The Amygdala War: Chronic stress = depression, infertility In line with my prior posts on The Amygdala War, UPI reports in Chronic stress = depression, infertility that:
So “liberate” your enemy’s females by seducing them, with money and “independence”, into a high stress workplace within two income trap families and you exterminate their genes without so much as a peep from the UN’s commission on human rights! Genius.
Posted by danielj on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 01:34 | # <quote>You want Christians who aren’t race-replacement advocates? Those would be The Kinists, Lindsay Wheeler, Fr. John, Dave Johns, DanielJ (who, being part-Italian, no longer shows up at because of the north-south thing)</quote> Has my exit and extended absence created the impression that some fear of latent Nordicism at MR has kept me at bay? I apologize if it appeared as such. I’ve been busy and, unfortunately, I work. This kind: (Also, I’ve been reading: Albion’s Seed, Tragedy and Hope, Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa, Dabney, Cornelius Van Til, Europe by Norman Davies, How The Irish Saved Civilization) I’m afraid I must again assert that I have nothing but a casual attachment to my ethnicity. (Unless of course you consider American an ethnicity) A small part of myself considers myself Anglus natus by virtue of the intersection of my race and culture and I consequently have a small amount of affinity for Englishness but that is about it. Race over all for me. I suppose that is a convenient theory for me - being of multiple European ethnicities - and it jibes with Salterian theory making it predictable. Don’t get me wrong! I’m not calling for some artificial, pan-European, Ortega y Gasset style construct! I just love Europe. I’m probably gonna go down to Texas in a few days to put back up the power lines depending on how bad the situation is. Presently, I’m hearing conflicting reports about the extent of damage. All of that to say I might not be back for a couple more weeks. Lastly, I found the discussion refreshing. Nothing new, but it was exciting. Fred, I enjoy Monitor so far. However, I’m withholding judgment since you are so insistent about the threat he poses. But, I suppose his answer to the question of what denomination he belongs to is what I’m most interested in. My guess is that he is a minister in an Orthodox Presby. 199003
Posted by danielj on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 01:36 | # Also, sorry to drag the thread off topic again. 199004
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:06 | # DanielJ, I apologize for getting it wrong. Please be careful up on those power lines down in Texas! 199005
Posted by danielj on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:38 | # The issue isn’t the conspiracy to eradicate the White race. The issue is cultural hegemony and how it is wielded as an instrument of race eradication. If concentrated centers of power are used consistently, either concerted or not, in an effort to depopulate us then there is a de facto conspiracy irrespective of the authenticity and authorship of the Protocols. After all, Antonio Gramsci isn’t well known in the American household and there might not have been a conspiracy but there sure as fuck was a long march through the institutions. I know a bunch of good jews and a bunch of good Mexican restaurants but I know what Talmudism and excessive lard consumption ultimately cause. I think perhaps that The Monitor fails to understand and apply the concept of collective guilt. 199006
Posted by danielj on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:41 | # Interestingly, the Bible certainly understands and puts forth as doctrine these interesting concepts of guilt: Generational Guilt (His blood be on us and on our children!) all of which are collective. If it is good enough for Lord Jesus, it is good enough for me. 199007
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:59 | # It seems like every time a WN goes and shakes the trees over at Takimag The Monitor pops up. Guess that one is on me this time. But hey, somebody has got to “Monitor” those nutty WNs, right? 199008
Posted by Catfish LeRoy on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 03:06 | # Good call, Captainchaos. I guessed he was an Austerite, Amrenite, or perhaps a Chronicles refugee. Right on some topics, but horribly wrong on a few very important others… 199009
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 11:47 | # Silver wrote: Bowery, if you believe my statements belong in the class of Idiot’s and Monitor’s I suggest you’re rather irrationally devoted to your own set of “Prior Beliefs.” Actually, if you read my statement a little more carefully, it was regarding the diversion of the current thread into banality rather than any particular content of your collective statements. It just seemed that, for whatever reason, your presence here contributed toward that banality. However, now that you bring it up, there _is_ something of substance in common between your statements—something that contributed to the diversion-to-banality by focus on a secondary issue to score rhetorical points (it being banal to score rhetorical points): “There is no Jewish conspiracy.” To focus on the existence/non-existence of a Jewish conspiracy in order to score rhetorical points is something you three have in common. The reason it is a secondary issue is that whenever we speak of “intelligence”—especially in a group context—we needn’t posit a conspiracy per se. For example, the intelligence may be an emergent property of the group dynamics—particularly if there are evolutionary advantages to be had and there is a long enough period of time for there to have evolved group adaptations. Some people who are not sufficiently aware of or convinced of the power of evolutionary adaptation at the group level, when they speak of such intelligence, are not engaging in metaphorical short-cuts: they genuinely do mean there is a group of individuals who are sneaking around holding meetings like the one depicted in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The intellectually honest might object to such “conspiracy theorizing” but if we do so it is tempered by rhetoric to let them, and onlookers, know that the perception of such people is essentially on the right track and light-years ahead of the zeitgeist in addressing some phenomena of primary importance that is taboo to even address, rather than ridiculing them. Now, I understand that, unlike Monitor, you didn’t say “There is no Jewish conspiracy.” as though it is of primary importance in discourse, but you did _impute_ belief in a Jewish conspiracy to me and then proceed from there to ridicule my post. I’m not going to say you are therefore “JJR version 2” as a result of your contribution to banality here at MR—I really haven’t paid that much attention to you. But I will say that if all you do is inflate the number of comments by making people expend energy to correct damage done to the discourse—then you are a negative presence. 199010
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:17 | # GT, your point is well taken (and thanks for contributing to the intended discourse of the posted article). It is, of course, true that one of the worst dysgenic phenomena is the way that women are “catered to” in the work place—rather than “stressed” in the way described in the animal research. I would argue, however, that by indoctrinating women to believe that their social status is attached to a “career” at the expense of raising viable children, is a stressor since it is socialization that is incompatible with their evolutionary adaptations at a basic level. Whether the physiological impact of such “stress” involves the amygdala at all is open to question and if it does, it almost certainly doesn’t produce the same kind of metabolic pathways toward infertility as it would in the cited experiment. BTW: I do argue that it probably does involve the amygdala of both the male and the female in reducing the fertility of the relationship—its just that, as you point out, it is the male who is subjected to the kind of stress that is invoked in the experiment—subjected by both the workplace and his mate whose amygdala is probably being reconfigured based on gender distortions. 199011
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:47 | # It looks like a repeat of the IXth-Century Khazar mass-conversion to Judaïsm, this time by U.S. Evangelical Prods. It looks odd but maybe not when you think about it: 1) People like winners. Right now Jews are winning, Eurochristians losing. Sick of being on the losing side all the time? Join the Jews. 2) As part of the 1960s Jewish takeover of the U.S. (and, through the U.S.‘s control of the Eurosphere, the Eurosphere) all Euro masculinity has been neutered, leaving only Jewish masculinity unconstrained. Euros are only allowed to manifest femininity, that is, being dominated and liking it. But people don’t like feeling exclusively feminine. The want a masculine dimension in their lives. However, the only masculinity permitted today by the Jews is Jewish masculinity (a restriction the Jewish overlord enforces in a number of ways but mainly by far through his control of the mass media). A man dying of thirst will drink whatever water he can get: Euros psychologically desperate to feel some masculinity in their lives will convert to Jews in order to feel some, if permitted no alternative. This applies in a narrower sense to men, specifically: Euro men who are Christian, like John Zmirak, the late William F. Buckley, Jr., and the Archbishop of Canterbury, have accepted to play the female role to the Jewish male role: have accepted to play the role of bitches subordinate to Jewish males. But the new generation of Euro males coming up do not want to feel like castrati and bitches who exist only to serve the whims of Jewish males. They want to feel masculine too. Since that is not permitted by the Jews as long as they are Euro, they seek to relinquish their Euroness and become Jews so that they too will be able to feel some masculinity in their psyches: they’ll go wherever masculininty is permitted, and it’s not permitted if you’re Euro. Now, the Jews also permit masculinity if you’re Negro, but these Euro males, faced with the choice of converting either to Negroes or to Jews in order to be permitted to feel/express some masculinity, would rather convert to Jews. That’s understandable. 3) All Euro females are officially required now by the Jewish overlords to procreate solely with Negro men. Any Euro female caught procreating now with a Euro man will be severely psychologically and materially punished by the Jews, along with her Euro family. But not all Euro females, even despite the diabolically effective cradle-to-grave Jewish brainwashing, want to procreate with Negroes, and not all Euro parents and siblings want their daughters and sisters to procreate with Negroes. But the only Caucasian women today who aren’t strictly obliged to procreate with Negroes are Jewish women. Therefore the choice for Euros is clear: if you’re a young Euro female, either become Jewish or be forced by the Jews to procreate solely with Negroes; likewise if you’re the Euro family members of a Euro female: either become Jewish as a family, or watch your daughter, sister, or mother forced by the Jews to procreate solely with Negro men. Is it a surprise, therefore, if Euros choose the conversion option? 4) In summary, what you see happening in this video is Euros attempting to escape the current Jewish genocide of all Euro people on Earth by transforming themselves into Jews. Hey it’s a strategy that might work to at least keep the race intact. The alternative — not becoming Jewish but trying to remaining Euro and only ending up being forced by the Jews to change into Negroes — is of course not one offering much hope to Euro peoples for staving off permanent racial extinction. 199012
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 13:28 | #
Other Euro males than these particular Christian ones do, of course, choose to try to convert themselves to Negroes in order to be allowed to manifest masculinity openly without being slapped down by society or punished more severely — they are the “wiggers” who walk around in dreadlocks and affect ghetto-Negro ways, dress, accent, slang, and so on, as well as Euro men who manifest bizarre Negro sycophancy in other less glaring but no less real ways. Hollywood Jews who may seem to love Negroes don’t. Jews in general don’t like Negroes. What seems like Jewish Negro-approval or even Negro-love is the same as the love a soldier has for the weapon that permits him to destroy his enemy: what the Jews love about the Negroes is their value as an extremely potent weapon for smiting the Euros, whom Jews see as their mortal enemy. 199013
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 15:29 | # My Ideal Nation Harmful racism would be punishable by the death penalty (it is sub-human) Religious zealots shall experience the Mrs. Carmody Protocol, possibly publicly. 199014
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 15:50 | #
Yes it is: for “wanting to be among your own” you’d get the death penalty under your system, you pathetic bimbo (“Harmful racism would be punishable by the death penalty”, your own first rule listed!). Why don’t you shut up, get pregnant and barefoot, and get back in the kitchen where you belong, you sad moron. You don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about. You’re actually nauseating. 199015
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 16:26 | # Yes it is: for “wanting to be among your own” you’d get the death penalty under your system, you pathetic bimbo (“Harmful racism would be punishable by the death penalty”, your own first rule listed!). Why don’t you shut up, get pregnant and barefoot, and get back in the kitchen where you belong, you sad moron. You don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about. You’re actually nauseating. Fred, please. You’re so anti-female. Harmful racism is the abuse and demonization of another race, not by choosing to surround yourself with your own kind. If a white man only wants white people in his house, or in his private club, or as part of some private religion, who are we to stop that? If you want to create your own little Amish land, so be it. But if it comes at the abuse of another person or group then get those veins ready, ‘cuz yer dead in MY ideal nation (which will never be because humans—and I am being generous by terming you as one—are too stupid and hell-bent on self-destruction to even think about anything good). You are the idiot I am tired of. 199016
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:32 | #
They’re going to call “choosing to surround yourself with your own kind” abuse and demonization of another race, honey. 199017
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:54 | # “Harmful racism is the abuse and demonization of another race, not by choosing to surround yourself with your own kind.” (—Tired of Idiots) Yes sounds great. But good grief, you really are an idiot, if you are you seriously arguing that position is viable for white people. Anything seen as good economically, or from the point of view of status etc will soon find itself having diversity forced upon it. 199018
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:57 | # Tired: “Harmful racism is the abuse and demonization of another race, not by choosing to surround yourself with your own kind.” The racism is anti-racism, and the abused race is the European race. See here and, as an example of the same desease in England, here. 199019
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:10 | #
Sorry Frederick, you’re late. The Jewish Labour Committee of Canada got there before you, ~ 50 odd years ago. Jamie can go to the top of Idiots’ list. He side-stepped the ol’ Doc’s suction tube, now Idiots can do him for “harmful racism”, whatever that is. 199020
Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 19:01 | # Tired Idiot wrote: “Harmful racism would be punishable by the death penalty (it is sub-human)” Really? That would mean mass killings of hundreds of millions of racist blacks and Jews; it would make the so called Jewish Holocaust, and the very real Holmador pale in comparison. Of course there are many more examples of mass murderous atrocities committed by the Left but who’s counting? But hey, think about it, Tired Idiot , ... your idea would solve the non-White demographic problem, wouldn’t it? Thanks, but no thanks for your suggestion. But then again, it’s not surprising a lib like you is such a proponent of the culture of death. Murder on a massive scale is the hallmark of the Left; it goes on as we speak. Example: ThePro-Choice crowd you embrace sees nothing wrong with the fact that 43 million unborn children were murdered by their own mothers via abortion in the U.S. alone since Roe v Wade became the law of the land in 1973. Liberals are a cancer on history! 199021
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 19:57 | #
But the other side considers “choosing to surround yourself with your own kind” harmful racism, racism that harms non-whites. The Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court decision, sweetheart, said segregated schools — in other words, whites choosing to surround themselves with their own kind — amounted to subjecting Negroes to conditions that were “inherently unequal” (the court’s exact words) and therefore discriminatory and not permitted. In other words, white parents choosing to maintain segregated schools for their kids, were guilty of impermissible racial abuse. You don’t see the lengths to which the other side is prepared to go, sweetie? 199022
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 20:58 | # Really? That would mean mass killings of hundreds of millions of racist blacks and Jews; it would make the so called Jewish Holocaust, and the very real Holmador pale in comparison. Of course there are many more examples of mass murderous atrocities committed by the Left but who’s counting? But hey, think about it, Tired Idiot , ... your idea would solve the non-White demographic problem, wouldn’t it? Thanks, but no thanks for your suggestion. But then again, it’s not surprising a lib like you is such a proponent of the culture of death. Murder on a massive scale is the hallmark of the Left; it goes on as we speak. Example: ThePro-Choice crowd you embrace sees nothing wrong with the fact that 43 million unborn children were murdered by their own mothers via abortion in the U.S. alone since Roe v Wade became the law of the land in 1973. Liberals are a cancer on history! You better get in line if you don’t want to die in MY Ideal Nation. Black, white, Jewish, whatever, your ass is toast if you behave like a subhuman. There is no racism in MY Ideal Nation, because there is no race. Yes, there is cultural similarities and that is to be respected privately. Anyone found intentionally abusing someone based on physicality or the idea of race is a goner. You are for the nation and its ideals, and MY nation says you are a nationalist, not a color. And that’s 43 million less human beings exposed to the idiocy of humanity has become. Save your eggs for a better world. The racism is anti-racism, and the abused race is the European race. See here and, as an example of the same desease [sic] in England, here. In MY Ideal Nation, Codie wouldn’t have gone to jail, because NO ONE WILL BE SPEAKING ANYTHING OTHER THAN ENGLISH. If anyone would be arrested, it would be the kids speaking Urdu. Anyone found bringing in illegals who have not undergone a mandatory 4-year Nationalistic Education/Assimilation program will be charged with treason. A “veiner” offense. But good grief, you really are an idiot, if you are you seriously arguing that position is viable for white people. Why not? Whites are just people like anyone else. None greater, none lesser. No back riding allowed in MY Ideal Nation. If it wasn’t you, you reap no benefits by association. Sorry. Anything seen as good economically, or from the point of view of status etc will soon find itself having diversity forced upon it. There will be no status. And don’t assume so quickly that the strength and determination to rise above and beyond remains a trait in the current whites. If it had, you wouldn’t be here complaining, would you? You are weaker men by your own doing. In MY ideal nation, you will never be allowed to become so. But the other side considers “choosing to surround yourself with your own kind” harmful racism, racism that harms non-whites. The Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court decision, sweetheart, said segregated schools — in other words, whites choosing to surround themselves with their own kind — amounted to subjecting Negroes to conditions that were “inherently unequal” (the court’s exact words) and therefore discriminatory and not permitted. The only way for whites to avoid educational diversity in MY Ideal Nation, is by homeschooling. Harmonious Diversity is an ultimate goal, but those not willing to participate can do so, so self-segregation ( a la the Amish) is welcomed. I don’t see the problem here. What is the problem you are seeing? 199023
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 21:53 | #
Well, here’s one for starters, hun:
I prefer racially/ethnoculturally homogeneous regions and nation-states in a wider Eurosphere world of Salterian universal nationalism set up according to Norman Lowell type “regionalistic” principles. As for your Ideal Nation’s “ultimate goal” of “Harmonious Diversity,” you can take it and shove it, darling. 199024
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:21 | #
Evolution for another. This is just more Trotskyite one-world egalitarian demagoguery. Pro-choice is just a pseudonym for eugenics. English common law has always allowed an accommodation, a protection for the unborn foetus, especially after “quickening”.
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 07:55 | # Why can’t you all just admit that you have hatred inside yourself for non-whites, and it has nothing to do with the preservation of the white race. That is your front. It’s bullshit. You are afraid of stronger men, of black men, of the clever Jewish men. The white man is feminized, weak, and his women have picked up on it. The only way you can compete is through hatred. You feel a pang when you see successful non-whites, perhaps jealous they succeeded without back riding. You all are sad men (and I am being nice by using that term). Scary little pink men, afraid to show your faces or be known, patting each other on the back and shaking heads. White male virility is DEAD! You’re morphing in to a homosexual species, and that is the ABSOLUTE truth, the real issue, the real reason birth rates are low. The word is out. It explains it all, Fred. WHITE MALE VIRILITY IS DEAD! 199026
Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 08:57 | # Idiots: Go to any prison or high school in the USA and explain the behavior. Anyone found intentionally abusing someone based on physicality or the idea of race is a goner Fine by me. Ever seen the data on interracial violence? There will be no status. Ain’t no such thing. Everybody looks up to somebody. self-segregation ( a la the Amish) is welcomed. How about a nice gated community where the security guards have live ammo? We have this today, right here in the USA. Why can’t you all just admit that you have hatred inside yourself for non-whites… No, no, a thousand times no. Many of us/them live our/them lives peaceably among non-whites, at work, in our neighborhoods, whatever. That’s not the point. A WN is not necessarily going to be cruel to non-whites. We’re talking about aggregates, about civilization. It has nothing to do with the preservation of the white race. Again, no. These people may have all sorts of OTHER agendas. Yet if you think this does not care about the Western future, you’re missing the obvious. You are afraid of stronger men, of black men, of the clever Jewish men. I may not agree with WNs, but I know a little about this. This isn’t personal. It has to do with wanting to live in a world that is a healthy, homogeneous place to raise kids. The white man is feminized, weak, and his women have picked up on it. Look, crazy lady, these people want a way OUT of feminization—and you curse them for doing so. Are you for or against being feminized? You feel a pang when you see successful non-whites… No, but I’m not alone in saying it sucks when pretentious women decide to bang their pretty little fists on the table. So go put the kettle on for us, OK? White male virility is DEAD My branch of the world is having a baby boom. We don’t like contraception. When four kids is considered a small family, that’s virility. You’re morphing in to a homosexual species… You’d need some very expensive DNA testing and a LOT of test-tube babies to pull that one off. And aren’t you the one against homophobia? The word is out. It explains it all, Fred. Did you just call Fred a homo? Or do you want to date him? Stop flirting or we’ll tell your dad what you do with his laptop. 199027
Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:10 | # You’re morphing in to a homosexual species, and that is the ABSOLUTE truth, the real issue, the real reason birth rates are low. As opposed to this? HIV Infections Seen Highest Among Young Black Gay Men Try and get your facts straight, Tired Idiot! 199028
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 17:40 | # Idiot said - You are afraid of stronger men, of black men, of the clever Jewish men. The white man is feminized, weak, and his women have picked up on it. The only way you can compete is through hatred. The hatred comes from you, projecting your hatred onto us. As for competing, true we are being held back ‘our’ society is not controlled by us. When it is, watch out, you wont last 5 minutes with your ‘strength’, your ‘cleverness’ wont be worth squat. Thats why you hate us, because you fear us, when the brakes come off, when your enablers in white countries are gone, you’re finished. I dont hate you, youre just an nuisance, a yapping little dog. 199029
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 18:10 | # As much as “Tired of Idiots” has distracted from the original topic of the post, s/he/it has illustrated an important aspect of The Amygdala War: In humans, masculinity involves single combat triggered by “fighting words” mediated/recognized by the amygdala. When gangs, such as governments, intervene in this process—threatening some group of genetically individualistic men with ethnic prisoner gang-rape if they respond appropriately to the challenges, it produces toxic human ecological effects. When the gang is physically present, it is clear that the fight isn’t fair and there are instinctive protections against being “dishonored” which is basically a state of being reduced below the status of a reproductively viable male—which status is reflected in hormonal changes mediated by and affecting the amygdala’s persistent configuration. But when the gang is present only in the abstractions of the legal, political and “corrections” process—not in the actual confrontation triggering the instinctive reactions, those instinctive protections of one’s amygdala aren’t triggered because the unfairness of the fight is not instinctively accessible. Hence, bioweapons like “Tired of Idiots” can go around spewing verbal toxins into his/her/its environment that selectively impact the amygdalas of the targeted men. PS: Of course this is ignoring the fact that “Tired of Idiots” is “present” only in a virtual, not physical, sense—not to mention that “Tired of Idiots” is anonymous—both of which are further unnatural ingredients in his/her/its biotoxicity. 199030
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 21:34 | # Go to any prison or high school in the USA and explain the behavior. There is no race, only cultures and environments. Fine by me. Ever seen the data on interracial violence? More proof of white men’s lack of virility, the biggest kept secret in the world. Ain’t no such thing. Everybody looks up to somebody. There will be such a thing. How about a nice gated community where the security guards have live ammo? We have this today, right here in the USA. Dreamers. You will have the same thing in Liechtenstein II. The Brown-Haired’s will be the new niggers. What are your plans for the Nordicists? Again, no. These people may have all sorts of OTHER agendas. Yet if you think this does not care about the Western future, you’re missing the obvious. There is only ONE agenda, and that is hate and demonization of non-whites, liberal whites, and Jews. I may not agree with WNs, but I know a little about this. This isn’t personal. It has to do with wanting to live in a world that is a healthy, homogeneous place to raise kids. Bullshit. It is personal. How and why did you arrive at WN? Of course you won’t be truthful. Look, crazy lady, these people want a way OUT of feminization—and you curse them for doing so. Are you for or against being feminized? There is no way out, this is your evolution. This false masculinity is fooling no one. How I long for virile white men. There are very few left. I have found a few. Great men, indeed. Sadly, evolution is doing away with white men’s virility. I thought maybe it’s cultural, but it’s not. My branch of the world is having a baby boom. We don’t like contraception. When four kids is considered a small family, that’s virility. Which branch is that, dear? You’d need some very expensive DNA testing and a LOT of test-tube babies to pull that one off. And aren’t you the one against homophobia? If only. I am against homophobia, but I have to call it as I see it. Did you just call Fred a homo? Or do you want to date him? Stop flirting or we’ll tell your dad what you do with his laptop. Typical. As for competing, true we are being held back ‘our’ society is not controlled by us. When it is, watch out, you wont last 5 minutes with your ‘strength’, your ‘cleverness’ wont be worth squat. Don’t be so certain. Don’t be so cocky. You are not being held back, you’re pissed at your lack of masculinity when it stacks up to other men. It was fine when you only had to compete against other feminized, weak men, but now it’s another story. WN is your hope that white men will gather collectively and pool what remaining masclinity they have left into one big noose on non-white mankind. Thats [sic] why you hate us, because you fear us, when the brakes come off, when your enablers in white countries are gone, you’re finished. There is nothing to fear. You know it. No one fears you, and that’s your root anger. Hence, bioweapons like “Tired of Idiots” can go around spewing verbal toxins into his/her/its environment that selectively impact the amygdalas of the targeted men. Yes, James, truth is, in fact, the deadliest bioweapon. 199031
Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:21 | # If the Negroes are so virile, sweetheart, there’s a whole continentful in Sub-Saharan Africa, every single one of whom would love to have a white G/F. What are you waiting for — from the looks of those raging hormones of yours, you’d crawl on your bellly over broken glass to have a shot at some black meat. Don’t waste your life hanging around here among the effeminate whites, darling! Go get on that plane! (And make sure the ticket’s one-way ........) 199032
Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:22 | # How and why did you arrive at WN? Do you actually READ what gets posted here? I’m NOT a WN. Yet I know what these people think. You haven’t a clue. You think it is all pathology. I say these people, however wrong, actually have a thought-out worldview. How I long for virile white men. She’s flirting with us, like I said. I am against homophobia, but I have to call it as I see it. Hypocrite. Since you’re just looking for attention, might I suggest Usenet? 199033
Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:40 | #
Then answer this,Tired Idiot: Why is it that White men have to lower the standards for blacks so they can participate in academics and or the job market? I can assure you that if blacks had to rely on their own merits and abilities, most would be smack at the bottom, and all of us would be the better for it. But nooooo, blacks require special treatment, just like mildly retarded rambunctious teenagers do. The truth is: Blacks are victims of their own stupidity; their failure is NOT due to white-racism as you would like to believe, rather it is due to their overall lack of cognitive abilities. Generally speaking they are lazy too. Combine laziness, low IQ, with White-liberal-moonbats and Black-race-hustling-preachers constantly telling them that they are victims of a racist society and you get cities like Detroit where there’s > 50% high school drop out rate, 70% out of wedlock births, and nearly 40% of all the black males between the ages of 16 and 40 are currently on probation, parole, or incarcerated. That 40% isn’t even including blacks with serious criminal records who’ve met their obligations to the criminal justice system. Include blacks that have a serious criminal record in the aggregate, and the percentage increases to at least 66%. So, Tired Idiot, since you equate virility with violent criminality, I guess your sexual proclivities will lead you to become another dumb (white?) chick willing to be knocked up by a shiftless Porch Monkey. I can’t say you don’t deserve it. 199034
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:46 | # If the Negroes are so virile, sweetheart, there’s a whole continentful [sic] in Sub-Saharan Africa, every single one of whom would love to have a white G/F. What are you waiting for — from the looks of those raging hormones of yours, you’d crawl on your bellly [sic] over broken glass to have a shot at some black meat. Don’t waste your life hanging around here among the effeminate whites, darling! Go get on that plane! (And make sure the ticket’s one-way ........) Typical feminized response. No effort; just send them to the Negroes. I expect I’ll see white women and men fighting over Negro/Hispanic men in the near future. You “men” are a joke. 199035
Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:53 | # We only crave the feminine white women, “Tired.” The Sub-Saharans can have all the wymmyn’s libbers as far as we’re concerned. (Can you take a hint, love? ........) 199036
Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:02 | # I expect I’ll see white women and men fighting over Negro/Hispanic men in the near future. Crazy lady, the amount of intermixing on TV is exponentially higher than in real life. And, no, none of us want to test our masculinity by seducing you. So cut the “virility” crap and behave. Sexual aggression in women is not ladylike. If you must, so to someplace like Auburn, Alabama, and let some wild eyed Southern boy make you feel all giggly inside. Then watch him blow you off because you’re not white and Baptist. Cry your eyes out as his Dodge Ram 1500 SLT vanishes into the distance. 199037
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:03 | # Then answer this,Tired Idiot: Why is it that White men have to lower the standards for blacks so they can participate in academics and or the job market? I can assure you that if blacks had to rely on their own merits and abilities, most would be smack at the bottom, and all of us would be the better for it. But nooooo, blacks require special treatment, just like mildly retarded rambunctious teenagers do. The truth is: Blacks are victims of their own stupidity; their failure is NOT due to white-racism as you would like to believe, rather it is due to their overall lack of cognitive abilities. Generally speaking they are lazy too. Combine laziness, low IQ, with White-liberal-moonbats and Black-race-hustling-preachers constantly telling them that they are victims of a racist society and you get cities like Detroit where there’s > 50% high school drop out rate, 70% out of wedlock births, and nearly 40% of all the black males between the ages of 16 and 40 are currently on probation, parole, or incarcerated. That 40% isn’t even including blacks with serious criminal records who’ve met their obligations to the criminal justice system. Include blacks that have a serious criminal record in the aggregate, and the percentage increases to at least 66%. Ah, what would you idiots do without the IQ angle. Totally social and environmental. Anything to make you feel superior, to make up for your lack of virility and inability to protect your women in the face of danger. So, Tired Idiot, since you equate virility with violent criminality, I guess your sexual proclivities will lead you to become another dumb (white?) chick willing to be knocked up by a shiftless Porch Monkey. I can’t say you don’t deserve it. Hatred. Virility is not criminality, as you would like it to be. No need to explain it to you since you don’t possess it, so it would fly over your head. 199038
Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:04 | # (See what I mean about letting women into the voting booth, guys? This is what you get! Convinced now??? Petrucchio himself couldn’t educate this bimbo! It’s hopeless!) 199039
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:08 | # Crazy lady, the amount of intermixing on TV is exponentially higher than in real life. And, no, none of us want to test our masculinity by seducing you. So cut the “virility” crap and behave. Sexual aggression in women is not ladylike. If you must, so to someplace like Auburn, Alabama, and let some wild eyed Southern boy make you feel all giggly inside. Then watch him blow you off because you’re not white and Baptist. Cry your eyes out as his Dodge Ram 1500 SLT vanishes into the distance. The amount of intermixing on television is exponentially lower than in real life. Seduction requires power and masculinity, so don’t worry your pretty little head over it. No man would ever blow me off, unless he is gay. My beauty is universal, and much higher than you 1980’s haired wife/husband. 199040
Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:17 | # Make that Petruchio, excuse me (just one C).
Too bad your personality utterly ruins it, hunny. But don’t worry, if you’re fat as a whale you’ll still have a chance with the Negroes even with that hideous wimmyn’s lib personality of yours — they really go for the white porkers. It’s a known fact. 199041
Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:39 | # “Petrucchio himself couldn’t educate this bimbo!” HAHAHAHAHAHA! What I find do amusing about our snotty nosed feminiod is she acually thinks she is winning the argument. Someday, if she ever grows up, she’ll realise her entire worldview is built on ill-liberal lies. Then she’ll kick herself in the ass for being such a foolish dupe who was led around and used by the wacko Left. That is if she has what it takes to be honest with herself? 199042
Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:40 | #
“You 1980s haired”??? What’s that mean??? Oh, I guess she likes the Farina look (remember him?), wool all plaited up in dozens of little braids tied with cotton to keep the witches off. That sends her into a swoon worse than Mary Kay LeTourneau teaching an all-boys kindergarten class. 199043
Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:18 | # Come to think of it, haven’t I seen Ludacris in that hairdo on his TV show, “Pimping My Ride”? (Go great in a movie version of Huckleberry Finn.) 199044
Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:25 | # The amount of intermixing on television is exponentially lower than in real life. Source? Ah, what would you idiots do without the IQ angle. Totally social and environmental. Here: Just start reading. 199045
Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:30 | # (Excuse me, wrong rap star — that was Xzibit [pronounced Exhibit] hosting Pimp My Ride, not Ludacris.) 199046
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 06:53 | # Too bad your personality utterly ruins it, hunny. But don’t worry, if you’re fat as a whale you’ll still have a chance with the Negroes even with that hideous wimmyn’s lib personality of yours — they really go for the white porkers. It’s a known fact. Aw, the you’re fat, nah-na-ne-nah-nah angle. Are fat white women not allowed in WN? You’re just a kid mind. Keep thinking only the fat ones go for Negroes/Hispanics. Anti-women, feminized men is your gift to the world. Better start loading up on chips, pudding, crisps, and whatever else to help you pork up. You’re gonna have a hell of a fight fighting off those white women after your Negro men. There is no argument to win. You guys are cowards. You’re so proud to be WN, show your faces, be MEN. I guarantee you wont. You aren’t about anything but posting statistics, crying about the liberals, the Jews, the blacks, the non-whites, the women, nothing. Show your beautiful white face and the future of what an all white Western world would look like. You’ll make an excuse not to, because you don’t really believe. You are mad, this is personal, and you’re all a bunch of evolved “fe-men.” Ban the bitch, you’ll cry. I shall laugh. 199047
Posted by Z on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 07:17 | # Tired of Idiots goes on and on about “White male virility being dead” without ever stating the obvious fact that White female femininity has generally been dead ever since the [Jew led] “women’s liberation” movement of the 1960s-70s. So I’d say that the masculinization of White women has led to the feminization of White men, as it is clear that there are far too many masculinized White women walking around these days trying desperately and pathetically to ape all of the hyper-masculinized Jewish dykes in the media. Not to mention all of the White women in America who strongly insist that their male children have part of their their genitals sliced off when they are but a few days old because they think it makes the penis “look better.” Truly sickening. 199048
Posted by silver on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 12:39 | # Monitor, I hope you’ve learnt a lesson here. The ire you experience over TiredIdiot’s non-responsiveness is the same as everyone else’s ire over yours. Talking about amygdala’s, Bowery, is the uninitiated’s inability to rationally discuss anything pro-white related to an amygala response touched off by standard WN discourse? I managed to weather the storm, but it seems my kind are few and far between. Could there be a lesson in any of that? Let’s not ask the testing community. 199049
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 13:23 | # Tired Idiot, I can guarantee if you keep spouting your Leftist rants, the only kind of White-male you’ll attract are gays, and limp wristed metro-sexuals. Act like a real woman, and you’ll attract a real man. But first and foremost. you will require a complete purging of the Leftist ideology you are infected with - you are morally bankrupt and are in dire need of an epistemological house cleaning! Women that share your worldview have the same affect on virile men as an ice cold shower. Capiche? 199050
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:28 | # Are you working on accumulating those cats, “Tired of Idiots”? Don’t forget, you’ll need at least 16 by the time you’re a confirmed old maid, hun, so ... better get started! 199051
Posted by IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:47 | # Ignore this Tired of Idiots person…she is probably an ugly, lazy, fat-assed ‘gender theorist’ or ‘queer theorist’ far-left jew lesbian professor or writer-journalist. No amount of honest debate will change her twisted mind and will only serve to cement these deluded ideas further in to her confused and bedraggled psyche. 199052
Posted by JWH on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 22:36 | # Let’s not ask the testing community. Go fuck yourself, obsessive lunatic. 199053
Posted by silver on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:21 | # Go to hell, Rienzi. Do you really expect anyone to believe that you are capable of advancing a fair-to-all pro-white agenda? You, who can write: “But, hey, first of all, there’s some Inuit genes there being reproduced, that some people seem to forget, and, even putting that aside (which I’m not sure why)”? Really, genius, you’re not sure, can’t work it out, flying right over your head is it? Let me break it down for you (and your dopey minions). Mr.Palin-like-good-American-white-man sees the racial changes taking place in America; he doesn’t like them; he hears some pro-white ideas; he likes them; he advances them…. only to find his “Inuit genes” damn him. Tainted. As good as dead. May as well hang himself now. Because, after all, clearly a family like (add a “p” to view) “testing out” properly is far more important to white interests than a non-white slimeball like Palin. That’s some program you’ve got there buddy. Only a real “worm” like me could fail to realize the real-world utility of something like that. 199054
Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:43 | # Silver: What are you talking about? If anything, I have responded too much. Dave Johns: Why would a real man want her? 199055
Posted by JWH on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:48 | # Now, you go to hell, excrement. My point about Palin’s husband was all the Sailerites foaming at the mouth about the “white” family reproducing. Sorry, he’s part Inuit. This blog, allegedly, is interested in genetic interests, not what you think someone looks like. So, and this may fly over your “balkanoid” head - if you are interested in genetic interests, you - gasp! - have to consider genes. Got it, genius? I don’t recall stating that Mr. Palin should “hang himself.” He may be a fine fellow. He is also part Inuit. That’s a fact. A more objective fact than you posting a couple of pictures of swart Serbs as if that has any meaning. With respect to my contributions, there are those who think highly of them - what do you do, except post such crap that half the commentators here don’t believe a word you say? 199056
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:55 | #
g, not p (make the URL end in ‘jpg’ to view) 199057
Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:01 | # To put the “Inuit” quote in perspective, here is the context:
By the way, is the ethical “Christian” silver still going to claim that he doesn’t read the Western Biopolitics blog? Lie # 1001 in the series. 199058
Posted by platinum JW on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:05 | # In that picture, the fellow on the right looks like silver’s mother, except he is better looking and more feminine. 199059
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:08 | # What Silver is doing is very simple (he keeps denying it but it’s perfectly obvious): he’s trying to sabotage efforts at restoring Eurosphere immigration sanity, his weapon being exacerbation of intra-Euro north-south ethnotensions. Silver is no friend of our side. He does not wish us success. Oh, he’ll deny that. Of course he will: would someone doing what he’s doing admit it? Just look at the discord and tensions he creates wherever he sticks his nose. He appears, and always manages to say what will leave the thead in turmoil after he’s gone. That’s no accident. 199060
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:16 | # When Silver said in a thread the other day, addressing himself to GW, that “hate” was our side’s motivation, “hate so thick it fairly oozed from every paragraph we wrote,” or words to that effect — when Silver wrote that, he was projecting his own sick hatred onto us. Our motivation is love, the purest, strongest, tenderest there is; Silver’s motivation is foul, rabid, foaming, vengeful, murderous hatred. 199061
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:20 | # only to find his “Inuit genes” damn him. Tainted. As good as dead. Aside from the fact that EGI does not “damn him” due to Inuit genes, there is the problem of quantifying the EGI inherent in genetic correlation structures as well as the genes counted individually. In the absence of good quantification, some people will be cautious about such and others will be less risk averse—both can be considered rational. 199062
Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 01:04 | # With respect to James Bowery’s comment, I’d like to note that I never said that Mr. Palin had to be rejected because of his part-Inuit heritage. As far as I know, he may be 1/64th Eskimo, or something like that. So, contra silver’s anti-genetic hysteria, my point was simply that Palin’s part-Inuit background is a fact that should be acknowledged. In any discussion of competitive breeding and race, concerning the Palins, a “race-realist” like Sailer and his acolytes could and should admit Palin’s ancestry. Sailer in fact does do so when he wants to make some esoteric point, but omits ancestral considerations where and when it counts, with respect to breeding. Why all this hysteria about genetics, I do not know. Yes, genetics are not everything. But they are important, at least to those who at least make a pretense of interest in genetic interests. If you don’t care about genetic interests, say so, but then be prepared to refute Salter - which, objectively, cannot be done. Of course, even Salter admits that “who cares” is an argument-ending riposte against genetic interests. But “who cares” is unlikely to sit well with a blog that puts Salter’s (and my, silver, and my) work on EGI in positions of prominence. Obviously, GW and many MRers do consider “test reports” to be of at least some importance. And, why reject information that is important and available? Being a luddite with respect to genetics is not the key to success in modern racialism. 199063
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 02:47 | # WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS! Now there will be genetic testing to weed out the nasty darkie whites. You even hate within your own “race”, and people are supposed to believe this movement is not based on hate? There will never be an all white nation in the likes you’d wish. Never. Why? Too many cowards, too many idiots back riding, getting the benefit of the doubt based on the false notion that being white is all it takes. It will fail because there is a mental illness—possibly genetic—in whites that predisposes them to perversity. You must admit it. This is all fantasy, boys. Oh, yeah, and I’m still waiting on those pics. 199064
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 03:31 | # All the hate is coming from you idiot.
And what do you think a multicultural state is idiot? Too many idiots back riding, getting the benefit of the doubt based on the false notion that being having the right passport is all it takes. 199065
Posted by birch barlow on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 03:51 | # I figure that once DNA testing becomes cheap and reliable, the vast majority of “Euro” cogelites will be found to be at least 10-20% non-Euro (including Ashkenazi Jewish). The more I learn (including about my own ancestry) the more I find that cogelites and cogelite-leaning people (e.g., Lawrence Auster) are of part non-Euro ancestry. Also I have noticed that there are extremely few people of anglo-celtic ancestry (especially males) in university science classes (I judge Anglo-Celtic ancestry by features like very light, pink, dry skin, red or very light hair, extra-round eyes, thin lips, thin noses, freckles, etc). Perhaps this is because so many Anglo-Celtics, particularly males, become addicts and alcoholics. This is not to say that East Asians (at least the Americanized ones) and Jews do not massively abuse drugs and alcohol, but Anglo-Celtics are particularly susceptable to them. Really, America needs a massive infusion of East Asians. There are tens of millions of poor but intelligent, hard-working, honest East (especially Southeast) Asians who would love to come to America. I say seal the border with Mexico, maybe with the help of some Russian and Chinese mercenaries (Russia and China sure would know how to handle our “illegal” problem). Yep, it’s time for America to ally with Russia, China (and other E. Asian countries), secularized South and West Asians, against the Muslims and the proles of the world. 199066
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 06:13 | # Tired of Idiots goes on and on about “White male virility being dead” without ever stating the obvious fact that I have had the misfortune of watching this experiment at one of the primary “educational”-brainwashing centers of the Left Coast, Santa Cruz, Ca. This, Tired of Idiots, most likely comes from such a millieu. Hence, her/his/it’s, experience and lack of experience with White males that are men. I suggest that Tired of Idiots should just stay with what is familiar, you know, some soft metro-sexual, urbane, coffee house/bookstore, junior college cafeteria, NOW meeting, leather wearing, weekend Harley riding, cigarillo smoking- life. 199067
Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:29 | # A large part have now raised boys in a female single parent “family”. Feminism makes women act like men. They become mothers and raise men who act like women. 199068
Posted by Othelma_Jr on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:25 | # “Don’t waste your life hanging around here among the effeminate whites, darling! Go get on that plane! (And make sure the ticket’s one-way ........)” I sense there is a future Amy Biehl in our midst… 199069
Posted by Othelma_Jr on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:39 | #
Jeez do you think that AFFIRMATIVE ACTION laws and policies might have something to do with that??!?!?!? The University I work at even GIVES EXTRA MONEY to colored grad students to set-up labs and this fund is not available to White students to set up their labs!!! Carol Swain in her book “The New White Nationalism” stated that AA was one of the DRIVING FORCES behind the WN movement. BTW Your judgement of what is Anglo-Celtic is all messed up… many Nordics would fit!! GO BACK TO ASIA WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!
HUH?? ZOG is allied AGAINST the SCO right now!! Ugh my German Master Race IQ has literally been falling a few points from reading your sad excuses for posts. 199070
Posted by Othelma_Jr on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:56 | #
There has been a new book published titled Guyland that has delved into this awesome sub-culture. Myself I think it is WONDERFUL! White Males are enmasse rejecting modern marriage (that is to say judeo-feminist marriage) and living a better life-style where they are rejecting massive parts of the judeo-fem-egalitarian world. They are playing video-games like GTA 4 where you can go around blowing away hasidic jews or watching South Park and laughing at Cartmans rants against ‘stupid jews’... Alot of these guys could be turned into WN brown-shirts. Give them a copy of Fight Club and Danzigs song “White Devil Rise” and send them into the streets! Baron Julius Evola suggested in Ride the Tiger that males should start withdrawing from the modern world in general and feminist/ modern marriage in particular (until such a time as a Reactionary Revolution became possible through the agency of Direct Action, with the economy going the way it is…):
Posted by JWH smirch harlow on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:00 | # Glad to see “Tired” and silver on the same page with respect to genetic testing. Then there is barlow, of the silverite school that his opinion of what “Anglo-Celtic” people should look like is indicative of ancestry. No, ancestry is indicative of ancestry, not your opinions. GW, once again, what’s the strategic rationale for this madhouse? Is indulging barlow’s fetish in Asian women somehow bolstering the level of discourse here? By the way, Auster has never denied being full Jewish, only a drug-addicted GNXP hanger-on will “think” that Auster’s ancestry is some sort of amazing “discovery.” Once again - what’s the point of this blog? barlow is either demented or trolling or both. par for the course here. The sincere commentator: troll ratio must not be any greater than say, 3:1. And that’s not good enough. 199072
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:37 | #
Take note: this is what any normal person’s reaction would be, “normal” loosely defined as someone who hasn’t spent every free minute the last five years of his life on race boards.
Well that’s where you’re wrong and where you’ve always been wrong and where you’ll continue to be wrong.
Genes are well and truly covered by considering phenotype alone. Everyone knows that. It’s only (potential) outsiders looking in—like you—who kick up dust about “genetic structures.”
You never said it because you’re either a self-interested liar, willing to bluff or obfuscate as required in order to advance your own agenda, or simply you’re incapable of following your own line of thought through to its logical conclusion. Palin, on account of his genetic structure, is either in or he’s out. It’s that simple.
Oh, it should be acknowledged. I see. Well, I’m all ears, Rienzi, do tell: why should it be acknowledged? He makes it “in” and he has to walk around with a lab report tucked inside the armband he’s forced to wear so that everyone will not only know they’re dealing with someone not-quite-white but precisely how not-quite-white? Something like that? Just a suggestion. But “acknowledgement” is your baby, so go ahead, you explain it.
Caring about genetic interests = ignoring phenotype, except in the case of big-jawed Arabs, and waiting for the lab reports before you decide to smile or snarl at that looker sitted across the bar. Caring about genetic interests = being an active and accepted member of an ethny only to find you have to hang yourself because the lab reports say you were wrong, or having to hang your nephew becames the lab reports came in negative. Clearly, caring about genetic interests is something distinctly different to living this thing called life.
Oh no you don’t, Scrubby. You caught me unwares the first time around, left me thinking that perhaps your venom is the proper way to convey a sense of urgency. I won’t let that happen again. You are living, breathing filth, sunshine. A baseball bat across the skull is a fate far too kind for you, filth.
Bullshit. I haven’t said a word about immigration and not even the crudest misinterpretation of anything I’ve said (a misinterpretation, filth, you are quite apt to make, albeit) could give the impression that I’m against immigration “sanity.” No, I accept the need for separation, but I intend to keep bashing the dead white racists, and the live ones, the nordics and alpines, but especially the meds and slavs until you learn some fucking damn humility. Okay, Scrubby? Let’s consider what the great Yggdrasil, doyen of American WN had to say:
But then you have some brachycephal, round headed, flat occiput Ukranian oaf (yes, I’m not a great fan), maybe only two years fresh off the boat, not knowing the first thing about “the west,” the civilization, he’d have us believe, he’s fighting to save, come along start quoting you genetic data in an effort to make himself the paragon of whiteness, well, yeah, my ire, you could say, is raised. 199073
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:44 | #
A fact which you so gleefully put to use to cut people off at the knees. You’re filth baby, and you don’t even know it. 199074
Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:00 | # No, silver, you are absolute filth, a liar, a mendacious fraud, excrement - and many here know it. I’m not the only person who believes genes trump phenotype. The Anglo-Australian Salter believes it - what’s his “agenda,” you stupid, stupid, mendacious, viciously lying, imbecilic bastard? Are paternity tests based on phenotype or genes? What’s the purpose of doing population genetics studies in the first place? Let’s just judge everyone by appearance and save all that money. All the pop geneticists have an “agenda” you see. Moron. Idiot. Liar. Fraud. Ignorant retard. According to silver - a man meets his long lost son, all of the same ethny. Very good. The relationship is proven by genetic testing. Hey, wait, the man sees another youth who looks more like him than his own son! Surely, that trumps the stupid little testing report under his arm - if he needs save one, let the son die and save the stranger. After all, they “look more alike.” Dumbfuck silver. Why should part-Inuit ancestry be acknowledged? Why shouldn’t it be, dumbfuck? Why hide information that many - not you, but Salter, GW, myself, MacDonald, Bowery, and any honest sociobiological-oriented person - know is essential for understanding EGI? Who cares about descriptive comments by people who “think” that gene testing is not necessary? If Yggdrasil is so important, why not listen to Salter, who actually is a political scientist at Max Planck, and not some “Internet racialist” (the type who you mock, exept when you need to quote them)? You piece of utter trash, worm, filth, flotsam, lair, fraud, garbage, maggot-infested detritus, “silver.” 199075
Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:33 | # A more comprehensive, less ad hominem answer directed at silver: You know, there’s an heretofore unexplored Salter essay that I would really like to discuss at WB, but my limited time is caught up with this nonsense. Thanks a lot, “Majority Rights,” for once again promoting the advance of intelligent discourse on racial matters. 199076
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:39 | #
Political expediancy, I suspect. He’s wrong, ultimately, but the concept has probably gotten racialism greater mileage than The Aryan Alternative.
And that has nothing to do with preservation whatsoever. A mulatto child’s white father is still his father.
It’s not political EGI, that’s for damn sure!
No, no, no, that’s dumbfuck Rienzi and dumbfuck every other EGI racialist. A man’s son is a man’s son regardless of how phenotypicall or genetically distant he is. Only EGI scum would even think to suggest otherwise.
Then they’re as confused (I doubt they’re as dumb or mendacious) as you. He’s either in or he’s out. Which is it, Rienzi? You can’t keep him in permanent limbo. Answer the damn question. If he’s in, then what difference does his ancestry make? What does “acknolwedging” it even mean?
You do a better job of discrediting your outlandish ideology than I ever could. EGI, of itself, is real enough. But it’s only an intellectualisation of the ethnocentricity of which an integral part (the integral part, as far genes go) is phenotype. In the hands of frauds like Rienzi it becomes something else entirely. For that matter, in the hands of GW, too. I’m more willing to forgive the latter, for reasons which are my own, but he, too, couldn’t or wouldn’t explain what he meant by he and I “sharing” EGI. 199077
Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:53 | # Dumbfuck silver - in some cases, a son may be genetically more distant from father than a random co-ethnic, if extreme admixutre is involved. That’s a fact, which cannot be responsibly evaded. My example, of course, was of all of the same ethny. No answer to that, so shift to strawman arguments. Salter is, of course, “wrong.” No reasons given. Silver says so, so it must be true. And, yes, it it very “politically expediant” for an academic to promote EGI. What a stupid, stupid bastard this silver is. Is Palin in or out? Depends on his ancestry and what people think of it. I’ll await his gene assays. Why is physical appearance the only value in genes? You are confusing ultimate and proximate interests. Life is about genetic reproduction, the phenotype - all of it - is only a vehicle. You see, all the neo-Darwnians are wrong too. As well as the sociobiologists. Silver is right. Because he says so. 199078
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:53 | #
Yes, run off to your redoubt where I can’t respond. That’s the mature approach. Look Rienzi, it’s obvious I can (more than) hold my own in these discussions. If you’d like to hammer out our differences, why don’t you contact me? Or let me know how I can contact you. I’d rather do that than make you look bad in public. No one even need know we discussed anything. What the hell are you afraid of? Ego, is that it? Is that all it is? Surely you’re better than that. Mind you, if not me now, it will have to be someone else some other time. Your program isn’t going anywhere without first running the gauntlet. As I’ve said before, better that it does so with a sympathiser than a complete hostile. So again, is it only ego which would prevent it? That is sadder than you can imagine. 199079
Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:58 | # your outlandish ideology than I ever could Lying dumbfuck. If it is anyone’s ideology, it is Salter’s not mine. I doubt they’re as dumb or mendacious Invitation to MR readers: compare my work to that of silver. Decide who is “dumb” and “mendacious.” GW has already spoken on it I believe. And Salter’s 300 page book is “wrong” because silver says so. Some blog this is. Some “arguments.” 199080
Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:04 | # Yes, run off to your redoubt where I can’t respond. That’s the mature approach. Filthy trash. Months ago, when I tried to “bury the hatchet” here and asked you questions directly, you ignored me and those questions. Later you started attacking me on threads I wasn’t even involved in.
Obviously, you cannot. If so, you wouldn’t need to resort to snide attacks and posting pictures of Italian-Americans, as if that’s an ‘argument.’ All you guys go “personal” since eventually you get frustrated.
I’ve debated people elsewhere. I’ve debated “McCulloch” at TOQ (and in private). Those people at least are upfront about who they are and what they believe. But, frauds? Fetishists who use ad hominem when they lose debates? Sorry. 199081
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:14 | #
It certainly is in comparison to phenotype alone (“racism”).
Brilliant. A man who might be your best friend, but let’s wait for the lab reports before I make up my mind about him. And if they come in negative, watch out, this bastard’s presence is raping your EGI. Only one way to deal with genetic filth like that. That’s the bizarre world the EGI-men live in. Thanks for that stunning admission. But you don’t get off that easily. Hypothetically, a man of Palin’s phenotype with known, confirmed, eskimo genes at 1/64, say. Your answer is it depends on what people think of it? What “people” think? What they think of it—it’s that subjective? Which people?
Because that’s the basis on which people recognize those who belong to their tribes. Belonging to the same tribe is the well-spring of the nourishing, uplifting feelings related to peoplehood. That’s how it was long before genes were even known to exist and that’s how it still is.
You EGI-men confuse the value of ultimate and proximate interests. Your reductionism stinks to high heaven, draining, as it does when see through its logical conclusions, all the juice from life. That alone should set alarm bells ringing about something potentially being awry with its internal logic (though, as seen from the Palin example, one needn’t even go that far). 199082
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:23 | #
So ask them again, or link to where you asked them. Mind you, I won’t stand to be “interrogated,” as though there were some test I had to pass before my opinions might be worthy of consideration—remember, it’s only in the fringe world of online racialism I’m a pariah. My apology for earlier anti antics should suffice with respect to past statements (not that you are at all keen to let go that little money spinner). 199083
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:28 | #
Like “paki”? Is-it-a-bird-is-it-a-plane-like rhetorical chains intended solely to discredit? That sort of thing? Mr. Pot meet Mr. Kettle. 199085
Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:07 | # By the way, what’s the ultimate value in belong to a tribe? Kinship. Only the mortally confused can talk about differences in value of ultimate vs. proximate interests - the ultimate, by definition, win. Do I need to reprint Salter’s entire book here? These arguments have already been made, there and at WB. Is time wasting Silver’s aim? Physical appearance is fraught with error. In the EEA, when groups were well separated, appearance may have been enough. Today, with globalism and widespread admixture, racial cuckoldry is a real threat. Those who superficially “look like you” may be significantly more genetically distant than others, and vice versa. In the past, people had no choice. We do. In the past, people had no choice - they got polio, they got smallpox. Today, there are vaccines. Genetic data vaccinates us against making errors based upon inborn judgements that evolved in radically different environments. Salter understands that the pursuit of EGI needs to be a rational, thought-out process. Many inborn cravings are maladaptive. The “juice of life” is not what adaptiveness is about. Tricking people about their kinship interests by appealing to their maladaptive choices is not ethical. Prescriptive over descriptive, ultimate over proximate. The meaning of life, as such, is the continuity of genetic information. Phenotype is a means, not an end. Only replicated information can be an end. Enough with this stupid bastard and this stupid bastard of a blog, 199086
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:12 | # Get over yourself, Rienzi. There’s not a damn thing unreasonable about the questions I’d like to see you answer. The little “scene” you’re so obviously trying to create (yes, your minions will bitch and demand my removal, we can be sure) doesn’t obviate the need for EGI-men to put their programme into a “living” context mere mortals can (a) understand and (b) support/defend (on its own grounds, let alone the equally important moral grounds the uninitiated will require). 199087
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:31 | #
And today we have universal values—truth, logic—which obviate much of (but not all) the need for kinship. You’ve no choice but to defend kinship on pragmatic grounds, which Salter obviously realizes.
It’s a pity you don’t think it needs to be any of sensitive, ethical or virtuous—or to at least give the appearance of being so.
Or: adaptiveness isn’t what “the juice of life” is about. Right, I couldn’t agree more. But let’s not throw that baby out with its bathwater is my position. 199088
Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:03 | # To Tired Idiot: You even hate within your own [black] “race”, and people are supposed to believe this movement [Black Liberation Theology] is not based on hate? There will never be an all black nation in the likes you’d wish. Never. Why? Too many parasites, too many idiots back riding, getting the benefit of the doubt based on the false notion that being black is all it takes. It will fail because there is a mental illness—possibly genetic—in blacks that predisposes them to feeble mindedness and violent criminal behavior. You must admit it. Pan-Americanism is all fantasy. BTW—I’m still waiting for you to answer my question and explain why blacks need affirmative action (i.e., lower standards/double standards) so as to be admitted in colleges and or the job market? 199090
Posted by Thai Gook on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:27 | # Thai Gook here. Silver real stupid bastard. He lie and lie and lie. He no Gleek. He no Serb. He Paki. Thai Gook know lots of Serbs. Serbs love Europe and especially Serbia. Silver lie like dog. Thai Gook no lie. 199091
Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:40 | # Do I need to reprint Salter’s entire book here? Does he even know he has all these followers? Or want them? 199092
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:03 | # JWH writes: The sincere commentator: troll ratio must not be any greater than say, 3:1. And that’s not good enough. The way I see it, the partial derivatives tell us that in signal to noise ratio environments higher than 1 we get bigger gains from noise suppression than we do from signal enhancement—and conversely in S:N environments less than 1 we get bigger gains from signal enhancement than noise suppression. So if your estimate is correct and S:N is the correct metric then your strategy of noise suppression is supported. Are there better metrics? Is your estimate correct? 199093
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:12 | # Monitor, According to John Ray, who knew Frank Salter many years ago in Australia, the latter was always very nationalistic. His “positioning” in academe has undoubtedly been characterised by distance from the politics of European survivalism, but his work, dealing as it does with the truth, cannot be and is not. Silver: he, too, couldn’t or wouldn’t explain what he meant by he and I “sharing” EGI. Do we share distinctive genes AND genetically-distant competitors? 199094
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:39 | #
But it’s not your position, and that’s exactly the crux. Your position is precisely, “Let’s throw out the baby with the bathwater, nay we must do, otherwise we deserve a baseball bat to the back of the skull.” You, fundamentally, are a race-replacement advocate. (You’re also, by the way, a leftist according to the standard terminology — admittedly that’s somewhat of a side issue here, but I’ll mention it.) You’re trying to invalidate objections to forced race-replacement by applying, essentially, a false reductio ad absurdum: you’re trying to argue it’s absurd to object to pouring half-a-pool’s worth of black ink into your olympic-size swimming pool because it’s absurd to think putting one drop in will bother anything. The issue is the half-a-pool’s worth of ink (race-replacement is always about numbers, remember?). The issue isn’t the single drop (race-replacement is never about individuals, remember?). And you know that, but prefer to pick a fight over 1) the single drop, and 2) the way to tell pool water from ink. You really hate #2 there, but there has to be some way to tell them apart, mainly in order to reject the half-a-pool’s worth, not so much (if at all) in order to reject the single-drop’s worth which isn’t really a concern. You’ll say, “You can tell them apart at a glance, you don’t need special ways.” Well, what about when you can’t? Maybe someone has come up with some pretty colorless ink for some reason, or some pretty colorless other kind of fluid, and wants to dump some of that into your pool, but you’d rather have only water in your pool. But this stuff is details that can be worked out in accord with the central point that you don’t want race-replacement, don’t want a tanker-truck full of ink dumped into your pool — yet you, Silver, keep dwelling on this peripheral stuff, all stuff that can be worked out, as if it’s what everything hinges on, when it’s not. The central point is what everything hinges on, and the central point is we object to forced race-replacement. And all this other stuff you want to make central is peripheral. Nevertheless you disrupt threads with it, and when all your disruption is said and done you still haven’t conceded any real ground to those concerned about forced race-replacement. So why the disruptions? 1) you’re viscerally against those who oppose forced race-replacement (you seem especially to be on your guard against “nordics” on a “north-south” basis, which is nonsense if you’re a Slav (a Serb) as you claim, since there isn’t “north-south” ethnotension between “nordics"and Slavs); 2) as JWH suggests in his entry at WB, rather than Southern and Balkan Euros remaining part of Europe racially, you’d prefer they meld with NECs racially and even with dark non-caucasians such as tri-racial Puerto-Ricans. “Thai Gook” is probably right, incidentally: Silver is not Serbian. There are too many details that simply don’t “add up” for him to be Serbian. Paki, as Thai Gook suggests, is possible. So is mulatto though he’d be unusually smart for a mulatto. Maybe some sort of swarthy multiple cross? 199095
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:42 | #
Yes and yes. Now, can I have your daughter or can’t I? If no, regardless of how much I “share,” I’m the genetically distant competitor I’ve never denied being. 199096
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:52 | # When Silver first posted comments here under the pen name “Peter North,” I said I suspected he was a Subcon. I may have been right after all. (Again, to be scrupulously fair to him, he consistently denies he was “Peter North.” I don’t buy his denial.) 199097
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:10 | # This strikes me as likely an accurate description of “the silverites” (Silver, at least, gives one every reason to think it’s accurate):
Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:20 | # It doesn’t matter if silver says he’s Greek or Serb or whatever; there’s a whole bunch of Negroes that say they are English or French or Dutch, etc., too. What we must take into consideration is the overriding fact that HE insists he is not white! Take him at his word! SILVER IS NOT WHITE! 199099
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:25 | #
No, you ridiculous piece of subhuman, antihuman gunk. My “issue” is you treating human beings as though they were nothing more than “ink”; nothing more than toy soldiers for you to paint and arrange in way that strikes you as most aesthetically pleasing.
You, fundamentally, are a lying piece of subhuman gunk of partly Russian-Jewish extraction, railing as loudly as you can, as such persons are wont to, in order to prove your worth to and thus curry favor with the racial idols you revere as your superiors.
Can it be worked out, Scrubby? I see little evidence of that. I want to see some evidence of it. I want to see some evidence so that when I take this stuff on the road I can point its doubters, its skeptics, its opponents to examples of reasonable discourse in which differences are worked out in a way which preserves the fundamental values centered around human dignity which men derived after the carnage of the 20th century.
I’ve never claimed to be a “slav” (in the sense you use the word). It’s worth recalling that not only are you, fundamentally, a lying, shrieking piece of subhuman gunk, your knowledge of race is particularly abysmal for someone who spends so much of his day yapping about it. Now, if mendacity weren’t such a central aspect of your being, I might point out that someone who supports racial separitism cannot, by defnition, be opposed to race-replacement, forced or not. But expecting you to grasp that is probably akin to expecting a leopard to change its spots.
Perhaps the testers, keen on weeding out jewish ancestry, are on to something. After all, there must be something in you which forces you to lie so brazenly or quote hostile critics so wantonly as to be a party to the lie. Neither of you subhuman pieces of gunk will be able to produce a single sentence which even suggests, much less recommends, se euros melding with anyone. I, silver, speculated that I’d—me, silver, no one else, certainly not my entire ethny—be capable of leading a content life around Puerto Ricans because (a) I don’t hate people different to myself and (b) even if I did, which I don’t, but even if I did, from what I’ve seen of them and their culture (which is not much, which is why this is speculation), they don’t appear—careful now—wildly different to the average s euro (wildly different when all the races of man are considered) and, lastly (c) that I’d be willing to do it as proof that the separatism I advocate isn’t, in my case, based on hatred of others, this being, as I said (for those who can read) a small sacrifice to make for the advancement of my people in comparison to the life and limb others have sacrificied for their people. But for subhuman pieces of gunk looking for every opportunity to discredit me, none of this matters. “Silver likens Serbs to Puerto Ricans!” is much better copy.
The beauty of my position, subhuman gunk, is that it doesn’t even matter if I were any of those. As I said, Filth Scrubby, I accept the need for separation, but I intend to keep bashing the dead white racists, and the live ones, the nordics and alpines, but especially the meds and “slavs” until you learn some fucking damn humility. Your brand of racism, scrubby, is what I have a problem with; not racism per se. It’s your brand of racism for which I’d gladly bring that baseball bat crashing down on your head—and not least for the role, perhaps the leading role, it plays in shoring up the completely unnecessary liberal opposition to “racism.” Dwell on that, filth. 199100
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:32 | #
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:33 | #
JWH’s estimate is not correct, in this sense: the “noise” at blogs with good-quality commenters participating in their threads calls forth huge amounts of additional signal. That additional signal engendered by the noise ends up getting the final ratio way higher than the initial 3:1. 199102
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:43 | # I accept the need for separation, but I intend to keep bashing the dead white racists, and the live ones, the nordics and alpines, but especially the meds and “slavs” until you learn some fucking damn humility. Your brand of racism, scrubby, is what I have a problem with; not racism per se. Until the effects of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and and Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 are remediated—acts of wanton racial aggression against the people who brought the lands of the United States to fruition thereby supporting human flesh world-wide —there is no reason to suspect that “fucking damn humility” or any other alteration of anyone’s “brand of racism” will result in anything but a continuation of the same old race war under the guise of “civil rights” or “human rights” or “individualism” or whatever the smoke screen du jour. Now, having said that, I can certainly agree that supremacists of any stripe have lost their humanity but during this period I have very little patience for the anti-white supremacist animals that go after the white supremacist animals. And that does mean that if the white supremacist animals kill the anti-white supremacist animals in this current situation, I probably will have very little problem with it. After all, if there is anything to “animal rights” at all, it has to start somewhere and where better than self-defense? 199103
Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:51 | # silver is getting aaaaaangry! LMFAO Silver, I don’t know what map of Europe you look at, but it’s funny that the one I view includes Serbia and Greece. And just in case you forgot the intent of MR, let me remind you: This website discusses various issues related to the preservation of Western culture and the ethnic genetic interests (EGI) of people of European ancestry. This site does not argue that the EGI and cultural concerns of non-European people are less important than those of people of European ancestry…. 199104
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:55 | #
There’s every reason to expect alterations in “brands” of racism to lessen resistance to racism, so much so that your Title VII could be repealed and a great deal more yet.
The less reason they have to go after them, the less reason they will go after them. Not a panacea by any means, but in all your theorising, you seem to have missed theories related to changing minds. 199105
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:00 | #
Sociology requires more than simply looking at maps. Turkey and Korea on my map are “in Asia.”
Their dignity, on the other hand… 199106
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:04 | #
But you keep leaving out something that greatly esthetically and spiritually pleases them: keeping their and their fathers’ fathers’ fathers’ race intact, and living in it and surrounded by it with their loved ones and kin and ethnic communities and nation-race nations, and bequeathing all of it, representing their fathers’ fathers’ fathers’ race, handing it lovingly down, to their sons’ sons’ sons. You keep neglecting that as part of their humanity. Why? Who’s treating them as humans, and who as ink and toy soldiers to paint and arrange?
Hey you forgot the Austrian Jewish part! Even though it was Polish-Jewish to be exact (was a Polish region of the Austrian Empire, today part of Poland) I’m proud as punch it was officially under the superior-race Germans who headed the Austrian Empire. Don’t forget, I identity as a German underneath my Kwamerikwosher exterior. So don’t ever omit to include that Austrian-Jewish part again!
Tell ‘em don’t sweat the small stuff.
Does genociding the Ancient Races of Europe qualify as “preserving fundamental values centered around human dignity”? Gee, somehow that strikes me as ... unlikely .... But hey I’m flexible, I’ll give it some thought!
Wait, now I’m confused here. Aren’t Serbs ... Slavs? And haven’t ... haven’t you claimed to be ... Serb? 199107
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:45 | #
I trust everyone instantly recognized that as taken from Noël Ignatiev, an almost word-for-word quote of what Ignatiev sees as his mission. Why in the WORLD would someone who claims to be on our side choose that phraseology from Ignatiev to throw on our faces? Answer: Silver is not on our side. Fundamentally, he advocates forced race-replacement. In any real fight between us and the race-replacers Silver would come after us with a baseball bat ... or worse. 199108
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:54 | #
Oh, I do, do I? Now that really is interesting. Because as I’d calculate it, if they have Italians, Greeks and Serbs infused into their number, it might, you know, inhibit their ability to do all that, but what do I know. Of course, the point, which you artfully attempt to dodge, Scrubby, is ‘the other’ is here and he’s been here for a long time, and, rightly or wrongly, he’s been wanted here just as much as he hasn’t. Deal with it. Now, you want to perform an extrication, fine, I’m with you. But we’re dealing with humans, not chess pieces, and certainly not mere pieces of “meat.”
It ain’t small stuff, not by a long shot.
Yeah, I guess you’re right. Only sceaming Mystery Meat! at the top of your lungs can save the day now.
Yes, you’re very confused. That’s all quite clear. There’s no such race as “slav,” such that every country speaking a slavic tongue consists of it. There may have once been such a tribe, or a group of related tribes, but, at least as far as the Balkans goes, they’ve long since been absorbed into the autochthonous populations, leaving the racial make-up of those lands something of a question mark. That aside, using even your crude racial terminology, I’ve also, you might have noticed, stated I’m of Greek ancestry, too, and that’s not, again, according to your simplistic racial understanding, coterminous with “slav.” So when I say I’ve never claimed to be “slav” it… you know… makes sense… to normal people… without an agenda aimed solely at discrediting you. 199109
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:05 | #
Drat. Foiled again. Yep, my mentor had so thoroughly drummed that phrase into my head it fain rolled off my tongue.
Or, he considered it a cute play on words, relying on the commentariat to get the reference (and old eagle-eyed scrubby didn’t let him down).
And that’s why he advocates separation. Every scheming race-replacer knows there’s no surer way to race-replace a population than to racially separate people. And every scheming race-replacer also knows there’s no better way to achieve race-replacement-via-separation than to give people positive, non-hateful reasons to separate and ask them to find further such reasons in order to maximize the likelihood of separation being effected. 199110
Posted by Thai Gook on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:05 | # Thai Gook back. Still see Paki lying through teeth. All Serbs know they are slavs. They prideful of slav designation, not shamed. Greek smoke screen Paki use, just that another smoke screen lie. Paki like to tap dance like American Negro with all the lying he do. Scrooby genius with Ignatiev catch. Paki finally getting enough rope for hanging. Thai Gook love hanging of liars. Thai Gook no lie. 199111
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:06 | #
The problem with that is there’s no such thing as “racism.” Doesn’t exist. It’s a word without and referent. “Racism” is a word invented by and for communist Jews. It’s a word so Jewish it probably ought to be written in Hebrew every time it’s mentioned. Here: ?????? It’s a concept that’s strictly for the Jews. It doesn’t concern Europeans. It doesn’t exist in the European universe; has no possible, no conceivable meaning for Europeans. Let the Jews have it, let them deal with it, let them obsess over it, let them choke on it. They invented it, they’ve got it. Let them keep it. They invented it so it would infect everyone else, harm everyone else. Let it infect them. Let it harm them. 199112
Posted by Captainchoas on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:06 | # “Or: adaptiveness isn’t what “the juice of life” is about. Right, I couldn’t agree more. But let’s not throw that baby out with its bathwater is my position.” - silver To what degree are phenotype and genotype correlated? Obviously to a very high degree - even in an intra-European context. Unless genotype is safe guarded phenotype will not not be and “the juice of life” will have run dry. 199113
Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:07 | #
I trust everyone instantly recognized that as taken from Noël Ignatiev, an almost word-for-word quote of what Ignatiev sees as his mission. Excellent observation, Fred. Preponderance of the evidence anyone? The Jury has now rendered it’s verdict on silver. Guilty of fraud in the lowest order! And to think I once saw great promise in they guy. For shame… 199114
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:10 | # The less reason they have to go after them, the less reason they will go after them. Not a panacea by any means, but in all your theorising, you seem to have missed theories related to changing minds. What is reality is the holocaustian supremacist—the politically correct supremacist—the disease vector supremacist race war going on right now. What is theory is that the aggressors who having initiated the use “civil rights”, “human rights”, “individualism” etc. as a weapon of discourse in going after the carrying capacity created by others, will cease doing so if those others moderate their rhetoric. 199115
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:10 | # That should be, “It’s a word without any referent.” 199116
Posted by Thai Gook on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:11 | # Thai Gook say one more thing. Thai Gook not JWH, just in case anyone care. Thai Gook respect JWH. Thai Gook find very funny how Paki try to put down JW. Thai Gook laughing right now! JW is intellectual giant, while Paki is mental midget. Mental midget and liar. Confucius say not good combination. Thai Gook only lie last part about Confucius. Thai Gook make joke. 199117
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:53 | #
Scrubby, don’t you think I’m just a tad too sophisticated for stormfront rhetoric? Whatever word you want to use, there’s such a thing as hurling hurtful invective at racial others; there’s such a thing as attacking them, physically and/or verbally; there’s such a thing as seeking to disadvantage them; there’s such a thing as speaking about them as though they were worms, with no useful purpose on this planet, who only serve to plague and defile your own race. If you don’t like “racism,” find another word, but such things can exist (not necessarily “do,” can). There’s also such a thing, “positive racism,” we can call it, as discussing your racial interests and working towards them, and encouraging racial others to do the same, in which the racial interests of each are secured, protected, and potentially enhanced. It’s your type of racism I abhor; the latter, I advocate.
Clean your ears out mighty all-conquering Cap’n; I haven’t said otherwise. If that feeble brain of yours thinks otherwise, come on, out with it, creep, prove it, demonstrate it, or else shut your trap you slimeball. Is the idea that I’m on your side so astronomically incalcubable for you, you cosmically ignorant prick, that you force yourself to find fault with my every statement? (Do you think Mr. Palin requires testing? And if he failed, you’d what, throw him off a cliff along with all the mestizoes you plan on running out of the country? Just think for once in your miserable life.)
People make cultural references in the hope that people will pick up on them. Sigh.
That’s not my theory, Bowery. My theory is your own people, who today stand foursquare opposed to you, might be more inclined to give your message the fair hearing it merits if you’d moderate your rhetoric, not that the jews would—though their hysterical “intelligence reports” would begin falling on increasingly deafer ears. 199118
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 19:07 | #
Right, exactly what the Jews have been doing to Euros for the past forty years. 199119
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 19:21 | #
They certainly haven’t done all the things I’ve listed, not in the systematic, organized fashion you have in mind; but what they’ve done, they’ve done, and it’s wrong. And it’s just as wrong for you to do the same. Especially in your case, with those Russian and Jewish genes you’re carrying around; genes that, it may be decided, are unwanted, so treading carefully now is advisable, as it might moderate future treatment of rejects—remember, testers don’t care what you “identify” as—as if “identity” were up to you, anyway, pfft (just ask GW)—it’s what you “are” they’re interested in. 199120
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 19:49 | # silver: “Clean your ears out mighty all-conquering Cap’n; I haven’t said otherwise.” The sum of your comments makes me doubt you have the will to actually do it. “My theory is your own people, who today stand foursquare opposed to you, might be more inclined to give your message the fair hearing it merits if you’d moderate your rhetoric…” Silver, we need you to set that sterling example for us. We follow you in all things, oh Great Leader. But first we need to see the lab report to see if you have the right stuff. 199121
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:12 | #
I’ll worry about that when they get in power, Silver. Right now the Jews are in power and are genociding anything that moves that has white skin. That’s the immediate threat by far, even for a Russian-Jewish-German mix like me. The Jews want to exterminate me, they want to exterminate my wife, they want to exterminate my children, they want to snuff out my family line present and future, all because we have white skin. That’s my problem. The comrades who want to stop the Jews are not my problem. For the record, I am Catholic, and neither of my parents was Jewish. 199122
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:14 | #
Nah, Tommy Sunic is your great leader. Better check his lab report first, though—you’re not going to take it on faith that he is what he says he is, are you?
I haven’t got the slightest idea what that’s supposed to mean. And you know what, dickwad, if it’s supposed to be some slight towards me, I couldn’t care less. I couldn’t give a fig what any of you nimrods think of me. I know I’m not anyone special. I’m just some guy trying to make his way through this thing called life the best he can, trying to do as right by others as he can—just like most normal humans. If some of us don’t meet the exacting standards of megalomaniac’s like you, or srubfucker, or rienzi, or al shiteating cunt ross, well, fuck it; it’s not our fault we were born in the wrong place at the wrong time. If some of us can accept that and offer a few words of advice on how we might set things right we’ll do it, as I do here. If you don’t want to take heed of it, if that’s still not good enough for ya, cap’n, oh fearsome cap’n of chaos, scourge of invaders everywhere, well fuck it again, pal—see you in hell or something like that. 199123
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:30 | # “If you don’t want to take heed of it, if that’s still not good enough for ya, cap’n, oh fearsome cap’n of chaos, scourge of invaders everywhere, well fuck it again, pal—see you in hell or something like that.” - silver Jesus Christ, dude, what got up your ass? Maybe it’s because not even the whores in Thailand will take your money anymore? 199124
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:30 | #
Sweet Jesus it must suck to be you. Here, try this: tramadol. It’s an analgesic with codeine-like effects, but not nearly as addictive (I’ve gone 10 days straight and dropped it the 11th without the slightest craving). In the meantime, it won’t kill you to learn to walk and chew gum at the same time. Not just because what the “testers” might make of you, but because someone besides the choir might actually listen to what you have to say for once. And a bit of humility never led a man astray, either—or, as my old club’s “dojo kun” put it: Hitotsu, ware ware wa, shinbutsu o totobi, kenjo no bitoku o wasurezaru koto. 199125
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:08 | #
Totally useless for Birch then ...
Your singing is way off-key, Silver. We neither need nor want you for our songs.
“Humility”? Me? No, sorry, can’t do it: Melba might start looking at other men. 199126
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:16 | #
A pack of howling nutzis; deaf ones, too, the most vicious variety.
Heh, I get it for free, buddy. Not very hard when the only “competition” is middle-aged fatass Germans. That’s quite a change from my tormented teenage years. Yeah, I went through a whole ‘ugly duckling’ sort of a transformation at puberty. Took me a while to get used to all the female attention, and high school was over before I ever got it together properly. University, that’s another story; a mind as sharp as this 199127
Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:29 | #
No? Too bad. How about this one, then? If you ignore the nip, that’s a moving performance by good white men; the very best of European art with a message to send the European spirit soaring. “Do you hear the people sing, 199128
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:31 | # Silver’s prepping for the Dr. Phil show, maybe even Jerry Springer (depends if the detritus likes him). He and Birch are going on together, sort of an “odd couple” act. Brilliant! 199129
Posted by Thai Gook on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 22:03 | # Thai Gook back. Thai Gook now see Paki having meltdown. Paki talk crazy now. Thai Gook think Paki is crazy. Thai Gook also think why Paki ashamed to admit he Paki? Being Paki not bad. At least he not Negro. Though Paki like Negro with straight hair. Right Paki? Thai Gook no lie. 199130
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 22:07 | # silver writes: My theory is your own people, who today stand foursquare opposed to you, might be more inclined to give your message the fair hearing it merits if you’d moderate your rhetoric, not that the jews would—though their hysterical “intelligence reports” would begin falling on increasingly deafer ears. Interesting conjecture and I conditionally agree. The condition being that the “rhetoric”, but more importantly boots-on-the-ground actions, must focus on “freedom” including the freedom to exclude others from your human ecology. 199131
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 01:59 | # “...if it’s not too much to ask, for those who aren’t guilty-as-charged, just mere humans, whether detritus or not.” - silver Even leaving race aside, from the standpoint of carrying capacity, environmental protection, and quality-of-life, Western countries are full-up anyways. As for JWH, I don’t think for a moment that he wants to ushering in a “Brave New World” where one’s worth as a person is decided at the lab. I believe he simply wants to empower and encourage ordinary people to be able to pursue their EGI if they so choose. If “lab reports” are cheap and accessible it could become quit popular. 199132
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 02:30 | # “ you’re reconquering every square inch of the usa, all 14 x 10^15 of ‘em, just spare a thought,” - silver I’ve thought about it, sorry, gotta go through with it. I’m phenotypically and genotypically a northwestern European (put me at Valley Forge and no one misses a beat), my people built this country by the sweat of their brow through an untold amount of sacrifice. I’ll be damned we lose one bit of it because of the actions of race traitors and Jews. To do less would be a betrayal of my ancestors. 199133
Posted by GT on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 17:33 | # Has a genetic definition for Occidental Europids been developed – one translatable to the political arena and the common man? No? I didn’t think so. Until this happens political definitions will contain subjective elements. Why? Because people judge “whiteness” by looks and are averse – especially in America – to the idea of showing papers authenticating ancestry after having been accepted as citizens of the state. We are the members of a small, unorganized sub-nation within the state. DNA tests can be used to establish our ancestral credentials within our respective microcommunities, but this is hardly necessary among family and long-term friends, or long-time associates who are members of the microcommunity next door/down-the-road. DNA tests could be used in our sociopolitical organizations, but this comes at the expense of growth. Once we’ve seceded and have become a legitimate nation state, DNA tests can and should be used as part of our naturalized citizen/residency criteria. Meanwhile the question to ask ourselves is, “Are we serious about growing and placing boots on the ground or are we shit-talking hobbyists secretly aiming to stay small, safe, and fringe on the Internet? If we’re serious about growth and nationhood, then we must accept the fact that racial impurities will exist, and every minute of Internet dithering increases the amount we must accept if we are to survive at all. ——————— Captain C, Your living children and grandchildren will thank you for realizing that our fight is for survival and independence – not expansion. This idea that we’re going to “re-take the Southwest” is founded in ignorance and conservative, non-movement stupidity. Your forefathers no longer give a damn. 199134
Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 20:36 | #
?!? This has what to do with the price of tea in China?
You must be one of those naive NW simpletons they say your race is full of—and heh, when a mighty leader crosses the ocean from the ancient nordic land of Croatia and tells you how korshous (no, that’s not Croatian for “courteous”) he finds the good people of Memphis and gets a standing ovation maybe there’s something to that. Anyway, bozo, let the “paki” explain something to you again. Who are you to prance around thinking you’re NW, eh? Have you been tested? That’s some nerve you’ve got there, son, talking white this, white that, reconquer this, kick out that without knowing exactly what you are. Now, some dago from Ragusa, on the other hand, who’s passed all the proper tests and got the t-shirt, now he can talk about white this, white that…and you’d better listen. That’s the Rienzi Doctrine. Oh, and you wanna bet the testers don’t take themselves seriously? You ought to check out some other race boards every now and then. People love to put things like R1b and J2a in the side-bars under the avatar where people used to only state “location” or “age.” (Those are haplogroups signifying paternal and maternal ancestry.) It reminds one of the Star Wars droids, C-3PO and R2-D2; so much for “juice” in life (“life”) then.
Ah, so we will see each other in hell then.
Go for it. Return the US of A back to the “status quo ante” Scrubster is forever shrieking about, the one you owned “lock, stock and barrell,” the one packed to the gills with the niggers I thought the point was to separate from. Call me non-white but that sounds like a best laid scheme of thai gooks and testers—but then I’d be just some pesky paki pickin’ nits again. Go for it mighty cap’n. 199135
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:08 | # “Ah, so we will see each other in hell then.” - silver See ya there, buddy. Don’t keep the ladies of Thailand waiting. They could use some wog alleles to revitalize their racial stock. 199136
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:10 | #
... a best laid scheme of Thai Gooks, of testers and, apparently, of the United States because they did it to the Eastern Third of Germany after the war — in peacetime — moved nearly fifteen million Germans out and nothing but Poles, Russians, and Lithuanians in. Took all of about a year-and-a-half, or not even, and it was done. Today no one even talks about it. No one even knows it happened. Comparable forced population transfers doable? If there’s the will, damn straight; easy as pie. But that’s the clumsy way. There are ways to get both the illegal and the legal incompatibles to leave on their own, the majority of them with only slight incentive needed, the rest with a little more. But regardless of details, this job can be done, count on it. Any doubts? Put me in charge when the time comes. You won’t believe your eyes. They just completed it on a proportional scale of magnitude over in the United Arab Emirates, I believe it was. No fuss, no debate, the order came down to get ‘em out, and the bureaucrats went to work. Out they went. If worse comes to worst, just hire those Arabs to come get the same job done here. Those guys won’t dither, trust me. 199137
Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:21 | # So where’s Scottie Palin go, Scrubby—if this isn’t to be a best laid scheme? Remember, Mr. Chaos is taking back every square inch of the US. 199138
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:25 | # In Malaysia, to get rid of them they hired the unemployed to fan out in cities and towns, find them, and literally whip they down the streets to the nearest police stations using long bamboo rods. From the police-station collection points they were sent packing back where they came from and lucky to have the shirts on their backs and no prison sentence. Took Malaysis something like three months to clean house and get ‘em the hell out. OK we don’t have to whip them down the streets with bamboo rods — we have more modern tools than bamboo, tasers for instance. Let’s hire the unemployed to fan out in the cities and towns, find them, and tase them down the streets to the police stations. There are many ways to skin this cat — I’m not particular, just let’s get the job done. 199139
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:30 | #
When someone’s dumping a tanker-truck full of ink in my pool and another guy is putting a drop of ink in using an eye-dropper, I deal with the guy in the tank truck, Silver. He’s the immediate threat. The other guy is insignificant. We’ll talk about the guy with the eye-dropper once we have the tanker truck driver sorted out. 199140
Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:33 | # I’ve never brought up any red herrings about the “impracticability” of population transfers. You’re barking up the wrong tree, yet again. I didn’t ask you how to get him where he has to go; I want to know where he goes. 199141
Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:36 | #
The ink has homelands, Scrubby. The half-inked don’t. The half-inked, quarter-inked etc don’t. Mr. Chaos wants every square inch to himself (and you, if you pass). Will you kick some sense in to him? 199142
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:45 | #
He stays where he is: he’s not race-replacing the United States. The Jewish 1965 law is, the Jewish Diversity Lottery is, the Jewish professoriate like Prof. Rubin of Emory University is, the Bushite open borders with Mexico are, the Jews in general are, along with their team members like the Catholic Church and the degenerate WASP families. Those are the ones doing it; stopping them will end it. Sending Mr. Palin somewhere won’t do jack about it. Why don’t you dwell on the central problem, Silver? Were one-sixty-fourth-Eskimo guys in the U.S. in 1965 before the Jews passed their law and started all their other crap? Yes. OK, but the United States wasn’t getting race-replaced then. So guys like him aren’t the problem, all that other stuff is. 199143
Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:09 | # Bullshit the US wasn’t getting race-replaced in 1965. It was happening so slowly it was imperceptible. And if it had kept going so imperceptibly it would have been completed. In that sense, you’d actually better thank the Jews for Hart-Cellar. But, again, you keep wanting to argue with me. I agree with all that. Send home whom you can send home, by the truckload, busload, planeload, by the million or the ten million; fine, do all that. But how do you split up what’s left; how do you unbake the cake? Cap’n—and however many more like him—want all the land for themselves.; so what do you do with the misfits? (“All the land,” mind you includes the millions of niggers I thought you were supposed to get away from.) That was the whole point of my little “compassion” sob-story, btw, which, naturally, scowling, shrieking, fulminating nutjob you are—maybe to impress you’re little nutzi friends here—you completely ignored. (Will you shove a sock in mouth (and down his throat)? Can you kick some damn sense into him? Or is he “too white” for you to risk offending, you pathetic lapdog? I’ve never seen you let loose at any of the nutzi goofballs who periodically post here, only those you think you think you’re better than, like me.) 199144
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:52 | #
Good. Let’s get things back to the year 1965 and I’ll take my chances, from there on out, over the prospects offered by the year 2008, shall we?
You’ve been attentively reading this site for years? Then you know how we view what needs to be done. I’m not going to hunt up a list of links for you: use the site’s search feature if you’re forgotten. This subject matter has been discussed a million times here. 199145
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:59 | #
Here you’re baiting, on purpose. I have no interest in coming here other than to protest forced race-replacement and take part in conversations about what can be done. I’m not here to engage in thinking “I’m better than” anyone. 1) I want race-replacement stopped. 2) I blame the Jews for it, first and foremost. That sums up my participation here. I’m strictly a one-trick pony, and going around thinking I’m better than others isn’t part of my one trick. 199146
Posted by Thai Gook on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 23:13 | # Thai Gook back. Thai Gook sees Paki still lying. Now Paki says he like repatriation of all non-whites. Big problem for Paki is what happens to the miscegenated ones? Paki big humanitarian. Thai Gook want to know why Paki care if he is “Serb”? Occidental Americans, like Thai Gook, not going to kill people. Humane solution will be found to make all sides happy. Some more than others, but that’s life. First order of business is to stop bleeding then worry about clipping toenails. Paki so stupid, he think we cannot see his lies. Thai Gook want to know when Paki will be banned? 199147
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 00:39 | # But Thai Gook not come back with no more big joke if Paki get banned. Me think that not good deal. OK, Thai Gook very rude about Paki. But always better laugh than shout “dumbfuck” across the room. That not good. Laugh always good. Paki laugh too, I think. 199148
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 00:41 | #
Thai is right: Silver uses a technique all opponents (and defeatists) use sooner or later in order to try to disarm/demoralize their opposition: they prematurely demand every conceivable ulterior policy detail when things are at a stage where that sort of fine planning and detailed decision-making lies still many steps ahead, and neither is nor can possibly be on the radar screen yet. Silver knows this. If he agrees with us, all he need do when he comes here is agree with our side’s broad demands, which are crystal-clear, that government-enforced race-replacement be stopped. But he goes prematurely all the way to the future end-stage and insists on an exact accounting of every detail so remote from where we are now, expected to come only after we’ve passed so many additional branch points in the decision tree, that it’s not realistic to have planned them out at this stage. This is the behavior not of a sympathiser but of an opponent or a defeatist. The broad lines of what we insist on are clear. Agree with those broad lines or not, but don’t start thinking you’re putting our current broad demands “to the test” by insisting on detailed planning and policy decisions which properly come at an ulterior stage, not at stage-one, which is where we are now. That won’t fly, and as Thai says, it fools no one. Also as Thai says, there are ways to work out all complications humanely to everyone’s satisfaction more or less. Take one example: how much money has Great Britain poured into Bush’s war in Iraq to date? How many incompatible immigrants could that sum of money have convinced to return to their home countries with a wad of cash in their pockets big enough to enable them to live on Easy Street back home the rest of their lives? There is a whole array of push-pull, carrot-and-stick measures that can be implemented, a whole array of policies that currently favor immigrants over Brits or at least coddle immigrants shamelessly, which if rescinded would be followed by a large fraction leaving of their own accord through the same door they entered by, no one obliging them to do anything. There’s a whole array of anti-discrimination measures that are in fact unfair to the Brits, which should and can be rescinded, together with all hate-speech laws, all laws that infringe on the right of freedom of association in hiring, promoting, renting or buying real estate, admitting to private clubs, and so on, right down the line which, if rescinded, would make lots of incompatibles leave of their own accord, in search of greener pastures. And so on. We’ve discussed all this here at length, in other threads. This can all be accomplished humanely. I’m not going to be drawn by Silver into detailed interrogations about what to do with third-generation incompatibles: we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Let’s get the main remedies underway. That said, one thing that can be done immediately in regard to third-generation incompatibles is not allow them citizenship. If they’re given it routinely now, change the law so they will no longer, then require blood-descent from Brits for citizenship. And so on. The stage we’re at now isn’t the stage for thrashing out fine ulterior details. It’s the stage for getting things started. If Silver demands to know fine ulterior details at this premature stage, he’s seeking to disrupt or to demoralize by leaving the impression we’re trying to do the impossible. 199149
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 01:02 | # Notice this apparent dig taken by Silver at Professor Sunic:
(Or am I wrong? That’s a dig at Sunic, right?) What in the hell’s that about? What’s he got against Sunic? It seems to me it’s not the first time Silver’s gone after Prof. Sunic with something snide and senseless. Once again, I agree with Thai Gook: Silver may actually be some sort of nut case. He’s simply too inconsistent and too irrational. 199150
Posted by Thai Gook on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 01:08 | # Thai Gook had no idea GW speak “gookie”! GW always amaze Thai Gook. Thai Gook friend of MR and GW. Thai Gook only make point about and ridicule Paki liar. If Paki liar gone, then Thai Gook run into sunset pulling rickshaw. Thai Gook no lie. 199151
Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:45 | # Meanwhile the question to ask ourselves is, “Are we serious about growing and placing boots on the ground or are we shit-talking hobbyists secretly aiming to stay small, safe, and fringe on the Internet? If we’re serious about growth and nationhood, then we must accept the fact that racial impurities will exist, and every minute of Internet dithering increases the amount we must accept if we are to survive at all. Aw, the million dollar question! If this wasn’t a hobby, then sacrifices have to be made—faces made public. The mere fact that they are not is self-explanatory. This is all a bunch of talk from men (mostly) personally affected by their failed life and in need of a scapegoat. No one will reveal themselves because they are cowards, don’t really believe, but just need someone to talk to, to make them feel better about being feminized. No effort is being made other than voting Republican or Conservative (which hasn’t worked). And Fred’s the king of idiots, a face I’d LOVE to see. 199152
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 14:00 | # Tired, You are being fatally flippant again. There have been many nationalists who have suffered for their beliefs, including non-tenured professors. There have been many nationalists attacked, and some killed, by the violent left and by ethnic haters. There have been nationalists jailed on trumped-up charges. There are costs attached to nationalism - and even to the belief that Europeans must live - which have not attached to any other issue of conscience since the days of the witch hunts. As ever, you need to understand what is going on before you pass judgement upon it. What did you say your ethnicity is, btw? 199153
Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:36 | # “As ever, you need to understand what is going on before you pass judgement upon it.” —GW Tired Idiot is too behind the learning curve to have an intelligent discussion with her on the subject of white preservation. Due to her incredibly stubborn ignorance, she is one of those people that will never get beyond her preconceived notions about what we stand for. We speak about the peaceful preservation of people of European decent and halting the ongoing genocide in our own homelands. But Tired Idiot has distorted sense of hearing; she misperceives us as saying: we are a bunch of white-supremacist barbarians hellbent on subjugating other races. I could go on and on and cite example after example of her cluelessness, but I think I made my point clear. By now it’s pretty obvious to everyone that TOI’s here for the purpose of getting her little jollies. She thinks she’s succeeding in agitating us. Well it ain’t workin’ darlin’ ... we don’t get agitated by twits like you. 199154
Posted by birch barlow on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 21:11 | # JWH, angry as usual. I can understand why any WN would not support Asian immigration, but JWH seems to see E. & S. Asians as a bigger threat immigration-wise than Central American peasants or Muslims, who are numerically much greater AND individually far more incompatable to the West than Asians. I guess I admit it would be easier for WNs if all minorities were welfare recipient criminal Jihadis, but that’s just not how it is. BTW, another commentator said that E. and S. Asians are eligible for affirmative action benefits in college admissions. This is NOT true, though a minority may be eligible thanks to Spanish surnames (but this goes for Euros as well). Hell if I were willing to go through the hassle of finding my family’s Native American tribal papers, and had no ethics, I could be eligible for AA too. There are all kinds of silly scams, thanks to stupid racial classification schemes, but Asians in general are not eligible for AA in college admissions. Asians ARE, however, eligible for AA in business loans. As an aside, I don’t think GC (on Sailer’s site) is making that great an admission…and besides, in 2003, there was some hope for a restrictionist candidate in 2008 and a more restrictionist, fiscally responsible GOP platform. There was also hope that California would become more fiscally responsible. Of course these things did not come to pass, and America seems to be heading towards unsustainablity faster than ever. The only hope I can really see is for America to become less democratic, with a looting of the corrupt aristocratic class and disempowering of the proles at the same time, a la James Burnham’s managerialism (see also George Orwell’s essay “James Burnham and the Managerial Revolution.” Big business and the common man are both way overrated. “Capitalism” and “democracy” have just become cover words for corporate kleptocracy, mindless consumerism, and the glorification of poverty. I think the majority of politicians in both parties would be perfectly happy with a tiny corporate elite and a huge mass of ignorant, largely Central American descended poor. 199155
Posted by silver on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 23:44 | #
Well that’s funny. You’re doing a piss-poor job of the latter.
That’s not what I take you task for. Oh, I don’t mind that you do think you’re better than me, not at all. I’d be happy if you could just string together a coherent reply to pointed questions instead of just rushing to wrap things up, typically with some accusation that the question is part of some diversionary “strategy” of mine. But it makes for a marked contrast to your servility when addressing anyone whiter than you—I mean, we’re being frank here, aren’t we? That’s what it is and I’m calling it and just another in the long line of reasons I find you rather pathetic and, worse, given your volubility, a real liability. (You are being uncharacteristically reasonable, though, so perhaps there’s hope. How about some old-fashioned Scroobyisms about having “soiled your hands” even replying to me? They’re always fun.)
I’m asking for a coherent whole, not for future minutia. That you don’t realize or won’t even stop to consider the importance of this really demonstrates your naivety. “Stop race-replacement” by itself is about as effective as “Save the whales.” People require more to delve into so they can weigh up the costs vs benefits of your program. Events themselves will drive more people to you, but why wait until then? Why not aim at antiracists whites today, win them over now, instead of waiting? You can’t do that with “stop race-replacement” alone. You can’t do that with demands for restoring the status quo ante—one that doesn’t even help you, btw. Don’t you think they’ll point this out? 1965 doesn’t “stop race-replacement.” They’ll tell you themselves. Providing a coherent, comprehensive whole fills in the blanks in people’s minds, the very blanks that give them reservations about you. Of course, I have my own ideas, which I’ll eventually volunteer for consideration. But it’d sure be nice to have others engage their brains in something productive like that, instead of reciting tiresome rhetoric of limited value (a task that can surely be delegated). Of course, you don’t really have a problem looking down the road. You all wax orgasmic over Rienzi’s painstakingly detailed genetic arguments which, if they do anything, look way down the road. (In the antediluvian world before genetic testing the Rienzi Doctrine posits there weren’t any ethnic groups and people stumped as to how to determine genetic interests, if they were even aware they existed, which is not certain.)
If culture matters, Scrub—and it does, a lot more than you think, which is another deplorable failing of yours—it’s probably fair to say I’ve imbibed a good aussie intolerance for rank bullshit. So when some fob with an accent to challenge Fareed Zakaria and an attitude to make him blush starts delivering lectures on Americanism, well… let’s say my mind wanders to wondering how well that would have gone down in 1924… or even 1965. (I ako citas gospodine Sunicu, smesno mi je a nije mi krivo. Svaka ti cast.)
Ah, GW, there you are you crotchety coot. I never did hear back from you whether, since yes, we share EGI, and yes, we share genetically distant competitors, I could have your daughter’s hand. How about it? Or, if not I, perhaps the estimable Mr. Sunic. What say you? 199156
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:13 | # I think it’s clear Silver’s gone off the deep end — either that or he’s exuding purest malice in regard to this site’s aims and dripping venom from his fangs accordingly. Either way, I don’t think his latest irrational, repetitive twists and bizarre convolutions deserve a reply. I’m not replying at any rate, let anyone else who wants to. 199157
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:14 | # THE most bizarre thing there was his attack on Sunic. 199158
Posted by GT on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:24 | # Meanwhile the question to ask ourselves is, “Are we serious about growing and placing boots on the ground or are we shit-talking hobbyists secretly aiming to stay small, safe, and fringe on the Internet? If we’re serious about growth and nationhood, then we must accept the fact that racial impurities will exist, and every minute of Internet dithering increases the amount we must accept if we are to survive at all.
No it isn’t “self-explanatory,” lady. You’re not familiar with what I advocate and have misinterpreted both question and statement. MR readers know I’m referring to alternate communities, economics, local political empowerment, and secession. 199159
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:34 | # Silver, when you produce a child of your own you will know not to ask questions like that. It’s probably fair to say you’ve imbibed a bit of good old Aussie okerism. So I will give you the benefit of the doubt taste-wise. But I will not give you an answer. Well, maybe a bit of one: concentricity. 199160
Posted by silver on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:42 | #
This from a mind so near the end of its tether it thinks “land has a spirit.”
And this from a mind so near the end of its tether it defends calling Africans a separate species an effort at improved taxonomy. Any “reply” at this point would be quite redundant. Nevertheless, as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, so will Scrubby uncover another Jewish outrage which, it goes without saying, will require plastering all over MR as pertly or bombastically as the mood strikes him, thus bringing the white man another step closer to salvation. Details? Details are for the birds. 199161
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:48 | #
You sure have got that right! That’s for damn sure! Goddamn straight. 199162
Posted by silver on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:59 | #
Ah. You know, you needn’t have gone to the trouble of showing me the door, GW. You could have stopped at Mu for the benefit of the ever hopeful inner-concentrics, those across the Atlantic, especially. A better idea might be to avoid statements which invite such curiousity in the first place. 199163
Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 01:26 | # GW, Please show silver, and his wife to be - Tired of Idiots - the door. 199164
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 02:28 | #
Well, it’s not tomorrow yet but how’s this for a little warm-up?
( ) Needless to say, holding those views makes a college professor appear really stupid (like C. Loring Brace) or really dishonest (like your typical Jewish college professor talking about race). Let’s see ... uhhh ... this guy’s name is Professor Goldstein, so ... uhhh ... I guess figuring out which category he’s in isn’t exactly ... uhhh ... rocket science. (Hat tip: ) More tomorrow! 199165
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 02:47 | # See, here’s how it works: if elephants and Euros could intermarry and produce fertile offspring the Jewish academics would be saying they think “no significant genetic differences will be found between Euros and elephants.” “You mean standing fourteen feet at the shoulder, with ears a yard wide, tusks and a trunk, and eating a ton of hay a day aren’t significant genetic differences?” “Well, they’re differences, but I doubt they’re genetic. I think there’s strong evidence Euro prejudice against elephants is what’s making them have things like trunks and so on. But even if they’re found to be genetic, they’re simply not significant: those are all insignificant differences. There’s no reason Euros should have the least hesitation to marry elephants.” (“No lie too brazen” is the Jewish academic motto.) 199166
Posted by tired of silver bashing on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 04:45 | # No lie too brazen” is the Jewish academic motto. No, you should append to that “...for the halfwit goys to always believe, without fail.” Silver, don’t waste your time throwing out suggestions that will be wasted here, unable to be grasped. I remember the frustration of Winter Mute on this board, I remember some dude named “Jason Wong” and a few others, all trying to break through the fog of reaction which has been the only thing those in the Anglosphere have ever done in their long history of disenfranchisement - react, react, react as their power is taken away, their lives stepped on, their families and accomplishments mocked. Point out some flaws in their ridiculously repetitous methods and yikes, you’re called petty names, slandered, told to leave so that four people can talk to themselves in peace about what they’ll do when they’re king. Try to suggest that just maybe folks need more to rally around than the test results from 23 and Me or shared love of a book by Salter and in the eyes of the regulars here you stand at one of two poles, either the evil anti-racist saboteur or the evil Nazi. If no one understands what you mean when you say they were done a favor by the boogeyman of 65, then the rest of your insights will be the proverbial cast pearls… Seriously, don’t get bogged down in these pointless debates. Read, chuckle at the daily ineffectiveness of the incessant fingerpointing, continue to cultivate friendships with like-minded (or not) comrades in the real world, land a wife eventually, have kids. 199167
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 05:19 | # God I feel so depressed now, we’ve lost “Tired of Silver Bashing” as a reader. (I think he’s been sighted as a regular over at Ron Dreher Crunchy Con, Fred On Everything, John Zmirak, Free Kool-Aid, Instapundit, Jane Galt, and ... oh yes, NRO, all the big sites in other words, the ones that are really gonna lead everyone out of this mess. Yeah that’s one serious dude, he’s really got somethin’ on the ball.) 199168
Posted by silver on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 19:34 | #
What I find most surprising is the resistance to ‘outside assistance.’ That so thoroughly breaks the mold of what has come before one might have figured some eyes would have been opened to new ways of thinking (or at least the prospect of them) but, apart from my disastrous introduction here (fueled by an amygdala gone haywire), claiming outsider status with my background appears to mean I transgress other shibboleths. 199169
Posted by birch barlow on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 02:52 | # Re:asiaphilia. Too bad there are not more white females like this. WN might not be so bad if I could have a really good looking white female… 199170
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 03:38 | # Hey, Birch, get a load of this: If I were to write a speech for the big “O”, it would be something more like this: In the name of Allah… etc… my al-Qaeda brothers invite white nationalists convert to Islam starting a sect of White Muslims. We understand how Jews have abused you and your women and pledge ourselves as brothers in Allah to protect your wish to preserve yourselves as Allah created you. Moreover, we understand that your use of technology is vital to your unique character among Allah’s children and hope you will consider using gender selection technology to create an abundance of beautiful women of high moral character to glorify Allah and provide many wives for yourselves, as is allowed by Islam. We know you to be glorious warriors from the ancient friendship between Arabs and Vikings and pray, Allah willing, you will preserve your unique character to glorify and defend Islam. 199171
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 04:13 | # “...claiming outsider status with my background appears to mean I transgress other shibboleths.” - silver C’mon, silver, are you going to help me with this reconquest I got planned or what? You know you want to, but first you have to admit it to yourself. Free keg of okerism in it for ya. And if you play your cards right, once I’m named dictator of the Restored Southwest, I’ll even set aside a homeland just for Pakis in, say, Death Valley, CA. How about it? 199172
Posted by silver on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 20:44 | #
Only if I’m placed in Mike Rienzi’s unit. 199173
Posted by birch barlow on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 21:41 | # I *HATE* radical Islam. Don’t think I’m a softie on Muslims because I use the word “radical.” Ninety (or more) percent of Middle Eastern Muslims fit this profile. Thus my belief that there should not be very much immigration from ME countries…*and* there must be an effective test for Islamic radicalism. Religious fundamentalism in general should be crushed. 199174
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 22:24 | # OK, so even if you get to have 72 virgins like OK, so I see the real reason you hate “radical” Islam: You’re GAY aren’t you? /snark Post a comment:
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Posted by Armor on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 21:36 | #
Monitor: “There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race”
It isn’t something centralized like a conspiracy. It looks more like decentralized cooperation between the Jews and the leftists, although they have conquered many institutions and are able to spread their influence from the top. It’s a shame that Europeans do not cooperate in the same way between themselves to defend their interests.
Monitor: “There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race”
The common ideology, the co-optation and the cooperation between Jews are not really kept secret, but it is minimized and partly hidden. Journalists and politicians had better not mention it. The result is that it is difficult to measure the extent of the problem.
Monitor: “There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race”
Jewish organizations play a strong role in imposing a set of policies that amount to genocide of the Whites, but maybe they do not realize they are committing any evil. One reason for that is that the media do not allow the use of the word genocide. Indeed, using the word ‘genocide’ may be interpreted as an insult to the Jews. The phrase ‘race replacement’ is verboten too. In fact, we are supposed to act as if there was no problem at all. What we need is a white rebellion. It will help the genociders realize they are doing something wrong.