Beyond political correctness.  Beyond even whiteness studies.  UPDATED 02.10.07

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 01 November 2007 23:53.

“The white majority has rights, damn you.”

That’s my short response to all the activists in academia who are guiding the process of white annihilation, physical and moral.  We know the nature of these creatures, and their politics.  We know their terms: if we do not accept to self-annihilate as “supremacists”, as “the privileged”, as “oppressors” but, instead and simply as the people of the West, insist upon our free life, our nature, our rights, our interests, then, automatically, these “educators”, these human dross, label us “haters”.  They allow no resting place to us.  The venomous, reptilian energy of these people knows no stop, nor anything but the prosecution of its own special hatreds (pdf):-

Definitions and Descriptions of Racism

WHITE SUPREMACY: White supremacy is an historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of oppression of continents, nations and peoples of colour by white peoples and nations of the European continent; for the purpose of maintaining and defending a system of wealth, power and privilege.

WHITE (as in “white people”): The term white, referring to people, was created by Virginia slaveowners and colonial rulers in the 17th century.  It replaced terms like Christian and Englishman (sic) to distinguish European colonists from Africans and indigenous peoples.  European colonial powers established White as a legal concept after Bacon’s rebellion in 1676 during which indentured servants of European and African descent had united against the colonial elite.  The legal basis of white separated the servant class on the basis of skin color and continental origin.  The creation of “white” meant giving privileges to some, while denying them to others with the justification of biological and social inferiority.

WHITE PRIVILEGE: A privilege is a right, favour, advantage, immunity specially granted to one individual or group. and withheld from another

White privilege is an historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of: (1) preferential prejudice for or treatment for white people based solely on the colour of their skin color and/or ancestral origin from Europe; and (2) exemption from racial and/or national oppression based on skin colour and/or ancestral origin from Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Arab world.

And two pages on, to put the knife in:-

A RACIST: A racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system.  The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality.  By this definition, people of color cannot be racists, because as peoples within the system, they do not have the power to back up their prejudices, hostilities, or acts of discrimination.

REVERSE RACISM: A term created and used by white people to deny their white privilege. Those in denial use the term reverse racism to refer to hostile behavior by people of color toward whites, and to affirmative action policies, which allegedly give ‘preferential treatment’ to people of color over whites. In the U.S., there is no such thing as ‘reverse racism.’

A NON-RACIST: A non-term. The term was created by whites to deny responsibility for systemic racism, to maintain an aura of innocence in the face of racial oppression, and to shift responsibility for that oppression from whites to people of color (called “blaming the victim”). Responsibility for perpetuating and legitimizing a racist system rests both on those who actively maintain it, and on those who refuse to challenge it. Silence is consent.

And on page 8, to close every escape route:-

Have you ever heard a well-meaning white person say, ‘I’m not a member of any race except the human race?’  What she usually means by this statement is that she doesn’t want to perpetuate racial categories by acknowledging that she is white.  This is an evasion of responsibility for her participation in a system based on supremacy for white people.

These tennets of White Abolitionism are published by The University of Delaware’s Office for Residency of Life.  It has a vision for diversity, drawn from what looks very like an early anti-racist programme (being dated 1991, no less):-

The Office of Residence of Life, within its offices and its residence halls, will become a place where diversity among people is recognized, valued and demonstrated. Racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism, ableism and other behaviors and systems that empower some while oppressing others will not be tolerated. Programs, policies, and procedures will reflect the importance and acceptance of diversity. Actions that encourage and promote diversity will be valued and rewarded.

So this monstrous hate programme was planted in the Delaware soil long ago, and its vile fruits have not ripened by accident:-

University of Delaware Requires Students to Undergo Ideological Reeducation

NEWARK, Del., October 30, 2007—The University of Delaware subjects students in its residence halls to a shocking program of ideological reeducation that is referred to in the university’s own materials as a “treatment” for students’ incorrect attitudes and beliefs. The Orwellian program requires the approximately 7,000 students in Delaware’s residence halls to adopt highly specific university-approved views on issues ranging from politics to race, sexuality, sociology, moral philosophy, and environmentalism. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is calling for the total dismantling of the program, which is a flagrant violation of students’ rights to freedom of conscience and freedom from compelled speech.

“The University of Delaware’s residence life education program is a grave intrusion into students’ private beliefs,” FIRE President Greg Lukianoff said. “The university has decided that it is not enough to expose its students to the values it considers important; instead, it must coerce its students into accepting those values as their own. At a public university like Delaware, this is both unconscionable and unconstitutional.”

The university’s views are forced on students through a comprehensive manipulation of the residence hall environment, from mandatory training sessions to “sustainability” door decorations. Students living in the university’s eight housing complexes are required to attend training sessions, floor meetings, and one-on-one meetings with their Resident Assistants (RAs). The RAs who facilitate these meetings have received their own intensive training from the university, including a “diversity facilitation training” session at which RAs were taught, among other things, that “[a] racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality.”

The university suggests that at one-on-one sessions with students, RAs should ask intrusive personal questions such as “When did you discover your sexual identity?” Students who express discomfort with this type of questioning often meet with disapproval from their RAs, who write reports on these one-on-one sessions and deliver these reports to their superiors. One student identified in a write-up as an RA’s “worst” one-on-one session was a young woman who stated that she was tired of having “diversity shoved down her throat.”

And that is, perhaps, the silver lining.  Healthy-minded white students surely don’t appreciate having the answer to the question “Who or what am I” bounced back at them as “A racist, a supremacist, an illegitimate human being.”  And, of course, a homophobe - one of the questions that RAs are primed to ask students during their one-to-one meetings is “When did you discover your sexual identity?”

The excellent Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which has taken up the issue with Delaware’s President Patrick Harker, reports receiving numerous complaints from rebellious white students.  The University has not backed down but, according to FIRE, has begun removing some sensitive material from public access on its website, which argues a certain recognition of vulnerability.

However, if Delaware is as committed to abolitionist reeducation as that 1991 statement would indicate, it would be entirely the right move for its administrators to hunker down and wait out the storm.  This is likely a war, not a battle.  And in the memorable words of that Jewish warrior Dr Noel Ignatiev, “We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed - not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”

Being no academic and no American, even, I’ll end on a question or two:-

How widespread in the university system is this industrial-strength hatred of “all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States”?  And how widespread in Canada, too?

How close to it are the Whiteness Studies courses one can encounter all over the system?  And do those courses attract much enrollment by white (meaning, obviously, non-Jewish white) students?

UPDATE, 02.10.07

Tommy G has drawn our attention to the following message from Delaware President Patrick Harker:-

A Message to the University of Delaware Community

Nov. 1, 2007

The University of Delaware strives for an environment in which all people feel welcome to learn, and which supports intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, free inquiry and respect for the views and values of an increasingly diverse population. The University is committed to the education of students as citizens, scholars and professionals and their preparation to contribute creatively and with integrity to a global society. The purpose of the residence life educational program is to support these commitments.

While I believe that recent press accounts misrepresent the purpose of the residential life program at the University of Delaware, there are questions about its practices that must be addressed and there are reasons for concern that the actual purpose is not being fulfilled. It is not feasible to evaluate these issues without a full and broad-based review.

Upon the recommendation of Vice President for Student Life Michael Gilbert and Director of Residence Life Kathleen Kerr, I have directed that the program be stopped immediately. No further activities under the current framework will be conducted.

Vice President Gilbert will work with the University Faculty Senate and others to determine the proper means by which residence life programs may support the intellectual, cultural and ethical development of our students.

Patrick Harker

Congratulations to FIRE and to Greg Lukianoff for a superb job in a wholly just cause.

Harker will now find that he cannot square the circle, cannot accomodate Delaware’s committment to “diversity” with fair and equal treatment of all Delaware students.  The anti-white academic zeitgeist demands the former.  The law, upon which Lukianoff relied, requires the latter.

Somethin’s gotta give.

Tags: Education



Posted by 2R on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 01:04 | #

While we all have instincts that make us cringe when see stuff like this, I for one see this as a clear sign of weakness radiating from the power structure.  Are they really having that much trouble indoctrinating White kids to hate themselves?  With all the money invested in White-hate on the TV and movies, they still see signs of rebellion? 

This may tell us something else as well?  We may be on the verge of a new campaign against Whites?  They’re starting to see the early rumblings of a White counterattack in the form of the anti-illegal immigration movement, inconvenient truths spoken from a nobel prize winner, a shocking bit of honesty and courage from two Political Science professors, a political campaign by a virtual nobody gaining steam,  and the continual rise of the Internet. 

Their generals see these developments as troublesome, so they’re simply applying new tactics.  This particular action in Delaware can be considered a “probing mission.”  They’re just “testing the waters” in Delaware because resistance is likely to be small there.  If it doesn’t stir up too much trouble, they’ll start spreading this across the country.  They have many more plans ready for many different situations.  In the military this is known as “contingency planning.” 

This is no sign of power, my friends.  This is sign of loosing control.  This only allows us to make our case easier.  Can there be any doubt that the same system they claim as being “White Supremacists” is actually violently anti-White?

So you ask yourself: “ya, but they seem so brazen in their actions, they must have total confidence in their plans.”

And I point out:  These people have been doing this for 2000 years (probably earlier).  They always over-stretch their limits.  They also suffer from a case of self deception worse than any people on earth.  What may seem like confidence is really fear for these people. 

This has made my day. Hooray.


Posted by Maguire on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 01:40 | #


“How widespread in the university system is this industrial-strength hatred of “all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States”?”

Fully ‘institutionalized’ in all public and nearly all private colleges and universities.  The concomitant, which is uncontrolled on-campus negro behavior one step short of SA style necklacing, is fully operational, too.

Conditions in the ‘Institution’ known as the American University now bring secondary definitions of the word ‘Institution’ into primary use.  It’s a literal madhouse and whorehouse on campus.  Little real learning takes place or could take place in such conditions.  Enrollments in serious science and engineering curriculums are plummeting even as the standards in those departments also collapse. 

The degenerate professoriate is also behaving like an end stage nomenklatura in their unconcealed greed for big six figure salaries and perks.  Because of this costs are exploding.  This is resulting in more and more students taking out usury interest loans to pay for this ‘ejewkashun’.  This is something they were programmed to believe in back in high school by Marxist ‘guidance counselors’ who are really just shills for this corrupt multikulchur whorehouse industry.

Meanwhile post-graduation incomes are plummeting.  Even mainstream media is now reporting on people like a 30 y/o female lawyer with $150k in student loans strapped to her back.  As she said, she feels like a prisoner.  She can’t travel and can’t qualify for a house mortgage. 

There is little to no point for most young whites to encumber themselves with lifetime usury interest serfdom for what is offered.  Recent hand-wringing is occurring over the declining percentage of white males signing up for that system.  In my opinion refusing to volunteer for that is a hallmark of intelligence and foresight.

“And how widespread in Canada, too?”

This is difficult to determine.  As in the continental EU, whites in Canada are already subject to criminal prosecution and imprisonment for speaking inconvenient truths.



Posted by Maguire on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 02:11 | #

This is too classic.

The ‘author’ of the U Delaware Residence Life diversity training indoctrination is this mutant:

“Dr. Shakti Butler is an African-American woman of biracial West Indian and Russian-Jewish heritage…”


Posted by 2R on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 02:45 | #

From the website:

“Dr. Butler received her doctorate in Integral Studies from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, CA. Her field of expertise is Transformative Learning and Change.”

Translation : Just show up and bash White people and we’ll give you a piece of paper that says PHD on it. 


Here’s the link to her prestigious “institute”.

HAHAHAHA, I just looked at the requirements to enter the PhD program.  You don’t have to take the GRE’s and you don’t even need a GPA over 3.3.  HAHAHAHA

You guys got to check out that website I posted.  Make sure to look at the majors they offer.


Posted by Top on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 03:18 | #

Whether it is fear or over-confidence it is amazing that this sort of stuff is allowed to be taught to our kids.  AMAZING!  And it is that I don’t get about our system.  How do whites set up systems in which jews and other white hating entities are allowed to go berserk and out of control like this?  How does it happen in the first place?  I realize that most of us here and most of whites as a whole don’t take this garbage seriously - but still, why don’t more people speak out against it?  I speak out against it and expose the malicious and hypocritical nature of these programs.  Why don’t more people do that?

Allowing this to happen is a serious weakness of our people and something that future leader have to address.  When the rhetoric and the education of our children becomes this blatant and agressive against us then it goes beyond just the power of other ethnic groups.  It points to a fundamental weakness of our civilization.  And by fundamental I mean - critical, at the core, life-threatening, deep, and essential.  This is not just some crazy half black/ half jewish lady venting.  This is an organized effort by other ethnic groups with the EXPLICIT intent of genociding whites.  They don’t even hide the words any more.  They say it.  Is that the biggest problem though?  No, the biggest problem is that most whites shrug their shoulders and ignore it.

I am so sick of whites who are too stupid, too cynical, too brainwashed, too suicidal, or too withdrawn to see this or care.  It is not jews or blacks who are the problem. It is these non-caring whites who take it and do nothing which are the biggest problem.  All we have to do is get 10% of the population to tell the jews to shut up with garbage like this.  And they would.  But we can’t even get 10%.  And that is the real tragedy of our situation - that we can’t even get the energized 10% to care.

Not that I am giving up yet of course - just venting.  : )


Posted by 2R on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 04:30 | #

Top said:

“I am so sick of whites who are too stupid, too cynical, too brainwashed, too suicidal, or too withdrawn to see this or care.  It is not jews or blacks who are the problem. It is these non-caring whites who take it and do nothing which are the biggest problem.  All we have to do is get 10% of the population to tell the jews to shut up with garbage like this.  And they would.  But we can’t even get 10%.  And that is the real tragedy of our situation - that we can’t even get the energized 10% to care. “


Look, even if every non-white left America Tomorrow, Whites would still be, for the most part, a bunch of confused-self hating-no direction having-couch potatoes.  Don’t you understand that this struggle is a blessing?  The reason we’re in this mess is 100% our fault.  There was a deficiency with Western Civilization.  For all its greatness, and all its achievements, there is obviously something very wrong when a people can go from literally conquering the world, to being told how to think from some mixed race monstrosity.  This is our weakness.  And nature doesn’t look too kindly upon weakness.  So now we have a wonderful opportunity for self improvement.  Because if we don’t improve, we’ll be nothing more than an anthropological oddity of history.  So don’t get mad, nature is perfect in her wisdom, she rewards strength and punishes weakness. 

What I ask myself everyday is : Do I really take this struggle seriously?  If I do, why aren’t I at Delaware U protesting the same way the negros protest?  Look at the “Jena Six” incident, the negros were actually protesting about one of their people getting arrested for beating up a White kid.  Negro’s want to survive.  How long am I going to be a Internet Activist and when am I going to act like a man?  Why won’t I accept a life of poverty, harassment, danger, and slander for the future of my race?  Although I’m not a Christian, I find inspiration in the stories of the early Christians.  Those people actually “felt joy” in their persecution.  What’s wrong with me?  Whats wrong with you?  Why are we waiting for the White race to “wake up” when we have the responsibility of waking them up?  This is what I think about everyday.


Posted by Top on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 06:42 | #

Good points 2R.  Something I have thought about too.  But while I do understand that it is important to fight, it is also important to fight smart.  It is difficult to fight a system that seems to be made by us for us, but one that consistently comes out with policies that seek to harm us in the long term.  There is something rotten about the whole structure.  I think the one of the biggest problems is that it is so difficult to even basically understand what is going on.  I think about it all the time and I barely understand how the whole process works.  What about all the people who do not think about these things?  We are all stuck in a destructive matrix where so much is an illusion and the key levers to power are cut off.

The weakness of western civilization structures is that they are vulnerable to corruption.  Our ethnic elites seem to like to form power structures in which they ally themselves with foreigners in order to control the ‘masses’.  It is the classic nobilty/jewish alliance against the peasants.  The problem in 1918 Russia and late 20th century western Europe became when our nobility lost a power struggle with these foreign elements.  For example today we are allowed to own businesses and fight wars but we are pretty much shut off from making important demographic decisions.  How did our ethnic elite lose control to such degree?  Or is the question - how did they become so cynical and suicidal that they lost interest in these things?

You are right when you say that you and I, and everyone else is part of the problem.  But if we are going to change things we need to understand what is going on.  Because what we are asking for today is revolutionary at the elite level.  While most ordinary whites would side with us out of common sense, we need to figure out how the power structures - media, universities, finance, politicians, etc. - became so alien and so against us.  Otherwise we will be just another failed peasant rebellion.  What we need more than ever right now are energetic smart whites who start questioning things.  Once we have enough energy on our side then the solutions will become apparent.  It’s a battle for the soul of our people where information is the number one weapon.


Posted by A son of Hermann on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 11:42 | #

Luckily in the U.S. we can homeschool our children. Hopefully, by the time they are college age they’ll be immunized against this kind of crap.

If you teach your children at home you can substitute Anglo-Saxon heritage month for the ubiquitous “hispanic” heritage month.

Who knows, maybe we’ll even do a Teutonic heritage month.


Posted by Proofreader on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 12:14 | #

ASOHermann, you hit the nail there.!Homeschooloing is indeed a safety valve for American Whites. No wonder homeschooling is illegal in Europe.
Our kids belong to the State, a State bent on genociding our posterity.


Posted by gongstar on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 12:45 | #

Grand Xenophobia Competition

Guess the “ethnicity” of the speaker below. The first correct entry will win a year’s subscription to The New Statesman, Britain’s most vibrant journal of progressive thought (second and third correct entries will win—wait for it—two and three years’ subscription).

When Gordon Brown talked to his party faithful about “British jobs for British workers”, I felt a chill going down my spine. I saw that phrase as bordering on the xenophobic, and said as much in subsequent television interviews.

Btw, GW: have you seen this by Roger Scruton? Some interesting stuff.

Such is the controversy as we see it now, forty years on: an ignoble lie against a dangerous myth. Whichever way you look at it, truth was the victim, and while the truth can now be cautiously acknowledged, it is acknowledged too late. Decisions can still be taken, but only in the hope of limiting the damage. And even now, when opinion across Europe is unanimous that immigration must be controlled, and that Muslims must be integrated into the secular culture, liberal politicians are refusing to admit to a problem or to confess that they are the cause of it. They still preach “multiculturalism” as the sign of our “vibrant” future; they still condemn “racism and xenophobia” as the enemy; they still try to state and solve the problem by the promiscuous multiplication of “human rights.” Their Enlightenment creed makes it all but impossible for them to acknowledge the fundamental truth, which is that indigenous communities have legitimate expectations which take precedence over the demands of strangers. True, indigenous communities may also have duties of charity towards those strangers—or towards some of them. But charity is a gift, and there is no right to receive it, still less to force it from those reluctant to give.


Posted by Red Baron on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:08 | #

> “The white majority has rights, damn you.”

Didn’t the “rights” paradigm get us into this mess?

You’re right to be outraged but we don’t need to assert our “rights,” the reason why we’re in such a mess is that we abdicated our supremacy as a race. I know, I know that sounds so awful. But asking for relief from courts, newspaper editorial boards, or public opinion “ain’t gonna cut it”.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:16 | #

Ah, yes.  John Kampfner, a gentleman fully licenced to pursue his ethnic interest through the medium of the mainstream media.

Scruton: indigenous communities have legitimate expectations which take precedence over the demands of strangers.

Majority rights, he means.

The Scrute is one of those sensibility-driven race-deniers now getting the wake-up call pretty fast.  Currently, he’s parked at “Limit The Damage” station, which means that he has yet to realise that his sensibilities are lethal to the rest of his - and our - journey.  He has yet to travel through Our Absolute Right To Survive.  But when he does, there’ll be no stopping him, being a philosopher, from travelling on through Political Revolution all the way to Maximum Repatriation.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:18 | #

Red Baron,

I think Scruton nails the meaning of majority rights.  Self-evidently, this isn’t about the courts - unless some day we can mount a case for European survival through them.


Posted by Maguire on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 14:33 | #


GT & I decided sometime ago the current “University” has irredeemably decayed into an intellectual and racial toxic waste dump.  It’s a combination intellectual Gulag and financial fraud of world class magnitude.

The present ‘University’ model of concentrating students to be lectured by professors originated prior to Gutenberg’s printing press.  Books in that age were reproduced by hunchbacked scribes hand copying one at a time.  A really well endowed university might have had 500 total books in its holdings.  ‘Lectures’ consisted of the learned professor reading from the school’s Book to assembled students.

Clearly much of that model’s original form was driven by the strict limits of technology.  Hasn’t a great of that model’s rationale been made obsolete by subsequent developments such as Gutenberg’s printing press and the internet?  Can the original goals be achieved with other methods now?

Useless eaters like anti-human Shakti Butler have since discovered other uses for the centralized University.  These uses include collecting huge salaries beyond their real self-worth and conducting their evil doing more or less out of the eye of those actually paying for the show.  But these purposes have nothing to do with our goals and needs.  They are actively opposed to them.

In deciding what to do next we need to look ahead to possible outcomes.  Let us assume we completely recaptured the University of Delaware tommorow and then fired all the anti-white racial haters and other evil-doers.  Is this institution viable and economic for undergraduates?  Or can many of the goals - many of which the modern ‘university’ is failing anway - be achieved by other and more effective techniques at this point in time and technology?

This requires discipline specific analysis.

For most of the post-Roman era - 1,500 years - the ‘western’ university was not a center of true scientific research and engineering learning.  It was a center for propagating theological totalitarianism and political dictatorship.  It only resumed real scientific and engineering functions - - like the Library of Alexandria - in the first part of the 19th Century.  This came after the start of the industrial revolution.  This was a reaction in an attempt to remain relevant.  It was not ‘leadership’ in any sense. 

What has happened since is the ‘University’ is merely reverting to its historic type. One thing is clear.  There is no point in protesting ‘Godzilla’.  The only thing to do with Godzilla is destroy him any way you can. 



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 14:46 | #

The Scrute is one of those sensibility-driven race-deniers now getting the wake-up call pretty fast.  Currently, he’s parked at “Limit The Damage” station, which means that he has yet to realise that his sensibilities are lethal to the rest of his - and our - journey.  He has yet to travel through Our Absolute Right To Survive.  But when he does, there’ll be no stopping him, being a philosopher, from travelling on through Political Revolution all the way to Maximum Repatriation.  (—GW)

Fjordman is another who is making the journey. Fordman never was a race-denier as Prof. Scruton in effect was (Scruton never denied race outright, but in believing there’d be no change if Brits were race-replaced, he was in effect denying the existence of race, so he qualified as a race-denier).  Fjordman was only someone who didn’t feel comfortable mentioning race, as he himself explicitly stated.  He never denied race, whether explicitly or implicitly. 

But he’s waking up.  It’s funny how some things do that to a guy — wake him up — things like imagining how uncomfortable mentioning race makes you compared to how uncomfortable acquiescing in your nation’s race-replacement makes you. 

Fjordman has heard the wake-up call and is now about 60% or 70% awake.  He has a way to go yet — still lags behind every single one of’s regulars, needless to say — but hey, part of the reason this site came into existence was to educate, no?  F will quickly get where he needs to go if he hangs around here a while.  F if you’re reading this:  congratulations, comrade, on coming this far — as for the journey that remains, you’ll get there, I know you will.

Charles Johnson, of course, never will.  He’s a totally lost cause in the Jim Robinson/Free Kool-Aid mold.  He and his ilk are going to destruction.  We others are going to life and the future.


Posted by Tommy G on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 15:28 | #

The “Foundation for Individual Rights in Education,” (FIRE), put enough heat under President Patrick Harker’s ‘behind’ that he halted the program…for now.


Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 15:35 | #

By this definition, people of color cannot be racists, because as peoples within the system, they do not have the power to back up their prejudices, hostilities, or acts of discrimination.

These governmental statements of dogma are always self-refuting.


Posted by Kievsky on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 16:24 | #

Politically correct indoctrination is a high risk enterprise.  Unchallenged, it flourishes on fear, but once someone speaks up and says, “I’m sick of having diversity shoved down my throat,” it’s all over.

Also, this University of Delaware thing makes for a great “teachable moment” if there are any articulate WN in that area.  With the Diversitycrats, the jokes just write themselves.


Posted by Maguire on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 16:34 | #

“The “Foundation for Individual Rights in Education,” (FIRE), put enough heat under President Patrick Harker’s ‘behind’ that he halted the program…for now.”

I read Harker’s statement a couple hours ago.  I predict this will prove to be a Pyrhhic Victory at very best.  What he said will be done is overhaul this program.  What that means is the substance will be preserved while substituting a smoother facade for the rabid foaming at the mouth hysterics of the genetically malformed Jewess-Negress Butler.

And maybe not even a Pyrhhic Victory.  It’s unlikely even one of the anti-white race hate criminals will lose their jobs, still less be replaced by differently minded (and gene equipped) personnel.  A ‘tactical maneuver’ is a better description of Harker’s latest announcement.

Victory?  I’d define that as every last anti-white racial hate criminal responsible for this program of white genocide physically fleeing North America in uncontrollable mindless terror, eternally condemned to go into hiding under Zimbabwean sub-subsistence conditions while they wait for their evil existences to expire.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 16:52 | #

There is an increasing bifurcation between commercial and academic certification taking place that is ripping the society apart.

Commercial certifications make sense as they require periodic renewal of the certified.  Essentially an academic certification is the same as a life title of nobility—once granted it remains in effect for life.  This is, of course, against the US Constitution but no one seems to mind these days since life titles of nobility are traditionally a key focal point of economic rent collection and if there is one thing the non-white minorities are adept at acquiring within white societies it is economic rent niches.

It is rather amusing to see the folks defending the “traditional” patents of nobility in this situation trying to revive these institutions at the same time they try to identify as “white nationalists”.  They’re being eaten alive by immigrants who know how to play the economic rent con game far better than the faux “aristocracy”.

Get with it guys—you don’t have much time left—none of us do.  Either destroy civilization or tax economic rent and then prevent public choice rent seeking via citizens dividends before its too late.  From such can arise assortative migration with dynamically changing territorial borders supporting diverse human ecologies including white ecology.

If you want to cease being a faux aristocracy you can do so quite easily—by remembering the word “sire” originates in a culture that understood that heroic bloodlines are to be perpetuated.  Tissue samples taken from our men prior to battle (whether formal warfare or the current state of informal battle where our forces are scattered and command chains broken) should be preserved for the time when some pockets of sanity may arise to occupy some territories providing new hope for our people.


Posted by GT on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 17:20 | #


“And maybe not even a Pyrhhic Victory.”

No, it’s not a Pyrhhic Victory.  Controversial material will be taken offline.  They’ll operate under the radar, just as the Claremont colleges do.


I will add more to the Alternate Production thread later today or tomorrow.


Posted by stari_momak on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 22:26 | #

Apropos of nothing, and everying
A message from Transport for London
<blockquote cite=“”>
Are you celebrating Diwali and Annakut (New Year) at Neasden temple? Check out our special Journey Planner and maps and beat the queues!</blockquote>


Posted by Pi on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 22:51 | #

See Athena Kerry’s Vdare article on her actual experience with this at:



Posted by Red Baron on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 00:15 | #

> He has yet to travel through Our Absolute Right To Survive.

It seems I misunderstood what you meant by rights. Absolutely, in and cultural or Darwinian terms we certainly do have the “right” to survive and assert ourselves. I took your use of the word “rights” in the same way the equalitarian hoaxers use it.

I do like the scrute, and read many of his books.


Posted by DavidL on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 01:22 | #

Maguire, GT, JB all

I understand the failings in general of modern universities.

But to be more specific, what programs are worth emphasizing ( saving )
and what would go in the “round file”.

Many sciences, like economics ( graphs & laughs ) and business
courses ( How the Talmudic minded can worship numbers & zero
ethics)  are corrupted - maybe beyond repair.

Are community/technical schools a better path ?

Your thoughts?




Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 04:22 | #

Pi’s vdare story seems, after a reading of Tom Wolfe’s masterly ‘I Am Charlotte Simmons’, like life imitating art.


Posted by 2R on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 05:41 | #

“Many sciences, like economics ( graphs & laughs ) and business
courses ( How the Talmudic minded can worship numbers & zero
ethics) are corrupted - maybe beyond repair. “

I must politely disagree.  I am an economics major and find economics to be the only social science which isn’t inherently hateful towards whites.  I view the discipline as being a mode of thinking which emphasizes efficiency and empirical thought.  Sociology or anthropology on the other hand, seem to be nothing more than breeding grounds for Marxist political activists.  The so called “identity studies” (Black, Latino, Gender, Transformational Leadership) are nothing more than a scheme for University administrator’s to beef up their minority faculty ratio’s. 

But, If someones’ capable of sitting through the lectures of White hate, they can still learn the skills of these disciplines and apply them how they wish.  If someone could learn the skills of an ethnographer, they could do field work among self hating White college kids.  They could use the same concepts and terms as any other anthropologist or sociologist to conclude that these kids attitudes are a result of an environment of structural violence, which through the use of a social construct (White privilege myth) are heavily socialized into perceiving an exploitative worldview, which assures hegemony for the ruling elite (Eastern WASP/Jewish).  The biggest problem with this being the unlikelihood of finding a mentor to study under due to lack of interest or just plain rejection of academic freedom. 

The physical sciences and engineering disciplines however, are pretty much “neutral” except for anything involving genetics.  So if someone wants to study civil engineering, then go ahead.  At this point in time, the idea that racially aware Whites are going to change the country through journal articles in the top social science journals is laughable.  So for the young WN I would suggest studying the physical sciences, Math, computers, or engineering.  For someone not cut out for this (me) then you can’t go wrong with economics, finance, or even English, as we could always use good writers.  The community colleges offer building trades and industrial trades which are very useful as well. 

As we start building our own communities again, we may want to have people who are certified to teach as well.  There’s no reason that a few WN families can’t pool their resources and home school their kids.  A certified teacher in the group could help the group gain legitimacy and attract other families as well.  The biggest obstacle for young WN is whether to plan their lives around the current system or to plan around the eventual collapse.  As a very wise man pointed out, during times of hardship, no one’s going to need a palaeontologist.  An engineer though, will come in handy when people need their vehicles fixed.

So I wouldn’t tell anyone to give up on the university system.  I would be clear however, to tell them not to think they’re going to write their history thesis on the anything unpopular related to the Second World War.


Posted by Maguire on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 14:57 | #


>>But to be more specific, what programs are worth emphasizing ( saving )
and what would go in the “round file”.<<

First theoretical, then practical.


I’m going to take that as, ‘which disciplines have to be detached?’.  Mr. Bowery’s last post is well worth re-reading.  What has to be ended is the prerequisite for a ‘Title of Nobility’ (the university ‘degree’) for entry into virtually any commercial field.

Let us start with Law as a pertinent example.  Requiring lawyers to have J.D.‘s is a recent innovation in the USA.  For most of history both here and in other countries most lawyers were trained under an apprentice-journeymen-craftsmaster system.  An apprentice ‘read law’ in a local law office and eventually became a ‘journeyman’.  That is, he was accepted into the Bar and allowed to ‘practice’ on his own outside the supervision of a Craftsmaster.  The Bar was and still is just a trade guild.  ‘Law schools’ existed but were not the only source of ‘lawyers’.  And this local system prevailed in the USA until the very late 19th Century.  It’s only now the very last survivors without J.D.s are finally retiring/expiring.

I see absolutely no reason why anyone who can pass a standardized written bar examination and meet other objective qualifying criteria should not be awarded a ‘law license’ today. 

I doubt anyone here will seriously argue that university law schools are focused on producing honest and ethical lawyers.  And if anyone is so minded be prepared to explain a huge number of current Ivy League law school grads and professors.

Nor are they focused on producing graduates able to pass standardized bar exams.  Just look at the numbers of freshly-minted J.D.s who have to retake bar exams 2-3-4 times.  Nor do law schools produce people actually ready to engage in trial practice.  Just ask any lawyer if you don’t believe me.

The modern law school’s prime function is to serve as an ideological gatekeeper.  The intent is to screen out individuals who might be dangerous to the self-annointed supremacy of what is objectively described as a ‘jewdicial’ system. 

“Many sciences, like economics”

Thanks.  I always like to start the day with a good chuckle.  grin

The results of any true ‘Science’ are susceptible to replication, positive proof and falsification.  The so-called science of ‘Economics’ fails all these tests.  It remains a speculative branch of moral philosophy and theology.  The fact that ‘economists’ have lately adopted widespread use of statistics and now Excel graphs is just part of the smoke ‘n mirrors act. 

It is entirely possible to get a Ph.d in Economics without even knowing conceptually the various methods of electric power generation, let alone knowing what methods by percentage basis currently produce the USA’s electricity.  How can such an ignorant clown make any useful statement about ‘Economics’ in a (de) industrial society like ours? These people are not ‘scientists’.  They are professional descendants of medieval philosophers who once debated such momentous issues as how many angels could dance on a pinhead.  The ‘Institutions’ that sustain this class of buffoon can only do so by the taxation-at-gunpoint powers of the State.

>>business courses ( How the Talmudic minded can worship numbers & zero

You mean how to manipulate paper money and usury interest (‘financial management’), or how to con people into incurring usury debt (‘marketing’)? 

>>are corrupted - maybe beyond repair.<<

They began existence this way.  The mushrooming growth of these ‘disciplines’ perfectly parallels the growth of the privately-owned Federal Reserve debt-backed paper money system.

>>‘Round file’<< 

I would ‘round file’ anything that is of value only in university employment.  The Judeo-American University is fully non-white controlled.  It uses faeces eaters like U-Delaware Chancellor Harker as front men, just like the Jewish neo-cons use Bush and Cheney.

Degrees in things like ‘economics’, ‘political science’, ‘history’, ‘women’s studies’, ‘African studies’, ‘sociology’ & ‘anthropology’ qualify here.  And don’t let anyone deceive you with copycat nonsense like ‘marching through the institutions’.  Jews and other nonwhites are better at dissimulation than white people, and they also have acute consciousness of their racial self-interests. 

>>Are community/technical schools a better path?<<

For most young white people, absolutely.  And if one does go away to a school, arrange to STAY OFF CAMPUS.  Families should organize renting an apartment for 2-3 highly trusted high school classmates.  The University of Delaware flap has shown the extent to which the evil, hate-filled Jew/Negro mind will pervert the university’s authority over on-campus residential life into a Gulag system openly aimed at implementing white genocide. 

Now here’s a serious question.  What is worth exposing yourself undefended on the worst possible ground to such attack?  Is it *really* worth it?  Or do you merely think it is worth it because the organizers of this system have spread a lot of propaganda saying it is so?  All con artists always promise huge payoffs in the future in exchange for genuine valuta today.

If you can really qualify, consider going overseas to a European school for scientific and engineering training.  The security conditions are a still bit better.  Most American students however will be in for a rude awakening about the real value of their ‘qualifications’ and the actual level of their pre-college high school courses.  If these were pitched to European standards only 0.1% of all negroes would ever pass them.  So they were dumbed down to make it appear that square pegs can fit in round holes.  Today’s ‘A’ was yesteryear’s ‘D’, or ‘F’.

Above all it is vital to avoid the trap of entering usury interest serfdom (‘student loans’) in pursuit of future income goals.  In many fields these are increasingly being demonstrated to mere mirages.  And this now includes ‘law’ and ‘medicine’.

The world is very wide and there are a great many fields in which it’s possible to earn a very good living and even to become ‘wealthy’.  Many skilled trades unions not only offer *free* multi-year training programs, but actually pay the apprentice while learning.  And there are numerous known skilled labor shortages in these fields.  Whatever you take up, make certain it is something that is economically useful at the local community level, and ideally not dependent on some taxation authority to collect the salaries.

A ‘degree’ is merely a piece of paper.  Or a ‘title of nobility’ as Mr. Bowery labeled it.  In the case of American ‘degrees’ at this time, it is no evidence of real knowledge or ability.  True learning is a lifetime endeavor, and it has never been cheaper or more accessible than at that present time.



Posted by GT on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 18:02 | #


“Many sciences, like economics”

Economics is not a science.

“Are community/technical schools a better path?”

I recommend science, engineering, technology, and the trades.

For science, engineering, and technology begin at community college then transfer to an undergraduate institution.

For the trades look for a local apprenticeship program or obtain a technical certificate/A.S. degree from community college.  Be advised that many apprenticeship programs have been adversely affected by the housing slump.  Due to this, I recommend community college and exercising the technical certificate/degree option.



“I am an economics major and find economics to be the only social science which isn’t inherently hateful towards whites.”

Pure economics is not inherently hateful toward Whites, but how many are “pure?”  Having taught macro- and micro-economics in a vocational school 12 years ago, I suspect many economic courses – at least the intro courses – are supplemented with Marxist social “concerns” which must be addressed when “ethnically diverse” student groups attempt to collaboratively solve problems (both real and imagined) using rain-forest algebra.  No, I’m not kidding.

The social science and liberal arts requirements for an economics major are clearly anti-White.

Nevertheless, I must agree that economics is on a much higher level than sociology or criminal justice due to the mathematics requirements.


Posted by GT on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 18:23 | #


Be mindful of the fact that vocational schools are in business to make money.  If you live in a “diverse” area, the student population will be overwhelmingly muddy and school standards will reflect that fact.  That is because vocational schools – ITT, for example -search through every garbage-strewn alley and dumpster filled with dog bones to awaken sleeping gang-bangers and sign them up with federal grants and “minority” educational loans, and student failure is ALWAYS the instructor’s fault.


Posted by DavidL on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 20:10 | #

Thanks 2R, Maguire and GT for your responses
to my questions.

This website’s a little university in itself.

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