Imagine Sitting In the Ad Company Meetings…

Posted by James Bowery on Sunday, 07 October 2007 16:52.

We’ve all seen countless examples of this kind of ad:

Indeed, such ads have become the norm, but rarely does anyone talk about what must be going on in the advertising company meetings producing them.

Is there any way to get an idea of what is actually said between the ad company employees who produce this torrent of propaganda imagery?

PS: And I probably shouldn’t single out ad companies.  I was at a rural elementary school in the Pacific Northwest, where it is basically all white, recently and the “educational” imagery was the black male with blond female photos we are all familiar with coming out of Madison Avenue, except as children.




Posted by Slavyanski on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 17:38 | #

Could it have something to do with perhaps trying to want to get as many possible customers as possible? 

NOOOO!!! It MUST be some kind of shadowy Jewish ‘race-replacement’ scheme, to convince Americans that America is in fact a racially mixed country!!


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 17:55 | #

If the idea were maximum customer appeal, why would the ad designers think that an ad that excluded white males would serve their purposes, Slavyanski?


Posted by gongstar on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 17:56 | #

Could it have something to do with perhaps trying to want to get as many possible customers as possible?

The simplicity of genius. Non-white males and females are possible customers and so are white females. But white males? Nah, at 0.01% of the population or whatever it is, it’s not worth going after them.

NOOOO!!! It MUST be some kind of shadowy Jewish ‘race-replacement’ scheme, to convince Americans that America is in fact a racially mixed country!!

Even by lib-left standards you’re pretty stupid and tedious, Slav, ole boy/girl.


Posted by Slavyanski on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 18:00 | #

Yeah, there’s not much to appeal to white males today right?


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 18:53 | #

Slavyanski, I understand that English may not be your first language hence your lack of clarity.  Please expand on your theory.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 19:12 | #

James did you have to ask him to expand on his theory?  Now we’re in for it!  When he wasn’t expanding on his theory we never heard the end of it.  Imagine what it’ll be like when he’s expanding on it!  Now you’ve gone and done it!


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 19:22 | #

Fred, he appeared to be addressing the “white male” question so its not like his response wasn’t potentially meritorious.

Please, Slavyanski, do tell us what you meant by the sentence: “there’s not much to appeal to white males today” in the context of maximizing customer appeal.  It may be nothing more than a grammar error but even so, please clarify your statement.


Posted by Slavyanski on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 19:46 | #

Let me put it this way:  Do you find that there isn’t a wealth of information/entertainment that appeals to white males these days?  Have you ever heard of Fox News.


Posted by Slavyanski on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 19:50 | #

If I might add something- why is it so important to have a white MALE on there?  Are you not “racialists” of some sort?  Is a white woman not worthy enough to represent her “race”?


Posted by Constantin von Hoffmeister on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 19:53 | #

Actually, Whites in the picture are OVERREPRESENTED, if you know how to count. Oh wait, they do not have a penis! I forgot. Do White WOMEN not represent the White race?



Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 20:29 | #

Slavyanski, I presume the correct grammar of your first statement then is a sarcastic version of: “There is much to appeal to white males today.”

OK, I understand your statement and where you’re coming from now.  You simply do not share the perception of a great many of us that media imagery is largely repulsive and/or demeaning to white males.  I’m not here to argue that point with you. Since you and I simply do not share the same perceptual universe—it’s not possible to have productive dialog and its very important that people like you and I not exist within the same society for if we do there will most likely be violence.

You are welcome to your social experiment on your territory as long as you do not impinge on mine.  Goodbye.

GW:  I really don’t think either Slavyanski or Constatnin belong around here at all.

Soren: What were you thinking?


Posted by danielj on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 20:40 | #

Motion to second James!


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 21:16 | #

Well, let’s getto the heart of the issue slavinsky. Do you approve of the ongoing racial transformation of America which is direct consequence of post-1965 immigration policy and the high fertility of non-white immigrations.

About the White woman in the picture. That is an attempt to seperate White Women from White Men.

Without a doubt, whoever wrote the ad was given instructions by the business interests that paid for the aid to put a the multiracial message in. Standard propaganda from powerfull corprate interests goes something like this:a strong US economy requires a America to be racially transformes by post 1965 immgration.

This, of course is a lie. Millions of White makes understand this from personal experience. And this is all that matters. Millions of White American understand this also.

Corprations in America are clearly hostile to White American males.

Salvinsky is another lefty who probably thinks White American Men an Women won’t fight back against their economic and dmographic dispossession. He is in for a rude awakening.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 22:08 | #

James writes: GW:  I really don’t think either Slavyanski or Constantin belong around here at all.

Slavyanski, of course, does NOT belong here - nor does he wish to.  He is just a visitor with an unfashionable Marxist agenda.  He is welcome to comment here, though, and I certainly won’t ban him simply for holding the beliefs he does, however anti-nationalist they are.

For his part, Constantin has an opportunity at MR to stop trading in shallow oppositionalism, and put his intellectual house in order (for example, I am yet to see any principle defense by him of his Marxism and Judeophilia, but nor do I expect to because there is none).  He urgently needs to banish from his mind the notion that some strange moral flaw separates the MR contributors and commentariat from him, when it is his own narcissism and argumentationalism which does that.

Both Slavy and Constantin are a challenge, at once moral and philosophical.  They believe - Slavy fervently - in a death-dealing philosophy, and refuse to consider the evidence of its lethality in both its Eurasian economic and Western cultural forms.  The unity of these two Marxisms is important to the discussion we are having with them, because they rightly reject the cultural form.  This leaves them in an exposed position which they cannot, of course, resolve, but can try to ignore.  One of the ways Slavy, particularly, tries to do that is to provoke us on the JQ, rather than engage with us on the gaping holes in his own politic, or the issue of first principle.

First principle is the conservative/traditionalist/nationalist strength.  An understanding of it is also what is lacking in Constantin’s Weltanschauung.  It’s what he needs to become useful to his people, whether he defines these as Germans or pan-Europeans.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 22:29 | #

Then with your permission I’m going to delete all the responses to this post and start over because there is a genuinely interesting question here. 

I mean do these ad people sit around saying “Let’s put a strikingly blonde woman in the center of a bunch of people none of whom are white males.”?

If so what is their reasoning?  Are they using “focus groups” that show people aren’t likely to buy a product that features white males in a positive light or even at all?  Are they just playing out their programming from a Judeo-elite who see white males as their primary competitors for niches they covet? 

The answer to these questions may tell us much about the structure of our oppression.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 22:55 | #

CvH, how do you figure “overrepresented”?  Of seven people three at most are Euros, so let’s say fifty percent at most, and the girl in the black suit-jacket may not be Euro, so it might be less than fifty.  The U.S. population is said to be 70% Euro at present.  “Overrepresented”? 

The other thing is, of course, that this ad which painstakingly filters out Euro men is part of the strategy of going after the males first in a tribal war of extermination:  in such a war if you go after the females first you only have to confront the males later, whereas if you go after the males first, and get them out of the picture, you’re done, as females can’t mount a defense.  Once the males are defeated you’ve won and can do with the females whatever you wish — use them for profitable porn, for your own personal sex, for trophy wives if you feel like marrying one, as servants, for perverted voyeuristic sexual gratification by pairing them with Negroes, and so on.  Their men have been neutered so are nothing to fear.  In a tribal war of extermination you go after the other side’s men first.  You don’t go after its women, any more than you go after its children.  You target its men first.  Of course part of this is, as Frank I think pointed out in the thread, white women must have drummed into their heads that white men aren’t appropriate partners for them, and to this end the fewer white men there are depicted in ads for professions and so on, the less white women will imagine white men are suitable partners, and the more non-white men are so depicted in white men’s place, the more white women will be subtly brainwashed into viewing non-Euro men more and more as suitable partners for themselves.  The other side has got the ball rolling on actual race-replacement of the entire white race, and the name of the game now is to accelerate it, in order to make it really and truly irreversible before white men wake up, which they might do at any time, throwing the monkey wrench into the whole business.  “Hurry before they wake up” is now the name of the game.

The Jewish-run Walt Disney Company is absolutely obsessed with Negroes mainly, and other non-whites as well.  I saw one of their commercials on TV just yesterday evening — they were showing families on vacation at Disneyworld or something like that.  They showed a succession of families, first about five different Negro families one after the other as the commercial ran, then three or four Oriental families one after the other, and watching it I said to myself, “Of course, it’s the Walt Disney Company, strictly allergic to Euros ever since the Jews took it over; they’ll wait till the end to show any white people.  It’s their tribal war.”  After the Oriental families ran one by one came what I expected to be a white family because the allotted time was up, but the last family was visibly a Mexican one.  Then the commercial was over.  Jewish flaunting of Jewish Euro-hatred is becoming more brazen — a while back, Disney would’ve put one white person or one white family in the commercial all the way at the end for a microsecond, but Jewish power in the U.S. is today so complete they aren’t afraid to show off what they really think of Euros, and it’s less than zero.  It’s something like “Drop dead.”  That’s the New and Improved Walt Disney Company ever since the Jews took it over.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 23:03 | #

James’ questions are of course excellent:  how exactly are the orders to attack white men in this way transmitted down the line of command to achieve, time and again, get the result seen so unerringly?  Explicit orders are clearly being issued from above and obeyed below.  How are they transmitted, what exactly is their wording, are there raised eyebrows on the part of the lower-downs, and so on.?  Of course there won’t be raised eyebrows if the higher-ups simply select a non-white or homosexual-run agency to produce their ad:  it’ll all feel instinctively one-hundred-percent right to the non-whites or the white homosexuals running the agency and they’ll get the idea with a minimum of explanation, only a few key words, and there’ll be no raised eyebrows, just intense visceral satisfaction.

Tribal war, folks (with malcontents such as depressed women and misfits such as homosexuals as allies of alien tribes).  Don’t imagine anything else is going on, because it isn’t.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 23:04 | #


Leave the thread as it is, James.  I want my comment to stay up and be read.

I used to be a copywriter of a very lowly order, and I have wondered many times down the years at this issue of the “progressiveness” of advertising.

In theory, advertising agents should be highly conservative in their output, since they are meant to be serving the interests of their customers - and these refer to the market as it is today, not to some societally transformative politics.

But it isn’t that simple.  For one thing, the lead advertisers who spend the most money and are in a position, therefore, to weight the market for advertising fashion somewhat, are companies who trade across international datelines.  Think of the famous “What the world needs now” ad for Coca Cola.  These people want to engineer a homogenised market, because that is good economics from their point of view.

Another major influence is the public sector.  At every level, the government machinery advertises, and there’s a direct political input in that of, of course, a progressive nature.

Another factor is the susceptibility to advertising as an industry to youth and fashion.  Many marketing managers in medium-sized companies do not trouble themselves to ask why the ad presentation being put before them, on which new product launches, large campaign investments and the very future of the business may depend, have been brained-stormed by a writer and designer in their very early 20s.  Advertising agencies are horribly insecure about “new talent” filled with “new ideas” (ie a handle on youth fashion) being snapped up by their competitors.  They are craven in their search for such “talent”.

Further, as well as the youth-orientation, the emphasis tends to be highly metropolitan, since ad agencies are located in capital cities.

Then there is the factor of personal politics.  Media people are liberal, notwithstanding the high Jewish representation among them.

So one can certainly rationalize a case here without too much difficulty for bias against tradition and conservatism, and against the white male.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 23:29 | #

GW: Part of the reason this is so interesting is that unlike movie studios with with their distribution networks, getting into advertising is relatively low overhead.  If there is so much self-deception at work in the industry—“rationalise a case without too much difficulty” as you put it—then why aren’t there new competitors springing up all over the place for those advertising contracts?  Why the market failure?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 23:44 | #


Actually, the structure of the ad industry evolves at a hell of a lick.  New agency launches, splits and mergers are going on all the time.  You only have to have a look at the derivation of many ad agency names to see that.  But you are right in that, although the change is frenetic, the output is politically static.  And, of course, from our point of view it’s the wrong output.

One of the reasons that all this change is devoid of traction on output is that client loyalty is the gold standard of an advertising man’s worth.  If you can carry your clients with you, then you have a highly desirable bargaining chip.  So change happens, but it doesn’t really involve something entirely new from without that would challenge the established way of doing things.


Posted by 2R on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 23:48 | #

I’m not sure there are any orders from higher.  I think its more likely that this is just the result of 40 years of anti-White man conditioning along with “diversity is strength” propaganda.  The people who make these ad’s think they’re “doing the right thing.”  They believe the trendy idea that this is a “diverse” country and that they had better start marketing to a wider demographic group.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s still the result of a sick race-replacement society, in fact, its even more sinister if you think about it, because its part of the Zeitgeist.  In other words, marketeers don’t even have to think twice about displacing White men, its just the normal thing to do.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 23:49 | #

The other thing is that the ad industry is a people business.  It’s like party politics or the finance sector.  You have to know people ... to be liked or, at least, respected for your work, to be able to operate.  So there is a tendency for a certain type of person to do well.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 00:03 | #

According to an American expat drinking partner of mine from Deep Dixie, it was always comforting to see the familiar coal-black figure of ‘Aunt Jemima’ on pancake syrup ads. Back in those halcyon days of segregation many Black women were trustworthy symbols of friendly domestic servitude and knew their place in the US.


Posted by 2R on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 00:14 | #

GW said:
“These people want to engineer a homogenised market, because that is good economics from their point of view.”

This is a very important point.  The question is: are these people using advertising to achieve this homogenized market or are they just taking advantage of it because its happening?  Firms have to pay big money for marketing research, if markets are all the same, it makes things much easier.  This is a perfect example of how the business elite, Juden, and Liberal academics ALL work together to achieve the same goal.  That goal being ONE RACE, ONE FAITH, ONE WORLDVIEW, and ONE WORLD.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 00:25 | #

Ad agencies practice both the broadcasting and narrowcasting of ads. They feature Whites and other races in the former medium and confine the latter exclusively to minorities through gateways like Jew-controlled Viacom’s BET (Black Entertainment Television). There is no narrowcasting aimed at Whites and even if ad agencies wished to employ such a useful tool, the Jews would doubtless forbid it.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 00:48 | #

Al, how would you classify the example image I gave.  Is it “broadcasting” or “narrowcasting”?


Posted by Tommy G on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 00:53 | #

The owners of the school already know white males, in droves, will sign up for the MBA program ... their bussiness is a given; therefore, already in the bag.

That good looking blond haired chick in the middle was strategically placed there to attract a bunch of wogs to their school. They will sign up to the MBA program in hopes of hooking up with a chick that looks like her.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 01:26 | #

James, I believe your example falls under the “broadcasting” heading, but only in the international sense that so many MBA programmes are aimed at attracting higher - fee paying overseas students (predominantly non-White, as White countries’ universities provide such courses) rather than at domestic minorities. Of course, by showing photographs of smiling non-Whites and reciting the meaningless ‘diversity’ mantra, college admissions deans derive domestic kudos from those who mistakenly believe the ads are meant for American Blacks and Mestizos.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 01:57 | #

You guys may be onto something here.  In particular, by featuring the cream of the US female crop as coeds—with no competing white males—they are in essence pimping out our women for higher tuition from foreign males.  Very clever.

However, Tommy, I think you underestimate the truth in advertising here.  Current college stats show white males not going to college as much as their female cohorts so effective has the demoralization of the white male been during the last generation.

Of course this doesn’t explain the prevalence of this kind of mix occurring so frequently with other markets but it lets us make some progress.

Perhaps I should do a statistical sampling of the images on the web to test some of these hypotheses.

PS: Someone sent me a private headsup to look at yahoo personals, so I did and this is the first image that popped up:

Of course, this might be explained by a combination of “pimping out the white girl” with “the white girls can’t get enough strange”, but here again we’re faced with a question:  What about the white male market?  Why would Yahoo Personals place so little value on the white male market?  Do the Yahoo execs think that by parading foreign males with white females they can “challenge” the young white males to compete?  It seems they could just as easily be demoralizing the white males just as has been done to them in higher education.


Posted by desmond jones on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 02:41 | #

Not to detract from your main message, however, is this ad attempting to attract minorities and women to MBA programmes that are overwhelmingly dominated by white men?

M.B.A. Program    
M.B.A. Student Demographics  
2004 Entering Class Applicants   172
Admitted                     84
Enrolled                       51
Average TOEFL                   260
Average Age                     27
Women                           22%
U.S. Minorities               12%
International                     22%
Oregon Residents             39%
States Represented             15
Countries Represented (excluding U.S.)    8

Lundquist College of Business
University of Oregon


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 02:59 | #

Why did you pick Oregon?  It’s one of the whitest States, although it is changing dramatically due to illegals.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 03:18 | #

Average TOEFL score 260? Seems very low for someone attempting post grad work.


Posted by desmond jones on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 03:29 | #

Why Oregon? It popped up first in a search. However, by all means select other Business Schools.

Here’s University of Cincinnati;

Full-Time MBA Class of 2007
Class Demographics
Average GPA   3.21                       International Students   37%
Average GMAT   568                     Male Students           72%
Average Work Experience   3.9 yrs     Female Students     28%
Average Age   27 yrs                       Minority Students     10%


Demographics for Students Enrolled Fall 2006

Caucasian       53%

International     12%

Asian American 14%

Minority*        4%

Multicultural       2%

Unreported       14%

*Under-represented minorities, which includes Black, Hispanic and Native American.


Posted by desmond jones on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 03:35 | #

It appears to correlate with La Griffe’s analysis of why Asians lag.

Estranea.  What is it about NE Asians that makes them different from other racial groups?

Prodigy. Their IQ is bifurcated. NE Asians have the highest IQ of all peoples other than Ashkenazim. They owe that superior IQ, however, to extraordinary visuospatial ability, which, despite verbal shortcomings, lifts their IQ above that of Europeans.

The bifurcation is evident in the workplace where, for example, fully-assimilated second and third generation NE Asian Americans are overrepresented in science, medicine and engineering, and underrepresented in law, social science and the humanities (and MBA graduates). According to the 1999 National Science Foundation survey of PhDs awarded to US citizens and permanent residents, Asian Americans earned 11% of the science and engineering PhDs but less than 5% of other PhDs.

Possibly the reason why an East Asian male is front and center in the ad you depict.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 03:39 | #

That’s odd - no Jews.

As status means so very much to the Third Worlders who participate in US post-grad courses, it may well be the case that, on a pro rata basis, the more prestigious the college, the more high - fee producing aliens there are.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 04:38 | #

The thing I’ve noticed about third/second worlders is that they much like Jews, gravitate to the positions where they can collect public choice rents or monopoly rents.  This makes it very urgent to remove those rents from the economy and further confusion of the issue by Maxists and capitalists alike is, far from establishing an “elite” merely creating more parasites.

A very good example of this sort of rent stream is the academic credential mill.  Academic credentials are the equivalent of life titles of nobility.  Aside from the fact that titles of nobility are against the supreme law of the land for US citizens except under very restricted conditions, they have become an attractive nuisance.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 04:42 | #

Not to detract from your main message, however, is this ad attempting to attract minorities and women to MBA programmes that are overwhelmingly dominated by white men?

Ah.  Let’s pretend for a moment that your implied tactic is a good one, and all agencies adopted it:

Malt liquor would be sold with pictures of white grandmothers.
Skateboards would be marketed to black grandmothers.
Luxury cars would be marketed to the youngest carbuying cohort.
Economy cars would be marketed to the older, wealthier cohort.


Shouldn’t take the market long to incorporate this wisdom, should it?  In fact, shouldn’t it have already happened?


Posted by Count Sudoku on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 11:02 | #

“You are welcome to your social experiment on your territory as long as you do not impinge on mine.” - James Bowery

This is a very good point. It is futile to try and convice every white person about the rightness of our position. No doubt there are still idiot white people in South Africa who think granting the blacks control over them was a good idea. We should just work on getting as many white people as possible on board so hopefully in the future we will be in the position to separate and/or expunge the invaders. At that point, white liberals should be forced to live with minorities until they have an ephipany and become rabid racists.


Posted by Slavyanski on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:41 | #

“OK, I understand your statement and where you’re coming from now.  You simply do not share the perception of a great many of us that media imagery is largely repulsive and/or demeaning to white males. “

I used to buy into that nonsense at one time, but then I had to consider whether it was healthy to constantly obsess and read into every advertisement or film I have ever seen.  The fact is that ‘white’ people ARE represented in the ad- by women.  Apparently that’s not good enough for you, and now some are claiming that this is “separating” white men from women. Pathetic:  Where is the ASIAN WOMAN?  Where is the BLACK MALE?  Maybe it’s a conspiracy against them too, huh?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:15 | #

No, at the level of the advertiser it’s probably a fashion.  Conspiracy there may be at other, more hidden levels.  But only the crass would propose - or, indeed oppose, Slavyanski - the notion that conspiracy describes the whole.

I must say, you are impressively collectivist, not to say crass, in your critique.  You ascribe to us a complete failure of nuance, such that I begin to suspect that said failure is all yours.

In any event, there’s something wrong with you.  I don’t believe you were ever awake, or you would not move back to the land of the sleeping ... for no sane person volunteers to sleep while his kith and kin are burning.  I think you probably hate yourself at a deep level, and lack the moral fibre to deal with it in an honourable way.  So politics, for you, has become a method by which you may heal yourself by projecting that hatred onto those most like you.


Posted by Slavyanski on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:47 | #

“I must say, you are impressively collectivist, not to say crass, in your critique.  You ascribe to us a complete failure of nuance, such that I begin to suspect that said failure is all yours.”

Now I’m too collectivist?  I thought Marxism was about some kind of extreme individualism.

“In any event, there’s something wrong with you.  I don’t believe you were ever awake, or you would not move back to the land of the sleeping”

Yeah, sure, there’s something wrong with me.  For some bizarre reason I don’t see you saying the same about some of your wackier posters here.

” ... for no sane person volunteers to sleep while his kith and kin are burning.”

Your sleep/awake analogy betrays a belief that you have some kind of esoteric knowledge or something.  Rather cult-like.

”  I think you probably hate yourself at a deep level,”

Sure, that must be it. 

” and lack the moral fibre to deal with it in an honourable way.”

Guy in the movement lectures me about honour.  Sure.

  “So politics, for you, has become a method by which you may heal yourself by projecting that hatred onto those most like you. “

Right, if someone doesn’t believe in your “they’re all out to get the white male analogy”, they must hate themselves.  These guys on here apparently hate their own women, because they don’t think they can represent their race.  Repressed homosexuality perhaps?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 14:54 | #

“I don’t believe you were ever awake, or you would not move back to the land of the sleeping”  (—GW)

There’s a lot to this:  it’s possible to go from two-plus-two-equals-five to two-plus-two-equals-four but not to go from two-plus-two-equals-four to two-plus-two-equals-five.  He claims he was a race-realist before, but while it’s possible to go from race-denial to race it’s not possible to go from race to race-denial.  So something’s not right.  He was never at race.  Which means he’s not at race-denial.  He’s nowhere, just venting for some reason, some inner demons or other.


Posted by john fitzgerald on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 15:16 | #

Who care’s what this guy is. But Guessedworkers comments have been worth having this pain in the asss around.  One of Beckets character’s, a doctor, had a eureka moment about a sickly child he had been treating for a long time, “Ah now I understand,” he said, ” she was never really born.”


Posted by astrid on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 16:02 | #

I posted the following 2 paragraphs on another thread which was over I guess, so I’ll try it here now.

I’ve been reading MR for almost a year now, but have never felt equal to commenting. I am awed by the intelligence and knowledge of some of the commenters. Although I am and always have been a natural racialist (I always wanted children like myself, blonde and blue or green eyed), I was disinterested in history and politics for most of my life. (So would I still be if I did not see my race being screwed to extinction.)

But I do know useless, trouble-making, destructive screwers when I read them. Constantin and slayvansky are such. Discussion cannot advance if it is constantly being drawn back to square one. This is what these sabateurs do. It is all they can do because they are not really very intelligent. It is what they want to do because they are not really very intelligent and they hate that. Where I, as a female, am awed, they, as rival males, are competitive. And if one can’t compete legitimately, it’s legitimate to compete illegitimately. All’s fair etc. And whilst I admire GW’s patience with Cv, what did Cv ever do to deserve this? I say, dump the trouble makers. I know more than one person who isn’t really smart so rather steals the scene by being contrary. They never, never, never change.

That white males are disproportionately eliminated from ads such as this is a given. A bank I sometimes pass had about 8 huge photos of ‘successful own their own business’ customers in its windows. None of them were white males. I think that these campaigns are done by myrmidons, people so thoroughly brainwashed, so thoroughly in the groove, that they hardly need to be told much. Code for eliminating a white male could be simply ‘needs to be more diverse.’



Posted by Slavyanski on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 16:05 | #

You’re the guys scrutinizing advertisements and believing that they have something to do with some bizarre conspiracy- but I’m the “unawakened” crazy guy with “inner demons.” 


PS- Why are white women not representatives of your “race”?


Posted by Tommy G on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 16:16 | #

“However, Tommy, I think you underestimate the truth in advertising here.  Current college stats show white males not going to college as much as their female cohorts so effective has the demoralization of the white male been during the last generation.”

I understand exactly what you’re saying, James. Just about all the white males in advertising, movie roles and TV programmes etc. are portrayed as geeks, nerds, clods, or at best—anti-racists. The continuous mischaracterizing of the white males as being buffoons is having a profound effect on the how they are being perceived. Not only non-whites are misperceiving the true character of the white-man, white women—to a certain extent—are wrongly perceiving them in a bad light too.

The power of advertising/marketing cannot be dismissed or under-estimated in it’s power to change the culture.


Posted by Astrid on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 16:46 | #

Brave New World is considered to portray a futuristic nightmare. I’d say the Stupid New World we have now is infinitely worse. Where I work, the stupid are woven into the fabric of a high end corporation, causing constant problems for the clients and the intelligent employees. These problems are never blamed on anyone, that wouldn’t be nice. They are fixed as best they can be, by the smarter and more hard working, but not without cost. Guess what, the people who have poor judgement and make the most errors are rarely the white males.

There’s a story about Rubic’s cube in the news today. Was I surprised to see that it was created by a white male? Or that the record for solving the puzzle is held by a white male? The list of geniuses who have contributed the most remarkable and life improving things to humanity is predominately white males. Not white females, slayv. White males are a seperate entity from white females, with a different physiology. Their slight edge in the upper reaches of IQ makes them what they are. The smartest should be courted, cultivated and used by a world that needs all the help it can get. I am so tired of the obvious being invisible to so many.



Posted by GT on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 16:52 | #

Pics from “The MBA Tour” website:


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 17:06 | #

GW writes: One of the reasons that all this change is devoid of traction on output is that client loyalty is the gold standard of an advertising man’s worth.

So this may clue us into the real market failure:

No real businessman would place loyalty to his ad man over return on investment.  So we are left with two, not necessarily exclusive, explanations:

1) There is a massive, economy-wide, market failure in who ends up with money to advertise resulting is a lot of businessmen who aren’t really competent with their money.

2) The difficulty of measuring the effectiveness of advertising is so great that selection of who is to run an ad campaign for you is not anchored to any objective metrics that matter—primitive quasi-religious impulses take over yielding, within the current Zeitgeist, the kind of ad men who produce ads serving that Zeitgeist even when it is unprofitable to their clients.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 17:15 | #

Well, the revolt might start sooner than expected. A lot of young White Americans have been stayng away from th tech fields because of the scab labor flood from India. Thousands of young White Americans have been studying for careers in finance and corporate management(MBA track). Looks like this path to upward mobility will be closed off to young White Americans soon. There won’t be too many options left for entering the middle class.

If worse is better…...


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 17:19 | #

Count Sudoku writes: We should just work on getting as many white people as possible on board so hopefully in the future we will be in the position to separate and/or expunge the invaders. At that point, white liberals should be forced to live with minorities until they have an ephipany and become rabid racists.

In addition to which, it appeals to our racially “fair” nature to test, against reality, differing opinions about human social organization.  It is this fair nature that makes us relatively well suited to naturalist pursuits—to science and technology.  Additionally, voluntary submission to such experiments is the only ethical way they may be carried out, although it can well be argued that the very existence of such ethics is a consequence of fundamental fairness.  It might be good to look into the origins of the phrase “poetic justice” for a clue about the relationship between natural philosophy and ethics—particularly as it pertains to the position of separatism.

The main problem with separatism, and it is relatively minor in the overall scheme of things, is that some experiments may misreport their results.  The reason this is a relatively minor problem is that the big problem of lack of separatism is the destruction of everything via the evolution of global virulence due to horizontal transmission.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 17:19 | #


We are not falling for your Kike deceptions. In recent years, White Woman are paired off with black men in tv commercial ads. Someone is trying to make a point.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 17:27 | #

James, for these people, “profit is everything” only applies to what’s neutral in terms of harming Euros or what harms Euros.  What helps Euros won’t be invested in whether it’s profitable or not.  Hollywood’s Jews and homosexuals refused to touch Mel Gibson’s completely inoffensive film with a ten foot pole.  It generated a half-billion dollars in profits.  Were there any expressions of regret on Hollywood’s part?  Not a single one.  They’d do it all over again.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 17:34 | #

(I didn’t like Gibson’s film at all, by the way — The Passion of the Christ — and I haven’t liked Gibson’s films in general.  But there wasn’t a trace of “anti-Semitism” in it.  They passed up huge profits not because of “anti-Semitism” but because they, as Jews and homosexuals, hate Christianity.  That’s it.  As simple as that.  Nothing else was involved.)


Posted by gongstar on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 17:57 | #

You’re the guys scrutinizing advertisements and believing that they have something to do with some bizarre conspiracy-

Why is it “bizarre”, Slav? Are you trying to say the ads reflect the real world? That it’s just chance that white men are excluded from them?

but I’m the “unawakened” crazy guy with “inner demons.”


Finally you get something right.

PS- Why are white women not representatives of your “race”?

You’re missing the point, Slav. It’s not the inclusion of white women we object to, it’s the exclusion of white men. See? And men are the group that an enemy of a particular race target first. Take a look at history. Your problem is that you’re either immature or stupid or both. I think it’s both. Time may cure you of immaturity, but you’ll have to wait for some pretty big medical advances to lose your stupidity.


Posted by Tommy G on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:06 | #

“They passed up huge profits not because of “anti-Semitism” but because they, as Jews and homosexuals, hate Christianity.  That’s it.  As simple as that.  Nothing else was involved.)”

Bingo!!! The media is by far the most powerful institution used to shape and form the opinions and attitudes of the masses. The overarching theme—and or underlying message—that is omnipresent in advertisements, movies, sitcoms, etc., is anti-White (especially anti-White male) and anti-Christian.

They’re marketing a distorted view of reality in which the new prototype of families, social, and work situations as being a racially diverse utopia…with the white-male repositioned in a subservient role.


Posted by 2R on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:21 | #

Slav says:
“Repressed homosexuality perhaps?”

Again, this kind of comment makes it even more obvious that Slav has the mind of a juvenile. I thought left-wing-progressive types are supposed to be “tolerant?”  Slav’s the type of boy who throws batteries at police offices or scratches the word “NAZI” into people’s cars.  The revolution he yearns for is not for a change in society but for a change in how people perceive him.  He wants so much to be important but instead is left wearing his Che Guevara sweatshirt all alone on Christmas eve.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:31 | #

Fred, I’m not taking issue with the movie industry here since, as I said, the advertising business is far lower overhead so it is less obvious why it would be subject to ethnic nepotism.  That’s what makes this interesting.

As technology to make and distribute motion pictures advances and thereby decreases the capital threshold to enter the business, we’ll see lower levels of market failure—market failure supported by monopoly profits.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:41 | #

I don’t believe you were ever awake, or you would not move back to the land of the sleeping

Lol, you bought that crap about “National Socialism”?  I guess I’m just more cynical than you.  smile

Yes, as you and Fred so rightly point out, the door to racial sanity only opens one way.  If you leave, you must’ve gone through a different door, to a place you mistakenly thought was racial sanity.  It’s possible to give up, but you never go back.  It just isn’t possible.

No, if Slavsky was ever a “National Socialist” at all, he was only faking.  There are a lot of radicals like that, people who are politics-junkies but don’t really give a crap what the politics are, as long as they’re radical and offer a subculture to make them “elite” and “different” and whatever else soothes their egos.

That’s why I don’t trust subcultural WNs too far (i.e., the kind that have to play dress up, collect stuff, etc.).

Nobody who was ever a real Anglophone NS could have missed the American ad campaign (pun intended) against white males.  There’d be no dense sarcasm on the issue, rather there’d be some flimsy excuse, along with acknowledgment of the apparent problem (i.e., he’d acknowledge the “appearance of impropriety” and “understand” how we could think the way we do, then explain how we had it all wrong).


Posted by Rusty on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:51 | #

Notice how whenever a White woman is shown on TV, a Black man is shown immediately before her and/or after her, and/or they are shown working together in an extremely cordial manner.  For you White young kids, know that this is a very recent development, just withing the last 3-4 years.  You young Whites are under attack.  White boys, they are stealing your White women and your future White babies.  This is war, pure and simple.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:52 | #

Svigor is right.  This individual was never a National Socialist, since it’s impossible to go from that to race-denial.  It’s possible to go from race-denial to that.  But not the other way.  He is, therefore, dishonest or unbalanced.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:54 | #

Rusty is also right.  A hundred percent.  Good comment!


Posted by 2R on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:12 | #

On another thread, Slav said that while he was in the Army, he used to spend his time reading Mien Kampf during field exercises.  I found this to be suspicious as the US Army has a zero tolerance policy regarding anything perceived as “racist.”  No one would be stupid enough to have such a book with them on a military post, much less, at a field exercise.  There is no question that Slav is lying Marxist degenerate scumbag failure of man.  It would do us all much good, to ignore his race replacing rhetoric and concentrate on the subject at hand.


Posted by John on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:27 | #

I gothenburg there was a scene that particularly unsettled me: There was an ad for a sandwich at a convienence type store that had a mulatto with a wierd sideburns-and-goatee thing holding out a tray with the sandwich on it and pointing to it with a somehow self-aggrandizing flourish. It was all over the glass panes of the waiting stalls for the street cars and busses here (which one sees more and more busted out, btw). I glanced out of my wagon to see an older “Sven Svensson” type staring at the ad with an expression of what looked to me like bewilderment and despair. This young man’s stance, it appeared, was offensive to Sven’s sensibilities (as it was to mine).

There was another ad around a track and field competition we have every year in Gothenburg. There were two billboards around town that summer: They had captions of something like “our athletes are Sweden” One had a “spear chucker” javelin thrower (that’s not necessarily redundant, lol). He looked determined and self-confident to the extreme and was of course well-proportioned and filled out his athletic uniform quite well. There was one of of a nerdy-looking native Swedish long distance runner ironing his fucking shoelaces I had the urge to vandalize these billboards with for the first an appeal for the African Aids charity and for the second simply Ursprungliga svenska män är neurotiska (Native Swedish men are neurotic), i. e. the underlying message of the ad,—obviously not that I agree with it but to make people conscious of it.

I could go on and on (the anti-Christian radio station one is particularly offensive).

I believe this kind of thing comes from the top.


Posted by MacGregor on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:31 | #

>>>Ah.  Let’s pretend for a moment that your implied tactic is a good one, and all agencies adopted it:

Malt liquor would be sold with pictures of white grandmothers.
Skateboards would be marketed to black grandmothers.
Luxury cars would be marketed to the youngest carbuying cohort.
Economy cars would be marketed to the older, wealthier cohort.

Except that none of these have any chance of being successful. Targetting minorities and women for entry into an MBA programme has a good chance of being successful.


Posted by GT on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:32 | #


“The revolution he yearns for is not for a change in society but for a change in how people perceive him.”


Slav’s taunting of Scipio Americanus on another thread, “I can’t defend my beliefs so I’m going to take a Parthian shot and run away like a little girl,” was insightful:  He suffers from an inferiority complex and has found, on the Internet, that people are intimidated or lack the time to respond to circular reasoning and Tourette-style responses; whereas, in the real world, a “Parthian shot” from Scipio may have sent the Slav to the ground with a broken jaw.  Things are different on the Internet, unfortunately:  In the virtual world a loser can appear to be a winner in the eyes of lemmings.


Posted by GT on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:44 | #

Another pic from The MBA Tour website:


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 19:53 | #

Getting back to that picture of Emily (Euro) and Juan (Hispanic) posted in James’ comment of 12:57 AM:  I want to see the women in such representations identified as Jewish.  Put a Star of David around their necks.  Same for the Hollywood films depicting white women slobbering all over Negro men or otherwise in suggestive situations with them.  I demand the women in these fantasies be represented as Jewish.  As things stand, the default assumption is they’re Euro.  That needs to change.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 22:47 | #

Slavinsky still hasn’t answered my question:do you support post -1965 immgration policy which over time will reduce the majority Euro-American population to a racial minority within the borders of the United States?


Posted by tsilaicar on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 23:19 | #

I remember when Slavy used to post at VNN. His big issue was ideological purity. He was convinced all action would be futile until someone wrote a handbook telling everyone what to believe. He apparently got frustrated other VNNers saw no need for a minutely defined “ideology”, so he switched to a belief system that would tell him exactly what to think.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 23:57 | #

Frank, he’s simply going to sabotage any exchange with you on this question by quibbling with the expression “racial minority” which you used, or any equivalent thereof.  Didn’t you see how he always puts the terms race, white race, white, and so on, in quotation marks?  He’s telling us “there are no races.”  He has come right out and said explicitly that “race is a social construct.”  He’s not going to engage with you on this question — not in any coherent way, at any rate. 

I agree with all who’ve said this guy isn’t worth debating.  He’s a non-entity vying for attention or something.  If he’s ignored enough he’ll fade away.


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 00:44 | #

I remember when Slavy used to post at VNN. His big issue was ideological purity. He was convinced all action would be futile until someone wrote a handbook telling everyone what to believe. He apparently got frustrated other VNNers saw no need for a minutely defined “ideology”, so he switched to a belief system that would tell him exactly what to think.

We’ve gotten a glimpse of that here—not only his advocacy of but also his need for central planning.  While we all are (or should be) opposed to “capitalism”, or the “free” market unconstrained by morality, we must recognize that our productivity stems from our peculiar ability to respond independently to our circumstances, without central direction.  We can appreciate the “spontaneous order” created by the “free market”.


Posted by commenter on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 01:23 | #

Bible college:
forty three whites
one black guy, but you know that sex before marriage is strongly discouraged
two blacks, seventeen whites


Posted by Tommy G on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 01:44 | #

How’s this for a balance to subtle—and not so subtle—anti-White-male advertisements?


Posted by Tommy G on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 04:43 | #

Actually I don’t hate blacks. I only hate white people who like them.


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 05:15 | #

Bible college:
forty three whites

Northern Louisiana is still healthy in a lot of ways.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 07:13 | #

KFC’s ad agency, Foot Cone & Belding (or FootSore & Bleeding as a competing ad agency director pal puts it) is part of the huge Interpublic Group (Chairman & CEO, Michael Roth) so I’m sure the silver-tongued Jew will be in swift communication with the UN in the matter of Timor Leste’s hosting such an appallingly offensive and website. Next step - UN pressure on the East Timorese not to be timorous in the face of ‘racism’.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 07:15 | #

“amusing” should be interposed between “and” & “website”


Posted by Slavyanski on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:02 | #

“On another thread, Slav said that while he was in the Army, he used to spend his time reading Mien Kampf during field exercises.  I found this to be suspicious as the US Army has a zero tolerance policy regarding anything perceived as “racist.” No one would be stupid enough to have such a book with them on a military post, much less, at a field exercise.  There is no question that Slav is lying Marxist degenerate scumbag failure of man.  It would do us all much good, to ignore his race replacing rhetoric and concentrate on the subject at hand.”

Sorry to break your heart 2R, but I did in fact read Mein Kampf in the army, and I was never given any problems for it.  Only one person even noticed, and he didn’t care.  It’s not like I was espousing such views at the time, I was just curious as to forms of government other than the liberal democratic republic, which I had lost all faith in at that point. 

By the way 2R, a literal Parthian shot from Scipio would entail him riding away from me on a horse while shooting an arrow.  Drop you nonsensical fantasy that Communists are all privileged limp-wristed college students(most of those are anarchists anyway.)  I have decided to post my reply to Scipio’s rant not only here, but on my blog, and perhaps if you examine his idiocy in detail, you will understand why your movement goes nowhere. 

As for the rest of you guys…Jesus.  It’s funny watching you make all sorts of psychological evaluations of me or what I write, when you are the people who believe there is some Jewish conspiracy to replace your race. 

I mean, look at yourselves for a minute.  You sit around watching every advertisement and count how many whites, white males, white females with black males.  Just who has the inferiority complex here.  Personally I think you are afraid of females in general, and for some reason you are afraid of competing with blacks particularly.  There were no black males in the ad- is this an attack on the black race too?  There were no Asian women in the ad- perhaps the ad is supporting homosexuality against Asians.  Christ- it is nice to NOT be obsessed with the racial make up of ADVERTISEMENTS.  It is so free not to be imagining some smoky boardroom full of cackling Jews, saying “LET’S PUT THIS WHITE FEMALE IN THE AD WITH A BLACK MALE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! WE ARE NOT IN THIS BUSINESS BECAUSE IT MAKES MILLIONS OF DOLLARS- WE JUST HATE WHITE PEOPLE!” 

You may not say it, but your words imply it.  And on that subject, I am getting sick of numerous strawman arguments made on here, including the following:

1. Claims that I was never a National Socialist: I don’t see why this matters, seeing as how everyone here seems to be afraid of being called NS anyway.  I did not spend all that time and money for years to “fake something.”  I could have been doing something far better. 

2. Implications that I am some kind of mainstream “tolerant” leftist.  There are plenty of “left-wing” causes that I find abhorrent.  Sexual commercialization, pacifism, apologetics for imperialism, advocation of a “Gay culture/identity”. 

3. Claims that I wear Che Guvara t-shirts.  Never have, never will.

4. Claims that I deny race.  I do not deny whatever biological evidence you provide.  Personally on an aesthetic level I am partial not so much to race but to ethnicity.  However, my contention is the idea that you can somehow base a society on this criteria.  Particularly when so much of that criteria is based on genetic links recently discovered.

Lastly- no I don’t support the 1965 immgration reform bill.  Open immigration is a form of exploitation. 

Now you may go back to calling me mentally ill, alleging that I have an inferiority complex, and most importantly- carefully documenting the appearance of white males in every film, television show, and advertisement you see.


Posted by Slavyanski on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:17 | #

One more thing.  A lot of you people make the mistake of thinking that “appealing to white males” means appealing to you.  For example right-wing media and talk radio(the ideas of which are still reflected in nearly all of your posts), appeals to white males(it’s a proven fact).  Of course it doesn’t appeal to you, because it isn’t “racial” enough or it supports Israel, etc.  But you are not representative of white males.


Posted by B.C. on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:56 | #

I basically agree with what Mr. Bowery is implying in his post. My company does the same thing for photo shoots for its internal publications. A typical example (they just distributed one recently) would involve a couple of whites in the very back and then a dozen or so people of every other major race in the front of the photo. They usually take the most visibly alien person and stick them front and center (this time it was a Sikh.) There’s no way their choice is random. The vast majority of engineers in the company are still white males and a solid majority of all positions (except the wise-black-women-sages in the diversity office) are white. We have 2 white females, 1 minority (the first one we ever had), and over a dozen white males in my group. It’s a defense company that was built by white males. I’ve also wondered how their meetings go and how they approach, for example, the Sikh.

The company keeps telling us that diversity is composed of something like 40 dimensions. With their words, they deemphasize race in order to shut up the white males (who at worst just grumble using the color-blind language of the 60s). But they keep giving us these graphic examples of what they really think diversity means. So the incongruence between what they write and what they show means that whites smell something foul. But they can’t articulate it.

Also, we use the “What every x-grader needs to know” book series by Ed Hirsch to scope our childrens homeschooling. He wrote the book “Culture Literacy” and his claim to fame is his attempt to write books to give Amerian children what they aren’t getting from the schools, namely their heritage. So the book has, in its literature section, lots of traditional Euro folktales, figures of speech, stories of great Western scientists, etc. The history section is heavily biased towards Western history. In other words, what the schools used to teach pre-60s. But the book cover features a group photo shoot of children like the one Mr. Bowery describes. The author obviously can’t comprehend the link between non-white diversity and why this stuff isn’t being taught in the schools anymore.

I have seen posters with a white-female child hugging a black/latino male-child at many Churches.

So I’m seeing what you’re seeing Mr. Bowery.


Posted by Slavyanski on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 11:39 | #

I just thought of something!  What if you see white males in an ad, but in fact, without your knowledge, they are really JOOISH?!  How diabolical!!!


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 12:44 | #

Fox TV and Fox news does not have a large audience.  Most White males along with their Whte wives vote with their feet against diversity. They do not openly identify themselves as White Nationalist. But on some level, they do act in a racially concious way. When the safety valves are closed off, they will be forced to be much more openly racial in their views. Their survival will require it.

Twelve years ago, I was sent by the company I worked for to Florida for a mangement seminar. For the two days that I was there, I was lectured to by management consultant after management consultant about how The US was changing racially, about how whites will be a minority in the future,about how the US economy requires diversity. I’m not the only White American Male who has been subject to this.

The ad companies are all reading from the script that is given to them from the corporate interests that they work on behalf of. We do need internal documents from an ad company where they explicitly say “get rid of the White Male”. Use common sense.

The message in these ads are unrelenting:White guy the bozo,black guy assian guy the problem solver:pair off the Blonde White female with the black guy. These are not random acts.

If slavinsky wants to believe these are random meaingless images he is free to do it.


Posted by Rusty on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 13:05 | #

Slavyansk wrote:
“I just thought of something!  What if you see white males in an ad, but in fact, without your knowledge, they are really JOOISH?!”

I don’t watch much TV, but I do flip through the channels for 10-15 minutes at night, just to see what the retards are doing.  It seems that at least half or more of the “White” guys on TV nowadays ARE Jewish.  Except for the losers, psychos, wife-beaters, and police and detective poseurs—those guys, of course, are almost always White (with black women bosses who keep them in line).

Frank McGuckin wrote:
“The message in these ads are unrelenting: White guy the bozo, black guy, asian guy the problem solver: pair off the Blonde White female with the black guy. These are not random acts.” 

Exactly.  Whites should have never let Jews get control of the media or academia.

The best cure for this is to simply point it out a couple of times while watching TV with your friends and family.  They will begin noticing it, too.  Of course, they will be upset with you for ruining thier TV viewing pleasure.  But, hey, they shouldn’t be watching TV anyway, they should be working and playing with their friends and family.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 13:16 | #

“I was lectured to by management consultant after management consultant about how The US was changing racially, about how whites will be a minority in the future, about how the US economy requires diversity.  I’m not the only White American Male who has been subject to this.  The ad companies are all reading from the script that is given to them from the corporate interests that they work on behalf of.  We don’t need internal documents from an ad company where they explicitly say ‘get rid of the White Male.’  Use common sense.  The message in these ads is unrelenting:  ‘White guy the bozo, black guy asian guy the problem solver; pair off the Blonde White female with the black guy.’  These are not random acts.”  (—Frank)

It’s exactly the same with the Jewish-and-homosexual-controlled Hollywood movie industry, as well as TV. 

Half of CEOs in general are said to be Jews (I’ve seen statistics claiming 40%, ones claiming 50%, and ones claiming 60% — so it’s apparently about 40-60%).  This war against white males is all merely a way for Jews to genocide their enemy in a manner that’s relatively slow but guaranteed to get the job done in the end.  As the Jews see it:  get rid of the Euros first — and do that by going after the Euro males — then it’ll be child’s play handling the Hispanics, Negroes, Subcons, and Orientals who were brought in for the purpose of race-replacement.  Those other races won’t pose a problem for Jews.  Only Euro males will:  get rid of them. 

It’s tribal war and “as old as the hills,” as the expression goes.  It’s been going on since a billion years before the Bible was written, as everyone knows.  It shouldn’t come as any surprise the Jews are doing it.  (It actually came as a huge surprise to me personally to realize over just the last few years that Euro-hatred was so intense and widespread among Jews.  I’ve been close to Jews all my life and never realized it.  Maybe they were all hiding it around me?  Maybe the ones I knew weren’t like that?  Maybe the ones like that would never have been close to a gentile like me, so I wouldn’t have come to know that kind of Jew?  I don’t know the answer.)  The mystery is why aren’t Euros defending themselves?


Posted by B.C. on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 15:00 | #

The people I know who’ve had a peek under the hood of the corporate diversity machine claim the diversity “displays” are a result of having to be competitive in attracting non-whites to work at our company. Since white men aren’t offended much (or at least don’t say it) there’s no obvious consequence to the company so they’ll keep doing it.


Posted by Fr. John on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 15:03 | #

“Without a doubt, whoever wrote the ad was given instructions by the business interests that paid for the aid to put a the multiracial message in. Standard propaganda from powerfull corprate interests goes something like this:a strong US economy requires a America to be racially transformes by post 1965 immgration.”

This is PRECISELY what they are after. The TARGET corporation in Minnesota (long a geographic bastion of Aryan poster children, blond, blue-eyed Nordics/Germanics all!) clearly has a ‘HATE WHITE ANGLO-SAXONS’ mentality for about the last ten years. Let me elucidate.

I had a tutoring student who was Scandinavian in name and looks, who, upon the ‘advice’ (hrrrmph) of a teacher at the local college (who was a sodomite himself), decided to ‘come out of the closet.’ (OK, I could handle teaching a student who decided his lifestyle was self-destructive, and who almost guaranteed he would not live past 40…. hey, who am I to judge?)

But when the student then subsequently ‘discovered’ that his maternal great-grandmother (or something somewhere back so far that it didn’t really matter) was “jewish,” he IMMEDIATELY jumped on the bandwagon of ‘persecuted martyrs’ for ‘who/what’ he was, as he now ‘found out’ he was both ‘jewish/and sodomite’! (I kid you not)

Well, this ‘kid’ got a mindless, sexless job at TARGET Corp. ( as a receptionist- which is, like, a poster job for a genderless gay male, or what?!) before I last saw/met him for his final tutoring lesson, (as he was finishing his B.A.) he was telling me how they at Target, ‘valued’ his opinion as a ‘gay man,’ and that the Ad Dept. was ‘aggressively’ trying to ‘change Target’s image’ to make it more ‘multicultural.’ Including all ad copy with pictures of children and adults.

They did, and they have, especially in the makeup of their sales force. The ads went from blond/brown Anglos to mulattos (all very ‘pretty’ i.e, the BEST Anglo features in a ‘cafe-au-lait color palette) but with the frizzy hair, and the Ubange savage clearly in evidence. You RARELY see a Nordic child these days, or if you do, they are ALWAYS paired with a child of opposite sex AND race (to indicate the future of the Brave New World? You betcha, as we say here!- Ugh!)

They also fornicated their local stores into ‘turd world’ status.  Nowadays, EVERY cashier at EVERY Target in Minnesota (or almost!) is a SOMALI Muslim woman, with those accursed head scarves! I purposefully seek out the Anglo sales clerk EVERY TIME, and tell them to tell Management that I will NOT patronise a heathen in my store, my city, my state. Of course, the Anglos are HS age kids, who have been diversiti-fied to death, so they don’t ‘get it.’

We now have in Minnesota, (in addition to the Negroid Hagarenes) increasing numbers of Hispanics, who WILL NOT speak English. I left Californication 20 years ago, because I had ‘had it’ back then. Since when was Minnesota EVER part of AZTLAN?

Point- it wasn’t. And until we deport all non-Whites out of our cities, states, and country, (by force onto cattle cars, with all the imagery that lovely vision imparts- if necessary! LOL) this ‘FEAR’ (false evidence appearing real) will dominate our discourse, until it is too late.  And they will have won….. not if I can help it.


Posted by Rusty on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 15:04 | #

Fred exclaimed:
The mystery is why aren’t Euros defending themselves?

They don’t know and they are infected with liberalism.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 15:12 | #

The mystery is why aren’t Euros defending themselves?

They’re just being conscientious.  Mythology—religion—Zeitgeist—icons—moral authorities—say(s) “there is no place for” them—they, unique among all peoples, believe they have no right to claim any territory unless it is as a part of other identities specifically devoid of ancestral content.  The phrase “our posterity” must, in the case of Euros and only in the case of Euros, not be defined as being their biological kin at the level of ethny. 

So, we come back to the main topic of this post concerning iconography…


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 17:07 | #

It seems to me that ads for upmarket cars in the UK eg Jaguar only ever depict white males as the driver, that makes sense, they are the main market but when one checks the Ford recruitment page:

Whoa! Whos missing?

Of course a different argument would be that they want lots of brown people to make cars for the white folks!


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 17:29 | #

Lurker, that Ford ad sends a couple of messages:  1) Whites may not have/are not having many children.  2) What children they do have are worth mentioning only if they are females.

It also, in contrast with the upmarket ads, the message is: “You can be white if you are high status but not if you’re middle class—at least you can be white for one generation.”


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 19:04 | #

The people I know who’ve had a peek under the hood of the corporate diversity machine claim the diversity “displays” are a result of having to be competitive in attracting non-whites to work at our company.

Right - that’s the claim, but the reality is that a diverse workforce is bad for business in every way except that is insulates the company from system-wide boycott.  Who or what, Slavyanski, would have the motive and the power to orchestrate such a boycott?


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 19:19 | #

Well it’s not so much boycotts as it is EEOC compliance.  The government can legally come in and basically gut your company if you don’t meet some ill-specified quota of non-white people in various positions.  Since it is so ill-specified, except for the understanding that you can’t be severely punished for hiring too few whites, there is a strong incentive to reduce the risk of government destruction of your business by hiring as many non-whites as you can while still staying in business.  If, however, you are Jewish then you can basically play the Holocaust card and get out of EEOC free.


Posted by B.C. on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 20:05 | #

Just went back and checked my company’s front-cover photo for this year’s diversity plan. I stand corrected. There’s 9 people:

1 Sikh (complete with turban)
1 East Asian
1 South Asian
1 Latino
1 African
1 Middle Easterner
3 Europeans (all in the back)

Now there’s no way they randomly chose people. The company is still mostly white male engineers by a substantial margin. Whites even predominate in the financial departments, legal, etc. It’s not nearly as diverse as they depict.

There’s also no way they accidentally chose the most alien-looking person on site (the Sikh). And they placed him front and center.

But when someone confuses Diversity with EEO or Affirmative Action, HR’s quick to point out how confused we are and how diversity consists of 40 dimensions, only one of which is race. Their written diversity statements indicate this but their graphic depictions tell another story. It’s always this way with diversity posters, flyers, website pictures, etc around here. Lots of minorities way out of proportion to their actual numbers and always with an attempt to represent the major races.


Posted by Bill on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 20:23 | #

The content of this ad and its subliminal message is standard BBC fodder in the UK 24/7/365, so much so I seriously doubt most people don’t even notice.

I would say that British television’s raison detre is non other than promoting multi racial engineering (in concert with) an overt assault on British history, British culture and anti white agenda.  Non white good, white bad.  This again, is standard fodder. 

I have read where some people say that there is, (at the BBC) the most concentrated pool of talent comparable to any such other organisation in the world, I think this is true, so much so I think the BBC is more powerful than the government.

“The mystery is, why aren’t Euros defending themselves”?

....... I suspect that most are not even aware of any threat, they (populace) perceive immigration as Government blundering inefficiency, lapse border security, seeking better life, skills shortage gap, pension gap, low birthrate - in short, they swallow the government line, and of course, always accompanied by ” Anyway -what can we do about it”?

Add to above, welfare state, endless mindless TV, general apathy and disinterest in what’s going on around them.  Those who do not fit this category, (like me) are just hanging around waiting for somebody to ‘do something.’  What beats me is, when it comes to an election, they will blindly vote for their traditional politics.

Personally, on a different level, I think the malaise goes much, much deeper - but that’s maybe, for another time.

Fifty per-cent of the population is female, my guess is, females are not overly interested in things territorial - they leave that sort of thing to the male of the specie - any thoughts?

I see there’s a new post up at the BNP website, (not before time) Joe Priestly, “Our Broken Society”  It’s OK as it goes, but the’re is still a credibility gap.  (800 Ib gorilla)


Posted by Rusty on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 21:25 | #

Most American “conservatives” today are really liberals.  They don’t realize what they are doing to themselves and their children, nor what has been done to them.  They believe the propaganda on Fox News, O’Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, et al.  Thinking among the average man has always been rare but now it seems practically non-existent. 

These “conservatives” are almost on the government teat now in one way or another.  Most either work directly or indirectly for the government, receive SS, Medicade, Medicare, industry subsidies, food stamps, and subsidized day-care, government grants, and on and on.  They have given up seriously fighting big government, socialism, homosexuality, corruption, or anything that used to be their arch enemies.  Point out to a conservative they he receives government money and that just a couple short decades ago he denounced that act as socialistic and anti-American, and you will make a bitter enemy.  There is no shame anymore.  Recipients today truly feel they deserve it, it is owed to them, because [insert pathetic, self-serving excuse here].

For the most part their children are brain-dead piglets, idiot “citizens of the world,” even more mentally and socially retarded than their parents.  The parents don’t watch their children anymore, don’t really try to control the children’s behavior or what they see or hear, nor even guide them in their “choices.” 

Radio and TV are so full of filth and retardation that no one even notices anymore.  One can find a sex, drug, or shooting scandal involving teachers or principals in the papers every single day, yet parents continue sending their kids to public schools.  Parents have no idea of the communistic, anti-White propaganda that is being fed to their children in the schools, nor do they really even care anymore.  Try talking to them about it and you’ll see—facts bounce off of them like rubber bb’s.

In general, the line that separated Whites from the great global unwashed has almost completely vanished.  A majority of Whites have begun to act and think so much like non-Whites that it is often difficult to tell them apart except for their physical features. 

Most Whites today are the liberals they despised just 20 years ago.  They believe the communist lie that everyone should be equal, although they would consciously deny it.  Their unconscious adoption of equality in all things leads toward absolute relativism, which leads to not believing that an absolute Truth does or can exist, and causes them to stop discriminating about much of anything except for their immediate urges.  Lost, they seek and become the Other.  They are reduced to the status of a slightly intelligent animal, cut off from civilized discourse and community, unable to recognize their responsibilities to their families and communities.  They become little more than individual consumer units, following their stomachs wherever they are led.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 21:26 | #

“lapse border security”  (—Bill)

A little typo there on Bill’s part:  with Bill’s permission, that should’ve been lox border security.”


Excuse me, I meant lax border security, not loxLax.  Lax.



Posted by Rusty on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 21:37 | #

“Fifty per-cent of the population is female, my guess is, females are not overly interested in things territorial - they leave that sort of thing to the male of the specie - any thoughts?”

If we try to protect our women, as our women secretly desire us to, their motherly instincts and their liberal indoctrination will kick in and they will neurotically try to stop us with their voting power.  One solution would be to take away their (and their gutless liberal men enablers’) voting rights, then us real men can get busy attending to our natural functions, protecting our homes and providing for our families.


Posted by Rusty on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 21:39 | #

These “conservatives” are almost ALL on the government teat now in one way or another.


Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 23:55 | #

The mention of Ford above brings to mind the notorious incident about ten years ago when Ford UK were caught doctoring advertising brochures that were intended for use on the Continent, and which included pictures of some of its workers in Britain.

They had superimposed white faces on the black and Asian workers, evidently out of a concern that Continental buyers might be concerned about the quality of cars built in Britain.

Of course it all backfired and Ford had to pay hefty compensation to the people who had been ‘whited out’ as well as supinely grovel at the feet of the CRE.


Posted by 2R on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 00:44 | #

“Fifty per-cent of the population is female, my guess is, females are not overly interested in things territorial - they leave that sort of thing to the male of the specie - any thoughts?”

This is a very important observation.  Its important to think about how humans evolved.  Men, for thousands of years were responsible for any interaction between tribal units.  They traded, made alliances, and went to war with groups outside of their own tribal unit.  Women dealt with people who were already accepted within the tribal unit.  If we look into the psychological literature, we find that men and women have different types of relationships.  Women tend to have more personal relationships and are more likely to open up to their friends more about personal matters.  Men make friends for practical reasons and tend to see friendship as an alliance relationship with the expectation of give and take. 

Because of these evolutionary difference’s, its much more difficult for women to “discriminate” against people because they’re programed in way that makes them see people as already accepted.  Men on the other hand “see nations” in people and it is for this reason, that men tend to show more “racist” tendencies compared to women.

So bottom line, IT’S UP TO WHITE MEN to decide whether we’re going to be race replaced or not.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:16 | #

2R’s got it down exactly.  I’m very impressed with this guy.  His posts keep hitting the bullseye.  (It’s nice to be able to relax and just take it all in.)


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:18 | #

Fertile females are basically in a “lets you and him fight” mode.  When they see a strange male in the area they, unconsciously—instinctively, are programmed to presume he must have won some fights with the local males, so she naturally views the local males with sexual/reproductive disdain.

Moreover, k-strategy populations tend to be patrilocal due to concerns about cuckoldry.  This is why you see stronger geographic correlation with Y chromosomes among Europeans than mtDNA correlations.

Anyone who has common sense understands this intuitively of course, but the data supporting it has been available at least since I purchased “The History and Geography of Human Genes” back in 1996.

Those making noise about white females representing the the white race have to tell us how it is they are going to produce the excess supply of prime fertile females so demanded by the insatiable sexual appetites of more polygynous, r-strategy populations of males invading our territories with government aid and assistance—and how they are going to deal with the offspring left behind by said invaders.  Do they really think that being able to manipulate governments into basically gang-raping, one by one, the people, is a sign of genetic or moral superiority?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:23 | #

2R is another term for diameter:  like the diameter, his posts pass through the bullseye.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 02:13 | #

Driving home from the office earlier this evening I heard a brief commercial on the car radio, put out by one of the fed agencies.  It informed people of their right not to be discriminated against in housing.  It featured a landlord calling a newspaper to place an apartment-for-rent ad.  He gave the description of the apartment as the newspaper clerk was taking it all down, then he stipulated the people he would refuse as tenants, citing all the protected groups:  “Oh yes, and put in the ad that the following need not apply:  don’t apply if you’re an African-American, a Middle-Easterner, an Asian, a South American, a member of a non-traditional religion, a person with a different sexual orientation, someone with kids, or a woman.”  It then informed the listener as to the agency to contact if he’s been discriminated against. 

But what’s wrong with this picture?  (What’s wrong with it, that is, apart from its implicit denial of the fundamental right of free association?) 

What’s wrong with it is where it says, “or a woman.” 

No landlord discriminates against prospective tenants on grounds they’re women.  On the other grounds listed in the ad, yes.  Not this one. 

Doesn’t exist.

So what was that glaring nonsense doing in there?  It was there as part of the other side’s ongoing brainwashing of white women to believe they’re allied with Negroes, etc., as victims of discrimination at the hands of mean white men.  It’s getting them on the side of Negroes and against white men.  It’s no accident white women have formed the women’s lib bloc in opposition to white men these forty years.  That’s been assiduously cultivated by the other side for that express purpose:  to go against white men.  White women have been very carefully courted by the other side who rightly saw them as crucial allies in the assault on the white race by means of assualting white men specifically.  White women who fall for that propaganda and join the other side against their own men have no idea what they’re doing.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 02:39 | #

In a similar vein I was talking to nice liberal/leftie friend of mine the other, nice bloke. Anyhow, he was bewildered about how ‘racists’ would discriminate against non-whites but not against (white) disabled people. I tried to explain but I could see the eyes glazing over. To him they are all victim groups united by adversity against horrid white males (which of course he is himself) but dammit the racists wont reciprocate by treating them all the same!


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 03:27 | #

Fred, of course such nonsense as you heard in that commercial also adds to the white woman’s perception that white men are putting up with insolence—which means they are weaklings and cowards.  Of course an individual man being a “weakling” or “coward” against a government vs a “weakling” or “coward” against another man, say one of the minority men—or woman for that matter—isn’t something her genetic evolution has prepared her instincts to recognize and discount.


Posted by Slavyanski on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:24 | #

My my…such misogyny here.  First women don’t count as part of your little “race”, now there’s all this talk about how they are incapable of performing that wonderful “discrimination” that you guys are so good at.  No wonder every racialist meeting is Y-chromo for the most part.  Poor guys, afraid of your own women. 

And to the genius that said “Europeans have been infected with liberalism”, when were they NOT infected?  I ask because white people have been infighting against their alleged “genetic interests” for THOUSANDS of years, even before those evil Jooz showed up on the scene(in European society).  Did nobody tell them about their genetic interests? Was Alexander the Great infected with liberalism or Communism?

You guys are a laugh riot.  Keep counting how many white males(what if they are Jooish!?) in advertisements, noting white females in the proximity of non-white males, etc.  You’re going to “save your race” some day!! I’m sure of it.


Posted by Slavyanski on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:31 | #

“Fox TV and Fox news does not have a large audience. ”

Demonstrably false.  RESEARCH. Do some.

“Most White males along with their Whte wives vote with their feet against diversity. They do not openly identify themselves as White Nationalist.”

That’s not what I was pointing out.  The fact is that there is plenty to appeal to white males.  White Nationalists are not even remotely representative when it comes to white males.  You people see stuff that pisses you off and mistakenly believe that what doesn’t appeal to you must also not appeal to the normal population.  White males run this society(yes, the Jewish ones are white too).

“But on some level, they do act in a racially concious way. When the safety valves are closed off, they will be forced to be much more openly racial in their views. Their survival will require it.”

Ahh, WN eschatology.  Haven’t heard any of that in a while.

“Twelve years ago, I was sent by the company I worked for to Florida for a mangement seminar. For the two days that I was there, I was lectured to by management consultant after management consultant about how The US was changing racially, about how whites will be a minority in the future,about how the US economy requires diversity. I’m not the only White American Male who has been subject to this.”

Was this being said by some cloaked Jew, illuminated by candles, cackling all the way?  No, he was making a simple economic observation, and the object of a business is to turn a profit.  That’s called capitalism folks.  Keep the system, keep your immigration- that simple.

“The message in these ads are unrelenting:White guy the bozo,black guy assian guy the problem solver:pair off the Blonde White female with the black guy. These are not random acts.”

No, they CAN’T be…it’s part of a CONSPIRACY!!!  Remember folks, I’m the CRAZY guy here!


Posted by 2R on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:56 | #

James Bowery said:

“So what was that glaring nonsense doing in there?  It was there as part of the other side’s ongoing brainwashing of white women to believe they’re allied with Negroes, etc., as victims of discrimination at the hands of mean white men.  It’s getting them on the side of Negroes and against white men.”

First I want to say thank you for your kind words.  Now, regarding this statement.  I do see some of this at my university.  But in general, I mostly see White women with White men.  It could be where I live in the country?  I have found that White men are much more likely to date outside of their race compared to White females. 

The reason for this is also evolutionary.  Women choose men based on a man’s ability to provide for them.  Women are attracted to “powerful” men and value stability and security more then anything.  White men are still the most powerful group in this country (This is falling fast).  They have the nice houses in the suburbs and still hold a high degree of status.  Our enemies wish very much, to remove this status from us.  They realize that White women will date outside their race, ONLY if the man has a great deal of wealth or status. 

Our enemies are achieving this with methods we are all familiar with.  While we are being removed from our places of power, our enemy will push the idea that the only reason we had this power to begin with, is because we stole it or “oppressed” people to get it.  At the same time, the enemy will still insist that White men have “too much” power and that all of the worlds problems are because of this.  As White men do becoming less powerful, the psychological assaults on White men will increase.  The goal is create an image of White men that is incompetent, ugly, intolerant, and ignorant.  Meanwhile, non-whites will be given places of honor in the public sphere. 

Blue collar jobs in construction and skilled trades will be filled by mestizos.  Technical jobs will be filled by Asians.  Government jobs will be filled by Negro’s and jobs in business will be filled by women and other “assimilated” minorities. As this is going on, outsourcing will increase greatly, as its now possible to outsource everything from tax preparation to X-ray tech work.  This will leave White men the jobs in low end services such as Wal-mart or Taco bell.  Of course, our enemies love our military skills so that will always be open. 

It will be at this point, where the Jewish controlled press will start really pushing the interracial relationship stuff.  Someone will find a “report” or “study” that finds that White women are now preferring non-whites.  Television will become much more offensive, as programs that celebrate the joys of interracial “love” will be nightly events.  Because some White men will find this type of genocidal behavior unacceptable, someone might freak out.  The news will cover this as “White men being unable to except a society in which they have to compete on an even playing field.”  This level of humiliation will be gradual in order to make it seem all the more natural. 

The question is: Will the Armies of Taco Bell assistant managers just eat their tacos and shut up, or will they force their dis-placers to “run to the border?”


Posted by GT on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 05:20 | #

Tourette tics:

“Demonstrably false.  RESEARCH. Do some.”

“That’s not what I was pointing out.”

“Was this being said by some cloaked Jew, illuminated by candles, cackling all the way?”

“Remember folks, I’m the CRAZY guy here!”

Sooooo, eat a bullet or sumthing!


Posted by 2R on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 06:06 | #

No, there’s no concerted effort to replace Whites.  After all, why else would White history be demonized in the schools?  Why is it illegal to complain about non-white immigration in most of the nations of Western Europe?  Why would doubting the Holocaust result in a 3 year jail term in Germany?  I guess the fact that White people are the victims of 85% of interracial crime while being charged for 65 % of all hate crimes should just be dismissed as chance?  Beside that, I guess all this must be all in our heads as well:

Unqualified minorities are hired instead of qualified Whites.  Whites use to have the right to sell or rent property to who ever they wanted.  Now they MUST sell to people who they don’t wish to sell or rent to.  Governments must give incompetent minority businesses contracts, even though White businesses can do it for much cheaper and do a better job.  When looking at rates of rape between blacks and Whites, White women are 99% more likely to be raped instead of the opposite.  White children have much higher rates of suicide compared to any other group. 

The state of California passed a bill called prop 187 by referendum. This bill would deny any benefits to illegal immigrants.  The California Supreme Court stopped the bill.  The Southern US was forced to integrate by the use of the US military.  Women were beat on the head by police while demonstrating against forced busing in Boston in the 1970’s.  Rich minorities are given scholarships to top universities while poor White kids with better grades are not. 

Minority political leaders, academics, and government officials can openly lobby for their racial interest but Whites are literally sacked for doing the same.  A Jewish college professor at Harvard actually publishes a magazine called “Race Traitor” which espouses to “Eliminate the White race of the face of the Earth.”  Nothing is done about this. 

White Rhodesians and South Africans are slaughtered on a daily basis and the US or Europe does nothing about it.  White nations are pressured to accept mass immigration despite their populations not wanting it.  Meanwhile, no non-white nation is expected to the same. 

Negro and mestizo school children consistently score lower than Whites on standardized tests and White teachers are blamed for these results.  White children are beaten until unconsciousness in schools and the criminals that conducted the beatings are treated as heroes by the media.  American society encourages the use of anti-White slurs but is horrified when such slurs are used against non-whites. American foreign Policy serves the interests of Israel over the interests of its own people. 

I guess you’re right.  All this must be a figment of our imagination?  Thank you for setting us straight.


Posted by Slavyanski on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:50 | #

“No, there’s no concerted effort to replace Whites.  After all, why else would White history be demonized in the schools?”

How is it “demonized”?  Just because they tell the truth about the massacre of Native Americans for example?  Or about slavery?  Would you rather they just not mention that at all?

”  Why is it illegal to complain about non-white immigration in most of the nations of Western Europe?  “

What are you talking about?  How are all these nationalist parties in existence then?

“Why would doubting the Holocaust result in a 3 year jail term in Germany?”

They do not “doubt the Holocaust”, they allege that the Holocaust is a hoax designed to harm or deceive the world for some reason- hence “incitement of hatred against groups”. 

Incidentily, some European nations such as Romania, Poland, and Lithuania lock people up for “denying Communist crimes”.  I don’t see you whining about that though?

”  I guess the fact that White people are the victims of 85% of interracial crime while being charged for 65 % of all hate crimes should just be dismissed as chance?  Beside that, I guess all this must be all in our heads as well:”

Check out “The Color of Deception”.

“Unqualified minorities are hired instead of qualified Whites.”

Really? How often has that happened to you?  Statistical studies have shown that whites are more likely to get jobs even if they have a criminal record or less education than a black applicant?

” Whites use to have the right to sell or rent property to who ever they wanted.  Now they MUST sell to people who they don’t wish to sell or rent to. “

Yeah guess what:  Koreans and blacks MUST do the same to.  So do your evil “Jews”.

” When looking at rates of rape between blacks and Whites, White women are 99% more likely to be raped instead of the opposite.  White children have much higher rates of suicide compared to any other group. “

Source?  (I believe the suicide thing though)

“The state of California passed a bill called prop 187 by referendum. This bill would deny any benefits to illegal immigrants.  The California Supreme Court stopped the bill.  The Southern US was forced to integrate by the use of the US military.  Women were beat on the head by police while demonstrating against forced busing in Boston in the 1970’s.  Rich minorities are given scholarships to top universities while poor White kids with better grades are not. “

All this is funny because guys like you always make it seem like you just want “bio-diversity” and seperate living space; but you defend things like Jim Crowe or discrimination against non-whites in the work place.  Methinks you people would be happy to return to the 1940s.

“Minority political leaders, academics, and government officials can openly lobby for their racial interest but Whites are literally sacked for doing the same.”

Yeah, because whites dominate American societies- we don’t NEED a group to fight for ‘our interests’. 

’ A Jewish college professor at Harvard actually publishes a magazine called “Race Traitor” which espouses to “Eliminate the White race of the face of the Earth.” Nothing is done about this. ‘

So what, he’s an idiot.  He is talking about eliminating the social concept of “whiteness”.  I don’t want to be “white” either; I’m Irish and Ukrainian- I’m not a color.

“White Rhodesians and South Africans are slaughtered on a daily basis and the US or Europe does nothing about it.  White nations are pressured to accept mass immigration despite their populations not wanting it.  Meanwhile, no non-white nation is expected to the same. “

White nations are not “pressured” to accept immigrants.  They are exploiting these countries for cheap labor.

“Negro and mestizo school children consistently score lower than Whites on standardized tests and White teachers are blamed for these results.”


“I guess you’re right.  All this must be a figment of our imagination?  Thank you for setting us straight. “

The problem is you are looking at one side of the issue.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 14:31 | #

Look at 2R’s comments of 3:56 AM and 5:06 AM.  2R, only very recently arrived at this site, has quickly established himself as a thinker and commenter of the first rank.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 14:34 | #

Slavyanski, the problem is you are looking at one side of the issue. You seem perfectly happy with idea that whites can discriminate against non-whites but dont think there is any evidence of the former. How likely is that?


Posted by Slavyanski on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 14:59 | #

“Slavyanski, the problem is you are looking at one side of the issue. You seem perfectly happy with idea that whites can discriminate against non-whites but dont think there is any evidence of the former. How likely is that?”

Of course non-whites CAN discriminate against whites(in fact there is a lot of discrimination within the “white” population in some places like Europe. The thing is that in America at least, non-whites are not in a position of power.


Posted by 2R on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 17:59 | #

“They do not “doubt the Holocaust”, they allege that the Holocaust is a hoax designed to harm or deceive the world for some reason- hence “incitement of hatred against groups”.  “

In Germany, if someone says they believe that 599,999,999 Jews died, instead of 6 million, that person will go to jail. 

“Incidentally, some European nations such as Romania, Poland, and Lithuania lock people up for “denying Communist crimes”.  I don’t see you whining about that though? “

Show me one news article where this happened.  If it is true, I’ll disagree with this as well.  How many 90 year old communists are arrested for the “wet-work” done in the Ukraine in the 30’s?  None that I know of, meanwhile old men that supposedly worked at the “death camps” are still being arrested.

“Yeah, because whites dominate American societies- we don’t NEED a group to fight for ‘our interests’.”

If we “dominated” American society, then no one would say a word about having our own racialist organizations.  People wouldn’t get fired from their jobs for speaking out for White interests.  There would be no Affirmative action, no quota’s, or forced integration. Since there is, it isn’t possible that Whites “dominate” society.  Almost every White person I know complains about these issues and when given the opportunity to vote for them via referendum, they always vote to have them abolished.  However, when they are abolished, Universities like Michigan refuse to comply.  What a dumb argument.  We get fired from our jobs because we don’t need racialists organizations?

“How is it “demonized”?  Just because they tell the truth about the massacre of Native Americans for example?  Or about slavery?  Would you rather they just not mention that at all?”

Everyone knows that people like George Washington are now made out to be horrible people while people like martin Luther King are made out like saints.  Bringing up the fact that King was a cheating, communist allied, prostitute beating charlatan is for some reason left out of the history lesson.  Why did kings wife get his records sealed for 50 years?  In her own words she admitted “it would ruin his legacy.”  The Mongols, Moors, Turks, Huns, and other assorted African and Asian scum invaded Europe for centuries.  For some reason only Europeans are made out as invaders?

“White nations are not “pressured” to accept immigrants.  They are exploiting these countries for cheap labor.”

What are you talking about?  The world bank has ordered that Eastern Europe take in more Africans.  As far as “exploiting” people, Its pretty obvious, if you follow the immigration debate in this country, that White people overwhelmly want these people to go home.  Why don’t they if White people run this society?

‘Yeah guess what:  Koreans and blacks MUST do the same to.  So do your evil “Jews”.

Given the choice, Whites prefer to live among themselves, if we really had so much power we would have every right to do so.

“Source?  (I believe the suicide thing though)”

FBI crime statistics.

“All this is funny because guys like you always make it seem like you just want “bio-diversity” and seperate living space; but you defend things like Jim Crowe or discrimination against non-whites in the work place.  Methinks you people would be happy to return to the 1940s. “

I don’t defend discrimination in the work place because I don’t want non whites in the work place.  I don’t want them in my living space period.  You couldn’t respond to my original point so you said something about the 1940’s.  The fact is, if Whites had the power you talk about, this would have been law.

“What are you talking about?  How are all these nationalist parties in existence then?” 

Yes, there are Nationalist parties in Europe and they’re getting bigger.  These people have to deal with getting put on lists and being fired from their jobs.  The government in Germany actually has made some Nationalist parties legal!


When what, when have blacks scored lower then Whites?  All the time, and when this happens and they can’t blame poverty they come up with stuff like “teachers have low expectations for blacks.”

Your argument about Whites dominating society is moot.  Yes, numerically Whites are in key positions but they don’t dominate anything.  If they did, they would do what White people wanted.  They would end AA, quota’s, and non-White immigration.  They would address black on White crime.  They would invade Rhodesia and “liberate” the Whites living there, instead of invading Iraq for the Interests of the Jews.  They would give White women more incentives to have more kids.  They’re would be ethnocentric school curriculum’s, which would give White children a strong sense of identity and pride.  There would be separate living space for Whites, which means ALL WHITE, not non-Whites coming in to do the garden work.  There would be health care for all Whites.  There would be no H1b visas because non-white immigration would illegal.  I could go on.  My point is having traitor Whites in government means nothing when they don’t serve our interests.  Fox news does not serve our interests by covering up black on White crime and by making the State of Israel out to be some sort of ally. 

The bottom line is, you’re an enemy to the White race.  I don’t expect you to agree with us,  Your purpose is to spread disinformation and to encourage our destruction.  All your arguments can be heard in any sociology class in this country.  If you think our movement is a joke then why come here?  If there is no threat from Whites to fight back against extermination then why do you spend your time here?  After all, aren’t we close to total internationalist revolution?  Shouldn’t you be tending to that? 

The fact of the matter is you are scared of White Awakening.  I don’t go to communist websites and tell them how wrong they are, because its a waste of time.  I’m so sure they’re wrong and foolish that I would never consider using my time in that manner.  You, on the other hand do spend a lot of time here.  You realize that a lot of people read at this site and your purpose is to dissuade them from this movement.  I’m sorry to disappoint you, but this movement is only getting bigger and this is world wide.  You can pretend that this is a joke all you want, but no one would spend as much time here as you do unless they knew something serious was going on here. 

I’m done wasting my time with you.  Every minute we spend dealing with you is a minute wasted by not discussing and thinking about our survival.


Posted by VLC on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:40 | #

Fred Scrooby:
“Same for the Hollywood films depicting white women slobbering all over Negro men or otherwise in suggestive situations with them.”

you know in that movie that came out last year about an interracial relation, a reverse re-make of Guess Who is Coming to Dinner, the white character was supposed to be a jew wearing his David star necklace and all that but they decided to edit that out of the final cut going as far as to digitally erase the necklace whenever it appeared. I guess the producers were kind of worried that the audiences would start thinking that jews are different from whites or that whites wouldn’t identify with the main character if he was labeled a jew.

In their handling (or re-handling) of the story, Kutcher, Mac, and director Kevin Rodney Sullivan found great importance in a certain sense of fearlessness. “We have to be able to go anywhere,” Kutcher said, “to say anything, just to really put it on the table. I have to say things that are really going to make me feel uncomfortable – we have to really be able to go there. So when it came time to do the work, we were just doing the work.” Oddly enough for such a courageous treatment, the only item cut from the final cut was a subplot about Kutcher’s character being Jewish.

anywhere except in that direction

At an estimated cost of $100,000, digital effects were used to remove Ashton Kutcher’s red Kabbalah bracelet in every scene in which he appeared.


Posted by VLC on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 21:10 | #

I don’t agree with Burkehead about whites thinking they’re not whites, I think they know they’re whites but they’re afraid of the R word. Most whites have internalized the fear of being a Bad Person - a Racist person, the worst Sin of our age if you’re white

I went to Internet World at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The people at the conference were dotcom yuppies and computer geeks, almost all white, and a few Asian. There were only a handful of blacks sprinkled in the crowd. Not counting security guards and janitors, there were about ten blacks present.

The companies gave out brochures. These brochures don’t just describe the company’s products and services, they also have pictures of people using the products. I’m sure you have seen advertisements in which there is a picture of people in an office—people you are supposed to identify with. The strange thing is that these pictures have very few whites, and almost no white men.

I stopped at one of the booths and picked up a flyer. It had a picture of several people in an office—a black man who appears to be the boss, wearing a suit of course, looking very professional; an Asian man sitting at a computer, with a black woman and a hispanic man watching what he is doing; and a white woman, standing a little apart from the others, trying to watch from a distance. I asked the man at the booth, “Where am I in this picture?” He said “Who are you?” (As if he couldn’t tell.) I said “I’m a white man.” He looked at the brochure and said, pointing to the woman, “Well, she’s white.”

I was probably the only one who noticed the discrepancy between the picture and the reality. Here you have thousands of people at a convention, almost all white, but they see themselves as black (or maybe as generic multiracial Americans, like Tiger Woods).

The companies are right about their customers. Most of them do identify with the people in the pictures.

That’s what I mean (or part of what I mean) when I say we live in somebody else’s story. We have been so completely brainwashed that most of us think we are black.

This isn’t a new phenomenon, and it doesn’t just apply to yuppies and computer geeks. There are millions of white suburban teenagers who think they are black. At Grateful Dead concerts, the audience was 98% white, but that’s not how the deadheads saw themselves. They thought they were Rainbow People.

This situation isn’t something that can be addressed by politics in the usual sense of the word. First we have to deprogram ourselves. A lot of people get very upset about “cults,” without realizing that they are already in a cult. America is a cult. TV is a cult. As long as we live in TV-land, we have a belief system that is very far out of touch with reality.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 23:05 | #

TV-land is a colony of Judaism and the colonial administration detests White people which is why viewers are pelted with Jewish ordure in the form of ‘wise’ Black judges and ‘degenerate’ White criminals as stock characters in every show.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 02:02 | #

Funnily enough before reading this thread I saw a few minutes of something called ‘Jericho’ - a nuclear attack on the US. There was a scene where a fire crew composed entirely of white males was fussing and worrying and fretting and along comes a soft spoken black guy, a civilian unknown to them, who calmly tells them what they need to do. Good job they werent showing that around the time of Katrina! I thought, Im not watching any more of these lies. So I dont know what happened next.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 02:17 | #

Lurker that stuff is strictly Jewish and homosexual fantasy.  No one is harbors those fantasies except those two groups.  Since they control TV and Hollywood we’re treated to that particular fantasy of theirs non-stop.


Posted by 2R on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 04:21 | #

Lurker said:
“There was a scene where a fire crew composed entirely of white males was fussing and worrying and fretting and along comes a soft spoken black guy, a civilian unknown to them, who calmly tells them what they need to do.”

I like when they give em’ a clip-board and a lab coat.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 05:05 | #

A brief synopsis of the late Sam Francis’ view of what in the goddamn hell’s going on.  Excellent reading.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 05:12 | #

Hat tip.


Posted by VLC on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 05:58 | #

“I say, dump the trouble makers.”

agreed. they’re not a sincere challenge but a waste of time. They argue in bad faith a la Tim Wise. Wasn’t John Jay Ray dumped from this blog because he did just that?

“The news will cover this as “White men being unable to except a society in which they have to compete on an even playing field.” This level of humiliation will be gradual in order to make it seem all the more natural. “

it has already started. I heard that argument from leftists on some forums. As if the competition was fair and the referee not systematically biased against the white team

“Parents have no idea of the communistic, anti-White propaganda that is being fed to their children in the schools, nor do they really even care anymore.  Try talking to them about it and you’ll see—facts bounce off of them like rubber bb’s.”

Rusty have you watched Edward Griffin’s interview with Yuri Bezmenov ?


Posted by 2R on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:03 | #

“The news will cover this as “White men being unable to except a society in which they have to compete on an even playing field.”

I meant “accept” not “expect” in the above sentence.


Posted by VLC on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:17 | #


For example right-wing media and talk radio(the ideas of which are still reflected in nearly all of your posts), appeals to white males(it’s a proven fact).

right-wing talk radio targets white males but they don’t orient white males in a sane socio-political worldview. Michael Savage rails against the New World Order, the UN, liberals, illegal aliens, corporations, political correctness, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, etc. BUT he praises the president for his wars and for his policies which he portrays as being opposed to all the things his audience hates. No one can sincerely believe that Bush is the white men’s man. Wiener/Savage is pushing his white listeners into dead ends. If he targeted white men to help them fight the real forces who are attacking their race he wouldn’t last long.

Another example: white males are the main body of voters for the GOP and yet the GOP spits on them by not addressing the issue of illegal immigration head on. It would be very easy for the next GOP candidate to beat Hilary: take a strong stance against illegal immigration and promise to build the wall/fence (by contrast Hilary has promised to give amnesty to all illegals and has hired a former head of La Raza to help her win the latino vote). They have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing that but none of the ‘top-tier’ candidates have done that.


Check out “The Color of Deception”.

check out Svigor’s reply, he punches a few holes in Wise’s pseudo debunking


What are you talking about? How are all these nationalist parties in existence then?

they’re often dragged in court and fined. I could give you a long list for France for example


Yeah, because whites dominate American societies- we don’t NEED a group to fight for ‘our interests’.

and yet for some reason they’re not able to assert their dominance or to say they want to perpertuate it. Where’s the political party overtly catering to white interests? If whites are so powerful as a group and their dominance so normal why was an assistant district attorney in the state of New York fired after he went to an American Renaissance conference ?

If you really believe your own bullshit you belong in the social sciences faculty of an american university. But I don’t buy it. You know as well as I that whites are becoming a minority and that fact is proof that they don’t dominate America. President Clinton gloated about it and was cheered by the Oregon University students and no media denounced him.

If whites were in a position of power and thought of themselves as a group with group interests - if they were culturally, intellectually and morally healthy - they would not have accepted that and would have done all they could to stop mass immigration and they would not have had a though time achieving that goal because the media would have sided with them.

But never mind reality, just keep on recycling the same old Zinn/Chomsky/Democracy Now anarcho-leftoid bs. But you chose the wrong crowd. Try it on some naive white college student and you might catch some fishes.

I heard Morris Dees is hiring. Maybe you can help him expand his hate campaign against whites to Russia? You’ll earn a good salary. Let’s see how many russian fishes you’ll be able to catch


Posted by 2R on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 08:37 | #

“A brief synopsis of the late Sam Francis’ view of what in the goddamn hell’s going on.  Excellent reading.”

I concur.  This article has benefited me greatly.  Everyone here should read it.


Posted by Slavyanski on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 09:53 | #

“In Germany, if someone says they believe that 599,999,999 Jews died, instead of 6 million, that person will go to jail.  “

WRONG.  Name one person who was sent for jail for such a reason.

“Show me one news article where this happened.  If it is true, I’ll disagree with this as well.  How many 90 year old communists are arrested for the “wet-work” done in the Ukraine in the 30’s?  None that I know of, meanwhile old men that supposedly worked at the “death camps” are still being arrested. “

Why don’t you do your own research some time?  It’s not hard.

“If we “dominated” American society, then no one would say a word about having our own racialist organizations.”

These organizations impede the needs of capitalism. That is why they are derided. If you dominate society, you rarely need such a group.

“People wouldn’t get fired from their jobs for speaking out for White interests.  There would be no Affirmative action, no quota’s, or forced integration. Since there is, it isn’t possible that Whites “dominate” society.  Almost every White person I know complains about these issues and when given the opportunity to vote for them via referendum, they always vote to have them abolished.  However, when they are abolished, Universities like Michigan refuse to comply.  What a dumb argument.  We get fired from our jobs because we don’t need racialists organizations? “

You’re more likely to get into university or get a job- so why do you need an organization?

“Everyone knows that people like George Washington are now made out to be horrible people while people like martin Luther King are made out like saints. “

Sorry I went through 12 years of public education and I must have been sick the day they taught that George Washington was a monster.

Bringing up the fact that King was a cheating, communist allied, prostitute beating charlatan is for some reason left out of the history lesson.  Why did kings wife get his records sealed for 50 years? “

I would do some research on that if I were you.

“The Mongols, Moors, Turks, Huns, and other assorted African and Asian scum invaded Europe for centuries.  For some reason only Europeans are made out as invaders? “

We studied Mongol, Moorish, and Turkish invasions in high school.  Many Turks by the way, are what you would call white.  That’s why you’re “white” race idea is not viable as a basis for society.  I could show you someone who is Turkish, and you wouldn’t know unless you were told.  The Mongol armies, when they invaded Europe, had armies consisting primarily of Tatars, another Turkic people. Many of these people would have fit your definition of “white” at the time.  If not them, then at least the Volga Bulgars that they subjugated and incorporated into their army.

“What are you talking about?  The world bank has ordered that Eastern Europe take in more Africans. “

I’m in Eastern Europe and I must have missed that.  The World Bank also forces African nations into debt, and makes them privatize their infrastructure, which makes more people want to immigrate.

” As far as “exploiting” people, Its pretty obvious, if you follow the immigration debate in this country, that White people overwhelmly want these people to go home.  Why don’t they if White people run this society? “

Not just white people.  The fact is society is based on class, not race.  The people that dominate are white, but that is not the crucial factor that determines their actions.

“FBI crime statistics. “

Those same statistics show that the percentage of blacks that are likely to commit crimes are a tiny minority of the overall black population.

“Yes, there are Nationalist parties in Europe and they’re getting bigger.  These people have to deal with getting put on lists and being fired from their jobs.  The government in Germany actually has made some Nationalist parties legal! “

They have been legal for a long time.

“When what, when have blacks scored lower then Whites?  All the time, and when this happens and they can’t blame poverty they come up with stuff like “teachers have low expectations for blacks.” “

I want something more specific please.

“Your argument about Whites dominating society is moot.  Yes, numerically Whites are in key positions but they don’t dominate anything.  If they did, they would do what White people wanted.  They would end AA, quota’s, and non-White immigration.  They would address black on White crime.  They would invade Rhodesia and “liberate” the Whites living there, instead of invading Iraq for the Interests of the Jews. “

The problem is that you fail to see what drives society- it’s not race.  It’s class.  ‘Racial interests’ do not exist. 

”  My point is having traitor Whites in government means nothing when they don’t serve our interests.  Fox news does not serve our interests by covering up black on White crime and by making the State of Israel out to be some sort of ally.  “

The problem for you is that the overwhelming majority of whites don’t see themselves as having “white interests”.  Very few do in general.  That is because history is not based on race.

“The bottom line is, you’re an enemy to the White race. “


” I don’t expect you to agree with us, Your purpose is to spread disinformation and to encourage our destruction.”

Disinformation?  Look at the first line of this post you made.

  “All your arguments can be heard in any sociology class in this country.”

Don’t you think its interesting that my arguments are heard there, while the arguments of your movement aren’t?


Posted by Slavyanski on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 10:16 | #

“right-wing talk radio targets white males but they don’t orient white males in a sane socio-political worldview. Michael Savage rails against the New World Order, the UN, liberals, illegal aliens, corporations, political correctness, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, etc. BUT he praises the president for his wars and for his policies which he portrays as being opposed to all the things his audience hates. No one can sincerely believe that Bush is the white men’s man. Wiener/Savage is pushing his white listeners into dead ends. If he targeted white men to help them fight the real forces who are attacking their race he wouldn’t last long. “

Again, you are assuming that whites have “racial interests” in the first place.  These people appeal to white males, and they have the demographic studies to prove it.  Nonetheless, on many issues WNs and mainstream conservative views coincide.

“Another example: white males are the main body of voters for the GOP and yet the GOP spits on them by not addressing the issue of illegal immigration head on. It would be very easy for the next GOP candidate to beat Hilary: take a strong stance against illegal immigration and promise to build the wall/fence (by contrast Hilary has promised to give amnesty to all illegals and has hired a former head of La Raza to help her win the latino vote). They have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing that but none of the ‘top-tier’ candidates have done that. “

Why would they take such a chance?  That would cost businesses billions of dollars in cheap labor.  Class interests.

“check out Svigor’s reply, he punches a few holes in Wise’s pseudo debunking

First, what training in statistics does Svigor have?

“they’re often dragged in court and fined. I could give you a long list for France for example “

What is your point?  They still exist, and even mainstream parties in countries like Germany speak out against immigration.

“and yet for some reason they’re not able to assert their dominance or to say they want to perpertuate it.”

I thought you didn’t want to do that?

” Where’s the political party overtly catering to white interests? If whites are so powerful as a group and their dominance so normal why was an assistant district attorney in the state of New York fired after he went to an American Renaissance conference ? “

Again, society doesn’t revolve around “race”.  It evolves around class.

“If you really believe your own bullshit you belong in the social sciences faculty of an american university. But I don’t buy it. You know as well as I that whites are becoming a minority and that fact is proof that they don’t dominate America. President Clinton gloated about it and was cheered by the Oregon University students and no media denounced him. “

All this proves is that “racial” interests have no existence in capitalist society.  The ruling class is “white”, yet they don’t give a damn about you.

“If whites were in a position of power and thought of themselves as a group with group interests - if they were culturally, intellectually and morally healthy - they would not have accepted that and would have done all they could to stop mass immigration and they would not have had a though time achieving that goal because the media would have sided with them. “

When were they ever “healthy”?

“But never mind reality, just keep on recycling the same old Zinn/Chomsky/Democracy Now anarcho-leftoid bs. But you chose the wrong crowd. Try it on some naive white college student and you might catch some fishes. “

I don’t see how anything I have said remotely resembles the work of such people.

“I heard Morris Dees is hiring. Maybe you can help him expand his hate campaign against whites to Russia? You’ll earn a good salary. Let’s see how many russian fishes you’ll be able to catch “

Sure, everyone in Russia cares about “whiteness”.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:39 | #

Do White Americans have racial interests? Kind of of obvious.

Right Wing(neocon) radio appeals to a ceratain percentage of White males. There mllions of White American males who don’t listen to Right Wing(neocon) radio and television. There are millions of them who vote for neither the Republican and Democrartic parties.

The White Males who listen to Fox TV and radio are defintiely not a majority of White Males. The ones that do are going to have to face reality one day:will they allow there teenage sons to be canon fodder for greater Isareli.

Your statement about racial interests have no existence in a capitalist society can’t be taken seriously.  The fact that you would make a statement like shows that you are not very serious. You are are just a joker hanging out here looking for entertainment. I find you boring.

I don’t mind debating hispanic,asian,black and jewish nationalist here. But this guy is obviously a troll. Time to delete him James


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 14:21 | #

Slavyanski -  These organizations impede the needs of capitalism. That is why they are derided. If you dominate society, you rarely need such a group

Oh I see, so we are supposed to be happy because the current form of international capitalism is representing our interests. Capitalist interests are white interests. A western based corporation relocates all its plant to China and 5,000 of us get the boot but thats alright because our interests and our ex-employers interests are actually the same. Well thats a relief, so I need not fear unemployent, its actually serving my interets!


Posted by Rusty on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:50 | #

VLC wrote:
“Rusty have you watched Edward Griffin’s interview with Yuri Bezmenov ?

I received the ‘Video not available’ screen.  Do you have another link?

Frank McGuckin wrote:
“The White Males who listen to Fox TV and radio are defintiely not a majority of White Males.”

I don’t know about that.  From my experience the ones who consider themselves good Christian conservative Americans do.  It’s still a real disaster here in Bush country.  The ice around their brains is loosening somewhat, but there’s a lot more to go.  They have almost all accepted the communistic belief in complete equality for every human on the planet, whether they consciously realize it or not—you can hear the assumption in every statement or argument they make.


Posted by silver on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 16:58 | #

“In general, the line that separated Whites from the great global unwashed has almost completely vanished.  A majority of Whites have begun to act and think so much like non-Whites that it is often difficult to tell them apart except for their physical features. “

And this only fuels some minorities’ sense of superiority.  As strange as it might seem to a white racialist, proud of his people’s achievements, recently arrived Arabs regard whites manifest inferiors.  They completely discount the idea that a race of beer-swilling clods and filandering floozies might have something of value to teach them.  Racial incompatibles, bad enough.  Racial incompatibles with a superiority complex, double-whammy.


Slavyanski, I don’t if you’re simply being disingenuous or if you really believe the feeble “retorts” you post, but either way the consensus here is correct: you’re an idiot.  I mean, how can you have read so much of this site and still profess amazement that these posters would like to see a “return to the 1940s”.  Er, wake up!  The 1940s doesn’t go nearly far enough for them.  These are racially conscious whites, slavy, that see *everything* through that lens.  They don’t just talk about “bio-diversity” to shock people (the way one might sometimes think Steve Sailer does, because his proposals never seem to flow from what he understands about the world), they are *dead serious*.  When a guy like scimitar talks about recolonising Africa and kicking the Bantus back to “where they came from” (hundreds of years there doesn’t seem to mean much; so much for Fred “land has a spirit” Scrooby’s views), he’s *dead serious*.  As waaay out there as his views might seem, when he points out that evolution, which created the races, couldn’t possibly have cared about creating them in such a way that took into account 21st century humanitarian concerns, it’s not that difficult at all for the racially awakened white to concur.  These people envision a future unlike the past at all; or, if you want to connect their views to the past, a future rewound to c1900 and redirected along a vastly different tanget. 

2R, maybe Scrooby’s adulation has gone to your head.  You’re not dead wrong in what you’ve recently posted, but you ought to be a little more guarded in your conclusions—some of them could really be picked apart. 

Anyway, “So bottom line, IT’S UP TO WHITE MEN to decide whether we’re going to be race replaced or not.”  Okay, so how are you going to address the white female factor, then?  You’ve identified the problem, so now provide some concrete moves; I don’t think white women are going to be moved much by angry battle cries.

Scrooby, you really wanna get back at Jews?  How about promoting Judaism to blacks?  Jews do their best to discourage conversion, but it’s still judaically legal.  Why would you want to do this?  To expose Jewish aversion to anything negro; to expose Jewish duplicity.  Imagine a bunch of negroes in Orthodox garb, what’s a Jew to do?  Could they really deny a negro the “right” of conversion?  That’s a jewcy little jam for them.  Why would a negro want to become a Jew?  Well, that’s the hard part: he wouldn’t.  But maybe he could be coaxed into it, not for any religious or spiritual reason, but simply because negroes would relish exposing Jewish racism as much as anyone else’s.  A promising long-term plan might be to start up a synagogue somewhere in Africa (obviously you’d need an insider as rabbi), and recruit congoids there by holding out the prospects of Aliyah.  Israeli authorities wouldn’t stand for it, of course, but it’d cause quite a stir.  Realistically, there’s not much hope for this idea, but it is intriguing, and if it worked, you could probably achieve quite a bit with it.  (Too bad that Jews will be prepared for it, since they no doubt keep tabs on what’s discussed here.)

(Why am I even saying any of this?  You guys, when you get down to it, are my enemies. Well, maybe I’m on your side more than I like to admit to myself.)


Posted by 2R on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 00:42 | #

“2R, maybe Scrooby’s adulation has gone to your head.  You’re not dead wrong in what you’ve recently posted, but you ought to be a little more guarded in your conclusions—some of them could really be picked apart. ”

I’ll try to to be more careful.  I’m realitivly new to having discussions on the Internet, and for that matter, relatively new to White Racialism. 

“Anyway, “So bottom line, IT’S UP TO WHITE MEN to decide whether we’re going to be race replaced or not.” Okay, so how are you going to address the white female factor, then?  You’ve identified the problem, so now provide some concrete moves; I don’t think white women are going to be moved much by angry battle cries.”

I don’t think anyone is really moved by “angry battle cries.”  I’ve spoken to many White females who are sick of the same issues we’re sick of.  White females wish to send their children to safe schools and wish to live in safe neighborhoods.  White females are second last on the list (just above White men) for Affirmative Action.  White females are also more likely the victims of interracial rape compared with “women of color.” 

I believe that White women implicitly want us to reinstate White order in our lands.  Women care much more about being liked in contrast to men.  White women are very uncomfortable with being labeled “racist.”  However, as more people express their dissatisfaction with the current extermination plan, I have confidence that we’ll see some very radical females.  But men have to take the lead!  I don’t care how much 40 years of liberalism has poisoned their minds, this is nothing compared to hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. 

I know it seems like a cop-out saying “worse is better.”  But what else will get the sleeping White giants’ attention better than more diversity?  The fact that diversity sucks is not some invention of White Nationalists.  This is a proven fact that even the most hardened White liberal now admits.  White women yearn for stable, secure environments.  The more the West diversifies, the less stable it will be.


Posted by DavidL on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 00:56 | #


Thanks for all your humorous remarks !

Imagine negroidals as Orthodox Jews:

Several potential synagogue names Temple Beth El-Dorado,
  Temple Lik A Sto - endless possiblities !

Larry dey gonna cut off summa my johnson - oh hell no!

Bar Mitzvah try bar of soap first !

Oh yeh! Humiliation trully one of the best weapons against
your ilk.

Thanks for the heads up.

Peace out bro !



Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 00:58 | #

White women yearn for stable, secure environments.  The more the West diversifies, the less stable it will be.

In a pandemic situation they would yearn for healthier days but the fact is that if there are disease vectors walking around with penises, many women will be prone to receive their sperm, with no birth control, for the immunity it can confer to their children.

The slogan of the vectorists might be “I am the cure for the diseases I bring—if you exclude me you are immoral.”


Posted by VLC on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 04:22 | #

“These organizations impede the needs of capitalism.”

only when they’re for whites. Look at all those capitalist corporations helping La Raza:

(Where was capitalism when Hollywood needed it ? they refused to touch Gibson’s Jesus Christ movie and it made 400+ millions in the US alone. I thought their #1 goal was to make profits.)

“That is why they are derided. If you dominate society, you rarely need such a group.”

derided? no, hated, chased, smeared and targeted by Morris Dees’ lawyers. If whites dominated society we wouldn’t need such groups because the institutions and the media would be biased in our favor.

“The problem is that you fail to see what drives society- it’s not race. It’s class. ‘Racial interests’ do not exist.

Democrats and Republicans give speeches every year to latino crowds at National Council of La Raza meetings, to jews at AIPAC meetings, to blacks at NAACP meetings, promising them to cater to their specific group interests, but… but none of that exists! No says comrade Slavyanski, it’s all in our minds! A figment of our imagination it is.

<u>then GOP chairman Ken Mehlman speaking at a NCLR gathering:</u>

“Your interests are our interests,” he told his Hispanic audience during his speech. “Your cause is our cause.”

<u>then governor of Arkansas and Republican candidate for the presidency Mike Huckabee speaking before a crowd of LULAC mexicans:</u>

“Pretty soon, Southern white guys like me may be in the minority,” Huckabee said jokingly as the crowd roared in laughter

What are you doing here comrade? you should be trying to convince all those blacks, jews, mexicans, etc. that racial interests do not exist because they sure seem to believe these things matters much more so than whites. You’ll find a lot more ethnocentrism among mexicans and blacks than you’ll find racial awareness among whites and even less among all those young wiggers.

“The problem for you is that the overwhelming majority of whites don’t see themselves as having “white interests”. Very few do in general. That is because history is not based on race.”

you mean whites have finally understood that history isn’t based on race and that racial interests don’t exist? What made them understand that? A mere 50 years ago racial segregation was the law in the USA. But you forgot about that. Wow. How could you comrade? I thought all leftists knew about Martin Luther King, the laws against miscegenation, Brown VS Board of Education, Emmett Till, etc. etc.

“Don’t you think its interesting that my arguments are heard there, while the arguments of your movement aren’t?”

bashing whites and promoting their collective demise is considered acceptable and encouraged and yet whites supposedly dominate society.

“Again, you are assuming that whites have “racial interests” in the first place. “

ask the LULAC and NCLR mexicans if they don’t have ethnic interests. Funny how every group has racial interests - all but one. Can you guess which one comrade?

“All this proves is that “racial” interests have no existence in capitalist society.”

so you’re telling us America became capitalist after desegregation? after all those laws prohibiting miscegenation were abolished? Gee I didn’t know. So what was the dominant economic system before that?

“The ruling class is “white”, yet they don’t give a damn about you.”

but they used to comrade or at least they were afraid of whites. Which politician could have been elected back the in 1940-50s with a racial equality program ?


Posted by VLC on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 04:29 | #

“I received the ‘Video not available’ screen.  Do you have another link?”

works here. try again. (I’m using the Firefox browser). You can also watch it in Youtube in three parts. He explains what was his role as a KGB propagandist


Posted by Top on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 06:54 | #

“The Mongol armies, when they invaded Europe, had armies consisting primarily of Tatars, another Turkic people. Many of these people would have fit your definition of “white” at the time.”

This is a classic.  This Slovjanski character is blaming Euro whites for Mongol invasions.  I like it.  What chutzpah! 

Slovjanski is in that self-righteous mental mode in which reality doesn’t intrude much.  This is usually a jewish trait, which they sometime use to ‘intellectually’ seduce young Euros.  It’s a very dangerous evolutionary trait.  Once in a while you will get a really dumb white who falls for this type of stuff and they will start parroting this sort of thinking and talking.  They are just not as good at it - this person being case and point. 

Slovjanski should ask all those white Russians in Siberia how they argued against his type of thinking in communist Russia.  Oh I forgot - they didn’t get the chance - but they did get to see Siberia.

Slovjanski you are nothing more than just another reincarnation of that same old communist Russian commisar.  “Race doesn’t matter or exist” (depending on the day).  “Class stuggle is the only thing that matters”.  Blah, blah… boring.  You are so boring.  Can you stop posting here?  Please!!!  We have heard your arguments a million times.  Think about this…  we heard your pseudo-communist arguments a million times on TV, in schools, etc. and still came to boards like these.  You you will probably not convince us to change our minds by parotting Marx, the local leftist university chapter, or whatever other thinking you base your genius-like comments on.  Do you understand?

I am not going to sit here and waste my time pointing out how Mongols are really not Euros and Euros are really not Mongols to you.  Obviously you come here with evil intents - so just leave.  Let us little Euros have a chance… race doesn’t matter anyway right?  Majority of the population doesn’t care about us anyway - right?  So why be here?  You showed us how superior your thinking is by showing me that Mongols are really Euros and Euros are really Mongols.  Thank-you.  I appreciate that type of help.  But maybe it’s time to leave your NKVD-like monitoring fantasies behind and leave.



Posted by 2R on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 07:07 | #

Slavyanski,  you come here and tell us how much race doesn’t matter in a capitalist society and that we’re wasting our time.  I have a question for you:  Why do you come here?  After all, Euro-Americans don’t care about race and its Rush Limbaugh who they really find inspiration in.  Since the “revolution” is coming soon, don’t you have flyer’s to print up and red signs to paint? 

As I’ve said before, if a group of people had a website dedicated to the idea of the moon being made of cheese, I would never go there and debate this with them.  I know they are wrong and realize its a waste of time trying to change these people’s minds.  So since you think we’re foolish and a waste of time, why do you come here?  What is your purpose?  Since the “workers revolution” is right around the corner, why are you wasting your time with us losers?

Since Ive asked you this before and you refused to answer I’ll provide the readers with the reason you come here.  You’re scared!  Why else would someone spend so much time here?  I would never go to some loser Communist forum and try to explain why those people are so dumb because its a waste of time.  It distracts me from more important affairs.  You realize that MR is one of the better places on the Internet for the discussion of White Racial Interests.  There is a lot of people who just read and never post and those people are your targets.  You hope you can dissuade these people from the movement.

You we’re never racially awake but you do know a little about the history of WN.  For this reason, I believe you’re a hack working for one of the Jewish “Watchdog” organizations.  Why else would you spend sop much time here?  You must be getting paid because I see no reason to waste your time with people who’s ideas “aren’t even discussed in sociology class.”

So I ask again, since we’re losers, and since “a capitalist society has no racial issues” WHY DO YOU SPEND SO MUCH TIME HERE???


Posted by Svigor on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 21:48 | #

So bottom line, IT’S UP TO WHITE MEN to decide whether we’re going to be race replaced or not.

This is absolutely true.  I tell all my male friends that every time we see a white woman with a brown child in tow - it’s OUR FAULT.

No race in its right mind has males that behave like white males do.  White men could put a stop to this nonsense in an eyeblink if they wanted to.  No, liberal psychos, I’m not talking about a return to the “good ole days” of barefoot, pregnant, and disenfranchised; I’m talking about a world where white men ridicule, mock, scorn, and shun miscegenating white females.

That would put a stop to this nonsense but quick.


Posted by Svigor on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 21:55 | #

I just had a good idea for a site suggestion.

How about some code to put the commenter’s name above the post, as well as below?

I can skip Slave’s comments more efficiently that way.  I wouldn’t have to read the first worthless sentence or two to figure out it was our resident troll (I mean really - we’re women-haters because we recognize cognitive differences in the sexes?  Us and Larry Summers, joined in our rhetoric of women-hatred!)

Or, an ignore feature would be nice.


Posted by Svigor on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 22:19 | #

Of course, I just blamed everything on white males…

...but don’t hold your breath waiting for any of the opposition to decry my rampant misandry.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 18:10 | #

My expectation is this French commercial was made by French Jews or homosexuals.  If I’m right that French Jews were responsible, it’s likely the same individuals are fervent supporters of Israel, a country where this commercial would be instantly banned and rightly so.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 20:10 | #

Make a series of commercials exactly like that but with one tiny change — the woman wears a visible Star of David around her neck — and the instantaneous howls of “anti-Semitism” would be deafening, as the commercials would quickly be forced off the air.  Yet the Jews continually make this sort of depiction of Euro women:  in the absence of any sign implying otherwise, the audience’s default assumption is, of course, the white woman slobbering all over the Negro is a Euro.

I want to start seeing clear signs that the women depicted in these media productions are Jewish.  It’s just that I feel so bad that Jewish women are being deprived of such wonderful orgasms as Alon Ziv assures us Negro men provide for gentile women.  Out of a sense of fairness I DEMAND Jewish women be let in on the fun — not to mention the mulatto babies to be gotten out of the deal by Jewish women, babies who are, as the Jews assure us, superior to white babies in every way and much to be preferred over whites.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 03:29 | #

A propos:  read the linked log entry, then contemplate the photo used by the N.Y. Post newspaper to illustrate the teen crime wave.


Posted by ::: on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 04:23 | #



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 01:31 | #

“this ad which painstakingly filters out Euro men is part of the strategy of going after the males first in a tribal war of extermination: [...] Once the males are defeated you’ve won and can do with the females whatever you wish [...] Their men have been neutered so are nothing to fear.  In a tribal war of extermination you go after the other side’s men first.”  (—my comment of Oct. 7, 9:55 PM)

Given the particular tribal war in question, the phenomenon referred to in that quote above is of course simply an instantiation of this:

In sexual species, the male determinant (for example, the Y chromosome in humans) will be a primary locus of intraspecific GOD due to the fact that intraspecific competition is primarily carried out between males.”  [Emphasis added.]

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)
