Persecution, Privilege and Power by Mark Green I think the most interesting thing about the following site is Mark Green’s webcast video interviews, but I’m sure the book is worth a look too: This is the sort of thing that I believe Osama Bin Laden was referring to when he declared that the West would undergo an “ideological collapse” if it invaded Iraq for Israel. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 23:37 | # Is it that the diaspora Jews who are playing such a major role in genociding us are so enmeshed with Israel that counterattacking one inevitably strikes both, the way artillery fire in wartime is sometimes directed so as to knowingly strike one’s own troops if they are too closely engaged with the enemy who are the target? Or is it that the difference between the diaspora and Israel is an illusion, and there is no difference between the two? Or something else? 3
Posted by 357 on Fri, 02 May 2008 00:03 | # None call it conspiracy ... but I beleive in this: “A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.” 4
Posted by Darren on Fri, 02 May 2008 00:04 | # I do not oppose Israel and I do not see a reason why a regular European / European-descended person should either. What I think we should oppose is the idea that we have any business fighting wars for them or materially supporting Israel. Of course I oppose the Jews who want to drag us into struggles and turn our spiritually European lands into spiritually Jewish ones. I think a sensible white nationalist movement should include a plank of encouraging Jews to immigrate to Israel and finding the sensible Zionists among them to help lead the cause. 5
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 02 May 2008 01:05 | # Fred, a universal nationalist ideology would _not_ be an “ideological collapse” of the West—it would be a return to natural roots of human ecology from which the West grew. Zionism—if the supremacist component can be factored out—is an obvious aspect of universal nationalism. Indeed, it is so obvious that when the National Socialists came to power in an attempt to reassert the German ethnostate, they created, with Zionist Jews, the Transfer Agreement, which started the process by which Germany’s economy could be turned to building the Jewish return to their homeland. A collapse of Zionism is, in fact, a potential calamity for the West for a variety of reasons—not the least of which is its weakening of universal nationalism. However, we must carefully understand the parasitic ideology of Holocaustianity and its relationship to non-supremacist Zionism: Holocaustianity is a vectorist religion founded on the supremacist idea that Jews are the only ethnicity worthy of their own homeland—and that to exclude Jews from any locale on Earth entails the ultimate evil. Collapse of Holocaustianity may unfortunately take Zionism with it by substituting Islam—or some other vectorist religion—for universal nationalism. 6
Posted by 2R on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:44 | # I’ve never been one who wished to see “Israel wiped of the map” like the Jews believe us to be. The Jews are stupid for not forging an alliance with us while they can. The Jews, who are natural economists (except for the rationality part) are always thinking about trade offs and ways of improving efficiency(is it good for the Jews?). They seem to think that its better to replace us than to cooperate? But what will they do when America is a 3rd world shit-hole and not able to send them arms? Do they think that they’ll be able to hold off the whole Arab world without the US. I think China is the answer. We must research what kind of networks they have in China (or India). As the US falls, the Jews may move on to China for a new host. Of course, they’ll leave behind some Jews to be liquidated. Then they can go to China and talk about the oppression they faced in the US. This is similar to Russia. Just as they used Russia to destroy Germany and later wrote how Russia was “anti-Semitic,” they’ll use America to crush their enemies in the middle east before moving on to China. Be on the lookout for any Jewish takeovers of Chinese media. After this, China will become the world’s policemen. Due to “oppression” in North America of non-whites by the remaining Whites, the UN will have a vote on whether to send Chinese and Indian troops. Because the UN is filled with non-whites and socialists, they’ll vote to use force and the biggest Army ever assembled will invade the US through Mexico. Every White man will be killed or put into camps. White women will be used as playthings for invading troops and White children will be fed to the pit-bulls of black warlords. This is what we must ask ourselves: Where will the Jews go when America becomes unlivable? Will they fortify Manhattan and use Blackwater to defend it? Why would they race-replace the people who like them the most in the world? 7
Posted by Fr. John on Fri, 02 May 2008 15:27 | # “n other words, should one logically oppose Zionism if one opposes the present Eurospherewide policy of forced race-replacement of people of Euro race? Are Zionism and Euronationalism mutually exclusive? “ Dear Fred and readers: The answer is an unqualified “YES!” Zionism is the SECULAR outworking of TALMUDISM, which is the ‘Heeb Supremacist’ version of the Mosaic covenant, the misappropriated blessings of YHWH God Almighty on His True People, what St. Paul calls the ‘Israel of God’ [Gal 6:16]. Jews are neither, as Koestler made clear in his book, ‘The thirteenth Tribe,’ and was found dead because of it… Judaism/Zionism are two sides of the same coin; Tyey are therefore, BOTH a COMPETING RACE & RELIGION, a COMPETING RELIGIOUSLY-derived ideology, and a COMPETING RACIAL STRATEGY for HEGEMONY over the world. The last term is clearly delineated by Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s books, and is corroborated by Jews themselves. “Our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king, and every Gentile a slave.” -Rabbi Emmanuel Rabbinovich, Common Sense, 1/12/1952 “There is a huge gap between us and our enemies. They do not belong to our continent, our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy.” -Moshe Katsave, Israeli President, The Jerusalem Post, 5/10/2001 From a list that was made by Israel Shamir [] a Jew and Israeli, (now an Orthodox Christian) on ‘Judaic attitudes to non-Jews,’ two quotes follow. The term GT means “...not to an ordinary goy, but to an ideal goy, as good as they come, and many rabbis say they are never that good as to deserve the caring relationship as described below. This ideal goy is called GT (ger toshav) in the summary: 10) A GT is not considered a valid witness in a Jewish court of law. 11) A GT, as opposed to a Jew, may be easily sentenced to death in a court of law. This may be done by a single judge, based on the testimony of a single witness or his own admission of guilt, with no prior warning, even if the witness is a relative [of either the judge or the victim].” (end quote) ““As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come…And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World… Found online at “Each Jew has the duty to work to burn down and exterminate Christian churches. The saints must be insulted and the priests killed.” (Schulchan-aruch, Jore be’ah, Page 146, 14. Aboda zarah and Hilschoth.)” - op. cited The second has been written of by a variety of authors, including Dr. David Duke, Dr. Finkelstein, etc.
And finally, this recent proclamation: “THE JERUSALEM DECLARATION ON CHRISTIAN ZIONISM” - Statement by the Patriarch and Local Heads of Churches In Jerusalem “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) Christian Zionism is a modern theological and political movement that embraces the most extreme ideological positions of Zionism, thereby becoming detrimental to a just peace within Palestine and Israel. The Christian Zionist programme provides a worldview where the Gospel is identified with the ideology of empire, colonialism and militarism. In its extreme form, it laces an emphasis on apocalyptic events leading to the end of history rather than living Christ’s love and justice today. We affirm that all people are created in the image of God. In turn they are called to honor the dignity of every human being and to respect their inalienable rights. We affirm that Israelis and Palestinians are capable of living together within peace, justice and security. We affirm that Palestinians are one people, both Muslim and Christian. We reject all attempts to subvert and fragment their unity. We call upon all people to reject the narrow world view of Christian Zionism and other ideologies that privilege one people at the expense of others. We are committed to non-violent resistance as the most effective means to end the illegal occupation in order to attain a just and lasting peace. With urgency we warn that Christian Zionism and its alliances are justifying colonization, apartheid and empire-building. God demands that justice be done. No enduring peace, security or reconciliation is possible without the foundation of justice. The demands of justice will not disappear. The struggle for justice must be pursued diligently and persistently but non-violently. This is where we take our stand. We stand for justice. We can do no other. Justice alone guarantees a peace that will lead to reconciliation with a life of security and prosperity for all the peoples of our Land. By standing on the side of justice, we open ourselves to the work of peace - and working for peace makes us children of God. His Beattitude Patriarch Michel Sabbah, Latin Patriarchate, Jerusalem Archbishop Swerios Malki Mourad, Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate, Jerusalem Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal, Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East Bishop Munib Younan, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land August 22, 2006 8
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Fri, 02 May 2008 19:16 | # Neo-con blogger Stephen Pollard writes: Neo-con blogger Melanie Phillips joins in: A reader explains why they’ve lost the logo:
Meanwhile, Harry’s Place was doing its bit for Britain:
Posted by Robert Reis on Fri, 02 May 2008 19:36 | # Although I vist Mr. Auster, I recognize that he is a Jew first, last, and always. I do not understand why any non-Jew should care if the Zionist entity was exterminated except on the practical ground that it is nuclear power operated by hate-obsessed lunatic. 10
Posted by I-See-A-Bad-Moon-Risin on Fri, 02 May 2008 19:36 | # Israel seeks to become finance hub 11
Posted by Robert Reis on Fri, 02 May 2008 19:42 | # Golly, how could the Germans forget to kill pregnant Jewish mother-to-be in Auschwitz?
ANTWERP (EJP)—-The Mayor of the Belgian city of Bruges has asked for an inquiry after an American Jewish tourist was ousted from a café-restaurant because he was wearing a kippa or skullcap. On a visit to Bruges two weeks ago, Marcel Kalmann, a 64-year-old US professor, entered Le Panier d’Or, a renowned café-restaurant located on the main city square, to have a coffee. 12
Posted by 123 on Fri, 02 May 2008 21:29 | # “As the US falls, the Jews may move on to China for a new host.” That might well be their plan. But, knowing China and the Chinese a bit, I am pretty sure, that they will experience a lot of difficulties, and might well fail. In any case, they will never dominate the Chinese to the extend they are dominating us now. The Chinese are too clever for that. The ideal host for the jews were the whites. By destroying the whites they are destroying their own power base. Perhaps they are doing it instinctively. Similar cases have happened in recent history. In South Africa there used to be lots of jews, and most of them doing well. Nevertheless they were the ones agitating most for “one man one vote”, i.e. the transfer of power from white to black. After this was achieved and the country effectively destroyed, they have left the country in droves. 13
Posted by Proofreader on Fri, 02 May 2008 23:27 | # Jews seem to have death-wish, so to speak, and tend to push their luck and chutzpah too far once and again. Just as their record of expulsions and pogroms shows. In the case Jews managed to destroy the entire West- IMHO they could destroy the US and Canada, but won´t be able to do the same to old Europe no matter how much they tried- they´ll return to Western Asia and North Africa to do their thing. Business as usual. I just can´t picture Jews being succesful in China: because it´s the one place where they failed. 14
Posted by 357 on Sat, 03 May 2008 00:14 | # “Just as they used Russia to destroy Germany and later wrote how Russia was “anti-Semitic,” they’ll use America to crush their enemies in the middle east before moving on to China.”
Posted by 2R on Sat, 03 May 2008 03:39 | # “Golly, how could the Germans forget to kill pregnant Jewish mother-to-be in Auschwitz?” There are thousands of stories like this. My favorite is the one about geysers of blood shooting in the air from the Jew filled ground. For some reason, I was never told this story in history class? I’m providing a link to a film called “1/3 of the Holocaust.” If someone still believes the Holocaust after watching this film then they truly are practitioners of a religion. This film will never be seen on the “History channel.” 16
Posted by mcarthur on Sat, 03 May 2008 09:41 | # Re: 2R’s film You can’t be persuaded by this film? It’s just like the moon landing hoax people’s claims of puffs of dust in the pictures proving the hoax. Or the young earth creationists who find one anomaly with potassium-argon radiometric dating and proclaim that therefore all the other evidence that the earth is more than 6kyears old is inconsistent and unreliable. It ignores the vast mountains of evidence in favor of one or two inevitable oddities. Go to the Bundesarchiv, speak with a qualified historian, do your own research! “Conspiracy theories represent a known glitch in human reasoning. The theories are of course occasionally true, but their truth is completely uncorrelated with the believer’s certainty. For some reason, sometimes when people think they’ve uncovered a lie, the raise confirmation bias to an art form. They cut context away from facts and arguments and assemble them into reassuring litanies. And over and over I’ve argued helplessly with smart people consumed by theories they were sure were irrefutable, theories that in the end proved complete fictions.” Can’t you see you’re falling into this pattern? Really think through your positions, make a dispassionate estimate of the odds that you are right, and the odds that society at large is right. I know you don’t trust academics and scientists, but even if you don’t trust them, at least extend the same skepticism to some random guy posting his poorly cited opinions on youtube. 17
Posted by 2R on Sat, 03 May 2008 10:21 | # Trust me “mcarthur,” 3-4 years ago I would of laughed at the idea of “doubting” the so called “Holocaust.” I never seen you post here before. I should point out that the technique you used is very common You compare me to “conspiracy” folks who everyone agrees are foolish in order to prove my guilt by association. So if you’re here to do that, how about we save the time and not even get started? But if you are here for debate, tell me what part of the film you found to be bogus? Did you even watch the film? Do you even know the basic arguments of a so called “Holocaust denier.” But please, don’t waste my time. I truly don’t think about the so called “Holocaust” very much and since you’re here, I must admit that I regret even bringing it up. I realize that this event is a major part of the current world order. So your reaction to me doesn’t mean you’re stupid. It just means that 50 years of socialization can be very powerful and that you’re a victim of it. Just so you know, there are three basic issues that so called “Holocaust deniers” have with the so called “Holocaust.”
2. That Gas chambers were used to exterminate the Jews of Europe 3. Six million Jews died during WWII 18
Posted by John on Sat, 03 May 2008 12:14 | #
“The Holocaust” is a conspiracy theory. 19
Posted by 357 on Sat, 03 May 2008 12:32 | # “3. Six million Jews died during WWII” Actually an estimated 11 million victims perished in the concentration camps. “Six million Jews,” and five million others. My question is: Why don’t we ever here about the five million others? Furthermore, why don’t we ever hear about the millions who died at the hands of the atheists’ in the Gulag who managed the archipelago of forced labor camps in the Soviet Union? 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 03 May 2008 13:50 | # Good reply by 2R just above. As of now, 1) there is no believable evidence of the three claims listed by 2R at the end of his comment and plenty of convincing evidence they not only aren’t but cannot be true, and 2) wholly apart even from any discussion such as this, which refers to the evidence itself or the lack thereof, the deeply shocking spectacle of Eurospherewide diaspora Jewry replying to questions raised, not with answers but with beatings, arrests, trials, heavy fines, prison sentences, and personal ruination — all that but never any answers — by itself places all the onus on Jewry to prove its claim and none on those who question that claim, because such behavior is only ever seen in the guilty party, never the innocent; only in the liar, never the truthteller. That behavior all by itself can scarcely have an effect other than to give the presumptive lie to the imaginary ©Holocau$t®™ even were the claimed evidence not shot through with fatal weaknesses — which it is — and even were the opposing arguments not unassailable in their strengths — which they are. I first got into this literature unwillingly in mid-2005. I was a believer all my life just as everyone is, and used to be shocked at anyone who questioned it — shocked while feeling pity and contempt for the questioner. But you don’t have to penetrate very far into it to see it’s a huge hoax. Yes what Jews went through was a holocaust: millions brutally dislocated, deprived of property, separated from loved ones, forced into internment camps where huge numbers ended up dying of starvation, typhus, exposure, and overwork, and certainly many thousands, probably tens of thousands, of Jews unlucky enough to find themselves in the line of advance of German armies invading eastward into the Soviet Union actually taken out and peremptorily shot down, butchered, by combinations of local anti-communist nationalist militias in places like Latvia, Byelorussia, and the Ukraine who were in most cases giving the local Jews payback (not for “killing Christ” which the Jews will have everyone believe, but for their active participation in inflicting bolshevist destruction and death on them, the Christian locals, for two decades, a manifestation of a two-thousand-year-old recurrent problem of Jews harming local populations which Jews never want to talk about) and these semi-political German military units called Einsatzgruppen traveling with the vanguard of the German army. In these ways, by the time the war had ended hundreds of thousands of Jewish civilians had perished in what was certainly a holocaust for Jews. But there is no evidence the Germans originally intended to solve the problem of the Jews in Europe by methodically exterminating them, there is no evidence Jews were gassed in the internment camps (and there is essentially incontrovertible evidence they not only weren’t but theoretically wouldn’t have been and, furthermore, couldn’t have been based on available evidence) or that they were deliberately starved. They did starve, because that’s a known phenomenon affecting internment camps in wartime, it has various causes most commonly, of course, an unforeseen shortage of food supplies due to ravages of war and the sending of what scarce food is available to the army and to the civilian population, and is a phenomenon completely documented from the time of the British internment camp in Manhattan during the American Revolution which turned able-bodied men into skeletal corpses — all described in great detail in Vermont patriot Ethan Allen’s book which I’ve read, he having been imprisoned there — to the Confederate internment camp in Andersonville, Georgia, which turned men into skeletons, to the Union camp in New York State which didn’t treat them much better and many died of disease and exposure, to the British Boer camps where the Boer women and children were interned and died in their thousands of lack of food and disease, to the WW-II Japanese internment camps which turned men into skeletons, to the Bosnian War camps where you saw photos in Time magazine of skeletal-looking men staring out through barbed-wire fences, clearly starving. Whatever the causes of this phenomenon in wartime, it was this phenomenon and not a plan of deliberate starvation emanating from Berlin that starved the Jews and others who were in camps during that war. We didn’t starve the Japs, Italians, and others we had in our internment camps during the war, only because in this country we had enough food for the people and for the army. Had the day ever come when we didn’t, the Japs in the camps would have been the first to have their rations cut. Because of the Jewish-imposed lockdown on scholarship into this aspect of WW-II the number of Jewish civilians who died in the above ways is unknowable. It’s universally agreed it wasn’t six million. Estimates by serious voices start at around 350,000. That’s the figure I will accept until the Jews lift their self-incriminating black-out on research into this question so credible scholarly opinion can gel on the issue: 350,000 Jews died in what was certainly a holocaust for Jews but not “the” Holocaust. “The” Holocaust is a huge lie. Furthermore, from 1917 to the late 1940s there were many holocausts in Europe. That suffered by the Jews at the hands of the Germans was one of the smaller ones. The holocaust suffered by the Germans at the hands of the Jews during the couple of years following the German surrender was bigger. So was the holocaust suffered by the Ukrainians in 1931-2 at the hands of the Jews, the horror of which directly led to Hitler’s election in neighboring Germany in 1933. Looking at that century in its entirety, which is how it must be looked at and not WW-II taken in isolation as if it suddenly mysteriously just dropped out of the sky without any known causal antecedents, one of course sees that Jews were not passive bystanders like the Amish in Pennsylvania — which is how they prefer to represent themselves — but were always right in the thick of the most dangerous movements and provocations and were on both the receiving end and infliction end of a number of holocausts. The Jews as a group were no angels and had plenty of blood on their hands both before and after WW-II. 21
Posted by 357 on Sat, 03 May 2008 14:35 | # The unintended consequences of the hideous event historians named the “Holocaust,” acually served as a eugenics program for the Jews. The strongest and smartest survived the camps. Excerpt from The Wannsee conference: “Under proper guidance, in the course of the final solution the Jews are to be allocated for appropriate labor in the East. Able-bodied Jews, separated according to sex, will be taken in large work columns to these areas for work on roads, in the course of which action doubtless a large portion will be eliminated by natural causes. The possible final remnant will, since it will undoubtedly consist of the most resistant portion, have to be treated accordingly, because it is the product of natural selection and would, if released, act as a the seed of a new Jewish revival (see the experience of history.)” 22
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 03 May 2008 15:02 | # 357, the selection event described in your Wannsee quote—ability to tough it out—is of a very different character to that assumed under the evolution of Jewish virulence—ability to flee the effects of virulent exploitation. Those who made it out under the Transfer Agreement to Palestine are less likely to be those adapted to virulence due to the fact that they were actually creating their own carrying capacity and would tend therefore to self-select for less virulent types. Likewise, those who were able to tough it out would not have been flight-prone and not as likely to represent virulent strains within the Jewish lineages. This is one of the things that makes me think National Socialists were either stupid in their application of eugenic principles by exterminating those they had in their custody during the war or that they were, indeed, not intending on killing those Jews who were in their custody during the War. But there is a more fundamental question, which you touched on earlier: Even if we assume that “The National Socialists deliberately exterminated about 6 million Jews.”, why is it we have literally hundreds of films using “The Holocaust” as the central event of human history—literally a mythology built around it of religious proportions—and virtually no films about the much larger death machine of communism? The answer is only too obvious—damning of the current state religion of Holocaustianity by demonstrating it is an expression of Jewish virulence. 23
Posted by Proofreader on Sat, 03 May 2008 15:10 | # Svyatoslav: Point taken. They seem bent on destroying themselves at the same time as they kill their host, but in the last minute they walk away largely untouched (at this point I remember the video of the parasite drowning its host posted by Bowery). They seem suicidal while really being homicidal all the time. Perhaps unconsciously. (Jews didn’t succeed in China)..because they don’t resemble the prospective hosts, at all! They did try to fit in, and did intermarry to the extent that they were absorbed by the Han. But some managed to look pretty much like the locals: 24
Posted by 357 on Sat, 03 May 2008 15:27 | # Re. : James Bowery on Saturday, May 3, 2008 at 02:02 PM Sir, I think you have nailed it. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 03 May 2008 15:54 | # The problem with citing the minutes of the Wannsee Conference (I used to cite them myself as support for the claim of extermination plans; I think I’ve cited them in this site’s threads way back) is they have been deemed of unknown reliability by certain scholars (the implication being there is suspicion they were tampered with by either Soviet-Russian propagandists or U.S. agents — if memory serves only a single copy surfaced after the war, in hands known not to be scrupulously “fair or disinterested” and known, on the contrary, to be capable of shenanigans, and so on) — I’m not a scholar: the proper place for this debate is among scholars whose lead the rest of us always follow once we’re convinced they make sense and have freedom of inquiry and of scholarly expression. BUT THE JEWS HAVE SEEN TO IT THEY DON’T. (WHY IN HELL????) Therefore a trustworthy consensus on these matters is yet to emerge, kept from doing so by INTERNATIONAL DIASPORA JEWRY. WHY??? If questions are answered with arrests, trials, and prison instead of with answers it can mean only one thing: someone has something to hide. What might that something be? THE HOLOCAU$T NEVER HAPPENED AS CLAIMED. Without even looking at the evidence itself, pro and con, this would be the reasonable, in fact the inescapable, conclusion. A LOOK AT THE ACTUAL EVIDENCE ONLY CLINCHES IT: THE REVISIONISTS HOLD THE WINNING HAND HERE, FROM ALL POINTS OF VIEW. 26
Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 03 May 2008 16:49 | # Actually an estimated 11 million victims perished in the concentration camps. “Six million Jews,” and five million others. No, this is not even the allegation. The allegation is that five million Jews died, with about three to four million of that number dying in camps. 27
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 03 May 2008 18:11 | # Svyatoslav Igorevich writes: My support for Israel is contingent upon Jewry’s (NOT individual Jews’) support for European living spaces. This is sort of like saying that your “support” for less virulent strains of malaria is contingent on the more virulent strains of malaria becoming less virulent. I’ve addressed this in the article Charles Murray Still Can’t Subtract. I suggest you consider the argument carefully: We are fighting an evolutionary medicine battle similar to the fight against malaria—a fight where the successful strategy is to disfavor the evolution of virulence rather than a battle against a relatively easy target like the smallpox virus, where a vaccine can exterminate the entire line. Continuing to point out hypocrisy in “the Jews” is productive but we are not against open and honest Jewish particularism—we are against the cryptic Jewish particularism represented by parasitic “universalist” intellectual movements discussed in The Culture of Critique—intellectual movements that have culminated in Holocaustianity. 28
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sat, 03 May 2008 19:12 | # The Wannsee Conference has been debunked countless times: The worthless nature of the holocau$t testimonies: 6. Examples of Absurd Claims Regarding the Alleged National Socialist Genocide[355] child surviving six gassings in a gas chamber that never existed;[356] 30
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 May 2008 00:14 | #
To get to these: click on the big book-cover photo in the log entry. At the top of the second page that comes up (the first will be a brief “intro” page automatically transitioning to the second) click on “TV Interviews” in the middle of the sub-headings in small font just under the large page heading. On the page that comes up the titles of the video clips are listed at the right. I find the best one is the last, with Prof. Kevin MacDonald, but they’re all good — I watched them all. 31
Posted by 357 on Sun, 04 May 2008 00:31 | # “I’d like to know how many HOLOCAUST survivors still drawing a check from German taxpayers are not jews (and why).” Svigor, this may be helpful in answering your question: Also there’s this—but, as I already know you will, read it through a sceptical lens: 32
Posted by 2R on Sun, 04 May 2008 01:20 | # “I find the best one is the last, with Prof. Kevin MacDonald, but they’re all good — I watched them all.” (-Fred Scrooby)
By the way Fred Scrooby, your post regarding the Holocaust is right on. Last, what happen to mcarthur? I just woke up about an hour ago ready to hear what this victim of Holocaust socialization had to say, and he’s nowhere to be found? 33
Posted by Yuezhus on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:06 | # Virtually all British and American POWs under Nazi imprisonment survived the war, sans starvation, let alone mass starvation. Almost 3 millions Soviet POWs under Nazi imprisonment from 1941 to early ‘42, were forcefully starved to death. Food was available, but it was not distributed. 8,300 out of over 230,000 British/American POWs died. That’s around 3%. 3.3m of 5.5m Soviet POWs died. That’s around 60%. Neither Japan nor the Soviet Union were Geneva Convention signees, which allowed dire treatment of Soviet POWs by the Nazis and any POW by the Japanese. The Holocaust did happen, but through forced starvation, not gas chambers. Talk of industrial gas chambers were escalated hyperbole invented by frightened prisoners. This should not be controversial, because starvation is far worse a fate than a quick gaseous demise. While many aspects of the Holocaust have been unnecessarily removed from discussion, and inflated, millions of Jews did die, through intentional neglect and thus extermination. The Nazis thought it an opportune time to get rid of Jews, as the war would provide a smokescreen that would otherwise be unavailable in peace time. If lack of food explains the Jew death, then British/American POWs would also have starved to death, and Soviet POWs from ‘41 probably wouldn’t have starved to death nearly as speedily as they did, because Germany was fairly fruitful at that point, and had the upper hand against the USSR. Revisionist history that portrays the Nazis in a favorable, non-murderous light is flimsy at best. Modern history of World War II isn’t nearly as biased and skewed as people are claiming. It can be misrepresented and overblown to promote ideologies that are adverse to those here, but the historical work being done isn’t bad at all. Kemp Defender once remarked, on the topic of researching racial differences, that science in this area is thriving, even though much of this research is either ignored or completely distorted by the mainstream media. A neat statement from an otherwise freaking bizarre defender of conspiracy theorists, Nordicists, and low-brow idiots, in unsettling contrast to his good grasp of genetic/anthropological science. He also buys into every foolish tract on WW II history Freidrich ‘People who frequent opera houses are obviously better suited for government, especially as an autocratic head of state, than people who actually have qualifications in law and politics!’ Braun feeds him, which even then is borrowed from some anonymous propagandist. 34
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:10 | #
Here’s the latest, apparently — the latest accusation which is impossible to believe yet is against the law to question:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:21 | # Regarding the comment by Yuezhus proposing that 1) the gas chambers are indeed a myth but 2) millions of Jews (and Soviet POWs) were nevertheless deliberately murdered by starvation, the proof that it was deliberate being that plenty of food was available: well then, stop all punishment of holocaust revisionism and allow all scholarly theories to be published, and see what consensus the experts arrive at. That’s the only way in which a close approximation to the truth can be achieved. BUT THE JEWS WON’T PERMIT THAT, YUEZHUS. 36
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:23 | # Now watch Yuezhus reply that the Jews have no control over the criminalization of revisionism. That’s what he’s going to reply and when he does I drop out of the convo because I can’t waste time with the blind, deaf, and dumb. 37
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:40 | # Next he’s going to reply that revisionist theories aren’t illegal in the U.S., so the sought-after consensus can be arrived at here. The answer to that is if the European portion of scholarship on the issue is forbidden to come into existence, a consensus of experts cannot be arrived at anywhere. 38
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:42 | #
European and Canadian. 39
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:55 | #
That’s an odd comment by Yuezhus: I’ve never seen that kind of revisionism, only the kind that disputes the existence of execution gas chambers (there were gas chambers, but they were for de-lousing). I don’t think all these revisionists who are going to jail are being punished for saying the Nazis were nice guys. They’re being punished because they raise doubts about the existence of execution gas chambers. 40
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:57 | # “Almost 3 millions Soviet POWs under Nazi imprisonment from 1941 to early ‘42, were forcefully starved to death. Food was available, but it was not distributed.” This is false. There was no appropriate winter clothing or enough food for the German soldiers on the Eastern front. As an aside, Napoleon ordered the massacre of thousands of unarmed, surrendered Turkish POWs on an Egyptian beach, who were then shot by his army. Yet, he’s still feted as a great hero in France. “millions of Jews did die,” Again, this is false. Yuezhus makes general statemtents without providing evidence. “Revisionist history that portrays the Nazis in a favorable, non-murderous light is flimsy at best. Modern history of World War II isn’t nearly as biased and skewed as people are claiming. It can be misrepresented and overblown to promote ideologies that are adverse to those here, but the historical work being done isn’t bad at all.” Huh? Those who stray too far from the official narrative are fined and/or imprisoned. That sort of thing tends to discourage research that comes up with another and different story. In effect, only one version is now legally mandated in most Western countries. I don’t think that these are optimal circumstances for truth to come out. I think it’s safe to conclude that Yuezhus is full of shit. 41
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 May 2008 03:04 | # Neither the Nazis, the Brits, the French, the Soviet Russians, the Americans, nor for that matter the Jews, were nice guys. Each did what they thought they had to. To what extent any of them could be cast in what Yuezhus calls “a favorable, non-murderous light” is essentially a meaningless notion. The Nazis were among the most civilized and their German soldiers THE MOST professional, disciplined, and well-behaved toward civilians and so on. The Nazi government’s grievances were for the most part justified right from its accession to power in 1933. As for the 1935 Nuremberg Laws which the Jews of course hated, Israel today has exactly those laws in reverse — a Jewish edition. No one complains, especially not anyone at the Simon Wiesenthal Center. 42
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 04 May 2008 03:18 | #
People here aren’t familiar with commenters at the other blogs you frequent, Yuezhus. 43
Posted by 2R on Sun, 04 May 2008 06:03 | # Its funny how people come out of the woodwork during certain discussions at this site? People I’ve never seen here, just show up? I guess these are the “lurkers” who read the site and who once in a while become overcome with emotion regarding what they read? 44
Posted by ha3ard on Sun, 04 May 2008 06:42 | # The idea of the white/euro/nordic man superiority and all the subsequent beliefs that derive from it are a bit misconceived and misplaced in our time. Paradoxically this belief is grounded in fact and has arisen over the centuries of european colonisation of Africa, Americas, Australia and South and South-East Asia, reaching its peak during the British Empire. Altough the euroman was and is superior to the indigenous populations of these newly discovered areas, he is not superior to the East Asians and Jews in relation to that elusive, critical and all-influencing feature, namely intelligence. One of the nordic man phenotypic effects is what I would call the D-day effect… discovering new lands, setting the foot in the door, opening the door and enslaving/killing the occupants of the house if they don’t accept the new terms, at best offering a passive stake in the household while running the business by himself… this was dictated by necessity, due to its physical and mental characteristics, the caucasian type needs a certain area for its flourishment and to sustain population growth. It started with the descent from Scandinavia, the invasion of Britain by anglo-saxons, the colonisation of America, no nation on Earth would be capable of orchestrating so successful an amphibious assault as that on D-day and the previous countless D-days throughout history… not to mention the Apollo Moon expedition. The next question is: what are the phenotypic effects of East Asians and Jews? It might be said that the Jews act like a parasite on its animal host. It doesn’t want it dead but not too strong either. It weakens its inner defences and simply manipulates it for its own purposes, usually by infecting the nervous decision-making process and hi-jacking/ diverting the energies for its own aims… there are some splendid descriptions by R. Dawkins of this happening in the animal kingdom, when all is said and done, it’s simply about making a living and filling a niche. The american involvement in Iraq and antagonism towards Iran wonderfully serves Israel’s purpose while having some dubious benefits for the host (US). There’s a hard question to be asked, did the absence of jewish influence in Germany after ww2 contributed to that country unimpeded and fulminant economic renaissance, and if yes, to what degree? There’s no escape from a phenotype in my view, at least not in the foreseeable future and not for ethnic groups as a whole… as there’s no escape for a beaver in building dams instead of burrows. Maybe for individuals it’s a different matter. The penentration of multiculturalism in the West and its complement, globalisation, can be regarded as but the latest tactic in a long series serving the same aim, to undermine a society from both within and outside. Globalisation implies the free flowing of capital, goods and services… what about the jobs (aka people) though? Can they be relocated as easily? Who benefits from globalisation? The Fortune 500 companies for sure… but what about the mid-western US manufacturing belt of small to medium-sized companies, the ones that really sustain a community in place? The manufacturing jobs are going to China and ironically those skilled people take up jobs at Wal-Mart for 10$ p.h., there’s no way for a western manufacturing company to compete with the chinese… the next question is, can an economy prosper based only on the services sector? Wasn’t the services industry but an off-shoot of manufacturing? The truth is simple, a white working male cannot compete with a china-man under the same circumstances… the amount of output vs. cost is in the latter favour, the 19th century Australia is a case in point. 45
Posted by D.E. Johnson on Sun, 04 May 2008 07:02 | # Posted by ha3ard on Sunday, May 4, 2008 at 05:42 AM | # Prozium, I think. 46
Posted by 357 on Sun, 04 May 2008 13:38 | # “No one complains, especially not anyone at the Simon Wiesenthal Center.” Ah yes, the same Simon Wiesenthal that is an ardent propagator of Holocaustianity. A Holocaust survivor himself. His story, paradoxically, lends credence to the history revisionists. The fact is: Simon Wiesenthal, when he was incarcerated by the Nazis tried to commit suicide by slashing his own wrists. Instead of letting him bleed to death, the Nazis sent him to the hospital where they treated him and carefully nursed him back to health. If the Nazis had a premeditated plan to kill all the Jews—as the official narrative suggests—why wouldn’t they just let him die instead of waisting precious resources to keep him alive? Hmmmm 47
Posted by Yuezhus on Sun, 04 May 2008 20:21 | # Millions of Soviet prisoners died, over half of all captured. Almost no British or American prisoners died. It was mostly poor clothing, ill suited for the harsh winter, that ailed the German soldiers. Food shortages were not uncommon, but this was because the fighting German soldiers in question were isolated on the Eastern Front, due to difficulties supplying them from the West. Germany itself did have enough food, and the camps would’ve been supplied properly. Soviet soldiers would’ve also had food, and such supplies would’ve been captured along with them. If food shortage led to mass Soviet deaths, most would’ve died on the way to the camps or prior. This didn’t happen: most died in the camps, which were then within territory occupied by Germany, and thus could potentially be supplied with lots of food without delay, unlike some of the soldiers stranded in the frostbitten wilderness of the Eastern Front that you mentioned. “Hitler’s Foreign Workers: Enforced Foreign Labor in Germany Under the Third Reich”, ISBN 0521470005, is good reading on the subject. That’s some evidence for you. You yourself, Freidrich, are a piss poor judge of what constitutes valid evidence. You dismiss the deserved criticism of the book ‘Icebreaker’ simply because it has a lot of footnotes. Creationist books have lots of footnotes too. So do UFO sighting books and other crud that’s out there. But I didn’t need to bring up evidence at that stage. I was skeptical of the reasoning involved in the claims I was rebutting. If millions of Soviet POWs were exterminated through neglect, during ‘41 to ‘42, before chronic foot shortages and Allied bombing, so were millions of Jews. The material you gave J ‘Kemp Defender’ Richards for the Holocaust part of the Wiki is worthless! It is an unsourced, faulty piece of low-brow gobbledygook that has made its rounds along the internet. It doesn’t even understand basic aspects of World War II or history in general, and passes Nazi period propaganda for fact. The justification for the invasion of Poland, for example, is absurd, and the information on Dresden and German POWs is also shoddy. I’ll counter it soon enough, but not just yet. — I’m not questioning the fact that outright Holocaust Denial is forbidden under pain of imprisonment in Western countries today, nor do I think highly of this. I think it’s a disgrace, in fact. But the Holocaust did happen. Nazi Germany did willing kill millions of non-combatants and civilians in camps and through forced labour, such as in building of the V-2 rockets, something rocket man Werhner von Braun himself had the displeasure to witness. So there is something genuine behind all the otherwise despicable distortion, hysteria and paranoia of the corrupt establishment that forbids the discussion of controversial subjects. There is something repulsive in the veneration of Nazi Germany and the denial of its crimes, and while the Holocaust has been grossly abused and distorted to further malevolent causes in the modern West, there are serious flaws in revisionist material which do exist and aren’t the invention of crazed mainstream historians. Most revisionists are also guilty of distorting the truth, and go too far in the opposite direction by unjustly defending Nazi Germany, accepting uncritically much Nazi period propaganda and generally lauding a vile, dystopian murderous regime. This is never good. The purposeful killing of Jews did happen, because the purposeful killing of Soviet POWs happened, and other facts that poke further holes in both revisionist AND pro-gas chamber theories. No, I think neither mainstream historians focusing on gas chambers nor revisionist circles are yet fit to successfully find complete truth in these matters, as that would involve not arresting ‘dissenting’ opinion. But I can say with certainty that Nazi Germany did forcefully kill millions of ‘undesirables’ in camps and through slave labour. 48
Posted by Maria on Thu, 14 Jan 2010 07:21 | # I recently saw a Google article that had a title of “Roots of (Warlike) Christian Zionism” and if possible I would like to get someone’s opinion of it. Thank you. Maria Post a comment:
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Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 May 2008 23:12 | #
Forgive me, I’ve got a question for anyone who cares to help me out because I don’t understand this:
Does opposition to government-enforced race-replacement of Eurosphere populations logically entail opposition to Zionism? In other words, should one logically oppose Zionism if one opposes the present Eurospherewide policy of forced race-replacement of people of Euro race?
Are Zionism and Euronationalism mutually exclusive?
An answer in the affirmative would seem contradicted by Jews such as Lawrence Auster, Chaim ben Pesach, David ben Moshe, and Rabbi Meyer Schiller and by Eurochristians such as myself.
If the one does logically entail the other, why?