A question about giving form to the movement Like many Jewish websites and publications, JewishFederations.org is packed with examples of how Jews in America network and collaborate in their own ethnic interests. There are entries here on women’s philanthropy, youth leadership, planned giving and endowments, lobbying in Washington, and a page of wider resources that leave no Jewish stone unturned. European nationalists would do well to emulate one tenth of this industry. Actually, beyond a few failing micro-parties, we in Britain have really nothing. Over the last few days I’ve had some conversations with certain British nationalists - real ones, that is, enthno-nationalists - about this question: If a political party standing in isolation as the nationalist vehicle will always struggle to tip the balance and actually win in a multiracial democracy, what additional vehicles/measures do you think the wider movement could bring forward to make the political win more possible? I am thinking here about media and PR, cultural organisations, think tanks, fund-sourcing agencies ... all and anything that might advance the cause of our ethnic interests. My conversations have been quite interesting, but this is such a rich area to consider I’m sure there must be many more strong suggestions that can be made - and some that will have been thought through pretty carefully. I should add that this is not a purely speculative question. With the BNP leadership election concluded and the party, to all intents and purposes, locked up and bound to decline over the next four years - if it lasts that long - this is the moment when people are looking for fresh thinking. That much is clear. Perhaps we will even thank Nick Griffin for inadvertently forcing the development of an holistic and multi-faceted approach to the problem of the public mind, public discourse, and only then, the ballot box. Comments:2
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 03 Aug 2011 11:10 | # The key is “Middle Britain”. Nationalists can be seen as fascist hooligans or leather fetishists, or they can be seen as respectable as the Tories - only serious about saving the historic nation. I am ever more convinced that radical cultural and political rejectionism is very wrong. The key in Britain is the same as in America. Right now no major party in either nation is anti-immigration. That represents a huge “political space”. Move into it! Stop your insane worrying about the Jews, and similar secondary issues. You can establish a new relation to them after you have developed some nativist consciousness as a by-product of the anti-immigration education and activism that will be necessary actually to get immigration ended. I frankly think the EDL sounds very promising. Any nationalist organization should have a social and networking component to it beyond old-fashioned political activities. 3
Posted by No Name on Wed, 03 Aug 2011 16:51 | # You need to reclaim the schools and the Church. Both of these institutions once represented the Nation and Empire in shaping young minds but they have taken from us. Forget the state sector - start with private where money trumps politics. 4
Posted by Bill on Wed, 03 Aug 2011 16:58 | # I’ve always seen the problem as one of what will it take to galvanise the British people into concern for their future? As of this present time this question has not been genuinely addressed. Basically this is the same question GW is asking - What will it take to galvanise/persuade the British public to support nationalism? Would it make any difference if the British public could be persuaded that what is happening is not the result of some natural phenomena or random circumstance, but what is happening is deliberate being orchestrated by government policy? In short, by their own politicians. Would it make any difference if the British public were told that they are voting against their own interest if they continue to vote for the major parties? IOW’s, the candidate they vote for is conspiring to replace them with immigration. The establishment’s latest tack is they spin to imply they no longer support multiculturalism as it has been seen not to work, (Cameron, Sarkozy, Merkel) and by extension they no longer support immigration, which of course is not the same thing at all. It is no longer pc to criticise Islam, which again implies by extension to the populace that the politicians are against Muslim immigration and on the people’s side. Then there’s the line that Islam is the sole problem, stop Islamic immigration. Again the implication is these people are against immigration, not true, they have no objection to immigration per se as long it is not Muslim. These are just a sample of the smoke and mirrors tactics by the media to throw the people of the scent. Is it any wonder our people are punch drunk? Where is the counter to the media’s counter? Who is supplying the nationalist counter argument on behalf of the nationalist? We might well ask, for there is no such counter debate on behalf of the people and there never has been. All we get is racist smears and ridicule if we dare to utter a negative comment concerning immigration. So who is going to inform the public of what they are up against? At this rate they will never know and that’s how the elites want it to remain, for it makes their task so much easier. I’ve said somewhere recently that it is possible the BNP might cobble something together and be the only nationalist game in town. What irony if the BNP was suddenly swamped with support. In such unprecedented times anything is possible. On a saner note, BNP exiles will look for another host as they haven’t got the time to form a new party from scratch. But hey, what do I know, I’m just an observer. (And one time voter) 5
Posted by Virgil Cain on Wed, 03 Aug 2011 22:38 | # A very simple question you pose, but I have no simple answers. Option 1: Maybe ally with Muslims against the Jews. Use them to help publicize the absurd amount of power Jews hold relative to their percentage of the population. Use all of Europe as an example. I’m not sure Muslims would be any better than Jews, though. They could at least help dislodge Jews from power. 6
Posted by Bill on Thu, 04 Aug 2011 12:00 | # GW. I hope you don’t think this is too far off topic. Occasional contributor here Revolution Harry has just completed a most extraordinary composition over at his site…. http://revolutionharry.blogspot.com/ The title of his essay is Mass Immigration And The New Tower of Babel - A new World order. I say it is extraordinary not only because of the length of this opus, but because of the intriguing sense in which he has woven the historical spiritual content with 21st century politics of globalisation - leading up to the present circumstances that we are all witnessing today. Harry has managed to combine a free flowing easy to follow essay expressing his own ideas of why Western civilisation is threatened by mass non-white immigration. Harry himself has admitted, due to consideration of length of his article he has had to omit many lesser features. You may not agree with everything he writes but his effort is well worth a look. 7
Posted by the Narrator... on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 04:59 | # As an example of how much of a deficit we have in this regard I was recently taken aback by the movie ‘Inception’. It seemed to be the most subversive piece of media I’ve seen in a long time. It had White gentile characters (well dressed and well educated) speaking in ways White gentile people do. Hearing the main character talking about the hotel suite where he and his wife used to spend their wedding anniversaries or of their first apartment they lived in before moving to their first small house after the baby was born is how we speak. It’s reflective of our experiences. And yet to hear it in a mainstream movie seemed “shocking” and “edgy”. To hear it in any media form circa 2010 is astounding. The movie was written and directed by a White Man, and though he may ultimately prove to be a tool he still managed a compelling (if brief) portrayal of the uniqueness of our ways and how we speak and think and act and react and live. I mean, the protagonist is a young man who does the proverbial one final job.......so he can go home to be reunited with his children!
At this point hearing a character in a movie talking of the “house we moved into after the baby was born” is like hearing a faint echo from far away and long ago reminding you that, my God, we did exist! Maybe we still do! ... 8
Posted by Bill on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:18 | #
This is a tough question and to be candid, in the present climate where the MSM rules supreme and whose opinions go unchallenged. It seems there is very little that can be done. Having said that, I note that Eddie Butler over at his blogspot has come out (at last) in recommending that BNP exiles should join en mass the English Democratic Party. http://eddybutler.blogspot.com/ It is difficult to guess how many disillusioned BNP members will decamp to the EDL but I suspect their numbers will be considerable and provide a welcome boost to the EDL ranks. What the future has in store for the remnants of Griffin’s BNP is one of conjecture, but withering on the vine as I put it - is as good a guess as any. So what of a BNP boosted EDL? I can’t say as I know much about them which I suppose I should, but as the British National scene has been on hold for months awaiting Butler’s decision my attention has been focused on other things. The question remains, is the British national movement to be carried forward under the banner of the EDL? Let us assume it is. The battle for the hearts and minds of the British people will be mainly fought out on our television screens with the BBC (MSM) giving no quarter. I don’t know, but I feel the game is changing, what with this financial crisis, widespread corruption in public life, the lies, the spin, the arrogance of our elite class, the bankster millions and now the imposition of an unfair austerity programme, are all taking its toll of the political class. People are sick of it, they are looking for change and they know they will not get under the lib/lab/con trick. IMO, these are the battle lines for the foreseeable future, the BBC will have up their game even further to conquer the increasing cognitive dissonance of the confused British people. Somehow, British nationalism must find an outlet to counter the irrationality and downright lies of the media, somehow a way must be found to counter the outpouring of MSM insanities by telling the unvarnished truth. Nationalism’s liberal opponents have no immune system from truth, pure and simple. 9
Posted by Bill on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 12:45 | # Correction above 11.18 AM EDL should be EDP of course. English Democratic Party. I also use the term British nationalism when in fact we’re talking English nationalism. Something I shall have to get used to. 10
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 13:02 | # Too much theorizing. Focus on basics: all the negatives brought on by immigration-generated “diversity”. I’m getting sick of everything. Nationalists need to tie the economic crisis faced by middle classes with all the social spending on “diversity”, how affirmative action has ruined countless white men’s careers, how diversity relentlessly votes socialist, and how socialism has wrecked the Western world. It is very easy to tie socialism and multiculturalism together. The economic collapse must be seen to be directly related to the diversification of the electorates. Then we might have a shot at awakening whites. 11
Posted by Bill on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 19:43 | # I don’t know about you, but the way things are, sometimes I get a little down. Once upon a time here, when I first started, a commentor would occasionally offer a piece of music, for no other reason I suspect - than to share it with other readers. Back in the early ‘50’s I used to eagerly scan the airwaves for radio stations playing (at that time) a genre of music that had not long been introduced to Britain, it was called traditional jazz. To begin with, this type of music was very little heard on the radio, it took something like four years to become sufficiently popular to go mainstream, but when it did - it became an immediate hit. Unfortunately for the original trail blazers of this music, no sooner had ‘trad’ become a raging success when an interloper from across the pond, starring in a film called Rock Around The Clock, knocked trad jazz off its pedestal, never to recover to its brief former glory. The interloper was a guy named Bill Haley, ably assisted by his backing group, the Comets. This was 1954 and Bill Haley is generally (I think) credited with the explosion of Rock’n Roll in Britain with song Shake Rattle and Roll. The plethora of stars who have since joined him, are now legend in Britain’s roll of honour pop music folklore. Some say, the introduction of Rock’n Roll into Britain was the intentional beginnings of attacking our youth culture. Looking back, I think they’re right. Now, I suppose that most here will not have clue and are even less interested in what I’m talking about, but I thought I would mention it as imagine my surprise (and delight) when recently thumbing through youtube, I came across this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDyb3LsjKIg So whenever I get that down feeling, I click on the above. Apologies in advance if it’s not your bag. PS. Note: Listen out for the clarinet player, who, at the age of 28 went down a storm, and as they would say today, blew the audience away. His name: Monty Sunshine. 12
Posted by Tanstaafl on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 05:20 | # Good luck and godspeed to whatever form English nationalism may take. 13
Posted by Cheradenine Zakalwe on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 21:24 | # It seems to me, paradoxically, that the argument that there is no such thing as race has extraordinary potential for European nationalists, even those whose primary concern is the maintenance of the genetic integrity of their people. It allows the racism charge to be not only deflected but turned back on the accusers. They can be portrayed as having a bizarre, ideological obsession with a Hitlerian mythology that is not supported by science. To abandon the concept of race does not necessarily mean abandoning the importance of genetic integrity. It simply means recasting it in different terms. Instead of arguing that people fall into different racial categories, you argue instead that a nation is an extended kinship network in which genetic affinity is important. Because this concept is based on gradations rather than absolutes, it is extremely flexible and can appeal to a wide range of people. It can be applied to an individual country or to the entire European continent. It is also not adamantly exclusive. The natural bond of nationhood - genetic affinity - can take a certain amount of stress, you say, but not too much. Thus it can accommodate third world peoples who are already here, if necessary. Within a broad movement, different people could interpret the concept of genetic affinity in different ways, while still uniting behind it. Post a comment:
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Posted by Bill on Wed, 03 Aug 2011 09:03 | #
The time has long past when it is imperative that information such as this article (below) is widely disseminated and realised, otherwise such information will remain as far removed from the public conscience as it ever has been. It can only be acheived by in your face selfless courage. Any takers?
Whatever one’s views on the Breivik incident, just imagine what the MSM feeding frenzy would have been if the victims had been of a different hue.
Read full article.
By way of Counter Culture.