Warren: The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class You might be interested in watching this lecture on the collapse of the middle class given by Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren, who also authored “The Two Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke”. It debunks many of the standard libels of the middle class used to justify race replacement over the last generation. A lot of us foresaw what she foresaw but her unique contribution is her academic credibility as well as best-seller status. Update: She is also now occupying a highly visible public office as Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for TARP Funds. You can see her most recent video report for an example of how she is filling her new public position. My read is that her main role is to sit by and watch the Treasury department malfunction and report the resulting deterioration. She’s basically powerless to prevent malfeasance—only to report it after it has happened and then based on limited authority to impose accounting criteria. Update 2009/04/05: The UK Guardian reports that: Elizabeth Warren, chief watchdog of America’s $700bn (£472bn) bank bailout plan, will this week call for the removal of top executives from Citigroup, AIG and other institutions that have received government funds in a damning report that will question the administration’s approach to saving the financial system from collapse. Comments:2
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 22:25 | #
I think any mainstream voice that takes people all but one step of the way towards a clearer understanding of an issue has some value. Also I don’t think it’s just invader youth that causes the problem she describes. Cultural marxism has attacked and demolished almost everything of the old culture including educational beliefs and methods. The only good non-private schools in these new circumstances are those with exceptionally good head teachers and they are by definition rare. I know the situation she describes exists in uninvaded bits of the UK, and I guess also in the whiter states in the US. Invader youth make the problem worse obviously. 3
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 22:38 | # S writes: I am not impressed by Warren’s book “Two Income Trap.” In absolute terms, you are correctly unimpressed. However you have to understand that in relative terms, her work is monumental: No one else in any position of “legitimacy” has come anywhere near to debunking the race-replacement ideology that basically says “You boomers were a bunch of spoiled white-bread (bred) middle class losers too busy squandering your inheritance on ‘hedonic value’ to care about children—so let’s replace you with foreigners who can at least reproduce themselves!” The trick with Warren seems to be simply this: We’ll give you this one academic speaking reality about the economic catastrophe hitting middle class families and how it impacts their reproduction, but in exchange you have to accept the 21st century version of busing desegregation. Then AFTER the schools are all destroyed, your daughters pregnant with mystery meat and your sons dying of AIDS, we might address your bread and butter concerns—but only if you aren’t too “racist” to deserve it. 4
Posted by marlowe on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 00:33 | #
I think that the “elephant in the room” is compulsory schooling. End compulsory schooling (and child labor laws while you’re at it) and thoughtful whites could extricate themselves from the whole mess. Compulsory schooling, legal tender laws…they’re equivalent. The laws force people to do what is very bad for them, what they would otherwise not do. There are intelligent whites who argue about ways to tweak the existing schooling system. I think this misses the point entirely. 5
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 00:36 | # Within the limits allowed to her, Professor Warren addresses this issue robustly and honestly. Thank you for this item, James. 6
Posted by S on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 01:38 | #
It’s the invader youth that’s at the base of the demolition of the old methods of teaching, too, though. All the disastrous educational fads of the last 40 years, like “Whole Language” to teach reading, Fuzzy Math, “integrated math,” “constructivist” pedagogy, “child-centered learning,” dumbed-down curriculum, and the end of discipline—all the goofy ideas the Cultural Marxist ed school profs have dreamt up and inflicted on unsuspecting smart white kids—has come about as a result of trying to “fix” non-Asian minority kid underachievement. If the black kids weren’t there, we’d still be teaching phonics for reading, fractions in 5th grade, algebra in 8th grade, precalc in high school, as we did in the 50s and our white kids would still be succeeding as they used to, and America would still be 1st in inventiveness of the whole world. The crappy schools the White couples are paying through the nose to avoid exist BECAUSE of the invader youth. 7
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 02:02 | #
Fair point. I think cultural marxists would have tried to turn traditional educational methods upside down anyway purely because it was their modus operandi to attack every aspect of the existing culture but would they have been so successful without the overwhelming help they got from white liberals who were desperate to fix the black problem? Probably not. 8
Posted by Jew Congressman Pushing For Immigrant Amnesty on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 02:56 | # H.R.1751 (The American Dream Act) - Rep. Howard Berman (D-California-JEWISH) is the bill’s main sponsor: 9
Posted by Black Congresswoman Pushing For Amnesty on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 03:02 | # H.R.264 (Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2009) - Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas-BLACK) is the bill’s main sponsor. 10
Posted by Diverse Cosponsors of Jew Berman's Amnesty Bill on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 03:35 | # For the aforementioned immigrant amnesty bill of the Jew Congressman Berman, the following cosponsors have come forward to support the bill, nearly all of them ethnic minorities:
Also, Jews managed to APPOINT (NOT ELECT) two new Jewish Senators this past January - the Jew Ted Kaufman was appointed for Joe Biden’s Delaware Senate seat when he became Vice Pres. under Obama; and the Jew Michael Bennet was appointed to the Senate seat of Ken Salazar when he became Obama’s Interior Secretary. That brings the (known) number of Jews in the Senate to 15 out of a possible 100 - Jews are 15% of the Senate even though they are only about 2-3% of the population. Their bolstered numbers will surely help them to ram through these immigrant amnesty bills. 11
Posted by ATBOTL on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 05:27 | # Wandrin, we don’t really have the same social problems with a white lower class in the US as you do in the UK. The poorest whites in the US live in isolated rural areas and aren’t a factor in the home buying decisions of middle class white families. It pretty much all comes down to nonwhites here. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 13:58 | # Professor Warren is of course clueless as regards the issues of 1) race and 2) Jewish tribal-warfare attacks on Euro society, and it is precisely “liberal” WASPs like her and, more especially, Euro women like her whose votes have been a key factor in turning gold into dreck in this country over the past generation-and-a-half (beginning the moment Jews achieved hegemony over U.S. society by overthrowing the old founding WASP hegemony and replacing it with themselves plus renegade white and mystery meat frontmen stooges). But I agree her work is extremely important. Women like her will never be part of turning the situation around, however, as they will with every ounce of strength they possess oppose the only sorts of measures that can get us out of this. She talks about the problem and talks about it very well, but whites like here will never agree with letting anyone DO anything about that problem. The problem stands on three pillars: race, Jews, and women’s suffrage. (Oh, and a fourth: the brain-dullness gene Euros possess that makes them a member of the bovine family. So, make that four pillars. Four.) 13
Posted by another useless cul-de-sac on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 14:26 | # Talk about it all you want, those who have nothing else to do, BUT this Warren piece is another useless cul-de-sac. Next week Bowery will supply even yet another interesting diversion for our limited time, resources and opportunity. Its a total waste. Accept in your heart, and know in your conscious mind that America is going to be completely destroyed. Make your plans accordingly. 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 14:54 | # America is the ship carrying North American Euro peoples. It isn’t the peoples themselves. “America is going to be completely destroyed” isn’t the same as saying “North American Euro peoples are going to be completely destroyed.” America is the ship. The people riding in a ship can enter lifeboats when the ship goes down, and live to get aboard another, better ship. We here must try to prevent the ship from sinking or, failing that (and I admit the prospects for preventing it look as dismal as can be) make sure the passengers get into lifeboats and live to build and get aboard another, far better, Jew-proof, race-proof, women’s-suffrage-proof, and generally asshole-proof ship and survive into the future. Take-home point: the Euro peoples of North America aren’t going down with the ship called “America.” They’re going into lifeboats and to the dismay of Jews everywhere are going to survive hale and hearty and build another pest-proof, rat-proof, termite-proof, (fill in the blank) ______-proof, ship. Everyone get that straight please. 15
Posted by S on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 15:34 | #
I realize, I am one of a miniscule contingent of race-realist, non-googoo-headed women. Hate to give up my suffrage, but I’ll be the first to admit that the foolhardiness of too many women has certainly enlarged the hole in the hull of the Ship of America. But where will we go, Fred? What’s the new pestproof, ratproof, termiteproof ship? There’s no where in the world left to white-flight TO. 16
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 15:46 | #
jews are vastly more ethno-nationalist than White people. Given those four facts there’s nothing remotely surprising about how jewish refugees from Eastern Europe acting as stealth invaders managed to slice through the relatively open “Anglo” societies like a hot knife through butter. The only way for White people to successfully deal with jews is to be as hostile towards them as they are towards White people. I don’t think it’s “bovine” for individual White national groups to not realise how virulent and hostile jews are until they’ve seen the proof with their own eyes in the ruins of their once healthy nations. If the White nations manage to survive the current crisis intact and jews are removed from all our countries and put back into the middle east where they belong then we should all aim to have modified constitutions that include racial and national clauses. Hopefully this will prevent the constant repeat of jews being expelled from one nation that has come to understand what they are like only for them to move to a nation that has had time to forget. 17
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 15:50 | #
Fair point. I sometimes see the similarities between the Euro and American situations and forget the critical differences. 18
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 16:22 | # another useless cul-de-sac writes: Talk about it all you want, those who have nothing else to do, BUT this Warren piece is another useless cul-de-sac. You are wrong. Morale is very important when our young men are committing suicide due to their economic failures, rather than turning their anger outward where it belongs. If you want to pretend to know something about fighting and winning battles and wars you should not only know how important morale is—you should recognize something that is likely to remediate a serious morale problem. You may do the former but you clearly fail at the latter. Fortunately for you, no one knows your real identity so you can emerge at the “appropriate” point in time and lead young men to defeat but enjoy your fantasy of being a “leader” for a few short moments of glory. 19
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 16:56 | #
Political action requires numbers. This is hard for us because the enemy elite controls the means of mass influence. The two solutions to that are somehow creating alternative mass media or relying on old-fashioned face to face persuasion. If you’re trying to persuade someone to go from A to Z in one go they’ll reject it. It’s much more effective to first find out where they are and then try to move them one step closer towards seeing the light. So if they’re at A you try and move them to B. If they’re at B you try and move them to C. One step at a time. Warren’s arguments could be used for that purpose to nudge a certain type of unaware individual one step closer to a nationalist postion.
It may well be too late. In a democracy, dominating the flow of information gives you the power to dominate politics as a whole. The enemy realised this while the old ruling elite didn’t and the enemies control of information through the mass media has brought us all very close now to the brink of destruction. But it’s not over till the fat lady sings. For a start there’s no way it will end the way they wish. Either endless immigration will lead to economic collapse, balkanization and eventual civil war or they’ll manage a USSR style end-game where they get invader ethnic groups to kill us in the new western gulags but sooner or later one (probably all) of those invader groups will turn on them. In Europe that’s happening already because muslims are the largest invader group and they not waiting for the gulag stage. So at the very worst it will come to violence long before White people are too much of a minority to fight back. Then we either win or we lose. C’est la vie. Before that though, as things get closer to the end game it will get harder and harder for them to hide how everything is falling apart and the number of people unplugging from the matrix will snowball. There’s no way of knowing what could happen if enough people unplug soon enough. So at least two things aren’t a waste: preparing for civil war now or helping to move individuals from A to Z one step at a time in the hope a solution can be found before it gets to the civil war stage. 20
Posted by skeptical on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 17:12 | # James Bowery, Great find! Warren has done good work in her analysis of how the middle class (i.e. average white families) is slowly cracking under the weight of the rising costs in health care, child care, and taxes (but not consumerism!) It’s so hard to find a decent analysis on the matter because so many liberal academics and policy wonks, who have access to the relevant data, are focused on the parasitic underclass and not the middle class that’s supposed to support them. I don’t know if this kind of work helps morale so much as it brings more clarity to our situation. And that’s always a good thing. Honestly, I don’t know what to make of commenters who demand some kind of race-realism out of people like Warren, a Harvard professor speaking at a Berkeley forum, but it’s too much to ask for at this point. 21
Posted by exiled on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 17:32 | # There’s no where in the world left to white-flight TO. There is, you’d just have to accept the isolation and boredom that come with exile. Also, perhaps it should be white-fly to. Or even flee whitely to. A lot of the folks involved in WN, which is to say the internet scene calling itself white nationalism, idealize “traditional lifestyles”. Well, traditional life is, for a modern, often very boring. Fleeing the centers of modernity would entail many long years of boredom. If one can’t stand it, one is bound to admit the addiction to modern circumstances. Many bitter pills to swallow. Collectivist thinking prevents one from fleeing singly, i.e. personal salvation, and should prompt the realization that life outside of kwa is deadly boring and that bemoaning the kwa has become with us a sustainable modus vivendi. If one insists on seeing oneself as existing on a “ship” with millions of “racial kinsmen”, then of course one will never escape the annoyances and horrors of the kwa. If one abandons the romanticized presence of “others”, or an imagined community, one is free to face the dilemma: exile or kwa — and most likely opt to remain in the kwa armed with neat either/ors on the supposed end of all kwa. Even if one of the apocalyptic fantasies were to occur, all of us will be dead or decrepit by that time, so it behooves us as individuals to not find ourselves decrepit in the worst circumstances. Wouldn’t you say? 22
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 17:34 | # skeptical writes: I don’t know if this kind of work helps morale so much as it brings more clarity to our situation. When you are laboring under a libel, clarity, in addition to its other benefits, is the best morale booster. 23
Posted by skeptical on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 17:56 | #
True. 24
Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 19:26 | # So at least two things aren’t a waste: preparing for civil war now or helping to move individuals from A to Z one step at a time in the hope a solution can be found before it gets to the civil war stage. Solution? What solution? We are headed for civil war, full stop. Let’s be honest about it. Let’s admit it to ourselves, first and foremost. Let’s discuss it with others. I am amazed at how stubborn some Whites can be when faced with this (almost inevitable, in my view) scenario, which, I think, represents a determined refusal to face facts and to extrapolate from current trends. Our enemies are quite open about their intentions. It’s not as if there exists some crazy conspiracy cooked up by the tinfoil hat brigade. It’s all out in the open. Details on when and where the first shots will be fired will be clear as events progress. But that we are headed for some sort of civil war is, I believe, beyond argument. Consider seriously the prospects for war and you will liberate your mind and see things in a new way. It will help you focus your efforts where they are really needed. 25
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 22:09 | # James, O/T but any thoughts on the secessionist legislation passed by states like South Carolina? 26
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 22:09 | #
I think “preparing for civil war” covers a lot of ground and some of it may not be immediately obvious. Say you’re in Europe and you join one of the nationalist parties and get involved in standard electoral politics with other people from your area e.g delivering leaflets, canvassing etc. On the surface there’s no connection between that and “preparing for civil war” but in a way it is because in the process of doing those very ordinary things with a bunch of local people what you’re also doing is forming a cadre. 27
Posted by danielj on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 01:07 | # Its a total waste. Accept in your heart, and know in your conscious mind that America is going to be completely destroyed. Make your plans accordingly. Easy there Francis Fukuyama. It ain’t over yet. 28
Posted by another useless cul-de-sac on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 01:32 | # If Warrens data is so hot why not put it into the gapminder software and make moral boost to our currently unenlightened brothers and sisters? and not bore them into tears waiting for Warrens punch line of enlightenment? 29
Posted by Bill on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 07:39 | # Implosion - Soviet style? “For each productive individual, opting out is far easier than trying to engage in a long, exhausting political battle. After all, the Plutocracy has immense resources and a huge stake in the outcome, as do state employees and those receiving benefits without paying taxes.” 30
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:32 | # A.U.C. suggests: If Warrens data is so hot why not put it into the gapminder software and make moral boost to our currently unenlightened brothers and sisters? Good idea. Perhaps now that Elizabeth Warren is in a position of high public trust and authority, she can prevail upon her Commerce Department sources to do just that. Of course, it would help a great deal if Gapminder would support arithmetic expressions between random variables the way my site does. That way people can synthesize and normalize data from multiple sources in their dynamic scatterplots. 31
Posted by another useless cul-de-sac on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 14:44 | # Well Mr. Bowery, Since you are so smart why don’t you integrate your data with their program, stand up in front of a camera and tell us about it in 15 minutes or less? 32
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 15:08 | # When I say “arithmetic expressions between random variables” I’m not talking about my data—I’m talking about doing correlations between arithmetic expressions on data such as: Whites-Jews plotted against MedianIncome/CostofLiving which would give you the correlation between non-Jewish whites and affordability for median households. Is the Gapminder software open source? Of course, you can challenge me to do all sorts of work “if you’re so smart”. Can you provide the funds? 33
Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 16:15 | #
I don’t think Warren’s point is that earth-shattering it’s just a useful line to take with a certain segment of the population who are like hamsters on a treadmill getting nowhere. You can talk to them about how there’s no individual escape in hard work and ambition anymore - no matter how fast they try to run on their little hamster wheel the weight of the third world being imported into their country is too much and the only escape is to turn and fight it politically. With other people it’s easier to talk about immigration driving down wages. Horses for courses. 34
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:41 | # I spent a lot of time trying to understand the comment above which was posted by “Exiled.” I read parts of it over several times over again carefully and still was unable to understand them or the comment as a whole. My final impression after looking at this comment very closely is the comment is probably nothing but worthless tripe and the one who posted it some sort of limited individual not worth bothering with. 35
Posted by another uselss cul-de-sac on Sat, 11 Apr 2009 22:32 | # Is the Gapminder software open source? Of course, you can challenge me to do all sorts of work “if you’re so smart”. Can you provide the funds? I do not know if Gapminder is open source or not. It depends on how much you need to do the job, or how much job can be done for the amount I am willing to put into it. Is it possible to get anything useful for $400? x 2.5
The moving bubbles should show all the major identifiable races, their age, income, and percent of the population, percent of the wealth, use of welfare, percentage of military… and what ever else will enlighten and help to awaken the sapient segment of our population… Would MR showcase the results with a permanent link? Its really a waste to get a good discussion going and then have someone post something new on top of it, and then something else and something else later. Like the trolls do. 36
Posted by exiled on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 02:44 | # My final impression after looking at this comment very closely is the comment is probably nothing but worthless tripe and the one who posted it some sort of limited individual not worth bothering with. I’ve noticed your “understanding” is consistently so selective, Mr. Scrooby. You seem to “not understand” ideas you simply don’t like and finish them off with flourishes of impatient condescension. That’s fine; I was just offering a ground-perspective for those who wake up one day and realize there’s no army of kin at their back before taking the leap out of kwa, or as is more probably the case, frantically trying to claw their way out. One also notices Jews taking that line — white nationalist discourse is often “incomprehensible” to them and the work of individuals with no substance. I am, of course, not calling you a Jew, only pointing out a commonly dirty tactic. 37
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 03:49 | #
Like with the snappy refutations. Need a permanent sidebar home. 38
Posted by inside job? how dare you! on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 07:11 | # The conundrum is that there is a lot of material useful to our cause, this angle is better than that. Then again, unlike our mortal foes, our people demand a certain elan from those claiming to represent us. Our enemy will accept any behavior from his allies as long as whitey suffers from it. 39
Posted by another useless cul-de-sac on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 07:16 | # Looks like Mrs. Warren is making her move… http://www.prisonplanet.com/liquidate-the-banks-fire-the-executives.html From the report: “To deal with a troubled financial system, three fundamentally different policy alternatives are possible: liquidation, receivership, or subsidization. To place these alternatives in context, the report evaluates historical and contemporary efforts to confront financial crises and their relative success. The Panel focused on six historical experiences: (1) the U.S. Depression of the 1930s; (2) the bank run on and subsequent government seizure of Continental Illinois in 1984; (3) the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and establishment of the Resolution Trust Corporation; (4) the recapitalization of the FDIC bank insurance fund in 1991; (5) Sweden’s financial crisis of the early 1990s; and (6) what has become known as Japan’s “Lost Decade” of the 1990s. The report also surveys the approaches currently employed by Iceland, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and other European countries.” 40
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 21:51 | # aucds asks: “Is it possible to get anything useful for $400? x 2.5” I’m not sure why you write $1000 as an arithmetic expression, but the answer is “yes”. Except for “percent of the wealth” we could probably get your desired metrics animated over the 1980, 1990 and 2000 US Censuses. Wealth data is notoriously difficult to come by. Income is much easier. I can’t answer for MR’s front page. 41
Posted by Laughing at White suicide on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 01:55 | # Richard Fochtmann “joking” about white men committing suicide. Post a comment:
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Posted by S on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 20:56 | #
I am not impressed by Warren’s book “Two Income Trap.”
She correctly describes the dilemma facing White middle class young couples today; they must both work to afford a home in a good school district. The desire for a good school districts forces young couples into bidding wars for the homes in those districts, driving prices sky high.
But she does not notice, or at least does not mention, the elephant in the room. What IS it that makes for a good school district that is so necessary that couples will work themselves to death to get it? This is the question she fails to ask. So she fails to see the root cause of young couples’ dilemma—that is, desegregation
As a solution for the bidding wars, she suggests “open enrollment” so that couples can buy inexpensive homes and send their kids to good schools across town. But because she fails to see the REASON for the bidding war, her solution misses the mark.
Because the REASON for the bidding wars is to isolate their children from the badly-behaved STUDENTS (who are largely minorities) in the bad school districts, open enrollment would simply import the very troublemaker minority kids the White couples are fleeing.
Here’s how desegregation has bankrupted the middle class:
In the ‘50s, couples bought homes in White, segregated neighborhoods, assuming the neighborhoods would STAY white. Therefore, those homes could be kept and paid off, and those homes could be passed down free and clear to the kids,, so the grandkids could grow up in those neighborhoods, too, in a home owned free-and-clear.
Now desegregation: With higher numbers of minorities moving into formerly White neighborhoods, you get increased crime. Increased crime causes White flight to a new, White neighborhood and the old home is sold at a distressed price. Then the minorities follow and the cycle repeats. So the White middle class NEVER gets to pay off its home and pass it down free and clear.
The other issue is “inflation adjusted dollars.” Warren constantly reiterates the phrase, but fails to notice that if wages do NOT rise commensurate with inflation, then the husband is actually receiving a pay cut, so the wife is working to replace the lost purchasing power. Inflation is a hidden tax. Wives have been forced into the workforce to pay their husband’s inflation-tax. Thank the Jews for creating inflation through fractional-reserve banking.