country’s Islamization if not its Negrification (we all know know they’re a lost cause on Negrification). Where are they? Not a peep out of them. Is it that they’re all homos now, and on board with the International Homintern where these issues are concerned (i.e., pro-nation-erasure)? Are they scared of the Jews? Have the Jews castrated the Catholic Church? What’s going on? And you’d think some saner faction in Sinn Fein would be setting off bombs by now. Where are the bloody Irish patriots who’ve just spent the last forty years bombing the English??? They’re infatuated with Negroes now??? What’s up, Sinn Fein??? Don’t you have a country to protect??? Incidentally, I don’t want just any goddamn immigration moratorium for Ireland. No. An immigration moratorium would leave all the partial race-replacement that’s already been accomplished by the George Soros NGO Kike-intern, and whoever the hell else is running this (Prof. Ferdinand von Whatsisname is in there, let’s not leave him out), in place as a fait accompli. Forget that shit. I want an immigration moratorium of all racial/ethnocultural incompatibles COUPLED WITH, YES, MASS EXPULSIONS: I want every man, woman, child, old person not of Irish or closely compatible blood sent packing back where he came from. AND I WANT THOSE IRISHMEN RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE ARRESTED AND CALLED PROPERLY TO ACCOUNT, AND LAST I HEARD, THE PRECEDENT SET FOR THAT CRIME AT NUREMBERG WAS THE GALLOWS. “Had enough?,” the video asks. GOD DAMN STRAIGHT I’VE HAD ENOUGH. Irishmen knew how to throw off the English, they ought to know how to throw off the Jews, communists, and internationalists. 28
Posted by Guest on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 16:48 | # Sinn Fein for some unfathomable reason does not see genetics. Maybe it was all that early Marxist babble that seems to have sunk in over the years. When you have negroes as Norwegians competing in Olympics, well… Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) |
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 03:05 | #
Priceless stuff.
But I’m not so sure I agree with one of the points <strike>GW</strike> <strike>Recitative</strike> <strike>John Standing</strike> Unsanctimonious concedes in the exchange:
As I see it, the authoritarianism has been entirely one-sided, and that side hasn’t been us but them. If there had been an honestly-worded referendum preceded by honest, unfettered public debate before excessive immigration of the racially/ethnoculturally unlike was first implemented as national policy there can be no doubt but that it would have been rejected by the people.
There can be no doubt, moreover, that were such honest unfettered public debate held today, followed by an honestly-worded referendum on whether to continue the present race-replacement policy or humanely phase it out and take whatever reasonable, fair, financially-reimbursed measures would undo the decades-long mistake and put things right again, the people would reject continuing of the present course.
Would holding a public debate and referendum along these lines now, today, be “authoritarian”? I fail to see it. Would continuing the present course of forcing, literally, what is a national change of race on the unconsulted, unwilling people of the country be authoritatian? Clearly yes.
So, which side is authoritarian? Not us.
Furthermore, Unsanctimonious goes on to say as much himself, in his rejoinder’s very next sentences:
Exactly. Now, who coerced him? The other side, clearly. And who didn’t give him a choice? Ditto. Are coercion and withholding a choice authoritarian? By definition, yes. So, it would seem the other side are the ones acting like authoritarians.
Exactly again. Are the ones who merely wish to give him a choice the authoritarians? Or does that appellation belong to the ones wanting to take his choices away; indeed who’ve already taken them away and wish to continue depriving him of them?
So, I respectfully question the claim that setting things to rights by our side makes authoritarianism “unavoidable.” Quite the contrary, in fact: it would be authoritarianism’s opposite.