Argumentum ex Television by exPF In doing the philosophical work necessary to completely dismantle liberalism and postmodernist thought, we struggle and strive with a body of values and thinking, which so often seems to elude us. We look to see where it is codified - despite its marvelous consistency on many questions, it is apparently nowhere codified. We look to see its arguments - despite the ubiquity of its conclusions, we see no arguments as such anywhere; with the exceptions of the murmuring of leftist cliques in the Frankfurt School, Boasian anthropology and psychoanalysis. Yet how did the lib in the street absorb the conclusions of these movements while being totally ignorant of the movements themselves? The schools of thought we are striving to displace - liberalism, postmodernism, aracialism - seem to have been disseminated in a way that is historically unique. Whereas we treat them with the dignity reminiscent of classical intellectual movements, attempting refutations of them and doing what we can to attack their premises, it seems to me that these philosophies actually were not disseminated through reasoned argument, but rather absorbed through watching television. Hence the ubiquity of our ideological enemies’ representatives, hence their permeating the entire cultural sphere- hence the general ignorance with which these positions are accepted. What we have are the results of 50 years of television’s echo chamber being left to imprint itself on the Western mind. Hence the pre-rational nature of so many people’s attachments to liberal ideas. What is the nature and philosophical dimensions of the “Argumentum ex Television”? Well, the first thing I wish to say about this argument is that it is - for the average person - far, far more compelling than any philosophical argument could be. Rather than seeing a proposition argued for and against, imagine seeing the reality of the proposition being played out in something that looks, to all intents and purposes, exactly like real life. Imagine a time in your life when you learned a Life Lesson- those kind of things we tend to codify as principles. Now turn that experience into a real-life, cinematic movie, acted out by a cast of physically appealing and dramatically gifted actors. Imagine that instead of writing “Thou shalt not steal”, the originators of the Bible were able to write a movie starring Leo DiCaprio, entitled “Why I no longer steal.” A witty coming-of-age tale in which the protagonist nearly loses the love of his life, as a result of stealing some jars of marmalade, but upon returning the marmalade, is reunited with his one true love. It might make you think twice about stealing, eh? All that dramatic music during the scene after the foxy bride rejects Leo for stealing marmalade, all those soul-rending facial contortions, Leo kicking his bed in self-disgust, bitterly eating the marmalade on toast as he wallows in self-loathing. In a fit of rage he dashes the toast against the ground: “No! It isn’t worth it!” Just this thought experiment alone makes me want to return some consumer electronics I’ve recently stolen! (attention government moles and spybots: I have not actually stolen any consumer electronics). Far more convincing than deliberately made propaganda films - which will always trigger the creeping suspicion of “why are they trying to make me think this?” - far more convincing are the non-deliberate, actually genuine displays of blindspots, ignorance and cherished prejudices - especially when done consistently. What the leftist, especially leftist Jewish class of media-makers from the 40s through the 90s were able to do, was simply to represent the world as they knew it: a world where European man burned with meanness and racism, a world where his social order was repressive and unnecessarily stilted and “boring”, where injustice attached to everything dominant and healthy, and where a stunning naivete and indulgence could be lavished on each non-white as representatives of struggle against oppression, and ultimately as harmless pawns. A world where every rumbling of shared European spirit was viewed as an ominous and sinister noise. Racism was first proven wrong on television. Didn’t you see it? Remember all those successful and fiery interracial romances which we saw? Remember the children’s television shows, showing how puppets of different colors could unite in harmony? Remember when Sesame Street condemned those who condemned interracial dating? (I will explain this in the comments section if you are interested in specifics). Remember the movies where exclusionist blonde people (the generic WASP of American cinema) outed themselves as conniving, bumbling morons, and worse, deeply mean-spirited? Remember all the cold-hearted blonde bitches, and blonde villains, in any number of movies throughout the 80s? Remember all the documentaries on Adolf Hitler? How about those heroic yet humble blacks who have graced the silver screen? And all those sexy mullatto women, who could ever forget their incredibly bodies? Remember the Anglo-saxon sailors violating Chinese women in the opening scene of Bruce Lee: Enter the Dragon? It would take an eternity to catalogue the anti-white nature of TV and movies. At some point, even the very dull among our people get the message. We make arguments based on history. And if you are anything like me, you wonder at the resistance of liberals to arguments based on history. They are so overwhelmingly in our favor, so convincing and constitute such a pure appeal to the mind - how could they not have taken the world by storm? Thus I thought. But then, I realized something. The anti-racists’ arguments are also based on history - its just that its the history of their pseudo-reality. And even though they are too proud, when they come before you, to cite their television dramas and romances and movies as evidence for their belief system, I guarantee you that this wealth of ‘experience’ they have in this pseudo-reality constitutes the main pillars of this belief system. If these people did not think these ‘alternative realities’ represented credible and informative depictions of the real world, they wouldn’t watch them in the first place. Comments:2
Posted by Valerian on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 20:05 | # Excellent post mate, Everything in what you said in the post points to the idea that Marxists are following a discrete path in the direction they want or cringe for and the goal that they need for fulfillment. The trajectory of their thought is governed by the television, media, education, and everybody that has been contaminated by these institutions create their own reality and not even realize it. Their actions and how they reflect on others ties the like minded people together and paints a new reality. I swear, it feels like Americans and certain European people are utterly alienated by their own, and not knowing, Marxist inclinations. 3
Posted by Valerian on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 20:12 | #
Excellent post Stanley! Deconstruction,(as in the philosophical device created by philosopher Jacques Derrida), will deconstruct itself. That’s why I love the ideas of the Nouvelle Droite because most of the members came from France, where a lot of postmodern and post structuralist thought came from, and my view is that they became well acquainted with the deconstruction tactics that they learned from their intellectuals and used it on those leftist philosophers themselves. Basically, Deconstruction created a weapon that is being used on their own masters. 4
Posted by Englander on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 20:33 | #
I think so too. Whenever I argue with liberals about race their minds invariably reach for historical references that have obviously passed through the distorting prism of Hollywood. This is especially obvious when Europeans use American references. For example, I witnessed an exchange recently where an English male declared that he was white, but was attracted to a Hindu actress. Another British male asked self-righteously if that person was in the Klan. In the Klan?! What are English people doing talking about the Klan? Has that person absorbed convincing arguments or has he seen A Time To Kill or any number of other Hollywood movies? I’ll go for the latter. I pointed out that there was actually a greater chance of the Hindu girl’s parents being against their daughter pairing with a White man than the other way around, but that sort of argument doesn’t evoke a thousand cathode ray lessons in reality and will provoke nothing but a shrug. 6
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:10 | # Ever since I read “The Primal Scream” by Arthur Janov—a hyper-Freudian theory of repressed parent-caused trauma released through curative neuropsychiatric catharsis—I’ve thought there needs to be a kind of Primal Therapy focused on curing a people, for whom honor is a neurobiological imperative, of their repression of the trauma of multimedia libel because repressing said Primal Pain is causing their demographic collapse. 7
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:32 | # Of course, sometimes it backfires.
Still, if the indoctrination was so effective, why then does the state need legal coercion.?
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 22:41 | # The scribe of the TV-isation of European Man, oiling his way around why he hates us and pretending to have something useful to say about culture:- 10
Posted by Bay Area National Anarchist on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 22:57 | # “to represent the world as they knew it” is a revolutionary act. For us to not present a better narrative is lethal. The fact that it isn’t hard to do with the quality of programming on television and with modern technology (youtube) removing most barriers to entry in the market, there is no no excuse as to why our vision of society is not the best produced and compelling epic to have ever been made. BANA 12
Posted by Svigor on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 04:33 | # Still, if the indoctrination was so effective, why then does the state need legal coercion</i> Aldous Huxley once referred in a speech to a study that concluded that 20% of the population is immune to hypnosis, 20% is more or less automatically hypnotized, and 60% are somewhere in the middle. State coercion is designed to keep the first 20% from giving the 60% any funny ideas.
I concur 100%. A matter of interest along these lines: Hollywood’s about to lose its monopoly. Don’t be surprised if this nascent company gets the “Ark of the Covenant” treatment a la Raiders of the Lost Ark. 13
Posted by Svigor on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 04:44 | # Even if that post is overwrought, it’s only a matter of time before technology ends Hollywood’s monopoly. Photorealism is a fixed goal, and the advancement of computing power shows no sign of stopping anywhere near photorealistic economies of scale, much less short of them. The Red One camera is practically a film-quality digital camera for 30k, and the prices will only drop from there. 14
Posted by Owsley on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 05:09 | #
Does 9,10-Didehydro-N,N-diethyl-6-methylergoline-8ß-carboxamide have any potential in this regard? 15
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 05:20 | # Many years ago, back around ‘89, I wanted to get into CGI production. This was before it was seen much in movies or TV. The Pixar showreel was about the sum total available, no-one I saw it with had ever seen the like before. I dont think the term CGI was used then, just called computer animation. It hit me like a bolt from the blue, that with this technology you could potentially make any image you wanted, up to, including and beyond photorealism. Unfortunately I didn’t make the grade, the course I was looking at, the only one in the UK at the time, wasnt sure if it wanted to turn artists into programmers or programmers into artists - Im not either. I had the conception but not the jargon or enough idea about how to play the system. This wasn’t really something you could go home and do on an average PC in your own time, they were not powerful enough at the time. So here we are and that future has almost arrived, I missed the boat, ah well! 16
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 06:45 | # Owsley writes: Does (LSD) have any potential in this regard? Well, if the field of psychiatry hadn’t been taken over by mind control specialists, there might be a lot of options we haven’t even considered simply because we’ve been led down so many dead ends by the “human accomplishments” of guys like Freud. Seriously, though, there probably is something to the idea that experiences that cause learning mechanisms to go haywire are at the root of a lot of maladaptive behavior, and that revisiting those experiences in an appropriate context may render them most educational. The proper way to carry out human experimentation is assortative migration of the mutually consenting to their own territories—and that applies to everything from racially pure LSD therapy nations to people who think the multicult is just a keen-o idea because of the cuisine. 17
Posted by Guester on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:08 | # I’v noticed here in Britain some younger people using terms like ‘redneck’ and ‘white trash’ to describe anyone who wears an England shirt or has an England flag in there window. These terms are totally alien to Britain and can only have come from television. But what are we supposed to do? How do we fight back? 18
Posted by Spirit of 1776 on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:51 | # Cousins, greetings from America. Please forgive my handle, but family history “is what it is” and besides, it’s time again for the spirit of Ordered Liberty to assert herself. I have long thought television/motion pictures are the brain’s equivalent of a T1 line plugged into those little Frankenstein electrodes. (Trying to use Hollywood analogies, given the subject). There is no way for the mind to distinguish between the virtual and practical realities EXCEPT THAN PRACTICAL REALITY FOLLOWS THE LAWS OF NATURE. Make believe will never and can never be consistent, for the same reasons central economic planning cannot: the variables are not all known, neither their interaction. There is a very interesting article by Leon Festinger in the OctCober, 1962 Scientific American called “Cognitive Dissonance”. Do not confuse this with the Cognitive Dissonance as tuaght in your freshman psyche class. This is Festinger’s original thinking on the subject and it explains how a human soul is convinced is it a better choice to DENY REALITY than accept the guilt of treachery. It is, I believe, the central technology deployed against us, to convert to PC Zombi-hood as well as to impose discipline on wavering Sheople. If you would like a copy of this article in pdf format, please email me at (remove the spaces and add the appropriate email domain) joe of the mountain yahoo. 19
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 17:03 | # As an example of how deeply motion pictures may affect us, look at the lengths to which researchers into childhood trauma are going to deal with traumatic emotive memories: Erasing traumatic memory possible, researchers say - sciencetech - Erasing traumatic memory possible, researchers say A group of researchers at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children have erased brain cells in mice that store fearful memories, holding out the hope that terrifying memories in humans may one day be erased before causing conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder. While the sights and sounds of a terrifying blast or crash would stay intact, the memory of the fear it caused could conceivably be erased, the researchers suggest. Their work appears today in the journal Science. “You wouldn’t want to completely get rid of all aspects of a memory,” says Dr. Michael Salter, head of the Neurosciences & Mental Health program at the hospital. “To help people with these kinds of post-traumatic stress disorders ..... you might just want to minimize the emotional association between the memory and the highly disruptive and negative emotions that people have in this context.” He says the research may well conjure “Orwellian” notions of mind manipulation and thought control. “But that’s not really the goal of this. The idea would be (to use it) in a therapeutic way,” Salter says, referring in particular to post-traumatic stress prevention. Salter was not involved in writing the paper, but was speaking on behalf of senior author Sheena Josselyn, a Sick Kids scientist who politely declined an interview request from the Star this week because she had “just gone into labour.” Josselyn and her co-author husband Paul Frankland do much of their work in Salter’s program. Salter says the fear-storing neurons found in the research mice are almost certainly located in the same amygdala region in human brains and work in much the same way. The study suggests, he says, that only those amygdala neurons that express high levels of a brain protein known as CREB - about 10 to 20 per cent of the cells in the region - are involved in storing fearful memories. Known as the universal memory protein, CREB is essential in allowing brain cells to lay down memories of all kinds around the brain. The researchers were able to selectively stimulate the specific fear-storing neurons in the amygdala by introducing a virus that triggered this CREB memory machinery and turned the cells on, he says. “It seems to be that it (CREB) makes the cells a little bit more excitable, so that when the amygdala gets activated ..... those neurons that are over-expressing CREB become part of the memory (storage),” Salter says. After stimulating their CREB-rich cells, the mice were played a tone that was accompanied by an electrical shock to their feet, establishing a memory of fear to that specific sound in the excited cells. A second virus was then introduced that migrated specifically to the CREB-expressing neurons storing the fear memory and making them susceptible to a diphtheria toxin. When the toxin was injected, it killed only those neurons where the fearful memory was stored. “In this study when we played the tone again, they (the mice) showed no fear to that tone,” Josselyn, Canada Research Chair Molecular and Cellular Cognition at the University of Toronto, said in an earlier podcast interview conducted by the journal. “In this study, what we did is we went in and just killed those neurons with high levels of CREB and we saw that the memory in fact was basically erased,” she said. “So we concluded from that, that these neurons with high levels of CREB in the amygdala are indeed the ones that are storing the memory.” Josselyn stresses that the experiment did not destroy the brain’s entire capacity to remember fear, only the specific recollection of the shocking tone. Indeed, when exposed to the same tone and shock combination again, the mice were able to relearn their wariness of the sound. “It wasn’t like we were wiping out the entire amygdala, which would mean they couldn’t relearn this tone-fear memory,” she says. Of course, injecting diphtheria toxins to kill brain cells in humans would never be an acceptable therapy, Salter says. But there may be medicinal methods to disrupt the natural biochemical pathways that turn on the CREB mechanism and prevent fearful memories from taking root in the first place. Post a comment:
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Posted by Stanley on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 20:05 | #
exPF has not completed his freedom train ride in that he still uses the bizarre insect label WASP which is a Jewish-promoted label.
“Remember the movies where exclusionist blonde people (the generic WASP of American cinema) outed themselves as conniving, bumbling morons, and worse, deeply mean-spirited?”
The WASP hate caricature was invented in 1957 by bitter, self-loathing Andrew Hacker.
Even the anti-Christian and anti-white Wikipedia knows its design is to besmirch us. It says WASP is a “sociological and cultural pejorative ethnonym that originated in the United States.”
The popularizer of this crude hate caricature of white European Americans was E. Digby Baltzell whose forefathers were not Anglo-Saxons—they changed their religion and shortened their name before migrating to America. Baltzell made a great fetish of tweed jackets and bowties, apparently under the impression that dressing British on the outside covered up his non-British inside.
We remind people of these truths as our way of “doing the philosophical work necessary to completely dismantle liberalism and postmodernist thought,” except when we want to use liberalism and postmodernist thoughts and tactics in attacking our adversaries from the left. It is barely recognized but liberalism and postmodernist thought are hydrochloric acid on all ideas and values, even and especially the left’s.