From Real Estate to Microstate Via Neighborhood Preferences

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 10 June 2006 15:42.

A persistent problem for the global theocracy is the fact that people just won’t behave themselves—they keep committing the mortal sin of preferring their own kind no matter how much they are indoctrinated, cajoled, threatened, punished and even bombed for doing so.  There are quite a number of faithful vectors who are doing their part to move where they aren’t welcome with government protection but overall, things just aren’t going fast enough for the theocracy and in some places they are positively at a stand-still.  For example, US segregation metrics have not changed substantially since the Fair Housing Act went into effect January 1, 1970.  Academics have been studying this puzzling phenomenon attempting to model it and determine how better compliance with the canons of the theocracy can be achieved.  They hoped to find factors such as income disparity, rather than racial preference driving the persistence of neighborhood segregation but much to their dismay, income simply isn’t a driver of segregation in the best computer models; neighborhood racial preference is.  Moreover, “right wing extremist” parties are starting to get people, especially young people, in droves over issues like immigration and if they ally with Muslim terrorists a firestorm could consume civilization. What, oh, what to do?  I have a suggestion for them:  Give up—you’re fighting mother nature and theocrats just don’t win against her, particularly theocrats who are rank amateurs compared the the Muslim clerics.  Better to make her work for you via microstates.  Here’s how.

First they have to give up on the notion that voting with your ballot is better than voting with your feet.  Indeed, they have to recognize voting with your feet is superior so long as you can find some place with which you agree.  The more microstates the more likely it is that you’ll find yourself a true home.  Yes, I know, this will be hard for them but they can do it if they just visualize their dead rotting charred flesh after a suicide bomber visits their walled community to deliver a pizza.

Second, they need to give up on the idea of a laundry list of vague and therefore selectively enforced “human rights” protecting people against tyranny of the majority and instead accept that different people prefer different degrees and kinds of “human rights” for their communities.  This means they need just one single human right:  freedom of association between mutually consenting adults performing any sort of experiment in living they like.  Yes, I know, this means they don’t get to weasel around and give preference to their kin for protection of the items in the “human rights” laundry list most applicable to them—so this is the hardest thing in the world you can ask of a globalist theocrat—but if they keep reminding themselves about that delivery boy and his pizza they can tolerate it.

Third, they need to get over the fact that territorial boundaries of rules will need to change as people move where they best fit.  Uniformity of law will probably be no greater or less than it is now ultimately, as people assort, but for a while it may be a bit chaotic as people move around and readjust their expectations of how closely their personal preferences match the laws of a given microstate.  This isn’t actually that hard for a theocrat once they’ve given up their perks provided by selective enforcement of the laundry list of “human right” mentioned above.

Fourth, they’ll need to redirect tax revenues from current uses to managing relocation expenses for people.  The idea here is basically that you avoid war and social costs by letting people move to where their compatriots are.  This may mean refurbishing some of the international air terminals so that passport control is more stringent but there probably will be reduced need for travel so capacity can remain the same.  Moreover, since the biggest shift will probably be replacement of prisons with frontier microstates which consent to accept the more marginally acceptable, more transportation infrastructure will have to be constructed to expand the ecological range of civilization.

Finally, there will be those parasites who just can’t avoid exploiting the nice juicy environments created by such freedom.  They’ll bid very high for real estate near or within microstates that are particularly ripe and juicy, the way the US was before the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965, so they can consume those microstates.  There will be lots of sellouts of the microstates by the managerial elites of those microstates without some form of remediation.  This problem also occurs as a microstate attracts compatriots and needs more land currently occupied by incompatibles.  The solution is self-assessment of the real estate value by the owner, and taxation at the prevailing short term interest rate to finance the relocation expenses of those bought out under eminent domain at the self-assessed price.

Can you think of any other criteria for going from real estate to microstate via neighborhood preferences?




Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 18:06 | #

J.B.-You are one evil son of a bitch-I love your post!    I hereby appoint you Big Brother Guru,at a salary of whatever you want,to overseer the final takeover of America,so that all muds and assorted Democrats may find their proper place in your new Utopia.  Shit,I’m still laughing! Cheers!


Posted by GNXP stinks on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 19:48 | #

“Finally, there will be those parasites who just can’t avoid exploiting the nice juicy environments created by such freedom. “

GC and Razib?

Anyway, agreed, freedom of association is *the* most important human right.


Posted by john on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 00:52 | #

This trend has been accelerating in England, with many leaving and most thinking about it. The elites have been having quite a free ride, but it would I think be reasonable to expect them to live in areas of diversity.


Posted by john on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 02:14 | #

This feature article traces the history of artificial societies from its roots in the work of Thomas Schelling to Axtell and Epstein’s Sugarscape model. Rauch discusses CSED’s research on Zipf distribution, A-societies and the Anasazi tribe to posit that the construction of artificial communities provides social scientists with a method to predict the outcomes of particular policy interventions.

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