McKinstry again, this time on the global elite. Leo McKinstry, whose gutsy, journalistic war on our dissolution we admired last month and whose latest offering at the Irish Independent was linked to by snax yesterday, is back on the attack at the Daily Mail this morning.
Of course, this is the mainstream media, and both McKinstry and the headline writer dance tactfully around the true politics of nation here. The headline man gives us Death of patriotism: How national pride is ‘under threat by a global super-elite’. The picture editor provides us with an image of the Nigerian 400m runner Christine Ohurogu wrapped in a Union Jack. And this notwithstanding the fact that the other seventeen of Team GB’s gold medals todate have been won by native Britons (excepting one mixed-race member of a four-man gold-winning cycling team). So, McKinstrey’s undiluted truth that “The concept of nationhood has been undermined by mass immigration and the imposition of the dogma of multi-culturalism” has to be finessed into an assault on British patriotism rather than the nationhood and very life of the English. A negress and a drug-cheat, who threatened the British Olympic Committee that she would run for Nigeria unless she was admitted to the British squad, has to be pressaged upon us as the source of our “national” pride. The article has been triggered by a reading of David J. Rothkopf’s book, Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making. Rothkopf appears to be an insider Jew who is happy to spill some of the beans. He has done it before. His motivation, according to CFR member (and co-ethnic?) Anne-Marie Slaughter, writing in the Washington Post, is democratic:-
My reading of that is: Rothkopf sees a fateful disconnect opening, not for the first time, between Jews in the power elite and the main body of the diaspore. While elite Jews are philanthropic towards their co-ethnics, their power and wealth are interests held in common with the Gulfstream gentiles. The kosher butcher in NY and the dentist in Desmoines can’t engage. Rothkopf, then, is worrying, worrying, worrying about the tribal caesura and, no doubt, about “consequences” in NY and Desmoines if and when it all goes horribly wrong. He hopes that a moderating middle-class (ie, Jewish non-elite) voice can be heard in the playground metropolis of Davos and among the faggotry of Bohemian Grove. The consequences of globalism that McKinstrey is worrying about are certainly no less deadly. His predominant focus on mass population transfers into our racial heartland evinces a perfectly sound understanding that this is the weapon of European mass destruction. Still, to say it too plainly is to risk his career on a single word. I would guess that he must be looking over his shoulder, and watching and waiting for others - Peter Hitchins, perhaps, or Peter Oborne, or Philip Johnston at the Telegraph - to chip in with some strategic new frankness before he takes the next ground-breaking, taboo-breaking step. Here’s the rest of McKinstry’s article in today’s Mail:-
Posted by melba peachtoast on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 20:30 | # Yes. Yes, that seems likely. The reptile story is just a cover for the far more shocking truth. (dimensionshifting wallabies) 3
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 00:16 | # “I’ve often wondered why the idea of a ‘New World Order’ hasn’t been investigated more on Majority Rights. It seems to me to be the very source of the mass immigration and national and cultural destruction we are witnessing. Nothing is happening by chance, it’s all planned. Focusing on the ‘Jews’ also seems more than a little short sighted to me.” -Revolution Harry Harry, Harry, Harry. In Icke’s scenario the reptiles fulfill the same function that ‘the Jews’ do in overly reductionist WN analysis. But, lets assume the reptiles are behind this all. Why do they do what they do? Because they are ‘evil’ and that’s just what ‘evil’ reptiles do? Or is it about resource competition to improve their reproductive fitness and this just happens to be their group evolutionary strategy of getting it done? Well, if someone has to fit the bill why not ‘the Jews’? Ever heard of an ‘infinite regress’? The buck has got to stop somewhere? BTW, who is it who is pulling the reptiles strings? AND why don’t the reptiles just stop fucking around and come in with the flying saucers and zap us War of the Worlds style? Icke is a purveyor of abject, new age, occultist nonsense. I don’t know what his bag is: does he honestly believe his rubbish? Or is he just a scumbag con-man who preys upon the weak-minded and the credulous who lack the manly ‘will to power’ to stare into the ‘abyss’ of our coming racial extinction without flinching? 4
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 02:15 | # Note the way in which McKinstry equates belief in the reality of Jewish wealth and power’s malignity, (e.g. the Jew Neo-Con/Wall Street/Clinton State Dept axis mobilized to rob Russia and enrich the all-Jewish oligarchy - with nonsense like David Icke’s deranged vapourings. On a pedantic note, I think McKinstry’s mention of Edward Gibbon’s being the originator of the “power corrupts” quote may be mistaken. I believe it was Lord Acton who coined this blinding flash of the obvious. 5
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 03:44 | # McKinstry is no better than the faileo-‘tards over at Takislag; fence-sitting fags all. They need to be mercilessly kicked in the ass until they fall onto our side of the divide. Sheppard and Whittle risked it all for our people. How about you McKinstry? Have your balls been cut off? Be a man. 6
Posted by Diamed on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 07:14 | # This is a great article. I too am concerned about the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of a few men who have been trained to have no loyalty to anyone or anything above themselves. Touting capitalism, individualism, and freedom, these few thousand completely control the lives of billions of people who are too poor to do anything but accept employment/trade/charity on their terms. The hypocrisy never occurs to them that they are the most powerful strongmen to have ever existed on earth, and this time there are no opposing columns which might constrain them, all the columns are in the same bag together. Either we gain control back over them and actually rule the policies and choices that matter to the world most, or they will rule over us in the same genocidal totalitarian fashion they have for the last 50 years. “According to Rothkopf, the top 1 per cent of the world’s most prosperous people own 40per cent of the planet’s global wealth. Furthermore, the combined net worth of the 1,000 richest people in the world is twice that of the poorest 2.5 billion.” This is the clincher. No one should ever be that rich. Period. 7
Posted by Bill on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 08:58 | # I didn’t watch any of the Olympics, I refuse to take part in their bread and circus distractions, I did find it kinda odd though, to see the BCC and the Daily Mail cheering to the rafters the very thing they abhor and spend most of their time planning for destruction, namely the British nation and its people. Which is all very interesting really. Before the games, did the MSM all sit round a table and discuss how they were going to play (handle) the Olympic Games, after all it must have presented something of a dilemma, how could they approve, let alone cheer to the rafters something they all hate - the nation state and its peoples? The dogma of multiculturalism (as McKinstry puts it) is the choice weapon of the multi-cults to deliver the final blow to Western civilisation, so it will be interesting to see how the MSM will play (handle) many more future competitions that are based on nothing less than international competition, such as the World cup, cricket, golf, sailing athletics and all the rest. How can they, (MSM) continue to promote, as bread and circus to the masses, inter nation state competition, whilst all the time railing and destroying the very notion - that the nation state itself is evil? It’s the same with Brown, I’m hearing that he is spending his vacation dreaming up what it is to British, at the same time going round telling us, soon we will all be citizens of the world. Duh! More unintended consequences or what? How is it possible to get into the minds of such people? Maybe its as Harry says, they’re a bunch of shape shifting lizards. McKinstry’s take on the NWO seems to be distilled through the lens in purely economic terms, with which he seems pretty cool, (well, not too fussed) he conveniently omits to tell us that globalisation is a two headed hydra and the opposite side to the economic is Postmodern Libralism in the form of Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism. Why didn’t he mention that? All very Littlejohn. Ps. Maybe Harry’s right, perhaps MR should discuss NWO related issues more, (tone down the other a bit,) then maybe MR might attract more interest from those visitors seeking help – just a thought. 8
Posted by onetwothree on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 09:26 | # OFFTOPIC: Just got done watching the disgusting spectacle of an America audience chanting “USA” to an all-black team as they barely beat Spain. I would have been chanting “ESP”, but…oh, well. Lost cause, I guess. 9
Posted by Bill on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 09:50 | # Acres of column inches this morning. Roll on 2012 - Where will we be by then? 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 11:13 | # cc, By their “courage”, Shepherd and Whittle removed themselves from the equation. That was not intelligent or helpful. McKinstry is not alone among MSM journalists in trying to push the envelope. But he is the most advanced of them (their number does not include Littlejohn, of course). Whether any of them understands the Issue in much depth is debatable, but not really the point. They can’t publish the harder end of it anyway. There is progress here. Views are being aired, subjects broached, that would have been rigorously excluded from public discourse even two or three years ago. This has to be welcomed. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 14:05 | # The subject I want broached in the MSM is this: 1) there is a race (forget the “race does not exist” smokescreen intended by the Jews to cover their national race-change operation, that canard’s not flying any more; it never flew; so drop it and do not ever again insult our intelligence with it); 2) there is a race, and that race is being forcibly changed by the government which, under the control of élites either uncaring or outright hostile to the people, refuses to honor the people’s clear and obvious wish not to have their race changed; 3) we the people don’t like that; 4) we want it stopped; 5) if it’s not stopped things are going to go from bad to worse (use your imagination; in fact, let it run wild); 6) we demand that PC end so all this can be brought out in the open, discussed freely (including by people like Sheppard and Whittle), and the people’s wishes taken into account. That’s what I want broached in the MSM. It’s not rocket science: <u>HANDS!!! OFF!!! THE!!! RACE!!!</u> 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:27 | # Pearls of wisdom:
File that under “Bullseye.” 13
Posted by Bill on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 16:24 | # Fred above. PC cultural Marxism (control) in tandem with Capitalist Corporate Right (profits) . IOW, a sedated, controlled, compliant, consumer base - supplying profits to the big boyz. - very neat 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 17:03 | # An Irish Catholic immigrant from the Republic who, as an American citizen, conducted himself with intergrity: ( )
(Emphasis added) 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 20:47 | # Excellent shot across the E.U.’s bow by an Irish cardinal, , but not a word about the current largely E.U.-imposed genocide of the Irish. Maybe in future salvos the subject of this unprecedented genocide will be broached? We can always hope. (Hat tip: ) 16
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 21:44 | # No wonder he would vote for Taft. He was an anti-nativist, pro-Zionist, immigrant loving bastard. 17
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 22:06 | # The race replacers that shall not be named. After all it’s not race-replacement, just white nationalism.
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 22:16 | # 84 years later, town’s stand against KKK recalled Let’s celebrate the extinction/replacement of the founding “American”. Europeans are homogeneous. Altoona’s a prime example. Nothing much changed after the arrival of mass eastern and southern European immigration, did it?
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 02:08 | # Thank you, Fred, for the interesting ‘Irish Times’ link. I would question, however, whether the cardinal is entirely correct in severely discounting the activist Christians’ influence, especially in the area of race replacement. An illustration of this must surely be the appearance of a Nigger salvation expert called Dr Derrick Campbell (with a PhD in that most non-empirical of subjects Christian Theology) whose dissembling and snivelling pronouncements about ‘injustice’ can be mocked and jeered at what was once a fine Conservative newspaper (London’s Daily Telegraph). Campbells’ sentiments are but a natural expression of his professed Christian, underdog-supporting faith (his personal hero is the Jewish King David who was so merciless towards the Chosenites’ Gentile foes that even Yahweh considered him unworthy to build the first Jerusalem temple, preferring to allot the task to David’s son Solomon) as advertised at 20
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 02:17 | # Erratum. This influential Christian gentleman is an official adviser to the UK government, dont forget. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 23:45 | # The Realist:
I didn’t read the whole thing, I dunno why — too much of it is too tame or something; too oblique. The parts I did read are a mixture of “quite good” and “his intentions are good but he’s not quite on the right track.” A couple of thoughts:
Not for Jews. For Jews in Euro societies, greater diversity means the pinnacle of delight, maximum satisfaction, greatest opportunity for Jewish happiness. For Jews, ethnically homogeneous Euro societies equal misery. Ask either of the Jews who post at Inverted World: “White, Jewish, and Proud,” or “Jewish Racial Realist.” (Only two??? Right, once the Jews find out The Realist isn’t mad at them, doesn’t blame them for anything, they’ll come flocking to his site ... any day now ............) That’s why Jews and Euros should live apart: what makes one happy makes the other miserable and vice-versa. Why force miseries on each other then, each finding happiness only when the other feels miserable? That’s insane. Just separate. There’s plenty of good land for Jews to be given for their very own to settle on, where they won’t be perpetually plunging the knife in the Euro back and Euros won’t be perpetually resenting getting knifed in the back by the Jews.
The Jews in Euro societies feel distrust and misery when surrounded by Euro ethnoracial homogeneity and blessed relief and deep happiness when surrounded by the complete demographic substitution of Third World Mystery Meat for Euros.
“Pluralism”??? One of Western culture’s “fundamental ideals”??? Isn’t thinking like this what got us into this mess in the first place, Realist? Gee, ... uhhhh .... do you think this could use a little editing? ...... 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 01:12 | # Spot on, Fred. Ilana Mercer is the Jewish lady who had a spot of bother with a negro on the Metro a couple of years back. I think he got a bit fresh with her. Anyhow, she was very aggressive towards the WNs who visited her website to point out that, as a sort-of right-winger-cum-libertarian, she approved of the diversity from which she was now suffering, and would she care to change her mind. Jobling is running a Jewish website, so I guess Ilana has changed her mind, but not her religion. 23
Posted by Matra on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 01:54 | # Ilana Mercer is the Jewish lady who had a spot of bother with a negro on the Metro a couple of years back. I think you’re mixing her up with some other female libertarian. Mercer is the South African Jew who lives in either the US or Canada and opposes (I think) immigration. Is this the incident you’re thinking of? 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:29 | # Ilana Mercer is indeed an ally: she opposes excessive incompatible immigration into the Eurosphere. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:45 | # Ilana in that quote I posted was expressing her own view, to the effect that “greater diversity equaled more misery.” That of course is our view here, too. She’s an ally in that sense (certainly not in others). In my comment I was only saying that view of hers, which holds for all normal Euros, doesn’t hold for Jews (yes she’s Jewish but on that subject she’s an ultra-miniscule exception among her tribe, 99.99997% of whom badly want race-replacement of Euros all over the Eurosphere). 26
Posted by Bill on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 09:54 | # The Realist “Since the West condones interracial breeding, there is a serious prospect that the white race as we know it will disappear in the next two or three centuries.”....... “If the white West is not preserved, it is quite possible that what we today call the Third World will become the whole world, and the light of humanity and progress will be extinguished.”.......
Tolerance is suicide! What do you do when the tolerable becomes (in your face) intolerable? Taken at face value Liberalism is a suicide cult, white’s suicide that is. Of course, they don’t believe in any of this rubbish as it is nothing but a psychological straight-jacket with which to psyche whites into paralysis - and ultimate suicide. I’ve just skimmed through a review of Camp of the Saints…” If we let them in we die, if we keep them out, they die.” For some time now I have concluded, that by extension, liberalism will lead to a world without humans. Intentional or unintended consequences? 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 12:44 | # Bonzo was showing us some Jewish beauties the other day ... Look at that photo of Ilana, Bonzo ... (link in my comment three above). (Another is Nigella Lawson, by the way.) 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 12:54 | # Of course the only reason Melba doesn’t head that particular list of beauties is she’s not Jewish, otherwise she’d be right at the top (some of her wallabies are Jewish, though ... and one or two of her wombats have been seen in the long black frock-coats, black wide-brimmed hats, and wearing their hair in side-curls, I believe ...). Where beauty is concerned, Melba heads her own list; is in a class entirely of her own creation, the WWGMWTP (“Women Who Grace With Their Presence”), the world’s most beautiful females by far. 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 04:23 | # ”Come you English, stop your sobbing, stop your mourning, stop your grieving, learn the lesson well, defend yourselves or lose all that you have, and all that you love, forevermore.” 30
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 04:47 | # JWH summarizes a big part of what’s going on:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 18:37 | # The way 16-year-old Ben Kinsella’s murder (see my comment two above) should be viewed is the government deliberately brought in Negroes for the express purpose of killing this boy. That view is based on the statistical inevitability of precisely this happening to a certain number of British people at the hands of Negroes and no, I don’t need to say “white British people”: white’s the only kind, so that’s redundant to say. The government murdered this boy. Deliberately. End of story. There are individuals in government who’ll be called to account before legally-constituted tribunals one day, to explain why they did it. Let’s hope they’ll fare better than those who signed Charles I’s death warrant. Or, wait ... no ... Let’s hope they won’t. 32
Posted by snax on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 20:47 | # Fred, our posturing “tough on crime, tough on the causes of the crime” government would no doubt applaud this Judge’s comments:
But it seems to me that your comments on their own actions, the inevitable consequences thereof, and so their culpability are just as straighforward. 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 21:08 | # Good point by Snax: a certain number of British people are going to be killed each year by the Negroes the government brings in against what it knows perfectly well are the people’s wishes not to have them brought in. The government knows these killings will occur and knows it will be unable to prevent them, as their statisticians tell this to them, yet it brings them in anyway. For what reason, exactly, must they be brought in (and must this known number of Brits die as mathematically-certain result)? The government never says. It only says if the people don’t want them they’re racist, therefore all the more in need of them to be forced on them, to either 1) cure their racism, or, if incurable, 2) punish them for incurable racism, with punishments like ... well, like getting killed. Every word of the judge’s comment posted by Snax applies to the governmental criminals in charge of bringing certain races into Britain that don’t belong there and that the people, if one gains their trust and promises not to punish them for saying so, will express a preference not to live near, and a fear of living near. One day, legally-constituted tribunals will be seeking to learn why this was done — tribunals with their own power to punish. Let today’s culprits, and they know who they are, reflect on that. 34
Posted by snax on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 18:32 | # GW:
It was noted. The White athletics boss has today been sacked for failing to produce enuf Black medal winners in the only sport “our” negroes can compete in. Post a comment:
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Posted by Revolution Harry on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 15:43 | #
‘In contrast to this outlandish nonsense, Rothkopf does not see anything especially sinister or conspiratorial in the emergence of the new global superclass’.
This is pure distraction by Rothkopf. Whatever is going on it is most definitely not new or a loose collection of the global rich and powerful.
Researching what some call the Illuminati is far from easy. There are many bear traps (it’s quite possible David Icke’s fallen into one of these with his ‘reptilian’ theories, however I do reserve judgement) and smokescreens and it’s a challenge to come to any sort of firm conclusions. The membership of the ‘6000’ may change (when their usefulness is over) but that at the top of the pyramid (council of 300 and council of 13) is far more stable.
I’ve often wondered why the idea of a ‘New World Order’ hasn’t been investigated more on Majority Rights. It seems to me to be the very source of the mass immigration and national and cultural destruction we are witnessing. Nothing is happening by chance, it’s all planned. Focussing on the ‘Jews’ also seems more than a little short sighted to me. A number of those involved in the ‘Great Work’ or the conspiratorial plans for a ‘One World Government’ may well appear to be Jewish but I’m far from convinced they are practicing. The theory, of course, is that the elites of the ‘Illuminati’ are actually worshippers of Lucifer. A look at their record of war, starvation, suppression, lies, greed, materialism etc tends to bear this out. If the theories are correct then Israel (or at least Jerusalem; the rest of the country may not be so lucky in the World War 3 that’s planned) is being protected not as a Jewish homeland but as the centre of either the World Government or World Religion or both. The point I’m trying to make is that the vast majority of Jews are every bit as much victims as we are in this evil and Satanic plot. They are manipulated and conditioned just as we are, though in some different ways.
So much of the manipulation is designed to divide and rule (diversity, multiculturism). I fully expect at some point in the future the flimsy sticking plaster holding ‘us’ together will be removed. David Icke has come up with a very good phrase, always worth remembering, which is ‘problem, reaction, solution’. It’s a classic ploy constantly used by the elites. Manipulate a problem into existence (being careful to make sure someone else is blamed for it), wait for the reaction (by the public), then have a solution ready and waiting. My guess is that the Muslims are being built up to play a future role in something along these lines. One thing’s for sure, the ‘solution’ will be less freedom and more power to the State, if possible on a global (EU, UN, NATO etc) level.
If David Icke’s is not to your taste can I recommend a Scottish ex-pat, now living in Canada, called Alan Watt. He’s done some incredibly good research on all aspects of the elite agenda. Sad to say it isn’t pretty. If they prevail the future isn’t looking good for those of us at the bottom of the pyramid. Here, it seems to me, is an opportunity. Can we resist (if possible; Islam, for example, is the deadliest of all the mind control programmes/religions ever devised) the temptations of the ‘divide and rule’ tactics. If we can expose the New World Order agenda for what it is we can show those of other ethnic groups that we have a common enemy. Explain also how they are being used to destroy us as a race and a culture and the very same force would do the same to them if necessary. If those who have looked closely at ‘Agenda 21’ are to be believed then the aim is to reduce the population from around 6 billion to 500 million. One of the methods for doing this is ‘codex alimentarius’ which will see our food messed with even more as well as nutrients being classified as toxins. The main victims will be Africans and Asians. Could our future salvation be in an appeal for them to understand that the reason we are fighting for our homeland is because we value all diversity, including theirs and that national sovereignty is an important bulwark against future attempts to enslave mankind such as the one we are facing? I perhaps haven’t expressed this very well because I have to go out and I’m rushing a little, but I hope you get the general idea.
Two more quick points. There’s a vague idea that this whole agenda is centred on the US. It seems not. If there is a centre then it’s here in the City of London. I read one of David Icke’s books once and in it he tells of something a psychic told him. He explained that the world is very like a human body, crisscrossed with energy grids (ley lines) and that the British Isles were a hub of the energies that surround the world. I’ve no idea if that’s true but nobody needs to tell me how special these islands are. Perhaps if we can find a way to defeat them here then the centre of their web is destroyed and they’ll fall apart everywhere. With the dead hand of the elites removed then all the countries of the world will be free. Encouragement can be given for those immigrants to return to their homes and reduce the overcrowding on this small island of ours. Again there’s a idea of a tactic struggling to get out but I haven’t the time to explain it fully. All I do know is that any attempt at violence is what they are after and is doomed to failure. We need to be far cleverer than that.
The last point is that it’s intelligence that will defeat the ‘Illuminati’ (or whatever you want to call them) and that’s where you on this forum come in. The population has been intentionally dumbed down by TV, food additives, drugs (legal and illegal; they control both) and an appalling education system. They need salvation. However it’s not intelligence alone it’s also wisdom that’s required. A wisdom that identifies the correct enemy and finds inventive and non violent ways to defeat him.
Alan Watt
Agenda 21
Codex Alimentarius
To see how this conspiracy is financed here’s a simple video explaining the basics of the banking scam.