Thought experiment

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 07 November 2007 13:32.

Along the road to the reclamation of homeland lies the reclamation of free-thinking and free speech.  A few days ago The Times put up a discussion topic titled, Do migrants make us or break us?  Despite the fact that this is, in mainstream terms, precisely the gateway question - the beginning of understanding - there have only been 24 comments at the time of posting this entry.  Compare that to the 205 that The Guardian musters for a piece titled The toxic Powell legacy, written by a sub-con named Sunder Katwala.

OK, the very fact that immigration is now dominating all the serious rags is a great advance on the conspiracy of silence of five years ago.  But really ... 24 comments on what is, after all, the choice between a prosperity predicated, supposedly, on racial egalitarianism and the Darwinian meaning of life itself!  When the circulation of The Times is 700,000 and The Guardian 375,000!

Well, I decided to conduct a (necessarily very small) experiment on The Times’ thread.  Since the headline question is the precurser to a proper political understanding of race and modernity, I’ve stretched it a little by submitting to The Times’ moderator a few rather more cogent questions.  Here they are:-

Questions to sleepers.

1) Is good business a good enough reason for English children to lose their birthright to England?

2) Is it fair or moral of the self-hating left and self-interested racial minorities to scream “racist” at those who seek the actual survival of the English people?

3) Do you believe that the English have a moral right to survive?

4) Do you understand that territory is the guarantor of genetic continuity?  Do you believe that the English have a moral right to assert their ownership of England?

5) If, in fact, the demographic trajectory for us is already one of continuing local displacement, national dispossession and genetic deracination, do you think it is better to repatriate immigrants wholesale or to acquiesce in an inevitable if long and slow extinction?

6) Will the hyper-moral return of tolerance mean anything if we do not survive?

7) If you are English, do you love your people?  Is there anything outside of your immediate family which you love more?

Now, these are the sort of questions that have twice got me banned at The Guardian, once as Guessedworker, once just the other day as this guy John Standing.  Will they survive the cut at The Times?  Has freedom of expression recovered to that point, or is it only permissable for mainstreamers to ask the questions?

And, of course, if the comment is published, will any readers answer?  Will they be Englishmen or opportunistic cryptos?

We shall, as the blind man said, see.

Tags: Free Speech



Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 18:27 | #

Nothing on The Times’ thread.  So here’s a second go, this time on the thread to a Simon Heffer article in the Telegraph, seductively titled When will Tories admit that Enoch was right?:-

“Racism” is simply a term to prevent European Man anywhere in his homelands from choosing to live, and not die as a non-collection of cowed, atomised individuals.

Here are a few questions for Simon Heffer and all like him who can love their culture but not their people, and who, to all intents and purposes, agree with the left that our racial replacement on this island is a matter of sublime disinterest.

1) Is good business a good enough reason for English children to lose their birthright to England?

2) Is it fair or moral of the self-hating left and self-interested racial minorities to scream “racist” at those who seek the actual survival of the English people?

3) Do you believe that the English have a moral right to survive?

4) Do you understand that territory is the guarantor of genetic continuity?  Do you believe that the English have a moral right to assert their ownership of England?

5) If, in fact, the demographic trajectory for us is already one of continuing local displacement, national dispossession and genetic deracination, do you think it is better to repatriate immigrants wholesale or to acquiesce in an inevitable if long and slow extinction?

6) Will the hyper-moral return of tolerance mean anything if we do not survive?

7) If you are English, do you love your people?  Is there anything outside of your immediate family which you love more?


Posted by Alex on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 19:30 | #

Best of success with your well thought out questions there Guessedworker.    Many of the responses in the Telegraph are quite impressive and am glad to see the frankness that quite a number are allowing for themselves.    I think Orwell got it right in that famous book of his that’s an excellent description of the Red junior half of the ideology of multi-culturalism (the senior half being Capitalism) as to what it might well take regarding the multi-cult.

If there is hope, wrote Winston, it lies in the proles…

Chapter 7, 1984

If there is hope, wrote Winston, it lies in the proles.

If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there in those swarming disregarded masses, 85 per cent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within….But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They needed only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it? And yet-!


Posted by Alex on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 20:14 | #

>>“Racism” is simply a term to prevent European Man anywhere in his homelands from choosing to live, and not die as a non-collection of cowed, atomised individuals.<<

Great point.    It’s quite remindful of a prescient article published in 1898 which spoke of a future European ‘union of states’ that would be ‘united in finance’.  This was something the writer was already seeing glimpses of then and to his credit he was decrying it. 

The social formula of the future will be bitter protection of money interests, and local patriotism replaced by a ferocious individualism.

The United States of Europe

“ may be sure that the financiers will step forward and arrange among themselves an international understanding. The money centres once working in union, the governments will follow, then the people.

Was it not the “capitalists” of our country that instigated the insurrection in Cuba?

We will see a United States of Europe, united in finance, and many political questions which today appear without possible solution (because we insist on arguing on abstract ideas - patriotism, republicanism, “jingoism”) will be straightened out by financial necessities, as surely as the mountain snow melted by the sun runs by nature’s laws in the streams and rivers to the sea.

This new “union of states” will have all the attributes of our own. Where there is an even greater mixing of peoples, Asia and Europe having each contributed its contingent, they will develop the same financial ferocity and their politics will be the politics of money. Battles will be fought out at the Stock Exchange.

When Cleveland’s warlike message made American securities drop on the London markets, how we became suddenly pacific as by enchantment!

The social formula of the future will be bitter protection of money interests, and local patriotism replaced by a ferocious individualism.”

The United States of Europe - April, 1898


Posted by Bill on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 21:24 | #

I’ve just skimmed down the threads at the Times and DT, it’s the usual stuff of course, there is still no sign or even a sign of a sign that they are beginning to join any dots (ok-perhaps the odd one or two)

Trouble is, we don’t get a clue as to what’s being spiked, reading the filtered out emails would be far more interesting.

The problem is still the iron grip of the media, it is absolute. until this media grip is broken then it is only going to prolong the agony.  Nothing (absolutely nothing) is going to stop this thing unravelling, it has, (or very nearly) gained an unstoppable momentum. When or what form it will take WTSHTF is anybodies guess, but unravel it will.

I’m always sticking my neck out, here goes again - I would say within five years. (if that)

Looking ahead, WTSHTF, the elites could just cave, hold up their hands - “ok, sorry guys it didn’t work out - let’s move on”, or it gets real ugly.  Will they bring in NATO and Kosovarise us Clinton style?

An’another thing, these three million houses to be built by 2020, we all know it just ain’t going to happen, even NL are not that stupid to think they can manage such a project, (anyway, NL will be long, long gone by then) so what does that mean?  It means that there is never going to be sufficient homes to house everyone, so look out for the appropriation of White’s property.  Starting with little old ladies in three bed. properties that have been their homes all of their married lives, (old man gone of course)

Changing the subject, I have just seen BBC 6 O’clock News, petrol goes through £1.00 barrier - Why is this? - they ask (surprise-surprise)  They wheeled on the usual suspects - you couldn’t make it up - ($100.00 oil is with us) they tried every explanation in the book, with the exception of course of the obvious answer - demand is exceeding supply.  Not a mention of something called Peak Oil – It really is hilarious watching the BBC in action, how long can this stance be maintained.

For those who don’t know or couldn’t care less anyway, it is generally agreed among those, who, (seem to know) oil is now beyond peak, (2005?) production cannot be increased – add to this, the credit crunch, housing sub-prime saga and we are in an interesting next 6/12 months.


Posted by Red Baron on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 23:07 | #

I thought it was compulsory in the UK that to write or speak in public one must be filmed AND have an RFID implant. Of course, once you are filmed and have an implant you may say what you like, after all Britain is a free country.


Posted by gongstar on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 23:08 | #

It’s the luck of the draw. I’ve had comments disallowed at the Times and Telegraph that have been milder than some of mine that have got through, and far milder than comments by others. The Daily Mail is the worst, as you’d expect from a gynocentric paper. The Guardian is bad in some respects, good in others.  Steven Rose was put firmly in his place by the very first comment on one of his anti-Watson articles.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 23:57 | #

Well, the Telegraph moderator also would not allow talk of repatriation and the morality of English survival.

So ... the experiment demonstrates that, as yet, the mainstream press will not allow comment that cuts to the quick of the debate.

To continue the experiment means taking questions elsewhere.  I already know The Guardian’s attitude.  The Independent has some sad blogs that nobody seems to read.  The one advantage is that there’s no pre-publish moderator!  More in hope than expectation of a response, however, I’ve adapted the questions to fit the current top-of-page post.  While the comment is up you can read it here.  Since its future is uncertain, I’ll take the precaution of recording it below:-

I write as a long-time but, now, lapsed Tory voter.

I can no longer vote for the Party because it so readily allows it’s opponents to dictate the moral terms in respect to immigration.  The Hastilow affair is a case in point, though there have been many others.

I am led to conclude that on this one issue the Party’s opponents are, in fact, not the left but its own Association memberships (its supporters are, of course, the businesses who mostly fund it, and whose primary interest is a plentiful supply of cheap labour).

Now, liberal-left Indy readers assume that morality automatically attaches to its values of “tolerance” and “openness”.  So, doubtless, the idea that there is another morality will be difficult to accept.  But ... the historical dynamic of immigration is the slow and ineluctable race-replacement of Western Europeans in all their homelands.  This is no longer deniable, and it has the power to change things for Conservatives.

It goes like this:-

If the hitherto painfully “correct” leadership will accept that “race” is taxonomically valid, and not at all the “social construct” that fanatical egalitarians still sometimes raise, Lazarus-like, from the pre-genomic era, then the morality of immigration is no longer a one-way street.  Replacement is not a matter of sublime disinterest to the replaced.  It is not morally neutral.  There is an aggressor and there is a victim, and it is only just that the victim is freed to vote against his replacement.

That freedom is one which Conservatives can sell.

Obviously there is a problem with the immense investment that both Parties, and all commentators, have made in defaming and delegitimising the stubborn Nationalist rump.  In point of fact, Nationalists predicate their case on the right of native Britons to survive - not on the torchlight parades and seig-heiling that the mainstream has been pleased to caricature.

That said, though, Parties steal each other’s clothes all the time, and Nationalist clothes will certainly be stolen if support for them rises.  Private polling aside, there is no honest reason why the Conservatives could not review the demographic evidence and declare the natural rights and interests of the native British to be morally legitimate, if conflicted with the dicta of the MultiCult.

Here are a few questions that might serve to start thinking Conservatives on the road to moral leadership:-

1) Is good business a good enough reason for native British children to lose their birthright to these islands?

2) Is it fair or moral of the left and of self-interested racial minorities to scream “racist” at those who seek the actual survival of the three native peoples?

3) Do you believe that they have a moral right to survive?

4) Do you understand that territory is the guarantor of genetic continuity?  Do you believe, for instance, that the English have a moral right to assert their ownership of England?

5) If, in fact, the demographic trajectory is already one of continuing local displacement, national dispossession and genetic deracination of the natives, do you think it is fairer for the native majority today to repatriate immigrants or to acquiesce in an inevitable if long and slow extinction?

6) Will the hyper-moral return of tolerance mean anything if we do not survive?

7) If you are English or Scots or Welsh, do you love your people?  Is there anything outside of your immediate family which you love more?

Wouldn’t it be fun if someone actually answers it thoughtfully, and without the regulation moral posturing.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 00:05 | #

Gongstar: Steven Rose was put firmly in his place by the very first comment on one of his anti-Watson articles.

It was done by HalOnsgard:-

“Long-exploded” in your marxoid-Boasian dreams, Rose. You are a dinosaur from Stephen Jay Gould’s corner of Jurassic Park.

The existence of average differences in IQ between mankind’s major races which are substantial and predictable; the fact that IQ measures something real and important; the robustness of the methods used to assay these scores; their persistence, their incorrigibility by human post-natal interventions and social engineering; and their tremendous impact on the collective outcomes for these groups… all are so well established that it is hardly a matter of serious dispute among consenting psychometricians in private any more.

Now it’s just a matter of breaking gently to ordinary people the news that the real deal is what their common sense told them all along. The bromides the PC experts kept stuffing down their throats from c. 1950 were nothing more. Race is back, and it’s bigger than ever. Just rejoice at that news!

Most will shrug their shoulders and say “we knew all along—like dog breeds, isn’t it?” A few gormless liberals will have nerve storms: the Nazis are coming, we must go on lying!

But it’s too late. Now medical genetics are further confirming racial variation in the genotypes of sub-species, including their brains, and enormous policy implications are opening up—which researchers not hag-ridden by Rose’s egalitarian mysticism will certainly not ignore, even if his kind keep the lid on honest debate for a few years longer in the West, censoring and sacking.

We will merely lag behind China, Japan, Russia and India: where science is unshackled by soppiness, and where the very idea of race as “only skin deep” or a “social construct”, of IQ as “culturally biased” and all the other squid ink squirted by Steven, Jacqueline and their dwindling tribe of lefty Luddites is laughed to scorn every day.

Darwin wouldn’t be surprised at the change in the wind that at last has arrived. He might, however, be horrified at how those who profess to teach in his name have suppressed the most important aspect of his theory, in the service of a Platonic falsehood.

Last but one on the thread was Fred Scrooby’s helping hand to Mr Rose.  Well worth a read, and a pity it came too late to engender responses from the Jewish Guardianistas.


Posted by Antisocialist on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 02:15 | #

Perhaps you could try your luck on Newsnight’s ‘Big Immigration Debate’. They claim to want to hear your thoughts on the subject prior to a ‘special’ of some sort tomorrow evening.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 04:09 | #

In that Guardian thread, the one signing as “Bert Rustle” also posted some excellent, informative replies (he’s got a number of them up).


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 10:55 | #


I’ll try that Newsnight thread, if I can fit the list of questions to it.

Meanwhile, some success at last ... a posting on the comment thread to a particularly fatuous article at The Times by someone named Robert Crampton.

I trimmed the list to six questions.  But the likely reason it passed the censor is serendipity ... the moderator’s personal taste, perhaps, or maybe the character of responses from other offended Times readers was such that the usual boundaries were stretched.

Anyhow, this is the “successful” comment:- 


Your ineffably lightweight “analysis” is an affront to serious thinkers.  Here’s the beef: For a people reproducing below replacement level, endless immigration + coercive anti-racism = a real genocide ... even, to the point of near-extinction.  Here are some questions to help you get serious about it:-

1) Is good business a good enough reason for English children to lose their birthright to England?

2) Is it moral of the self-hating left and racial minorities to scream “racist” at those who seek the survival of the English people?

3) Do you believe that the English have a moral right to survive?

4) Do you understand that territory is the guarantor of genetic continuity?  Do you believe that the English have a moral right to assert their ownership of England?

5) Is it better for us to repatriate immigrants or to acquiesce in an inevitable if long and slow suicide?

6) Do you love your people?  Is there anything outside of your immediate family you love more?


Posted by JWH on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 11:53 | #

I hope GW doesn’t mind the digression.

This comment from an American Renaissance thread caught my attention:
“The link in the post on Gene Expression led me to an interracial sex video, so be forewarned.

Posted by at 10:09 PM on November 7”

And, yes, when one clicked on the link there, the same porn site came up that we are plagued with here.  Apparently, more than one “white nationalist” website is set up so links to GNXP are routed to interracial porn.

So, my question to David B is: if GNXP is really an objective science/analysis website without any “policies” on any matters (indeed, it is “paranoid” to suggest they do), then why, praytell, does GNXP block a collegial dissemination of their ideas by seting up a link to an interracial porn site from MR, AR, and who knows from where else?

Is that not a legitimate question?

Or, can we say that GNXP does indeed have a “policy” against people pursuing white racial interests - and engages in juvenile tactics against these people (e.g., the porn) - which makes suspect claims that attacks on Salter are merely “disinterested analysis” and “truthtelling.”

I can also ask, once again, to the “Unz Foundation” whether they support such tactics, and why they are funding a person (“Razib”) who controls a website/blog that participates in these tactics?

By the way, these tactics of GNXP - which, as far as I know, are not practiced by any “race realist” site - are consistent with those alsp practiced by the “anti-racist” left - a category in which the “no policy” (sic) GNXP site can reasonably be seen to belong.

Thank you for indulging this intrusion into GW’s post and thread.


Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 12:35 | #

“Last but one on the thread was Fred Scrooby’s helping hand to Mr Rose.  Well worth a read, and a pity it came too late to engender responses from the Jewish Guardianistas.”—Guessedworker

Yes, it was Fred Scrooby at his best. I especially enjoyed point #3:

“3) Prof. Rose’s ethnic interest here is, I think, clear: he’s one of a growing number who’ve noticed the Jews don’t seem to be benefitting fully from the diversity Europeans are enjoying more and more, and he’d like to see that change, preferably through the removal of any remaining fascist barriers to Jewish-pygmy intermarriage. In light of Prof. Alon Ziv’s book citing the superiority of offspring produced by marriage outside the group—the further outside, the better the offspring—mixed Jewish-pygmy couples ought to produce the most superior babies of all, the intergroup distance being so great. I think that concern is uppermost in Prof. Rose’s mind: improving the Jews by seeing to it they don’t continue to miss out on the truly huge advantages to be gained by mixing their populations with those of the pygmies through intermarriage.”


Maybe the U.N. should offer Israel the West Bank in return for them allowing in and making Israeli citizens of, say, 1.5 million Pygmies along with other assorted Bantus? Since the Jews are such strident proponents of race mixing, I’m sure they’d jump at that offer. grin


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 12:43 | #

No problem, JW.

Why would one expect Ron Unz to disavow the puerile cattiness of his rabidly khanal protege?  He who pays the piper.

Of course GNXP has a policy, and it’s the tune the piper called.  It is pro-Sub-Con, pro the miscegenation of European-American women, and anti the European-American male.  All that is, in effect, pro-Jewish, and fully in accordance both with Jewish and Sub-con EGI in diaspore.

Meanwhile, of course, David B does his damnedest to deny the existence of EGI.  Neat.


Posted by Mr. Amazed on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 13:35 | #

I agree with all the numbered points in your article. The New World Order papers are the racists; they are trying to steal our land and exterminate us. We are the Jews of Britain.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 13:54 | #

The Newsnight folks say:-

Thank you for commenting.

Your comment has been received and held for approval by the blog owner.

Meanwhile, the Indy thread has perked up slightly.  But not much.


Posted by gongstar on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 18:07 | #

It was done by HalOnsgard:-

“Long-exploded” in your marxoid-Boasian dreams, Rose. You are a dinosaur from Stephen Jay Gould’s corner of Jurassic Park…

Thanks for retrieving it, GW. It hasn’t lost its bite! There is a typo, tho: for Jurassic read Jewrassic.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 11:30 | #

Censorship at the Indy!  The thought experiment has come to a close with the removal of the following comment from Andrew Grice’s Immigration Tales - an update thread.

Hi Joe,

Elizabeth twice ordered the expulsion of the niggers, as you may know.  Evidently, her lieutenants were not sufficiently conscientious either time!  In any event, she was serving the ethnic interest of her subjects, something that can never be said of the postmodern managerial elite.

And this, really, is my point.  The interests of Europe’s sons and daughters are not served by race-replacement, but the interests of the elites are.  Well, what do we want to see changed: the people or the elites?

Is the latter going to happen?  Yes ... violently, if it can’t be done democratically.  No people has acquiesced in its own marginalisation, and nor will we.

Again, it is very difficult for the liberal-left to get its head around such issues.  That difficulty resides in its wholesale and amazingly swift adoption of culture politics and the meme of the unique evil of white racism (not our idea, of course) from the 1960s on.  That process seemed to have become intellectually charged after Stuart Hall and Raymond Williams marxised the Birmingham School in 1970, and again after the Wall fell in 1989.

As a result, the English working class has lost its natural leadership.  The treachery is everywhere.

Although the use of “nigger” was not mine to begin with, and was historical in context, it probably didn’t help.  And then violent popular rebellion against the traitorous elites makes an appearance a few lines later.

So many good reasons to silence the racist interloper, what?


Posted by Amalek on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 19:45 | #

My close friend Hal Onsgard has asked me to convey his thanks for your comments. Some others are to be found on the Guardian Unlimited talk boards, he tells me.

See the ‘Blacks are Dimmer- James Watson’ thread, where ‘undersinged’ and ‘Focus’ are playing blinders too.


Posted by gongstar on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 17:35 | #

This is v. good by HalOnsgard too:

It came as a great shock to me to discover that some people were saying horrible, disturbing things, and after some time it seems we still have not quite succeeded in stamping them out.

Just because some people regard this Watson person as the equivalent in biology of what Newton was to physics, they think he has the right to go around upsetting Keith Vaz once every ten or fifteen years!

Everyone knows that the only way we will ever progress scientifically is to have a predetermined list of taboo subjects which are not to be investigated. And if it just so happens that the entire body of evidence is on the side of nasty hurtful upsetting people, that makes no difference.

What matters more, the so-called truth or not being sued and not being on the wrong end of a riot? I mean, have you seen the size of some of these distinguished thinkers?

I have consulted with my distinguished colleague Dr Goldensilence, the professor of Fluffy Kittenology and Ethical Inquiry at Fulchester Cream Teas University, and he is in full agreement with me—indeed with everyone, at all times, as I’m sure we all are deep down.

After all I’m right, I must be right… because it would be such a nuisance not to be, and if you disagree you can only be a fool or a knave, no matter how many Nobel Prizes you won. I’m a Guardian reader, me, I’ve got it all taped.

GW reports:

Although the use of “nigger” was not mine to begin with, and was historical in context, it probably didn’t help.

Probably?! I can’t say I blame the Indy it’s an ugly and offensive word nowadays and doesn’t conduce to calm reason and persuasion. You should at least have used quotes.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 18:47 | #


The purpose of the experiment was to push the limits, not debate Indy readers.  After I found it, I thought I’d push it again by re-submitting the comment, albeit with a little window-dressing, to see if the moderator could be challenged on grounds of free speech.

I was hoping that some kind reader would challenge me on the comment.  But it looks like the Indy threads are a journalistic ghost town.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 02:34 | #

I can’t tell from Steve’s handling of it if this is important for our side or not (I’m not up on this stuff).  Anyone know?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 02:28 | #

This guy with a Finnish-sounding name posting tonight over at gets it about 50%.  What he mainly doesn’t get is the considerable Jewish role in what’s going on.  But the excerpts herewith below are pretty good.  (This guy is roughly where I was, say, four years ago.)

Simply put, the few political parties like the AFP (FPÖ, Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, Austrian Freedom Party) in Austria, the Vlaams Belang in Belgium, the respective People’s Parties in Denmark and Switzerland, the SD (Sverigedemokraterna, Swedish Democrats) in Sweden, and the unincorporated paleocons in the US are the only alternative to an across-the-board dominance of the Western world by the Western-world-hating left. So all who wish to resist the hara-kiri of their society and their civilization through leftist chimeras like unlimited Third World immigration, Islamization, and socialist equalization support the few parties that stand athwart the road to civilizational perdition. [...]

In Europe, [the important issue] lies in the conservative and anti-Eurabian position of the few right-wing parties that thwart the left’s full domination of the continent. 

[...] But the Austrian Freedom Party [...] is a conservative and national-survival party, and thus another flimsy branch woven beaver-like into a thin, fragile dam that extends across Europe, attempting to stop a mighty flood of sick, self-mutilating, suicidal ideologies and policies that issue from the European ruling elite.

[...] Contrary to the crowing of neocons, the left has won its war with the right. Forever adaptable, probing for weak spots, switching tactics, it has transmuted from economic leftism to cultural leftism, from anti-capitalism to anti-whitism. It has taken over the TV and film studios, the book and music publishers, the news, the schools, the universities, and the institutions of law, to ensure control over the brain content of future generations. It has made allies with feminists, homosexuals and “anti-racists” to further its corrosive mission, and then, to deepen the fissures, it has allied with women-gay-and Jew-hating Islam. It has infiltrated the center-right political parties, and then the conservative movement, to the extent that see-no-evil “tolerance” has become the supreme creed of most “conservatives” rather than see-everything discriminating skepticism.

[...] Whether it will be in the form of Sweden prostrating itself on carpeted floors facing Mecca; or the Vlaams Belang hauled en masse to reeducation camps – there to learn the “proper way” of thinking; or some last-ditch Italian patriots laying down their lives against an overwhelming Eurabian force; or all United States citizens required to learn MexiSpanish while saluting the Mexican flag, nobody can predict. But it will happen, in one form or another.

All that stands in the way of the juggernaut is a few, sometimes simple-minded common folk—some of them improperly racist, many more properly racialists, others just trying to hold on to their ancestral lands and culture. There is also a slim cadre of intellectuals and political leaders who see more clearly the creeping horror that the simple, less educated people may only be able to intuit. This is an insufferable affront in the eyes of the reigning left; one that must be punished by any means necessary.

The readers of this Journal, particularly its Fjordman essays, already know that a monumental putsch has been mounted in Europe. The unfavorable situation of those who speak the truth is unparalleled since the 1920s-50s USSR and the 1930s-40s Germany. But few realize that the same putsch in a different disguise, an usurpation of power by an elite hostile to its own people, has been unfolding in the United States.
Like Eurabia, the new New World Symphony is cacophonic too. Conducted by deceitful maestri in a multiculti tempo, its once heart-grabbing melody, spiced with American Negro soulful harmonies, has been replaced by the banging of soul-killing gangsta rap. Its string section replaced by mariachi, the symphony is no more. Some vestiges of its Bohemian roots may still be heard through the noisome thumping, but the dumbed-down population would no longer know a Bohemia or a Brabant if either hit it with the force of a Pilsner wagon pulled by a team of Percherons.

The US “conservatives” who point out with such schadenfreude that 5% of Western Europe’s population consists of unassimilable Muslims, are tongue-tied when it comes to the inundation of the United States by a foreign influx of probably 50 million (i.e. 17.5% of the population)* immigrants, mostly primitive, semi-illiterate Third-World laborers who are culturally unassimilable and largely hail from a next-door country with historical claims on the very territory they are colonizing. Not to mention that even the “conservative” American president and the bulk of his “conservative” party are pursuing lunatic policies that, with respect to Muslims and the rest of the Third World, may be defined as “invade them and invite them.”

A slow-motion, trickling genocide is being perpetrated by a considerable segment of indigenous blacks and imported browns against the Euro-American part of the population, while the political and cultural elites of the country are interested only in suppressing the relevant statistics on crime and criminality or on IQ differences and their link to achievement differences. All that when not otherwise engaged in promoting the Kwanzaa, issuing postal stamps celebrating the Ramadan, and keeping the southern border open at any cost of life, public treasure or social capital. 

The farce of “affirmative action” that goes on even in the highest ranks of the government, the judiciary and academia displaces the more competent whites, particularly white males, with the less competent whose sole virtue is that they are not white males. This too is part of the self-inflicted disembowelment, for in the struggle for existence, which is what reality demands of individuals and nations alike, if you send a government official whose main qualification is that she is an Eskimo lesbian, to negotiate with a Chinese official whose main qualification is an IQ of 150 and a top score on the mandarin examination, the results of the encounter have been pre-determined.

In this society, everyone has grown up on lies that few are equipped to challenge. The older ones have grown up with plastic called leatherette, with cigarettes as symbols of sex appeal, and with Negroes in the front line in the Army but in the back line at the bus stop. And the younger ones have grown up in a world where a short coffee is “tall” and a medium one is “grande,” and one’s life is ruined for pointing out that the American blacks’ mean IQ of 85, and not racism, is the cause of their underepresentation in the upper echelons of government, business and the professions.

We have gone from lies at one end of the pendulum’s arc to compensatory lies at the other end of the arc, as though reality does not exist and all we can do is to invent a -1 lie to make up for the previous +1 lie. Our “conservatives” are liberals with a Biblical garnish, and our “racists” are those who dare to be color-and-race blind. [...]

The diminishing future of ethnic Euros everywhere is at stake, as is the future of the highest, if flawed, civilization that the human species has ever produced.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 02:55 | #

“This guy with a Finnish-sounding name”  (—my comment just above)

Excuse me, he may be a Jap — I just checked the masthead looking for his bio; none came up but I saw he’s writing from Tokyo.  And his name could also fit — so he’s likely Japanese.  The Japs are keeping the race-replacement forces at bay pretty well but not perfectly:  I read where they’re importing Filipino women to marry their farmers, as no Japanese woman is willing to marry a Japanese farmer since in Japan a farmer’s life is too hard, dull, and economically unrewarding.  Even the girls raised on farms go off to the cities to find husbands.  My suggestion to the Jap government would be to do all it could to improve the lives of farmers so Jap women would be willing to marry them, and if they still couldn’t find Jap wives, import Korean, Mongol, and northern Chinese women for them, not Filipinos who are fine women I’m sure (look at Michelle Malkin the columnist, one-hundred percent Filipino, extremely brainy, and cute as a button to boot) but too different from them racially.  The others aren’t a perfect fit but far closer than the Southeasten Asians like the Filipinos.  Hey maybe it’s just me but I don’t want a world where the Japs have all been turned into Jap-Filipino blends.  I like Japan and the Japs the way they are and sincerely I hope they’ll stay that way.  (So sorry if that offends any Jews reading this ...)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:03 | #

No, sorry again:  I just went back and read the article’s beginning which I had essentially skipped over the first time around:  he’s some sort of Euro.  Given the name, I guess Finnish fits best.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:29 | #

Fred, it’s likely that Michelle Malkin, like so many of her provenance, is of mixed race with a good dash of Chinese in the mix. A “one hundred percent” Filipino (or, more correctly for females, Filipina) is an unalloyed, Malay, ‘rara avis’ indeed - rather like a pure Brazilian.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:52 | #

Here she is (with someone named Kirsten Powers) (scroll down the page a little).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 14:41 | #

Please excuse the above accidental deviation onto the subject of Japan, but while we’re there, the Jewish press (the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times are part of the Jewish press) is trying to get Japan race-replaced.  Makes sense:  1) the populations of Japan, Korea, and China logically would be next on the Jews’ list for transformation into mystery meat after the Eurosphere goes down:  those countries have riches the Jews want to get their hooks into, and 2) Euro anti-race-replacers ability to hold Japan up as a counterexample to the Jews’ claim of “the futility of opposition to race-replacment which is an irresistable force of nature like an earthquake or hurricane” heartens them, threatening to slow the Jews’ timetable by stiffening resistance.  Therefore Japan has to be taken down now, so the Eurosphere’s transformation to Jewish-approved mystery meat can proceed more smoothly to completion. 

That’s how the Jews see things, at any rate, whence the stepping of by the Jewish press (the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times) of race-replacement propaganda targeted on Japan.  It all fits.

The simple fact is that replacing the existing populations of developed countries via mass immigration depends on centralization of media, political and economic power in rather few hands. No truly democratic regime would ever do such a thing.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 22:35 | #

Decent folk are beginning to fight back against intolerable evil:  Hastilow is staying.  He’s not going anywhere, and Tory party HQ can take whatever race-replacement swill they’re peddling and shove it you know where.  May God bless, strengthen, and defend the men who’ve refused to accept Hastilow’s resignation and instead are publicly agreeing with him that Enoch was right and demanding a long-overdue explanation from the party leadership.  May this be the start of real change!  The momentum is with us; there’s no turning back.


Posted by Bill on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 23:40 | #

There’s a guy named Mathew Parris, he is an ex Tory MP and now a Times columnist, he has just written a piece in The Times 10th November 2007.

His piece is entitled…..“Synthetic rage has gone. This is real fury”......

He seems to be saying something similar as Fred above.

Forget he is talking British politics, he is also saying (I think) the unsayable - but it’s the comment section that is saying it.

As Parris says “Sniff the wind and paw the ground”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 16:10 | #

One is starting to see calls for outright revolution around the “responsible” blogosphere.  We won’t see those in the mainstream press of course:  Leviathan has those in his pocket; they represent him and him alone.  But the web he doesn’t fully control ... yet.  When he makes his move to bring it to heel — and it’s only a matter of time before he does — we must resist with every ounce of strength we can muster because to lose the freedom of the web will be to lose everything short of spilling into the streets and having at it with our bare hands.

Which we’ll do if necessary ... if the other side leaves us no alternative.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 14:23 | #

Here Prof. Paul Gottfried (who is Jewish) is criticizing the diaspora Jewish attempt to destroy the Eurosphere ethnoculturally and racially, destruction which enjoys (as I for one have come to appreciate only within the past three years) virtually universal support among Jews no matter of what political stripe, right, left, or center (i.e., there’s no significant diaspora-Jewish political faction that doesn’t passionately support this destruction, not one):

[T]here are other possible developments that may not favor the Israelis in the long run. Weakening Christian institutions, while opening the Western world to Islamic and other Third World influences, does not help the Jews here or in Israel. It might also be helpful for the Israelis if the U.S. had a more deeply Christian character and more secure borders. Admittedly, pushing for a less Western West may satisfy particular inveterate hates – which cause their bearers to exaggerate Christian anti-Semitism and to encourage the resettling of Western countries by non-Western populations (a policy that in Europe means Moslems). But such policies destroy what remains of the substance of the only civilization that is likely to assist the Israelis out of genuine affection.

Letting Jews settle in a Eurosphere country in large numbers spells sooner or later that country’s death by, you guessed it, systematic destruction by Jews of its ethnoculture and race. 

Why won’t the Jews stop doing this in places where they’ve settled in large numbers among Euros?  Because they can’t, any more than Negroes can stop high crime and lousy schools or Orientals the opposite, in neighborhoods where they’ve settled, respectively, in large numbers:  it’s a Jewish national characteristic; it’s in the genes of the race, and will always manifest where they live in Euro countries in large numbers.  No one can stop it. 

What’s the solution?  The two have to live apart from each other, in separate countries. 

Biggest mistake Germany ever made:  World War II.  Second biggest:  letting some half-a-million Russian Jews settle, not long ago. 

If the number of Jews rises in Germany it’s going to be déjà-vu all over again. 

Jews shouldn’t want to settle in Germany or any other place where they have to feel as if they’re surrounded by enemies, leading an unnatural paranoid existence with vengeance on their “tormentors” always in the backs of their minds.  No one should. 

Why do they nevertheless want to go to Germany?  Because their tribal sense is they can make good livings there. 

Why did the Germans welcome them?  To not suffer the fate Belgrade did when General Wesley Clark passed through town:  the U.S. is under Jewish hegemony now, don’t forget.  Has been overtly since the ‘60s.  That was what the “‘60s Revolution” was all about:  U.S. Jews no longer subordinating themselves to the old WASP hegemony but overthrowing and replacing it with ... themselves. 

The problem with that:  the U.S. Euros aren’t content to live under Jewish hegemony:  the Jews neither know nor wish to know how to make Euros happy, as the Russians learned under Jewish hegemony after 1917 and the Germans of the Weimar period:  they were unhappy, in many ways, of course, profoundly so.  In the U.K. recently you saw this Jewish behavior when the Jewish think tank (IPPR if I remember the name right), whose Jewish honchos simultaneously control the Labour party (and have all had themselves created life peers, so they’re all now styled “Lord” this and “Lord” that), came out for yet further entrenchment of the already genocidal race-replacement régime (a spin-off in Britain of Jewish hegemony over the U.S.) and not-even-disguised targeting specifically of Christmas, the Christmas holiday, for erasure.  Erasing Christmas and genociding Euros by forcing too many non-whites on them make Jews happy but don’t make Euros happy.  (As for Christmas, it turns out Jews really and truly loathe it, they’ve been trying to erase it in the U.S. for many decades.)  Ted Cantle, who works for this Jewish think tank and is almost certainly Jewish, is the one who was condemning the British city of Newcastle not long ago for being “hideously white” and in dire need of (Jewish-imposed) negrification.  The Jews treat Euros, where they lord it over them (pun intended and in the case of the U.K. literally true), the way the Israeli Jews treat the Palestinians.  This is because Jews have disdain for all gentiles, most of all Euro ones (yes, Jews hate Euros more than they hate Arabs).  The bottom line is very simply that under Jewish hegemony Euros are unhappy, don’t thrive, and actually end up going extinct. 

Do the Jews understand that U.S. Euros aren’t content under their hegemony?  Yes, vaguely, and blame it on innate European-race anti-Semitism. 

What are they going to do about it?  They’re already doing it:  genocide by systematic race-replacement with non-whites.  Jews want “the Euro problem” out of their hair once and for all.

Do Euros have the genetic wherewithal to get themselves out from under genocidal Jewish hegemony?  Remains to be seen.  I believe they do but they’re slow to wake up.  I have to admit, though, there are times when I wonder.

Has there ever existed since the world began a race of people more thoroughly incompetent at defending their own manifest demographic interests than Euros?  No, never.  Their stupidity and incompetence are mind-boggling.


Posted by JeffersonElaine33 on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 13:28 | #

The home loans seem to be important for people, which would like to organize their organization. In fact, this is not really hard to get a term loan.

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