Leo McKinstrey reveals the underlying sanity and sense of grievance of the patriotic English

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 13 August 2007 09:39.

I missed this, in my experience, almost unprecedentedly honest piece of writing by Leo McKinstry when it appeared in the Daily Express on 9th August.  He still blames “the left” for our travail, of course - we haven’t reached the stage yet where a wee little journalist can break with that.  But it still merits attention.

I have praised McKinstry’s honesty before, here and here.  He knows that of which he complains, having worked as an aid for Harriet Harman (who is now Labour Deputy Leader).

The body of the Express article details various instances of discrimination against English applicants to jobs in the state machinery.  We know the story well, and I won’t paste it all out here.  I will, though, treat you to McKinstry’s bold top ‘n tail for that narrative, which could have been written by any of us.

I also reproduce the entire comments thread as it stands this morning.  A good deal of it is probably contributed by BNP members, who are ever-ready to make their point.  But anyone who has scratched the polite surface of conversation with the kind of person who might read the Express knows the sturdy soul underneath.  These are the sentiments he holds.  I am surprised, frankly, that the Express moderators permitted such sound expressions of opinion.  Perhaps they moderate according to the tone set by the article.  Perhaps the Express has decided to counter falling newspaper readership by breaking with the zeitgeist and ministering to its readers’ true opinion.

Erm ... no, that would be too much to hope for.


Thursday August 9, 2007
By Leo McKinstry

England is in the middle of a profoundly disturbing social experiment. For the first time in a mature democracy, a Government is waging a campaign of aggressive discrimination against its indigenous population.? ?

In the name of cultural diversity, Labour attacks anything that smacks of Englishness.?The mainstream public are treated with contempt, their rights ignored, their history trashed.?In their own land, the English are being turned into second-class citizens.

This trend was highlighted this week by the case of Abigail Howarth, a bright teenager who applied for a training position with the Environment Agency in East Anglia but was turned down because she was too white and English.?The post, which carries a £13,000 grant, was open only to ethnic minorities, including the Scots, Welsh and Irish.

Such social engineering was justified by the Agency on the grounds that minorities were under-represented in its workforce, the parrot cry used by bureaucrats throughout the public sector to justify bias against the English.

... It is a bitter irony that the Labour?Government,?which works?itself?into?such?a synthetic rage over racial prejudice, should practise overt discrimination on an epic scale.?The remorseless focus on supporting minorities has led to a perverted ideology of anti-white racism.?

Almost?every?interaction with any public service now leads to a detailed analysis of one’s ethnic status.?A vast race equality industry has been built up, filled with overpaid paper shufflers, consultants and advisers with little to do except invent new grievances.??

There is an air of the Maoist permanent revolution about their activities. Since immigration now runs at probably one million?people?a?year,?the make-up of society is changing dramatically.?So, in this climate of endless demographic upheaval, the race relations brigade will always be able to invent more work for itself.

Yet anti-English discrimination undermines the central plank of the propaganda for mass?immigration.?We?are constantly told we need vast influxes of foreigners to boost our economy and fill vacancies but unem­ployment levels in immigrant communities are so high and skills so lacking that we need to reserve parts of our economy for them.

So if we have to spend a fortune on training schemes, why are we inviting hundreds of thousands of arrivals from the Third?World?and?Eastern Europe here every year?

Economics have little to do with the issue.?The Left in Britain have seized on mass immigration and multiculturalism as a battering ram to destroy?the?society?they despise.?They once sought to change our country through economic?revolution.?That failed with the Winter of Discontent and the downfall of communism.?But demographic change through migration has proved far more damaging.

George Orwell once wrote: “England is perhaps the only great country whose intellec­tuals are ashamed of their own nationality.?In Left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution.”

That is now precisely the mentality that predominates within the machinery of the British state. And our country is dying as a result.

Now here’s the comments thread (presented first to last, which reverses the order on the Express page):-


09.08.07, 10:40pm

..... for telling it exactly as it is.

If only more people of integrity in the media would speak out, and if only the English would wake up to what is being done to them.

I fear a civil conflict lies ahead.

• Posted by: Dylan • Report Comment


10.08.07, 3:32am

“White English now second class citizens”
Also known as “Dhimmitude” We dont pay tax, we pay “Jizya”

• Posted by: jackfin • Report Comment


10.08.07, 11:44am

Leo castigates the British state for declaring war on one of its indigenous peoples (the English) - rightly. But he fails to draw the obvious conclusion - that the English need to replace the British state with an English government. In other words, the people of England need their own government, either within the Union as a devolved administration like that of Scotland or as an independent country outside the Union. This should not be a problem as the Prime Minister, Mr Brown, has recognised (in the Scottish context) that the people are sovereign and have the right to determine the form of government that best suits their needs. So no doubt he will soon be offering the people of England a referendum on whether they want their own Parliament, within or outwith the Union.
And it is not just the white English people. The British Government hates the whole idea of England. Black English people also suffer reduced services along with whiite English people.
The people of England need to have their own government to sort this out and promote equal opportuntity for all .


10.08.07, 12:42pm

Not one political party has any policies for England. Check their websites and you will find Scottish and Welsh sections but no English section.
I did have a flicker of hope when Cameron became leader of the Conservative party but my hopes have been dashed when he referred to the English as “sour little Englanders” to an audience in Scotland.
I am a member of the Campaign English Parliament and have been campaigning for an English Parliament for a number of years.
When the book is written on our Campaign the public will be shocked at the villification we have received from our own elected representatives at Westminster.
Believe you me they don’t like the English.


10.08.07, 1:05pm

Leo McKinstry is damnly right to describe this situation.
The British National Party were saying that for years but the truth cannot be denied anymore.
A closer look at the arguments used in favour of mass immigration will tell you they are flimsy.
Immigrants will not solve our pension crisis,they will become old too,we have 5,000,000 unemployed people living on benefit,housing prices have never been so high because of immigration.
But the basic question is why we need a multiracial society in the first place?
No one asked native Britons if they wanted it and they risk to be jailed if they dare to complain.
Diversity doesn’t bring enrichment(unless you are a fat cat manager of a Lib-Lab-Con man) but social tension.
Anger is building up inside people and sooner or later it will explode.
This is why the BNP are getting more support and are a threat to the establishment.
I applaude you mr McKinstry for breaking the wall of political correctness and starting to tell the truth.
I hope one day you will write about the BNP not necessarily to promote them but to recognise they have been right all along.
Thanks again.

• Posted by: beppe74 • Report Comment


10.08.07, 1:12pm

As an example to my earlier comment about what our politicians think of us,
Frank Field MP made this motion on the 17.01.07
to this date only nineteen MP’s have signed up to this motion. Well done to those MP’s that have signed, the rest should have their pensions taken away.


Field, Frank
That this House notes that those polls that have questioned the English report a clear majority in favour of an English parliament; and further notes that it is this issue, and not Scottish independence or even House of Lords reform, that is the issue that voters now put at the top of their priorities for constitutional reform.

• Posted by: tally • Report Comment


10.08.07, 2:50pm

The Labour party profess to abhor racial discrimination and then enforce statutory discrimination against the English on an unprecedented scale.

Those in the British Parliament, who are so quick with their accusations of racism and bigotry, should look in the mirror.

• Posted by: garlichead • Report Comment


10.08.07, 5:01pm

someone in the media had the balls to say it.

now we’ll see who has the constitution to defend it.


• Posted by: aggregatordotca • Report Comment



10.08.07, 5:15pm

Where have you been for the last 30 odd years Leo? Whilst I agree with everything you say you seem to suggest that this is a recent phenomenon – Not so. I vividly remember being outraged on reading an advert in the London Evening Standard for local authority workers for one of the London local authorities – Only those of Asian, Afro-Caribbean or Irish origin need apply, and that was in 1973.

Will we ever be able to turn-off the positive discrimination tap once the minorities have reached their fair proportion of employees? - I doubt it. As more and more of them aspire to positions where they have sway over who are or are not employed I doubt if they will display the same sense of fair play as that bestowed on them by misguided indigenous do-gooders. Like a snowball rolling down hill their numbers will keep getting bigger and bigger the only difference is it will not be white.

• Posted by: G0LDENARR0W • Report Comment



10.08.07, 7:23pm

Be careful Mr McKinstry, the thought police are about. The power-mongers will have no problem citing you as a racist & charging you with inciting racial hatred. It’s not what you say that counts anymore, it’s what they think you meant.

After reading I was going to say several things, but after reading the other posts, they all seem to have been covered. From small acorns grow great oaks. I too want to see a fair shake for the English white indigenous people of this country.


Vote BNP

• Posted by: Rusty • Report Comment



10.08.07, 8:07pm

(Even though You do have a Scots Name)

Time after time I read your column and recognise that what you write are the sentiments of so many law abiding English taxpayers…...but nothing changes.

It is not racist to love and want to protect your country but few English people nowadays have the “balls” to stand up and say it.

Some would say that “War” is too strong a word to use, but a state of hostility or rivalry by this divisive Government towards the English is apparent in the disadvantage we now have in our political representation and in so many aspects of matters which effect us.

Stand for Parliament. Bring together the numerous small groups trying to change things for the better for the English but having little effect on their own.
Fill the gap which so obviously exists in our politics..


• Posted by: JackDoff • Report Comment



10.08.07, 9:30pm

Please stand for parliament. Failing that continue to use your pens to spread the truth about the Marxist scum who are deliberatly destroying England ,and it’s people for their own neferious ends . I fear if the ballot box continues to deny the English electorate justice the only outcome will be a civil uprising.

• Posted by: Jay_R • Report Comment



10.08.07, 10:42pm

If these revelations doesn’t encourage you to do the only thing possible to stop these people in their quest to destroy England we are all doomed. For Gods sake do what I have done today and join the only ones who are fighting to save us…JOIN THE BNP Why do you think they are suppressed on all fronts by the media, they are telling us the truth , and how to stop these bastards in their tracks.

• Posted by: bazza • Report Comment



10.08.07, 11:40pm

By a very strage coincidence, an article appeared in the pages of http://www.abex.org.uk just a day ago. This letter, shown below, could have been written by Leo Mckinstry himself. Check it out. Requiem for England’s Illustrious Past
Today at 08:31:50 Many times I have heard the phrase ‘life is too short’ and when you have lived more of your life than you have left to live one is inclined to agree. I have got to an age where I have to seriously consider whether I am too old to take up the violin. I don’t feel old; my brain is that of a teenager but the all-consuming drive to own ‘stuff’ and to impress the opposite sex has gone. That is a good thing as I now consider those youthful impulses as no more than a trivial distraction, being immaterial and of no consequence to ones future. That is the crutch or heavy baggage that one unknowingly carries in their early years.

I served in the British army when Stalin was in power in Russia, when Franco was in charge of Spain, Tito was ruling a ‘United’ Yugoslavia, Chiang Kai Shek was being driven from mainland China into Taiwan and it was another 12 years before the Berlin Wall went up. I was a British soldier defending England, its freedom and its way of life, who the hell would I be defending now?

Things change very quickly. I lived in an England when her empire was beginning to crumble. Time passes, now its own children are beginning to lose their sense of racial identity, and indeed the whole country is made to feel guilty of its proud history and ethnic uniqueness and is tragically losing its sense of purpose and direction.

Our leader’s talk of embracing British and British-ness, they tell us we are not English any more and very shortly we will even cease to be British and become European. The England as I knew it will be no more; all this change has occurred in one person’s terrifyingly short lifetime.

In my youth my country did not spawn ‘home grown’ terrorists, the person sitting next to me on the bus was English so was the bus conductor and the driver. Stop and think; what or who caused these catastrophic negative social changes to our once relatively lawful homogeneous society? It was not the people; it was our traitorous narcissistic politicians in collusion with the power hungry, corrupt European federalists.

When my son reaches my age what will my country resemble? If nothing changes the descent into a European authoritarian autocracy will be total and absolute and the England I defended will be no more, the England my uncle died for will be unrecognizable and the England my grandfather God rest his soul, who fought in the boxer wars, would have recognized, would be a horrified.

The politicians are still telling the grubby peasants they have the country and its peoples best interests at heart at the same time they are breaking up what was once a ‘United’ Kingdom and eroding the very fabric of a proud nation who feared no-one, who kowtowed to no-one and most certainly did not allow a totally foreign or exotic Eastern culture to affect, influence, dictate, threaten its security, its way of life or its future, and to change the English character of many of its major cities. What total screaming madness is changing the face of my country?

What have our government done for its own people you might ask? Well they have put in place legal mechanisms to threaten and to silence its own people with incarceration if they dare object to this horror.

This is the country I gave the best years of my youth for. I will make doubly certain that my son does not waste his youth as I did, sacrificing his immature youthful years believing in the lies of ‘home grown’ renegade, lying, and treasonous bloody imposters.


• Posted by: BlackBuck69 • Report Comment



11.08.07, 12:22am

There is something very weird going on in just about all sections of the British media of late. This total departure from the accepted norm in journalism is exemplified by Mr Mckinstry’s tour de force in relation to the plight of the White, indigenous population of England. His article could have sat very comfortably with the pages of The British National Party’s website.

People - couldn’t believe my eyes and ears earlier this evening!

On the ITV news at 22:50 this evening (Friday) -

“Two middle-aged Asian men jailed today in Blackburn in respect of the
Grooming of young girls for prostitution.”

“Part of growing problem where Asian men are grooming young white girls.”

“Largely Asian males targeting young white girls “

“Asian men use expensive presents to get them early and then get them hooked
On drugs”.

“One mother said that they also gave her daughter mobile phones - each had
Hundreds of male Asian names and numbers on.”

“one girl escaped from a flat, which was used as a brothel, by smashing a

“BNP trying to expolit the situation in Bradford and Blackburn.”

“Condemnation from local mosque leader - not Islamic way.”

This is news? The British National Party have been saying this, to my certain knowledge, for at least FIVE YEARS!! They even produced a song about the problem called, “White Roses,” or something very similar. And yet, the local rag reporting the case say, in the tired old way, “The BNP are trying to exploit the situation!!”
Far from “exploiting” they have been WARNING of this foul trade in young, English girls.
Maybe, just maybe, The British National Party are finally about to get a fair and balanced hearing.
We can only wait and see.

• Posted by: BlackBuck69 • Report Comment



11.08.07, 1:18am

England is for life not just for football or rugby.

Remember that.

Seriously speaking, recently I only started reading the Express after increasingly being annoyed by the Mirror’s anti-nationalist views along with their odious smears against the BNP that were total lies. So I stopped reading it & turned to the Express.

I have found Mr McKinstry’s column the most compelling I’ve ever read for a long time which he is writing what we, the indigenous English have been saying for years. The more he write in telling the truth the more I fear for his profession.

This Labour Government has systematically destroyed our English way of life and I wonder how many people who voted them in back in 1997 are now feeling deceived. I bet 95% of them never wanted multiculturalism or this politcal correct madness. How many since 1997 have lost jobs & now cannot apply for anything bacause they’re White English.

I don’t have any children of my own but I do NOT want the children of friends and from all English families to grow up amongst the filth created by our corrupt band of incompetent politicians and end up a minority.

I’ve grown very angry & bitter over the last 10 years, I cannot put words right.

My biggest fear is that our identity is fighting a war far greater than WWII that none realises.
It’s 365 years since Charles I declared hostilities. One day the Indigenous English people will say enough & will take to the streets & fight against this so called tyrannical democracy and restore ‘English Democracy’.

It’s a horrible thought. It will be worse than Naseby or Marston Moor, but we will fight if we have to.



An Angry English Man

• Posted by: Nationalist • Report Comment



11.08.07, 3:38am

Firstly, I salute Leo and the Express newspaper.

Secondly, there shall be a distinct lack of mercy shown to those who make themselves OUR enemies! Remember this: YOU anti-English are making yourselves enemies of us, not the other way around. Therefore, you shall reap the whirlwind. Evil begets evil after all!

“disturbing social experiment” ?
Genocide campaign more like. Killing English people through the deliberate lack of cancer drugs comes to mind here. What about denying elderly English people enough money for their winter fuel bills?

“For the first time in a mature democracy, a Government is waging a campaign of aggressive discrimination against its indigenous population.”

Leo, it is not “a government” waging a war against us English; it’s scottish welsh irish new labour who are waging this war. If youre going to tell the truth then tell all of it otherwise it isnt the truth.

“In the name of cultural diversity, Labour attacks anything that smacks of Englishness.”

That’s just cover. It’s an excuse for denying the English anything.

“This trend was highlighted this week by the case of Abigail Howarth, a bright teenager who applied for a training position with the Environment Agency in East Anglia but was turned down because she was too white and English. The post, which carries a £13,000 grant, was open only to ethnic minorities, including the Scots, Welsh and Irish.”

“New Labour Government works itself into such a synthetic rage over racial prejudice” -

What a bunch of unintelligent fools!

“A vast race equality industry has been built up, filled with overpaid paper shufflers, consultants and advisers with little to do except invent new grievances.”

Exactly Leo. They are interested in a)keeping their well-paid jobs and b)increasing their numbers!

“There is an air of the Maoist permanent revolution about their activities. “

Gordon Brown’s hero is Stalin! Stalin murdered how many innocent people? He should not be anyone’s hero!

Anti-English discrimination undermines the central plank of the propaganda for mass immigration. We are constantly told we need vast influxes of foreigners to boost our economy and fill vacancies but unem­ployment levels in immigrant communities are so high and skills so lacking that we need to reserve parts of our economy for them.”

Exactly Leo! It isn’t about the economy; it’s is about ETHNIC CLEANSING!

“Economics have little to do with the issue. The Left in Britain have seized on mass immigration and multiculturalism as a battering ram to destroy the society they despise.”
Got it in one Leo! ETHNIC CLEANSING!

“George Orwell once wrote: “England is perhaps the only great country whose intellec­tuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In Left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution.”

That is now precisely the mentality that predominates within the machinery of the British state. And our country is dying as a result.”

Over my dead body Leo. I think the time for action is near!

Thank-you for writing this Leo

• Posted by: Hereward • Report Comment



11.08.07, 9:17am

The article has exposed the treachery against the indiigenous people, by those in power. At last after all these years the real truth has been written.

• Posted by: truthseeker • Report Comment



11.08.07, 10:23am

A very welcomed article by Leo, and long overdue. At last someone with the courage to tell it like it is.

However, there is something very frightening that Leo did not mention, and this is the most frightening part of all. That is what these people do to anyone that dare to stand up for themselves. As we know there is a small group of people that are fighting on behalf of the Indeginous population, and these people are vilified, persecuted, discriminated against, thrown in jail, sacked from their jobs, harrassed, abused in the street, ignored by the mass media and sometimes even murdered. In fact, Gordon Brown has publically stated he wants to eliminate this threat by making this band of people ILLEGAL!

We are of course talking about the perfectly legitimate and legal political party of the BNP. The only people with the guts to make a stand and take the abuse, hatred and risks involved in order to stand up for our survival.

How scary is it that the only people fighting back are being treated in a manner you would expect from a corrupt third world dictatorship. This is fact - not fiction. Join the fight and make a stand with your vote.

• Posted by: Abex • Report Comment



11.08.07, 1:45pm

Is the Daily Express part of the problem highlighted by Leo. I have replied three times but only one has been published. I’s very sad , and very dangerous if this is the case.

• Posted by: bazza • Report Comment



11.08.07, 1:53pm

Yes , that seems the case. I have replied with two articles that the Daily Express have decided not to let through which contained nothing which should offend anyone. Perhaps highlighting the hopes we should have in the BNP was why. If that’s the case Leo. you’re working for the enemy

• Posted by: bazza • Report Comment


BAZZA .....

11.08.07, 6:23pm

..... grow up!

• Posted by: Dylan • Report Comment



11.08.07, 6:37pm

blackbuck69,i saw this article on the 5.30 news this morning,and have read express and mail but this news item wasnt in there,i wonder why not,also i havent seen it on any news programme over the last few weeks,it seems theres a news blackout on crimes committed by asians or muslims,its all sinister in my book,as you said the news said the bnp were exploiting this because you know the bnp are responsible for all the crimes and terrorist plots dont you ,and they are responsible for mad cow disease,the floods in tewksbury and your the bnp are the cause of that tax con called climate change,i do remember the bnp bringing this grooming by asian men to the notice of that labour mp cryer,but nothing was done.i voted for labour up to the last election when i voted tory,but next election if the bnp put a candidate up in my are i and my family will vote for them.

• Posted by: pussygalore • Report Comment



11.08.07, 8:52pm

We are at war with hijackers. Hijackers who have hijacked the State and are using it against the very nation of people who created it - the English. People talk about ‘political correctness gone mad’. Once we accept that a war is being waged then everything fits into place. Only when we conceive of England as a unity does it become impossible to make proper sense of the actions of its enemies.

• Posted by: Passerby • Report Comment



11.08.07, 10:15pm

Looks like you in England are starting to find out that all those sweetsy, wonderful-sounding words like “diversity” and “multiculturalism” are just leftist code words for “stomp on the bad evil white people.” Be thankful you are still 90 percent of the population: in the US, white people get in lline behind a line of protected racial groups so long you wouldn’t believe it. We even have government programs (that we help pay for) which encourage non-white people to express their hatred of us for our so-called “white privilege.”

• Posted by: maryjessel • Report Comment



12.08.07, 9:15am

But are we still the majority maryjessel.This governments bias toward ethnics,particulearly muslims,would indicate that this isn’t so.
Ethnic people in Britain receive vastly better treatment than the natives.
Why would any goverment bend over backwards for A minority,at the expense of the majority,it doesn’t make sense.
Then we have the Scots ,who are determined to run the English into the ground in their own country.
Something,somewhere must very soon give.This labour establishments treatment of the English (from whom most of their revenue is thieved) is diabolical.

• Posted by: rozipoz • Report Comment



12.08.07, 9:26am


Gordon Brown soon likely to offer the English a referendom on whether or not they would like an English parliament.
Are you mad….........he’s more likely to ask Margaret Thatcher out on a date than for that to happen.

• Posted by: rozipoz • Report Comment



12.08.07, 7:55pm

Watched an interesting discussion on Youtube between Google and Ron Paul, presidential candidate. Ron Paul said basically if there were no welfare state, and theirs is no way as encompassing as ours, there would be no immigrants. Makes sense.
We need someone to stand up for the English


• Posted by: beowulf • Report Comment

Tags: Journalism



Posted by Lean,Melancholy and Beardless on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 13:20 | #

Strangely enough, the Daily Express is owned by the Jew, Richard Desmond, who made his considerable fortune by peddling magazine pornography in every sweet-shop in the nation.
Lately he has diversified out into satellite porn, giving your average chicken-choker such delights as ‘The Adult Channel’ and ‘Red-hot Over-40’s’ to delight in - all at the cheap price of £5 per night - as the ‘Petticoat Lane Barker’ would shout.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 14:06 | #

What’s going on is, as Steven Palese said, the democratic process is being blocked at some hidden level.  Exactly at which spot it’s being blocked, and exactly who is blocking it, we’re not permitted to see.  We can only deduce indirectly that it’s indeed being blocked.  The more we strip off the coverings of the forces, whoever they are, doing the blocking (and snickering at us, spitting on us, as they do) and expose them to light of day, the closer we get to overthrowing them, unblocking the way, halting the infliction of further damage, and finally reversing the damage already done, with eventual full restoration of the racial/ethnocultural status quo ante.  It’s important, in fact crucial, of absolutely central importance, to insist on eventual full restoration of the status quo ante.  Otherwise they’ve won and we’ve lost.  It’s that simple.

We demand our race and nation back.  Period.  No compromise, no surrender.  We were never consulted in this matter of race-replacement, and it shall not stand, whether in whole or in any of its tiniest parts.  It shall be halted and fully reversed.

Incidentally, a war fought purely defensively is hard to win.  Some offensive maneuvre is called for.  The Jews are a huge factor in the forcing of race-replacement and the vast majority of those actively participating in race-replacement are Zionists.  (Some aren’t of course, but the vast majority are.)  It is appropriate to start calling for race-replacement to be visited on Israel:  Why doesn’t it have open borders?  Why aren’t more Negro Jews from Africa admitted?  Why is there no Right of Return for Palestinians?  Why is Jewish-Negro miscegenation in Israel non-existent?  Why are Jewish Israelis so racist?  The rest of the world DEMANDS to know the answers to these and other questions.  And as for the diaspora Jews, people demand to know why more of them aren’t following Alon Ziv’s advice and marrying Negroes.  Don’t we need special programs starting in elementary school re-educating specifically Jewish children out of their anti-Negro racism?  And so on, and so forth — put the pressure Jews are putting on us right back on them and make it very explicitly aimed, as someone in one of these threads suggested the other day, at getting the Jews to “breed with Bantus.”  Weird thought?  Damn right it’s weird but Hey we’re not the ones who thought that tactic up, are we.  The Jews came up with that and have been using it on us for a hundred years.  It’s about time we learned they’re not the only ones who can play that game:  Two can play.


Posted by Cassiodorus on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:43 | #

England is a truly distressing place to visit these days, it’s like hopping on a train hurtling at 200 kph straight off a cliff, without a brake.

The political correctness in England is suffocating, I’ve never seen anything like it.  Things that are just absolute common sense,knowlege of the damage that the Africans and South Asians do there, the steadily deteriorating race relations, the emigration of 400,000 angry English people every year to France or Germany or elsewhere—any normal person on the street could see the stark nakedness of the emperor and point out the disaster of English immigration policies.  By about 2018 now, the White English will be a minority in their own land.  This is insanity, and there’s nothing to stop it!

But it’s verboten to even talk about it in England.  It’s appalling.

The same suicidal PC madness has overtaken Canada and New Zealand, and while this is unsurprising (considering their Socialist histories there), it’s also overtaken the much less Socialist USA—now with a majority non-white population among its youth, and many states now fully non-white majority and full of no-go zones for whites.  Sweden and Finland also have a version of this PC madness going on, the only thing saving them from the same fate is that their non-White population is so much smaller—but for how long? 

(And it’s interesting how e.g. Austria, Denmark, Germany and even France are going in the opposite direction, clamping down hard on non-White immigration and limiting further inflows mostly to those with prior relevant ethnic heritage and relevant language skills.  So it’s not a problem of “the West” in general, just large sections of The West.)

It’s obvious that political correctness isn’t just annoying, it’s a tangible, deadly threat to the very survival of England, North America and New Zealand these days.  New Zealand ironically is at a similar point as the USA and Canada despite having a very different history—a White population down to 65% and falling fast, a native Maori population with 2-3 times the Caucasian birth rate, and mass immigration of non-Europeans who are rapidly becoming the majority against a White minority. 

England is even more puzzling, it wasn’t a recent settlement nation like in North America or New Zealand—Whites are *indigenous* there.  Yet the same PC throat-slitting is occuring there as in Canada, USA and New Zealand!  What provokes a country to such foolishly suicidal behavior???


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 23:51 | #

Today’s challenge:  summarize in 75 words or less what’s going on.

“Falk Z” did it over at Occidental Dissent:

“There is no question the source of anti-whiteness is the Jewish intelligentsia [...]

“the reason Jewish tactics are effective is because the people who are supposed to defend us from this refuse to do so. [...]

“why do whites have no sense of in-group altruism? Our job [...] is to provide the ideas, leadership, and information that actually does work in favor of our people.”

Those few dozen words say as much as whole libraries on the subject, minus the blah-blah-blah.


Posted by Bo Sears on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 01:34 | #

“...the democratic process is being blocked at some hidden level.  Exactly at which spot it’s being blocked, and exactly who is blocking it, we’re not permitted to see.  We can only deduce indirectly that it’s indeed being blocked.  The more we strip off the coverings of the forces, whoever they are, doing the blocking (and snickering at us, spitting on us, as they do) and expose them to light of day…”

In one way, the USA is lucky because we know exactly who makes up the inner council of folks blocking the democratic process here. (We’d just have to collect some old TV tapes covering three days.)

We address this issue in our online syllabus by discussing the concept of “white power structure.”


Curious? It’s the people who came out to the world on TV for the three days after 9/11. These were the only people who could be counted on during that delicate time.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 01:56 | #

That’s an excellent article Bo linked, just above.  I recommend everyone read it.


Posted by PF on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 04:51 | #

I served in the British army when Stalin was in power in Russia, when Franco was in charge of Spain, Tito was ruling a ‘United’ Yugoslavia, Chiang Kai Shek was being driven from mainland China into Taiwan and it was another 12 years before the Berlin Wall went up. I was a British soldier defending England, its freedom and its way of life, who the hell would I be defending now?

Things change very quickly. I lived in an England when her empire was beginning to crumble. Time passes, now its own children are beginning to lose their sense of racial identity, and indeed the whole country is made to feel guilty of its proud history and ethnic uniqueness and is tragically losing its sense of purpose and direction.

Our leader’s talk of embracing British and British-ness, they tell us we are not English any more and very shortly we will even cease to be British and become European. The England as I knew it will be no more; all this change has occurred in one person’s terrifyingly short lifetime.


Posted by The Bearded Funster on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 14:00 | #

If you want to know why this is happening, I suggest you pop over to the web-site ‘phillipe-legrain.com’ and have a good old persuse, and try to understand the mentality of the sh*theads who are foisting genocide upon us.
Phillipe Le Grain is a writer for that worthless ass-wipe, ‘The Economist’ magazine in which ceaselessly advocates open-door immigration to sh*thead politicians who are stupid and enough and vain enough to take his guff seriously, he rcently wrote a book entitled ‘Immigrants - Why We Need Them’, which says it all really and which PEter Brimelow at Vdare tore apart for the incoherent, illogical trash that it is.
I suggest everyone here visit this wanker’s web-site and leave a nasty little comment (ie the equivalkent of letting your dog sh*t on his door-step) telling him what you thnk of him.


Posted by Bearded Funster on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 14:08 | #


Post your obscenities at http://www.phillipelegrain.com


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 14:34 | #

“which Peter Brimelow at Vdare.com tore apart for the incoherent, illogical trash that it is.”  (—Bearded Funster)

(Funster forgot to insert the Vdare.com link)


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 14:37 | #

In fact this is the link to the worthless legrain:



Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 14:45 | #

But he’s only a little boy.


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 16:06 | #

“What provokes a country to such foolishly suicidal behavior???”

A parasite.  A pathogen.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 19:12 | #

The lack of a sentiment of white nationalism is interesting. The emphasis on “white English people” (with even some sentiment for black English people) as opposed to white Welsh, white Scots, white Irish and white Eastern Europeans is very telling.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 00:30 | #

I agree, Desmond.  This point - that we are English, not just white - is necessary to a serviceable understanding of self.  I made the same point at greater length here, timed Tuesday, August 14, 2007 at 01:18PM.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 00:44 | #

Re: Phillipe Legrain, I have shoved up a comment on his blog.  I have the feeling he will not come out to play.


Posted by Matra on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 02:34 | #

Legrain’s pro-immigration book - with a blurb or forward by Tony Benn - was prominently displayed in at least two chain bookstores (both Waterstone’s, I think) I was in in N Ireland earlier this year. It is almost as if somebody’s going out of their way to attract the public’s attention to it!


Posted by gongstar on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 18:27 | #

Your starter for ten:

Using your knowledge of contemporary British vibrancy, guess the race of attackers in the following story:

I drove to the corner of the street, where a gang of about 10 teenage girls was involved in some sort of scuffle outside an off-licence. A single girl was being kicked and punched and having her hair pulled by the rest. I wound down my side window and barked: ‘Hey, stop that!’ At the sound of my voice the gang eased off and looked up momentarily, then, having satisfied themselves that I was of no concern, set about their quarry once again. Now I could see that blood was pouring from the victim’s face on to her white, school-uniform-like shirt. I jumped out of the car, uncertain of what I was going to do, and headed straight for the gang, shouting as loudly and authoritatively as my strangled vocal cords could manage. Whatever strange sound was emitted seemed to do the trick. This time they let her go and, with theatrical reluctance, stepped back. The ringleader proudly inspected her work and received high-fives from her companions. A large thick flap of skin hung from the cheek of the beaten girl, like a sole that had come loose from a shoe. I asked her if she was OK and told her I was phoning an ambulance. She was about 16 or 17 and she was shaking in shock. She had been stabbed in the face with a broken bottle. Her attackers casually sauntered off, chatting and laughing, as if they had come out of a lively film at the cinema. If they felt in any danger they did not show it. I called the police and gave a description of the gang and clear directions on where it was heading.


(It’s worth a read as a tale of liberal enlightenment.)


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 00:32 | #

Away from the Express, another strangely honest article appeared today ... this time in the Sunday Times.  The writer was American academic John O’Sullivan:-

... It didn’t happen overnight. Breaking down a strong culture of civic self-control takes time and several social acids.

The first such acid was the cultural liberalism generally associated with the 1960s: the attempt to free people from irksome traditional moral customs and the laws that reflected them.

Anthony Jay has recently described how the “media liberalism” of the BBC - an institution founded in part to promote social virtues and British institutions - increasingly undermined them all: from military valour to the monarchy.

Assuredly, this revolution had its worthwhile side, especially for the educated and prosperous. Britain today is a freer and more relaxed society with less supervision from maiden aunts and aldermen than in 1955.

Combined with a welfare state that picked up the tab, however, cultural liberalism promoted social irresponsibility - more voluntary workless, more divorces, children with fewer opportunities because they live in homes without two parents, a growing underclass, a society that is cruder, more disordered, less gentle.

Less neighbourly, too, because of the second social acid: the ethnic and religious diversity introduced by mass immigration.

You may be surprised to learn that “diversity”, which is usually discussed as an undeniable social good, has any drawbacks. But Robert Puttnam, an American social scientist, has established from a major survey (and to his own distress) that ethnic diversity makes people less trustful of each other.

Worse, people feel this distrust towards those from their own ethnic group as well as towards “the Other”. Diversity, it transpires, is a recipe for bad neighbourliness.

... Instead government promoted the third acid: a “multiculturalism” that encourages minorities to retain their culture and identity. Thus, our rulers set out, eager and well-intentioned, to maximise the differences and therefore the tensions inherent in diversity.

America has so far avoided the worst effects of its own multiculturalism because it has a proud national identity. Most immigrants still want to become Americans as they once wished to become British.

Except for the Thatcher years, however, the British establishment, from a blend of multiculturalism and Europeanism, drained all pride and meaning out of Britishness. No one, not even the Scots, wants to assimilate to a nullity.

The result is a fractured, distrustful and disorderly society. And because a diverse society lacks agreed values and standards, governments regulate the behaviour of all, including the law-abiding, to maintain social peace.

Thus, we have far more officials supervising us than in the 1950s, but they are anti-smoking social workers and ethnic diversity officers rather than park wardens.

The police have become little more than the paramilitary wing of The Guardian, sniffing out “racist” or “Islamophobic” attitudes rather than investigating serious crimes that have some “cultural” excuse. Society gradually becomes more governed and less self-governing.

Rebuilding a united democratic nation that governs itself with decency will be a difficult task. As Geoffrey Gorer pointed out in 1955, however, his gentle Britain had been sculpted by the Victorians from the recalcitrant marble of a brutalised society very much like today’s Britain.

Putnam, no less!

The interesting development for me, though, was that a refreshing new note is entering some of the thread commentary.  Plenty of people glimpse the future, of course, and some ask how it can be stopped.  The answer tends to conform to the standard, politically safe options.  But here are a few people just starting to feel in the darkness for a more radical, adventurous and complete solution:-

None of this Marxist agenda happened in error, Mr Sullivan. It was a well-planned assault on a cohesive, courteous, kindly, monocultural, civil society.

It worked. In one lifetime.
Posted by Verity on August 26, 2007 6:34 PM

“Rebuilding a united democratic nation that governs itself with decency will be a difficult task.”

Hmmm, change rebuilding to building. If we had lived in a democracy the past 50 years then my own capital city would not be a crime ridden multicultural cesspit and my family would not feel like foreigners the other side of my front door. The establishment never allowed the populace a vote on the important questions and now the majority have to live with the outcome. If anyone on here can convince me why I should walk 200 metres to vote for any current political party when they are all….. blah blah. A pox on all of them.
Posted by mike mines on August 26, 2007 2:38 PM

I read these articles and comments with interest, but I then ask myself - why? It serves no purpose to moan and cite our own bad experiences. Why has this happened? It is policy, that is for sure, but with what objective? Governments can wreck countries, but it takes special dedication to produce the wreckage we can see anywhere anytime in urban Britain. Who reaps the advantage? Why is this being done?

To create such apathy that they can drive us into EU without a vote?

To create a command top-down quasi-socialist-capitalist society so the present now-wealthy Labour leaders can perpetuate their family’s grip on the power positions (within the EU)?

To prepare us for the ‘application’ from Russia to ‘join’ the EU?

It is difficult to design a solution to the problem if the cause is not known clearly. So no more moaning: focus instead on the analysis and the solution please.
Posted by David Cram on August 26, 2007 1:47 PM

We all know what a desperate and seemingly irreversible state this country is in, but I believe there IS hope. We cannot cave in and let a rag-tag collection of wet, bearded liberals/psuedo fascists destroy the country we love so easily. A thoughtful and articulate offensive is needed; a list of every misdemeanor this government has ever perpetrated must be compiled and made common knowledge, from the ‘Dome’ farce to the pensions robbery. I leave such tasks to those more capable, and who are represented by the contributors below. Of course it is tempting to run away and begin again elsewhere, but we mustn’t. Maybe we don’t owe anything to the country as it stands now, but we surely do to previous and future generations. If I and others of my generation simply fled to New Zealand, or where-ever, my grandfather’s last days would be lived out in desolation, mourning his own generation who wasted their time.
Posted by Bungo on August 26, 2007 1:15 PM

A nicely written piece.
Accurate and honest, too.

‘Diversity’ is destructive.

Britons, who want Britain back, have only two options to choose from at this late stage in the destruction of Great Britain:-

1. Prepare for civil war.
2. Vote for the British National Party.

Vote, please.
Posted by Kate the Discerning Voter on August 26, 2007 3:21 AM

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:46. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)
