E-Cat Conference 9/8/12 - 9/9/12 This conference provided one of the largest releases, to date, of information on a relatively secretive industrial development of a high power cold fusion device. The program for the conference is available here. Below is a video of the most important session:
This session is about an independent report on a high temperature E-Cat that is under development. This module purportedly reaches very high temperatures (up to 1200C) with a higher power density than the commercial furnace. Its dimensions are 30cm by 9cm O.D. The takeaway message from the conference is that there is* a 4-month delivery for a heating system that has a lower levelized cost per thermal unit, including O&M, Fuel and 10 year straight line depreciation, than current natural gas price per thermal unit alone.
([{1 * dollar} / {mega*Wh}] + [{1 * dollar} / {mega*Wh}]) + ([{1.5E6 * dollar} / {10 * year}] / [1 * {mega*watt}]) ? dollar / 1e6btu = 5.6045044 dollar/1e6btu Current natural gas price for commercial heating is $8.22/1e6btu. The proximate significance of this would be that even if a commercial business immediately writes-off the sunk-cost of a heating system on the order of 1MW (3.4MMbtu/hour), it still makes sense to replace it immediately. *The meaning of “is” here must be qualified as follows: If you have one third of the $1.5M purchase price to place in escrow, you can have your engineers perform whatever non-destructive tests you like to certify the system. If not certified by your engineers, you get the $500k back.
Posted by matt on Sun, 09 Sep 2012 01:45 | # Haller, Catholicism is fucking gay. What kind of man takes orders from an old fag in a dress? You might as well cut your balls off. It’s gay and it’s not American. 3
Posted by CL on Sun, 09 Sep 2012 02:01 | # They must really fear the prospect of decentralization if they’ve got ‘Haller’ out puling against it. 4
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 09 Sep 2012 05:51 | # Disintermediation is their worst nightmare. If they could stop it by killing 6 million Jews they’d do it in a heartbeat. 5
Posted by John on Sun, 09 Sep 2012 08:52 | # It’s like asking what musket-loading long rifles had to do with the Revolutionary War. 6
Posted by CL on Sun, 09 Sep 2012 12:50 | # I’m sold on ‘LENR’, or whatever it’s labeled as today. The phenomenon can’t be credibly denied at this point. However, regarding E-Cat and Rossi, the whole thing smells bad to me. Is there legitimate, private-sector LENR development in the US, UK, or Germany? I specify private-sector because it stands to reason any university research is system research, which is to say it’s hamstrung from the get go as success would be a blow to the system itself. And what is the state of the theoretical model for the phenomenon? It seems that there isn’t a sufficient one, for if there were we wouldn’t have all this black box pseudo-engineering. 7
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 09 Sep 2012 15:25 | # The main reason anyone pays attention to Rossi is the obvious fact that cold fusion was suppressed in the United States and not so much in Italy, so, compared to the zeitgeist, the Bayesian prior is dramatically favorable to just about any claim in this area. The main reason I pay attention to Rossi is that, in addition to that obvious fact, the purchase process for the 1MW plant involves an escrow account with provision for due diligence by the buyer. I just don’t accept the hypothesis that the escrow company is in cahoots with Rossi’s hypothetical con game. As for the name “cold fusion” vs “LENR” or “CANR” or whatever, that is as much an issue of branding as technical accuracy. The hysterical suppression of the technology in the US—total suppression coming within 5 weeks of the press conference in March of 1989—was triggered by the politics of the appearance of the word “fusion” in one of the hypotheses that P&F put forth to explain the excess heat that was clearly observed. I use “cold fusion” when communicating with people so that they can recall their own experience of this political hysteria and try to reevaluate their assumptions—assumptions that have very profound implications. 8
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 09 Sep 2012 18:12 | #
I don’t think there’s ever 100% control though and engineering has always been less PC controlled for the simple reason that most of the time it’s politically neutral but praps not this time (lol). 9
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 09 Sep 2012 18:14 | #
Also science / engineering is full of obsessives who are harder to control once they get obsessed by something - and if this stuff is for real then it has obsession written all over it because the consequences are so huge. 10
Posted by italiantrader on Mon, 10 Sep 2012 02:18 | # Hi JB, I am running the italian website where the “Rossi insider” (as defined by AR himself in august), the retired colonel ing fioravanti and supposed military custimer representative at the Bologna oct 27 2011 demo has been posting about Ecat. I knew this person from 4-5 years because he was writing on my forum which by the way is about trading and investing (plus economics and politics) 11
Posted by italiantrader on Mon, 10 Sep 2012 02:37 | # Did you read though the about 100 emails, published on anti-Rossi Australian site, between Rossi’s Asia license, Roger Green, Ecat Asia and a supposed Fortune 400 customer that seemed ready in July to order a few hundreds ecats and was asking basic business infos from this Green ? E-cat Australia has produced the first e-cat technology advertisement and appears in the 100 emails and not in a very good way This anti-Rossi site has a big “Wanted” in home with picture of this guy that writes on my forum from the inside about Rossi http://shutdownrossi.com/ that I mention and that is referred as a military customer representative of the only sale of a IM ecat so far (by Rossi, but with no confirmation so far) I personally respect this person, from his previous writings about trading systems based on some physics that he posted on my website before starting with cold fusion and attracting scientist to talk with him Rossi was destroyed in the late ‘80s in his previous venture, Petroldragon, by the governement that changed abruptly the law on waste materials he was using, he was prosecuted for a dozen things, had something 30 trials and got convicted in 3, went bankrupt and left for the USA where he studied a bit. It is kind of a of mistery though how he came back from the US with this Ecat, the Leonardo corp ha been put under a trust in March and nobody knows who else is there beside him now. I do not understand how it can be that governments are not involved at some level in Rossi 12
Posted by Melba Peachtoaste on Mon, 10 Sep 2012 13:59 | # Confidential to LH: It is called moderation ducky. Lots and lots of sites do it. Be glad we don’t put you down like a rabid wallaby. 13
Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 10 Sep 2012 17:04 | # Not been able to post for ages. Just want to say very quickly while it’s working a big thank you to Leon H and Graham L for the time you took to post some superb help and advice for me now several months ago. I hope you guys are ALL keeping well. I have been posting on the Englisc Gateway site instead as Bane Of Dumnonia and hope to bring some of their guys across to here soon as they would be quality contributors. Hey Lurker and GW. All the best everybody. Hopefully will speak soon. 14
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 09:40 | # I recall you , uKn_Leo. Seemed like a good chap. The bibliographic suggestions were helpful, I take it? Never heard of Englisc (“English”?) Gateway, but will check it out. MR is ebbing away, like a tuberculosis patient ... won’t be long now until it’s been transformed into Majority Bowery (not sure if that’s worse than Majority Richards). 15
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 09:48 | # Liked the Englisc Gateway site. I wish we had something similar for white Americans, something which seeks to build white racial consciousness ‘in the round’, with more positive emphasis on things white, as opposed to constant negative emphasis on what is wrong with nonwhites. 16
Posted by the stupid and ignorant on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 21:17 | #
LOL, have anyone specific in mind? ____________________________________________________________________________
At least Richards doesn’t not only predict, but advocate, the destruction of civilization, LOL.
Posted by LOL on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 21:55 | # If the collapse of civilization is unavoidable then there seems to be little point in blogging about it - especially on a racialist blog. You see, if civilization crumbles in the near future the survival of the White race is all but guaranteed. Without the atomization-enabling comforts that civilization affords society would then almost certainly be reconstituted on a racial basis as the struggle for survival would necessitate. So why incessantly blog about it then?
Posted by Melba Peachtoaste on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 23:33 | # ...if civilization crumbles… the survival of the White race is all but guaranteed… All but is the important part of that. Yes, point granted, provided that the crumbling is survivable at all. 19
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 19:28 | #
No. It’s a general truism.
I don’t think the collapse of civilization is unavoidable. I think the collapse of *this* civilization is unavoidable. What comes next will probably be worse but at least provides an opportunity.
If your car was guaranteed to crash into a wall would that make you more or less inclined to want airbags in your car? What comes next will probably be worse imo and the lack of any sense of cohesion - including low-level familial cohesion - among white people means their *net* advantage will be negative and things will go very badly for them in most places. This doesn’t apply everywhere or to the same extent e.g. eastern europe, but survival at a minimum is not that great. I’d prefer thriving. 20
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 19:54 | # A update to the original post: It is not necessary to place the entire $1.5M purchase price of the 1MW thermal system in escrow—only one third of that amount: $500k. 21
Posted by maine on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 23:14 | #
That’s a ridiculously cheap sum to put up to check to see if something like this is legitimate or not. Why aren’t any of all the wealthy people and financial professionals out there rushing to this? They collectively gamble trillions per day on the markets. 500K is nothing. The expected value is so high for an investor to be one of the early people in on something like this. 22
Posted by Captain of Clowns on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 02:23 | #
Also I think it is generally true that many such individuals have big egos and thin skins. As a consequence they have a hard time admitting when they’re wrong, or even the possibility that they could be wrong, when reasonable objections are made to their pet theories. Not that I mean to single anyone out as an example, although I’m sure certain individuals spring to mind when the subject is broached.
Then you should count yourself amongst the stupid and ignorant; and add heresy to your list of sins.
There is always the possibility that over the course of hundreds of years the standard of living and general efficiency of this civilization gradually declines as a result of the general genetic quality of the people who inhabit declining. To believe with total confidence in the inevitability of a more or less dramatic collapse-event is properly placed in the realm of faith rather than reason.
It all depends. Even if I had airbags, how badly would I be injured as a result of the crash? To what degree would I be willing to tolerate living on though greviously maimed as opposed preferring death as the better option? Moreover, this is far from a perfect analogy. It is not only a matter of you and I as individuals “crashing” but billions of others as well. The prospect of convincing those billions to prepare for a “crash” is practically nil; and whatever preparations we as individuals could make would be brought to nothing for we could not be reasonably expected to shield ourselves from the chaos that would ensue. There would be no place to run, no place to hide.
According to James Barmy it is necessary for harsh life conditions to obtain in some respect to prevent dysgenesis. This is the purpose of implementing single deadly combat.
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 02:39 | # maine, as I understand the mentality of the big money guys, they don’t really pay attention to an “obvious” investment opportunity unless someone they have confidence in comes up and slaps them in their face with it. Even then, they tend to hold off awaiting the “low hanging fruit” investment—of which there are enough in the tens of millions and higher dollar range to provide a very large return very reliably. That’s basically what Warren Buffett did. The question remains, of course: What about all the not-so-big money guys who are lean mean and hungry for a big win? Those guys are the yeoman class—independent due to enough assets to make substantial decisions on their own. The yeoman class has been dismantled, demoralized or turned predatory/parasitic for all practical purposes. This doesn’t mean they are _gone_—its just that there aren’t enough fully functional yeoman to make the logical technical investments in a timely and reliable manner. What I would be concerned about, if I were a guy like Warren Buffett, or even one of the many guys worth hundreds of millions, is that some disruptive technology will come along and obsolete a lot of my illiquid assets. Again, my impression of these guys is the reason they aren’t worried about some energy breakthrough is that, for example, coal fired power plants have a levelized cost that is dominated by capital service. They assume if some energy technology comes along that requires virtually no fuel (or other major O&M costs) that they’ll be able to write off the capital investment to keep the plants going. That’s why I went to the trouble to point out that the levelized costs of the 1MW system, including capital, can’t be beat by current natural gas systems even if you assume their historically low fuel prices and totally write off the capital investment. A message like that should grab their attention. 24
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 03:35 | #
I think James sees whites as a group who, even now with all sorts of lapses and qualifications, say what they mean and mean what they say. Single combat as laid down in James’s posts would tend to reinforce that I think. Generalized harsh, post-apocalyptic conditions would not necessarily bring about the same results. 25
Posted by Dale on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 03:39 | # The single deadly combat idea is not actually that strange an idea. If you’re against violence, well it’s not like violence disappears if you outlaw single deadly combat. You still have wars and other violence. I remember as a kid wondering why we had wars and the like instead of just having the kings or presidents of the opposing sides fight each other. 26
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 04:39 | #
Imagine a homogeneous Northern European society. Now, imagine that society with the addition of single deadly combat being the final arbiter of dispute resolution, winner takes all, and hence being massively remunerative. Intra-group violence would self-evidently be increased as the very architecture of that society would subsidize deadly violence. I don’t deny the necessity of violence in some situations in order to secure the survival of the group. However, I do not wish to see that violence turned inward needlessly. Do you?
There is a very low probability that a particular group’s best single deadly combat fighter would also be its best leader. I take it I do not need to spell out the implications of that if you are now mentally an adult, although I can if asked. __________________________________________________________________________
If your niece, let us say for argument’s sake, was a particularly homely child, but she asked you if you thought she were pretty, what would you tell her? No lapses and qualifications, now!
If you thought your boss was an asshole, but you knew if you said it to his face he’d cut your throat, would you tell him? Thought not!
Posted by Dale on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 08:25 | # I think violence is always the final arbiter. If you don’t want single combat violence to be the final arbiter, then you need to stop single combat violence, and to do that you need a police or military force to dominate violence. Police or military force is group violence so group violence becomes the final arbiter. I don’t think I thought as a kid that instead of wars presidents, kings, etc. should fight each other one-on-one because I thought they were or should be the best fighters. I think I thought that because I viewed them as the primary instigators and beneficiaries of wars and political contests, and because I thought that if opposing kings or presidents were truly committed to violence to determine their conflict, then even after all their subjects died in the war they would have a final showdown and fight each other one-on-one. And if that was the case then it made sense to just skip the war and cut to the chase and have them fight each other in single combat. 29
Posted by daniel on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 14:06 | # I see that Soren has let it out of its cage again…I suggested to him that perhaps it was not perfect….but he is just so proud of it….don’t dare say a critical word about it! 30
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 22:45 | #
A non-subsistence economy is neccessarily built on top of the money supply. Everything rests on that point like an upside-down pyramid. The money supply currently is part-globalized and mainly rests on the dollar. The dollar is being inflated away to nothing. The reason for this is the people who run the dollar money supply are a criminal mafia who use inflation as a wealth transfer mechanism. It’s not new. They’ve done this hundreds of times the only difference is the scale. When we eventually hit the buffers everything stops* *Maybe not entirely everything. China and Russia have been trying to extract themselves from the coming collapse by dropping the use of the dollar for trade i.e. de-globalizing / quarantining to prevent the spread of infection. If they can manage to do so they might not get dragged down by Fall of Rome part II. *Also at the last moment when they think they’ve drained everything they can from America TPTB will try and switch to a global currency to repeat what they did to America but on a global scale. The success or otherwise of this also depends on China and Russia. But it doesn’t matter if you believe that or not.
You crash into a wall. There is a *spectrum* of possible outcomes say from uninjured to light injury to serious injury to death, left to right. What things like airbags do is push the proportions of those outcomes in the spectrum in the less injurious direction: it increases the uninjured segment of the spectrum, it pushes the light injury segment to the right and widens it, it pushes the serious injury terriotory to the right and widens it and it reduces the death segment. So there is one segment of the spectrum that moves from the death segment to the serious injury segment which might in some circumstances be a worse outcome but everywhere else along the spectrum there are better outcomes. If you’re looking at it from an individual point of view then you might have a point but i’m not looking at it from an individual point of view - ironically enough evidence of Mr Bowery’s point. I’m Mr Eusocial soldier ant. I think about the group and if you think about the group then the *average* outcome of airbags over the whole group is always positive.
Of course. If the financial system collapses the way i think it will then the negative consequences for each group will be inversely proportional to their group cohesion. Currently white people have the least group cohesion at all levels so *any* increase in average cohesion will lead to better outcomes. so going back to the start
There’s every point.
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 23:11 | # If humans are eusocial then they’ll likely evolve in an ant-like direction with specialization e.g. workers toiling to feed the queen’s eggs, soldier ants who don’t care about individual survival as long as it protects the nest (i think this is what is meant by parasitic castration) and of course the hive-queens themselves parasiting off the rest of the hive etc. From an individual liberty point of view that outcome obviously sucks. So if you decide to set off in the opposite, anti-eusocial, direction then one of the logical outcomes will be the opposite of eusocial forms of violence. However personally i see the hive-queen model of eusociality as a dead-end. It might be an effective model and it might be the most likely way for humans to evolve given that the people driving cultural evolution want to be hive-queens but i can’t see how it adapts. Ants aren’t ever going to Mars so i think the hive-queen model is a dinosaur waiting to happen. So the choices seem to be either back to Tarzan or a hive-queen dystopia (which is also an evolutionary dead end) or a non hive-queen version of eusociality. 32
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 17 Sep 2012 02:48 | #
It seems to me the constitutional right to bear arms is both a clue and an attempt at that third way. Not enough on its own though - i think the third option requires all the citizens to be soldier-ants. 33
Posted by italiantrader on Sun, 11 Nov 2012 06:38 | # James, I run the website on which forum one recognized insider of Andrea Rossi have been posting since the end of 2011 (see http://shutdownrossi.com/). Now it seems there are two insiders, not to mention a single mistery message signed “Juda” that told a story. In the last 2 months their messages have become constant, but esoteric and coded, full of convoluted literary references, ancient greek texts, strange cultural quotes and most people have understandably stopped following them. But for some reason I have some contact with them and someone that keeps up this strange game of coded messages in the forum told me last week the following Post a comment:
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Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 08 Sep 2012 18:27 | #
Further goes to show the significance of media control that something as big as this can be happening while most people are still in the cold fusion == sci fi zone they were put into by the media during the first flurry of reports years ago. I’m still in sceptical by default mode - not because i know anything about any of this or disbelieve it - but simply because i was put into that mode back in - whenever it was there were a lot of media reports debunking cold fusion.
I’d imagine (genuine) greens would make a lot of noise about this if they knew?
(I’m assuming this process has green credentials?)
(I will start to find out about this but i haven’t yet.)