Asian grooming of teenage English girls slips into the news The Times - and, from a cursory on-line inspection, only The Times among mainstream nationals - is running a court report of the end of the trial of Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32. Described as being from only as far east as “east Lancashire”, the men were:-
The trial is interesting because Asian grooming - it’s not “Asian”, of course, but “Moslem” - has not been investigated with due vigour by the police or publicised by the media for all too predictable reasons. The only other time I can recall seeing a mainstream newspaper refer to it at all was in relation to Nick Griffin’s Reservoir Tavern speech, for which he was twice put through the courts. In The Times report today the BNP, which has presented bundles of evidence on Asian grooming to West Yorkshire Police, is not mentioned. “Womens groups” and the doughty Labour MP Ann Cryer are given the credit. Here’s Cryer’s very partial understanding of what makes these men pimp English girls:-
That “however” lifts the veil a little. This is a racio-cultural issue - not a problem of “Asian men generally”, as I have said, but of Asian Moslem men. At heart, it is an issue of racial supremacism posited on a few offensive words in the Koran. The morals of English girls are unimportant, save that the miserable abusers’ enterprise is one of corruption and they will perceive better prospects of success with more easily corruptible girls. It is disappointing in that regard to hear Cryer even mention “white girls as moral and as good as Asian girls”. But give her her due for bringing the issue back home to the Moslem male population generally, where it belongs. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 16:30 | # Regarding “Spain’s” comment above, the New York Times is a Jewish newspaper, so obviously they’re going to tout the Negrification of Spain and the rest of Europe as much as they can. It’s something Jews love. Jews are fighting a tribal war against Eurochristians. Eurochristians are losing in significant part because they don’t know there’s a war on. If they don’t cotton onto the fact, and soon, they’ll find out the hard way. 3
Posted by onetwothree on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 17:18 | # You need to come up with a word that is both more a) Alarmist and b) Understandable than “grooming”. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 17:19 | # As for Señor Gross, mentioned in “Spain’s” comment and the NYT article, all I can say is ... he reminds me of a comment I posted recently ... If only I could remember which one it was ... Wait, it’ll come to me ... Oh yes, here it is: this one ... 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 17:28 | #
He did, in the sentence introducing the Ann Cryer article (third word from last, between “men” and “English”). 6
Posted by gongstar on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 17:29 | # They hold whites in contempt and given what we’ve allowed them to get away with, who can blame them? 7
Posted by danielj on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 22:42 | #
“Groom” is the euphemism that various papers are employing for a term that describes occupiers raping our (meaning Europeans and their descendants) women aided by the use of chemicals. 46 and 32 year old haven’t married yet? They are just old perverts on a spree, not men “caught” in between cultures. 8
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 01:32 | # Gongstar is correct. Who wouldnt despise Whites when they tax themselves to provide welfare for racial aliens who corrupt their womenfolk? According to the Commission for Racial Equality (affiliated through extended logic to the Institute for Porcine Aerodynamics) Subcon Muslim families in UK are the most likely to receive government financial assistance. Also the sentences are too lenient. They should include revocation of UK citizenship/permanent residence and deportation after the sentence is served. 9
Posted by Red Baron on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 02:58 | # A healthy society would not tolerate this: Hussain and Naveed would be dead by now and their homes nothing but ashes. 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 03:59 | # I’ll go along with that, Red Baron. I think that’s right. It sounds right, at any rate. It doesn’t sound civilized — “they’d be dead and their homes nothing but ashes” — but maybe that’s because we’ve been taught wrong. We’ve been taught wrong in so many ways; maybe that’s one of them. Maybe there’s false education still to be rooted out of our brains. So, maybe Red Baron’s idea is civilized, and we’re the ones not civilized. Forced race-replacement is uncivilized. But everyone who matters nowadays thinks it’s the height of civilization. The same people think it’s the height of civilization to let untold numbers of mulattoes into your country, then stand by and do absolutely nothing, and forbid anyone else to do anything, while they rape every white female between the ages of 13 and 95 they can catch. If everyone nowadays is so wrong about that, and so wrong about race-replacement, how much else are they wrong about? Lots, would be my guess. 11
Posted by PF on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 06:05 | # Buddhism suggests “not identifying” with your negative emotions, just letting them pass through, so thats what Im on with this stuff—after you’ve become irate at the state of things for the 202 time, you’re probably as psychologically mobilized as you can be, so no use tearing your afternoon to shreds grieving over this stuff. But if anybody else feels this way, “grooming” has to be an issue that just makes the pot boil over for everyone. I mean, even building mosques and stuff and protest marches, even terrorism isn’t as much an affront to the dignity of the nation and people as this stuff is. I hope that, of the conflicts that seem posed to begin shortly, if they are still going on 200 years from now, people will still talk about this article and remember this article. I hope we never, ever, ever forget this what they have done to us. This episode should become part of the cultural cannon, that no one ever forget what gets done to you when you let your guard down.
Asian men shouldn’t be allowed a view of white women, literally and also in the sense of ‘opinion’ as she means it. The disrespect they feel for white women proves the nobly selfish character of their tribalism, which is proof even against superior physical beauty. What they are doing is strategically right. We, on the other hand, are still living by good-feeling/bad-feeling, treating enemies as equals and friends, not by strategy. We were nice to them in inviting them to stay in Britain—now we expect them to be nice to us! How asinine. What Cryer implicitly wants to say is: “If these Asian men could just treat white girls more romantically—taking them out to dinner, buying them presents—then they could have all the white girls they want—and with our blessing!” A little bit less bad-feeling, a little more good-feeling, and then Cryer would be satisfied, and would sell off every girl with an English surname. Of course, a society that does not defend its reproductive resources against attacks from without is doomed to replacement by societies that do.
White girls can never be as moral and as good as Asian girls, for Asians, because as tribalists, there definitions of “moral” and “good” don’t depend on how a person behaves but on who a person is, i.e. their blood. Cryer does not seem to understand that Asian men can never be—in the tribalist sense—as good and moral as white men, for White women, because however well they behaved, conjugal-sexual affairs with them would always be predicated on the annihilation of white genetics. Such a behavioral code would be necessarily short-lived and futile, destroying at each pairing an enormous part of the self-concept of the family and the resulting children. Cryer, and the various segments of public opinion she represents, are the people here who are not cognizant of the rules of tribal competition. Then again, British people up until 1700 or so have lived throughout their history in sparsely populated settlements where tribal competition was generally all-or-nothing warfare, or softened and alleviated by intermarriage with neighboring peoples—also genetically a close match. Once one reaches the point where genetic outbreeding is fatal to self-concept, owing to a refinement of the self-concept through abstraction and history, but also owing to vast genetic distance between neighboring peoples, one has to tribalize. Im approaching the limits of my knowledge in saying this, but the old Saxons and Danes and Goths were not tribalist in the sense of being purely endogamous. They regularly did trade daughters amongst the aristocracies. That is one great relativization of the Saxon self-concept, if the genetics of its ruling class was essentially up-for-grabs to neighboring peoples. Thats why Im of the opinion that this is our first genuine glimpse of tribalism in Europe, with the ascendency of the Jews, and the first time the maintenance of our self-concept demanded retribalization, as a result of huge genetic distances between peoples living together. The Greeks and Italians are farther along the road to tribalism than Northern Europeans, even though they often choose to appear as miscegenist pan-European palm-bearers in the North. The posts I made on the Dilessi murders were meant to underscore the tribal character of “Hellenism”. The Northern Europeans are much farther along the road to tribalism than the Americans, IMO. Asia also self-influenced itself and built upon its own traditions, but I see no Asiatic Wintermute arguing for a primal unity of Asian traditions. God knows there would be enough literature to cite. You see Asia is already fully tribalized, to my mind, and Europe is half-way there. America is just starting. Cryer is a relict of bygone ages, like an Augustinian monk, with the difference being that she is allowed to parade her opinions in newspapers because our betters want us to maintain outmoded forms of thought while they carry to completion their slow-motion robbery of everything we hold dear. “Everyone who maintains our standards of behavior and culture can join our tribe.” Thats the epitaph for this ideology, it bases itself on a misunderstanding of the word ‘tribe’. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:37 | # Michael Easterling, remember how Eastern European communism finally cracked fatally in 1989 then disintegrated with truly amazing speed? It was a disintegration no one on the planet had predicted, let alone the speed. That collapse, of course, had been building for many years prior to 1989. So it is with the current race-replacement régime: its collapse will come, as the other’s came starting in 1989, and, as with the other, once the first fatal crack appears the edifice will crumble to dust with lightning-like speed. Right now it’s 1973 or 1983. 13
Posted by schaum's on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:57 | # The 1989 Eastern European revolutions were CIA. The CIA’s on the other side this time. 14
Posted by schaum's on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:59 | # More exactly, the moment U.S. operatives got the Soviets to renounce the Brezhnev Doctrine (that the USSR would militarily intervene to prevent undesirable political change and other matters), the CIA unleashed its long-prepared revolutions in every country of Eastern Europe. 15
Posted by JB on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 22:44 | # here’s a 20 minutes interview you should add to the original post. part 1 part 2 British National Party Councillor Sharon Wilkinson listens to the story of a brave lady living the multicultural, multiracial experience of a Northern Mill Town, the content of the clip speaks for itself. Please be warned this is a truly shocking and tragic story about the abuse of children by predatory gangs. Hundreds of white girls, many as young as 12, are being lured into a world of group sex and prostitution by gangs of British born Pakistani men from West and South Yorkshire. The girls are being introduced to their future ‘pimps’ by their classmates, often the brothers and cousins of these older men. 16
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 01:54 | #
It’s all necessary, JB, to cure these young girls of their racism. You didn’t know that? Yes. And if repeated gang rape by Subcons and Sub-Saharans, and being sent out to prostitute themselves for their black and brown pimps doesn’t cure them, the Kris Donald treatment comes next. That’s right. The government isn’t just ramming incompatible races down throats without any plan, no. It knows what it’s about, it does. Damn right. The next generation’s racism has to be gotten out of it, and these Subcons and Nigerians are here for that purpose, doing what the government encourages them to do. Curtail incompatible immigration? Are you insane? If government did that, who’d subject these girls to this sort of treatment to get their racism out of them? Who? No. Curtailment of incompatible immigration’s a non-starter, JB. What, curtail it and let forty-odd years of re-education of British girls go for naught? Forty years the government has devoted to brainwashing British girls to prefer Negroes and Subcons over whites for their boyfriends and for fathering their babies. You’d actually let all that effort, decades’ worth, go to waste? Come to an end? Never happen in a million years, nor should it. Damn right. 17
Posted by gongstar on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 20:38 | # It’s a “sensitive” issue, i.e. non-whites are causing serious harm to whites and there’s a danger this might be exploited by racists to cause “racial tension”, i.e. to enlighten whites about the huge and growing costs of the ethnic presence. Imaginary or exaggerated harm committed by whites against non-whites, on the other hand, can be publicized without fear of the consequences. After all, it’s only whites who might suffer!
Posted by Proofreader on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 22:06 | # Muslims are natural pimps. Algerians in France do the same to young French girls.It´s also racial, obviously. 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:11 | # Whoever “Tylor” is, he’s posted the URL of an Englishwoman who is a mental midget, doesn’t know her level of ignorance or her proper place, is in the forefront of that collection of criminals promoting genocide and natiocide against Britain, is impossible to correct because she’s so appallingly lacking in wits, and is a perfect example of the reason democracy is doomed to fail every time it’s tried. (I’m sure Amalek would like her fine, because she’s so “Olde England.”) No one who hasn’t got time to waste need click on that link. If you plan on living forever, though, and therefore have all time in the world to devote to the purest most offensive and maddening crap imaginable, go ahead and click — have a look around her site. And yes I looked at her articles on immigration, if those are what Tylor had in mind — they’re unadulterated excrement. 21
Posted by stari_momak on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:01 | # Actually I think Tylor might be on to something. A. Cryer has, according to her website, campaigned against forced marriages (i.e. visas for more Pakistanis to enter the UK) , child abuse allegations at local mosques, and even noted the exploitation of imported labour. I don’t know where she stands on immigration votes, but her self-publicity is pretty daring for a leftist Labour pol. 22
Posted by Marrow on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:07 | # Pakistani’s pimping English girls in England, Algerians pimping French women in France, Central Asians pimping Russian women in Russia, Albanians (who are ironically mostly white but muslims in general) pimping women throughout Europe, not a sin as that is how infidel women must be treated as says the koran. Not to forget Jewish organisations pimping Eastern European women everywhere. Men of Semitic descent or of Semitic religions sure have this pimping tendency vis-a-vis white women. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 14:09 | #
Maybe it’s time you found out. How she’s actually voted I don’t know, but here’s a sampling of what she thinks (if you can call it “thinking”; admittedly that’s a very big if):
Posted by Rajeev on Sat, 17 May 2008 00:35 | # Lets get one thing straight. This is hardly about race. This is about religion. We Hindus and Buddhists may be Asians, but we certainly do not attack the dignity of white women in this way. In fact, because the US has been so selective about its immigration policy towards Indians (as opposed to its free-for-all with Mexicans), it has effectively amounted to a eugenics policy. Hindus in the US are considered to be a model minority, just like the Jews. They have higher education levels, higher incomes, lower STD rates, lower welfare recipient rates, and lower crime rates than the nation average, by far. In addition they excel in all fields of academics, business, and medicine. At least half are also extremely patriotic and recognize citizenship as a privelege, not a right. We are victims too. Muslim guys in India do the same thing to Hindu girls. But while the right-wing BJP, a staunch ally of the US, Israel, and the war on terror want to take action, the ruling Congress party prevents anything being done. Even in the UK, Muslim guys specifically target Hindu and Sikh girls. We are with you, we share in your pain. If you want further proof that this is a Muslim phenomenon, go to France. The pimps are Algerian and the girls are French and Portugese. The last time I checked, Berbers and even Arabs are considered to be whites. And in pre-Islamic times they built amazing civilizations that easily rivaled Greece and Rome. But Mohammedanism has turned them into savages. Want more evidence? Go to Sweden and see how many Somailis, Bosniaks, Kurds are raping white women. They have nothing in common racially. But wait, they do all bow down to Mecca, don’t they now. The former USSR is even worse. In Russia, all of the prostitutes are Russian, Ukrainian, and Moldovan. But the pimps are all Chechens and Azeris. And in Ukraine and Romania, I have heard horror stories of Palestinian students making money from pimping native students, brutally raping them bareback, getting away with it. They are hardly Asians, but I think that we are beginning to establish a common denominator. Blacks may genetically be a bit overdone in testosterone and underdone in neural synapses (brain power). But Asians, Middle Easterners, and white Albanians and Bosnians are not savages by blood. They are savages by this primitive cult of hate, Islam. 25
Posted by Matra on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 20:29 | # This story has made the news again. British girls as young as 14 are being trafficked for sex within the UK One can’t help but wonder if the ‘syndicates of Iraqi men’ include refugees from the Bush/Blair war. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 21:39 | # The reason it won’t stop, Matra, is the élites want it. They want British 14-year-old girls to be groomed and trafficked for prostitution. How do we know? Because they keep aggressively doing everything to permit it to flourish nay encourage it to flourish, and they keep aggressively attacking, threatening, and in other ways thwarting anyone who questions the wisdom of those policies that have brought it about. What the government doesn’t want it knows perfectly how to discourage and put a stop to. Middle-class taxpayers not paying their taxes for example: try it and see how swiftly, decisively, brutally the government and their élites come down on you in order to ... “discourage” you, shall we say? In order to discourage you. Try doing something the government doesn’t like and see how long it’s tolerated. If grooming of teenage British girls by Pakistani men is desired, encouraged, and protected by government it will flourish and grow as all voices raised in objection to the policies that make it inevitable are crushed into dead silence. Behind those doing the crushing? The Roy Hattersleys for one. For the others, take your best guess. Oh, and ... uhhhh ... burn their names into your memory ... against the day (which will come as surely as the wind blows, never fear) when they’ll be called to account ... 27
Posted by yank on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 03:25 | # Please don’t let this happen to England. Here is an outraged American community whose children were raped and murdered by a black street gang. They were held for 2 days, repeatedly raped, and then murdered. They also raped the male. CAUTION: Strong language 28
Posted by TeePee on Tue, 13 Oct 2009 20:06 | # My 73 year old terminally ill white English mother is being groomed by a 43 year old single Hindu man. 29
Posted by Mormon Heritic on Mon, 18 Jan 2010 14:45 | # The history of England is English girls being raped and taken abroad. In school I was ostracized by other whites simply because I didn’t belong to their Masonic cult mormonism. Being white means nothing. That’s why whites will become extinct. Whites are raised not to cherish but to hate and judge, so they burst out in fascist sweeps like the 18milion burned alive by Catholics Hitler and Himmler. I think they will largely vanish in a century at the rate they’re going. 30
Posted by Neil on Wed, 12 Jan 2011 15:37 | # In Blackburn this has been a serious problem for many years and the locations this happens are not hidden spots, but in the open. This has to be stopped and the Asians of the town have done one better now - there is a brothel in the town centre opened aimed and owned by asians where only white young girls are on offer. Rapes, sexual abuse, targetted grooming etc.. are common place and have been in the town for many years and the police seem to take a back step if the culprit is from an Asian origin. Needless to say this has effected the town in terms of nightlife with most of the bars now shut and many people refusing even to shop in the town centre due to the lack of respect for this failing town. social integration hasn’t worked and if things carry on in the same direction the town will completely fail. Jack Straw was very brave to come out with this in his position, lets hope he opens up about a few more of the “truths” from this area of the country. 31
Posted by Sharrie on Tue, 01 Feb 2011 14:15 | # Good day to you all. Post a comment:
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Posted by Spain Jews and Open Doors on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 14:49 | #
Immigration gates open further in Spain:
Bernadino Leon Gross?????