Don’t Send A Boy To Do A Man’s Job: Hitler Worshippers Versus TT

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 14 July 2014 16:35.

On Hitler and those who worship this betrayer of Strasser, etc.

1934 words

Subtitled: don’t send a boy or other fools to do a man’s job.

TT, Terrible Tommy Metzger:

“Well lets go back several years, quite a while back before all these people got killed in World War II, back where I think, in fact where I know, National Socialism got off the track. And this is Gregor Strasser speaking:

‘We are socialists. Enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system. With its exploitation of the economically weak. With its injustice in wages. With its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth. And money instead of responsibility and achievement. We are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system. And with my inclination to practical action it seems to me that we have to put in place a better, more just, more moral system in place – one which as it were has arms and legs, and better arms and legs than the present one.’

- Gregor Strasser, Thoughts About The Tasks of The Future

Well that sounds a lot different than invading Poland and advancing mechanized warfare. Sounds to me like cleaning-up your own situation in your own country. And replacing the capitalist system with a functional system that includes the working class. You don’t have to call it socialist, you could call it many (things) but..because there are definitely some bad socialists out there too, but what happened to Gregor Strasser?

Murdered, during the night of the long knives, along with about 1,700 faithful party members. And that was the deal that Hitler made with the economic elite in Germany – the industrialists. That he could keep his SS but he had to get rid of the Brown Shirts and anybody else who went along with that. I wonder how many of you people would really want to have allegiance to somebody that would know, you work your ass off and suffered and (your compatriots) died in the streets to bring them to the pinnacle of power and then they kill you?

I know one guy that’s just a-moral enough in this movement to do that. If he ever got the chance. But I’m not going to talk about him because he’s pretty much out of the picture except in his own mind.

Anyhow, you should read more about what the Strasser brothers were talking about. And ask yourself, would you really want to worship a leader that goes in the middle of the night and kills his most trusted people? And not just a few that he might claim are this and that, homosexual or whatever, including women.

..and then we got into the Jew harvest, right? Mechanized war, vast warfare. You always know you’ve lost when you start wars. When you start a war you’ve lost. You’ve lost before you’ve even started.

So until you get that into your head and know that if war is coming around the bad guys are in control. Because Germany didn’t need to have a war. They could have solved their problems peacefully. Internally. And if anybody were to have attacked Germany from the outside most of the Western world would have sided with Germany at that time.

So anyhow, think about it. Because we have the same, well not the same but similar circumstances now with these dirty, filthy capitalists under cover of Republican politics or politics in general doing the same things to us (Americans) that they’ve done to Europe. Think about it. Think about what Gregor Strasser said.”

Now back to the subtitle, don’t send a boy or other fools to do a man’s job.

Lets compare and contrast what the man, Metzger, is saying, not only to what Carolyn or Rodney Martin might say, but to the kids at Renegade:

In this episode, Kyle Hunt interviews a young Russian American woman living in Sweden and working for Red Ice Radio:

For some background, what always struck me as curious about Kyle Hunt was how cool he thought Hitler and the Third Reich were (he’s now re-running Goebbels propaganda with “The Greatest Story Never Told”; and isn’t it good to incite inter-European war on the basis of a disingenuous claim to be concerned for truth?); with him in charge over there, so too would be the sentiments of anyone he would allow to have prominent voice at Renegade. At first I thought he might be dissuaded without too much difficulty and I tried. I realized that I was wasting my time when he treated the pro Hitler zealot, Marcus, as if he was way cool, level headed and spot on accurate in what he was saying. With that, I lost a great deal of respect for Hunt. It is not that he cannot change, but it may take a while, i.e., he is pretty young - a boy trying to do a man’s job.

Here’s the problem with these Hitler-heads over at Renegade. They’re young and don’t have the breadth and depth of experience and knowledge to provide sage guidance.

Where these sorts get their view and confidence seems often to have the common denominator of William Pierce (or the like) – smart man, no doubt, but with a philosophical and historical view that was insufficient to the task.

Nevertheless, Pierce provides cookie-cutter confidence to these kids, or chews their cud, for another analogy. Without a lot of experience, these kids can just move right into a world view that organizes things in a coherent way, just follow its pre-cut forms and drink its cud – easy, no doubt, “Hitler was right. Simple as that.” We just have to get past all this Jewish propaganda.

Indeed, a Jewish marshaled modernist world is a confusing and decadent world - it calls for a return to moral coherence. But is Nazism the right “moral” coherence? Of course not. Don’t send a boy or a fool to do a man’s job. That is a lesson that I have learned the hard way, but I did learn, after trying to enlist people too young or ill-suited to participate on a fairly level basis.

Now you’ve got The Renegade youths, as we might call them, appealing to young girls with Hitlerism - “It’s OK, so long as you don’t wave swastikas around, because the Jews have stigmatized this great Aryan symbol, have effectively but merely defamed NS Germany, while also corrupting our pre-Christian paganism…that older generation that didn’t see all this like we do, they gotta die.”

..Odimism, very smart religion, go to die in battle…just because, or rather because you are a coward and won’t get a maiden in valhalla if you don’t go and die in battle..even though Odin knows and you know that you are going to lose and die, just because, not because your people need defending (brilliant religion, Islam, its race mixing universalism, dysgenesis on behalf of virgins in heaven, is duly challenged).

The old generation gotta die, those cowards ain’t gettin’ no poontang in valhalla.

Well, not until you get old enough to be worthy, which you ain’t.

They’ve got young girls over there believing that Hitler was darn ok all over again, one getting pregnant by a heroin addict - who is now set to ask for money – but that’s ok, you can even be a heroin addict and ask for money, get a fair “Aryan” maiden pregnant, so long as you are cool with Hitler, don’t believe in something like the holocaust or other Nazi wrong-doings.

You don’t even have to be fully European, you can be a one quarter Syran heroin addict, so long as you are committed to Hitler. Overcompensating for not being perfectly European, with that anti-Jewish perspective, you can promote Africans as really OK (wouldn’t want to be distracted and lose sight of the J.Q.), you can promote the most cataclysmic killing of Europeans by Europeans just because you are committed to Hitler and because you are an anti-Jew – after all, some of those Jew broads are prettier than some White women, while black women…not too much of a threat. ..Slavic women? Hmm, yeah, that’s a threat, competition too, Hitler must have been right.

I guess maybe even a Russian woman can see the “logic” in that.

What does a woman want? Confidence!

Aha. What a revelation.

...Not to the average White American male: Who also sees that there is nothing more confident than a young Negro male (it may be argued that the Negro’s confidence is helped-along by his having nothing to lose and everything to gain).

Aren’t we so glad and inspired that women just love CONFIDENCE! Above all, above race, confidence uber alles! It’s Nature’s way! And we know that nature unmediated by culture corresponds perfectly with E.G.I.  ...doesn’t it?

In fact, in a multi-cultural hell-hole orchestrated by Jewish and corrupt capitalist/ objectivist interests, to be sheerly confident is about as ignorant as it gets. Women (females, I should say) getting-off on confidence in that context is about as stupid and corrupt as it gets.

And it gets to the heart of one of our most serious problems, in how Jews pander and corrupt some base instincts in our co-evolutionary females: incitement to genetic competition, appeal to narrow (ignorant), anti-social, alpha male confidence, etc.

The proper and authentic White response in this situation is not perfect confidence at all, but a sufficient measure of its counter-measure - taking a wary, analytical step back and taking into account the necessary factors of our long term interests - i.e. sufficient intellectual assessment. If that does not turn the girls on, well too bad, but their instincts pandered to and uncritiqued have shown what they lead to - puerile girls walking around with primates – oooh, so confident! And to correct the effect of these primates on society? Where they might not leave enough cute guys around, we’ll have a night of the long knives – ooh so confident! Let’s get rid of those guys who aren’t cute enough anyway…the one’s capable of confidence’s counterpart - empathy. Yeah! A world of sociopaths!, isn’t that what we have?

Speaking of the irony of that, Rodney Martin has actually called for a night of the long knives. Can you imagine? This fool is chomping at the bit for a resurrection of the Third Reich and its agenda verbatim. Rodney is another coming-up through the William Pierce school of “history”. But in Rodney’s case, a pet peeve of his is being enraged because Germany lost Breslau after World War II. Even though they had it even according to The Versailles Treaty prior to World War II, and would have kept it if not for Hitler’s war- mongering (but Rodney will blame everyone else, not Hitler). You know, Breslau, now Polish Wroclaw, started-out as a Bohemian city, then after going back and forth between Bohemian and Polish control a few times, a Mongol invasion wiped-out the Poles there. Rodney says his family is from there. Maybe it is not a coincidence that he looks the way he does – kind of puts some truth to the World War I stereotype of “the Hun.”

Rodney doesn’t have much good to say about Poland, but follows William Pierce’s cookie cutter (the Nazis were really being good to Poland). In fact, the first Rodney addressed me was to smear me as to how bad I was for challenging Marcus’ crap heap of anti- Polish propaganda - including saying that Germany was entitled to the western third of Poland and that World War II had never ended. Kyle Hunt continued to speak with the Nazi Marcus after that episode as if he is just the coolest, most reasonable guy.

Now where was that “White man March” again? When? How???

Its so well organized. But? Why? Because the “organizer” believes in Hitler.



Rather, don’t send a boy or a fool to do a man’s job.



Plastic People

Hungry Freaks

Beware of Darkness

* Note: this is not meant as anything like a full endorsement of these artists’ views and politics. It is just that these particular songs have some relevant points.


“Beware of Darkness” by George Harrison

Watch out now, take care
Beware of falling swingers
Dropping all around you
The pain that often mingles
In your fingertips
Beware of darkness

Watch out now, take care
Beware of the thoughts that linger
Winding up inside your head
The hopelessness around you

In the dead of night

Beware of sadness

It can hit you
It can hurt you
Make you sore and what is more
That is not what you are here for

Watch out now, take care
Beware of soft shoe shufflers
Dancing down the sidewalks

As each unconscious sufferer
Wanders aimlessly
Beware of Maya

Watch out now, take care
Beware of greedy leaders
They take you where you should not go

While Weeping Atlas Cedars
They just want to grow, grow and grow
Beware of darkness


Note: Don Black said that he looks forward to the day when World War II vets, who talk about “the holocaust”, are dead so they won’t interfere with “whippersnappers” consuming revisionism.

Well, I will be happy when revisionists and Hitler resurrectors are dead so that they won’t saddle us with their Albatross or Turkey, however one might liken its unnecessary burden.

At one time, in my teens, I was indeed guilt ridden by the holocaust (though of course I should not have been) That’s true. However, when I got fuller information about Jewish power and influence, whether the holocaust was more or less true became unimportant. Revisionists want to believe it is so important. It isn’t. They are the ones saddling our struggle with an albatross and giving younger activists a bum steer that its so important one way or another. Well, maybe that’d be true if you are determined to redeem Hitler’s name (falsely). Which you should not be determined to do.

What is important is marking the difference between European and Jewish interests.


(1) Renegade is now running a Goebbels inspired propaganda piece called the “The Greatest Story Never Told” - claiming to be concerned for truth, about all this smear is apt do is incite inter-European war - it is rife with prevarication and convenient editing. Those concerned for truth might try this by contrast




Posted by DanielS on Wed, 16 Jul 2014 06:56 | #

More good George tunes:

Run of The Mill

Give Me Love

And for those not looking for peace at all costs (as I certainly am not):

ELP, Knife’s Edge:

There is a Men’s advocate named Robert Bly, who wrote a book called “Iron John.”

Popular though it may have been, it contained a few good pieces of advice. One of the best bits, I thought, was this:

That our males cannot be “warriors” alone. You have to have “a king” (psychologically speaking), and let me add, “a kingdom” as well.

Without “a king/kingdom” you will be fighting arbitrarily, not clear about who you are fighting for, not able to gauge, measure, judge and balance your warrior acts.

Here is a good counter argument to the Goebbels propaganda that Renegade is regurgitating with the evil, inter European war mongering pile of bullshit called “The Greatest Story Never Told”



Posted by TJ on Fri, 25 Jul 2014 05:59 | #

Getting tired hearing these rants about Hitler. He was a hot-head. He lead an incredible white movement. He pegged the Jews and took appropriate removal steps. Fast forward to 2014. Yep they still lost. The Hitler worshipers are around for good reason and they aren’t going anywhere (literally and figuratively). Will you move on?


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 25 Jul 2014 06:25 | #

Posted by TJ on July 25, 2014, 12:59 AM | #

Getting tired hearing these rants about Hitler. He was a hot-head. He lead an incredible white movement. He pegged the Jews and took appropriate removal steps. Fast forward to 2014. Yep they still lost. The Hitler worshipers are around for good reason and they aren’t going anywhere (literally and figuratively). Will you move on?

“Getting tired hearing these rants about Hitler.”

They are not rants, they are reasoned responses to absurdly believed pro Hitler propaganda being advanced by several popular sites proposing to be pro-White.

And no, you cannot be pro-White by advocating a figure such as Hitler who is so necessarily going to create inter-European conflict.

“He was a hot-head.”

He was a war monger. It is clear to any honest person after the first five pages of Mein Kampf.  His war was not only against Jews, but inter European.

“He pegged the Jews and took appropriate removal steps”

He pegged the Jews but did NOT take sufficient, appropriate removal steps: had he done that, he would have coordinated the effort with other European countries, who were aware of conflicting interests with Jews as well.

“Fast forward to 2014. Yep they still lost.”

And we all would have been better off if a military man concerned basically for restoring the glory of Friedrich the Great’s German chauvinism and imperialism, had not come to power, but a far far better coalition of European leaders able to negotiate our symbiotic interests.

“The Hitler worshipers are around for good reason and they aren’t going anywhere (literally and figuratively). Will you move on?”

They are a “logical” first reaction for some American demographics in the fallout and growing awareness of Jewish instigated disaster there. “Hitler must have been right” - and they overcompensate in that reaction. But it is because their reaction is popular among people going under the flag of White Nationalism, bound to create inter European conflict and because there is NOT good reason for them to worship Hitler, that unfortunately they must be addressed from time to time, where necessary.

I would love to not talk about it and am surprised that it is necessary, but it is.



Posted by TJ on Fri, 25 Jul 2014 06:43 | #

They come off as rants to me. I absolutely view WW1 & WW2 as unmitigated fratricidal disaster. I overwhelmingly agree with you. But it is also true that there is a significant imbalance to the personification Hitler as the devil by the media. I merely see this as a natural counter-swing towards reality, along with the revisionist movement which has managed to demonstrate the fraudulent nature of the “Holocaust” narrative.

Contrary to what you’re saying here, I don’t see this as leading to yet another fratricidal bloodbath. Most of the Americans you’re referring to have mixed European backgrounds.



Posted by DanielS on Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:21 | #

“I merely see this as a natural counter-swing towards reality, along with the revisionist movement which has managed to demonstrate the fraudulent nature of the “Holocaust” narrative.”

I have said as much, that it is a counter swing, but it is not merely, because it is a serious and self perpetuating matter - Americans are not that mixed, they are mostly of demographics overly disposed to be receptive to pro Hitler propaganda.

Moreover, you, and “the revisionists”, are assuming that the only reason that “the Holocaust” has manipulative sway is for gross exaggeration.

Rather, it loses manipulative sway more effectively, I would argue, when placed in the context and relativized by accurate and honest explanation of Jewish misdeeds.

By contrast, revisionism has generally been a perversely trivial logical parsing of mass death.

That makes the struggle look bad - illustrating logic blinding itself to judgment - it is especially bad because we don’t need it.

That goes to address the next point: it makes the struggle look bad to be associated with these logical ghouls.

“Contrary to what you’re saying here, I don’t see this as leading to yet another fratricidal bloodbath.”

That is not the only concern, though that is a concern a well.

The concern is gross misrepresentation of the struggle with gross exaggerations (as for example, in the case of the Greatest Story Never Told), a slap in the face and the betrayal, the spitting on the graves of the ancestors of so many who are naturally allied in European interests.

For what? For Hitler? Are you kidding me? You say that I am the one who should give it a rest? My point exactly - Renegade, Daily Stormer, Carolyn Yeager, American Nationalist Network…even sentiments lurking beneath the surface of Duke and Black - expressed more explicitly in their side kicks.

This is a huge part of the White Nationalist/nativist European audience.. I think the suggestion as to who should give it a rest is appropriately directed there.

“Most of the Americans you’re referring to have mixed European backgrounds.”

So stop dividing our advocacy with insistence upon resurrecting Hitler. He was not a trifling “hot head”, he was a war monger of the most catastrophic order.

Enough already.

I went back through what I’ve said to see how it was supposed to be a “rant”.

A rant would imply something “out of the blue and firing aimlessly.” I’ve been biting my tongue (have been for years).  I quoted Metzger, is that a rant? Everyone rejecting Hitler and wanting to move to issues of the present is hysterical?

You say that I am over concerned to stave off an inter European bloodbath.

How about to stave off gross misrepresentation of the facts, misrepresentation of the struggle for native European sovereignty, concern for bad tact toward fence sitters, spitting on the graves of forefathers and slapping the face of people who are ready to be aligned, just to name a few concerns?



Posted by TJ on Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:20 | #

I’ve been reading this site for a long time. I’ve read your postings and I know you have a fixation with Hitler. WW2 was at best a complete waste of blood and treasure. Germany tried several times to extend olive branches to the UK, but the extent of Jewish manipulation prevented any diplomacy. Even we of British stock would have been better off under German occupation and everybody knows it.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 26 Jul 2014 22:16 | #

Posted by TJ on July 26, 2014, 04:20 PM | #

I’ve been reading this site for a long time. I’ve read your postings and I know you have a fixation with Hitler.

I do not have a fixation with Hitler. That is apparently what you want to see in my motives. If you think I am fixated with Hitler it is because you are fixated with wanting to see him in a more favorable light.

It has been necessary to establish a WN platform where his worldview is not endorsed. Particularly as there are prominent WN sites where he is being promoted. With that, it has been necessary to establish reasoning as to why he is not endorsed here. That is not a fixation. I am not particularly interested in Hitler. I am interested in coordinating European nationalisms, however.

“WW2 was at best a complete waste of blood and treasure.”

Yes, and it was largely Hitler’s fault. He was a war monger.

“Germany tried several times to extend olive branches to the UK”

Maybe his aspirations were not to take over England, but the fact remains that he was a war monger.

“but the extent of Jewish manipulation prevented any diplomacy.”

There would have been Jewish manipulation in that way and Jewish manipulation prior that brought about the narrow and overcompensating response that was Hitler.

“Even we of British stock would have been better off under German occupation and everybody knows it.”

It’s a false either/or. Because Hitler should not have initiated the war. And that is the point that is disingenuously ignored by those who say that The US and Britain should not have joined the war. If you want to play hindsight (which is what you are doing), then Hitler should not have started the war - it was his call.

That he and the Nazis were frightening, were about war, had abysmal designs toward people of the east, there could be no doubt; that their platform was dangerously immoral in general terms was clear enough as well. It is obviously understandable why Slavic nations would fight against Hitler. France as well. Beyond moral reasons, which were sufficient, it is understandable why Britain would oppose Germany on strategic grounds.

Since then we have not been able to defend ourselves on racial grounds, against Jews, to be able to discriminate, and that is largely attributable to Hitler’s tactless, didactic over compensation in reaction to Jewish affliction - to which he responded in course as a German military man, a German chauvinist enamored of Friedrich the Great, The Teutonic Knights, i.e. German military history. 

If, for example, you read the three part essay, beginning

you will find Hitler mentioned a few times, but it is hardly the focus. More, if you look at other essays, it is hardly my focus. And that will be the case in days to come as other issues are taken up. It is because I have had to deal with contentions of persons such as yourself and with the fact that he is being promoted by other prominent WN sites that I have had to take this detour in explaining why it is not a good idea to try to promote Hitler.

Look at my last comment to Bill, about the Algerian Jew, Derrida. I am quite happy to discuss issues such as that.


Posted by TJ on Sat, 26 Jul 2014 23:07 | #

Sir, my contention is that Hitler is and was for the most part irrelevant. If Hitler had not come to power and a more peaceful ethnic advocate had taken his place, the UK, USA, and USSR would have started the war. I am glad that we are on the same side regarding ethnic survival but I respect a great deal of what he tried to accomplish and would have liked to see such an advocate for English, Scots, and Irish. In the end Hitler still made egregious diplomatic and tactical errors due to that chauvinism and we all share blame in the war. I detest authoritarianism but I think all deserve due credit and honest treatment. We will never see another Nazi government.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 26 Jul 2014 23:50 | #

We can agree that Jewish and western capitalist interests had a significant role in creating the World Wars.

1. Yes, nations should have pride in their people, history, look after their people and borders, see to justice for theirs and freedom from Jewish usury, etc.

2. But while Hitler held some useful ideas, his overall worldview had inter-European war and imperialist supremacism built in from the start.

The second is not a corollary to the first. But as Hitler conceived it, it was a corollary.

I don’t believe he should be coddled as an icon by any nation or website. He certainly will not be here.


Posted by Ricardo on Wed, 30 Jul 2014 02:35 | #

Keep in mind that, as Buchanan and others noted, the Allies helped poison relations between Poland and Germany:


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 30 Jul 2014 05:42 | #

The Allies helped to underscore what was Hitler’s already poisoned disposition toward negotiation (he was about force, not negotiation) - regarding nations to his east, in particular.

Any intelligent representative from the east would have seen his motives clearly and negotiations with him would not have been taken seriously; but only as means of stalling in hopes that he would be assassinated; or that help in defending against him could be marshaled and was on the way.

From their perspective, Hitler’s gestures of peace were clear nonsense.

Not coincidentally, Pat Buchanan is an American of half Irish and half German extraction. Nothing against them, but this is the demographic that I am seeing as liable to be overly sympathetic to Hitler (in the context of the catastrophic fallout of Jewish impact on America).

This is a demographic prone to say, “America and Britain should not have joined the war” rather than, Hitler should not have conceived of such a narrowly ethnocentric, inter-European war to begin with (since we are speaking in hindsight anyway).

Nevertheless, if I am honest, I think that if I were a German American, it would be my first reaction to America’s situation at present to say - by golly, Hitler was pretty darn right! With that, my view would be far too simple, my wish to understand the history from other perspectives under-motivated.

As I have said before, I believe everybody can look back in their lives and see instances where they lashed-out in rage at an injustice and overcompensated. That as they are able to see things in perspicuous hindsight, they are able to see how they might have done things with a better calculation - to achieve good results that they could scarcely see or believe possible at the time.

That Poland was anti-Soviet was clear enough. That Poland was nationalist and wanted their nation - i.e., that they were not perfectly innocent (not willing to roll over and die in pure altruism) is clear as well. How much Jewish and international financial influences inflamed bad relations between Poland and Germany is less clear, though none of us here have reason to doubt that is the first place to look when investigating the cause of inter-European war.

Now, as I’ve said, Poland was not innocent. They wanted their nation - which meant taking back some places that had been held by Germans, for example, for a long time. Nevertheless, their nation had been taken by imperial annexations of Germany/Prussia/Austria/Russia and it was never accepted by Poland. Their leaders and patriots would have been particularly incensed at the prospect of Nazi Germany taking their sovereignty away again after its only having been established for 20 years following the 123 year absence (occupation and outright oppression in some instances). They understood Hitler’s motives, his inspirations and what it meant for their nation (not good).

This is particularly galling when you consider the Poles demonstrated will not only to fight but in fact to be fairly effective against a Soviet army on its way to Berlin.

Pilsudski, who was in charge of that effectiveness, was a Polish nationalist. And though he viewed the Germans as more reasonable than the Soviets, as a nationalist, he would have seen the writing on the wall of Nazi Germany’s intention’s with regard to Poland’s nation.

As a military man, he would have considered the option of a pre-emptive strike, with the help of France, against Germany.

Word of this would have been exploited of course, by Goebbels, as “proof” of Polish aggression.

Nevertheless, an honest appraisal would see it for what it was, a plan considered in preemptive defense by the Allies against a swelling German threat.

Coming back to Poland’s “lack of innocence:”

Pilsudski calculated that if Poland was to regain its nation, which was his objective - he was a Polish nationalist, not just the best friend Germany ever had -  that they would first need a war in which they allied to defeat Russia and then a war in which they allied to defeat Germany. Which is basically what happened.

In truth, neither of the preeminent Polish nationalists, Pilsudski or Dmowski, sought much beyond the Versailles borders. Dmowski wanted Pila (German Schneidemuhl) as well (good grief, pathetic place); argued (unsuccessfully) at the Versailles conference that Danzig should be strictly Polish, for some more of Pomerania than Pilsudski might ask for and than Poland was granted by Versailles.

Negotiations between German nationalism and Polish nationalism were complicated by the fact that Pilsudski was amenable to German alliance and anti-Russian/Soviet but not anti Jewish, rather a civic nationalist. Dmowski, was a nationalist who was anti-Jewish and anti-cosmopolitan, but more favorable of Russian alliance while prejudiced against Germans.

Despite this complexity, these were nationalists and their ambitions were contained and containable as such.

The same cannot be said of Hitler. It was know beforehand and demonstrated in fact, that he was not negotiating in good faith as a nationalist but was conniving as an imperialist.

Both Hitler and Stalin were reactions and reflections of Jewish affliction, overcompensating responses thereof. They were already poisoned.

The shame of it is, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and patriotic Russians, along with the Germans, were all anti-Soviet/Jewish.

Thus, in theory and in practice, they could have been coordinated to effect the transfer agreement, while ensuring their national sovereignties and cooperating to establish new territories on other continents.

In theory and in practice coordinating that separatism remains possible; in the direction of transferring interlopers out of our spaces more arduous, but possible as well.


Posted by Goybbels on Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:45 | #

Dzień dobry Pan Sczienkiwicz!

it was quite embarassing to watch this William Shirer piece of jew-o-phile documentary.

how shallow of you again, it even mentions your favorite quote made by nazi-vampire hitler who wanted to suck the blood of polish children and women! unfortunately, nobody knows where the source of your favorite quote is, but ....IT’S HITLER, so it must be the truth, i mean, there is plenty of evidence about Dracula too!!!

i’ve found more historical evidence for you, Pan Sczienkiewwziezczczcz

“WW2 was at best a complete waste of blood and treasure.”

Yes, and it was largely Hitler’s fault. He was a war monger.

Daniel, your a pretty desperate contemporary, have you ever posted something about the Danzig corridor, the german-polish relationship from 1936 onwards, the british part in the corridor negotiations etc.? I seems like you shy away from a honest discourse, there are several history forum sites full of polish patriots that are more inclined to take a look at these topics than you have ever been.

to which he responded in course as a German military man, a German chauvinist enamored of Friedrich the Great, The Teutonic Knights, i.e. German military history.

oh, “Friedrich the polanian eater” again…., is it true, that he preferred to have freshly ripped out embryos of polish women for dinner?

it appears to me that your forum has the mission to separate WN from Hitler(and historical truths) just because of your personal opinion, than beeing more focused on more important issues.


Posted by Mojsze Polaków on Wed, 30 Jul 2014 12:31 | #

Excellent work DanielS, I’m glad to see MR has a zero tolerance toward nazis/Germans, fascists and White supremacists.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 30 Jul 2014 17:37 | #

Posted by Goybbels on July 30, 2014, 05:45 AM | #

Dzień dobry Pan Sczienkiwicz!

Markus, I know you have problems because you are an item that came out of the wrong hole, but I do speak English.

You wouldn’t want me to seem more Polish than I am, would you? As if that is a bad thing, would you?

“it was quite embarassing to watch this William Shirer piece of jew-o-phile documentary.”

You should be embarrassed, planning to gas more unsuspecting soldiers and kill more Belgian civilians?

  “how shallow of you again, it even mentions your favorite quote made by nazi-vampire hitler who wanted to suck the blood of polish children and women! unfortunately”

You are such a talented rhetorician Markus. I always go around calling Hitler a vampire who liked to have his face peed on. But now I won’t do it any more.

“nobody knows where the source of your favorite quote is, but ....IT’S HITLER, so it must be the truth, i mean, there is plenty of evidence about Dracula too!!!”

I found corroborating evidence. I am satisfied that it is true.

“i’ve found more historical evidence for you, Pan Sczienkiewwziezczczcz”

Danka Helmut, too kinden - unt ooopah yaaaaaah.

“WW2 was at best a complete waste of blood and treasure.”

  Yes, and it was largely Hitler’s fault. He was a war monger.


Daniel, your a pretty desperate

keep your projections

“contemporary, have you ever posted something about the Danzig corridor, the german-polish relationship from 1936 onwards, the british part in the corridor negotiations etc.? I seems like you shy away from a honest discourse, there are several history forum sites full of polish patriots that are more inclined to take a look at these topics than you have ever been.”

I have discussed this several times. We have established that you will never be honest so there is no point in talking to you.

  Hitler responded in course as a German military man, a German chauvinist enamored of Friedrich the Great, The Teutonic Knights, i.e. German military history.


oh, “Friedrich the polanian eater” again…., is it true, that he preferred to have freshly ripped out embryos of polish women for dinner?

That wouldn’t be a little cartoonish of you, would it?

Is it really an exaggeration to say that Friedrich the Great was anti Polish, that his campaigns took lands from Poles, and that Hitler admired and emulated him (to the grave)?

Obviously that is not an exaggeration.

“it appears to me that your forum has the mission to separate WN from Hitler(and historical truths) just because of your personal opinion, than beeing more focused on more important issues.”

Hitler is an anachronism, and unlike you we do care about truth here.

Your friend Carolyn Yeager has been silent because she has been temporarily placated with a linking of the site “expelled Germans.”

While she is satisfied to have this anti Polish, Prussian wannabee do her bidding.. 

I want TJ, in particular, to take note of where Markus is coming from. TJ has claimed that there is no problem with Hitler promotion. Well, this Markus guy has already been floating the idea that World War 2 did not end (i.e. he wants to fight it again; and Kyle Hunt talks to him as if he is way cool), and he wants to demand that Poland give its western third to Germany.

If Hitler didn’t start the war, they would not have lost most of the land that Markusboten laments. As it is, they deserved to have lost it. I regret the loss of lives. I have no concern for people who lost land. My relatives lost land to the east as well. It’s history. Get over it. Don’t start inter-European wars and we’ll all be better off for it.



Posted by DanielS on Wed, 30 Jul 2014 23:33 | #

To clue the unsuspecting as to this rhetoric, the German word for “pussy” sounds something like “Mojsze” would be pronounced:

Posted by Mojsze Polaków on July 30, 2014, 07:31 AM | #

So, he’s calling himself “pussy Polak”

Obviously trying to be friends.

“Excellent work DanielS, I’m glad to see MR has a zero tolerance toward nazis/Germans, fascists and White supremacists”

MR is advocating all native Europeans, so I don’t know why you would list Germans among those we have no tolerance for. Just the opposite. We are defending them.

It wouldn’t be that you are trying to divide people against Poles, would it?

We are not against Germans or German nationalism; however, we are dividing from Hitler.

Nevertheless, as I have been seeing a number of “WN” sites taking the position that Nazi Germany and its predecessors could never have done any wrong, it is a service to balance things off - advocating in truth.

Fascists? Hm.. I have rarely used the word, let alone set policy on it. I think my aversion to the word fascist had to do not only with its ambiguous use, but its otherwise being invariably used by people who advocate destruction of that which I most care about (our European people); it is for the same reason I could not bring myself to call people “racists.”

Supremacists, I don’t have a great deal of patience for, that’s true

What else I don’t have patience for is people who ignore what I say and simply try to provoke conflict between Europeans.

With that, I am going to have to warn you and Goybbels that I will begin deleting comments as you continue to try to provoke such conflict.

With regard to your kind of low rhetoric, there are only two options, deletion or fighting fire with fire; if I allow myself to get caught up it could reflect badly on the site and create the kind of aversion and conflict which you (apparently) seek, as we are not a pro Hitler site (to your consternation).

Better no comments than garbage. The astute observer will note the improvement here in that regard.

Poor Goybbels, Hitler was never wrong about anything. I think there are enough sites for you out there.

This isn’t one of them.

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Previous entry: The Pejorative Side of Modernity or Civilization, Competing Theories or Allied? Part 3

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Historical Re-Evaluation

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Of Note


Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 03 May 2024 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 15:37. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 04:26. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:35. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:24. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 01 May 2024 11:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 30 Apr 2024 23:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 23:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 17:05. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 11:07. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sat, 27 Apr 2024 10:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 23:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 18:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:54. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:26. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:19. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:51. (View)
