No apology. No presidency. By Stanley Womack Over the course of the Democratic presidential primary a less than savoury pattern of behavior by US Senator Barack Hussein Obama II and those around him emerged. Each time a racist-stereotypical remark slipped out of the candidate’s mouth it was met with a studied refusal to retract or walk away from it. No guilt was acknowledged, no censure accepted. This was the mirror image of the Great Macaca Scandal that helped to shoot down US Senator George Allen’s campaign when he ran for governor of Virginia in 2006. Allen, you will remember, used the word “macaca” to describe an Indo-American spy sent in by his campaign opponent. For this label, used in North African Jewish circles to describe North African indigenous workers, Allen was pilloried mercilessly. Today, Allen’s humiliation is a source of high amusement for Obama supporters among the supposedly offended demographic. Obama isn’t as obvious as Allen. But he knows that he can play the race-card and he knows that he, unlike Allen, can get away with it every time.
“Acting black” said by any white politician in any context would destroy his career, the immediate presumption being that it attributed negative behavior to blacks as a group. Alright, when Obama says “acting white” he isn’t implying negative behavior in that same way. But he is employing a common slur - in the mouth of a black, the “white” in “acting white” is not a friendly or respectful term. Pretty close to “macaca”, actually. Of course … no apology from Obama. During the campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, Obama informed an audience in liberal San Francisco that:-
The level of condescension in this remark is astonishing. He truly flattens the humanity of the rural dwellers of Pennsylvania, a demographic that is hostile to him electorally, reducing everything … their gun ownership, their faith, their righteous anger at job outsourcing and labour-force importing … everything, to one negative emotion: bitterness. Was he forced to pay a price in the media? Did he have to explain what he really meant to say, like George Allen? No, of course not. No apology again. Innocent people have lost jobs using “typical Asian” or “typical black person” or “typical Mexican.” But on 20th March, Obama appeared on a Philadelphia sports radio station to discuss the great taboo. His host asked him about his speech on race a couple of days earlier at the National Constitution Center, in which he had mentioned his own white grandmother and her prejudice. This is what our would-be president replied:-
So let’s run by that again. Is it is a broad sweeping racial generalisation? Tick. Is it imputing negative characteristics upon one group? Tick. Does that make it racism by the standards Obama himself would apply? Tick. Any apology? Of course not. Obama goes on to explain that he is “optimistic” because this white prejudice is “typically” getting less with each new generation. The hope thing. This guy really thinks that his naïve, egoistic white followers, who see him as a symbol of their own moral superiority for putting racial prejudice aside, are the future of white America.
So he thinks that “typical” white people like his grandmother have only learned to distrust blacks in a superficial sense, and we can unlearn it. We can’t. The lesson will keep being driven home, and not superficially at all. And there will be no apologies for that, either. But there is a likely silver lining. No apology. No presidency. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 01:25 | #
Well said. 3
Posted by onetwothree on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 02:46 | # I believe BHO did give some form of an apology over the “bitter” comment [full version below]. I was actually more troubled by the tortured reasoning behind the comment: Step 1. Jobs are gone (not really, of course) Step 2. Nothing has replaced the jobs (also not true) Step 3. The government failed have said that these communities “gonna” regenerate. (Maybe someone said this, but it would have been strange comment since no regeneration as such was needed.) Step 4.People get bitter. (Well, some do…) Step 5. And because of the bitterness, they become NRA members, Christians, racists, xenophobes, or mercantilists. That last step is too much. Bitterness causes all of those things? Really? People didn’t shoot guns or pray to Jesus before Steps 1-4 occurred? Does he really think that? What you see in the above nonsense is a guy trying to associate disparate notions: Notion 1. Rural whites are evil (NRA members, racists, etc) Notion 2. A non-Obama government cannot solve economist problems. Combination of the two: An Obama administration will create economic policies that will cure whites of their evil.
You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. 4
Posted by Stanley on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 18:46 | # “onetwothree” suggested US Senator Obama issued a form of an apology over his crude Pennsylvania-rural dwellers stereotypes. We cannot find any form of an apology by Obama for any of his anti-white, racially-charged stereotypes. Certainly amplifications of negative remarks are not apologies. All Obama did was explain why his Pennsylvania statement was an allegedly acceptable comment, expanding on the depth of his loathing for our kin personally. The words “I regret” or “I’m sorry” or “I apologize” do not appear in, or following, any of his racially-charged rhetoric. He’s made some nice comments about his grandmother since he claimed she was “a typical white person,” but has never retracted or apologized for his disgust it revealed toward all of us diverse white peoples. We diverse white Americans, Europeans, Canadians, and Australians need to stop finding ways to dismiss crude racialized remarks by persons dedicated to our destruction, and to take remarks by such persons at face value. Obama is obviously deeply ignorant about, and hateful toward, our diversities, our nationalities, our histories, our cultures, and our values. Instead he has intellectualized and reified his own hatreds, as taught by the usual suspects, and superimposed them on our realities and our natures. 5
Posted by cladrastis on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 20:35 | # Who cares if BO directs racial slurs at us - he isn’t one of us and shouldn’t be expected to care about our interests. Yes, he’s being a liberal hypocrite, and no he isn’t being prostrated by the ruling media elite to beg for his career/life (as we would be forced to do in the same situation). I know there are different schools of thought on this, but I think we need to avoid getting caught up in the existing damaging paradigms of victimization. We have to break through them - by ignoring and invalidating them. Anyway, they aren’t going to work for us - the tribe will make sure of that! We all think in terms of stereotypes because they are useful (they tend to be more useful/correct models of reality the higher one’s intelligence is), and someone who expresses his true ideas/intentions should not be condemned for speaking his mind - at least we now know what BO truly thinks about us without having to imagine or project thoughts onto him. Imagine if he spoke his mind all the time! Now that would be fodder for our ranks. Breaking down these destructive social patterns and being honest with ourselves and others is part of nobility, perfected in the Aryan ideal, which blacks and Jews are (almost completely) incapable of expressing. Sustaining and building these artifices through defamation, censorship, and lies are what the Jew masters and their slaves do. 6
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 20:55 | # From the Speaking Truth to (Jewish) Power department: What the ADL, the SPLC, the ACLU, the AJC, and other friendly neighborhood Jewish groups have brought to the small town of Shenandoah, Pennsylvania: and what the ordinary working folk of small-town Pennsylvania, the ones Obama gratuitously insulted, are saying about it: By the way, the organized pro-alien, anti-Euro groups coming into these small towns and trying to oppress and intimidate the white folk there, which a number of the speakers in the videos cite by name, groups such as MALDEF, Mecha, Lulac, and La Raza, are about as Mexican in their origins and ongoing support as the NAACP was Negro in its origins and ongoing support: they’re all Jewish. Supported by Ford Foundation money? Riiiiiight, I want to know the ethnicity of each Ford Foundation administrator who pushed the funding of each anti-Euro group which that dirty, rotten, filthy outfit has funded, ever in its history. Refusal to disclose ethnicities of administrative culprits? OK, something to hide ethnically, ergo admission of ethnic culpability. Case closed, as far as I’m concerned: 90% of this crap is Jewish until proven otherwise. Jews make great citizens, riiiiiiiiiiiight!!! Like termites make great house tenants. No, there are no miasmas doing this crap and there is no “liberalism” doing it. (Do these townsfolk look like liberals to you? I dunno, they look pretty normal to me.) There are specific societal germs causing specific societal diseases. Which are curable. Provided you identify the germs. Stick with miasma theories like “liberalism” and you’ll never get the thing cured in a billion years. 7
Posted by Z on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 21:59 | # Obama was born in Hawaii (“The Last State”), which is certainly not the ‘Whitest’ state (native “brown people” far outnumber “white people” there)...and he was raised all over the non-White world by a woman who apparently harbored some rather radical anti-American, anti-Western, and anti-White sentiments. Obama didn’t even move to the White-majority American mainland until he was 18 years old…only then he lived in very multicultural (non-White) Los Angeles until he was around 20 while he attended Occidental College. He then transferred to Columbia U. in very multicultural (non-White, Jew-laden) NYC. Then he moved to Chicago and worked in very non-White neighborhoods as a “community organizer” for a Black church. He attended a radical Black church (“black liberation theology”) for the past 20 years. He even wrote much of his book, Dreams from My Father, in Bali. From all of the above examples it seems that he barely encountered many White Americans for the first 25-30 years of his life, much less had a chance to be discriminated against by them. Yes, Obama is technically a (half)Black man from America (not related to any of America’s pre-colonial Black slave population, though) but he has more in common with the other cosmopolitan, globe-trotting elites (i.e., Jews) of all races/colors/creeds who have no real roots in any one place…Obama is a rootless cosmopolitan through and through, and given his bizarre background I don’t think he really has much in common with very many Americans, whether they be White or Black. As for former Senator Allen, he is a slimy Sephardic kike who tried to hide his dirty Jewish roots and pass himself off as White/European, probably because he was ashamed of having the ancestry of parasitic vagrants—he failed, and I’m glad he was booted out of office back in 2006. 8
Posted by silver on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:12 | #
The nerve of that lousy rat! He’s nothing like this upstanding symbol of white America! 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:33 | # Silver (who, I strongly suspect, has also signed here as “Peter North,” though he denies it) can be disregarded. I end up regretting it each time I forget how bad he is and reply to him. Always a big mistake. This person is not staightforward, not honest. There’s something wrong with the guy. He’s not healthy, and replying to him, conversing with him, is not healthy. Although he’s not as disgusting as Robert Lindsay, he’s something along those same lines. 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:36 | # He’s nothing like this upstanding symbol of white America! Well, there’s about thirty points difference in IQ to start with. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:38 | # Every person genuinely on our side who replies to him will always, without exception, end up regretting it. The best policy? Ignore him. It is not possible to have an exchange of ideas with this individual. 12
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:41 | # Silver is, let us say, complex. But providing he operates within the rules, he is free to comment here. Robert Lyndsay, on the other hand, is a fanatical anti-racist ... along with Slavjanski, who posts anti-nationalist information on the SPLC site. Both are persona non grata here. 13
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:50 | # I take it that silver’s top pic is Senator Allen, but the whole thrust of his argument goes flying over my head as Ive no idea who the other bloke is supposed to be. 15
Posted by cladrastis on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 01:36 | # The second pic is Tomislav Sunic, the Croat New Right intellectual and author of Homo americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age. You should listen to his interview w/ Soren on MajorityRights Media or check out the Political Cesspool Podcast with James Edwards from last week (8/24/08), which can be found here: I think Peter Schaenk from Voice of Reason Radio Network might have inteviewed him at some point as well, but you will have to check the archives at: If your interest has been piqued, I would recommend the James Edwards’ interview as it is the most succinct (and Soren had a bad habit of interpolating too much commentary into his interviews). 16
Posted by silver on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 02:01 | #
They will if they’re as inconsistent, incoherent and stubborn as you. What happened to Mr. Kingnorth or Kingfisher or whatever his name was, the Englishman who wanted a mixed future for England, that guy? Maybe if you’d come at him with the proposition that not only are negroes and Englishmen different races, they’re separate species the light bulb would have gone off in his head. Ah, c’est l’esprit de l’escalier…
= considering intra-European differences significant and meaningful? = proposing an alternative to insulting and disparaging language? = proposing the radical idea that racial outsiders might, you know, wish to have a say in the destiny being planned for them, or that, even more radically, they might be inclined to agree with some of your program provided certain safeguards are installed?
Robert Lindsay’s taken great strides in recent times. That’s quite impressive for a lefite. More and more I believe real racial reform is going to come from the left, not the right. Used to be the right who understood that life was about more than mere dollars and cents, but the neocon takeover changed all of that. It’s the left today who are more likely to appreciate communitarianism. They’re not there yet, of course. But the signs are hopeful. If a non-hateful (or minimally hateful) racial reordering is to take place I’d put my money on lefties seeing the sense and value of it before a neocon turkey. The moonbats on the left will need to be house-cleaned, but that’s little different than rightwing racism suffering from its association with white-power goons.
The point, old chap, is John W.N. Public would think nothing of the former courting his daughter while the latter, according to standards implicitly proposed by this blog, would have him flipping through lab reports on genetic structure before sharing a seat on the bus. As for the Little Italy pic, I’m just having some fun with Rienzi, the Bensonhurst Bambino. I’m sure it got a chuckle from the monitors over at hatewatch. (Hey fellas, how about hookin a nigga up with a job? You need some fresh blood for the changing times; the old song and dance won’t cut it any longer. Email provided below.) 17
Posted by silver on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 02:19 | # Replying to Rienzi here (I trust it’s relevant to the foregoing discussion):
How many non-Italian white Americans would feel at home there, Rienzi? Would they be seeing good white men, just like themselves, or “foreigners”? How is it that a hundred years after their arrival the famously assimilated Italians are celebrating their Italianhood with the enthusiasm of Domincian fobs? Might race have a little something to do with it? Might Jewish multicult propaganda? The pic was entirely relevant.
The point was to contrast their features. The former looks a lot whiter to my lying eyes and yet his “dirty Jewish roots” have him cast out, while the latter looks somewhat suspect (especially in that pic) but his “EC” genetic structure saves the day. (Btw, Sunic is an American citizen, isn’t he?)
Interesting that you consider posting his pic an attack on the man. Perhaps you’re more attuned to importance of phenotype than you let on—we might have to sick Scrooby on you to ferret out what you’re withholding (although, given his track record, a litany of red herrings would be the likely result). 18
Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 02:23 | # “Robert Lindsay’s taken great strides in recent times. That’s quite impressive for a lefite.” Robert Lindsey has taken great strides? Please! Here is an example of his “great strides”:- This lunatic liberal wants to break-up the black ghettos and disperse them into every white enclave in order to achieve his twisted vision of social justice.
Posted by silver on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 02:37 | #
He makes more sense on race than 99% of other lefties, though. (How did he get there, GW? Repeated exposure to uncompromising empricism or the Grand Unified White Philosophy?) 20
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 02:54 | # silver, The “unvarnished empiricism” is what made me morally certain that their are in fact intrinsical racial differences; it is certainly an important part of the case for WN. But, don’t we need a venue to present said to the public free of biased framing? That is the major problem, isn’t it? We don’t control the MSM much less have access to it; others (take a wild guess who) do. Any thoughts on gaining access to MSM coverage? The cart does not pull the horse. 21
Posted by silver on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 03:12 | #
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, Dave. You don’t move from fanatical communist racial nihilism to frothing white nationalism in a single leap. Lindsay’s not on the same page as you yet, but look at what he concedes even in that article: The real problem is large concentrations of Blacks in ghettos and even in states. Here in California, we don’t have much of a Black problem. This town I live in is 4% Black, and many are pretty ghetto. But they really do cause few problems here. They just don’t have any numbers at all, and there is no ghetto for them to cluster in to drive them down to the lowest denominator. Blacks themselves are the problem. How many pundits, left or right, would ever say that? Kevin Myers’ recent series on immigration in Ireland is being hailed as a breakthrough but he doesn’t come close to stating the above. (Of course, Myers has a job to worry about. But Lindsay’s a card-carrying anti-racist, so he’s putting his reputation on the line among his people, too, and going much farther than Myers has in this respect.) Segregation is illegal, and it’s not coming back. White separatism is probably illegal, and it’s not going to happen either. These lines are filler. They’re meant to piss off the VNN set. Just ignore them. Lindsay, in his own blundering way does more to advance race-realism than ten Aryan Nations rallies. Beggars can’t be choosers, Dave, so sometimes it’s best to take what you can get. Relying on the VNN set to carry your flag will land you in Dave Jones’ locker, Dave Jones. 22
Posted by Z on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 03:14 | # George Allen only looks more European than Jewish in certain pictures because he somewhat takes after his father’s non Jewish side of the family in terms of physical looks; his father was a macho football coach, a big guy, very non Jewish looking, probably German or other Northern Euro stock. Otherwise, in pictures that aren’t airbrushed and/or taken over and over again until they are near perfect like the official Senate photo which silver linked to (if you notice, they manipulated the angle of that photo to hide the size of Allen’s undeniably Jewish nose), the typically Jewish look is still obvious in Allen though it might look a bit unfamiliar because he is part Sephardic (not many of them left anymore) and not Ashkenazi (like most Jews): * * * * Jews have a long tradition of crypsis whereby they slowly yet thoroughly infiltrate cultures and societies genetically by attempting to breed with a certain amount of high ranking non Jews in order to ethnically blend in and eventually take on some of the predominant physical features and characteristics of particular cultures or societies. Sephardic Jews like Allen descends from were most especially experts in this form of genetic infiltration as they practiced it for a long time in Spain and Portugal (as conversos/marranos), Italy, Syria, Greece, the Netherlands, England, all across North Africa, and many parts of the Americas, among other places. 23
Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 04:16 | # “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, Dave. You don’t move from fanatical communist racial nihilism to frothing white nationalism in a single leap.” —silver We are frothing White Nationalists? That doesn’t strike me as the theme of this website. Your condescending comments are dripping with innuendo. It’s no wonder why JWH loathes you so much! “They’re meant to piss off the VNN set.” Excuse me ... Robert Lindsey was commenting at AR, not VNN. He was trying to piss off the AR readership. And for the record, I’ve spent about 45 minutes, total, visiting VNN. The only reason I even visited VNN (not that there is anything wrong with VNN) was due to commentors at this site linking to that site. 24
Posted by silver on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 04:22 | # One more for Rienzi before he calls it a night:
I don’t know whether you were trying to be funny, but that had me in stitches, Mike. Rofl. But what’s this about me not “really” being a Serb after all? Serb is an ethnic, not a racial, term. Apart from my own ethnic feelings, I thought better of mentioning my Greek ancestry because, as you know, there’s a faction of WN kooks who have it in their heads that Serbs are white, as white as any other white man, and woe to he who says otherwise, whereas an even more widespread idea is that Greeks are filthy, greasy wogs, so I figured I’d take advantage of existing leanings to get some points in sideways. Of course, there’s really no need for that. This place isn’t stormfront or vnn. It’s just that after cutting your teeth on forums like that, you get the sense that people are far, far more interested in who/what you are than in anything you have to say, so this early impression stayed with me. I’ve never said meds are bad. On the contrary, I think meds are wonderful, wonderful people. I just don’t think they’re particularly “white,” in the nordish sense of the word. And I resent the intrusion of this “whiteness” metric into populations that historically have not much cared for it, except in obvious cases like gypsies. And furthermore, I resent it because I have severe doubts in those populations’ ability to handle that metric with care. I can understand and support unbaking the American cake (and Canadian and Australian), but sheesh, if the prospect of people who’ve lived quite comfortably with each other for hundreds of years firebombing or picketing their neighbours’ homes for being “disgusting darkies” doesn’t fill you with dread [figure of speech alert! calm down], I again have to question just which human qualities reside in you—if any at all.
Z, yep that Allen, what a filthy, filthy no good kike. He’ll have to hang, for sure. How is that Sarah Palin, that massive-jawed, convex-nosed, masculine [all Rienzi] bitch hasn’t put a shotgun to her head yet? Some people just don’t know when to off themselves, sheesh. 25
Posted by silver on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 04:28 | #
I wasn’t talking about you or this site. Niggermania, Chimpout, VNN, New Nation (off the top of my head) are all frothing, clearly. Anyway, I was obviously comparing two extremes, not attempting to characterise either the MR or Amren commentariat; good job on completely missing the point. 26
Posted by NogKnocker on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 05:03 | # Funny thing about those horrible WOPs in NYC. They don’t take any shit from niggers. Niggers also steer clear of the San Gennaro festival, just like Howard Beach. Fine by me… BTW, the hasids don’t put up with TNB either. 27
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 11:03 | # “Greeks are filthy, greasy wogs…” - silver Silver is the majority share holder in a major multi-media company. The problem of widely disseminating the “unvarnished” facts regarding race is near a solution. 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 21:30 | # I generally do the opposite of what this EU bimbo calls for here: I never, ever say “firefighter,” for example, always fireman whether it’s a man or woman (and women have no business being firemen and are incapable of being firemen), or “letter carrier,” always mailman, and so on. I never use “Ms,” always Miss or Mrs. And so on. I would never in a billion years conform to these degenerate rules these degenerates want to force down everyone’s throat. All the money in the world couldn’t get me to use a single one of these rules of the New World Order of Judaeo-Holocaustian Race-Replacementianity or whatever it’s called. I use English, not Judaeo-Holocaustian Race-Replacementspeak. 29
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 21:52 | # Silver, While I am holding the door open to you to post at MR, I would much appreciate it if, from here on, you could avoid using an unconnected thread to respond to JWH’s postings at Western Biopolitics. That, by any reading, is thread abuse. I do not want to host it. Thank you. 30
Posted by byron the bulb on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 04:57 | #
Instead of looking at the silver issue in terms of breaking rules/not breaking rules, the question to ask is “What is best for the site?” Another message board I read has a rule that simply says “Don’t suck”. It may be crudely phrased, but it’s also wonderfully effective. In practice, the “Don’t suck” rule means that many well-meaning, well-behaved posters are banned, simply for being uninteresting or dimwitted. The goal of the board is high-quality discussion, which means that those who lower the level of discourse or harm the signal-to-noise ratio are dispatched without remorse. I’m not sure what Guessedworker wants/expects out of the comments sections on MR, but I read these threads to find interesting and insightful comments. Even if silver is here in good faith (and I don’t think that he is), I’ve yet to see any positive contributions from him, especially contributions significant enough to counteract threads like this one, derailed by what silver openly admits was JWH-baiting. What’s to gain by keeping him around? 31
Posted by a Finn on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 06:26 | # Liberal sites would block /“picket” /“firebomb” (To loan silver’s words) a troll like silver instantly. What a relief to him that there is a site like Majority Rights, where the owner welcomes him with open arms. Anyway, his true identity resembles the following: I don’t slam the door on my way out of here. 32
Posted by James Riske on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 03:12 | # Yes racist sites like are having a field day and doubling their forum membership since Barack Hussein Obama decided to run. How sad. Post a comment:
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Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 01:11 | #
Looks like someone on McCanine’s staff is taking his cue from Silvio Berlusconi: check out Sarah Palin as Alaska governor today and as beauty pageant winner 24 years ago. And when we learn she was one of the “Buchanan Brigades” volunteers for Pat Buchanan in 1996 we can almost hear Berlusconi repeating his very Italian (and very true) gibe about which side’s women are more beautiful:
Bravo, Silvio, bravo, bravo!!