Defiance: a Hollywood take on Jewish banditry and murder Defiance is a 2008 war film directed by Edward Zwick. Set in the eastern regions of German Nazi-occupied Poland (now western Belarus) during World War II, the film is an adaptation of Nechama Tec’s Defiance: The Bielski Partisans, which is based on the true story of the Bielski partisans. Tec’s book told how Polish Jews came together for common protection and to oppose the German occupation of their homeland. That is how Wikipedia opens its entry on the Jewish action movie, Defiance. It is pretty much the standard account of the film, which has appeared in media around the world. The “true story of the Bielski brothers”, those heroic, admirable, justified Jews fighting for “the good” and for their lives against impossible odds and ultimate evil, is the only prism the world now has through which to view the motives and actions of these people. In response, a number of honourable and patriotic Poles have sought to provide another. One such, a Polish-American reader of this blog, has thoroughly primed me on all this, and I am indebted to him. I suppose it made a lot of sense to a director, basically, of action movies to secure for his lead in the most important film of his career the actor currently playing James Bond. Could there be a more striking image of the alpha male at bay than Daniel Craig on a noble white stallion shot against a wintry backdrop of a deep and mysterious Lithuanian forest? Speaking of the film to the BBC, Craig said:-
Perhaps the story was buried between Tuvia Bielski’s own account in 1947 and Tec’s in 1993 because, for the Bielski “survivors”, there was nothing but bloody memories, for which “the group murder of a German soldier“ can by no means stand in sole testimony. Further, the “complicated” story to which Craig refers is, in fact, Polish history in all its terrible reality, and the version “we can … portray on screen” is nothing, nothing at all, but Jewish propaganda. Those complications, as they affect Jews, can be traced back to 1791 and the establishment by Catherine the Great of the Pale of Settlement. By the standards of most Romanovs, the German-born Catherine was an enlightened ruler who read Voltaire and Diderot. She made reforms which brought industry, wealth and social progress to Russia. This triggered the development of a new middle-class. Jews were particularly quick to seize this opportunity for self-improvement, and duly began to fill the new social class. But, as always, they could not disguise their nepotism. Catherine realised that Jews were denying Russians the opportunity to progress as she wished, and acted to correct it. In the earlier part of her reign she had carried out several successful military campaigns in the south and west, acquiring territories including, among others, Belorussia, Lithuania and part of Ukraine. Removing Jews from Russia had been attempted several times by her predecessors. But where these had failed, Catherine succeeded, establishing the Pale of Settlement across present-day Lithuania, Belarus, Bessarabia, Ukraine and parts of western Russia. Poland was added after its Second Partition in 1793. At the height, some five million Jews were domiciled in the Pale, mostly in the confines of the smaller towns. It came to an end in 1917, but left in situe the largest concentration of Jews anywhere - some forty per cent of world Jewry. For the peoples left to host these Jews the Pale had proven to be an extraordinary injustice. With the launch of Barbarossa on 22nd June 1941 all of the former Pale would fall under German control. Jewish resistance to that control was thin, militarily speaking, but widespread, and included partisan groups formed both from Jews who had escaped the ghettos and Jews who had fled from local villages. Some groups were attached to Soviet brigades while others were more autonomous. I should explain here that the Soviet partisans were Red Army soldiers stationed in East Poland after the Soviet invasion of September 1939 under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and caught behind the lines by the speed of the German advance in June 1941. They were loyal and committed communists. Their leadership were NKVD members, often parachuted in to take command and maintain subordination to Stalin. The number of partisans in any given district, Soviet and Jew, could be considerable. For example, one important focus of partisan activity was the area around the Polish towns of Parczew and Wlodawa, near Lublin, where up to thirty thousand partisans “operated” from the dense forests. There were another twenty thousand - three thousand of them Jews - in the Nowogródek region to the north-east, secreted by the dense and ancient forest of Naliboki.
It was to the Naliboki Forest that Tuvia Bielski and his brothers, Aron, Zus and Aseal, fled from the Nowogródek ghetto in December 1941. They were joined by 13 others from the ghetto, dug bunkers in which to live, and scavenged for food from the scores of villages in the area. A few weeks later, in the spring of 1942, they formed the nucleus of a military unit. Word of it spread quickly and Jews, including women and children seeking protection as well as men of fighting age began to gravitate towards them - a process Tuvia impelled by sending men into the ghetto to find recruits. The legend has it that Tuvia turned nobody away … indeed, he was a veritable and, of course, suitably reluctant second Moses. It exists alongside a rumour that the brothers demanded gold in exchange for their protection, and if the former was not forthcoming neither was the latter. The truth of that can never be determined now. But we can construe a motivation for Tuvia placing his group under the operational command of the Soviets in the area, rather than allying with the Home Army and his Polish countryman. He was the son not of city-dwelling cosmopolitans but of an established farming family. Still, he had been a member of a Zionist youth movement, which speaks of something other than an attachment to Polish soil. One hopes that there were Jews who armed themselves and stood with the Poles, because there are more Poles honoured at Yad Vashem for saving Jewish lives than any other nationality. What’s more, the Poles needed all the help they could get. They were caught in the jaws of a murderous vice. Their country was being erased. They were being murdered in their homes, ethnically cleansed, forced into slavery. But Tuvia Bielski was not remotely interested in his host, except in a parasitic sense. He demonstrated where his loyalties lay by allying with the Soviet partisans. It was “better for Jews” to ally with the stronger party (I shall return to this at the end of the essay). So much better, he even named his unit after the Stalin crony and titular head of the Soviet state, Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin.
This was the pattern for Jewish resisters all over. But there was something more to it than that, something telling. In the nine months during which the Soviets exercised control over eastern Poland hundreds of thousands of government officials, soldiers, policemen, teachers, priests, landowners, and ordinary middle-class civilians were sent with their families to the gulag. It was Jews who had lived among these people and known them all their lives who helped the Soviets to round them up. Moreover, many of the thousands of Poles who were simply murdered during this period were victims of NKVD units that contained Jews and were led by a Jew. On a personal note, I would like to add here that it was a very brave Polish woman, the wife of a doctor retired from the British diplomatic service, whom I first met in 1982, who told me about this apect of the Jewish Question. At the time I was not especially aware of the nature of Jewish ethnocentrism. Her account was spoken so sincerely and matter-of-factly, it was inconceivable to me that this woman was possessed by hatred. It changed my attitude and put me on the road to eventual understanding. She was in her teens during the war years, and had relatives taken by the Soviets. A rebellious and indomitable spirit, in the early 1950s she took it into her head to escape from Poland to the West. She was caught at Szczecin trying to ask ever so subtly whether any of the ships tied up at the docks might be from the West! When she was released from prison several years later she had been made barren and all her hair was gone. At the time, the British Embassy in Warsaw made a practise of employing released dissidents, who found it difficult to obtain work elsewhere. That was how she met her future husband and, finally, got her wish to live beyond the reach of Soviet tyranny. But I am digressing. Another telling comment on that implacable Jewish antipathy to the host is the portrayal of Polish peasantry and farmers as German collaborators and dedicated Jew-hunters. Koniuchy was a Polish village in 1944 but is now in Lithuania and is known as Kaniukai. On 29th January in that year this village of sixty households and three hundred souls was attacked by three Soviet partisan brigades. The operation was planned as a punishment raid, to make Koniochy an example to other villages who resisted the partisans. The official version has it that thirty-eight men, women and children were slaughtered indiscriminately, and about a dozen were injured. According to the perpetrators themselves, around three hundred were killed. One Jewish memoir writer named Rich Cohen offered this description of events:-
There was no German garrison in Koniuchy, of course. It is a lie. Following the attack the leader of one of the partisan groups informed his superior that:-
In actuality, the villagers were armed with a few rifles, the owners of which had organised themselves to fend off the partisan’s violent foraging parties which repeatedly plagued them. They had impeccable reason - and not only the need to feed their own families. The village, like all farming villages in German-occupied Poland, had a quota levied on it by the Germans. Failure to meet this risked a terrible punishment. Indeed, four hundred such villages and towns were burnt to the ground during the occupation for precisely that failure, their populations murdered or abducted for slave labour. It was no defence to explain that partisans had stolen the supplies. Anything that might be re-construed as giving succour to the enemy met with a brutal reprisal. Well, it happens that the Lithuanian authorities have now taken up the case of Koniuchy. The chief prosecutor is running a pre-trial investigation of suspects involved in the slaughter. They are all Jews. One of them, a woman named Sara Ginaite, a one-time member of the Kovno Jewish resistance, has protested her outraged innocence to a Canadian Jewish publication. At the time of the attack on Koniuchy she was, she claims, on a mission to Kovno to recruit new members. And this is what she had to say about the villagers:-
Collaborators and combatants! Even Wikipedia does not agree with that. For the Poles and Lithuanians this portrayal of peasants and farmers as violent Jew-haters and eager German collaborators is an outright lie. And so we come back to the Bielski partisans of “The Kalinin”. The moral centre of the Bielski story as it is told by Zwick in Defiance is the protection nobly afforded to Jews escaping from the ghetto. More than 1,200 marched out of the woods when the Germans were driven back by the advancing Red Army, and 70% of these were women and children. But there is also this moral overhang of fateful choices that were made and deeds that were done - those bloody memories again. Zwick understands this. In an interview with Facing History, which looks awfully like a Jewish vehicle for manipulating young Americans, he said this:-
This is true. But if Zwick means it, why is it necessary to maintain lies about the Polish dead, especially given that so much effort is spent on educating the world about the Jewish dead? Zwick’s film, which was shot about 100 miles away from the Naliboki Forest, does lie about the villagers, just as the Soviet partisans lied. It also lies about the dire conditions of life in the forest which, somehow, these Jews managed to rise above. That life included bathhouses and a synagogue, and sufficient food for Bielski himself to boast in one of his reports about their burgeoning stocks. Another Jewish group in the same area, under the control of the notorious Simcha Zorin, lived even better and even made gifts of food supplies by air to Moscow. Defiance also lies with its portrayal of the many deadly fire-fights that the brothers and their group has with German units. Polish historians maintain that the Bielski group scarcely made any contact with Germans, and were, anyway, regarded by the Soviets - trained soldiers - as poor fighters and really only good for foraging. The entire heroism thing may be invented. Certainly, according to the Poles, the Bielski group were simple bandits and murderers. And there is a possibility that they might have been something much, much worse. By way of an introduction to this aspect of the story, here is a snippet from another Zwick interview, this time with the San Francisco Chronicle:-
Here is the story of that “complicated issue”. As in Koniuchy and thousands of other villages, the Polish and Belarrusian residents of Naliboki formed a self-defence group to ward off the raiders from the forest. Recognising that the villagers were determined to stand their ground, the Soviets tried diplomacy first. An agreement was reached to divide the territory between the two parties, not to attack each other, and to act together against the Germans and local criminal bands also hiding in the forest. But then, without warning, the Soviet partisan Stalin Brigade under the command of Major Rafail Vasilevich launched a devastating attack on the night of 8th-9th May 1943. The village was quickly overrun. A pogrom ensued. One hundred and twenty seven civilians and one visiting Belarussian policeman were killed, most of them taken from their homes and executed. They included three women, several teenagers and a ten-year old boy. The church, the school, the post office were set of fire, as were many houses after they were looted. It all lasted less than three hours. The attackers’ reports state two hundred and fifty killed, and the capture of various weapons, a hundred cows and seventy-eight horses. The regulation destruction of a non-existent German garrison was thrown in for good measure. Surviving Polish eye-witnesses insisted that both Bielski’s and Zorin’s units were involved in the raid (at the time both reported to Vasilevich). Most of the pillaging and the executions were laid at their door. Poland’s Institute of National Remembrance opened an investigation of the Naliboki case in, I believe, 2002. The investigation includes the alleged involvement of the Bielski group. As of last month the Commission had still not issued a report. Wikipedia and some Jewish sources, including Zwick it seems, are claiming that historians connected to the Commission have ruled out the possibility of Bielski’s involvement. Many Poles beg to differ. In any case, the question remains as to why Jews turned against their own countrymen, and why they found it necessary to portray them as collaborators and Jew-haters whose lives were worthless save that their goods could be pillaged. The answer that springs to mind is that they were never the countrymen of Poles, Lithuanians and Belarussians in any meaningful sense. The key to understanding their deeds is that iron law of all Jewish action: Is it good for Jews? And it was better for Jews to ally with a strong military actor and, moreover, one that was the standard-bearer for a Jewish revolutionary creed that had the potential to destroy the social order of European societies, and had, in its internationalist phase, been led by Jewish revolutionaries such as Leon Trotsky, Bela Kun and Rosa Luxemburg. Beyond that, one wonders what “good” really means to Jews. It is normal to find nobility and virtue in one’s people. It is a very human response and, as such, simply the product of normal ethnocentrism. Normally, a people takes meaning only from positives in this regard (which is why paligenesis has resonated so much with the nationalist heart). But Jews take their profit from the negative characterisation of virtue in suffering. For a Jew it is as meaningful - and binding - to be burdened by horrors, real or imaginary, as it is for any other people to take pride in a national hero or a deliverance from danger. In such permanent crisis, “good” becomes detached from all common morality and sinks to the level of plain utility. The massacre in Naliboki did not bring an end to the villager’s suffering. In August 1943, the Germans launched Operation Herman to locate and destroy the partisans, and deal with local people thought to be aiding them. Sixty thousand troops arrived in the Naliboki Forest area. With the assistance of a Lithuanian auxiliary attached to the SS, and of Belorussian police, they rounded up the civilian populations of dozens of villages. The number killed is not recorded. It is thought that about twenty-thousand were transported west as slave labour. Naliboki was emptied of its people and burned to the ground.
Posted by Al Spanker on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 05:22 | # Daniel Craig an irrational gun phobic of staggering proportions like unto that “English” jew, Tim Roth, who, along with Mark Wahlberg, tormented the late Charlton Heston on the set of the Planet of the Apes remake. What about recent discovery of the TWO THOUSAND men, women, and mostly children executed by the jewish soviets in Poland? Any movies from Hollyweird to be made about that? 3
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 05:40 | # Tim Roth & Charlton Heston - what a despicable little turd you are Tim 4
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 05:40 | # British comedian Ricky Gervais shocked the audience at the Golden Globes into silence with a bad taste joke about the Holocaust. As he presented an award, the Ghost Town star pointed at double-winner Kate Winslet from the stage and said: “Well done Winslet. I told you, do a Holocaust movie and the awards come, didn’t I? 5
Posted by danielj on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 06:01 | # The joke went like this: Ricky: I told my friend I was finally going to watch Schindler’s List and she told me to make sure I got a box of tissues. I told her I thought that was a bit sick. 6
Posted by Colin Laney on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 07:55 | # Excellent post, GW. To provide further context for the subject under discussion:
From “Real ‘Defiance” family from Brooklyn”: For those unfamiliar with Koniuchy, a poem by Leo Yankevich:
Perhaps there are real angels who assist (More here, if Yaakov Prenner is a new name for you: .Prenner is, in ‘mainstream history’ - i.e. the garbage you get on TV, in newspapers, or at universities - a heroic ‘anti-Nazi’ resistance fighter. Jewish history, like Jewish financial practices, doesn’t bear close examination). A Polish Priest recently complained about the hefty price tag ($65 billion dollars) the Jews are sticking them with for the favor of betraying their nation and managing the details of the extermination of Polish business, cultural, religious and military leaders and the headline in the “world press” is Polish PM caught in ‘anti-semitic’ row ( since everyone who appears to govern Poland is in fact a servant not of the Polish people and their interests but the bald fact of the world power of Judah. Here’s the hateful quote the Kaczynski bros. are running away from:
The apparent tirade drew a harsh response from president Lech Kaczynski’s office, which described it as “scandalous”. The eager and massive collaboration of Polish Jews (back when they were merely smelly ostjuden and not “holocaust survivors”) with Soviet troops is one of history’s great untold stories - along with the true story of what happened to 12,000 Polish officers in the Katyn forest. So far as I know, the only historian who was honest on that score was Joseph Goebbels. I also won’t be holding my breath for Russians or Jews to pay Polish families for the atrocities they committed and abetted over 50 years. ??Here’s a taste of the services rendered by the Jews that the Poles must now pony up 65 billion dollars for: ?? ?
Keeping in mind the vast sums Jews will now extract from the Poles, consider the following points taken from a review of Richard Lukas’ The Forgotten Holocaust: ??
You’ll note: when Jews load people into cattle cars, “it must be approached not in the spirit of accusation but in the spirit of understanding”. I can’t recall any historian taking a similar stance towards, say, any European monarchs who oversaw any of the innumerable Jewish expulsions in the course of human history. Now, why would that be? Why would the profession of history take a radically different set of ethical standards towards a people based on race or religion? Are Jews somehow defective in that department? Do they need a little ‘affirmative action’ in the decency department to cover their history of rankest evil? Or is it just because they are “God’s chosen people”? It’s like a Mastercard commerical from Hell: Museum of Polish Jews: 32 million dollars ?? Reparations for the Jewish War on Poles and the Polish nation: 65 billion dollars ?? The cheering crowds and smiling faces of Jews when the Soviet tanks roll into your town: Priceless! My sole delight in this current Polish affair is Abe Foxman’s take : ?
Priceless! In plain English, Dishonest Abe is basically crying foul that Radio Maryja is telling the truth about the Jews’ history and international extortion rackets. Jews have created the idea that saying true things is “hate” if the person being described is a genuine pestilence, like a certain roving band of human locusts I could name. I see that the name Jakub Berman is not mentioned in the ADL press release. ?? (You must have heard of Berman at least once, perhaps in a Steven Speilboig movie? According to Wiki, and I quote: “considered Josef Stalin’s right hand in Poland between 1944 and 1953.”) Here’s an ex-president of the World Jewish Congress who concurs with Radio Maryja’s opinion on the facts of Jewish national character: ?? ”I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements: Extracting money and protesting.” -Nahum Goldmann, “The Jewish Paradox”, Frankfurt 1988, p. 77 ?? Nahum might have thrown in “constructing deranging world-historical lies that kill millions”, but his pithy formulation carries weight. Even wealthy Switzerland was Jewed out of 2 billion dollars, and when the fraud was revealed, was too cowed to ask for the money back. The Gnomes of Zurich - outgnomed! ?? A nice touch at the end of the Telegraph article, regarding the 32 million dollar museum of Polish Jews to be built in Warsaw. First of all, I’d like to say that it will be a fitting architectural accompaniment to Stalin’s Museum of Science and Culture - twin abominations, if you will. I imagine that the real museum of Polish Jewry, that tells the true story about fifty years’ press manipulation, service to the secret police, active and eager collaboration with the invading Soviet army, loading Polish neighbors onto trains, the endless butchery of women and children sold by modern history books as “anti fascist partisan activity”, the betrayal of the whole Polish nation - will be a long time coming. In the meantime, the Poles are betrayed again by their ‘leaders’. ?? Two additional poems by Leo Yankevich, whose understanding of these issues, both historical and moral, is peerless: Neighbours, Eastern Poland, 1940 I turn my shoulder to the grey and think How haplessly they looked back through the cracks, He did not know few would survive the journey The son of Saul Rabinsky did not know He did not know he’d be betrayed by neighbours, With Blood on his Hands A Nazi lie and Hitler’s plot?— 7
Posted by Homelander on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 08:56 | # In 1900 Europe dominated the globe, European whites comprised 30% of the human race and the boundaries of the white world stood seemingly unassailable. Scarce a century later - three generations - and whites have fallen to some 15% of mankind and our borders are falling to peasants scarcely deserving to be called “barbarians”. What happened? The only “race war” Europeans have fought in the meanwhile was against Jews, Slavs and Gypsies - long-term residents of Europe. How did that work out? Are we better off? Should we do it again? Why bother? Gypsy numbers never recovered, and Jews and Slavs are tumbling faster than the average white rate. We are all going down the flusher in less than another hundred years…and our common culture with us. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 15:23 | #
What happened is something you and Ian don’t want to face, Homelander: Gee, reality’s a bitch I guess but, as the expression goes on the ladies’ talk shows, “Denial is not a river in Egypt.”
But what’s the war called that the Jews are forever waging against the Euros? Is that a race war too?: (Hey just curious, I didn’t mean to interrupt but ..... but maybe the Euros are fighting a .... defensive war? ......... Maybe they’re ...... under attack? .............. Maybe they’re only trying to ..... fight back? ...........)
Should we do what again, Homelander? What exactly? What have we in the U.S. done to help ourselves survive the racial assault we’ve been under since 1880 at the hands of a certain group? Maybe it’s high time we actually did something for once? You want nothing done, including mere criticism, mere verbal exposure, mere verbal airing of the issue from all sides, because you deny the problem. You demand we limit ourselves to miasma theories, you and Ian Jobling. Well, there are people here who aren’t blind as bats, sorry. 9
Posted by Opposing the ZOG a crime? on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 18:18 | # “Senior U.K. diplomat said arrested over anti-Semitic tirade” A senior diplomat in the British Foreign Office has been arrested for inciting religious hatred after he launched into an anti-Semitic tirade at a London gym, the Daily Mail reported on Monday. Witnesses told the British newspaper they heard diplomat Rowan Laxton shouting “f**king Israelis, f**king Jews” while watching a TV report of Israel Defense Forces operations in Gaza from the seat of an exercise bike.
“‘Jewish money’ controls U.S.: South African diplomat” January 29, 2009 Johannesburg - South Africa’s deputy foreign minister has been taken before the national human rights body for allegedly saying that “Jewish money” controls the United States, officials said Thursday. Fatima Hajaig allegedly told a political rally two weeks ago in Johannesburg that Jews “control America, no matter which government comes into power, whether Republican or Democratic, whether Barack Obama or George Bush.” “Their control of America, just like the control of most western countries, is in the hands of Jewish money,” she allegedly said. -,w-jewish-anti-semitism-south-africa012909.article 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 18:50 | #
This is correct, and is the reason you can’t get the borders closed no matter who’s in office: all Jews of all political persuasions want race-replacement (Jews differ on this or that other issue, NOT on race-replacement: they’re ALL fanatical supporters of open-borders race-replacement, and I mean FANATICAL) and Jewish money controls the GOP and the Dems. 11
Posted by torgrim on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 19:01 | # Witnesses told the British newspaper they heard diplomat Rowan Laxton shouting, “f**king Israelis, f**king Jews” while watching a tv report of Israeli Defence Forces operations in Gaza from the seat of an exercise bike.—-Opposing the ZOG a crime?— Any man with an ounce of manhood left in this feminized society, is hard pressed not to yell at the teevee when you see WP(white phosphorus), an anti-tank round, designed to melt steel, used against urban populations! 12
Posted by Valerian on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 19:11 | # I think what irritates me about the side that’s perpetuating this myth is the self-righteousness that Zwick and his ilk portray. “But it’s important to say that even if they were, to try to equate Jews participating in some attack on a village, which no doubt was in reprisal for something else, was in the context of wartime, and I’m afraid to say, understandable.” The fucking gall portrayed in this statement is something that just irritates me about the people on the other side of us. There is not any recourse to Logic, sound rhetoric, or factual citations, or even a sense of humility in a wider historical perspective. I’m going to post these articles and news links on Myspace and other networking sites to spread the word. Thanks fellows for posting these links, it’s ammunition on our side. 13
Posted by Homelander on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 19:55 | # I will say it again: NAZIS ARE NOT WHITE NATIONALISTS Nazis are just Europeans who want to murder other Europeans. Some of the Europeans they want to murder are arguably not white - Jews and Gypsies. Other Europeans they want to murder are indisputably white - Slavs. But the agenda of Nazis was and is to enslave/murder certain long-term residents of Europe - it is a re-hash of ancient European ethnic conflicts (re. the article above) and is has nothing to do with the defence of whites against the contemporary threat. In 2100 Australia/NZ will be part of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Argentina-Chile-Uruguay will be part of Greater Mexico…along with most of the US…and Canada will join Europe in some World Caliphate. Whites as a race will be well past the point of no return, and European culture will be dead. By then the anti-semites will all be cheerful Moslems. All they ever wanted was to kill Jews anyway. 14
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 22:24 | # WHITE NATIONALISTS are an extended Jewish phenotype. European tribal/national conflict is as old as Europe. It’s called evolution. Muslims and Jews allied against Christian Europeans at least as early as the Crusades. It was Jews who opened the doors to Toledo. It was Jews that aided and abetted the Umayyad invasions of Europe. European culture cannot die because there never was a “European” culture. It, like Western Civilisation and white nationalism, is a Jewish construct. 15
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 22:57 | # In 1900 “Europe” did not dominate the globe. Arguably, the English, French and Germans were the dominant powers, however, it was not a “European” domination. There was no “white world” and the borders of immigrant receiving countries were assailed by a mass migration which made many if not most of the founding people of these countries extremely unhappy. European populations are above their level in 1900. It is the tools that enhanced carry capacity, that were afforded the world, that increased their populations. How should 1914 be classified? A sub-race war? Jews allied with Russian Bolsheviks in a class war against other Slavs. Jews allied with Russians in a race war against Poles. Jews allied with Poles in a race war against ethnic Germans. And, it appears, the Germans were well aware of the portending race war long before they invaded Poland.
After returning from a fact-finding trip to Germany in 1936, David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister from 1916 to 1922, had this to say in the 17th of September, 1936, edition of The Daily Express. 16
Posted by Tanstaafl on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 23:57 | # Homelander writes:
You seem to believe “anti-semites” are born hating jews - for no reason whatsoever - and have more power than the jews they criticize. You also seem to believe jews have had a long history of conflict with muslims and Europeans have had a long history of collaboration, rather than the other way around. If jews ever set aside their zionism they can look forward to another “golden age” under a new caliphate. That many of them don’t want to set aside their ethnostate, or their social, economic, and political hegemony over the West, is understandable. Whites, on the other hand, have already had our ethnostates taken away. It wasn’t anti-semites who did that, nor muslims. It was jews and philo-semites. My country is flooded with far more non-Whites than muslims. The jews and philo-semites celebrate this. The small number who care care only about the anti-jew muslims. Scapegoating nazis and anti-semites has been the norm for five decades. In the wake of WWII an attitude like yours might have seemed reasonable. At this point it is preposterous - an obvious effort to distract attention and divert blame in order to protect criminals who don’t deserve protecting. 17
Posted by Tanstaafl on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:00 | # Another movie in the pipeline, story via, Pitt to scalp nazis in latest holocaust film:
Some information perhaps even more relevant to Defiance, via Axis History Forum, Holocaust Avengers:
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:10 | #
It’s when I read this sort of thing that my firm belief that Jews believe themselves to be moral actors gets thrown up against it.* Obviously the first impression is, “go fuck yourself, Jew bastard” when I read this insect, with the temerity to play the violin when the goy get up the nerve to engage in the Jewish national pastime. Then I think, you know, what he said was factually true; it is a witch hunt; takes one to know one. And I wonder of how much of this is he cognizant? Where exactly does it become subliminal? Not that it really matters, but I wonder. It’s going to be fun when we start fighting back, and give these bastards a real contest, instead of taking it in the ass constantly. It’ll be fun to see them howl with us howling back for once. They’re going to wail like spoiled children. They’ve had it way to easy for way too long. * Recently I read a quote from some quasi-race-realist science guy, like Cochran or Murray or somebody. He supposed that people simply align their perception of morality with their interests. That certainly seems true for Jews. They’re ninjas at it. 19
Posted by Homelander on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:19 | # “Tanstaafl” I don’t think Nazis - taken by themselves - have, or ever will have, any “power”. They are a laughably irrelevant and “harmless” political movement. Their sole function is to serve as a perfect foil for the Multi-Culti’s. And this may in fact be their conscious purpose. If the Mexicans and the Moslems were riding in on tanks…the Nazis would be throwing flowers on their liberators. Thanks, Desmond for confirming my insight. Nazis don’t believe Europe is anything but a place for Arabs to use for their next latrine…and Nazis don’t believe whites exist, at all - just NON-Jews. (Perhaps they really believe Jews are the ONLY humans in this world…and the rest of us sub-humans need to wipe out this threat?) 20
Posted by danielj on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:24 | # We could learn something from these, how you say, Nokim. The Nokim rallying call was “vengeance has no boundaries”. 21
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:39 | # Roth, another insect. I wonder who he fellated to get the job in the Hulk movie. Hopefully he’ll find this post via a Web search and discover that I and my friends and family were howling with laughter (rented DVD Tim) at his wet noodle physique as he tried his best to square his role as elite soldier with his reality as dissipated 5’5” Jew. The painted-on muscle definition near the end was the best. And now we know the soul matches the body. 22
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:44 | # Oh btw, Roth was perfectly cast in the role of Emil Blonsky as originally conceived, a KGB agent and general scumbag. It’s really the writer’s fault for changing the script, because he fit the original concept to a t. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:44 | # Homelander wants no criticism of Jews, none, zero, and his bringing “nazis” into it in the particular manner he does is his way of creating a strawman meant to camouflage what he really wants: namely, not a word spoken about any Jewish role in all this, not one single word. But he’s come to the wrong blog for that. This isn’t Ian’s blog, Homelander. 24
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:45 | # Homelander, wouldn’t Amren or Little Green Footballs or somesuch be a better ‘net home for you? 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:52 | # Homelander is going to snipe continually and smugly at every mention of Jews until he finally tires and leaves the blog. The sooner he leaves the better, frankly. I haven’t seen a significant number of positive contributions from him anyway: when he’s not sniping he’s at best a dull mediocrity. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:54 | # Reminds me of Arcane but without Arcane’s energy and, frankly, Arcane’s got a few IQ points on him. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:56 | # Ian’s site or Little Green Charles Johnson Turds would be appropriate for him. 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 01:03 | # The thing is, you can certainly dispute what gets said here about Jews. I’m one hundred percent open to any and all responses and arguments on that score: fire away. You’ll have my total respect and my best efforts at answering your objecitons seriously. But Homelander doesn’t dispute, he snipes with an irritatingly smug arrogance that’s not remotely justified by his knowledge or brainpower. 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 01:04 | # He doesn’t know what in the goddamned hell he’s talking about yet he snipes smugly and arrogantly. Sorry, that won’t fly. 30
Posted by Brisco County Jr. on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 13:19 | # Homelander is just another mousy NeoCon groupie who’s itching to fight “Islamofascism”...down to the very last Aryan. What amazes me is the fact that Larry Auster’s off-brand Mini-Me actually thinks he can stride into the Lions’ Den and co-opt us into his davening-choir of “See-no-Jew, Hear-no-Jew.” Yeah! That’s it, champ! Your bargain-bin postlets are really gonna persuade us we’ve got nothing here. This whole Jew-thing is just a trick of the light! The implicit and totalistic assumption of Jewish Infallibility is always the dead-giveaway. Larry “The Tribalist” Auster exudes this (Judeo-)logical fallacy in all of his wormy screeds against “the Nazis.” Pompadoured metros like Ian Jobling are only kidding themselves when they sing along to the “Jews-Are-Western-Too” chorus, masking their timidity under the guise of “respectability” and “tact.” They don’t realize how off-putting their supine posture is to the independent and assertive types they’re trying to enlist in the Defense-of-the-West/Counter-Jihad/Whatever Other-Bloodless-Slogan the respectables use. Unfortunately for the weaklings, they alienate more people than they attract with their lispy prevarications and endless hacking-at-the-branches. Anyway—Mazel Tov!, Homelander. You’re wasting your time. There are no demonic Hollywood-Nazis here fixing to exterminate Jews and play with Ouija Boards. We just want to talk openly about why Jews have been a Major Downer for the West. Like…Bummer, dude! 31
Posted by Homelander on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 15:31 | # Brisco…’re probably right! Calling a guy like you a “nazi” is probably allowing for WAY too much space for you to fill. The original Nazis were genuine monsters, and even state-prison thugs have a certain realness - but you’re just a internet hate-porn jerk-off. 32
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 15:38 | #
Your straw man is illogical. It’s bald fact that Roth’s soul and body match one another, irrespective of causation. 33
Posted by Armor on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 16:08 | #
We tend to misinterpret our own behavior and think that we are being moderate when in fact, we are being intimidated. 34
Posted by Jack Black on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 12:31 | # Great thread, folks. You might want to check out the Jewish sections in Big Brother at the I AM AN ENGLISHMAN Web site to see if there’s anything you’ve missed. There’s also plenty of other Hebraic references at the site, particularly in He Fights for Them in the Tony Blair sections within Big Brother. About 1/3 of Miscellaneous 2 at the main menu contains commentary on current news items that point out Jewish demeanour of some sort. I particularly liked this and I may just steal it on some furture occasion: “You seem to believe ‘anti-semites’ are born hating jews - for no reason whatsoever - and have more power than the jews they criticize. You also seem to believe jews have had a long history of conflict with muslims and Europeans have had a long history of collaboration, rather than the other way around. If jews ever set aside their zionism they can look forward to another “golden age” under a new caliphate. That many of them don’t want to set aside their ethnostate, or their social, economic, and political hegemony over the West, is understandable. Whites, on the other hand, have already had our ethnostates taken away. It wasn’t anti-semites who did that, nor muslims. It was jews and philo-semites. My country is flooded with far more non-Whites than muslims. The jews and philo-semites celebrate this. The small number who care care only about the anti-jew muslims. Scapegoating nazis and anti-semites has been the norm for five decades. In the wake of WWII an attitude like yours might have seemed reasonable. At this point it is preposterous - an obvious effort to distract attention and divert blame in order to protect criminals who don’t deserve protecting.” The Age of Treason blogspot, which Tanstaafl links to, will soon appear in my links pages. Thank you to all for the extra illumination. 35
Posted by Dasein on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 21:13 | #
So once Europeans are even further along the way out they will not harbour any ill feelings (or whatever it takes to be an anti-Semite) to those who were a necessary condition for their genocide? Homelander convinces himself with illogical hyperbole that it is noble to keep his head in the sand. 36
Posted by Brisco County Jr. on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 23:49 | # “We tend to misinterpret our own behavior and think that we are being moderate when in fact, we are being intimidated. It is impossible to tell exactly why we think how we think. Sometimes, we will deny to ourselves that we are under a lot of social influence…” All good points in your analysis of why people overlook the Jew-Q, Armor. Most Westerners are still fat, dumb, and complacent, and suffer from what Dietrich of VNN once called “a failure of the imagination” when it comes to even conceiving of a world not organized along the lines of the current Multi-Cult. Small plebeian brains reason thusly, in Panglossian fashion: “We live in a democracy and there are a bunch of selfless and unbiased experts around to make sure our leaders make the right decisions. The Multi-Cult exists because it must be the best possible outcome of our Democratic system—after all, the Nazis lost...didn’t they!? Anyone who notices race must be wrong…” Again, it’s Voltaire’s Panglossian Fallacy (“We live in the best of all possible worlds.”) dressed-up in hip, wigger-garb. “If the Right-wingers were right they’d be in power…” Add a strong and reassuring dose of Jeebus into this fatty mind-concoction and you have a bromide that keeps most of the proles mollified. Anyway, to everyone at MR and elsewhere, keep up the good work. We are making headway. Also, I’ll echo Jack Black (THE Jack Black!?) in his appraisal of Tanstaafl’s contribution: great site, dude—and keep bashing Auster! (Same goes for Guessedworker. This piece got my dander up enough to start posting instead of lurking. Well done.) 37
Posted by bellskee on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 23:06 | # 6.5 . Resistance Between 1941 and 1944 a large Jewish partisan group led by Anatolij “Tuvia” Bielski and his brothers was based in the inaccessible forests of Naliboki (Belorussia). The group did take part in operations carried out by the Soviet partisan leadership but focused on securing their own survival and rescuing Jewish refugees – primarily from the ghetto in the town of Nowogrudok. The establishment of an extensive “family camp” with an improvised hospital, school, workshops and a synagogue also allowed women, children and the elderly to survive. Following the German retreat in summer 1944 Bielski returned to Nowogrudok with more than 1,200 people who had been saved. Many former “Bielski partisans” emigrated via Germany to the USA and Israel at the end of the war. Group photograph of the Jewish partisan group headed by Anatolij “Tuvia” Bielski (1906-1987) as they stand guard at an improvised runway in Naliboki forest (Belorussia), probably in 1943-1944. (USHMM Washington) 38
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 00:06 | #
That description of Brisco’s describes me prior to my October, 2000, discovery of Steve Sailer and I remember having a gnawing concern in the back of my mind about non-white immigration and the country’s demographic balance, and I remember always putting it out of my thoughts by assuring myself the people in charge knew what they were doing. The next stage in my thinking was concluding they didn’t know what they were doing, and the final stage was they knew but wanted it that way, wanted race-replacement, and were doing what they had to in order to bring race-replacement about. That final stage has to be the true situation because there is no other way to account for what we are seeing. 39
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 00:14 | # What Sailer did for me was show that you were allowed to think certain thoughts. You didn’t have to keep them suppressed by saying to yourself they were wrong, bad. They weren’t wrong and they weren’t bad, they were right and they were true, and they were going to come out. That was all it took to open the flood-gates in my brain. My brain did the rest: it woke up. 40
Posted by Armor on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 01:54 | #
They are not smarter than you are. If you have been denying the problem to yourself in the past, you can expect the people in charge to do the same. Not all of them have arrived at the same stage in their analysis of the crisis. I think most of them are afraid to take action to oppose race replacement, others do not fully realize what’s happening, some of them are more comfortable not thinking too much about the problem, others are really stupid. Some people know they are destroying white society, but may not know why they are doing it. It may be something instinctive in the case of Jews and nihilists, or it may be the result of brainwashing for others. Some of them consciously want the whites to become a minority, others can’t see the big picture and will keep bashing whites, not realizing that they are destroying the basis of society. It’s like Obama. He’s going to destroy the American economy, but I doubt it is his real objective. So, basically, what’s happening is the result of the interaction between a strong-willed minority set to destroy us, and a big soft majority which is afraid to speak up. The softies would need some public encouragement to wake them up. But they can’t hear us, because we are being silenced. 41
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 02:15 | #
The central core of those pushing it, namely its central core of Jews and communists, know what they’re doing and know the goal is race-replacement: you can see how they carefully maneuvre so as to thwart opposition in ways a naïf wouldn’t do, not having an ulterior motive. They maneuver with surgical precision always with the same goal of assuring the advance of race-replacement. What we are always seeing, no exceptions, is not a naïf stumbling around unaware of what he’s doing but a hand carefully moving pieces on a chess board in a game of race-replacement chess. The mind controlling the hand belongs to the Jews and communists for the most part. 42
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 02:45 | # Some months ago I was reading over at how a French organization agitating in favor of non-white immigration was very proud to have hit upon the strategy of placing more and more non-whites in small towns, villages, and rural areas of France so the French race can’t be regenerated at some future date from stock that is unpolluted by what’s happening in the big cities and the Parisian banlieus. The person being interviewed on behalf of the organization was a clueless immigrant woman from the Maghreb but they gave the name of the group’s “advisor,” a certain Monsieur “Hirsch,” often a Jewish name of course. I looked him up in the French edition of Wikipedia or somewhere (I don’t recall exactly where, or his first name) and read his brief bio: this was almost certainly a French Jew (whose personal history of involvement in anti-French extreme-“leftist” activism was something along the lines of Julien Dray’s). This French Jew Hirsch is telling this group to place more Sub-Saharan African Negroes and North African mulattoes in the small towns, villages, and rural areas in order to make regeneration of Frenchmen at some future date impossible. He’s polluting what otherwise, in the absence of diabolical Jewish minds such as his working their genocidal evil, would have remained a racially intact small-town and rural French “gene-pool.” This is a typical example of the hand of the Jew knowing precisely what it is after: race-replacement. An innocent bumbler wouldn’t have made this particular move on the chess board. Only a satanic and calculating individual would have made it and everywhere we look we see such individuals are always Jews, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always. When, like Tony Blair and Sarko, they’re not Jews, they’re obviously controlled by Jews. 43
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 03:16 | # The other side’s automatic, unreflective, and immediate labeling of all questioners as “racist” by itself betrays calculation and ulterior motive: a sincere French naïf wouldn’t instantly interpret all questions as springing from illegitimate motives. Moreover, the “racist” epithet specifically, given the manner in which it’s wielded as a weapon by the other side, identifies the wielders as Jews or communists: that epithet, wielded in that particular way, is one of their unmistakable trademarks. 44
Posted by ben tillman on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 04:12 | #
Just remember the four I’s: indoctrination, intimidation, incentivization, and imitation (of those who have become successful by accepting the ideology). Through the four I’s, gentiles end up as extended phenotypes of the Jewish community. The Jewish community is still the agent. 45
Posted by Svigor on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 04:57 | #
It’s not a failure of the imagination, it’s human nature. I was raised to almost religiously question everything I was told, and I still remember years ago the hairs on my head standing up when I really got it, down in my guts: they (my own elite) aren’t looking out for me - they want to flush me down the shitter. I’m probably in the .1 percentile for intellectual and emotional bravery. Where does that leave Joe Sixpack? 46
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 07:27 | #
The other side’s automatic, unreflecting, and immediate labeling of all questioners as “racist” ... 47
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 14:40 | # Ben Tillman makes a good point above with the “Four I’s.” Just to complete Ben’s thought, controling 99.99% the mainstream media has this way of lending itself to your group and not some other group being the one that exerts decisive influence through the Four I’s. Funny how that works. 48
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 14:48 | # The Intimidation, Incentivization, Imitation part of Ben’s Four I’s used to be summed up as, “When you’ve got ‘em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.” Of course, when you’ve got the unchallenged means to Indoctrinate as well, through near-total control of the media, you’ve got the fourth I covered and things are, let’s say, going to “go your way” — with little or no fuss. 49
Posted by silver (himself) on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 18:41 | #
“WNist”, for want of a better term, conclusions about their “changing” societies are simple but they are not intuitive. Most people are confused—morally confused, when you get down to it. They can see things aren’t quite right, but they “know someone” who is a “good person,” a really “assimilated” type. And they just can’t get past this. They’ve heard whispers of “racialism” sort of stuff, but they think it means they have to hate these people they like, or to accept nasty, unwelcome or dispiriting facts about them (possibly which they feel such people require protection from), so their brains just shut down, and can only be reached with repeated exposure—a luxury not often enjoyed, and even then repeated exposure to difficult, seemingly “hateful” messages, which are the ones that for most people most readily take shape in the mind (not a dig at anyone, just the way it is), takes much longer to “work” than would something more succinct and non-hateful or non-oppositional, without appearing furtive, but much harder to formulate (indeed, it would appear to exist nowhere, even now, decades after the need for it should have been apparent, but there I go again…) Others, who have gotten well past that point, still don’t realize the true nature or extent of what’s happening or if they do, they can’t bring themselves to accept the only course of action that can avert it, or they can’t bring themselves to state what it is, which amounts to the same thing, so there’s all this waffling about “race-realism” this, “end immigration” that, but never a statement of all the causes, all the consequences, and all (or at least some of) the courses of action to avert them. Countless diversionists and informed obstructionists, like Auster, Mangan, AmCon, Derbyshire, number among this group.
I’m warming up to that. There’s probably a confluence of various factors at play. One is that they want whites neutralized, so that they can’t rise and overturn the order, which doesn’t require their complete replacement—something which very few in this group are even likely to believe is possible. Others have convinced themselves that multiracialism and eventual complete blending is inevitable, that at some point in the distant future we’re “all going to have to learn to live together” anyway, so why not now, especially since the iron is hot—plenty of loopy dreamers in this group, completely unaware of the misery of such ridiculous existence. I’m highly doubtful that it was all planned out decades in advance, though, not in the sorts of terms you’re probably imagining. I won’t say it’s impossible. But I think it unlikely, and there are simpler explanations for it. 50
Posted by Armor on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 03:28 | #
How come our elites want to kill us : - Ideas that do not conform to the Zeitgeist are banned from the media. - People who reject the Zeitgeist and hate being called nazis will tend to stay out of politics by choice. - Politicians who don’t have an opinion will follow the Zeitgeist instead of their own personal reflection. And so on. 51
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 03:56 | #
It’s extremely profitable.
Krugman doesn’t mention mass immigration but the date trend is pretty obvious. 52
Posted by Uncle Bob on Mon, 09 Nov 2009 13:46 | # An anecdote of the time. My father and one surviving uncle and one surviving aunt lived in the Baranovitch area in 1939. They were farmers. My father was 12 when the Soviets invaded. He tells of the day that his father was taken away by the soviet partisans and never returned. His oldest brother was beaten by the partisans and he watched as he slowly died from the injuries. His mother was shot in the head as he was forced to watch. The partisans then scattered the remaining children into the fields and fired gunshots over their heads. There were only 3 survivors out of a family of 7 children and 2 adults . He didn’t meet any of them again for 16 years. He believes that there were jews in the partisan group. His experience of th the soviet partisans were that they were nothing but filth. 53
Posted by Gentile Person on Sun, 06 Mar 2011 18:25 | # 54
Posted by MOB on Mon, 14 Mar 2011 14:50 | # I don’t know the current status of the Netflix/Amazon’s LoveFilm/Google’s Hulu power struggle for the European market, or the availability in Europe of Netflix films. It’s possible that the film I mention below is also available from one of the others; I rented it from Netflix. After letting it lie on my couch unopened for several days, reluctant to subject myself to one more film of dubious educational value, having just watched and been disappointed by two Eisentstein films (October, Battleship Potemkin), I thought, well, I’ll have to open the envelope anyway in order to mail it back to Netflix, so I’ll just take a quick look. I’m glad I did. Because of the title, “The Singing Revolution,” many people might bypass it, not realizing it’s a historical film about a small nation of a million persons absolutely determined to preserve their identity as a united people, against all obstacles. I learned much from this story. I’m therefore giving it 5 Stars (I always rate the Netflix films I watch - these ratings lists can be sorted, referred to, and printed out). Despite whatever flaws a scholar might find that went unnoticed by me, the mere fact of the detailed exposure of Communist crimes warrants the 5 Stars to me. Germany also occupied Estonia for three years, but the film devotes only about two minutes to that occupation period—I have to guess that the crimes of the Nazi occupation were as nothing compared to those inflicted by the Communists. If I were to note a flaw, it would be that there’s no mention of Jews, only Communists. But that would have shifted the center of gravity away from the story’s main idea. 2006 NR 97 minutes The Singing Revolution Director: James Tusty 50 members reviewed The Singing Revolution hwv 825699 - Every American High School Student can recite the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler. They also understand that World War II started after Hitler invaded Poland. Do they know that Stalin authorized the forced annexation of the Baltic States and the other half of Poland? Can they find it on a map? Do we care? This movie is about a people who did not seek revenge on those that oppressed them. It is about their desire to achieve the unalienable right of Liberty. This story will show you how the culture, the language and the traditions of the Baltic peoples kept their spirits alive and the eventual restoration of their independence. 55
Posted by MOB on Mon, 14 Mar 2011 15:01 | # I was interested to read that the founder and CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings, is actually a Gentile!!! And he gave strong support to another Gentile, Jack O’Connell, 2010 candidate for Governor of California. 56
Posted by MOB on Mon, 14 Mar 2011 23:23 | # It’s so great to have loads of saved articles and emails on one’s computer; there’s something about everything (and everyone!). Earlier, I commented about the lack of criticism against the Nazi occupation in the documentary of the Estonian fight for independence, The Singing Revolution. This excerpt from Russian Intifada by Israel Shamir sheds light. <smile> While Germany was severely punished and fully denazified, Estonia was considered a Nazi victim, rather than a willing collaborator with the Nazis. The Jerusalem Post noted “the active participation of numerous Estonians in WWII era crimes and the support of much of the local population for the Nazi occupation. There was no anti-Nazi underground or resistance movement of any kind in Estonia.” “Stalin’s repressions” were a form of de-Nazification less severe than that carried out by the Americans in occupied Germany. While Anglo-Americans caused the death of millions of Germans, while the French killed probably some 50,000 of their collaborators, Stalin’s denazification was not thorough enough. After 1991, the Nazi elements in Estonia made their come-back. Ephraim Zurov of the Jerusalem Post writes: “The Estonian judicial authorities have invested much effort in prosecuting Communist criminals, mostly Russians, at least 10 of whom have already been convicted in Estonia. The same cannot be said, however, of the investigations carried out regarding Estonians who collaborated with the Nazis in the crimes of the Holocaust. Not a single Estonian citizen who participated in the persecution and/or murder of Jews during WWII has been brought to trial by the Estonians, despite the existence of abundant incriminatory evidence.” Post a comment:
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Posted by danielj on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 03:39 | #
Thank you for this GW.