And the winner is ...

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 04 June 2009 23:43.

So in Britain it was election day.  Has the world changed?  That’s the question.  Have these European elections signalled a new phase in the development of the BNP, and for the rights of native Britons to their own land?

Well, we shall know all over the next three days, starting with the results of the local authority elections tomorrow morning.

This campaign certainly has been a unique episode in British politics.  By midnight last night, most of the media had stood down from operations against the BNP.  Almost.  Even The Times’ Fiona Hamilton had found another way to make the MultiCult a better and browner place.  Among the party’s campaigners all was anticipation, and a quiet satisfaction that everything that could be done was done.

The only discordant note was sounded by our wonderfully cultured Culture Minister, David Lammy - a man who was in no way chosen for his very important post because of the colour of his skin.  He managed to get his BNP-mugging done at 3.30pm this afternoon.  “Vote to keep out the BNP threat” it said.  Apparently, it’s not enough for Mr Lammy just to keep out the BNP.  That “threat” has to be kept out too, you know.  Don’t worry, though, because nobody pays a blind bit of attention to this entirely pointless person.

That said, Mr Lammy will probably be kept around in Alan Johnson’s new cabinet of superdiversity, given that Gordon’s departure has been guaranteed by the shock news this evening of another ministerial resignation.

As I said, a completely unique episode in British politics.

The result of it all will appear in the form of updates to this post.

And yes my wife and I voted for the BNP in the Europeans.  But we had to vote for Cameron’s crowd in the locals.



Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 02:58 | #

It’s unfortunate that Simon Darby missed out in the West Midlands through the UKIP picking its second seat, but overall a very satisfactory result.

On the European level, the picture is even better, given the gains made by patriotic parties in several countries, not least of course the Netherlands. With the new members from the UK and elsewhere it may be possible for an parliamentary group to be formed similar to the Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty group that fell apart in 2007 when the Italians and Romanians fell out over some silly squabble. Forming such a group is important since it brings with it extra financial support from EU funds as well as administrative and research resources.

I did a quick tally on the results and have come up with potential 22 members not counting the Romanians. That’s a few short since 25 are needed to form an official group; I haven’t included the Italians so depending on their orientation that could make up the numbers.

UK - 2
France - 3
Belgium - 4
Austria - 2
Hungary - 3
Denmark - 2
Finland - 2
Holland - 4

Who did I miss?


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 03:10 | #

The 78 number must have been a bug from the EU site, which incidentally lists the BNP as having 4 members at this time.

Ah yes, the EU, its going to revitalize Europe, make it more efficient, starting with its own website of course.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 03:48 | #

What has happened to the NPD?


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 03:52 | #

all the main parties must work to expose what kind of people the BNP are.

They don’t already know? What more could they do to the B.N.P.? I suppose that they could still accuse them of child-sacrifice and Devil-worship. Or maybe they already have done that?


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 04:01 | #

I didn’t know that Kemp was such a great public speaker!

BNP - Arthur Kemp in Norfolk, March 2009 part 1.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 04:18 | #

Richard Corbett has lost his seat in the EP, thank God:


Posted by SM on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 04:58 | #

a socially Right-wing and economically Left-wing program or “Gauche du travail-Droite des valeurs”.

Good. In Europe they still know how to win: _Protectionism then policy through fiat (ie spending the ‘political capital’ won through protectionism). Thats how the left in all countries does it. Note the right generally doesn’t go against the will of the people as much as the left does after it wins power—so it aint even really bad fiat when the right imposes.

The USA Right doesn’t understand politics; never has and never will. It’s all strip mining ethos hiding inside a just so philosophy. That and male plaqu-ified conformity. (Bred watch dogs of what ever flag they are born under.)

The US will “pull a Serbia”, on one scale or another, if nations continue to become more ‘fascist’.

When you say “right”, what kind of right? Just Catholicism/anti Darwinism? Strong anti immigration, I assume. How is its anti feminism. (I assume given they are French not a very sever anti fem: [French accent through megaphone] “There will be no more mustache rides—unless the womens is very pretty!”.)

Even though man hasn’t grappled with the underlying causes of why things unraveled in the West (and I intend on continuing to complain about that), I think the BNP will continue to win ‘seats’. (Not grappling with the underpinnigs means ‘problems’ will happen again someday someway.)

I remember when the BNP was just an anti establishment thorn 10+ years ago. I was rooting for them then.

What will happen is more “chivalrists” (Ie strains of feminist liberalism [it is Britain after all]) will fold into the BNP. Through that cross breeding, the party will ascend much more in coming years.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:02 | #

Corbett has a blog, last entry:

Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Press is guilty for failing to address real debate on Europe

Corbett is right of course, with more debate the BNP (and UKIP) would have got even more votes.

Bye bye Corbett.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:02 | #

Look at this propaganda: How English are you? - the gist of it is they take these fully English looking people who are generally English nationalists and tell them they’re not English.

Genetics are still being worked out. Who’s to say what precisely “English” is atm? We don’t know atm.

And who would be surprised if an organisation like that lied about the results (eg. purposely labels a set of genetic markers inappropriately so as to falsely label whites as mixed).

I’ve never had this test done, though I’d be interested in having it done once DNA has been better studied; but these “experts” shouldn’t be trusted.

These videos seem to have been released just before this latest election. Whether or not this is directly related, it’s one more example of the propaganda campaign against the English and generally everyone else of European descent.


Posted by European Election Results on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:07 | #

“Conservatives score wins in EU parliament voting”

By CONSTANT BRAND and ROBERT WIELAARD, Associated Press Writers Constant Brand And Robert Wielaard, Associated Press Writers – Sun Jun 7, 8:29 pm ET

BRUSSELS – Conservatives scored victories in some of Europe’s largest economies Sunday as voters punished left-leaning parties in European parliament elections in France, Germany and other nations.

Some right-leaning parties said the results vindicated their reluctance to spend more on company bailouts and fiscal stimulus to combat the global economic crisis.

The European Union said center-right parties were expected to take the most seats — 267 — in the 736-member parliament. Center-left parties were headed for 159 seats. The remainder were expected to go to smaller groupings.

Right-leaning governments were ahead of the opposition in Germany, France, Italy and Belgium, while conservative opposition parties were leading in Britain and Spain.

Greece was a notable exception, where the governing conservatives were headed for defeat in the wake of corruption scandals and economic woes.

Germans handed a lackluster victory to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and a historic defeat to their center-left rivals in the European Parliament vote months before a national election.

The Social Democrats got an unexpectedly dismal 20.8 percent — the party’s worst showing since World War II in any nationwide election.

Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union and a regional sister party won 37.8 percent, down from 44.5 percent five years ago. But the outcome was enough to boost Merkel’s hopes of ending the tense left-right “grand coalition” that has led the European Union’s most populous nation since 2005, and replacing it with a center-right government.

“We are the force that is acting level-headedly and correctly in this financial and economic crisis,” said Volker Kauder, the leader of Merkel’s party in the German parliament.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s governing conservatives trounced the Socialists, while an ecology-minded party vaulted to a surprisingly strong third place, according to official results.

The Socialists, who dominated the last vote in 2004, suffered a stinging defeat, barely clinging to the No. 2 spot.

“Tonight is a very difficult evening for Socialists in many nations in Europe,” said Martin Schulz, the leader of the Socialists in the European Parliament. “(We will) continue to fight for social democracy in Europe.”

Far-right groups and other fringe parties gained in record low turnout estimated at 43.5 percent of 375 million eligible, reflecting widespread disenchantment with the continentwide legislature.

Britain elected its first extreme-right politician to the European Parliament, with the British National Party winning a seat in northern England’s Yorkshire and the Humber district.

The far-right party, which does not accept nonwhites as members, was expected to possibly win further seats as more results in Britain were announced.

Lawmakers with Britain’s major political parties said the far right’s advance was a reflection of anger over immigration issues and the recession that is causing unemployment to soar.

Near-final results showed Austria’s main rightist party gaining strongly while the ruling Social Democrats lost substantial ground. But the big winner was the rightist Freedom Party, which more than doubled its strength over the 2004 elections to 13.1 percent of the vote. It campaigned on an anti-Islam platform.

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’ anti-Islamic party took 17 percent of the country’s votes, taking four of 25 seats.

The Hungarian far-right Jobbik party won three of 22 seats, with the main center-right opposition party, Fidesz, capturing 14 seats and the governing Socialists only four.

Jobbik describes itself as Euro-skeptic and anti-immigration and wants police to crack down on petty crimes committed by Gypsies. Critics say the party is racist and anti-Semitic.

Fringe groups could use the EU parliament as a platform for their extreme views but were not expected to affect the assembly’s increasingly influential lawmaking on issues ranging from climate change to cell-phone roaming charges.

The EU parliament has evolved over five decades from a consultative legislature to one with the power to vote on or amend two-thirds of all EU laws. Lawmakers get five-year terms and residents vote for lawmakers from their own countries.

The parliament can also amend the EU budget — euro120 billion ($170 billion) this year — and approves candidates for the European Commission, the EU administration and the board of the European Central Bank.

Many Socialists ran campaigns that slammed center-right leaders for failing to rein in financial markets and spend enough to stimulate faltering economies.

“People don’t want a return to socialism and that’s why the majority here will be a center-right majority,” said Graham Watson, leader of the EU’s center-right Liberal Democrat grouping.

In Spain, the conservative Popular Party won two more seats than the ruling Socialists — 23 to 21 seats — with over 88 percent of the vote counted.

Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi’s Freedom People’s Party held a two-digit lead over his main center-left rival in the most recent polling despite a deep recession and a scandal over allegations he had an inappropriate relationship with a young model. Italian results were being released Monday.

In Britain, Prime Minister Gordon Brown was facing a showdown with rebel lawmakers on Monday after the party’s expected dismal results in the European parliament and local elections were announced.

Brown has been struggling with the economic crisis and a scandal over lawmakers’ expenses. The opposition Conservatives are expected to win the next national election, which must be called by June 2010.

According to a BBC projection, Labour was trailing the United Kingdom Independence Party in third place. It put the main opposition Conservative Party at 27 percent, UKIP at 17 and Labour at 16, followed by smaller parties.

“This time we have come second in a major national election. That is a hell of an achievement,” said Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP — which advocates Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.

An exit poll showed Irish ruling party Fianna Fail, which supports EU plans to strengthen its authority, trailing its rival Fine Gael by 23 percent to 30 percent.

The outcome of many Irish races was unclear early Monday. The count was halted for an hour Sunday night in Ireland’s North West EU constituency after candidate Declan Ganley, founder of anti-treaty party Libertas, raised procedural questions about the opening of ballot boxes.

An exit poll in Poland showed Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s pro-business Civic Platform party with 45.3 percent and the nationalist and conservative opposition Law and Justice party second with 29.5 percent — a shift to the center-right for Poland at the European parliament.

The Democratic Left Alliance-Labor Union garnered 12 percent.

In Sweden, the Pirate Party, which advocates shortening the duration of copyright protection and allowing noncommercial file-sharing, looked set to take its first seat with 7.4 percent of the vote.

Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands and five other EU nations cast ballots over the last three days, while the rest of the 27-nation bloc voted Sunday.


Associated Press writers Geir Moulson and Patrick McGroarty in Berlin, Angela Charlton in Paris, Harold Heckle in Madrid, Raphael Satter and David Stringer in London, Constant Brand in Brussels, Pablo Gorondi in Budapest, Hungary, Ryan Lucas in Warsaw, George Jahn in Vienna, Derek Gatopoulos and Elena Becatoros in Athens, Barry Hatton in Lisbon, Alison Mutler in Bucarest, Romania, Keith Moore and Malin Rising in Stockholm and Veselin Toshkov in Sofia, Bulgaria, contributed to this report.



Posted by Michael on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:14 | #

That was a good result for the BNP, a “breakthrough” in fact. Almost a million Britons voted for them in this election, a number that is likely to grow with each cycle. The fact that they have 2 MEPs is not the most important thing as they won’t make much difference in the EU parliament. What they will do, and this is important, is spread the meme. The Establishment, Plan A (demonisation in tandem with blank-out) having been a failure, will be forced to try to develop pro-destruction arguments and to deploy them in public. And when they do so, on a relatively even playing field, the voters will be able to make a clear decision - extinction or survival? This is the debate that should have taken place in the 1950s, and I suspect it never even took place behind closed doors.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:24 | #

Here‘s another hit piece attack on whites. We’re a hairy race/suprarace and so this makes our women feel insecure about that reality. It’s also an excuse to show private body parts - a chance to make us more degenerate…

Here‘s an attack on Russian “hate”, Russia being arguably the best friend European peoples have at the moment. Another attack on Russia, and there are others.

It’s also anti-Jewish and pro-Muslim, so presumably he’s a Muslim. He also has “Merchants of Cool” hosted which is actually a great video series (found here). I guess he’s just a confused Muslim then.

But whoever made the videos questioning English purity is very dangerous. That’s a front y’all should defend furiously!


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:39 | #


The enemy played it very well by putting *massive* media pressure on people to not vote BNP while at the same time providing a well promoted way out from that pressure via UKIP… but not quite well enough.

Phew again - plus good news from other parts of Europe too. Time to regrow some finger nails.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 07:43 | #

Friedrich Braun wrote:

‘all the main parties must work to expose what kind of people the BNP are.’

Like so much of their thinking, this amply demonstrates the the blessed disconnect that will be our saviour.  The people look into the mirror and ask themselves, ‘is it me they are talking about’?

The people are gradually understanding the loathing contempt with which the establishment regard them.

After much bewildered soul searching the people deny this assertion, then it dawns their own elites are their enemy.

There are millions out there who have yet to discoverer this, but discover it they will.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 09:08 | #


France and England are not simply 22 miles apart.  We had our revolution almost 150 years before they did, and Pitt the Younger was in office and developing a new Tory politics predicated on stability and freedom five years before 1789.

I really don’t think the NF decline holds lessons for us.  The electoral strategy of the BNP requires that, to enter government, it must win certainly a third of the popular vote.  The Times writes:

Tories would poll 27 per cent, roughly the same as in 2004, UKIP would come second with 17 per cent, one percentage point up from last time, with Labour a dismal third on 16 per cent, down 7 percentage points, its worst ever result. The Lib Dems were expected to get about 15 per cent of the vote, with the Greens and BNP getting 7 to 8 per cent each.

The Labour/LibDem/Green vote totals 38%.  The Tory/UKIP vote totals 44%.  This latter, under a failing Cameron government, is a bank that cannot be left unrobbed because the BNP needs a 25% increase on its present 8% vote share.

In any case, the BNP must represent the entire country.  The English are not majority socialist, or Hugh Gaitskill would not have been defeated in 1951 and Michael Foot in 1983.  If Griffin cannot recognise this reality, he will doom his party, and quite probably the English people with it.

The stakes are far too high to play any National Socialist bullshit games.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 10:16 | #

Congratulations to the Guardian for the first naval-gaze:

... written by an Indian.


Posted by Raskolnikov on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 11:31 | #


“East Midlands region produced a 9% poll for the BNP - no seat, of course.  But in the locals on Thursday they had 14.3%.  Not sure what to make of that. “

I stood for a council seat in the East Midlands and got 14%. You have to remember that we only stood in our strongest areas (about half the seats in my city) and they (rather optimistically) extrapolated from those results that we may get 14% across the region.

The results tonight have inspired me to redouble my efforts for the next local elections. I hope other MR readers not currently involved will be similairly minded.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 11:39 | #

The finishing sentiment of Mark Mardell in his BBC column:

The saddest moment of the night: Labour MEP Richard Corbett lost his seat. Irrespective of party politics there are some people who are good for politics as a whole. Mr Corbett, a decent, thoughtful politician, is also one of the few people who actually understand how the European Parliament works and explained it well. He’ll be missed on all sides of the chamber.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 11:41 | #

Thanks for the explanation, Raskolnikov

I hope other MR readers not currently involved will be similairly minded.

I really don’t think they would want me in the party!


Posted by Englander on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 13:54 | #

It’s quite clear that many voters took the safe options and voted for UKIP, greens and other useless parties. But as we all know, the voter turnout was low.  What does that tell us?  I think it tells us that there are a lot of people out there with no time for liblabcon, but who also didn’t see any of the safe protest parties as worth voting for. At this time they weren’t ready to chose the BNP, but that’s a lot of confused and dissatisfied people without a party to call their own. Those are people who could potentially be reached over time. A lot of voters in this election would have been party faithfuls and people who wanted to thwart the BNP, but it’s clear that only a minority of the voting public are so inclined.

This is a good result. The wheels are grinding into motion and this is only the beginning.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 15:10 | #

The Middles classes.

Whenever reading about the middle classes, both in America and Britain it is the same story.

By design, the middle classes are being systematically destroyed by over regulation, inflation, and taxation.  Add to this, falling property values, falling pensions, erosion of pay and assets, then the picture for the middle classes becomes bleak - extinction in fact.  All done as a matter of government policy design.

The inevitable conclusion to be drawn from this is, the existing middle classes are the poor of tomorrow, therefore becoming ripe for harvesting into the BNP. (or white camp)  Add to this the fact that the middle classes have yet to feel the real pain of immigration or job replacement or the phenomena of white flight and the picture becomes even grimmer.

With the worsening (according to the pundits) economic situation (maybe hyper inflation) the plight of the middle classes looks grim indeed.  It is as I unfold these scenarios that my idea that the conversation elevates to a higher level becomes self evident.

All in all, I think it increasingly adds up to greater gravitation of the people to the nationalist core.

Maybe Jame Bowery has some thought.


Posted by Raskolnikov on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 20:08 | #


“I really don’t think they would want me in the party! “

I can’t think why not.

Reading today’s Guardian threads about the BNP had me missing the comments you used to make as ‘ordinary’. Shame you don’t post there anymore.


Posted by Red Mercury on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 20:43 | #

The US will “pull a Serbia”, on one scale or another, if nations continue to become more ‘fascist’.

Agreed. It’s only a matter of time, I think, before a US regime sends bombers and “American” (= blacks, hispanics) occupation troops. That is, if it can afford to do so. When that happens it will further exacerbate American racial and political divides and place US WNs and conservatives in the position of choosing sides. It will be interesting to watch.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 20:49 | #


I think I would be considered too doubtful of Inevitablism and nativism, and far too antipathetic to the fascist fantasy to which most of these guys have adhered at one time or another (Wingfield excepted).  At one and the same time MR would be thought too strong a meat and too inconviently anti-semitic for today’s BNP - that is the accomodation that NG has made with the devil in order to campaign.  I don’t resent him that.  It is working.

Specifically, I have retailed the widespread belief on the radical right and elsewhere that there are MI5 agents at the top of the party, and we still do not know whether it has been set-up to fail - we won’t know if there is a plug to be pulled until it is!  I have critiqued the clique-like way in which things are arranged at the top.  I was also sympathetic to the EiE criticism that Collett and Harnam are damaged goods.  I argued that Griffin displayed character flaws in his handling of the EiE affair.  I have argued that the concentration on Islam was flawed.  I have argued that a strategy of re-moralising is slower-acting but far more effective than making ideological accomodations.  I have told Simon Darby on his blog (he does not publish every comment I make now) that the party has both to intellectualise and attract activists from the middle-class who have nothing whatever to do with the bad old days.

None of this would be welcome, I’m sure.  But I can’t stop thinking just for them.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 22:58 | #

Bill, there are 3 reasonable positions corresponding to 3 degrees of radicalism:

1) Within the current political paradigm, promote programs that convert CO2 to high protein food via algae.  This will re-route government programs from simply buying votes in the guise of “public works” to genuine job creation that will more sustainably favor the middle class while defusing the CO2 debate.  (The US emits 6Gmetrictons/year of CO2.  Think about that in terms of biomass and the kind of public works it generates.)

2) Within the new political paradigm, focus all rhetoric solely on citizens dividends funded by replacing taxes on economic activity with a tax on the net liquidation value of assets at short term treasury rates.  This takes care of the economy, immigration and the middle class instantaneously.

3) Within the revolutionary paradigm, form local militias prepared to mutually defend the people against impositions by illegitimate governments—my preference being, of course, the Actuarial Militia which, instead of taxing net liquidation value of assets, collects adjustable premiums for militia insured property rights, and instead of paying citizens dividends in fiat money pays dividends in militia issued scrip.

I don’t know how much more clearly I can state it.


Posted by danielj on Mon, 08 Jun 2009 23:07 | #

Congratulations to the Guardian for the first naval-gaze:

... written by an Indian.

You need to go lay the smack down on the commenters there. They are horribly revolting and nobody is opposing the nonsense.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 04:14 | #

The stakes are far too high to play any National Socialist bullshit games.

I don’t think anyone is advocating “National Socialism bullshit games” - whatever that means. I said nationalist and socialist, not quite the same thing. Britons will choose their own path without copying some foreign model. I note that so far the B.N.P. has progressed rather nicely appealing to the lower-middle class. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I also note that successful ethno-parties on the continent attract the same socio-economic niche. This has been the historical pattern: middle and lower-middle classes. If it’s not broken, the B.N.P. shouldn’t fix it. I think that they should continue attacking capitalism from the Right and speaking about old-fashioned moral values. It’s also called Right-wing populism. I know that that’s what I would do if I were in politics. Ah, and Islamification is a beautiful topic, too.


Posted by Frank on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 04:37 | #

I think he means to reject particular attachment to NS when it gets in the way of primary objectives, ie. racial survival.

Economic appeals should be made as they appeal to voters. Economics often don’t even really matter at least compared with other issues. If a populace wants a free market, consider campaigning on it. Give voters what they want on expendable topics while remaining focused on the most important topics. Another example: if a populace doesn’t like the death penalty, remove it - who cares about an issue like that?

That’s my interpretation - couldn’t resist posting it…


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 07:57 | #

Yes, Frank.  Intellectually, British nationalism was, to varying degrees, fascist from Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists through to Griffin’s ascession to the leadership of the BNP in 1999.  He has pursued electability, which meant moving away from the prior manifestations of nationalist feeling.  But what has happened since, I guess, the late 80s/early 90s has been a growing awareness that we Europeans are under an existential threat - a genetic threat - that forms quite a different motivation to the anti-Jewish, anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian impulses that fuelled earlier movements.

In imperative terms, dealing with an existential threat surpasses promotion of political ideological preferences.  We have to answer the question of our age, not that of another age, and people whose real interest has never shifted from the latter are only temporary friends.  I suspect that the press is right that some members of the BNP leadership are indeed only temporary friends, and that, and not just the electability issue, may be a reason why the language the party employs is so often weak and unconvincing.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:15 | #

“I suspect that the press is right that some members of the BNP leadership are indeed only temporary friends, and that, and not just the electability issue, may be a reason why the language the party employs is so often weak and unconvincing.”  (—GW)

I wholly disagree with that statement and moreover have never read or heard one single word written or spoken by anyone connected with the BNP that seemed “weak and unconvincing.”

Attacks on the BNP coming from this blog always puzzle me and cause me distress.  I’m sure it’s because I’m not British and therefore am missing something.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:04 | #

Is your complaint that they’re not racialist enough, GW? How would that go down with the average Frankfurt School indoctrinated lemming? Not to mention the hostile media. They’re already going completely bonkers on rAYcism in the BNP.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:08 | #

That works for issues that don’t concern ultimate interests, Frank. Sometimes you’ve got to save (or at least try) people despite themselves.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:14 | #


Listen to the wriggling going on here:

That’s what comes of lacking an ontologically nationalist foundation.  It should be possible to answer the media on race, repatriation and membership in the most moral tones.  But they can’t.  The question is: is that wholly because they have to present a black-friendly face so they don’t get slaughtered for their “racism”, or is that because they are only aware of fascist nationalism - the politics that dare not speak its name?


Posted by BNP on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:17 | #

Firstly, ‘winning’ is about more than just posting on blogs. Secondly, as it pertains to Britain, GW wants the British people racially saved but doesn’t want politics spilling over into that other thing.  Thirdly, some BNP-ers do.  Fourthly, for this reason BNP leaders have to choose their words carefully.  Fifthly, such carefully chosen words give the impression that BNP leaders might not be serious about repatriation.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:09 | #


Correct me if I am wrong, but fascism was not racist prior to National Socialism.  It was a reaction to liberalism’s model of socialism with its egalitarian focus.  Mussolini’s call for a politics capable of making “a clean sweep” was for then.  Neither Mussolini nor Hitler nor, as far as I can see, any of the intellectuals of that era were even aware of, much less reactive to, any existential threat to their respective people.  We are staring down an entirely new barrel, as you yourself acknowledge when you distinguish ultimate from proximate interests.  Neither the Italian nor German political models made that distinction.  We must.

I tend to the view that the lack of moral and ideological clarity in Griffin’s words, and the consequent ease with which interviewers can put him on the back foot, is at least in part due to us having failed as a movement to develop a discourse of ontological nationalism.

If I am wrong about all this, and ontology does not matter, then I will give up this obsession.  But I can see no evidence of being wrong.  I can see Griffin’s discomfort.  I can see wide-open goals that are too often missed.  I want to hear Griffin round on his persecutors with superior moral power.  He knows it’s there.  He talks about justice and righteousness.  With a little effort he would unearth the moral principles of ethnic survival and ethnic interest - fundamental principles for life itself.  Then the tables might be turned on the media aggressors, and the immorality of their principles and the authentic racism of their accusations might be exposed.


Thirdly, some BNP-ers do.

While “that other thing” lurks in the background, the media taunters and haters will always feel they have a point.  And they might.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 17:02 | #

This kind of behaviour is solely a product of the conviction that moral superiority attaches to anti-fascism:-

Here’s the event as it occurred.

Here it is with the addition of the voice of Donna Guthrie, a black activist, being interviewed by John Sopel of the BBC.

The only way to kill this behaviour is to attack its immorality and cause a cost to the Establishment who associates with these creeps and, indeed, furnishes them with plenty of money.


Posted by Red Mercury on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 17:26 | #

The only way to kill this behaviour is to use the exact same tactics against Afro-activists, ‘anti-fascist’ fascists, and Muslim militants.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:51 | #

This kind of behaviour is solely a product of the conviction that moral superiority attaches to anti-fascism:-

You mean it doesn’t? There’s news.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 21:29 | #

Touche, Desmond.  But here is the list of our morally superiors whom I have in mind:-


Posted by Facsists on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 21:58 | #

The only way to kill this behaviour is to use the exact same tactics against Afro-activists, ‘anti-fascist’ fascists, and Muslim militants. 

In time, perhaps.  But it’s a poor opening gambit.


Posted by SM on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:04 | #

This kind of behaviour is solely a product of the conviction that moral superiority attaches to anti-fascism:-

[Griffin egg pelted vids/reports: links]

Where was his security detail?

Never run like that—it makes you look weak—thus leading to more, next time. Fighting back—and even losing—would have been better. ...And then a nice speech/statement back at the mic, carpe diem style “[see what we mean—the ‘injustice’? etc]”.


Posted by q on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:42 | #

Griffin egg pelted vids/reports

That spectacle evidences how self hating white liberals behave at their nauseating best.

How much do you want to bet David Carradine was a liberal?


Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 01:49 | #

GW wrote:

If I am wrong about all this, and ontology does not matter, then I will give up this obsession.  But I can see no evidence of being wrong.  I can see Griffin’s discomfort.  I can see wide-open goals that are too often missed.  I want to hear Griffin round on his persecutors with superior moral power.  He knows it’s there.  He talks about justice and righteousness.  With a little effort he would unearth the moral principles of ethnic survival and ethnic interest - fundamental principles for life itself.  Then the tables might be turned on the media aggressors, and the immorality of their principles and the authentic racism of their accusations might be exposed.

In truth GW, I just can’t see how in 2009 doing what you propose would present a way forward for Griffin, or for the BNP, or for the cause of ethno-nationalism in Britain. Although present conditions are dire and would have seemed fantastically improbable to most observers merely a generation or two ago (Enoch Powell was derided as a fabulist when he forecast a BME population of 4 million for the year 2000), the harsh reality is that they are not yet nearly dire enough. Like the proverbial frogs in the slowly-heating cauldron the mass of the public has, through a combination of its social conditioning and institutionalised apathy, managed to accommodate itself more-or-less comfortably as each successive way-station has been reached on the path to demographic oblivion – the ‘creeping normalcy’ phenomenon.

The ability to visualise the eventual denouément is given only to a few, and I believe that Griffin is among them. But I also believe that the political calculus is correct in assuming that the likely endgame is so incredible that only those few ‘renegades’ who have somehow evaded or otherwise transcended the aforementioned social conditioning can, in the short- and the medium-term, bring themselves to believe in its possibility. Those who like Enoch expect too much of their audience and present their prognostications in apocalyptic terms will be denounced as the prophet who ”… is despised in his own country, and in his own house, and among his own kindred.’ We all what happened to Enoch.

My own view is that it will probably take another generation until the direness assumes such proportions that a Powellite message can be transmitted in the clear, received and understood by a critical mass of the indigenous population. There could be a minor seismic event when the results of the 2011 Census are announced since this will almost certainly confirm that the BME population had doubled in ten years. That will certainly assist the cause, but is unlikely to precipitate a significant tipping point.

I’d also suggest (and I know you’ve been agitating along these lines as well) that one of the most crucial objectives for the BNP should be to attract some leading figures on the intellectual right into its circle of allies. I’d even propose that this is a more important goal in the short-term (say next five years) than dwelling on the all-too-likely outcome of the race-replacement strategy should that be permitted to run its course. I’m thinking of people like, for example, the demographer David Coleman at Oxford. He has published a very impressive paper on what he terms ‘The Third Demographic Transition’ which goes a long way towards providing an academically-defensible and intellectually-sound foundation for the argument that the policies being pursued by the managerial elite across the EU will result in our ethnic demise. Having somebody like Coleman on the team to transmit this message will be far more effective, I’d suggest, than giving the job to a politician, even one with the intellectual equipment of a Nick Griffin.  I don’t think Coleman’s paper is available on free-view; I got it via my college’s Jstor subscription, if you would like a copy please email.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 02:15 | #

What do you propose, GW? Can you envisage all that you want without adopting measure of authoritarianism (let’s not call it fascism, since you have an aversion to the term)? How would you deal with the human rights commission and the entire anti-racism apparatus put in place over the last four decades? How would you repatriate migrants and their descendants? How will Britons react when their friends and neighbors are rounded it up for deportation? I can already imagine the mass hysteria, the hunger strikes, the asylum-seekers hiding inside churches, the crying children shown on t.v. 24/7, the international condemnations, the economic boycotts. Did I miss anything? How do you deport people en masse? It can be done (at it has been done countless times in recent history and in peace time, too), but not within the current liberal paradigm. What’s the alternative to the liberal paradigm? Small “c” conservatism? I can’t see Cameron (or Thatcher) doing what’s needed. All that small “c” conservatives can do is to prolong the agony. Conservative are very good at that. Historically, they only offer a degree of resistance to what’s in the process of occurring. In sum, they might, might slow down our decline but not do anything to turn the tide and reverse it. They’re too genteel and sensible. I regard them as being firmly ensconced inside the liberal paradigm. I honestly don’t see a way out without an authoritarian racialist ethno-state. Now, we can debate what shape or structure such as state would take but I don’t see an alternative. Frank Salter, and nobody can accuse him of harboring National Socialist sympathies, writes that that form of government was very effective in advancing the ethnic genetic interests of Germans. As you know, in his view there’s nothing more moral than the protection and advancement of the genetic interests of one’s Volk. In that sense, the National Socialist regime was the most moral that the world has ever known.

What would you want the B.N.P. to do know? What line should they adopt? I’m really curious because these are issues I struggle with myself.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 02:54 | #

One of the reasons I assume GW recommends a thoroughgoing philosophically informed reeducation of the masses is that he believes that nativism and inevitablism juxtaposed with the liberal zeitgeist will not provide sufficient psychological traction to expel racial aliens.  Also, he believes the uniformed, marching fetishizing of our obvious racial superiority is in opposition to the humility and civility which are indispensable ingredients of what is inherently morally excellent in us according to our Nature.  So, obviously, he cannot therefore eschew teleology and idealism.  It is just his teleology, his idealism, or perhaps even his correct or incorrect take on what is in fact morally excellent in us in fact.  (He clearly believes these traits of moral excellence are more prevalent in the English, as opposed to say “Krauts”, because though he states that “Krauts” and the English are essentially the same people, he would not agree to a massive gene swap between the two, since he clearly believes something would be lost, e.g., English moral superiority over and above “Krauts”.  So, he is implicitly an English supremacist, thought he believes the “world made England” is a much more benign, life affirming supremacism - for certainly the English firstly, as well as for all - than “Kraut” supremacism.)


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 03:13 | #

Why does everything has to be reduced to English vs. Krauts around here? Totally irrelevant today. I asked GW for his vision for his land and people. I want to know how he plans to get there.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 05:07 | #

Herr Braun,

Salter suggests that fascism was an over-investment in biological group interests at the expense of individual and foreign interests. And, that an “ethnicised constitution resulting in catastrophes such as Nazi Germany initiated, that would be sufficient reason to abandon the idea altogether.”,M1

One must realise, of course, that Salter is an Australian and no doubt loyal to his ethnic interests. The English (and their Diasporas) notion of individualism differs from the German notion. German individualism is tied to the group. English individualism is bourgeois and linked to class/capital/property.

English “individual liberty is limited if the freedoms which it entails pose a threat to the prevailing capitalist system.” German individualism “limit(s) its own freedom out of respect for the freedom of the other.”


Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 05:41 | #

This looks like it could be shaping up into an interesting discussion, and I’m wondering whether it might be feasible to hive off the last several postings into a separate thread.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 06:46 | #

National Socialism, class etc.

The people currently most directly harmed by the ongoing attempted genocide are the working class. They’re the ones who can see what is hidden from the TV screens because they see it happen in their own streets with their own eyes. I believe any attempt at a nationalist revolution has to grow in that soil first. The centre of gravity of nationalist parties seems to be in the join between the skilled working class and the lower middle class - those people who are in between capital and labour - but to branch out they need to expand into the working class first for the purely practical reason that it’s the working class who already stare the threat in the face while currently the middle classes don’t.

I don’t think that will be enough on its own, partly because those same people often have such an extreme loyalty towards their traditional party you’ll never get all of them, but every advance into democratic respectability then makes it easier for nationalist parties to expand into the middle class.

So I see it as a two-step: one leg steps left to gain enough working class support to get democratic respectability followed by the other leg stepping right into middle class support ending with a solid base straddling the middle.

General strategy.

I see the nationalist parties as more catalyst than agent - nationalist success will have ripple effects and those ripples will cause ripples and eventually the people themselves will make a revolution and *demand* certain policies. I see the key rules being :

1) The Nationalist party must make itself unacceptable to the status quo - especially the red media.
2) The Nationalist party must make itself acceptable to enough voters to gain some electoral success while not breaking the first rule.

As long as a nationalist party or movement picks a strategy that fits those two rules then I think the ripple effects will crack the media imposed red culture and survival instinct will drive the strategy the rest of the way.

On the other hand I could be completely wrong.


Posted by And the winner is … on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 10:58 | #

Posted by Fred Scrooby on June 06, 2009, 11:13 PM | #

I’m tempted to retort, “Well it’s easy then — won’t the BNP always look more like themselves than whatever multiracial public face the other parties attempt to present?,” but I won’t — I’ll leave it there and thanks for the explanation.

But you just did. Duh!

Posted by Guessedworker on June 08, 2009, 08:08 AM | #
The stakes are far too high to play any National Socialist bullshit games.

Exactly-These semantic games are much more fun (LOL).


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 11:59 | #

Salter suggests that fascism was an over-investment in biological group interests at the expense of individual and foreign interests. And, that an “ethnicised constitution resulting in catastrophes such as Nazi Germany initiated, that would be sufficient reason to abandon the idea altogether.”

Further to Desmond’s point: Salter speaks of ‘fitness investment portfolios’.  The three main sources of investment are family, ethny, and the human species.  He describes NS as a ‘fitness bubble’ in that it put too much emphasis (ultimately destructive) on ethnic fitness.  Of course it depends in the end how these things work out.  Could/should the Germans have foreseen that this was a bubble?  It worked out very well for the Europeans in North America, but the venue for expansion in 1939 was fundamentally different.  Underestimating the obstinacy of the British elites was a fatal error.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 12:45 | #

I will create a new post as Dan suggests.


Posted by Jupiter on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 16:13 | #


What this election means is this:Opposition to race-replacement is on the radar screen-with a strong signal. And the signal is not going to disappear from the radar screen of public discussion. And this goes right to the heart of the hysterical-psychotic reaction of the degenerate Left-Liberal types. Be very happy about the backreaction. It is a very good barometer of reality in England. The cat can not be put back in the bag.

As Fed mentioned, the BNP poticians have to uncorrutable. The UK Independence party are a bunch of clowns who achieved some natural water-level success…it will go no higher over time. As more and more native English,Welsh and Scottish are murdered,raped and made economically redundant…the BNP is the only game in town. Anti-protectionists and anti-socialist health care programs have already been discredited around the world…especially in the US. Ultimtely the UK independence party will be seen as a bunch of free market wierdos.

Socialism works quite well in racially homogeneous societies. Kick the darkies out!!!!


Posted by Saints and Angels on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 16:33 | #

Posted by Jupiter on June 10, 2009, 03:13 PM | #

‘‘The cat can not be put back in the bag’‘

The cats not even out the bag yet. You people sure are a joke!

‘‘Kick the darkies out!!!!’‘

For all your whiteness (if this website is any reference to go by there seems to be alot of it) Europeans have never been known as the whitest people in the world grin


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 17:18 | #

“Socialism works quite well in racially homogeneous societies.”  (—Jupiter)

Yes, moderate Euro-race socialism does.  Not the kind of socialism the Jews try to impose on Euro-race peoples, which is theme-and-variations on bolshevism, in which, among other things, Jews savagely attack the existence of race and specifically try to get Euros transformed into some other race — Negroes, anything, just so long as they don’t remain Euros (Jews have this thing about Euros:  in the Jewish mind Euros are not allowed to stay Euros, it’s viewed as evil on Euros’ part if they do, and they MUST change races to something else, preferably Negroes but acceptable alternatives are Mexican mestizos and others — can everyone sense the intense jealousy motivating this, in part?  It’s written all over it, jealousy plus just plain dislike, and also fear.  Jealousy, dislike, and fear are what motivate the endless Jewish attacks on Euro-race people’s raceness.) 

That sort of anti-race “race-is-not-allowed!” Jewish bolshevik socialism never works, obviously. 

Socialism that recognizes race works, and the following important article by “Melinda Jelliby” is one of my favorites: .

So, not Jewish-imposed bolshevism (the kind of socialism Jews try to force on Euro and other non-Jewish populations) but national socialism is what we’re talking about, the system in force in Hitler’s National Socialist Germany, today’s Communist China, today’s Japan, today’s Israel, and many other places.  Yes, Israel is a national-socialist apartheid state almost identical in many very important respects to National Socialist Germany.

As for whether or not Jupiter would like such a system, however, that seems at least questionable in view of his oft-mentioned blanket aversion to “government.”


Posted by Matra on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 17:32 | #

The only two parties that oppose immigration and the EU are the BNP and Ukip*.

The BNP got 6.2% nationally, mostly working class English. Ukip got 16.5%, mostly middle class English.

In Scotland it was rather different: BNP 2.5% and Ukip 5.2%. The pro-immigration, pro-EU Scots Nats won with 29%.

In Wales the anti-establishment parties did better: BNP 5.4%, Ukip 12.8%

Neither party ran in Northern Ireland where the voters went for their own sectarian parties.

In retrospect, with (I’m told) growing annoyance in England at being milked by the rest of the UK, an English National/Independence Party (or England and Wales party) might have been a better idea than either BNP/Ukip. I don’t suppose a pure English nationalism could unite the respective voters of both parties?

* Ukip’s website on immigration policy: We will freeze immigration for five years, speed up deportation of up to a million illegal immigrants by tripling the numbers engaged in deportations, and have ‘no home no visa’ work permits to ease the housing crisis.


Posted by Jupiter on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 18:32 | #

I am very adverse to the race-replacement of European people at the hands of imported darkies and thier geneline.

I am not at all adverse to the idea of cleansing and disinfecting OUR AMERICA of the “American” left and liberals. Either we do it to them all they will do it to US first.

The “American” left and libeals are hell-bent one exterminating White Americans. Now is this really a big secret this point in time.

When the shit hit the fan, old scores will be settled.  Everyone knows it will happen.

Extreme catastrohes will happen. Social order will breal down. It will happen. The only alternative for Native Born White Americas is a strong racial identity.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 22:10 | #


I don’t suppose a pure English nationalism could unite the respective voters of both parties?

The Welsh and Scottish nationalist parties are both civic nationalists so they don’t suffer the same media attacks. If they switched to ethno-nationalism their vote would be driven down pretty quick and they’d have to claw their way up like the BNP.

I’d say a specifically English ethno-nationalism might have some psychological benefit but I don’t think that is the root of the BNP / UKIP divergence. Some of it is based on the BNP’s chosen path being too economically left for many people but mostly I’d say it was that UKIP people are worried about the same kind of things as BNP people but aren’t yet ready to face the full hatred of the red media. The BNP make UKIP (and the conservatives) relatively more respectable and therefore makes it easier for middle class people to vote UKIP.

Your quoted UKIP immigration policy is a perfect example. It’s still not respectable for the Tories to be able to say those kind of things (even if they wanted to) but the BNP have made it possible for the in-between respectable UKIP to say it. The BNP drag the terms of the debate to the right allowing others to slip into the ground conceded by the red media. Personally I think it will prove useful in the long run that they are two organizations even if it causes some problems.

I think it’s also possible, England being such a class-obssessed place, that there may end up being two nationalist parties in the UK - a working class one taking terriotory from Labour and a middle class one taking ground from the Conservatives.


Posted by Jupiter on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 00:26 | #

The BNP is about to face serious criminal charges because it openly advocates discrimination. The BNP lawyers ahould document all public staements made by the filthy Left-Liberals where dicrimination against Native England was advocated as policy goal.

What is the cockroach LEGAL IMMIGRANT Alexander Cockburn-a well kown race-replacement enthusiast doing in OUR AMERICA. Cleanse and disinfect….then repeat.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 06:13 | #

Posted by Wandrin 10.06.2009

“I think it’s also possible, England being such a class-obssessed place, that there may end up being two nationalist parties in the UK - a working class one taking terriotory from Labour and a middle class one taking ground from the Conservatives”.

Bill says.

FWIW, I think the Conservatives are broke - finished (and have been for a long time) every bit as much as Labour, but they just don’t know it yet.  (Shade of Hitchens here I’m afraid)

Liberal Conservatism won’t fly, Camerons onslaught against the BNP tells us that.

But where will the Conservative voter go?

The political mould is bust, we’re all thinking outside the box now.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 07:35 | #

Courtesy View from the Right.

The Destruction of Britain.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 09:23 | #

I tossed the ‘Destruction of Britain’ piece from VFR here to MR only having skimmed down a portion, as I had to go out.

Later, having returned for a further look, I discover the author has a thing about Melanie Phillips and goes goes on (and on and on) about her.  So you can skip all that.

This chap seems an intelligent person but doesn’t in all of his ten thousand words (apparently) stop to ask why Britain is being destroyed.  Rather odd.

I might be doing him a disservice saying that as I virtually have to skim scroll down as I just haven’t the time to read and digest.

Anyway, I had a further dig around what Auster had to say, and one or two more commentors.

During this, Obama’s Egypt speech the other day shot into my head, In short, the bottom line I came away with is, it looks like America is about to throw Israel to the fishes.  For the greater cause of course.   

I dunno?  Sorry in a hurry gotta go again.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 13:44 | #

Clicking on Bill’s link I came across this very good piece by someone named Delingpole:

God, I am sick to death of the BNP.  I don’t mean the party - they only got two seats in the Euro Elections, for heaven’s sake - I mean all the rival politicians and commentators and dinner party chatterers falling over themselves to say just how utterly disgusted they are by this victory for the racist “far right.”

In yesterday’s Twittersphere the talk was of little else and the subtexts of every Tweet could be loosely translated thus:  “See what a caring, lovely, non-racist person I am?”,“Do you know just how many black people are close personal friends of mine? An awful lot, let me tell you”; “I have a West Indian supermarket near me.  It sells all sorts of marvellous ethnic things:  smelly dried fish, ackee fruit.  The proprietor is a delightful fellow and we always have a jolly chat.  Did I mention he’s black?  Well he is and it doesn’t affect our relationship one bit”; “Oh, well I live next to an Indian restaurant and I so much prefer a lovely Sag Aloo to fish and chips with their awful racist Union Jack connotations.  Kinder to the environment too.  And the chap who runs it has taught me to say “two Cobra beers and some spicy poppadoms” in Gujerati.”  etc.

Next time, what I suggest these people do is come clean and Tweet the subtext.  At least then we won’t to have endure their half-baked, ill-thought-out, glib, bien-pensant inanities sullying one of the most important political debates of our age.

The people who voted BNP are on the front line of this debate.  They don’t have the luxury of being able to nip in and out of a cornucopia of simply marvellous ethnic food shops, and thrillingly directional Grime Bhangra clubs and delightful arthouse cinemas selling wholemeal samosas and showing seasons of Iranian cinema, before retreating to their lovely safe white enclaves.  It’s on their doorstep, all the time, and there’s no escape: for the white working classes (of the North and North East especially) multiculturalism has been a disaster.

And this isn’t, pace some tedious bien-pensant commentators, about racism pure and simple.  It’s partly about immigration numbers - far greater than the indigenous communities are capable of absorbing without disruption.  Mainly, though, it’s about assimilation.

The racial tension and unrest in Britain now would not be half so great if were not for the fact that thanks to the imbecilic liberal-leftist philosophy of “multiculturalism” two generations of immigrant communities have actually been encouraged by the apparatus of state and at taxpayer’s expense NOT to assimilate.  In some areas of towns in the north - Bradford, for example - white people are made to feel that they don’t belong any more.  And these white people whose families have been there for generations are supposed to go, what, exactly?  “Ah!  Bless!  Bah gum I don’t ‘alf love living in this wonderful melting pot”?

However dangerous the BNP are - not, in fact, very, I don’t think - they’re not nearly so dangerous as the liberal commentators who write meaningless “Thought For The Day” drivel like “Far better would have been to enjoin our principal parties to get their act together and offer a viable politics of hope to eclipse the dark underbelly of society.”

Every time a politician, media commentator, or glib dinner-party-chatterer bangs on about how disgusting they find the BNP, what they are unwittingly (at least I hope it’s unwittingly) doing is shutting down the debate.  “Here is a topic so beyond the pale of reasonable discussion that the only proper reaction is to pass the smelling salts, bury your head in the sand, and hope it all goes away,” is what they are saying.

But it won’t go away.  Read Mark Steyn’s America Alone:  the Islamisation of Europe - it’s one of the pressing problems of our age.  (Why the hell do you think Geert Wilders did so well in the Euro Elections?  You think, what, people just liked his crazy name?).  Unchecked - and almost worse - unassimilated immigration is a threat to all Western countries.

And it’s not “racist” to want to discuss this issue.  It doesn’t automatically make you hateful or a Nazi or the next Nick Griffin. It just means that you think.

Clicking on the embedded link back to the Telegraph where the commentary first appeared, I skimmed some of the comments thread, including a comment by one “Emmanuelgoldstein” which taunted Delingpole with the notion that “those who voted for the BNP actually prefer a white Britain,” which Delingpole can’t answer because he stops at agreeing there’s a legitimate concern over cultural replacement and job displacement.  He never explicitly states there’s a legitimate concern over race-replacement. 

The answer to Emmanuelgoldstein is yes, many who voted for the BNP doubtless prefer that, I certainly do and I’m not even a Brit, and there’s not a thing wrong with it and everything right with it.  The opposite of preferring it is acquiescence in genocide in fact, and if genocide here is fine, where else is it?  Let’s get started on genociding the Israelis and doing a proper job this time.  And the Negroes in Africa, let’s genocide them too.  And what about the remnant of the American Indians, let’s polish them off.  And the Japs?  What are they doing so racially secure in that island of theirs?  Isn’t it time they were shown some genocide too?  And the Russians?  There’s certainly a way to wipe them out.  I mean, if genocide’s the principle and is viewed as right as rain, let’s not limit it to just the Brits shall we?  Let’s get out there and work some tikkun olam in the world!

Delingpole is quite good.  But not as good as he could be.  He’d be even better if he explicitly stated that concern over race-replacement was legitimate.  Not implicitly stated.  The other side can get around that and will in five seconds.  Explicitly stated. 

The way we do here at this blog for example.

That they can’t get around, not in five seconds, not in five universe-lifetimes.  Which is why they go into such hysterics and address anything and everything but the issue, namely race.

There is race and there is race-replacement.  You can’t have it both ways.  You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Now, choose.


Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 14:09 | #

Delingpole’s writing is good as are his points.

But “assimilation”?  Give me a goddamned break!

A man able to summon up insights like he did should not have problems seeing that Turd World populations can not assimilate, not least because of low IQ, deviant behavior and their own ethno-cultural ideas of supremacy.  There can never and will never be a meaningful assimilation - the best case scenario if this situation is not reversed is something like the Indian caste system where various mud and off-mud hued creatures compete for what little “supremacy” can be left in such a downbred culture.

Count me out of the assimilation game, now and for-fucking-ever.  It’s the biggest, most mendacious cop-out used by the modern “conservatives” mainly as an excuse to not explicitly have to mention race, which lets them off the hook working for our genetic interests.  Which is fine with them because they seem to only care about lining their pockets anyway (see:  Sailer, Brimelow, Buchanan, Taki, etc).


Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 14:16 | #

During this, Obama’s Egypt speech the other day shot into my head, In short, the bottom line I came away with is, it looks like America is about to throw Israel to the fishes.  For the greater cause of course.

Welcome news?  Pardon me if I don’t jump with joy.  Israel going the way of the Dodo means millions more of those parasitic Ashkenazim in America and other Euro lands.  Actually they’re far more at home in the Middle East, the entire population of which is basically a dumber version of them.

Keep the jews in West Asia along with all their Arab-Turkic-Persian brethren!  They deserve each other.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 06:27 | #

Barnsley and the BNP

“I’m with the BNP all the way,” says John, 42, from Cudworth, outside Barnsley, who was made redundant in February after 15 years in construction.

“They want British jobs for British people. Last year we had a lot of Polish come in taking our jobs. They’ll work for the minimum wage and I’m not prepared to do that, I was earning £24,000 a year.”

Bald & the BNP

A GRIEVING son was kicked out of a cathedral after being mistaken for a BNP member - because he shaves his head.

Phyllip Cadwallader, 43, was also searched by cops after going to light a candle for mum Phyllis, who died four years ago.

He was first asked to sit at the back of Blackburn Cathedral, Lancs, while BBC Radio 4 conducted a live broadcast on Jewish concentration camp victim Anne Frank.

Romanians Flee Homes After Racist Attacks

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anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 13:40. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 12:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sun, 16 Feb 2025 13:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 13:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 01:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 21:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 20:27. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 18:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 20:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 22:45. (View)
