Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 05 June 2006 07:33.
This log at the BNP’s website will tell you all you need to know about the hatred which our masters harbour for England and the true heart of the English. Quite disgusting.
Some months ago, after a very minor altercation with an Iraqi “asylum-seeker” in a public house in Worcester, popular BNP member Kevin Hughes was arrested.
Despite there being no injuries to any party, Kevin was charged and later appeared at Worcester Crown Court on Tuesday 23rd May. On Thursday 25th May, despite being of good character and having no previous convictions, Kevin was sentenced to an astonishing two and a half years in prison with a recommendation that he serve at least eighteen months.
Kevin is in the process of appealing this ludicrously harsh sentence and as such we cannot go into further details regarding this case. However, the irony of a young Iraqi male having the means and time to drink in the public houses of Worcester at the same time when British men and women are being killed by his compatriots will not be lost on many readers. Further to this many will contrast the obscenely lenient sentences handed down to “asylum-seekers” convicted of killing British children whilst at the wheel with what has given to Kevin Hughes.
Full support
It goes without saying that the leadership of the British National Party are standing by Kevin for the simple reason that we believe he is entirely innocent and as such he will receive our full support. There are many people in this country who are all too familiar with the kind of institutional anti-white racism that infests the British judicial system.
Kevin is an extremely popular member of the party and a hard working activist. His sentence has caused shock and outrage amongst his many friends and colleagues.
Many people have requested his address in order to convey their feelings, but those writing are requested to provide stamped addressed envelopes; Kevin was taken into custody with just £2 in his pocket as the sentence was a complete shock. We are not sure what can and cannot be sent in such as books, magazines, newspaper cuttings etc to help raise Kevin’s morale and keep his mind active in the brain numbing conditions of being deprived of his liberty. None of us in this party will rest until Kevin has been released neither will any of us forget the vindictiveness of those responsible for his incarceration.
Not easy to find out, Al. Until March of this year the resident judge at Worcester Crown Court was Judge Mott. He has retired but continues to be available to hear cases as a deputy circuit judge. His successor is Judge Alistair McCreath. I think the district judge is DJ Bruce Morgan BA. All sound Anglo enough to me, but I have no way of knowing which, if any of them, heard Kevin Hughes’ case.
A quick google brought up early reaction to the sentence from BNP members posting on Stormfront:-
... the judge said that despite there being no witnesses and no factual evidence, he intended to impose a custodial sentence “because we can’t have people going around making racial remarks about other people”.
Beyond that I can’t squeeze any more information out of the web. Even the local rag, the Worcester Evening News, has nothing on the case in its archive.
My guess is that the judge was simply suffering from the Pavlovian psychosis of our age, seeing “vile Nazis” everywhere people don’t agree with the MultiCult. It is an acquired love of the alien cum hatred of self. But such suggestibility is alive and well in Worcester, evidence this plaint to the Worcester Evening News.
Don’t think I’ll go there soon.
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:29 | #
“We don’t need humbugs to tell us what to think. What we really need is our free speech back.”
That is only six months less than a certian high-ranking BNP member (or is he not anymore?) got for bomb-making and (separate later offence) attacking a man with a knife.
And yet today, Salopian, the BNP is asserting the moral right of the British people to their own homeland. What morality attaches to the mainstream political enthusiasm for race replacement? None that I am aware of.
It was inevitable that the types of people who would support the NF and Tyndall’s offshoot during the nationalistically fallow years of the sixties, seventies, eighties and early nineties would include a diproportionate number of, to say the least, difficult and confrontational characters. For that reason both organisations were treated pretty well universally as pariahs.
Many nationalistically inclined people, myself included, were constantly embarrassed by the ease with which our righteous sentiments were dragged through the mud because of the actions of a tiny handful of costume Nazis and what-have-you. But the Soho bomber marked the end of that game. The BNP was generally assumed to be “behind” Copeland’s campaign. When it turned out that he was a lone psychopath the prejudicial nature of the mainstream stream of the BNP was exposed.
Nowadays, the Establishment rat still presses the “BNP” button, expecting the public to feed it morsels of obedience. But the response is less and less forthcoming. The Party has escaped its past and its image, and is going to continue to progress.
Click here for the BNP’s announcement that Kevin Hughes is being moved from Redditch jail, near his home and family, to multicultural Wolverhampton. It won’t help.
has judge alistair mccreath ever found anyone innocent or been leneant towards any one who has been befor him. all i seem to read and witness are cosutadiale sentaces being handed out “right, left and center.”
... the judge said that despite there being no witnesses and no factual evidence, he intended to impose a custodial sentence “because we can’t have people going around making racial remarks about other people”.
now this isnt the only time that the so called judge has convicted somebody without sufficent evidence. today four innocent men were convicted without any evidence against them and although they appeled for it to be thrown out due to abbuse, mcreath ignored it. it was obvious to all that they were innocent but the jury couldnt be ‘arsed’ and wanted to go home as quick as possible. this case has been withheld from the media.
does anybody have contacts for alistair mccreath? (phone no. or address)
The other scary bit is that even the local paper have no records of such an incident. Two and a half years for a verbal altercation with no witnesses ! Now that is real Fascism.
When wil the population at large in this country climb out of sleepy hollow, stand up and show some character ?
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 09:08 | #
Link’s working, John. But here’s the text:-