Welcome to the Gangathon

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 02 September 2008 00:57.

Excerpts from the leaked Home Office Report “Resounding to Economic Challenges”:-

We can expect additional pressures on acquisitive crime, police finances (and officer numbers), citizen attitudes to migration, and pressure on our fee income.

Our modelling indicates that an economic downturn would place significant upward pressure on acquisitive crime and therefore overall crime figures.

Cost pressures, such as high fuel costs and rising salaries, might leave forces facing financial pressures and require difficult decisions over officer numbers and priorities.

In an economic downturn we expect a significant increase in smuggling in particular of fuel, alcohol and tobacco, but also across a wider range of goods.

An economic downturn could mean an increase in illegal working if migrants’ opportunities for legal working decline and employers are seeking to save costs.

There is also a risk of a downturn increasing the appeal of far-Right extremism and racism, which presents a threat as there is evidence that grievances based on experiencing racism is one of the factors that can lead to people becoming terrorists.

… a real or perceived sense of disadvantage held by individuals.  Grievances based on experiencing racism is one of the factors that can lead to people becoming terrorists.

We are confident that we have the right systems in place to respond flexibly to changing economic needs, and are well positioned to face future challenges.

We have record numbers of police officers and commensurate supporting investments such as police and community support officers.

In the last 11 years crime has fallen by 39 per cent while violent crime is down 40 per cent.

So let’s pull together some of the pieces on the board.

This year two populations forecasts for Britain - one by the Office of National Statistics and the other by the Eurostat - have seriously alarmed the turkeys.

Integration is failing.  Talk of enrichment is a thing of the past, even for a Holocaust survivor!  The stabblings continue unabated:-

… a violent feud had rumbled on in Hackney between a gang from the London Fields area and a group from the E9 postcode.

“This isn’t a feud - it’s a war now,” he said.

“This all goes back to the (Notting Hill) Carnival 2006.

“There was a fight between one of the youngers from London Fields and an older from E9.

“The olders saw it as a disrespect thing.

“It’s gone from fist fights to knives to guns and back to knives.”

Members of the London Fields gang would travel to E9 to attack teenagers simply for hanging out in that area, he said.

“When I was younger they tried to come down and shoot us nearly every day, but people like me got older and got tired of it,” he said.

Shaquille’s murder was likely to provoke revenge attacks, he said.

“We don’t know exactly who did this but we know it’s London Fields,” he said.

“They will do something to every one of them till they find out who stabbed Shaq.”

Meanwhile, “Moderate Islam” is still a government project.  But the government is clinging to the fantasy that white racism, rather than Saudi Wahhabism and Western actions in Moslem lands, is the cause of the terror attacks.  In fact, nobody wants to make a sound about the religion - and the religionists - of peace in case this important electorate takes its support elsewhere.

Then the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the least popular Labour administration in history tells the country that the economy is going to go all to hell.  We know it, of course.

And, finally, the Home Office responds with this conveniently leaked report, which should have been titled “Welcome to the Gangathon”.

It’s not a pretty picture - unless, of course, you happen to be selling security solutions.  Or nationalism.

Could Nick Griffin ask for a kinder set of circumstances?  Quite amazing.  So, if he can’t make some sort of breakthrough now, one is bound to ask what kind of extremis will be necessary for him to do so.



Posted by Bill on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 06:25 | #

Are these set of circumstances to be taken seriously or will they be dismissed by some as deliberately fabricated?  We’re living in such crazy times how can we believe in anything anymore.

Last evening I listened to a guy named Alan Watt at his site, ‘Cutting Through the Matrix’ who was mentinone by Revolution Harry? in one of his postings - so I thought I would give him (Alan Watt) a go.

Alan Watt is similar to Davd Icke, and is a tad more plausible to me, to be honest, I don’t know what to think of such people, they certainly dispense food for thought but I’m not wholly sold on the ideas they peddle.  In short, nothing political happens in this world by accident - everything is planned.

The scenarios of GW’s excellently crafted post are now regularly dismissed as a big ‘C’s and are portrayed as circumstances diliberately created by those ubiquitious elites in order to provoke action and response - I simply don’t know any more - it seems to me people are becoming paranoid.

One thing’s for sure though -  there’s something definitely going down.

The question of Nick griffin and the BNP making capital of these circumsatances - is a good one, I’ll take some time out on this one before making any further comment.


Posted by the Narrator... on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 14:39 | #

Guessedworker, do you happen to know what the current demographics of Britain are?
There doesn’t seem to be an official, up to date, source for it outside of the dubious Wikipedia (which also states that non-Europeans only make up 3% to 4% of Europe’s population) which indicates England was around 89% White three years ago. (about 84% of that being White British)

I’ve given up on trying to figure out the White Percentage of France and Belgium…


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 15:22 | #


There is no reliable demographic data for England, which is where the serious threat lies.  Scotland and Wales are relatively safe.

It’s not simply a matter of who’s white, of course.  “White” means little.  Albanians and Turks are “white”.  The proper definition is “English by descent”.  Netting it down further, the key demographic is women of child-bearing age.  One would then need to look at the competitive reproductivity of this demographic.  For example a Pakistani female in England will commence upon child-bearing earlier that an English female, as well as have more children.  Her daughters will, therefore, outstrip the native daughters again.  Her sons may bring a bride back from the homleand.  Thus the Pakistani (or Somali, or ...) generations arise faster and increase through both higher childbirth and further importation.

This is where the future needs to be modelled, not just in rrelation to Moselems, of course, but for all the peoples who are living and breeding in my English homeland.

But where, today, are we going to find a totally honest and accurate source of such information?


Posted by the Narrator... on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 16:17 | #

Netting it down further, the key demographic is women of child-bearing age.

Under the article at Wikipedia entitled ‘White British’, it states,

According to an August 2008 article in the Daily Mail, only 64.4% of children born in England and Wales in 2005 where White British, meaning that in the very near future, the ethnic minoirty population in England will rise from 15% to 35%.[3]

And from the article itself (which can be linked from the Wikipedia one) it reads,

Newly-released figures give the first official breakdown of births by ethnic identity, and offer a striking insight into the changing face of Britain’s population.

Of 649,371 babies born in 2005, 64.4 per cent were recorded as ‘White British’.

The next largest group were the 8.7 per cent who were recorded as Asian - of whom Pakistanis formed the biggest section with 3.7 per cent.

Five per cent of babies were recorded as black - 3 per cent African, 1.2 per cent ‘black or black British Caribbean’ and 0.8 per cent ‘other black’ identities.

Mixed race babies accounted for 3.5 per cent of births, while 5.1 per cent were Irish or ‘other white identities’ and 2.4 per cent were Chinese or ‘other groups’.

And of course this also doesn’t include the reduction in English percentages caused by English who are emigrating abroad.

And you’re right. Even in places where White percentages are currently high, far too many of them are elderly or intentionally (and intending to stay that way) childless…


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 17:02 | #

Whatever the figures are, the government secretly knows them, knows them perfectly, secretly knows what they portend if the current immigration policies are kept up and there’s no effort at any sort of carrot and stick repatriation of incompatibles (“stick” would be things like completely ending the elaborate financial and social welcomes and assistance schemes they get starting the minute they step off the plane and never ending, etc.; “carrot” being offers of generous payment to return home with enough cash in their pockets to live comfortably all their days, a generous “citizenship buyout,” in effect):  the figures portend the end of the white racial majority in Britain.  The government knows that.  And yet it keeps up its policies, keeps brutally suppressing any open voicing of dissent from these natiocidal/genocidal policies, seems determined to see their implications through to their final inevitable actualization.  The British people must be made aware of this, but of course the good guys aren’t who control the media through which the people are informed.  The bad guys are.  And so the people are deliberately kept in the dark about what’s being done to them.  No one can look at this and say it’s not being carefully planned behind closed doors with the explicit aim in mind of forcing whites into minority status in Britain.  No other interpretation is possible.  Things like this don’t happen by accident.  They’re planned carefully.


Posted by William on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 17:28 | #

What is bound to ensue once the people realise what is being done to them? I would be denounced and maybe prosecuted if I told you what I think is going to happen.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 17:51 | #

We’re all having the same thoughts, William, don’t worry, you’re far from alone.  But it’s best not to speak certain things out loud:  Big Brother is watching.  (But he won’t be watching for too much longer, pray God in heaven.)

Incidentally, Steve Sailer, in another demonstration of that guy’s fricking genius for the subtleties of human nature, correctly explains that much of the interest, excitement, resentment, joy, anger, outrage, delight, indignation, and tension surrounding Sarah Palin and her family has to do with white-hot (no pun intended, I’m sure) jealousy on the part of what I call the degenerates (and Steve calls the Blue Staters) of white Sarah’s and her white daughter’s demonstrations of fertility with white men (Sarah’s husband is trotting out some sort of thing about being part Eskimo but if you see pix of the guy he’s as white as rice on David Duke’s dinner plate and it turns out his “Eskimo” ancestry amounts to something like one sixteenth and even that’s pretty murky).  These are white women having babies and lots of them with white men.  The degenerate snobs on the other side DO NOT LIKE THAT:  do not like their side’s fertility left in the dust by their inferiors’, the rednecks’, babymaking; do not like the social stratum they disdain as redneck inferiors showing the world what beautiful all-white families, ALL WHITE FAMILIES, it’s churning out unapologetically.



Posted by William on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 19:17 | #

Thanks Fred, it’s comforting to know I’m not alone in this. It’s also good to see the reaction over Palin’s daughter.  I had the same reaction, i.e. I was happy to see beautiful white women having kids.  And I immediately suspected the hostile response from the Left was motivated by horror at the sight of white fertility. After all, these same White-hating Orcs remain completely silent in the face of rising births in the African, Asian, and mestizo communities.


Posted by torgrim on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 19:18 | #

“These are white women having babies with white men.”
“These are white women having babies and lots of them with white men.”
“The degenerate snobs on the other side DO NOT LIKE THAT: do not like their sides fertility left in the dust by their inferiors’ the “rednecks”.  Fred Scrooby

That is what really drives these self appointed rulers over the top.
Take for example the attack on the Mormon “compound” in Texas and the wholesale roundup of children by the pants wearing, clipped haired officialdom of Texas. Or the hoop-la surrounding the teen pregnantcy in the New England high school…

It is just good to see a normal white family, from the “flyover states”, being involved in the political, and a very beautiful woman at that!

Alaska, a whole different attitude!


Posted by the Narrator... on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 08:46 | #

We’re all having the same thoughts, William, don’t worry, you’re far from alone.  But it’s best not to speak certain things out loud:  Big Brother is watching.  (But he won’t be watching for too much longer, pray God in heaven.)
-Fred Scrooby

I agree.
I think we’re in for many hardships in the near future, but in the end, I believe we will win a long hard-fought-for battle.

And what we are faced with today is not unlike the struggle the Spanish had in reclaiming Iberia. With many of the same players.
From an article written by Vox Day at WorldNetDaily.com a while back,

On June 9, 721 ad., Duke Odo of Aquitaine defeated Al-Samh ibn Malik al-Khawlani before the walls of the besieged city of Toulouse. This battle, followed by the victories of King Pelayo of Asturias and Charles Martel at the battles of Covadonga and Tours, brought to an end a century of remarkably successful Islamic expansion. Over the next 760 years, the Umayyads’ conquests on the Spanish peninsula were gradually rolled back by a succession of Christian kings, a long process disturbed by the usual shifting of alliances as well as varying degrees of ambition and military competence on both sides of the religious divide. The “Reconquista” was completed with the fall of Muslim Granada in 1492 to the Castilian forces of King Ferdinand.

The Spanish Inquisition, which began in 1481, cannot be understood without recognizing the significance of this epic 771-year struggle between Christians and Muslims over the Spanish peninsula. What took the great Berber Gen. Tariq ibn Zayid only eight years to conquer on behalf of the Umayyad Caliphate required almost 100 times as long to regain, and neither King Ferdinand II of Aragon nor his wife, Queen Isabella of Castile, was inclined to risk any possibility of having to repeat the grand endeavor. Isabella, in particular, was concerned about reports of conversos, purported Christians who had pretended to convert from Judaism but were still practicing their former religion. This was troubling, as it was reasonable to assume that those who were lying about their religious conversion were also lying about their loyalty to the united crowns and it was widely feared that Jews were again encouraging Muslim leaders to attempt the recapture of al-Andalus, as they had its original capture eight centuries before. (“It remains a fact that the Jews, either directly or through their coreligionists in Africa, encouraged the Mohammedans to conquer Spain.” The Jewish Encyclopedia (1906). Vol XI, 485.)
Then, on Sept. 27, 1480, the first two inquisitors, Miguel de Morillo and Juan de San Martín, were named, the first tribunal was created, and by Feb. 6, 1481, six false Christians had been accused, tried, convicted and burned in the Spanish Inquisition’s first auto da fé.

What happened in between November 1478 and September 1480 to inspire this sudden burst of action? While historians such as Henry Kamen pronounce themselves baffled as to what could have provoked the Spanish crown, the most likely impetus was that on July 28, three months before Ferdinand’s decision to appoint the two inquisitors, a Turkish fleet led by Gedik Ahmed Pasha attacked the Aragonese city of Otranto. Otranto fell on Aug. 11, and more than half of the city’s 20,000 people were slaughtered during the sack of the city. The archbishop was killed in the cathedral, and the garrison commander was killed by being sawed in half, alive, as was a bishop named Stephen Pendinelli. But the most infamous event was when the captured men of Otranto were given the choice to convert to Islam or die; 800 of them held to their Christian faith and were beheaded en masse at a place now known as the Hill of the Martyrs. The Turkish fleet then went on to attack the cities of Vieste, Lecce, Taranto and Brindisi and destroyed the great library at the Monastero di San Nicholas di Casole before returning to Ottoman territory in November. It is one of the great ironies of history that three times more people died in the forgotten event that almost surely inspired the Spanish Inquisition than died in the famous flames of the inquisition itself. -Vox Day

The above is important when you consider that, today, the jewish facilitated muslim conquest of Iberia is portrayed as a wonderful, multicultural, diverse and tolerant era of peace and progress. While the part about the Spaniards laboriously and courageously reclaiming their country in the face of a deadly foe is portrayed as a hideous injustice by intolernat bigots.

Sounds familiar doesn’t it…


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 18:31 | #

Very important comment by The Narrator.  Incidentally, in working as a fifth column in VIIIth-Century Spain to assist the Moslem takeover of the Eurochristian Iberian Peninsula the Jews may have been getting back at the Visigoths for the Visigothic Code which introduced some formal restrictions on Jews (gee, the Jews being such nice guys, I wonder what on earth made the Visigoths introduce those restrictions?  What meanies the Visigoths were, doing that to the really, really nice, really, really innocent Jews without rhyme or reason whatsoever, just thinking it up out of thin air, totally unprovoked!  How could those Goths be such anti-Semites!!)


Posted by Revolution Harry on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 20:48 | #

Bill, it’s always best to keep an open mind about these things but of the many ‘researchers’ I’ve looked at in recent weeks Alan Watt has been the most impressive. He introduced me to many new things, most importantly ‘Codex Alimentarius’ and Agenda 21’. If only half of what he says is true we’re in big trouble.

From what I’ve seen and read you’re most certainly correct when you say ‘something’s definitely going down’. My personal opinion is that we need to at least try and work out exactly what. A good place to start would be the video I’ve watched over the last few days. It’s called ‘The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control Of America’. It’s over 3 hours long but well worth watching. At the end not only was I amazed that they could get away with such an enormous scam but it cast away any doubt on the idea that there is no conspiracy. It’s worth remembering that what is described in the video has been going on in England uninterrupted for around 300 years. These people are astronomically wealthy and through that wealth have incredible levels of control. One thing’s for sure, there is NO ‘credit crunch’.

Watch the video and educate yourself (if you don’t already know) as to how the money (scam) system works.

http://video.google.co.uk/videosearch?q=new+world+order+banking&hl=en&emb=0#q=the money masters&hl=en&emb=0

PS. For some reason when I click on the links in my bookmark folder it goes to a different video.  The one you want should be in the list on the left.

Codex Alimentarius


Agenda 21

“...current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable. A shift is necessary. which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations…” [1]  Maurice Strong , opening speech at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development



Posted by torgrim on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 22:00 | #

“and Agenda 21. If only half of what he says is true we’re in big trouble.” Revolution Harry…

Agenda 21 has been around for at least a decade for some of us, that is those of us unfortunate enough to have lived in places, like the dystopian capitol of political correctness, Santa Cruz Co. Ca.

This is the place where doublespeak has found a home and prospered. You see if you are white you are automatically labled as, Anglo, the mestizo’s word for all of the diverse people of Europe. Now, in the following link the you can read how the political structure uses the alien’s word for white people, in their official communicae.

Also notice how Agenda 21, talks about Zero Population Growth, old ZPG, of Paul Ehrlich fame, also, coincidentally a resident of Santa Cruz Co. However, when it comes to land use, water use, increased pressure on farm land, nothing, nothing is related to the massive twenty year illegal immigration to a Sanctuary County,... Santa Cruz!

Notice too, the hypocritical posture of this Group. They are proud of the defeat of Prop. 187 and other attempts by California citizens to stop this dispossession of our Land.

After studying this agenda….one can conclude that Agenda 21 is more about obfuscation and propaganda than about solving problems of over population. More on point, this is a less than a subtle blueprint by an alien group, to seize control of all, of the political places of power.



Posted by Bill on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 22:07 | #


One could be forgiven that these rich and powerful people are possessed with extra terrestrial powers, such is their influence and leverage on such diverse projects as starting World wars to colour revolutions to effecting regime changes, to opening the floodgates of mass migration.

It is mass migration from third world countries to the developed nations of the West that convinces me that these people are indeed miracle workers, for what is happening in Britain is also occurring in America and Alaska to Australia and New Zealand, from Spain to Denmark, from Ireland to the borders of Russia(nearly)

Immigration is not happening by chance, it is programmed, it is orchestrated, allotted, allocated, everything is planned to the last detail, if this is not the case and is natural random phenomena, (as we are sometimes told) how come we are never (at any time) overwhelmed to the tune of millions?  As I say it is intentional, deliberate and micro managed.

Incidentally, after listening to Alan Watt and David Icke and to another guy Eustace Mullins, (American author) I notice the one topic I was interested in, mass immigration and race replacement was off limits, n’ere a peep, which I found strange - perhaps they had covered this topic elsewhere.

Another aspect of this topic that convinces me ‘something is going down’ is the social and bio engineering of the human race - of this I am convinced.  All in all there is much compelling evidence that a revolutionary programme on a huge scale is under way, even our own prime minister utters the term - New World Order.

One thing that puzzles me, NWO, does this mean all races of the world or just Western Civilisation?  What about Russia and China, the Middle and Far East’s and Africa’s teeming millions?

I suppose they, (elites) do include Russia and China, (and M.East) as they now appear to be in the cross-hairs of Bush, Obama and McCain. (note Georgia)

Another puzzle, if these people are all so poweful and impregnable, how come I am writing this? why is it the Internet has not been shutdown ages ago? - it would seem to be the most logical thing to do.

Perhaps they are so confident of their success, they couldn’t care less what we say or think.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 23:32 | #

‘I notice the one topic I was interested in, mass immigration and race replacement was off limits, n’ere a peep, which I found strange..’

Icke’s already come under pressure on this one with the claim that his reptile theory is really just a euphemism for Jews. To avoid the predictable racism slur most researchers seem to avoid the subject. The only one to broach it at all is Henry Makow but even then he’s very careful about what he says.


Here’s a good example of some of the differences between researchers and the perspectives they come from. Makow is an ex-Jew who has become a Christian. His solution to the NWO is, of course, a Christian one (I’m simplifying a lot here). Both Icke and Watt would say that Christianity was a mind control system from the start (at least from the Council of Nicea). Watt dismisses Icke’s reptile theory and thinks he’s fallen into a bear trap set by the ‘elites’. Me, I’m not so sure and I’m keeping my mind firmly open on the subject. Cross referencing between them all, and others, you can begin to see where they agree and there’s a vast amount they agree on. In most respects the reptile theory, for example, is unimportant. There’s more than enough going on now which, concisely expressed, should convince enough people to make a difference.

‘One thing that puzzles me, NWO, does this mean all races of the world or just Western Civilisation?  What about Russia and China, the Middle and Far East’s and Africa’s teeming millions’?

It’s all about control and resistance to the coming ‘One World Government’. As Makow say in the link above:-

‘“Diversity” is practically unheard of in China, Japan, Israel, India and Latin America. These countries are allowed to keep their racial character. But because people of European origin have a sense of material, spiritual and political privilege, they are the hardest to absorb in the New World Order. They are the targets of the Diversity program.

The central bankers use the tactic of “divide and conquer” to undermine the four pillars of our identity: race, religion, nation and family’.

For me this one possible solution to the immigration problem. If the wider agenda is brought to the attention of enough people and resistance is increased then perhaps immigrants can be made to see that they have been the tool used to destroy us. Makow again:-

‘But “Diversity” is not about fairness or enriching society. It promotes minorities not for their own sake, but as a way to subvert the majority.

It’s ironic that the central banking clique should lay this guilt trip on Whites when it is they who are responsible for imperialism and wars past and present. It is they who grew even richer through the slave and opium trades, and they who control organized crime today through their agents’.

England seems to be an important centre for the ‘agenda’. If it can be defeated here, it may collapse elsewhere. If the dead hand of the bankers is removed from other countries then maybe those recent immigrants to these shores can be encouraged to move back. they may even want to of their own accord.

On China and Russia both are controlled. He who controls the money supply calls the tunes. Watt claims it’s no accident that western manufacturing has been transferred to China. The Western corporations themselves have done it. Indeed China is the model for our future. A few elites at the top controlling things with the socialised masses at the bottom.

Another puzzle, if these people are all so poweful and impregnable, how come I am writing this? why is it the Internet has not been shutdown ages ago? - it would seem to be the most logical thing to do.

It will happen sooner or later. Certainly if the expected World War 3 (which will involve the Middle East) breaks out. Already we’ve seen the early, anarchic, internet become consolidated by the large corporations. Murdoch buying MySpace etc.. Remember they’re tracking everything we do so it’s an easy way of gauging how the, expected, rebellion is doing.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:17 | #

GW –“Could Nick Griffin ask for a kinder set of circumstances?  Quite amazing.  So, if he can’t make some sort of breakthrough now, one is bound to ask what kind of extremis will be necessary for him to do so.”

The problem I have whenever discussing the BNP is that I never feel quite sure of my ground, I’m never really sure of the facts, in other words I have never been convinced that the BNP are the real deal – in other words genuine.

This being the case, what I am about to write is subject to assuming the BNP are indeed genuine, and that what you see is what you get, and that it is a mainstream free-wheeling party of choice operating independently from influence and constraints of others.

I cannot recall exactly when I first came across the BNP website, it must have been somewhere around 2004/5, my first impression was that of a gritty determination by a few very courageous like mined people who were saying what they believed in a national atmosphere of pure hatred and political correctness - by the political establishment of Britain.

This was a time I when I was looking for answers to questions that had been niggling away at me for some time, particularly questions concerning immigration and the Stalinist refusal by the new Labour government to allow any reference or discussion on the subject by the people.  I found this state of affairs beyond belief, Britain was being invaded by invitation of its own government, without debate; without so much as a by your leave, without a thought for its own people, to me this was communism, this was fascism, to me this was evil - what the hell was going on?

The BNP website was the only place at that time (I stumbled across MR later) where I found plausible answers to my question - Why immigration?  Looking back, it was only one of a meagre handful of British websites that were daring to address such matters, if one wanted a more in depth analysis then it was to the American blogosphere one had to go, after all, it was where all this immigration stuff had come from.

From that moment, I have taken more than a passing interest in the progress. (Or otherwise of the BNP)  Compared with today’s BNP website, in those days it was a more modest affair, but it’s fair to say the BNP have made much progress in this regard.

From the beginnings of my enlightenment, I have had reservations about the genuineness of the BNP, nothing concrete, nothing I can point to other than just a general feeling I couldn’t shake off, (still can’t) but I will try and explore a little.

It is the central plank of BNP strategy where I have a problem, and that is the anti Muslim-Islam rhetoric, to the exclusion of almost all else, I just have the feeling this is not the best way to go, (perhaps I’m showing my naivety (selfishness) here, as I am fortunate in my position in not being overly enriched) but Griffin is even less so - tucked away in the Cambrian Mountains.

Trouble is, with the dominant anti Muslim thrust, it leaves them open to the charge of not being overly concerned with immigration per se, (we’re cool with immigration) it’s just that we don’t want Muslims and their religion.  It is similar to sites as G-o-V, and others of similar ilk.

Similarly, their website says, (para) Immigration -  Enough is enough, Britain is full up, we can’t take anymore, Britain is overwhelmed, which could be interpreted as saying - we wouldn’t mind accepting twice the number if Britain was twice the size, but as it is, we’re full up, immigration must stop.  (I nipped over and took a quick glance at their website, they seem to have modified and updated their stance on this statement.)

The general tone of the web content is almost Littlejohn* in nature, strange really as the unsettling stare of Littlejohn balefully looks out from the sidebar - surveying the web content and poster’s comments.

* Littlejohn – Daily Mail columnist who attacks the negative symptoms and effects of immigration whilst steering well clear of analysis and recommendations of same - sometimes accompanied by insults and vilification of BNP members by describing them as - knuckle dragging fascists.

My disappointment with the BNP has always been that they have never (and are still not) telling it like it is, I have never seen any advantage in the BNP not telling it like it is, in fact it beggars belief that to soft peddle Britain’s immigration’s dire consequences is deceiving the very people they claim to champion – it’s almost tantamount to dishonesty.  The only thing I can say in their defence is, that if they do come clean and tell it like it is, the party’s infrastructure (at present) would not be able to handle the resultant surge in support.

Telling it like it is, Griffin could have placed the BBC (media) under increasing pressure long ago, forcing them, (BBC) to come out and defend their (BBC’s) position, which over time, would have become untenable and unsustainable, instead, what we have had for the last ten years or more, is the media and the government having a free ride in defining and setting the parameters of the debate, with the inevitable result being the BNP being permanently outmanoeuvred and on the defensive.  The media therefore has had licence to bamboozle the public with lies and spin, thus preventing them from knowing what is going on and why.  In short, telling it like it is could have provoked a crisis from which the political establishment may not have recovered.

As it is, ten vital years have been lost, of course, Nick Griffin knows perfectly well, that as conditions worsen it matters little what he says or doesn’t say, and no matter how long he takes to say it, in the end, the electorate will be hammering on his door to be let in – sort of a win-win situation.

Whenever I visit the BNP website, I look for words of inspiration from Nick Griffin, but usually to no avail, for months on end I have searched in vein in his columns, only to learn that he too busy to comment as he is writing his memoirs.

The real thing or not, the BNP is the only resistance in town, with seemingly dire events converging at an ever increasing pace, extremis is looming in the rear view mirror, it is inconceivable (to me) that the BNP will not reap the rewards (perhaps later rather than sooner) when events do swing their way let us hope that are in good shape to take full advantage, I hope their aim is good as I suspect it will be a one shot affair, (always bearing in mind of course my - opening warning.)

These are interesting times and are about to become even more interesting – don’t go away, stay tuned.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 12:10 | #

Bill, my impression from this side of the water is Griffin knows the central racial truth of the matter and what’s at stake racially — knows race is THE central issue, all else being “proximate” — but feels he can go only so far and no further lest he shock and repel.  But maybe I’m wrong and people aren’t that delicate, I don’t know.  Pat Buchanan, for example, while never going as far as MR.com does, goes further than Griffin in explicitness about race, and Buchanan is still a widely respected figure (and widely reviled too).  But Buchanan also hasn’t won any elections, which Griffin has to do.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 03:20 | #

Good-bye, Hibernia Girl, and heartfelt thanks you for your contribution.  From her blog the other day:

Well, folks, I hate to have to tell you this but I’m afraid I will be closing down the aul’ blog. [...] I started this blog nearly a year ago because I was frustrated at the lack of a debate about immigration here in this country.  Certainly when 59 per cent of the population say they want much stricter limitations on immigration — and NO ONE in our government seems to pay attention to that fact — the need for a debate is an urgent one.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 10:03 | #

After I had penned the above, I got to thinking about the question that is buzzing around every MR reader’s head.  I am of course, referring to the puzzling question of where is the resistance?  Why is there no railing and gnashing of teeth of the British people at being pushed to the abyss of extinction by the political classes?  This surely must be one of the most perplexing mysteries of our day.

Surprisingly, I think there is a germ of mass resistance emerging in Britain and it has been staring us in the face since the May local elections and the London Mayoral election - but why had I not seen this before.

Disappointment! That’s the reason why I didn’t notice at the time.  It was the disappointment at the BNP’s results where the Conservative party whisked away the angry protest vote from under the BNP’s nose.

The people of Britain are angry, very angry, they’re as mad as hell, and they are as our Chancellor says - ‘pissed off’ with the new Labour project, but do the British people know why they feel this way? – I suspect not.  I opine here that the British people do not know why they are angry and I suspect that if they did attempt to articulate their feelings, then I’m sure the answers would not be because their politicians were actively administering a policy of consigning them to extinction – how could they when they (people) have no idea of such a policy exists?

I maintain, that if asked, the people of Britain would offer answers in any number of ways, on a whole raft of grievances they have against the government, but you could bet your boots none would make reference or connect the dots to race replacement, it’s simply not on their radar.  Why isn’t on their radar?  Well, we all know that - it is simply because they are being massively deceived by the media matrix.

This is why I criticise the BNP (in the above post) for not telling it like it is, because if they did, the British people would soon connect the dots and the scale would fall, not immediately perhaps, but as the race replacement programme progresses (under Cameron or whoever) it will become self evident what is in store for them and they will direct their anger at the source from which it comes.

The emergence of postmodern liberalism in the shape of new Labour in the opening decade of the new century was no accident, Blair’s new Labour was the signpost to the future, now, ten years later, the people have pronounced their verdict, it is an emphatic thumbs down, finished, finito, kaput.

The beat of course will continue seamlessly, all of this will happen anyway, no matter how long it takes, it’s just so sad that the longer the mass of the people remain in ignorance our circumstances will become much worse and more problematic to resist – or too late even!

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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