Bridling the Old Media Beast Most of us would be willing to sacrifice our lives in a war if necessary to stop the Old Media’s tyranny over our people’s minds, but few of us can see a clear means of accomplishing this since our people’s minds are driven primarily by our morals and the Old Media controls the morals imprinted on our people far more than any Christian church ever did. We could go around blowing the brains out of news anchors, spreading hypercarcinogens in ventilation systems of Hollywood repaying—in some small part —what their images do to our peoples, mugging editors on the streets then killing them for their pocket change to pay for gas, food and lodging to get to the next serial “spiking”, etc. but it would merely be turned against us by the Old Media running endless “news stories” and making endless streams of “docudramas” portraying us as baby-eating perverts worthy of slow death by torture at best and “therapy” at worst—thereby strengthening the bondage of our people’s minds. What to do? Perhaps the Ron Paul grassroots campaign has demonstrated something we can do to bridle the old media beast… Fox News decided to exclude Ron Paul from its New Hampshire candidates forum just before the New Hampshire primary—so Ron Paul supporters set up a website called dedicated to boycotting the sponsors of Fox News. The result? Fox News’ parent company, News Corp, has experienced a drop of 1% over the last day compared to CNN’s parent company, Time Warner, Inc. This represents more than $600 million dollars loss in comparative market value: If you look to the right of the graph, you’ll see a news headline for January 2: “Fox News Corp Stock Taking a Beating for Slighting Ron Paul” because that is when Ron Paul supporters began shorting News Corp stock in preparation for the boycott of Fox News’ sponsors. It looks like this may have made some money for some Ron Paul supporters by betting on the power, determination and anger from Ron Paul supporters toward Fox News’ insolence. Moreover, a $600 million loss in one day is nothing to sneeze at when the next executive meeting of Fox puts the salaries of its editors up for review. Think about it like this: If your editors just walked up to and demolished your corporate headquarters—a building worth $600 million—would you as CEO be slightly concerned that the minority stockholders might become a little miffed at you for going easy on them just because they held political beliefs similar to yours? This is the kind of loss that—given enough publicity—might make you subject to a lawsuit from your stockholders for breach of fiduciary responsibility if you didn’t reign in your pet beast. So now, imagine the following scenario: Giuseppe Furioso reports:
Bruckheimer’s shows are viciously libeling the white race and his sponsors should be subjected to a boycott not just from some upstart politician’s angry supporters but a boycott from the white people so libeled. Now, I know what you’re thinking: White people are mainly just zombies—having been rendered so by the Old Media’s biotoxic “morals” which is the main problem—and besides, the range of libel of the white race is so broad that you would end up asking a bunch of zombies who can’t care anyway to boycott virtually all the businesses they patronize. They might find themselves unable to purchase anything at all! I understand… But consider this: What if there were some sort of environmental judiciary with the mandate of setting penalties for various libels of the white race—penalties based on estimates of how many white children do not exist (never conceived, aborted or otherwise have their own reproductive viability destroyed through biotoxic indoctrination) because of Jerry Bruckheimer’s programming? Now we have a basis for rational priorities! Rational priorities are important because it lets us target our limited resources against just a few advertisers supporting the most biotoxic meme-spreading machines destroying our people. Small victories will attract more supporters while progressively freeing the minds of more whites so they can think of themselves as human beings deserving the right of self defense rather than slaves for “victim minorites” to exploit until the “white race is abolished”. Now, the question becomes, how do we set up such an environmental judiciary? Comments:2
Posted by John S Bolton on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 06:11 | # If your metric is quantity of quality children born to couples of European origin, disregard the media and distribution systems. 3
Posted by skeptical on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 07:14 | # I’ve also liked the idea of billboard at the roadside of a major commuter artery saying something as simple as, “White man, when are you ready to stand up?” or “What are you ashamed of White man?” or “When will it be your turn White man?” with the open handed invitation of a White male worker (either by himself or alongside his family). Something as simple and direct as that could help break the anti-White media matrix amongst commuters. All it would require is a little financing. 4
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 10:24 | # John S Bolton, I looked around for ecological correlations available on the standard sources on the internet and found that doesn’t even list fertility and while Nation Master has total fertility rate, it does not provide (for that variable interestingly but for most others) correlations. (Of course, as you probably are painfully aware, those that fear what data tells them, usually respond with “Correlation doesn’t imply causation.” if not “Ecological correlations are invalid.” rather than looking at them as necessarily partial knowledge facing any empiricist.) I’d be more comfortable with your analysis if I could at least find some competing ecological correlations on the same set of ecologies and see that yours is at least comparable if not more predictive. Then, of course, we have the problem of which variables are controllable. For instance, it may be that education level is the strongest driver but that indoctrination contributes to education level (by, for instance, showing young women movie after movie about the evils of having children before establishing themselves in a career). If we can boycott sponsors of such biotoxic “docudramas” but we cannot directly control things like scholarships offered to young women, then it may make more sense to go after the “metabolic pathway” we can control. PS: I find your comments edifying. Thanks for contributing. 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 13:13 | # Skeptical, that’s a great idea on paper but the Jews would have those billboards taken down in five minutes, on grounds they were examples of “hate.” Craig Nelsen‘s experience with billboards is instructive (at his blog at the link, see the entry titled “Three Reasons I Can’t Trust Giuliani on Immigration”). 6
Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 15:38 | # Fred, that’s tortious interference with contract, and punitive damages are available for that tort. To support the recovery of punitive damages on a claim for tortious interference, the plaintiff must show the defendant acted with actual malice or “`ill-will, spite, evil motive, or purposing [sic] the injury of another.’” Texas Beef Cattle Co. v. Green, 921 S.W.2d 203, 210 (Tex. 1996) (quoting Clements v. Withers, 437 S.W.2d 818, 822 (Tex. 1969)). The trick is to find a message to which potential jurors would be sympathetic. Once you do that, it is a very bad idea for a third party to attempt to interfere. 7
Posted by skeptical on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:14 | # Fred,
Craig Nelsen’s experience with his ProjectUSA immigration billboard was certainly sobering; however, I don’t think New York City is the right kind of place to even attempt such a stunt. A much better location could be found amongst any of the Whiter, less cosmopolitan cities in America. As an illustration, we’ve had some recent success with anti-immigration billboards here in Tulsa, OK (where I used to work) and then later in Oklahoma City:
The above billboard was successful in raising awareness to help pass Oklahoma’s new set of immigration control laws by catching the eyes of many commuters on their way to work in Tulsa (note the obvious racial undertones). I would like to also add that the above seems much more provocative to me than Craig Nelsen’s billboard and (insofar as I am aware) wasn’t forcibly removed. So, I would maintain that a pro-White billboard could be successfully pulled off if it was attempted in the right kind of city and with the appropriate legal/financial resources. Perhaps the National Policy Institute could help back such a project. 8
Posted by stari_momak on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:49 | # That ‘Dov Hikind’ mentioned in Craig Nelsen’s article must be the same one recently mentioned on KMcD’s blog. The man and his wife split their time between Israel—west bank settlements—and the US. Gotta hand it to him for sheer cheek, taking two peoples’ land from them at the same time! 9
Posted by skeptical on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 19:14 | # Here’s the billboard I was referring to. Let’s see if the Terry Anersen Show cares enough to remove it: 10
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 20:38 | # Regarding the education suppression of female fertility, here is an interesting paper from India seeming to indicate that it may be less education level than prospect of social advancement via education that suppresses female fertility in that country. This, combined with the extraordinarily high level of female education in Utah—a state with the highest white female fertility rate in the US—is evidence against Bolton’s education hypothesis: <a href=“>Returning a Favor: Reciprocity Between Female Education and Fertility in India</a> P. N. Mari BhatCorresponding Author Contact Information
In this paper, an attempt has been made to show that while at the initial stages of demographic transition it is the education of females that exerts significant negative effect on fertility, as the transition progresses, this effect tends to weaken, and the dominant pattern changes to one wherein it is the fertility level that exerts significant negative influence on educational attainment of children, especially of girls. By using crosstabular data from censuses and surveys, it is shown that much of the recent reduction in fertility and the rise in contraceptive levels in India has come, not from more women becoming literate over time, but from the changes in the reproductive behavior of illiterate women themselves. Further, using micro-level data from a national survey, it is shown that illiterate parents, while regulating their fertility, send more of their children to school. The first-born daughter appears to be the greatest beneficiary of the changing emphasis on quality over quantity in reproductive outcomes, as she is released from the burden of attending to younger siblings. 11
Posted by anothercommenter on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 00:47 | # James, Shouldn’t your model by Jim Bob Duggar, Bill Gothard and others who practice or promote quiver full? Those Southern Baptists block out the Old Media because of the antagonism that Old Media shows towards Christianity. The antagonism helps maintain group cohesion. Granted, Southern Baptists do have some problems: 1. rejection of evolution 2. positive attitudes towards Israel 3. Soft-headedness on race relations. But quiver full is demographic warfare…which is what matters most. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 01:53 | # Greta Van Susteren and Wolf Blitzer comment. 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 16:51 | # A clear-thinking Mexican, who says he was deployed in Iraq, strongly supports Ron Paul and gives the lie to Schmuckabee (and, by implication, to Bush and the neocons), arguing his case in simple but airtight, unanswerable fashion: no one can answer this mestizo because every word out of his mouth is the simple truth. 14
Posted by David hamilton on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 00:20 | # There are 3 cases in or due in courts for “hate speech.” In Belgium a priest is being prosecuted; in Canada world-known journalist Mark Steyn is accused of insulting Islam because of his best selling book “America Alone”; and here the one who has the lionheart blog. 16
Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 02:12 | # Thanks for the link, GW! I´ve been reading about Lionheart´s ordeal and I find it truly appalling! Free speech is sadly a thing of the past. But I thought posting on international sites like blogspot made prosecution difficult. 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 03:29 | # Regarding the blogger signing as “Lionheart” linked in GW’s comment a couple above, it’s worth reading some of his stuff to see what kind of man the British government is planning to place under arrest and why: here‘s a pretty typical example. Or I’ll post another bit chosen literally at random in scrolling down his home page (for the copious embedded links see the original text):
This man won’t be everyone’s cup of tea because he’s a self-described “unapologetic Christian” and an unusually dedicated one (many would say a fanatic), and he’ll be called a mentally unbalanced crank because he believes he’s received a sign from God as to the whereabouts of the little British girl presumed kidnapped while on vacation in Spain. Nevertheless I defy anyone to dispute, after browsing the writings at his blog, that the dangerous ones and the ones who are evil, unspeakably evil, aren’t the man blogging as “Lionheart” but those in government seeking his arrest and the ones who badly need to be put in jail for a very long time are precisely the latter. This blogger is doing no harm whatsoever; quite the contrary, he’s a soldier fighting for the preservation of his country, society, and culture, fighting the good fight, the sacred fight, and all ought to support him and oppose the criminal fiends in the Labour government who seek the annihilation of all that. 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 03:37 | # May God protect Lionheart from the evil, evil men trying to silence and punish him! 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 06:10 | # Nicholas Stix comments on LOX NEWS excluding Ron Paul from the candidates’ debate. 20
Posted by JSB on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 07:35 | # Education and fertility: selected findings from the World Fertility Survey data. 21
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 19:18 | # John S Bolton, as a 1969 member of ZPG, I’ve been aware for decades now that the general argument explaining “the demographic transition” is female education or economic development or both. I really don’t see it that way. While these may be enabling conditions of the demographic transition, the critical component is illustrated by Utah, where both economic development and female education have proceeded with far less impact on total fertility rates. Utah routinely competes with Alaska for the highest total fertility rate within the US. I have an explanation for this that I’ve posted occasionally over the years, and that I most recently posted here at MR under the article Ocean Frontier Fertility: Ecologically Imposed Patriarchy. An excerpt:
Given that, as I saw in 1982, mass media has inhibited the natural pioneering character of the US, thereby denying us ecologically imposed patriarchy, while also denying us the socially imposed patriarchy that the Mormons have proven is successful in maintaining our fertility in the face of female education and economic development, my conclusion is that corrective action is more probably effective with indoctrination mechanisms. 22
Posted by Jean West on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:25 | # This thread discusses the possibility of using interactive webcasting as a means of communication between Ron Paul and undecided voters, along with precinct leaders and those already decided. If this is a viable project, it would be important to have the work done by someone we trust. JW 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 01:37 | # blogs on the affair of “Lionheart” the blogger. (See the comments several above this one, by me, GW, and others.) Post a comment:
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Posted by Stan on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 02:47 | #
“Small victories will attract more supporters while progressively freeing the minds of more whites so they can think of themselves as human beings deserving the right of self defense rather than slaves for ‘victim minorites’ to exploit until the ‘white race is abolished’.”
This is one of the most intelligent sentences ever seen on Majority Rights because of its emphasis on “victories” and its willingness to start with “small victories,” something alien to many people with grand social designs but who have never even served on an advisory committee to a local school board. (We’d just add, providing it is done in a Euro-centric way.)
In approaching the topic of an “environmental judiciary,” we see that it seeks to exploit one of the pull tabs (a structural weakness amongst the memes in the matrix). It is best to start small in one locality, focused on one issue, and provide information to others how to also start locally. It would take a while, but issuing a judgment against the vicious Bruckheimer that outlines the indictment and the penalty, and sending copies to all local media outlets would eventually make change.
There are a lot of pull tabs in our society that could reinforce the crumbling of the matrix. A flyer outside grocery stores containing information about how to file a claim with the grocery store for reimbursement of kosher costs (and it’s a lot for meat products) would get attention. If ten people could be persuaded to file a claim thereafter in small claims court, that would convert the court into our court to seek change.
And of course any variation on the theme of defamation sounded by James Bowery above would work. Requesting cash back at grocery stores for unopened products on the ground that the manufacturer supports hate-whitey speech, followed up by claims in small court claims could work wonders.
We specialize in sending punishing email to left-wing racialist writers & editors, mostly locally. But we really are acting in a “judicial” capacity when we awarded the Julius Streicher award to a NYC PR guy who developed the Washington Mutual TV ads showing 20 silly old white guys being herded around a stage, tripped, and insulted by a young African American guy. Then we make sure everyone learns about the award. That’s a kind of judicial process. We also got over 25 depositors to withdraw their CDs and other accounts on the same day from Washington Mutual.
Just never quit punishing the enemy. Make sure the real message is in the Subject Line so they can’t delete it before it connects with their eyeballs. Send dozens of blind copies throughout the institution that employes or entrusts the wicked one. If you think it might be legally libelous, just add “In our opinion” or “In my judgment.” And for goodness’ sake don’t add insults against other groups, just individuals. That’s the tough one, but if you can stay Euro-centric, you can rip up as many pull-tabs as you have time for.