Immigrants in Greece riot. MSM caught red-handed. The mainstream media is devoting much front-page coverage to this weekend’s violent leftist/anarchist/student riots in Greece. At the time of writing the headline on the Guardian website main page reads, Clashes across Greece after police kill teenager.
At the foot of the report, the Guardian helpfully provides its readers with a:-
But that isn’t the back story. It’s a classic piece of burying the bad news - bad for the liberal sensibilities of the mediocracy, that is. Here is the real back story:- And here:-
And here is some more. And here and here and here. And here’s the low-down. In October a Pakistani died, possibly by drowning, during an immigrant riot outside an Athens asylum processing centre. Last Thursday, it would appear, another such riot occurred, with some poor, dishevelled soul falling into the same patch of water. He survived. But the peace and quiet of Athens did not. Leftists/anarchists/students immediately organised their own riot in sympathy, and a boy was duly shot three times by a trigger-happy but probably very frightened policeman. More riots. Everywhere. Greek government looks rocky. The MSM take the opportunity to banish the immigrant factor from their coverage, which is only what we have grown to expect. None of this would have happened if the Greek government was not, in fact, doing a comparitively good job of denying immigrants free access to the country, and thence to the rest of Europe. They’d get my vote. Comments:2
Posted by cladrastis on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 06:04 | # What astounds me is that our fellow “goyim” can’t seem to figure it out. It’s the same story, the same strategy, the same code language throughout the Eurosphere. It’s so obvious, you’d have to be blind, deaf, “dumb”, and disconnected not to figure it out. No wonder Jews think they are so much smarter than we are. I keep thinking we must be approaching the threshold at which our people will finally “get it” en masse. This point certainly has been accelerating within my own extended family over the last year. I’ve been driving home the evidence and the memes that are used to manipulate us during every holiday for the last 1.5 yrs. and finally, it seems to be “clicking” with my grandad, uncles, cousins, and brother-in-law (and, surprisingly, with the women as well). I can’t stress how useful emails containing material from this site,, and documentaries (aside from books) have been in fighting the infowar. People are looking for answers right now…the time is ripe to amplify our intensity. 3
Posted by Bill on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 08:59 | # I was just doodling when I came across this. I’m sure many of you have seen this before, but to those who haven’t, read on… “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past centuries.” This speech was made 17 years ago. It came at the beginning in the U.S. of the Bill Clinton administration. Rockefeller speaks of an “us.” This “us,” he says, has been having meetings for almost 40 years. If you add the 17 years since he gave the speech it was 57 years ago—two full generations. From… 4
Posted by Bill on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 09:28 | # The above, (7.59am) was a result of Google search ‘United Nations planned migration and mainstream media conspiracy’ Here is another, which needless to say is one of a tsunami of results from such a trawl. Entitled…. 5
Posted by the Narrator.. on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:05 | # Though he spends much of his time going after atheists and writes columns for the neocon Worldnetdaily (which gets about eight million visitors a month) Vox Day’s article today -Dec. 8, 2008- at that site is about as close to an overt White National article as we’re apt to see on a heavily trafficked internet site this side of revolution. Though if anybody knows of a better example(s) (excluding Buchanan), I’d be thrilled to be wrong…. 6
Posted by the Narrator.. on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:07 | # Sorry about that… 7
Posted by Gudmund on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 20:04 | # Scrooby:
What we need are moles to worm our way into the inner confidence of our enemies. We need infiltrators, spies. We need people who will be deep cover agents. One spy paid lavishly is worth more than an entire army paid meagerly, and is far less expensive. So where are they? What we don’t have, Fred, is any semblance of leadership or initiative, even if our skills are adequate. Times of crisis, when everything’s going nuts, are the best times to install our assets within the state. As you pointed out, the opposition’s orders come from a Center. Where is (or who will build) our Center? Can we emasculated and powerless rubes do it (we don’t have any networks!)? Or is it too late? PS Organizing white separatist paramilitaries or conspiring to spy-work would likely merit charges of treason…or worse (thank you, War on Terror). It must be approached with utmost discretion and restraint, but I fear there is no way to avoid utmost danger to our persons if our people are to survive. 9
Posted by Eman on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 00:26 | # Careful with those Meds: “Study: 20% of Spanish, Portuguese men are of Jewish lineage”: -,7340,L-3634421,00.html 10
Posted by weston on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 04:04 | #
That was a very nice column. Day has always been politically incorrect, but he rarely addressed race when I first began reading his blog back in ‘05 or ‘06. He’s been doing it with increasing frequency lately. Now if only he’d ease up on Richard Dawkins and dig in to the good stuff full-time, then we would really have something. 11
Posted by Aun Doorback on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 18:49 | # I bloody knew there was an angle on the Greek riots. I checked the name of the lad who was shot and put it down as youthful rebellion. Silly me. Where is our Leonidas? 12
Posted by Fr. John on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:53 | # Thank you for clearing this up for me. Why would I now WANT to visit Greece, and/or Athens, if this sort of ‘racial dung’ is present THERE, just as it is in ANY Western city? I can see this in my own metropolis, TYVM.
Orthodoxia ki thanatos. Just as this prophecy makes clear: “The first day of the Indictus the kingdom of Ishmael, whose name is Mohammed, will defeat the race of the Palaeologus; it will conquer the Seven-Hilled City: It will make it his capital; it will conquer many nations…and the multitudes and nations from the West will engage in war against the kingdom of Ishmael by land and sea, and they will defeat Ishmael. But the blond nation along with its allies will utterly defeat the entire Ishmael…” Any fellow Varangians want to take up arms in this battle with me? 13
Posted by John on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 13:25 | #
Jewsus save us! 14
Posted by Bill on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 20:39 | # There is a piece on the BNP website entitled - ‘Greece Suffers under Wave of Asylum Seeker-Caused Violence’ The comments section is, (as usual) far more interesting than the official story, quite insightful really. It is encouraging to see such depth of recognition and understanding among the rank and file posters. 15
Posted by Fr. John on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 15:36 | # Jewsus save us! Posted by John on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 12:25 PM | #
Are you that illiterate, or just merely being offensive, as well as blasphemous? My boss is most decidedly, NOT a “Jewish Carpenter.” LOL 16
Posted by John on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 16:20 | #
Fine. Let’s call him factually, as a native of Judea, an olive-skinned, black-haired middle Eastern language-speaking man-god from the middle East (i. e. nowhere near Europe). Someone whom, if he were alive and living here today, since presumably there’d be no justification to deport him on the basis of criminal behavior, I should, rather than consider my “boss”, want to pay an incentive to quit my homeland, along with the rest of his kind. You’d have me take much of my moral advice from a Jew lawyer who used to hate Christians then suddenly equally passionately loved them. (Where have I seen that kind of thing since?) I think I’ll pass, thanks, just them same. Your fairy tale-like religious stories (that you Christians seem to take as literal and historical) seem bizarre to me. I recognize neither your middle Eastern goat-herders’ religion, its middle Eastern man-god, nor the attendant concept of “blasphemy”, such things having not organically originated among my people and having nothing to do with them except insofar as they were imposed thereupon by a self-serving elite under threat of force. 17
Posted by Bulgarian troops to Greek border on Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:10 | #
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Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 02:43 | #
Why will none of the MSM tell the truth on stories like this? The uniformity of the lying bespeaks deliberation, conscious intention, and orders coming from a few centers of authority: the liars know they’re lying through their teeth and they know why, and I don’t believe every one of them from Canada to Oz has thought up this policy himself, of never mentioning race, ethnicity or immigrants except when it serves to advance white genocide. Orders are being given behind the scenes by the hidden powerful, in order to produce this degree of uniformity. Rejecting all miasma theories, I want to identify germs. I don’t buy the “bad air” hypotheses. We’re in the age of modern medicine now. Yes, quantum mechanics says all the molecules in a baseball might suddenly take off moving in the same direction all by themselves, making the ball throw itself. But the chances of that are extremely slim: you can calculate them — the age of the universe isn’t long enough for it to happen by chance. If the baseball moves, some arm has thrown it. How about the editorial staffs of every MSM organ on planet Earth all moving in exactly the same bizarre direction (hiding race except in contexts in which it furthers white genocide, a fairly complex policy, therefore even less likely to be widespread by pure chance)? As with the molecules of the baseball, it’s possible every single one of them came up with the exact same policy by pure chance but unlikely: a small number of hidden centers of authority are telling them what position to take, centers of authority who know each other more or less, understand each other perfectly, and see themselves as fighting a war for the overthrow and genocide of the European races. It has to be that simple, as clearly this degree of Eurospherewide uniformity of adoption of fairly complex policy could NOT be happening by chance.
I want to know the ethnicty of the individuals in charge of adopting this policy at every newspaper and MSM organ. I don’t need their names, just their ethnicities. And I don’t want the toadies, the underlings, the stooges, the goy frontmen sent out before the public purely for camouflage. I want the real powers behind the scenes: I want their ethnicities. Needless to say, those have a snowball’s chance in hell of being voluntarily divulged.