The irrational hatred of the Jewish extended phenotype

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 03 September 2008 14:36.

Rick Lyons is the crime correspondent for the never knowingly thoughtful Daily Star.  But he has escaped its customary nubile delights long enough to pen a piece for that organ of the irrational left, The Guardian.  It was titled, “Antifa’s gift to the BNP”, and was a leftist hack’s cri de coeur that the violent left was stuck in the past, and needed to understand that physical confrontation was counter-productive.

Lyons delivered himself of a number of other insights of a nature and quality than need not detain us.  But his comment thread was interesting on one count, at least.  At 11.11 am, a commenter styled gheymears explained his own shameful past in the violent left:-

I was heavily involved in AFA, a forerunner of Antifa, during the early 1990’s. What we did at the time, when I was younger and more politically naive, shocks me now. We operated pretty much along similar lines as a football firm - driving around in a transit looking to ‘spot’ fascists when they had a rally organised. Every other person would be armed and our reasoning was that by terrorizing the BNP they’d be forced to meet in secret and lose contact with the voting public. I wouldn’t be to dismissive of the violence either, this was groups of experienced street fighters, linked to football clubs like Celtic and Man United, along with people from groups such as Red Action that had links with the IRA - not to mention the ties with animal rights groups and the ALF.

The violence was pretty disgraceful and led to numerous people being hospitalised, and after I left, to a number of anti-fascists being jailed. I met people who had used axes, iron bars, smoke bombs, cs gas etc. We also got into a number of spontaneous confrontations when people bumped into BNP members in pubs or even out shopping. It wasn’t uncommon at the time to see a skinhead wearing a bunch of nazi badges out in town with a bag full of groceries. On more than one occasion telephone calls were made and a couple of anti-fascists would come into town and catch the skinhead away from CCTV and assault them with iron bars, bottles etc. Members of AFA over the years were jailed for kidnapping fascists and in one famous incident for throwing a well-known fascist in front of a bus.

The reason I’ve went into detail about this violence is because I had never been one for fighting before joining the anti-fascist movement, and I haven’t since I left either. We had a strict authoritarian ideology that insisted that violence was required to win control of the streets to create a political vacuum that could then be filled by the left. Ideas about democracy and freedom didn’t even enter the equation, so sure were we that left wing politics were correct and everything else should be opposed.

Looking back, having matured both politically and intellectually, I’m appalled by what AFA were prepared to do. What is maybe worse is that after the BNP announced its decision to stop marching so as to avoid streetfights (which effectively killed AFA), another group has sprang up purely to try and draw them in to violence. Still nobody on the left has started a credible group to argue with them politically, and the real worry for me is that the left don’t and never will have an answer as in parts the BNP are asking the tough questions and in some policies supplying an answer that people are comfortable with. The left fear a debate with the far-right, and turn things into a physical confrontation exactly because they won’t win any arguments about immigration or crime - yet somehow manage to see themselves as defenders of freedom, and not the destroyers of it.

It needs to be understood that for twenty-five years up to the early 90’s there was a subterranean war between the violent left and, first, the National Front and then John Tyndall’s homosexual-free British National Party.  The aggressor, by and large, was the violent left.  It was not politics, of course.  It was a lifestyle choice, and a social pathology with its roots, ultimately, in the street battles of Cable Street and thence Weimar Munich.  But anyone who, today, encounters the perfectly brainless throwing around of epithets by the left in place of real argument - and we all do - has touched upon remnants, however distant, of that extraordinary and totemic world.

It is encouraging to learn that gheymears has extricated himself from anti-fascism, and gained a proper moral perspective on it.  There must be many like him.  But then, he says he was never violently-inclined except in his anti-fascism.  He fell under the sway of something more powerful than himself, and lost his moral compass.




Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 17:53 | #

Knowing that this methodical, unprovoked, left-initiated blind street-violence is what one is up against in opposing the other side, can one continue to judge the violence of the early streetfighting Nazis or today’s skinheads the same way?

I’m against violence.  But everyone needs to be aware it’s coming from the other side.


Posted by torgrim on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 18:45 | #

From, Extended Jewish Phenotype…

“We had a strict authoritarian ideology that insisted that violence was required to win control of the streets to create a political vacuum that could then be filled by the Left.”

From London to Berkeley/Santa Cruz, Ca., this has been the intimidator, the silencer of normal people. People that spoke up at a public meeting only to be shouted down by a hard core Left, with their thugs in reserve.

This has been effectively “air brushed” out of the media. On the contrary, the Left is “painted”, as intellectual, professorial, upper class, however as this author has pointed out, the Left is anything but peaceful, intellectual or honorable.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 19:01 | #

“This has been effectively ‘air brushed’ out of the media. On the contrary, the Left is ‘painted’, as intellectual, professorial, upper class, however as this author has pointed out, the Left is anything but peaceful, intellectual or honorable.”

Exactly, Torgrim:  the left include extremely vicious thugs but this is being air-brushed out of the (fill in the blank) _______-controlled media which works overtime to depict those who resist the left as the perpetrators of violence and injustice.  The same (fill in the blank) _______-controlled media go ape-shit every time a white person looks crossways at a Negro but let Negroes commit the most heinous atrocities against whites and you’ll look in vain to see that covered in those media.


Posted by torgrim on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 00:02 | #

Yes Fred, there obviously is a double standard when reporting crime.

I call it the two hundred mile rule here in the States. A big country, so two hundred miles is a rather, relative small area, for us here. The two hundred mile rule goes into effect when white is the victim…one will never hear of the crime, if it is black on white past the two hundred mile limit.

However, if it is a blue eyed white guy, that has committed a foul act, or even if he is suspected of such, well the two hundred mile reporting range is now moved to at least two thousand miles and the story stays on the front of the news for at least a week.

Even the, cud chewing, sombulent, tee vee, addicted, are beginning to see the absurdity of the MSM.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 00:34 | #

I had a conversation with a Croatian immigrant today.  In a subdued way he agreed with me that crime and violence is largely “racial”.  His attitude towards massive third-world immigration was one of passive acceptance. 

“What can we do?  We cannot keep them out.”

Oh, but we can; just not with that kind of attitude. 

Many of our people already are, more or less, awake.  What is needed is galvanization.

BTW, it in no way occurred to the man, that I could detect, that he was: “not one of us”, “not White”, “not a fellow European”, and that he was nothing but a “filthy, greasy wog.”


Posted by snax on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 10:03 | #

the real worry for me is that the left don’t and never will have an answer as in parts the BNP are asking the tough questions and in some policies supplying an answer that people are comfortable with

A certain Dr Goebbels pointed out that Fascism was the first movement to defeat marxism on social rather than reactionary grounds. That’s what makes ‘em angry, or, as in gheymears case, drives ‘em out of marxism - seeing the damage their professed universalism does to particular human groups.

—Isn’t ‘Jewish extended phenotype’ better than ‘extended Jewish phenotype’? 1) to point people new to the idea to its basis in Dawkins’s theory, and 2) to forestall the misapprehension this specific blog is about an aversion to a certain kind of nose?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 10:33 | #

Isn’t ‘Jewish extended phenotype’ better than ‘extended Jewish phenotype’?

You’re right, snax.  Dawkins rules.


Posted by silver on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:25 | #

BTW, it in no way occurred to the man, that I could detect, that he was: “not one of us”, “not White”, “not a fellow European”, and that he was nothing but a “filthy, greasy wog.”

I’m not the only one you practise your mindreading on, I see. 

Care to share just how you would detect such a thought occurring to a man, to an immigrant himself, who just told you that there’s no way to “keep them out”?

(Why didn’t you follow up on this, if you were having a “conversation”?  Did you just let him tell you cannot keep them out and then slink away, defeated?)

Many of our people already are, more or less, awake.  What is needed is galvanization.

What you need is to get race put on the table; all possible solutions follow from that.  You want a Northwest Army-style insurrection?  You need race on the table first, otherwise you have a case of what-if-they-held-an-uprising-and-no-one-knew.  (See Robert Matthews.)  You want “microcommunities” (whatever the hell they’re supposed to be or achieve)?  You need race on the table, else people will be just as stumped as to what they’re meant to do as Freddy dearest and I are.  You want resegregate de jure (the J. Taylor plan)?  You need race on the table.  You want big-tent WN, nordishism, or anything in between?  Race on the table.

How do you get race on the table?  I have my ideas, but one thing I think the record’s pretty clear on is that it’s not by disparaging others, insulting them, hurling invective at them, staging Aryan Nations rallies etc; fifty years of failure should have been quite enough. 

This to me is as obvious as the sun, yet inexplicably, it’s the sort of thing that will have Scrooby rushing to denounce me as worm, lower than the gunk on the bottom of his shoe, for even speaking; GW massaging his temples trying to comprehend my “complexity”: Rienzi scurrying to find an angle he can sink me with, with Lurker eagerly lapping up every drop; and Dave Johns misinterpreting it and exploding over the least significant point raised in it.


Posted by Z on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:57 | #

The revolutionary Communist far Left in the USSR/Russia, China, and elsewhere during the 20th Century was well known for its extreme, hold-nothing-back, ‘viva la revolucion’ violence.  In fact, many far Right parties arose in order to oppose the radically violent revolutionary tactics of the far Left and protect themselves from the violent tendencies of roving Leftist street gangs in urban areas.

Notice the close association of the Left with urban areas, which has long been the case—to briefly answer the question frequently raised regarding microcommunites on this website, it would make sense to form microcommunities away from the predominantly Leftist multicultural cities where Jews are the liberal urban elite/intelligentsia due to their long association with cosmopolitanism and commerce.  Forming racially/ethnically-based microcommunities in small towns and rural areas where you and your family/friends/group are largely in charge of your own destiny (away from the violent, chaotic, polluted, crowded, multicultural, and Jew-laden cities, along with the Jew-infested federal government) is the first step toward a larger White nationalist movement.  These tightly-knit microcommunities could also serve as incubators for future White leaders as well as good examples why the White macrocommunity should adopt White nationalist principles and therefore guarantee long-term survival.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 12:47 | #

The Euro-hating Jewish press publishes — surprise, surprise! — a Euro-hating pundit with a Jewish name and a Jewish mind, breathing pure Jewish foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Euro ethnohatred (no, this isn’t that miasma, “liberalism,” it’s Jewish ethnohatred of Euros, Jewish ethnohatred of us, of our race (yes the Jews deny race, except when they’re targeting ours for genocide, then race appears suddenly with the most amazing unmistakable crystal-clarity in their Jewish crosshairs), Jewish loathing of us that is so vicious, so violent, they wish us literally exterminated; there’s nothing “liberal” about it):

Needless to say, there was nothing [in Sarah Palin’s convention speech] about immigration, affirmative action, the National Question — just war, oil, not raising taxes, bashing Democrats [...].  No-one would ever imagine that the Census Bureau has just projected American whites will be a minority in less than 40 years.  At least, no one at the convention would ever imagine it.  Others are imagining it with salivating malevolence.  The Washington Post’s Harold Meyerson wrote on September 3:

”…the Republicans now more than ever are the white folks’ party, the party that delays the advent of our multicultural future, the party of the American past.  Republican conventions have long been bastions of de facto Caucasian exclusivity, but coming right after the diversity of Denver, this year’s GOP convention is almost shockingly — un-Americanly — white.”

Jews and Euros must not live together in the same country, for when they do, the Jews keep trying to exterminate the Euros, partly out of jealousy, partly out of pure, blind, foaming-at-the-mouth ethnohatred passed down from Jewish father to Jewish son for a hundred generations.

The two have to separate:  when they’re together the Jews can’t keep their death-dealing hands from the Euro throat.


Posted by Red Mercury on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 17:00 | #

This is smoke-and-mirrors.  Don’t be fooled by these filthy, dirt-sucking cretins.  Today, the antifas still believe in violence and terrorism against their opponents.  The difference being, today the Left is in power everywhere and already uses the force and violence at its disposal to crush white populations, conservatives, rightists, white nationalists. Antifas don’t have a job to do, because the globalist power elite already does it for them.

We must galvanise, as the Captain says.  I agree.  The worst thing is for whites to surrender to an unrealistic fatalistic attitude, and do nothing. I have just read that the UK Labour regime has been sending non-white school children and other constituents to shooting training sessions at local rifle ranges, clearly in anticipation of civil conflict.  Let’s hope the BNP and other nationalist parties across Europe introduce similar initiatives. Please pay attention chaps.  Events are coming to a head.

In the words of the band That Petrol Emotion (‘Big Decision’, 1986):

What you`ve gotta do
In this day and age
You gotta agitate
Take the time to live
Take the time to give
You gotta agitate


Posted by torgrim on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 17:54 | #

“—-isn’t ‘Jewish extended phenotype’ better than extended Jewish phenotype’?  snax…

Oops!  Something subliminal slipped through.


Posted by 2R on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 22:38 | #

“…the Republicans now more than ever are the white folks’ party, the party that delays the advent of our multicultural future,”   (Harold Meyerson) [J]

Mr. Meyerson [J] couldn’t be more wrong. The GOP is much more responsible for the advent of “our multicultural future” than the Dems are.  Some people call liberal Republicans RINO (Republicans in Name Only) Republicans for supporting policies that are more liberal the Conservative.  We should call the GOP: The WHIGO Party, as in the “WHite In Genotype Only” party.  The only thing that is “White” about the GOP is that its mostly made up of European Americans.  Spiritually, ideologically, or Politically, its nothing of the kind. 

White people know that the Democrat party is obviously anti-White.  Unforchunatly, White people are fooled into putting their trust in a party whose leaders give speeches that mention Israel over and over without one mention of immigration, Affirmative Action, or black on White crime.  What kind of “White Party” is this?  The GOP does more damage to White interests than the Dems becuase White people actually believe that the GOP is good for them.

So Mr. Meyerson [J], you have no idea what you’re talking about. The best thing that could happen to White people is the fall of the Republican party.  (Actually the best thing that can happen to White people IS the multicultural future that you think you want so bad.  Be careful what you wish for Mr. Meyerson.). Mr. Meyerson, its called “controlled opposition.”  This strategy was also used by your fellow tribesmen during the Bolshevik Revolution.  One side was the Bolsheviks and the other side was the Mensheviks.  Its the same strategy by the same people.

*Note: I promise this is my last post before I finish my essay about my vacation.  I’m about 1/3 done but have been putting it off.  I will be working on it today and tomorrow and should be done by Saturday.


Posted by cladrastis on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 01:13 | #

In my former life as a college UG, I was involved in a Leftist political movement masquerading as “environmentalism”, so I know a thing or two about the radical Left.  This article is interesting because it confirms something that Derrick Jensen (one of the fathers of neo-primitivism, an offshoot of the radical enviro movement) talks about with regard to violence - which is, that it is OK to direct violence back up the chain of command.  In other words it is OK for poor people to violently attack the rich or for black people to attack white people, because violence (in Jensen’s mind) ALWAYS flows in the other direction - and this is the source of oppression, environmental degradation, etc.  To sum up his philosophy, violence is ubiquitous, but the flow of violence from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy must be reversed to correct the problems that exist in society.  Funny how Antifas like Jensen seem to gloss over the flow of violence in acts of “anti-semitism”.


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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 17:05. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 23:11. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 18:05. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:54. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:26. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

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James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:50. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:51. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:55. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:48. (View)

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James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:12. (View)

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