Breivik’s victims ... all seventy-seven of them from both attack sites are pictured here. Some additional biographical information is here. At a quick estimate I’d say six are one kind or another of Asian, one African, three mixed-race. One is Georgian, one Kosovan and the remaining sixty-five seem to be Scandinavian or certainly northern European. Brievik’s three youngest victims were just fourteen years old: Johannes Buø, Eva Kathinka Lütken and Sharidyn Svebakk-Bøhn, a part-Maori. Of the rest, seven were fifteen years old (four of them girls), eight were sixteen (five girls), and twelve were seventeen (six girls). Of the seventy-seven, forty-one were female. Comments:2
Posted by anon7 on Thu, 04 Aug 2011 14:35 | # Thank you for this valuable service. Perhaps the Breivik Action will make young Communist Antifa terrorists think twice about participating in future. Progress, not perfection. 5
Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 14:12 | # This is FJORDMAN: Definitely comes across as a pompous @sshole, which I always suspected. 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 15:21 | # I remember it well. How shocking it must have been to stand accused at one point of actually being Breivik, and later of being his inspiration. And how distasteful it must be for all these Christian Zionist, culturally conservative, civicist Islamophobes to find that their careful distancing from the “hate” and “racism” of true nationalism didn’t stop their ideas spawning mass-murder. Allegedly. 7
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 15:47 | # They help stifle debate about the real issue (biological death of the nation) and real solution (peaceful repatriation) Really? Fjordman and GoV don’t want Muslims repatriated? 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 15:56 | # If, Leon, there were Muslims showing signs of converting to Christianity they would call it “integration”, and leave it there. 9
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 15:56 | # I think Fjordman is quite intelligent, btw. If only official “conservatives” were half as truly conservative as he is, the West would be in decent shape. I can live without carping about Jewry, as long as whites maintain their majority in the US (and exclusively so in Europe). 10
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 15:59 | # But Fjordman talks about whites being turned into minorities in their own countries. He often references race - not only Islam. I do agree with these people that Islam is a more particular threat to Europe than other racial or cultural alien entities. 11
Posted by Ryu on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 00:20 | # I just read on yahoo that fjordman came out publicly and denounced ABB. I don’t know him at all but there it is. Seems like it could be taqqiya. 12
Posted by Anti-WOG Allianz on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 09:33 | # Look. As much as you might hate it GW, the victims of Breivik were all Labour Party activists (ideologically committed to turning Norway into Greater London mark 2), and were the wellspring of a future political class. 13
Posted by svensson on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 13:29 | # Breivik considered himself a soldier in a war that started 1999. That was when Nato bombed Serbia, hindering that nation to expell its muslims to Albania. Origins aside Breivik crossed the line into the warrior mode. He had no qualms about killing labour politicians as he saw them as the enemy. There’s method in that madness but still, to me personally, madness. For what it’s worth I have that slight revulsion over killing people. That said, and considered that Breivik had decided to perform his deed, I wonder what could he have done differently? I’d say - nothing. Almost. I mean, he knew what he was doing. The deed itself was perpetrated to market the manifesto, which for its part is well written and structured, personal at places, a viable analysis of the wrongs of our PC times. He had his photograph taken in order to counter the madman iconography that might otherwise have ensued (ABB in prison etc, although the shots of him in that police car are fairly photogenique too). He made a youtube video that’s fairly good. He knew how the media would react so he wrote this and that about himself in the manifesto to get journalists something to spin on, if they bother to read the text. And even MSM journalists agree that he is no mere madman, he’s something else: Breivik will be a tough nut to crack in court. In his manifesto he has outlines to defense speeces too. What hasn’t he thought of? Did the UNA-bomber in his manifesto write that he liked chinese food, smoothies, science fiction, the movie 300, Lacoste shirts, partying and the like? I don’t think so. OK, UNA was still underground when his text was published but generally, I think Breivik is alot more concscious of PR issues than UNA. I have to say, Breivik is a criminal genius alongside with Dr. Mabuse in Fritz Lang’s movie, however, as a person, more civil and decent. Who needs novels, movies and other pastimes when there’s “2083”...? 14
Posted by anon on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 15:09 | # What Anti-WOG Allianz and svensson said. I think the very real possibility that Breivik was not insane alarms some people. It’s outside their frame of reference. If that’s the case, what then? 15
Posted by Waeshael on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 16:29 | # The events in Norway were tragic, my deepest sympathies are with the victim’s families. What Anders did also has a massive impact on Nationalist across Europe. The left have already began their campaign of smears by association. We need to intelligently and delicately handle the situation. 16
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 17:45 | # Anon, A psychopath is not insane. He is criminally responsible. Breivik will not be declared insane. He is, however, a psychopath. On the subject of mental stability, I’ve just been informed that a repetition of the episode in Odessa has commenced. 17
Posted by Graham_Lister on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 23:46 | # Off topic but does anyone have any more details on this? Riot in Tottenham 18
Posted by anon43 on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:03 | #
All were leftist females knowingly availing themselves of the attitudes of chivalrous men and of the might of state-supported mercenaries paid to enforce feminist mandates of social equality between the sexes. As feminists they were elevated to levels higher than the ridiculed, traditional women we claim to honor. Traditional women insulted by conservative male attitudes toward feminist females cannot be blamed for staying out of this dysfunctional “movement” or even joining feminism to enjoy the privilege of having and eating cake with their “sisters.”
18 &19;years: 22 killed. Forty-three of the Norwegian dead were of the age of legal consent. Twelve were old enough to join the United States armed forces and die in war, if given parental consent. Politics is protracted, low-intensity warfare. It is neither victimless, nor are its victims less dead or fewer in number over time. In North America, Europe, Australia, and southern Africa underclass whites below age of legal consent die every day as a result of the alliance between Marxist social policy and global capitalism. In the war for control of our destiny the Norwegian children age 16 and under are “collateral damage,” just as the innocents killed by bombs dropped on enemies of the United States and its NATO allies are collateral damage. With western nations little more than fish tank environments controlled by a jew-gentile elite, the concept of civil legitimacy is an illusion. If Breivik is a thug, then he is morally indistinguishable from the state-sanctioned thugs who enforce multiracialism and feminism domestically and internationally.
Well, of course not! Unlike past and present leftist killers Breivik will be tried and executed or imprisoned for life among Pakis who will find his young, soft white bottom sexually irresistible. For punishment “principled,” progressive Norway will likely opt for the latter option. Homosexual prison rape sends a far more effective message to the masses of hypocritical white asses than a simple execution. Furthermore it has the added benefit of support from round-bellied anti-immigration conservatives looking not only to distance themselves from Breivik, but avoid perceptions that they are “soft on crime.”
Psychopathy: refers to a personality disorder characterized by the inability to form human attachment and an abnormal lack of empathy, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal. Both psychopathy and sociopathy assume morality is universal, which it never is. 19
Posted by anon on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 06:51 | # There is no scientific evidence that Breivik is a “psychopath”. Stop demonising the White men who will be doing all the fighting for us, while people like you sit comfortably behind your computer screen. 21
Posted by J Richards on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 10:27 | # Whoopee! Fjordman outed himself. This Jew-loving creature asked me to stop linking to him when I got a little serious about his beloved Jews. He had no rebuttal except a statement that “Nazis like me” were responsible for the backlash that led to Europe’s current problems. Something wasn’t right but I let poor judgment take over and called him a brother who needs to wake up. And now I see the lovely curls and face this “Nordic” man has. And he has a handsome pappy, too: Like father, like son… I’ve got to see the beautiful nose up close. 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 10:48 | # anon, There is all the evidence in the world that Breivik is a psychopath, and no evidence at all that he is fully constituted emotionally. Can I suggest that you drop the “anon” and use a proper handle unique to you? That would help others build up a picture of your thoughts, and know to whom they are responding when you post. 23
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 10:52 | # Vot, JR, you are tryink to suggest that this gut Norvegian is influenced by his yiddisher papa? You reely sink he opposes Norvegian interests for zis reason? Vot are you? Zom kind of anti-Semite? 25
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 11:14 | # From WIKI: Fjordman believes that the Western governments promoting the influx of non-white immigrants are demonstrating “white masochism”, and that white people have the right to maintain: a place of our own where we can prosper, live in our own major cities without having to fear violence because of our race, and without being stripped of our heritage in order to placate people who moved to our countries of their own free will. We have the right to preserve our heritage and are under no obligation to commit collective suicide or serve as a dumping ground for other countries. It has nothing to do with animosity towards others.[54] He denies that this is a white supremacist view: Guarding your identity is . . . a universal human trait, not a white trait. In fact, it is less pronounced among whites today than among anybody else. Only whites cling onto the idea of universalism, everybody else sticks with their own ethnic group. . . . It is not about white supremacy, . . . it is about equality. Whites are currently the only racial group specifically denied the opportunity to defend their countries and heritage. . . . The idea that every white person who desires self-determination and self-preservation is a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi is nonsense and should flatly be rejected.[54] Fjordman rejects accusations of racism: I asked . . . whether it should be considered “racism” if native Swedes resist being turned into a minority in their own country, which they will become within a few decades if current levels of immigration continue.[55] According to him, “non-whites attacking whites” constitutes “the vast majority of racist violence in Western nations”.[54] He associates this with socialism. In his view, “[T]he West did not win the Cold War. We haven’t defeated Socialism,”[56] and “in Europe today, Marxists and Leftists of all kinds virtually control Western media and academia”.[57] The Western media treats Muslims who attack Western civilization with more lenience than whites who seek to defend themselves: White critics of mass immigration are systematically demonized as racists, bigots, “right-wing extremists” or Fascists and Nazis. . . . Muslim groups who support terrorism and want to smash Western civilization are called moderates in Western media, yet we are labeled as extremists if we resist being turned into a minority in our own country.[58] Fjordman argues for the preservation of a native majority, including indigenous Europeans. In his 2007 essay “A European Declaration of Independence”, he demands, among other things, an extremely restrictive immigration policy, the dissolution of the European Union and rejection of multiculturalism and says that otherwise, Europeans will have to conclude that the governments have given up on their people, and that the laws and taxes which they impose on them are therefore illegitimate.[59]
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 11:27 | # Leon,
Well, it’s that face, isn’t it: I don’t think, Leon, that you are anti-nationalist in the name of Zionism. For us, this is the defining trait of the Brussels Journal/GoV/Spencer/Mel Philips/Mark Steyn crowd. If the chips were down these people would fight against nationalists and for the MultiCult, because that is the Jewish interest. 27
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 12:04 | #
Interesting. However, some nationalists state that…“we shall not compromise on leaving nothing of the devil’s handiwork in place … on doing whatever we must to remain forever who we are…” and that “there will be human costs.” Do you really believe that repatriation will be “peaceful” or “humane”? 28
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 15:37 | # That lacks any political question, any “how can our politics respond or make discourse or be packaged”. It reads like a justification, not a considered conclusion. Pychopaths do not need to make politics. But they may need to use politics to make violence. 29
Posted by Peter on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 22:09 | # This is sad :( 30
Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 00:25 | # @Daesin Are those links directed at me? lol Almost nothing is more risible than slimy American politicians ‘doing religion’ and proclaiming ‘Jesusland’ - yuk. Seems that events in Norway brought out a great deal of hate and so on in some ‘nationalists’. Feuerbach in ‘Philosophy of the Future’ wrote: “Being as an object of being – and only this being is being and deserves the name being – is the being of the senses, feeling, and love. Being is thus a secret of perception, of feeling, and of love.” Love is what gives us our attachment to the world, but also that which gives us ‘world’ or ‘being’ in the first place. Feuerbach again: “Love is passion, and only passion is the hallmark of existence. Only that which exists is an object…of passion.” Only through love, by which Feuerbach meant realization of the intersubjective human realm of “I” and “thou”, could we realize our true potential. Humans are social creatures like no other. Liberal ontology perhaps excludes the significance that humans generally suffer greatly if they feel, or are, genuinely isolated and we all share the urge for companionship. But love and companionship cannot be universalized; they are always grounded in the particular – of persons, time, and history. I cannot see how cold-blooded murder can be anything other than hateful, anti-social behaviour and a profoundly ‘anti-political’ counter-productive act. 31
Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 00:28 | # Whoops my bad typing again! Of course I meant @Dasein carry on! 32
Posted by anon12 on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 01:44 | # You and I both know this isn’t going to end well. So I think you should be more understanding of our White fighting men such as Breivik. In coming years, we’re going to need more of his type. I have no sympathies for the Communist victims. Zero. Zilch. They sold their soul to the MultiKult—and paid the price. I’ve just been re-reading accounts of the Air Rhodesia terrorist incidents in 1978 and 1979, in which the African nationalist organisation ZAPU/ZIPRA (whose information and publicity secretary was Robert Mugabe, darling of the liberals in the West) shot down two (2) civilian passenger airliners, and then proceeded to shoot and bayonet the white survivors, including babies. A total of 102 civilians were slaughtered. The reaction from the West? Silence. It may very well be that there are those amongst us, in the WN ‘movement’, who have hardened hearts and are willing to do what it takes when events demand it. The ‘Hard Men’. These are the men, I think, the Kshatriya, to whom the hard work of actual physical conquest (and it will come to that of course) should be given. 33
Posted by anon32 on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 03:21 | #
When advocates of moral particularism decry Breivik’s actions in psychological terms grounded in The Golden Rule, the Janus-face of conservatism is revealed for all to see. The Daily Mail provides all the proof idiots need to diagnose Breivik as psychopathic: The millionaire founder of Breivik Geofarms was unable to form human attachments recognized as legitimate or important (also, any person/s with whom Breivik may have formed an attachment would be foolish to admit it), he appeared outwardly “normal” for a white man of the 21st century, and his killing of leftists certainly demonstrated a lack of empathy for his victims. History lesson: Psychopaths, too, were the state-sanctioned warriors (a minority of the population with a distinct code of ethics separate from the citizenry at large, like U.S. and Royal Marines) in places like Vietnam. Of course, now that they serve the interests of the Israel, America, and NATO in the Near East these former “psychopaths” are heroes! Can the Golden Rule be applied to animals? Ask PETA. In their view hunters – particularly English fox hunters – are psychopaths. Ridiculous? Yes. Universal human rights have yet to be extended to animals. If the jew-gentile alliance thought it useful it would be. It isn’t, so they haven’t. Yet each and every swinging dick on this planet practices a dual morality for himself and family – regardless of what he says to his confessor in church, at school, to the media, on the job, or on the Internet. Conservatives preach it, except when it causes them embarrassment. We needn’t visualize conservatives tying themselves into knots in an effort to morally and politically distance themselves from Breivik. It is there for all to see, including websites like Majority Rights. 34
Posted by anon98723498 on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 03:56 | # The Breivik incident was a Mossad job. There’s no way this moron planned and carried all this out on his own. Norway has pissed off a lot of powerful groups - Israel, the EU, NATO, Wall Street, etc. This was just their way of sending the Norwegians a message. “Do what we want or we’ll kill your children.” 35
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 09:15 | # Well, it’s that face, isn’t it: I don’t think, Leon, that you are anti-nationalist in the name of Zionism. For us, this is the defining trait of the Brussels Journal/GoV/Spencer/Mel Philips/Mark Steyn crowd. If the chips were down these people would fight against nationalists and for the MultiCult, because that is the Jewish interest. (GW) But does his name “Peder Jensen” sound Jewish? I’m not anything in the name of Zionism!! Hahaha. I don’t have enough experience with these sites to evaluate your assertion. I did love Steyn’s book America Alone, and sadly agreed with its portrayal of pathetic, apathetic Europeans. I can’t believe Europe is crumbling in the face of the anti-racist virus. America, I understand, but do not accept. But Europe? Why? Why? 36
Posted by urgetech1 on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 06:05 | # ATV Part Center is a full-service, online Atv parts catalog tailored to the needs of any Polaris ATV or Polaris Ranger owner. Post a comment:
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Posted by elise on Thu, 04 Aug 2011 13:01 | #
A moment of silence.