Myerson and the Multicult Harold Myerson’s frank and malevolent Jewish hate-piece in Tuesday’s Washington Post concludes with this paragraph:-
Now, Myerson is plainly a frustrated man. He has climbed to the summit of his own personal Mt Nebo, and he can see that longed-for multiracial Promised Land where Jews shall be free. It’s so close he could almost smell it. He has come to the conclusion that the first sign of arriving in it ... a sign that only a few days ago looked so darned believable ... would be the election of Barack Obama as the forty-fourth President of the United States. The election of Obama = the consent of white America to submerge itself in “our multicultural future”. But then along comes a gust of cold Alaskan wind and the too, too solid fear that the white American majority of voters may not consent at all. Myerson and his kin group will have to wait to fire up their celebrations. In his frustration he affirms two contradictory facts. First, “our multicultural future” is going to happen, he is saying. In terms of numbers it’s just a matter of when. It cannot be put off through the political process. And he’s right, of course. A McCain presidency wouldn’t do anything to change that, quite the reverse. But there is a crucial distincton to be made here. The process of political and demographic marginalisation that afflicts white America - which will continue whoever is in the Oval Office - has been imposed without discussion, without consent. It lacks all legitimacy, therefore, and carries within itself permanently the seeds of revolt. As long as there is a large body of men and women who call themselves white Americans ... as long as white American gun-owners and church-goers are a fact on the electoral, cultural and racial ground, there is the possibility, even likelihood, that “our multicultural future” will, in some definitive sense, be rejected. Such a permanent challenge, which is rooted in the existential fact of being a white American, could have highly unpredictable consequences. So Myerson desperately needs to see that shifting the schwerpunkt to culture (which began as long ago as 1923, with the establishment of the The Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt) has worked. He needs the undoing of white America to bear its own imprimateur. It is balm to his inate paranoia. And so we get fact two: “Long term,” says Myerson, “this whiteness is a huge problem”. For Jews, he means. The only way of dealing with it is more of the same ... more Rothstein, more NBA, more porn, more Brangelina, more Bratz, more Myerson, indeed ... more everything. More white deconstruction, too. More, more, more. White Americans as people who are, in any kind of sense, their European selves have to be “solved”. Finally. Comments:2
Posted by Kulturkampf on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 06:50 | # That last line deftly encapsulates what certain Jews like Myerson wish for - a “final solution” for white Americans (and elsewhere for Europeans too). I’d like to see the look on his face if someone used that actual phrase to expose the hypocrisy and violence behind his desire for a US where white people become an ever-shrinking minority against their will. 3
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 06:58 | # I for one think that universal multiculturalism leaves no space for Jewish separatism, and we want continue to exist as a legitimate separate human group. Posted by j on Friday, September 5, 2008 at 05:33 AM | # That’s the ticket, j: Salterian nationalism. Each genetically distinct group needs an ethno-state to preserve its genetic continuity. If Jews would just be sensible we could “come to an agreement.” 4
Posted by Diamed on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 07:13 | # Whites are now ‘un-american,’ as though we have no place in America or right to exist therein. Next we will be branded as ‘sub-human.’ Lastly we will be called ‘enemies of the people’ and liquidated. God help us, what does it take to wake whites up? “Fatimah Ali” declares we either elect Obama or there will be a full scale race war. Myerson says a political party that appeals to whites is ‘shockingly un-american.’ We have been called the cancer of human history by Susan Sonntage, Noel Ignetiev promises to continue beating our dead and our living men and women, until the white race is entirely abolished. 37,000 white women are raped by black men every year according to our own official Justice department. Mexican immigrants will make whites a minority by 2042 according to the official Census release. Everything is out in the open and available for any white to read or see. Everything has been discussed publicly and all the information is available. Why why why do whites do nothing? Why do whites not even care? The original american revolution started over matters far less vital than these! Can you imagine the american patriots of 1776 allowing british to come in and start raping 37,000 of our women every year as they sit passively by and give them handouts and affirmative action?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Where is the survival instinct? The lethargic, apathetic whites may as well all be vegetables on coma machines! They respond to nothing! Are motivated by nothing. Are outraged by nothing. Afraid of nothing. Do nothing! Any one of these headlines should have started a war but now they come streaming in 100 a day and still, still nothing, no response—-you could be electrocuting a corpse and you’d get more response than from a living white! 5
Posted by 2R on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 08:09 | # j, Both Jews and Whites are facing the same issues. We’re both facing demographic extinction, we’re both facing the same Islamic enemy, and were both generally hated by the non-white world. There’s no reason why we can’t cooperate and fight for our survival. Despite what you might think, most WN are not foaming-at-the-mouth Jew haters like the ADL might have you believe. Both of our folk are talented peoples and both have every right to pursue their survival. I don’t know if this is your first post at MR, but welcome, and feel free to hang out. 6
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 10:56 | # Yes, interesting comment from j. 2R - j, Im assuming the same one, often comments at Steve Sailer. 7
Posted by silver on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 11:36 | #
They do respond to ‘facts on the ground’, though. That, of course, is cheating. The idea is to respond before abstract facts become facts on the ground. One abstract fact all too many of them seem ready and willing to respond to, though, is “racism.” The same post-Christian, post-white American fatass whose life has gone nowhere will look you dead in the eye and threaten to kick your ass for so much as mentioning black-white IQ disparity, let alone attributing it to a genetic basis; if he’s made a mess of everything else, he’s gotten anti-racism right. I’ve spent the bulk of two out of the last three years in Thailand. I see these bellowing American idiots here all the time. One who was showing me pictures of his mixed-Indonesian sons was telling about his divorce: Indonesians, you see, are Muslims, and the wife missed the old country, couldn’t fit in with the new, he wasn’t accepted by the Indonesian side, and it was all a rather nasty affair, he lamented. (Well, duh!) Then he hears I’m from Melbourne and the former sailor pipes up about how he’s been there and—I shit you not—what “fantastic diversity” we have there, completely and utterly oblivious to how “diversity” wrecked his marriage and left him with a collection of mixoids. This guy’s voice was booming, a real “ugly American,” a stubborn American fatass you can’t tell anything, the sort who’d wag his finger at you counselling you to “embrace diversity” all the while the same is destroying his world. 8
Posted by silver on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 11:45 | # Yes, interesting comment from j. A pro-McCain Zionist, yeah, real interesting. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 13:29 | # Here’s a good letter I just ran across in an old thread:
As for the chavs, the U.K. government created them. Deliberately. They are the dumbed-down slave class the government wants to turn the entire population into, so there won’t be any more backtalk from the underlings. Getting all white proles racially mixed with Negroes will greatly accelerate the process. As for J’s letter: Zionist Jews like Abe Foxman are going to try to have it both ways: pulling off the final solution of the Euro question by forcing slow genocide on Euros through the demographic/immigration/anti-“hate” strategy, while simultaneously avoiding the same demographic fate for Jews and Israel. “Diversity,” “Tolerance,” and “Multiculturalism” are Jewish Zyklon-B. To Diamed: the biggest reason no resistance ever arises is Jewish control of the mainstream media gives them the power to strangle any nascent resistance in the cradle. They’ve made it that it’s either got to be a huge sudden extremely violent explosion of white rage or nothing. Whites not wanting to go into a frenzy of violence, we get nothing. The Jews have made it that there can be no in-between. They won’t let this stuff be discussed in moderate language working toward a reasonable, humane solution: they prevent all such moderate discussion by using their immense powers of cencorship, demonization, and brainwashing to absolutely exclude it from the public square. Jews? But ... isn’t Po Mo Liberalism doing it? That’s a miasma theory. Jewish hegemony is doing it. Miasma theories: —Ignatiev-type environmentalism instead of innate differences manifesting at the group level (via the mathematical Law of Large Numbers) to explain the different status of Euros as a group and Negroes as a group —all explanations of why Hurricane Katrina did the damage it did, other than that New Orleans has too many Negroes —infectious disease is caused by emanations from caves and cracks in the earth and bad swamp air instead of by communicable microbes as Louis Pasteur and others showed —open borders and race-replacement immigration, the Sixties, and post-Sixties degenerateness such as “whites (Jewish code for “Euros”) are the cancer of history,” radical women’s lib, the homosexualist agenda, forced racial integration, diversity, tolerance, and multiculturalism, affirmative action, brutal government suppression of the right of free association, and the artificial elevation by government of Negroes and non-whites in general to positions of ascendancy over whites, are all caused by something called “liberalism” instead of being mainly the result of Jewish hegemony over the U.S. and, via U.S. control of Western Europe, over Western Europe. Germ theories: use your imagination. 10
Posted by P. Chetwin on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 13:40 | # Shocking racism, genocide, and wishful-thinking from an angry Chosenite. Well, what else is new? Let’s work harder to expose and counter these foaming-at-the-mouth White-hating bigots. GW is right, there will be unpredictable consequences, the likes of which will make barbarians like Myerson mess his pants. It’s only a matter of time. The more the Multi-Cult becomes entrenched in power, the more the US becomes identified with a horde of negroes, asiatics, mestizos, and Jews, the more it should become clear to us that the US itself must fall. For whites to thrive, the US in its present form must be bought down. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 14:32 | # J says Meyerson is an idiot who doesn’t know what’s good for the Jews. Why is the Jewish press publishing him then? Meyerson didn’t run that column off on his own mimeograph machine and distribute it on street corners as one-man flyers. 12
Posted by Diamed on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 14:40 | # I don’t doubt the jews are doing their part, but I believe other forces are at work here. Darwin described in his studies that domesticated animals are physically stunted and muted compared to their wild kin. They lose the testosterone that made them the big bad king of their territory and shrink into themselves, trying to get along. Man, of course, is a domesticated animal. Not so much blacks and arabs who are still wild animals chock-full of testosterone and aggressiveness, but especially any race that has been living mostly in large cities for a protracted amount of time. It’s well known that city folk are ‘metrosexuals’ and bordering on homosexual they are so unmanly. Now consider that people used to all live out in the open farms, rugged and outdoorsy lifestyle, less contact with others and thus less of a domesticated approach to life. The movement of the population from primarily farmer to city worker was in 1900 and tracks closely to the gradual loss of will of the west. Thomas Jefferson himself felt that America would only ever be secure if peopled by farmers and dreaded the enervating force of industry and dense city populaces. A lot of chemicals are being used in our food and water, meanwhile the sperm count of men in general has been dropping rapidly in the past century. The normal sperm level of today would be counted as ‘infertilely small’, impotent, 50 years ago by doctors of that era, used to much higher levels. Could there be indeed a ‘miasma’, a poison in our water or air, that is directly sucking the manliness out of men in industrialized societies? Something after all has to explain the rising levels of mental diseases, infertility, and general unhealthiness of people today. When technology removed the muscle power component to jobs and simultaneously gave women a form of reliable birth control, while also streamlining all women’s work with valuable time saving tools like the clothes-washer, dish-washer, vacuum cleaner, etc, there was going to be a huge surge for women’s independence to suit the new reality on the ground. Meanwhile health care improved to the point where you didn’t need to have several children for two to survive to adulthood, and thus women had less to do at home. Obviously some new accommodation must be made with women, but unfortunately we don’t know what, having never experienced this situation before in human history. The mistake of giving women too much freedom, freedom even from morality itself, in our irrational exuberance to see women free, must be addressed ASAP. Affluence is another key. If people are rich enough to afford a good life for themselves, they see no reason to care about anything else. Affluence has given people the ability to ignore evil because it doesn’t impact them anymore. You can purchase a good home, good school, and a good tv and just ignore the world in your own little bubble. Alternatively, affluence in terms of socialism is hitting us from the other end. It used to be that if you did something wrong or acted self-destructively, nature would immediately finish you off from there. Nowadays people are pampered and taken care of, with food and medical care always available, temperature controlled shelters, welfare, and so on. Now even gang members can shoot each other in the streets or overdose on crack and expect to wake up safe and sound on a hospital bed with ten people making sure they’re comfortable and healthy carting in their meals and giving them sponge baths and the like. Meanwhile technology continues to unemploy people and make them in addition unemployable, as they can never hope to compete with the cheaper, harder working machines that perform 10,000 times as much labor in the same time as a handicraftsman. Furthermore the God illusion is dead as science has explained all the inner workings of nature and replaced superstition and miracles. God cannot survive His inability to impact the world. The fact that we’ve now proven God, if he exists, doesn’t do anything and everything proceeds according to natural law, to most people has made him irrelevant and useless in their daily lives. If God can’t help me, why pray to him? The old anchor of the church that gave people a basic moral code and a place in life is gone. Something or other has to be done with these people, and the self-knowledge of their impotence and inability to provide for themselves, and their lack of love from just as feckless parents and an absent useless God creates a very violent and alcoholic/drug-addicted/sex dramatized life of people trying uselessly to compensate for the meaninglessness of their lives. Even if jews had never existed, technology would have changed the world in these ways, among many more, and we would be grappling with the exact same problems. “Should self-destructive behavior be shored up by charity now that we’re rich and can afford it?” “Should wealthy people care about anything but themselves or making money, and how do we instill this caring in them?” “What should women now do and what are their new responsibilities and duties to the commonweal, given the old ones no longer make any sense?” “What has relying on this technology and its products done to us mentally and physically, should we be worried about adapting to a basically unhealthy lifestyle humanity never evolved or intended to live under—ie technological man/city man?” Short of destroying our own technology and returning to nature, which has a host of its own problems and miseries, as well as requiring the majority of people on earth to die due to our lower carrying capacity, Somehow we will have to conquer these issues (and others) or be conquered and destroyed by them. Jews or no, these same challenges would be bringing the planet the same levels of chaos we see today. As far as philosophy goes, I agree jews are not helpful. Their solutions to these problems are absurd and based on a complete misunderstanding of human nature. But I have found few if any intelligent philosophies that run contrary to them and offer another answer to our modern day dilemmas. I am not even content or sure of my own philosophy, if enacted, being able to actually solve the grave problems in the world today. The basic problem is we changed the world before we changed ourselves, and now we are strangers in our own, self-created bizarro world, that is completely unsuited for us as human beings. We are neither homo economicus, homo equalitus, homo technologus, or any other homo the world would have us be. We are still and remain the same homo sapiens, largely unchanged, as our forefathers were thousands of years ago. 13
Posted by Darren on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 14:54 | #
This is a pretty bold claim. Do you have something to back this up? If this were true, even the dumbed down masses would be out there asking questions, I’d think. So I’d like to see something solid backing this claim, if you have it. 14
Posted by Darren on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 15:02 | # I’ll answer my own question with a link: Not really sure if this has any correlation with males being less manly. Our blacks are about as urbanified as you can get, yet they’re still aggressive. I’d be more interested in testosterone levels than sperm counts, at least as far as studying aggressiveness and behavioral qualities. 15
Posted by Darren on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 15:46 | # Testosterone studies look pretty bleak too. So much for my optimistic skepticism. I can’t help but to agree with your post. Theodore Kaczynski (Unabomber) said many of the same things. Am I crazy for agreeing with him? So, to get back on topic somewhat - is it missing the point to single out racial/ethnic issues when bigger problems, such as the cultural/social/health aspects of modern industrial society are so degenerative? I’ve always felt that WN have often missed the point somewhat by advocating the removal of non-whites but proposing mostly a status quo as far as our culture and lifestyle. Unlike other people, I don’t think that our cultural problem can just be explained by non-white crime and Jewish selfishness. Dr. William Pierce was a bit smarter, he advocated smaller white-only communities with healthy values and having technology subordinate to human needs, rather than the other way around. There is a good ADV by him on this very topic (don’t have a link at the moment). 16
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 19:22 | # The Jew, the Slav and the African-American:
Posted by Armor on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 19:45 | # Diamed wrote: I don’t doubt the jews are doing their part, but I believe other forces are at work here. Other forces are at work doing what? Myerson’s Washington Post article supports the racial displacement of white people. You give a number of reasons why you think western society is in a sorry shape, but it has little to do with immigration. We all know it isn’t only Jews who support the destruction of society and the displacement of white people, but they play an essential role in this. Most white people resent the destruction of their race, but their opinion is not allowed in the main stream media and political parties. This is largely due to Jewish ownership of the mass media, and to their political influence. It is useful to say so, because you cannot change things if you are too polite to identify the problems. Darren wrote: I’ve always felt that WN have often missed the point somewhat by advocating the removal of non-whites but proposing mostly a status quo as far as our culture and lifestyle. People missing the point are those who think they can keep on working to put more humanity in our western culture and lifestyle while ignoring the fact that we are quickly being replaced by non-whites. Besides, the quickest and easiest way to improve our culture and lifestyle, and to put more meaning into our lives, is to repatriate the non-whites, to put an end to Jewish influence in politics and the media, to get rid of the white leftists who support mass immigration. It is the first step. I think white nationalists tend to be the harshest critics of current society even ignoring the question of racial replacement. Many of them think society was more healthy in the past. They would like to go back to something similar. For example, does Vlaams Belang qualify as white nationalist? I don’t think their manifesto favors status quo. 18
Posted by Bill on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 20:10 | # “The basic problem is we changed the world before we changed ourselves,” Diamed on Friday, September 5, 2008 at 01:40 PM ————————————————————-”———————————————————————— I like this post. I have often said, Man’s progress in this technological civilization has outpaced his evolutionary ability to keep up with the curve. We are living with the results. I think (and so do a lot of others) that by the end of this century a massive correction will have taken place. It’s back to the future. 19
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 20:14 | # “But then along comes a gust of cold Alaskan wind” apparently blowing an Israeli flag.
An extended jewish phenotype. Dawkins also includes behaviour as a trait/phenotype. A dam (or even a pond) is an extended phenotype of the beaver. A nest is an extended phenotype of birds. However, if birds join a beaver colony and then convince the beavers to build nests, instead of dams, the beaver is displaying an extended bird phenotype. It’s a symbiotic relationship of the parasitical kind. 20
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 20:21 | # Myerson provides us an important example of just how much contempt these liberal loons have for normal people of European decent. He shows us just how transparent his vile hidden agenda really is. Furthermore, and more importantly, he gives the world a free lesson on how the duplicitous-Jewish-mind operates. 21
Posted by torgrim on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 21:03 | # Myerson, just let us see how much we are reviled. His lines could be used on a poster board, as they are unmisstakenly clear. A few short lines, of HIS, and the lights go on in the dark room of political discourse in Amerika. Armor wrote; “People missing the point are those who think they can keep on working to put more humanity in our western culture and lifestle while ignoring the fact that we are quickly being replaced by non-whites. Besides, the quickest and easiest way to improve our culture and lifestyle, and to put more meaning into our lives, is to repatriate the non-white, to put an end to Jewish influence in politics and the media,, to get rid of the white leftists who support mass immigration. It is the first step.” Yes, more humanity, means more urbanization, falling birthrates for Euros, more centralization of media, non-white power base…etc. First things first. Stop all immigration. Repatriate. Break up the media monopoly, under the law already in place, the Anti-Trust legislation, no dual citizenship, stop all transfer payments to non- citizens, repeal the 14th Amendment. 22
Posted by torgrim on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 22:21 | # Will the “first things first”, happen, no. However, all mentioned are within the purview, of law. As posted above, MUST, we have it only two ways, to deal with this race-replacement issue? No dialogue? Without which means, for all purposes, go away, and die….or the other end of the spectrum, violence? How sad, a country of this size, 300,000,000, and the founding population, has no ability to dialogue, on this, the seminal issue of this country? Those that have brought us to this place, have it on their heads, and the shame to go with it! 23
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 23:06 | # “But then along comes a gust of cold Alaskan wind” Looking at the situation realistically, she’s about as good as we are going to get from the two major parties. When it comes to taking on the “magic negroe”, she has proven to have more balls than Juanito or the rest of the gelded Republicrates. I say: Kudos to the Barracuda! Good choice Juanito.
Posted by John on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 04:52 | #
Some “enemy”. Let’s see, average IQ of about 85, no armies or navies to speak of and probably couldn’t engineer a decent refrigerator without Western help. No threat to the West so long as the stay in their homelands. I’d say they’re more like cats’ paws. Ask yourself who is largely responsible for their presence in European homelands and there is your answer as to who the cat is. 25
Posted by John on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 05:04 | # To add to the above post, here’s another indication of who the “cat” is: From which third party would the loudest shrieks come if there were ever seriously debated a plan to repatriate all Muslims/Arabs in Europe. 26
Posted by Takahata Joe on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 06:33 | # That “some enemy” who you so easily dismiss is one of the main cultures specifically discussed in Charles Murray’s “Human Accomplishment” as having been a significant enough presence in human achievement to warrant mention along with a few other non-Western cultures. It’s rather amusing how books like “IQ and the Wealth of Nations” and “The Bell Curve” can serve two opposite purposes. One is intellectual discussion of the topics at hand. The second is a tool to make lesser people feel better about themselves by comparing themselves as members of a group, rather than as individuals, to another group as a whole. Thus a talentless and unintelligent white man can suddenly feel confident of himself and his superiority over all others because of average group statistics he read on the internet. It’s quite clear which sort of folks are attracted to certain kind of websites. The nature of IQ, effects on IQ, and the Bell Curve is a topic people have a lot of trouble with. P.S. Please don’t make a mockery of facts by claiming that Jewish peoples are less successful than Whites as a group. Again, refer back to “Human Accomplishment”, to any measure of notable figures, or Nobel prize winners, etc ,and you will find vast over representation of Jews incomparable to any other group on the planet. P.P.S. Really now, John, considering the fact that we’re all going to die someday, some sooner than others, I would hope you have nobler things to attend to in your life than this sort of thing. But we must not disturb the discussion! Of course, the vast conspiracy is still taking place, run by the Zionists out of their headquarters in Antarctica, aided by immigrants who, obviously, immigrate with the intent to fuel the conspiracy and destroy all of civilization and nothing else. Indeed, this foolproof hypothesis must be real, and we must stop it! Assemble the warriors of the noble European cause! Down with the massive worldwide Jewish conspiracy! 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 11:52 | # Joe must feel the yellows are under threat in Canada, to be mouthing off so much. 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 11:55 | # Whites out in Western Canada starting to grumble about the Chinese takeover of their cities, Joe? People want to do something about the Yellow Peril out there? Is that what’s got you frothing? You as a yellow in Canada are a guest in white man’s country, Joe. Learn to keep a civil tongue in your head. 29
Posted by Armor on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 12:16 | # Torgrim wrote: Will the “first things first”, happen, no. What do you mean by that? Do you mean we won’t do any mass expulsions? Do you mean people will not set their priorities right and realize immigration must be stopped before any useful work can be done to repair society? 30
Posted by Diamed on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 13:00 | # Yes Joe, jews have a high IQ and many human accomplishments under their belt. The only problem is they use this power for EVIL. Do you see the difference? It isn’t enough to just be a mighty and powerful race, you must also be GOOD and not GENOCIDALLY ATTACKING EVERY HOST COUNTRY THEY’VE EVER DWELLED IN. They genocided the innocent ukrainians under bolshevism, then they genocided the innocent americans with their 1965 immigration laws, and they’ll genocide you too! Their goal is to control the world by making a world government and installing themselves at the head of it, using their high IQ to gain the jobs of press, university, law, banking, and politicians. They are ruthless and evil in their destruction of anyone who stands in the way of this bid for world dominance, and we whites are their main competitor and thus the first to feel their sting. Do not equate value with power! Next off, don’t come in here insulting everyone here because we take pride in our great achievers and also on the average level of human being whites tend to be, which is higher than any other people on earth. Does this mean we ourselves have nothing good about us? Hardly. At the very least, it means we have good taste and an eye for quality. Most of us are brave and true, or we would never be supporting such an unpopular cause. Most of us are extremely smart, or we would never have escaped all the lies the wordsmiths have been churning out all our lives. And did it ever occur to you that convincing people to stop immigration is itself a great act on par with the ancients? That right now we are doing something just as good and vital and important as anything that has come before? No, because you don’t get it. You have no idea how important preserving our racial homelands are and so you mock us for trying. If we racists ever do prevail and bring the public over to our position, we will have LITERALLY SAVED THE WORLD FROM A NEW DARK AGE. That is a good enough ‘human accomplishment’ for me. Plus you know nothing about our personal lives and I doubt you will, because anonymity is our shield. Furthermore, whoever we are says NOTHING about the quality of our ideas, which stand on their own merit under the clear light of reason. It does not matter if truth issues from a fungus a devil or a hero it is true or false on its own merit. It is a logical fallacy to even CARE who we are or what our personal motivations are for saying this, it is a complete distraction from the truth or falsehood of our words. I agree the first thing we must do, before anything else, is halt immigration. Countries can rise and fall, empires can come and go, prosperity can be high or low, and no lasting damage will occur. Race replacement, however, is forever. There is no recovering the genetic structure of the past. It is lost forever. Therefore the highest priority of all is stopping immigration. Next we will need to deport all non-whites from whatever we choose to be our land, I would be willing to divide it fairly between the different races but no more living alongside them. This way differential birth rates cannot genocide us either, nor can miscegenation even occur because all choices of mates are white. Third we will have to clean up our act so we stop self-destructing like with our below replacement birth rates or ever-rising illegitimacy rates. And fourth and last I believe we must achieve star travel to permanently escape all the threats and competitors this world has and truly secure a homeland for white people. Even if there weren’t other races out to get us, we would need star travel to escape the eventual destruction of the Earth via natural disasters like the sun going red giant or resource depletion or a comet or a supernova taking out our entire region with unlivably high radiation. If we do not adopt all four of these reforms we Will go extinct, there’s no way around needing all of these, and needing them as soon as possible. There’s very little time left. 31
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 14:09 | # Good letter by Diamed. What would Takahata Joe think of massive race-replacement immigration coming into Japan, I wonder? Why do I doubt he’d be all that thrilled?
That’s misleading. Where individuals take pleasure and feel pride in identifying as members of a group there’s something much more important, fundamental, and legitimate going on which Joe ignores completely: it’s what GW refers to in this comment in another thread: “When partnered by a common historiography the meaning of ‘who I am’ modulates to ‘who we are.’ It becomes a precise fit of blood and soil, and the would-be interloper is excluded.” That’s legitimate, Joe. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s normal. You Japs when living in your own country feel it too. It’s only when you’re over here living in white man’s country that you try to invalidate it, purely for selfish reasons. If you were a gentleman you wouldn’t do that. Instead, you’d admit the legitimacy of our view. But you’re no gentleman, Joe. Even Robert Lindsay, who used to come here three and four years ago in order to taunt those of us concerned about government-enforced race-replacement, and rub in our faces his support for it, has lately been admitting the pride he feels in being white — not in being an atomised, unconnected individual standing or falling entirely on his own merits but being a member of the white race — and saying the disappearance of white people would be cause for regret. That’s Robert Lindsay saying that! Here‘s Captainchaos on the subject precisely of how to restore more of that normal, healthy “we” sense in the psyches of atomised whites, exactly what Joe opposes for us (but would endorse for us just as he’d endorse it for Japs in Japan, were he a gentleman):
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 14:12 | # Make that,
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 14:46 | #
That’s only if you acknowledge the applicability in this case of the concept of hypocrisy, but who said Euro-hating Jewish hypocrites acknowledged hypocrisy or intended to apply the same “rules” to Jews as to Euros where racial destruction is concerned? They don’t: the Jews pushing Euro-race demographic annihilation certainly don’t intend for Jews to undergo the same annihilation. They push for the opposite for Jews. (Yes there are exceptions, as always, but the exceptions aren’t getting the final say, the others are.) Jews don’t acknowledge hypocrisy as such in this matter, because each generation of Jews sees itself as in a war from birth against the Euro goys, a war each Jew is literally born into, a war that started three thousand years ago. And “all’s fair in love and war.” In general if you trick someone or are hypocritical in regard to him you’re at fault. But not if he’s your enemy in wartime: against your enemy in wartime doing that is no fault. It’s even praisworthy. That’s how the Jews pushing race-replacement for us but the opposite for Israel see matters. They see us as an evil enemy of the Jews, an enemy so evil he doesn’t deserve fair treatment, and any trick or hypocrisy against him is fine. Jews like Abe Foxman or the Jews who run the <strike>Jew York Times</strike> the New York Time see Euros in exactly that way. Hypocrisy means exactly zip to this kind of Jew, the Abe Foxman kind, the Jewish neocon kind, even the David Horowitz kind, who push race-replacement on Euros (or, in Horowitz’s case, don’t push it but don’t admit it’s “that big of a deal”) but prefer the exact opposite for Jews. These Jews aren’t striving to behave like genlemen but see themselves as soldiers in the thick of battle, in a war they were born into, a war against an especially evil enemy, against whom any lie or hypocrisy is fair game. That enemy they see is us. The Euros. The Euros don’t know it, don’t know that Abe Foxman sees them as a deadly enemy or that the Jews are out to destroy them totally and permanently. 34
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 15:02 | # There’s lots of talk by Jews of Euro “Jew-hatred.” There’s no talk by them, none, zip, nil, nada, zero, of the other side of the equation, Jewish Euro-hatred (which, incidentally, may itself be what provokes ninety percent of Euro Jew-hatred in the first place — likely is). There needs to be open, explicit talk of the latter: Jewish Euro-hatred (especially since it drives a HUGE amount of the shit and the sheer destructive insanity that’s reigned in the West since the Versailles Peace Treaty and particularly since the complete Jewish victory over Eurodom which tool place in 1945). Since the Jews, the real experts on the subject won’t talk about it openly, preferring for obvious reasons to keep it secret, I will. Jewish Euro-hatred is worse than Euro Jew-hatred because 1) it’s a thousand times more potent and 2) it’s 90% unprovoked while the other, Euro Jew-hatred, is 98% a reaction to the first, a reaction to the anti-Euro venom and deliberate harm continually coming from the Jews. 35
Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 15:16 | # “But other Republicans may be concerned that a John McCain-Sarah Palin administration will disregard the caution of former President George H.W. Bush and some of his top advisers and continue the tilt toward Israel.” There is no getting around the fact that either Obama or McCain will be our next U.S. president. Sure, Biden and Obama are slightly less friendly towards the interests of the State of Israel, but once in office, they’d both commence to dance’n to the Klezmer music on day one! So nothing in that area would be of any benefit to WN by electing Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin. The crucial question is: Who will be more damaging to the white EGI, Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin? The very fact that the anti-white, pro race-replacement Left is having conniption fits over the Palin choice ought to clue anyone in as to the answer to the question I posed. Palin exemplifies just about everything the Left loathes. Eg: She is anti-abortion (and walks the walk), she is a white woman married to a white man with five white children - whom, BTW, are practicing Christians. The Left embraces the anything goes philosophy of moral relativism and despises the objective concept of Christian moral absolutes. She is for cutting taxes and shrinking government, she wants to expand the exploration and drilling of oil, etc., etc., .... 36
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 18:10 | # Thanks for that good advice, Svy. By the way, here’s more of the utter chaos the pro-immigration forces (Jews being most prominent among them, as is obvious by now to anyone with eyes) are sowing in their frenetic drive to unwhitify Eurodom: 1) What I take to be probably a “liberal” white woman has been mugged by reality — or at least in part, she has (we don’t know what her views are apart from this issue of illegal immigraion). The video, in which she blacks out her face, so you see just a dark screen, is worth listening to although painful in the sense that people like her didn’t see the problem until it reached crisis proportions — in other words, she’s guilty of having done in the past exactly what she rightly condemns Geraldo Rivera for doing today in his book: ignoring a problem which he ought to be able to see. (Rivera is Jewish by the way: the offspring of a Jewish mother and Puerto Rican father, he was raised Jewish by his mother, including getting Bar Mitzvahed. He says that, though half-Puerto-Rican, he identifies as a Jew.) 2) Here are three videos of a Negro demonstration march in Los Angeles, protesting against the flood of Mexican immigration which is taking jobs away that Negroes used to be able to get, and depressing wages for those jobs still available to them: Here, here, here. In these videos, and in the one of the white woman mugged by realiy, just look at all the chaos which Jews like Myerson and the Jewish editors who published his dog shit are creating in their drive to get Euros in this country forcibly race-replaced! These Jews will hurt everybody — hurt themselves, hurt Negroes, hurt everybody, they don’t care — just to get at Euros and destroy them racially, they hate them so much. That’s how intense Jewish Euro-hatred is. Euro Jew-hatred isn’t a patch on Jewish Euro-hatred. It’s not even in the same league. You’re talking the difference between rank amateurs and seasoned professionals. 37
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 18:30 | # Armor wrote; “What do you mean by that? Do you mean we won’t do any mass expulsions? Do you mean people will not set their priorities right and realize immigration must be stopped before any useful work can be done to repair society?” The list that could be done, legally, with effort, such as; Stop all immigration. No, because we have lost the power to have an open dialogue on the future of this Country. We weren’t even asked if we wanted massive immigration if the first place. The “elites”, just know what is better for the “bumpkins”, in the country! The “ruler” like those in academia, have been working for years quietly, writing, publishing, about how this Country was not “diverse” enough…ever see anything like that discussed in the Public Forum? No, and just like now, the above remedies will not be discussed either! If the people in this country were awake and understood the issues, Ron Paul would have had a lot more support. But being the media is controlled by a few billionaires, it is the oligarchs that have their way with us. I don’t know what it will take for white americans to understand their peril. Maybe, the masses will respond when they realize that they have been given one choice. 1. Go off, and die quietly. And that is the evil of this whole matter. 38
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 18:34 | # The Jews running America are destroying both America and the countries America controls or heavily influences. 39
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 18:47 | # Here‘s a Canadian who’s not, let us say, too thrilled about the effects massive yellow immigration (that means you, Joe) is having on his country. 40
Posted by a Finn on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 00:42 | # j, that was a good and honest way to start a discussion. I can’t see any obstacles to further talks and some forms of co-operation. As far as I can discern from Finland, McCain is as much multiculturalist and pro-immigration as Obama, but we have to start somewhere and perfect alignment of opinions is not necessary. I am writing from Finland, which has about 1000 Jews, so this issue is for me quite theoretical, but when I see a promising thing, I want give my support. I hope European-Americans and conservative Jews find common ground. 41
Posted by 2R on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 10:28 | # “I hope European-Americans and conservative Jews find common ground. ” (Finn) I’m looking for this too. But for this common ground to occur, “Conservative” Jews must make the first move. Jews like j, who appear concerned with White genocide, need to use their influence and form groups that openly oppose White race-replacement. They need to literally come out and condemn Jewish organization that strive for White genocide. They need to direct the same Talmudic inspired energy that their co-tribalists direct at us, and use it to reverse the replacement process. I’m not sure if they can do this unless it benefits them directly? Jews like j need to ask themselves whether its “good for the Jews” to see Whites genocided off the earth? Because no matter how much they brag about their role in our genocide, the non-whites of the world are still going to see them as their enemy. 42
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 11:33 | # 2R: “I’m looking for this too.” I just don’t believe that cooperating with elements of Jewry is a real-world possibility. If such elements exist and they want to oppose the genocide they will do so anyway, because Jews are driven - genetically, I believe - to pursue Jewish group interest as they individually understand it. One thinks of Richard Hernnstein’s very Jewish motives for writing The Bell Curve - Jews will follow to the very end whatever path “the good” leads them down. For the vast majority, anyway, the Final Solution of European Man is a holy and absolute goal. When I wrote of Myerson ...
... I did not mean it figuratively. At a significant level (not the esoteric, obviously) Moses climbed the mountain and saw the material freedom of Jews after the Final Solution. Of course Moses would never see that Promised Land. But Mr Myerson seems in no doubt that, finally, a generation of Jews, and possibly even his generation, will see it ... will see “our multicultural future” ... soon. That future is the exoteric group-freedom Judaism strives for. That is the sense in which it is both holy and really only Jewish nationalism. I urge you, 2R, Finn and others here who are seduced by j’s pragmatism and charity to remember that with as much clarity and tenacity as any Jew. We have to survive, and we have to do this alone. 43
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 12:20 | # “The Jews running America are destroying both America and the countries America controls or heavily influences.” - Fred Scrooby When I suggested to j that Whites and Jews could “come to an agreement” I was gently encouraging sane Jews to rein in their own their own people so that they can be allowed to live and work as free men within the White world. Either they do it themselves or we will have to. So long as America props up its global empire on the backs of White Americans the long term survival of Whites anywhere is not guaranteed. North America belongs to the White man; to secure the existence of our people globally we must take it back. This is ground zero. 44
Posted by silver on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 17:30 | #
That’s great, Dave…only she isn’t running for President. Insane McCain is. But even if she was, are you that naive to think she’d do anything to help you? It’s the presence of racial aliens among you that’s destroying you (will destroy you, without any help from jewish race-mixing propaganda—that only speeds it up), that’s the alpha and omega of it; cutting taxes and shrinking government, even ending immigration (which she wouldn’t do anyway), won’t do a thing to change this. You’ve got to get your priorities straight, man: either you want your people to survive or you want to live materially comfortably. I don’t see how it’s possible to do both, to be frank. If you survive, you can always get the comfort back. If you don’t survive, well, what good is that comfort? The problem is while you’re comfortable you’re not thinking about what really matters. You need pain, not comfort. Domestic pain, not Insane McCain 100 year wars for Israel pain. Vote Obama. Worse is better. (Funny you attack the left for their moral relativism: that’s one of the few things they actually get right. What the fuck is “absolute” about “Christian” morality when it only means whatever the priests tell you it does? Going forward, do you really want to believe killing supposed “innocents” is always absolutely wrong? Is that going to help or hinder?) 45
Posted by Dave Johns on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 18:53 | # ”... are you that naive to think she’d do anything to help you?” As an individual, I’m not seeking her help; rather, I’m looking out for what is best for white people as a whole. Sarah Palin, as I perceive her, represents a proverbial stick being jabbed in the perverse eye of what we refer to today as modern-feminism ... and that ain’t a bad thing. “It’s the presence of racial aliens among you that’s destroying you (will destroy you, without any help from jewish race-mixing propaganda—that only speeds it up), that’s the alpha and omega of it” No shit Sherlock! Now tell me something that isn’t so obvious. Or tell us how you propose we rid ourselves of the aliens? “cutting taxes and shrinking government, even ending immigration (which she would’t do anyway), won’t do a thing to change this.” Cutting taxes and shrinking government is key to discouraging massive non-white immigration into this country. I.e., do away with the welfare state. That way, the consumers of tax dollars cannot leach off the tax producers. Do you see how that would work in favor of whites’ EGI? “Going forward, do you really want to believe killing supposed “innocents” is always absolutely wrong? Is that going to help or hinder?)” I absolutely believe killing innocents is always wrong. If you deliberately and maliciously kill an innocent, by that very act, you have just impaled your own immortal soul with your own sword. That’s not a very very wise thing to do, is it? BTW, silver, you remind me of the blacks I work with. They take the same positions as to the definition of who or what whites are. They go so far as to contend that all European Meds such as Italians, Greeks, etc., are all part of the black-race. They even take it further by insisting that any white who does not have blond hair and blue eyes has, at least, some black admixture in their DNA. They get those kooky ideas directly or indirectly from the Nation Of Islam. The far out myth being: The blond haired blue eyed human species was an experiment gone wrong carried out by a scientist named Yakub who removed the gene that produced the characteristics of the black-race; hence, the “blue eyed devil” was created. This mythology pervades just about every corner of the black community’s subconscious. Read the Autobiography of Malcolm X. Malicious black leaders subtly promote that myth for a specific reason. It’s called divide and conquer. That’s something you should think about, silver. 46
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 19:42 | # An excellent article debunking Jewish race-denial in the form of a neat summary: Store that away on your computer for future re-reads. 47
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 22:54 | # “Store that away on your computer for future re-reads.” Fred I will, and what I must say, what a concise, explanation of the history of this group in America, that has ensconsed itself in academia, like a malignant parasite. Camouflaged by the ivy towers of America, waiting for the next generation of white kids to come along and destroy their normal resistance to this disease. What this group has done to America, must be exposed. This looks more and more like a criminal enterprise, where one rival executes the other, only this has been played out in our most highly esteemed places of learning, and we wonder what has happened to us? Ought to dig the bastards up and hang’em…, written with sarcasm, of course! 48
Posted by 2R on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 01:12 | # “I urge you, 2R, Finn and others here who are seduced by j’s pragmatism and charity to remember that with as much clarity and tenacity as any Jew.” GW) GW, you are right sir. But read my post again and you’ll see that I suggested that Jews really think about a world where Whites are extinct? Will it be “good for the Jews” when we are gone? This is what I want Jews to think about, becuase Jewish self-interest is the only reason they do anything. At the same time, you are correct that I need to be more careful regarding people’s real intentions. Even today, I still try to see the positive in other-races and this is no doubt caused from thousands of years of post Ice Age conditions. These conditions required Whites to seek cooperation with individuals outside of the tribe or clan, and it is the result of this evolutionary process, that I believe makes White people so non-ethnocentric. Anyway, I need to get back to work to my vacation essay….. 49
Posted by a Finn on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 05:02 | # Thank you for your comments 2R. Guessedworker, I would like to digress from your view. Jewish ethnocentrism is tuned to the conditions of Middle-east, where ethnic competition is stronger. When the Jews are in the Middle-east, their normal cultural environment, opposing forces cancel each other out in the end, creating a balance in one way or another. Here in the West their methods are oversized. They first harms us and then later, by the Jews own doing, themselves. Like Europeans cling to their destructive universal egalitarianism because of their inclinations, the Jews cling to their ethnocentrism or it’s corrupted derivates because of their predispositions. If a man from 50 000 years ago was suddenly transported to the present time, he would die in a couple of days because of diseases that doesn’t cause any illness to us, because of our more advanced immunity response. It would be useless to that ancient man to endlessly demand from the diseases: “Oh you horrible viruses and bacteria, you must be more benign and reign in your terrible hordes”. His kind must undergo evolution and development, until they can withstand the environment and thus create a balance where former diseases become bening microbes. I am not comparing Jews to microbes, they are human beings, but the analogy is clear. Jews are now important part of many Europeans’ environment. There are two basic reasons why we should primarily try to change ourselvelves, not the Jews: - It is much easier and more efficient to change ourselves than others (Maybe the whole world), and it creates better and more endurable results. - Jews are what they are and their basic dispositions will not change, only the expressions of them. Also, Jews have many legitimate and natural needs, like security, and continuity and well-being of their group. Thus follows: * It would be good to talk much less about Jews and a lot more about how we can create our own communities and their rules. Also, with what would the Jews balance themselves now. Phantoms writing to internet sites? Real communities and organizations are needed to have an effect and a partner in negotiations. * It is a non -starter to categorize Jews as e.g. absolute evil, because by definition, it is then useless to try to influence them. There are differences in Jews that could be influenced beneficially. Politics is something you can do, not talking endlessly about something you can’t influence. * It is not necessary for the Jews to forsake their legitimate and natural needs. We should accept as a natural fact that Jews and their needs are their first priority. This is not a problem or block to negotiations. After all, Europeans and their needs are our first priority. This creates a balance. * Our goal regarding the Jews should be then to find the ways where minimal effort creates maximum lasting benefit to both sides. This could be done by aiming to create good and secure environments to both sides and mutually beneficial co-operation. This doesn’t require chancing the Jews, only influencing them enough that some expressions of their ethnocentrism change to more advantageous to us. Jewish ethnocentrism is now in some things expressed harmfully, like in liberalism. Jews could get more secure, endurable and better environments by expressing their needs more conservatively and along the lines of the original U.S. constitution. 50
Posted by Othelma_Jr on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:54 | # Come on, some of you guys are really falling for jew js ‘pragmatic’ act?!?!?!?! The number of jews with js attitude could probably have fit into my old tiny San Francisco apartment! Sadly the only answer lies in an eventual expulsion (White media must be built up first)! All attempts at assimilation have failed. Spain tried it, but ended up with Marranos who were destroying their society so they had no choice BUT to institute the Inquisition as a defensive measure. Weimar Germany tried assimilation, but then the jews started destroying that society as well, leading to the appropriate response: National Socialism. 51
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 00:54 | # From the The Earth is Moving Beneath Our Feet department: Ready for a low-yield nuclear device in print form? If you’re ready, then read this latest by Takuan, up tonight over at you, too, I promise, will feel the ground lurch! Here’s an appetizer (and it gets even better: click the URL below):
This piece is top-of-the-line commentary, comrades: first-rate stuff. Here it is, whole and worthy of your undivided attention: 52
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 20:59 | # An Israeli asks Takuan Seiyo why his country, Israel, is starting to go down the tubes the same as the Eurosphere:
( ) Takuan replies:
( ) (File that under any of the following: the Getting A Taste of their Own Medicine department, the What Goes Around Comes Around department, the Hoist On Their Own Petard department, the If You Spread Disease You Risk Catching It department or, last but not least, the Chickens Always Come Home to Roost department — any of those will do.) 53
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:55 | # The Jews running America are destroying both America and the Countries America controls or heavily influences.—Fred An Israeli asks Takuan Seiyo why has his Country, Israel, is starting to go down the tubes the same as the Eurosphere. A lot of the young Jewish males are now reaping the harvest of years of liberal mischief with our Euro society. This is just one example of the politics of power. 54
Posted by james on Fri, 14 Aug 2009 01:28 | # Re: Fred Scrooby 1:09PM 6 Sept 2008 re: ‘Joe’s comments: something both sides failed to address is the fact that tho it may be true that average white Joe & jane are nothing special, they can give rise to those who are. My mother is a simpleton & my father was a working-class joe (who would be horrified & enraged by the views on this site)—smarter than the average manual labourer, but someone who never went to college & in fact despised college & made his living in mostly manual labour jobs his entire life as soon as his secondary education was finished. I turned out to be something approaching brilliant. The schools (which were antagonistic) couldn’t find people capable of accurately assessing my intelligence. That’s the problem with Joe’s seemingly ironclad objection to (in short) ‘white pride’ & is the staple objection trotted out by the left, jews, etc. The irony is that those doing so know the truth of it—the jewish person with ordinary parents who ends up a professor at a prestigious university, etc etc. Their creed as ever is ‘Do as i say, not as i do.’ Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time by James Bowery on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 15:26. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View) |
Posted by j on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 06:33 | #
I have read the Myerson article and being a Jew and Zionist, you may be surprised that I agree with you and think Myerson is an idiot who doesnt know what is good for the Jews. Obama’s “green” and alternative jobs creation ideology is a proven idiocy and a disaster. And third world multiculturalism and universal mixing is incompatible with the continuity of Judaism as a separate human group. On the other hand, McCain and Palin represent the renewal of American capitalism and world prosperity, they promise that America will not abandon its presence in the world, which kept the peace in Europe and ensured Israel’s survival in the last 60 years. Yes, I am aware that there will be some exclusivity and muted antisemitism, but in my opinion, paradoxically, raving antisemites like Richard Nixon were the best Presidents for America and Israel, and it was Nixon who hired and gave free hand to Kissinger and sent weapons when they were needed. And sweet liberal Jimmy Carter was, objectively, a disaster for America and Israel. We are still suffering from his suicidal policy in Iran. Just to give an extreme example, Jews could live in Apartheid South Africa, but they are (like others) most uncomfortable under the current regime. I for one think that universal multiculturalism leaves no space for Jewish separatism, and we want continue to exist as a legitimate separate human group.