The whole world in two press releases The Work Foundation, an NGO at the confluence of internationalism and economism, has issued a press release titled, “UK must attract more highly skilled migrant workers”:-
This is the enemy in smooth and self-confident action. Elsewhere on the site, in its advertising blurb to the Rüdiger report, it urges “policymakers” to:-
“The problems of a purely native labour supply.” Quite outrageous. I have searched the full report, and the “problem” is described there in the singular, and is an ageing native demographic. But that’s not really it, because the report plainly states that the cause of skilled labour shortages in “IT, science, healthcare and technology fields” is the government’s success in promoting Britain “as a location for foreign investment”. The dots are not connected. The argument merely runs that inward investment is not matched by education and skills training among the native workforce, and therefore another workforce must be attracted. Economic growth is the ultimate good, and it brooks no challenge, logically or logistically. It really is that facile:-
The report identifies Asian workers, particularly Indians, as the favoured target group. But, to add to the general air of Foundational illogic and incompetence, on its cover the “skilled migrant” exhibits a certain prognathousness. He’s the African everyman with the “knowledge skills” we ageing natives lack. That choice would come as no surprise to the loyalists of Migrationwatch. They, too, have been researching the demographic, as portrayed in the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics. Their press release states:-
The press release also reveals that:-
So browns and blacks in; whites out. That + birth rate differentials = race replacement by design. All accompanied, of course, by calming and wholly ineffectual policy noises. The only point of light in this grim process is, as the internationalists of the Work Foundation lament:-
How I hope so. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 04:12 | #
That sums it up right there. Especially the last two words: by design. Let no one doubt it’s deliberate, coldly calculated, by an array of forces that explicitly in their minds wish race-replacement on the Eurosphere countries. What’s going on simply cannot be explained any other way. 3
Posted by Bill on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 05:52 | # EU immigration “As public concern has increased supporters of immigration have tried to give the impression that the majority come from the new EU member states and that, in time as their economies improve, they will return home – thus implying that public fears are groundless,’ said Sir Andrew Green, Migrationwatch chairman” How many times have I banged on that the BBC (media) has thrown all the immigration emphasise on EU immigration. I have commented several time that this was a deliberate ruse to give the public impression that third world immigration had dried up. (or much reduced) 4
Posted by Bill on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 06:06 | # And another thing There seems to be a deliberate policy of non training for a large section of our young non academics, in other words they go from education to daytime television never to be seen again. As I say, this is deliberate creation of skills shortage, and hey, if we have a skills shortage then we will have to beg for more immigrants to fill the gap. Fred - your dead right. 5
Posted by Robert Reis on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 06:31 | # One Hand on my Bible/the Other on my Gun 6
Posted by calvin on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:39 | # “At present, despite the hype, numbers are relatively low — only 167,000 high skilled workers came to this country on official figures from 2005” None of these skilled migrants would have have had any problem with gaining legal immigrant status under the pre-asylum rules. The fact that only 167,000 out of the hundreds of thousands of migrants that the UN sewer has flushed onto our shores qualify as skilled, is an indictment of the asylum system, not a vindication of it. “The principles of free trade have yet to affect the movement of people to the same extent as the trade in goods and services. While world trade volumes increased by a factor of seven between 1975 and 2005, world migrant stocks increased by about 2.5 per cent” That old chestnut! So people are just another trade item to be shuffled around the world in the interests of economic expediency? Wasn’t Joe Stalin the last person to experiment with that sort of thing? Trade is an exchange. Cash is provided and goods are supplied. Under a traditional discretionary system of immigration, residency right are exchanged for skills. Under the present system European nations are required to surrender residency rights to people with no skills. This is not an exchange. It is an undemocratic transfer of wealth. Trade is not “free”. Trade is limited by the ability of the purchaser of goods and services to pay for these goods and services. There is no more valid economic argument for allowing people who cannot make an economic contribution to our European nations than their is for demanding the continued provision of goods and services that can no longer be paid for. 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 14:08 | #
And in any case, whether or not there’s an economic contribution to be made, there can be no valid argument for bringing in, on a permanent citizenship basis, race-replacement volumes of the racially unlike to make it. Economic needs can always be met in ways other than changing your own nation’s race: whatever the racially unlike can do, plenty of people of your own nation and race can do, don’t worry. As Calvin says, all that’s needed is to make sure your own people are trained properly. There’s a need for plumbers that the Poles are filling? OK, then why isn’t the government taking some of these chavs who run around in hooded sweatshits and golden necklaces and training them as plumbers instead of teaching them feminism, Martin-Luther-King worship, correct answers in arithmetic are racist, and the white man is the cancer of history (all the stuff, in other words, that makes them rebel and turn into chavs in the first place — that plus the way they’re being deliberately crowded out and replaced by non-whites everywhere they look, everywhere they turn)? Precisely because there is no valid argument in favor of the present immigration scheme (“scheme” is what it is; in no way is it happening “by itself”; it’s wholly artificial and imposed, and could be ended in five minutes — just put someone like me in power, you’ll see what’ll happen to it), and there can be no valid argument, the other side doesn’t attempt to make one, insisting instead that non-whites must come flooding in because otherwise you in the white receiving country haven’t sufficiently proven your antiracism. That’s their argument. No, not on its surface but that’s what it boils down to. Their final position is unless you warmly embrace your own race’s genocide you are a racist, and since being racist is not permitted your own race’s genocide must be forced on you. That’s it. That’s their argument. Of course they try to trot out infantile camouflage so transparently ridiculous not even a child would fall for it. We’ve always been “a nation of immigrants”? Well, whatever the truth of that is (zero, of course), we certainly never before were a nation on the receiving end of massive non-white population transfers — not “immigration,” outright massive race-replacement population transfers — and we don’t intend to start now, so bog off. That should be everyone’s answer to that crap, with similar ones for all the rest of the nonsense they shamelessly trot out. What they are about is race-replacement, make no mistake. What Powell saw forty years ago is by now obvious to everyone including them. If they persist it’s because they desire the outcome Powell warned against, it’s as simple as that. They can only succeed if you let them, people, so open your eyes. 8
Posted by Chestertonian on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 21:19 | # I wonder if these same experts would want Israel to throw open its doors to the world’s tens of millions of “skilled” migrants? The case would surely be made that there is no high-tech skills shortage in Israel, and come to think of it, why would there be? Israelis can afford their decent educations when heavily subsidized by Western tax dollars. Pride-instilling nationalist schools and a sane immigration doesn’t hurt either. I’d be nice if we weren’t being criticized for what the critics themselves do. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 00:14 | #
Western tax dollars which include a hundred billion German marks paid out in compensation for the Holocau$t®, which is now known to be a gigantic lie, a fraud. Israel owes Germany one hundred billion marks plus interest. 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 00:18 | # Plus damages for pain and suffering caused by the gigantic lie told about them. (How much is damage the psyches of two generations of Germans worth in compensation? Start shelling out, Israel!) 11
Posted by Chestertonian on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 04:18 | #
There’s not money enough in the world to repay the damage done by the defamations of that particular people, Mr. Scrooby. We’ve been literally ruined fighting the wars instigated by their mouths. In terms of a reparations, we should instead profit ourselves by heeding Martin Luther’s advice:
Our failure to follow the blunt warnings of the past is startling, as the advice of our forefathers is explicit. There’s no misreading it. Here are more detailed instructions from Martin Luther:
Posted by Catweazle on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 12:53 | # The report is utter, utter bollocks worthy of Phillipe Legrain at his stupidest. 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 13:52 | # I’m not in favor of radical free trade (or extreme protectionism) but Catweazle makes an excellent point in response to today’s generation of nation-erasing free traders who (à la John Lennon’s horrible song “Imagine”) insist on “free movement of labor to go along with free movement of capital”:
Brilliant: so, the whole idea of trade is to keep people from having to leave their homes and move to other countries! Makes sense! But even if it’s wrong — even if there’s some obscure economics reason why “today’s free movement of capital across national boundaries requires free movement of labor across national boundaries,” perhaps you’d better take your “free movement of capital across national boundaries” and shove it you-know-where because “free movement of labor across national boundaries” — nation-erasure, that is — is a non-starter, pal. We’re opting out. Let’s stick with the old system: reasonable movement of capital across national boundaries and rationally restricted movement of labor across them, consistent with the existence of nations and lots of other good things. But ... but ... but ... that’ll mean George Soros will accumulate a few billion dollars less next year? So ... under that system he’ll only be worth 47 billion instead of 51 billion? Hey I might lose a little sleep over that but somehow — just trust me on this — I think I’ll be OK ... 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 13:54 | # (No, Lennon’s song didn’t insist on “free movement of labor to go along with free movement of capital,” but it yearned for the same outcome: nation-erasure. That was what I meant in mentioning it.) 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 14:15 | # Fundamentally it’s like anything else in economics: you could clear-cut forests in pursuit of pure profits without regard to anything else, and you’d get your big profits certainly, but it’s wrong to clear-cut because that destroys things of value: you should forego a portion of your potential profit in order to engage in rational, ecologically sensible logging of timber which conserves what benefits everyone. You don’t destroy things of great communitywide value — waterfront property, forests, archaeological sites, the family farm, small towns and their small-town “Main Streets,” “flyover country,” Russian and Ukrainian girls’ virginity, and so on, merely in order to put more dollars in your own pocket. Nations and races are things of great communitywide value, so the fact that you may well be able to stuff your greedy pockets with more gold by opening the borders and getting labor moving around my country freely doesn’t impress me, not one bit, and you shouldn’t be doing it. I and people like me aim to end it. Deal with that. 16
Posted by Catweazle on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 14:57 | # Of course these fuckwits display their profound ignorance of their supposed spcialist subject every time they speak (thinking of arch-arsehole legrain in particular). 17
Posted by GT on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 15:58 | #
Unfortunately the idea is inconsistent. Productive labor is a fundamental asset, conveniently overlooked and exploited by work-averse speculators as the situation requires. 18
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 16:26 | # Business as usual in the Grauniad:
But not business as usual in The It-Isn’t-Are-You?:
It’s not sympathetic, but it’s far less of a hatchet job than you’d expect. The times they are a-changin’! 19
Posted by calvin on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 02:44 | # “In the 19th century, Europeans fled poverty for a better life abroad. Who are we to deny modern-day migrants the same?” Australia was a penal colony, nobody “fled” there. Scottish people ended up in Canada because they were burned out of their ancestral homes by rapacious landowners with sheep on their minds. The American West, which the colonial elite took little interest in, was colonised by White slaves who had to choose between re-indenture or fighting Indians in the wilderness. The Irish were invited to America to be used as cannon fodder in the war between the states. Duped, exiled and enslaved becomes flight from poverty? Why are these people so ignorant of history? 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 03:07 | #
Those Highland Land Clearances were of course a very similar phenomenon to the current race-replacement of white workingmen in the States by rapacious business owners, white workingmen corresponding, of course, to the Scottish crofters, and Mexicans to the sheep. 21
Posted by Bill on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 08:09 | # From BBC Newsnight blog 4.06.2008 “Polish Does he have a point? We’ll be debating this live.” Also the Daily Mail ran a piece about it. “How many times have I banged on that the BBC (media) has thrown all the immigration emphasise on EU immigration. I have commented several time that this was a deliberate ruse to give the public impression that third world immigration had dried up. (or much reduced)” Posted by Bill on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at 04:52 AM | # The BBC would never, ever! ever! ever! discuss non white immigration in the same vocabulary as they have described Polish immigration. If your white your sh*t…... B*****ds. Incidentally, I watched Newsnight last night, it was pathetic, I’m on the right track when I say the view from screen in the corner is is not mirrored in the real outside world and never will. The BBC are, from now on, climbing a greasy pole, (no pun intended) and it can only get worse. 22
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 23:37 | # By never once mentioning race in his spirited new essay up today over at, , Fjordman says, in effect, that flooding Europe with inappropriate volumes of Vietnamese, Nigerian, Korean, Mexican, Bolivian, Papua-New-Guinean, Somali, Filipino, Turkish, and Middle-Eastern- and North-African-Arab Christians, flooding it to the point of demographically replacing the Europeans, would be OK. Just fine. Because for it not to be just fine, he must say A but he doesn’t. And “Who does not say A must not say B” (if one may be permitted to apply the inverse of James Burnham’s useful little rule). So, nice piece, but fundamentally FJ gets it not only wrong, he gets it — I’m talking about fundamentally here: on the most fundamental level — he gets it completely wrong, as in “a miss is as good as a mile” wrong or “one-hundred-and-eighty degrees out of phase” wrong. So, is FJ really an ally? No. He isn’t. He isn’t because the most fundamental thing (hint: the most fundamental thing is NOT the incursion of Islam …) — the most fundamental thing he gets one-hundred-and-eighty degrees wrong, in a way that makes him as much our ally as Alon Ziv. I’ve realized, as much as I respect Paul Belien, that his blog,, will never deliver the goods. (Maybe it wants to but can’t? Maybe PB is afraid of being shut down and sent to jail if anyone at his blog so much as mentions race?) It’s like the Republican Party in the U.S. or the Tories in the Mother Country: they’ll never deliver the goods, either of them. Ever. 23
Posted by calvin on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 02:58 | # Fred, I’ve dropped out of “this sort of thing” for various reasons., but I must say that your finger is on the button. Invariably you nail it. Kudos to you Sir! GW is a stalwart, he is putting it on the line and I admire him greatly, but I think that the way ahead for “us” is through some kind of mocking, piss-taking satire, a bit like the VNN of old. I’m kind of signing off here. George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. In a time in which heroism exists only in role playing games, maybe our mild and stubborn rejection of moronic consensus will constitute a debased form of heroism for a debased age. If so one day we may yet meet in Valhalla. 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 03:24 | # Thanks for those kind words, Calvin. But I wish you hadn’t said you were signing off. You can’t do that! You’re needed! And besides, you’re one of my favorites! Well if you must, you must, and let’s hope it’ll be temporary. And if we ever do meet in Valhalla, the first round of mead will be on me, mate! 25
Posted by Englander on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:00 | #
I despise this line of argument. It’s nothing but emotional blackmail and the hijacking of our goodwill to suicidal (and ultimately genocidal) ends. Calvin is ‘signing off’? Calvin, you don’t post enough as it is. I always enjoy your posts here and at the phora. 26
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 14:26 | # Calvin’s valedictory is very sad. “Needed” is it. The next few years are years of danger during which “the reaction” will begin to materialise. It will be susceptible to steerage to wasteful ends, in the manner than a small error of navigation at the journey’s outset can have a major effect at its end. As I see it, our struggle is navigational, and among the enemy are those self-described realists and compromisers who will take us elsewhere ... to the “right”, or “against Islamification”, or simply to the easily achievable like the repatriation of illegal immigrants, but no further. It is now, at the very beginning, that one must clarify ends, and let the ends clarify means. For that, we do need Calvin, and all those like him who think clearly and can contribute to clarity generally. The more collective force we can bring to bear to that end today, the more likely our collective contentment later. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 19:00 | # (Change the entry’s title to “The Whole World in Three Press Releases”: here’s another one.) The other side (the side favoring race-replacement and nation-destruction) deliberately mislead when they have the chance: these are not honorable people or believers in democracy, but totalitarians. Look what these pro-EU newspaper editors deliberately did, to try to deceive the public: in reporting the results of the latest Irish public opinion poll showing 35% of Irishmen in favor of rejecting the Lisbon Treaty and 30% against rejecting it, they wrote,
What lying swine! (See it here: ) 28
Posted by Robert Reis on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 06:09 | #
OSLO (Reuters) - Police in Norway have arrested a Gambian-born man and charged him and his wife with subjecting five of their six daughters to genital mutilation, officials said on Friday. The practice, also known as female circumcision, is outlawed in Norway and arouses horror among many people in the West but is a rite of passage for young women in many countries, predominantly in Africa. The youngest of the five mutilated girls, all born in Norway, is five years old, police officials said. The others are aged seven, 10, 13 and 14 and live in Gambia, national broadcaster NRK reported. Police officer Hanne Kristin Rohde, head of the violent crime and vice section of the Oslo police, said on Norwegian commercial television TV 2 that the father — a naturalised Norwegian citizen along with his wife — was taken into custody on Friday. “Norwegian police have charged this couple of Gambian background for breaking the Norwegian law on genital mutilation — five of their six daughters are circumcised,” Rohde said. The mother is pregnant with a seventh child and was deemed unfit to be held in jail. Norwegian authorities have been cracking down on the practice since mid-2007, barring families from travelling abroad if they suspect they plan to have the procedure done outside the country. The charges are based on the discovery by child protection authorities that the couple’s second youngest daughter, age five, was circumcised, Rohde said. Their youngest, age three, has not been subjected to the procedure, NRK said. The child protection authorities have taken custody of the two youngest girls, Rohde said, adding that the police would now seek to bring the other four back to Norway in cooperation with the parents and Gambian and other Norwegian authorities. U.N. agencies say an estimated 100 to 140 million women and girls worldwide have undergone genital mutilation, whose proponents say it promotes chastity before marriage and fidelity afterwards by reducing female sexual desire. Around 3 million a year are believed to be subjected to it. Not only is this a loathsome practice, but the efforts that will have to be made to stamp it out will cause still more limits on the freedoms of the rest of the Norwegians.
The charges are based on the discovery by child protection authorities that the couple’s second youngest daughter, age five, was circumcised… Just a further contribution to Western civilization from the Religion Of Peace. 29
Posted by Dan Dare on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 06:23 | # Surely in this dialogue the key phrase is ‘highly-skilled’. No-one doubts, I feel sure, the added value that an experienced foreign-exchange broker arriving from New York, for whose services his employers are paying in the high six or even seven figures, would contribute to the international competitiveness of the City of London. Nor, to be sure, the genetics expert that Glaxo-Wellcome has poached from one of the Swiss pharma-giants, or for that matter, the rationality of Shell bringing over from Western Australia at great expense the chief seismologist responsible for their spectacular offshore success in the Woodside project. But, unfortunately, that’s not what ‘highly skilled’ means in the current vernacular. What it really refers to is the recently qualified C++ code-jockeys from one of the myriad of Indian diploma mills who Tata Consultancy PLC wishes to place in one of the many IT projects outsourced by the public sector in the UK. The reality is that Prakash is no more highly skilled than any one of a hundred similarly-qualified recent graduates from Computer Science programmes at UK universities, but rather that he is willing to do the job for half the going rate. 30
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 00:46 | # ‘The principles of free trade have yet to affect the movement of people to the same extent as the trade in goods and services…’ Here you have an attempt by the NGO to reduce man to a state of merchandise…ie man seen as a nameless and faceless commodity to be traded like any other, in the same manner, as coal, oil, foodstuffs, etc., his ‘price’ (specifically that of his labor in that variant of slavery known euphamistically as ‘cheap labor’, which the vast majority of the ‘migrants’ not being skilled are, despite the propaganda) to be driven as low as possible. The peoples of the world maintaining their identities would be a serious impediment in this modern trade in human flesh, if not make it impossible altogether, as was indeed discovered in the 19th century when this scheme was first tried in a major way, being implemented initially in a crude and bungling manner, and naturally (and quite rightfully) being met with a good deal of opposition, whether from the desperate peoples in a state of national weakness beings preyed upon as a source of cheap labor, or being the destination people(s) of the said labor. Hence the funding and promotion since that time of the anti-race campaign (ie ‘anti-racism’), the general supression of peoplehood, and the development of the ideology/cult of multi-culturalism for people to believe in, in exchange for their collective physical selves, cultures, and lands…interchangeable people requiring interchangeable culture. Though like probably most people at this site, I would tend to disagree with much of his politics, a rather well known author made a not dissimilar observation in his most famous of books. George Orwell was of the belief that future wars would be fought primarily over the obtainment of cheap labor, it being seen as the most valued of raw materials in the dystopia he described. ‘All of the disputed territories contain valuable minerals, and some of them yield important vegetable products such as rubber which in colder climates it is necessary to synthesize by comparatively expensive methods. But above all they contain a bottomless reserve of cheap labour.’
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:04 | #
For those who might not be aware, the term ‘migrant stock’, utilized here by the NGO in apparent reference primarily to what are known to some as ‘cheap laborers’, and what are known to most simply as people, is the exact term used by industry for animals, as in the examples below.
The UN and closely associated World Bank use the term ‘migrant stock’ as well, in much the same manner as the NGO, largely in apparent reference to ‘cheap laborers’.
The UN provides a chart of ‘world migrant stock’ which must be quite handy for the industrialists looking for the nearest supply of cheap laborers for their next project. The moral error of slavery not truly having been dealt with by those relative few practicing it at most everyone else’s great expense, but rather a sleight of hand taking place in the 19th century which merely exchanged one variant of slavery (chattel) for another (cheap labor), it ought not to be particularly surprising that the NGO and the others described see their fellow man as brute beasts to be preyed upon, just as their slaving forebears did. That this is the case ought to be cause for concern for people of goodwill everywhere. United Nations Estimates of World ‘Migrant Stock’ For 2005 Pennsylvania Game Commission State Wildlife Management Agency 33
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 06:57 | # That sums it up right there. Especially the last two words: by design. Let no one doubt it’s deliberate, coldly calculated, by an array of forces that explicitly in their minds wish race-replacement on the Eurosphere countries. What’s going on simply cannot be explained any other way. Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at 03:12 AM | #
Towards the latter portion of the book the writer attempts to describe things as they would be one hundred years in the future, in 1970. That section of the book is entitled ‘Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See; or, One Hundred Years Progress in the Future’, and it’s the part of the book the below is from The future man as described on pg 515. Perhaps they should have called this “the future economic man.” Due to the American peoples wishes regarding immigration being respected at certain times, this has not come about in 1970. It’s not for lack of trying on these peoples’ parts though. One can’t help but notice the language used on this page (I’ve provided a link to it beneath this excerpt) is the same as would be used were a rancher attempting to breed a new strain of livestock. It does seem what is described in this excerpt is what they (financial and business elites, and multi-cultists) are trying to do throughout the West in 2008. ‘The Coming Man’
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 07:41 | # Since this thread is an older one I’ll post a few additional excerpts from Marvels That Our Grandchildren Will See as they fit in with the subject. If that’s a problem please remove them. Speaking of which, I still need to contact you GW as I said I would, and have not forgotten. Am still dealing with some technical issues regarding this machine and the IP causing some problems with e-mails. The title page of One Hundred Years’ Progress of the United States A link to the free online book 36
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 08:30 | # North America is projected to be integrated both economically and politically by 1970. Below is a map from the book with the shaded areas representing the United States in 1870. The areas of North America in white, ie. Canada, Cuba, Greenland, Mexico, Central America, and a great part of the West Indies, are “to be acquired.” While these places in white were not, for the most part, physically annexed by 1970, perhaps at some time between 1870 and 1970 it was realized one could “acquire” just as well economically as one could physically. With the passage of both NAFTA in the 1990’s, and the very recent CAFTA, something of an economic integration/annexation may well be taking place between the US and the remainder of North America at the present time. ‘Supposed Territory of the United States in 1970’ Compare the map below of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) with the map above. A unified North America dominated by the US….Manifest Destiny coming close to being fulfilled? 37
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 10:03 | # When estimating the population, one has to bear in mind the writers expected continuous high levels of immigration (apparently for “cheap labor” purposes) from all points of the globe. They did not foresee (or perhaps did not want to see) that the American peoples’ wishes regarding immigration would be respected in the latter nineteenth century regarding immigration from Asia…and later in the early 1920’s when more general restrictions were put in place that cut immigration to a mere trickle of what it had been. They comment that in 1870 the population from China in the US was already 150,000, but that within the next few decades that population would be tens of millions…and then say, almost in passing, and with very little explanation, that the immigration from Asia simply could not be stopped. Sounds remarkably familiar..and strange…being that only a few short years before the same nation (the US) had repelled entire armies in its Civil War..and also had quite succesfully blockaded a lengthy portion of the Atlantic seaboard and Gulf Coast. The assertion of these men was ultimately incorrect as a few years after this book’s publication immigration from Asia was stopped for practical purposes. The writers therefore come up with the number 639,359,152 as the population of the United States for 1970 on pg 467. In 1970 the population had actually grown from about 40 million in 1870 to a little over 200 million. Since the Immigration Act of 1965, which threw open the borders once again, and the purposely allowed illegal immigration of the past decades, America’s population has surpassed 300 million by 2008. 38
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 10:22 | # New York as projected for 1970
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 12:14 | # By 1970… Tens of millions of Chinese in North America as cheap laborers to be overcome after lengthy struggle (pg 514-515)
Hispanic revolt to be put down in “short, sharp, and decisive” contest (pg 472)
Oligarchy of wealth and political power in the great cities cause for concern. (pg 472)
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 12:25 | # Alex, I have transferred some of your comments to a new post becase I thought they merited that. I suggest ou post further material there, if you wish. Thanks very much for your as always percipient contributions. 41
Posted by Alex on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 13:01 | # Thanks for the great compliment GW! I enjoy reading and posting at your site a great deal! Post a comment:
Next entry: The poetry of JD Pryce
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Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 04:10 | #
It appears to be working in South Africa.