I don’t know whether this idea will fly but ...
I am interested in building up a list of corrective word and phrase definitions, each of which encapsulates our worldview and might have some utility in combatting the pervasiveness of left-speak. For example:-
amnesty a public admission by the US federal government that its immigration laws do not work, and a private admission that they are not meant to
anarcho-capitalism religion of the capitalist self, attractive to 40 year-old businessmen trying to be hip
anti-discrimination law destruction of European peoples’ freedoms of association
anti-racism fanatical hatred of normal Europeans
anti-semite any European who resists behaviour by Ashkenazic Jews damaging to his people
Ashkenazic Jews non-semitic tribe of Central Asian origin who comprise 90% of Jewry
assimilation once proof that any European could find his or her own place in America; assimilationism the ideology that assimilation is just as possible for non-Europeans
Auschwitz one-time labour camp, now a temple of perpetual European damnation
Boer genocide wave of farm murders since the ANC came to power in SA
Canadian anglophones francophiles
Canadian francophones anglophobes
civil rights government-decreed access for blacks to white society, with no corresponding demand for improvements to black behaviour; African-American civil rights movement Anti-white, pro-black agitation of the 50’s and 60’s organised by Jewish political activists until the Black Power Movement could take over
color-blind blind
conservatism the political expression of love of self, love of kind, love of country; Conservative Party right-liberal political group in Britain; social conservatism understanding of and profound respect for sociobiologically-derived mores and traditions
cognitive dissonance an anxiety condition common among liberals who encounter, for example, race-realism
cognitive eltism the idea that Europeans should be displaced and/or replaced by the world’s smartest non-whites because the world’s dummies are a downright disaster
conspiracy theory smear term for almost any mention of the elephant in the living room
correlation vs. causation (also “correlation is not causation”) ostrich tactic commonly employed by race-deniers when confronted by Occam’s razor or plain common sense
culture war the use of homosexual and ethnic minority interests to undo, subvert or otherwise destroy personal and societal norms
democracy an oligarchy in which the ordinary people think they can elect their leaders
distributism economic system aiming at the diffusion of property among the populace
diversity political buzzword for the decivilisation of European societies, often applied to specific localities (opp of “hideously white”)
economism the belief that only economic and financial ends are really important
egalitarianism the pretence that poofs, dykes and low-IQ folks are equal to or the same as normal Europeans
equal rights equal outcomes ... and jam for equality professionals; a mandate for authoritarianism and theft by taxation
european of Europe or the peoples of Europe
far right smear term frequently applied to any normal European
fascism political philosophy peculiar to Italy; fascist smear term frequently applied to any normal European
freedom not choice, not an unfettered will, not anything open to the moderation of politics. Something more.
gay rights sad wrongs done to our freedoms of speech and association; euphemism for Homosexualist Marxism; the buggering of normalcy
genetic determinism Orwellian attempt to smear hereditarians with fanaticism by those who are themselves fanatical in their environmental determinism
hate the idea of or desire for self-determination among European peoples; hate crime legal confirmation of the primacy of minority feelings; hate speech language tending to the survival of European peoples; hate speech law legalistic attempt to eliminate from public discourse all language tending to the survival of European peoples
holocaust gratuitous Jewish-racial hagiography on an industrial scale
homosexual (incl. lesbian) human tragedy requiring of the sufferer personal self-restraint in return for public tolerance
illiberal non-liberal; comment, itself “illiberal”, upon the opinions of a normal person
immigrant alien aggressing against European economic, land and genetic resources
integration slow European genocide, and the only genuine alternative to multiculturalism (happily, that’s failed multiculturalism, of course) or repatriation
interculturalism pathetic attempt to replace failed multiculturalism with chapati-baking lessons for the (remaining) white housewives of Leicester
Iraq mental condition affecting the Bush dynasty
la-la land that place under the soil where ostriches and liberals stick their heads
liberal captive of liberalism; liberalism the politics of decivilising the West
libertarian childish right-liberal freedom junkie with an IQ of 120; libertarianism (second-wave) purest form of liberalism, tending to the atomisation of society into competing sovereign wills and disqualifying the ethnic interest-based presumptions on which racial survival depends
limousine liberal members of the political class who gush regularly for the poor they hope never to meet
melting pot genocide of the dark ally and the bed pillow
Mark Stein widely-published Canadian journalist and dissembling shill for the “war on terror”
Marxism the still-beating heart of the left, even after 100,000,000 deaths by collectivism and state terror, and the collapse of all social and economic credibility
Mexico a country shortly to be found south of MT and west of LA
multiculturalism failed attempt by the liberal establishment to force unassimilable aliens on Europeans through the recognition of only cultural differences
nation a people and a land - Blut und Boden, the one inseparable from the other; nationalist person who comprehends the inseparability of blood and soil
nazi (from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP) smear term frequently applied to normal Europeans; nazi war crimes war crimes by nazis
neoconservatives Jewish ex-trotskyites and fellow travellers who stole the GOP from European-Americans, captured the US Presidency, opened the borders as wide as possible and declared war on Israel’s enemies.
one-man-one-vote (abbr. OMOV) a method of restraining indigenous and socially conservative interests at the ballot box
paternalism feminist paranoia about the benign father figure
patriot person who does not necessarily comprehend the inseparability of blood and soil, but loves the soil anyway
political correctness self-censorship in imitatio Marxo for the comfort and good of blacks, queers, liberal academics, etc
pornography extreme expression of secular Jewish individualism
precision bombing whoops!
psyops cynical manipulation of public feeling and opinion by an hidden enemy within
racialist normal person who puts the interests of his or her people first; racial majority European people who, by their mere existence, obstruct progress towards the goals of liberalism; racial minority client group of any liberal, assumed to be inherently noble and in need of protection from white racism and privilege; racial prejudice believing non-whites are racially inferior, since believing them equal is apparently not a prejudgement; racial supremacism scare story told by race-deniers to avoid the normality of racialism; perfectly logical result of Nature’s diversity racist term of abuse for a normal European person; a conservative winning an argument with a liberal (Thomas Sowell)
repatriation redemption from the folly and self-destructiveness of post-war immigration policy in the West
sixties decade of moral self-indulgence, of revolt against the father, of flight into fantasy, of conservative collapse
social engineering proof that Man is not perfectible
social scientist professional bigot who researches us solely to reinforce his or her anti-white, anti-male or heterophobic prejudices
state the institutions of power through which the liberal-left has marched
Steve Sailer American journalist with extremely sound race-realist credentials but a fatal incapacity or unwillingness to follow the political logic
terrorism blind hatred in pursuit of political self-justification
taboo-breaking wet dream of all liberals, providing the alleged taboos are the natural foundations of society ... but shock and horror if the taboos are their own
two-party system one-party system
unfettered will being anyone and doing anything your silly head wishes; the execrable understanding of human nature which is the holy of liberal holies, for spaced-out jumpers everywhere: “I can fly, baby ...”
war on terror popular belief among certain European peoples that Apache attack helicopters in Lashkargah will save them from what Moslems do in bed in Brussels and Bradford
white flight Orwellian term blaming whites for their own ethnic cleansing
white privilege the allegedly academic theory that the poor outcomes of certain minorities are caused not by their own failings but by the skin colour of Europeans
white separatism precondition for racial survival in a multiracial state, akin to repatriation in the ancient nations of Europe
white supremacism, see “racial supremacism”
There are, I suppose, hundreds of words that could be so defined. Bearing in mind that the object of the definition is to be accurate, concise (or, if not, funny), and fully “awake” you are cordially invited to improve on and add to the little list I have crashed out above. If sufficient defs eventually build up - and we are not in a hurry - we can post them as a running feature linked from our front-page. (I should just add that I will be sole editor and adjudicator of suitability, should anyone care to contribute).
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 06:03 | #
Boris-I regretfully have to concur-The Liberty situation is inexcusable,but the fact that our intelligence system was so devoid of internal protection led the Isralis to honestly[and with some accuracy]to believe it posed a problem.Ergo-get rid of a potential problem before it becomes real.War sucks,but keeping your ass in one piece is the prime directive.Bottom line-the primary blame is on the shit-heads in the Pentagon>