Jedwabne and the race hucksters A couple of days ago the BBC News website informed us that a “Romanian mayor has been strongly criticised by Jewish groups after appearing dressed in a Nazi uniform at a local fashion show.” Radu Mazare is mayor of Constan?a, the Black Sea port and the oldest living city in Romania (having been founded around 600 BC). He was, he explained, inspired to wear the costume by the film Valkyrie. But it’s not an explanation that the “offended party” requires:
So, is this the speech of a beautiful but tortured Jewish soul lying flayed and bleeding on the ice-cold alter of German history? Is he making manifest that great testament to human evil which is the G-d-given lot of all Jews? Or does he merely have a practical mind? Never mind the insult and outrage, and even the “pain” of a depth “it would be hard to adequately describe”, is all he really wants to keep Christian Europe’s head-down in the moral mire? Might one conclude that, far from being a Chosen vessel of Man’s redemption from evil, Dr Zuroff is a ruthlessly opportunistic race huckster ... the kind of man who might not be above employing that indescribable Jewish “pain” in a trick: (Thanks to reader KD who sent me the link to this video.) We saw something very like opportunistic trickery with Prince Harry’s fancy dress back in January 2005:
An essential element to the trick is to put a number, at every opportunity, to the vastness of Jewish suffering:
This numerical tradition began with a Soviet prosecutor’s claim at Nuremburg of 4 million killed at Auschwitz, not all of them Jews though. This total bounced like a pin-ball from 3 million to 2.5 million to 1.1 million before it finally won official blessing at 1 million Jewish mortalities. This is the figure that German Law, having from the outset made itself an attack dog for Jewish ethnic interests, codifies with the overt objective of jailing people for an inadequate level of belief. Not every poor soul, though. In 2002 a study by Fritjof Meyer, a mainstream journalist in Germany, cut the 1 million figure by half, and no one has attempted to jail him. By this oversight the German legal authorities reveal their true objective of jailing political opponents. It’s about the absolute duty of German liberal democrats to punish the German past. Liberal democracy was imposed on post-war Germany by violence and its legitimacy will always return to that. For the Jewish Holocaust Establishment, of course, there are no legitimacy worries. Plain tribalism is enough. But such motives leave us with a problem. Who and what, then, are we hapless believers to believe? For instance, how much belief are we to accord to the claim of 380,000 Jews killed by Romanians? Are their resting places known, their bodies identified, the causes of death established? Of course not. Our belief is mandated by the implied authoritativeness, respectability and neutrality of “an international commission chaired by Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel” - a man whose reputation was attacked by Robert Faurisson thus:
So what if we fail to find Elie Wiesil and his commission authoritative, respectable or neutral? What if we find the Nobel Prize-winning Mr Wiesil to be less than noble, indeed very like an opportunistic race huckster? Is this the same in law as “belittling” the narrative itself? Possibly so, since the moral and professional stature of court witnesses is intimately tied to the credibility of their evidence. Mr Wiesil’s personal probity would, therefore, be underwritten by legislation. Well, with this in mind and, of course, never for one moment wishing to cast aspersions upon the Asiatic ladies and gentlemen who have so lovingly attached to newborn European babies an essential, irrational anti-Semitism – oh, that trick again - and never for one moment seeking to lift that blood libel and offend of Mr Wiesel’s law-conforming, Talmudically-decreed perfect soul, I am going to look at one instance of this clash between the legalised claims of Jewish “experts” and the ignored truths of Europeans and the memories of those who were there, damn it. So, from the Guardian, also earlier this week:
So here is a race huckster rabbi whining about a Polish politician because he won’t do what is expected of him and press his constituents’ faces deeper into the mire. This particular race huckster is South African. In addition to his pastoral duties he sits on the board of the Holocaust Education Trust, indeed he pioneered the now statutory day-trips to Auschwitz-Birkenau for at least two children from every class in every state secondary school in Britain. Of this little wheeze he says:
Of course, perfect souls know no hate. Not that I am saying Baz ain’t perfect or is a liar or anything, but here you can read his account of how near to certain death he was as he cycled across Tavistock Square one fine morning in July 2005. It makes you wonder. Anyway, the Guardian link explains that Baz has also become an expert in the terrible events of Jedwabne 10th July, 1941. What that means, I imagine, is that he has found time in his busy life to read Jan T. Gross’s Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community of Jedwabne, Poland:
The above copy, by the way, is blurb connected to a 2001 film about the pogrom. Titled Neighbours, it was funded by George Soros through his Batory Foundation in Poland. Jan T Gross is a director of the Batory Foundation, and now lives in America. The book and the film are, therefore, very likely Soros creations. The book was translated into English, which was a clear statement of intent. The media in Poland gave blanket coverage to its claims, and around the world the pogrom was presented as a Polish national crime. Polish leftists and the Polish political and cultural Establishment immediately capitulated and supported Gross’s account. The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) took evidence from Herman Schaper, the former Einsatskommando officer who had twice been found responsible for the massacre by German authorities, once in 1964 then again ten years later. Schaper, the IPN said, “had confirmed the facts” as presented by Gross. In the face of this all too familiar, high-powered pro-Jewish ramp an attempt to restore balance has been mounted. Jan Moor-Jankowski, professor of forensic medicine at the NYU School of Medicine, Charles Chotkowski, director of research for the Polish American Congress Holocaust Documentation Committee, and survivor Boleslaw Domitrz have all provided evidence of Gross’s distortions of the facts. Dr. M. J. Chodakiewicz, of the University of Virginia showed in his study that during the war more Christians than Jews were killed in the town during the course of the war. Jerzy Robert Nowak authored a book titled “100 Lies By Gross”. It was published solely in Poland. Among those “lies” was the non-corroborated claim that a cut off head of a Jewish female was kicked around the streets of the town. Every available Polish eye-witness account - people who were there, damn it - has been gathered, and all tell the tale of a German massacre with the assistance of few if any local Poles. Tellingly, a 2001 investigation by government experts found bodies of the victims buried in two graves. Some one hundred and seventy test cores were drilled in the vicinity, but located no other graves of Jews executed in Jedwabne. Now we come to the numbers. The estimation by partial exhumation was that two to three hundred victims were in the graves. However, a rabbi attending the proceedings demanded an end before the graves were fully researched, preserving for posterity Gross’s soon-to-be inviolable myth of sixteen-hundred Jewish dead. Plus ça change. The capacity for Jews to successfully dictate the history of the Second World War rests on money power, not on the unique rightness of Jewish historical recall. It’s as simple as that. Not many politicians are loyal hearts like Aleksander Kwasniewski. Most are slaves to the power of money and to conformity and safety, and for that reason alone the histories of all the Jedwabnes of Europe have been successfully turned into a stubborn blood libel against Christian Europe. But money power doesn’t explain everything. The busy media lives and relentless opportunism of the likes of Rabbi Barry have their arising elsewhere … in the religious conviction that abides in every Jewish fibre and every Jewish bone that the degradation of Christian Europe is synonimous with the cause of tribal ascendency. To the Jew, Comments:2
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 10:42 | #
It was not the poor Pole, but the demonic German, who inflicted unspeakable cruelties on the poor Jew - whose Talmudic narcissism is bred to the bone in him we are told - which justified the English in declaring a war of annihilation on Germany in protection of Poland. Which they subsequently ceded to the Bolsheviks, good stewards that they were.
LOL! What about eugenically removing that faith gene?
Thus the Englishman is free to create what he needs for himself, General Plan Ost, as the incarnation of the malign will to power of the Kraut.
What? The Jews are the only ones who attempt to construct myths which place them as the morally superior protagonists, the indispensable people of virtue who stand against barbarism in a corrupt world, as a vehicle for their EGI? But wait, how are we going to get people to swallow that one if they don’t have their faith gene? 4
Posted by Pink on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:15 | # I for one can’t wait for Wiesel to die. The only problem is that when he does, we’ll be subject to endless paens to his wonderfulness. And Ill say something else. I used to believe ‘The Holocaust” was real too. 5
Posted by John on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 18:09 | #
Their efforts have been to the extreme detriment of both races. MJ saw this. Check out his video, “They Don’t Care About You”. Read between the lines. BTW, he was set to make a comeback. IMO, they did to him what the did to Hendrix, Lennon, Morrisson, Croce, Albert King, JFK, RFK, Hale Boggs, Huey Long, Paul Wellstone, Larry Macdonald, Jörg Haider, Jürgen Möllemann, Anna Lindh, etc. ad nauseum. 6
Posted by John on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 19:55 | # Sorry, the Michael Jackson video I referred to above is “They Don’t Care About Us”. 7
Posted by Q on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 20:23 | # John, I liked the one you posted @ 12:49 PM | # much better. The second was just a bunch of jigaboos dancin’ in a favala. That’s what the Jews and Libman want to turn us into if we let them. 8
Posted by John on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 21:35 | # I don’t appreciate and didn’t post it for aesthetic reasons. The point I try to make with it is Michael Jackson knew what was going on and in at least in song expressed it and THEY probably didn’t want him to have an audience. The larger picture is that the number of famous talented and accomplished musicians who have died before their time seems actuarially impossible. Some of them were assassinated, imo. Rogue musicians are maybe more potentially dangerous to TPTB than rogue politicians. 9
Posted by onetwothree on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 22:20 | # Jew me, sue me That’s pretty crude. But it would be interesting if someone extremely famous started articulating certain facts about the JQ. What exactly is his problem though? 10
Posted by Robert Reis on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 04:33 | # I do not have access to an archive. I believe this quote is genuine. Can anyone search the New Statesman? “Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” - Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982 Amnon Kapeliouk (hebrew: ????? ??????; born 1931 - 26 June 2009) was a French-Israeli journalist and author. Amnon Kapeliouk’s published works include a biography of Yasser Arafat, Arafat l’irréductible, as well as a detailed investigation into the Sabra and Shatila massacre.[1] He is a regular contributor to Le Monde Diplomatique as well as to other magazines and newspapers.[2] He was accused by CAMERA of misrepresenting a quote by Menachem Begin to suggest that the Israeli Prime Minister had described Palestinians in a speech to the Knesset as being “beasts walking on two legs”.[3][ CAMERA does not dispute the quote above. ] Kapeliouk died on 26 June 2009 at the age of 78.[4] At the time of his death Amnon Kapeliouk lived in Jerusalem, Israel. 11
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 10:48 | # Robert, I’ve used various word formulations on the New Statesman search engine, but nothing was turned up. The quote is so coarse emotionally and linguistically that it seems improbable that any politician - even a terroristic Zionist one speaking in Hebrew to fellow Zionists - would utter it on record in parliament. One would certainly expect that it would be high on the list of candidates for exposure as a fabrication. The Knesset record must exist, and would make that easy. Yet google throws up nothing along those lines either. 12
Posted by Q on Fri, 07 Aug 2009 05:26 | #
Maybe it’s my warped sense of humor, Fred, but I think that is hilarious. 13
Posted by Nathan Lansford on Wed, 03 Feb 2010 23:09 | # Wikipedia mentions a little more about Vinnitsa in its “Mass graves in the Soviet Union” webpage, saying “Some were uncovered by the Germans during WW11; Katyn and Vinnitsa being the most infamous,” and then cites a book by Richard Rhodes called Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust (!), page number 149. Here’s the quote from Rhodes’ book, reprinted also on Wiki’s webpage: “Vinnitsa had already been brutally purged in 1937 and 1938 by the NKVD. In the early summer of 1943, with unparalleled audacity, the SS would publicly exhume the victims of the NKVD killings in Vinnitsa; in three mass grave sites in an orchard, a Russian Orthodox cemetery and a public park near the town stadium, the homicide squad the SS sent from Berlin would find 9,432 bodies, of which 169 were female. With one exception, all the men had been bound, and most of the victims had been killed with shots to the head with small-caliber weapons. The victims had been “enemies of the people,” not specifically Jews, and included a large number of collective farm workers and priests. The Nazi authorities would invite forensic experts from the International (!) Commission of Foreign Medical Examiners to observe the exhumations, hoping to focus international attention on the Soviet atrocities comparable with the attention that followed the discovery earlier in 1943 of the 1940 Soviet massacre of twelve thousand Polish officers in the Katyn Forest, 125 miles west of Moscow.” Wow. Post a comment:
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Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 09:28 | #
Removing all post 1948 non-English and mongrels will no doubt, at least at some point, and in some instances, involve violence, therefore its legitimacy will always remain suspect. Likewise, talk of racial purity is verboten, because as many as 1 in 100 English have sub-Saharan African alleles, yet eugenically removing the faith gene is acceptable, though one must never be stupid enough to come out and say it. We’ve got to remoralize, whilst recognizing that survival is the only true morality. The Jews are sneaky, and aggressive in furthering their EGI - it is clearly immoral, though survival is, ultimately, the only true morality. Huh?