Desperate measures: turning on one’s own, the anti-fascist option and the resurrection of UKIP

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 21 May 2009 01:22.

”Revolutions do not happen in this country, but every now and then the public gives a great heave of boredom and impatience, and something is done with forever.”

These words of the American literary critic Edmund Wilson, writing of Britain in April 1940, contain the explanation to a modern media mystery: why did the Telegraph play Pandora, and launch its ruthless two-week offensive against the political class?

”Radical reform of discredited Commons system” and ”many MPs will be suspended from Labour over expenses” scream the headlines.  This is a political earthquake.  Why would the Telegraph, a party to every level of the Establishment, unleash it?

One is left pondering what might have been said to tip the editorial balance in those chic, glass-walled offices overlooking the Telegraph’s newsroom.  I can think of three factors that might have done that.  There is only one commending caution.

The “go” factors are:-

1. Professional pique: the Telegraph editorial image was sullied somewhat by its handling of the Damian McBride affair (“the emails from Gordon Brown’s chief spin doctor Damian McBride to Mandelson’s protégé Derek Draper suggesting Tory smear stories“).  It consisted of fawning to Downing Street and running a piece to forestall any threat to McBride.  Here’s Guido in the Spectator on the effect of his decision to let the News of the World and the Sunday Times have the story for free:-

The Sunday Times text: ‘we are going to go big on this.’ I alert the whistle-blower that the game is on and write a blog naming the mudslingers in the Downing Street bunker. Chris Hope calls. I had almost forgotten about the Telegraph. He says they are not going to buy the story but asks: ‘How old are you, Paul?’ Immediately I remind him of the NDA and warn him against doing a spoiler. ‘Well, it’s just in case Downing Street try to stop you. That cross-hairs picture has got them worried.’ ‘How would you know that?’ The spoiler is out from the Telegraph late on Friday; it doesn’t name McBride but might as well have his byline. Chris has broken his word to me. I call him and abuse him for his treachery in no uncertain terms.

So along comes the offer of the expenses CD.  Is the Telegraph going to play good two-shoes with the Labour Party while The Times gets the story a second time?  Inconceivable.

2. Potential asset depreciation: the Sunday Express’s purchase of Jacqui Smith’s expenses record left open a distinct possibility of cherry-picking by the media.  That would have had the effect of destroying any competitive advantage in the circulation war that the data might offer.  There needed to be a quick decision on an all-or-nothing basis.

3. Advertising revenue decline: it was bad enough when a newspaper-owner’s biggest headache was trying to match profitablity on the website to the steep, long-run losses of the dead tree business.  But then the recessionary storm hit and the remaining advertisers ran for cover

And then along comes a gift-horse … well, if you can call £300,000 a gift:-

The Daily Telegraph’s exclusive revelations about MPs’ expenses boosted circulation by nearly 100,000 copies on Friday, giving the paper a bigger boost than a promotional DVD giveaway.

On that day, when the Daily Telegraph published the first of its series of exclusives with details of the expenses of the prime minister, Gordon Brown, and other Labour cabinet ministers, circulation rose by 93,000 copies above that on the previous Friday, according to unofficial figures seen by

Sales of Saturday’s Daily Telegraph, with its revelations about other government ministers, and the Sunday Times, with its revelations about Sinn Fein, were also up tens of thousands of copies on the previous weekend, but precise figures were not available. Web traffic to has also surged, according to Telegraph Media Group insiders.

So there’s three straightforward considerations favouring the earthquake option.  What considerations would have weighed against it?  Only one, I think, and that is uncertainty as to the outcome.  Normally, you see, Conservatives operate on the assumption that only misanthropes and Trots set out to damage the political fabric.  It isn’t work for the Telegraph nor for any profound believer in the moral order of society.

But there’s the rub.  The moral order was under attack from within the walls of Westminster itself.  There was legitimacy to exposing this national shame to the heat of the flames.  The question was whether what comes after would prove worse than the illness.

In the end, I think Edmund Wilson summarises the feeling well.  This is Britain – to Conservatives,  always a happy and singularly stable land, a place that, spiritually at least, never quite finished with Betcheman and Vaughan Williams, that draws from a well of such eternal values - reserve, forebearance, self-effacement - it can weather any trial, any indignity and still come sailing through.

Ultimately, no harm could come from the political earthquake.  A few hillsides might crumble, a few buildings fall, but Britain would be there when the dust settled, just as before.

So can we say at this point whether that judgement, whether Edmund Wilson himself (no Conservative by the way), was right?

I think we can.  And the measure of it will be the success, or lack of it, of the BNP in the June 4th European elections.

When Wilson wrote those words he could hardly have imagined the day when three pillars of the British Establishment – first banking, now Westminster in general and the Labour Party in particular – would be held by the public in such desperately low esteem.  “Boredom and impatience” hardly fits the bill when an e-poll published two days ago for Sky News finds that only 11.5% of respondees are planning to vote Labour.

The real level of support on June 4th will surely be higher than that.  But the Establishment is in a terrible funk, nonetheless.  It is only too aware that its love-objects - internationalism, the MultiCult, the money cult, power – are less secure than we generally suppose.  That is what underpins the hostility to Griffin and his little party – the fear that there is someone out there who intends to take everything away from them.

So what is the Establishment doing in the run up to June 4th?  Three things, none of them connected to normal political life:-

1. It has launched a campaign of press smears against these damned Nazis.  Every national and many locals are taking part.  It isn’t working terribly well, and there must have been some volatile exchanges between editors and the creative minds who source this stuff.

But the beat goes on.  The latest is that Eddie Butler, BNP National Organiser, is warning that the party’s enemies are posting:-

offensive material on Facebook accounts or blogs that are associated with our members, and then try and use these entries to smear the party by association.

He has appealed for:-

responsible officers, councillors and candidates, particularly those more in the public eye [to] immediately shut down their Facebook accounts and any unmoderated blogs for the remainder of this election campaign.

Really, it has come to something when political contests are prosecuted in this fashion.

2. The Establishment has sacrificed a scapegoat from within its own ranks to the public mood and is embarking on a purge of MPs who, only yesterday, were close colleagues and life-long political soulmates.

The public, meanwhile, is supposed to believe that everything will be just fine and dandy now the transgressors have been metaphorically taken down to that long, echoing corridor beneath the Lubyanka.

3. The press announced that the United Kingdom Independence Party is no longer a corpse, notwithstanding the flat-lining of its electoral performance for the last four years.  In last year’s London mayoral election its candidate attracted less than 1% of the vote.  It regularly puts up candidates for council by-elections and attracts a double-figure vote: 30 or 40 is not uncommon.  These are the elections in which the BNP averages almost 20%.

The reason for this is not hard to find.  UKIP is - or, rather, was - not a bolt-hole for those fleeing in disillusionment from a Labour government.  It is a bolt-hole for those fleeing a rivenned Tory party or a Tory Party embracing the EU project too publicly.  So, how come the poll folk and the media noisily declared the BNP at 4% while Nigel Farrage’s fellow zombies are soaring skywards?

There isn’t a hope in hell of UKIP coming third in the European elections.  But it doesn’t seem to matter to the Establishment.  They have lost interest in reality.  They are truly desperate, and it is a paranoid desperation because the BNP won’t finish third either and, you know, revolutions do not happen in this country.



Posted by tc on Thu, 21 May 2009 01:55 | #

I’m not buying. Sorry for being a contrarian in this case, but there are times for the intellect, and times for joy.

Not, that it doesn’t make sense, but because I don’t anymore care. In my world, from the moment I wake up to the moment I switch the ol’ brain off by the available means, hardly anything makes any sense.

This is not news, it is the endgame, which we - the antisemites&racists;- have been anticipating.

It is not analysis, of the real implications, it is damage control/smokescreen.

Civilization as we remember it is over.

Get ready to invent your own LAW.

Thanx for listening.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Thu, 21 May 2009 02:41 | #

The selection process is similarly media-driven here in the US, though there are some differences.

Any party but R and D are ignored, belittled, and because they are ignored and belittled anyone who affliates with them is easily painted as a “fringe” “kook”. Within the two party single organism support for candidates who displease the regime is diminished by similar “fringe” “kook” smears, as Bill Kristol did to Ron Paul, or the support is siphoned elsewhere, as with the media out of nowhere boosting Huckabee so as to weaken Romney and help Juan McCain. That latter manipulation being brought to mind by your description of the media’s resurrection of the UKIP.

Somebody posted the following quote at Sailer’s site today. It seems relevant here too:

“And in this day and age what is it that constitutes the principle underlying the power of the State? Why, it is science. Yes, science—Science of government, science of administration and financial science; the science of fleecing the flocks of the people without their bleating too loudly and, when they start to bleat, the science of urging silence, patience and obedience upon them by means of a scientifically organised force: the science of deceiving and dividing the masses of the people and keeping them allways in a salutary ignorance lest they ever become able, by helping one another and pooling their efforts, to conjure up a power capable of overturning States.” - Bakunin

Warmest wishes to the BNP from this disenfranchised American.

The next step for the regime is an outright ban on the party, likely on the basis that its existence incites racial hatred.  I hope somebody is planning a response to that that doesn’t include capitulation.


Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 21 May 2009 03:01 | #

The resurrection of the UKIP surely has only one function, that is to divert those middle Englanders who might otherwise have defected to the BNP to a safer haven, one which forms no existential threat to the Establishment or the multicultural state.

The crescendo of media attention that is currently being lavished on the UKIP and its phoenix-like rise is so transparently anti-BNP that there is a significant risk of it turning into an own goal, especially if Nigel Farage’s own troughing inadvertantly comes into sharper relief.

It’s interesting that just as the mainstream parties have ganged up on the BNP, the BNP is turning its own attention increasingly to the UKIP on the obvious understanding that the Old Gang now represent little threat to its hopes of securing a good number of European seats on June 4th. They have in effect conceded that, due to the Westminster corruption scandal, they are collectively a busted flush in the minds of the general public and so have now sub-contracted the Stop the BNP franchise to UKIP. The next two weeks are going to be very tasty indeed.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 21 May 2009 08:06 | #

Thanks GW - Excellent piece as usual.

You outline my interpretation of events, I hadn’t factored in the Damian McBride Westminster spat which Guido performed such an excellent demolition job.  Other than that I concur with your thinking.

Postmodern politics is producing surreal events and this one is a typical example.  The idea the Telegraph could deliver a Cruise missile to the heart of Westminster without causing collateral damage is postmodern delusional thinking at its best.

The whole debacle has been conducted in an air of contrived ire, it’s a joke.

According to the same old faces the whole political system is (or should be) torn up root and branch, and supplanted with something better, and who are the people best suited to carry out this operation?  Why, the same old faces of course.

Judging by the comments in the tabloid blogosphere the people just don’t get it, they just go haring off after any decoy the establishment throw into the long grass.

I’m not going to make any predictions (coward) about the outcome of the looming elections I’ll just wait it out with the rest of the nation.

I’ll leave you with another conundrum that postmodern alchemy has thrown up, what is the reasoning behind inviting the living embodiment of evil, (Nick Griffin) to have tea with Queen?  See to-day’s Mail

On that note I will leave you.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 21 May 2009 09:54 | #

Who exactly, would consider the Monaco -  resident, Scots-parented, Roman Catholic, Barclay twins, who own The Telegraph, to be members of the English establishment ?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 21 May 2009 11:46 | #


The sense of non-reality encompasses both the wild expectations of a nationalist breakthrough and the Establishment Party’s paranoia about that.  Martin Wingfield, who, Griffin apart, is the BNP’s chief election strategist, has a wise old head, and he has been cautioning against over-optimism for a long time.  Here’s his latest missive along those lines.

Keep your expectations real: double-figures, just.  If it is, by some miracle, substantially more be sure to keep your feet firmly on the ground.  The conversion to a nationalist/nativist mindset happens by degrees and at the individual level.  Large and sudden shifts of public opinion towards nationalism signify something else.  We have seen them before on continental Europe and they don’t last.

After 4th June it will be important for nationalists to start thinking about the future challenge of a Conservative general election campaign in which, given the enfeeblement of Labour, the Tories can afford to “talk tough” on asylum and illegal immgration.  It is the Sarko effect they will be after.  That reduced Le Pen’s vote to a rump 10.44%.


The next step for the regime is an outright ban on the party, likely on the basis that its existence incites racial hatred.

If the combination of media smears, Old Party re-presentation and fake alternative parties doesn’t work, banning is one of at least three options.  The other two which occur to me are:-

1. Secret service penetration and control, leading to serial party cock-ups of a very public nature.

2. Bringing within the Establishment fold, for example, by promoting Jews in the party (a new role of party spokesman, perhaps - especially if Simon Darby is whisked away to Europe).


The anti-fascist smear campaign needs to be quite sparing to be successful propaganda.  If it is overdone it will grate on public consciousness, and its sheer nastiness connect only too easily to the venality everyone now associates with the political class.

I would be interested to know your own prediction for the BNP’s Europe vote?


No, you are too subtle.  I mean that the political class as represented in the three established parties will come out on top as usual.

I couldn’t possibly comment on a talent show participant again.  Political elections are enough for me.


what is the reasoning behind inviting the living embodiment of evil, (Nick Griffin) to have tea with Queen?

The media whores genuinely expect the public to share their perception of “the living embodiment of evil”, and to throw its collective hands up in horror.


Who exactly, would consider the ... Barclay twins, who own The Telegraph, to be members of the English establishment ?

Old money might not.  But the rest certainly would.


Posted by mike worst on Thu, 21 May 2009 12:39 | #

This heated and perhaps frantic debate in the press is going to doubtless have an impact, not least because of the timing.  A dilution of main stream political party power is inevitable. I don’t think this is necessarily a good thing for the decision making process but could bring a more sober balance.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 21 May 2009 13:09 | #

The sense of non-reality and all that

The elephant in all of this is the BBC. (MSM)  They are the purveyors of virtual reality, it is they who perpetuate the dream of the yellow brick road.  It is television that keeps the pot boiling, providing sideshows and distractions.  And yet they remain untouchable, unsuspected, and squeaky clean.  They reign supreme in the kingdom of liberalism.

The BBC seem to have eased their foot off the BNP hate pedal, I could be wrong as I only watch news items.  The dirty stuff is left to the print media, which is good only in inasmuch print media does not have access to the sheer volume of faces as television.

Have you noticed how modern politicians divest themselves of all complicit guilt, responsibility of poor judgement or wrong-doing by simply saying sorry.  This ends any further discussion, let’s move on.

It is the same with the constant repeating of the get out of jail free card mantra, ‘we did the right thing.’  Again, this absolves the utterer of all blame and responsibility and gives licence to continue to destroy at will.

It is an interesting question whether there will be a tipping point (avalanche) or whether it will be a drip-drip erosion of the dam.  I’ve said repeatedly, that events don’t always follow the script.  It is interesting that so far, it is flash points of random chance that has triggered crises to date.

I’m waiting in anticipation for when the real debate about immigration will emerges centre stage to the exclusion of all else.  The establishment have managed so far, somehow, to delay the inevitable, when the liberal zeitgeist on immigration is demolished.  That will be the breakthrough.

I think the BNP will survive and prosper despite everything, I just think it’s in the cards.

The innate sense of fair-play that is the British people will carry the day.

Looking to the future, unless and until the whole edifice and apparatus of liberalism (or its future offspring) is dismantled swiftly and comprehensively, the BNP (or whoever) will be ever under threat, eternal vigilance must ensure we do not revisit these times ever again.

Hang on I’m getting ahead of myself - calm down dear.


Posted by skeptical on Thu, 21 May 2009 15:59 | #

Here’s an open question for anyone.

If the BNP were to ever become the ruling party of Britain could it then dissolve the BBC if it really wanted to?

As an American, I must admit that I’m envious of your setup.  Americans have to contend with a more nebulous beast when we talk about the “MSM”, our hydra has a hundred heads and enjoys an unspoken support for the federal government.  It seems to me that in the U.K. things are much more obvious, the BBC is just one really big monster and its relationship to the state is more direct.


Posted by Matra on Thu, 21 May 2009 18:57 | #

If the BNP were to ever become the ruling party of Britain could it then dissolve the BBC if it really wanted to?

I’m not sure but if they did they’d make themselves unpopular in a hurry. The BBC is not just a left wing news corporation. Unlike PBS in the US with its desperation to seem high brow (and consequently its low ratings to go along with its smugness) the BBC has programming for all tastes. On an average night the BBC gets the same TV ratings share in Britain that American Idol gets in the US,  even for a rural affairs programme like Country File or made for TV movies.  BBC Radio with everything from sports and pop music to intellectual programming is also very extensive and has millions of daily listeners. If the BBC were abolished private companies could pick up some of the slack (with commercials) but the number of Brits who’d miss it would be enough to make a government that abolished it unpopular with a significant proportion of the electorate.

Besides, the news coverage on other channels - ITV, Murdoch’s Sky News, and especially Channel 4 - is often worse than BBC.

Americans have to contend with a more nebulous beast when we talk about the “MSM”, our hydra has a hundred heads and enjoys an unspoken support for the federal government.

The main difference between news in the US and UK is that in the former a greater percentage of the population get their news from local rather than national sources thus giving the impression that the national news sources do not have as much influence in the US as they do in the UK.  However, I’m not so sure this is true.  Merger-mania has resulted in homogenisation, with, for example, many ‘local’ newspapers being owned by national media using syndicated columnists from the beltway. My impression is that local news sources in the US have become mere ‘franchises’ of the national media. I guess talk radio - not common in the UK - makes up for some of that.


Posted by skeptical on Thu, 21 May 2009 19:20 | #


Thank you for the answer, you raised some very good points.

Perhaps a complete overhaul of the BBC news is possible though.  You can still leave the public’s favorite entertainment shows alone while doing that.

Merger-mania has resulted in homogenisation, with, for example, many ‘local’ newspapers being owned by national media using syndicated columnists from the beltway. My impression is that local news sources in the US have become mere ‘franchises’ of the national media.

Spot on!

There are a thousand different news sources in the U.S. but they’re all reading from the same script.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 21 May 2009 20:18 | #

The BBC is probably the most talented organisation in Britain, maybe comparable to Hollywood or NASA.

Like all Western media, these talents are employed in anti white activities.  The BBC is anti British and anti white.  It’s mission is to undermine the resolve of the British people’s resistance to third world immigration and subsequent race replacement (extinction)

By far the majority of the British people have no notion of the game afoot, incredible maybe, but true.

Such is the skill and resolve, ably backed by draconian legislation, that the intentions of the elite is hidden from the masses mainly by dumbing down, bread and circuses and taunts of fascism, racism homophobia and the like.

In Britain, all owners of television sets are required to carry a national BBC licence, irrespective if you watch BBC or not.  So you see, the BBC are charging the British people for the rope they are to be hanged with.  Neat eh? 

American posters will equally recognise this picture.

We’re talking treason here, plain and simple, it is deliberate, it is planned, it is enthusiastically pursued.  What do think will be the reaction of the mass of the British be when they learn (as they surely will) of the fate that the BBC have helped plan for them, will they (people) be disappointed to learn of the betrayal of their media?  No they will be incandescent with rage and it’s any body’s guess as to how they will react.

Make no mistake, all of this is yet to be played out.

The least of the Government’s worries will be the reaction of the public when it comes to the subsequent arrests and trials.


Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 21 May 2009 20:43 | #

Perhaps the Government should worry. Invoking detailed revenge fantasies is what helps some of us pass the time in idle moments.  wink


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 21 May 2009 20:59 | #

“third world immigration and subsequent race replacement (extinction)”  (—Bill)

Your language there, Bill, is of course no exaggeration whatsoever:  what we are dealing with is race-replacement and the very real prospect of extinction. 

You’ll have seen this article by Professor Richard Lynn, of the University of Ulster in Belfast, posted yesterday evening at .

(Apparently it’s condensed from a lecture the professor gave in 2006.)

To any readership who may wander in here and find those terms shocking:  you had better wake up to reality and wake up fast.  We are dealing with race-replacement and we are dealing with the very real prospect of extinction of white folk as we have known them.  We are dealing with it right now as we speak:  wake up and smell the coffee please.  This admonition is not meant for this blog’s regulars, who know all this of course, but for those with oh-so-delicate souls possessed of oh-so-delicate-and-proper sensibilities who may wander in for a visit:  you will either wake up to reality now or reality will wake you up by means of a series of very rude shocks in the not too distant future.

Extremely rude shocks.

It’s nice to stick your head in the sand — ostriches, it is said, find that very comforting.  Until the unseen lion pounces, that is ....  Ooops!  Too late now!


Posted by Tanstaafl on Fri, 22 May 2009 00:52 | #

The VDARE article Fred links above ends with Richard Lynn writing:

This is the first time in the whole of human history that a people has voluntarily engineered in its own destruction.

No. We have absolutely not voluntarily engineered our own destruction.

We have been betrayed by greedy and misguided leaders largely selected and under the influence of hostile alien jews who very clearly don’t like White people. Little or none of the immigration invasion has been put to direct popular vote. The borders have not been guarded, the interiors not policed, and most of the invaders have come in violation of explicit laws and restrictions to the contrary. Our greedy treasonous leaders have in almost every instance chosen to protect the invaders rather than the citizens they are sworn and paid to represent and protect. When they use force it is very often directed against upstanding citizens attempting to do the jobs the traitors themselves just won’t do.

Despite regular doses of reality-inverting propaganda that this is not happening, that anyone who says it is and opposes it is an insane “hater”, that diversity is our greatest strength, and that the invaders are better than us, many Whites have expressed our opposition indirectly as we are still able, through the internet and by voting with our feet. Many more are simply ignorant - either too busy working or playing, misinformed and misled by the constant pro-immigration propaganda. Very few natives participate in either engineering or promoting the invasion, though those who do control the chokepoints of power in finance, education, media, and politics. They are motivated and motivate others by large social, legal, and financial incentives, while those of us who oppose immigration are demotivated by large social, legal, and financial disincentives.

The claim that we as a people are voluntarily engineering our own destruction is an outrageous distortion of the truth. The truth is that a relatively small group of ruthless and dishonest worms have engineered this preposterous crime against the people.


Posted by Michael Patterson on Fri, 22 May 2009 01:25 | #

I find this preoccupation with “White People” disturbing. Are you saying that you have to be White to be English?


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 22 May 2009 02:13 | #

Michael Patterson - do you have to be Chinese to be Chinese, Eskimo to be Eskimo, or Indian to be Indian?

Doesnt sound quite the same put in terms like that.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 02:15 | #

“Are you saying that you have to be White to be English?”  (—Michael Patterson)

I don’t know about the others, but that’s what I’m saying.  And I’m saying it because of the race-replacement crisis.  Were there no race-replacement crisis I’d say something like “Yes, a Negro or a Chinaman or a Subcon can be considered an Englishman, depending on the circumstances,” knowing in that case that Englishmen were not threatened with going out of existence to be replaced by these others.  But now that they do face that threat, the need to defend the race’s existence mandates that solely English people, solely that same race that, let’s say, would have been considered English in Queen Elizabeth I’s day — all of whom were white — can be considered Englishmen. Therefore, yes:  you have to be white to be English.  Sorry, that’s mandatory now, and it’s been brought about by your side, Michael Patterson.  No one else.  You and your ilk have brought this situation about.  You have precisely yourselves to thank.


Posted by skeptical on Fri, 22 May 2009 02:30 | #

I find this preoccupation with “White People” disturbing. Are you saying that you have to be White to be English?

You shouldn’t find this surprising since the vast majority of MR participants hold racialist views.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 03:05 | #

Most will have seen this by now (to see the attractive Aussie girl click on the video link in the entry’s first sentence):


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 03:09 | #

Click on that video link, Michael Patterson, and see how you like that girl’s way of expressing herself.  Me?  I absolutely ADORE it!  YES, for ONCE!  GODDAMNED RIGHT, MISS!  GOOD JOB!


Posted by J Richards on Fri, 22 May 2009 03:43 | #

The Scroob’s back with his wares

“Yes, a Negro or a Chinaman or a Subcon can be considered an Englishman, depending on the circumstances,” knowing in that case that Englishmen were not threatened with going out of existence to be replaced by these others. - Scroob

One has to be overwhelmingly of English descent to be English.  It’s another matter that the non-English could have legal residence or citizenship in England under some circumstances, but legal residence wouldn’t make them of English descent.  White is misleading here, and white is ambiguous.  Throughout most of history, nobody would have even thought of asking whether one has to be white to be English.   

I’d leave it to the astute reader to figure out which of his wares the Scroob is peddling here.

Tanstaafl has already pointed another obvious ware the Scroob’s been peddling: yet another link to Vdare, where we’re told that the English have voluntarily engineered their own destruction!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 04:24 | #

JRichards is a lunatic fit for a padded cell and straitjacket.  He did good work at one time.  Pity what’s become of him:  he’s now barking mad.  Get off my back please, Richards, you psycho.  Go get yourself some medication or howl at the moon or something.  Your paranoid schizo antics harm this site more than anything the MI5 or FBI could have dreamt up.


Posted by GenoType on Fri, 22 May 2009 04:44 | #

Scroob writes:

Were there no race-replacement crisis I’d say something like “Yes, a Negro or a Chinaman or a Subcon can be considered an Englishman, depending on the circumstances,” knowing in that case that Englishmen were not threatened with going out of existence to be replaced by these others.

You’re quite the flexible fellow.  So, should government race-replacement policies end tomorrow would you, “depending on the circumstances” of course, revert to calling Negroes Englishmen?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 05:07 | #

Since there’s such interest, I’ll re-post what I said:

“Were there no race-replacement crisis I’d say something like ‘Yes, a Negro or a Chinaman or a Subcon can be considered an Englishman, depending on the circumstances,’ knowing in that case that Englishmen were not threatened with going out of existence to be replaced by these others.  But now that they do face that threat, the need to defend the race’s existence mandates that solely English people, solely that same race that, let’s say, would have been considered English in Queen Elizabeth I’s day — all of whom were white — can be considered Englishmen.”

Those with unimpaired reading comprehension skills should find that clear.


Posted by Matra on Fri, 22 May 2009 05:12 | #

JRichards is a lunatic fit for a padded cell and straitjacket.

His posts are so moronic it is difficult to know what he is up to.

Ever since he claimed European women are more feministic than American women I assumed he’s either a typical ‘no passport Yank’ or an enemy of all European peoples. Then there was his love affair with a black American website that sided with blacks against the innocent white Duke lacrosse team. 

I don’t know what Guessedworker’s real agenda is but if I were living in the UK, with its increasingly draconian laws,  I would not post at MR as it provides evidence to the PC authorities. There is something not right about this site.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 05:17 | #

I must be doing something right, all the screwballs, psychos, nitwits, and inadequate personalities are targeting me now.  Not to mention easy-online-denouncers-of-easy-online-racialism who could be out founding microcommunities and a barter economy but prefer to hang around here accusing others of shirking their “duty to drop everything they’re doing and go out and found microcommunities and a barter economy.”


Posted by q on Fri, 22 May 2009 05:31 | #


Let’s make no mistake about it. You are effective. That is why you have such harsh critics.

Keep-on doing what you’re doing.


Posted by GenoType on Fri, 22 May 2009 06:12 | #

Scroob writes:

Those with unimpaired reading comprehension skills should find that clear.

Since when did the unimpaired include Mr. q?

Rather than flatter impaired sycophants, demonstrate your effectiveness by answering the question:  Should government race-replacement policies end tomorrow would you, “depending on the circumstances” of course, revert to calling Negroes Englishmen?

I’m curious, too, about the circumstances you are referring to.  Enlighten me.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 06:26 | #

Enlighten yourself.


Posted by J Richards on Fri, 22 May 2009 06:26 | #

Ever since he claimed European women are more feministic than American women I assumed he’s either a typical ‘no passport Yank’ or an enemy of all European peoples. - Matra

I don’t recall making this claim.

Then there was his love affair with a black American website that sided with blacks against the innocent white Duke lacrosse team. – Matra

This site was, not a black American website, but an apparently anti-Jewish website.  The person behind this site is presumably mostly white (he claims possible partial Jewish ancestry), and he has repeatedly pointed out the immigration reform of 1965 and illegal aliens flooding in as Jewish-orchestrated schemes to have whites occupied with non-white troubles while Jews go about their ways.  And I didn’t side with the blacks against the Duke Lacrosse team.  The issue was that if some of the alleged suspects are Jews, then the stripper’s claims don’t sound as ludicrous as they initially did.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 22 May 2009 06:56 | #

Of course there was also this admonishment from Freddie. Maybe Freddie just wants to be loved?

Posted by Populares on October 28, 2008, 09:58 PM | #

I am English, White Nationalist, about to serve my country and blond to boot.  I was also brought up religiously Jewish. I do not practice or believe now. I find little difficulty squaring this. If not for people such as Ian Jobling, who knows? Even the truth is uncomfortable when served with a side salad of `you are to blame for everything´.

Let me state to Ian, however, that Jews at least of my 21 year old age group are exceedingly clannish, instinctively left-wing and massively pro-Israel. I fall into argument with most whenever I meet them, so I have one Jewish friend. An underepresentation considering the elite education institutions I have attended throughout my youth. I can bare to meet one more utterly ignorant Trotskyite by default. Especially one who marches in favour of Israel. Still when the accusations of hypocrisy come forth from me they generally have a positive effect hurdling as they do the barriers of paranoia so many Jews are brought up into. Lots of White people are brought up into paranoia of White people not of their sect. The Amish doubtless are much less inclined to trust even the flaxen non-Amish. The Amish need nothing, they bother no-one, but clearly-White Jews need help not criticism to their very core.

Indeed I am very effective at helping reawaken an English nationalism. I am always the most nationalist in any discussion, even the most, ahem, anti-semitic. I am not completely open yet but I go way past the politically correct line of supposed indecency. On horrified reactions I do sometimes, apologetically for so weakly announcing my family tree, bring it out and in doing so pull the line much closer to our position for all involved.

Is there room for me in what I consider our movement? Accepting all I say is true and that I am not some snide agent-provocateur? Or in committing myself to these political actions am I damning myself to exile in Israel? A land though in many ways admirable to me though as alien Greece or Lebanon.

Posted by Desmond Jones on October 28, 2008, 10:37 PM | #

  I am English

The problem is that you are not any more English, than an Englishman brought up in South Africa is a Zulu. It falls back upon the English to decide what admixture they will accommodate. In fact, if you truly wished to serve the English a move to Israel best displays that intent.

Posted by Fred Scrooby on October 28, 2008, 10:41 PM | #

That was harsh, Desmond, the more so considering his fine and moving letter.  You’ve got a side to you that’s hard and cold as flint.

The thing about JR’s posts, although infrequent, his commentary numbers are way out of sight. The shekel’s factor post was quite informative.

Matra, You sound embittered. What’s up? Also, shouldn’t you also be warning Canadians off of MR because of the PC police and the draconian laws?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 22 May 2009 07:07 | #

The UKIP thing doesn’t make sense, except from the position that the British voter is so loathe to cast a ballot for the BNP, that they’ll use any excuse to avoid doing so. It boggles the mind really. Here you have a British voter, allegedly, so pent up with rage about the invasion of his homeland by sub-cons from half a world away, refusing to cast a ballot, (over how many elections now?), in the secrecy of the ballot booth, for the party that advocates casting out the invader. What other conclusion can be drawn except for the fact that for the vast majority of the British electorate it’s not a major issue?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 07:12 | #

Desmond, how about discussing issues instead of “Freddie”?  Or do you want to help wackjob JR send this blog straight down the tubes in short order?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 07:14 | #

Sorry, I posted before I saw your UKIP/BNP post.  (Good post.)


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 22 May 2009 07:19 | #

This is the first time in the whole of human history that a people has voluntarily engineered in its own destruction.

It’s also not the first time.

The race replacement that shall not be named.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 22 May 2009 07:40 | #

Ok Fred. Why not just pull the comment back? I get it. I am a miserable misanthrope and you’re a people lover. I understand. You want people to like like you, ‘cause you like people. If there were only a few Negroes or Jews in England and the English people were not being overrun, then it’s not such a big deal. But it is a big deal, especially here, and it’s silly to jump out with that kinda stuff. Why not answer straight up? If some nutzi shows up at your door with a rope you’ll shoot the motherfucker.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 22 May 2009 08:44 | #

Desmond above 06.07am

“What other conclusion can be drawn except for the fact that for the vast majority of the British electorate it’s not a major issue? “

And yet poll after poll show that mass immigration into Britain is of the greatest concern to to the British people.  80%?

Also, not everyone has had the opportunity to vote for the BNP as there has not been sufficient BNP candidates available. (For obvious reasons)

This narrative, RR, is tantalisingly incremental.  Each day, Britain receives its quota of something like 1500 newcomers every day 24/7.  The forecast total population of Britain is to increase (by 2050-2099) anything from 70 million to a 100 million.  Nobody has the slightest idea, your guess is as good as the next.

My point is, our situation is becoming increasingly acute by the day. The infrastructure of our small living space is not expanding at anything like the same pace.  The result is clear - wrecking ball destruction of our way of life.  There is no plan B.  Whether by design or unintended (liberal) consequences, the result will be the same, the end of Britain and its people. (destiny of the Red Squirrel)

Will it be the boiling frog or will people wake up?

More and more people are wakening each day, is it unreasonable to assume, as things get incrementally worse, that in turn, these same people will turn to the people who are prepared to address their concerns?

Alternatively, one could also ask, by the time most of the people become aware and dash for the exit, will it be too late?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 14:01 | #

“Ok Fred. Why not just pull the comment back? I get it. [...] If there were only a few Negroes or Jews in England and the English people were not being overrun, then it’s not such a big deal.”  (—Desmond)

Why do measures have to be undertaken, why do stands have to be adopted, why do positions have to be insisted upon, to counter race-replacement when there is no race-replacement, no race-replacement process in motion, zero, and absolutely none planned for the future or threatening to begin shortly, or remotely, or ever, or any chance that those in charge will permit that one-hundred-percent race-secure situation to change?  In that case yes, I stand by what I wrote.  As I’ve said from the beginning, race-replacement is a always solely a question of numbers, never of individuals.  What I think of individual Negroes, Chinamen, Mexicans, North Africans, or Subcons or of the whites who intermarry with them is not the fundamental reason I’m here.  The fundamental reason I’m here is to protest against race-replacement volumes of those being brought into the Eurosphere.  Thought experiment:  Will one Bantu race-replace England?  Just one, not “yes, one now, but doubtless more later, and pretty soon you’re on the unstoppable slippery slope.”  Not that.  Just one.  One means one.  Will a lone Bantu race-replace England?  Did Pushkin race-replace Russia or Dumas père and Dumas fils France?  No.  Last I saw, France and Russia circa 1880 were still pretty much racially intact and under no race-replacement threat, so Pushkin and Dumas by themselves must not have sufficed to mount one.  Did Josephine Baker single-handedly race-replace France in the 1920s?  No.  Do I have some legitimate reason for objecting to her presence there then?  I don’t see one, no matter what I may or may not privately think of Negroes:  her presence there is none of my business.  It’s strictly her business and France’s business.  What might make it my business?  Well, let’s see:  whether or not my race survives is certainly my business.  No one can deny that.  All right, will the quantities of Negroes et al they’re deliberately letting in today race-replace England and France?  Obviously.  So the link between Josephine Baker’s presence in France on the one hand, and on the other, my sticking my nose into her presence there as if it were any of my business, is not when she’s there alone or with some tiny number, but when a million Josephine Bakers are brought into France, since then a legitimate interest of mine is at stake:  the survival of my race.  I’m here to protest the quantities, not the individuals.  I’m here to lodge a protest against the word “Negro immigrant” if the word “one million” stands before it, not if the word “one and only one and that’s not going to change” stands before it.  If the latter stands before it I can think of lots better ways to spend my time than coming here and I dare say others here would agree. 

“Why not answer straight up? If some nutzi shows up at your door with a rope you’ll shoot the motherfucker.”

We’re back to my having to answer JR’s “nutzi” question now?  Good lord! 

I don’t traffic in the “nutzi” concept, Desmond.  Furthermore, by encouraging a guy who you know very well is irrational and perhaps in need of medication just in order to lash out at me for having some Jewish and Slavic grandparentage you’re not doing yourself, him, or the blog any favors.  Quite the contrary.


Posted by q on Fri, 22 May 2009 14:03 | #


Honest question: Can you give us an update on the progress of your micro-community? Is it a working functioning entity yet, or still in the planning stages?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 14:47 | #

About the Aussie girl (see one of my posts further above), Silver explains it’s no big deal to say “wog” in Oz — in fact it’s a word used casually in passing in polite company, any wogs present thinking nothing of it (and doubtless having their own terms for whites which they use openly and whites think nothing of it, though Silver didn’t say that part):

OK so I’m a bit less impressed with the girl in that video but love her just the same — she’s done her part for the race and done it well, you can’t expect one girl to set all the world’s problems right but she did what she could with the terminology she had available to her.  GOOD JOB, MISS!  WE ALL ADORE YOU!


Posted by Tanstaafl on Fri, 22 May 2009 17:15 | #

The UKIP thing doesn’t make sense, except from the position that the British voter is so loathe to cast a ballot for the BNP, that they’ll use any excuse to avoid doing so.

A disturbing number of the comments on Boris heads bid to stop BNP leader Nick Griffin ‘hijacking’ Queen’s summer garden party are from people who “wouldn’t ever vote for such an odious party” but can definitely see why something needs to be done.

They’ve been brainwashed against “fascism”, “racism”, and the BNP. But they’re looking to vent…

Here’s how the power of suggestion works: Ukip, not BNP, set to benefit from anti-politics mood at EU elections. Note that the headline alone suffices. Besides giving the disenchanted sheeple an alternative to “fascism” it also taps into the desire to vote for a winner, even if it requires a lie about who’s more popular.

Couple it with a little undemocratic and illegal (but righteously PC) monkey-wrenching: Postal workers refuse to deliver BNP leaflets.

Guessedworker has laid out several avenues the establishment can take. Clearly they’re not limiting themselves to any one.

The people aren’t apathetic so much as they are deliberately misinformed and confused.


Posted by race reality on Fri, 22 May 2009 17:23 | #

Posted by Bill on May 22, 2009, 07:44 AM | #

Desmond above 06.07am

“What other conclusion can be drawn except for the fact that for the vast majority of the British electorate it’s not a major issue? “

And yet poll after poll show that mass immigration into Britain is of the greatest concern to to the British people.  80%?

Ofcourse talk is the easiest opition but if you want to know how important and how important not immigration is to the british people well theres a simple way to percieve it, its called reality, reality will speak for itself.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 18:03 | #

“Of course talk is the easiest opition but if you want to know how important and how important not immigration is to the british people well theres a simple way to percieve it, its called reality, reality will speak for itself.”  (—race reality)

That’s only when all other things are equal —when there’s no unseen thumb on the scales.  Otherwise, that statement is like saying, “If you want to know how important either jumping into the water or not jumping is to the cricket in that video, well there’s a simple way to perceive it, it’s called reality, reality will speak for itself.”  Indeed, reality speaks in that case:  the cricket jumps and the real reason it jumped — the “reality” of the situation in other words — can be ascertained with sufficient dilligence.  It didn’t jump because it “wanted to.”  Or let’s put it this way:  it may have thought it wanted to, but the reality is it didn’t:  jumping was someone else’s preference, someone successfully influencing the victim.

If we’re going to look at “the reality” of the situuation, and let “reality” be the final arbiter of what’s going on, let’s indeed do exactly that — but let’s make sure to include ALL the reality, not just the superficial “reality,” while leaving the “underlying” reality unexamined.

(to see what cricket I’m talking about do a site search for Gordian worm and watch the video)


Posted by GenoType on Fri, 22 May 2009 18:43 | #

Enlighten yourself.

Having stepped in a mess of his making the “effective” Mr. Scoob flings it at the impudent witness with the hope of driving him away.  Such a man he is!

I shall re-phrase the question, Scoob:

Should government race-replacement policies end tomorrow, under what circumstances would you revert to calling Negroes Englishmen?

(Note to MR readers:  The Scoob understands that answering the question may jeopardize his credibility among the ranks of easy online racialism.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 19:14 | #

I don’t traffic in the concept of “easy online racialism,” GT.  It’s a meaningless notion dreamt up by, and constantly trotted out by, an asshole.


Posted by GentoType on Fri, 22 May 2009 19:24 | #

q asks,

Honest question:  Can you give us an update on the progress of your micro-community? Is it a working functioning entity yet, or still in the planning stages?

Given an easy online racialist record of ridiculing GT’s “microcommunity” your motivation in asking this question is suspect.  Shall I present evidence of your past dishonesty?


Posted by GenoType on Fri, 22 May 2009 19:43 | #

I don’t traffic in the concept of “easy online racialism,” GenoType.  It’s a meaningless notion dreamt up by, and constantly trotted out by, an asshole.

Of course you don’t “traffic” in it, but a meaningless concept? - No.

An easy online racialist is one who would, among other things, call Negroes Englishmen “under certain circumstances” should government race-replacement policies end tomorrow.

At best you’re a pensioned beneficiary of easy money capitalism trafficking in easy online racialism.  Indeed, any genuine racialist would be interested in discovering the circumstances under which you and others like you would call Negroes Englishmen.

What are those circumstances, Scoob?


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 22 May 2009 22:08 | #

Fred, I’ve taken down those last two comments knowing you would ask me to do so.  Geno-Type, leave the man be, please.  This is not a fight cage.  We are here to exchange opinion productively.  We are white.  We cooperate.  When disagreement arises, as it always will, it requires us to remain civil and generous.  Gentlemanliness, where I come from, is part of manliness.  Please observe my mores in my house.


Posted by pryderi on Fri, 22 May 2009 22:09 | #

Here’s Peter Hitchens trying to explain why ethno-nationalism is fine for the Jews in Israel but not for native Britons in Britain:


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 22 May 2009 22:59 | #

Thanks Pryderi.  The Mail is going BNP-crazy, then, because there are also these articles on the site today:-

HARRY PHIBBS: Pride in the monarchy is fundamental to REAL patriots - not the BNP

Czech far-right party linked to BNP runs Euro election TV ads demanding ‘Final Solution’ to gypsy problem

I’m her biggest fan but the Queen’s garden party nearly killed me. If we want to be rid of the BNP’s odious Mr Griffin, send him EVERY year

Boris heads bid to stop BNP leader Nick Griffin ‘hijacking’ Queen’s summer garden party

The Sun is also going bananas, and the Guardian has produced an ICM poll showing the BNP on 1% - yes one per cent!  And this notwithstanding the 17.12% they clocked up yesterday in a Salford council by-election, beating the Tories into third place.

It is an astonishing spectacle, and a hell of a gamble that bad publicity will not, in fact, attract voters to the BNP rather than repel them.  Simon Darby has always concurred with Brendan Behan’s statement that any publicity is better than none.  We - and the controlled media - are about to find out if that’s right.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 22 May 2009 23:25 | #

GW, what ethnicity calls the tune at the Daily Mail?  Englishmen?  Something else?


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 22 May 2009 23:57 | #

Anglos all, I think, Fred.  I seem to recall checking the Guardian board a while ago and coming up with a substantially Anglo conclusion there too.

Here’s the full list of anti-BNP articles published thusfar by the Guardian:-

As Finn was saying the other day, Europe’s experience of Jewish media activism tends to be a different story from America’s.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 May 2009 00:02 | #

I say “controlled media”, Fred, not because they are controlled by Jewish owners and editors but because they are plainly all following a pre-determined plan settled on them by some body of high-ups somewhere.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 May 2009 00:07 | #

Here’s the graphic from that ICM poll showing BNP support dropping from 5% to 1%:-

I wonder if they employed blacks and Asians to handle the survey and force the white respondees to disguise their support for the BNP.  The result is obviously “produced” in some way.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 23 May 2009 06:22 | #

If the BNP are chuffed by the Salford result, Labour must be ecstatic, more than doubling the BNP total and well up from the 22% “produced” in some way by the venal English black and English Asian pollsters at YouGov.


Posted by Dan Dare on Sat, 23 May 2009 06:44 | #

The anti-fascist smear campaign needs to be quite sparing to be successful propaganda.  If it is overdone it will grate on public consciousness, and its sheer nastiness connect only too easily to the venality everyone now associates with the political class.

I would be interested to know your own prediction for the BNP’s Europe vote?


I held off on responding pending the result of the Salford Irwell & Riverside council election from yesterday, May 21st. This was the first real election since the expenses scandal broke, as opposed to phoney polls promoted by the MSM whose function has been to boost the UKIP at the BNP’s expense.

As it happened, the BNP candidate finished a very creditable third with 17.1% of the vote, just a few votes behind the second placed Lib Dem. Labour held the seat as might be expected in such a traditional stronghold, although their vote was substantially down from the previous election. BNP was the only party to raise their proportion of the vote.In fact the BNP candidate polled more than the UKIP and Green candidate combined.

With this in mind if I were a betting man I would be surprised were the BNP to find itself on June 7th with fewer than 3 MEPs on their way to Brussels.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Sat, 23 May 2009 07:43 | #

In The continuing crisis Peter Hitchens claims:

Jews wanted a state of their own because the civilised peoples of Europe would not let them assimilate in their own states.

Israel, in many ways, is a state for people who do not specially want to be Jews but who have been told by others, consumed by unreasoning prejudice, that this is what they must be. It needs to be a specifically Jewish state because only in this way can it control immigration to its own borders. Its specific Jewishness (though non-Jews can be citizens) is, like Zionism itself, a response to Judophobia, not an initiative taken for its own sake.

Is he a) daft, b) lying, c) on drugs, or d) all of the above?

A commenter deftly skewered the nonsense:

The sneery comment by Hitchens that the “civilised people of Europe” would not let the Jews assimilate shows his true loyalties. After the French Revolution Europeans granted Jews their freedom. It was only then that Zionism developed as a movement. In fact the founders, including Herzl, were more worried about assimilation and inter-marriage than they were about persecution.
And Hitchen’s comments that the people in Israel don’t particularly want to be Jews is simply silly.

Posted by: Grant | 22 May 2009 at 12:12 PM

Beside the outright misinformation, it really is incredible to witness this tidal wave of vicious ad hominem and slander the media has let loose against the BNP. It’s difficult to imagine them directing anything like this level of blind hate and invective against anybody but White natives, isn’t it?


Posted by Bill on Sat, 23 May 2009 09:24 | #

Throughout all of this and from the beginning, the tail has been wagging the dog, in reality, the ‘people’ as represented by the BNP outnumber the ‘tail’ by millions.

The people of Britain are the victims of an unprecedented coup by something called new Labour.

In under 11 short years, the conspiritual political class has waged a combination of psychological warfare and oppressive legislation to ensnare the population into a totalitarian society.  It is not for nothing that this era is linked to George Orwell’s tale of 1984.

To those non British readers, I suspect they also will recognise something of this in their own countries.

That this story can be replicated throughout the European people’s Western world must tell us something, but such is the vastness of the subject it would be folly to attempt recount it here.  Suffice to say, this conspiracy of oppression is in full swing in all or nations.

There is no doubt in my mind that the major enabler of this coup has been the Main Stream Media, (MSM) which includes principally, television, radio, print media (all forms) entertainment (all forms)

In Britain, the main identifier of the MSM is the BBC, whose contribution to the successful assault on the British people has been incalculable.  There is no doubt, to have implanted into every home in the Kingdom the most overpowering instrument of mass brainwashing ever known to man, has left the masses soporific and defenceless.  Against seemingly helpless odds, it is this malaise the BNP are trying counter.

Without the omnipresence of the MSM, it is doubtful if this programme of implanting totalitarian cultural Marxism into the psyche of the innately fair British, would have been possible in such a short time.

Sometime ago, I predicted this stage of the cultural war would be fought out mainly through that screen in the corner of our living rooms, and it has come to pass.  The tempo of the battle is increasing by the day, for how much longer this extraordinary pace of events can be maintained is a fascinating question, the beauty of it is, we have a ringside seat as it all unfolds.

This MSM and the public (BNP) battle will continue until the MSM is trounced, and the Emperor seen to have no clothes.

Will this coming defeat for the political class (soon?) herald a more draconian surge in repression to crush the British spirit?

As I say, interesting times.

PS.  Why is it Britain (and America) being singled out for such uncivilised treatment?


Posted by Bill on Sat, 23 May 2009 12:26 | #

Following on from the above, I’ve just been skim trawling through the acres and acres of tabloid comments.  Posters are hurling themselves at the columnists who are asking how do we start to tackle the cancer that is within our political system?

Well, that’s a start, at least some of the talking heads (Polly) realise there is a problem beyond fiddled expenses.

The term Cancer is an apt description of the state of the body politic which is Britain, my old Mum would have said, yes, it’s riddled with it.

How did this come to pass?

As a young man back in the ‘50’s I thought life (for me) was pretty good, if asked at the time if I had any reservations concerning our way of life, I would have been hard put to think of anything substantive.  Mind you, with money in my pocket and Elvis rocking in the Jail House, politics was not the first of my priorities.  Life had to be lived after all.

But unknown to me, and my generation, things weren’t as they seemed, to all outward appearances the world had returned to some semblance of order, we took the cold war for granted, what could we do about it anyway?  I did my stint as National Service and life proceeded as nature intended.

Fast forward 50 years and life had taken it’s toll.  The time had come to take things easy, but taking stock I was aware that something other than me had changed, I was restless, I looked around and for the first time could see that the world I had lived in had gone.

I’m talking the ‘90’s here and the turn of the century.  Where had my world gone?  What had happened to it ?  I decided to find out and here I am.

I soon came across something called the ‘Long March’ which laid out calmly and collectively what had been going on throughout my life.  Apparently, a slow creeping cancer had injected itself into the Western way of life, this cancer was for a better word -Communism, it’s dedicated followers were busing themselves infiltrating every nook and cranny of influence in our life.  Education, local Town Hall politics, police, military, civil administration, television, in fact nowhere of cultural political influence escaped their attention.  It was the invasion of the body snatchers.

Britain today is afflicted at every level with this cancer.  Most people of course haven’t a clue, and the MThese people think that by cleaning up MP’s expense claims should be do the trick, in fact there’s an article in the Telegraph by Charles Moore ‘PM’s expenses: Now is the time to obliterate the professional SM is not about to tell them anytime soon, nor does it seem is the BNP (but that’s another question)  political class’ in which there is little mention of how far the cancer has spread.

The story of the cancer in British politics mirrors the subterfuge of the immigration betrayal and until the people learn of the treachery and deceit they have had perpetrated on them by the political class -then nothing substantive can be done.  In fact, perhaps the rot has gone so deep, cleaning the mess up may not be do-able.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 23 May 2009 12:33 | #

Regret some technical problems with that last, but it’s decipherable - just.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 23 May 2009 13:47 | #

Re technical problems 11.26 am.  Here’s the offending para - it should have been something like this.

Britain today is afflicted at every level with this cancer.  Most people of course haven’t a clue, and the MSM is not about to tell them anytime soon, nor does it seem is the BNP. (but that’s another question)

These people think that by cleaning up MP’s expense claims everything will be ok, in fact there’s an article in today’s Telegraph by Charles Moore ‘PM’s expenses: Now is the time to obliterate the professional political class’ in which there is little mention to what extent the cancer has become widespread.

Phew! I’ve had a busy morning.  My computer is ill and I’m having to use my grandson’s.  It seems computeres are like clutch pedals - no two are the same.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 May 2009 15:37 | #


It has been a privilege to watch you here rubbing your newly opened eyes in disbelief as, finally, the world as it is has emerged around you.  Don’t think you have seen it all yet, or will ever do so.  None of us have or will.  But you, at least, are among those men who can say that, whether by fate or personal attribute, you have found your way out of the maze of lies, and know which way to walk.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 23 May 2009 16:06 | #

Bill’s one of the best commenters here.  I always make sure to read everything he posts.  I’ve learned a lot from him.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 23 May 2009 18:03 | #

GW - Fred

Thank you both for those kind words.  From such illustrious posters here praise indeed, I am blushing suitably.


Posted by Richard on Sat, 23 May 2009 18:14 | #

What price for loyalty, Dr. Fred? 

Should government race-replacement policies end tomorrow, under what circumstances would you resume calling Negroes Englishmen?

Are you hetaira or prostitute?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 23 May 2009 18:46 | #

I’ve explained myself, “Richard” (aka GT), here, ,

and here, .

If all you’re capable of here is trolling, GT, I call on GW to IP-ban you. 

If anyone not a troll (and not a paranoid schizophrenic) requires further explanation of what I wrote in those two statements, I’ll be glad to give one, and if anyone not a troll or schizo disagrees with anything I wrote I’ll be glad to discuss it. 

It’s the most amazing thing to me that certain individuals want to turn me into the enemy.  Me!  I’m the BIG ENEMY now!  “Race-replacement’s going on but don’t worry about that, that’s not important, this bastard Fred Scrooby here is our real enemy, let’s just concentrate on bringing this son-of-a-bitch down.”  I come here solely for one reason, to protest against race-replacement of white people, and certain individuals here turn ME into the enemy.  Mind-boggling!  I would treat these individuals with the language they deserve but GW erased it yesterday when I did, so I’ll refrain.  That, nevertheless, is all they should get.

Once again:  GW, you’ve got a troll and a lunatic here both doing their best to bring this site down into the gutter.  If they succeed it will be a pity.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 23 May 2009 19:15 | #

GT, incidentally, in no way am I thwarting the setting up of microcommunities and a barter economy or keeping anyone from buying one of those universal milling machines and learning how to build stoves, irrigation equipment, and machine tools on it, so you can drop off my back now.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 23 May 2009 19:22 | #

I’m on record as saying more than once I’m in favor of anything that works, microcommunities and barter or anything else.  At the same time I’m not about to drop everything I’m doing and go out to found a microcommunity and barter economy.  Found one and maybe I’ll join.  What are you waiting for?


Posted by Selous Scout on Sat, 23 May 2009 19:53 | #

Beside the outright misinformation, it really is incredible to witness this tidal wave of vicious ad hominem and slander the media has let loose against the BNP. It’s difficult to imagine them directing anything like this level of blind hate and invective against anybody but White natives, isn’t it?

Right, it is incredible. Even right-wing Tories are weighing in against the BNP, which should tell us something. I fear things are about to get rather difficult for nationalists throughout Britain and Europe. Nevertheless great things are in the offing. Our moment is only just beginning.


Posted by Answer on Sat, 23 May 2009 22:21 | #

Should government race-replacement policies end tomorrow, under what circumstances would you resume calling Negroes Englishmen?

What he calls them is immaterial.  Surely it’s a question of whether he believes they have a right to abode.

If England… no, scratch that.  If Country A, located somewhere ‘out there’, consists of 50,000,000 and population A is recessive with respect to population B, and 10,000 of population B, for whatever reason, come to reside in Country A, does that amount to race-replacement?  Generally, the answer is no.  Thus if the population of Bs could be prevented from ever exceeding 10,000—or some other non-replacement number—a possible position could be that the 10,000 have a right to abode.  Risky, for a number of reasons, but plausible.


Posted by Dan Dare on Sat, 23 May 2009 22:54 | #

It seems to me that the answer to the question ‘Why aren’t more people voting for the BNP?’ isn’t that the majority of the electorate are unconcerned about the ongoing demographic transformation, poll after poll has confirmed that just the opposite is the case. Rather, there is something wonky about the BNP brand that puts off large numbers of punters who might otherwise be a natural part of their of their following. It’s almost like the brand image of Skoda in the 1970s; many people who might have bought them for excellent reasons - as sturdy, reliable and cost-effective transportation - drew back from doing so for fear of ridicule from their peers and bien pensants.

An important factor in all this is the incessant anti-BNP propaganda emanating from the MSM and the Establishment, but I don’t think that tells the whole story. There is still too much antiquated, smelly baggage from the legacy of the NF era which try as they might, the party just can’t seem to jettison. And probably most important of all, there is a lingering oikishness about the leadership that no amount of multimedia slickness (and the PPB for the European Elections is as slick as they come) can dispel.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 24 May 2009 01:01 | #

GT believes Whites will never thoroughly enough adopt a mode of living consistent with sustaining their peoplehood unless they remove themselves from the corrupting gravitation of the “judeoeconomy”.  GW believes Whites will not be willing to give up the bourgeois creature comforts that is the fruit of their Promethean cold-climate evolved economic potential.  I’m almost tempted to give the reductive answer as to why that is as being that that is where their talents and self-interests lie respectively, and thus form their judgements.

Also it is consistent with their genetic interests to display contempt for the ‘faith-gene’.  GT has a ‘fuck those stupid Christers and the horse they rode in on’ attitude towards Christians, whilst GW has flirted with the idea of breeding that bugger (the ‘faith-gene’) out.

Sometimes it may be useful to hold the sociobiological mirror up the our own faces.

P.S.  It is not inconsistent with the forgoing interpretation to suggest that the earthy embrace of one’s contempt for “Krauts” and their Krautish palingeneticism is in fact a defence of one’s own people’s especially strongly evolved tendency towards individualism; as a defence of one’s ethnic genetic interests.  Nor is it not likewise that my own hackles tend to be raised when it is implied that all those goddamned “Krauts” just had to burn, since I am, as far as I know, half “Kraut”.  The suggestion that ‘That’s just the way they built the freakin’ air force.  Shit happens, you know how it goes.’ does not have the patina of much conviction.  As if Churchill and Lindeman had nothing at all to say in the matter.


Posted by q on Sun, 24 May 2009 01:18 | #

Also it is consistent with their genetic interests to display contempt for the ‘faith-gene’.  GT has a ‘fuck those stupid Christers and the horse they rode in on’ attitude towards Christians, whilst GW has flirted with the idea of breeding that bugger (the ‘faith-gene’) out.


Logic is not GT’s forte. He’s a leftist. I mention this on the remote possibility that you haven’t already realized his limited power to reason. The poor guy doesn’t even realize that he’s as “faithful” as any Christian.

If the existence of God cannot be “proved”, by the same logic, it cannot be disproved. GT is conceivably intelligent enough to understand this.(Let’s give him the benefit of a doubt.) Instead,he prefers to grasp at “evidence” that “proves” to his limited mind that a God, or even gods, do not exist.

The funny thing is that this stiff-necked atheist doesn’t even realize that he is a person of “faith.” He has “faith” that God does not exist, as he can never “prove” the contrary. All he can do is console his leftist grey matter with “evidence” of what he thinks is “likely.

You want to convert him to reason and logic? Good luck.


Posted by Britannia on Sun, 24 May 2009 02:23 | #

Speaking of Television indoctrination I had the misfortune to catch channel 4’s line up the other morning while I was feeling under the weather and came to the conclusion that the next generation of Brits are well and truly screwed unless we get a BNP victory at some point.

Dressed up as educational documentaries a typical morning consisted of Will and Grace (typical jew produced faggotry) followed by a show where teens and their parents (who are typically not getting on) get followed round for a week and then air their differences at the end.  It showed one vietnamese immigrant and his black inner city friends and the dad told his son a heartwrenching story of how he came to Britain and made so many sacrifices to get there (pulling the young and naive heartstrings immediately).

Next up a little 3 minute documentary called before and after showing an extremely gay and effeminette white kid who’s 16 and just come out, visiting a gay youth group in Manchester (conveyed message = whitey is a weak little faggot).  Next up a show called “my crazy life” following a black inner city youth and his activities which include making dreadful hip hop and attending dance classes (conveyed message = brotherman be dope….aiii!).

Another before and after followed, this time showing a Ugandan immigrant talking about her friend who’s asylum seeking form had been rejected and the police had detained her for deportation but the trial happened and afterwards she got a huge welcome from the glasgow community (with the audience consisting of a healthy amount of liberal white sheep holding placards demanding her release!).  This one was particularly crafty because it said what a huge impact she had made on the scottish community bla bla!

Next up and this one was probably the biggest dig on whitey yet.  It followed around the “British” Black and gay comedian Steven Amos (I say that with tongue in cheek believe me, if a dog is born in a stable and all that!) around on a quest to find out homophobic attitudes in the black community and they began with a line up of black and white blokes in their late teens/early twenties and asked members of the public to pick out the homosexual…everyone picked out a white bloke and while none of them were gay it was actually one of the coloured blokes (actually he was a completely dopey looking half breed mongrel) but all the white girls interviewed thought he was the straightest one of them all.  He then went to Jamaica and showed how they take a tough stance on it there (it’s illegal) and how homosexuals who get found out often get beaten, harrassed and murdered.  Basically the conveyed message was black man don’t do batty, but in the end the host walked around britain saying how terrible it was that the black’s don’t accept this aspect of society and how he loves free and tolerant Britain i.e. more black sypathy vote yet at the same time showing the black man to be the epitamy of masculinity!

Last show of the day and I’m not joking: “Mum’s gone gay”, a short drama showing the consequences of a husband finding out his wife has had a lesbian affair, the breakup and the effect the whole thing has on the white couple’s children!

This has gone too damn far!  This is Frankfurt School brainwashing at it’s very finest.  Channel 4 even had the nerve to flash up their logo with the word “education” between the ads.  This is shown between 9 and 12 in the day when pre school kids are at home and I’m sure schools record this crap and show to social studies or whatever bollocks name they’ve come up with indoctrinate these youths.  It was not long ago when British TV actually showed programs that were actually educational in some way or other.  This is slick propaganda a la brave new world!

RE: The BBC question, the license fee is unpopular.  Nick Griffin would have to do what new labour did and staff the place with those that tow the party line in my opinion.  Abolishing the channel would be equally unpopular.  They’d basically have to switch gradually over to a more right wing stance.

On a side note Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes is alright because some crafty bloke at the beeb has managed to recreate the 70’s and early 80’s and people actually call a spade a spade (or a paki a paki) in that show.


Posted by White Preservationist on Sun, 24 May 2009 06:30 | #

Britannia…that’s some really chilling and disturbing stuff you described in your comment.

We here in the USA also have faggotry, interracialism, multiculturalism, superficial consumerism, and general hatred of Whites (especially White males) splashed all across our TV and movie screens on a regular basis courtesy of our ruling Jewish mass-media elites.

Luckily the internet is helping to tear all of this down and in a couple of decades at the most the Jewish-corrupted/Jewish-owned mass-media will have been replaced by the more free and uncensored internet…but that’s assuming organized Jewry doesn’t take steps to censor and control internet content sometime in the near future (which I think they will).


Posted by Bill on Sun, 24 May 2009 10:09 | #

Britannia on May 24, 2009, 01:23 AM

Agreed, but all of what you describe is overt in your face stuff, it’s the subliminal that’s the killer.

Every morning (before school) my grand-kids tune into BBC children’s programmes.  Invariably, the standard set up is the same.  There is a mixed cast of children, one black face and several white faces.  The head honcho is always the black face, he’s the boss and runs the show.

My grandchildren are oblivious of the (subliminal) message, to them it’s normal.  God help them poor sods!  Let’s hope Griffin and his army of the faithfull can do something about it.

Dan Dare on May 23, 2009, 09:54 PM


I too, have mirrored your thought about the BNP.  (In no particular order.)

Our opponents have, (in an amazingly short time) inculcated the British people with a sense of historical guilt. (racism, slavery, colonialism, wars etc)  As a result, there is much soul searching in the British psyche when evaluating the BNP.  The bottom line is a fear factor comes into play, they become confused and disorientated, they ask themselves what has all that got to do with me, I’m not wicked or hateful. 

The whole point being, our opponents have convinced us that being white British is a sin, and to atone for this sin we have to (ultimately) commit suicide by rolling over for the other.  I don’t know if this technique has been used before in history, I don’t know what the antidote is other than follow the BNP types who see through all of this mumbo jumbo and take the fight to the enemy.  There is no other way.

As an afterthought, I suspect millions feel they would like to vote for the BNP but (at this stage) they can partially atone by voting conservative - of which they will do in droves. (to no avail)

I’ve just read a dreadful article over at the Observer by one Nick Cohen, the reek of his shat breeks perpetrated the place.  As Fred once said, these people don’t think like us.

I’ve addressed before the negative connotations of the lingering baggage of the BNP, I even suggested a change of name - (no takers.)  Are our opponents smarter than us?  Again, they have cleverly produced a psychological synonymous link between the BNP and ‘30’s Fascist Germany, it’s total bollocks of course but there you have it, Baggage.  Baggage that is a roadblock to BNP progress.

We’re in a psychological culture war, the enemy is a past master at this black art, it’s a mind game and it has proved very successful so far, but I think it has peeked, they have emptied the locker and fired the last illusionary round - as Cohen’s article suggests - they’re now shit scared.  Things can only become more hysterical.


Posted by The AngloSaxon Observer on Sun, 24 May 2009 10:24 | #

Posted by Britannia on May 24, 2009, 01:23 AM | #

I agree with the general direction of most of your post.  This is one of the reasons why I don’t watch much telly anymore.

But this:

“On a side note Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes is alright because some crafty bloke at the beeb has managed to recreate the 70’s and early 80’s and people actually call a spade a spade (or a paki a paki) in that show.”

You’ve got to be kidding. 

Life on Mars was OK, but the few episodes of Ashes To Ashes I’ve seen all seem to me to be a desperate attempt to justify modern policing and to try and demonstrate how awful British policing was before the Scarman and McPherson reports. 

My conclusion is the show is mildly entertaining but total propaganda.  If you’re not clued up on what disaster these reports have been on the British police forces, have a read of Wasting Police Time by David Copperfield.  Its actually pretty funny in a gallows humour sort of way.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 May 2009 10:24 | #


The 1970s/80s represents the end-time of the public’s ownership of language.  Efforts to recreate this period, like Life on Mars and Red Riding, also recreate that ownership.

Here is the Channel 4 page on education:-

And here is their sub-page on Sex & Relationships:-

I have decided to tender my application to Nick Griffin for the Chairmanship of the Truth Commission which, as Prime Minister, he will doubtless institute to investigate race-treachery in the political, academic, media, legal, cultural and corporate fields.  This is the draft I am presently working on:

Dear Nick,

Will you please let me get the bastards?



Posted by Bill on Sun, 24 May 2009 10:36 | #

Above.  May 24, 2009, 09:09 AM

Perpetrated = permeated (senior moment) that’s my excuse.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 May 2009 11:36 | #


Liberalism makes a convenient case-study since it has proved able to combine, though never reconcile, a social democrat and radical individualist tradition.  In other words the Volkish and the palingenetic are not necessarily mutually exclusive.  But go too far “rightward” in the liberal political system towards individualism and social democracy is waved away with an ironic shrug - “what’s it to do with me?”  Go too far towards the communistic and individualism meets with a train journey to Siberia.

Similarly, nationalists should avoid extremes ... not regard Volkishness and palingenesis as either/or.  The 19th Century German Volkish movement had teleological elements, after all, and it is inconceivable for any nationalist politic, even the most extreme in its religiosity like the Romanian nonsense, to be pure 100 octane spirit.  The real world forces practicality on us.  Politics have to be syncretic or they will tear everything apart.

For myself, I am interested in anchoring everything in European Man “as he is”.  But individualism is part of that - an evolved human capacity.  Nature itself, in its press to cheat entropy and time and to move from “am/am not” to “to be” is inherently purposive.  Were it not so, Nature would be nothing but an empty cigarette lighter sparking a flame that dies over and over again, forever (her central mystery is how she borrowed from the energy of her own arising and invested in reproduction - Prometheus becomes Promethea).


Posted by Britannia on Sun, 24 May 2009 14:00 | #


Yeah, it’s all over British TV.  They are masters at adding subliminals into television, radio and print media.  The advertisements are just as bad.  Every bed advert now seems to feature the black male falling onto the white sheets with the gorgeous blonde!  Seeing it all makes me realise that we have less than a decade before this stuff has irreversibly sunk in with the next generation and then it will be too late.  This stuff is just too powerful to unleash on children.  More worrying is the fact that the BBC now has 4 TV Channels and Channel 4 has around 4 plus a movie channel and film production company to peddle their wares!  I remember reading how white kids are actually falling behind black kids in school in some urban areas of the UK and it’s hardly surprising when you see how they are assaulting them day in day out with this propaganda and elevating the blacks image of themselves to that of greatness and supreme masculinity and intelligence.

The AngloSaxon Observer:

But this:

  “On a side note Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes is alright because some crafty bloke at the beeb has managed to recreate the 70’s and early 80’s and people actually call a spade a spade (or a paki a paki) in that show.”

You’ve got to be kidding.

I’m well aware of the propaganda they use in those shows, the most notable one is the use of the Black Chief Constable in Ashes to Ashes (highly doubtful in 1982!).  But all in all it has a pretty lilly white cast and they call a wog a wog.  This makes people nostalgic for times gone by.  It also allows the public to see how much we’ve been gagged and what a bunch of useless politically correct fairies our police forces have become in my opinion.  The BBC don’t intend people to see it like this, obviously, and they are hoping the racism will have the shock value effect on the general public.  Recapturing the 70’s and 80’s is what people need to see to wake up though.  The men are men, the women are women and darky gets a beating when he steps out of line.  As GW said, it also highlights a time, not so long ago, when we owned our language.

GW: I had a look at the channel4 “learning” website…I immediately noticed the obligatory black male and white female on the cover of their “sex and relationships” DVD.  Unbelievable!  I can’t believe they sell this crap to schools (for £50 aswell!).

A truth commission will be well and truly needed to name and shame these bastards when they lose the reigns of power.  I see that the company “Endemol” is behind a lot of the Channel 4 “Ejewcational” programming.  They are the same outfit that produce the blatant race mixing, faggotry and general white bashing show “Big Brother”.  That might be a good place to start.  What connections do they have to politicians?  Who sits of their board of directors?  I smell jew!


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 24 May 2009 14:38 | #


“The whole point being, our opponents have convinced us that being white British is a sin,.....”

Welcome to the club. The Germans have that feeling since the end of WW2 (the 6 million, you know), the Americans started to get it later (those poor black slaves), the South-Africans have it since even later (oh, the evils of apartheid), and by now all western white people on this earth should have it for one reason or another.

The trick is very old and has been successfully employed by christianity for ages, namely install a guilt complex and thereby make the victim psychologically defenseless. Once you see through it of course it loses its magic. To prevent that from happening: just control the media.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 May 2009 15:30 | #

Britannia: Who sits of their board of directors?  I smell jew!

Ynon Kreiz

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Prior to joining Endemol, Mr. Kreiz worked as an investor in the media industry. Between 2005-2007, Mr. Kreiz was a General Partner at Balderton Capital (formerly Benchmark Capital Europe), a leading venture capital firm, where he served on the boards of Setanta Sports and Codemasters.

Between 1997-2002 Mr. Kreiz was Chairman and CEO of Fox Kids Europe N.V. (FKE), which he co-founded with Mr. Haim Saban in October 1996. Under Mr. Kreiz’s management, Fox Kids became one of the fastest growing pay-TV channel in Europe and the Middle East.

FKE was listed on the Euronext Stock Exchange in Amsterdam in November 1999. The majority shareholding in the company was subsequently sold to the Walt Disney Company in October 2001.

Mr. Kreiz was born in Israel in 1965. He is a graduate of UCLA’s Anderson School of Management (MBA, 1993) and Tel Aviv University (BA, Economics and Management, 1991).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 24 May 2009 16:53 | #

Trust your sense of smell over someone telling you it’s just your imagination.  Nine times out of ten it’ll be right.


Posted by Britannia on Sun, 24 May 2009 18:24 | #

yeah just as I sensed…kick over a rock and you find one of yahweh’s chosen parasites!

The most annoying thing about this brainwashing is how they’ve blatantly put extra effort into indoctrinating our women into this cultural marxist worldview.  The subliminals telling them to all go out and find themselves a black partner are in your face everywhere as evidenced on the front of that “Ejewcational” video here

Here’s a clip of a typical morning television chat program in the UK with the dispicable hebe Vanessa Feltz doing the jewish equivalent of what can only be described as “taking one for the team!”  She’s not escaped the eyes of Nick Griffin either…I found this clip on the same search.

What do you think about the BNP’s public U-turn on the Jewish question, even appointing a jewish councilor in one area (Barking I think) and their defense of Israel etc.  Do you think it’s a clever ploy to try and minimalise attacks by The Board of Deputies and the usual crowd in the media?  I remember reading an article by the late John Tyndall on the spearhead magazine archive although I can’t seem to find it again.  He thought the whole appeasing and bringing the jews on board was pointless and I’m inclined to agree with him.


Posted by Lurker (Mk1) on Sun, 24 May 2009 20:09 | #

Standard Bleat

While I entirely endorse Lurker’s comment, I really do wish he would pick another name.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 25 May 2009 04:08 | #

Nature itself, in its press to cheat entropy and time and to move from “am/am not” to “to be” is inherently purposive.  Were it not so, Nature would be nothing but an empty cigarette lighter sparking a flame that dies over and over again, forever…

Guessedworker seeking God.

If the second law of thermodynamics applies to evolutionary theory, then so it must to God. If randomness cannot bring order from disorder, then neither can God. It would be against the laws of physics. There is a bounty of examples in nature, for instance snowflakes, where order comes from disorder. Or are we to believe that clouds are “inherently purposive”?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 25 May 2009 04:24 | #

Life on Mars was simply more coercive propaganda. Sam Tyler’s girlfriend is Pakistani and he meets her Mom in his trip back to 1973. A “Deadly Drug: also sees Sammy beat some racial consciousness into two white skinheads found to be defacing a Pak’s property and the ever correct Tyler scoffing at British police by alluding to the ever diminishing morality of the British police forces by raising the issue of the Birmingham Six and the injustice brought upon the RCC’s Irish terrorist arm working to kill innocents in England. The worst terrorist event in British history until the Pak boys blew up London in ‘05. Coincidence?

Despite the propaganda, n/a shows that the amount of marriage between black men/white women is still nominal, at least in the US.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 25 May 2009 06:05 | #

Guessedworker seeking God.

So it is noble lies or embrace the faith.  Adolf Hitler was a faithful man of single-minded ascetic devotion who lived only for his people.  I suppose the question posed to an English nationalist of whether or not he would oppose a massive gene swap of “Krauts” with the English might shed a little light on just why all those “Krauts” had to burn.  If they are indeed essentially the same people, what really would be lost.  In which case it would not matter.  If they are different to a significant degree in a important characteristic, such as average level of individualism, something would be lost.  So which is it?

To admit to oneself that the best men of our race were slaughtered so that more highly innate individualism - which is found in one’s own people as opposed to “Krauts”, when it is hyperized individualism that is largely killing us now - could reign might be experienced as a kind of psychological death; a loss of faith.  It might just be better that the witches and the “Krauts” burn instead?  Even if the burners themselves succumb later of smoke inhalation?

Fucking “Krauts”.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 25 May 2009 06:41 | #

From Spearhead link provided by Britannia on May 24, 2009. 05:24 PM

Tackling the ‘racist’ charge

see Wind of change June 2005

“Meanwhile, the crudely ‘racist’ image of the BNP propagated by rival parties and the mass media has to be tackled head on, not ducked. Patriotism, we should declare at every opportunity, is only described as ‘racism’ by people lacking that basic loyalty or hostile to our race and nation. So let the label ‘renegade’ be applied to anyone (other than immigrants) who is seen to support multi-racialism or surrender to the European Union.

Let this be used to cancel out every allegation of ‘racism’, thereby throwing our opponents onto the defensive. As of now, the British nationalist campaign has to be on the offensive, making ever larger inroads into a discredited, decadent and renegade régime”

I’ve been saying this all along.  Any attack on the BNP by establisment forces will be seen by the British people as being anti British.

It’s now paying dividends.  It’s the most effective weapon the BNP have.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 25 May 2009 06:55 | #

So, if it be necessary that the cognizant believe their continued existence has some ultimately important meaning in order to ‘do whatever they must to remain forever themselves’ so as to continue existing, does that mean that there is some ultimately important meaning to their continued existence; or merely that it is necessary that they believe there is?  Noble lies or embrace the faith.  Yet a man who puts forth the effort, and perhaps risks himself, in propagating noble lies, himself believes there is some important meaning to his continued existence and those he lies to.  Or he feels it is so, and embraces that feeling’s legitimacy, i.e., succumbs/submits to faithfulness.  Hitler (who claimed the guidance and protection of “Providence”) demanded faithfulness from his own people, and faithfulness from other European peoples to the German people who were alleged to be the Herren Rasse .  Does bad shit happen when you rebel against “God” and “His” “Chosen People”? 

burning “Krauts” = burning out the faith gene = burning yourself = self-tortuous existential crisis ?

Damn, that’s deep.  Why can’t those pestiferous “Krauts” stop brooding over shit like this and learn their place?


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 25 May 2009 08:00 | #

Does the “Kraut” possess some unique characteristics, on average, above and beyond the rest of honkies that better, or perhaps for worse, dispose them to lead our people, if for the better, or to be burned, if for the worse?  What is the proper place of the “Kraut”?  The “Kraut Question”.

Here is what one ‘Krautess’, Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, had to say about Uncle Adolf:

If you could have seen the women of Berlin defending their city with their lives against the Russians, then you would believe how deeply German women loved our Fuehrer.

But it could be argued that those that did not perform in such a fashion at ‘Ragnarok’ were terrorized into doing so by the prominently visible executions of others that did not - the implication being that such ‘brutality’ was but additional shameful acts piled on top of others, resisting at ‘Ragnarok’ being yet another, and that not lying down and accepting their just deserts (collective guilt that can never be fully expunged, you know) was also another shameful manifestation of that degeneracy, congenital or cultural.

Yet here we see the desire to ferret out ‘traitors’ and to punish ‘traitors’ for ‘betrayal’, or a lack of ‘faithfulness’ if one will:

I have decided to tender my application to Nick Griffin for the Chairmanship of the Truth Commission which, as Prime Minister, he will doubtless institute to investigate race-treachery in the political, academic, media, legal, cultural and corporate fields.  This is the draft I am presently working on:

Dear Nick,

Will you please let me get the bastards?


Also note a tone of acceptance and affection at the prospect of greeting Griffin’s anticipated authority; even as one has described Griffin as ‘being the BNP’ (and a ‘sack of shit’) previously elsewhere.

Wtf has the world come to?  I’m just a simple “Kraut” who is ‘faithful’ to his people.  Odin take me now to Valhalla.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 May 2009 11:28 | #


You are being a bit unfair since you know perfectly well that the sense of a conscious self and the individualism that departs from that are both evolved traits.  You are as forced to accomodate them in the ontological as I am.

What I think you might be reacting to is the simple and obvious fact the domain of the philosopher is not perfectly commensurate with that of the scientist.  Philosophical thinking addresses the question of being, scientific method addresses biology.  Philosophers are highly likely to see Nature in elemental opposition to entropy.  While life is random in its arising, it has an interest in continuity - and to that extent, purpose too.  Interest and purpose are companions.  The mere saying of the word “purpose” should not launch you on a jihad for randomness.  Please aspire to a little more nuance.

My point about Nature and genesis, which you have, in your opportunistic rush, ignored, is that, unless one goes the whole religious hog and posits a divine plan, it is reasonable to posit that single-cell genetic structures may have been generated and died many millions of times before one came along with the capacity for cellular division and, thereby, for its genes to inhabit time.  This reading accepts the principle of randomness but not random mutation at this beginning point.  Random mutation did not exist until afterwards, along with natural selection and the evolutionary process.

Of course, philosopher and scientist have nothing but questions about this moment in time.  What was the nature of this first random change?  (I wrote that Nature “borrowed from the energy of her own arising and invested in reproduction” - poetic but not religious, surely?)  And did the original conditions for genetic ignition end or is the process continuing still, deep in some watery volcanic chemical factory?

“More science please” seems a reasonable request.  Meanwhile we are left with a collection of ideational models to which, like any fool, I am endeavouring to add!


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 May 2009 12:17 | #


So, if it be necessary that the cognizant believe their continued existence has some ultimately important meaning in order to ‘do whatever they must to remain forever themselves’ so as to continue existing, does that mean that there is some ultimately important meaning to their continued existence; or merely that it is necessary that they believe there is?

The choice is life or death, CC.  Choose life and Salter meets Plato:-

‘Hear the word of Lachesis, the daughter of Necessity. Mortal souls, behold a new cycle of life and mortality. Your genius will not be allotted to you, but you choose your genius; and let him who draws the first lot have the first choice, and the life which he chooses shall be his destiny. Virtue is free, and as a man honours or dishonours her he will have more or less of her; the responsibility is with the chooser - God is justified.’

From the Myth of Er:

So, neither noble lies nor embracing the faith, but pursuing genetic interest if one so chooses.  Ontology is not that glamorous, I guess, as you have pointed out recently.  But, then, the German in his forest has the luxury of romance - as much of it as he can take.  The Englishman in his sailing ship cannot afford to let slip his rationalism for too long.

The job application was a joke.  You do know that, don’t you?


Posted by danielj on Mon, 25 May 2009 13:48 | #

But, then, the German in his forest has the luxury of romance - as much of it as he can take.  The Englishman in his sailing ship cannot afford to let slip his rationalism for too long.

And from this difference springs the cousin’s wars forever.

Continental brats continually fouling up our metaphysical Cape to Cairo with their silly, dreamy, romantic fascism!

Will their ever be rapprochement?


Posted by danielj on Mon, 25 May 2009 13:54 | #

If the second law of thermodynamics applies to evolutionary theory, then so it must to God. If randomness cannot bring order from disorder, then neither can God. It would be against the laws of physics. There is a bounty of examples in nature, for instance snowflakes, where order comes from disorder. Or are we to believe that clouds are “inherently purposive”?

You’re wrong.

Snowflakes obey the laws of entropy by increasing entropy globally every step of the way.

Snowflakes are not order coming from disorder or they would disprove the second law.

You’re also wrong about God. If He is God, than He is not bound by any natural laws.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 25 May 2009 17:02 | #

The job application was a joke.  You do know that, don’t you?

Well yes, at least offered consciously jokingly.  But there is perhaps a cruel majesty to severe punishment, of Justice done, for traitors when one is fighting for all the marbles, no?  Perhaps only an Englishman can ever really be a thoroughly decent man, and “Krauts” must make do with their congenitally thick-skulled cockstrongness.

But, as contrasted with GT’s posited Cracker racism, Cracker know-how, and Cracker gumption as the necessary and sufficient elements to racial survival; as contrasted with Bowery’s luminous tinkerings; as contrasted with Richards’, uh, ‘interesting’ conspiracies I take some measure of solace in the knowledge that this “Kraut” at least does try to be his better ‘English’ self some of the time.  Btw, why would Happy Cracker adopt that moniker, even jocularly ironically, when being English beats Crackeritude any ole day?

But, then, the German in his forest has the luxury of romance - as much of it as he can take.  The Englishman in his sailing ship cannot afford to let slip his rationalism for too long.

And yet there may come a time when one is honor bound, and bound by necessity, to risk all, to gain all, to save all.  So one filthy fucking “Kraut”, Uncle Adolf, once believed.  His romanticism induced him to conclude that the English would not hamstring him in dispensing with the Bolshevik swine who well planned to roll into Western Europe and decapitate gene-pools.  What a stupid, pious piece of shit that ‘Kraut of Krauts’ was.

Virtue is free, and as a man honours or dishonours her he will have more or less of her; the responsibility is with the chooser - God is justified.

Uh, what about the stumbling mechanicity of the conscious mind?  Meme replication and all.  Maybe just more romanticism?  Wintermute’s confrere Colin Laney prescribes monkey glands, and piety.  And the Greeks were certainly not above lying nobly to squeeze said out of their boys.  But Colin Laney himself seems to be torn between elitist sniggering at simple piety and ‘Krautish’ romantic heroism, so who knows.  It’s all Greek to me.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 25 May 2009 20:28 | #

Judging by the tone of many commenters on the online blogosphere, I sense a critical mass of survival instinct has kicked in and it is becoming most contagious. 

The extent of the the current political malaise which afflicts Britain has become self evident, ie. the country is broke almost to the point of beyond fixing.  A deeper realisation has dawned.

The comotosed economic crisis, (wot crisis?) bank bailouts and subsequent Nazi show trial, rising unemployment, politicians zero standing, plus the constant undertow of immigration, has produced a sea change in the mood of the British people.  But I think it goes much deeper than this.

Over recent years,  British suffering had been masked by the euphoria of consumerism, when the going got good, the many threw caution to the wind and partied the decade away.  The more sage nodded gravely - nothing good could come of it.

The party’s over and the bill has slid onto the hall carpet, fuzzy heads have cleared, bleary eyes have focused on a scene so stark it defeats denial.  They’re in deep, deep, doo-doo.

Information and facts have emerged that have confirmed their worst fears, the nightmare is real and it is still broad daylight.  The uneasy feeling of suspicion has become a full-blown battle for survival, and it is this realisation I am sniffing in my nostrils, maybe for now, it’s just a whiff, but it’s there.

But like the economic crisis, the political class have also singly failed to see this mother of crises coming.  Too late! it is upon us.

It is doubtful whether there is a more powerful force on the planet than the need of human instinct to survive, and in the great scheme of things governments and such are nought but chaff.

Perhaps I’m talking of inevitability again?


Posted by GenoType on Mon, 25 May 2009 23:12 | #

Logic is not GT’s forte. He’s a leftist. I mention this on the remote possibility that you haven’t already realized his limited power to reason.  The poor guy doesn’t even realize that he’s as “faithful” as any Christian.

“Poor guy,” says this disingenuous moron. 

But so “reasons” MR’s God-fearing alcoholic q (formerly Dave Johns, .357, .357 Dave, .357 Magnum, Onlooker, and Scoob’s faithful little Internet bitch), who would choose easy money capitalism over racial preservation.


To MR-ites with more than half a brain:

Organized jewry bought the divided, atomized, greedy, capitalist West with money.  Easy money racialism dreams of preserving the system and buying back power politically or failing that, purchasing power with the blood of expendable Crackers – that is, if they can find “a critical mass” who are ignorant of what online racialism is really about and can dazzle them with sufficient doses of “convincing” bullshit.  Never fear, however, that should government race-replacement policies end tomorrow there are circumstances under which easy money racialists would resume calling Negroes Englishmen or American and foremost among these are financial considerations.    (After “the revolution” or “military coup” a handful of Negroes shall be kept around to mow Dr. Scoob’s lawn.)  They shall be called Americans, er, uh, “Englishmen”)

All capitalists can be bought.

The pursuit of easy money regardless of expense to others is fundamental to the character of the capitalist.  That is why, for most, the system’s political flavor – “liberal” or “conservative” – is irrelevant.  For capitalists of “easy money racialist” persuasion race preservation is secondary.  That is because the successful pursuit of the easy money advantage defines them – as it does all capitalists – as men. Without systems in place to protect and encourage the acquisition of material advantage through financial exploitation these men are nobodies – worth less than a media newsreader or talking-head.  That is why the viscerally negative reaction to the concept of “easy money” among racial faileocons.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 May 2009 00:12 | #

If people here, me included (or “me especially” — you’ve apparently fixated on me as the chief villain for some reason, God only knows what I’ve done wrong), are doing it the wrong way, GT, what’s preventing you from doing it the right way?  I truly don’t get it.  Is someone or something here keeping you from going out there and solving the problem the right way?  The brooding resentment you keep manifesting indicates you’ve got something against this blog.  Did someone here do something to you?

I don’t hang around blogs peopled by bloggers and commentariat who are going about things completely the wrong way.  Why do you?????


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 May 2009 00:29 | #

Furthermore, you’ve stated your view of the right way to go about it numerous times, and according to JR this blog has an audience of some two thousand unique visitors a day.  Surely among those two thousand daily visitors there are plenty who would’ve come forward by now in some way, whether by posting comments or forwarding you a message via GW, and indicated their interest in joining you in your project, if you’ve been persuasive.  If none have, which is the vibe I’m getting from your bitter brooding and sniping here, is that somehow my fault?  What’s up with this fixation on me personally, GT?  I’m not a mechanic, a lathe operator, a machine tool maker, a welder, a carpenter, a plumber, or other sort of tradesman.  You’re apparently burning with resentment, if not outright hatred, at the fact that the minute you’d exposed your idea of microcommunities and a barter economy I personally, Fred Scrooby, didn’t drop everything he was doing in life to become a tradesman and strive to organize around me a microcommunity of folk who would grow vegetables or milk cows or churn butter or smoke meat or dry fish or whatever in return for my services rendered to them on the universal milling machine you talked about, perhaps making the tools necessary for build them high efficiency stoves or irrigation equipment, automobiles, etc.  I’m not going to do that, GT.  Set it up yourself and let’s see how it works, and if others, me included, like the looks of it, we’ll certainly join.  I wasn’t trained in any manual trade.  My bachelor’s degree was in math and after that I had other academic education.  Drop your fixation on me, GT, it’s sicko.  I’m just a commenter here like you and everyone else.  I’m not the second coming of Jesus Christ sent to earth in order to make GT’s dream of microcommunities and a barter economy come true.  Fixate on somebody else please.


Posted by q on Tue, 26 May 2009 00:41 | #


To be honest with you, I find you to be entertaining in a hilarious sort of way. But what really peaks my curiosity about your motivations is: why did you zero in on Fred Scrooby of all people? Why single him out as your target of frustrations? Why not CC or GW, or The Narrator et. al. too?  What’s up wit dat, dog??? I mean Fred has on numerous occasions supported your “idea” of micro-communities. He has never, to my knowledge, denigrated it in anyway. He’s also explained the “Negro Englishman” thing to the extent that even a 2 year old could understand. Yet you still persist in trying to make it an issue? LOL!  Both you and JRichards as of late are on that mindless kick of attacking the Scroob; that’s what you two have in common. However, that’s where the similarity ends. J Richards is acually an intelligent man. You, sir, are something much less than that, I’m sorry to say.


Posted by GenoType on Tue, 26 May 2009 02:07 | #

MR preaches to a captive audience of easy money racialists on the margins, Dr. Scroob:  disenchanted Republicans, Libertarians, and American Independent Party-types almost all of whom are pensioners and almost all of whom are beneficiaries of American capitalism’s same shit, different day economics regardless of its “liberal” or “conservative” description.  Those two thousand “hits” per day you refer to are meaningless.  Racialism hasn’t grown except as an artifact of growth in the sales of personal computers over the past decade or so.  Almost every employed and chronically unemployed nut receiving disability payments can afford to buy a pc and Internet connection.  Despite recession, dislike of Obama, and Internet availability racialism has seen no more real growth than at any other time of “national crisis” over the past 50 years.  You and yours, Scroob, are delusional.  Easy money racialism has no program, which is why former racialists outnumber “active” racialists by several orders of magnitude.  Far more of what I represent - intentional communities, energy-technical-agricultural-distribution-marketing independence, local political usurpation, etc. - are available than what you have to offer.  What I propose is a racialist right-left synthesis built from the ground up.  You and your cohort of egoistic, edjewmuhcated schmucks are simply not interested because undermining a system which provides you with pensions from global investments, various institutional perks (an office for the professor emeritus, for example), nice urban homes, Mexican domestics, drinking water from recycled sewage, beef on steroids, and inexpensive Chinese junk, is simply not in the interests of a work-free lifestyle.  Truckling is easier.  So is dreaming about developing a national political consensus without having to touch the ground, military coups, and Turner Diary revolutions a la Crackers (White, Happy, or Otherwise).

As to personal obsessions, this was never about you personally until you made it that way.  I never accused you of easy online racialism until after you accused me of targeting you.  Apparently the concept of easy online racialism hit paydirt at some level of your psyche.  It clearly struck gold with your partner, the low iq q.  But hey, if the shoe fits wear it.  And it fits quite well, doesn’t it?


Posted by q on Tue, 26 May 2009 02:34 | #

GT truly is a mental case.


Posted by q on Tue, 26 May 2009 02:47 | #

It clearly struck gold with your partner, the low iq q.



If it were up to Fred, I’d be I.P. banned from this site, you freakin nutcase!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 May 2009 03:12 | #

“what I represent - intentional communities, energy-technical-agricultural-distribution-marketing independence, local political usurpation, etc. [...] What I propose is a racialist right-left synthesis built from the ground up.”  (—GT)

Sounds interesting.  Have you started getting it organized? 

If not, why not?

“So is dreaming about developing a national political consensus without having to touch the ground”  (—GT)

Your phrase “touch the ground” means, I suspect, “become a manual laborer of some kind.”  So your set-up excludes people who aren’t trained for the manual labor trades or fit for that kind of livelihood?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 May 2009 03:23 | #

The Amish have something like what you propose; so do the Hasidic Jews both in Brooklyn and in that closed Hasidic town in upstate New York, I forget its name.  So, clearly something roughly like it is doable at least in part, since these others have done something roughly like it, in part. 

Why haven’t you started organizing the thing yet?


Posted by q on Tue, 26 May 2009 04:00 | #

No rational person, or persons, are going to follow GT into his imaginary endeavor, so it’s a waste of time trying to reason with him.


Posted by GenoType on Tue, 26 May 2009 04:02 | #

The alcoholic, house flipping q is right on que.

Dr. Fred,

Aren’t you a teeny weeny bit embarrassed about having q as a sidekick?  And why haven’t you complained about q‘s multiple nyms: Dave Johns, Dave, .357 Dave, .357, .357 Magnum, Onlooker, etc?  What about your multiple identities as Cognassier, Unvarnished, Unadorned, and Fred Scrooby at different times and places on the Internet?  You are more than a bit hypocritical, I think. Obviously, the low iq q‘s motivation in changing nyms is to avoid responsibility for past opinions/gaffes.  Was that your motivation as well?  I certainly would hope not, for it’s clear you have a brain and anyone with half a brain and minimal experience on a given website can determine who writes what.  Unlike the childish q, intelligent people realize there are several reasons for using multiple nyms that have nothing to do with deceiving honest people for whom the message is intended.

Frankly, for those who would publicly and hypocritically question the motivation of commentators using multiple nyms on one or more websites I favor an open, reciprocal approach. Both parties should engage in a name swap subject to identity verification by a trustworthy observer.  Other conditions would apply, of course, but participation would enhance the public credibility of both parties and encourage online civility, if not respect.


Posted by q on Tue, 26 May 2009 04:24 | #

You’re true faggot liberal nature is surfacing, GT. LOL!

BTW, crazy-man, I already said: I’m no partner of Fred. Can’t you read?


Posted by GenoType on Tue, 26 May 2009 04:32 | #

Why haven’t you started organizing the thing yet?

Oh but I have, Dr. Fred.  In fact, much has been implemented.  However, it is not “meet” to share further details online with edjewmuhcated posers of “racialist” persuasion - not to mention the traditional enemy - who attack different ideas concerning character, labor, and wealth from every angle possible to “discredit” both message and messenger because they find them morally and politically threatening.

So you haven’t been trained to do manual work.  Did your mother not make you clean your room and do household chores?  Did your father not enforce your participation and add interesting outdoor variations as well?  Can you read?  Yes.  Are you teachable?  Yes.  Are you willing to do “demeaning” work?  That remains to be seen.  I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and proclaim you a basic manual worker.


Posted by GenoType on Tue, 26 May 2009 04:39 | #

I already said: I’m no partner of Fred. Can’t you read?

How can you tell when Fred’s truckling little sycophant q is lying?

He writes something.


Posted by q on Tue, 26 May 2009 04:45 | #

Notice how the wannabe leader GT tries to shift the subject from his non-starter micro-communities to the low IQ q.

Question: How IS your micro-community project progressing, GT? Give us an progress report, if you can?


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 26 May 2009 04:56 | #

I dont see any problem with encouraging micro-communities, why does that involve attacking Fred. I can’t see that he is against the idea either.


Posted by q on Wed, 27 May 2009 00:59 | #

Why haven’t you started organizing the thing yet? - FS

Oh but I have, Dr. Fred.  In fact, much has been implemented.  However, it is not “meet” to share further details online with edjewmuhcated posers of “racialist” persuasion - not to mention the traditional enemy - who attack different ideas concerning character, labor, and wealth from every angle possible to “discredit” both message and messenger because they find them morally and politically threatening.

More equivocation from a lowbrow bullshiter.

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