The Limits of Politics In ‘The Gods Themselves’ by Isaac Asimov, a very didactic story plays out. Humanity has invented some new gizmo, a space pump that can pump in energy from an alternate universe. Soon enough this device is powering the whole world, it’s cheap, clean, boundless, practically magic. One day a scientist is studying the device and realizes pumping in energy from an alternate universe is also pumping in the alternate laws of physics from that universe. The chaotic mix of the two laws of physics will unravel the universe, once enough of the ‘alternate’ mass has reached a certain threshold. He goes to the newspapers, he goes to the talk shows, he goes to the president, with dire warnings that we must stop using the space pump immediately. Nothing is done, people don’t believe him, call him a nutcase, question his science, and go on using their cheap plentiful power which they have become used to. In despair, the scientist thinks to himself, “In the face of human stupidity, the gods themselves are helpless.” Then the scientist gets a new idea, if our universe has a laws of physics ph level of 7, say, and we are introducing an acidic ph level alternate universe law of physics, all we need is a base level ph laws of physics from a third universe to cancel it out. Using his masterly scientific knowledge, he soon invents a new space pump, which connects us to a third universe, and the world is saved. Individually, he came to a solution everyone could agree with, as it required no effort and no sacrifice on their part. Even though there was an easy, technologically feasible, political solution to the problem—-the problem was never solved by politics, ie, by collective power. The same is true of the pro-white movement. Even though we can imagine dozens, hundreds of political solutions to the troubles our world faces, even though they are all easily implementable with collective power, with politics, without any advance in science or economics at all—they all lie dormant and unusable. Instead of continuously wondering why these easy, obvious solutions are not done, we should undergo a paradigm shift and realize political solutions, collective power, is in fact the hardest solution of all. That you would do better to await fusion power, or anti-matter drives, than collective power. That of all the fantastic daydream pie in the sky solutions we could ever dream of, politics is the dreamiest of all. In fact, it is more likely that a single scientist on some deserted island is right now designing an ethny-bomb that will kill off all non-whites which will, tomorrow, be unleashed on the world—than collective power will ever implement mass deportations as a group. Sure, with collective power, we could improve the breed of mankind by selecting our new generation according to the highest standards. Heck, we could pull a skylark of valeron and opt for just three thousand of the very best human specimens on earth inheriting the entire planet for themselves, and letting their descendants repeople the earth from this new, higher base. If everyone would agree to it, it could be done. No technology, no new knowledge, would be necessary. We could do it tomorrow. With collective power we could save the whales, we could give health care to everyone, we could bring about world peace, end world hunger, cure all known STD’s, heck, with enough people agreeing on one single agenda, I’m certain we could people the stars. Isn’t it rather obvious that with collective power, we could stop immigration, increase the white birth rate, decrease crime or require people speak english? It doesn’t matter though, because it will never happen. It has never happened in human history, it isn’t happening, it won’t happen. The idea that “I’ll just convince enough people to implement this political program and the issue will be solved” is more far-fetched than “I’ll just summon enough demons to implement this program from the fiery deep and it will be solved.” Heck, maybe demons exist, but I know collective power doesn’t. Given the political will of human beings—ie they are selfish, they are short-sighted, they prefer security to potential gains, they are compassionate, they are cowardly, etc; collective power is extremely limited. It is very difficult to get people to work together to achieve anything. Even when death sentences are liberally applied and the leaders of the country are entirely heartless, like Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China, tens of millions of people were killed, everyone was forced to pretend to support the system, but nothing was truly accomplished. Eventually the leadership had to give up on using politics to bring about fundamental progress, because it’s inherently impossible to herd humans. It’s like herding cats. All we can do is recognize human nature for what it is, and work around it, just like the scientist in Asimov’s novel. To keep demanding human nature change to accommodate our need for collective power and political solutions, is shouting into the wind. Although I would endorse any number of collective solutions, ranging from ruthless to fuzzy-wuzzy, and even though every one of these political solutions would work, they are all equally worthless. Under present conditions, given human nature, the world today is the inevitable result. There is nothing we can do about it, colossal forces are at work that dwarf human comprehension and human action. No doubt the world will change and people hundreds of years from now will carry very different convictions, ones suited to the environment and the human nature of that day. Perhaps by then slavery will become the fashion, or perhaps polygamy will be revered and we will breed ten women for every man through choosing the sex of our children. Who knows, who cares? All we know is the collective unconscious, everyone’s individual, subtle reactions to the world of today, amounts to a chaos theory—an uncontrollable system. We are like Caligula declaring war on the Sea and slashing the tide with his sword. At a certain point it becomes comical. Given the present chemicals in the air, the present technology, the present scientific knowledge we possess, our present religious beliefs, the present makeup of world population, the recent history of the world, etc, etc, etc—-given the flapping of a butterfly’s wings—- we are where we are. There is nowhere else we could be. And we’re not going anywhere anytime soon.
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 18:38 | # Diamed swipes at an idea I’ve discussed at MR: Perhaps by then slavery will become the fashion, or perhaps polygamy will be revered and we will breed ten women for every man through choosing the sex of our children. Actually, this is something that can be accomplished with gender selection technology now—it doesn’t require thrashing about verbally at the sea of humanity. I brought it up within the context of a “white Islam” sect precisely because in Islam polygyny is already sanctioned. But the larger point of Diamed’s is addressed by my Usenet signature:
Posted by Homelander on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 18:42 | # We have an economic crisis which, I suspect, is not going to go away. But White Nationalists are in no position to make much of the opportunity. In most of these chat-rooms people just talk to each other about the perfidy of the Jew. What does this do? The Marxists are so much better at this than we are. We should have a program. Short, sweet, simple and consisting of things people already want. Like Lenin’s “Land, Peace and Bread”. “Drive out the Jew!” is not something more than a tiny percentage of whites want. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 20:02 | #
The Jews cause harm in a number of very definite, well-defined ways. Why Homelander selects the completely inappropriate word “perfidy” to sum it all up is not evident: that word, applicable in lots of other contexts having to do with Jews, is glaringly out of place in this one. It’s the wrong word but I don’t think Homelander has the cognitive wherewithal to see that. If Homelander, whose thinking matches Ian Jobling’s far better than’s, wants to snipe at this site, let him choose his words more carefully or not be surprised if he gets dismissed as someone inadequate.
Is advocating the adoption of “Drive out the Jew!” for our side’s political slogan a recent undertaking of this site’s? It haven’t noticed it though I come here every day. I for one favor separate countries for Jews and Euros (which can be looked at a number of ways, as a facet of Salterian universal nationalism for example, or as a facet of taking Zionism to its logical conclusion, etc.), something I’ve never phrased as “Drive out the Jew!” A miniscule number of voices in some threads have expressed disapproval of Jews’ presence among Euros in rougher language, but neither my nor their comments come anywhere near qualifying as this site’s slogan being “Drive out the Jew!” Number one: While we’re on the general subject, does Homelander imagine Euros are going to get “what they want” as long as Jews enjoy unchallenged hegemony over them in their own lands, in those domains in which Jews currently enjoy hegemony? (As a Joblingite, Homelander may deny the reality of the Jewish hegemony I refer to.) Number two: Homelander, once again, if you snipe at this site, a) choose your words more carefully and b) don’t be more glib or more arrogant than your brainpower justifies. (Given what your brainpower appears to be, I’d advise more humility at this stage.) 5
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 20:48 | # James Bowery: “Diamed swipes at an idea I’ve discussed at MR: Perhaps by then slavery will become the fashion, or perhaps polygamy will be revered and we will breed ten women for every man through choosing the sex of our children.” Do you think such a development optimal or not? In Mormon communities where they practice polygamy with any assiduity, older men of influence and assets horde the young women and view young men as competition for said women; as a result they drive many young men out of their communities, often to homelessness. Or, maybe, they should see the error of their ways, and keep the young men on as slaves. That such a state of affairs could be entertained for a second and not arouse in one a state of outrage that would lead him to fight against such a misanthropic nightmare at whatever person cost to himself betrays a level of intellectualized sociopathy which is beneath contempt. “Actually, this is something that can be accomplished with gender selection technology now—it doesn’t require thrashing about verbally at the sea of humanity. I brought it up within the context of a “white Islam” sect precisely because in Islam polygyny is already sanctioned.” At the point that it would be necessary to submit to Islam would be the point that we would be swamped by the brown man. That would mean, in all probability, submitting to the brown man - of course it would. The brown man would then take our women. Why don’t you wake up? 6
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 21:26 | # Why don’t you read what we wrote? Gender selection to select for female-oversupply. As for submission to Islam automatically leading to “submission to the brown man” as opposed to submission to Allah and the Koran, perhaps you could point to the passage in the Koran that mandates “submission to the brown man” and/or prohibits racial purity. But you also missed one of the key points of white Islam: Since the primary way that racial integration destroys the white race is through theft of our prime women in polygynous institutions such as governments, corporations and of course, certain religious sects (relatively minor problem), having a religious sect whose job it was to produce copious quantities of prime white women—more than enough for our own racial preservation and growth—we wouldn’t have to fight the brown man. We could give him what he wants: Prime white women with which to breed. The consequence? A whiter world. 7
Posted by Diamed on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 22:01 | # I hate to say it but appollonian’s making a lot of sense. ^_^. @James: Honest, I brainstormed those scenarios up myself, no swiping occurred. I also think a frontier is the only way to give people new political opportunities. It was the frontier that gave the American experiment a chance, while Europe was still stuck in official state religions, no freedom of speech, hereditary rent-seekers, etc. It will be a frontier that gives new experiments a chance—a place that doesn’t require hurting anyone or changing any old custom or habit, is the only one vested interests won’t instantly crush the aspirations of the bold. I wonder if enough White nationalists could get together and buy some frozen piece of Canada or Antarctica for themselves and peacefully found a new nation that doesn’t have a single other inhabitant on it? Or, more likely, one extremely rich white nationalist could buy it personally, and then invite white nationalists to come settle it under his new rules. That would be wonderful, and far more possible than reversing time and somehow returning to 1965, or 1939, or whatever the preferred date is. There are still things pro-whiters can do without any collective power, they’re meager but at least they’re realistic and actionable. But the best thing we can do is be patient and endure, part of that is making the next generation, so that our kids can patiently endure another 20 years after we’re dead, and our grandkids 20 years after them, etc. Nothing stays the same forever. I predict the current trend will change, someday. Our kids will have opportunities we lack. 8
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 22:31 | # “As for submission to Islam automatically leading to “submission to the brown man” as opposed to submission to Allah and the Koran, perhaps you could point to the passage in the Koran that mandates “submission to the brown man” and/or prohibits racial purity.” Just what is it that is the real impetus behind the will to societal dominance and rapes committed against Whites by Muslims? Is it the Queeran or is the the expression of their racial character in the quest for territorial and genetic expansion? Isn’t the Queeran itself an expression of their racial character? Would you exhort Islam in any other case but that White homelands had already been hopelessly swamped? Gee, those are a tuffy. “Since the primary way that racial integration destroys the white race is through theft of our prime women in polygynous institutions such as governments, corporations and of course, certain religious sects (relatively minor problem), having a religious sect whose job it was to produce copious quantities of prime white women—more than enough for our own racial preservation and growth—we wouldn’t have to fight the brown man.” You would never be able to breed enough White women to accomplish this without the lion’s share of Whites in compliance. Whites would only comply in the instance that White homelands had been hopelessly swamped beyond the point that any effort could expel the Muslims (i.e., Whites had been subjugated to the brown man) and “white” Uncle Toms negotiated the mentioned arrangement with the brown man. The brown man could always just say “No deal” and take our women - indifferent to a future supply; or, he could simply cut the level of White autonomy that you seem to imply out of the loop and forcibly breed a limited number of Whites for his own uses as a slave caste. What justification can you offer for trusting the brown man? “We could give him what he wants: Prime white women with which to breed.” So long as it’s not your daughter, eh? Or, if it were, would that not even give you pause? “The consequence? A whiter world.” Depends on if you can trust the brown man once he has you by the balls. 9
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 23:24 | #
I have yet to hear one cogent reason why any Australian, British, Danish, Dutch or French white nationalist could ever see an ‘ally’ in any Muslim. Not in Muslims per se but in Islam. Why? It appears to be adaptive. It enhances reproductive fitness in a manner that resembles the halcyon days of Christianity. Of course for a rationalist to accept the view it would mean sacrifice; a very high level of altruism. A European Islam would differ from an Asian Islam in the same manner a Christian Europe differed from a Christian Africa. A Europe devoid of feminism, a high birth rate Europe that encouraged high IQ females to bear children portends a much more dynamic moral entity than the current moribund childless future that looms. Forsake evolutionary theory for Islamic theology? Forsake rationalism for reproduction? Possibly the choice won’t be given but simply made for us. Religions come and go, but extinction is forever. Posted by Desmond Jones on December 01, 2007, 06:22 AM It would be one thing if Europeans had a declining birth rate, like the Japanese or Chinese, but were clannish. Neither of those societies yet face the migration of millions of Africans into their homelands. However, the European situation is unprecedented. Declining birth rates and mass immigration of clannish peoples. None of the options mentioned above, the Freedom Party is defunct, the Swedish Peoples Party has a Pakistani on their brochure and the BNP barely floats above insolvency. The UK portends the future of a now pagan Europe. England leads Europe in illiteracy, obesity, divorce, drug use, illegitimacy, crime and STDs and has one of the highest rates of alcohol abuse. On the face of it, it appears the English are dead men walking. From whence will moral guidance come? The BNP? The C of E? The theory of evolution? How much more degenerate and depraved will an Islamic England be? Posted by Desmond Jones on December 03, 2007, 09:34 PM 10
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 00:13 | # White people will not take to Islam unless it is imposed upon them by Arabs, North Africans and Pakistanis who will enjoy an overwhelming numerical advantage at that time. Can anyone reasonably dispute that? Arabs, North Africans and Pakistanis act aggressively towards native White populations because of their racial character; because of their impulse for territorial and genetic expansion. Can anyone reasonably dispute that? Given these conditions, what would be a better scenario for the long term survival of Whites: a Europe converted to Islam where Muslims (Arabs, North Africans and Pakistanis) predominate or a secular Europe sans Muslims? Obviously the latter. BTW, I’m beginning to wonder if the futurists have gone soft on muds. Plan A, exterminating them all, seems to have been abandoned for Plan B, adopting their ways and handing off our excess females to them. Tsk, tsk. 11
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 00:21 | # From the previous exchange regarding white Islam: <a >Posted by James Bowery on December 04, 2007, 12:57 PM | #</a> Desmond, I see no evidence that civilization is compatible with women’s suffrage. High social status for women, indeed, appears compatible with just two forms of human ecology: 1) Female saturated gender ratios resulting from high male mortality due to paleolithic die-offs of males from natural hazards. 2) Female saturated gender ratios resulting from high male mortality due to neolithic die-offs of males from artificial hazards (single combat as the appeal of last resort in disputes in agrarian societies—and mass war in civilizations, but war appears dysgenic since the most heroic tend to die childless). In both cases high social status does _not_ equate to high sexual status, and indeed seems to be an opposing force. Islam, Judaism and Confucianism are the only major religions I know of that relegate women to the low enough social status required of civilization. It is unclear whether high female to male ratios achieved via gender selection can let women have high social status in opposition to high sexual status, while maintaining civilization, but one thing is clear: Civilization is not natural and we should expect to have to do some pretty intrusive things to maintain it. 12
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 00:26 | # PS: My main objection to civilization is equivalent my main objection to handing drunks the keys to you car—it seems anytime someone thinks like an adult about what it really takes to manage civilization responsibly, people start behaving like belligerent drunks. So if people can’t behave responsibly with their toys, maybe its time to take them away. 13
Posted by Homelander on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 00:46 | # CC - I have only been at this a short time…but already I have concluded that Nazis are not really White Nationalists at all. They are rather just extreme anti-semites. Four defining features of Nazism: 1.) Germano-philia 2.) Anti-semitism 3.) Nordicism amongs whites. 4.) Political authoritarianism Four other features not strictly definitive, but almost universally common: 1.) Anti-patriotism, apart from the privileged Germano-philia. 2.) Anti-clericism - especially anti-Christianism. 3.) A sort of Nietchsean ethos - replacing Tradition with a pure muscle-system (kind of a prison-yard philosophy). 4.) A tendancy to hook up with non-Whites - Hitler and the Japs, all the crap you hear about the poor Palestinians etc. Strictly speaking it could be classified as a White Nationalism…but not really. PS - add to “1” on the second list a tendencey to seek perverse alliances with the radical Left - from the Hitler-Stalin pact, through Yokey, to Third Position. 14
Posted by danielj on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 01:38 | # Apollonian: Indeed comrade Diamed, life sucks (Tragedy) as Greeks teach That life is tragic does not mean that it sucks - that is not the summation of Greek thought on the matter. —but we can still have fun, and that’s the whole pt. That is hedonism, or for the more cultured, Epicureanism. So we do our best, resisting Jew lies, and make use of INDUCTIVE LOGIC. I’ve read that Hume demolished Induction in his work. I’ve yet to plow my way through Hume but I trust the interpretation I’ve received. Honest elections and death to the Fed. This I will give my hearty agreement to. Homelander: Nordicism amongs whites. I say we let them be Nordicists. One cannot be both White and Nordic but as long as we know where everyone stands than we can have our strategic partnership. Cue Silver. 15
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 04:20 | #
White people took to Holocaustianity without an “overwhelming numerical advantage” of Jews. Gee, who was it that helped them?
Europe already is secular. Who let in all the Muslims? 16
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 04:24 | # Five defining features of a defeated Nazism: 1.) Germanophobia 2.) anti-antisemitism 3.) Browns/blacks/yellows amongst whites. 4.) Holocaustianity 5.) Political authoritarianism 17
Posted by Homelander on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 08:08 | # You’re right Desmond! No Jew ever harmed us as much as Hitler did. It all started in November 1918, when the Bavarian Corporal couldn’t accept that after four years of fighting 5 to 1 odds, the Central Powers had simply been defeated. He needed a “special” explanation, so he took recourse to the standard remedy in Central Europe at the time - he blamed it on the Jews. The day he did this - even after the bloodiest war in human history - Germany was larger than it is now, Europeans comprised more than third of mankind, and the West still dominated the world. Even the Soviet Union looked to be a short-lived aberration. Today the white race is poised to be flushed down the toilet forever. Nice job Adolf. Why couldn’t you just have gone back to painting? 18
Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 14:22 | # Okay, wildly OT, but has anyone else noticed the strange reaction to the Bale 3 minute hate? Like Drudge’s link to Breitbart today, the comments are unanimous against him. Am I the only one who thinks this country, or at least the Internet, is full of limp-wristed metrosexuals? Sure, it could be just moral jockeying. But what real man truly thinks Bale did anything wrong? In my mind, the guy deserving opprobrium is that spineless little wretch of a director. “I didn’t see it”? Really? That’s what a director does? I would’ve put my foot right up that DP’s ass, and Bale wouldn’t have needed to do my job for me. Seriously, that guy is nowhere near qualified to do his job. If he was, Bale wouldn’t have needed to do it for him. But I digress. The take home point from the reaction, correcting for the responses of bitter spinsters raising armies of cats, is that the educated class in this country is hopelessly emasculated. What would this sad collection do upon witnessing a fistfight? Die of shock? 19
Posted by Svigor on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 14:25 | # Bloodless, that’s the word I was looking for; a bunch of bloodless sissies! 20
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 16:05 | # “ seems anytime someone thinks like an adult about what it really takes to manage civilization responsibly, people start behaving like belligerent drunks.” Aw, c’mon Bowery. I just happen to think that mass conversions to Islam in Whites would not happen unless they were hopelessly swamped by the brownsters. I happen to think that mass conversions would lead to a massive hike in race-mixing and the prospects of ‘working out a deal’ in which we hand off our excess females to them has about zero chance of getting off the ground; in edition to being morally unacceptable. With a nationalist government in place that set the tone for media and education we could get people to cut down on race-mixing of their own accord and reaffirm traditional gender roles. Of course, I’m all for DNA testing, anti-miscegenation laws and doing away with no fault divorce laws. Do all the above and pay out incentives to White married couples to have more children, utilizing DNA testing to assure we are getting what we pay for, and we could damn well get a White birth rate north of replacement level - and with anti-miscegenation laws we wouldn’t have to worry about the new harvest going to the locust. BTW, whatever happened to your “Life’s Universal Warriors” thing? That was a good idea. 21
Posted by jonathan on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 17:15 | # I agree Svigor, some of us internet “commandos” have to test our physical fear. On a whim, went to a motorcycle gathering this past autumn; it wasn’t a Sturgis type of media pep rally. A 250cc is the most powerful I’ve ridden, so I wasn’t in comfortable surroundings, 300 or so Harley Davidson dudes. Armed with brave credos by a Corinthian St. Paul and a belief (have I been hypnotized by MajorityRights) in white collectiveness, was greeted respectfully, albeit suspicious and daring glances. It may have been stupid decision. like Diamed has recommended, I don’t want to dwell on personal experience. Leave it at one of apollonian2nd’s many ideas, ten push ups. The body and mind work together. Who was the Italian Fascist who who wrote about mountain climbing in the 1900s? Alverado? Voldar? I’m sick of this growing HOMER Simpson stomach. Almost entirely, an absurd comment, now I need a six pack!! On top of the Matterhorn…mastering harmonious throat tones…the last grave andante chords of Beathovens Moonlight Sonata! apologies for the CvH poetic license 22
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 17:53 | # CC writes: I just happen to think that mass conversions to Islam in Whites would not happen unless they were hopelessly swamped by the brownsters. Exponentials can be deceptively powerful. If someone actually came up with a formula for white survival that worked within on-going global civilization, it would necessarily entail an engineered human ecology. You can engineer a high reproductive rate, ie: an exponential. CC asks: BTW, whatever happened to your “Life’s Universal Warriors” thing? That was a good idea. Its still my working hyothesis. I reiterated the white Islam potential as a “go with the flow” politics with a “change the tools” strategy in response to Diamed’s mention of engineered human ecologies with high female to male ratios. 23
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 19:02 | # James Bowery: “If someone actually came up with a formula for white survival that worked within on-going global civilization, it would necessarily entail an engineered human ecology.” We can come to a general conception of what we want the world to be. We can work towards that and settle for nothing less. I contend we must expel most of the racial aliens in our midst and reclaim all of our lands. The White race must strive for primacy so it can establish as close to a settled, sustainable ecological order, which limits horizontal transmission, as can be had - Life’s Universal Warriors establishing an engineered global ecology. (Non-Whites could be left to their own devices with the White race intervening only to protect ecosystems and biodiversity.) “I reiterated the white Islam potential as a “go with the flow” politics with a “change the tools” strategy in response to Diamed’s mention of engineered human ecologies with high female to male ratios.” We can do what I mentioned above. In fact, to secure a life worth living for our people on this good earth, we must. 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 19:27 | # From the “<u>Comments Homelander and Ian Jobling Love to Hate</u>” department: Can anyone BELIEVE these Jews? They work for the death of the Euro community in North America and they turn around and want support for Israel??? I have a proposal for comprehensive immigration reform: 1) make a retro-active law revoking the citizenship of every Jew in America; 2) get them all out of this country; 3) round up all sixty million or so pieces of non-white mystery meat the Jews have let in, and force them on Israel, using nuclear blackmail if Israel refuses to take them in and grant them citizenship. How’s that for “comprehensive immigration reform,” Jews? Yeah, suddenly you can hear a pin drop around here, it’s funny how that works ...... (Sorry to spoil your afternoon, Homelander.) 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 19:56 | # I wonder what others think of the idea of us all converting to Islam? .... hmmmm ..... let’s see if Pat Condell has an opinion on that ... maybe in this video linked below? Right, let’s have a look. (Actually I’m teasing — if mass conversion to Islam were the only way to save Euros from the genocide currently underway at the hands of the Jews, I’d support it.) 27
Posted by Homelander on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 21:03 | # I guess I don’t understand Bowery’s idea. Arabs (and Pakis and Turks) don’t migrate to Europe to convert white people to Islam, any more than Mestizos migrate to North America to convert white people to Catholicism. Even the race-replacement effects of immigration are not an important part of most migrant’s intentions. Migrants come for economic reasons. Lebanese Christians migrate too. Also Assyrians from Iraq. Most immigrants from tropical Africa are not Moslems. I suppose changing the sex-ratio toward mostly women in each generational cohort would make for an expanding population with the same 2.1/woman birth-rate. But a race which is chronically 80% women isn’t going to be able to defend itself any better than Berlin in 1945. I would prefer one interesting woman to a dozen harem slaves. I would not commend converting to Islam to “save” the white race. Maybe Fred should convert to Judaism however - y’know, join the conspiracy, cash in on the benefis. Why not? 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 22:05 | #
Nah, an existence as a parasite, an HIV-type immunosuppressant, or a predator isn’t my bag, Homelander. Maybe I’m spoiled but I prefer being a full-spectrum human having the full range of human characteristics to leading a narrow existence as a civilization-destroying disease vector but hey that’s just me, I’m sure opinions can vary on this — I remain completely open-minded. 29
Posted by Colin Laney on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 23:46 | # Nah, an existence as a parasite, an HIV-type immunosuppressant, or a predator isn’t my bag, Homelander. Still, though, you should keep in mind that just as your ancestry once gave you a hassle here, it can open doors elsewhere. In other words, you are one of the few people (and maybe the only one) who can gain access to the enemy camp and report back. You can also take a kind of direct action that is not available to anyone else here: once having gained access, you can suggest modes of thought and behavior to the foe that would tend to lead to exposure or overreaching on their part. Sowing extreme paranoia among Jews is also quite easy, as they are neurologically and culturally predisposed. Actions stemming from paranoid ideation almost always tend to bring about the feared behavior - ask any psychologist. We don’t get many chances to play crypsis with our enemies, Fred. You’re in a unique position. 30
Posted by q on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 01:18 | # ... In other words, you are one of the few people (and maybe the only one) who can gain access to the enemy camp and report back. IMO, Fred, is already doing more than his share for our side. 31
Posted by Svigor on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 01:21 | #
Makes it hard sometimes, to avoid certain quotes; here I have in mind the perfectly apt, “the Jews are our misfortune.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. 32
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 01:30 | # “Jewish law compels us to be engaged on this issue”,(ie., immigration), said Rabbi Steve Gutow executive director of Jewish-&*%$, etc…. “Can anyone BELIEVE these Jews? >Fred No. What is with people that come into Euro country, be it England with their demand for Sharia law or with the Jew and his insistance on Jewish law? Last I looked this Nation has it’s own ancient code of law and damit, it is illegal, get it, illegal to storm our borders and demand sustenance. The arrogance! Fred does more than most in this fight. 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 22:22 | # Here’s a guy, Bertrand Badie, a big Paris university professor who’s written umpteen gazillion books on political science, who says stuff like we have to honor immigrants and give them a political voice in our countries because nations are being phased out, and immigration is “the future of the world.” (He doesn’t call them immigrants, he prefers to call them “migrants.”) Despite looking very carefully, as carefully as I could, at this Prof. Badie’s photo, here, , I’m completely stumped as to what his ethnicity could possibly be. I wonder if either Homelander or Ian Jobling could help out, if either of them has a minute ... just look closely at the photo and take your best guess ...... Thanks, Homelander! Thanks, Ian! I know how busy you guys are, thanks for helping out! 34
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 22:25 | # Excuse me, this link will get you to Prof. Badie’s photo: . (That other one was more for the comments, pardon me.) 35
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 22:33 | # If I have time later I’ll translate what Prof. Badie says there. And I’ll be sure to also translate some of the comments posted underneath by Frenchmen ... posted by real Frenchmen that is, not — well, I trust I don’t have to spell it out but you get the picture .... 36
Posted by apollonian2nd on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 18:39 | # Posted by Fred Scrooby on February 07, 2009, 06:31 PM | # “What a god damned plague these Jews are.” * * * * *
Yes Fred: that’s entire pt., socio-biologically, as u say—but why is that some horrible mysterious thing? And to be exact, Jews are a parasite disease-of-opportunity—they merely take advantage of a malady already obtaining, and indeed, simply perform a strictly socio-biologic, perfectly Darwinian function, carrying off and reducing inferiors and weaklings. Further, the process is perfectly CYCLIC, in accord with Spengler’s “Decline of the West.” Fred, people are obsessed with neo-Pelagian hereticalism (fm Rousseau, Eng. utilitarianism, and esp. Immanuel Kant, as I noted), pretending they can be God (thus “good”) by means of perfectly free will. Jews are thus enabled to take advantage as Jews are most perfectly organized collectivistically, stupid gentiles isolated in their hubristic individualist mysticism, this even though Jews are out-numbered so grossly. So fear not: Jew parasites will, cyclically, soon enough become over-populated in their manner, thus necessarily falling-out w. one another—as indeed, I pt. out, Walt-Mearsheimer, CFR-Bilderberg conspirators (see for expo/ref.), “fingering” “The Israel Lobby.” Question for us is MANAGEMENT—what will we do, and how? Thus we emulate heroes of ancient Roman empire, early 4th cent., who effected the first (well, at least most successful) and greatest Jew-Expulsion in all history—which was culture-wide, not merely for one country. like Germany 1939, or Spain 1492. But note, by means of Jew COUNTERFEITING (see for expo/ref. on US Federal Reserve Bank [Fed] fraud), present-day Christianity has simply become EXACT OPPOSITE of what it originally was—anti-semitic—and, especially, so putridly MYSTIC, this mysticism surely the most sublime transformation Jews engineered. So we patriots of present-day must simply revive, resurge, and resurrect, as it were, such Christian ideals, appealing simply to that magnificent original literature—esp. Gosp. JOHN, for example—featuring TRUTH against Jew lies, hence (a) objectivity, thus human REASON, once again. Then (b) we emphasize Christianity’s necessary ANTI-SEMITISM (anti-Talmud, as Gosp. MARK 7:1-13) above all, and thus, for ethical imperative, (c) HONESTY, above “love” of St. Paul. Thus u see, we attack Jew disease by means of, FIRST, affecting and neutralizing its foremost defenders among gentiles, the present-day Pelagian (esp. neo- type) hereticalists pretending to “good-evil” fallacy/delusion, and esp., easiest targets, surely, the “Judeo-Christian” (JC—see and for expo/ref.) hereticalists who imagine Christ was “Jew” (hence Talmudist), for foremost example. CONCLUSION: It’s not like there’s nothing we can do. Reality is surely determined according to absolute cause-effect, yes, but we must and should be like doctors/physicians who treat most rationally the disease and conditions. That was purpose for original Apostles who showed us how to do it. People need EPIPHANY, guidance, and leadership. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian 37
Posted by Armor on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 15:14 | #
From what I read in the website’s comments : - The weird thing is that he does his anti-Western, race-replacement propaganda in a Catholic magazine published by “Secours Catholique”, a Catholic charity. - A joke he made in 2007 in front of his 2nd-year students: 38
Posted by Armor on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 15:31 | # Also in the comments section of the same website, someone says that “Secours Catholique” supports immigration and illegals without restrictions, and promotes a guilt trip for the white Frenchman, while asking him for more money all the time. So, it is not only when they have Jewish guests. 39
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 15:39 | # Armor, the communists and Marranos posing as priests who took over the Vatican in 1962 are as fully on-board with race-replacement as the Hebrews are. That nest has to be cleaned out. Post a comment:
Next entry: Defiance: a Hollywood take on Jewish banditry and murder
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Posted by apollonian2nd on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 16:21 | #
Determinist Wisdom Still Doesn’t Over-Rule Necessity Of Will
(Apollonian, 6 Feb 09)
Indeed comrade Diamed, life sucks (Tragedy) as Greeks teach—but we can still have fun, and that’s the whole pt. So we do our best, resisting Jew lies, and make use of INDUCTIVE LOGIC. Thus reason tells us future will happen as it must no matter what we do—but it doesn’t say exactly what that future will be. And besides we still gotta try to have our fun. And exerting will is only thing we (think we) know how to do. We still think exerting will has SOME use.
Thus we see we’re going through a CYCLIC process, Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity taking its inevitable, obligatory toll. And note Jews are just the leadership class (of criminals) with their own contingent (of the passive, slow-witted sort) among the others. So it’s much a matter of enduring, suffering, and waiting. Thus we learn patience is virtue. Thus accurate observation, integral to science, pays. For we must react; we only pray our reaction is correct—or lucky.
In the end, we pray to be merely LUCKY. And regardless, that accurate observation is what we prize most—the TRUTH—hence HONESTY. After observation, we then merely act in most judicious manner (as we can’t avoid acting); we know we depend upon luck, but we don’t want to do something we know will lose forthwith—thus we avoid what we KNOW is stupidity. Life sucks. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian