Frost thawing? JWH has a post up about the apparent awakening of Peter Frost. He is an anthropologist whose work we have featured in the past, and for which he garnered a certain degree of respect. Now, it seems that, to quote JWH, “he has wised up”. I can’t find the original post in which the following statement by Peter Frost was published, so I am quoting direct from JWH’s post:-
So, is this a person who has really undergone a damascene conversion, and whom we might now expect to join the ranks of the fighters for European survival? Let’s see. Peter was not a hard-faced conviction monkey - the type who insists on RDNE no matter what, and who sees white skin as an indelible mark of original sin. He was not a drama queen leftist, all filled up with the need to posture. He was not a Freudian projectionist exporting his less edifying psychological characteristics to his political enemy. He was not a script-following career leftist, brazen in his opportunism and ambition. He wasn’t any of these creatures whom we see in the ranks of the political left everyday. He was, we must believe, just an ordinary guy in an anthropology department who happened, somehow, to adopt a genocidal idea. In explanation, Peter informs us that as an anthropologist he is bound to respect the objects of his study. We may surmise that he is a sensitive and emotional man who wants, in the main, to do the right thing. He probably doesn’t look very hard at politics or philosophy. Certainly, he wasn’t thinking very clearly in taking on-board anti-racism - the banishing of the “supremacist” “social construct” that goes with being “white” - as a means to combat despotic Third World governments propped up by rapine Western interests. And it was just as pointless to sign up to the political harrassment of white Canadians as a personal means of confronting the fate of Canada’s Indian tribes back in the 18th century. Actually, his anti-racism was all vanity. He could never have been more than lukewarm about it. Doubtless he wore it like a badge visible from a great distance by Andaman tribesmen ... and the equally tribal members of his faculty. He must have known all along that he had no investment whatsoever in the punishment of white people. But he gives himself a bit of a pass in that regard by suggesting that only lately has anti-racism become a vile and destructive thing. Peter doesn’t have the courage to say he hooked up with a genocidal idea. Moralists generally don’t. That rather convenient transformation of a nicer, kinder anti-racism into a deadly anti-white weapon is not the only bit of sophistry that Peter employs in his own defence. He also tells us that the nicer, kinder version belonged to “the left”, while the too, too ghastly vehicle of “political disenfranchisement and demographic replacement” belongs to ... yes, the power-crazy, greed-filled right! Peter does not seem to have realised that the buzzword around town is “right + left” ... “neoliberalism + Marxism”. He has not cottoned on that mega-business and the global oligarchy like leftist social solutions because, far from redistributing wealth to the masses, they collectivise it and concentrate it at the centre, where it can be all the more easily accessed. And he hasn’t asked the basic questions. Why nation-killing? Why population transfer? Why, indeed, anti-racism? Without answers to these and other questions - which he cannot formulate because he has already labelled them “conspiracy theory” - Peter remains trapped in his native, right-hating, leftist outlook. He has given up something - his anti-racism - to which he had no great attachment. So we can’t attach any great importance to his statement now. He isn’t awake and, as far as I can see, isn’t moving very fast towards awakening. I would like to be wrong. But I think this guy is still a leftist. He has just shifted anti-racism on to his political foes to the right. Comments:2
Posted by Guest on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 03:06 | # Kevin MacDonald started out as a leftwinger. His own research caused the scales to fall from his eyes.
State of Emergency Patrick J Buchanan 3
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 03:12 | # So, does Frost accept that if present trends persist then the White race will ultimately be genocided? If so, and he does not speak openly in condemnation of this looming genocide then he is a useless pansy-coward. 4
Posted by torgrim on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 04:00 | # Peter Frost, I think is still very much enthralled with leftist dogma.
“but I do know that protection of their values, their soil and their blood from external influence is the basis of their belief system.” This is true, and probably due to the belief, that pagans, at least those coming from north of the Alps, honored the continuity of blood, from the gods, as progentenators, on to decendants, and considered sacred,.....sacred connection.
R.R….quoting from “Endangered Species”, Hatred of both Jews and Christians permeates much of the material posted at neo-pagan websites, they place much of the blame for the Islamization of Europe in the laxness and/or complicity of Jews and Christians.” Yes, I too have seen this hatred…it is much like one sees at “Vanguard”..etc., however, many serious neo-pagans, have moved far past the this behavior. Most, are, “in process”, to create a new world view. Those that have studied history, however, do understand quite well, the first major cultural converstion that swept Europe, centuries ago, a process, that was not all done at once, gradual and at times, created a certain fitness for European folk. Of course, today race-replacement a monumental disaster, created, in my opinion, from the loss of group/folk identity and rampant narcism. 5
Posted by 2R on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 07:21 | # Frost appears to think that anti-racism is a tool used for the purpose of spreading capitalism? This is why he’s now “against it.” He’s not wrong, he just doesn’t understand the whole truth. The main objective is race replacement for the purpose of creating a more “manageable” population. The practitioners of race replacement need the capitalists on board to make the race replacement process move easier. Dr. Frost must understand this. Capitalism is not the goal, its a tool in accomplishing the goal. The goal is total loss of ethnic identity in order to create a new slave race of people whose roots and culture can be sold to them or seen on TV. Again, the capitalism part is a derivative of the main objective; that being the creation of a new multicultural master race of slaves who are bred to run the machines and fight those who may resemble a threat to the global elites. 6
Posted by Old Raven on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 07:26 | # Torgrim—you may want to check out the recent “Radio Istina” broadcast available over at VNN. Things are changing at “Vanguard”, if you haven’t noticed. Mr. Linder is rounding up the “tards” and putting them in a corral to bother each other, and cease bothering the serious people who want to learn, strategize and resist. Not everyone appreciates the “flavor” of Mr. Linder’s commentary, but it is a flavor that is not illegitimate. We who derive from the British Isles and the “Northern Tribes” are not all “Proper English”, and have different senses of what is humorous, or “proper”. Many of us enjoy humor which is designated as “coarse” by the self-annointed “betters” among us. That, however, doesn’t mean that there is no truth in what Mr. Linder puts out, or that his style is “beyond the Pale”. If his style were NOT beyond the Pale, I’d wonder about his integrity. In fact, If recent Radio Istina lectures are any indication, he may be jumping ahead of MR in the area of “educating the tribes”. He’s delving deeply into E.Michael Jones’ recent books, especially “The Revolutionary Jewish Spirit” and linking that “spirit” with “our situation” and recent events. Good stuff. As a “serious Pagan” I suggest you to reconsider your words: “many serious neo-pagans, have moved far past the this behavior”. Do you mean that ... if one is a “serious” neo-pagan, one has “moved far past this behavior”. And if one hasn’t moved thusly, is one not “serious”? Your stereotyping of “Vanguard” or Alex Linder as something to “move past” suggests a bit of “I’m more pagan than thou-ness, no? And which of the Gods has whispered this in your ear? Or should I ask, which “interpreter” has dictated this framing of things. I suggest you look deeply into your pagan soul and look for the crudely positive place that HATE occupies in the struggle for our Folk. The kind which is definitely present in “Vanguard” discourse. No, it’s not “nice”, but the enemies of our folk are not “nice” either Torgrim. Those who resist opening themselves to the cruder, “hateful” aspects of this struggle are playing by rules set for us by our enemies. Those who impose the enemies rules on their own folk may not be friends. Those of our folk who alienate others of our folk for playing from a different rulebook should look carefully at what they are doing. You know what I mean. 7
Posted by * on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 15:43 | # Frost’s declaration of anti-anti-racism is in the comments thread of his C.-Sforza blog. Perhaps if he won’t come to this party, this party should go to him? 8
Posted by torgrim on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 16:41 | # Old Raven, Evidently, I have hit a raw nerve, demonstrated by your personal attack. First you say that Vanguard is changing from the crude verbage and then switch and say that “hate” and crude language is needed. What point are you making? Is there change at Vanguard? To be understood, I am not making a personal attack on any individual at Vanguard. I am questioning the effectiveness of the methods. I understand all too well, the nature of the enemy, the hateful and destructive force that they are! Believe me, I have seen it up close and personal. I too have strong emotions. I just prefer not to dwell with those emotions, I would rather spend my time creating a solution to this enforced mult-culti crazy society. OR…. “Those who impose the enemies rules on their own folk may not be friends.” And, So, Old Raven, if I disagree with the methods then I alienate? Or worse I may be helping the enemy? Come now, stop with the disrespect. You are making a strawman arguement. As to the gods whispering in my ear or someone “interpreting”...., such insulting inference is unworthing of comment. 9
Posted by torgrim on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 16:45 | # pardon the spelling, correction; As to the gods whispering in my ear or someone “interpreting”...., such insulting inference, is unworthy of comment. 10
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 21:07 | # Frost just comes to the realization a little later than the WNs. After all, where were the Rienzi restrictionists on August 16, 1933? They were with their Jewish buddies, beating up the Anglo founders.
Tragically Hip 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 21:40 | # That Wikipedia article which Desmond linked on the Toronto Christie Pits riot was, in its wording, biased in favor of the genocide of a specific segment of the Caucasian race. Pretty nauseating. 12
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 23:17 | # To the minimalist astrologer, I have put up a comment on Frost’s thread, as you suggest. I imagine he will ignore it or take it down. 13
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 04:38 | # “End game Peter. Will you speak out in support of the European peoples’ efforts to ensure their genetic continuity? Yes or no. Which is it?” August 20, 2008 10:08:00 EST PM 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 05:36 | # Oops, just found it. It’s the discussion underneath the Cavalli-Sforza entry over at his blog. 16
Posted by Old Raven on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 06:24 | # Torgrim Let’s clear up some misunderstandings, OK? You said ...
Yes, one or two comments in your post above “hit a raw nerve”, but there was no personal attack made or intended. How you come to see my criticism and comment as a “personal” attack is something only you can know. Rest assured I have no personal animosity toward you. If fact, as I read and re-read my comment, I still don’t see any “attack” of you personally. I do, however, see that I could have been clearer about my points, and that by doing that your misperception of my comment as a “personal attack” may have been avoided. I’ll try to clear things up a bit below. You said:
I didn’t say “Vanguard is changing from crude verbage”, you did. Neither did I say that ““hate” and crude language is needed”, you wrote that, not me. Let’s look at the “crude language” thing first, and then “hate” later. Mr. Linder, and others at the site, still use the “n” word (as well as the “k”, “s”, “c” and “f” words). I grew up with many relatives using the “n” word, and have zero problem with it. Most of our ancestors used it for a long time before it was proscribed by political correctness. So, I don’t find it “crude”, when used in certain contexts. In fact, I think using “crude” names to designate “outsiders” is part of an evolved self-defense module for protecting “us” from “them”. It’s “natural”. Also, the designation of “crude” implies a sort of supremacy on the part of the designator. Your “crude” might just be my “fun”, and also a part of my “survival strategy”. Who gets to decide the rules in this situation? So I’m not saying “crude” language is “needed”, but questioning the social standard of “crude” and denying any universalist ruling on the meaning of the word. As for the claim that I said “hate” is needed ... here’s what I actually said ...
. I did, however, say
Linder is not only “corralling” the “tards”, he’s picking them off and banning them one-by-one. Not for saying the “n” word, but for ego-loonery ... for not being able to spell or compose English prose, and for distracting from the mission of the organization. I think that’s good news! He wants fewer posts and posters, but more intelligent and higher quality posts. And he’s serious. If Linder succeeds blasting out the “tards” and re-shaping VNN in his intended direction ... it might be a place for the MR commentariat to start appearing. I think Alex would welcome that. The “raw nerve” was touched by what APPEARED as a condescending tone in your phrase ...
My “beef” with the APPARENT tone here is that it evidences placing another “worker for our cause” in a “thought category” which minimizes and belittles them unnecessarily. I don’t find this sort of tone constructive, especially considering that Linder is working for the same goals, albeit from a different angle. Doesn’t mean someone can’t disagree with Linder, of course not. I just don’t think it’s necessary to “look down” on people working in tandem on a similar project. My “point” in bringing all of this up was to inform you and other MR readers that things are getting interesting over there, perhaps “better”, and most importantly that we take the position of “looking down our noses” at fellow radicals at risk of missing some important stuff. Maybe Alex isn’t “there” yet, but he’s certainly heading in a direction that I like. You said:
Here you actually create the strawman you accuse me of making! I didn’t say any of what your imagination concocted in the quote above, including the “disrespect”. What I did say was ...
The first sentence was aimed at being careful about “dissing” fellow travellers just because they have a different modus operandi. Especially when one is given a “heads-up” about positive changes in that modus. The second sentence was aimed at (no, not you!) the general tendency for many of us to use “universal” rules of “niceness” and “civility” when many of those rules, when they take the form of indiscriminate altruism toward “outsiders” are often damaging to us. This is something I personally struggle with on a daily basis. We’ve been brainwashed to think in terms of universal social rules and indiscriminate altrusim, and this mind-habit is what’s killing us. Finally, I’m just going to let your final comment pass into the net ether. It probably sprung out of your perception that you were being personally attacked, so is understandable. I hope, Torgrim, that I’ve clarified just a little bit, and that you are now able to put down your sword and shield, and I’ll take off my horned helmet too! Rest assured, it wasn’t personal. 17
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 12:26 | # Well, three challenges now to Peter’s racially retiring mein. But not a sound from the retiree. I wonder if he has realised what a hole he’s in. 18
Posted by torgrim on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 23:16 | # Old Raven, said; “The first sentence was aimed at being careful about “dissing” fellow travelers just because they have a different modus opeandi. Especially when one is given a “heads up” about positive changes in that modus.” Ok, I understand your points alot better, now, and I see that we are in more agreement than not. As to “dissing” others, again, I reiterate, I was and am not making this a personal issue. My point is about methods. O.R., “I hope Torgrim, that I’ve clarified just a little bit, and that you are now able to put down your sword and shield, and I’ll take off my horned helmet too! Understood. 20
Posted by Rusty on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 02:24 | # There is a frost thawing, generally speaking, and I think commentators like Savage-Weiner and Auster are keenly aware of it. Hearing the story of the sadistic paedophile on the radio today, and thinking of all the other things unleashed by the drive of the Marxists, I was driven to write this: Post a comment:
Next entry: McKinstry again, this time on the global elite.
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Posted by Robert Reis on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 02:42 | #
Endangered Species
Here’s an article from a French neo-pagan website called Ethnocide, that deals with race, skin color and genes, but in a completely different vein from the preceding post. See the notes at the end:
It is an unwritten law. Unwritten because inherent in our species. When one people is conquered by another, the men in the victors’ camp seize the women of the vanquished. Humiliated, exhausted and deprived of a spouse, the male survivors of the vanquished are condemned to die with no posterity. Their descendants are fewer and fewer in number with each succeeding generation. The resistance waged by these men in revolt and their sons becomes less and less vigorous with the passing years. The children of mixed blood (“métis”) born of unions between the invaders and the native women and impregnated with the dominant culture, remain for the most part indifferent to the fight being waged by their last survivors of the invasion. If the women of the vanquished hope to transmit their genes, such is not the case of their masculine compatriots. Thus the genome of the vanquished men is the first to disappear from the human genetic reservoir reservoir. Vae victis!
Genetic studies conducted on various populations of the South American continent have shown that most of the genetic material carried by chromosome Y (paternal lineage) is of European origin in these people. While conversely, the genetic material carried by mitochondrial DNA or DNAmt (maternal lineage) is for the most part African and Amerindian. That means that the South Americans are in their majority descendants of the Spanish conquistadors and their black or Amerindian slaves. The black and Amerindian men therefore left a much more scattered posterity compared to that of the white man. This illustrates exactly what I explained (...) The vanquished have nothing.
Note: At that point the author provides links to two short articles, first his own, then a link to Dienekes.
Another very eloquent example. In Cuba, researchers have just discovered that 33% (yes 33%, one third) of the DNAmt (maternal) of Cubans is of Amerindian origin. That is a considerable posterity for Indian populations that were supposed to have been massacred more than five centuries ago by European colonists! On the other hand, concerning chromosome Y (paternal), not a trace of Amerindian genes (0%). History is unforgiving. The Amerindian men of the island were killed in combats against the conquerors, by illnesses imported from Europe and in forced labor camps on sugar plantations. The men left no trace, not even in the blood of their enemies. But their women married the invaders, thus ensuring the perpetuation of their genes.
France at the beginning of the 21st century, while not (yet) having reached the cataclysmic state described above, is experiencing nonetheless a similar evolution. Although we do not have any official figures, you have only to walk down the street to verify that in the immense majority of mixed couples, it is the man who is foreign and the woman European. As in war, the winners seize the indigenous women all the while protecting their own. The whole rhetoric that aims to debase the European woman or France (“I screw France like a whore” says rap group Sniper) is a part of the feminization of the white race, of the idea that Europe is a land to be conquered, a habitat open to all forms of pillage. Are not the notorious “gang rapes” another example of collective violence to European women, just as Russian soldiers did when they seized German women in a devastated Berlin in 1945.
It all holds together. A tribe that does not protect its women is behaving as if they have already lost the war. Many of us don’t know this. But our enemies do.
Notes: First, I cannot vouch for the scientific data since I am not a geneticist, but it sounds plausible.
Second, I am not a pagan, nor do I endorse paganism having scant knowledge of it, but I know that protection of their values, their soil and their blood from any external influence is the basis of their belief system. Hatred of both Jews and Christians permeates much of the material posted at neo-pagan websites, and they place much of the blame for the Islamization of Europe on the laxness and/or complicity of both Jews and Christians. But while they sometimes express admiration for the Jewish survival instinct, they have only contempt for pleas from the Vatican to stop racism. They claim they are not atheists and that they have an advanced vision of the sacred. For them Judaism is an ethnic religion, Christianity merely a more widespread extension of Judaism with a strong overlay of Greek philosophy. There is certainly some truth in this, but while some of us may accept these truths as one basis for our civilization, they reject them outright, longing for a return to a pre-Christian ideal they perceive was destroyed by two Semitic religions.
Third, the Catholic and non-religious nationalist websites also deal with the issue of the destruction of the ethnic peoples of Europe, but they are much less fierce in their condemnation of Judeo-Christian values, and the devoutly Catholic sites believe firmly that only a return to a traditional Christian moral order can save Europe. Most French websites (nationalist and Catholic) avoid references to the pagan sites.
Fourth, some of the comments to the article take issue with one or two of the author’s contentions. For example, the notion that in most mixed couples it is the man who is foreign.
Despite reservations about this article it is a reminder of what is at stake in the struggle for survival that is now going on, not only in Europe but in America. As some of you know, a recent report that was published at all the American media websites predicts that by the year 2042, America will no longer have a white majority. The biggest increase will not be in blacks or Asians, but, as you would expect, in Hispanics.
A detailed summary at the NYT concludes with these paragraphs:
When the first census was conducted in 1790, about 64 percent of the people counted were white, a bit more than half of whom were of English origin. By 1900, about 9 in 10 Americans were non-Hispanic white, mostly of European ancestry.
The share of Americans who can trace their roots to immigrants directly from Europe has been shrinking. The federal Office of Management and Budget now defines whites as descendants of “the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Middle East.” Hispanic or Latino people, according to the same government agency, are of “Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish culture.”
“We may be using the same words 50 years from now,” said Mr. Passel, of the Pew Center, “but I feel confident in saying they’ll mean something different.”
The cartoon comes from Ethnocide.
Labels: Immigration, National Identity, Neo-paganism, United States
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