Still putting out the bunting for the Turks, if wistfully Guardian Woman is such a contradictory creature. She will convince her childless self that kids are an enslaving burden to her, yet proclaim an humanitarian love for everybody else’s. She will tear your reputation into tatters if you say the wrong thing, yet proclaim herself the very embodiment of tolerance. She will consider men as irredeemable oppressors, and may even have proved to herself that “gender” is a social construct. Yet she will invest hours each day patiently finessing away as many of her physical imperfections as she possibly can. Just in case an interesting oppressor comes upon her in the poetry section in Foyles. Given her alarming propensity to walk on both sides of the street at once in opposite directions we should, I suppose, always anticipate a new psychological dichotomy. And she may be developing one right now, albeit extremely patchily. If it exists – and I am only suggesting the possibility, that’s all - it is still very nascent and based solely on the calculation of what so much childlessness adds up to: race replacement, for good or ill. Let’s sketch out the historical process I see just beginning to form through the mist. It’s not news anymore. The creeds of feminism and sexual liberation have cheated a very substantial proportion of high IQ Western women of life’s purpose. There is no escaping it. I’m sure they think about it a lot. Do they regret listening to those clever “older sisters” when they were still so young and angry, and could not know where it would all lead? Do they ever reflect how arid and useless to them now is the ridiculous assertion that they are no part of Nature, but a being who, if fully-individualised, may arise into the shining human firmament through no more than an exercise of will? Do they search for the answer to that biggest of questions, that question which crawls slowly towards you out of the silence of the night – my God, what have I done? All that, perhaps. But mostly I think they must walk around their cheated motherhood, eyeing it from all angles for the one flaw that might justify their “choice”, and finding none. They hate it, but time and biology have brought them to a profound sense of their own failure. They invested their fertile years and, therefore, their whole lives – and their men’s - in a lie. The hyper-freedom of liberalism is unreal. And no one can “have it all”. As a woman, if you haven’t borne a child you haven’t had a damned thing. With that, roughly half of the liberal ideology - the most vital half for Guardian Woman, the half she really gave her soul for – is next to useless. Just legalism and man-hatred. OK, a few ambitious policewomen and lady financiers can sue for sexual harassment. But is that what is was all for? The old bounce is all burned out, with the old bra. The scolds have had their barren day. Nature has won. As Lionel Shriver wrote in the books section of the Guardian review last week:-
Shriver’s article was featured at Amren and attracted a lengthy and sometimes interesting thread. The article itself was, as she infers, full of defiance, ambivalence, regret and self-accusation. That ought to be impossible. For a man it would be. But Guardian Woman is a damned contradictory creature. Shriver interviewed three friends travelling behind her on the road to disillusionment. At 44 “Gabriella” knows, if only intellectually, that she should have passed on her genes. She cannot formulate a conception of white extinction, and she has only the vaguest inkling that Western civilisation will be ruined by the Third Worlders. But, that aside, it’s notable how sensible she is.
Friend number two, Nora – a 46 year old Irish-American – is more superficial. Perhaps Irishness is sufficiently close to minority status to permit Nora to approach a bit closer to the idea of ethnicity. Not too close, of course … “habit, wilderness, biodiversity, fish.”
Leslie, the youngest of the three at 26, is the most in thrall to culture politics. This might be because she is still young and has not crossed the biological Rubicon, or it may be because she has been subjected to the New Marxism, whilst the older women dutifully imbibed second-wave feminism way-back-when from the original Jewish-American teat. Shriver admits the distinction.
Leslie has time to comprehend the rule of biology. Disabusing her of culture politics may be tougher. As for Shriver, she is grappling gamely with both sides of her personal contradiction. Her struggles have carried her out into the shallow margins of racial awareness. What’s missing is a capacity to project the trends and factor in the differences. But, then, if she possessed sufficient raw data to accomplish that she would already be freed of contradiction and determined upon saving her ethny and her civilisation. As it is, this is what she says:-
A little sad. It’s something I suppose - actually quite something. I have spent years spying on the Guardian left and this is the first time I have seen such regrets in print there. Does it signify a “new contradiction”? I think it must, though I don’t think it will be significant unless it has some real momentum. Before I close I should redress the balance really, because Shriver is most obviously an unusual liberal: a woman who has thought more freely about life and with less respect for the usual taboos than most. In the main, however, Guardian Women is what she has been for four decades: a committed liberty-junkie and egalitarian, and dedicated political activist. Guardian journalist Madeleine Bunting is certainly one of those. I have written about her before, on the matter of English identity. But Bunty’s real love is not the English but Moslems. She is a dogged and faithful defender not only of women’s rights but of every Muslim in the West. She writes about Muslims again and again and again and again. So, on the subject of Turkey’s unwanted entry to the EU we are told:-
Bunting belongs to that class of political animal for whom good requires the self-sacrifice of the West. No alternative acceptable. No negotiation possible. She is quite devoid of that blessed gift of doubt which redeems Shriver. She’s had children, for all the difference it’s made to her. So she will never come to that point in life to which Shriver has come – and upon which I speculate that a patchy but non-trivial portion of the sisterhood could be facing reality at last. Bunting is focussed, gimlet-eyed, on “fairness” and defeating “racism”. She is a fanatic. She is the enemy. So one must applaud Shriver’s halting acknowledgement of regret but at all times remember Bunting. It’s just another contradiction. Comments:2
Posted by Svigor on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 01:47 | # Great writing GW, especially the first two paragraphs. :D 3
Posted by Steve Edwards on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 05:03 | # Brilliant post, GW. I’ve made the point myself that feminism was the midwife to multiculturalism, which in turn is designed to deliver world government. Feminism was simply the initial, necessary, condition for disarming the West - multiculturalism is there to bury it. 4
Posted by ummjack on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 07:21 | # I fear these women. Their beady little eyes are focused on *me*, on my family, on my happiness. When they make the sudden conversion that is so typical of people with lots of ideas but no real intellectual foundation, when they try to make up for their wasted unhappy lives by shrill allegiance to nationalism and fake Christianity, it’s me and mine children that they’re going to go after. Hundreds of thousands of barren women in the West are going to wake up one day and think they have the right to my children. They are going to dress it up in all kinds of pretty words about ensuring that every child has the right to this that and the other, but what it’s going to come down to is some harpy with a clipboard who thinks she belongs sticking her nose into my home. The aging of the childless is going to be horrible and they are going to make damn sure it’s not just horrible for them. 5
Posted by Tom peters on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:44 | # Great post… One comment: This quote is over the top in so many ways. I love, LOVE, when traitors set the benchmarks for their countries. These days they are so brazen and aggressive that there is little need to hide their agenda. At least in the old days you would have to conspire behind close doors when trying to destroy nations and its people. These days if you want to take out a country you announce your intent in national newspapers. And you end with it a quote like the one above. I sometime wonder if the agenda setters are doing things like this out of sheer arrogance, or if they are trying to create a reaction. I consider myself a political moderate, but how can moderates NOT react to stuff like this? Time for a change… 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:34 | # Tom, We are all moderates. Being a proponent of majority interests is self-evidently moderate. You won’t find any of the characteristics in us the left likes to bandy about. The hatred and illegitimacy is theirs. Our opinions are legitimised by history and by Nature. 7
Posted by JW Holliday on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 15:47 | # I have several questions for Bunting: 8
Posted by stari_momak on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 21:32 | # The Shriver article is good; its even a good indication that race is fairly frankly talked about in the Guardian. I imagine the editorship thinks its too late to do anything about the situation, so why not have a little combination cry and gloat. However, Shriver makes the typical mistake of thinking of herself, no doubt IQ 130 or more, as typical of the average white woman. I’d make the case that she is not typical. Most women do want to have kids. Indeed most do. So the key is to make it financially easier. To make it easier for middle class people to buy a house, to support themselves on one income, etc. If I am not mistaken, the Nordic countries have managed to raise their birthrates somewhat (among the natives) by instituting a lot of financial aid for families, good day care, maternity leave and the like. This might not be to the liking of most people here, but it might be necessary if we are serious about getting the fertility rate back up. 9
Posted by Mark Richardson on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 23:42 | # Stari momak, Be careful of anything you hear about the Scandinavian countries. These countries are regarded by left-liberals as their ideal, and so get a lot of undeserved praise. Take the issue of birth rates. In Scandinavia the birth rate is only high compared to the even more pitiable rates in Italy and Spain. It is not high compared to the US, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. And even this “middling” result has come at a heavy cost. Taxes are the highest of anywhere in the world, so that women are forced to work once their paid maternity leave is over. Furthermore, because the system is set up to make women financially independent careerists, the divorce rate is disastrous, particularly in Sweden. Another problem: if you have cheap, state subsidised childcare, this means that housing prices will adapt to a level that can be afforded by two working parents. This puts considerable pressure on those couples trying to raise children the traditional way. Also, as you can imagine not all men want to marry independent, feminist careerist types. So the rate of Swedish men “importing” Asian wives appears to be high. I remember being astonished about 8 or 9 years ago when I read the marriage notes in a Swedish newspaper (many with photos). The number of Swedish men / Filipina brides was considerable. Most things have become cheaper for families in recent decades. The exceptions, and the things which are really hurting families financially, are the costs of housing, taxation and (in some countries like Australia) good education. The Swedish model won’t cut any of these costs - it will more likely increase them, and require your wife to work full time to pay for them. A better option would be generous tax refunds for those raising children, and a cut back in immigration to lower pressure on housing prices. 10
Posted by Steve Edwards on Thu, 29 Sep 2005 01:35 | # The selfishness of these disgusting Guardian ingrates is a sight to behold, I tell ya. We can’t be bothered having children. We don’t give a stuff about continuing our civilisation. We are going to import Muslims to pay our pensions. We expect them to serve our retirement needs dutifully. 11
Posted by Monty on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 23:03 | # I was born in 1954. When I was 21, I married the only man who ever wanted to marry me. (Don’t get me wrong, I was a seriously bonny lass in those days, but the Englishmen of the 70’s were only interested in “avoiding being strapped down” by marriage and babies.) The sexual liberation of Britain did nothing for the women, it was nothing but license for the menfolk, who took full advantage of it. You blokes wanted us to be on the pill so YOU could have sex without ramifications, YOU were the ones who didn’t want the resulting bairns. STOP trading in your fiftyish wives for a younger model. Post a comment:
Next entry: Will that be one wife or two?
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Posted by Mark Richardson on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 01:46 | #
What an extraordinary article you’ve come across, GW.
We have a debate inside this woman’s mind between two starkly opposed views, the existing liberal individualist one and an emergent traditionalist conservative one. And even though she continues to opt for the liberal side, it’s clear enough what she thinks the moral option is.
She even answers my call in the last article I posted for a critique of the “individual happiness as purpose of life” idea. She writes:
“Contentment. Happiness. Satisfaction. Fun. There’s nothing, strictly speaking, wrong with these concerns, but they are all of a piece. They fail to take into account that our individual lives are tiny beads in a string. Our beloved present is merely the precarious link between the past and the future - of family, ethnicity, nation and species. We owe our very contentment - which Hurricane Katrina reminds us heavily relies on potable water and toilets - to the ingenuity of our ancestors, yet it rarely seems to enter the modern childfree head that proper payback of that debt might entail handing the baton of our happy-happy heritage on to someone else.”