A genocide in South Africa By David Hamilton To attain a goal through ideology you need two things: a vision for a better future but also a vision of terrible evil if the alternative to the vision is followed. An ideology always benefits some elite groups, and the one-world ideology benefits multi-national corporations that get the mineral rights. The process is very corrupt: Western governments appropriate tax money paid by their citizens and transfer it to elites in the Third World for the mineral rights to go to multi-national corporations; this also frees populations to be brought to the west as cheap labour and our work to be relocated where people live on subsistence wages. Having encouraged wage-slaves from the Third World they publicly apologise for historical slavery! There is racial genocide of the South African Boers taking place as I write and the Western media know all about it because they have agents and reporters there, but keep it from the outside world, presumably to allow it to go on. It follows on from what was done to French Algerians, the Belgians of Congo, and the Portuguese of Angola and Mozambique, and what is happening in Zimbabwe. All these peoples were violently forced off lands which their ancestors had occupied for centuries. It was done with the encouragement of the US and British governments and made possible by finance taken from their own taxpayers for the purpose. What is behind this? It is what is now called Globalisation, which is a euphemism for the attempt to create a New World Order. African-ruled countries are a variation on a theme of total corruption, and it is a matter of time before South Africa collapses. The 3.5 million Whites remaining might slow that process but the end result is inevitable and Western elites and journalists must take responsibility. The chaos on the railways is an indicator. Locos are not turning up at coal mines to collect fully-loaded trains, and the power stations are out for coal. The electricity generating plants are fast deteriorating and break down regularly, and the country has been plagued with power cuts for the last few years. The ANC is still dominated by members of the South African Communist Party, they are anti-white racists, and they have a vigorous land confiscation programme on the statute books. Farmers and their families are regularly murdered. These things are little reported in the west because the liberal-left media fully support the ANC as they fully supported Mugabe in 1980 and thereafter and for the realities to be broadcast by our media would demonstrate the real facts of African rule and destroy the unrealistic ideology of racial equality that they desperately need to believe in else their whole falls and their lives have been wasted. The dream was Mandela accepting the Nobel Peace Prize for all who have opposed racism. It was awarded to him, the ANC and all South Africa’s people. The reward was to be freedom and democracy in an open society which respected the rights of all individuals. This is the fantasy. What is the reality? Mass genocide of Boer farmers. The genocide is happening on the farms where Boers are being murdered, but not just Boers, Indian farmers are also targeted; the targets are usually defenseless, especially old people. The government does nothing to prevent attacks, so the farmers have begun to co-operate in mutual defence. That the Black government wants Boers harmed and driven from their land as indicated by their programmes to force Boers to sell their property to blacks. These programmes are to remove a huge percentage of white farmers and can give these farms to blacks. At the beginning of the decade there were 40,000 White farmers in South Africa and there have been is 3,037 murdered in racial genocide and more than 20,000 armed attacks perpetrated by groups of militant, young Black racists on commercial farmers, since the ANC came to power in 1994. This is certainly higher as the South African government and police, with the world’s press keep it covered up. Boers are often tortured or raped first, by boiling water forced down their throats, tendons cut, burnings, personal humiliations - most perpetrators are protected by Blacks within government and the police and not tried. Now ask yourselves, gentle readers, when did you see this on television news or read about it in your quality newspaper? The idealism that accompanied the birth of new South Africa has been destroyed by black rule yet the rainbow nation is still a fantasy to Western elites. They need to believe in it or face the reality that racial equality does not exist. The dream of truth and reconciliation and the deification of Nelson Mandela make it hard to accept that after whites gave way to Blacks the Boer minority would be subjected to racial genocide. Boers, you see, have not been sentimentalised, are not figures of sympathy but dehumanised as racists so their murder is not seen as important. The SA government forbids the publishing of South African police crime statistics without their permission. Media crime reports are vetted by the police. The world’s media want to pretend the new government is responsible or face the fact that races are not equal on one hand; on the other, to keep the overseas aid for mineral rights deals quiet.
Interpol’s global murder figures for South Africa are about double the number of “recorded murders,” the farm murder rate is four times the official South African murder average. The world’s leading authority on genocide, Dr Gregory Stanton of “Genocide Watch”, stated how serious the Boer genocide is in his 2002 report. SA Blacks, especially ANC youth, still sing the old ANC resistance song “Kill The Boer”. This shows their purpose. The Boer is just a farmer but the grudge goes on. Boers are honest, taciturn people work who hard with their hands. Their children consider leaving but have no country to return to. The “Kill The Boer” slogan has been ruled hate speech by the SA Human Rights Commission because it incites people to kill Afrikaners. But the ANC sing “shaya ma buru” at public meetings all over South Africa. The UN Genocide Convention declared that ruling regimes killing ethnic minorities is legally genocide and could be pursued in the International Criminal Court. The new rulers have imposed racial quotas that deny work to most young Afrikaners, whether or not they have the right qualifications. Mbeki’s programme of Black Economic Empowerment is called “rectifying action” - Affirmative Action. Thousands of ANC civil servants give preferential treatment to blacks over whites and even browns. “Progress” plans are implemented, fines and other sanctions imposed. In most cases it’s an unqualified or illiterate black who gets the job. Whites are left with begging or emigration. If the farmers are wiped-out the rest of South Africa and parts of southern Africa will be plunged into famine: as in Zimbabwe the Boer genocide may lead to the death of millions by starvation and outbreaks of Cholera. Does anyone protest? Archbishop Desmond Tutu criticised Black Economic Empowerment, but because it enriches such a small minority of already powerful blacks not because it impoverishes the white minority. His world-famous moral indignation does not stretch that far. People put themselves first when community spirit breaks down and Afrikaner intellectuals want to keep their own jobs so conform to the black apartheid system like the Judenräte under the Nazis. Those who criticise Black Economic Empowerment are de-humanised as racists. Yet, the government replacing 35,000 commercial South African farmers by blacks is more than imposing job quotas in industry and commerce. The farmers are landowners and have a special bond with their territory. The authorities are undermining that and the SAHRC has endorsed the withdrawal of commandos from rural areas to leave the Boers open to murder and banned the term “ farm attacks” from the SA Rural Protection Plan as it links the Boers to their land and makes clear what people are being targeted but these are now the more abstract “murders” which is vague and gives the impression that it could happen to anybody. The Government is made an inventory of South Africa’s farmers by race to …
There has been legislation to make it possible for the government to expropriate assets summarily without having to apply in advance to a court. The ANC is rewriting the South African Constitution but not stating what its being replaced with. In 1991 the White population of South Africa was 5.1 million however, as of 2007 the official White population of South Africa was its lowest of 4.2 million, even though millions of White refugees from other parts of Africa added to South Africa’s White population in recent years. Whites are persecuted and dispossessed for being White leaving them unable to afford council tax so they end up living in shanty huts in Black neighbourhoods which hate them because of their race. An example is the ‘Affirmative Action’ policy of the national school netball championships committee - teams which do not have enough Black children have points given to the opposing side before the game has started! This could develop into full scale racial genocide and ethnic cleansing like in Zimbabwe and the Belgian Congo before it which was another of the richest Nations in Africa but is now war torn. The elites know the history but keep doing it to African countries. The killings show savagery and brutality as most are tortured and die slowly and in agony yet in many of the murders, no property is stolen. This shows a savage, uncivilised hatred for fellow humans that we can not comprehend but the authorities and international media pass it off as “crime related” when it is racial genocide. It will continue to deteriorate for Whites, especially poor ones as Jacob Zuma could be next President. He is openly racist,he has convictions for rape and embezzlement and he believes a shower can cure AIDS! In 2006 there were 55,000 reported rapes in South Africa but official estimates are that another 450,000 rapes were not reported. Therefore, about 1,300 women can be expected to be raped every day. A study by Interpol, the international police agency, revealed that South Africa has the most rapes in the world - a women being raped every 17 seconds and this does not include the number of child rape victims. Interpol estimated that one in every two women in South Africa would be raped. Raping children as a cure for AIDS is a vile practice. The Telegraph reported on 11 Nov 2001 that on an alleged rape of a nine-month-old baby girl by six men in a remote part of rural South Africa was part of an 80 per cent rise in child sexual abuse over a year, much of it connected with the Aids pandemic. More than 67,000 cases of rape and sexual assaults against children were reported last year, compared with 37,500 in 1998. Some of the victims were only six- months-old. Many die from their injuries, others contract HIV. The largest increase in attacks has been against children under seven. There is a prevalent superstition that having sex with children cures Aids. Police said at least one of the men who raped the nine-month-old girl is HIV-positive. The baby has also been tested for the virus and given anti-retroviral drugs as a precaution. What can we do? People can contact their democratic representatives and pressure them. They can write to the media. They can post on internet blogs and circulate the information round the net. They can point out that western elites are ignoring a genocide which they themselves brought about by forcing the change in governing class. They could demand motions be introduced in their respective parliaments urging the SA government not to abolish the SA rural Commando System and leave the Boers open to racial genocide for ideological reasons. They could demand that it be clear to the South African government that this genocide is now being publicised around the world, and call on them to condemn white ethnic cleansing and racial genocide of whites.
Posted by Bill on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:02 | # Bill said…. March 12, 2009, 12:34 PM. When the Royal Anglian Regiment met al Muhajiroun…. “If I let my imagination run amok and tell it as I really see it, then it would be another story entirely.” Damn me! The next post up A genocide in South Africa by David Hamilton is exactly the story I would tell. This is the future for the white race, we can’t say we didn’t see it coming. When people have nothing left to lose, they get as mad as hell. 3
Posted by Frank on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:16 | # Western SA needs to secede from SA. That’s where the whites are, and it’s relatively safe there. Apartheid means “a piece for everyone”. The original apartheid divisions should be made, which gives good land to the different black tribes as well as the whites. Unfortunately, any sort of white state would include blacks and coloureds… So, only the blacks I think would be allowed to have black states. Whites mayn’t have nation-states because *WWII emotional defense*. 4
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 17:14 | # These things are little reported in the west because the liberal-left media fully support the ANC as they fully supported Mugabe in 1980 and thereafter and for the realities to be broadcast by our media would demonstrate the real facts of African rule and destroy the unrealistic ideology of racial equality that they desperately need to believe in else their whole falls and their lives have been wasted. They didn’t merely waste their own lives. This is why assortative migration to territories of mutually consenting human experiments must be enforced as the foundation of all human rights. 5
Posted by Valerian on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 18:33 | # It’s really sad to see fellow Europeans suffering in South Africa and I am going to find out what channels I can go through to offer support. I was on Stormfront one day and there was a rumor in a thread that the Boers might in the future advocate secession which of course would in turn be a civil war. If there was a civil war in SA then I will definitely join up. 6
Posted by Armor on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 18:36 | #
That view implies that the media resemble us, have some kind of moral conscience, and are not deliberately trying to destroy the white world. 7
Posted by Templar on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 20:25 | #
Yes, if nothing else, the ongoing silence is proof positive that they really have no interest in bringing to light “human rights violations” but where they advance their agenda. 8
Posted by anon on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 00:08 | # Don’t the whites have the same rights to be poor and landless as the blacks? 9
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:53 | # Anon, Today I read by accident in the newspaper an interesting article (for those who understand Afrikaans), see http://jv.news24.com/Beeld/Suid-Afrika/0,,3-975_2485961,00.html Things have changed in South Africa. The (white) shabby are many because of affirmative action. Diplomas are of no use because the whites are not allowed to apply for work and by this way to get a salary. So they live in “care centres” and these centres don’t get subventions at all. Moreover there isn’t any official control of these centres any longer, although exploitation is reported in the press… South Africa becomes more and more like the rest of Africa and the whites are the main victims, because they don’t have the tradition of the big African families supporting each other. 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 12:35 | # anon, Not if you want the greatest number to benefit by having people with knowledge, creativity and managerial talents at the top. Zimbabwe, you know. 11
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 13:30 | # Only as an illustration, another newspaper article from today in Afrikaans, see http://jv.news24.com/Sake/Algemene_nuus/0,,6-1607_2486248,00.html Poor young people who want to start a business can get money from the Umsobomvu-jeugfonds (UYF)… but alas not if you are white. The same is true in many other regards. Whites in South Africa are driven into a corner from all sides, but the world (outside Majority Rights) doesn’t want to know. To be exhaustive: in the last newspaper article it is written that something should change, because the poor young whites are among the most disfavoured in South Africa. But I don’t believe anything will ever change. 12
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 15:01 | # Johan Van Vlaams writes: But I don’t believe anything will ever change. Johan, something I noticed when in Cape Town was an impressive presence of Chinese ships. I’ve read about an increasing Chinese presence in Zimbabwe. The Chinese need natural resources and they aren’t “white”. They’ve also got real money and can fill many of the niches once occupied by “whites”. Moreover, the Chinese don’t have to continually check in with the high priests of Holocaustianity every time they do something that might be construed as self-interested… 13
Posted by Bob George on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:12 | # White poverty has always been there in South Africa; so has white murder etc. Its just that it was hidden back in the days to save face. Most current white unemployment was before AA was implemented. Truth be told, AA or no AA, the demise of the Nats was always going to be an economical detriment to the white population, regardless of what happened next. I think its important that whites in South Africa look out for each other because they currently don’t. There’s a lot of negligence for family when the latter becomes poorer 14
Posted by Matra on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 05:00 | # The latest victim of the genocide in South Africa is former Formula One driver Jackie Pretorius. A descendant of Boer leader Andries Pretorius ((27 November 1798 – 23 July 1853) Jackie Pretorius was attacked in his home and succumbed to his injuries March 30. His wife also died following an assault after she and Jackie were brutally beaten a couple of years ago. This thread only hints at who might be responsible. One poster writes: What angers me the most, about this attack and others, is that criminals and savages are allowed to control this country and idiots like FIFA wants to host a world cup here! These hypocrites washed out their mouths regularly about the previous government in South Africa, but they are completely silent now about crime, corruption, incompetence, etc. of the current group of clowns that “govern” South Africa and the fact that more than 50% of politicians have some sort of criminal record. Anything from theft, rape, assault and even murder. When will they wake up to these facts? Jackie is now the third top driver that was killed here by the hands of thugs. Meyer Botha and John McNicol suffered the same fate. If your country qualifies for the World Cup it would be a good idea to just watch it on TV. 15
Posted by Snowy Smith on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 14:12 | # GENOCIDE of WHITES by BLACKS South Africa Please Report To:
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Please refer to The Hague: POSTAL ADDRESS: 16
Posted by edward on Fri, 31 Jul 2009 19:09 | # why does international media, and governments not tell the truth about South Africa racism and mass murder (genocide) against whites ???? 17
Posted by Frank on Fri, 31 Jul 2009 19:22 | #
The few (white) South Africans I know tell me things aren’t so bad either - only bad in parts. Maybe the ones who can come to the states have it alright for the moment I dunno (similar to how wealthy white Americans don’t care about the economy until they’re hit), but it seems like there must be some massive propaganda within SA controlling the whites there. From the news though it sounds like SA has taken a turn downwards, so maybe things have now gotten bad enough to where whites generally acknowledge it now. Even then though, they’ll likely blame some black leader (just as Zimbabweans blame Mugabe rather than blacks as a group). I don’t understand what the Hell is wrong with white people - my people… We didn’t used to be like this. 18
Posted by Dimitri Van Schalkwyk on Wed, 09 Sep 2009 04:42 | # There is good and bad in South Africa. The whites do complain and protest about it, but that does not help, it falls on deaf ears. They are all in the same predicament. Unfortunately, most could not leave, even if they wanted to, since immigration laws for European countries, the US and Canada, and Australia are stricter for outsiders, white South Africans included. This means that for those of us fortunate enough to qualify to leave SA and go somewhere safer (due to very good qualifications etc.), in order to do so we have to abandon our families there, and leave a place that we are very attached to—it is our home. I personally am going back, despite the problems, I need to be with my family and friends. The most frustrating part is that they have tightened gun control laws, which means that we cannot own a gun (unless we wish to risk harsh penalties, long prison sentences etc. which is essentially a death sentence—there are stories of white folks who spent even a short while in prison, for parking violations etc, who get raped and contract aids). What this means is that, although you know there is a good chance you or your wife or your sisters will come to harm (probably by a group of armed thugs, since they don’t give a damn about the gun control laws), we are prevented from being able to protect them. Many of my friends (and I myself) have been held up at gunpoint (fortunately none of us has been killed), and my one friend was even forced to watch as some thugs urinated on his girlfriend. But there is good there as well, some parts of the country are very beautiful, and the memories of what it used to be mean that nowhere else can feel like home. I still love the country, despite its problems. We don’t blame a single man, people complain about the oppressing race as a whole all the time. But there are evil people in every race. 19
Posted by Wesley on Wed, 11 Nov 2009 00:58 | # To think that whites in South Africa once owned nuclear weapons and now are reduced to powerless poverty! 20
Posted by King on Thu, 17 Dec 2009 12:57 | # Can’t we just talk about making South Africa a better place except fighting and pointing fingers, what happened, happened. No one deserve to die or be killed it is wrong nor matter if white or black? Yes I can also join white speaking organization that will fight against genocide or any illegal activity. Please bring about all the stories about illegal activities out of the closet and let’s find the means to fight it together as South Africans. South Africa is for both black and white South African we do not need any BEE or black first laws. If one is qualified for a post, he needs to be given a chance. Please South African I’m begging you for mercy on behalf of all those blacks and whites who are also caught up in this Genocide attacks. 21
Posted by Snowy Smith on Tue, 09 Feb 2010 21:22 | # FORMAL GENOCIDE COMPLAINT BLACK RACIST HATE CRIMES AGAINST WHITES. The South Africa Constitutional Court Ruled that the ANC Government has a ”DUTY OF CARE to Protect ALL its Citizens”. The ANC Government has Failed and or Refused to Protect ALL its Citizens. 22
Posted by Wade Ellis on Fri, 12 Mar 2010 13:45 | # Dear World Yesterday on the 03-03-2010, Julius Malema President of the ANC Youth League in front of 500 Student and the locale Media at the University of Johannesburg began chanting “kill the boers, they are rapists”. “Boers” is what the white Afrikaans speaking people in South Africa are called, but is sometimes used as a derogative term to describe all white South Africans. This is not the first time that Julius Malema has threaten white people but the second time this week he called on the ANC supporters to kill white people. In response to this the spokesperson for the ANC (Ruling political party) Jackson Mthembu said “I will defend him it is his and the ANC’s right”. Peter Mokaba, until recently South Africa’s Deputy Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, who recently said, “We want to encourage people to come here and see that crime does not dominate.” What Mr. Mokaba did not tell you was that he himself is famous for the slogans he invented and uttered again and again when he was a leader in the ANC “Kill the Boer! Kill the farmer!” and “One settler, one bullet.” South African farmers now suffer the highest murder rate in the world—274 per 100,000 Commercial farmers are increasingly leaving the South African countryside because of these war-like conditions in which they are forced to grow food. There are less than 11,600 commercial farmers remaining in South Africa now - down from 85,000 in 1994. More than one-million farm workers have also lost their jobs, and their families have lost their homes and were forced to move into squatter camps: about 5-million people all told. These politicians are blinding the world with talks and promises of equality, peace and hope. But behind close doors they are planning and advocating the Nationalization of all assets owned by white people and the mass extermination of all Non-blacks. The ANC pretends that they have no control over Mr Malema and that his hate propaganda is no big deal. At the same time the ANC including President Jacob Zuma has said that he will be the future president of the ANC. The ANC and Jacob Zuma are using Julius Malema their Youth League President to promote and insight violence against the white South African people. We are on the brink of a massive genocide. Please help! Kind regards 23
Posted by MsAnnThrope on Mon, 15 Mar 2010 12:17 | # You people have only one (very twisted) side of the story. 24
Posted by Englander on Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:03 | # ^ I’m sure you aren’t black. You come across like a warped white liberal to me. Tell me, why is white success something which needs to be “addressed”? 25
Posted by Brendan on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 02:00 | # okay, i’m a white american and i’m definitely against this. but doesn’t this amaze you? what did whites do not too long ago in america? we discriminated against blacks! now that whites are being treated this way in S.A. we’re getting terribly worked up. yes, something needs to be done about it. but you know what they say. paybacks a ..... comment back with your response, please. 27
Posted by MsAnnThrope on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 16:29 | # @Englander 28
Posted by Englander on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 18:04 | # I don’t see how white prosperity was achieved any differently in South Africa than it was in any other white country. The blacks poured into the country for the jobs whites created. 29
Posted by MsAnnThrope on Wed, 17 Mar 2010 10:53 | # Seriously? You want a lecture in Aparthied history? And black people never “poured” into the country for the jobs! Zulus and Xhosas at least were in South Africa since the 1500’s (as far as can be established). Get your facts straight before you spout bullshit! And maybe you’re right about how white prosperty in South Africa was achieved in the same way as everywhere else.. The oppression and segregation of the aboriginal Australians by the British, the horrors perpetrated on South Americans by the Spanish, the enslavement of West Africans, the massacre of Native Americans by the British… 30
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 17 Mar 2010 12:42 | #
Surely SA’s black population is far larger than can be accounted for by differential birth rates, these people had to come from somewhere. Anyhow Ann, lets not dwell on the past, we have SA’s bright future to look forward to. Without those parasitic whites holding them back, the Africans - the people really responsible for SA’s wealth will soon build a 1st world nation. 31
Posted by MsAnnThrope on Wed, 17 Mar 2010 13:17 | # @lurker 32
Posted by Aldo on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 14:29 | # Dear MsAnnThrope You seem to know it all. Come stay in South Africa on the lovely countryside and enjoy being raped and killed by your wonderfull black friends, When they look you in the eyes and say “die white bitch” you will feel all enlightened. Best wishes A south african 33
Posted by @SA on Mon, 05 Apr 2010 08:37 | # I am an south african BOER as we are called here. i’ve gone through all your post here and some are very true but you all have some kind of lack of background concerning this genocide. Yes we are only 11% of the population but where does the other 89% come from??? They are all mostly from outside of south africa , zimbabwe mosambique and other contries. Our coverment is allowing people from other places to come and take up our jobs and resources and make true SA PEOPLE poor. They allow ANC youth leader malemha to sing hate and racist songs of killing of the whites in our contrey and after court apeal telling malemha not to sing the hate songs he still do it in zimbabwe , mokking our law and our country by saying that our laws means nothing. We are being killed on our farms but it gets swept under the rug and trhe world do not see this. We are being slayed and our woman and children raped and killed and we can’t do anything about it because they have changed our laws and are busy taking away our guns. Do you know that you may not shoot some one breaking in to your house if he doesn’t attack you and then also you need to make sure that you do not shoot to kill, further more if he attacks you with a knife you are not allowed to take more force than what your intruder have. After singing those hate songs by ANC youth leader malemha our Leader of the AWB was slayed in his room while he was sleeping. They hacked him to death with a panga and a piece of pipe, now tell me that this is just co incedence , and the song that says kill the boer kill the farmer or one bullet one settler ( as we are revered to aswell) have not instigate this and that this message has fallen on death ears of their followers. You guys not living in south africa do not have a clue what you are talking about, you are just speculating and reading statistics that is covered up by every one to prevent the world from seeing what is really going on here. 34
Posted by SAcitizen on Sun, 18 Apr 2010 12:48 | # @MsAnnThrope Yes Ms Ann, a big chunk of the economy is still in our hands. Now lets see, according to your reasoning, because of this fact we deserve to be raped, killed, tortured, robbed and mutilated. Yes, I can see your point, you make it very well. Do you want a medal for being white and defending the blacks? Here is a newsflash for you, they do not care. The business I have managed to build out of nothing was as a result of BEE. Neither me nor my husband could find a job so we started our business with a little bit of savings we had. Now, if by your reasoning, it is unfair that such a bulk of wealth be mine, what do you suggest I do? Give it over to a BEE person? You see, I am not quite sure what the rest of the world expect us to do with what we have acquired. I cannot see the logic in giving away what I had to work long hours for at the cost of my family so that they can be provided for. What the rest of the world surely do not know, is that a white person rarely gets funding from any international or government agency as all the funding are reserved for BEE. We have projects in place teaching them and educating them, they receive qualifications, all paid for(I know this because I was involved in tutoring these students, so I did share my knowledge). It does not cost them a cent. And with BEE in place they use these qualifications to get employment. Now I know for sure that this sort of opportunity is not available to whites. So the way I see it, stop complaining, take the opportunity that their government supplies to them and go make something of themselves instead of blaming me and the past for what they do not have, and stop justifying an attack on me to take what is mine. It also seems you need a lesson in pre-apartheid history, so that you can realize that SA was poor after the boer war, but that we, together with the British, build up the country out of nothing. They inherited a working system. Lastly I harbour no ill will towards any population group in SA, but I do want to be left alone to be able to live my live in peace and harmony and provide for my children. So I do not agree with your last statement, because I am certainly not the one harbouring the hate and resentment. 35
Posted by Miss Bee on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 00:14 | # I’m a black South African, and come from poor background. I manage to get out of poverty because I was very lucky to recieve a scholarship while I was still at my former township black school, funded by German charity organisation..I was fortunate to attend private schools uptil my martic. I struggled to raise money for my varsity, but by God’s grace I managed to study and obtain degree. To be honest, I stayed in dusty township for along time struggling to get a job,Point I want to get across to u, is…I never beneffited from BEE,and not all blacks benefit from it. I had to get in shitty stuff of paramid schemes in order to fundraise money to go abroad, and search for greener pastures. Thank God it all worked, I left SA with Student visa to come abroad stl futhered my studies,worked and now I’m leaving my dream coz I’m hustler. There’s many South African blcks going through what I’ve been through even abroad. We are all travelling it’s not only white South Africans.We are all affected by crime,there’s number of black farmers killed by Afrikanners too. Racism in SA is on both sides. My cousins 6yr old daughter was raped 2months ago…. 36
Posted by tvm on Mon, 26 Apr 2010 02:17 | # At Miss Thorpe!
Afrikaans Yes Xhosa and I can still speak it today some of my white friends even speak Zulu fluently! Some learned it at school and some of us even learnt is from our Zulu and Xhosa housekeepers. We would sit on Eveline’s bed at night and she would read us the Xhosa Bible and teach us! So please if you have not lived in SA shut up!!! There were atrocities committed I am sure, but we never ever killed people just for the heck of it!!! 37
Posted by Neil mcGavin on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:53 | # Good God Mrs Thorpe, it is the ignorance that you display so efficiently how little you know of the country from what you have read. Wow, isnt it amazing what a clear, yet completely distorted version of the truth one can come up with reading articles and filtered news. To be honest, you are the epitemy of the ignorance that not only think they know about South Africa, but the entire continent all together sending endless amount of money to a continent that has no ambition to do anything for themslves, but quick to blame the past ‘white’ generations of their failings. Why dont you take your extremely intelligent thought process, take a month off whatever you do and go to Zimbabwe to preach to them how well they are doing. Please dont expect to go home in anything else than a body bag you supporter of facists interlect! 38
Posted by Armor on Thu, 29 Apr 2010 00:20 | # When Germany really hits bottom, maybe Belgium can invade it militarily? 39
Posted by Werner on Thu, 06 May 2010 06:25 | # Dear MsAnn Thrope Thank you very much for your insight and analysis into our “White” South African Boer community. Thank you for showing us the error of our “boer” ways. I urge anybody else to come forth, and please also show us the error of our ways. We were so bad, oh so bad! We need forgiveness… We as a “Boer” community were the only white race on earth, who colonized a country and made it prosperous and have to pay for it. Please MsAnn allow me to say to our fellow black citizens, forgive us for making South Africa a country to be reckoned with, to be proud off. Forgive us for putting food on the table for all. Forgive us for developing this beautiful country, You are a fraud MsAnn with your twisted one sidedness. You are like all the others that force your opinions upon us, while your ancestors did the same damned things over there, you are a charlatan. What happened while America was expanding? Do you so conveniently forget what your beloved ancestors did, or should I say achieved? What about their “overlooked” atrocities? Do you want fingers shown your way or at any other colonized country for that matter? The poor Indians… with their bow and arrows, against the mighty thunder sticks… the Mozambique’s population against their colonists…. Now let’s reply to your facts. Whites the most “powerful economically” You might be correct, for now. It means jack however! But wait, what does that make you? Also economically powerful or middle class status compared? What about the underprivileged blacks or any other ethnic race including whites living in your country? … NO!!! That won’t do… You bad, bad person you! Resign and give your job to the previously disadvantaged. It’s “affirmatively necessary!” Does the black community not also have drive for a better life? Their own businesses? Aren’t they the ones who now get the jobs rather than the whites? Our successful “middle class” lifestyle as you so boldly and ”thoughtfully” called attention to will soon be a thing of the past if things progress the way it does currently. When this happens and all whites are reduce to nearly nothingness, will you be happy then? Why am I even asking this question.. As things sounds you should be, you will get your wish as affirmative action is most necessary according to you! So, “the whites benefited from apartheid for more than 40 years”. Very interesting indeed. How could we allow this to happen!? It’s just so upsetting to be successful. Maybe we should turn our other cheek for developing this beautiful country. Maybe you can go back in time, tell our (yours and mine) ancestors to let the blacks or whichever ethnic community of whichever country be left alone. Don’t colonize “their” country, let them live free, give them the opportunity to grow and populate this country themselves. Maybe you can take me with.. I would reprimand them and say “Bad ancestors, bad ancestors, you did a bad thing, you should never have given in to progress, you should not have allowed progress to stare you down! Bad ancestors!! So people… listen to the MsAnn, she so truly deserves a medal for the lack of common sense, unashamedly making a fool of herself. MsAnn you need direction and should stop reading filtered news. Our problems are more than what the media pictures. I will say this “Don’t believe everything you read…” The media is the puppets and you are the audience. Believe in your own self-righteousness, but keep us out of it! 40
Posted by King on Thu, 06 May 2010 12:51 | # Sorry to say but it looks like “boeres” especially posting onthis blogs are fucked up mentally. I’ve been reading this blog hoping that there will atleast be one educated “boere” but I surrender they will f#$@en die stupid, die motherfuckers and leave our generation in peace. 41
Posted by Werner on Fri, 07 May 2010 09:03 | # King. I anticipated this self-centered type comments. Regards to you my narcissistic small minded stranger. 42
Posted by Tom on Tue, 11 May 2010 22:13 | # Dankie Werner, 43
Posted by Marisa on Thu, 13 May 2010 13:26 | # Dankie Werner, These opinionated individuals, safely abroad, should live in SA for a week - they will not survive! SA is not for sissies! 45
Posted by Marisa on Thu, 13 May 2010 13:37 | # Dear Miss Ann Thorpe I am aware that you don’t have a clue what it is like to live in constant fear, and I forgive you for your ignorance. I just want to let you know that performing a simple everyday task, like taking out the trash induces a panick attack - I have to arm myself with a canister of pepper spray before I walk out the door to my front gate. Stopping at a traffic light is a nightmare, since you have to be on the look out because roads are marked with “Crime Hot Spot” signs. My nieces rarely play outside, and if they do, the whole family has to be on the lookout, they can’t visit the parks because it is just too dangerous. The list goes on and on, and I’m already feeling another panic attack coming on… 46
Posted by Marisa on Thu, 13 May 2010 13:42 | # Dear Guessedworker Ofcourse, the centre of the universe! Are you American? Well, if you are at home, and I am abroad, be grateful that you are not abroad! 47
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 13 May 2010 16:30 | # Marisa, No, no ... home is Europe. I am an Englishman and this is my blog. You can hear me interviewing Dan Roodt on our Radio page. He even talks about taking over a small part of northern Germany for Afrikaners. 48
Posted by Marisa on Thu, 13 May 2010 17:25 | # Please accept my sincere apologies, didn’t mean to be so rude. 49
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 13 May 2010 23:21 | # You are not rude at all, Marisa. You are ready to defend your people, and I only wish there were millions more like you here on the old continent. 50
Posted by Lalie on Sat, 15 May 2010 04:51 | # @MsAnnThrope Almost good comments, just a couple of corrections: 1) Whites are already 400 years in SA not 200. 7) Racial hatred has nothing to do with forgivenes but with the current Gold fever and the rat race to tunnel the platinum reeves in the western bushveld. The very hart of the battlefield were farmers, their families and their workers get butchered everyday by foreign barbarised blacks. AWB Leader Eugene Terreblance were also killed here. 8) Yes Whites in SA don’t get “persercuted” just butchered. And genocide or no genocide, one butchered is one too many! 51
Posted by SA Citizen on Mon, 24 May 2010 06:33 | # @ Miss Bee Absolutely, Miss Bee, we South Africans are all taking strain from Violence, but who is perpatrating the crime? White or Black? You mentioned your cousin’s 6 year old daughter was raped, may I ask, BY WHO????? Definately not a white!!!!! 52
Posted by Steven Rose on Tue, 25 May 2010 16:53 | # I am an American who spent 2009 living in South Africa, Centurion. What an education and humbling experience for me in this time. There are many many problems as all countries and I can only speak from my personal experiences. I lived in a guarded Estate which had it’s own private school. While there I had the blessing of having many white and black friends some of which included those whose families own farms and are currently selling back or out to the government. For an American, I was very uncomfortable with the way that black people are treated and looked upon by the white South Africans, not all but the majority. It is important to note that with my white South African friends that their were select blacks that were allowed to inter mingle but very select and few. I think that in the very end you have to look realistic at sheer numbers. In that this is the facts. The majority of whites in South Africa are pissed off and very racial and the majority of blacks are pissed off and fed up. Yes it is a black ran government and while they are helping their own in regards to hiring practices and such there are areas for which they are failing their own people. One of these examples are in having a lower passing grade for the black children in South African schools verses the higher passing grade for whites. Many times in traveling throughout the country it is not uncommon to see schools releasing students out of school by 9 in the morning in prominent black areas? I was amazed. But you know while South Africans as a whole make much less for professional positions compared to the rest of the world, the whites still dominate as mentioned above. And most of the whites are very arrogent about it. They HATE the blacks and they treat them like SLAVES. SOME whites are respectful to their domestic workers in their homes, but the underlining feeling is that it is cheap stupid labor. The blacks that take these jobs are paid well in comparison to the alternative, even successful blacks have these domestic workers in their homes. But when you look at the amount they are paid to what they do, it is only, in my personal opinion, not slaverly because they do get paid something. My personal experience in dealing with many banks and other professionals in SA was negative. They are without question very angry and bitter. I believe that most if not all live in fear, they know what is potentially coming one day. In the end they have to stop and ask themselves what is their part in the continuing problem? There is a huge problem in the mindset and overall day to day approach from the whites to the blacks. They expect the black government to fail and for them to reclaim SA. There are many scandles around the elections in regards to illegal and fake ballots. Right now, to some degree, SA still needs the SA whites. But there will come a time where enough will be enough and White Night will become a reality. I honestly believe it is a matter of time. Both sides are too angry presently and the blacks are today still tired of being suppressed, while the whites live in their fancy Estates and homes, drive their Mercedes and BMW’s and feed them pocket change for a physical hard days labor. What a beautiful country, what beautiful people, black and white. The truth, fact and reality? What hatred, resentment, racism and bitterness still flows through the hearts, minds and mouths of both races. It is immense and unspeakable, while yet it resides and bubbles underneath the lips of some you would never imagine, just awaiting to explode in an total genocide. Sad but yet very true and real. 53
Posted by gagoonies on Thu, 27 May 2010 07:29 | # Liberate South Africa from the negro oppressors! Down with the black oppressor! 54
Posted by Werner on Mon, 31 May 2010 06:17 | # YAWN!! Such dimwitted words… “Down with the black oppressor!” tsk, tsk, tsk. 56
Posted by @King on Fri, 04 Jun 2010 10:45 | # Thanks a lot Steven Rose, all we need is peace, both blacks and whites but Werner is an asshole. 57
Posted by Theman on Tue, 08 Jun 2010 14:35 | # This is the most utter nonsense I’ve read in my entire life. What do you say about some white people who still have the old South African flag. Stop being ignorant and cover everything and don’t just look at one side. It’s people like you who write utter nonsense like this that are going to bring this country to turmoil, you and our leaders who don’t have a sense of direction. 58
Posted by gagoonies on Tue, 15 Jun 2010 04:59 | # Liberate the sovereign nation of South Africa from the murderous communists illegally occupying it. Stop the genocide in South Africa being waged against native whites by immigrant blacks imported in mass by communist forces intentionally for that purpose. They are liars… Werner you are the ignorant person. DOWN WITH THE BLACK OPPRESSOR! Shame on those who have supported the genocide taking place in south africa. You will be held accountable for your crimes in the future. You will stand trail, be found guilty for your crimes, and be punished by a white court. You will know justice! 59
Posted by Werner on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 13:51 | # APPOLOGIES TO ALL CONCERNED Firstly, I need to sincerely apologize to all and especially for my reply to you gagoonies. I posted a reply to your post where you said “Down with the black oppressor” I feel so ashamed, and I really am a foolish ignorant asshole. I was immediately wound up and that blinded me to the true meaning behind it. How did I get that so wrong?? Oh, how STUPID I feel. It was as if I did not grasp the idea behind the sentence of blacks being oppressive against the whites. Best wishes to all. 60
Posted by Mara Robbertse on Mon, 05 Jul 2010 09:28 | # I read and read the same thing over and over again. It is time to take action people . I think a international fund should be started to assist with buying arms for self protection. Talking changes nothing take up the weapon. 61
Posted by gagoonies on Thu, 08 Jul 2010 17:46 | # Yes Mara Robbertse I think you are right. Something also to considered though. What about a funding operation. A type of discount economic loan with no interest strictly reserved for the Boer. To pay for itself a better quality loan with extremely low interest could be available. You make the guns available and they will be purchased if the money is available. Which would allow POOR white families in their country of South Africa currently illegally occupied by the communist ANC government to have a helping hand leveling up the financial bracket in their respective regions. Enough for families to produce small businesses which have the potential to generate relatively great wealth. Giving those families the capability to fuel their dreams which of course will raise the standard of living for everyone because they will have access to more goods as a result more power. The ability to generate infrastructure for themselves, so if they feel something needs done, they do it themselves, they are empowered. It is white empowerment. It represents enhancing their economic might. I would further recommend that the form this loan takes physically would be precious metals, namely gold. Will you refuse a gold bar? I wont. The reason why is because it would be easily exchangeable. Have a nice day & think happy thoughts. 62
Posted by gagoonies on Wed, 21 Jul 2010 15:59 | # Werner Because we are brainwashed not to see such by the corrupt powers that be. Parasites don’t like having their meals interrupted by being pulled off & cast into flames upon being identified as the problem they are. It is unacceptable. No need to apologize Werner, your fine. Thank you for being a considerate thoughtful thinker, your realization of the glamor placed upon your mind is enough for me. Blessings of love, peace, communication, and knowledge be upon you. 63
Posted by no1 on Thu, 29 Jul 2010 00:03 | # to tell you the truth it you black ppl that are stuffing up sa cos of you all these bad things are happening you make a song kill the boer and that if you can do that whights should be abil to call you what you rely are ka***rs 64
Posted by gagoonies on Wed, 15 Sep 2010 05:57 | # They sing kill the boer. They sing kill the farmer. They wish to kill the farmer, the core of any healthy society. 65
Posted by sten on Tue, 19 Oct 2010 21:28 | # A response to the America, who lived in South Africa and now seems to know it all, and climbs the ivory tower of righteousness. Yes for so long whites from America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia had so much to say about the evil whites from South Africa. Let me explain to all, the parallels in all our histories and where our histories differ. In all these countries the whites invade and took the land from the indigenous people, that is a fact you liberal hypocrites from America conveniently forget that. (By the way the black man in South Africa also colonised Southern Africa, as he was originally from Central Africa. And he also stole the land from the original inhabitants, which were the Khoi Khoi People, of course this never gets mentioned by liberals) In all these regions the whites and the indigenous clashed over land and resources. In all these regions when the colonists were threatened by indigenous and war broke out the military plus the colonists fought to protect lives and property. In all these regions the whites eventually dominated. Where the histories differ from South Africa is that, in all the other regions one or a combination of the following scenarios played out. Either mass immigration occurred from Europe which effectively swamped the indigenous people.( North America between 1830 and 1930 an estimated 30 million whites immigrated from Europe) Or the whites together with the military ie American and British Militaries decimated the locals until they were a minority by way of partial genocide. Or they committed partial genocide in a more subtle way by spreading disease( it is well known that white Americans spread small pox amongst the Red Indians). They also attempted to destroy the Indigenous peoples cultures by banning them speaking their own language( as with American Indians once they were forced onto reservations) and or separating children from parents like in Australia. In south Africa we always remained a minority we never had the mass immigration that all the other countries had, and consequently we always remain under threat from the black man. That is just how it was and how it is. We never decimated the black population until they were a minority like all those other countries did.We also never attempted to destroy their culture like the Americans and Australians. In South Africa the indigenous black population sky rocketed with the arrival of the white man. This is in contrast to all the other colonies where it dwindled. So to sum up when your ancestors were threatened by the indigenous people you commit ed partial genocide against them. The survivors became wards of the state shunted of to reservations. later and only much later you gave them the franchise of course it did not mean much to them or you because what could they change being the minority. And how easy was it for you to give them that vote all be it grudgingly, now that they were no longer a threat, how convenient. After giving the indigenous people the vote you some how became the great moral crusaders for the rights of the poor blacks in Africa, note not the poor aboriginal or the poor Red Indian, no you never talked much about them, too embarrassing may bee. Then you proclaimed to the world how democratic you were. To top this, the hypocrites that you are and to exonerate yourselves from the guilt you felt about your past, you threw rocks at white south Africans. Who as I have explained were out numbered by the blacks by a massive ratio and are still therefore under threat. ( oh yes and the threat poss ed by the black tribes in South Africa in terms of the scale and ferocity of the wars we fought, was of a far greater scale than anything you fought in America or Australia. Go look up the history of the ““battle of isandlawana” you may learn something) Yes we had apartheid which means separate development. The british and all the other colonies had and practised this system way before South Africa made it law. You make it sound like we were the only ones. I know tha in South Africa it was not implemented correctly and it was unfair and things could of been done different. but I do know this the black man always has been and always will be a threat a real threat to the whites in this country and our very right to exist. At the moment the blacks are in the beginning stages of committing genocide against whites. Our wives and children are being raped and murdered daily. The numbers of whites murdered at the hands of blacks and the manner in which they are being killed and tortured is being totally ignored by the liberal western media.If this had to happen to any other community especially a non white community there would be demonstrations and tribunals and investigations and it would be all over the news in the western world but because it is White South Africans it seems it is ok. You had a lot to say about the injustice of apartheid but say nothing about the black on white killings going on now Selective Moralization is what I call it. So at the end of the day if we had decimated our indigenous people like you did in the past to the point where they were a minority, we could of also proclaimed later how democratic we were after giving them the vote. We also could of swept the past under the carpet like you and called it history. Makes you think 66
Posted by Victor on Tue, 26 Oct 2010 11:11 | # http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/04/white-genocide-in-south-africa.html 67
Posted by saffa on Sat, 18 Dec 2010 02:52 | # Time to open Pandora’s Apartheid Box (very interesting series of articles): From the original site where the series comes from: Maybe MsAnn Thrope should read about things like these: This is what happened in Kenya and the same will happen in Europe once their numbers are great enough: The Ruck family, including their six year old son Michael, being a horrific example, the little boy was dispatched in his bedroom, amongst his toys, by a group of men wielding machetes. His pregnant mother Dr. Esmee Ruck, who had spent years nursing African children, had the unborn foetus literally ripped from her belly, whilst Roger Ruck was hacked to bits attempting to defend his wife and son. Neither sex nor age led anyone to be spared the killing of Dorothy Bruxner-Randall in March 1954 was followed swiftly by that of four year old Andrew Stephens, hacked to death with a panga in April and 83 year old Dr Charles Pentreath who died in a similar manner a fortnight later. Another truly horrific killing was that of Arundell Gray Leakey, brother of Victoria Cross recipient Nigel Gray Leakey, and cousin of anthropologist Louis Leakey, who, after being forced to watch the murder of his wife Mary, was taken on a forced march to the foot of Mount Kenya, where the Kikuyu believe their god Ngai lives, disembowelled and then burred upside down and alive. The killing was allegedly ordered by a witch doctor on the grounds that the gods required the blood of a White man. The cruelty and blood lust of the mau mau, and that which occurred in the Belgian Congo a decade later, were a foretaste of the horrors which have been visited upon the white population of South Africa in the 15 years since the end of the much reviled but, by comparison, relatively bloodless Apartheid. An aptitude for cruelty is nothing new in Africa, it has lurked at its dark heart for many centuries. Thanks Victor. And Jihadis are enciting the genocide of whites to their heart’s content. From the same page: “Ahmed El Saud: “Kill the f***ing whites now!!! If you afraid of them, let’s do it for you. In return, you can pay us after the job has been done… text us… we are not afraid for the whites like your own people… it’s a disgrace … he asked you and you don’t want to… we will do it, Mandela!” In another posting he said: “Mandela asked so nice, start at home with food poison, gas leaks, cut the phone lines, kill the babies in the pool, be creative or if you have no nerve, call me and my team … we have 3 000 on standby and can be ready with in 24 hours… think about it now or good luck.” And also from Pam Geller’s site: “All whites are evil. Kill the babies, kill the elders, kill all whites and your blessings will rise to the heavens.Makube Njalo Ahmed El Saud Kill the fucking whites now !!! If you afraid for them, lets do it for you. In return you can pay us after the job has been done ... Text us .... We are not afraid for the whites like your own people ... Its a dicgrace ....he ask you and you don’t want to ... We will do it Mandela !” So I hope all these stupid little liberals who sit around saying whites in SA deserve it will drop dead before these things happen to them. Because it’s coming and there’s no denying it. They don’t care if you supported them or not. You are white therefore, you should be killed. Latest update on these genocidal facebook comments: 68
Posted by saffa on Sat, 18 Dec 2010 02:57 | # For those little stupid annoying clueless liberals… What has Swede ever done to blacks or muslims? Nothing. In fact, they were some of the worst, especially under Olof Palme, who discriminated against white South Africans. They now had a suicide bomber and comments like the following have been widespread for some time now: “There are even reports of Swedish girls being attacked and cut with knives on the dance floor. A 21-year-old man who came to Sweden a couple of years ago admits that he has a low opinion of Swedish females –or “whores” as he calls them. He is now prosecuted, suspecteded of cutting eight girls in several pubs. He is also charged with raping a girl at a private party, and with sexually harassing another girl in the apartment. Several witnesses claim that the 21 year old has said that he hates Swedish women. Some Muslim immigrants admit their bias quite openly. An Islamic Mufti in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are “asking for rape.” Apparently, he’s not the only one thinking this way. “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid. “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably fucked before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is important that she retains her virginity until she marries.” It was no coincidence that it was a Swedish girl that was gang raped in Rissne – this becomes obvious from the discussion with Ali, Hamid, Abdallah and Richard. All four have disparaging views on Swedish girls, and think this attitude is common among young men with immigrant background. “It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean;” says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. “Many immigrant boys have Swedish girlfriends when they are teenagers. But when they get married, they get a proper woman from their own culture who has never been with a boy. That’s what I am going to do. I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get fucked to pieces.” The number of rapes committed by Muslim immigrants in Western nations are so extremely high that it is difficult to view them only as random acts of individuals. It resembles warfare. Muhammad himself had forced sex (rape) with several of his slave girls/concubines. This is perfectly allowed, both in the sunna and in the Koran. If you postulate that many of the Muslims in Europe view themselves as a conquering army and that European women are simply war booty, it all makes perfect sense and is in full accordance with Islamic law. Western women are not so much regarded by most Muslims as individuals, but as “their women,” the women who “belong” to hostile Infidels. They are booty, to be taken, just as the land of the Infidels someday will drop, it is believed, into Muslim hand. This is not mere crime, but ideologically-justified crime or rather, in Muslim eyes, attacks on Infidels scarcely qualify as crime. Western women are cheap and offensive. We Muslims are here, here to stay, and we have a right to take advantage of this situation. It is our view of the matter that should prevail. Western goods, like the land on which we now live, belong to Allah and to the best of men—his Believers. Western women, too, essentially belong to us—our future booty. No wonder there is a deep and increasing suspicion against Muslims in the Swedish and European public.” http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/muslim_rape_wave_in_sweden So that pathetic screwed up liberal logic is down the drain. How do you blame this on apartheid? 69
Posted by saffa on Sat, 18 Dec 2010 03:29 | # And it starts. Thanks to the EU, Europe’s collective suicide is a done deal - they’re letting muslim countries have free access to the Schengen zone… http://sheikyermami.com/2010/12/16/europes-collective-suicide-is-a-done-deal 70
Posted by AdrianaStuijt on Tue, 04 Jan 2011 12:16 | # Just before the start of the World Cup 2010 in South Africa, a group of citizens launched a website to record all the UNREPORTED serious, violent crimes. It’s very interesting to view these confirmed reports of very serious violent crimes targetting ‘white South Africans’ on this site throughout and just after the WC2010: set the dateline from May 2010 to August 2010 and watch that graph moving up… to keep track with the red crime-incident dots on the map… http://www.farmitracker.com Many of those crimes on that site remained unreported by the SAPS until the victims and their families reported them to the news media themselves first... 71
Posted by Angie on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 02:13 | # Most minorities want all whites to die, don’t trust them, band together 72
Posted by GORGONITE on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 18:41 | # For those who believe in the day of judgement, the Angel will come to the continent call Africa, his sword will be as sharp as the edges of lightning, he will strike down those who spilled innocent blood. 73
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 19:45 | # Adriana, everybody. I’ve added farmitracker.com and afrikaner-genocide-archives.blogspot.com to the links on the left. 74
Posted by Doreen on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 05:29 | # I am 45 years old and from America. I arrived after the baby boomer generation and born in 1965 during the radical 60’s. I am totally aware of what the horrible American left media has done to South Africa and this country. The time here in America has come to eradicate this sickening disease of the left. The disease is called liberalism. In America, the whites are about 65 percent of the population. Blacks represent 12. Yet i almost every commercial you see a black. On almost every advertisement you see a black. Multi culturalism and affirmative action is pushed almost every college. When in Gods nature are the whites in this country going to wake up? 76
Posted by Bluebella on Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:10 | # Gosh, no matter what goes on in South Africa, it seems so many people – even in South Africa! – remain oblivious. I filled up with rage when I read Mrs Ann Thrope’s ignorant comments. The American who lived in SA for a year. Big deal. You think you’re an expert now? I went to SA on holiday for 2 weeks does that make me an expert? No, it certainly does not. But I can tell you, that for an Australian who has lived in Australia, New Zealand and Britain, that whilst on holidays in Durban, having to stay in a house with “rape gates” blocking the lounge from the bedrooms, not being able to walk down the street by myself, having to lock the front door 8 times before going to bed…DO YOU THINK THIS IS NORMAL? Whilst I’m no expert on South Africa (unlike some people on this thread), I do have many, many South African friends in London where I currently live, who have fled South Africa because of the violence. To my white brothers and sisters: you are all welcome in Australia, where I am sure you will find the culture, lifestyle and landscape very similar to your homeland. Except that when you go to sleep at night you won’t have to worry about getting raped or beaten. You can walk down the street freely, without a care in the world. And if you do see a black face: rest assured, he will probably smile at you…. 77
Posted by Fermats on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 20:55 | # After reading south african history, I think that the white south africans who were in power were complete idiots. How come they could think of such wild things that they could do in a country where their number is comparatively low? If they were intelligent and smart, they would have turned South africa a heaven and they could have been worshipped by the rest of the races. I consider them to be complete idiots to have set up such a bad frightful future for their generation.. No wonder they are getting killed or the people have become violent in that country towards each other.. Barbarians vs Barbarians, there could be no settlement. Be wise and move to another country where you can live better for your kids and their future.. 78
Posted by SimonB on Mon, 04 Apr 2011 12:05 | # Dear Fermat’s You know that there is three things to measure any comment against: 1. Is it true?; Now, your comments do not qualify in any of the tree categories, let me re-word your diatribe. “They did create a heaven, and were worshiped by other races, especially the blacks that came pouring in for work and safety, however the rest of the world took notice of this small superpower, which tested its first nuclear weapons in 1979; were running on nuclear power in the early 80’s; made massive contributions in the medical field e.g. development and inventing the MRI, first hart transplant as well as build superior weapons like howitzer cannons that could out-fire anything of a similar nature in the world. As with any small superpower with vast resources it was targeted economically through cheap politics called democracy and majority rule and using the (self imposed moronic) populist masses and sanctions to impose economical will.” Where you are correct: Yes there will be no settlement; it would be interesting to know where you are from so that I can enlighten you on the racial makeup of the crime in your country and how your government is busy selling you out in favor of 3rd world wonders getting political asylum and breeding further on your tax money whist raping your women. The SA judgment day is going to be surreal. SimonB 79
Posted by Nadia on Wed, 20 Apr 2011 14:27 | # Anyone know what percentage of rape victims are white south africans? 80
Posted by Gert on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 11:46 | # I been living in Australia for the last 5 years, reading what is going on at the moment with Malema case in calling with ANZYL ( ANZ youth league) who want to take land this is really sounding the alarm bells. My god I am so worried for the farmers who is left there, and who says they will not go for the folk who lives in towns and villiages, and take there homes too!!!!!!! 81
Posted by African on Mon, 02 May 2011 02:56 | # If all white South Africans were killed….it will not come a fraction close to all the evil and murder whites have committed in the continent. “King” Neopold alone killed well over 10 million Africans and that was one white man and his organization. Playing white people as victims in Africa of all places? Who will take you seriously. The remaining whites will Either be slowly genetically assimilated or leave….bye bye… 82
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 03 May 2011 01:57 | #
Nor do the alleged ten million deaths count as a fraction of the good Europeans brought to savage cannibalistic Africa…in Ethiopia alone.
The Irish famine reduced that population by 30% and yet during Ethiopia’s famines their population more than doubled simply because of European support for carrying capacity. Encourage the remaining whites to leave Africa but when the famine descends, a Malthusian event most likely of biblical proportions, don’t come crying to Europeans, for as of now the white man’s burden is officially ended. 83
Posted by Cara on Sat, 21 May 2011 17:56 | # I have read all the comments and I am appalled at most. I am a white South African, currently 33 years old. Is it true that white genocide is being committed? OH YES. It’s getting worse and worse. The government are treating the white people in SA like frogs in a bowl of water. Slowly heat the water up and the frogs won’t realise they are being cooked. Having said that I would like to say to all of those who have made very racist comments, if you are serious about letting the world know about the current situation in South Africa, making ignorant and hate-filled racist remarks will make them shut their ears and never see the truth. Give them the facts as objectively as possible. If you feel that because of the way white people in SA are treated right now justifies your racism, just remember, it wields both ways. Injustices did occur under apartheid, so then the black people of SA can say the same, and be just as racist towards white people… the very thing we are complaining about. I truly believe (this is ofc just a personal opinion), that Dr. Verwoerd never had bad intentions when he implemented ‘separate but equal development’. If you go back in history to try and imagine what the country looked like then, I truly can understand it. I actually believe it to have been a brilliant way of trying to resolve many a issue and please everyone. I think the execution of this plan went a bit awry (once again, I can be wrong, just an opinon). The white settlers first came across their first black tribe about 100-120 years AFTER arriving at the Cape of Good Hope. I was not there as witness, so I cannot say why the white settlers and Voortrekkers got along with some black tribes and not others. What I can say is that the white people were very much the technologically advanced race at that time. My belief is that Dr. Verwoerd (and the people) thought it would be best to separate the tribes from one another (to not kill one another), and to also separate the black people from the white people due to the massive differences in religion, educational levels, culture, language etc. etc. Once again I would like to say that in saying that I don’t promote apartheid at all. That’s just a very brief view into history and people can go and research the history of South Africa for themselves. The Anglo Boereoorlog and all the rest. Let’s look at the facts today. In 1994 the communist ANC government took over the country as chosen by the majority of South Africans in free and fair elections. Nelson Mandela became the first president after these elections and he spoke of love, peace and equality for all South Africans and this resounded around the world. They basically received a top-notch first world country. Our water, electricity and army were on par or better than other top countries in the world. It is 17 years later and South Africa is now a third-world country. They are speculating that the drinking water in SA will be undrinkable within the next 5 years if drastic measures are not taken. SA suffers under constant electricity cuts. Things are slowly but surely, falling to pieces everywhere. The roads are in a terrible condition. The crime rate is probably topping the world charts. Unemployment (for both black and white) is sky-rocketing. ALL South –Africans are suffering under this communistic and greedy government. Now if the ANC government and parts of the black population of SA feels that all white people are evil and should be punished for apartheid or tortured and killed for it, fine, but then say it out loud! Don’t talk of peace, love and equality to the world but then do the opposite behind closed doors. Don’t be hypocrites about it. I’ve personally experienced how easy it is for a black person in SA to point the finger towards a white person for being a racist, but how it is their ‘culture’ to sing songs filled with hate-speech. Don’t have double standards. If you truly want South Africa to prosper, you need to have one standard to which ALL South-Africans have to comply. The ANC government is slowly starting to show their true colours to all South Africans. Their communistic colours that is. Nowhere in the history of the world have people been happy under communist reign. The people of SA are suffering, and the government is laughing all the way to the bank. Driving there in their fancy cars no less while their own people (not even to mention white people) don’t have food or jobs. Unfortunately it is the case that the black masses are too afraid and too uneducated to not vote for the ANC, which may be a good thing, because ‘democracy’ in SA will only exist as long as the ANC stays in power. The ‘free’ and ‘fair’ elections in SA is nothing but one big intimidation exercise from the ANC cronies. I don’t blame a black person for voting ANC when he is told that his family will be tortured and burned alive if he doesn’t.. I would have done the same. Land reformation is a big problem in SA, not only because the current farmers are being intimidated, threatened or killed, but because it is the lifeline of the country, for both black and white. You can do a lot to a country, but if you take away their farms, you are eradicating its existence. Look at what happened in Zimbabwe, may that be an example to all. Not only were white people chased off their farms, but black farmers as well. Basically anyone that opposed the greedy cronies of the Mugabe regime. Mugabe was the Mandela of Africa 30 years ago, heralded as a freedom fighter and liberator of his people. He has done nothing but destroy a once prosperous country. The ANC government is doing the same to SA. Go read the following: http://greatsalandscandal.blogspot.com/ Tensions are running high in SA on both sides of the fence and people can’t live like that for prolonged periods of time. Those that can will leave SA and go pay their taxes and apply their skills somewhere else, those that can’t however, will most probably have to fight in a civil war that I believe is not far off. No person can live in that amount of fear and tension indefinitely. Julius Malema, our beloved president of the ANC Youth League (ANCYL), is a prime example of what lies ahead for both black and white citizens of this country. He will keep on encouraging the black people to hate the white people, because in the process they won’t focus on him and the government. “We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you Bob Rumson is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things, and two things only: making you afraid of it, and telling you who’s to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle age, middle class, middle income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family, and American values and character, and you wave an old photo of the President’s girlfriend and you scream about patriotism.” Now just change the appropriate pieces in that quote. Julius Malema is constantly telling the black people of SA how their current miserable lives are to blame on the white people. He’s not interested in fixing these problems, he’s only interested in pointing fingers and placing blame. I don’t have a problem with AA or BEE, and I think if it was applied correctly, it could have been a good thing, however, in an attempt to please the population it was done on a massive scale and much too fast, this has led to an economic breakdown in SA, inducing more poverty. Instead of saying ‘let’s lift this nation up, let’s train our people, let’s educate them so we can build this country’, they lowered the educational standards so that everyone can have ‘matric’. Great. You have just successfully given someone a useless piece of paper. Congratulations. I won’t even go into the fraud and corruption in SA that have now filtered form the government to every branch of our society including the police force. How will a country EVER go forward and upwards with a corrupt government? HOW is this ‘liberating’ the people? You’ve moved the black population of South Africa from one evil to a much worse one. Unless the corrupt and communistic ANC government of South Africa steps down and makes place for a government that actually knows how to run a country and not just line their own pockets with gold, no one in South Africa will have peace. The genocide of white South Africans might happen before the black one due to less numbers, but eventually, they will all die. You can’t stay alive if you have nothing to eat and nothing to drink. Money can’t be eaten. 84
Posted by Lew on Sat, 21 May 2011 19:18 | #
I regret the situation of you and other Whites in South Africa. Try to leave the country if you can. I also can’t help but wonder which comments you perceive as hate-filled and racist given the reality of the ongoing White genocide in SA. People here and on sites like this one are the only ones speaking out against the genocide you describe. 85
Posted by Cara on Sat, 21 May 2011 23:43 | # Hi Lew My apologies, I should have made clearer who I was referring to. Not all black people are racist and bad, just as not all white people are racist and bad. All I was trying to say was that making obvious racist statements will NOT help the cause and plight of the white South African today. People have a tendency to stop reading things like that and taking claims seriously because they perceive them as purely hate-filled and ignorant, and they don’t understand the background from where it comes. I appreciate all efforts of people trying to raise consciousness about these atrocities happening in SA right now, something will have to be done. 86
Posted by anon on Sun, 22 May 2011 01:29 | #
And still refuse to face the truth that blacks are destroying us everywhere. 87
Posted by Cara on Sun, 22 May 2011 01:40 | # Hi Anon Why are you saying I’m refusing to believe that? Because I don’t want to insult every black person alive on this earth? I know exactly what’s happening in South Africa, and my entire post I made was dedicated towards saying that the ANC government should go, that they are destroying our beautiful country that the white people have built up and fought for over so many years. But I refuse to say that someone is bad purely based on their skin colour. That is ridiculous. And I also refuse to state that it is ONLY white people suffering in SA, that is not true. 88
Posted by anon on Sun, 22 May 2011 02:23 | # And I also refuse to state that it is ONLY white people suffering in SA, that is not true. Agreed. Older darkies will admit they were “better off” under whitey, and they are honorable. As for the rest ... savages. I’d like to be humanist about it but I have lived in 70%+ black regions my entire life and any sane reckoning must disregard the few civilized specimens and resign itself to the aggregate danger. 89
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 22 May 2011 13:14 | # Cara, I feel for your plight, as you are obviously a civilized person suffering from bad historical luck, like Europeans during the World Wars, the people stuck under communist tyranny, and even, to a much, much lesser extent, traditional white men like me living in the shitty, multiculti, affirmative actionized California (and America) of the last few decades. What a garbage world we live in today! But it was brought to us by three groups: malevolent haters of Western civilization, whether of its white, Christian or private property/capitalist/rationalist aspects; liberal ‘idealists’, with their assinine schemes for social improvement that make everything worse; and reasonable, competent, but pitifully naive white majorities, comprised of people like you. That you could actually be experiencing the slow-motion genocide of your own people, a people infinitely more valuable than the savages to whom you have beyond idiotically given your formerly excellent, white-run nation, and yet still even mention a worry about white racism, illustrates perfectly the origins of your present plight. When I was much younger in the 70s and 80s my family had some wonderful, senior age South African friends (British, not Boer) who were always inviting us to come visit them in SA. I remember my mother saying how much she would like to go before the country should fall to the blacks and be ruined. Sadly, we all just never could find the time, and eventually we lost contact with our friends (the husband died in the late 80s, and the wife, always a British citizen, returned to Britain; I never met their children, at least one of whom had a farming operation out in the Orange Free State, I think). My point is that even my parents and other family knew perfectly well that the white race had lost the will to fight and live; that we had succumbed to false notions of racial equality (especially the ludicrous notion that all men owe equal moral obligations to all others irrespective of race, religion, culture, nation, or any other collective identity - a notion absolutely without Christian ethical or theological foundation); that it was only a matter of time before the minority whites of SA were forced to share power with the black majority; and that as soon as that should happen, SA would be ruined. Obviously, we were right (as white racists always were and are). My question is, what were YOU PEOPLE thinking when you allowed for black majority rule??!! Being SA, you must have had much more experience of blacks than we Americans (just as, until quite recently, we’ve had much greater experience than the Europeans). What in the world did you expect would be the outcome of majority rule? You should have defended the eminently sensible apartheid system to the last man. Its purpose was to protect whites, the race at once more civilized and ethical, and thus morally deserving of concern, as well as more competent, and thus valuable for SA as a whole. I was very sad when SA fell. It was a bitter blow to Western Civilization. South Africans (the whites, esp the Boers) are some of the highest quality people on Earth. You should have fought far more ruthlessly to secure your national existence, and a future for white children in SA. At one time, in the 80s or early 90s, I might have even moved there to aid in the armed struggle, had SA issued an international call for white fighters, and vowed to preserve a white outpost in Africa forever. SA, or some portion of it, could have served as an international white ethnostate, a place of refuge for race patriots everywhere. Indeed, if a white racial revolution were to start there now, to carve out a white apartheid nation around, say, Cape Town, and if the white revolutionary government issued a call for race patriots from around the globe, I just might seriously consider even now going to enlist in the white armed forces, though my youth is past. You might be surprised how many alienated whites from all over - North America, Europe, Russia, Australia, perhaps even parts of Latin America - might heed the call. Unfortunately, if wobbly and weak persons like you, distraught at ... white racism?! ... are what we’d be fighting for, well, no thanks. I care only about aiding white nationalists - never white liberals. 90
Posted by Cara on Sun, 22 May 2011 19:06 | # Hi Leon I wasn’t sure after reading your post whether I want to slap or hug you, lol. Yes, I’m very sure that the people in power knew what was going to happen to the country when giving it over to black rule. White people all over SA were preparing for war in 1994 as they were convinced the black masses are going to ‘drive them into the sea’. Luckily, that didn’t happen, but now our country is slowly being destroyed. Yes, SA was a wonderful country to live in. It’s beautiful with rich earth and lots of minerals. Unfortunately I am someone who likes to be fair, if that makes me weak-minded, then so be it, I don’t like injustice. The crime in SA are reaching terrible peaks due to the bad management of the ANC communistic government. But you have to live in SA to understand that it is not a pure ‘black and white’ (excuse the pun) situation. My mom lived with me and my husband until she passed away in 2007, she was diabetic. The last 5 years of her life she was in ill health. We’ve had a man work for us (from before I got married in 2004), a black man from Lesotho. He left his wife and kids to come to SA in the hopes of getting a job and making a future for his family. In total, I think he worked about 10 years for us (especially my mom), and he loved her, and she loved him. He is a good man, hard-working and honest. The last 5 years of my mom’s life, I was very appreciative of him as he looked after my mom whenever it was his day to work at our house. He would make her food and make sure she ate, he would bring a chair and tell her to sit down whenever she got stubborn and didn’t want to go inside (he was a gardener and she loved gardening). He was the one to phone me at work one day telling me that my mom passed out and I need to come home (in his very broken english). He was the one to tell my mom to go inside while he talks to the ‘tsotsi’s’ outside and get them to leave. He visited my mom in hospital on her last stretch and held her hand. That black man did more for my mother than some of her children. The lady who worked in my house for 4 years, I’ve got nothing but respect for. Also a hard-working and honest woman. I never had to check up on her, she always did her job. She never stole from us. In those 4 years she did not take one day off for being sick or feeling ill. I sent her home twice I think because she was quite sick and she needed to rest. She felt the same I do about the current ANC government. Now if a war breaks about between black and white people in SA, how do you expect me to ever lift a hand of violence against these 2 people? How do I fight and kill someone I’ve come to respect and love over so many years? And these are just 2 examples. I’m not saying every black person in SA is a saint and we the white nation are horrible, not at all. I have my days where I get so angry at what is being done that I go off into one of my rants. But if seeing good in someone who’ve SHOWN me who they are is weak-minded and naive, then I guess I am. I don’t mind fighting for my country, and I don’t mind fighting people who attack me, I have NO problem with that at all. Me and my mother were attacked in our home (before I was married) by 4 black men carrying guns. My sister-in-law was shot at last year when they tried to hijack her car on her way to work at 8am the morning. So it’s not as if I haven’t felt the blows personally. I’m no untouched bystander when it comes to violence. But I won’t wage a war against someone purely based on skin colour. Maybe if I never knew these black people, never saw their good hearts, I would have whole-heartedly agreed with you. But I have. 91
Posted by Silver on Mon, 23 May 2011 01:26 | # Leon, you are cosmically dense about racial psychology. How many millions of Cara’s must have there been over the decades? Whites with positive pro-self racial feelings who are concerned about the future of their kind. Then some firebreather like you comes along and claims to speak in their name and then it’s, whoah, I don’t feel that strongly about non-whites and they start reconsidering their racial commitment, probably by reminding themselves of all the “decent” non-whites they’ve known and hmm, maybe it’s not so bad etc etc. Bottom line is people like you—who can’t contain their fury—are a big part of the problem. And why can’t you contain it? Because your soul is filled with hatred and your nervous system with revulsion and your mind with an absurdly pompous and misplaced sense of superiority. Believe you me, Leon Haller, were you drop to dead this minute the world would not be poorer for it, nor your precious race’s predicament any more precarious—quite the contrary, on both counts. 93
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 23 May 2011 07:20 | #
It’s because sometimes, like many a soldier has discovered in war time, it comes down to a choice between you and them and you will do the best you can to survive because survival is virtuous. 94
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 23 May 2011 10:19 | # Silver, You are an idiot. What I wrote above is extremely moderate, both by my own standards, as well as those of most WNs. It is also wholly unobjectionable. It is truth. I notice that no argument is offered in support of the “Rainbow Nation”. No argument is offered against my position that handing over SA to the black majority constituted a monumental disaster - as I among many WNs predicted, and as has come to pass. You must be a Jew. I generally don’t like to beat up on ‘the Jews’, as it smells of intellectual evasion; that is, of a failure to perceive and decry the real problem of the Aryan, which is our own ridiculously misapplied morality (cf Cara comment above, as I will explain). But your obsessive concern with racialist PR or marketing (not unimportant issues in the real world, btw) at the expense of forcing one and all to face plain truth has a very Talmudic smell about it. It is the white race above all others which stands preeminently for truth - not “tribal truth”, or “Rortyan pragmatic/functional truth” - but Truth, and the virtue of seeking it, protecting it, and proclaiming it. The internet, or at least sites like this one, should be devoted to truth. Obviously, no WN politician should simply reiterate what is said here, even when what is said is true and eloquent. But what would be the point of shading the truth in this context? If persons like Cara can’t handle what I’ve said (this in the context of white genocide?! what reality dimension is this?! 4th? 5th?), that is indicative or mental or moral failings on their part, not mine. It is they who need work on their minds and characters, not I. And if I were drop dead now, or at any point in the next 10-30 years, it would actually be a bitter blow to the survival chances of the white race. All committed WNs work for the race in accordance with their own abilities, interests and situations. It so happens that my set of concerns - the ethics of white survival - is precisely the area that holds the key for that survival, and that my approach to those issues - integrating scientific racism with traditional conservatism within the bounds of Christian natural law - is the correct one, and hence most politically dangerous. The Left loves neo-Nazis because they are so easy to discredit ethically (and on a number of grounds, and for every other ideological group). Having been a racialist blogger now for a good 5 or more years, I have noticed that my style and approach really enrage racial do-gooders and egalitarians of all ideological persuasions - far more than Nazi fulminations ever seem to. There is a reason for this. Look at this ugly comment from over on the Rapture thread: Posted by Alaric on May 22, 2011, 01:15 PM | # Christlickers generally are poor, uneducated and easily led. Jeebooism is a gutter religion, fit only for the basest of cowards, weaklings and morons. Keep in mind that this ‘rapture’ nuttery is common amongst the Christ-insane: if not in this particular form, then in another. What a despicable death cult. What a despicable lot of followers it has. Now imagine Alaric identifies with WN, and throws in some positive references to the Fuhrer in a comment on a non-WN site. See why the Left would not fear him or his influence? But when I come along, correctly reciting standard Christian or conservative positions, but additionally pointing out some racial truth, especially when such truth has undeniable implications for social policy and public morality, then you see the vitriol unleashed. Nazism is easy to reject. Empirically established interracial differences in intelligence or statistical behavior, especially when harsh but justifiable conclusions are drawn from such information, are not. The race ‘liberals’ (which includes even Christian, anti-Muslim paleoconservatives) know I’m right, and fear such information becoming widely known. And what they fear above all else is what I’m working on; namely, destroying theories linking Christianity and (most forms of) anti-racism. Reconstituting Western ethics in race preservationist direction, is the key to Western survival. Seemingly everybody, from egalitarians to WNs, dislikes this way of considering the problem, which makes me even more convinced that this is the way to move forward. So you are quite wrong about me. I am valuable to this cause, and will prove that over time. 95
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 23 May 2011 10:52 | # Cara, Let’s examine (briefly) your response to me. Yes, I’m very sure that the people in power knew what was going to happen to the country when giving it over to black rule. I was not referring to people in power, but to the white people who in 1992 (I remember reading the Wall Street Journal on this at the time - how time flies, I must say!) voted by I think about a 2-1 majority to hold all-race elections. What in the world were they thinking? Perhaps they were thinking like you, thinking of kind-hearted black workers they’d known, desperately pushing to the back of their brains their knowledge of the innate savagery in the soul of the typical African. Look where reality avoidance has landed all of you (of course, all sympathy to the terribly unfortunate white souls who voted NOT to end apartheid). BTWm if people in power knew what would happen, then why did they do it? Treason based on what? hatred? political interests or business greed? White people all over SA were preparing for war in 1994 as they were convinced the black masses are going to ‘drive them into the sea’. Luckily, that didn’t happen, but now our country is slowly being destroyed. Yes, SA was a wonderful country to live in. It’s beautiful with rich earth and lots of minerals. It was wonderful under white rule, correct? And terrible under black rule, right? Who said anything about injustice - except the massive injustice that was done to whites, the builders of SA? And your concern with fairness is a typically dangerous white racial trait. It is highly admirable, as long as you exist among others mostly like you. When it is misapplied to multiracial contexts, when your racial competitors do not exhibit such touching concerns, then it is a formula for collective suicide. The crime in SA are reaching terrible peaks due to the bad management of the ANC communistic government. Nonsense. I don’t doubt the communism or the horrors of the ANC. But please stop making excuses for Negroid savagery. There have been unbelievable genocides, rape rampages and perpetual pillaging in the Congo and adjacent countries for the past decade. Millions have died. Communism has no part of it. Can you understand that? Can you draw the correct conclusion(s) from that fact? But you have to live in SA to understand that it is not a pure ‘black and white’ (excuse the pun) situation. No, I don’t. Nothing in human social relations is ever pure, one way or another. All is tendency. But some tendencies are statistically significant, and endlessly recurrent. My mom lived with me and my husband until she passed away in 2007, she was diabetic. The last 5 years of her life she was in ill health. We’ve had a man work for us (from before I got married in 2004), a black man from Lesotho. He left his wife and kids to come to SA in the hopes of getting a job and making a future for his family. In total, I think he worked about 10 years for us (especially my mom), and he loved her, and she loved him. He is a good man, hard-working and honest. The last 5 years of my mom’s life, I was very appreciative of him as he looked after my mom whenever it was his day to work at our house. He would make her food and make sure she ate, he would bring a chair and tell her to sit down whenever she got stubborn and didn’t want to go inside (he was a gardener and she loved gardening). He was the one to phone me at work one day telling me that my mom passed out and I need to come home (in his very broken english). He was the one to tell my mom to go inside while he talks to the ‘tsotsi’s’ outside and get them to leave. He visited my mom in hospital on her last stretch and held her hand. That black man did more for my mother than some of her children. The lady who worked in my house for 4 years, I’ve got nothing but respect for. Also a hard-working and honest woman. I never had to check up on her, she always did her job. She never stole from us. In those 4 years she did not take one day off for being sick or feeling ill. I sent her home twice I think because she was quite sick and she needed to rest. She felt the same I do about the current ANC government. Are all whites wonderful? All backs evil? No, and, so what? Remember tendencies. Blaming the “current ANC government” (voted into power by the black majority, you seem to forget, in free and reasonably fair elections) is evasive and cowardly. Now if a war breaks about between black and white people in SA, how do you expect me to ever lift a hand of violence against these 2 people? How do I fight and kill someone I’ve come to respect and love over so many years? And these are just 2 examples. Who’s asking you to? If these persons are so wonderful, presumably you wouldn’t have to. Your response is a PARADIGMATIC example of knee-jerk liberalism. I’m not saying every black person in SA is a saint and we the white nation are horrible, not at all. I have my days where I get so angry at what is being done that I go off into one of my rants. But if seeing good in someone who’ve SHOWN me who they are is weak-minded and naive, then I guess I am. I don’t mind fighting for my country, and I don’t mind fighting people who attack me, I have NO problem with that at all. I’m not asking you to aggress against innocents. But you will only be safe in a white majority country (at least on the continent of Africa), and to get that country, whites will have to fight. Are you denying that whites, the very people who built everything of value in SA, do not have a moral right to personal safety in their own nation? or simply, to their own nation? “Self-determination” was all the cant in the apartheid years. What about white self-determination? But you naively refuse to learn the correct lesson from it. But I won’t wage a war against someone purely based on skin colour. Maybe if I never knew these black people, never saw their good hearts, I would have whole-heartedly agreed with you. But I have. So you are willing to risk personal destruction at the hands of savage blacks because you know some nice ones? Classic liberal thinking, the thinking of white racial suicide. 96
Posted by Cara on Mon, 23 May 2011 11:05 | # Leon I’ve never said the handing over of the country to the ANC government has been a success, go read my posts again. I’ve never claimed that the ‘rainbow nation’ of SA is a success. If someone should try to kill me and I have the chance to kill them first, I will do it, and I’ll have no regrets about it afterwards. But I won’t go and kill people who are: 1) Not attacking me If your argument is to say that we as the white people (and if I’m wrong in my assumption here about what you’re trying to say, plse correct me) should kill and chase all black people from SA to ensure our own future, then I think it would be fair to say that the black people can do the same to ensure the future of their own race? So we should all go fight one another and see who wins? And let’s say on the off-chance the 8% white population wins the 92% black population in SA, what then? Should we kill them all? Should we force them (born in SA) to go to other countries IF those other countries will accept the South African black population into theirs? Or should we divide them up again into their ethnic groups, splitting up families and re-try what has not been successful before? I’m ALL for the preservation of not only my ethnic race, but my Afrikaner traditions, culture and language, but to treat someone else as if they’re less than human will never be in my plans to preserve that which is precious to me, it would defy who I am as a white Afrikaans speaking Christian. You obviously have your reasons for feeling the way you do and believing the way you do, but what exactly do you think should be done in SA? If you were to become president of SA tomorrow, what would your plans for the country be? If the police should catch any of those people responsible for the farm murders as well as other murders across SA, I’m all for the death penalty. Hang them. The entire SA nation will be a better one without them. But I will not wage a war against someone who is trying to live in peace with me. 97
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 23 May 2011 12:04 | # Cara, You are repeatedly misunderstanding me, and going off on tangents. Here is my core recommendation, to the extent I have offered one: I’m not asking you to aggress against innocents. But you will only be safe in a white majority country (at least on the continent of Africa), and to get that country, whites will have to fight. Are you denying that whites, the very people who built everything of value in SA, do not have a moral right to personal safety in their own nation? or simply, to their own nation? “Self-determination” was all the cant in the apartheid years. What about white self-determination? First, the whole handling of race in SA history was a disaster (as, too, in America). Perhaps in the future white patriots will have learned from their failed pasts. You should have never accepted any black labor or settlement in SA (in (true) fairness, the problems associated with not doing this would have been very difficult to have foreseen in past ages, and in any case, they weren’t). The white colonists should simply have come and colonized the land, never exterminating the native African populations (unless in righteous response to prior physical attacks), but also never employing them or allowing them to physically move around or reside on white-colonized territory. Whites should have pursued this policy ever further northwards, bringing as much territory within white cultivation/civilization as possible (and, of course, as defensible). Second, whites should have instituted rigorous anti-mixed race marriage laws, anti-miscegenation laws, as well as whites-only citizenship laws. No nonwhite immigration should have been allowed, though white immigration should have been encouraged at all times (except of white leftists). Finally, taxation should have been based on a fertility standard: the more children one produces, the fewer taxes one pays. Third, this is all water under the bridge. The only question now is, will whites survive in southern Africa? and, will the Boer nation persevere at all? Both are very doubtful, as things stand. Fourth, what is wrong with Boers demanding their own nation carved out of what was formerly their SA? Jews wanted their own nation, and got Israel. The Palestinians are clamoring for their own state on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. What about the Boers (not to mention the Americans - we’d like our own nation again, too)? Fifth, Boers should ask the ANC to grant them territory from within SA to become a new, sovereign, whites-only, Boer nation. If the ANC grants this, then a peaceful separation becomes possible. Then what killing would there be? If it is not granted, then the Boervolk have a moral right to take their own nation - to pick up guns, and, yes, attack the ruling, tyrannical ANC, and kill them and their soldiers and supporters. Presumably that does not implicate your nice black helpers, who, if they are nice and fair and just, as you imagine yourself to be, would have no objection to letting the Boer people go. You are not waging war against all blacks, or trying to take control of all SA. You only wish a homeland for the Boer people, and you are only killing the ANC and its supporters if they try to stop your secession. Do you understand the concept of secession (Allen Buchanan is an American liberal scholar who has explored secessionist issues in depth, if you’re interested in learning more)? Of course, once the Boervolk have their own country again, there will be enormous problems keeping it. You will have to become heavily militarized (as with Israel), though possibly without global allies (you might be able to ally with Israel, or maybe get assistance from Russia). Every able-bodied man must participate in annual military training. You need to develop a “crash” nuclear weapons program. You will need to institute “open borders” immigration policies for any and all whites (but only whites!!!) wishing to emigrate there, and you might consider advertising for foreign white immigrants, even at the risk of diluting ethnic Boer cultural domination. As I mentioned previously, a white African republic might attract many white nationalist immigrants. There are many of us around the world looking for an ethnostate in which we could be openly, proudly, aggressively white. You really might be surprised at how many white persons would petition to move there, thus bolstering your numbers (remember: what has kept Israel alive for the past 30 years is the huge wave of Jews from the USSR who had started coming in the late 70s, and has raised the Jewish state’s demographic profile). I think this answers your questions. 98
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 24 May 2011 02:39 | # Cara, very simply, it is not written in the stars nor the laws of God that Boers and negroes must necessarily live together in the same polity. Either you believe that or you don’t. And if you do, then that clears the way for you in your own mind to support the creation of an ethnostate for Boers only out of some land that is presently part of the extant nation “South Africa”. I call on you to have a sense of proportion, the survival of your entire people cannot be less important than the hardships securing their survival may or may not cause certain negroes. The long-term survival of Boers is very much in question, the same cannot be said for negroes. That being the case, the path of selflessness for negroes lies in supporting Boers as the latter attempt to preserve their people. Am I wrong? 99
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 24 May 2011 09:12 | # No, and you said it more cogently than I did. 100
Posted by CS on Wed, 25 May 2011 09:35 | # Leon Haller. Your WN migration is a good idea and I’ve thought of the best country yet. The country of Malta. English speaking. Only 400 000 people. A British style election system which means we only need to win in a little more than half the country to control the whole thing. And, IIRC the current leader made vague remarks about wanting to preserve the white race. In other words, it isn’t like Iceland where I’m pretty sure 99% of the population are flaming liberals. Perhaps being so close to Africa gives them a lesson in race realism. As for South Africa, If the whites had half a brain, they would have created their own white homeland for whites only, a mixed area to deport white liberals to, and grant the rest to the blacks to drive into the ground before handing power over to the blacks. Even now their top priority should be creating a white ethnostate in the SW corner for themselves and yet I don’t see any effort to do this. 101
Posted by Cara on Thu, 26 May 2011 23:50 | # Hi Leon The 3 people I told about it (all white South Africans), started laughing. But mind you, maybe they’re just as liberal as I am and also weak-minded and naive :p Tomorrow I’m going to forward it to a friend of mine (also a white South African) who is most definitely NOT a liberal as far as I know, and I would like to hear his response to what you’ve said. Two things that jumped out at me immediately with regards to your post answering mine, was the following, and interestingly enough, much the same thoughtlines as the black ANC: 1) We should only allow people into the new all-white state that think exactly like us (a democracy is where everyone agrees with me right?) But that’s just my opinion and what I picked up from it. Let’s move on. First of all, let’s look at the logistical issues with forming a ‘Boer’ nation (for this post purpose let’s call it Utopia). White South Africans currently form less than 10% of the total population. But being positive, let’s say 10%. What 10% of the country exactly would you like this Utopia to be? Now CS suggested the south west of SA, which would give us wine exporting and tourism mostly, not much else. We’d have no mines as far as I could tell (if anyone can find information on this and either confirm or correct, it would be much appreciated). But definitely no gold or platinum or diamonds. But no matter how you look at it, a LOT of resources will be lost no matter which 10% you create Utopia on. But let’s ignore the logistics completely. Let’s say the government and opposing party (let’s call it the Utopian Party – UP) come to an agreement and both parties are happy with it. No matter where it is in SA, the majority of white people will have to leave their homes, businesses and everything they’ve worked for to move there. Obviously the black, coloured and asian people will have to do the same, but seeing as they would be a minority compared to the majority of black, coloured and asian people in SA, we don’t have to worry too much about that. Especially the Cape coloureds who are mostly descendant from the Khoikhoi who’s territory the Cape originally was when the Dutchman, Jan van Riebeeck set foot in 1652. So now the UP have convinced all white people (except the liberals ofc) to move to Utopia. They won’t have much of an army to begin with, but with the open borders policy that you suggested, it might be possible to build a good army up again in a few years. In those same amount of years, SA will most probably have been run to the ground and wartorn (but this is just an assumption), so we’ll have a permanent border war going on (go read up on the border war between SA and SWAPO to see what that cost the country). But where will Utopia get the money from to supply weapons and tanks and airplanes and all that? I’m truly not so sure… so I won’t even speculate on that. So Utopia will have a quite crappy economy (even when you don’t even consider any form of warfare) to start off with. Not even to speculate on the amount of sanctions that might be implemented against it. Let’s go back to the open borders policy. Now in my mind, I don’t envision a lot of well-educated white people moving from their home countries where they’ve built up a life to move to a newly established country with a fragile political environment. They would truly be a minimum. My guess is that you’d mostly get people from low socio-economic backgrounds with nothing to lose. They will not be highly educated and would most probably LOVE your fertility tax laws. They would produce more and more children for which they’d have no money to send to university and they in turn would produce more again. Not only that. Utopia would also be a multi-cultural, multi-linguistic country. We’d have polish, Russian, Italian, Greek etc. etc. So once again, you’d have ‘neighbourhoods’ of certain nationalities and languages flocking together. I can guarantee you now that the ‘boer’ nation will separate from these people as far as possible. These people with no education will have to be the labourers, not earning much and not being able to afford much, which will most probably stir hatred wrt ‘other’ groups again. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe being white will diffuse tensions. My guess is that all these things I mentioned above is partly the reason why no such thing have been done to the extent you are suggesting. There is a place in SA called ‘Orania’. It is ground bought by the late Dr. Verwoerd’s (architect of apartheid he is called) son-in-law and was put in place as to protect the boer language and culture. You can go read up on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orania,_Northern_Cape I pe.rsonally think that the reason so few white people in SA are interested in moving there, is because of economic reasons as well as the fact that half the white people in SA are English, and NOT Boere. You can go read more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaner. I am truly not interested in fighting with you Leon, or anyone else that holds your beliefs. Like I’ve said in a previous post, I’m sure you have your reasons for thinking and believing the way you do. So I have 2 suggestions for you: 1) Go live in SA for at least a couple of months before you make suggestions as to what should be done. This might sound rude, but is not intended that way at all. What I’m trying to say is that SA is more complex than just being branded black and white. I am no economist, so feel free to bash what I’ve written if you have facts proving otherwise. That sounds a bit in-your-face, which is not the intention, I am truly interested in what an economist would have to say wrt such a state/country. And P.S. to CS: Just some useless information for you. The USA has 3,539,225 square miles in total with a population density of 84. Malta has only 124 square miles with a population density of 3,229, not so sure they can take anymore. 102
Posted by CS on Fri, 27 May 2011 00:13 | #
How many white people in South Africa do blacks have to kill before you will give a shit?
Actually it is along the same thoughtlines of the black ANC.
This is actually the best form of democracy where people get to vote with their feet. Don’t like it? Don’t live there.
The best resources are human resources. Japan has hardly any natural resources and is a first world country. Africa is full of resources but also full of negroes. Where would you rather live?
What should of happened is the Aparthied government should have created an all white state in the SW which whites have a historic claim to since they were there first. A multiracial state where anyone can live. And let blacks have the rest of the country to govern anyway they want. If whites don’t want to move to the all white state they can stay where they are. Everyone’s happy.
That’s a good thing. Every person we move in puts pressure on the natives to move out. It also stops hordes of negroes moving in since land isn’t cheap. 103
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 27 May 2011 03:30 | #
Which is happening anyway, in case you hadnt noticed. But instead of moving to a different part of SA they are leaving altogether. 104
Posted by CS on Fri, 27 May 2011 08:25 | #
Twenty percent have already left the country and even more would do so if they could afford or be let into another half decent country. Even that dumb bitch Anne Patton left the country. http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/010/fleeing-s-africa.htm I am leaving South Africa. I have lived here for 35 years, and I shall leave with anguish. My home and my friends are here, but I am terrified. I know I shall be in trouble for saying so, because I am the widow of Alan Paton. Fifty years ago he wrote Cry, The Beloved Country. He was an unknown schoolmaster and it was his first book, but it became a bestseller overnight. It was eventually translated into more than 20 languages and became a set book in schools all over the world. It has sold more than 15 million copies and still sells 100,000 copies a year. As a result of the startling success of this book, my husband became famous for his impassioned speeches and writings, which brought to the notice of the world the suffering of the black man under apartheid. He campaigned for Nelson Mandela’s release from prison and he worked all his life for black majority rule. He was incredibly hopeful about the new South Africa that would follow the end of apartheid, but he died in 1988, aged 85. I was so sorry he did not witness the euphoria and love at the time of the election in 1994. But I am glad he is not alive now. He would have been so distressed to see what has happened to his beloved country. I love this country with a passion, but I cannot live here any more. I can no longer live slung about with panic buttons and gear locks. I am tired of driving with my car windows closed and the doors locked, tired of being afraid of stopping at red lights. I am tired of being constantly on the alert, having that sudden frisson of fear at the sight of a shadow by the gate, of a group of youths approaching - although nine times out of 10 they are innocent of harmful intent. Such is the suspicion that dogs us all. Among my friends and the friends of my friends, I know of nine people who have been murdered in the past four years. An old friend, an elderly lady, was raped and murdered by someone who broke into her home for no reason at all; another was shot at a garage. We have a saying, “Don’t fire the gardener”, because of the belief that it is so often an inside job - the gardener who comes back and does you in. All this may sound like paranoia, but it is not without reason. I have been hijacked, mugged and terrorised. A few years ago my car was taken from me at gunpoint. I was forced into the passenger seat. I sat there frozen. But just as one man jumped into the back and the other fumbled with the starter I opened the door and ran away. To this day I do not know how I did this. But I got away, still clutching my handbag. On May I this year I was mugged in my home at three in the afternoon. I used to live in a community of big houses with big grounds in the countryside. It’s still beautiful and green, but the big houses have been knocked down and people have moved into fenced complexes like the one in which I now live. Mine is in the suburbs of Durban, but they’re springing up everywhere. That afternoon I came home and omitted to close the security door. I went upstairs to lie down. After a while I thought I’d heard a noise, perhaps a bird or something. Without a qualm I got up and went to the landing; outside was a man. I screamed and two other men appeared. I was seized by the throat and almost throttled; I could feel myself losing consciousness. My mouth was bound with Sellotape and I was threatened with my own knife (Girl Guide issue from long ago) and told: “If you make a sound, you die.” My hands were tied tightly behind my back and I was thrown into the guest room and the door was shut. They took all the electronic equipment they could find, except the computer. They also, of course, took the car. A few weeks later my new car was locked up in my fenced carport when I was woken by its alarm in the early hours of the morning. The thieves had removed the radio, having cut through the padlocks in order to bypass the electric control on the gates. The last straw came a few weeks ago, shortly before my 71st birthday. I returned home in the middle of the afternoon and walked into my sitting room. Outside the window two men were breaking in. I retreated to the hall and pressed the panic alarm. This time I had shut the front door on entering. By now I had become more cautious. Yet one of the men ran around the house, jumped over the fence and tried to batter down the front door. Meanwhile, his accomplice was breaking my sitting- room window with a hammer. This took place while the sirens were shrieking, which was the frightening part. They kept coming, in broad daylight, while the alarm was going. They knew that there had to be a time lag of a few minutes before help arrived - enough time to dash off with the television and video recorder. In fact, the front-door assailant was caught and taken off to the cells. Recently I telephoned to ask the magistrate when I would be called as a witness. She told me she had let him off for lack of evidence. She said that banging on my door was not an offence, and how could I prove that his intent was hostile? I have been careless in the past - razor wire and electric gates give one a feeling of security. Or at least, they did. But I am careless no longer. No fence - be it electric or not - no wall, no razor wire is really a deterrent to the determined intruder. Now my alarm is on all the time and my panic button hung round my neck. While some people say I have been unlucky, others say: “You are lucky not to have been raped or murdered.” What kind of a society is this where one is considered “lucky” not to have been raped or murdered - yet? A character in Cry, The Beloved Country says: “I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving they will find we are turned to hating.” And so it has come to pass. There is now more racial tension in this country than I have ever known. But it is not just about black-on-white crime. It is about general lawlessness. Black people suffer more than the whites. They do not have access to private security firms, and there are no police stations near them in the townships and rural areas. They are the victims of most of the hijackings, rapes and murders. They cannot run away like the whites, who are streaming out of this country in their thousands. President Mandela has referred to us who leave as “cowards” and says the country can do without us. So be it. But it takes a great deal of courage to uproot and start again. We are leaving because crime is rampaging through the land. The evils that beset this country now are blamed on the legacy of apartheid. One of the worst legacies of that time is that of the Bantu Education Act, which deliberately gave black people an inferior education. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that criminals know that their chances of being caught are negligible; and if they are caught they will be free almost at once. So what is the answer? The government needs to get its priorities right. We need a powerful, well-trained and well-equipped police force. Recently there was a robbery at a shopping centre in the afternoon. A call to the police station elicited the reply: “We have no transport.” “Just walk then,” said the caller; the police station is about a two-minute sprint from the shop in question. “We have no transport,” came the reply again. Nobody arrived. There is a quote from my husband’s book: “Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of our fear. Let him not love the earth too deeply. Let him not laugh too gladly when the water runs through his fingers, nor stand too silent when the setting sun makes red the veld with fire. Let him not be too moved when the birds of his land are singing, nor give too much of his heart to a mountain or a valley. For fear will rob him of all if he gives too much.” What has changed in half a century? A lot of people who were convinced that everything would be all right are disillusioned, though they don’t want to admit it. The government has many excellent schemes for improving the lot of the black man, who has been disadvantaged for so long. A great deal of money is spent in this direction. However, nothing can succeed while people live in such fear. Last week, about 10km from my home, an old couple were taken out and murdered in the garden. The wife had only one leg and was in a wheelchair. Yet they were stabbed and strangled - for very little money. They were the second old couple to be killed last week. It goes on and on, all the time; we have become a killing society. As I prepare to return to England, a young man asked me the other day, in all innocence, if things were more peaceful there. “You see,” he said, “I know of no other way of life than this. I cannot imagine anything different.” What a tragic statement on the beloved country today. “Because the white man has power, we too want power,” says Msimangu [a priest in Paton’s book, played by Sidney Poitier in the movie version]. He continues, “But when a black man gets power, when he gets money, he is a great man if he is not corrupted. I have seen it often. He seeks power and money to put right what is wrong, and when he gets them, why, he enjoys the power and the money. “Now he can gratify his lusts, now he can arrange ways to get white man’s liquor. I see only one hope for our country, and that is when white men and black men, desiring neither power nor money, but desiring only the good of their country, come together to work for it. “I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find we are turned to hating.” 105
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 27 May 2011 14:12 | # Cara, I will interpolate comments in bold in between your italicized ones. Leon Haller ———————————————————————————————————————— Posted by Cara on May 26, 2011, 10:50 PM | # Hi Leon Really? “dumbstruck”? Why?
The only question now is, will whites survive in southern Africa? and, will the Boer nation persevere at all? Both are very doubtful, as things stand.
Were these people who remember how much better life was under apartheid? And why did they laugh? Have they already resigned themselves to the extinction of white civilization in Africa?
1) We should only allow people into the new all-white state that think exactly like us (a democracy is where everyone agrees with me right?) Of course, you understand first, that democracy is one of the worst forms of government, as Aristotle recognized two and a half thousand years ago; and, second, that a Boer State must in no sense be a democracy, but rather a Racial Autocracy, a place of potentially much greater economic freedom than in ANC-communist SA today (you will need the economic efficiencies and growth generated by a capitalist economy arising from a system of strong private property rights in order to equip your national defense establishment with the most sophisticated weapons, and large numbers of them), as well as real/racial political freedom (as compared to white powerlessness in the black tyranny of SA) - but that, nevertheless, at least some scope for political freedom will be narrowed. The Boer State must recognize white fertility as an obviously integral part of national defense and survival, as important as munitions and armaments. Those who produce more white or Boer bodies should be compensated for their greater contribution to national defense/survival.
First of all, let’s look at the logistical issues with forming a ‘Boer’ nation (for this post purpose let’s call it Utopia). White South Africans currently form less than 10% of the total population. But being positive, let’s say 10%. What 10% of the country exactly would you like this Utopia to be? That is a matter for your more geographically knowledgeable leaders to figure out. But remember: if the Boers do not gain their own sovereign, racially apartheid state, then in (fairly brief) time, their people will go extinct. And life in the run-up to extinction will be ever nastier and more oppressive (see the recent history of Rhodesia).
But no matter how you look at it, a LOT of resources will be lost no matter which 10% you create Utopia on. So, you will be poorer than now, at least temporarily. But your community will be free. And anyway, a lot of resources have already been lost to crony confiscation by the ANC. More will be stolen from you in the future (again, study Rhodesia to see your future). So what choice do you really have, assuming you wish to stay in Africa? And, btw, who actually controls all that gold, diamonds, etc? The Boervolk, or various international elite class corporations, themselves owned by shareholders from across the planet? Please do not be so naive as to think that SA mineral resources actually belong to your ethnocultural community! Finally, a racially committed people with high morale can accomplish great things, including in the economic realm. Look at the history of the settlement of the US state of Utah - a far less promising place than almost anywhere in SA. Look at Australia. Who the hell needs platinum mines to endure as a people?
But you are only a few years away from having what hasn’t already been commandeered by the ANC-communists stolen by squatters anyway. Again, consider Rhodesia.
Yes, of course, all nonwhites must be expelled from the white territory. Absolutely no exceptions. As I say, at first you must choose the zone to conquer, then quietly move as many Boers there as possible without attracting official notice, but eventually, the Boer will once again have to pick up his rifle and fight for his people’s survival. If it’s any grim consolation, within a few decades all white men everywhere will have to do so as well. So now the UP have convinced all white people (except the liberals ofc) to move to Utopia. They won’t have much of an army to begin with, but with the open borders policy that you suggested, it might be possible to build a good army up again in a few years. In those same amount of years, SA will most probably have been run to the ground and wartorn (but this is just an assumption), so we’ll have a permanent border war going on (go read up on the border war between SA and SWAPO to see what that cost the country). But where will Utopia get the money from to supply weapons and tanks and airplanes and all that? I’m truly not so sure… so I won’t even speculate on that. Perhaps whites will have to initially cluster in an area rich in tradable minerals - and then declare secession, taking the resources with you into the new nation. Ultimately, there will have to be heavy participation from whites who have remained in the military and police. They will have to seize equipment in a semi-coup d’etat, and either use it immediately to kill as many black troops and police as possible, or else simply haul it off to some previously agreed upon demarcation line, at which point they can dare the central government to try to come and retrieve it. But these are details, vital to be sure, but only worth exploring once the necessary separatist consciousness has been instilled in large numbers of the Boervolk.
Maybe, maybe not. You might be able to strike up immediate investor deals with Russia and/or China, two countries less enthralled with liberal idiocies than the suicidal weaklings in America and Europe.
Maybe, but you need population. You might get quite a number of young, racially conscious whites spoiling for a fight. If you had done this even 10 years ago, I might have gone there, at least as an expat - and then found a wife, and stayed. Hell, if I did not have larger racialist ambitions necessitating my remaining in the US, I might still go right now. And I’m a graduate of one of the very most elite (Ivy League) universities in the US or the world.
God, let’s hope so!! You need soldiers! University, incidentally, is mostly a waste of time and money (you really are very liberal). Eventually, I hope to see every white nation institute tax incentives (if not more directly coercive measures) to increase white fertility. Our race is going extinct globally (thanks to selfish feminism), and in the (near and continuing) future we shall have to be brutally determined to stop that trend by forcing white fertility to rise, by any means most effective. Tax incentives are the least onerous.
Not so very different from the history of America. We’ve managed to create a national Anglo-white identity out of many disparate European ethnic groups. You will do the same (create a Boer cultural identity from different white ethnicities) over the decades, especially with the inevitable intermarriage that will occur. And again, the Boers will be much safer in an all-white sovereign state of many other white ethnicities, than in your present situation, massively outnumbered and brutally dominated and terrorized by savage kaffirs.
The common black enemy (compounded by hostility from the “World (ie, Jewish) Community”) will unite whites. Also, there will be a great sense of natural, racial camaraderie. Remember: most white immigrants will be hardline racialist pioneers, there not for fun in the sun, but to build the Racial State.
My guess is that all these things I mentioned above is partly the reason why no such thing have been done to the extent you are suggesting. There is a place in SA called ‘Orania’. It is ground bought by the late Dr. Verwoerd’s (architect of apartheid he is called) son-in-law and was put in place as to protect the boer language and culture. You can go read up on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orania,_Northern_Cape I pe.rsonally think that the reason so few white people in SA are interested in moving there, is because of economic reasons as well as the fact that half the white people in SA are English, and NOT Boere. You can go read more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaner. I am sympathetic to the English SAs, too, though they disproportionately voted to dismantle apartheid (the rank fools, per my prediction of ruin back in ‘92!), so I care for them less. They can move to Britain or someplace as things get too awful. (And I have heard of Orania.)
Yet you read my post, again and again. Hmmm… Like I’ve said in a previous post, I’m sure you have your reasons for thinking and believing the way you do. So I have 2 suggestions for you: 1) Go live in SA for at least a couple of months before you make suggestions as to what should be done. This might sound rude, but is not intended that way at all. What I’m trying to say is that SA is more complex than just being branded black and white. I don’t need to. I read, and know what’s happening. Indeed, seeing things from afar may give me a more accurate long term picture of SA and its future than your view from the ground. 2) Why don’t you try and negotiate or forcefully take land within the USA for a white-only state/country that you dream of? The USA is bigger than SA and is a little bit less populated per square mile than SA. If I’m correct the Indian natives have their pieces of land, so you can ask for the same? You are also not in the minority wrt race so it should be easier. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! How we dream of it!!!!! We, too, are an occupied people.
If Utah could prosper, and Israel function, so can a Boer Free State. It might be tough in the early years - but not as tough as what faced the Voortrekkers, eh? Where’s your spirit?! Perhaps this excessive, and excessive short-term, focus on economic comforts is why you lost your country back in 1992. Good luck! 107
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 28 May 2011 09:05 | # You must do better than that, young Cara ... Have you shown my email to your conservative friend? And Beyonce could tour the Boer Republic, she just couldn’t live there. 108
Posted by Cara on Sat, 28 May 2011 10:56 | # Dear old Leon (just pulling your leg a bit) I have forwarded the link to him, he has not responded yet. Your ideas and ideology are as alien to me as mine must be to you. You want to do business with communist China and Russia? Seriously?? China is already in Africa and in a close relationship with the ANC government, I want nothing to do with them OR their communistic ideas. They are raping SA’s and Mozambique’s coastline, after already having destroyed their own. They are what I would call ‘consumers’, which is probably why they get along so well with the ANC government. What exactly do you mean by ‘racial autocracy’? You talk about racially conscious people spoiling for a fight… Sounds like a bunch of ignorants to me in all honesty. You talk about a university education not being worth much, then how should the people of the world educate themselves? You yourself having gone to an Ivy League? You say you are an occupied people, can you explain this more to me please? Is it because America is a democracy? Is it because there are people of all colours and religions there? Correct me if I’m wrong in saying this, but I’m starting to get the idea that YOUR idea of an ethnic state would be all about controlling the masses and giving them only the freedoms that you approve of. What would your viewpoint be on prostitution, pornography and television shows? Will they have the right to view Oprah Winfrey if they wanted to? Discuss that with neighbours and friends if they feel it was a worthwhile program? Which regilions would be allowed? If I’m white, but not a christian, would that be allowed? Would I have complete freedom of speech? If I’m a white muslim, will that be allowed? Or a white believing in the Jewish faith? If I have black friends, will they be allowed to come visit me and stay in my house? Their children playing with my children? Will they be allowed to go to church with us during their visit? Because from what you’ve said so far, I get the idea that Utopia would be a FAR more complex society than only ‘white people’. 109
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 28 May 2011 14:13 | # Cara, I ask that you respond directly to each sentence of my comment that I addressed to you. I constructed it precisely so that if you did respond to it in an honest and substantive manner there would be no room for you to wriggle away whilst mouthing inanities as you have done with Leon. This is exactly why I suspect you will not respond as I ask - you do not actually possess any serious, and therefore sincere, concern for the long-term plight of the Boer people. You are a fraud. But if you are not, then do prove it by doing as I ask. 110
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 28 May 2011 14:18 | # Cara, I am ever busier, and will not respond to all these questions until the points I raised in response to your earlier comment are properly addressed (eg, you seem to have no knowledge of your own national history, of brave pioneers and bloody battles for living space and self-determination). Bear in mind one crucial matter: the Boers are going extinct, as are whites everywhere, it’s true, but you are descending into Hell much sooner than we are, and your end (and the extinction process itself along the way) will be much nastier than ours. Your future is Rhodesia, where whites are being alternately murdered or just left to starve after all their property was stolen by their kaffir-communist government. Our future in the US is California, where whites have been demographically conquered, and are being dispossessed of their wealth through liberal government spending (which is really interracial wealth transferral, though on a much slower scale than you are experiencing in SA) - and where white youth are intermarrying with nonwhites and miscegenating at rapidly accelerating rates, at least in the major cities. But I guess having one’s precious beyond price (white) genes absorbed into a mongrel genetic cesspool is still preferable to being butchered in one’s own home by feral kaffirs. Now believe me, if I had the power, I would grant instantaneous asylum in the US for any Boer (or indeed, for any Aryan anywhere, except known criminals, disease bearers, homosexuals, and leftists). I would do this out of in part selfish concerns. I want America to be made whiter, if possible. That would be good for my country. Admitting the entire Boervolk into America would also be great for individual Boers - but terrible for the Boer nation collectively. Your ethnoculture would not survive more than one single generation here. Then it would be absorbed into white America, in turn to be absorbed into mongrelism. But at least it would be a mostly peaceful process. A final point. The Racial State (TRS) as I am envisioning it most certainly will not simply be a “whites only” society - a modern, Western democracy minus muds. For attention must be paid to its projected viability over the long-term. TRS will have tremendous economic freedom, far more than any place today except maybe Hong Kong. Such freedom is necessary to maximize economic growth, which in turn will feed armaments production and acquisition. But otherwise it will be extremely militarized, both in terms of the percentage of GDP devoted to defense spending, and the constant combat training (in the form not merely of lessons in killing techniques, but also of assigning pre-warfare “shadow” positions to all persons, so that upon the outbreak of war, each individual will already have a known place in the military hierarchy, supplementing the standing, professional soldiery) individuals of both sexes, from ages 16-60, will receive and participate in, as well as socially regulated and authoritarian. Specifically, it will be rigorously eugenic, as well as formally oriented around maximizing white fecundity. School curricula will be designed around a core patriotic consensus, teaching not only standard subjects like reading and math, but also explaining to the children the reality of racial differentiation, the horrors of multiracialism, and the necessity for harsh measures to ensure white survival. Of course, this is the briefest outline of TRS, but you are certainly correct that society will not be nearly as free as in the modern West. It will also not be morally and culturally degenerate, nor headed to extinction. 111
Posted by CL on Sat, 28 May 2011 20:11 | # Leon, If you judge Cara to really be a Boer girl in South Africa, was it a good idea to use the word muds in one of your replies to her? She seemed skittish enough about your ideas as it was. (If you think that Boers need to start thinking of Blacks as mud people; I’d still ask whether it’s a realistic goal to get this specific Boer girl Cara to start thinking of them that way.)
A lot of forms of eugenics would make maximizing white fecundity more difficult. The American eugenic movement lined up behind the idea of sterilizing some poor white girl from the south because they thought she was stupid, and that isn’t my idea of maximizing white fecundity. Could you elaborate on what forms of rigorous eugenics TRS would have? It seems that negative eugenics in an all white society might be problematic, at least if you’re interested in increasing white fecundity. 112
Posted by Greek, white and proud on Sun, 29 May 2011 02:46 | # Just visited this webpage by chance and somehow got drawn to read every single post. I read Leon’s ideas, which in principle I find relatively reasonable, but then felt cautious when he turned a bit “evil” to his fellow ..whitey Cara who simply doesn’t want to hurt every black person under the sun. Does that make her a liberal treehugger? Leon, from what I understood, Cara merely tried to explain that although you made some good points, you simply cancelled them out by holding a totally absolute opinion on the blacks . From the “abused” you became the “racist”. Yes, I have to admit that I personally do not consider black people in general as beneficial to the world compared to whites. Yes, I think it was wrong that the white minority allowed everybody to vote in the first multiracial elections (although I assume this happened due to the International Community’s increasingly evident pressure). As a white European, I would simply state that in order to prove one is indeed superior, he must not act like a savage. 113
Posted by CS on Sun, 29 May 2011 03:03 | # The whites in South Africa should have created an all white state in the SW. A mixed area and let the blacks have the rest. People could then vote with their feet where they want to live. 114
Posted by Greek, white and proud on Sun, 29 May 2011 10:23 | # CS, I suspect that the international community had in mind the “unification” of the country as opposed to splitting it into two halves. To end the ..racism. The Rothschilds are now busy with “sorting out” the Arab world and financially destroying Europe from within. The UN has only time for Libya and Afghanistan at the moment, not the South African “whiteys” who had it coming. Now THAT is upsetting; not Cara being a liberal or not ready to join the course:) 115
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 29 May 2011 12:00 | # CL, I was being very moderate in all that I wrote to Cara. When I think of the injustice of what has happened to the hard-working, God-fearing Afrikaners, what I would prefer to write might actually get redacted, even here at MR. Re the intertwined issues of white natalism v eugenics, OK, I write comments here, not treatises. My comments are meant to be suggestive, not comprehensive. Yes, there is the tension you highlight, and I would always at this stage favor TRS maximizing white births. I had in mind mainly a system of positive eugenics (PE). WRT negative eugenics, there should be some of that, at least for violent criminals (heinous criminals will be executed, of course, but I refer to incorrigibles whose crimes have not reached the capital level), as well as retarded persons (I don’t mean retards should be mandatorily aborted, though it could come to that in the early years, depending on how hard-pressed we are; I refer to retards being sterilized so they do not get impregnated), and, of course, gene carriers of certain disease types (eg, hemophilia) will be forbidden from procreation with carriers of the same genes - this to me is a Christian duty! WRT PE, we want to encourage the best to breed the most. IQ may be the best proxy for high quality. We could give a series of national IQ tests to persons upon turning 18. Smart persons will be encouraged to marry each other. The higher the combined marital IQ, the greater the tax incentive (or, past a certain numeric threshold, outright state subsidy) towards fertility. Moreover, the incentive or subsidy would be steeply progressive: say, $10k for child #1, an additional $15k for child #2, $20k for #3, etc (these amounts should not be taken literally; the actual sums will depend on the state of the national treasury, which, of course will improve over time after the hard, early “pioneer” phase is past). Given that the actual dollar cost of raising each individual child falls with each new child (ie, if it costs $10k annually to raise one kid, it most certainly does not cost $20k to raise two, still less $30k to raise three, etc), the high-fertility couple would be benefitted in both directions (progressive increase in child allowance for each additional kid, progressive decrease in childcare costs for each additional kid). I think this scheme (or something along the lines of the general PE principle) could lead to huge and very rapid increases in white births, especially if TRS was generally pro-child in its outlook (as it would be, especially in the first few generations of acutest danger), and if it also made high fertility into a correlate of high social status (as Mussolini attempted to do with some success, giving public recognition and state awards to women with the most children). Feminists will scream bloody murder, but, first, they can remain in Mudville if they don’t like it; second, if born after the founding of TRS, they can always emigrate to Mudville; and third, women who produce more children are doing more for society than the feminists, and as a matter of justice should be appropriately compensated (as opposed to the anti-white fertility situation obtaining throughout the West today). 116
Posted by CS on Sun, 29 May 2011 12:09 | # I can only blame the Jews so much for our problems. The reality is white people have way too many Caras and that is why we are in the deep shit we find ourselves in. If most white people thought like me and Leon things would change overnight. That’s why people like Leon, me and you need to be in the same place so we are the voting majority and it won’t matter what the Goddamn international community or the Rothchilds think. Otherwise we will continue to be outvoted by the Caras and have to suffer because of their stupidity. 117
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 29 May 2011 12:15 | # Greek, Who is talking about violence against all blacks? Even to broach such an issue is to have allowed our opponents to have defined the issue. It is whites who built all of SA. The country was and is theirs. It does not belong to the descendants of black immigrants who have now been allowed to rule the place, and live of the dwindling “fat of the land” created by whites. All I have said is that the Boer community will die out unless it has its own sovereign territory. Surely you agree that the whites who built the whole fucking nation at least have a moral right to live as civilized white people in some reduced territorial portion of that nation??!! And that the majority blacks owe it to them to give them this??!! And that if the black ingrates cannot even give a bit of territory so that the Boervolk might live as a community, then the Boers have a right to secede - and to exterminate any black aggressors who would attempt to prevent their secession? The only even slightly morally problematic issue would be the racial cleansing of those nonwhites currently residing on the territory of what would become the Boer nation. And that’s not much - the Boers themselves would be displaced persons, with a much greater right to the entirety of SA (and thus even more to some small piece of it) than the blacks. So a few blacks would have to move, as many, many whites have been similarly cleansed - with nary a negroid expressing any moral qualms about it, one might add. Wake up, pal, and face reality. 118
Posted by Greek, white and proud on Sun, 29 May 2011 13:39 | # Guys, I think you misunderstood Cara. The fact that she does not want to hurt ALL the blacks does not make her a black sympathiser. Same with me up to an extent. I wish I could have every Asian & Black person deported from every European country and thus dropping the crime rate by, say, 80%-90%,BUT ..how could I ever help materialise hurting the friendly lads from the indian take away who have always greeted me with a warm smile, the pakistani corner shop owner who I’ve known for 14 years now, who invited me into his house and having his wife cooking dinner for me and my wife? Yes, I seriously dislike the majority of non whites, but would NEVER consider hurting them. This does NOT make me a liberal. We have far too many africans in our own continent that in an attempt to please them, we are forced to turn a blind eye regarding what happens to our fellow Europeans in Africa. We’re not gonna have violent uprisings of minorities back home to side with another minority away no matter how unfair this ..comparison is (productive white minority versus parasitic -mostly- coloured minority). This is deeply upsetting but what angers me the most is having to tolerate african people coming to MY country and calling ME racist because some Dutch, French, and English had once enslaved their ancestors (saying that, many of their descendants are now rich people or even US presidents, as opposed to those who didn’t have their own forefathers ..captured). It’s one thing not getting much sympathy from 2/3 of Europe for the aforementioned reason, but it is a totally different story talking about splitting a country in two, let alone out of the question (see Kosovo, Bosnia & Herzegovina). What about the blacks who wish to live in white only areas because they can’t stand blacks themselves? I’m referring to those loyal gardeners who on many occasions put their wages and their masters safety above feelings of injustice. Will you get them thrown out like those savages do to the white farmers or let them stay and multiply (and potentially breed more racist blacks? Won’t an ethnic cleansing - in case they choose to stay- make you the same with them? 119
Posted by Greek, white and proud on Sun, 29 May 2011 13:46 | # and to put it simply, the black south african would rather drink the “whitey’s” blood under full moon than let him split “his” country. The Americans would do the same if Mexicans wished on day to claim San Diago as their own, the Greeks if the Turks wish to claim any islands, The Russians would annihilate Georgians etc. You cannot divide countries peacefully any more. 120
Posted by CS on Sun, 29 May 2011 14:11 | # Greek, Before whites stupidly handed over control of South Africa to the blacks, they could have peacefully created a white state in the SW (or wherever they wanted) by force if necessary. Blacks being the unreasonable assholes that they are will probably not grant whites their own country in SA even if 100% of whites want it. 121
Posted by CS on Sun, 29 May 2011 14:44 | #
No one said anything about hurting anyone. Leon did say that if whites weren’t allowed to peacefully secede in South Africa then they would be justified in using force to do so.
And here’s the problem. Most white countries already have huge numbers of non-whites in them and most whites are going to be unwilling to deport them all. One solution is to split up white countries into multiracial and whites only countries. Then people can vote with their feet where they want to live.
It is ridiculous that we have to tolerate this bullshit. Those niggers should be kissing our asses for letting them in our countries.
Peaceful separation is possible. Look at Norway and Sweden or more recently the Czech republic and Slovakia. 122
Posted by Cara on Sun, 29 May 2011 21:10 | # To CaptainChaos The only post of yours I saw is the following so I presume this is the one you’d like me to answer line by line. Cara, very simply, it is not written in the stars nor the laws of God that Boers and negroes must necessarily live together in the same polity. Either you believe that or you don’t. You’re absolutely right. It isn’t written in the Bible that we HAVE to live with people different from ourselves with regards to culture, language, religious beliefs or colour. But it doesn’t say we have to separate from them either does it? The Bible says (obviously if you’re not a Christian then all this will be a moo point to you) that we have to love our neighbour as ourself. And if you do, then that clears the way for you in your own mind to support the creation of an ethnostate for Boers only out of some land that is presently part of the extant nation “South Africa”. Like I’ve said before, I do not have an issue with regards to people creating a state where they want to live with people of their own kind. I only said that I’m not sure how realistic this is in SA. I call on you to have a sense of proportion, the survival of your entire people cannot be less important than the hardships securing their survival may or may not cause certain negroes. It’s not that I’m disagreeing with you here, but I think you might have the wrong facts wrt SA and crime. Most of the crime committed in SA is not racially or politically orientated. It’s just bad people doing bad things to other people out of selfishness and greed. The black and coloured people suffer just as much if not more (due to poverty and the inability to pay armed response companies, put up electric fencing etc etc). So in my mind, my fight is not against black/coloured/yellow or pink people, but against the ANC government who is not controlling the crime. If I can find the criminals myself, it would obviously be easier to fight them directly together with my fellow South African citizens. The long-term survival of Boers is very much in question, the same cannot be said for negroes. That being the case, the path of selflessness for negroes lies in supporting Boers as the latter attempt to preserve their people. Am I wrong? First let me clarify ‘boer’ for you (just in case we’re misunderstanding one another on that point). The white nation as a whole in SA can be divided into 2 groups: the English speaking and the Afrikaans speaking (the Afrikaans speaking ppl can also be divided into 2 groups, namely the ‘boere’ and the dutch/afrikaans speaking people who stayed in the Cape Colony under British rule). Now obviously with the inter-marrying of the 2 groups over the last 200 years it’s not so easy to split them up anymore or truly define who will fall under ‘boer’ category and who will fall under the ‘english’ category, not to mention other white nationalities that have moved to SA, in most cases they will fall under the ‘english ’ category. But mostly it will be Afrikaans vs English. The English people place their kids in English schools, go to English churches (if they’re christian) etc etc. The Afrikaans speaking people put their kids in Afrikaans schools and go to Afrikaans churches (if they’re christian) etc. etc. Now going back in history. In 1652 when Jan van Riebeeck set foot in the Cape (he was sent by the Dutch company to set up a trading post for passing ships) they met the Khoi/Bushmen people who lived on that land. The Cape does not (if you want to go back in history to see who it originally belonged to) belong to the white people as a whole. It belongs to what is called today the Cape Coloureds. 90% of the Khoi were destroyed by smallpox, a disease brought to them by the white man. People working for the Dutch company was ‘set free’ to start farming as the supplies were not enough to provide the passing ships. Borders were opened up for immigrants to come in (mostly German, Dutch and French) to be farmers to provide supplies. These farmers obviously needed land to farm on, and so the expansion begun. In 1806 the English annexed the Cape out of fear that the Dutch will give it to the French. A little while later they purchased the Cape from the Dutch for £6 million. In 1820 3,000 British settlers arrived in the Cape. The anglicization of the Cape as well as the British laws antagonised the Dutch farmers. They were also unhappy with the continuing Xhosa wars. The combination of all these factors was what started the ‘great trek’. The farmers packed up everything they had into oxwagons, and started moving in different directions. As the trekkers kept on moving away and trying to find ground where they can establish themselves, the British kept flowing into the country and moving up behind them. After the whole Zulu confrontation, lots of trekkers decided they’re going to move even further north, as the British were starting to invade Natal as well and fighting with the Zulu’s. I can go into more detail, but that will take ages and ages and not sure you or anyone else reading this will be super interested, you can go google it in any case. The point I’m trying to make is that already in those early times, the white population was NOT a nation. The boere kept on trying to flee from white British rule. The black tribes were scattered all over South Africa (as it’s known today) and were therefore inevitably included within new settlements and towns. In 1886 with the discovery of gold, a new wave of British and other ‘foreigners’ flocked into the Boer republic and this eventually started off the 2nd anglo-boer war. Due to the British’ sheer numbers, the boers were overrun. The woman and children were put into concentration camps, their farms were burned down and their livestock killed! 27,000 woman and children died in British concentration camps: http://www.erroluys.com/BoerWarChildsStory.htm 123
Posted by Lew on Sun, 29 May 2011 22:01 | # Cara:
I would encourage you to please make every effort to free yourself of this idea. Only White people think this way. This is a racial issue. These Black-on-White attacks in SA are racially motivated. They are motived by envy, greed, and above all HATRED of Whites and White civilization, including Whites who think like you do. The attacks will continue as long as there is one White person left standing in SA to attack. The Blacks in SA are not open to reason. There is no evidence they are open to reason. Instead, they want you dead, your family dead, and every White man, woman or child you have ever known or loved dead. They will exploit you, hound you, and attack you until you are no longer useful and then kill you. Please don’t let the Blacks you have known personally cloud your judgment. The end game in SA is death and genocide for Whites. It’s time to abandon the idea the problem is anything other than Blacks themselves. 124
Posted by CS on Sun, 29 May 2011 22:07 | # “You’re absolutely right. It isn’t written in the Bible that we HAVE to live with people different from ourselves with regards to culture, language, religious beliefs or colour. But it doesn’t say we have to separate from them either does it? The Bible says (obviously if you’re not a Christian then all this will be a moo point to you) that we have to love our neighbour as ourself.” Actually the Bible does say we have to separate from other races. 125
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 30 May 2011 11:39 | # Greek, Did you even read what I wrote? Cara, Did you? 126
Posted by Greek, white and proud on Mon, 30 May 2011 22:24 | # @Leon Haller Indeed, I read everything including the bit when you started your post by saying “Who is talking about violence against all blacks?” and only a couple of paragraphs later “the Boers have a right to exterminate any black aggressors who would attempt to prevent their secession”
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 31 May 2011 11:51 | # “Who is talking about violence against all blacks?” and only a couple of paragraphs later “the Boers have a right to exterminate any black aggressors who would attempt to prevent their secession” (GreekWP) Friend, Are you joking? You’re not implying any sort of contradiction - logical or moral - between my two underlined statements, are you? If so, then you need to re-read them carefully, or perhaps spend some time studying logic. 128
Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 31 May 2011 22:31 | # I posted this in the wrong thread previously Hello Cara, No-one likes to think of themselves as a ‘bad’ person but the ultra-liberalism ideology of modern world is a form of insanity, which if unchecked, will see the cultural and ultimately physical elimination of whites. Have you read “Disgrace” by J.M. Coetzee? The character of the daughter, in that rather interesting novel about the ‘new’ South Africa, simply accepts that blacks are in charge and if that means her own rape and impregnation by blacks then so be it. Now no-one wishes to be a hate-filled bigot but simply being a realist about certain issues doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Look even people like the radical black psychiatrist Dr. Francis Cress Welsing has stated that racism is a behavioral system for white survival, on both conscious and unconscious levels, to ensure their [our] genetic survival by any means necessary. Now there is truth in that statement. The more that naive whites become fanatical ‘anti-racists’ the more they are digging all our collective graves. 129
Posted by CS on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 20:45 | # Sounds like Cara. BTW, whether this is the same Cara or not, negroes are way more likely to abuse animals than white people. 130
Posted by Sean on Sat, 04 Jun 2011 20:41 | # I’m a white American and thing here are no where near as bad as SA as there are more whites here. 131
Posted by truther on Sun, 12 Jun 2011 03:23 | # The white race is a dying breed period. not only in south africa everywhere ! the stats back the info. The blacks do not care if you support them as they look on you for what you are… white. you will stand with the rest of us even as your high ideals and logical banter is spouted off in vain. we will all stand together and fall together. and those who think they are “moral” and “equal” will be lucky if they are kept as pets to serve the black masters. a relic of the past . This will be your reward for your kind words. Is this the future you want for your children ? Then you are doing them a diservice.. because white people are dying in south africa.. and you had better face the bare primal facts.. it’s them or us.. your history quotes and your martin luther king “I have a dream” talk will not count for much when that day comes. you will be enslaved and treated as such.. raped.. murdered and your mark will be erased from history. the white race is blamed for every short coming of the modern age. but in fact it was the white race the developed this planet to what it is today. you have the right to mouth off today because countless men and women have died to give you that right. the computer you write these words on what invented and powered by a white persons discovery. I dont know about you.. but slavery is not something I want for my children. I chose to fight if it comes down to it. because words are just words.. when the blacks “final solution” comes.. will you go silent and willing to the firing squad ? I chose dignity and loyality to the people who died to get me where I am today. 134
Posted by JuliusTheMan on Mon, 20 Jun 2011 19:53 | # The Black man will get you white people…..all of you. America, Europe we will get you all….wait for it! Talk all you like…it is all you can do. To weak to stand together, that will be your downfall! 135
Posted by CS on Mon, 20 Jun 2011 21:58 | # And even if that happened, you niggers would soon die without us. 138
Posted by sat on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 15:09 | # @ cara , you are a real boer woman , the salt of the earth . When the boers get to the turning point she will respond like a real boer woman , I have faith in my fellow boers , they are far from the racist murderers they are made out to be in the msm the past century but a day will come when they will say enough is enough , until that day arrives the boers will not have a solution to any of their problems . That day is not far away . 139
Posted by Kiwi on Tue, 02 Aug 2011 14:49 | # Israel stands alone amid hostile countries, its about time the white tribe of SA established its own homeland and stuff the liberals 140
Posted by Lisa on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 07:14 | # I am not understanding why white people think they should be in Africa period. Why don’t you stay in Europe where you belong. Africa needs to just trade and do business with Asia, Latin America, Arab Countries and not the U.S and Europe. Whites have done so much damage to other cultures and countries it is pathetic. Europe is anti-immigrant and does not want Africans in Europe. I don’t feel sorry for whites. You brought this on yourselves. Stay in Europe. 141
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 09:20 | # So I assume, Lisa, that you will not object when Europeans finally remove all nonwhites from European soil? 142
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 14:54 | # What Leon said. Come on Lisa, don’t be coy, Im waiting to hear how the double standard is going to be employed in this case. You complain about how whites have damaged other cultures though I note you are using our internet to do it. 143
Posted by truther on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 17:48 | # Hey Lisa.. then why are blacks in no0rth america ? they should head back to africa then. 144
Posted by Toeries on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 13:19 | # hey Lisa, how can you ask such a dumb question as to why whites are in Africa, did you not understand that whites were exploring and discovering new lands back then, so you cannot blame whites for landing here and been born in this country. And to hell with all these people downing us White South Africans, not all of us were for apartheid, but just like many Germans were against Hitler, they could not do anything or they would be killed. 145
Posted by Winnie Wu on Fri, 16 Sep 2011 11:01 | # You whites hate every race. I heard whites claim that they are build the great wall and start chinese civilation LOL so they said have to kill all ‘FAKE CHINESE’ IN CHINA,,...so FUK YOU WHITES! we chinese creat our history OUR OWN You give blacks name NIGGER You give chinese\Korean\Japanese name Chinks gooks Japs You talk everyday try to kill all non-whites on this planet. When my friends arrive ten years ago, she was abuse by WHITES, SO WHAT! I FELL HAPPY ABOUT BLACKS TO TAKE REVENGE, YOU FUKING DESERT WHAT YOU DO! 146
Posted by Snowy Smith South Africa on Thu, 06 Oct 2011 18:22 | # GENOCIDE OF WHITES SOUTH AFRICA As usual the Newspapers in South Africa DELIBERATELY PLAYED DOWN the BRUTALITY of this GENOCIDE of Whites by savage BLACKS.
More than 4000 White Farmers have been TORTURED, RAPED and BRUTALLY MURDERED since 1994 THANKS TO THE ZIONIST JEWS NEW WORLD ORDER. Snowy Smith South Africa As usual the Newspapers in South Africa DELIBERATELY PLAYED DOWN the BRUTALITY of this GENOCIDE of Whites by savage BLACKS. The World cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the Atrocities being committed by Blacks against the White Farmers in South Africa. PLEASE FORWARD to Friends and Newspapers. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHO IS THE ENEMY? GENTILES OF THE WORLD ITS TIME TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. 147
Posted by Snowy Smith South Africa on Sat, 08 Oct 2011 12:02 | # GENOCIDE OF WHITES SOUTH AFRICA Animals will only kill to eat, but these savages kill for pleasure. GENOCIDE OF WHITES BY SAVAGE BLACKS South Africa. As usual the Newspapers in South Africa DELIBERATELY DOWN PLAYED the BRUTALITY of this GENOCIDE of Whites by savage BLACKS. TRUE FACTS: The killing of a family in Walkerville on Saturday night, these are the TRUE FACTS. The WHITE family was hacked to death with PANGAS, the Mother was RAPED and then had a BROKEN GLASS BOTTLE rammed into her VAGINA. The family was chased around their 13 room home and hacked to pieces with pangas as they ran. This is what is going to happen more frequently. There will be the usual cover-ups and sweeping under the carpet of these incidents to keep the citizens of SA unaware of just how bad things are here. This is not simply crime. This is GENOCIDE of White Race in South Africa. This is racial extermination and they are hell bent on chasing every white man, woman and child of any age, out of the country. More than 4000 White Farmers have been TORTURED, RAPED and BRUTALLY MURDERED since 1994 THANKS TO THE ZIONIST JEWS NEW WORLD ORDER this Genocide of Whites is completely out of control. Snowy Smith South Africa As usual the Newspapers in South Africa DELIBERATELY PLAYED DOWN the BRUTALITY of this GENOCIDE of Whites by savage BLACKS. The World cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the Atrocities being committed by Blacks against the White Farmers in South Africa. PLEASE FORWARD to Friends and Newspapers. 148
Posted by Uneasy on Thu, 20 Oct 2011 14:13 | # Why do YOUTH league leaders sing and preach of apartheid to children being born in an era long after apartheid? The kids that are being brainwashed about this was never part of it and I don’t think they even really understand it! I’m wondering…will the black kids in 10 years from now still care about apartheid? Genocide: The ANC is definitely busy with a plan. This plan is divided into 20 year cycles. Let me explain: The “Targets” that you read about in the news like for instance “by 2040” and “by 2014” they want certain things done. 2014 is a significant year for the ANC because it represents one of their deadlines. In 1974, the ANC instructed black citizens to do all they can to “Build the nation” i.e. have as many kids as possible, by creating a culture where having lots of kids (not money) is a sign of “Wealth”. This will ensure they have massive population numbers within 20 years. In 1994 (20 years later) the ANC took over the government by means of a “Democratic” election? The black population was obviously the overwhelming majority so the ANC won. Now 20 years later would be 2014. Another goal of the ANC must then be realised. The total “Black Supremacy” of South Africa. You will see the deadline mentioned alot for many of their ongoing projects. They use all kinds of acronyms to shadow this plan like BEE, IDP, etc. Look deeper into what all these acronyms mean and your neck hair stands up. They are suddenly making drastic changes to legislation and thinking out ways to make the government richer, because there is not much time left for their deadline. 149
Posted by quattro4v8 on Tue, 01 Nov 2011 15:54 | # If this would happen in any European country, Fighter jets would be on the sky within a day.In SA there is nothing…..In case of a civil war COUNT ME IN!!! God bless Hungary 150
Posted by John Thomas on Mon, 21 Nov 2011 17:47 | # The solution to this problem is the spark for Victory! Go to google search and put Truth From God.com and click OTHER ARTICLES. Go to bottom and you will see articles from Battle Ax News, Official publication of The National Emancipation of White Seed (NEWS). Look at NEWS FLAG, NEWS PLATFORM and other articles. This is the Future hope and victory! John Thomas 151
Posted by CS on Mon, 21 Nov 2011 20:14 | # Winnie Wu, If whites wanted all non-whites dead, it would have been done a long time ago. What a fucking retard. 152
Posted by CS on Mon, 21 Nov 2011 20:21 | # South Africa is a write off. The fools could have created their own white ethnostate in the SW and let the savages have the rest of the country. Instead of having it better than most whites, they have it a lot worse than most whites. 153
Posted by John on Sat, 17 Dec 2011 14:01 | # Criminal charges should be filed in the International Criminal Court, The Hague 154
Posted by jostein on Tue, 20 Dec 2011 06:59 | # The boers need a white working class to create all white areas. This is where us whites always err, we are too successfull. But the working class with no property and nothing to lose and large families is the one true longterm political force in the world. The one true guarantee for existence. 155
Posted by denio on Tue, 17 Apr 2012 12:51 | # Choosing not to listen to my highly educated dad’s advice and attitude about money. 156
Posted by Cobus on Thu, 24 May 2012 15:14 | # We are being wiped off this planet slowly BUT surely. As I understand it, I am allowed to defend myself if I am attacked. Any court in the world will recognized it. We are being attacked blatantly and openly. Are we allowed to defend ourselves? The answer is YES! 157
Posted by lee on Mon, 28 May 2012 10:00 | # I am a white South African who by a stroke of friendship from an Australian was helped out of South Africa on a student visa after my friend listened to the shocking trauma we underwent (over the phone) over two years. The one trauma around us noise bombardment around us particularly the increasing black population moving in who got increasingly confident in their harassment (these include guns and racial insults) because they knew that police were not responding to the calls made. The country is stricken with poverty and there is a well-established belief that whites are rich, creating a threatening environment for whites in and outside their homes as well as their work places. I personally felt this every day, when walking to work and being harassed by groups (meaning that they there is often more than one person) of black people (sometimes following me a for two blocks, until I find a shop to run into) who explicitly referred to me wealthy white who needs to “hand it over” or “give”. Most of the times there was a threat given afterwards about the “consequences” if I don’t “hand it over”. Similarly when a bus drove past and stopped for a black person a block down, I’ve had comments like: “It’s payback time for the whites” Similarly at my work place I have had countlessly experienced beggars ignoring my black manager while waiting for me to finish with a customer to do the same thing. In the process to organise official papers to get out of the country I experienced similar undermining in the form of misspelled names and dates on papers and then the official laughing at my anxiety and referring to my “privileged whiteness” coming to an end. My husband faced similar threats. In the critical crime state of Johannesburg (& South Africa), none of these events (if reported) would be taken in any serious light. I know this because the few crime incidences I reported when I was robbed or held up went no further than a piece of paper stating that it happened and in some cases were not even written and laughed off as not being serious enough. The response of the police, when called in various incidences were also a total absence. When applying for work during unemployment, I was told “in confidence” by my prospective employers that they cannot employ me because of B.E.E. (a black empowerment legislation). My unemployment period brought me to the verge of homelessness and me finally begging myself into some casual employment did little to keep me above the bread line .Just to mention some, I’ve lost friends, they have been brutally murdered, one of them being on a farm who ran a record company to promote African music, who was shot in a racial incident while his wife and child ran and locked themselves in the house waiting for the police. Another was shot in his driveway because he was a “privileged white man” who owned a car. These were murders of people I knew directly and also indirectly through friends as well as people working in businesses around me and were not just read in a newspapers. The events of robberies, threats and aggravation around me drove a conviction in me to search for a humane end to my life before it would be ended in the inhumane way so many of my friends and white South Africans met. It was at this stage that I got a life line from my Australian friend. When I arrived in Australia the full severity of my trauma came out (unintentionally) in the everyday freedom Australians enjoyed. I experienced severe anxiety attacks when approached in the very normal situation of some musos striking up a conversation outside a cafe at night before going in to perform. I experienced similar anxiety when people ran down roads in innocent chases or fun. The prospect of leaving home or going outside at night (especially when it was expected of me in my work, which is caring for disabled person) immediately put me in a state of huge fear followed by uncontrollable crying. The response I was met with was one of total disbelief and strangely the same kind of undermining I experienced in South Africa. People would laugh at me when I tried to explain my reactions and would tell me that they simply can’t believe that it is that bad. Furthermore Australians believe that white South Africans enjoy great wealth and opportunity in their country and generally they are known as “whiners” and “whingers” with a bit of an arrogant personality. When exploring the options of a protection visa I came across the wider opinions of the UNHCR and Amnesty international using statistics and democracy and the same statement of white South Africans being too opinionated. The only organisation citing the situation in South Africa is Genocide watch, while other organisations like the “Afrikaner genocide archives” and Farmitracker” are whole heartedly disqualified and ignored as sensationalist. I have been discouraged to lodge anything in the form of protection by surrounding people (including South Africans) unless I have been stabbed or raped and can give clear evidence by police files etc. I think the worst response I got from a non-South African was that we must pay for ‘apartheid’, something I didn’t condone or were of the age to condemn and during my stay in South Africa genuinely participated in empowering the disempowered with tangible projects. I am genuinely frightened to go back (if the student visa attempt fails) and I suffer with an overwhelming depression every day at the prospects of my situation and the great disbelief from the international community. I am now asking that very same community what I must do and what they would do if they were in my situation. I invite any solicitors, politicians, friends and family for any advice. 158
Posted by CS on Wed, 29 Aug 2012 16:36 | # Lee’s case is just one of many reasons why we need to take over a country so we could offer them citizenship and get them out of that hellhole of South Africa. Lee, I suggest you do some research and travel to a country (like Canada) and claim refugee status as soon as you get to customs. 159
Posted by Snowy Smith South Africa on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 21:38 | # WARNING BLACK THIEVES ON DURBAN BEACH - South Africa. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CRIME DURBAN BEACH FRONT: BLACKS ATTACKED SNOWY WITH HAMMER. BLACKS WITH 2 GUNS AND A HAMMER. South Africa.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 97% of Black Murders are armed with guns, AK47, R1, R4 and 9mm. BLACK RACIST HATE CRIMES AGAINST WHITES. PLEASE REPORT ALL WHITE GENOCIDE TO: To: http://www.icc-cpi.int GENOCIDE OF WHITES SOUTH AFRICA The BLACK Maid and BLACK Gardener are planning your DEMISE. PLEASE REPORT ALL WHITE GENOCIDE TO International Criminal Court The Hague. Raphael then defined and made the International Law to punish and convict perpetrators of Racial Mass Murder, ‘ethnic cleansing’ called GENOCIDE. GENOCIDE The systematic killing of all the people from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do this is GENOCIDE. 160
Posted by Baltis on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 19:31 | # “YEAR OF JUBILEE” FROM NOVEMBER 5th, 2012 Are you tired of being a debt-slave to the (war criminal) banksters and their (war criminal) puppet politicians, who do NOTHING to ensure your family’s well-being, but steal from you? 161
Posted by Hosagie on Fri, 21 Sep 2012 22:57 | # Cara you’re the only reasonable person on this site!! 162
Posted by helen on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 07:12 | # yeah its so terrible but not as bad as the crimes that went on during Apartheid. No one will ever be happy:( its sad that we cannot live together in peace. 163
Posted by Col on Tue, 16 Oct 2012 08:01 | # As a white English South African, 4th generation, I am not an Afrikaner, but I am in the same position as my fellow white Afrikaners. We are preparing for a war that is coming soon, the government will not be involved, but they will not interfere either. So all white South Africans need to prepare, when Mandela dies, who knows what will happen but something is coming, something terrible. I just hope that England, Netherlands, France and Germany who are responsible for all of us being here, will have the balls to stand up for us and assist us, when the sh1t hits the fan. 164
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 16 Oct 2012 08:20 | # Thank you for your comment. I doubt that the European political class will lift a finger for whites suffering in South Africa. They are trying to rub us out here. They don’t care about whites. They only care about Jews, Africans and Asians, who are allowed their own lands and ours. 165
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 16 Oct 2012 10:07 | # Helping our white African brothers really ought to be among the highest priorities of WNs. It is so obviously morally unimpeachable, and can be spun in so many positive ways. I knew some wonderful SA people growing up in the 70s and 80s - though, to be honest, they themselves knew they were living on borrowed time, and had made preparations to exit SA eventually (don’t know if they did- we lost contact around the mid-late 80s, as their English parents/in-laws, our friends, had died by then). I wish there were a way I could help the Afrikaners. Are there “American Friends of Boers (Rhodesians, etc)” groups out there? 166
Posted by CS on Tue, 16 Oct 2012 20:46 | # Helen, You can go live in “peace” with blacks all you want and take your highly elevated chances of being raped and murdered by them as well. 167
Posted by CS on Tue, 16 Oct 2012 20:49 | # Leon, If it is easy to immigrate to Belize or Uruguay why not get white South Africans who have had more than their fill of diversity to move there? 168
Posted by martin on Sun, 04 Nov 2012 03:41 | # You White people should get out of South Africans and go back to Europe where you came from your the devils race . You miss treated Blacks there for decades . Want the world to feel sorry for you to bad if i dont have any sympathy for you . They should all be killed racist White bastard for what they did to the Blacks in the past pay back is a bitch 169
Posted by antifascist on Sun, 04 Nov 2012 07:01 | # @Martin I agree, the Afrikaners are terrible nazi white supremacist racists, and they should face legal penalties for their white privilege. Nelson Mandela described apartheid as “the color line that all too often determines who is rich and who is poor… who lives in luxury and who lives in squalor… who shall get food, clothing, and health care… and who will live and who will die.” Apartheid was the system of racial discrimination and separation that governed South Africa from 1948 until its abolition in the early 1990s. Building on years of discrimination against blacks, the National Party adopted apartheid as a model for separate development of races, though it served only to preserve white superiority. It classified persons as either white, Bantu (black), colored (mixed race), or Asian. Its manifestations included ineligibility from voting, separate living areas and schools, internal travel passes for blacks, and white control of the legal system. As part of its decades-long efforts to eliminate the practice, the UN adopted in 1973 the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, which 101 States have ratified. It characterizes apartheid as a crime for which individuals can be held accountable. The convention defines apartheid as a series of “inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.” These include denial of the right to life and liberty, imposition of living conditions designed to destroy the group, legislative measures to prevent the group’s participation in national life, division of the population along racial lines, and exploitation of the group’s labor force. It also declares apartheid a crime against humanity. The Geneva Conventions commit States to a policy of nondiscrimination in treating the sick and wounded, the shipwrecked and stranded, captured combatants and civilians under an occupation regime or caught up in conflict. Apartheid has also been labeled a war crime in international conflicts under Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions. Protocol I lists as grave breaches apartheid “and other inhuman and degrading practices involving outrages upon personal dignity, based on racial discrimination,” though these would only be grave breaches during international armed conflict. The inclusion of apartheid as a grave breach stemmed from the international campaign to isolate South Africa and was opposed by several Western powers as not sufficiently connected to armed conflict. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has noted that its presence on the list of grave breaches does not expand the scope of war crimes significantly as many of the worst practices of apartheid would qualify as war crimes if committed in armed conflict. But some acts that were perhaps not criminal previously (though they were unlawful) clearly became such with apartheid’s inclusion—e.g., segregating prisoners of war or civilians by race. The most recent attempt to criminalize apartheid took place in the context of the UN’s International Law Commission’s 1996 draft code of international crimes, which includes as a crime against humanity an offense called “institutionalized discrimination,” a sort of generic version of apartheid; and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which also lists apartheid as a crime against humanity, defining it generically as inhumane acts “committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups… with the intention of maintaining that regime.” Despite the Apartheid Convention’s (and now the ICC’s) geographically unconfined definition, states and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)have only rarely referred to systems outside South Africa as apartheid. Groups such as the Kurds, the Tamils, the South Sudanese, or other indigenous peoples do suffer systematic discrimination that might well meet the definition of apartheid, even if those practices lack all the legal trappings of the South African model. But the term has not been invoked by victims or their advocates, no doubt because it is still associated with South Africa. Thus, the likelihood that individuals will be prosecuted domestically or internationally in the near future for apartheid remains small. 170
Posted by renev on Mon, 26 Nov 2012 17:39 | # @antifacist::::: Here some “terrible nazi white supremacist racists” hacked to death. To all others , these great murdered people will not be able to help construct SA, with their work and care for others, from whatever race. It is so cheap to blame the troubles of crime or poverty to one race, as if the “loss” of one race is the “gain” of the other race. Agriculture , industry , science and mining were introduced by whites in South Africa and are the base under the SA economy. Without whites SA falls in the economic abyss. Think away white farmers and SA will not by able to feed its population. White farmers developed desert-land and former uninhabitable or arid grounds for agriculture. Just by living there and producing on formerly useless ground with modern technology and science, the black population could multiply by 15 times its original size of 3.5 M in 1900 , still continuing to grow as food became plentiful because of the whites. Denying the value of the white farmer is the grossest injustice and stupidity the ANC could invent. The same denial of value for all other trades, by white South-Africans in industry, health services, mining and government functions. 171
Posted by Leila on Sun, 06 Jan 2013 23:28 | # Even if this is true, you have to think of it from the view of the black man. Europeans came to a previously ALL black nation and proceeded to tell blacks what to do, where to live and how to live it! They took away their rights, education and humanity. Subjecting them to somthing less than human. Everytime some poor black wanted to speak out against it they were deemed as ant-white and immediatly banned. Our you kidding me? Imagine a stranger came into you house repeatedly insulted you, kicked you out of your room, told you when you could use the bathroom, and what food you were allowed to eat. Insanity! Somthing that didn’t end till 1994. I’m not say killing people is okay and I know that there are all kinds of bad people in this world, but before you raise your just as guilty white finger at us and start screaming “The blacks! The blacks” think about the lost generation and the insecurites/hardships they had to go through because of some supremacy bullshit. P.S I highly doubt it’s that bad, even if it was, when was the last time the U.S and other foreign countries seriously intervened during an geoncide? Answer? The Holocoust. Despite the fact that their have numerous and more SERIOUS genocides since then. Rwanda! Rwanda! 172
Posted by AM on Mon, 28 Jan 2013 20:49 | # You are wrong Leila. Whites and blacks both colonised SA at the same time. The bushmen are the original people of SA. Whites did not take over black villages or live in their houses. Whites built their own houses, vilalges and system that they were used to from Europe. Whites and blacks lived peacefully side-by-side for long periods of time. Blacks saw this western system and wanted to be part of it. Whites brought healthcare, education and infrastructure to SA and even provided these services to the black majority of which the large majority didn’t pay tax. Apartheid only lasted 40years and ended in 1994 when the white government GAVE the country to the blacks. In the early 1900’s there were 1million whites and 3million blacks in SA, by 2011 there were 4.5millions whites and 45million blacks. Currently there are apporx 5million registered tax payers in SA who are supporting a population of 60million people, including illegal immigrants from other African countries (which has caused murderous xenophobic attacks by SA blacks on foreign blacks). A significant proportion of the current tax payers is white, yet their legal rights are being stripped away. The current government is just as racist as the apartheid government. The current government’s leaders are openly endorsing racism and hatred against whites in SA. Can you imagine if Obama publicly said: “1 bullet, 1 white” or “Kill the whites”. People all over the world have been indoctrinated to think that it is impossible for non-whites to be racist and that all whites are racist and evil - that is why I believe you (Leila) do not want to believe what is this article says. Farm murders are real: a few weeks ago my neighbours elderly parents were hacked to death with machetes on a smallholding which they had recently bought to retire on. Only R300 (=30euro) and a cell phone were stolen. This is racist hate crime. 173
Posted by AM on Sat, 02 Feb 2013 21:36 | # If you want to know how bad it really is, you can see almost daily reports of boer genocide on this website: http://www.farmitracker.com 174
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 05 Feb 2013 00:46 | # Thanks for that AM. In fact MR has linked to [url=http://www.farmitracker.com]http://www.farmitracker.com [/url] for sometime already. Check links on the left. 175
Posted by Angel on Fri, 08 Feb 2013 06:19 | # All yq think about is how white people in africa in getting killed. Well first of all white invaded SA and force people off thr land their famiy was living on before whites took over. Like they did the indians in america. Just because you take land and been their for years means its yours. No stealing and killing of black in the first place. Put yourself in their shoes. All countries have problems. But from the black people side we are tired of being last. Plus their are in africa. No white man can say beforr slavery that white people were their first. I see it like this don’t start no sh** it want be no sh**.White people started so the real africans just going to finish it. White people might as well move and not take over another country. I mean who takes over a country and not to expect pay back. Its called karma and no matter what color you are it finds you and nothing good come of it. So white people just give up and move on. Not all black are killers or rapest. 176
Posted by john edwards on Thu, 15 May 2014 22:17 | # Hello let me share this testimony to the world to hear about him too this man really exit I was HIV positive over 9year I have being in medication and I try to look for cure to my problem and I go through internet doctor and I found a tradition doctor named DR.Olamiye I contacted him for help he give me all his laws and rule that if I get cured I should write about him and that is what am doing now, this man ask for some information about me, which I give him this man cure me from HIV what a great man thank for your help when he get the information he told me that he is about to work on it 20 to 30 minute this man email me and told me what to do for the curing which I did after all the things needed for the cure is provide the man call me in 45mins later and tell me to go for test what a great day to me I was negative thanks dr. olamiye you can Dr. olamiye through his email address,olamiyespiritual@outlook.com or call +2348056348159 177
Posted by Jonatan kwapong on Sun, 18 May 2014 18:40 | # You may have three countries In south africa one for Indians one for blacks and one for whites. Moreover you may allow persons of all races to visit the newly created counttries as well. I am very grateful for the opportunity to share a radical solution to the south African Problem. the end of aparthied was idealistic.but all the races can come together to live in peace and harmony. And it is quite evident that three south africas would be very much welcome in the community of nations. In my home country ghana tribal issues sometimes come to fhe fore bit despite those divisions we are still a united system of endevour. my real name is James Bedu Kojo Graham and I am a dual Australian Ghanaian Citizen. yours faithfully and Sincerely texting from Accra Ghana West Africa. From practical perspective there was not wrong about apartheid and the moral arguments againxt it are not very solid looking at the divisions between Muslims Christians and Jews in the world. the new south africa has many legislative flaws and my three state solution seems to be a better alternative.yeah and yoo. I welcome all manner of email comments and response. 178
Posted by Lolla on Thu, 22 May 2014 13:28 | # I read this blog and some of the comments (not all of it though). Shockingly like it or not (MsAnn) this is the mere grim truth about South-Africa. Referring to us ‘boere’ as people filled with hatred is a great indication that people not fro this country, base their comments and beliefs on false media. We’re not filled with hate, not at all, but we are getting sick and tired of this. The day we say “enough is enough!” is sooner than you might think. But since you think SA is a heaven for white people to live, then why don’t you pack your bags and come join us? Its heart breaking that we have a desperate plight for help, and yet the world and people like you turn a blind eye. We go to sleep every night thinking “will we see the sunrise tomorrow morning?” Is it so wrong to seek peace and safety for our loved ones, children and future generations to come, that we are referred to as racists and people of hate?? What the outside world reads, hears and sees is all an illusion, an illusion SA government so desperately wants the world to believe, that they are “people of peace” with only the best intentions for ‘‘all”. My Gosh people WAKE UP! That’s not the reality, none of you from the outside world are truly aware of what is going on behind the scenes! And yes, if the world keeps turning a blind eye there WILL be civil war! If not already. If you are so against it why don’t you lift you arse and help us do something to prevent it? instead you criticise us. How would YOU MsAnn and every other one from another country criticising these facts, FEEL, if you where (by a gang of black men, of some which has worked with you on a farm for several years, a man YOU TRUSTED) Raped, again, and again, and AGAIN! While they shout and smack you in the face telling you “moan like a whore white bitch”. Having a broken beer bottle pushed up your behind, and disemboweld, and burned while alive? Having your infant baby wrapped in news paper, and burned to death. Having your children tied, and raped as they yell “mommy, help me!” Watching in terror your own children being raped and burned with hot oil!, would you consider that a privilege? Seeing you husband’s head bashed in with a rock.. and this HAPPENS EVERYDAY! Now you tell me, do you second that? Tell me that’s not a hate crime? jus because some idiot told black people that their race suffered hundred thousands of losses during the apartheids era! when actually statistically shown that there were less than 8000 black people killed during the whole of apartheid by security means!! This is the death SA’s white population suffers from, just for the sake of a phone, a false belief or nothing at all.. for pleasure, for fun!! Now tell me that we are the racist ones, that we are the ones who hate, that what happens is not a hate crime! best of all the government doesn’t intervene, they do nothing about it! their excuse?? “It’s about wage disputes”, what a load of BS!! if you are unsatisfied with your job and salary, do you murder to justify?? NO YOU DON’T!!!! Truth be told the government especially the EFF party entices black people to commit these horrific murders and crimes against whites, it’s part of their hidden agenda! They are a bunch of Communist liars with unrealistic beliefs and ideologies! So I ask go do your research (since you’re so good at it), and when you have gained some South-African knowledge, you may comment on something you think you know, Otherwise your comments are disregarded. You have just over estimated your IQ. SA is ranked level 6 (preparation stage) of the 8 levels by genocide watch. level 7 is the extermination stage. And SA is one of the countries in the worst of it.. tell that just because what our ancestors so “horribly” did some years back, does this mean that I have to rebel against the British for what they did to my ancestors in the Boer War? NO!! so then why should this generation, and generations to come suffer from this massacre-to-be? The ruling SA government (ANC) and its supporting parties like the EFF are more dangerous than an armed group of guerrillas. And this is the truth. Average 50 murders take place in SA everyday. At least 20 of those 50 victims are white, and 95% of the at least 20 victims was murdered because of hate, brutal, horrific hate crimes performed by these savages and embraced by the government!! Yet again the government fail to keep statistics up to date, due to the fact that they are enticing this and that they don’t want the world to see the true savages they are. You are all brainwashed!! Oh and Julius thankyou for backing the fact that you are all greedy savages that wants everything, takes everything from everyone and then flushing it down the drain, thankyou for the comment, hopefully that motivates more and more people to believe the truth and not the false beliefs you so guillably embrace. and Winnie Wu if we whites wanted other races dead, you wouldn’t be commenting on this blog and there would have been no anti-whites left in the world. Genocide is level 6, we boere must all prepare for what the future will bring. 179
Posted by S.A. White Ethnostate on Sat, 21 Feb 2015 08:51 | # A South African White Ethnostate February 19, 2015 — Kevin MacDonald
http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2015/02/a-south-african-ethnostate/ 180
Posted by Bianca on Fri, 17 Apr 2015 17:36 | #
Posted by UKIP and South Africa on Mon, 18 May 2015 08:07 | # Interview with Jack Sen, Part 4 of 4, May 17, 2015 - Kevin MacDonald Part 1
Posted by Hess report: South African correspondent on Sat, 23 May 2015 22:00 | # Hess correspondent in South Africa
Posted by Where are the Sun City protestors? on Thu, 06 Aug 2015 08:30 | # Daily Kenn talks with South African correspondent: ...asks those who made the protest video, “not gonna play Sun City”, where are you now? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlMdYpnVOGQ What is going to happen when western infrastructure falls? 184
Posted by Karin Smith SA then/ now on Tue, 08 Sep 2015 00:33 | # Karin Smith then and now http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/09/RIR-150907.php Mike Smith’s political commentary - opening pandora’s box in SA. 185
Posted by Stabbed & hacked to death on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 13:09 | # DOUBLE #MURDER: Afrikaner couple: Eurika Human stabbed to death & Tewie hacked to death: One black killer appears in court, one still at large. Thamsamqa Howard Sishuba has been arrested (top) Lebohang Rethabile Lekoro (bottom) is wanted in connection with the double murder 186
Posted by Allow White S.Africans to Return on Sun, 05 Feb 2017 02:03 | #
Posted by Oranians call for bastion after 4 Whites killed on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 08:17 | #
Posted by Media Silence on SA White Genocide on Sat, 23 Sep 2017 20:09 | #
Posted by Another SA Farm Murder on Tue, 01 Sep 2020 20:59 | #
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View) |
Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 15:56 | #
Now I understand the sticker “Thank God I am a Black man…“ see http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.php?ID=44565&
Aggressive affirmative action (and black crime, but that only is a variant of it) pushes whites to leave SA in droves, see here http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=13&art_id=nw20080722175042996C148079 and here http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/topstories.aspx?ID=BD4A808096
Only the Chinese escape Black Economic Empowerment (BEE). The Chinese are now considered legally “black” in South Africa, see http://www.mg.co.za/article/2008-07-04-no-bee-for-those-who-didnt-fight
For those whites who stay, BEE creates white poverty, see the pictures: http://www.ngwelte.org.za/images/krugersdorp/index.htm
But even arrived in the white squatter camp, the whites are further terrorised by the ANC, that does not hesitate to cut off electricity, see http://www.vryheidsfront.co.za/english/media.asp?language=e&id=3557