Native U.S. white supremacist militia anthrax hate-bombers attack the entire galaxy My thanks to Bo Sears for the link to this Washington Times piece, Al Qaeda eyes bio attack from Mexico. Last October, Bo picked up on Joe Biden’s warning of a nation-shaking event. Now we get one from “U.S. counterterrorism officials” who have:
Native U.S. white supremacist militias! This has false flag written every which way and all over it in flashing neon lights. Is it just so the pay-back to good ole OBL can run for another decade? Who the heck do these Homeland Security cretins think will swallow this? Do they actually think that no one in America will say, “Hey, if the U.S. takes such threats seriously how come the f——-g border isn’t sealed?” That would be because Mexicans couldn’t illegally enter the country. Mexican swine flu good, you see. Native U.S. white supremacist militia anthrax hate-bombers very, very, bad. Comments:2
Posted by Anonymous on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 03:50 | # In the video, obtained and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, al-Nafisi also suggests that al Qaeda might want to collaborate with members of native U.S. white supremacist militias who hate the federal government. Just like those skinheads helped out the DC Negro snipers! Luckily, the Canadian border is locked down. I hear they’ve got lots of white people up there. They talk funny too. q, 3
Posted by Fiotheth on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 03:55 | #
Yes however there may be an additional motivation. If the economy collapses the Jews can come in and buy up everything much cheapr, pennies on the dollar. Many have noted that Jewish ‘oligarchs’ did the same thing in Russia after Communism collaped. As for the ‘militias’ working with islamists, chances are it will be a set-up like the Oklahoma City Bombing Dead Police Officer And OKC Bombing Coverup (this is one of the few ‘conspiracy theories’ I subscribe to and the former Spotlight and current American Free Press and have done some good research. If one didn’t know History they would think the bombing of the King David Hotel or USS Liberty were ‘conspiracy theories’ but they were actual events!!!) 4
Posted by Anonymous on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 04:18 | # Many have noted that Jewish ‘oligarchs’ did the same thing in Russia after Communism collaped. They tried. Larry Summers and those other creeps from Harvard were part of it. But Putin shut them down and started grabbing the traitors. International Finance Judaism has never forgiven Putin and Russia for that and never will. That’s one reason why Russia always, always gets bad press. Those assholes tried another bit of their game in Georgia last year (surprise, some the leaders of Georgia were Ivy League Jews!) and they got their asses handed to them again. After all, anyone who is Hebrew and went to Yale is smarter than 2 Slav dummies who went to LSU, right? Putin may be a thug, but he’s no fool. He oves Russia and it seems the Russians love him. The Harvard Hebrew cabal can’t stand that either. 5
Posted by Fiotheth on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 08:43 | #
Actually the Jews were pretty successful, sadly. Remember they were pillaging all during the drunken Yeltsin years! However there is a new juggernaut in town: Shanghai Cooperative Organization! Through a web of alliances there has formed a distinct anti-ZOG/ anti-Anti-Trilateralist Axis. The heart of which is Russia and China in the SCO. Iran is also a part selling oil to the massive China-man economy and buying weapons from Russia (helps to inject much needed cash into Russias economy as well!). Then you see that Iran and Syria have a mutual defense agreement. ZOG has many enemies. Lets take a count: China, Russia, Iran, Syria, home-grown Right Wing Extremists... how the heck are they going to maintain their grip on power with this vast array opposing them?!?!?!?!?!? Haven’t even mentioned the economy yet…. 6
Posted by the Narrator... on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 09:46 | #
lol, good one Guessedworker.
Funny how they can get specific on “white militia groups” but they’re a little fuzzy on who those others are who might aid a muslim terrorist group in carrying out an attack. Oh well, it’s not like anyone is claiming America is one of the largest muslim nations in world due to all the muslims living here…is it! .
Nuff said… . 7
Posted by JEWS WANT NON-WHITE USA on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 10:58 | # The Jewish Daily Foward reviews Leo Zeskind’s new book on White nationalism in the USA; the article states:
Posted by JEWS WANT NON-WHITE USA on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 11:01 | # NOTE - the above-mentioned article clearly states that organized Jewry is “committed to making that changeover [USA from majority-White to majority-non-White] a successful one.” 9
Posted by q on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 13:47 | #
Heh heh heh. Certainly the elegant articulate President Hussein would never claim that, would he? Do you want to learn more about President Hussein? This guy has done extensive research on the Bamster: 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 14:14 | # The extreme importance of those two comments by the person signing as “Jews Want Non-White USA” is apparent when one reflects not on the Jewish <v>vote</b>, which is miniscule of course, but on Jewish influence on our society as a whole, which is ENORMOUS, so enormous it surpasses what one would call “influence” and approaches something more like outright unquestioned control. Societies are run by élites not the rank-and-file, and Jews, a tiny percent of the U.S. caucasian population, are a solid majority of the élites running things here, something like 60% I would say, maybe bigger. So much for “How can only 2½% of a population control it?” That’s not the question. The question is “Can a group making up some 60% or more of the élites running a country exert decisive control over that country in certain ways?” To ask the question is to answer it. (The other thing is, what percent are Jews of the Caucasian population here? Bigger than 3 percent, something more like 6%. Caucasians are who ultimately run things. If others seem to be participating in running them it’s because of internecine wars among Caucasians with one group of Caucasians, in this case the Jews, using non-Caucs as a weapon wherewith to bludgeon another group of Caucs, the bludgeonee in this case being Euros.) Jews are not to be viewed as just any 6% of the Caucasian popultion but as a supremely powerful Caucasian élite in control of (among other key societal control points) the mass media, Jews have a trillion pressure-groups exerting political pressure for the achievement of certain ends such as open borders and the use of immigration of the racially unlike to permanently overthrow their ethnoracial enemies the Euros, Jews own the Democratic Party by being the contributors of something like 70% of its funds and are major share-holders in the GOP by being the contributors of something like 40%-50% of its funds. Why don’t Euros resist what’s going on (what’s going on being essentially just the Jewish program for transforming society) more effectively? Because in controlling the mass media Jews control the society’s nervous system, and the one controlling the nervous system decides which peaceful resistance shall be possible (shall be permitted) and which shall not. Why do Europe’s nations having proportionately fewer Jews do the same things we do? 1) The U.S. exerts HUGE influence on them and also behind-the-scenes coercion, so by the transitive law the U.S.‘s Jews exert huge influence on Europe, and 2) Britain and France do have lots of Jews who are busy in those nations exerting these harmful pressures against the traditional race, culture, and society, and if they have fewer of them than we do, the lack is more than made up by, again, the huge U.S. influence on them (coming, in turn, largely from the U.S.‘s Jewish élites). (a) The pro-race-replacement stance of the United States is ring-led by the U.S.‘s Jews. (b) The pro-race-replacement stance of Europe’s nations is ring-led by the United States (in the case of Germany, not just ring-led but coerced). (c) Apply the transitive law to (a) and (b): the pro-race-replacement stance of Europe’s nations (as well as of the United States) is ring-led by the U.S.‘s Jews. 11
Posted by PATTON ON THE JEWS on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 15:27 | # No wonder Gen. Patton died in a mysterious car “accident”...if he were alive today we would be considered a “terrorist” or “extremist”:
Posted by q on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 15:55 | # I agree with what Fred Scrooby spelled out in his comment above @ June 05, 2009, 01:14 PM | And then there’s this:
Posted by GOD'S CHOSEN [MUST-SEE VIDEO] on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 16:24 | # God’s Chosen in action - 14
Posted by Frank on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 20:49 | # Patton’s biographer was Jewish. All of those quotes I suspect came from the biographer’s book, though the original sources written by Patton himself are probably still wherever the biographer accessed them (some library). So, that might be worth looking into. 15
Posted by Obama is part German...Jews scared? on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 21:37 | # Why does a Jewish newspaper care so much about Obama’s partial German roots? Why do they even bother including this recently revealed fact in its news-feed? - Questions worth asking. 16
Posted by q on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 22:09 | # Obama is part German…Jews scared? Really? How parioniod of them. But on a more serious note ... actually Captain O is a hybrid alien sent here from Planet #9. “Well I never knew I had Martians in my garden 17
Posted by Armor on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 01:02 | #
Another point: if a radio station has many programs hosted by Jews, it is likely that the other hosts will be in complete agreement with the Jewish point of view (and in disagreement with most white people, especially over the question of immigration). Dissenters will not be hired. I think this is true of radio stations, as of most organizations. There are two ways the Jewish domination of the media makes me think they are in control of our countries : 18
Posted by Fiotheth on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 06:05 | #
Is that related to Plan 9 from Outer Space!?!?!? Actually one could contend that Hussein Obama is an Evil Reptilian kitten eater from another planet!
The Enemy has clearly shown himself here! Race-replacement has been revealed and now Racialism and White Nationalism has the moral self-defense justification it needs to become and Authentic Movement! FORWARD! 19
Posted by roadster on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 10:33 | # Establishment media reports of ‘White supremacist bomb factory’ in Burnopfield, Co Durham. 20
Posted by Fiotheth on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 15:24 | # Roadster I would be very skeptical of any ‘bomb factory’. The Establishment is running scared like chickens with their heads cut off because the BNP made some gains. They will try a false flag to try and discredit the Far Right. The same thing happened in the states when the SPLC secretly master-minded the Oklahoma City bombing to try and discredit the Militia Movement. Post a comment:
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Posted by q on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 01:24 | #
It’s all part of the master plan to blend White majority USA into the Third World.
For example:
President B Hussein is making good on this bosses desired policies.
We are witnessing the thirdworldization/transition to Marxism of the USA unfolding right before our eyes at mindboggling speed. But make no mistake about it, this has been in the planning stages for decades.
The Big Collapse Could Be Very Near