A Change of Consciousness

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 02 May 2009 13:29.

By David Hamilton

A change of consciousness is spreading through Britain as we realise that we are being discriminated against by our elected representatives.  People can find no work, and one reason they have now understood is that foreigners are brought in as cheap labour to undercut wages.

People are realising that the main parties, the media, academics and corporations are promoting an agenda which is destroying them.  Politicians are effectively at war with them, and slowly the realisation is dawning.  People hear them degrading white children as “chavs” and “yobs” while praising ethnics.  They see their communities turned from safe areas into places of fear and uncertainty. They see politician’s children sent to the best schools while theirs have to risk knife gangs from imported ethnic communities.

The seeds of revolt have always been there:-

The Cambridge village of Cottenham is an unlikely place for an old-fashioned revolt against authority. But earlier this year, some 1,000 residents declared they would withhold their council tax until something was done about the travellers on the outskirts.

For decades there have been Gypsy communities living legally on two sites for 30 or so families near the village. Then, at Easter 2003, the site grew as a number of Irish Traveller families arrived in the area.

Local tensions rose, as villagers believed their way of life under threat. Angry residents demanded answers and established a campaigning website, Middle England in Revolt.

… but now politicians are beginning to lose confidence:-


Rise of the BNP is politicians fault – Blears

The British National party has made advances because mainstream political parties, including Labour, have abandoned sections of the white working class, ignoring people’s needs while taking their votes for granted, a government minister admits today.
Writing in the Guardian, the communities and local government secretary, Hazel Blears, warns that politicians must work hard at grassroots level to win back the trust and confidence of people alienated from mainstream political life.
With the BNP’s areas of strongest support revealed this week by the posting of the party’s secret membership list on the internet, Blears also calls upon her Labour colleagues to take their opposition to the far right to the streets in those places. “We must continue to campaign vigorously against the BNP: demonstrate, picket, leaflet and argue,” she says.
In a strongly worded piece, Blears argues that demonstrating against the BNP is not enough, however. “Shouting ‘Nazi’ is not the answer,” she writes.

The media, who are still shouting Nazi, are part of the same “ideological caste”.  They   give a false view of reality, employing words that become part of habitual thinking

They, and those who still believe them, effect moral superiority, confident that they are following the Orthodoxy, while we are lectured on our wickedness.  Aggressive TV interviewers like Jeremy Paxman hold media Inquisitions of dissenters in what are effectively show trials as they cross-examine in a bid to make them submit. Those who err are publicly persecuted and subject to public humiliation.  It works whether or not   the persecuted are definitively native Britons.  It’s about opinions which can be presented as axiomatic examples of “white racism”.  So, Jade Goody, who was one-quarter black, was clamorously persecuted by the media for her on-screen faux-pas, and so was the half-Iranian from “The Apprentice” TV program. This sort of thing serves to keep the rest of us obedient.  After all, multi-racial society is fragile.  It is always ready to explode.  It only seems to work through oppression, persecution, totalitarian laws, a politicised police and the media covering up race-crimes against whites.

All this the people are beginning to see.

Education is being “dumbed down”, and this, too, is becoming too obvious to hide.  It isn’t done just so everyone passes.  In certain subjects only some aspects are taught, as with the concentration upon Hitler and the Holocaust in the teaching of World War II. The main thing, apparently, is to develop the correct attitudes. White children are indoctrinated to reject their identity, to be ashamed of their history and, if at all possible, to slander themselves and internalise racial guilt. Meanwhile, the children of immigrants imported for cheap labour and to replace us learn how “racist” and “evil” our ancestors were.  They learn to silence protest with a word only applied to us - racist.  That   demonstrates perfectly where the discrimination really lies.  It prevents us objecting to the cheap labour that is destroying chldren’s futures. The entrance figures for law and medical schools show that Asian are pushing indigenous students out.

The rulers don’t know where they are going and are confused.  All that saves them from public obloquy is that the media are part of the same “Ideological caste” and, as long as they don’t say the wrong thing, they cover for them.  The government have the means to protect our borders because they police Iraq and Afghanistan.  But they don’t want to.  The media covers by telling us that the politicians have lost control of the orders.  No, they have not.  They want immigrants to flood in, which is why they advertise for them to come here in our overseas embassies.  It is why the British Council trains young Africans in our ways and uproots them from their own villages and communities.

Our politicians are effeminate and rule by deceit.  They even deceive themselves because they are not manly enough to face things.  This is why they become hysterical when the BNP expose what is really going on.  They are still fighting the last war.  The pejoratives they use to cow people paint a nightmare vision of what will happen if we cease to follow them. It is as out of date as they are - “Nazism”, “white supremacy”, “fascism”.  By contrast they employ nothing but negatives for the BNP.  The term “odious” is so common that I thought it was part of their name!

All this is, though, is becoming tiresomely obvious to the people.

Now, when politicians and TV are constantly being nice to ethnics because they have lost power and know they will not be obeyed.  If any ethnic is involved in a cultural activity or a sport there is always an adjective of praise in front of the name. They start from that point. Wishful thinking overrides analysis.

They don’t have to face the consequences of their inadequacy if they build up a bogey world that will ensue if we try to deal with their bias against us and also think our culture is so wonderful the whole world will be swayed by it but at the same time want to bring everyone here through advertising in our embassies abroad and through the British Council.

Those granted asylum seekers get priority over British people. When they arrive they are homeless.  So Brits on the waiting list may live in overcrowded conditions or in squalor, or may have a health priority such as spores from black mould in the house getting on their childrens’ lungs.  But they will be classed as having a home and so are abandoned.

Asylum getters have their houses fitted out with every thing they need: brand new and with a guarantee.  There is a free car because its cheaper than paying for taxis for them. Indigenous people are advised to use public transport, but not asylum seekers.

A young women I know was given a temporary, emergency house, called a “dispersal property” and reserved for asylum seekers.  She was told that not to use one of the rooms, because there was damaged furniture in it - she checked.  The room was full of things that are used to entice asylum seekers to come,  including, phone, large flat screen television, pots and pans, blankets, recordable DVD player, X box, play station and a Wi, a box full of various game and music DVD’s in various languages.

Think what you would have to buy for your self and children if you were moving into a empty house to make a home?  They also get free phone calls from land-line and mobile to anywhere around the world.  They even have to have to be provided with an empty room as a childrens’ play room.  Don’t believe me?  Go to any council estate and talk to a local.  When the asylum van rolls up, locals say, “Ay ay, it’s Christmas come early.”  As long as your not British.

Two telling examples of the new spirit presented themselves when Daily Mail columnists Melannie Phillips and Peter Hitchins respectively attacked the BNP.  Each had over two hundred comments, of which the great majority criticised them.  Even at the Guardian, it is interesting to see how articles attacking the BNP are themselves attacked by some CiF commenters, and even more interesting that the reader “commend clicks” for these commenters far outnumber those for the anti-BNP misery bags.

Our view of reality is largely created for an ulterior purpose by the media.  We are trained to think that defending our communities is “white supremacy.”  I don’t think I was born when that was in any sense real!  They are thinking of the Ku Klux Klan, of course.  But what have unemployed Brits to do with the KKK?  Its’ simply one more cruel, spiteful insult for the victims of multi-racialism.  For years the evil elites stopped criticism of importing cheap labour by labelling those who had fought in WWII or lost family in that fight as Nazis.  What vile, evil people our rulers are to do that to people who only want to preserve their jobs and communities!  But this is not going unseen.

Decades of toxic social, economic and educational policy have made white people less able to compete against migrant groups with strong ideologies like Islam.  A moral relativist culture of tolerance could never stand up against people who are organised, protected by family values, with a coherent and radicalising religion.  But the desire to redeem our declining civilisation exists.  No matter that the elites makes so much effort to destroy our organic culture and re-culture us for globalism.  No matter that historicists hold our collapse to be inevitable, the will to survive is reviving from the bottom.

The role of a healthy art now is to introduce an understanding of our spiritual and social oppression into traditional forms.  Our culture, our civilisation grows from us and we grown in it in reciprocal relation.  One thing that is essential in a community is musical performances.  I am not a Soviet Marxist-Leninist offering blueprints that lead to people being forced to conform to politicheskaya pravil’nost, but here are some suggestions to consider.

We should form local folk groups and book rooms in local pubs, put on local festivals and feasts. Since the totalitarian ban on smoking in pubs many have been forced to close and those remaining need trade.

That we are being oppressed by our rulers is a subject for community songs.  There is precedent in our Ballads of Robin Hood, and even in some of the early and, obviously, commercial work by Bob Dylan.  For example, his “A Hard Rains A-Gonna fall” is developed from the traditional Border Ballad, “Lord Randall”, and gives an idea of how to express contemporary evils at the hands of the authorities:-

“O where ha you been, Lord Randal, my son?
And where ha you been, my handsome young man?”
“I ha been at the greenwood; mother, make my bed soon,
For I’m wearied wi hunting, and fain wad lie down.”

In Dylan:-

“Oh, were have you been, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, were have you been my darling young one?
I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains,
I’ve walked and I’ve crawled on six crooked highways,
I’ve stepped in the middle of seven sad forests
I’ve been out in front of a dozen dead oceans,
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, etc …

Dylan used traditional forms to carry the contemporary thoughts and emotions felt by people across the world.  The Dylan piece suggests how we can re-link with our musical origins and they express contemporary evils visited upon us by the corrupt politicians who hoodwink us into voting for them by pretending they are looking after our interests.

When we were homogenous we had a mutual trust that allowed us to be civil to one another but now civic society is quashed by state controls.  This civility took centuries to grow but the progressives have destroyed that and it takes a totalitarian structure and political police to keep things together and we are reverting to a more primitive type.
The new spirit is hopeful not moaning - people do not want to associate with people they perceive as losers who cannot compete and cope.

Enoch once asked “Who do we think we are?”  What sort of people are we?” We need to define ourselves as much now as we did then.  Who are we, how do we live and what is our responsibility to our future generations?  The relationship of the populace to political representatives is one of trust.  Politicians are not educated to it like professional people nor is it inherited as with monarchs and aristocrats but they offer us something and ask us to trust them but now know they have broken it.  The country we have inherited is being taken off us bit by bit and by subterfuge of the rulers.  The ethnics are not passive objects but flesh and blood people like us.  The con-trick is that the rulers have entered a compact with ethics but lie to us by saying what we know is happening is not happening and those who are coming to take our children’s inheritance are merely improving our lives.  Our elected representatives are traitors to rank beside any in British history.  We have to take responsibility for ourselves and break our child-like dependence on them. What can we do for ourselves?

A young couple I know bought a lump of ground to create a vegetable garden to free them from the tyranny of supermarkets, others take on allotments.  These things could be organised by local branches but require proper legal arrangements to avoid conflict over people trying to take things for themselves.

Gypsies are taking chargeof their own destinies and buying our land. They buy it from farmers cash down, then they pile in. but the authorities are faced with a fait accompli.  They stand up for themselves and are self-reliant.  We must develop a variant on these and take proper advice.

In The Spectator of 17th December 2005, Conservative philosopher, Roger Scruton told of how he and his community were buying land and letting to local farmers:-

“Rural residents must therefore take power into their own hands, and it is encouraging that they have already done this in the matter of the Hunting Act, holding this law to ridicule by showing that it cannot be enforced.  It is now time for them to exercise their power in other and more demanding ways…  Neighbours should club together to buy small parcels of land from any desperate farming neighbour, thereafter renting it back to him at a peppercorn rent.  This we have done in our neighbourhood, so saving ourselves both from travellers and agribusiness, by injecting needed capital into a family farm.”


Tags: Awakenings



Posted by Fraud of mass-multiracialism on Sat, 02 May 2009 14:08 | #

With many of the large/major cities of the UK and Western Europe infested by non-Whites and increasingly chaotic, divided, and straining for decent wealth creation in these bad economic times as a result of the mass-non-White invasion, it won’t be long now before more and more Whites begin to wake up to what is happening to them.

Jewish-led multiculturalism, mass-multiracialism, and open-borders globalism is a complete and utter failure, and the sooner we expose these failed ideologies as the Jewish frauds which they are the sooner we can begin to heal our societies of these malignant beliefs.


Posted by SPREAD THIS VIDEO! on Sat, 02 May 2009 14:21 | #

To Guessedworker and others here:

It is imperative that the video linked in the above comment - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf31q4TC790 - be spread far and wide on pro-White websites and elsewhere in order to show Whites worldwide exactly what is happening to their societies because of too much non-White immigration in to White countries.

Would it be possible to make that video the subject of a main entry here on MR in order to give it wider exposure?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 02 May 2009 15:02 | #

Good video.  I could only stomach watching exactly the first one-sixth, then had enough and clicked back here, so I didn’t see the whole thing.  That was Ireland.  One of the strategies the Jews who influence government here in the States use to bring about the situation you see in that video is to forcefully keep white kids from learning anything whatsoever in schools by forcing them to stay back at Negro levels of “learning” which are of course zilch, something like the learning level of Koko the Talking Gorilla (who incidentally has the same IQ, in the 70 range, as West-Central African Negroes), in order not to embarrass the Negro race, and when the white kids graduate from school knowing strictly nothing because all their lives they were ordered not to learn anything lest they embarrass the Negroes, the Jewish CEOs say they must import Subcons because the whites leaving school dont’ know anything.  Of course the Jews are then, as if by chance, surprise, surprise, in a position to 1) make a shitload of money by hiring Subcons at slave wages, and 2) welcome the racial mulattoization of their age-old ethnic rival the Eurochristians.  And to think it all just “fell into their lap by pure chance”!  What lucky stiffs those Jews are!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 02 May 2009 15:11 | #

Koko’s IQ test results:



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 02 May 2009 18:39 | #

A good three-part video interview (conducted in October) with Peter Brimelow, editor of http://www.Vdare.com and author of Alien Nation :


(This Brimelow interview deals with the United States, not Britain, but the same fundamental things apply on both sides of the Atlantic.)


Posted by Bill on Sat, 02 May 2009 21:56 | #

The situation David Hamilton so ably describes above cannot continue for much longer, something’s gotta give.

Britain is a pressure cooker waiting to explode.  One of the main triggers for this explosion will be Britain’s housing situation.  (Which could also be replicated for jobs.)

Home building has been drastically cut back since the recession started, although there are still empty homes available due to the lack of credit for purchasers, but there is not nearly enough to meet current demand.

I would estimate that Britain’s multicultural population is growing at the rate of 750,000 per year, and accounts for practically all of Britain’s increased population.

This figure includes the annual arrival of third world migrants and the births of the existing non white population, whose birth rate is outstripping that of the British by a rate of 3 or 4 to 1.  Indigenous birth rates are slightly below replacement level.

How is the system to resolve this growing imbalance of supply and demand for additional housing?

One things for sure, there’s no hope that a building programme can be sustained for ever for such prodigious numbers.  We’re talking something like 1000 new homes a day here at least - just to stand still.

Will this be the solution?

First they came for the little old ladies.  Appropriation of private property will be the name of the game. Imagine the policeman at the door, notifying a little old lady, (who lives as the sole occupant of the old family home, which is now too large for her, say the authorities) that she has 6 hours to pack a suitcase and move out.  Sound familiar eh?

When the supply of homes dry up which are lived in by little old ladies, then they will start on childless couples who are dwelling in homes that are deemed surplus to their needs.

And come the tipping point?  When there are more non British than British, the remaining indigenous will be summarily thrown out of their homes and into the waiting transports.

Am I being over imaginative here?  I don’t think so, if things continue as they are, then this is a glimpse of the future.

The MSM, overwhelmingly in the shape of television, is the main instrument propping up this whole situation, the rest of the totalitarian apparatus pales in comparison; such is the power and influence of television.

I often wonder if the countless useful idiots supporting this extermination programme realise what they are actually doing.  I can’t imagine Hazel Blears having the faintest notion that she is complicit in the most heinous crime in human history.  That goes for Paxo and Kirsty also.

By chance recently, I saw the opening gambits of a programme (presumably about immigration) on television and straight in a black face told me that Britain needed more immigration to beat the recession.  I thought what a cheek and switched the TV off.  Soon I thought how right he was, Britain could beat the recession with more mass immigration.  You only have to see, (like David Hamilton describes) what immediate impact of goods and services required by the newcomer to boost the economy.  Food, energy, house, job, car, TV, fridge, cutlery, bedding, furniture and the whole panoply of stuff to survive modern life.

In my view, immigration has played a huge part in the illusion of prosperity in the past eleven years,  Brown and new Labour were onto a good thing, killing at least three birds (economy, race replacement, stultifying the consumer) with one stone.  Neat trick.

And one more thing, the oldest trick in the elite’s book is to maintain economics centre stage of all debate at all times, (it’s the economy stoopid) to the exclusion of all else.  We cannot let this happen next time, immigration, immigration, immigration and its consequences have to be at the forefront of all discussion, we can’t let them get away with their tricks.

Then the house of cards is bound to fall.

PS. Thought for today.  Anti-Fascism is the New Fascism.


Posted by Wild Bill on Sat, 02 May 2009 22:28 | #

This book offers revolutionary new views of emerging genetic research consistent with largely secreted science and sacred spiritual knowledge. Chapters incorporated this metaphysical science non-fiction thriller include discussions of electro-genetics, quantum physics, bioholography, human consciousness, and even spiritual dynamics, to accomplish an urgent mission: awaken humanity to the highest levels of risk awareness and accountability for our planet’s destiny.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 02 May 2009 22:46 | #

“I did not bother to equate Americas debt to GDP, the numbers are too ridicules to try and type”  (—Andrew)

Well, to start with, the Jews just stole 8 trillion dollars from the American people and they have this country sewn up so tight with their control of politics and the mass media there’s not a thing any goy can do about it.

As for Britain, here’s what they can do about it:


Any British subject who doesn’t vote the straight BNP ticket for everything from dog catcher to prime minister in the upcoming election is either profoundly mentally retarded, criminally insane and should be locked up in a padded cell and straitjacket and throw away the key, or has incurable moral leprosy and should be kept isolated as far away from normal, healthy people as possible, forever.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 02 May 2009 23:31 | #

Recently I started a post and sort of lost interest, I sidelined it to my documents wondering if I would ever return to it.  Well, I did and here it is, I suppose it’s an amalgam of recent posts with a little added, things are moving so fast.

At the next general election I foresee something like new Labour being consigned to the dustbin of history.  No surprise there then.

I notice on the Guardian CIF comments, no matter the topic, Brown and Labour get a resounding thrashing, I don’t know whether the Guardian types have simply withdrawn in disgust or whether they are actively venting their genuine bile - it’s hard to call.

To sum up, the core Guardian middle class support for the 1997 election landslide, which Blair courted, has been systematically shafted by new Labour - they have deserted en mass with their comments.

Who is Cameron?  He says anyone voting for the BNP is a fruitcake; his photo opportunities are nearly always inclusive.  His and Brown’s antics across the dispatch box is a wrestling tag team scam choreographed by Mick McManus, he really is heir to Blair, shallow, opportunist, vision free, fully paid up member of the globalist club, supports affirmative action, politically correct, a multiculturalist and is in Murdoch’s back pocket to boot.

IOW’s, Cameron is not a Conservative at all.  He’s a Blair-like fake.

The most astounding success of new Labour’s tenure has been their ability to strip the people of their right of free speech.  From the start, any discussion regarding immigration was placed firmly off limits.  The success of this feat of blanking off alldiscussion of mass immigration from the public, via the mass media for over ten years, staggers belief.  The realists might say, well, if you ban free speech and build a Stasi police state to enforce it, then it’s easy.

This still doesn’t answer the question what has happened to the spine of the British people?

Britain has been enjoying enrichment now for over fifty years, but immigration has only been really ramped up during Labour’s reign.  At the 2005 election the Conservative campaign managed for a short while to elevate immigration onto the election platform.  This happened under the stewardship of Conservative leader Michael Howard, ‘Are you thinking what I’m thinking’?  Strangely, the topic of immigration suddenly became off limits - verboten.  I have read where Howard was, in no uncertain terms warned to ‘Back off’.  From that moment, the election, like all other elections became a tag match around matters economic.

The parallel government had effortlessly triumphed once more.

So where does that leave Britain’s domestic politics in the run up to the 2010 general election?

Before we examine this, there is in the interim, a small matter of there being elections for MEP’s for the EU parliament, in which the BNP are cutting their teeth for the big-time.  It is forecast they will do well - our hopes go with them and eagerly await the results.

It’s fortunate in many ways that the BNP are not yet prepared to govern, hell, who would want to sup from this poisonous chalice?  Cameron’s conservatives are up for it, they’re welcome.

Cameron and his politically correct multicultural mates will be sussed out by the people in short order, they do even before they vote for them, but such is the hatred for the Labour thugs they would vote for the devil himself.  This is all self defeating and destined to end in tears, Cameron will be hounded out well before his tenure expires.  Anarchy beckons.

The BNP steps in to restore order.  A new chapter begins.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 03 May 2009 00:14 | #

“Who is Cameron?  He says anyone voting for the <i>BNP is a fruitcake; his photo opportunities are nearly always [racially] inclusive.”</i>  (—Bill)


The always-racially-inclusive photo-ops aren’t to persuade more mystery meat to vote Tory, they’re purely so that the hefty Jewish campaign contributions won’t dry up.  When a white sees a racially-inclusive photo-op he asks himself, “Was that necessary?  Why do they do that?  What’s this country coming to?  That just ruined my day.”  When a Jewish political contributor sees a racially-inclusive photo-op he orgasms on the spot.  He thinks he’s died and gone to Jew-heaven.  Pols like Cameron know this.

“Who is Cameron?  He says anyone voting for the <i>BNP is a fruitcake; his photo opportunities are nearly always [racially] inclusive.  His and Brown’s antics across the dispatch box is a wrestling tag team scam choreographed by Mick McManus, he really is heir to Blair, shallow, opportunist, vision free, fully paid up member of the globalist club, supports affirmative action, politically correct, a multiculturalist and is in Murdoch’s back pocket to boot.  IOW’s, Cameron is not a Conservative at all.”</i>  (—Bill)

Wait — maybe he is a conservative and you’re the one who isn’t? 

Me, I’ve learned my lesson:  the last thing in the known universe I am is a conservative.

“This still doesn’t answer the question what has happened to the spine of the British people?”  (—Bill)

They’re in lockdown:  not only are they forbidden to speak on the topics of race and race-replacement, no one’s allowed to speak for them.  The only avenue open to them is violence, which (rightly) has a much higher “energy of activation” than the kind of normal processes that grow out of freedom of speech.

“At the 2005 election the Conservative campaign managed for a short while to elevate immigration onto the election platform.  This happened under the stewardship of Conservative leader Michael Howard, ‘Are you thinking what I’m thinking’?  Strangely, the topic of immigration suddenly became off limits - verboten.  I have read where Howard was, in no uncertain terms warned to ‘Back off’.”  (—Bill)

The Jews threatened to withdraw every dime of their campaign contributions.  Obviously an order went out from somewhere, and obviously there was no from-the-bottom-up public groundswell against mention of immigration:  the orders came from the top.  Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who must’ve given them:  “He who pays the piper calls the tune.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 03 May 2009 02:52 | #

The Turks have taken over what’s supposed to be the German edition of YouTube.  The ratio of Turkish stuff to German stuff there is about 90 trillion to one.  Get your own YouTube, Turks!  Get the hell out of the German one!  A few Turks here and there, no one would mind, but MY GOD they’ve taken over the damned thing!  Get off of German YouTube, Turks, and while you’re at it get out of Germany!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 03 May 2009 03:09 | #

All Turks out of Germany and into Israel!  Every last one!  Out of Germany and into Tel Aviv!


Posted by J Richards on Sun, 03 May 2009 05:00 | #

Damn!  The Irish video … parts of the video, taken out of context, appear to be scenes from the Third World, with European tourists strolling by or thrown in.  Goddamned Jews … they’d do something like this to a land with people having the whitest of skins.

I also don’t see how the Scroob sees the BNP as the solution.  If these fools spent a fourth of their time/resources criticizing and exposing Jews instead of Muslims, perhaps.  Hopefully, the people will act in mass revolt.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 03 May 2009 06:05 | #

”I also don’t see how the Scroob sees the BNP as the solution.”  (—JRichards)

Simple:  by not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. 

”If these fools spent a fourth of their time/resources criticizing and exposing Jews instead of Muslims, perhaps.”

And getting arrested and tried again?  There’s a limit to what’s possible given the circumstances prevailing today.

”Hopefully, the people will act in mass revolt.”

Mass revolt is OK only if you’re sure of winning.  If you’re unsure of winning it’s better to bide your time and see if exploitable opportunities will open up.


Posted by Kali Yuga Consciousness on Sun, 03 May 2009 06:06 | #

Hinduism is a very ancient religion of historical Aryan peoples who were ancient White Europeans who settled in Northwest India & Pakistan.  There is much we can learn from the Aryan Hindu tradition about the current bad situation of White Aryan peoples worldwide:

“The Kali Yuga, or Iron Age, represented the cosmological and moral nadir in the Hindu cycle of ages. Only a quarter as much righteousness prevailed in comparison with the Krita Yuga. Sacred practices were neglected. Calamities, diseases, fatigue, and faults such as anger, distress, anxiety, hunger, and fear became commonplace. Political and social order collapsed, cities became violent, civilization receded. Evil was everywhere evident and triumphant. The Vishnu Purana describes many aspects of this moral and social decay in the Kali Yuga. The observance of caste and order is neglected with promiscuous intermarriage among all classes and peoples; women are unfaithful and consort with worthless men; the family and other blood ties lose their meaning; the acquisition of wealth, commerce, and money govern all men’s actions and aspirations; liberalism and moral relativism prevail so that any idol or authority is revered on the basis of popularity and individual choice. The rulers oppress and plunder the masses, who then desert the intolerable cities and settle in remote places. There they live in scarcity and want, suffering exposure, and subject to decreasing vigor and longevity. In due course, the entire race is destroyed.”
“There is no hope of “putting things right,” in such an age. It is, essentially, the age ... described in the Book of books — the Bhagavad Gita — as that in which “out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of castes; out of the confusion of castes, the loss of memory; out of lass of memory the lack of understanding; and out of this, all evils”; the age in which falsehood is termed “truth” and truth persecuted as falsehood or mocked as insanity; in which the exponents of truth, the divinely inspired leaders, the real friends of their care and of all the living, — the god-like men — are defeated, and their followers humbled and their memory slandered, while the masters of lies are hailed as “saviours”; the age in which every man and woman is in the wrong place, and the world dominated by inferior individuals, bastardised races and vicious doctrines, all pan and parcel of an order of inherent ugliness far worse than complete anarchy.”

—- http://www.vaidilute.com/books/savitri/savitri-info.html


Posted by the Narrator... on Sun, 03 May 2009 17:43 | #

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune,

“Six years after the Spanish construction boom lured him here from his native Romania, Constantin Marius Craiova is going home, another victim of the bust that is reversing the human tide that has transformed Europe in the past decade.

“Everyone says in Romania there’s no work,” Craiova, 30, said with a touch of bravado as he lifted his mirrored Ray-Bans onto his head. “If there are 26 million people there, they have to do something. I want to see for myself.”

Craiova, who is planning to return to Romania this month, is one of millions of immigrants from Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa who have flocked to fast-growing places like Spain, Ireland and Britain in the past decade, drawn by low unemployment and liberal immigration policies.

But in a marked sign of how quickly the economies of Western Europe have deteriorated, workers like Craiova are now heading home, hoping to find better job prospects, or at least lower costs of living, in their native lands.

In many ways, this is what the European Union was meant to be—a zone where workers could move freely in search of jobs. But as the economic crisis deepens, fault lines are emerging across the continent, where borders may be porous but national identities remain fixed.

Consider Ireland’s capital, which earned the nickname Dublinski after roughly 180,000 Poles, Czechs and other Eastern Europeans went there in search of work after the European Union expanded in 2004. Now, a stunning rise in the unemployment rate, currently 10.4 percent, is making even the most recent arrivals rethink their plans.

“Since 2000, there has been a resurgence of intra-European migration,” said Rainer Muenz, a migration scholar who is head of research and development at Erste Bank in Vienna. “To a certain extent, that’s clearly unwinding now.”

Between April 2008 and the end of this month, as many as 50,000 workers are likely to have returned home from Ireland, mostly to Eastern Europe, according to Alan Barrett of the Economic and Social Research Institute in Dublin.

“Things have changed quickly,” said Monica Jelinkova, 25, who moved to Dublin from the Czech Republic 18 months ago. “I used to know 15 people here. Now there are only four friends left.”


It may not be anywhere as near to a reversal as needs to be, but still…..it pays to remember that circumstances (and the fortunes they bring) can change very fast.

And it also shows that that which our elites tell us is the inevitable fate of Western Civilization is not written in stone.

Things can change.



Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 03 May 2009 18:48 | #

I also don’t see how the Scroob sees the BNP as the solution.  If these fools spent a fourth of their time/resources criticizing and exposing Jews instead of Muslims, perhaps.  Hopefully, the people will act in mass revolt.

I’ve come to believe that jews are the critical factor in the destruction of our countries, largely through their domination of the MSM, but it’s precisely that media dominance that has led to most of our people being so brainwashed by the holocult that any direct attack on jews triggers a counter-productive reaction. For people involved in open electoral politics I think it’s better to attack their influence indirectly by using proxy words like “cultural marxist” or “international capitalist” or whatever.

This opinion is just for people involved in the mainstream kind of political activity though. People who are outside of that throwing the idea of generalized jewish malice into the mix may help subliminally, especially now the left is doing the same, but the main thrust needs to be more indirect in my view.


Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 03 May 2009 19:04 | #

This still doesn’t answer the question what has happened to the spine of the British people?

People have been brainwashed for 50 years that White people fighting for their own ethnic self-interest is evil. I don’t think the spine of the British people (or others) has changed at all, but the morality underlying their decisions has been suicidally inverted through the poison of the holocult.


Posted by Dasein on Sun, 03 May 2009 19:35 | #

Interesting article at Vdare:


Steinlight says:

Jews are disproportionately involved in every kind of insanity.

So far, so good.

Then he says:

HIAS — the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society — is Jewish in name only. Basically it is involved in immigration and supporting illegal immigrants. It has no particular Jewish focus.

Seems he still has a way to go.  Maybe he’s just playing stupid.  Or maybe it’s just those Jewish blinders that makes the detection of maliciousness on the part of co-ethnics impossible.  Like those glasses they give out so you can stare at a solar eclipse.  Jews seem to have a hard time taking these things off.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 03 May 2009 19:36 | #

Wandrin on May 03, 2009, 05:48 PM said

” I’ve come to believe that jews are the critical factor in the destruction of our countries, largely through their domination of the MSM, but it’s precisely that media dominance that has led to most of our people being so brainwashed by the holocult that any direct attack on jews triggers a counter-productive reaction.”

Too bloody true, can you imagine, endless, endless replays of grainy grey images of stick-like naked figures piled high on two wheeled barrows 24/7.  Haunted faces clothed in striped pyjamas being herded by brutal types in coal scuttle helmets accompanied by ferocious Alsatians snarling on the leash.

I say stick to treacherous liberal politicians and immigration, immigration, immigration.  The unenlightened understand what they see before their eyes when they step outside.

Leave the heavy lifting to the MR’s of this world.


Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 03 May 2009 20:52 | #

Leave the heavy lifting to the MR’s of this world.

Exactly my view. If a person gets to a point where they no longer trust either the mainstream left or the mainstream right then they’ll automatically start to drift towards some kind of third position and I think it’s easier to achieve this if your arguments stick to what’s out in plain sight. On the other hand when a person is ready for that third position view then there’s a need to be explicit about the problem. So to me there’s two distinct roles - one is getting people to the stage where they’re starting to look for a third position and the other is scooping up those people that are ready and putting meat on the bones.

I mostly stick to the first role as it suits me and leave stage 2 to others.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 03 May 2009 21:07 | #

For those who havn’t caught up with the latest at the Occidental Observer I came across this.  1st May 2009.

“There are various names for the ideology of the elite. Some call it “political correctness.” Others call it “Cultural Marxism.” But the labels don’t matter as long as one understands what is going on: the ruling elites are waging a cultural and racial war against Western values, Western civilization, and particularly Western man, i.e., the white man. In the name of the feel-good mantras of diversity and multiculturalism, all the values of traditional white civilization have been declared bad and everything opposed to them declared good. Every idea, attitude, and institution that protects the white race and promotes its continued existence is being destroyed, as a precondition for the physical destruction of the race itself. No arena of life is spared this agenda’s icy grip. Every movie, television show, news story, book, and sermon must advance it, under the watchful eye of an army of censors and snitches demanding unyielding fidelity to the agenda. No argument or evidence is allowed to challenge it.”

I think this is the first time I have come across the explicit term ‘as a precondition for the physical destruction of the race itself’  anywhere ever by anybody.

Read the complete article Hollywood Watch @



Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 04 May 2009 00:07 | #


You do yourself an injustice.  Not only I have been impressed by your contributions here.


As we progress into the great discussion we refine our terms.  That’s normal and necessary so we can inject our ideas into the mainstream in the most telling way.

I’m working away at getting Fred’s “race-replacement” meme a wider public.  Since I started I seen it pop up among the BNP website’s commentariat, from where it is now transferring to the nationals’ threads.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 04 May 2009 02:45 | #

Muslims are dangerous to Britain on a micro level but the real and lasting societal damage is caused at the macro level by Jews and and this is an inevitable consequence of their unappeasable hatred of Aryans.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 04 May 2009 06:43 | #

GW @ May 03, 2009, 11:07 PM

“I’m working away at getting Fred’s “race-replacement” meme a wider public.  Since I started I seen it pop up among the BNP website’s commentariat, from where it is now transferring to the nationals’ threads.”

Yes I noticed that for the first time (my eyebrows raised) yesterday, the Observer of all places.  By jove it’s working.  How long before the dreaded ‘E’ word?  I’m not savvy enough to figure where the likes of the Guardian (MSM) are going with all of this, perhaps, just perhaps, the useful idiots are getting a whiff of something that wasn’t even on their radar when they first set out with all of this.

Surely there has got to come an ‘Oh my God what have we done’ moment?


Posted by White Preservationist on Mon, 04 May 2009 18:05 | #

From the Race/History/Evolution Notes blog, a comment of mine on this post which contains some ideas about expanding ranks of the pro-White movement by tapping the growing pool of White ‘survivalists’ and White ‘primalists’:

White Preservationist said… May 4, 2009 5:50 PM

The crux of this issue is that the worldwide human population is now out-of-control - and settled agriculture allowed for this.

Agriculture and being settled in one location allowed for human populations to grow much larger than they could ever be under hunting-gathering, where smallish tribes of humans were constantly on the move looking for resources. During that time birth control/infanticide was routine to keep the population under control and low enough to be sustainable in the local environment they lived in (if they were a semi-settled group). If and when a hunting-gathering tribe grew too large to be sustainable/manageable (a sign of evolutionary success) it would often split or splinter to form a new group - this is how modern humans have so many different ethnic groups contained within the main racial groups.

In a broad evolutionary sense settled agriculture allowed humans to become a more successful species overall because of larger numbers…however, as you and others well point out, INDIVIDUAL humans under settled agriculture generally suffered from worsening health because of inadequate diets while at the same time the OVERALL human group or tribe (and worldwide humanity) was strengthened by sheer numbers, which slowly but surely caused the more settled and ostensibly more ‘advanced’ agricultural civilizations to eventually overcome the more ‘primitive’ and wandering hunter-gatherer cultures.

So it’s kind of a trade-off - as I said, most individual humans are generally a bit worse off under settled agriculture but the overall human group as a whole is larger and stronger (at least if you believe in the adage “strength in numbers”). Being in a settled agricultural civilization has the distinct advantage of allowing an intellectual class to eventually develop because of extra time for research and study due to the fact that people don’t have to spend all their time hunting, gathering, foraging, etc just to survive.

Sadly, there is no way to go back to hunting-gathering unless at least 2/3 of the current human population died off or otherwise disappeared.

However, we humans are smart and conscious enough to ‘re-enact’ the hunter-gatherer lifestyle - there are some people now doing exactly this…they often espouse so called ‘primal living’ and sometimes refer to themselves as ‘primalists’ or ‘primitivists’ (not related to the artistic movement). They only eat (or to try to only eat) the food which our ancient human ancestors ate…they exercise like our ancient human ancestors did (lots and lots of walking), and so forth.

I am learning about this movement and adopting some of the very healthy practices espoused by these ‘primalists’; I believe many of these practices should be adopted by as many people as possible worldwide because we are advanced and aware enough to live and prosper in a settled agricultural civilization as we do nowadays yet still act like pseudo-primal-hunter-gatherers as often as possible to derive the obvious health benefits from it.

In relation to the pro-White activist movement (White nationalism, White preservationism, etc) I believe that it would be wise to link up with these ‘primalists’ and become followers and exponents of these views, as many of these primalists are disaffected Whites who are frustrated and fed-up with the current Judeo-industrial system of hegemony and would likely be quite receptive to the pro-White message. Another similar group which pro-White activists should link up with are the so called ‘survivalists’ who are all about readiness and survival in the face of extreme adversity, widespread hardship, societal breakdown, etc. Similar to the primalists, the survivalists also tend to be vigilant Whites who are well-aware of the currently unstable, unsustainable, and very fragile systems in many countries and seek to reform it and/or cope with the bad circumstances which many believe will inevitably arise if we continue upon the current unsustainable and unstable course.


Posted by GenoType on Mon, 04 May 2009 21:37 | #

From the Race/History/Evolution Notes blog, a comment of mine on this post which contains some ideas about expanding ranks of the pro-White movement by tapping the growing pool of White ‘survivalists’ and White ‘primalists’

From CountryPlansdotCom:

Finding your “Best Place”

Outline of Steps:

1.  Find the area, region or landscape that most energizes you.
2.  Find a community within that area that combines feelings of stimulation and connectedness.
3.  Locate the right property in or near your chosen community.
4.  Get to know your chosen property and its immediate area.
5.  Develop a vision of what you want to do with this property.
6.  Buy the property for the right terms and price.
7.  Develop a long-term building plan for the house, landscaping and outbuildings.
8.  Build the first phase building and move onto your land.
9.  Develop and modify your homestead development plan and its self-supporting income base.

The Grandfather’s Cottage

A variation on the above called “The Volks Cottage.”

Less costly plans are also available at CountryPlansdotCom.  Some you’ll like, others you won’t.  The point is to begin the research.  Your children might thank you.

Home-made Windpower, here.


Posted by Slowly Learning on Tue, 05 May 2009 04:48 | #

White Preservationist and Genotype,
Thanks for those links, especially otherpower.com.  My family got a wake-up call about what’s going on and we are currently working to make our retreat as self-sustaining as possible.  Another good link here:


Lots of stuff about guns, but lots of good (for lack of a better term) “survivalist” stuff to dig through.  Definately some aware individuals there as well.


Posted by White Preservationist on Tue, 05 May 2009 07:15 | #

I just posted the following addendum to the above comment on Race/History/Evolution:

After posting this and thinking about it throughout the day I came to a simple conclusion that could mostly explain the Jewish problem as it currently exists.

Quite simply, as a nomadic/diasporic/wandering minority group, Jews remain pseudo-hunter-gatherers in a world of settled agricultural peoples. Perhaps this is why they face so much resentment and persecution wherever they go? They are still living a quasi-hunter-gatherer existence whilst most of the other groups around the world have long stopped wandering around and have settled down in to permanent agricultural societies.

This makes a lot of sense to me - Jews do in a sense remain ‘hunter-gatherers’ among the settled, agriculturally-based civilizations of the White West. This seems to me to be the main reason why Jews encounter so much resistance and are persecuted wherever they go…they continue to be primitive/barbaric hunter-gatherers in a world of settled agriculturalists.

A good quote echoes this: “The Jew is a savage, his psychology is ‘may the stink of your camp drive you onward’ - herders - having no care but to let their herds grouse and move on when the pasture is exhausted.” - Ezra Pound (11 May 1943)


Posted by danielj on Tue, 05 May 2009 10:52 | #

Is that you GT?

Where have you been? Where are you hanging out? In the real world?


Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 05 May 2009 12:49 | #


You do yourself an injustice.  Not only I have been impressed by your contributions here.

Thankee kindly.


Posted by GenoType on Wed, 06 May 2009 23:47 | #

Slowly Learning,

You’re welcome.

Interstate Renewable Energy Council

America Wind Energy Association

United States Annual Average Wind Power


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 10 May 2009 05:40 | #

Thanks to Holland’s and the E.U.‘s deliberate race-replacement policies, Dutchmen will become a minority in Amsterdam this year and in Rotterdam by 2012.


One way to tell this race-replacement is deliberate is the way those responsible for it keep pushing it even when these sorts of catastrophic demographic predictions are made public.  If this sort of demographic outcome weren’t precisely what was wanted, they’d say, “Uh-oh … we weren’t expecting this — we’d better stop now and reverse this while there’s still time.”  They don’t say that.  They hysterically call for even more of it (think any Jewish publication or organization — the Jew York Times for example, or Hollywood, etc.), and call for the imposition of even harsher legal penalties for questioning it. 

That’s not the behavior of someone who “made an honest mistake.”  It’s the behavior of someone who knew what he was doing and wants more of it.  They want race-replacement.  And they’re getting it..


Posted by Guest Lurker on Fri, 12 Mar 2010 08:40 | #

Any British subject who doesn’t vote the straight BNP ticket for everything from dog catcher to prime minister in the upcoming election is either profoundly mentally retarded, criminally insane and should be locked up in a padded cell and straitjacket and throw away the key, or has incurable moral leprosy and should be kept isolated as far away from normal, healthy people as possible, forever.

But what is the potential for vote rigging in Britain if normal people vote like they should?

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Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

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