Evidence that Godless Capitalist is Lower Caste Godless Capitalist recently banned me from the porn site “Gene Expression” (warning: if you click on that link, software written by south Asian programmer claiming to be “cognitive elitist” has been detecting that you came from Majority Rights and directs you to pornography of black men and white women and it may do so at any time). He did so because he claims I am a white nationalist—a vague class of people banned from the site. But he also—perhaps arguing the alternative—claimed that I am an ignoramus when it counts and not capable of critical thought when it counts—hence not suitable company for cognitive elitists such as those supposedly running and contributing to Gene Expression. Ironically, the justification he gives for claiming this is, itself, a failure of critical thought and/or ignorance when it counts. Moreover, this exhibition was apparently brought on by my claim that recent immigrants from India’s lower caste may be bringing intestinal flora with them that are causing the autism epidemic among Westerners. Now, we are led by Godless Capitalist to believe his ancestry is from India, but could his ancestry be lower caste? Taking personal offense to such an hypothesis and then abusing one’s position of privilege to suppress rational dialogue—providing logically fallacious and/or ignorant justification for these actions—is certainly something more consistent with the hypothesis that he is of lower caste ancestry than brahmin, benefiting from affirmative action and posing as a cognitive elitist, than it is that he is a genuine member of a cognitive elite. It is tragic for all concerned when such characters succeed. Read on for his “egregious” logical fallacy and/or ignorance. Quoting Godless Capitalist as he bans me:
And he did, indeed, delete the following response to him, which I wrote, disrespecting the supposed property rights claimed by Godless Capitalist (a disrespect for which I will provide justification if asked but that is another topic):
Note he is positing that I am a “white nationalist” and that I engaged in “data mining” to come up with the correlation between autism rates and the conjunction of recent immigrants from India with people of Finnish ancestry. A little background may be in order about “data mining”: It is a term used as both indictment and description in different contexts. As description, it refers to the process whereby statistical inferences may legitimately be drawn from the explosion of data arriving in various forms in information systems of increasing capacity. As indictment, it refers to noticing patterns in data and drawing conclusions from those patterns without testing them. The indictment requires a lack of “prejudice”, “preconception” or, perhaps I should say “previously held hypothesis” aka prediction. Here’s the problem with logic and/or ignorance like Godless Capitalist’s, as explained to Steve Sailer when I sent him this correlation a little over a year ago—which he didn’t touch with a ten foot poll for reasons that may have much to do with his friendship with the GNXP’ers: I’ve been accused of “data-mining” the correlations, since it seems _incredible_ that out of all the 2 variable combinations of biologically relevant variables the correlation I predicted would end up being the at the top. (Indeed, I admit to being surprised at my own “luck” here since one would expect that some other combinations would have higher correlations just by chance.) To some extent a fair accusation since I didn’t specifically publish Finnish ancestry nor Indian immigrants as suspects prior to publishing my results. However, I’m also well known for being a “racist”—even a “nordicist” (an accusation commonly coming at me from within the white nationalist community) who may have an ax to grind on behalf of Finns and against recent immigrants from India due to my profession as a computer programmer and the competition I’ve experienced as such from Indians. So my detractors have a dilemma: Either they have to drop the accusation of “racism/nordicism” or they have to drop their accusation that I “data-mined” the correlations. They can’t have it both ways. Of course, if they try dropping their accusation so they can make the “data-mining” accusation more credible, I can point to a long history, going back to at least 1992, of pushing the racialist envelope on Usenet—specifically looking at possible influences of northern climate on characteristics. If they say Indian immigrants are only one group out of many invading the country, so I data-mined the Indian-immigrant factor, I can point to my 10 year stint in Silicon Valley during which I and my “nativist” colleagues were having our profession destroyed.What I didn’t describe here was my Genetic Omnidominance Hypothesis which is the reason the first correlation I attempted against the Department of Education’s autism stats was Finnish ancestry. It was after I got a reasonably high correlation that I decided to run a rank order of all national ancestries against autism and to even my mild surprise, Finns came out on top (again, I was surprised not because I didn’t expect Finns to come out high, but because I would have expected some others to exceed Finns just by chance). This is what motivated me to further pursue the collection of immigrant data and when I had collected it I ran a rank order of immigrant group correlations with autism in the presence of a colleague whose first born child is a profoundly autistic boy. My colleague, to whom I had mentioned my suspicions about Indian immigrants before, said, “Indians are going to be at the top.” Again, I didn’t really expect this to happen—merely that they would be near the top. But he was right. I then wrote special software to take the product between demographic variables and this time the predicted product, Finns*Indians didn’t come out on top—merely very near the top—which is what I expected. It was only after I did outlier identification (throwing out the top and bottom autism States) and restricted the demographic variables to biologically relevant ones that the predicted product came out on top. This is all standard preliminary epidemiology and is quite sufficient to justify further investment in, perhaps county-level or case-study, research to invalidate the hypothesis. But with “cognitive elitists” like Godless Capitalist increasingly occupying positions of trust and authority in the West, we may never discover the cause of autism nor many other profoundly important facts. Indeed, it appears men like Godless Capitalist may be the new Lewontins and a billion strong. In closing, I should describe just how frighteningly tragic it is that men like this are occupying positions of trust and authority in the west: There are conditions under which genocide is justifiable. Specifically, when men occupying positions of trust and authority over other groups appear to be doing so based on nepotism and are causing so much damage from those positions that they deprive their betters of the resources they need to make fine discriminations between members of the ingroup as well as depriving them of the resources required to take corrective action that is less gross. Comments:99002
Posted by Voice on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 18:59 | # Initially I thought Yarus was going to attempt to be intellectually honest, but now have come to realize that he fits in the category of a “posh English git”. I have to apologize to the English MR posters who may be their grandfathers type of posh English, who had a backbone(and a set of…) and followed their very patriarchal nature to protect country and family against any group that would in any way put their way of life in danger. It is quite astonishing that we even take the time to deal with little boys(whether your age is 18 or not as it is in wisdom for sure) looking for proof that we should look to save our people and way of life. Piss off now , go scope of some white women with you multicult friends, lose yourself in Dungeon and Dragons. Remember, don’t question the racial nature of your Englishness or Britishness in a public forum or you could be arrested for incitement of racial hatred. I bet your ancestors would proud that you are upholding the status quo in Orwell’s UK in 2006. 99003
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 21:24 | # I very much agree with that last point, Svi. Yarus is, like all of us to a greater or lesser extent, in transit through a landscape of new and unfamiliar ideas and values. He has not travelled all the way to Eureka yet, that’s all. There is a fundamental recognition among the racially consciouness of the scale and the intransigent nature of the problems faced by our people. Yarus is a trimmer on both aspects because he is not yet fully racially conscious. When he becomes such, if he does, he will have understood that kinship must out-value altruistic connectivity to non-kin - and he will be a formidable proponent of English interest. 99004
Posted by Yarus on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 01:26 | # Voice, you’re a wonderful human being. Jokes aside, I have already stated that the native population of the UK should be preserved. The country shouldn’t be settled by overwhelmingly large numbers of any non-natives, be they tall blond Finns, Romans or Mongolians or whatever. I am all for preserving the native population’s culture(s). I also searingly hate the Incitement to Racial Hatred law; people can choose what they want to listen to. My family isn’t that well off either, so I’m in no way “posh”. Whether I’m a git or not is your own opinion, I guess. Well, thanks for that brilliant argument, Voice! It was just one big smear. Now that you bring up the subject of Orwell, what would your ideal government be, and how can you be so sure Orwell wouldn’t object to it? Oh, and I have no desire to play D+D. I did collect Warhammer 40k a few years ago, tho.
Ok, then perhaps Russia’s backwardness for most of it’s history compared to Western Europe was due to genetics, then?
Indeed. I’ve already listed some possible factors.
Of course not. However, maybe Little Green Men from Mars stopped the Celtic/Germanic peoples from progressing to the same level as the Romans/Persians/Greeks? Maybe Little Green Men gave China the leg up when they developed advanced sailing ship design, printing technology (and even the printing press in Korea 200 years before the Western one, although it was invented independently from Gutenberg’s), mass production techniques of cast iron/steel etc. before the West? No way and no way; all of the above was made possible by cultural means, for it’s likely that all the cultures mentioned had similar innate intelligence (I know Iran isn’t that smart nowadays, but Persia was pre-Islamic at the time). Even though there may be other genetic factors at work, intelligence is the most important one by far and next come environmental factors. I haven’t dismissed EGI, I do believe it exists and is important, but I don’t believe it should be adhered to in a fundementally religious way.
Hang on, I meant that I’m not sure if some intelligent groups are incapable of liberal capitalism. That’s the point that I was addressing.
Pretty much.
In the grand scheme of things, non-IQ related genetic traits seem to be less important that environmental factors (culture, ideas, technology, ways of thinking, economy, warfare), which are in turn less important than intelligence. At least that’s my opinion. I’m not sure if your black example is entirely sound. Perhaps if a population of black people who happened to have a mean IQ similar to that of whites existed, then we could properly test your idea. Excessive testosterone levels could be detrimental, if that’s what you mean, but I’m not sure if that’s purely a West African trait. The Steve Sailer link you gave doesn’t clash with my views. I don’t like the idea of extended families either.
Erm, that’s ok…I guess =\ To be fair, a number of the commenters have felt a bit frustrating times, although I think they’re absent at the mo’.
To an extent, kinship does form the basis of most of my friendships, now I’ve reflected on it. Most of my friends are white, after all, as are most of their friends. Quite a few of my male friends privately hate Pakistanis and blacks, for example, even though they seem to fit the dude-ish carefree stereotype of alot of middle class teenagers. However, for the time being, I’m still going to be friends with those in my social circle who aren’t descended from indigenous Brits. I will also defend the indigenous population’s interests, be it from invasions of Swedes or Libyans or Koreans or whatever, albeit not to the level you would wish. Who knows what the future holds, tho. Of course, I may have been killed by then in the Great Chav Uprising of 2018. I think I’ll take a break now, for a few days or more. It’s been both fun and tiring arguing here. Thanks for all the interesting viewpoints. 99005
Posted by Nio Zilda on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 05:41 | # I’m not sure why Yarus is so obsessed with ‘chavs’. West Indians have by far the highest crime rates in Britain, don’t they? 99006
Posted by George Walker Shrub on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:33 | # Interesting analysis on joint ADL-governmental operations against white-rights organizations: http://www.stratfor.com/products/premium/read_article.php?id=267534 From what they describe, it would appear they are on the verge of eliminating the National Alliance. 99007
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:58 | # Beorge Walker Shrub, That’s a subscriber-only link to Stratfor. Can you please copy & paste the relevant passages? 99008
Posted by Gorgeous George Walker Shrub on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 12:16 | # A Study in the Demise of White Supremacist Groups On June 8, National Alliance leader Shaun Walker was arrested in West Virginia, and two other members of the white supremacist group—Travis Massey and Eric Egbert—were arrested in Utah. The arrests stem from a federal indictment for allegedly conspiring to intimidate minorities. The incidents mentioned in the indictment occurred in December 2002 and March 2003. In the first incident, Walker and three other National Alliance members—Massey, Egbert and an unnamed individual—allegedly threatened “individuals of minority racial and ethnic heritage” and assaulted a Mexican-American man in a bar in Salt Lake City; in the second, Massey and the unnamed individual allegedly threatened and assaulted a Native American man outside another Salt Lake City bar. Walker’s arrest on federal criminal charges is a severe blow to the National Alliance. The group has been on the decline since 2002, when its founder and longtime leader William Pierce died. If Walker is tried and convicted, it will ultimately hasten the group’s demise, as the group’s leadership could become more factionalized and disorganized. More important, Walker’s conviction on a federal charge would open the group—and Walker personally—to civil suits filed on behalf of the alleged victims. A judgment against the National Alliance in a civil suit could result in the group losing its compound in West Virginia and its two money-making corporations: Resistance Records and National Vanguard Books. Though jailing leaders can disrupt the activities of white hate, neo-Nazi and other groups, it is civil judgments awarding financial restitution that actually do the most damage to these organizations. Such suits frequently are brought by groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The White Aryan Resistance, for example, was effectively destroyed when it was bankrupted as the result of a civil lawsuit filed on behalf of the family of an Ethiopian college student who was killed by a group of White Aryan Resistance members in 1988. The members were convicted of the crime and sent to prison; the group’s founder and leader, Thomas Metzger, was ordered to pay $12 million in a 1991 judgment. A similar judgment against the Aryan Nations stemming from an attack against two individuals led the group to lose a compound in Idaho that was used as a headquarters, training ground and meeting place. A copyright suit filed against the World Church of the Creator and its leader, Matt Hale, could have caused the group some financial damage and did cause it psychological damage. As a result of the ruling in that case, Hale conspired to have the presiding judge assassinated, a crime for which Hale was arrested and convicted in April 2004. This drove the group further underground and caused it to split and collapse. This is significant because the World Church of the Creator was seen as an “up and comer” in the pantheon of right-wing extremist groups. One problem with civil suits against white hate groups is the potential boomerang effect. As extremist groups break up, members join up with new organizations. Many members of these defunct groups have joined the National Socialist Movement, an organization of uniform-wearing neo-Nazis that were involved in provoking riots in Toledo, Ohio, in October 2005. This group has gained momentum over the past year and will be the big winner as other groups break apart. However, the National Socialist Movement will also be next in the crosshairs for the authorities and for groups such as the SPLC. When such groups break up, members may also become “lone wolves”—the real danger. Some of these lone wolves could take it upon themselves to exact revenge. This can take the form of a seemingly random attack against minorities, or threats against the groups or individuals that sponsored the lawsuit that brought about their group’s downfall. The most notorious example of this happened in 1999 after the World Church of the Creator’s Hale was denied a law license in Illinois because of his association with the white supremacist group. A member of the group named Benjamin Smith went on a three-day shooting spree in Illinois and Indiana, randomly targeting racial and ethnic minorities. He killed two people and wounded nine before committing suicide while being chased by police. However, in many cases, these follow-on plots are discovered before they can be carried out. Largely because of the homegrown right-wing extremist groups’ demographics, federal law enforcement agencies have had much more success infiltrating them and taking them down than they have with Islamist militant groups. In the post-Sept. 11 environment, with the federal government looking more closely at potential domestic terrorism, the FBI has been systematically cleaning up the remnants of white hate and neo-Nazi groups. The criminal charges open the door for civil suits, which are often more damaging. The federal indictments might close the coffin lid on right-wing extremist groups, but the civil suits drive in the final nail. 99009
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 12:34 | # It would be no loss. Activism in America will actually benefit from such pressure. It will be forced to professionalise and become representative of ordinary white Americans whose concerns are not being addressed by the mainstream. 99010
Posted by On Holliday on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 13:01 | # GW, there are two issues here. First, is it the place of the federal government - essentially supported by its white taxpayer base - to participate in attacks against white collectivist efforts? Second, agreed, that the named groups are/were useless. But who is going to pick up the slack? 99011
Posted by Gorgeous George Walker Shrub on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 13:13 | # The National Alliance was professional under Dr. William Pierce; as professional as it comes. World-class leader (it doesn’t get much better than Pierce), corporatized, and with a sound game plan (albeit incomplete). That’s why it was targeted for elimination. Gliebe and Walker are middle-manager talents who, under enormous pressures, fouled it up after Pierce’s sudden demise. Yet, even now it remains valuable because it holds title to numerous copyrights and a range of other assets. 99012
Posted by XYZ on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 13:35 | # “The National Alliance was professional under Dr. William Pierce; as professional as it comes.” I, unfortunately, have to strongly disagree with that assessment. The American “scene” was and is a joke. Of what exists today, the best (in a relative sense) ‘hard core’ outfit is Strom’s National Vanguard. What is left of the National Alliance should transfer what utility they have left to Strom and exit from the scene, which is going to happen anyway. It is not like any of this couldn’t have been foreseen after Pierce died. First Roper broke away, and then Strom. Pierce should have chosen Strom as the next leader, Gliebe’s Cleveland sucesses and Strom’s previous absence notwithstanding. But, given Pierce’s temperament, the choice was inevitable. As was the outcome. 99013
Posted by AD on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 15:56 | # The problem with Yarus’ defence is that he’s arguing from 30 years ago…..as if the UK only has a few non-whites(rather than entire districts majority non-white) and there’s “no harm” in allowing in a few “high IQ” types. For there to be “no harm to EGI”, from his perspective/argument, the main flow should’ve been cut off 25 years ago. It’s too late in the statistical game to have the “luxury” of any more non-white immigration, high IQ or otherwise. The damage has been done, the options available are defence(moratorium) or offense(repatriation). If not now, then when? At what percentage point should non-white imigration be stopped(or reversed)? London is almost majority non-white, time to stop yet? How about 40% white, 30%, 10%....how about South African levels? How many Kriss Donalds will it take to say “hey, the costs outweigh the benefits, and i’m not gonna piss around with stories about my hypothetical non-white friends or the joys of exotic cuisine when whites are being slaughtered in the streets”? Also, the argument that chavs aren’t a product of multiracial ideology is absurd. What sub-culture are they aping, Arthurian homeboys? 99014
Posted by The poor but honest Hindoo. on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 12:00 | # The poor but honest hindu Post a comment:
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Posted by test on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 18:29 | #
Sailer on Asianethnic nepotism and other things.