Graphic Example of Media Blackout of Ron Paul Courtesy of Tivo and the New Media, Max Tower brings you this graphic example (there are many others but few quite so graphic) of the kind of thing that could turn the Ron Paul supporters militant enough that they become violent:
Posted by schaum's on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 19:26 | # The New York Times also omitted Tancredo and Paul entirely from its Iowa Poll article. 3
Posted by M. Frederick Voorhees on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 21:42 | # Yes, the New York Times has done the same with Dennis Kucinich 5
Posted by onetwothree on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 02:17 | # Well, have you see exit polls so wildly incorrect before: ...assuming their methodology was sound, I’m not sure that’s possible. 6
Posted by second class citizen on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 02:18 | # No question that this is an excellent example of media bias in action, and that’s good information for people on the fence. But Jim, my only question is why you still have this sort of misplaced hope in the political system? It’s like a cargo cultist building yet another imitation airfield in the vain hope that it will bring cargo from its ancestors (which it won’t) and that one shipment of cargo will somehow magically solve all of the tribe’s problems. 7
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 04:00 | # Second Class Citizen, I apologize if I have given you the impression that I have hope in the political system. It isn’t practical to explain my rationale for interest in the Ron Paul phenomenon every time I reference it. 8
Posted by second class citizen on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 05:08 | # Jim, apologies, I saw the “Get angry. Get angry and tell all your friends to vote for Ron Paul” included at the end and thought you had written it. I see you didn’t - Max Tower did. I’ll crawl back into my hole now. 9
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 06:15 | # Ah… I failed to attribute that blockquote didn’t I? Fixed. 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 14:52 | # Looks as if the MSM/Rupert-Murdoch blackout of Ron Paul now extends to Sean Insanity. Ooops! Typo: that S doesn’t belong there, of course: that should be: Sean Inanity. (How’d that S get in there? Wake up, Fred! ...) 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 04:18 | # I want to know the name, ethnicity, and religious background of the person at Fox responsible for the outrage of omitting Tancredo’s and Paul’s names from that list. If he’s proud of what he did he should have no hesitation about stepping forward and identifying himself. (Of course he’ll never come forward, because he’s a slimy behind-the-scenes sneak who’s well aware he and his dishonest ilk could never win in open debate. The anonymous stab in the back is therefore their speciality.) 12
Posted by a Finn on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 08:22 | # From this Free State Project could be learned some lessons of forming communities. It is likely that nearly all of the participants are Ron Paul supporters. Have a look around: Here is a critique and improvement suggestions: All the best to MR people. See you all later. 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 13:40 | # Randall Burns takes an honest look at some blemishes on the immigration report cards of both Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul, and gives his view of the reasons why they’re still our best hope for change — which of course they are. 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 04:10 | # A Canadian adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa and serior research scientist for the Canuck feds says, “the growing popular movement behind Paul [...] has the potential to shake the U.S. and Western World to its foundations.” He’s right. Pray God it come to pass! 16
Posted by Steve Edwards on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 05:03 | # Ron Paul is a threat to the entire establishment, at every level. There is not a single special interest that would be left to its privileges if he took over. For that reason, I think there will be a serious attempt to assassinate him if his campaign gathers speed. 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 05:53 | # Steve, if such a plot were ever uncovered I would not be surprised, absolutely not. The threat he poses to the D.C. bloodsuckers’ continued ability to suck blood goes way beyond immigration alone: were it only that, it would in the establishment’s eyes be bad enough but, as you say, it touches virtually everything excessive about Leviathan today. He’s on record, I believe, as saying about 60% of the federal government could be eliminated right off the bat. Obviously he wouldn’t chop that much off in one fell swoop but there’s no doubt he’d start paring Leviathan down the minute he was sworn in, and ... let’s just say he’d ... make enemies ... 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:08 | # A group of Flemings watching the U.S. political campaigns have decided they like the look of Ron Paul!
(Hat tip to In reply, I say to these good Flemish comrades, God bless you and thank you for your support, Flemings, brothers!, and this: Long live free Flanders! May God bless, defend, and preserve Flanders and the Flemish nation and race forever! 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:22 | # Look what I just noticed in the links at the Flemish group’s home page: Ron Paul Worldwide —Indian and Pakistani Friends of Ron Paul (Click on their web-site link above for the active links to all these Ron Paul support sites.) Gee, somehow I doubt John McCain, Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee, or Rudolph Giuliani has this level of worldwide appeal ... It certainly looks as many in the rest of the world see Ron Paul as a good man, the right man for the job, and a man who’ll get the job done! 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:30 | # Here‘s another one. Browse some of these overseas Ron Paul support sites: all over the place you’ll see additional ones that are not yet on the list above. It appears as if the rest of the world is clamoring for Ron Paul to be the next U.S. president! 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:32 | # What bad manners if we voters turned them down! 22
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 00:19 | # Ron Paul by Steeleye Span Oh my name it is Ron Paul, Ron Paul. I have tax reform in store, and that’s not all! Oh I’ll ride up Capitol Hill in a car. Up the ladder of success we shall grope. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 04:33 | # Joe Guzzardi, in a piece up tonight:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 05:08 | #
Oops! The above doesn’t make sense. Let’s change it to:
Posted by Steve on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:26 | # I am prepared to say that at this very moment (more or less), there are agents meeting together, representing, in some officially-sanctioned (meaning at least a nod-and-a-wink from the board with some illicit cash keep strictly off the books) capacity, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, the Trilateral Commission, the Pentagon, the CIA, the Ford Foundation, La Raza, AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and countless others, for the purposes of planning the assassination of Ron Paul. There is little to no doubt that these contingencies are already being laid out as we speak. He really is that dangerous to all these people and their interests. I think one way to counter the now inevitable attempt on Paul’s life could be this: all concerned citizens of the United States, using any allies they can get on board, (including the Chinese mafia, with their extensive reach, if necessary) must issue a clear threat that any attempt on Paul’s life will trigger an immediate spate of high-level assassinations, targeting every single top-ranking official and financial supporter of all the organisations I’ve listed above, including some extra-territorial hits on any past Bilderberg attendees for good measure. This should be made fairly explicit - not quite so public, of course, but easily understood to all interested parties. The beauty of this scheme is that even if what I’m saying is WAY OFF and said organisations AREN’T actually carrying out the plans we’ve attributed to them, they will effectively, by the very nature of the proposed counter-threat, be made personally responsible for Paul’s security at all times. Which means they’ll have no choice but to pull out all stops to prevent any “situation” or “incident” taking place involving one of those infamous Lone Nuts who keep popping up throughout American history. In other words, if Mutually Assured Destruction was good enough for the Soviets, it can certainly be made good enough for the CFR, the Fed, the Trilateral Commission, La Raza, the ADL, etc. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 11:45 | # It’s been done, Steve. European Catholics loathed Queen Elizabeth I. Absolutely loathed. She was throwing the monkey wrench into so many of their plans, upsetting their preferred status quo in so many ways. When rumors began circulating that the Spanish Jesuits planned to assassinate her, a group of prominent Englishmen got together and let it be known, in the “right circles,” that if anything happened to her, they’d see to it the Pope was assassinated. All rumors of Jesuits planning to assassinate Elizabeth promptly stopped. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 13:12 | # Look at this video made by Ron Paul supporters who live in the Flemish city of Antwerp, titled “A Shout [of Support] for Ron Paul.” It says the original version has logged more than 4,000 views. It’s extremely moving, in the sense, first of all, that the world is watching this presidential campaign closely and is eagerly, honestly, sincerely, and idealistically evaluating those who hope to be candidates (all by itself very moving, when compared to the pure sleaze most of these candidates are and those backing them behind the scenes are) and second, these Flemings see the principles which the Ron Paul campaign stands for as what would help their own country out of the dire mess it’s gotten itself into, and the way they express that is by remembering back to their own XVIth-Century declaration of independence from the Spanish Empire and how that Flemish document helped Thomas Jefferson craft our Declaration of Independence (whether or not that’s true that Thomas Jefferson saw their document and was helped by it I don’t know, but it makes no difference: they think he did, and look at the moving link in their minds between the two) and so, just as they helped us, as they see things, Ron Paul is now helping them in return with his ideas that they need in order to heal their country. For those whose Flemish may be a bit rusty: in their log entry below the video is posted a two-question “video FAQ”: the first question is, “Are there really so many (a million) unemployed?” The answer starts, “Yes and no; No, according to official unemployment figures; Yes, according to real economic figures,” then goes on to explain in detail the ways in which the official figures are manipulated by the Belgian government to make things appear rosier than they really are. The second FAQ asks, “Did Belgium declare independence in 1581?” and answers “Once again, yes and no,” and explains that, as there was no “Belgium” properly so-called then, “Belgium” couldn’t have declared independence, but it tells what the Flemish provinces which were involved did, the equivalent of declaring independence. 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 13:37 | # The City of Antwerp, incidentally, is being completely inundated and race-replaced with Moslems from North Africa, as part of official Belgian government policy of forced race-replacement of its own traditional populations, a policy which consciously aims at achieving a totally mulatto Belgian population where before were Flemings, Walloons, and Germans. Can it be believed? It has to be: it’s happening before our eyes and if you dare to protest against it you’ll be criminally prosecuted as Gert Wilders was for politely requesting a halt to further North African Moslem immigration into certain districts of that city, Antwerp, districts which he judged were now so full as to be experiencing considerable social strain. Don’t dare to say anything like that because you’ll go to jail. What’s happening is the worst crime in the roughly ten-thousand-year history of civilization (reckoning from the time the first towns appeared something like seven to ten thousand years ago: it’s the worst crime since then). What’s happening has, by the way, the full support of Jews everywhere: they’re positively ecstatic about it. They never want it to stop and they’ve amply shown they’ll fight tooth-and-nail to keep anyone from effectively challenging it. The worst crime in the history of civilization has the full backing of Jews everywhere. (And if Jews don’t like hearing that, let them stop backing it and they’ll stop hearing it, not before.) 29
Posted by Fr John on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 13:51 | # “I am prepared to say that at this very moment (more or less), there are agents meeting together, representing, in some officially-sanctioned (meaning at least a nod-and-a-wink from the board with some illicit cash keep strictly off the books) capacity, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve, the Trilateral Commission, the Pentagon, the CIA, the Ford Foundation, La Raza, AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and countless others, for the purposes of planning the assassination of Ron Paul. There is little to no doubt that these contingencies are already being laid out as we speak. He really is that dangerous to all these people and their interests.” I had already thought of this, and my suggestion to a friend that a “Ten Million [WHITE] Man March” with all of us carrying our legal firearms, coming from every corner of this beleaguered land, in support of the America we were born [legally] into, and not as ‘immigration security’ foetuses. Could you imagine the Nat. Guard mobilizing on DC, to stop such a march? WOULD anyone DARE to assasinate Ron Paul, if someone like Turner published THEIR names and addresses of residence (Like Abe Foxman, for instance, or Morris Disease?) My favorite Ron Paul video, has the title, “When in the course of human events.” I suggest you all watch it. 30
Posted by Fr John on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 14:05 | # You know, after looking at the YouTube video from the Belgians for Ron Paul site, and looking at some of the other WORLDWIDE Paul support sites, I feel as though I ought to take back what I just said. With such support, only the zionazis in our midst would be psychotic enough to think the ENTIRE WORLD would not notice an assasination attempt on this man, and NOT rise up EN MASSE to AVENGE his murder! Are we seeing the SECOND American Revolution, against a usurper “King George”? Have I lived to see this day? Will my children live in a land free from the Shylocks of the world? God be praised. 31
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 14:39 | #
Some of the same hopes people associate with supporting Ron Paul were invested in Pim Fortuyn but Leviathan had Pim bumped off anyway, John — and the entire world did notice. But the entire world was out-maneuvred. The people we’re dealing with are capable of anything. 32
Posted by GT on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 17:55 | # Good links, a Finn. Thanks. “ In every generation commitment to such a project by a critical (revolutionary) mass of potential supporters is not likely to occur until after less demanding options have been explored. Obviously, one such option is voting for a savior. This generation’s savior is Ron Paul. When the inevitable kick in the teeth occurs, then and only then will it be possible for the Free State Project to acquire a critical mass of physically courageous adherents. 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 18:51 | # GT, I see no inconsistency between supporting Ron Paul and simultaneously going ahead with the Free State Project and every other rejection of Leviathan. Even if Ron Paul is elected and begins steering things in the right direction there’ll be work still to do. No Ron Paul supporter looks at him as the man who, as president, will usher in the end of history. History will continue long after he’s left office and we have to start now to make what comes more congenial to our interests than to Leviathan’s. 34
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 22:02 | # Local interest in Giuliani’s campaign stops in California is nil: 35
Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 14:08 | # “Some of the same hopes people associate with supporting Ron Paul were invested in Pim Fortuyn but Leviathan had Pim bumped off anyway, John.” Mr. Scrooby, please use my title. I neither know you, nor you, I- thus familiarity is not allowed. And it is in this capacity I state: Mr. Fortuyn was a sodomite, and therefore cursed before God and Men, and all his plans were as naught. [Roman 1] Rep. Paul is an ENTIRELY different sort of man, a man of principle, a man of integrity, and an M.D., so his knowledge is far more vast than a ‘poofta’ whose intellect is marred either psychologically (those psychologists who do not follow after the APA’s 1973 cave-in on calling sodomy a ‘psychological illness) or a genetically-induced one, via the HIV virus. 36
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 14:19 | # Here’s a year-old letter in an Amren thread (scroll all the way to the end):
Good letter. 37
Posted by on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 05:00 | # Hmm… the poll result only showed 74.9% of the votes. Quote: “Your Lack of Faith Disturbs Me…” Darth Vader, Star Wars Episode IV Hope that makes you think about what’s at stake… Go out and vote you fools. Mr Flick 39
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 00:11 | # It’s not true the Jews outright own the Democratic Party. The fraction that’s been bought and paid for by them and now belongs to them outright as their personal property is only 70%. The other 30% is owned lock, stock, and barrel by Peking. 40
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 06:24 | # Nice letter to by a Ron Paul supporter. (The guy’s name sounds kind of familiar — I’m sure I’ve seen him somewhere ... I wonder if that guy’s ever stopped in at ...) 41
Posted by Katie on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 14:12 | # Uhmmm…hello….guys? Ron Paul supports “The Constitution” and is for what it stands for as you will actually see by his long voting record. It states Individual rights and FREEDOM for ALL americans. That means… white,black,brown,red and purple if need be. Maybe Ron Paul maynot be the candidate for your WHITE million man march afterall…geeezzzz. Oh, by the way I’m a white caucasian and I DO support Ron Paul for president in 2008 for what he actually stands for FREEDOM and LIBERTY for ALL as provided by our United States Constitution. Wake Up ! 42
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:11 | # Have you actually read anything here Katie? For instence, in theory, Ron Paul would end affirmative action. That would spell the end of a swathe of employment opportunities for non-whites. Unversity campus demographics would be looking a lot different as well. Im assuming that various provisions allowing minority businesses priorty for certain public contracts would be right out of the window too. More bad news for your fellow (non-white) citizens. Glad to hear you are on board. 43
Posted by VLC on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 20:29 | # the federal government is the enemy of white america so anything that reduces its power is a good thing. Post a comment:
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Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 17:45 | #
Seeing that Fox News display chart made me feel like throwing up, so brazen is their blackout strategy. The little logo at bottom right says, “FOX & Friends”. As the expression goes, with friends like that who needs enemies?