
Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 10 April 2007 17:51.

The emotional subject of white American resettlement out of the south-west has been featuring here pretty regularly of late.  James has posted some related material.  But most of the energy for this discussion is on the threads where the chief proponent of resettlement is GT, who you will recall also guest-blogged for us on black serial killers three weeks ago.

Now, the 5th April issue of Nature is carrying a feature that will greatly interest GT.  The headline, “Return of the dustbowl”, is alarmist and doesn’t really do credit to the seriousness of the research.  But here’s the straight from the shoulder payoff:-

The drought that spawned the great American Dust Bowl of the 1930s may become the new climatic norm for much of the southwestern United States and other subtropical regions of the world. In a report published today, researchers in the United States and Israel project an imminent increase in aridity in subtropical regions over the next century, which will affect several important agricultural regions.

The results indicate that growing drought in the southwest is a problem that is likely to affect agriculture. “This is something that is already under way. It’s not an end of the twenty-first century thing where we have the luxury to sit around and wait,” says Richard Seager, a climatologist with the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory in New York, who led the 13-member research team ...

“This is a robust prediction that’s been backed by observation,” says Dennis Hartmann, a climatologist in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington, Seattle. “It seems like a reasonable scenario for the future.”

The implications for such a drying are far-reaching. California, for instance, accounts for approximately 16% of all US agricultural exports. Seager suggests that North American farmers need to rethink certain agricultural practices, including adopting more water-efficient irrigation systems such as those being used in Israel.

And, where there are water shortages, there is also the potential for political conflict. “As Mark Twain wrote, ‘Whiskey is for drinking. Water is for fighting over’,” says Seager. Mexico depends on water originating from the Colorado River, he notes, whereas Iraq and Syria depend on the waters of the Euphrates, which originate in Turkey. Cross-border conflicts are likely to arise as these streams of water dry up.

It is not, therefore, at all unreasonable to posit, as GT does, that ethnic competition in the south-west will centre on water - and thus food - availability.  Watch for the early signs that others, who may not intend white Americans much good, understand both this and the need to secure the situation for themselves first.



Posted by Thomas on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 22:08 | #

I might be wrong, but it seems that cycles of aridity are the norm for the SW United States.  I recall that cycles of drought caused indian tribes living in the area to relocate during various times, affecting the Anasazi, Mogollon, etc.. especially those that farmed.  Granted, human behavior can make the situation worse.  I’d imagine the only way out of the water bind the SW will be in is to desalinate sea water.  If you look at southern CA, human habitation is only possible due to the massive water projects.  When people get ansty about the fires, they forget that it has always been a natural part of the environment there as it has been out here in the Pine Barrens in New Jersey(not that that puts you ate ease).  I used to be able to see the smoke from the fires at my parent’s place.
However, Daniel J is correct, the NE has alway been very well-watered.  The NE has plenty of lakes, streams, swamps, etc…you can’t go through the White Mountains up in NH without getting your feet wet.  Welcome back!


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 22:19 | #

Racial balkanization and scare resources, a very volatile mix indeed, wating for a lit match to be tossed in.

Real White American Men will fight and drive Mexico,China,Pakistan, India and Iran completely out of America.

Something else to think about White Patriots, when the conquest of California is complete, the enemy will continue to incease their numbers in California. California will become an ecological wasteland. The enemy will eventaully make a move on the White areas of America.

MY point is this:one way or another there will be violent racial conflict in America.

At some point in time, White Americans are going to have drive hispanics,asians and muslims out of California and several other states.

Redrawing the territorial boundaries of America won’t prevent a race war from happenning.

California,Texas,Southern Florida and Arizona belong to America.

I am willing to lay my life on the line to drive out china,india,pakistan, Iran and Mexico.

To all you lefty traitors, when the revolt is full-blown, White Patriots will hunt yo down and kill you. This isn’t child’s play. We will fight against our racial annhilation


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 23:17 | #

Well, I agree with the first four sentetnces of your post.

Leftists,Liberals and worshippers of the corporations have sent thousands of ordinary decent White Americans to an early grave with their brutal policies.

I believe that a race war is unavoidable. When there is a full-blown revolt, Whites should hunt down and kill leftists,liberals and worshippers of the corporation. Our enemy should be killed. A strong message needs to be sent at some point in time.

When the revolt occurs, I will enjoy killing corporate lawyers. If we kill the corporate layers, we would be doing God’s work. Why would you be opposed to that?


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 23:20 | #

Should read:killing the corporate lawyers


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 23:34 | #

Spic infested LA would die in a couple days if the theft of Colorado’s water came to a halt.

LA is living on borrowed time


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 23:41 | #


In practise, civil wars are horribly messy.  Professional soldiers have a self-interest in treating their prisoners well.  But the parties to civil conflagration are not drawn from the professional ranks, and often don’t.  To avoid the most awful bloodletting one must let no blood unnecessarily.  The hot-heads, the haters and the psychos, the grudge-nursers, the afraid have to be maintained under the strictest possible military order, or else the nightmare will happen.

So don’t begin with wild threats, even if they afford you a certain frissance of pleasure.  The subject is too damned serious.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 23:49 | #

As I discussed with Prof. Fraser, there is a potential here for something akin to the Protestant vs Catholic wars.  We are currently living under a theocracy and the real conflict is similar:  Who’s you’re Pope/Father/Patriarch/Daddy?

Protestants had enough of being treated like children and they started killing their would-be “parents”.

The outcome is likely to be similar, with a lot of fratricide and the ultimate defeat of the theocracy that insists dark men fucking white women with the protection of the State’s monopoly on force and high technology transportation, habitation and cultivation, is ordained by God.


Posted by The putrid stench of gnxp on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 23:59 | #

“If we kill the corporate layers, we would be doing God’s work.”

Frank, meet Lindsay….

God is watching.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 00:07 | #


My intention is not to shock people.  I’m deadly serious.

The most likely outcome of racial balkanization and resource scarcity is a race war. I can see no way of avoiding this outcome. There just aren’t enough resources to make everyone happy within the borders of America.

Tom Chittum’s book is a dead on accurate blueprint as to how things will unfold.

I hate the enemy. These aren’t wild threats. When America is racially balkanized at a much greater scale than it is today and the resources are much scarcer, the federal goverment will have no legitmacy.  Patriotic White Americans will be justified in hunting down and killing parasitic corporate lawyers. Who will stop the slaughter of parasitic corporate lawyers when bipartisan democratic/republican federal,state and county goverments have 0 legitmacy.

Just wait when non-white California can no longer steal Colorado’s water.


Posted by The New North American Nation Cometh on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 00:16 | #


The separation of the regions of the USA into specific parts according to demographics is very unlikely. What is far more likely is the merger of Canada, the USA, and Mexico into a “free trade” zone…and this is on the table of all three federal/national governments. Dozens of “working groups” from various departments of the three governments are busily harmonizing governmental policies.

Immigration enforcement has to a great degree been shifted south of the Rio Grande to the southern border of Mexico, and vast plans are afoot to develop monorails, trucking freeways, and other transportion models along an unprecedented north-south axis, starting in Mexico on the Pacific Coast and ending in Toronto, Calgary, and other Canadian cities. Kansas City appears to be the central pivot in these grandiose plans.

Check these out:


http://www.ngb.army.mil/ia/SPP CONFERENCE 58 SEP INFORMATION/USNORTHCOM Briefing4.pdf




The train has almost left the station on splitting the USA into demographically-determined sovereign regions. Now pity Mexico and Canada which are about to be swallowed whole by a new entity dominated by a United States hegemony. It’s going to be something like Germany, Belgium, and Netherlands merging into something new. It’s not going to be more free, or better, just bigger and more bureaucratic….just like the European Union.

The train could be stopped, but not with a fantasy world about race war.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 00:17 | #

Who the hell is Lindsay?

The person in charge of Nevada’s water supply said on national TV three years ago that California needs
to get rid of half its human population in order to have any reasonable possibility of dealing with the states water shortage problem.

The water levels in Western states that supply Califorina with water are 150 feet below where they should be. Even these Western states are experiencing droughts that haven’t been seen in 500 years.


The shit is going to hit the fan.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 00:27 | #

New North Amer

You go ahead and obey the corporatists. I will slaughter them when the time is right for all the pain and suffereing they have inflicted on my family.

When Whites are completly driven out of Califorina, China will take a much deeper interest-if china hasn’t already-in California.Are you willing to let California’s military,educational infrastructure fall into the hands China?Only a fucking coward and traitor would.

We are already in a race war. It will only get worse.


Posted by The New North American Nation Cometh on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 00:45 | #

Good, Frank. It’s good to see you have a plan.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 01:47 | #

Don’t forget the Kennedy family. Playboy Jack made the case for race replacement back in 1953.

I’m Catholic but I’m starting to hate the Catholic Church.

I went to Easter mass. I fantasized about punching the pastor out when he said something about welcomming the immigrant.

Maybe I’ll call him a lazy old queen on the way out next Sunday.

Ted Kennedy should be ground up in a meat grinder and fed to UTAN KING OF THE CROCS in front of the whole rancid Kennedy clan.

The non-white invaders in California are here to expand and steal more of White America’s water resources.Peacefull coexistence with the invaders is imposssible.They are here to expand. White living space in America is contracting rapidly.

Look around the world, so many race/ethnic based conflicts revolve around water.



Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 01:56 | #

What I am saying is this:we have reached the point of no return. My prediction is that the interaction of racial balkanization and resource scarcity will result in a race war within the borders of the US. When this day arrives, ordinary White Americans will be justified in killing leftists,liberals and corporatists for what they did to ordinary white folks.


Posted by GT on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 02:51 | #

GW, thanks for the plug.  A little, here, on the topic of global warming and a quick rehash of the idea I’m advocating:


Marxists claim the cause of warming is CO2 emissions.  Science points to the Sun:

Global Warming Debunked?
Forum: Warming points sunward, March 25, 2007, Ali F. Sevin
Global Warming: A Chilling Perspective
Letter to Oct 5, 1992 National Review from Prof. L.L. VanZandt, Purdue Physics Dept.

Whatever the cause, the globe warms. The southern half of North America will dry, increasing the demand for water from northern North America’s mountainous regions and the importance of the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies for agriculture.  Our liberation and survival requires accessibility to northern North America’s water and agricultural resources – accessibility presently denied us.

The north-northwestern American states and Canadian provinces are large and under-populated.  Here the development of micro-European communities can be realized and sustained by flexible, micro-powered micro-economies based on electronic barter.  The region’s low population density will increase our relative economic and social influence, and as our influence grows locals will join us.  Growth will facilitate dominance of local, state, and provincial politics which will, in turn, provide us with access to the region’s water, hydroelectric and agricultural resources.

The present nation offers us nothing at the Federal level, but more than a few advantages present themselves at state and lower levels.  For example, the state could promote a libertarian philosophy toward single and multi-family home schooling networks, as well as EuroAm identity projects in traditional communities and public schools.  Far more important, however, is the ability to control or influence state funding and appointments, create and lead genuine state defense forces (not the National Guard), control of state hydroelectric facilities and the influence of agriculture.  Thus state-level public access and control become a part of the carrot and stick package presented to our enemies, and political participation in the region becomes imperative.

White nationalist cult leaders have predicted an “economic crash followed by race war in which the Mexicans and niggers kill each other off, leaving us free to go after the Jews and retake the country.”  We’ve awaited this crash and race war for 45 years.  “Not one inch,” they have bravely shouted while bravely sitting on their butts, bravely assuring us that “the crash and race war is just around the corner,” and bravely shouting defiance at the system.  Could the FBI/ADL have done a better job of insuring that we accomplish nothing while keeping our ranks small and having us look like fools? 

The cult leaders’ “solution” is passive.  It maintains our dependency on a system which snickers at their windy “defiance.”  The idea I advocate, on the other hand, is an active solution that would, if successful, place the water, electric and agricultural resources of northern North America in our hands and lead to independence.  Nation-building and the prospect of the ‘Kwa’s dismemberment inspires, whereas the defiant noise and physical passivity accompanying the long-awaited economic crash and race war do not.  I ask all White nationalists:  Which solution does The System fear most?

Except for Colorado and northern California the Southwest is lost and the South follows it.  We can save neither region because the population densities are too great and time is too short for us to regain significant economic and political influence via our micro-communities. The Northeast faces the same problem.  No White nationalist should die – outnumbered and without logistical support – fighting to reclaim what has been lost before securing the existence of a new nation on this continent.  No sentimental attachment to “the old place” or selfish desires masquerading as sentiment can justify opposition to this goal.  Without a new nation we cannot recover the lost lands of North American or Europe.


Posted by GT on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 03:05 | #

“My prediction is that the interaction of racial balkanization and resource scarcity will result in a race war within the borders of the US. When this day arrives, ordinary White Americans will be justified in killing leftists,liberals and corporatists for what they did to ordinary white folks.”

This is a perfect example of what I’m talking about: 45 years of “defiant” noise and passivity.

The FBI/ADL/Cultists have done an excellent job of controlling the nature of our opposition to the Kwa.


Posted by GT on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 04:55 | #

“The train has almost left the station on splitting the USA into demographically-determined sovereign regions.”

The NAFTA Superhighway cometh with a never-ending line of Mexican trucks packed with e. coli contaminated lettuce and staph-infected Mestizo “immigrants,” on the I-35 from Mexico to central Canda, with the former headed to food distribution centers and the latter to air-conditioned Church vans for transportation to corporate farms.  You’re absolutely right.  Either we begin work on our new nation now or all is lost. 

“The train could be stopped, but not with a fantasy world about race war.”

Right again, comrade.  Nation-building has priority.  There shall be no race war before its time.  The 45 years of blustering acoustics that accompanied the counsel of passivity of indeterminant duration was the real treason to the White race.

As previously stated, above, the FBI/ADL/Cultists performed an admirable job of controlling the nature of our opposition.  It is my fervent hope that this marks the beginning of the end of their control, that somebody smarter than I will help, and that a small amount of time is left to dismember the Kwa.


Posted by GT on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 05:41 | #

Frank asks:

“Are you willing to let California’s military,educational infrastructure fall into the hands China?Only a fucking coward and traitor would.”

The Kwa is perfectly capable of defending itself against external threats, but far, far less so against the internal.  Will the Kwa nuke its northern water supply and breadbasket?  The idea is absurd!  They will nuke China, if necessary. 

When the new nation appears northern California will secede and join us.  Following consolidation and independence, our descendents will retake the lost lands of North America and Europe.

There’s an old saying, Frank:  Sometimes one must sacrifice to gain.

That is the principle.  We must stifle feelings vengeance to gain something far more important.  If we succeed in this venture your descendents and mine will get payback for all we’ve sacrificed, suffered, and lost.


Posted by GT on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:22 | #

Daniel J: “If you look at southern CA, human habitation is only possible due to the massive water projects.”

Right.  Thus the Kwa shall treat us more gingerly (without nukes) than we might otherwise expect when the new nation is born.  Of course this doesn’t mean they won’t draw and quarter captured rebels. wink


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 13:44 | #

I have no idea what a kwa is. Comes across as another chicken-shit bleet from those who have deluded themselves into thinking that running away is a long term solution

The only rational repsonse to an invasion is to repell it.

The current game only works if the beltway consensus can deliver the goods to large number of White Americans.

The are currently doing a bad job of this.

When White Americans realize that there children have no future in America, they wil either throw out the invaders and punish the traitors or they will, overtime, be expelled out of the nation they created and founded.

Over time, it will sink in to the heads of large number of White Amerians that these the only two optons.

Running away is not the long term solution.

The game can’t be continued if a majority of ordinary White Americans realize that their cildren have no future in America.

It is going to be highly traumatic experience for ordinary White Americans when it finally sinks in that Large tracts of US territory has been lost to Mexico,China,India and Pakistan.

White Americans do have a recent history off fighting back with extreme violence(civil war and WW2)

It is stupid to argue that since there hasn’t been a violent race war in 45 years that there will not be one in the near future.

It took around 45 years national stress,before the civil war broke out full-blown. Forty Five years of festering unresolved issues.

Running away is not the long term solution. Whites will have a lot less territory to expand than they did before. The amenities are already being destroyed in     the   states where Whites are fleeing to.

There will be no White Nirvanna in the White Areas. It will feel very overcrowed. This is already happening.

Some people are underestimating just how serious the situation is.

Racial balkanization and scarce resources are a recipe for a violent race war. Look around the world, read some human history fool.

The only question now is whether or not the US has reached the point of no return.


Posted by The putrid stench of gnxp on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 14:02 | #

“We’ve awaited this crash and race war for 45 years.”

The single most accurate thing written on this blog in its entirety.  The “movement” is a joke, GT’s description of it as a “cult” is being too kind, at least cult members usually have some sort of discipline.

According to “the movement”, “The Day” has always been just around the corner, similar to Jehovah’s Witnesses who have been predicting “imminent Armageddon” for decades.

Easier to say, “keep the powder dry boys” (while, of course, collecting those membership fees), instead of doing serious long-term strategizing, which should include infiltration of the establishment infrastructure, balkanization, and political organization and campaigning for the sole purpose of achieving the previous two objectives.

“I have no idea what a kwa is.”

LOL.  Advice to GT: write for the “laymen.”  It seems that Frank is a newcomer to the “movement” and is not familiar with “Amerikwa”, nor with the pathetic uselessness of “movement activism” of the last half-century.


Posted by Kenelm Digby on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 14:12 | #

                I fully agree with you the subject is ‘just too damn serious’.
It is for that reason that the towering, overwheening intellect of Enoch Powell as encapsulated in his so-called ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech is so respected.
It was precisely Powell’s intention to avert and avoid a humanitarian disaster at some future date, at a time when it was still possible, that was so tragically misunderstood by pea-brained lefities and others (most of the British press and ‘establishment’) that is so unspeakably tragic.
Powell was the prophet in the wilderness.
The tragic fact was that Powell was motivated by a love of humanity and a repulsion it seeing human suffering as witnessed in 1939-45.(Europe’s ‘reckoning’ at that period of unspeakable horror was due to EGI in the final analysis).


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 14:23 | #

The colonisation of the present-day USA was surely one of Western Man’s great achievements. However if, as seems likely, the inheritors of that bountiful legacy are unable to maintain custody of that which was won by their forebears, then their descendants should curse them just as loudly as their eternal enemies will laughingly shout, ‘Mazeltov’.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 15:08 | #

Here, let me make it simpler for the “intellectuals” who post on this web site.

What is the likely consequences of a 42 year immigration policy that is radically shifting the racial balance of America at a time when resources within the US are scarcer with each passing year.

Here is the answer if the “intellectuals” who post here are having extreme difficulty figuring out this “difficult” puzzler: America is being put under severe stress and if trends continue America will be put under extreme stress.

Another tough puzzler for the “intellectuals” who post here: what is the most likely consequence of putting America-in particular White America- under extreme stress,?

Very highly likely that America will erupt in violent racial conflict. America does have a well docunmeneted history of this. But of course you have to read history books to understand this.

I have two main points:

1)the colonization of America by Mexico,China, Iran, India and Pakistan should be unacceptable to everyone who posts here

2)The gas has been poured. More is being poured in. The situation is combustible and will become more combustible as time passes. Even the treasonous left understands this obvious point.You don’t even have totos a match in. There will be a spontaneous combustion.

My view is that viloent racial conflict is the mostly likely outcome.

White Americans should not be encouraged to cut and run. Running away will not solve the problem. Running away only buys a little bit of time for very few White Americans. Housing will not be cheap for ever in the Whiter states. Prices will rise for other scarce resouces in these Whiter States.

White Amreicans should be encouraged to repel the invaders.

In concrete terms this means telling White Americans that running away is no solution to the problem of colonization of US territory to Mexico,China,India,Pakistan and Iran.

Some things are worth dying for..unless you are a coward.

Even after alternative political and media institutions are built, the invaders still have to be expelled out of America.


Posted by The putrid stench of gnxp on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 15:28 | #

“My view is that viloent racial conflict is the mostly likely outcome.”

I agree.

“White Americans should not be encouraged to cut and run.”

In general, I actually agree with you here, and I’ve discussed and debated this with GW in the past (privately).  This is not to say that forming WN communities in the most propitious areas (e.g., the NW) is a bad idea.  I’m not sure though that we should put “all our eggs in one basket.”

“White Amreicans should be encouraged to repel the invaders.”

Tell us how.

“In concrete terms this means telling White Americans that running away is no solution to the problem of colonization of US territory to Mexico,China,India,Pakistan and Iran.”

As I said, I’m not really a proponent of the “NW Bastion” solution.  Neither, though, am I a proponent of “movement bullshit as usual”, a la the “wait for Rambo” approach.  There are things that can be done, legally and non-violently, now. These things have been discussed on this blog before.  The key is to accelerate balkanization, practice the “politics of exclusion” (hat tip to gnxp), and disrupt the status quo.  Having “the movement” talking as they have for the past half-century is not “disprupting the status quo” - it IS the status quo. 

“Some things are worth dying for..unless you are a coward.”

Frank, you first.  Show us the way.

“Here, let me make it simpler for the “intellectuals”...”

Guddumitt!  Dese here edumicated intallactuals are screwin’ everythin’ up fa us!


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 16:23 | #

When the point in time arrives that a majority of White Americans decide that that they want to kick out the colonizers from Mexico,China,India,Pakistan and Iran out of California and Texas, White Americans will have to use force and probably violence to accomplish this. I know of no other way of doing it.

You could have answered this question yourself. It wouldn’t be the first time in American history that force and violence was used to deal with a long time festering problem.

It comes down to whether or not you think White Americans have it within them to do this.

Black political scientist Carol Swain is worried that White Americans are quite capable of doing this. I think she is right. I don’t think her solutions for avoiding a race war will work.

You are asking for a blue print to get from point A to B. The blue print has already been implemented by the Ford foundation with the help of the filthy Clintonites who will be back in power in one half year.

The process will take on a life if its own. It will autocatalyic because of the severe stress that American society will be put through.

The consequences of the water shortages have not even begun to play themselves out. Catastrophes do happen. The ones in our future are predicatble if you take science and common sense seriously.

The twin towers were attacked in 1993 an d 2001. To people who paid attention to the interaction of US foriegn policy and US immigration policy it wasn’t a shock that legal muslim immigrants were given a chance to knock down the twin towers in 1993.

It was even less od shock that the twin towers were destroyed in 2001.

After 9/11 there was extreme fear in the legal immigrant muslim community of a violent backlash. The traitors in both parites were extremely worried. There were in fact public expresions from White Americans of hatred to both muslims.  and hindus/sikhs. It was potentially a very dangerous situation for both muslims.sihks and hindus in America six years ago.

Carol Swain saw the same thing I did. She became very scared and wrote the book the new white nationalism.

The anger and rage is right underneath the surface. 9/11 made that very clear.

Yes I do believe that White Americans are quite capable of using force and violence to expell the invaders. And they would be justified.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 16:34 | #

As usual, I’ve been advocating <a >cornucopian solutions to the water crisis for some time</a>—but I no longer think “the powers that be” can really afford to even steal ideas solving problems anymore.  They’re just too afraid that some small amount of money might end up in the hands of the technologists they’ve discarded and of the justifiable hatred they’ve created toward themselves by technologists.  The best they can do is try to import more and more south Asian “technologists” and hope they’ll be so grateful to pick over the bones of our great nation that they’ll be loyal.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 16:53 | #

If the 9/11 terrorist had slammed a jet ino Indian point nuclear power plant the number of deaths wold have been several orders of magnitude higher. And the dying would have continued for decades. Cancer rates would have piked upward as well as birth defects.

If They had slammed into Indian point power plant along the hudson All muslim immgration would have been brought down to 0. Legal muslim immigrants would have packed their bags and left out of fear of being murdered.The federal goverment would not have been able to keep a lid on the public expression of muslim hatred.

I don’t beleive White Americans will put up with a seperate hispanic and chineae nation within the borders of America. The muslims will probably be the first to be diven out.

White Americans hate the Cubans down in Miami. The Elian Gonzalez incident brought that hatred out publicly. It is only a matter of time.

We can possibly speed things up by not giving White Americans the false hope-as Guessdworker did- that running away from the invaders will solve the problem..

Just wait, when hispanics,nigerians,chinese and hindus start using the great national and state parks in great numbers. White Amerians use these great national and state parks to escape from the non-whites. Waiting lists to get into these great state and national parks are long now, In the future…ten year waiting lists? Life is going to become very unpleasant in America. Worse is better though.

If is foolish to tell a highly stressed out White America that that they will find paradise in certain states. It is not going to happen.

The only solution-the ultimate solution- is to fight and throw the fuckers out.


Posted by GT on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 17:41 | #

The Putrid Stench of GNXP:

“LOL.  Advice to GT: write for the “laymen.” It seems that Frank is a newcomer to the “movement” and is not familiar with “Amerikwa”, nor with the pathetic uselessness of “movement activism” of the last half-century.”

I was under the impression that Frank was familiar with the term.  Your advice is sound.  Thanks.



“Kwa” is a “Linderism,” meaning that it was coined by Alex Linder of VNN.  Kwa = Amerikwa = Judaized America.  America - the Old Republic - is defunct, no longer exists.  You and I reside in Amerikwa - the Jewish production - not America. 

Another Linderism: Loxism.

Lox = Bagels and salmon. 
Loxism = Jewish hatred of Gentiles.  In my mind (rightly and wrongly, for I’m neither biologist nor wordsmyth) when salmon is associated with Jews I think of stinking dead fish with visibly corrupted flesh, food poisoning, salmonella, and other toxic things.  “Loxists are toxic.”


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 17:45 | #


Go back to the original post and the Nature article, and apply a rounder and more strategic consideration to what it says.  The proposition is that drying will have considerable impact on demographics (in Mexico, too, don’t forget - where the processes of urbanisation and migration will probably be accelerated).

You are asking white Americans to fight over a drying and increasingly fragile ecosystem.  Over time - a couple of generations, say - that may not be the wisest or most hopeful counsel.  Likewise, although now the emotional landscape still pulls too hard at white heartstrings to make anything but the fighting option worth considering, that may be much less the case in the future.  People will always follow the water because water is life.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 19:13 | #


Califorina’s is ecologically dying-accelerated dying- because of non-white immigration. The US population would have stablized at 25O millin several years back.

You can’t make compromises when it comes to the America’s borders.  The chinese and Indians are doing massively industrial espionage. Several of their agents have already been caught.

Guessdworker, have you thought about a cordon sanataire solution?

Protect the current borders of America and at the same time let large parts of California rot.

America’s current borders must be defended. Even if large parts of California are turned into deserts,it still a very good idea to have an ocean and desert barrier between us and China,Pakistan,Iran an other nations.

We can not have China and other nations colonizing America up to a new set of borders in the northwest or some other geographic configuration.

I strongly believe that my comrades here are making assumptions about what they think White Americans are willing and not willing to do in response to an invasion that are wrong

Guessedworker, I have had several very long conversations with very well known American conservation biologists and ecologists over the past ten years. These are people who have very intimate knowledge about ecology and wildlife. They feel as a matter of moral principle that no how bad the situation is, that they must fight on.They are not about to give up the fight to protect Californias ecosystems and wildlife. I feel the same way.

Even though large parts of California may be fucked, the fact of the matter is I don’t want China,pakistan,iran and iran in my country.

I can see the consequences of the colonization of America by china,india,pakistan,mexico and iran in the Whiter areas of America. The beautifull natural spaces-this is the stuff that inspires and makles life worth living-is being paved over so that White refugees from the chinese,iranian,pakistani,and mexican parts of America can relaize their midlle class dreams.

Most of the invaders may live in California and Texas, but their prescence here is felt in other parts of America.

You are claimming that natural cycles will turn California into a dust bowl. If this is true non-white immigration has accelerated the process significantly.


Posted by GT on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 19:26 | #


You’ve not addressed my response to your statements.  You’re repeating yourself, over and over again.

I assume you live in southern California.  What is so special about it?  Does your opposition to the plan I advocate have anything to do with sentimental memories of clean beaches and mountains, beautiful tree-lined streets for working class stay-at-home moms, white children everywhere in tree forts and swings, bright green Colorado River-watered turf, street photographers with horses, ice cream deliverymen dressed in suits and polished shoes, and milk ‘n Oreo cookies between cap gun re-enactments of Roy Rogers and Gene Autry?  Or does your opposition have more to do with California real estate investments, yuppie children and grandchildren living in Irvine or Beverly Hills, a social network of country-clubbing retirees, a family gravesite at Forest Lawn, or the positive effects of warm weather on your arthritis?

Pull your head out.  Nobody is twisting your arm to leave Aztlan.  Nobody is going to save you, either – not necessarily because we don’t want to, but because it’s impractical.  Saving people like you would compound our problems and jeopardize the plan.  America – the Old Republic – is dead.  We are patriotic New Americans, Arcadians, or whatever we decide to call ourselves.  We are going to secede, if possible, and dismember the Judaized America we call Amerikwa.

Allow me to repeat:

No White nationalist should die – outnumbered and without logistical support – fighting to reclaim that which was lost before securing the existence of a new nation on this continent.  Nation-building has priority and there shall be no race war before its time.  The blustering acoustics which has accompanied the counsel of passivity in the face of the Third World invasion for the past 45 years was the real treason to the White race.  No sentimental attachment to “the old place” or selfish desires masquerading as sentiment can justify opposition to this goal.  Without a new nation we cannot save ourselves – much less recover the lost lands of North American or Europe.

Genuine White nationalists are loyal to the plan.  To join us or not, in the North, is their decision.  They may help us from wherever they are and be considered loyal comrades.  We will, in fact, need them.  If they oppose us, however, then we shall know they are loyal to themselves and Amerikwa.


Posted by Sam on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 19:31 | #

Mr. McGuckin,
I hope your contact in the environmental community are not affiliated with the Sierra Club.  They had a little spat in their organization last year because many members, if not most, refuse to recognize that these outrageous levels of immigration into the US are a major cause of environmental destruction.  The majority of these environmental types seem to me to be committed leftists as well so there is no mistake as to where they stand on the issue of immigration, legal or otherwise.  It is actually pretty funny, at least to me, to see them tie themselves in knots to not acknowledge the issue.  In any event, you are correct about the Chinese espionage. They are absloutely shameless about it and the PRC knows we won’t do shit about it.  They must be laughing their asses off (at least someone is).  Worst of all, we have supposedly American companies eager to sell them the rope they will hang us with.  I seem to recall Clinton lifting some export controls so that the PRC could get some nice toys.  The US stands aside when they invade Taiwan.  Mandarin classes start in June for me at summer school.  I’d like to be prepared.


Posted by Frank Mcguckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 19:48 | #

Sam,No affiliation with the Sierra Club.


Posted by Frank Mcguckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 21:32 | #

And while you are regrouping, you will let the chinese and other non-whites have the naval,airforce and marine bases in California.

The lid came off on 9/11 briefly. Next time it will be more difficult to keep the lid on a very angry White America.

Allowing the colinization of America by China and the other nations I mentioned is insane.

Are you willing to lay your body on the the line to expell the invaders who are expelling us out of America.

White Americans used forced and violence during world war 2 to defeat the enemy.

All you have are vague ideas about transplanting millions of White Americans in a few states.

You are obviously one of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts who have been destroyed over and over again in debates in many different venues. Hardly anyone takes you folks seriously. The 9/11 debate is over. I have head the 9/11 pinheads in debate several times. Very unimpressive. High on invective,low on content.

No new nation is going to be built in montanna. over the next decade a majority of White Americans are going to realize that running away is not the answer. There isn’t enough room when you take into account the standard of living White Americans want. Travel around the country and take a look at what is sprouting out of the farmland. Also States such as Montanna cannot sustain larege human populatins based upon the natural resources available.

I am making a prediction about what I Think White Americans will do when the stress level is cranked up to a much higher level.

I don’t think creating a new White society in the NW is the solution. I believe ordinary White Americans will turn out to have bigger fighting balls than the Montanna White survivalist crowd.


Posted by GT on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 22:25 | #

Frank writes:

“Some things are worth dying for..unless you are a coward.”

For a man who has not bothered to directly address me as GT, you’ve tossed the words “coward,” “pinhead,” and “intellectuals” around an awful lot. 

Presumably I’m a coward for advocating and advancing a plan for secession, and you’re courageous for “keeping the powder dry” until the long-awaited “economic crash and race war” occurs.

Assuming a viable secessionist movement is launched; want to bet which one of us will likely enjoy our last years in a classy, sunny southern California retirement home in Tustin Ranch or Laguna Niguel?  I think it won’t be me.

Throughout my life those having something to hide do one of two things:

1. Unthinkingly shout “coward” at the opposition, or
2. Keep their mouths shut in venues where personal cowardice may be exposed.

So, Frank, what are you hiding? 

Beachfront property watered by Mt. Shasta and the Colorado River? 

Yuppie kids or grandkids in Beverly Hills, Rancho Santa Fe or, god-forbid, Irvine?

A social network which includes golf and country-clubbing in downtown Los Angeles?

And what are you hiding behind?

Our ancestors?  Surely not General Winfield Scott.  The man would crucify both of us for having allowed the Southwest to slip away.

China?  The kwa has the ability to nuke China.

Infrastructure?  I’ll remember that the next time I see the sign, “Your tax dollars at work” while well-paid Mestizos,  Mexican Indians, and bull dykes repair freeway potholes.  It’s not “our” infrastructure and I can’t care about it.  You go right ahead, though.

No (young) White nationalist should die – outnumbered and without logistical support – fighting to reclaim that which was lost (by us, his elders) before securing the existence of a new nation on this continent.

No sentimental attachment to “the old place” or selfish desires masquerading as sentiment (by us disingenuous old farts) can justify opposition to this goal. 

Without a new nation we cannot save ourselves – much less recover the lost lands of North American or Europe.

Frank, realize you haven’t an argument and show some self-respect.


Posted by Frank Mcguckin on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 23:49 | #

For those who aren’t aware,the secessionist movement gets together every so often in Vermont to discuss things like handing over the American Southwest to Azlatan. This is treason.

The tend among White Americans towards the current invasion is growing outrage and accusations of treason against the federal goverment.

No detectable large public support for secession. White Americans have already built a society. It took trillions to build it and maintain it. Many died for it.

Since you know nothing of my background, any claims about it you make ad 0 content to your argument.

The statement about the unimportance of attachment to soil,land and area birth reeks of rootless cosmopolitan sentiment.

I am making a prediction about how a think a majority of Amerians will react under conditions of extreme stress caused by non-white immigration.

What you can’t deny is that stress is building up in the society and things are not improving for White Americans.

The kwa- you fool -is aiding and abetting Chinese and hindu milirary and technological espionage within America’s borders.

The crash is already occuring and there are no signs of it letting up. A majority of ordinary White Americans know that something has gone terribly wrong and have declining confidence that their children will have a better life.

You go ahead coward or fool that you are-take your pick -and in public tell White Americans that they should turn over huge tracts of American territory to Mexico and several other nations.

During WW2 there were cowards and fools(pacifists)

It’s not our infrastrucure. That would be news to a majority of White Americans.

All the evidence points to a very strong White backlash in the future.


Posted by GT on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 03:16 | #


“Since you know nothing of my background, any claims about it you make ad 0 content to your argument.”

You’re quite transparent, Frank.

The most important thing I know about you is your attempt to obstruct the building of a genuine movement so that you might continue to enjoy comfortable surroundings, maintain important social and economic connections, and protect lifelong investments.  You call anybody not willing to accomodate you a coward because it angers you to have your motivation and failings illuminated.

Take comfort, for now, that you’re not alone.  The so-called “movement” is saturated with folks like you.  But the flame is lit, growing, and will be fanned.  Your strategy and methods are obsolete.  For your sake I ask that you accommodate yourself to secession and New America, and be a happy man.

“You go ahead coward or fool that you are-take your pick -and in public tell White Americans that they should turn over huge tracts of American territory to Mexico and several other nations.”

I needn’t tell them anything, Frank.  A moron could compare California’s human landscape with that of 30 years ago and recognize Aztlan and the emerging Republica del Norte.  Intelligent folks needn’t have the Southwest’s loss confirmed on 640 KFI’s John & Ken Show.

“It’s not our infrastrucure. That would be news to a majority of White Americans.”

Not to California’s former residents, Frank, nor many who remain.


Posted by Bo Sears on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 03:28 | #

Resisting Defamation has been on the attack against the name “gentile” as imposed on us by others for over 15 years. We tackle it wherever we see it: gentile, Gentile, Righteous Gentile, etc.

Gentile is a name imposed by a tiny group on everyone else in the world, not just Europeans and the European Diaspora, so it conveys no meaning whatsoever. When we accept “gentile” as our name, we submit to the claim of supremacy that naming by the other is always based on, and we accept the claim to be part of an undifferentiated group including all Africans, all Latinos, all Asians, all South Asians, and all Pacific & Atlantic Islanders.

Regarding Svyatoslav Igorevich’s query about making the distinction, we have found “European origins” or “native Europeans” or “European Diaspora” to make the point he raises. But we are not in the business of telling our folk and kin what name to use—these three labels are merely helpful in drawing the line that Svyatoslav mentions.


Posted by GT on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 06:51 | #

A quick summary with a few suggestions:

The primary point of the article is that as the globe warms the south becomes warmer and aridity moves north.  For us this means Mestizos and Mexican Indians will move north with the water table.  It is imperative that we gain economic and political control of the north-northwestern states and the Canadian provinces to the Arctic Circle.  Economic control is ours with the development of micro-powered micro-economies based on electronic barter for our micro-communities.  The low population density of these states and provinces facilitate acquisition of economic influence.  It also facilitates the acquisition of political control - something we haven’t time to acquire in the South and Northeast due to the high population density of these regions, increased global warming and the Kwa’s timetable for the development of the NAFTA Superhighway.  Bottom line:  We are in a race for time and must get there firstest with the mostest. 

Amateur race realists and holyhoax revisionists must shift direction and focus upon selling New America.  Electrical, mechanical, material, and computer engineers must begin work on micro-power systems, as well as the salvaging, rehabilitation, and cloning of machinery for manufacturing.  Lawyers, business-types and software engineers must begin work on the micro-economy and E barter software.  Ladies, can you develop K-12 educational curriculums and teach?  Retired technicians and tradesmen, can you teach the trades to young men - especially electrical, hydraulics, boilers, and machine shop?  More is required - think inedible biomass conversion, high-yield agriculture and aquaculture, for example - but this is a good start.


Posted by Eric the Green on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:10 | #

GT, your ideas make great reading here.  What I wonder about is priorities, i.e. which of our lands do we need to focus on most to retain and hold.  I’ve spoken to many WNs in the USA and Canada (especially the professional types) and at least among a very large fraction, there seems to be an inclination to “securing our ancestral homelands first” i.e. the heart of Europe.  The USA for example, has over 100 million “Nordic-Americans” mostly German-Americans but also millions of Dutch- and Scandinavian-Americans, plus also millions more Italian- and Hungarian-Americans for example.

One bright fellow, an anthropologist no less, told me he saw this as a reservoir that could be used to first secure the heartlands of White civilization in the central regions of Europe like in e.g. Austria and Germany—that today still remain the most White and, despite the falling fertility rates, still represent the best prospects for both a White majority and a highly accomplished civilization.  They have a combination of strict immigration laws (many recently passed) and a reverence for high accomplishment and professionalism, and despite the PC stupidity in some of their recent laws and practices (e.g. on some free speech issues), they hold the best potential for recovering the best of Western Civilization by virtue of their demographic solidity among other things.  What immigrants they do get these days, are chiefly those with Germanic blood from Eastern Europe and North America for example, especially professionals and families with kids, whose ethnic connections help them to settle there.  (Turks now are almost barred, from entering with a big efflux among those there.)

He then thought that securing Scandinavia and the other heartlands in Western Europe was next in priority, and this is being helped by the wave of immigration reform taking hold even in places like France.  He was very pessimistic about the UK which bummed be out—he thought that Britain had been so overtaken with the dangerous “multi-culti” ethos spawned in the USA and Canada, combined with Britain’s own dangerous nostalgia for the lost empire and its “multiethnic” character, that it was irreversibly headed in the direction of becoming a non-White country within 40-50 years.  (I certainly hope not.)

He actually thought that North America came much later in priority than the homelands across the Atlantic, though it was still important to at least secure some majority-White regions on the continent when the US splits up, which he figured is quite likely very soon—parts of the East Coast and Pacific Northwest maybe, most of the Midwest (except Michigan and parts of Minnesota, which will probably be majority non-White soon), the Mountain States. 

I totally agree with you, as did he, that most of the Southwest in particular is already lost, and it’s foolish and futile to tilt at windmills here.  I’ve spent many years in Arizona and California, and it just doesn’t make sense for a White person to stay in California, in particular.  Your political power is minuscule and dwindling there, something which we’ll never regain, and you’re paying taxes into the very same system that works against you—paying dearly to a place that others will soon be in control of.  Moving to states like e.g. Wisconsin, Ohio, New Hampshire, Oregon and Pennsylvania (possibly the core of a new nation) has a much better payoff, with much less traffic, smog and cost-of-living to boot.  I agree too, it’s foolish to talk about “waging a race war” there—that would only be counterproductive for us and get countless numbers of our own killed.  Most Latinos in particular and even Blacks (who often do have a serious chip on their shoulder) don’t harbor a personal hatred toward Whites, most I’ve met have been friendly.  (If anything, immigrants from India in my experience have been especially hostile to Whites there, for whatever reason.) 

But when they operate as a group, Blacks and Latinos have separate interests that sharply diverge from those of Whites stretching all the way back to the Mexican War in particular.  Not always hostile interests, but as a majority—which Latinos already are—their interests and political power are quite opposed to those of the White population in the region, which has already become effectively re-Latino-ized.  California (maybe with the exception of the northern part of the state as you point out), Arizona, New Mexico, probably southern Texas and even stretching to much of Florida, is Latino by numbers and impact.  It’s futile to try to incite a race war against that—power has already shifted over for good there. 

Thus I suspect a break-up of the US into sub-regions defined in part by ethnic orientation and perhaps in part also by cultural differences among the White regions (interior South and Midwest vs. Northeast for example).  It would hopefully be mostly peaceful, made obvious by the ethnic divisions that arise.  Most of the Southwest—with Las Vegas maybe a border demarcation between the White and Latino regions—will be Latino, while probably Michigan, much of Illinois (into Chicago), part of Minnesota, and even portions of the Deep South (e.g. Louisiana) will likely be Black/Muslim majority.  (The way things are looking, Islam may well be the majority American Black religion in a couple decades or so.)  Maybe Canada itself will have a flavor of that, with western Canada (especially much of British Columbia) breaking off as a kind of Chinese nation.

To be honest, I have mixed feelings myself on where the priorities should be.  I certainly have no affinity for California anymore despite being born and raised there—it’s no longer a part of White America, and I refuse to effectively contribute tax funds to a state and an institution that is squarely working against me and my White brethren.  The Three-Rivers/Pittsburgh area is my home for now, and I still do feel an affinity at least for this section of North America and its connection to White civilization.

But I also have a very strong ethnic connection to Europe, Norway/Denmark in particular where much of my family hails from.  I get that feeling of a natural connection whenever films about Vikings and Scandinavia come up, and I’ve been learning some Norwegian myself in the past 2 years as an increasingly important hobby.  Honestly, the way the US is going, I feel probably a stronger connection to e.g. Norway than North America—I’d want to secure my ethnic homeland first and ensure it stays secure as a Nordic White nation.

My fiance, for her part, is mostly of German stock, and she too has said that—she feels a very strong connection to the land of Bach, Schiller and Kepler, such an impressive exponent of White civilization and what we can accomplish.  More of a connection there than with North America.  So honestly, I’m torn.  But I could see the two of us making a move at some point to Trondheim, or to Bonn or Wiesbaden or some other German city, learning the language, raising our kids as Europeans in our ancestral homeland.  I just don’t know yet, but I feel that soon, we really are going to have to make a critical choice on this.


Posted by Eric the Green on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:24 | #

GT wrote: “I needn’t tell them anything, Frank.  A moron could compare California’s human landscape with that of 30 years ago and recognize Aztlan and the emerging Republica del Norte.  Intelligent folks needn’t have the Southwest’s loss confirmed on 640 KFI’s John & Ken Show.”

Precisely—it’s a fait accompli. 

Frank, I’m not sure where you’re from but if you’re White and have had the misfortune of growing up in California into young adulthood, you’ll be under no illusion of what’s happened and is happening in California—it already is Aztlan.  Curiously, not in the sense of “rejoining Mexico,” the folks here generally incline against being subordinate either to Mexico City or to Washington.  But the take-home point is, it’s a separate, and very non-White entity in every way, and becoming more so every day.  You only waste your prospects and fritter away your resources, quixotically trying to hold onto it.  As GT says, it’s gone already.  We have to focus on concentrating our numbers and our skills geographically in such a way that we can foster political power—you merely dilute that if you stay in California.

Daniel, agree with much of what you write here.  On China—I’d certainly hope that we could accomplish our aims, and delineate securely White-majority nations (including securing the homelands on the European Continent at least), without the need for major wars or foolish and destructive conflicts that damage us as well as the enemy.

China, in particular, seems neither friend nor foe really, and frankly, there’s a lot to be admired about the place.  It also has a very ancient and flourishing civilization, with artistic and technological accomplishments including ones that benefited Europe (compass and paper both came from China e.g.), and at least the potential to absorb some elements of European rule of law and the franchise.  Look at Japan and Korea today—both ancient East Asian civilizations, culturally vigorous, technologicaly advanced, frankly dynamic and exciting places that contribute a lot to world civilization.  China’s moving in a similar direction, if slowly at times, and I’d certainly hope that in the new world that arises after the likely break-up of the United States in say 2025 or so, China could be a force for productivity and innovation as a well.  And some competition from China would probably be mutually beneficial, keeping us on our toes in Europe, for example, to help push technological advance.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 13:26 | #

I never hear talk about secession among ordinary White Folks. And there is reason why there is 0 talk about secession. Ordinary White folks have no interest in secession.

But, these days, you do hear a lot more people expressing outrage about the fact that America’s borders are wide open to the rest of world. These days, one can hear more and more charges of treason against Republican and Democratic politicians.

I don’t hear any talk of secession-except at places such as MR. But I do see with each passing year, more and more White Ameriacans geting involved with immigration reform in some way.

All of this is consistent with a White National mindset that is unwilling to hand over large tracts of US territory to Mexico and several other nations through colonization.

The enormity of this catastrophe is sinking into the heads of a increasing mumber of White Amerians with each passing year.

If I am reading you post correctly, you have no problem with the ongoing colonization of Northern California by china and india. Correct me if I’m wrong about this. If this is true, I would categorize this as treason.

These facts are not consistent with a future where a majority of White Americans will enthusiastically hand over large tracts of US territoiry to Mexico and several other nations.

There is an increasing number of White Amerians who are calling for the deportation of millions of hispanic illegal aliens. This is much more consistent with the view that over time, ordinary White Amricans are going to be highly intolerant of handing over large tracts of US territory to Mexico and other nations.

The deportation of millions of hispanics will be the openning shot in the inevitable race. Actually, the race war has aleady started.

Things are getting worse. The stress level is increasing in American society.

The most likely scenario:some level of geographic retreat, then a indusputable realization that America is in fact being being invaded and colonized by several non-white nations. At this point in time, ordinary White folks will resist wherever they reside.

I also beleive that the secessionist movement will be viewed for what it essentially is:a cabal of traitors.

DanielJ, no one takes the fools in the 9/11 truth movement seriouisly.

Ordnary White Americans have demonstrated a willingness to use force and violence to deal with perceived threats in the past.

Just wait, when the mass deportation of hispanics begins,the shit will hit the fan.

When the twin towers were knocked down by legal immigrant muslims in 2001-the twin towers were nearly knocked down by a cabal of seven legal immigrant muslims in 1993- there was no talk of secession. But there there was a brief public expression of haterd towards muslims in America. The goverment was worried, the liberals were worried ,the leftist traitors were worried and the muslims were terrified. They were all worried that ordinary White Americans were going to take things into their own hands and drive the muslims out.

When the stess level in American society is great enough, there will be spontaneous combustion. Most of the “intellectual” class will be caught by suprise.

Yes I do beleive that in the future a majority of White Americans would be willing to put there bodies on the line to reclaim territory lost to mexico,china,iran,pakistan and india.

It will start with the mass deportation of illegal hispanic aliens and the fifth column element from mexico that resides here legally. The muslims will be next, then the chinese fifth column element in America.

By the way secessionists, if this scenario plays itself out, would you participate in the revolt against the colonization of US territory by mexico,china,iran,pakistan,india and several othe non-white nations

Bo Sears what do you think about all this?


Posted by Euronymous Covert on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 16:56 | #

“I have no idea what a kwa is.”

Well all right then! Why don’t you educate yourself? A man who gives lip service to such extreme views really ought to familiarize himself with Alex Linder’s coinages, “Kwa” and its antecedent “AmeriKwa” among them. Try go vnn.com .


Posted by Francis on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 17:51 | #

Eric, you spoke of Pennsylvania as being the possible core of a new nation. Can you elaborate on that statement at all (In any event, Pittsburg would make a great capital)?


Posted by Francis on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 18:42 | #

Daniel j,
I lived down in Philadelphia for a number of years, I don’t think it is overrun as of yet.  Granted like in all northeastern cities, there has been a large influx on hispanics, and there is and has been a large black population and a small (and actually quite nice) Chinatown.  However, in Northeast Philadelphia, there seems to have been an increase in Russian and other Eastern Europeans.  It was a pleasant surprise to hear Russian and Polish on the train as I went to work each morning.  There is also a relatively good sized Italian and Irish ethnic contingent in various neighborhoods as well that seems to me to be pretty stable.  At any rate if the blacks keep shooting, stabbing and otherwise murdering each other at the current rate down in Philadelphia, then there numbers could drop quite significantly.  It is a very high-crime place, even by the standards of American cities.


Posted by GT on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 18:56 | #

Several outstanding comments, above.  Due to work, unfortunately, I shall have to reply and amplify later tonight or tomorrow.

However, I want to say this:

The plan needs fleshing.

With the fleshing grows the Legions – Legions of disciplined political soldiers comprised of political analysts, former military men, science & technologists and tradesmen, educators, lawyers & businessmen capable of providing strategic and tactical leadership over the Internet and on the ground.

We are Officers and SNCOs, gentlemen, selflessly motivated to making New America happen through deeds - deeds on the ground are the only ones that matter.  Internet, although important, doesn’t count for “points.” Our political services are provided at cost and our labor is free.

R&D in the garage, backyard, barn or by the pond.  Face time with kin and neighbors.  Got a business?  Forego the non-White tax exemption and hire/train that young White man with NCO-potential.  Listen to his concerns.  Let him know there is hope, but also let him know that hope may come with a price.  Show him how to solder & weld wires/pipe/flatwork, operate a lathe and bandsaw, bring power into a building and distribute it throughout, rebuild appliances and motors,  tear an engine apart and reassemble.  Show him how to slither undetected through weeds, around sidewalks and landscaping, and strike targets at 300-800 meters.  Point his young wife toward single- and multi-family home-schooling resources and introduce her to your wife.  Leadership through personal example is the principle we’ve forgotten.  Time to place it at the forefront.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 19:04 | #


Were you born and raised in America or are you an immigrant from Europe?


Posted by Frank Mcguckin on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 19:17 | #

It is very sad to see some of my fellow Americans waste so much time and energy chasing the ghosts.

They would be laughed out of a court room. On the other hand, a very strong legal case can be made that the neocon Bush administration by attacking Iraq has comited crimes against humanity.

If all this energy was put into holding George W and friends acccountable for crimes against humanity, we would very likely be able to send George W and friends on a jet off to the Hague where he would no doubt be convicted of crimes against humanity and hung.This is not the least bit farfetched.

If Bush was convicted and hung for war crimes, it would so much easier for us to get Clinton tried and hung for the war crimes that he commited against the Christian Serbian civilian population. A great opportunity is presented to us and its being blown.


Posted by psognxp on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 19:18 | #


don’t you mean “hanged?”


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 19:37 | #

Maybe I meant hanged by their balls


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 20:10 | #

Bush and friends. I think we both know who his friends are.


Posted by GT on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 01:09 | #

Eric The Green,

My knowledge of Europe beyond its beautiful architecture, landscapes, villages, and stories handed down is almost non-existent.  I can’t speak intelligently on the subject.  Nevertheless, for us I see two problems in making its liberation a priority.  First, AmeriKwa won’t allow it to happen – neither economically nor militarily.  Despite its internal fragility AmeriKwa is quite powerful outside its borders.  Second, Europe is foundationally conservative – just as MR’s resident noisemaker, Frank McGuckin, is foundationally conservative.  In my opinion it hasn’t sufficient “cowboys” with the correct mixture of skills, mindset and temperament to overturn the puppet regimes backed by Amerikwa’s military and economic forces of occupation.  Understand, I don’t know the reason for this – perhaps the majority of Europe’s “cowboy” genes were extinguished during the jews’ First and Second Wars To Kill White People?  I can’t say with confidence.  Nevertheless, this is what I recommend:  To UK nationalists I suggest the creation of micro-powered micro-economic communities in Ireland and northern Scotland as a start.  This may require a whole lot of apologetic ass-kissing for various historical transgressions both real and imagined.  Malta seems to present possibilities as well.  Therefore, “Go Irish or Scot or Maltese, young man but please have patience!” I would say while feeling a twinge guilt about the patience bit. 

Although the European situation is different from our own, this I know:  We in the Kwa can provide logistical and moral support, and perhaps a small bit of advice to our cousins in Europe, but survival is almost entirely on their shoulders until New America is born and the Kwa is weakened.  Then they shall have their chance against the puppet regimes – regimes unlikely to survive the destabilization, weakening or outright fall of the Kwa induced by us New Americans and the Aztlanders.

AmeriKwa’s northern lands are the continent’s most important source of water, power and grain.  Now is anybody so naïve to think the beast has been unaware of the effect of global warming on the water table and the population movement that might follow? The beast has long realized what was at stake with global warming and the possibility that its strategic weaknesses in this area might be recognized and exploited by genuine liberators.

Thus there are, or will be, reasons stated and unstated for the NAFTA Superhighway when “the cat is finally let out of the bag,”  The former will include trade, profits, quality of life, blah blah, etc.  The latter will include the genocide of the immobilized northern White populations – immobilized due to minimum wages and >$3 p/gal gasoline prices. 

Once again let us consider the consequence if staph-infected Mestizos and Mexican Indians are packed in Mexican trucks with the lettuce and travel north on the NAFTA Superhighway, destined for small town distribution points where Church transportation to Church built/subsidized manufactured homes or to remote (unseen) corporate farms in the countryside will occur.  For added effect consider too the possibility that phony Marxist “concern” over CO2 emissions and the greenhouse affect is simply another ploy to minimize the movement of the south’s diminishing White population into water- and grain-rich, northern lands!

So we are in a race for time, gentlemen, and must take the north-northwestern states and provinces first!


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 01:59 | #

I would like to point out that the Walmarts around Portland, Oregon are already 40% Mexican customers, and they are young with children in contrast to the legitimate residents.


Posted by Frank Mcguckin on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 02:43 | #

After reading GT’s pinhead commets about marxists and global warming, I can only conclude that GT and the other clowns who are confortable handing silicon valley over to china are truly pinheads and traitors.

They are a laughing stock.

I am quite confident that when the pain level is unverable for a critical number of White Americans that the invaders from Mexico,india,pakistan and china will be expelled.

I consider secessionist to be traitors. When the revolt occurs, if they caught cutting deals with azlatan or show great eagerness to hand over the technological infrastructure of California to China, they will be in very big trouble.

Bo Sears what do you think about all this?


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 02:47 | #

that should read read: unbearable


Posted by GT on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 04:16 | #


According to the 2005 Census estimate Oregon is 90% White.  Economic and political power in the state must be developed in predominantly White counties and districts with lower population densities.  For Oregon the plan would be to surround and isolate the Portland area.  Same with Seattle in Washington and Denver in Colorado.  The major cities of Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, etc., haven’t quite the same problem - yet.


Posted by GT on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 05:29 | #

Frank, following his after dinner meds on April 12, 2007 at 06:17 PM: “It is very sad to see some of my fellow Americans waste so much time and energy chasing the ghosts.  They would be laughed out of a court room.”

April 13, 2007 at 01:43 AM, Frank awakens with heartburn, unfortunately his meds were left by the ‘puter, his Mestiza housekeeper has gone for the night, and he is forced to retrieve them himself: “They [secessionists] are a laughing stock…I consider secessionist to be traitors. When the revolt occurs, if they caught cutting deals with azlatan [...], they will be in very big trouble.”


Posted by Maguire on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 15:33 | #

>>which of our lands do we need to focus on most to retain and hold.<<

In North America these are defined by the Ohio-Missouri-Mississippi river drainages all the way to New Orleans, plus the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence system. 

Of particular interest is the Powder River basin with the world’s largest known coal deposits.  And the iron ranges of Minnesota and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.  Food means land and water.  The foundation of industrial civilization is steel and the ingredients to make it.  Here are the elements.  Silicon, carbon and others are too common to worry about.

In this area we’ll be well situated for any eventualities on the “Global Warming” front, and well positioned for expansion to the north when our demographic and political circumstances justify it. 

>>I’ve spoken to many WNs in the USA and Canada (especially the professional types) and at least among a very large fraction, there seems to be an inclination to “securing our ancestral homelands first” i.e. the heart of Europe.<<

Is this based on hard-headed analysis of the requirements, or mushy sentimentalism?

>>The USA for example, has over 100 million “Nordic-Americans” mostly German-Americans but also millions of Dutch- and Scandinavian-Americans, plus also millions more Italian- and Hungarian-Americans for example.<<

And they are already disproportinately settled in the heartland areas I outlined. 



Posted by Maguire on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 15:50 | #

>>I think Russia has huge promise as well, at a minimum, as a racially homogeneous bulwark.<<

“Russia” is more racially, ethnically and linguistically diverse than even the USA.  It has 160 legally recognized nationalities.  And the demographic plunge has been concentrated among the ‘white’ Slavic Russians you are thinking of. 

The Central Asian demographic component in ‘Russia’ is massive and growing.  Pacific Siberia is being demographically annexed by the Chinese.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 16:54 | #


Welcome to the blog.

On the issue of “Europe-first”, the universality of liberalism in the West, and of the other causes of our common predicament, commends the view that we, that is all our peoples wherever they are to be found, are best aided through an equally universal movement towards the light of our collective self-interests.  But we do this separately, by our own hands, be they French or German hands, or English, white American, Australian, Danish, Flemish ...

That said, I don’t think white Americans (and Aussies) can escape from their formative philosophical history in the same way that Europeans possibly can.  Yes, we Europeans - I am English - are all clothed in modern ideas, but we can hope to change this clothing and reconnect with our essential histories.  But Americans - as described by Tom Sunic in Homo americanus - will probably have to operate in contradiction of their inate philosophical “meaning” as men, and overwhelm it with the material exigencies of 21st Century racialism.

Yet the survival of white America, and its struggle to that end, is seminal to the efforts that must be made on the old continent.  America is the coil spring, the place where the energy is stored.  Developments there will have profound significance for the European Homeland, just as they have in so many bad ways over the last century and a half.

Making the necessary effort for yourselves will be enough for us.  We do not need Americans to come physically to Europe and, certainly, we do not need you to neglect your own obligations to self.


Posted by Francis on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 18:14 | #

Mr. McGuckin,
I realize that the idea of retreating or seceeding lands to others like the Chinese or Latinos is distasteful to you.  I think it stinks too.  But what are the options?  I feel we are spread too thin as it is.  There needs to be a land that serves as a base of operations that has a critical mass of economic, military and political power and a population that can field an army, farm, educate, and suport friendly forces.  Otherwise, we will be throttled bit by bit in isolated pieces across North America in desperate, fruitless battles.  I don’t claim to know enough as to where it should be or how it should work, but it seems quite viable.  Friendly forces need a place to rest and feel safe in, not hide in an apartment basement in an enemy city waiting to be overrun as the ammunition runs low.  There has to be a homeland that the enemy knows they can’t invade or attack without a response.  Once this land is secure, whites will move to it, quite regardless of political affiliations.  As for handing over technological infrastructure to the PRC, there are 2 options.  Scorched earth policy, or just let them have it.  These factories can be built anywhere from the ground up. The Russians and Chinese have shown us the way.  In WW2, the USSR moved and built factories beyond the reach of German bombers in scant years.  The Chinese did the same to keep stuff out of the hands of the Japanese.  Recently, I read that that Intel is going to build a chip factory in the PRC from the ground up.  We can do so as well.  In any event, the technological infrastructure in Silicon Valley may be a moot point anyway if things keep being built in China.


Posted by GT on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 18:37 | #

Excellent points by “Maguire” regarding iron and steel, and the Ohio-Mississippi River Valley.  Perhaps it’s time to outline proposed boundaries of New America on a topographical map, and provide yr 2000 and 2005 est. census data?


I want to expand on one advantage of town, county and state-level political participation in targeted states - State Defense Forces.  These are real state militias - not subject to Federalization like the National Guard.  Many states have them, but most are a joke.  California sets the standard, at present.  We shall do better.

California State Defense Force:


“The California State Military Reserve (CSMR) is the State Defense Force of California authorized by United States Code and the California Military and Veteran’s Code.

”The CSMR assists the California National Guard in its Homeland Defense mission by assisting in training the California National Guard so that the Combatant Commander receives soldiers and airmen prepared to get the job done, and to come home safely. In addition, the CSMR assists the CNG in the mobilization of these soldiers and airmen.

”The CSMR assists the CNG in its Homeland Security Mission by providing individual soldiers and airmen as well as rapid response teams to Military Assistance to Civil Authorities in the preparation, prevention, deterrence, preemption, defense, and mitigation of natural and man-made threats to California.

”The CSMR is a volunteer operational force upon which the California National Guard depends. Its members are subject to call to state active duty by the Governor of the State of California.


Posted by Maguire on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 18:38 | #

Guessed Worker,


>>That said, I don’t think white Americans (and Aussies) can escape from their formative philosophical history in the same way that Europeans possibly can.<<

What this really was, and what it’s since been repackaged as being, are opposite ideas. 

The original US Constitution and its Bill of Rights was written exclusively for descendants of white Europeans.  The separate racial treatment of negroes and Asiatic derived “Indians” is crystal clear in the Constitution, the Federalist Papers and the private correspondances of 18th Century American statesmen.

The modern “formative philosophical history” perceived today by “Americans” and those observing them is a Jewish-Communist fiction dating from the early 20th Century. 

The Zionist Supremacist Jew Israel Zangwill was a leading propagandist for this myth.  In the USA he prescribed “melting pot” social policies while simultaneously retailing “land without people for people without land” and apartheid for Jews invading Palestine.

The difference between the two is vast, and the Judaeo-Marxist is well aware of this.  They occasionally use it as a club to beat befuddled Judeo Conservative Republicans back into groveling submission. 

Mount Rushmore memoralizes four raging white supremacists.  Its construction in the late 1930s during the New Deal is itself evidence of the recentness of this Jewish created revisionist myth.



Posted by Francis on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 19:18 | #

Hey GT,
Why not model it on the Boer Commando?  Plenty of people ride horses, even here in New Jersey.  For those more mechanically inclined, I have no doubt that there are plenty of gearheads out there that could put the military to shame.  Many of them can shoot too.


Posted by GT on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 22:04 | #


The essential point is Governors may create state defense forces controlled by them and not the President. This presents significant advantages for us if we participate politically, not least of which are those resulting from the close cooperation and working relationship between tstate defense forces and National Guard units.

I have ideas on how to model organized and unorganized defense forces but that would take us off subject and GuessedWorker probably wouldn’t appreciate it if I posted that information on his website.  Another time and place will have to do. wink


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:32 | #


That sounds like the kind of information you don’t want to post on any public fora - one time when “keep your powder dry” is eminently sensible, I would say.


Never mind Frank ... I haven’t conceded either.  The Charybdian nature of conspiracy theory is enough to keep me well away from 9/11.  Anyone can believe anything of Mossad or the Illuminati or the Freemasons.  Getting drawn into debates about Atta’s passport et al enslaves as much as it liberates, and damages oneself as much as, if not more than, it damages one’s opponent.

In the end one just has to leave that area to others who will probably never desire to understand the more subtle and difficult but profitable aspects of getting to where we want to go.


Posted by Maguire on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 13:20 | #


>>Most importantly was rebuilding the manufacturing base… I am learning to program computers<<

THIS is a primary task.  And so is 100% fuel and energy independence.  But let’s stick to manufacturing for the moment.  The old fashioned mega-scaled factory is already obsolete.  The only way it can be made to work is not pay the workers.  That’s why paper capitalists have moved them to China.

The future of nearly all ‘manufacturing’ is smaller scaled and more widely distributed.

Let’s start with steel.  The “mini-mill” melting scrap steel and iron in electric arc furnaces already accounts for 50% of US primary steel production.  So far this has been “recycling” since arc furnaces can’t use iron ore directly.  The huge integrated mills with coal fired blast furnaces reducing taconite ore pellets to pig iron have been steadily declining in percentage and absolute output. 

“Steel Dynamics of Indiana” and Kobe Steel of Japan are now implementing a process for taking iron ore straight to a 99% pure iron pellet suitable for use in arc furnaces.  The process is called “Mesabi Nuggets” and is carried out at the minehead.  It uses softer Powder River coal, not hard coke reduced from eastern anthracite coal.  The Mesabi Nuggets process uses fewer BTUs and also leaves the slag at the mine, leading to reduced transportation costs.

It doesn’t take much imagination for the next step.  This is to set up a mini-mill next to the nugget processing building at the mine.  All you need are watts to fire the carbon arc electrodes.

Hint.  Yes, ‘They’ are running a new railroad line due east from the Powder River basin coal mines into Minnesota.  Funny thing, about five years ago “Steel Dynamics” set up a new mini-mill in north central Indiana to run out railroad rails, even though the jews of Wall Street saw little use for another rail mill back then.

Another aspect is the Mesabi Nugget’s size.  This is much smaller than a pig iron billet.  So it’s suitable for use in smaller iron melting cupolas for making iron castings, as well as mini-mill arc furnaces running out steel forms like flats, sheet, angles, bar, beams and rails.

Massive change is occurring in this primary steel sector.  Coal coke and mega blast furnaces are on the way out, and the physical center of gravity of the industry is shifting. 

Primary steel production using iron ore will occur entirely at the minehead.  Other primary steel production using scrap will occur where scrap occurs.



Posted by Frank McGuckin on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 15:08 | #


It hasn’t completly sunk into the heads of millions of White Americans the enormity of the castrophe. But it is sinking in. Lots of evidence for this.

I hear no talk of secession. Lots of talk of deporting millions of hispanics. This is not consistent with a mindset willing to OFFICIALLY hand large parts of America over to mexico,china and several other non-white nations.

The mass deportation of millions of hispanics will result in the public expression of hispanic racial/national identity on a scale that we have yet to see. There will be a White counter reaction to this.

The most likely scenario is combustion. This nearly happened on 9/11. After the spontaneous combustion, the next step is the organization of White Americans into miltary units in the way that GT has described.

Even in non-white infested areas of the Northeast of America there is fierce resistance. Immigration reformers from California who have visted these places are suprised by the ferocity of the resistance. They say that if Californians had resisted with such intensity, things would be much different today. Very fierce and heroic resistance in parts of Pennsylvania to the invasion.

It took several decades of severe national stress before the America civil war. There are non-trivial parallels today. Director Ron Maxell-Gettyysburg-has told several well—known people in the American immigration refrom movement about this.

It took many years and trillions to build America into a miltary and industrial power. No other nation comes close.

It is delusional to think that this will be recreated in a few years in the NW. Low-tech nations are then ones that have been relegated to the dust-bin of history. White many Americans will realize the obvious:that they are being colonized by several non-white nations. The only option is to throw the invaders out. We can debate how this should be done. But to allow the colonization to continue much longer will be a deth sentetnce for White America, engineering and technological know how in White Community is being wiped out.This will make the conquest much easier.

Awareness of this is increasing rapidly among White Americans. Catastrophic events will bring this conciousness to the proper scale. Then the full-blown revolt occurs. It happened in WW2 and the American civil war. This time around whites will be united rather divided.

Secessionist are associating with people-Kirkpatrick Sale a lefty traitor married to a jew- who are known to be the enemy of White Americans


Posted by Maguire on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 15:50 | #


>>It took many years and trillions to build America into a miltary and industrial power.<<

It took time and a trained work force.  The major amount of time lies in worker training, followed by tool building.  Not production per se. 

“Trillions” of the sort the Federal Reserve specializes in are a non-factor.  The only factor in ‘trillions’ is developing an honest system of exchange that prevents ‘traders’ and others from seamlessly stealing from producers more than the fair value of their real services.  The Fed pays the US Bureau of Printing and Engraving about 3 cents per note of any denomination.  And that’s probably 5x the necessary cost given it’s a government operated business.  What it pays for electron and phosphor dot ‘money’ is probably closer to .00001 cent per ‘dollar’.

>>It is delusional to think that this will be recreated in a few years in the NW.<<

It can be recreated a lot faster than it took the first time.  I can - today- show you where to access by internet more technical and engineering information and course materials in a few hours than even existed in one place anywhere outside the Library of Congress and a handful of engineering college libraries two decades ago. 

And even then it would have taken you weeks to dig it out of the stacks.  So access to ‘knowledge’ and even complete training programs is not a factor.  And no longer requires $100k in usury interest student loans to obtain it.

>>But to allow the colonization to continue much longer will be a deth sentetnce for White America, engineering and technological know how<<

Mexican immigration per se is a follow-on to the decay of know-how.  It’s an effect, not a primary cause.  The secondary curriculums were dumbed down long before Mestizos began flooding the classrooms.

Now to return to ‘learning’.  ‘Source’ learning materials are now ‘cheap’ to ‘free’.  Meaning the added cost of obtaining them is microscopic once a computer with broadband OR a CD-ROM drive is present.  iow, about 1/50th the cost of one semester’s worth of engineering textbooks at a ‘university’.

So this factor is not the obstacle it was even 10 years ago.



Posted by Maguire on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 16:16 | #


>>The Charybdian nature of conspiracy theory is enough to keep me well away from 9/11.<<

I agree.  What has happened since 9-11 was plainly advertised in advance by PNAC years earlier. 

>>Anyone can believe anything of Mossad or the Illuminati or the Freemasons.<<

I have my own ideas, which are fairly simple and involved classic “Jewish betrayal” on the part of Mossad.  I think I first publicized them in October, 2001.  But it’s not a primary concern.  Serious revisionists will still be arguing “9-11” five decades from now ala Pearl Harbor.

>>Getting drawn into debates about Atta’s passport et al enslaves as much as it liberates<<

Absolutely.  “9-11 Truth” is a huge red herring to more serious tasks.  Such as falling real wages among white working and technical classes.

>>who will probably never desire to understand the more subtle and difficult but profitable aspects of getting to where we want to go.<<

Agree 100%. 



Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 18:22 | #


You’re right about secession, but you’re wrong about 9/11.

Regarding 9/11, the official conspiracy theory is a preposterous concoction supported only by repetition in the mass media.  But even if the story were plausible, we’d still have to assume the national government were lying.  But who cares, anyway?

It doesn’t really matter whether elements in the government (1) specifically assisted in the planning of the attack, (2) knew of the attack and let it happen, or (3) “merely” caused the attack by pissing off Muslims and then inviting them into our midst.  The government is guilty in any case.


Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 18:31 | #

I also beleive that the secessionist movement will be viewed for what it essentially is:a cabal of traitors.

No, they’re just very confused about what we are, what they are, and why we are in conflict.


Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 18:43 | #

Genuine White nationalists are loyal to the plan. To join us or not, in the North, is their decision.

Herding ourselves into concentration camps of our own making hardly seems wise. 

Those who oppose white autonomy possess megacidal weapons.  We may be better served to live among those whose lives are valued.


Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 18:51 | #

Understand, I don’t know the reason for this –– perhaps the majority of Europe’s “cowboy” genes were extinguished during the jews’ First and Second Wars To Kill White People?

Isn’t it more likely that the “cowboy genes” emigrated and, in some cases, wound up ... in cowboys?


Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 19:07 | #

As I alluded to above, the fundamental problem with secessionist thinking is that it is a misapprehension of the nature of the conflict between “us” and “them”.  They assert ownership over us. 

To secede is to escape their control.  It is the end, not a means.  When secession becomes possible, we have won the war, and secession is unnecessary.


Posted by GT on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 22:21 | #

Ben Tillman,

“Genuine White nationalists are loyal to the plan. To join us or not, in the North, is their decision.” - GT

“Herding ourselves into concentration camps of our own making hardly seems wise.” - Ben Tillman

If Canada and the northern Kwa could be considered concentration camps then the analogy might have merit - but they can’t and it doesn’t. 


“Understand, I don’t know the reason for this –– perhaps the majority of Europe’s “cowboy” genes were extinguished during the jews’ First and Second Wars To Kill White People?” -GT

“Isn’t it more likely that the “cowboy genes” emigrated and, in some cases, wound up ... in cowboys?” - Ben Tillman

The creation of strawmen to justify continued noise generation, non-productiveness, passivity, ego reaffirmation and the collection of membership dues is expected.


“To secede is to escape their control.  It is the end, not a means.  When secession becomes possible, we have won the war, and secession is unnecessary.” - Ben Tillman

Quite interesting.  Our Southern ancestors, veterans of both wars for Independence, should have been informed - especially those who were killed.

All kidding aside, a successful secession is the means to independence.  Following independence reconquest remains possible, but the matter wouldn’t be decided by us.

Speaking hypothetically, however, Aztlan should be returned to its natural condition - a waterless desert devoid of human life except for a few sun-dazed, stool-collecting groups of wandering mongoloids.  Quite easy to do with New America’s control of the water supply.  I think waterless deserts make wonderful human barriers.


Posted by GT on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 22:24 | #

Correction: I think deserts make wonderful human barriers.


Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 23:15 | #

More is required - think inedible biomass conversion, high-yield agriculture and aquaculture, for example - but this is a good start. - GT


R&D in the garage, backyard, barn or by the pond. Face time with kin and neighbors. Got a business? Forego the non-White tax exemption and hire/train that young White man with NCO-potential. Listen to his concerns. - GT

You’re on the right track here.  If you prefer to do this in Oregon, instead of Ohio, that’s fine.

But the secession stratagem won’t work.


Posted by GT on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 20:10 | #

Daniel J.,

“If people can not understand the simple truth that the only conspiracy theory is OANYA (Osama and nineteen young Arabs) then they probably can not think their own way out of a paper bag - and they are not the people I want on my side of any battle.”

Success for New America is not contingent upon one’s belief in 911 theories.


Posted by Yuezhus on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 00:35 | #

Daniel, even though Frank McGucklin’s entire position in this thread can be summarized accurately as “hyuck!”, he is nevertheless right about the mainstream opinion on 9-11 being fairly accurate. It isn’t too unbelievable that the attacks were perpetrated by Islamic terrorists, because similar yet smaller scale attacks have occurred throughout the world. Steel may not melt when exposed to burning jet engine fuel, but it does weaken considerably. There were no missiles anywhere to be seen.

If you’re suggesting that 9-11 was the brainchild of Mossad, legitimizing the Iraqi invasion, you must remember that Afghanistan was first to be invaded because Al-Qaeda had its base of operations there and was being sponsored by the Taliban. I’m sure that even if America were overwhelmingly European and non-Zionist, it would still warrant the invasion. I certainly would, although I would wish for it to be as quick and painless as possible.

I don’t believe the Iraqi invasion needed 9-11 to happen; although it was handy for the Neocons, a large faction of them desired to topple Saddam’s regime way before that. Obviously the official reasons for the Iraqi war are curious at best and omiously secretive at worst, unlike the Afghanistani invasion which seems fairly logical and proportionate response.

Now Frank, enough of the Rahowa bullshite, and don’t tell me that I’m a pansy for saying this.


Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:18 | #

Daniel, even though Frank McGucklin’s entire position in this thread can be summarized accurately as “hyuck!”, he is nevertheless right about the mainstream opinion on 9-11 being fairly accurate. It isn’t too unbelievable that the attacks were perpetrated by Islamic terrorists…

That’s not the official story, though, is it now?  The official story involves far more than that, and it is the rest of the story that is so preposterous.

And, by the way, “maintream opinion”—as measured by surveys—doesn’t necessarily match the official story, so you’re wrong in several ways.


Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:37 | #

Here‘s Jim Kalb’s take on a certain aspect of the 9-11 conspiracy theories….

“Conspiracy theories”?  Say what?

The official story is a “conspiracy theory”, so an effort to deride those who disagree with it as “conspiracy theorists” is laughable.

The official story is a proposterous tale that simply can’t be true, and it is told by people and organizations that recognize no moral obligations to us.  Moreover, we know that they have lied to us over and over again about matters of the utmost importance, including casis belli.

Their account simply can’t be believed by members of the reality-based community.


Posted by Steve Edwards on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:28 | #

Here’s what I don’t understand. Most people here agree that the United States is ruled by a treasonous cabal that is actively seeking to destroy America, the American Constitution, and even the American people themselves. Some even use the word “genocide” occasionally to describe the immigration policies of the US Government. So how, may I ask, is it such a big leap of the imagination to countenance that such a “genocidal” and “treasonous” regime might actually carry out atrocities against its own people?

I couldn’t prove anything myself, but, I’m rather surprised that folks here aren’t just a leetle beet curious, to the point of pursuing further inquiry!


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:08 | #

Daniel: Steel does not weaken when exposed to the low temperature fires and the minimal amount of time they burned.

Steel deforms at low fire temperatures, Daniel.  No melt and no weakening is necessary to render it non-viable in its reinforcement function.

Here is a perfectly sensible review of the WTC collapses.  Some genuine technical expertise would be necessary to press the argument for government conspiracy in 9/11 beyond these conclusions.  I recommend you to devote your talents elsewhere.  The neocon war in Iraq, for example, has claimed more American lives than 9/11.


Posted by Maguire on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 16:24 | #

“...devote your talents elsewhere.  The neocon war in Iraq, for example, has claimed more American lives than 9/11”

What sort of “9-11 Truth” does anyone think Charley Sheen and Roseanne Barr will ultimately retail?  How will it refract in the lens of “Hollywood”?  Anti-Zionist?  Or will it get bent into supporting the “Liberal vs Conservative” and “Democrats vs Republicans” paradigm to provide a partisan club, while the root source of Semitism and energy dependence in all forms is edited from the picture?

By the time they’re done both Islamic and Jewish Semitism will be memory holed and ‘white men’ placarded by Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld will get 100% of the blame.


Posted by GT on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 17:51 | #


“Success for New America is not contingent upon one’s belief in 911 theories.”

Like you I don’t buy the conspiracy theory that is the official 911 explanation.  Hot deformed steel beams, for example, will oppose the velocity of a collapsing building.  My response, quoted above, was not intended to counter your position. It was intended to show that belief or disbelief in a given 911 theory is irrelevant to the cause of New America and to the quality of our allies.  Therefore, like GW, I believe 911 is an unnecessary wedge issue.

“Still nobody has responded directly to a single point I made earlier in bold.”

911 theories are not topical to hydrology, micro-powered micro-communities, Ebarter, state-level political participation in targeted states, or secession for EuroAms.


Posted by GT on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 18:02 | #


I’m glad to note that plenty of experts opposing the official 911 conspiracy theory exist.  You are now free to leave the matter in their hands and devote your time to New America.  New America needs intelligent, disciplined men capable of exercising good judgment in a leadership capacity.


Posted by GT on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 18:53 | #

No harm, Daniel.  You’re fine by me.


Posted by GT on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 20:16 | #

Steve Edwards,

“So how, may I ask, is it such a big leap of the imagination to countenance that such a “genocidal” and “treasonous” regime might actually carry out atrocities against its own people?”

Time, technology, policy and self-interest constrain the genocidal process.  This “leap of imagination” ignores those constraints.  Disseminating our divisive ideas and civil technology free of charge to all is one way to muck up the process.  During secession the regime must drop its façade and attempt to annihilate us with the forces and limited resources of a divided ‘Kwa.  Its divisions we shall exploit, while simultaneously inflicting permanent damage upon the regime’s ruling and puppet classes.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)
