One for red-heads

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 08 January 2007 01:05.

From a Times article reporting on research into red-hair in Britain for the Oxford-based People of the British Isles project:-

But why do we have such numbers in these parts of the British Isles today and not others? The answer, says Bodmer, is that red-hair genes were common among the first Britons and that populations in the archipelago’s fringes still carry their bloodline.

“Genes for red hair first appeared in human beings about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago,” agrees Rees.

These genes were then carried into the islands by the original settlers, men and women who “would have been relatively tall, with little body fat, athletic, fair-skinned and who would have had red hair”, says David Miles, of English Heritage.

Redheads therefore represent the land’s most ancient lineages. So if you want an image of how those first people appeared, don’t think of a hairy savage with a mane of thick black hair. Contemplate instead a picture of a slim, ginger-haired individual: Prince Harry, perhaps, or the actress Nicole Kidman who has Scottish and Irish descent.

Distinctiveness among native groups is the true diversity.  It is simply not the one the British government desires us to celebrate.

It is a trifle ironic that the oldest bloodlines in these isles will, being scattered to the peripheries, likely survive the alien genetic inflows ... again.  But all native British distinctiveness is valuable and an ethnic genetic interest in its own right.  We are under no obligation to dissolve ouselves in the bottomless seas of the Third World, and the true racism belongs to those who deny us, red-haired or not, our natural right to self-preservation.



Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 03:15 | #

Wait just a second there bub…. There was someone with red hair in north western Africa sometime, therefore women with red hair in the British Isles who do not offer have children with Bantu sires are being kept prisoner, barefoot and pregnant by the red haired men of the British Isles.

I mean, let’s be reasonable here.


Posted by Mother Ecclesiastica on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 05:55 | #

I am a woman of Good British Stock. Our family’s genetics are such that no generation goes by without our women producing a healthy variety of Redheads.  All shades and tones; straight, wavy, or curly tops.

Fear not, Britons!
Your genetics are being preserved in The Antipodes.

As to Bantu menfolk and their maurauding of our women, I can attest to that, my People….

In my youth, a Bantu-man asked for my hand in marriage….
I would have been merely his third wife and therefore (he seemingly thought) Highly Honoured….

I declined with a certain “j’ne sais quoi…”

Mother Ecclesiastica.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 06:36 | #

You’re my kind of woman, Mother Ecclesiastica!


Posted by PF on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:19 | #

You sound pretty cool, Mother Ecclesiastica.

What was that drivel you were going on about on the other thread, Beep Beep as an Islamic Weapon?
Did you let an insane person use your computer to check their emails?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 14:46 | #

In the following links are laid out what are precisely our futures as planned right now by those pushing race-replacement immigration on us:

So Footscray is changing yet again. It was once an Anglo working class suburb, then a mixed European one, then Vietnamese and now increasingly African. All in the space of about 35 years. [...] Yet Footscray is our future unless the current policy of diversity and mass immigration is reconsidered.

In your “gloom-and-doom” entry you mentioned India as one possible version of our future. I travel to India pretty often and have to agree.

How do we know it’s planned and not happening by accident?  Because its consequences are obvious, yet it’s not stopped and not only isn’t it, it’s pushed with ever more and more fervor. 

If someone pushes a baby stroller with a baby in it onto the middle of a high-speed eight-lane highway he must intend for that baby to get harmed.  How do we know?  Because the consequences of doing that are obvious, yet he did it.  If you open the door of your country to the Third World without limit, give the Third Worlders preferences of all sorts over whites once arrived, and forbid whites to question any of it, you must want your country to fill up with Third Worlders.

As James Burnham said, “Who says A must say B.”  You can’t wiggle out of saying B once you say A.  No, I’m afraid you can’t feign ignorance:  if you keep saying A, you must want B.  It’s as simple as that.

So, they know exactly what they’re doing. 

Why are they doing it?  It’s an alliance of various groups, each with its particular interests in bringing about race-replacement by force.
Any whites reading this who are not already aware of what’s going on need to wake up right now and support those political forces questioning inappropriate immigration policies for white countries.  Inappropriate means excessive numbers of racially or ethnoculturally incompatible peoples being let/brought in.  Racially incompatible means first and foremost anyone not of the white race and secondarily anyone not of your particular branch of the white race. 

Are a few of them OK?  Yes.  Are excessive numbers of them OK?  No.  Is that racist?  No, it’s normal, christian, and right.  Never let anyone, including priests, tell you different.  They’re brainwashing you.

Should we be mean to anyone?  Certainly not.  Should we defend ourselves?  Just as certainly, yes.  We should defend ourselves humanely, without meanness toward anyone, starting right now. 

We can do something about it now but the window of opportunity won’t last forever:  there is, unfortunately, a point of no return.  Let’s not reach that point, shall we?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 14:56 | #

“and forbid whites to question any of it”  (—my comment, above)

Is there anyone who doubts that’s what’s going on in a thousand different ways, explicit and implicit?  To any who do:  it’s time to wake up.


Posted by genetic brute on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 15:30 | #

Remember that the next time some idiot proclaims that racial differences are trivial or non-existent because we are “99.9% the same”, etc.

Small differences in the control regions of genes yield large effects, so that, as shown in this study, ~ 25% of measured genes show differences in expression comparing Europeans and Asians.

Note also that many traits are the result of differences in expression of several genes.  This leads once again to the importance of genetic structure and why genetic interests cannot be solely determined by a “gene by gene” atomized counting of individual allele frequencies.

One can assume - and this can be tested empirically - that a Eurasian hybrid will have some gene expression profile that is some complex mix of the parental profiles.  Any number of hybrids are not going to compensate for the original stocks.


Posted by Voice on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 16:50 | #

Genetic Brute

Could you explain this in layman terms?

“Small differences in the control regions of genes yield large effects, so that, as shown in this study, ~ 25% of measured genes show differences in expression comparing Europeans and Asians. “

It would be much appreciated


Posted by hairy savage brute on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 17:57 | #

Well, assume for example you have gene X, whose product controls the expression of gene Y, whose product controls the expression of gene Z, etc.

A small change in the regulatory sequence of gene X, maybe a change in only one base-pair, can change the expression of gene X - which then has all the subsequent effects on Y and Z as well.

Your typical race-denier would look at the raw sequence data and say, “hey, we have three genes, each of thousands of base-pairs, and the only difference of these genes between racial groups is the difference of only one base-pair.  That’s nothing!”

Not quite.

Comparing the gene sequence differences between Asians and Europeans, even if you focused only on the genes under study here - there would be very little difference, and yet, 25% of the genes show differences in expression.

It is not a linear response: small changes in gene sequence may cause large changes in effect. 

The most important genetic replicators are those that influence their own replication, by altering the adaptiveness of the organism in which they reside - and we thus observe that very small changes in these active replicators can have large changes in adaptive outcomes.  Thus, the small changes are highly relevant.

I would also argue that, by defining kinship, small changes in non-active genes are also important, but that’s another story.


Posted by Voice on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 19:00 | #

thank you Hairy Savage Brute..

that will be cut and pasted in my own personal battles!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 19:08 | #

Clearly, word has been passed down from on-high to the effect “whites are being phased out as a race.  If any open their yaps about it, ignore them.  If they persist, charge them with racism.”  Can some other conclusion can be drawn?  Look at this:

In London today Moslems dress differently, are rude to locals, jump queues, shout at us, wave their fists at us, call us “worthless infidel” in public and in loud voices.  I have, just four days ago, been elbowed aside by a Moslem couple, with sidekicks, whilst trying to top up my Oyster card at a tube station at the automatic machine.  Apparently I had taken longer than the ten seconds that they were prepared to wait and so three burly males forced me aside and, when I objected, pushed me to the floor and — quite literally — and took over the machine which I was attempting to use.

Not that this was a surprise in a crowded and impatient city like London, but that I was insulted in this instance by these people was a surprise.  The eldest male in the group, dressed in the usual and ridiculous garb of Mohammedans everywhere, looked directly at me amd said, in quite clear English (and I quote verbatim), “Get out of our way, infidel slave.”

You may imagine how I felt at that moment.  To be so insulted in my own capital city was stunning.  It took all my self-control not to do something rash at that moment.

Knowing that CCTV cameras would have captured this incident I complained, some three hours later (after having completed my journey and return), to the British Transport Police on the Broadway.  I need not have bothered.  Not only would no one there take my complaint of “technical assault and insult” seriously but no one to whom I spoke was even prepared to initiate any paperwork whatsoever, nor were they remotely prepared to find and look at the video recordings.  Indeed, one Officer even said to me that I “should swallow my pride” and live with it because — once again I quote verbatim, “You are just being racist and you have to remember that it’s cultural with them.”

Obviously, at this point, I indicated that I felt that I had been physically assaulted and that I would really like to have my complaint investigated.  Well, this is really where everything about that evening begins to stick in my craw.  When I said that, the Officer of the BTP who was listening to me actually cautioned me and warned me that if I persisted with making a nuisance of myself I would be charged under the The Race Relations Act 1976 and the RRAA (Race Relations (Amendment) Act) 2000.

I gave up at this point.  Cowardice is sometimes the better part of valour.  But damn it, they won didn’t they?  I have been intimidated into a dhimmi position by them and [by] the very powers which should have protected me in my own country.

“Happy New Year everyone,” I say in a bitter tone of voice.



Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 22:32 | #

I think that I can predict the reaction of most of my fellow Glaswegians were they to suffer the insult directed at Dominic.


Posted by Voice on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 23:05 | #

Al Ross

Holy Cow..that explains it !!

Glaswegian..that was the toughest fricking time I have ever had in Sales..Try to sell to Glaswegians..impossible for an obnoxious american

I still contend there is NO WAY they will be race replaced. 

That goes for my wife and her Geordie lot


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 00:21 | #


That report was lifted from the comments thread of JihadWatch.  It was posted onward in the chain by “Lionheart” who may not, in fact, be as singularly Crusading as he makes out.  He says he was born a Christian in his “About Me” preface.  But he then runs a story on how he was driven out of Muslim Luton, finally finding refuge in ... Israel.

Here are two stories from the national press certified by me free of alien agendas:-

From the BBC: ‘Court too costly’ letter probe:-

Claims two men caught vandalising cars on CCTV in Norwich were not taken to court because of cost are being probed.

Norwich Police are to query a letter sent to a criminal damage victim in which reasons were given why the men were only cautioned.

No further action was taken because they were “unemployed foreign nationals with no income”, the letter claims.

Norwich Police said the cautions had nothing to do with ethnicity or income.

<u>‘Pursue compensation’</u>

A spokesman said they would be asking for a copy of the letter which appears to have been sent by an officer from the force to one of the victims.

The two men, aged 19 and 29, were arrested after they were seen on CCTV damaging two cars in Magdalen Street, Norwich.

Basically, the letter initially sent to one of the victims explained that the offenders were unemployed and penniless foreign nationals whom there was no point in prosecuting.

Then, from the Daily Mail: Police fail to arrest road rage attacker - despite photo

When author Jane Furnival took photographs after a minor car accident she believed she was acting responsibly.

But the other driver went berserk and Jane claims his girlfriend violently attacked her.

She immediately reported the incident to police and produced photos of her alleged assailant. But she was astonished to be told by an officer: “You brought this on yourself - people round here don’t like being photographed.”

Now, almost a year later, the police have not interviewed, arrested or charged anybody - despite having Jane’s photo evidence and the car’s registration number.

... Her nightmare began last February as she drove home from Hackney, East London, with her two sons, Charlie, 14, and Henry, five.

A silver Audi in front hit her Volvo as the driver attempted a U-turn. The car drove off but Jane followed it. After it stopped about a mile away, she produced her insurance documents and the camera, which had been provided by her insurer, Norwich Union, for use in an accident.

She said: “The driver, a man of Asian appearance, went mad, crouching on the road and screaming, “No photos, no photos.” His girlfriend punched me twice on the face. I suffered severe bruising. I was stunned and I pleaded with passers-by to be witnesses, but nobody would agree.

“Both the driver and his girlfriend were racially abusing me, calling me ‘white trash’ and ‘a fat bitch’. It was like something from a Quentin Tarantino movie.

“I called the police. When I gave a statement at Stoke Newington police station the officer told me, “You were foolish to take pictures. That’s why you got hit. Nobody round here likes having their photos taken. You brought it on yourself’‘.”

Over the next 11 months, Jane repeatedly emailed the police to check on progress of the investigation, but claims she never received an answer.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police in Hackney said two enquiries had run simultaneously: one into the accident and another into the assault. He said: “Both offences were thoroughly investigated. Officers were able to trace the registered vehicle, identify the driver and pass all relevant details to the victim to ensure she could pursue the matter through the relevant insurance channels.

“In relation to the assault, officers identified an address for the driver and visited it to arrest him. But he no longer resided at that address and there was no forwarding address.”

Norman Brennan of the Victims of Crime Trust said: “It is bizarre that the insurance company can liaise with this man but the police have seemed unable to do so.”

Bear in mind that this is a reported racially-aggravated offence.  Under the law if Jane Furnival says it happened, it happened.  The police are obligated to proceed on that basis.  Thus, Kevin Hughes, the BNP organiser, is serving 30 months precisely because an Iraqi asylum seeker who speaks no English claims he was racially abused by Hughes.


Posted by tina on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 22:36 | #

I’ve noticed there are loads of redheads in Kent.

But I believe it says that King David in the Bible was red haired, and there are plenty of red haired Jewish people as well, so it isn’t just Celts, and by the way, many people happen to believe that the Celts are one of the Tribes of Israel from the Northern Kingdom of Israel that went into captivity in Syria, and then were disappeared into the north and the west of Europe.

You have got to admit, they do seem to have appeared from nowhere at about the right time.

Hey, don’t stone me folks, but it happens to be true.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 01:58 | #

The geographic distribution of genes for red hair don’t match your history.


Posted by tina on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 11:52 | #

Esau, who was the twin of Jacob (Israel), also had red hair.

These people married quite a few women and sired lots of children, but the father of both was Isaac, and before him Abraham from his wife Sarah, who by the way was considered to be the most beautiful woman there ever was.

Another red head perhaps??


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 16:55 | #

Read about the modern distribution of red hair before you posit that red heads originated in Palestine.

Certainly, there may have been a lot more red heads in Palestine in the past than there are today, but the gene is very old and it is likely that red hair was more present in Europe—especially northwestern Europe—than Palestine during the earliest purported dates of Biblical history.  It is virtually certain that today’s red heads did not get their genes from a Biblical era diaspora.


Posted by tina on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 21:09 | #

Virtually certain?

Says who?


So it must be true?

You were around way back then, eh??


Posted by Sue on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 18:46 | #

Blonde hair is very common among Australian aborigines as you can see from this pic and article

Blonde hair and red heads are also common among Melanesians

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