False Folk Consciousness The Marxist theory of False Class Consciousness, simply expressed, pictures the working class as falsely believing themselves to be a free and valued, but actually trapped by capitalist oppression. For the Marxist, just as much as for the Capitalist if not more, everything is about money and economic pressure, and therefore ridiculously far removed from the human experience and what it means to be human. Not that Marxism ever really got anything right. That said, the Marxists were on to something in the broad strokes. The little I’ve read on False Class Consciousness also refers to a Marxist call to action for the working class from being an oppressed and deluded class to being a class in itself and for itself, and here the Marxists grasped a fundamental concept. The root of any mass populace problem lies in the mass mind of that populace. Where Marx’s working class was pictured as being enslaved and ground-down, where Marxists falsely see everything in terms of capital, economics and class, we see, and see truly, everything in the light of the people and civilisations concerned. More specifically, the folk and civilisations concerned. While worker and capitalist ‘classes’ are less and less an issue, still less a fixed one, in a ‘developed world’ more switched over to the service and bureaucratic lines of work than any other, our ethnic and cultural group (the white folk indigenous to Europe and the founders of the civilised nations outside it, such as the USA, Australia, South Africa and others) is truly trapped and deluded as to its ‘freedom’. This is a direct result of a False Folk Consciousness (FFC), which simultaneously holds that the White Race does not exist, and that White Guilt is nonetheless an appropriate and moral thing for all members of the White Race to have. Logic and consistent thought have never been strengths of the Left. One sees examples of FFC in myriad ways, from the colonial guilt which the blogger Fjordman refers to and wonders why his own nation, never a colonial one, must suffer it, to the Holocaust Guilt repeatedly invoked against (White) Europeans by Jewish pressure groups and their fellow travellers, to accusations of ‘racism’ from all and sundry when the Most Oppressed Group of the week doesn’t get what it wants and throws its toys from the pram. Be it moslems, blacks, or any other pressure group, official or otherwise, all other races know how to act in unison and band together for their own gain. This is a behaviour which is not only not active amongst whites, but often actively discouraged and sometimes banned and criminalised for whites, a behaviour which looks for the gain and survival of the group as a whole, a survival behaviour. Put simply, a group which does not undertake survival behaviours will not survive. We must leave the False Folk Consciousness behind us and move on as a co-operating group, or face inevitable extinction. How, then, did we get here? How did this happen? It may seem trite and cliché to blame television, society, and the politicians, but sometimes it’s true, and certainly in this case. Consider the BNP as an example, or rather the reactions of the media and political circuses to them. The BNP are not hardliners (especially in comparison to groups like the BPP, the Blood and Honour movement, the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) and others) yet the reaction to anything that evokes the name BNP brings shrieks of horror and claims that gas chambers, camps and other nonsenses will immediately follow even a discussion of the BNP. This is not reason, it is not open-mindedness, it is the hysteria of many stunted minds reacting in concert to a Pavlovian lesson, Other = Good, Indigenous White = Bad, a lesson taught in varying degrees of subtlety but undoubted levels of success by all mainstream media and political influences. We have, as a society and race, been brainwashed, and it is time stop going with the flow and start thinking for ourselves. A discussion of the main methods of the brainwashing and how we can free ourselves (and others) from it merits an essay in itself. Suffice to say for now that we must begin to question every line and detail of the main media and political voices. When a politician pretends to be concerned about ‘knife crime’, ask yourselves when knives began levitating and acting on their own, ask yourselves why the politician isn’t talking about the perpetrators, but the weapons they used. When a charity poster shows a black child and a white child playing happily together, or an abominable race-mixing relationship occurring, ask yourselves why this is being thrown repeatedly into all our faces. You know, of course, as do I, that it is simple repetition unto the exhaustion of repulsion, a war of psychological attrition in which we are supposed to get tired of resisting long before the enemy gets tired of ‘enlightening’ us, but the repetition of asking yourself, of analysing the enemy’s methods, will strengthen you and enable you to see clearly through the smoke and mirrors surrounding us. The alternative to the False Folk Consciousness, what I believe we should strive towards, is the exact opposite. Not ‘hatred’ of other races, as our enemies would paint it, but a realisation that we are a people of and for ourselves, a love for our own race, True Folk Realisation. Unlike some others, I’m not talking about genotypes, scientific groundings, and DNA strings, nor am I talking about Right and Left-wing political stances. Science is mere observation, today it may back us up, tomorrow the enemy may twist it to serve their unnatural and inhuman ends, while Left and Right wing politics are merely distractions, things to be transcended in the search for the best outcome for our own race, and a human and compassionate resolution for all races wherever possible. Humans, especially that most cultured and developed breed which is the White Race, do not, cannot live on the basis of what is in a manifesto or claimed to be under a microscope. Humans live by blood, by faith, by loyalty and love, and it is those things which tell all who view the world clearly that we Whites are one race, one blood. Make no mistake, we are united globally by our white race. Be it French heritage, English, German, Australian, we are not under attack for our nationality, nor our faith, nor our politics. The scum who tortured Kriss Donald to death didn’t stop for an assessment of his heritage and belief system, they were looking for a white boy to kill and they found one. Can anyone say with a straight face and a sane mind that the same is not true of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom? Or the motorist who made the comment reported in this article discussing the murder of white Terry Gregory by a black ‘person’: On the 18th of January 2004, the National Front demonstrated in Woolwich, in memory of Terry Gregory. They were heckled and jeered along the route of the march by a group of Anti-Nazi League supporters. The marchers did not respond. A passing motorist slowed down, wound down his window and was heard to say: “One down, ten million to go”. The police who were present at the demonstration, did nothing. The motorist was black. We are the enemy to such ‘people’ because we are White, and it is no falsity, no convenient invention, to claim a common bond through that global targeting. The fact of our common origin in Europe only bolsters that, changing it from a present political and social danger to similar people to a real and present danger to a greatly extended family. Unless we realise this and begin to act in concert, towards a True Folk Realisation for all Whites globally, our days are numbered. One down, ten million to go. Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:01 | # Folk consciousness is a vastly superior term to ethnic or racial identity. It tells you straight off where it stands - at that conjunction of genes and culture which is an organic society. It is no exaggeration to say that we are estranged from our consciousness of self. How this happened is open to debate, to put it mildly. It is perfectly valid to say, as Adam nearly does, that the (Jewish-) Marxist war on our culture pathologised everything normal and vivyfying about us. But I don’t believe that it could have achieved its genocidal objectives without the endemic and extremely contagious horror-response to Nazism in World War II. Also, I don’t believe that culture war would even have been intellectualised without our complete submersion in, and ownership by, the liberal zeitgeist of the last two to three hundred years. Bear in mind that the German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies coined the term Gemeinschaft to describe a society living according to its ethnic genetic interests, and Gesellschaft to describe a society driven by the concerns of petty individualism as long ago as 1887. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:04 | # I would add that attempts to re-invent folk consciousness will likely be unsuccessful. You can’t ape gene expression. The best you will get is the Walter Scott effect - lots of sentimentality and a good business opportunity. 4
Posted by danielj on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:10 | # I think the leftist’s solution to, what they see, as only an apparent paradox of believing simultaneously in White guilt for institutionalized racism, pecuniary remuneration for colonial history, and the contradictory ideas that the White race and White-ness are simply a social construct lies in Marxian analysis of some sort. The see as fact that the White middle class (bourgeoisie) is and has been a tool of the White elite to extract maximum benefit from the poor, brown, third-worlder prole and that White people in the aggregate have benefited from this exploitative relationship leaving us indebted to the poor brown peasants as a result. That is to say, that Whites, by virtue of existence, are in debt to the nons, by virtue of their existence, since the world is arranged in exploitative fashion and only by recognizing our White-ness for the social construct it is and renouncing our allegiance to said construct and repaying our debt to the nons can we achieve social and economic parity. 6
Posted by AL Ross on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:45 | # “The best you will get is the Walter Scott effect” - GW More than 40000 (White) people turned up to celebrate amateur Euro-ethnic music - making in Scotland. How many English folk would bother to attend a morris-dancing demonstration? http://www2.newsquest.co.uk/scotland/pdf/Slideshows/080817worldpiping/index.html 7
Posted by DW on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 02:39 | # http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/9412/8oclock.html At intervals along the street George saw the posters hanging with photographs of the Fascinators’ multiple eyes and various commands printed under them, such as, “Work eight hours, play eight hours, sleept eight hours,” and “Marry and Reproduce.” A TV set in the window of a store caught George’s eye, but he looked away in the nick of time. When he didn’t look at the Fascinator in the screen, he could resist the command, “Stay tuned to this station.” 8
Posted by Diamed on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 07:47 | # Well written, but I disagree about downplaying the significance of science. If race after all, IS a social construct, then what value does it have? Why not just believe in some other, just as fake and artificial group? Why not believe in, say, whites and blacks, and build a wonderful harmonious folkish love for whites and blacks? If the idea is we just want a fairy tale to live by because it makes us feel better, any will do right? But if we are concerned with the truth then we must live by the truth, and that means by science and facts. Unless science and facts and the truth support us, I really see no value to making artificial, arbitrary distinctions between men. It seems like making enemies instead of friends and allies is generally a bad idea, and if we really are equal and there really are no differences, why would we start imagining them and intentionally creating them out of thin air? I’d like a world where there were no differences and we could all love each other as one extended family. If this could be done by simply opening our minds and becoming tolerant and realizing we’re all alike and only arbitrary, artificial, non-scientifically based distinctions divide us, why wouldn’t we? But the outrageously different behaviour and antics and awful looks and personalities of the other races so disgusts me that, despite my original outgoing wish to love everyone and see everyone happy, I nurture the mindset of a fumigator watching infestations of cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes, and the like in my otherwise bright happy white mother Earth. The difference between true scientifically based factual differences, and arbitrary ‘feelings’ or ‘whims’ as the basis of our categorizing, seems to me like night and day. 9
Posted by the Narrator... on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 13:34 | #
The only problem with that, from an American perspective, is the existence of the dubious White hispanics in America. The overwhelming majority of them very much identify first and foremost with their Latin American culture and tend to deride (along with non-White hispanics) “Anglos” and “Anglo culture”. Sparks have already flown over this with the result being that Whites, divided by (what in America is a racially defined) culture, view one another as of being from different races. And this problem is only exacerbated by the rather watery definition of “white” amongst Latin American peoples. So, in America at least, if our starting point is not an agreement that we’re all of the same race ( a common racial identity) then we’ll just be spinning our wheels… 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 14:27 | # Diamed, you’re right of course that we must respect science, but for one thing, science gets tainted when prominent Jewish academics deny race for Jewish ethnopurposes (and what do we do then, believe them? or trust our own eyes?), and for another, the science you’re talking about, genetics, is only recent. Are you implying there were no legitimate grounds in the year 1959 for someone saying the following?:
Of course there were. (No one in 1900 knew how the sun shone but they knew it shone. That we know how it shines doesn’t mean they should’ve doubted it did.) There were legitimate grounds in Aristotle’s day for saying what you said and for debunking the one-coffee-colored-world crowd back then too, if it existed and it probably did: degeneracy exists throughout all ages. As the Edwards paper linked somewhere at this site pointed out, Lewontin’s “fallacy” (it wasn’t so much an honest fallacy as an attempted Jewish con-job, a Jewish Straussian double-talk trick played on the goys) could have been debunked in 1925 as decisively as it can today with today’s modern genetics (because all Lewontin was doing was refusing to “see” certain patterns amounting to racial ones, and dressing up his petulant-Jewish refusal in the technical language of genetics — it’s as if a professor told the class porpoises were really mammals not fish, though they might look, swim, and act like fish, because certain patterns, certain characteristics told us they were mammals, and a petulant student in the class piped up and announced, “But I refuse to recognize the primacy of those characteristics, the mammalian ones — warm blood; lungs (not gills); skin (not scales); births (not eggs); uteruses; mammary glands; and so on — I decide that the fishlike characteristics have primacy, so fins, fish shape, living in water and swimming around just like the fishes do, and so on, have primacy and so place porpoises in the fish category notwithstanding those other characteristics which I’ve decided are secondary in importance. The fish-like ones have primary importance. Therefore I reject your categorization of them as mammals, since you have no basis other than your prejudices for assigning primacy to the particular characteristics you do in determining what category they belong in, and I shall consider them fish since I reject your prejudices.” That’s all Lewontin and Gould and the other Jews were doing and are still doing (Jared Diamond and almost all the other twenty-million-odd Jews in the world today) — they think it’s prejudice to “see” those particular “patterns” of characteristics which obviously in the mind of any sane, non-politicized man point to the existence of different races, they rightly perceive that if you arbitrarily chose different categorization criteria, such as all the tall people in the world are one “race” and all the short people in the world another “race” you’d get different “races” from the ones Carleton Coon and everyone else got, and because they just don’t like the Coon type result for Jewish political reasons, they petulantly refuse to accept it, purely for Jewish ethnopurposes. Then they dress up their refusal in technical genetics language no one can understand, and all the morons believe them, like C. Loring Brace. But that’s all they’re doing, petulantly refusing to acknowledge certain categorization criteria inherent in logic itself which can’t be rejected without rejecting all other categorizations in the universe. That’s all the Jewish academics are doing with their “race denial.” Now, aren’t there some objective grounds for asserting that one way of categorizing things is logically superior? Can’t you nail the Jews that way? For example, are there objective grounds for asserting that it’s more logical to categorize a porpoise as a mammal than as a fish, that is, to say that when both mammalian and fishlike characteristics are present you call it a mammal not a fish? Yes of course there are, just as there are objective logical grounds for saying just because people and chairs both have arms and legs, people aren’t chairs, and just because a tall Negro and a tall Euro are both tall, Euros aren’t Negroes: other characteristics dictate in both cases that they be placed in different classes. It’s the same sort of thing. But fundamentally you have to be willing to accept those objective logical criteria too. Jews merely say they don’t, and you can never pin them down because for political reasons they’ll never admit what they’re doing, namely, rejecting logical categories because they just don’t like their existence and that for Jewish ethnocentric reasons. Then they dress it up in technical genetics language and math that no one understands and goy morons like C. Loring Brace are instantly mesmerized and think it’s true, while Jews who are smart enough to know it’s not true gloat because they’ve scored a political victory for their race by duping all the goys, all the goys like Brace who are too stupid to see if you deny race you have to also say things like people are chairs because its the same underlying rules of categorization you’re denying. Getting back to my point, you don’t need modern genetics for any of that. Modern genetics is just icing on the cake. All of that would have been common sense in Aristotle’s day. Lewontin could have been debunked in 1925 or in 1925 BC. It doesn’t need modern genetics to debunk that Jewish charlatan. Race-denial is in the Jewish genes or something, you can’t get it out, and you can’t find Jewish academics who don’t engage in it (with one or two exceptions worldwide: it’s deeply, deeply, deeply in the Jewish genes). 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 17:59 | # Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s …......... RACE-REPLACEMENT!!! http://westbiop.blogspot.com/2008/08/european-demographic-realities.html (File this under the “If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, it’s probably race-replacement” file, or the “I bet the Jews are happy as bees in clover right about now” file. Either one.) 12
Posted by Diamed on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 19:26 | # Very good points Fred. You’re saying there’s nothing wrong with relying on facts and objective reality, but it should not be necessary to justify our values that give the various weighted importance to each fact we have. For instance, Mr. White and Mr. Jew are presented with 5 facts. Mr. White says facts 1-3 aren’t very important and matter only 1, in a scale of 1-5. Facts 4-5 are important to him and matter 5 each. Therefore Mr. White says the races are 3 points the same and 10 different, for a total of 7 points of aversion to race-mixing. Mr. Jew says facts 1-3 are all important and matter 5 each. Facts 4-5 are unimportant and only matter 1 each. Mr. Jew says the races are 15 points the same and 2 points different, for a total of 13 points of attraction to race-mixing. Science cannot prove how important facts 1-5 are morally, or values speaking, though they can certainly inform people, ultimately the decision is up to them, and only the heart can be consulted. From there it is up to the ‘myth of the folk’ to take over and raise that importance value to 5 everywhere we can. Correct? 13
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:14 | # It is no exaggeration to say that we are estranged from our consciousness of self. It is an exaggeration because liberalism is us. Where else did it derive? It is the Anglo-Saxon that evolved “non-kinship based forms of reciprocity.” It is the Anglo-Saxon that first displayed “a predisposition to individualism, exogamy and small nuclear families, evolutionary adaptations to the rigors of life in cold, ecologically adverse climates” according to MacDonald. Such adaptations allowed the growth and success of Anglo-Saxon commonwealths in savage wildernesses. But I don’t believe that it could have achieved its genocidal objectives without the endemic and extremely contagious horror-response to Nazism in World War II. Yet it already had. Churchill’s international Jews destroyed Czarist Russia and were exterminating non-compliance with extreme prejudice during the thirties. The Hungarians and Bavarians already had a taste of it well before WWII began. 14
Posted by skeptical on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:17 | # the Narrator, I live in Texas and see more than my fair share of “White” hispanics and they seem to the eye, almost invariably, to be at least one-half Mesoamerican. And while there are new world hispanics who haven’t polluted their Spanish blood their number seems so to be so small as to make them beyond consideration. Hopefully, the whole of North America won’t get to that point. 15
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:32 | # Master Rienzi is changing his tune.
The demographics of the Ukraine; that people who aided and abetted Canada’s multiculturalism industry, because of their fear of extinction in their homeland, aimed fully at diminishing the the position of the founding people, 78% Ukrainian and 17% Russian, the demographics of Italy; 95% Italian and 98% European; Poland is 95% Polish. The Anglo-Saxon founding people are now ~34% of Canada’s population and probably under 20% in the US. Why care? Just look at the face of Shawn Johnson. The Italian, the Russian, the Ukrainian and the the Pole all have homelands that are overwhelmingly homogeneous. The American has no other homeland. 17
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 23:43 | # You set interesting problems, Desmond, but maybe not insuperable ones. Our individualism evolved because an indomitable desire to conquer a hostile environment offered a fitness gain (as did an enhanced intelligence). Within the context of a tribal society this trait continued to be adaptive. But individualism among tribal kings and priests broke the bounds of the tribal system, and ushered in the 500-year age of kingly elitism and theocracy - the only time two world-systems have co-existed because their spheres were complimentary. Now, I want to digress very briefly into the nature of individualism before I return to the political. Individualism possesses the characteristic of splitting the human focus in two. There is the subject and there is the natural-world object to be overcome. Within an organic society the subject can strive for dominance over the object, and pursue group interest in the process. That is, individualism is group adaptive in David Sloan Wilson’s sense. This remained substantially the case throughout the half-millenia of monarchism + theocracy. But the absolute power of the king in the Middle Ages and the absolute authority of the pope, and the wealth of the crown and the church were not group interests. Eventually, circumstances would reach a pass where individualism was bound to perceive them as the object to be overcome. The early birds of liberal thought like Hobbes and Locke began rationalising a replacement system to monarchism + theocracy which, being a product of the thinking mind only, and not of evolution, provided for “the unfettered will” in absolute, but completely missed the imperative of group interest. The next three centuries can be characterised as the perfecting of this imbalance, the ultimate state of which has now been reached, and the whole system is breaking down. This sad little story, Desmond, illustrates why ethnic genetic interest is so very central to our efforts, feeble as they are, to intellectualise a replacement system to liberalism. It is not helpful or right to gloomily conclude that, since we are individuals and since individualism in postmodernity is harmful, we are doomed forever. We are not doomed. We are in urgent need of replacing the Gesellschaft of a manufactured disfunctionalism with the Gemeinschaft of the revived organic. This is going to be immensely difficult just to intellectualise, and there is very little time. But what choice do we have other than to try? 18
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 00:12 | # The only problem with that, from an American perspective, is the existence of the dubious White hispanics in America. The overwhelming majority of them very much identify first and foremost with their Latin American culture…. White hispanics? I’ve lived in Texas for 17 years, and I’ve only ever met one White “Hispanic”. She was a lovely Irish girl from Guatemala. All the Mexicans I’ve met have had visible Indian or Sephardic admixture. 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 03:56 | # Diamed forgive me, it seems your comment doesn’t refer to the specific question of whether or not there are races. You appear to be doing the equivalent of someone who acknowledges there are, then weighs the pros and cons of mixing them, Mr. White finding the cons persuasive, and Mr. Jew the pros. I was talking about one step prior to the stage you depicted: I was talking about the previous stage of admitting there are races in the first place, or not. The Jews refuse to admit it (and yes, all the nitpickers who happen to see this comment, I know there are Jews who do admit there are races, I’m well aware of that — there are exactly six Jews in the known portions of the Milky Way Galaxy who admit there are races, I realize it; am totally cognizant of it, trust me; there may even be seven if you count Paul Nachman, so I certainly know about this very important group of Jews — but I wasn’t talking about them, I was talking about the other nineteen million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-three, none of whom will admit there are races). Now, as to whether or not the white race should race-mix itself out of existence as a result of having excessive incompatible immigration rammed down its throat by élites, put that to the people in an honestly-worded referendum. They’ll reject it (which is why it’s never been done: the core of the group of men who are pushing this — the core of the abscess, you might say — have that as their specific goal: the race-mixing out of existence of whites). 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 04:22 | # I just happened across the following Milton Friedman quote in a video linked over at TheCivicPlatform.com. It nicely explains what we’re doing here at MR.com and sites like it:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 04:48 | # Today, August 18th, is Virginia Dare’s birthday.
Posted by the Narrator... on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 13:59 | #
Actually I was thinking more of the “White” cuban and “White” Argentinian types. Around the south eastern parts of The US, the Mexicans tend to be very much of the pure Indian variety; usually about 4’ 11’’ with coal black eyes and hair. There may be a few White mexicans but their sightings are about as rare and authenticated as bigfoot. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 01:59 | # Louisiana cajuns: white people unselfconsciously making white music and dancing and enjoying themselves like whites, as whites should at least part of the time. Dance lessons: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhU5b8rAUNc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sboid1Yt24U&NR=1 (there’s a whole series of these). Here’s a girl who’s got the steps down (she slips on her shoe heel and falls, then continues barefoot): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LP-71QHHVc&feature=related Here are a few of the hundreds of examples of cajuns enjoying themselves, posted on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_BFHDqVA4c&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrSG25aQ6uQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NIcchscUzY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPUZ1A0frH8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KzudadmnyU (look at all the little kids dancing in this one, tons of ‘em) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZlSJYoF-A0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSZpTePDEGE&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlv8PUyc1HQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXLThJzRsws http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIw66zc62QQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMTcNEpx7n8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAuPcXlMWfw&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrmOsH7M-ww&feature=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLJa3iOnRrw and here’s a couple doing unusual buck-dancing footwork as partners dancing to cajun music (unfortunately seen only briefly near the start, then again very briefly all the way at the end of the video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qru765Pygq8&feature=related White traditional culture, music, and folk arts: whites acting like whites, creating white music and white dance steps, and enjoying themselves like whites! It’s great to see! 24
Posted by DaveJohns on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 18:11 | # All great stuff, Scrooby. I’ve always been a great fan of the lovely and talented Emmy Lou Harris. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here’s something for our nostalgic pleasure ... even if it’s before our time: 25
Posted by Stan on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 18:17 | # I wish more of “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” were stirred into the simmering stew so carefully tended above. Until the message of that AD 1841 book thoroughly enters our awareness, we are left untouched by reason and logic alone. It captures our European roots so well, and so free from tincture by Africans and Asians that it shows our true selves. The mixture is not free from Semitic influences, however, but at a much lower level of menace and malice than today’s. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 21:27 | # More drop-dead-gorgeous white culture, heartbreakingly beautiful; just breathtaking. No one can create this beauty but us whites, no one. We don’t need to Jewishize ourselves, Negroize ourselves, Mexicanize ourselves, Moslemize ourselves, or Chinesify ourselves. To the Jews who keep telling us we do: GO AWAY, JEALOUS JEWS! 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 02:54 | # News from the Finland front via Fdesouche.com: Elovena is a well-known Finnish brand of oatmeal. The brand, which goes back to 1925, is a veritable institution: it’s part of the landscape of the Finnish people’s and nation’s identity, just as la Vache-qui-rit [a well-known French cheese brand] or 2CV [an inexpensive, popular French automobile] left their imprint on several generations in France. From the start, the product emblem has been a young blonde farmgirl dressed in traditional peasant costume, carrying in her arms a sheaf of oats. She appears on all products of this particular brand. Herewith below is what one can see today in Finland: an advertisement for the weekly magazine VOLT, devoted to pictures and fashion, published by the large Swedish-language daily newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet. [Scroob note: is that one of the ones owned by Jews, I wonder?] The slogan in the ad says, “Change your outlook“ ... 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 02:58 | # How come the Jews never have to change their outlook? How come it’s always just us? 29
Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 13:35 | #
This is the kind of in your face media/social manipulation that really cheeses me off! So does the lack of outrage by the Finns to such a slap in the face. The least they could do is boycott VOLT. BTW—That black-woman(?) on the billboard looks like Eddie Murphy dressed in drag. 30
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 14:42 | # Why are the Jews trying to demographically destroy America (and succeeding)? Two reasons:
So, they do it out of a combination of ethnic interests (they hate Euros and the societies/cultures Euros create) and out of class interests (Jews are vastly overrepresented among the wealthy labor-exploiting class that badly wants to replace high-wage, self-respecting, less easily exploitable white workers with low-wage, docile, more easily exploitable brown ones). 31
Posted by torgrim on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 18:35 | # “Change your outlook”... How about this….the Eddie Murphy look a like….what if she/he was chopping cotton, instead of oats and this billboard was displayed in say, South Central L.A.? It wouldn’t last one night. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & NewsCommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:12. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:25. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:11. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 13:40. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 12:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:23. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sun, 16 Feb 2025 13:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:08. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'On an image now lost: Part 2' on Sat, 15 Feb 2025 21:08. (View) |
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 22:57 | #
Dawlish always does good work.