From a conversation with J Richards As an addendum to the episode of JR’s “Scroob” post, which is now gone from the page, I am publishing the last two emails between JR and myself on the subject, plus JR’s response to criticisms he received in the thread. First, a reply to me from JR.
And here is my response to that.
Here is that comment from the thread by JR:-
Posted by J Richards on Tue, 05 May 2009 11:24 | # Guessedworker, The post wasn’t about the Scroob. The Scroob lent himself nicely into the important issues. Since the stated objections were related to the Scroob, the post will be back sans any references to the Scroob and modified in other ways. This new post will address how to address members of the tribe and what to watch out for. To all genuine nationalists or patriots out there, this is what I have to say. The problem of infiltration by the enemy is a very serious problem and the root cause of why nationalists/patriots have been loosing to the Jews. The infiltrators will establish rapport by heartily agreeing with many of our stances, but their goal is sabotage. These infiltrators are not friends. They will be relentless in their endeavors. They have too much at stake. If they blame the enemy for sundry crimes, it doesn’t make them one of our own. If they were really inimical toward the enemy, they’d jump at joy when the more serious crimes of the enemy are revealed, not chicken out or attempt to deflect attention away from these more serious crimes. If they were really inimical toward the enemy, then having spent much time researching the enemy, they would have come across the most serious crimes perpetrated by the enemy. You will note that accusations against me involve style, taste, wording issues. The critics never address the incriminating information presented about 9/11, 7/7, the Oklahoma bombing, etc., which is precisely what will bring the enemy down because non-Jews of all political orientations, including those that despise MR, can only be filled with a revulsion upon learning what the Jews have been up to. I’ll leave it to the reader to figure out what someone with the intention of sabotage is more likely to do: 1) writing in poor taste but including all the incriminating information, the most serious crimes of the enemy; or 2) writing in good taste but ignoring, denying or trying to prevent people from learning the truth about 9/11, 7/7, the Oklahoma bombing and Juba the sniper? 3
Posted by guest on Tue, 05 May 2009 11:41 | # So you’ll get rid of thought experimenta but not childish drawings of pigs or obscure riddles. The amount of rubbish on here is insulting considering what is happening to our people. Or would you like to explain to the long-suffering european race how the poetry crowd is going to bring them freedom? 4
Posted by GR on Tue, 05 May 2009 12:11 | # MR exists to examine all the issues pertaining to the fate of our people - not just one. Tell me again how Soren’s vain attempts to be obscure fit in there? Would take ten Scroobies, and five Silvers, in place of that nonsense. I liked that post, never liked Scrooby, but he certainly isn’t an “infiltrator”. He had a few soft corners, necessarily evaded the hypothetical question of what he’d do on the mythical day of the New Hepp-Hepp Riots, and if pushed to the wall, for real, he’d probably punk out; but as far as “discourse”, he was a good deal less controversial for WN orthodoxy than Silver. Everyone pays lip-service to the mythical Jew or mischlinge who suspends his jewishness for the good of “Aryans”. Well, Scrooby is as good as it gets in that direction. By throwing him overboard you throw out, once & for all, the myth of the selfless, “good” Jew. 5
Posted by GR on Tue, 05 May 2009 12:17 | # Or would you like to explain to the long-suffering european race how the poetry crowd is going to bring them freedom? But Soren is vatically inspired by the subject-w/out-limits! he’s the answer to Habermas! Blew on blew, into blew receeeeeediiiing. 6
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 05 May 2009 12:24 | # J. Richards,
This may be true but if the search for infiltrators gets over zealous it can cause just as many problems. Also I think a lot of supposed “crypto-jews” will actually be people who see themselves as being on or mostly on the same team as WNs but who know some WNs wouldn’t accept them as being on the same team for various reasons of ethnicity - so they’re more conflicted than crypto and that inner conflict may be what gets picked up sometimes when people are on the hunt for agent provocateurs. From the original post:
I’m not sure what “Nutzi” represents but assuming it means 100% racial purity types then… If we don’t win we’ll get wiped out - with or without an intervening jewish-inspired gulag phase, the way things currently stand we have a 100% certain chance of getting swamped into extinction by the third world immigration invasion. So if one alternative is certain extinction how bad does the second alternative have to be before they’re even? “The Nutzi” alternative would have be 100% certain also - anything less than 100% certainty would be an improvement and 100% certainty would be no worse. Even then, if it was me and there was a 100% certainty of “Nutzis” coming to get me after the victory I’d still want western civilisation to survive because it’s better. Lastly, if we win I personally don’t think the end game is likely to be taken to “one drop” levels because we know much more about genetics now and so many of us will have at least “one drop” from all sorts of sources. Personally I’d be content with a Japanese style 98% homogenous ethnicity explicitly stated and backed up by law but with room for flexibility in the 2%. 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 05 May 2009 12:39 | # Anyone who wants to recover a comment or a link, perhaps, entered on the original thread can mail me or JR. We both kept a record of the thread in its final form. 8
Posted by pasta on Tue, 05 May 2009 12:48 | # guest: “So you’ll get rid of thought experimenta but not childish drawings of pigs or obscure riddles. The amount of rubbish on here is insulting considering what is happening to our people.” I second that. J Richards’ post was just one example. Compare MR to and tell me which site looks more sane and respectable to the random visitor. About 9/11, 7/7, the 1995 Oklahoma bombing, Juba the sniper and how to go about half-breeds: these are hot issues indeed, but why can’t they be presented and discussed in good taste and without attacking one another? 9
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 05 May 2009 13:02 | #
I agree debate is better when it doesn’t revolve around ad hominem attacks - good taste is a lot more subjective though. 10
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Tue, 05 May 2009 13:50 | # I think that it’s a real possibility that Richards is an agent provocateur or mentally unhinged. I would personally can him. 11
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 05 May 2009 14:05 | # My upbringing regarding good manners doesn’t sit well with the idea of ad hominem attacks on regular commentators in an opening post. That single point is clouding my judgement over the meat of the issue so I’m not sure what I think. 12
Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 05 May 2009 14:56 | #
Judging by your behavior here, at VNNF, and other places, there is a far greater likelihood that the agent provocateur is you. I’m not the only one who thinks so and I’ve compiled evidence based on this suspicion. Alex Linder will also be hearing of it soon. 13
Posted by cladrastis on Tue, 05 May 2009 15:43 | # With all of the cryptos and agents scrambling around to sabotage lowly MR, you must be doing something right! Keep up the good work! 14
Posted by Red Mercury on Tue, 05 May 2009 17:41 | # Why do so many right-wing nationalist and WN organisations (or fora) fall prey to this sort of internal squabbling? It’s such a waste of time. So sad. That is why I look forward to the collapse, to the fighting in the streets. Perhaps such a scenario will help focus our mind on more pressing matters and in the process separate the true believers from the infiltrators who at that point will be forced to choose sides, put up or shut up. 15
Posted by Grubkur on Tue, 05 May 2009 17:50 | #
Actually Alex Jones is careful not to mention The Tribe. It is possible he is worried about getting assassinated if he were to ever mention them. Look what they just did to Jorg Haider. The bottom line: No way out but through the Jew!! 16
Posted by Grubkur on Tue, 05 May 2009 17:56 | #
Yes in Britain there will be fighting in the streets. For those of us in the Jew-nited State though it will be better to head out to Rural areas to survive. Dig in and prepare for negroes and mestizos to leave the cities looking for food. That is where the real action will be. Anyhow Blogs and other sites are still good for now to get the word out about the Jews. At one time Hitler was just a homeless painter but then someone stuck an anti-semitic pamphlet (I.E. Truth) into his hands and he was Converted. There are still Leaders to be converted to Our Cause out there! Name the Jew! 17
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 05 May 2009 18:07 | # I don’t think J Richards is a Jewish AP. A true Jewish AP wouldn’t positively reference Colin Laney’s critique of my theory of Jewish virulence, as did J Richards when challenging my response to his “thought experiment”. Laney’s critique is too much like appropriate argument with my theory—argument that would tend toward the conclusion that what I call the “group metabolic pathways of Jewish virulence” are not so easily separable from the Jewish people as a nation—that their virulence is more essential to their nature. While I don’t accept his historical compendium as compelling argument against my theory, I agree that his points need to be addressed in a cohesive explanation of the entire phenomenon. I don’t think a “Jewish conspiracy” would want this kind of analysis going on. 18
Posted by the Narrator... on Tue, 05 May 2009 19:25 | # I haven’t read all the threads so I guess I’ve missed some things. J. Richards initial article indicated that Fred has said he is part jewish. Or did I read that wrong? Did Fred respond? ... 19
Posted by n/a on Tue, 05 May 2009 19:34 | # J. Richards is not an “agent provocateur”. Nor is he unintelligent. He’s just highly susceptible to a certain brand of dumb conspiratorial thinking. 20
Posted by Eichmann der Jude Jäger on Tue, 05 May 2009 20:29 | # The OWN Party isn’t multi-cultural and doesn’t support multi-culturalism. They support assimilation to one overarching culture. If you are calling different races existing in one place [but under one culture], multiculturalism, you don’t understand the difference between a race and a culture. CULTURE RACE There are about ten definitions for race, which goes to show how utterly loose and Jewish the term is. Both terms “race” and “multiculturalism” are Jewish. With the above definitions in mind: Note that a White drug addict in a room with a sober White, and two Whites that like rock-n-roll and two Whites who like country and dress the part, is multi-culturalism. However, three White people, one Black man and one Japanese person who all listen to country music and like going to the rodeo, isn’t multi-culturalism. Do you understand the difference between a culture and race now? 21
Posted by a Finn on Tue, 05 May 2009 22:00 | # J. Richards, let me first start by saying that technically you are an intelligent man. It is just that your reasonableness is lacking. Richards: “The problem of infiltration by the enemy is a very serious problem and the root cause of why nationalists/patriots have been loosing ...” - No. The problem is our systems (Mainly capitalist/ liberal and leftist-liberal universal systems, that automatically compell the development toward open-border globalism); the way our people are socially integrated into the system, the state and to each other (The result is self destructive selfish individualists, who, if they are liberal /capitalist, conceal their class domination with liberalism and/or universal capitalist system uncoupled from political control); our weak social relations /our lack of communities; systematically distorted communication (both inside interest groups and between interest groups (self-deception and deception); distant status - solidarity to own ethnic group incompatibility; how our evolved instincts serve us badly in the cornucopian consumer society and in other aspects of modern western society (E.g. the competition to get and retain good spouses entices men to impress women with useless and harmful excessive consuming [women demand this and men currently generally don’t know alternative ways], that acceralates the open border globalisation); weak states that are dominated by the orders and necessities of global capitalism and leftist “elites”; ineffective and corrupted democracy (read: there is no real democracy); manufactured consent in democracy (E.g. Noam Chomsky, Why the Governed Submit? [1991] Propagandamodel [1988]); manufactured discontent in consumer society (See e.g. how bad the situation was already in the fifties in Usa, Vance Packard, The Hidden Persuaders [1957]); speculative securities market, that is uncoupled from anything real; ideologies as tools of power, self-deception and deception; negative externalities production and the tragedy of commons (e.g. altruism competition of the “elites” [Hardin, 1968, Ostrom 1990, Samuelson 1976]); internal colonisation of domination and the macro- and microphysics of power (Marx, Foucault, Habermas); rights that are given (or taken) and defined by the state, not natural rights that the state is forbidden to interfere; coalescence of power structures, like judicial, financial, government, local, state, etc; minority interest groups that are used against majority by the “elites” in Machiavellian fashion (Weaken the strongest group/ groups and strenghten the weakest groups to increase and secure your power [Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince]); etc. If we deduct from your writings the [borderline] pathological psychological elements (I am sorry that I have to say this, but I hope you appreciate a little bit my hopefully healing honesty), you are chasing endlessly and in vain small details, like fractional reserve banking. It is better to emancipate ourselves from all kinds of destructive dominations systematically. To be dominated by power means in the final analysis dependency on something and somebody. Thus the task ahead is independence; all that increases our independence from dominating structures. It will minimize the need to hunt “infiltraitors”/ infiltraitors, etc. We create alternative systems, communities and ideologies, and everybody’s actions and words can be easily checked against that background. There are networks of communities; if one dissolves or becomes corrupted, others continue their existence. Communities can choose with moderate latitude their criteria for members; some accept large variety of European ethnicities, others are single ethnicity communities, etc. We have no big secrets or secret aims. It is enough for us to govern our own lives, social integration, communities, economies and environments. I am not a nationalist or patriot. My loyalty is with those Finns and Europeans, who care about their ethnicity. State is individualising, anti-conservative and dominating structure of the “elites” and the system. The best the state can do in ideal situation is to produce suitable environment to Europeans. Guessedworker: “Those issues flow as four great dynamics, like four wheels on the tumbril taking us to the Place de la Révolution. On each wheelhub is painted a word: “Globality”, “Profit”, “Equality”, “Final Solution”. The motives of every individual labouring in the machine of our destruction is contained in those four words.” - I would put it this way: Globalism (it’s material manifestations), universalism (social constructs, includes e.g. equal rights before the law and equality in exchange of goods), power, profit, utopia (final imagined and impossible state of things). I recommend these books in this order to give the necessary basic information. Neutralize in your mind all the leftism, political correctness, anti-ethnicity, liberalism etc. in them and but preserve useful information (Books like Psychiatric Power are relevant, because their topic is power in it’s many manifestations): 22
Posted by Red Mercury on Tue, 05 May 2009 22:43 | # We on the other hand have a much more limited manifesto, and prefer things to be straightforward. Hence there is typically a lack of things to talk about, and the endless/mindless talk about Jews and childish fantasy about billions dying etc. bubbles up to fill the space. Quality output on a regular basis, once the really interesting ideas have been covered at a given forum or blog, is undoubtedly a hard thing to maintain; it would probably need to be someone’s full-time job. Agreed, I suspect all this intelligence and energy on display at sites such as MR could be put to better use in practical politics, forming parties, running organisations, etc. The BNP, CCC, American National Party (ANP), Youth for Western Civilization (YWC), are groups that come to mind. This is probably where WNs should focus our efforts. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 06 May 2009 00:29 | #
This whole thing about my ancestry started years ago when John Jay Ray, an academic who used to blog here, thought to taunt me one day for my “racism” or my “bigotry” or my “anti-Semitism” or whatever it was, by asking what I would do if I “encountered someone who was half-Jewish, blah-blah-blah, …,” and I shot back, “You mean someone like me?” If I had it to do over again I DEFINITELY wouldn’t divulge that I have some Jewish ancestry: I never would’ve DREAMED it would make such a difference in so many people’s minds in this milieu we frequent here. I remember at Dienekes’ site I think it was, Jason Molloy once told me that it would. I didn’t believe him. BOY WAS HE RIGHT! How right he was absolutely amazes me! Narrator, yes, I have some Jewish ancestry at the grandparent level. Neither of my parents was Jewish. My father was Catholic. I’m not Jewish. (At present I’m a Catholic Sedevacantist but I may be forced to abandon Christianity altogether if it turns out that being a Christian makes people need to have genius-level intelligence to reject being turned by the Jews into a Negro the way using Roman numerals made people need to have genius-level intelligence to do long division. Roman numerals got replaced for that and so may Christianity.) While I have some Jewish blood, my “percentage” of “being Jewish” is zero. Zero. I don’t disdain the Jews. If I were one, that would be perfectly fine with me. I just don’t happen to be one. I’m no more Jewish than you are, Narrator. I happen to like Jews because I grew up in a largely Jewish world. But I’m not one. (I like Jews but I hate the bad that lots of Jews do and I hate the Jews who do it.) Look at James Bowery’s comment, a few above, explaining why Colin Laney’s comments show he isn’t an agent provocateur. Anyone familiar with my commentary can use analagous reasoning to conclude I’m no more an agent provovateur than Colin Laney. No one can point to anything I’ve ever posted that suggests I’m anything other than what I appear. This is the last time I’m going to deny that I’m Jewish. I’m going to start insisting I’m Jewish, which will make all the same people insist I’m not Jewish. That’s the smart way to do it, instead of beating my head against a wall talking to the deaf. Why didn’t I think of this before???? 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 06 May 2009 00:37 | # Sorry, Narrator, I got a little carried away there — you were only asking a simple question. I guess I was responding more to certain others than to you — pardon me. 25
Posted by q on Wed, 06 May 2009 00:54 | #
Hah! Maybe we ALL should insist (or claim) we are Jewish. That way “they” couldn’t accuse us of being anti-Semitic? 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 06 May 2009 01:11 | # One more thing (this is not addressed to The Narrator): those who are aware of the Jewish problem don’t ipso facto constitute a “hate the Jews club.” They’re just aware there’s a problem and want it solved. They hate lots of individual Jews (Johan Hari, to take one no-brainer of an example) but they don’t “hate the Jews.” I once got IP-banned-for-life from a forum for three reasons, two of which were my saying I liked Poles and Jews. As I tried to understand why that got me I-P banned it dawned on me that lots of the people there took that forum for a sort of “hate the Jews, hate the Poles” club. By saying I liked both, I was in effect saying I didn’t fit in with their club. It’s like, let’s say, a cigar-smoking club that people join in order to smoke cigars: if you don’t smoke, why are you there? “If you don’t hate Jews, and if you don’t hate Poles, why are you here? This is a hate-the-Jews, hate-the-Poles club.” 27
Posted by a Finn on Wed, 06 May 2009 01:12 | # Here are two additions to the small library in the previous post. I would place the first before Legitimation Crisis and the second after The Birth of Biopolitics: Ps. There never was more useless and counterproductive hobby than harassing Fred about his small fraction of Jewish ancestry. If somebody wants communities where there can’t be fractionally Jewish ancestry persons or, say Finns, that is perfectly alright. Create them. Everybody will have a suitable community. 28
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 06 May 2009 01:21 | # James, I don’t really think J.Richards is an AP either, but I thought it only fair to mention the possibility…just as a thought experiment. 29
Posted by a Finn on Wed, 06 May 2009 01:36 | # To make previous post’s point clear; If somebody says politely that he wants to create, say, Italian community, where there can’t be Finns, that is alright. But if somebody proclaims that Finns are not Europeans and harassess Finns, Ill grab my guns. 30
Posted by Fred the Cultural/Ancestral Half-Jew on Wed, 06 May 2009 03:02 | # Fred Scrooby likes to maintain the fiction the Jewishness disappeared between the grandparent and parent generation, but the blood speaks to us on a regular basis. It’s always a defense of part-Jew Hitchens, of Zionism/Israel, JTF, orthodox Jews, of Auster, w/e. He’s about as pro-Jewish as he is pro-European. That’s why it’s relevant. He’s a cultural half-Jew as well as an ancestral half-Jew. 31
Posted by Grubkur on Wed, 06 May 2009 03:24 | #
Generally speaking Rightist types are more prone to Conspiracist-type thinking. Thus inserting false conspiraies (‘he’s a Fed, he’s a Jews, etc.,’) to create dissension is pretty easy for COINTELPRO-types attempting to bust up any Unity. Now certainly Lefty types are capable of this type of Conspiracist thinking (One can look at Marshall Stalins Paranoia over The Doctors Plot ) but this sort of thing is more rare on the ‘other side’. The best bet is to just stay focused on the Jews and keep going, like a Mac Truck heading for a concrete wall that will eventually smash its way to the other side! no way out but through the Jew! 32
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 06 May 2009 03:46 | #
Since when? There is no way Fred falls into the Hitchens (Peter, Chris or both?), Auster bracket. 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 06 May 2009 04:03 | # I was going to respond to the guy signing as “Fred the cultural/ancestral half-Jew,” I had most of a response typed, but it’s better not to feed the troll. 34
Posted by a Finn on Wed, 06 May 2009 04:17 | # Opportunistic trolls will naturally pop up now and they will try to use this issue also later. 35
Posted by Grubkur on Wed, 06 May 2009 04:23 | #
Why stop at converting Euros??? To make the Enviroment as inhospitable as possible for Jews one must work to Convert others as well: Direct Negroes to Farrakhan Direct liberal Whites to David Icke (Reptilians = Direct Mestizos to La Voz de Aztlan (contains Spanish version of The Protocols! ) A United Anti-Semitic Front is a worthwhile goal and one must bear in mind that Commander Rockwell worked with Black Muslims as well (a good example to follow) 37
Posted by TinFoilHat on Wed, 06 May 2009 05:18 | #
I have no idea who you are but don’t forget to call the FBI. (Can you share your evidence with us, nobody?) -FB 39
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 06 May 2009 08:14 | # Wandrin, You really think a lot of supposed crypto-Jews are people ‘who see themselves as being on or mostly on the same team as WNs but who know some WNs wouldn’t accept them as being on the same team for various reasons of ethnicity’? The dilemma I gave the Scroob was about ancestry. I agree that in this case part-Jews will attempt to hide their ancestry. But the dilemma was simply a lead-in to behavioral issues. If these part-Jews are on our side, they won’t try to mislead us about the behaviors of the Jewish community. I translated ‘Nutzis’ to Nordic Nazi nuts, an idiosyncratic definition.
This is, what I was trying to say to Guessedworker, the attitude of a nationalist. A nationalist orientation, being about community welfare, demands some willingness to sacrifice oneself. I agree that there won’t be a one-drop rule movement because too few people are ancestry nuts. If the non-European element in European societies were less than 5% and couldn’t get higher by law, few Europeans would have a problem. 40
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 06 May 2009 08:28 | # Pasta, is certainly more respectable, but it’s also useless. What ultimately matters is usefulness. Jobling’s task is to protect Jews. In the end, nothing good for white communities can come out of it. As cladrastic said, cryptos and agent provocateurs wouldn’t be frequenting MR if MR weren’t going in the right direction. Jews view MR as a Darwinian/scientific ‘anti-Semitic’ website. The ‘scientific’ part gives them nightmares. When it comes to attacking each other, why would one do so? Differences in viewpoints could be one reason. Calls for reasoned debate are appropriate here. But an infiltrator, as inferred by behavior, needs to be exposed, and this can’t be done in a calm manner because other infiltrators will come to his rescue and create a ruckus. Additionally, some people are just not wary enough, and some are unfamiliar with the seriousness of the infiltration problem and don’t even consider the possibility for starters. Infiltrators can’t be exposed without the exposure being seen as an attack by some. ——— Red Mercury wonders ‘Why do so many right-wing nationalist and WN organisations (or fora) fall prey to this sort of internal squabbling?’ and looks forward to fighting in the streets! Internal squabbling is less destructive and non-deadly, and also inevitable because of infiltrators. One must make all efforts to prevent physical violence. I won’t shy away from violence if necessary, but it must be prevented as far as possible. While you’ll be fighting in the streets, Jews will be busy using the cover to eliminate the opposition. Different non-Jewish races will suffer a heavy toll and in the end forced to bow down to their Jewish masters. 41
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 06 May 2009 08:33 | # What happened to Friedrich Braun and The Civic Platform?
I don’t mind this statement, but in the removed thread, Friedrich Braun left a comment (see gist below) that simply couldn’t have come from the Friedrich Braun I knew. Gudmund has noted Friedrich Braun’s oddities, too, and so have others. The Friedrich Braun that I knew wouldn’t change his mind to the following, let alone within the span of a few months:
And the original Friedrich wouldn’t interpret my entry as targeting the Scroob. The Scroob is irrelevant, but in evading the question, the Scroob brought in many important issues that need to be discussed at length, which is what the entry was about. Friedrich’s posts came from a computer in the same city where Friedrich’s comments before he shut down his civic platform website came from. So there’s a possibility that this is physically the same Friedrich Braun as before, and if so, then it’s time for MR readers to know what happened to the original Friedrich Braun and his website. Friedrich came up with a bullshit reason why he shut down his site: the need for protecting the I.P. address records of site visitors/commentators or of not logging them in the first place. His site was hosted by Dreamhost, which has been known to protect free speech, including anti-Jewish speech. Dreamhost has stood up to Jewish harassment to shut down this site: The only people who would have access to the I.P. records would be Friedrich and Dreamhost staff. The authorities wouldn’t have access to it and they would have no basis for having Dreamhost hand it to them. Friedrich could have modified wordpress code to prevent it from logging I.P.s. I’d say the odds are low that a sayan at Dreamhost provided Friedrich’s details to the authorities but one of the various nationalist forums Friedrich was commenting on that are run by Jews probably outed him and now the authorities have him. So here is what I have to say to Friedrich Braun. Tell your Jewish handlers, on my behalf, that they’re going down and nothing they do will help them. And also tell them that you have strict instructions not to post your ideas, that I pointed out above, at MR again or you will be banned. 42
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 06 May 2009 08:47 | # Søren Renner,
You responded to my bringing up 9/11, 7/7, the 1995 Oklahoma bombing and Juba the sniper. Your characterization is very untrue, and the explanation requires some background. Agents of the Jews employ many tricks. One trick is to mix good information with nonsense. The nonsense will tarnish the good information and make it appear suspect or nonsensical. This trick is employed by Jeff Rense and some others. Rense mixes good information on 9/11, 7/7 with nonsense on UFOs, aliens, etc (see what Rense and those like him are up to: ). This is a major reason why people tend to dismiss conspiracy theories without examination. Another trick is to bash niggers, faggots, beaners, kikes, spics, spooks, slants, mud races, dot heads, rag heads, etc. You also include some good insider information. You thus prove yourself to be a straight white male who pulls no punches, has some good knowledge of what’s going on, is clearly fed up, and is on a quest to take back his country. Then you motivate your followers to donate to you and you offer them uncensored websites/web hosting. But to use the web hosting one has to prove that one is white by showing a valid photo ID. All along you happen to be collecting information on your supporters/subscribers/those commenting at your sites and passing them on to your Jewish bosses. This is what Hal Turner was doing, but he was caught and exposed. Hal Turner abruptly cancelled his show and said that he has decided to quit for good. But as has been the case with some others like him, he was called back from retirement by his Jewish bosses and now Hal is using blogger as his medium and sometimes airing shows. Jews have been forced to un-retire some of their agents because they have no choice. Yet another trick has been termed ‘To get away with crimes, pretend to be a crime fighter.’ These phony truth seekers/crime fighters reveal some insider information to establish rapport. Then they pass the blame onto anything but the criminals responsible. This is the trick employed by Alex Jones, another agent of the Jews; see: (Hufschmid has archived clips of Alex Jones making statements such as ‘the Zionists are subservient to the English Queen,’ Arabs control Hollywood, etc.). Note how it all fits together Søren. Rense does his best to have people dismiss 9/11 conspiracies as nonsense. But should some people end up buying into the 9/11 conspiracies, Alex Jones will be directing them to blame the ‘military-industrial’ complex. And should some people figure out that Jews did it, they’ll be discussing it and what to do about the Jewish problem at websites like those run by Hal Turner, and Turner will be passing on their details to his Jewish bosses. I’m not familiar with the writings of David Icke except that he refers to shape-shifting reptiles that control the world, presumably a reference to Jews. Søren, you must make an effort to understand the situation Jews are in. They are up to the hilt in criminal offending; they must commit more crimes to prevent their crime network from unraveling, but committing some of these crimes may facilitate the destruction of their crime network if sufficient people say enough is enough. Jews will resort to everything they can to prevent the truth about 9/11 and other things I mentioned getting out. You simply have to make an effort to acquaint yourself with these matters and you’ll see why the truth on these matters will be deadly to the Jewish crime network. You must realize that people like Jeff Rense and Alex Jones aren’t doing it because of some inner compulsion or because they need money or are spreading nonsense for the sake of spreading nonsense. They are protecting the Jewish crime network. These men don’t just watch the news and confabulate. They are paid by the Jewish crime network to do their job. I’ll be providing you some good references. If I’m wrong then you’ll waste a few hours going through the evidence. If I’m right you’ll immediately know they are going down if enough people learn the truth. 43
Posted by pasta on Wed, 06 May 2009 10:35 | #
I agree with this, of course. But that doesn’t mean that MR couldn’t learn from to do a much better job at presenting our case to the not-already-converted, does it? At, one can see immediately what the site is about.*) At MR, many entries are so cryptic or inane that even people well acquainted with White nationalism have a hard time figuring out what they are supposed to communicate and what they got to do with our people’s rights. The pig and the riddle would fit in a chatroom but for a blog about the most serious subject imaginable they are exemplary as highly inappriopriate content. And that doesn’t mean that I have anything against Søren Renner. *) shows appetizers of many different entries at the front page for the visitor to see at once. This is much more suitable for new visitors who need to be educated about the subject. At MR, you see only the topmost entry which may or may not have anything to do with White people’s interests, depending on the time of the day.
I agree with the ideological direction of MR, but I find it poorly presented and I am not aware of many cryptos and agent provocateurs frequenting this site.
Before I can recognize somebody as an infiltrator, I first need to understand that the information he spreads is wrong or harmful to our cause and that he knows or might know that it is wrong or harmful and spreads it anyway. I had already heard of Fred Scrooby’s partial Jewish ancestry long ago, but his comments didn’t seem wrong or harmful to me, although I must admit I have not been following his comments for a longer time (>1 months) now. I am glad to see that you are very dedicated to educate and warn us, but could you convince us about your viewpoint on the contented issues first? Then we’ll see if Fred Scrooby disagrees and what arguments he uses. You said before, in a comment:
I strongly agree with this, certainly insofar as reproduction is concerned. We fight for the existence of our people and that implies to fight for the purity of our blood, too. Nobody unfit to contribute to this goal has any business in reproducing his genes within our gene pool. At the same time I think that we should welcome as friends other people contributing to our cause and not reject or exclude them except in matters concerning reproduction. 44
Posted by Grubkur on Wed, 06 May 2009 10:55 | #
As well it should! Alot of jewish blood, sweat, and tears have gone into tearing down jewish quotas and entering themselves into the Ivory Tower halls of Academia and then subverting Science to their own ends. (Also their intense hyper-ethnocentrism helps them in this ‘adventure’) Assuredly one knows the score: The Boases and Jay Goulds of the World. Now all of that is being threatened to come crashing down due to the MacDonalds and Rushtons out there (who it is important to point out, are getting their views out on the Internet! a very important part of this development!) The house of cards the jews have created could come crashing down at literally any minute now!! YES!
Hal Turner Outed. A good rule of thumb is anyone inciting one to violence is most likely an AP. (and there have been numerous times Turner has done this). However if someone tells you to stock up and get ready for the Future then chances are that individual is on the up and up and just wants you to survive the coming Storm. And it is coming!!! 45
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 06 May 2009 13:17 | # Finn, Let’s see where I’m lacking in reasonableness. When I talked about the infiltration problem, I had nationalist/patriotic groups in mind. The major problem you are focusing on is at the societal level. And it’s interesting to see leftist-derived terminology/concepts and book references in support of your contentions. You mentioned three elements behind our malaise: capitalist, liberal and leftist systems. Capitalism Capitalism is people possessing their wealth and owning the means of production. This is the ideal system. The role of an elected government should be to issue fiat currency of no intrinsic worth that serves to facilitate the exchange of goods and services among its citizens. The moment a government or any small entity acquires control of a nation’s wealth/resources, the possibility of corrupt individuals helping themselves to this loot and abusing the power arises. Blaming capitalism is ridiculous. Liberalism Liberalism is simply greater openness to change, as opposed to sticking to the tried and tested (conservatism). Change can be good or bad and hence nothing about liberal attitudes is inherently wrong or problematic. Leftism The culprit? So is a capitalist-liberal-leftist system the culprit? No. And there’s nothing about a capitalist-liberal-leftist system that leads toward open-border globalism. So what’s responsible for the problems? I’ll being going after the bull’s eye. The details are abundant and a lot is left out, but what matters is the big picture. Czarist Russia Let’s start with Czarist Russia. The Jews (basically Jewish central bankers) want to establish a central bank in Russia so that they can control the money supply. Russian Royalty refuses. The Jews work toward promoting socialism, feeding into the masses that their elite are the oppressors, and must be overthrown. They try to have Russia destroyed (failed Bolshevist revolution, World War I), but it doesn’t succeed. But soon, the Bolshevist Revolution is successful. Russian royalty is slaughtered. The Jews now have control. They loot Russian wealth and slaughter tens of millions in Russia and the Ukraine. They need to acquire control elsewhere. Cultural Marxism Whereas their socialist/Marxist ideas initially concentrated on economics, now Jews have a need to translate these ideas to cultural issues. The basic idea would be the same, the elite are responsible for the culture that socially conditions the masses into an oppressive stupor, otherwise known as the basic tenet of structuralist Marxism. The logical conclusion would be to destroy this culture. Social Structures Fractional Reserve Banking Now let’s briefly shift to fractional reserve banking, and I’ll come back and tie things together. You seem to think this is small detail. Let’s see. Banks are lending between $8 to $12 for every dollar they possess, at interest, creating most money out of nothing. How can borrowers pay back their debts? Most can’t because there’s no money to pay back the debts. When borrowers default, bankers acquire their assets for pennies on the dollar. And bankers are always earning interest on money they created out of thin air. Over time, wealth gets concentrated among the bankers. With this wealth the bankers buy politicians and the media. With enough of the media in their control, they don’t even need to buy politicians; they put their puppets in the right place. So power also gets concentrated among the bankers. The top international bankers are Jews and they want total domination, i.e., a situation where just about all people can contribute to economic activity such as buying a car or house only on the basis of their credit score and only through borrowing money, and there’s no free speech to protest against this unjust system. Fractional Reserve Banking has nothing to do with capitalism The first thing to note about fractional reserve banking is that it has nothing to do with capitalism. It’s greed in its purest form that cares naught for any humane considerations. If you have net financial assets, then your wealth is in the form of a house (mortgage paid off), vehicles (loans paid off), bank deposits and investments. The only part of your wealth that you own in this case is the house and vehicles. Your bank deposits and investments can be destroyed at the international bankers’ whim. So is the system really capitalist? It’s only partly capitalist. Note that the ‘capitalist American economy’ has gone through many boom-bust cycles, and economic devastation has plagued socialist societies also. The common denominator is control over the issue of money by international bankers and these bankers creating most money out of nothing and as debt that needs to be paid to them. Creating money out of nothing is not a problem. A government that creates money out of nothing as a public service is the ideal system, but bankers creating money as debt is a serious problem. Blaming capitalism for economic woes is ridiculous. The blame rests with Jewish scamming. Socialism Now let’s go back to the other systems. Note that socialist/communist ideologies will tend to blame the rich elite for problems that matter, including economic woes. If the rich elite have private wealth, then socialist ideologies will pin the blame on capitalism. But socialism has been most extensively promoted by the big international bankers. Is this ironic? Revisit the major initial problem, namely the rich Russian royalty refusing to let Jews establish a central bank in Russia. The rich elite had to be blamed here, and they had to be overthrown and their wealth distributed to the masses according to socialist theory, which never occured in practice because the Jewish bankers simply wanted this wealth for themselves. A problem for the Jews Now there’s one problem for the Jewish bankers and Jews in general. They are vastly outnumbered by non-Jews, and many Jews must reside among non-Jews in order to scam non-Jews. There’s the possibility that non-Jews will wise up to Jewish machinations and expel the Jews. Jews must therefore find ways to weaken non-Jews. This weakening will require numerous changes that the big international bankers will fund. Enter liberalism Now enter liberal attitudes. Liberalism is about being open to change. Jews will go about promoting liberal attitudes. They will seek non-Jewish allies with a liberal orientation such that they are mostly ignorant of the ulterior purposes, and promote them among government and institutions of higher learning. And what changes will Jews promote? Some examples:
Enter leftism Also enter leftist orientation, which is about using laws to makes people conform to desired behaviors. Jews will promote the notion of using laws to make people conform, and seek allies among non-Jews with a leftist orientation such that these allies are ignorant of the ulterior motives. These allies will be promoted in the government, think tanks and institutions of higher learning. Jews will seek to make laws that ensure that their desired changes – intended to weaken non-Jews – are maintained. A classic example is undermining free speech under the guise of protecting minorities from ‘hate crimes.’ Recapitulation Now let’s recapitulate. Capitalism isn’t the culprit, period. Liberal attitudes aren’t the culprit, but the Jewish version of liberalism is. This liberalism isn’t greater openness to change per se, but changes intended to weaken non-Jews. Strictly speaking, it shouldn’t be described as liberalism because this is a grave injustice to a term that refers to a philosophical outlook that has a favorable view of a variety of changes. Non-Jews that subscribe to this version of liberalism are ignorant of the ulterior motives. Neither is leftism the culprit. The problem’s the Jewish version of leftism, which seeks to consolidate laws that ensure that the weakening of non-Jews continues to the point that non-Jews won’t be a threat to Jews. I hope you realize the folly of your ideas, which you partly derived from socialist literature and partly from other sources. I can give you more accessible sources than the books you’ve cited, and the information is verifiable (I still have to compile a considerable amount of scholarly information). Further readings You should start with the history of the money masters: (This is an excellent introduction to how the bankers have been consolidating wealth and power) Note the solution to money troubles: (ending fractional reserve banking, retiring the national debt and nationalizing the money supply, which isn’t the same as the nationalization of banks that socialist ideas promote, something undesirable). Search for writings on political orientation by John Ray (many at MR). Solutions? The issue is what to do about the problems? The monetary reform act is a long shot presently, but there are a lot of things that we can do to undermine the Jewish crime network: (will be expanded) I’ll be concentrating on exposing the big issues: 9/11, 7/7, Holohoax, Juba the sniper, 1995 Oklahoma bombing, World Wars, banking. This is what will bring down the Jews’ crime network in a hurry if widely known. At some point I’ll be writing on preventing people from misdirecting their animus toward liberalism or leftism, which, as noted, aren’t problems by themselves. You think I lack reasonableness? Your bogeymen such as ‘capitalist/ liberal and leftist-liberal universal systems’ will get us nowhere. I have no pathological psychological elements, at least none that you could make a case for since all the conspiracies I’m promoting can be verified as true. 46
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 06 May 2009 17:16 | # J Richards, I never had a problem with Friedrich Braun when he ran the Civic Platform. But since then he has become increasingly arrogant and erratic. The problem did indeed come in recent months thanks to increasingly strange behavior. Not long after the Platform was shut down he was posting at VNNF about possible alliances with Muslims, including perhaps militant groups. He also put up a post about how the Allied victory led to the death of the West. Standard issue stuff, right? Except that perhaps he was trying to get WN to do something stupid with the whole Muslims thing. Just last week he was stridently promoting Nordicism over at VNNF against a poster called ‘psychologicalshock’. His behavior over at that forum in general has been increasingly belligerent in general, see for yourself. Will Nordicism jibe well with his hypothetical jewish allies? Is he again trying to promote bad behavior in whites? And if so, what conclusions should we take from that? Now, he’s changed his tune dramatically and urged for a moderate approach and alliances with jews. He used to quote the Goebbels phrase: “Opposing the jews is a matter of hygiene.” Now he’s just up and changed to the opposite view, after years of NS hobbyism? It doesn’t add up. FB was a committed anti-Semite and harbored a burning resentment of the jews, and then all of a sudden he’s willing to drop it? That isn’t pragmatism, it’s utterly irrational. Although I’m not convinced of your theory that Duke is malicious, if you are correct about it then Braun’s association with and defense of Duke would fit into that puzzle. There will be more to come as the story unfolds. In any case, I came to the conclusion that this one is to be avoided as an extremely malicious operative. 47
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 06 May 2009 17:37 | # Admins, I’ve not always been the gentleman here myself, and I would gladly leave this site if GW decided to moderate it more carefully as I err on the side of prickly, hot-tempered behavior that can be off-putting. I would do so because my own contributions, if they detract by virtue of their sometimes venomous tone from this site, could easily be sacrificed for the greater good that is this site’s contribution to white racial-nationalism. But GW has not showed interest in moderating his site more closely and this has stuck him with much criticism and fallout such as the departure of JW Holliday. Perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate things? As I said, to ensure MR a better and wider audience I am more than willing to become a sidelined reader rather than commenter if that is better for the site. Perhaps the present is one of the best times to get out our message and it will take better “hygiene of association”, as one commenter put it, to really expand. Wouldn’t that be worth the price? The reason I bring this up is because people have complained a bunch lately about the overall decline in quality of contributions, and our committed readers don’t want to see this site disappear. Just some questions and suggestions - it’s never too late to change. 48
Posted by Happy Cracker on Wed, 06 May 2009 17:54 | # J Richards - Who gives a fuck about Scrooby? Occasionally he offers some insight. What I see is GW providing a forum that is 99% free from the problems of infiltration You are going on and causing trouble trying to achieve the last 0.9%. What have you latched onto? A man who has some jewish ancestry in his grandparents. It brings us no real increased utility. Talking about Fred’s pedigree or his intellectual loyalty to our cause And contrary to your statement that this isn’t about “Scrooby-Doo”, it most definitely is. Your whole original post was aimed at him - if you were attempting to make a larger point about infiltration, Fred was a bad choice of example because he is not characteristic of some wider trend. He’s just an individual guy, very idiosyncratic. Lawrence Auster and Jobling’s Friends are really far better examples to use. Furthermore, the way you went about articulating what you had to say was so inflammatory, so ad hominem and with such a witch-hunt style, that it was guaranteed to generate nothing but forum drama and “virtual prosecution”. If you couldn’t foresee this outcome, your mental models of human behavior must not have great predictive power. There was no other way this could have played out. You excusing your actions - yes calling someone out in a public forum is an action - as a thought experiment is as ingenuine as your statement that “The post wasn’t about the Scroob”. 49
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 06 May 2009 18:14 | #
In general, Fred knows better about the behavior and tactics of jews and can articulate them better than most anyone else on this forum. He also debates them well by keeping his head and usually they’re the ones who go nuts hence proving his points. Because of his stone-headed persistence in naming the jew, newcomers are never spared hearing his points and must consider them (I had a similar experience last fall when I joined). These things are net positives for us. 50
Posted by Red Mercury on Wed, 06 May 2009 18:40 | # If Scrooby is a Jewish AP (and I find the idea bizarre), then he isn’t doing a very good job of it. When he used to post over at Auster’s site several years ago (2000-2001), his comments helped my thinking progress from Paleoconservatism to WNism. His insights have continued to be particularly effective in that regard. Since then I have referred 4 or 5 WN friends to MR, all of whom have become “true believers” so to speak. As HC says, Auster and Jobling are more desrving of suspicion. But is uncovering Jewish APs really a worthwhile game? I just don’t understand why Jewish APs would spend time infiltrating MR. It’s not a membership organisation with any political influence or coffer of funds as far as I know. It’s an invaluable forum in which to air ideas and to bitch and moan, sure, but the real work for WNs still exists out in the real world. I think we should just get on with the work that needs to be done. In time events will reveal who is on side and who is not. Apologies for the personal anecdotes. 51
Posted by Dasein on Wed, 06 May 2009 21:40 | #
exPF’s post’s picture of Robespierre comes to mind. If someone has a dumb idea, why not just treat it as such? n/a’s comment was accurate. JR is bright, but susceptible to confirmation bias. JR, you should apply more of that skeptical thinking that you used on Diamed to such great effect. How good is your evidence that Alfred Rosenberg and Dwight Eisenhower were Jewish? I also left a comment on your Duke post. With regards to Fred, he is one of my favourite posters. 52
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 06 May 2009 23:45 | # Gudmund, I am not contemplating any changes in the openness of debate here. Nothing is going to change. 54
Posted by Scooby Dooby Doo on Thu, 07 May 2009 02:07 | #
Fred’s repetitious points indicate obsession. Obsession drives sane people away. Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, and so forth. Do you want a “name the Jew” website? Here you go. Fuck the Jews. I’m White. An intelligent radical critique of Jewry and its Goy sycophants needn’t be repetitious to the point of obsession. 55
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 07 May 2009 02:28 | # The guy who posted the above 1) posted it very simply because he’s too nitwitted to be able to see the role played by the Jews at all — he simply doesn’t see it (has what’s known in the medical world as goy-bovine-brain), NOT because he has a sound basis for considering it overstated by me, and 2) is so dishonest and/or insecure he can’t get himself to sign his comments with the same pen name every time — the guy uses a different pen name literally every time he posts. How about growing a brain and signing with the same pen name every time? 56
Posted by Grubkur on Thu, 07 May 2009 02:31 | #
As one who has been a lurker on the ‘net for awhile and wishes to play Devils Advocate it should be noted that perhaps FB is changing his positions because he is no longer under as much influence from another net-nazi known as ‘Dr. Brandt’. Perhaps more of FBs own authentic opinions are asserting themselves after having been under the pull of an Authentic National Socialist (Dr. Brandt is reputed to be a volunteer for the NPD and is a ‘Right Chap’ to use an English-ism) Anyhow I am just throwing out a possibility.
Jews are obviously very frightened of their sinister machinations coming to light… in any forum! This is how obsessive these beings known as Jews are! They really are a paranoid Alien Race that are very strange and different from the Occidental Mind-set. The Jews are ssooo close to Victory that they do not want ANY thing getting in the way this time and Jews are horrified at the potential of the Internet and having Aryans communicate amongst themselves. They have even declared Blogging in general to be ‘Dangerously White’!!! The Jews almost had it with Marxism, until the fat peasant Stalin turned on them (WHAT IS BEHIND THE HANGING OF THE ELEVEN JEWS IN PRAGUE ? ) This time the Jews are not going to let anything slip through their hands again and that means even keeping tabs on sites like MR!!!!! 57
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 07 May 2009 02:39 | #
Yeah, the sane are all stampeding over to Ian “No-Talk-of-Jews.-Just-Right!” Jobling’s place. (That’s why Ian’s at a million-two-hundred-thousand on the Alexa ratings.) Go over there, it’s just your cup of tea (hope you don’t mind being the sole human logged onto a blog but try it, it’s a novel experience and the BEST part is, NO ONE MENTIONS THE JEWS!). 58
Posted by Scooby Dooby Doo on Thu, 07 May 2009 03:00 | #
My, two responses in 11 minutes! Are your narcissistic buns hurting, Fred? Repetition is for retards. Obsession drives sane people away. An intelligent radical critique of Jewry and its Goy sycophants needn’t be obsessively repetitious. (Didn’t I write that once before?) Not at MR. 59
Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 07 May 2009 03:47 | # There are some very intelligent posters at VNN. Maybe they’ve declined in quality but calling all of them retards is just asinine. Alex Linder is still one of the most articulate and intelligent pro-whites even if he hasn’t made the best choices of association over the years. I can think of several high-IQ posters there, and they also post news stories that are buried by the jewsmedia. As for the scenesters, you can always ignore them. 60
Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 07 May 2009 03:54 | #
Thank you Grubkur, I’ve made the point in the past that Stalin was neither jewish nor was he a particular philosemite. His ascension to power in Russia led to some diminution of jewish power and influence in Russia as well as a strong resurgence of Russian nationalism post-WWII. In any case the jews have ramped up their culture war to heights not before seen in my lifetime. So yes they will target sites like these. But will they succeed? It seems like every day there are new “converts” to our way of thinking. The jewish tendency to overreach may sabotage them yet. 61
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 07 May 2009 03:56 | # Care to list the other names you’ve posted under here, SDD? May we go back and look up what formidable powers of analyis you’ve brought to bear on the subject? Or do you prefer to keep hiding? 62
Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 07 May 2009 04:49 | #
The critiques may seem repetitious, but they are so because nearly everywhere you look is another foul Golem expressly manufactured for the purpose of destroying Euro-Goy. We’re building a case from scratch, and all the pieces matter. 63
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 07 May 2009 06:11 | # They’re not repetitious, Gudmund. If a person, such as our troll here, is too stupid to understand two-plus-two, he’ll complain when someone says it equals four, because telling what it equals throws his pathetic uncomprehending inadequacy in his face. 64
Posted by Grubkur on Thu, 07 May 2009 10:53 | #
Yes. Kievsky for example is a wonderful user over there who gives all kinds of good Activism advice and also has a refreshing upbeat ‘tude.
Yes they do have a tendency to over-reach don’ they? It is sort of a fatal flaw. I also have a theory that once they gain control of a Society (something they are admittedly skilled at) they do not seem to handle the governing aspect very well and I have theorized that there just are not enough smart Jews to handle governing. One must remember that even if you add up all the crypto-Jews they are still a small (yet Evil) group. Apparently a Parasitic Strategy is not the best for having even a decent sized population. 65
Posted by a Finn on Thu, 07 May 2009 21:28 | # J. Richards: “And it’s interesting to see leftist-derived terminology/concepts and book references in support of your contentions.” - You are right. I emphasize it, I declare it to the whole world and if somebody forgets it, I remind him. We Finns are like that. We take anything from anything that is useful. “And there’s nothing about a capitalist-liberal-leftist system that leads toward open-border globalism.” - Michel Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics: “And now in Becker’s definition I have just given, homo economicus, that is to say, the person who accepts reality, or who responds systematically to modifications in the variables of environment, appears precisely as someone manageable, someone who responds systematically to systemic modifications artificially introduced to the environment. Homo economicus is eminently governable.” ... “Trough the notion of the invisible hand (and “elites” are always the master of this invisible hand; a Finn’s addition)... who would occupy the economic process a bit like Malebranche’s God, occupies the entire world down to the last gesture of every individual trough the relay of an intelligible extension of which He is the absolute master.” Jürgen Habermas, Legitimation Crisis: “With the rise of a sphere, free of the state, of commerce between private autonomous owners of commodities - that is with the institutionalization in independent states of goods-, capital-, and labor markets and the establishment of world trade - “civil society” is differentiated out of the political-economic system. This signifies a depoliticization of the class relationship and an anonymization of class domination. The state and the politically constituted system of social labor are no longer the institutional nucleus of the system as a whole. Instead the modern rational state - whose prototype Max Weber analyzed - becomes the complementary arrangement to self-regulative market commerce. Externally, the state still insures by political means the territorial integrity and the competitiveness of the domestic economy. Internally, the previously dominant medium of control, legitimate power, serves above all to maintain the general conditions of production, which make possible the market-regulated process of capital realization. Economic exchange becomes the dominant steering medium. After the capitalist mode of production has been established, the exercise of the state’s power within the social system can be limited: (1) to the protection of bourgeois commerce in accord with civil law (police and admistration of justice); (2) to the shielding of market mechanism from self-destructive side effects (for example, legislation for the protection of labor); (3) to the satisfaction of the prerequisites of production in the economy as whole (public school education, transportation and communication); and (4) to the adaptation of the system of civil law to the needs that arise from the process of accumulation (tax, banking and business law). By fulfilling these four classes of tasks, the state secures the structural prerequisites of the reproduction process as capitalistic. Although in traditional societies an institutional differentiation between spheres of system integration and social integration had already set in, the economic system remained dependent on the supply of legitimation from the sociocultural system. Only the relative uncoupling of the economic system from the political permits a sphere to arise in bourgeois society that is free from traditional ties and given over to the strategic-utilitarian action orientations of market participants. Competing entrepreneurs then make their decisions according to maxims of profit-oriented competition and replace value-oriented with (self-)interest guided action. ... Bourgeois ideologies can assume a universalistic structures and appeal to generalizable interests because the property order has shed its political form and been converted into a relation of production that, it seems, can legitimate itself. The intitution of the market can be founded on the justice inherent in the exchange of equivalents; and for this reason, the bourgeois constitutional state finds its justification in the legitimate relations of production. This is the message of rational natural law since Locke. The relations of production can do without traditional authority legimated from above. ... With the political anonymization of class rule, the socially dominant class must convince/ “convince” itself that it no longer rules. Universalistic bourgeois ideologies can fulfill this task insofar as they (1) are founded “scientifically” on the critique of tradition and (2) possess the character of a model, that is, anticipate a state of society whose possibility need not from the start be denied by a dynamically growing economic society. All the more sensitively, however, must bourgeois society react to the evident contradiction between idea and reality. ... The achievement of the capitalist principle of organization is nevertheless extraordinary. It not only frees the economic system, uncoupled from political system, from the legitimations of the socially integrative subsystems, but enables it, along with its system integrative tasks, to make contribution to social integration. With these achievements, the susceptibility of the social system to crisis certainly grows, as steering problems can now become directly threatening to identity. In this sense, I would like to speak of system crises. In an unplanned, nature-like movement of economic development, the organizational principle sets no limits to the development of productive forces (i.e. they can internally colonize and transform every aspect of society, social reality and global reality; Finn’s addition). The normative structures also obtain a broad scope for development, for the new principle of organization permits for the first time universalistic value-systems. It is of course, incompatible with a communicative ethic, which requires not only generality of norms, but discursively attained consensus about the generalizability of the normatively prescribed interests. The principle of organization transposes the conflict potential of class opposition into the steering dimension, where it expresses itself in the form of economic crises. The opposition of interests ... comes to light, not directly in class conflicts, but in the process of accumulation, that is, in the form of steering problems. A general concept of system crisis can be gained from the logic of this economic crisis.” “So what’s responsible for the problems? I’ll being going after the bull’s eye. The details are abundant and a lot is left out, ...” - This is the problem of Europeans generally. The become mesmerized about the most visible and vexing aspect, and then leave out of the calculation the huge mass of things that produces and enables the most visible thing and all the other things. As consequence, they are never capable of doing anything about the most visible things. If God’s mercy would enable you to momentarily depose the most visible thing, it would soon grow back, and to add insult to injury, in the same way than before. I quote US presidents and others from the article you linked: As Jefferson later put it: “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” In a letter he wrote to James Madison on July 2, 1787, Governor Morris revealed what was really going on: “The rich will strive to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. They always did. They always will. ... They will have the same effect here as elsewhere, if we do not, by [the power of] government, keep them in their proper spheres.” Jefferson, as the new Secretary of State, watched the borrowing with sadness and frustration, unable to stop it. “I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution – taking from the federal government the power of borrowing.” But Napoleon decided France had to break free of debt and he never trusted the Bank of France, even when he put some of his own relatives on the governing Board. He declared that when a government is dependent upon bankers for money, the bankers, not the leaders of the government are in control: “The hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency: their sole object is gain.” A Congressman named P.B. Porter attacked the bank from the floor of Congress, prophetically warned that if the bank’s charter were renewed, Congress, “will have planted in the bosom of this Constitution a viper, which one day or another will sting the liberties of this country to the heart.” Jackson also warned future generations of Americans: “The bold effort the present bank had made to control the government… the distress it had wantonly produced ... are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.” ************* In reality, of course, our societies and systems, and consequently our people are generally badly rotten. About fractional reserve banking. You suggest that banks should have 100% reserves. If you would understand this concept, you would know it means that all the deposits would lie in the banks untouched, contracting the available money and reducing the velocity of money dramatically (price level x aggregate output : money supply = velocity of money, that is, the average number of times per year that dollar is spent buying the total number of goods and services produced in economy), stopping investments and buying, and causing deep depression. If there would be no fractional reserve banking, the public would pressure banks to do it. Additionally it enables the banks to not charge people’s deposits and enables banks to pay modest interest on the deposits and give services. I don’t claim that this system is a good system, let alone that banks are good. I just say that there should be viable alternatives, i.e. many alternative economies to protect the people. 66
Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 07 May 2009 22:19 | #
People ascribe to jews a mythical superhuman quality for their subversion of societies. But their skill in that particular field owes only to opportunism mixed with strong group-action. Plus, there are a lot more jews in Western societies than is admitted. Their numbers are much higher, perhaps 4-5 times higher, than they admit, at minimum. This also aids their influence. In government jews have no skill. They know only how to subvert and distort societies, not how to rule them. Thus they must create totalitarian bureaucracies and mass-murder people to continue having their way. Ultimately the jew only cares whether a particular action is “good for the jews.” They are utilitarian and selfish, good at looking after their own but absolutely poisonous to the larger community. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- To address another concern, the philosemite racialists have what Fred calls “Goy-Bovine-Syndrome” and I’ve given up trying to argue with the likes of them. Anyone who cannot use their 5 sense to deduce what is going on in Western civilization isn’t worth the breath I’d waste on them. As Eric Thomson said, “if we let jews into our movement, we’ve already lost.” 67
Posted by a Finn on Thu, 07 May 2009 22:26 | # Correction to my previous message: They become mesmerized about the most visible and vexing aspect, ...” 68
Posted by a Finn on Thu, 07 May 2009 23:09 | # Second correction: “Doesn’t it tell you that something is more profoundly wrong than just the most visible and vexing thing.” I am slightly dyslexic when writing English, so correct the rest of the spelling and grammar mistakes in your minds. I assume the meaning is still understood. 69
Posted by a Finn on Thu, 07 May 2009 23:34 | # More politely: “I am slightly dyslexic when writing English, so you may correct the rest of the spelling and grammar mistakes in your minds. I assume the meaning is still understood. 70
Posted by GR on Fri, 08 May 2009 18:12 | # “Finn” aims in the right direction, actually in about a dozen directions at once, but through the ESL filter it just doesn’t work. 71
Posted by EXPOSE JEWISH INTERNATIONALISM on Fri, 08 May 2009 19:00 | #
Exactly right. I mentioned the utter failure of Jews in relation to statecraft in a recent post:
If only Jews would have kept their noses out of politics and finance they likely would not have been as damaging as they were throughout history. What country would allow a historically (and still mostly) stateless group like the Jews to gain undue control of the internal political workings of their nation-state? The very thought is absurd, a stateless group like the Jews governing the nation-state of another (non-Jewish) group…yet it’s happening now in the USA and elsewhere and those nations are being horribly undermined as a result…they are literally rotting from within because of too much Jewish influence - they are on the verge of being completely ‘Jew-wrecked’ and will eventually dissolve or splinter or go to war or have a revolution as a result just as history has shown us time and time again. 72
Posted by a Finn on Fri, 08 May 2009 20:12 | # GR, I am not sure what ESL is, maybe something to do with bureaucratic supervision of economic activities? But there are always many things people can do: * To make society and it’s economy efficient, rulers, even in dictatorships, must allow numerous freedoms and these can be used to our advantage. If rulers aim for oppression (as they now increasingly do), the dictatorship offers natural targets for opposition. * All that is now official, was once unofficial. The continuing reality on the grass roots level becomes one day official, if it is advantageous. * As unwelcome as the transformation of our countries toward third world slum worlds is, it should be used maximally to our advantage, while it lasts. Bureaucratic incompetence, inefficiency and corruption. De facto increasing independence of local areas. Increasing reluctance to co-operate with the central power and it’s representatives. Decreasing opportunities of the central power to use surveillance and keep records and statistics of people, and enforce the law. Increasing reluctance to pay taxes and growing alternative economies. Alienation of the different groups (ethnic, political, interest, cultural, language, economic, lifestyle, geographical, etc.) from each other that can’t be prevented. Increasing self-govern of local areas. Etc. * When the political governance and structures becomes international (EU, NAU, etc.) it becomes more distant, more artificial, more corrupt and less based on any discursively reach consensus. People’s genuine loyalty and support to them decreases and becomes more bought. This creates opportunities to distance people from the “elites”. * More groups and people become dissatisfied with the reality and can be recruited to local groups and networks. * Existing laws are always interpreted and/or vague and this creates loopholes that should be search actively. Etc. But to realize the opportunies, we must have something real; alternative groups in the local level, that present multifaceted opportunities to people, but also require from them different things, including rules, sacrificies and something resembling rituals to repel free riders and select good, loyal and hard-working people that are capable to maintain strong social ties. 73
Posted by a Finn on Fri, 08 May 2009 20:44 | # EXPOSE JEWISH INTERNATIONALISM: “... they are literally rotting from within because of too much Jewish influence.” - I am not sure if that writer is troll or expressing his genuine opinions (let’s see if there is going to be lot’s of filth and abuse as a response). It certainly is in the interests of many groups to keep pro-Europeans repeating mindlessly Jew this and Jew that. It of course leads nowhere but to dead ends. Jews should be classified as environmental factors with certain characteristics and distributions that are fairly reluctant to change. Our systems, structures and communities should be built to withstand them and anything else. And there are many other environmental factors we must withstand. The most important things are what we do, not what others do or don’t do. 74
Posted by a Finn on Fri, 08 May 2009 22:29 | # All the trolls of the world, unite around this Marx: Learn international language: 75
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 09 May 2009 01:23 | # I think, in this context, ESL is English as a Second Language. 77
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 09 May 2009 03:32 | # Quite agree Fred, I was just responding to Finn’s comment re GR’s comment. For informational purposes only. 78
Posted by Grubkur on Sat, 09 May 2009 07:43 | #
Sure and there are other Group-lets that one can make a comparison to: 1.) Gypsies. Another wandering people, but they exist on the lower-end of the socio-economic spectrum and are at most considered a minor pest (Irish Travelers could be considered to be a sort of ‘White Version’ of this in fact) Gypsies do not attempt to take over a Nation/ State Finance and Media however and this is why they remain relatively benign, a massive difference with the Jews. 2.) Amish & Menonites. Very Religious minority and separatist to boot. Could be compared to many Orthodox Jews, but again Amish do not try and get into politics and finance and Jew entire Nations!! There are very unique Jewish Behaviors that have made them an object of scorn much unlike other small Grouplets who are either benign or ‘out of sght, out of mind’ in the rural zones.
A Young Nation like the Jew-nited States of course! When the first Jews arrived they must have been licking their chops knowing that there was ‘fresh meat’ to subvert. The American Mind is very infantile still due to its Youth and is easily subverted by Jews. There are still some People here however who are ‘Spiritually European’ (I speak of Evola and Yockeys notions of ‘Spiritual Races’) and have Ancestral Memory that tells them to avoid Jews due to History. (look at how many times Euros have had to expulse these Jewish Vermin) It is these types that make up the bulk of the Resistance to Jewry. 79
Posted by a Finn on Sat, 09 May 2009 20:51 | # Thanks guys. Grubkur; It might be tempting at the level of feelings to call Jews names to “get more even” and let off some steam. But the world works in different way. Calling names takes away from important issues and diminishes our possibilities. GW moderates this site minimally, so it requires more restraint from us. This is the first price we must pay, so that we can progress. We don’t have a Jewish problem. We Europeans have vulnerability problems with other ethnicities. All our efforts should be directed at removing our vulnerabilities. 80
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 09 May 2009 21:29 | # GW moderates this site minimally. This is true. so it requires more restraint from us This is true too. Grubkur, we attempt to avoid the lazy thinking and even lazier language that usually accompanies a Jew-centric analysis. I don’t want to discourage people from offering interesting contributions on the eternal war between Jew and European. But I want it to be done with style and with some evident desire that light should matter more than heat. That’s something, as Finn implies, that can’t be imposed by heavy moderation. It requires commenters to recognise their responsibility and, if necessary, raise their game. So Fin has it right, and on that basis you will always be a welcome guest. 81
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 May 2009 22:13 | #
The guy who’s been posting as GR is our old “friend” GT, too often an irrational frustrated grouch who hangs around lately to snipe at the commenters here under various pen names, an unpleasant guy whose participation always sours the discourse. The really unpleasant thing is he takes a swipe at Finn (whose English is nearly perfect, by the way) for supposedly poor English skills when Finn is one of the people most supportive of GT’s goal of microcommunities and a barter economy. Finn has come out explicitly endorsing those, yet Finn, too, gets sniped at by GT. GT (“GR”) is the one who kept sniping at Soren the other day and at the fact that this site publishes original poetry and diversions such as riddles, features many here welcome. If the guy doesn’t like the site let him stay the hell away. His perpetual gripe about “easy online racialists” and “easy money racialists” is pathetic. He thinks everyone here is on a trust fund or retired at age 35 from Wall Street with three million dollars in his retirement account. The guy is such an unpleasant moron. 82
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 May 2009 22:15 | # In the time he’s spent sniping at people here he could have set up a hundred microcommunities and barter economies. But he prefers sniping. 83
Posted by F. Scrooby, typical Jewish hijacker on Sat, 09 May 2009 22:58 | # See what happens when you allow Jews like F. Scrooby to participate on White nationalist websites as equals? They often end up hijacking the website by attempting to dominate the discussion threads…just look at how much Scrooby posts here and berates anyone he pleases. 84
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 09 May 2009 23:19 | #
What’s keeping others from posting just as much as I do? Last I heard, posting here wasn’t a zero-sum game. Anyone can do it. Something been preventing you?
Which one whom I’ve “berated” do you want to defend? Silver? Mark in Ark? GT? GT who can’t post a word here without injecting his “easy-online-racialist” “easy-money racialist” swill? GT who spends his time sniping at people here so after about twenty of his sniping posts I finally fired back? Which one do you want to defend? Do it. Let’s see how wrong I was. Let’s hear it.
Uhhh you’re a little misinformed but if I ever convert I’ll be the first to let you know. 85
Posted by danielj on Sat, 09 May 2009 23:49 | # I’m going to have to say that I think GT was great for the site. It wasn’t exactly sniping either and I find that to be a slight mischaracterization. I think he had uplift in mind when he posted practical advice for white racial activists. 86
Posted by danielj on Sat, 09 May 2009 23:54 | # His perpetual gripe about “easy online racialists” and “easy money racialists” is pathetic. He thinks everyone here is on a trust fund or retired at age 35 from Wall Street with three million dollars in his retirement account. The guy is such an unpleasant moron. You’re sniping now. This isn’t a fair summary of his views. How many people in the community even have jobs or strive for better work? I’ve met up with a lot of people in person, some with degrees, who are on unemployment because they won’t take work that is “beneath them” as if there is such a thing. I’ve repeatedly admonished the young to get into my line of work and will now offer help and advice in doing so and I promise you Fred that I will get no queries. People - easy, online racialists in particular - are scared to do real work, i.e. have children, grow their own food, rifleman training, etc because they are too busy waiting for the televised revolution. 87
Posted by danielj on Sat, 09 May 2009 23:57 | # We don’t have a Jewish problem. Right! What we really have is an English problem! : ) Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar after all… 88
Posted by q on Sun, 10 May 2009 00:14 | # GT was good for this site; however, his sniping at Fred, wasn’t. 89
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 10 May 2009 00:16 | # Whom is the following meant to uplift, Daniel? ( )
Who’s my “circle of sychophants”?
Who are this site’s “easy online racialists,” Daniel, and what does that expression mean, which he everlastingly trots out, never posting a comment without including it? Tell me what it means and whom it refers to; I find it at best meaningless and at worst moronic with zero applicability to anything that goes on here.
Whom does that apply to here, Daniel? And what in the world does it mean? It must mean something and must apply to someone here because GT always includes it in his sniping at this site. Explain it please, Daniel.
Whom is that meant to uplift here, Daniel? Exactly which participant(s) here was GT referring to there?
There it is again, Daniel, the “easy-money capitalism” thing, usually phrased as “easy-money racialism” and accompanied in the same breath by “easy online racialism.” Can you explain 1) what his point is, and 2) why it’s necessary for him to perpetually snipe at the commentariat here with those “memes” of his, Daniel?
Have you begun a microcommunity yet, Daniel? Where are you in establishing a barter economy? Have you purchased one of GT’s universal milling machines for making machine tools that will in turn enable you to do backyard manufacture of automobiles, stoves, windmills, etc., the way Chairman Mao called for a do-it-yourself backyard steel smelting foundry in every home in China in the 1950s? Daniel, the difference between you and GT is you don’t try to browbeat everyone here into accepting your views, whereas he does it continually. He’s left the site and STILL he comes back here to browbeat and vent his resentment that no one here seems to have dropped everything he’s doing in life and gone out to found a microcommunity, established a barter economy, and learned to operate one of those universal milling machines for making machine tools that will permit you in turn to construct your own home-made automobile. Let him put his proposals out there and let those who are interested look into them. Why the browbeating? Why the sniping? 90
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 10 May 2009 00:26 | # I spent fifty hours this week, in some cases crawling on my belly, cleaning years’ worth of dirt, grease and grime of machines in a machine shop; a place GT might feel at home. I took the opportunity to steer conversation with my fellow White workers to the economic displacement we are experiencing due to illegal immigration and systemic economic policy; to which they seemed receptive. That is what I did ‘in the real’. There was nothing, I can assure you, “easy” about that money. Of course, I’m just a “vain little shit,” so what the fuck do I know. But rest assured, anyone who snipes at me can expect I will fire back. Btw, “GR” is one sick fuck. Also, this Richards thread is sheer lurid lunacy. 91
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 10 May 2009 00:29 | # That should read: “off machines” not “of machines”. 92
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 10 May 2009 00:52 | # I consider myself to be one of GT’s targets, though he was always much too polite to single me out. The fact is that in England right now, with the European election approaching, people with “stomach” but not necessarily much intellect and not much linguistic skill are facing up to the great work of speaking to the people. The least of them is doing more in that respect than I do. I am acutely conscious of that fact, and do not excuse myself with the thought that the work I do here and on the nationals threads somehow makes up for that. The work I do may all be an on-line illusion. How can we know for sure what effect we are having in the world? So I applaud GT’s committment and I don’t mind his criticism. It reminds me to retain a healthy scepticism for what we do. Oh and yes, at bottom I just don’t want to spend my Saturday afternoons utterly failing to shift my allotment of Voice of Freedom in the genteel surroundings of my overwhelmingly white and notoriously liberal town. Much easier online. 93
Posted by danielj on Sun, 10 May 2009 00:58 | # Why the browbeating? Why the sniping? I wasn’t aware of some of those because I don’t follow as closely. I also wasn’t aware that he was posting under different handles now. I have found some of his links useful though. Who’s my “circle of sychophants”? Not me I find it at best meaningless and at worst moronic with zero applicability to anything that goes on here. I didn’t realize it was directed at us. Perhaps I’m a bit naive in this regard. I never can tell what people are “saying” underneath what they are saying. Have you begun a microcommunity yet, Daniel? Where are you in establishing a barter economy? Have you purchased one of GT’s universal milling machines for making machine tools that will in turn enable you to do backyard manufacture of automobiles, stoves, windmills, etc., the way Chairman Mao called for a do-it-yourself backyard steel smelting foundry in every home in China in the 1950s? I would prefer that we start with a “high tech” macro-community, i.e. an explicit white social utility site, an explicitly white Craigslist, Euro dating sites, etc. and then move on down the ladder toward micro-community. I also think that micro doesn’t work for everyone. Some people don’t feel that hell is other people and prefer the amenities and benefits of the city to the “Americana” of the small town Midwest. I can say, with confidence, that I’m doing my part just like Captain Chaos. Every morning at my jobsite we have a fifteen minute gripe session - naturally at my insistence - about massive non-white immigration, minorities, we make racial jokes and tell racial anecdotes and discuss the failing economy with terminology that places the blame squarely on immigrants and our deracinated politicians. It is common knowledge that I’m an anti-Semite at my union hall and I’m still well respected and generally liked. I’m also considered a historical authority and no one questions my intelligence on the issues, merely my level of volume. I’ve consistently lobbied to figure out a way to support candidates of our choosing for political contests instead of supporting whatever Democrat happens to be in town. I constantly fight with my Reverand at our church’s Thursday night social gathering at the pub and constantly call him out on his “social gospel” nonsense when it creeps into his sermons. I just always assumed we needed the browbeating sometimes from some of the more negative commenters as a necessary motivator - like a stick, instead of always getting the carrot. 94
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 10 May 2009 00:59 | #
No, something that calls itself “F. Scrooby, typical Jewish hijacker” is what hijacks the website. This thought experiment really has been a resounding success - for some. 95
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 10 May 2009 01:15 | # “Notoriously liberal town”, GW, sounds a lot like the Brighton I visited in April in order to meet the family of my daughter’s boyfriend. I was impressed by the relatively small presence of non-Whites in Brighton, though. Perhaps the town’s liberals prefer to worship multi-culturalism from afar. 96
Posted by mini-Fuhrers of microcommunities and machine shops on Sun, 10 May 2009 02:09 | # At one point, one of our guys asked “the boss” at the machine shop if there was anything else he could clean. To which “the boss” responded, “Yeah, you can get some FUCKING window cleaner and clean out the GODDAMN FUCKING WINDOWS!” That was pretty much representative of his “leadership style”. LOL! Everybody thought he was a dick. P.S. Keep up the good work, Daniel. 98
Posted by danielj on Sun, 10 May 2009 02:20 | # To give you guys a heads up on the creeping liberalism that I’m battling in one of the most conservative Reformed denominations in existence here is an email from my Pastor:
and my response:
This all stems from a family that attends services (whom I believe to be illegal immigrants, or chain immigrants through overstayed family visas) that is from Burundi. 99
Posted by danielj on Sun, 10 May 2009 02:22 | # I’m not exactly sure if this ‘Felicite’ is the Burundian (?) or not and I’ll not know for sure until tomorrow. 100
Posted by GR on Sun, 10 May 2009 03:22 | # Finn’s English is technically nearly perfect. But he has no cadence or measure; I say this only because I enjoy almost everything he has to say, think he’s one of the few truly progressive “white nationalist” minds, and would merely like to see him slow down & organize his thoughts a little better. Like it or not, his English trips over itself, is a little too chatty; on the one hand it’s the driving force of his appeal (which may be characteristic of Finns when they set out their ideas), on the other detracts as we see some good idea here lost in a welter of verbiage, another cut short in the breathless hunt for the next bullet-point. Just saying, slow down with the English. Work out your own character in it. Find a style, hone your ideas, and you’ll give us something that needed giving. 101
Posted by GR on Sun, 10 May 2009 03:33 | # I was all set to say “I am not GT”, but maybe I was. I wonder if Silver ever forgets his pseudonyms. 102
Posted by GR on Sun, 10 May 2009 03:39 | # But to realize the opportunies, we must have something real; alternative groups in the local level, that present multifaceted opportunities to people, but also require from them different things, including rules, sacrificies and something resembling rituals to repel free riders and select good, loyal and hard-working people that are capable to maintain strong social ties. I eat my words. **** His perpetual gripe about “easy online racialists” and “easy money racialists” is pathetic. He thinks everyone here is on a trust fund or retired at age 35 from Wall Street with three million dollars in his retirement account. The guy is such an unpleasant moron. Ok, that definitely wasn’t me. I don’t care how much money anyone here has. That’s sillytalk. Much like bartering microcommunities or whatever it was. 103
Posted by Grubkur on Sun, 10 May 2009 08:34 | #
Uh what names did I call Jews??? I just went back and scanned all my entries on this thread and I didn’t see any ‘ethnic slurs’ utilized by myself in regards to Jewry. Just calling a Jew a Jew is usually insult enough. 104
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 10 May 2009 09:31 | # Perhaps, danielj, you might, in honour of the Burundi savages, persuade your church choir to offer a valedictorian rendition of that timeless Al Jolson classic which goes something like : “Bye Bye Tutsi Bye Bye, 105
Posted by agent on Sun, 10 May 2009 10:05 | # Posted by J Richards on May 05, 2009, 10:24 AM | # Guessedworker, The post wasn’t about the Scroob.
Posted by A.H. on Sun, 10 May 2009 12:42 | # Fred Scrooby has always been liability for this site - in terms winning over traffic and newbies to your ideas - especially women (they don’t fit in) - and he patronises women with emphasis on the deliberate. Be loyal by all means to your mate - but Fred’s a big turn-off (and he’s a hysteric.) By the way, Guessedworker - your “no enemy to the right” philosophy is interesting as it shifts the goalposts - but this free-for-all (I’m not advocating curtailing free speech) makes the cause look really bad at times. I guess it’s the price of being a small-knit group. PS. From the non-jargon parts of your writing - I really like your way of thinking, however, it wouldn’t harm you to work out a way to communicate more consistently with the natives without demeaning your meaning, would it? PPS. Sorry for the criticism. I always look out for your posts as extremely informative as well as exquisitive and meaningful in a time when it is important to counteract with great thrust and intellect. Blessings. x 107
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 10 May 2009 16:11 | #
Race-replacement does throw me into hysterics, I admit. I wish I could be more like AH and just disregard it, it’s not important, makes no difference to anything, why concern yourself? Also it’s probably not even happening. And then, there are no such things as races, when you think of it — isn’t that what science tells us? I’m sure I learned that in college — we’re all the same. So yes, I must try to be more like AH in future, and tell myself race replacment isn’t happening and even if it were happening it’s meaningless since we’re all the same. You’ve convinced me, AH — do I meet with your approval now? 108
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 10 May 2009 16:26 | # A.H. Sorry for the criticism. No problem. I’ve glued together my favourite coffee mug now and extracted the keyboard from the monitor. Al, I was impressed by the relatively small presence of non-Whites in Brighton There is a minority far more visible in Brighton than non-whites. The town’s liberals worship them, I believe, very much in the manner of the Moslem at prayer. Moslems, though, they ain’t. 109
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 11 May 2009 00:07 | # Yes indeed, GW. Perhaps Brighton is twinned with America’s ‘City of Brotherly Love’ - that being San Francisco and not, of course, the Philadelphia that the Founding Fathers might have wished. 110
Posted by a Finn on Mon, 11 May 2009 22:36 | # GR: “I eat my words.” What reply and why? Before you answer, I remind you that I don’t say things without good reasons. I have science on the sleeve. 111
Posted by J Richards on Tue, 19 May 2009 03:54 | # Eliminating Fractional Reserve Banking Will Cause Depression? Finn, This is a response to the following absurdity by you:
Whereas it’s true that a 100% reserve requirement means that banks can’t lend the money people deposit with them, bankers will have their own wealth to lend, and they can lend as much of it as they please. And there’s no way a transition to a 100% reserve requirement will contract the money supply. Let’s see how the monetary reform act will tackle the transition. If it were implemented right now, the U.S. government (Treasury) will pay off its $11.1 trillion debt with United States notes over a one year period. So you have $11.1 trillion in circulation that is legal tender for all debts public and private without it causing any inflation or deflation because it was created out of nothing at zero interest to pay off the national debt (as opposed to how the banks do it: creating money out of nothing but as debt with interest). About 10% of the U.S. public national debt is owed to the Federal Reserve, which will be paid off in United States notes that the Federal Reserve can lend. Other banks will be getting a chunk of the remaining public national debt payoff and will be in a position to lend as much of the United States notes they receive as they wish. The other major issue is that once you prevent banks from creating money and put control of the issuance of money in the hands of an elected government (the monetary reform act nationalizes the money supply), then the only way for bankers to contract the money supply is by not loaning their own money and making their own money unavailable for economic activity. This can’t cause a depression because the Treasury will be authorized by the monetary reform act to expand the money supply if necessary. Remember, the Treasury will be creating money at zero interest and as a public service as opposed to the bankers creating it as debt and charging interest on it. You must also note that once the national debt is paid off, people don’t have to pay personal taxes to the U.S. government, which the government uses to pay interest on its debts. People will therefore have less of a need to borrow money. Yes, a 100% reserve requirement will mean that banks will charge people to deposit their money with them and pay them no interest on it. This is how it should be. The fee would be modest and a very small fraction of the cost to people resulting from the current debt-based economy. Your dire prediction reflects no understanding of how the system works. Fractional reserve backing is grossly unjust and a grave evil that needs to be eliminated ASAP. I’ll respond to your other points later. 112
Posted by J Richards on Tue, 19 May 2009 06:24 | # What was the removed entry about? Narrator, If you wish to understand what the removed entry was about without reading it, the Scroob has left plenty of cues in his comments here. Your comment mentioned Scroob’s part-Jewish ancestry. Note that the Scroob left a detailed comment on it. Someone else left a comment about Scroob’s behavior as a Jew. How did the Scroob respond? He said that he didn’t want to feed trolls. Why does this matter? Because we have no way of verifying Scroob’s professed ancestry and because ancestry is not 100% correlated with behaviors (or even close). But Scroob’s behavior here at MR is an open record, and it’s what really matters. Later, the Scroob addressed his behavior but he did it in a sly manner that managed to fool some people. The Scroob invented the charge of him acting as an agent provocateur and then denied it. This is no defense. Think why the Scroob didn’t defend his behaviors at MR. The Scroob has borrowed some techniques from the agent provocateur’s cookbook, as in using the term genocide to describe the race replacement of the European population in the United States, but this doesn’t qualify him as acting as an agent provocateur because he has leveled this ‘genocidal’ charge against the people that he’s protecting, the Jews. Scroob’s behaviors at MR fall under a few categories, overall hurting MR’s goals. The first is embarrassing MR; some examples: 1) his absurd, anachronistic views about women, which he should know better than to espouse here, even if he genuinely harbors them; 2) his describing blacks as a separate species from Europeans, a provocative argument, whereas the important issue is irreconcilable behaviors and aptitudes; and 3) his argument about Jews, best summed by someone as ‘Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, ..........’ The second category of Scroob’s behaviors that are negative for MR is misdirection; some examples: 1) expressing animus against ostensible non-Jew George Bush Jr. who simply did what his Jewish handlers asked him to do; and 2) promoting ‘race realist’ writings of Steve Sailer and Ian Jobling, people that protect Jews. While Sailer-Jobling-Scrooby and countless others are busy blaming the global financial crisis on the collapse of the American housing market, which in turn they blame on non-whites being given loans they couldn’t afford, Jewish bankers are busy wrecking the economy and leeching bailout money. Every boom-bust cycle has a clear purpose: make the bankers richer and more powerful. While anything but the bankers and their fractional reserve banking is being blamed, the bankers are headed toward a situation where they’ll be rich and powerful enough to buy up most web hosting companies and outlaw websites such as MR. The major category of Scroob’s behaviors that are opposed to MR’s goals is protecting Jews, which overlaps with the above. Scroob’s argument about Jews – ‘Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, ..........’ – changes markedly when some very serious Jewish crimes are mentioned. Cite evidence that Jews did 9/11, and the Scroob doesn’t even go ‘Jew,’ forget about ‘Jew, Jew’ or ‘Jew, Jew, Jew.’ He chickens out! If he were genuine, his response would be a thorough examination of the cited evidence that would be followed by either seriously asking for more evidence or making a good faith argument against the notion or … <h2>&*$@#! Jew, &*$@#! Jew, &*$@#! Jew, &*$@#! Jew, &*$@#! Jew, ..........</h2> Note that I have embarrassed MR on some occasions, more recently by promoting some specific conspiracy theories. The reason why promotion of these specific conspiracy theories amounts to embarrassment is that most people don’t believe them (and find them anywhere from strange beliefs to nonsense); see this poll on who did 9/11 and concentrate on the European samples, the target of MR. But the difference between me and the Scroob is that I can defend these conspiracies and make the argument that if I’m right then these are serious matters that are crucial to MR’s goals but if I’m wrong then I merely waste a few hours of the readers’ time spent looking into the evidence and deflect readers toward more ‘reasonable’ people (Sailer, Jobling, Vdare, Amren), which isn’t really undermining Euroman’s goals because the materials are being read somewhere or the other, whereas the Scroob can’t defend his stated views on women or show that they are crucial to MR’s goals. You’ll also note that if the Scroob responds to his behaviors discussed in this comment, he’ll pick a few trivial issues such as his attitude toward women, but not the essence of his behaviors. Some people have a difficult time believing that the removed entry wasn’t really about the Scroob. The entry was about a variety of issues – 9/11, 7/7, the 1995 Oklahoma bombing, the founding of Israel, etc. – and how some people would rather have us occupied with less important matters, misdirect us or prevent us from learning about the true conspiracies behind these issues, and some of the techniques they employ. It was also about some philosophical issues that will be discussed in the future. The Scroob lent himself nicely to this. The post will be back after improvements and sans references to the Scroob. And I’ll have more to say. 113
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 19 May 2009 10:41 | # If those among us are sufficiently Jew-aware to take, at the very least, an agnostic position on the Holyhoax, then we must remember the intellectual curiosity that brought us to that point. JR deserves the same open-minded approach to his interpretation of the 9/11 tragedy that was the genesis of , for example, a close reading of Professor Arthur Butz’s masterly ‘Hoax of the Twentieth Century’. 114
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 19 May 2009 13:07 | # JR, I did respond to your ridiculous post. I proposed we agree to disagree because we don’t think alike. It’s now clear I’m going to have to stop commenting here. I was afraid of this after you posted that ridiculous log entry but I thought it had died down. It hasn’t. To everyone else: as is plain, what makes my presence intolerable for JRichards isn’t so much my ideas, although a number of those, he now says, bother him greatly, it’s his conviction that I’m some sort of Jewish agent “working for the other side to undermine’s goals.” I’m not, but 1) you can’t prove something like that to a guy whose borderline paranoia makes him believe it (bear in mind JR also firmly believes the moon landings were a hoax and will go into detailed “proofs” of that), and 2) I’m not going to waste space at this blog engaging in elaborate denials of paranoia-generated false accusations not just utterly ridiculous in themselves and highly embarrassing to even discuss seriously but which promise to develop into extensive endless “flame wars” such as break out at other blogs to their ruin: the business of is publishing discussion of the issues, not elaborate internal flame wars and paranoia. Are this blog’s readers champing at the bit at the prospect of reading, over the coming weeks, a series of very long, detailed posts by JR accusing me of being a Jewish sabotage agent (using argumentation as sane as in the ones “proving” men never landed on the moon) and by me endlessly denying, point by point, what promise to be endless charges? Do people really wanna read that crap? Gee somehow I sorta think the readership comes here to read something else. (Hey for any who do wanna read that crap I’ll propose to JR that we two set up a separate site for it and charge admission.) JR, you can stop embarrassing yourself and the blog now: I’ll no longer post comments here. 115
Posted by a Finn on Tue, 19 May 2009 16:27 | # J. Richars, you create a strawman implying that I support the current Federal Reserve system. I do not. It is a stupid and harmful system and should be replaced with a better. This a principled opinion, not an illusion that my opinion would have any effect on U.S policy. If the Federal Reserve system is changed, it is done by strong American citizen and other American interest groups in the Usa. Do you think that your writing is helping such a momentum? Do you have practical data on your effect? “Yes, a 100% reserve requirement will mean that banks will charge people to deposit their money with them and pay them no interest on it. This is how it should be. The fee would be modest and a very small fraction of the cost to people resulting from the current debt-based economy.” - So here you say that people not only lose interest; they have to pay a price depositing money. It is just a question of time when people take their money away from the banks and invest it in monetary bank like instruments, which invest/ loan their money and pay interests. Are you going to ban all the monetary instruments too? People will oppose the monetary instrument ban and if it is instituted they will demand the lost possibilities back. This is not a normative statement, just stating the facts. Also, if the increasing wealth would lie unused in deposits, the state would have to print more money to ensure that there is enough money in circulation. This would inflate money and eat savings. If it does not print money then there is depression. Richards, nobody is saying Scrooby is perfect in his conduct or content when writing. But whether you realize it or not, whether you intend it or not, your way of writing and saying things repel more people than any other in this site, although there there is vivid competition for the title here. With your own standards, you would be classified a Jewish agent. I use other standards. 116
Posted by q on Tue, 19 May 2009 21:45 | # To Tell The Truth ‘I’m the Jewish agent.’ ‘I’M the Jewish agent.’ ‘No, I"M the Jewish agent’ ....... Will the real Jewish agent please stand up! Kitty, you win! 117
Posted by Ben Tillman on Wed, 20 May 2009 02:05 | #
A union man in Rhode Island? I remember my days in SEIU local 134. Providence was where I saw the man behind the curtain and learned the virtue of selfishness. A fascinating place. 118
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 20 May 2009 06:11 | # Finn, I created no straw man that you support the Federal Reserve System. I said that you failed to understand how the system works and what the monetary reform act is about. As far as my writing on the topic goes, it’s not original. I’m promoting the monetary reform act prepared by Patrick S. J. Carmack in 1996 and improved since then. I know of no better solution to our money woes. Carmack has been promoting the act by word of mouth and his money masters website since the banker-owned mainstream media won’t be giving his ideas any publicity. Why would I ban monetary instruments that pay interest? The monetary reform act has nothing against interest. People can either deposit their money for safekeeping while paying a small fee and earning no interest on it, or they could invest their money or loan it at interest. The requirement is that the selling of stock or the reception, borrowing, lending or investing of money can only be made with the funds at hand, i.e., United States notes and Treasury deposits. Private parties don’t get to create money. It simply can’t be that increasing wealth will lie unused in deposits. With fractional reserve banking gone, the single most important factor behind the increasing concentration of wealth among a few is gone. And only a minority of people save for a rainy day. Most people will be spending most of their wealth, i.e., contributing to economic activity. And people with spare wealth won’t just have their deposits sit in a bank. Many will invest and some will loan the money. I’ll address my writing and your other arguments later. 119
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 20 May 2009 08:08 | # Fred Scrooby, Writing a useless comment doesn’t constitute a response. Your comment now, as before, ignored the evidence leading to the conclusions. You talk about not wanting to endlessly deny. Who cares about denial? The issue is explaining the behaviors of yours that have been pointed out, not acknowledging or denying the inference. It’s also nice to see you avoid having to explain your behaviors by portraying me as a paranoid individual and supporting it by bringing in the alleged moon landings. Nice digression. I didn’t expect anything different. I have attempted ‘“proving” men never landed on the moon’? The burden of proof is on the claimants. If I were to sell the public a trip to the moon by presenting them a space vehicle equipped with computers having the power of modern ordinary handheld calculators, and tell people that the vehicle hasn’t been tested but there’s no need to test it because I’m confident it works, how many sales may I expect? Yet this is precisely what NASA claims to have used to land man on the moon. I suppose it’s merely a coincidence that NASA abruptly stopped sending men to the moon when Russia developed the ability to track launched vehicles deep into space. And one has to wonder how they managed to shield the astronauts from space radiation since their successors have never gone beyond low-earth orbit or else they’ll receive a fatal dose of space radiation. You may believe in the moon landings, but not buying into the moon landings isn’t paranoia. It was evident to me shortly after I started reading your comments that you and I don’t think alike, but then no two of MR people think alike. Agreeing to disagree is appropriate for topics such as the merits of Christianity for Euroman’s predicament, but I wasn’t discussing such matters. Your presence at MR isn’t intolerable to me, but mine is to you. You’re the one talking about having to stop commenting here; I haven’t asked you to leave. Someone in your capacity must mostly write to endear himself to MR readers, to which I have no objections. But when you do what you are here for and I catch you, which won’t be always because your commenting has been prolific and my time limited, then I’d be interested in leaving a comment. The most recent example was your misleading a reader on Friedrich Braun. It’s plain to Gudmund, others and me what’s up with him, and you have read what we have written about him, yet you came up with the lame argument about Friedrich needing to take a break! MR’s in the business of discussing issues indeed, but those unwilling to consider the possibility that the enemy will attempt to undermine the discussion are useless. And if the enemy is succeeding in being counterproductive, how can squabbling be avoided? And how can this be called ‘internal’ warfare? The enemy isn’t part of the internal. I don’t worry about embarrassing myself. If I believe in good faith that a seemingly wild notion is important enough to disseminate widely, I’ll do it without giving a rats about how foolish I make myself look in the process. I’m not here to make myself look smart. The possibility of making MR look foolish in the process is a problem though. But I’ve left entries that make MR look like the work of educated individuals, and, like I’ve said, racially aware Euros directed away from MR will still end up reading MR topics at other websites. 120
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 20 May 2009 14:37 | # First, the reason I’m being interrogated by you, JR, is you’re borderline paranoid. Let that be clearly established at the outset — not that anyone here didn’t already see it plain as day (“the moon landings were staged,” “David Duke is a Jewish sabotage agent”), but let’s get it “officially on record”: you’re paranoid and that’s why you’ve latched onto me with your theory that I’m a Jewish sabotage agent. You’re also not that bright: smarter paranoids don’t have the same dumb delusions stupider ones do and this is really a dumb delusion. Second: any readership who’s read this far can stop reading now and skip the rest, and skip all future commentary on this thread: nothing that’s going on here will be of interest to anybody. It’s only going to embarrass the blog and harm it the way the really stupid flame wars at certain other blogs harm those, but I have no way to avoid it: a paranoid has latched onto me and won’t drop off, and that paranoid happens to be one of this blog’s head honchos, so I can’t simply dismiss or ignore him as I would dismiss or ignore anyone else who was acting like a complete lunatic. Third: I propose, JR, that before this goes any further the commentariat be polled as to whether they think this delusion of yours that I’m a Jewish sabotage agent needs to be investigated further, and that you and I abide by the poll results. If they say no, you’ll drop the insanity, and if yes I’ll submit to interrogation by you on this insane subject that will only harm this blog and make it even more of a laughing stock than you’ve already made it. Fourth: If you refuse the poll idea I’m willing to fucking waste my time responding to a borderline paranoid and his paranoid delusions, JR, but I’ll do it one at a time. Let’s have your first delusion requiring an explanation and I’ll respond to it. Don’t couch it in terms of “What would I do if the nutzis came for me” as you did the last time, because I don’t traffic in the “nutzi” concept. A lot of people who come here seem to have “come up” through blogs where “nutzis’ abounded. I didn’t, so I don’t know about them or think about them or have a clear conception of them in my mind. They’re not part of what I think about or understand. I do, however, think about and understand Nazis — German National Socialists. Once I’ve dealt with your first paranoid delusion about me to your satisfaction let’s go on to your second, then third, fourth, and so on, but one at a time. Now, it’s well known that paranoids are seldom satisfied with explanations which appear adequate to the sane, so if the process of replying to your first delusion shows signs of dragging on endlessly I’ll drop out of the whole process. If any readership has gotten this far by mistake, you can ignore this thread from now on: don’t click on anything said here in the sidebar where comments show up — you’ll be strictly wasting your time and your opinion of the blog will suffer. I regret very much this is happening. It’s not my doing. 121
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 20 May 2009 15:03 | # I’ll get one very simple one out of the way: You want to know, specifically, why I occasionally link to commentary by Ian Jobling, Lawrence Auster, Steve Sailer, and stuff published at I link to it when it strikes me as good, illustrative, well-stated, or otherwise interesting, useful, beneficial commentary, the same reason I link to commentary from any other sources. For the record: I don’t agree with Jobling’s muzzling of certain kinds of commentary at his site, I disagree with some stuff Auster says and with aspects of his approach, I disgree with some of what Sailer says and with some aspects of his approach, and I don’t agree with everything that gets published at 122
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 20 May 2009 15:22 | #
Your paranoid hectoring of me is intolerable and harmful to the blog. If it can’t be stopped I will of course have to leave. I’m not going to waste my time responding to it and readers aren’t going to waste their time coming here if that’s what they’ll find when they log on. You’re damaging the blog. YOU. Not I. YOU.
Oh? And what is “my capacity,” pray tell?
What “am I here for”? What “are you catching me at”? You’re a fricking paranoid, Richards. You’re moonbatshit insane and raving. If you get any worse they’ll have to cart you away.
Yes I read what you wrote about him, that the Jews had forced him to recant his prior opinions in order to avoid prosecution. I’m supposed to be impressed with paranoia like that??? By the way, before you cite Gudmund as agreeing with you, hadn’t you better ask Gudmund? As for me “misleading a reader on Friedrich Braun,” that’s your interpretation and it’s batshit insane. I replied to that reader’s questions to the best of my knowledge. 123
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 20 May 2009 16:29 | # Incidentally, JR, please divulge how much commentary by me in older threads (such as the thread on the film “300”) you’ve gone back and deleted without telling anyone? 124
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 20 May 2009 16:56 | # So the Scroob comes back with a bang! Scrooby, You’re concerned about flaming. But who’s flaming whom? You’re calling me paranoid, raving, not bright/dumb, deluded and moonbatshit insane, whereas I’m describing your behaviors. So you want polling to settle the question whether you are a Jewish saboteur? Here’s news for you: truth isn’t decided by vote. And there are plenty of crypto-Jews lurking at MR whose vote can be predicted. The only way to settle the question is by discussing behaviors. I’ve made my case by mentioning numerous examples. You and those who side with you must explain these behaviors alternatively. I’ve made some effort to argue that your behaviors have been part of a pattern. Those who disagree must show that these behaviors are part of another pattern or other patterns or no pattern. What certainly won’t settle the question is a digression such as the moon landings, which you’re simply using to imply that what a person with such odd beliefs says should be taken with a grain of salt. The claim about the moon landings is fantastic. I gave you three reasons for not believing it, and can give many more. But instead of addressing these reasons, you just bring in my alleged paranoia and lunacy. So you bring in the moon landings, which doesn’t concern your behaviors, and then use my skepticism about the landings to suggest that my claims about you are comparably paranoid and insane, but you don’t address your behaviors. Everyone can see what you’re trying to do. You have no need to be writing that you’re willing to waste your time addressing my ‘paranoid delusions.’ See all of your behaviors I’ve addressed above. All you need to do is explain them alternatively. In the four comments you just left, you didn’t address any of these behaviors! And none of these behaviors have anything to do with ‘Nutzis,’ which you revived. Some may be fooled that you’ve addressed your linking behaviors. But just as you’ve linked to Sailer, Jobling, Auster and Vdare, so have the rest of us. The issue is what is linked and why. I’m linking to them to show what misdirections or harmful ideas they are promoting. But what are you linking to them for? In your own words, ‘when it strikes me as good, illustrative, well-stated, or otherwise interesting, useful, beneficial commentary.’ Let’s see these beneficial commentaries. 1) You’ve justified citing Jobling because he’s opposed to race replacement of European people. But you’ve also acknowledged Jews as the major driving force behind race replacement, and Jobling protects Jews. How can Jobling be working toward opposing race replacement? 2) And your extensive promotion of Steve Sailer’s minority mortgage meltdown theory is because of how bright the idea is, isn’t it? Let’s see. You go to the bank, seeking a loan. They’ll look at your credit report, which will feature your credit score and how you have dealt with and are dealing with your debts. They’ll also look at your income. They’ll use this information to determine how much of a loan you’ll be provided with. Are these the people who’ll lend money at a potential loss to themselves? No way. And bankers can’t have been the victim of government-enforced affirmative action. The government is under trillions of debt, most of it due to money borrowed from bankers. We all know that lenders are more powerful than borrowers. Minority mortgage meltdown is nonsense. The culprit is fractional reserve banking, and you’ve persisted in promoting Sailer even though I’ve fingered fractional reserve banking (much before the cited link). Why? It’s pretty obvious. You brought up your comment on Friedrich Braun, but instead of explaining your comment, you portrayed my citing your comment as an example of paranoia and batshit insanity. Nice explanation. Even the person to whom you responded noted the very odd reply by you and expressed a hope that you’ll come back and explain it. But you never did. You haven’t explained your behaviors, which is the only way a meaningful discussion can be had. And I haven’t deleted your comments. 125
Posted by Darren on Wed, 20 May 2009 17:46 | # J Richards is about as insightful of a commentator as Silver. 126
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 20 May 2009 17:47 | # That is enough. Points of view have been aired. Voices have been raised. There will be no more. We have larger and more interesting matters with which to concern ourselves than this. The thread is closed. Let us move on. Post a comment:
Next entry: Ontology, Strategy, Sustainability pt 1.
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Posted by Lurker on Tue, 05 May 2009 10:22 | #
If Fred is somehow throwing out coded messages I can only say it hasn’t been working on me. If there was an issue there I think it would have been quite apparent by now.
Diamed & others may fly under the radar for a time but sooner or later an agent provocateur is going to have to show his hand - and then they have blown it.
J.Richards seems to have achieved the kind of damage any self-respecting AP would would feel proud of, he certainly seems to done a far better job than Diamed who forward and then…fell flat on his face. Perhaps we should conduct a thought experiment on J.Richards and his motivations. I mean, he says he wants to expose Jewish machinations but looking at what he does...