US Government Prisoner Rape Research Prisoner Sexual Awakening Results From Sexual Pressure
I’m not making this up:
A bitterly disputed, government-sponsored study has concluded that rape and sexual assault behind bars may be rampant in movies and books but are rare in real life.
“Prison rape worldview doesn’t interpret sexual pressure as coercion,” he [Mark Fleisher: the government’s principle investigator - JAB] wrote. “Rather, sexual pressure ushers, guides or shepherds the process of sexual awakening.”
Here’s a picture of Mark Fleisher:

Isn’t it wonderful the government helps white guys “awaken” to their gayness by having them “sexually pressured” by black and hispanic prison gangs? After all, we all know gays are born—not made don’t we?
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 11:24 | #
Mazeltof Mark Fleischer, who majored in, yes, Cultural Anthropology and that ideal Ashkenazic science, Anthropological Linguistics.
It’s just not his starting point that black and Hispanic homosexual rapists in the prison system are motivated by racial hatred of whites, manifest in the desire to “control” them ... that white prisoners are, therefore, in a position of dire vulnerability, victims of a system which is at best blindly apathetic. His starting point is anything that will “explain” the phenomenon another way.
That way is to replace normal human compassion in one’s treatment of the victims with its opposite. Perfectly despicable.