No way out for the white working class For several days now the BBC has been lauding its White season of five programmes. It begins tomorrow night at 9pm on BB2 with “Last Orders”, a documentary about some supposedly plain-speaking nothern lads in an ailing Bradford working men’s club. I must say at the outset that I watch so little TV, I can scarcely raise the enthusiasm to wade through all this - though I know I probably should, if only to better understand the internet commentary which will flow from it. But I am less interested in the programmes themselves than in trying to understand the Labour Party’s new-minted consciousness of its old client-group, the jilted “white underclass”. For two years now, since the arrival of the well-aired Dench-Gavron book on the East End, there have been more and more expressions of urban liberal concern. Here’s the BBC executive producer of White:- ‘The white working class feels alienated, threatened and voiceless,’ says BBC boss
And here’s a gnashing of teeth from the Guardian in 2006:- Who has failed the white working-class?
And just this week, also in the Guardian:- How Britain turned its back on the white working class
It’s the same story on the right of the governing party. This from the Telegraph, again in 2006:- Why is the white working class so roundly despised?
And this from the Daily Mail just a few days ago:- White and working class ... the one ethnic group the BBC has ignored
In case you think this is all just a Fourth Estate issue, take a look at this video, which is the first and, from our point of view, most interesting of a three-part programme on the educational failure of the white working-class. The star of the show is Philip Beadle, a rather extraordinary teacher who has taken it upon himself to enlighten school heads and their staff about the issue. Here he is speaking at the HQ of the National Union of Teachers (it gets interesting from 1 min 46 sec in):- The dark-haired, gravelly-voiced talking head is Jon Cruddas, Labour MP for Dagenham, winner of the first round of last June’s Deputy Leadership contest, and the rising star of the left (though he says centre-left). For him to be speaking on this explosive subject at all demonstrates the seriousness with which it has finally struck home, and also, perhaps, the relative freedom of the long-time powerless and marginalised - but ambitious - left to (nearly but not quite) address racial issues. In the third and final video Cruddas starts talking, predictably, about a return to a class-based analysis. Class, of course, is an inclusive category perfectly blind to the causatives that Philip Beadley identified: Third World race-replacement and official culture war. But no matter, for Cruddas the solution is to return to the Labour Party’s pre-Blair task of raising the working class as a whole. Now, Cruddas works behind the scenes with Guardian journalist, John Harris. Both are in conflict with the familiar direction in which Gordon Brown is moving the Party. Here is the money quote from Harris’ piece in the Guardian today:-
So on the Field of Denial the battle lines are drawn up. The Labour left, covetous of its traditional English working class constituency but still too much in thrall to anti-racism to analyse their malady honestly, would redistribute income to relieve the material pain of the multicultural classes, natives included. Naturally, this cannot work. Income redistribution has a long track record of not working, quite apart from the fact that the schism in the inner city is - whisper it but quietly - one of race, not class. The left cannot make a racial problem go away by refusing to recognise its nature, and frame public policy accordingly. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister and his young pals will turn to an exciting array of challenging new policy initiatives, reheated old investments, fine-sounding performance targets ... basically, Nu-Blair sticking plasters everywhere. This is just the sort of thing that got us into this mess in the first place. The word bankruptcy springs irresistibly to mind. But so does the word Election, as in General 2009. Brown and Darling will have little or no fiscal room for manoeuvre. If elected, Cameron’s Economism Party will throw the whole issue of inner-city poverty at the newly compassionate Ian Duncan Smith. “Family values” will be his non-solution because, of course, he too cannot face the race issue with Philip Beadle’s remarkable honesty. But not even Beadle has the courage to pursue his own logic to its conclusion: if race replacement and the 1980’s cultural marxisation of the polity are causal, it figures that undoing these gifts will be curative. In the absence of that, the white working class can expect no release from its suffering, and from time to time the BBC and the national dailies will surely continue to mark its decline. Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:34 | # Bert, I guess he was interviewed at Westminster, if you look through the windows behind him. It is interesting that the Teachers TV programme makers show solidarity with the brother who’s a governor. The QCA guy obviously speaks for the ruling Blairite faction, but he is only doing the tired-Blairite thing of praising the past. He isn’t a politician, and he has nothing to say about how to address the white working class issue in the future. Cruddas, on the other hand, is already a big beast on the left, and he’s making out as if left politics has the solutions. Actually, if you read John Harris’ Guardian article of yesterday (portentiously titled “If only it realised, Labour is coming close to a revelation”), you will see how very, very thin the grounds for that claim are. I must say, my heart warmed to Val McGregor on that video when she said, “we must ... not feel that it’s an issue that we could be unable to speak about, have the language hi-jacked, feeling that it’s a racist issue ‘cos it’s not. It’s racist NOT to talk about it.” This is an argument I regularly make on the Guardian CiF boards, and regularly find deleted. They cannot bear it. 3
Posted by stari_momak on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:58 | # Surely the reaction of the shaggy, white-haired gentleman to Beadle’s talk will be the attitude that win’s out in the end. Arm’s crossed tightly across his chest, he seems to almost shake his head dismissively. Another interesting reaction is of the darked haired young teacher to Beadle’s remarks about the ‘guilt inducing’ assemblies. She looks enthusiastic, about to take down notes, but then looks at her impassive colleague, and seems to decide that against it. Thus wil the villication of white kids continue, efforced by the mores of these lowest level enforcer’s of the state’s anti-white agenda. 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 13:36 | # stari, I couldn’t agree more. I saw the body language of the grey dog in the audience and thought “captured intellect”. Classic case. It was, btw, mention of “the doctrine of their own obselesence” that elicited his tell-tale reaction. Many of these people simply cannot tear themselves away from the Jewish poison that white people are racists and hegemonic oppressors for whom it will do only good to be deconstructed and left lying around in pieces on the floor. This racism satisfies them at quite a deep level. Its motive force used to be reserved for the bourgoies middle-class. But then the critical theorists succeeded in getting it transferred to all “whites” (except, of course, those in the thaumaturgical classes). Here, following Margaret Hodges little faux-pas over the Proms, is a real blast from the class-conscious past which, while the focus is on the bourgoies again, captures the love of expressing hatred which IS liberal-leftism. It has not changed:-
Posted by stari_momak on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 13:51 | # update, I watched the whole three parts ... turns out the enthusiastic, dark haired girl is South African (at least I surmise from her accent). Go figure! 6
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 18:53 | # What no one addresses here is the fact that the middle class is being turned into a new underclass, and that therefore this whole image of the new multicultural Britain magnanimously reaching out to an historically disenfranchised group is disingenuous to say the least. 7
Posted by rocket on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 20:38 | # The powers that be in the states dangle the carrot of lottery tickets as the saviuor of the white working man . in fact they dangle it for every one . the only way out many seem to think is that some day they will win the lottery . is this true in England GW? 8
Posted by Rusty Mason on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 21:24 | # Be careful, Lads, when social workers suddenly take an interest in you ... 9
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 01:06 | # First review of the Beeb’s first programme in the White series ... from grahamw, a commenter on a Guardian CiF thread:-
Posted by calvin on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 04:16 | # The most horrific aspect of a rape is when the satiated perpetrator consoles his violated victim. Congratulations are to be extended to the great White working-class male: you are the new red Indian, the new Highlander, the new aboriginal. The ruling elite always destroy and then romanticize. Within two decades of the genocide of the Gaels a syphilictic, bloated, and debauched Prince Regent rode through the streets of Edinburgh wearing pink tights beneath his mock Highland motley in celebration of this lost way of life. The White working-classes have been safely castrated and are now able to be recast as just another minority to be patronized or ignored as the intelligentsia see fit. These cunts spent decades patiently destroying any sense of cultural solidarity that bound the British people together in spite of economic disparities, and they are now pretending to have some grave concerns about the fate of their spurned and vilified countrymen? Or does it just feel nice to be magnanimous after a brutal victory? 11
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 18:49 | # It was Billy Bragg’s voice, I think, advertising the series on Radio 4. The aufentick voice of champagne socialism. Margaret Hodge was born in Egypt as Margaret Oppenheimer, the daughter of a refugee millionaire German Jewish steel trader and his Austrian Jewish wife. Hubby does his bit for Britain too: In October 2007 Hodge casued great controversy when he blocked a decision from the Home Office to deport an imigrant from Sierra Leone after the man carried out a number of sexual attacks on women in London parks. Hodge’s reason for not seeking to deport him was made as the criminal in question had no family left in the Sierra Leone, the country he left to come to Britain when aged six. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 22:15 | # In the view of Jews and the Vatican this (see photo at link) is to be the ideal Frenchman from now on: part-Negro, part-God-knows-what, in any case no part us, and someone we want no part of in our countries (not in any large numbers, at any rate), thanks very much anyway Vatican, and Pax Vobiscum to you, and thanks anyway Jews, and Mazel Tov I’m sure. I mean, we all know we’re not supposed to use the word “dagoe” but PUH-LEEEEZE let’s not push temptation to the limit, shall we? Listen guys, it’s not hard ... We’d kinda like Frenchmen who are ... you know, French? Ever hear of it? ... That’s right, French French, not this other kind ... whatever you wanna call it ... Look, ever hear of Alain Delon, Charles Boyer, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jean Gabin? Napoleon? Louis the Sixteenth (the guy who got guillotined)? ... Any of those names ring a bell? They do? OK, yeah, that kind of French! Is there any other kind??? ... Sheesh, it used to be you had to leave the Eurosphere to find guys who look like this ... used to be, when you saw a guy looking like this standing in front of you, the one place you knew you weren’t was France. How come that had to change??? How come nowadays the Jews have got the immigration authorities letting anyone in, anyone at all, from Australian Abos, to MacKenzie-River Eskimos, to ... well, to guys who look like this guy, for starters. (Frankly, I think I’d rather have the Eskimos.) Look, if Jews are so anamored of this kind of chap what’s stopping them filling Israel with them? (Hey I’ll chip in for the plane fare if that’s a problem ...) For France we’d rather have guys ... how to put this? ... guys who it doesn’t look like there’s something wrong with their co-adapted gene complexes ... if that’s all right with the Jews ... I mean, can you Jews take a hint already??? Same goes for the Vatican — surely the homos running that place could find room to cram a good number of these types into Vatican City if having loads of them around is how they get their jollies. See, what I never got was there was already one North Africa and one France, why couldn’t it stay that way, why did it have to change into two North Africas and zero Frances? I mean, what’s fair about that??? Is that rule for fairness found in the Talmud or something??? Hey I’ll respect it if it is, but ... (Can someone send me the reference on that? ...) I guess I’m dense because although I know there’s a good reason for the change, and the Jews controlling both the government and the opposition in France have only what’s good for Frenchmen at heart and no regard whatsoever for millennia-old ethnic hatreds of Euros (and for goys in general dating from the Babylonian Captivity — a hatred they had earlier but the Bablyonian Captivity was when it took off and they really got mad), and no interest whatsoever in carrying out ethnic vendettas in revenge for ancestral grievances ranging from that pogrom in the Rheinland in 1190 by some guys passing through town wearing bear-skin shirts and ox horns sticking out of their helmets to the imaginary “gas chambers,” and have never heard the expression, “It’s Good For The Jews,” never in their lives, despite all that I still don’t get why there couldn’t continue to be one France and one Magreb instead of zero Frances and two Maghrebs. Hey how about two Frances and zero Maghrebs? Would that fly? I mean ... “fair’s fair” ... “sauce for the goose,” and everything .... Hey just a random thought, guys, it didn’t mean anything, really .... (Or how about three Frances, zero Israels, and zero Maghrebs? ... Can I get a show of hands on that? ..... Hey why those dirty looks from the guys in the back wearing the yarmulkes? It was just a question, guys ... Relax ....) 13
Posted by martin_uk on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 01:47 | # As an Englishman of working class background and involved in education too, I can state with authority that the white working class have historically had no interest in education. You were supposed to leave school as soon as possible and get a job. This was fair enough when unskilled jobs - printing, docks, mining, were plentiful, but not a winning strategy once such jobs became scarce and low paying. The trouble is that even though kids reject the values of their parents to some extent, white working class kids have tended to accept the anti education attitudes of their parents. Thus it has taken a long while for the penny to drop that unskilled workers are either no longer needed or can be got cheaper from abroad. The white working class have been spoiled. Whilst young white Englishmen men piss about, and waste education and training opportunities provided by the state, or even try to ape black “culture”, young East Europeans living here take themselves and their futures far more seriously. It is no wonder that the liberal establishment despise the English white working class. 14
Posted by jon crappas on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 02:59 | # Jon Cruddas sent his son to the very posh Catholic ‘comprehensive’ Cardinal Vaughan school in Kensington and Chelsea. This school, rather like the nearby London Oratory in Fulham, resisted the leftyism of the Inner London Education Authority and of the subsequent LEA’s. Yet, the schools in Dagenham which had a good dose of the cultural revolution are for other people’s kids. Funny that. 15
Posted by stari_momak on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 15:48 | # The white working class have been spoiled. Whilst young white Englishmen men piss about, and waste education and training opportunities provided by the state, or even try to ape black “culture” At least part of the reason for this is that they are, to paraphrase Beadle, force-fed a steady diet of their own obsolensence.
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 17:43 | # martin_uk: The white working class have been spoiled. Whilst young white Englishmen men piss about, and waste education and training opportunities provided by the state, or even try to ape black “culture”, young East Europeans living here take themselves and their futures far more seriously. It is no wonder that the liberal establishment despise the English white working class. If you think the destruction of traditional jobs, mass immigration and relentless anti-white-working-class propaganda amount to “spoiling”, I wouldn’t like to know what you think rough treatment would have involved. On your reasoning, the liberal establishment should despise blacks even more, as the inventors of the ‘black “culture”’ you say the white working-class is imitating. But the liberal establishment don’t despise blacks: they worship them. It’s all in perfect accordance with the anti-white, Judaeo-Marxist ideology that governs modern politics. 18
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 18:27 | # stari_momack; “while whites (to the extent that they are not Jewish) foresake their own as soon as they get one or two rungs up the ladder. That is why ethnic/racial solidarity is absolutely essential.” Absolutely, ethnic/racial solidarity for whites is essential. From my experience, with whites, in the working class, at least in Amerika, ethnic identity is verboten. Class idenity is promoted and I think, seen by the workers as the only acceptable means of escape from the ever encroachment of aliens into their territory. As in “white flight”. However, with the 75 year old traditional storehouse of value (literally), their homes, quickly vanishing, it is going to cause pain. Pain naturally, causes a reassessment, as to what is causing the pain….even to the point of breaking old conditioning. 19
Posted by Englander on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 20:37 | # Did anyone see the Enoch Powell documentary last night? It was surprisingly honest, the the documentary makes basically allowed the film to convey that Enoch was right. 20
Posted by Bert Rustle on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 20:55 | # Englander wrote ...Did anyone see the Enoch Powell documentary last night? It was surprisingly honest, the the documentary makes basically allowed the film to convey that Enoch was right. ... I found the program contemptible. In my opinion there has not been a significant change of course by the Ruling Class with the BBC’s “Get Whitey” season, rather a realisation that if the indigenous inhabitants of the UK are to be cured of their instinctive desire to preserve their Ethnic Genetic Interest then a modified Multiculti Medicine will be required. The Powell program was reminiscent of a US TV show where there are a massively disproportionate number of non-whites in positions of authority and Mr White Guy is portrayed as ineffective/stupid bigoted etc. I would hazard a guess that the Ruling Class are simply releasing some chaff by giving lip service to downside of multiculturalism whilst further undermining the indigenous population. As one instance I cite the appearance of the Multiculti Extremist Parek in this program and his passing comment on Powell. In 1977 Enoch Powell made a speech The Path To National Suicide forecasting our current fate which is well worth reading in full. It begins: ... Throughout the last twenty years, locally at first, then nationally, one political subject has been different from all the rest in the persistence with which it has endured and the profound and absorbing preoccupation which it has increasingly held for the public. This is all the more remarkable because of the sedulous determination with which this subject has been kept, as far as possible, out of parliamentary debate, and the use which has been made of every device from legal penalty to trade union proscription to prevent the open discussion and ventilation of it. No social or political penalty, no threat of private ostracism or public violence, has been spared against those who have nevertheless continued to describe what hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens daily saw and experienced and to voice the fears for the future by which those fellow citizens were haunted. The efforts that were made during the 1930s to silence, ridicule, or denounce those who warned of the coming war with the fascist dictatorships and who called for the peril to be recognized and met before too late, provide but a pale and imperfect precedent. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 21:41 | # Bert Rustle is probably right, but there may nonetheless be signs of something moving in the right direction, however slightly. The British media are, of course, controlled by Jews exactly as in the U.S. My sense is the previously microscopic fraction of Jews opposed to forced race-replacement has gotten a little bit bigger, such that challenges to the present Jewish-controlled total-race-replacement-lockdown régime may start coming not just from Euros but from other Jews within the media branch but not all-powerful, ones who’ve thought forced race-replacement over and don’t like what they are seeing because they view it, rightly, as cataclysmic for Jews. You have an example of this in David Frum’s sudden eerie transformation, which took place just recently (and without adequate explanation on his part), from a typical Jewish race-replacment totalitarian to a persistent critic of the present Jewish-enforced excessive incompatible immigration strategy for completely wiping out the Euro race. Another example is Tamar Jacoby, long one of the most rabid foaming-at-the-mouth Jewish Eurochristian haters and race-replacement advocates here, who just recently agreed for the first time ever that questions of ethnoculture are involved in immigration. Neither Jacoby nor the Jews who employ her will ever explicitly question race-replacement as Frum is starting to, but other Jews will, more and more. You’re going to start seeing more Jews challenging the entrenched Jewish totalitarian power which is forcing race-replacement, and if some of the newly-anti-race-replacement Jews are among the ones running the Jewish-controlled media over there in the U.K., they might manage to sneak in something that deviates from the strict Jewish media rules requiring depiction of Enoch solely as an ogre and nothing else. Not all Jews are so far gone in the head, so hopelessly criminally insane, that when they contemplate the prospects for a Eurosphere population looking, thinking, and acting like this and one looking, thinking, and acting like this they imagine the first would be best for the Jews. Not all Jews are that insane but the highest layer of Jews are, the Abe Foxman types, the ones running race-replacement — they really are that insane, and they have to be dislodged somehow, overthrown. I think the number of Jews coming to that realization is growing. 22
Posted by Matra on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 01:09 | # Bert Rustle is probably right, but there may nonetheless be signs of something moving in the right direction, however slightly. I recall about ten years ago Britain’s Channel Four had a live debate on Enoch Powell; I think it was right after he died. The debate about whether or not he was a racist was proceeded by a live telephone poll. A majority of callers agreed that Powell was not a racist - much to the anger of my Irish Catholic work colleagues who were unanimous in believing that Powell was an evil Nazi who was completely beyond the pale. At the time I thought the vote was a positive development. Also at the time Britain was nowhere near as PC as the US and Canada. Yet in the decade since Britain has become worse than both those countries in almost every way imaginable. Living abroad but having almost daily contact with friends and relatives in the UK I see no reason to be optimistic. If the British public react to not having a referendum on the Lisbon treaty then I’ll be willing to believe they are waking up. So far there is no sign of any resistance. They are too busy getting drunk, watching soaps, and cheering for non-white footballers wearing the jerseys of teams (ie. businesses) based in England. You have an example of this in David Frum’s sudden eerie transformation, which took place just recently (and without adequate explanation on his part), from a typical Jewish race-replacment totalitarian to a persistent critic of the present Jewish-enforced excessive incompatible immigration strategy for completely wiping out the Euro race. Frum has claimed to be opposed to mass immigration for many years now. Yet, whom did he throw his support behind during the GOP primaries after all these years of being concerned about immigration? Open borders, Israel Firster Rudy Guiliani! Now he wants you white Americans to obediently march into the voting booth and vote for John McCain because he’s committed to winning the war on terror! Another example is Tamar Jacoby, long one of the most rabid foaming-at-the-mouth Jewish Eurochristian haters and race-replacement advocates here, who just recently agreed for the first time ever that questions of ethnoculture are involved in immigration. And what conclusions did she draw from these ethnocultural questions? I’ve seen her on TV many times and find it impossible to believe that she’s so suddenly changed her views. What evidence do you have to suggest she’s changing her tune? 23
Posted by Englander on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 02:07 | # I found the program contemptible. I understand that it wasn’t perfect from our point of view, but it could have been so much worse, and the overall impression currently unenlightened viewers would have got was that Powell was right. My main objections were: The suggestion that Powell inflamed the situation and in doing so frightened politicians out of dealing with future problems. Essentially they tried to pin blame on Powell for the fear of racism which paralyses politicians, rather than the spineless cowards and traitors who are really to blame for this mess. The documentary makers focused almost entirely on the culture clash between the British and Muslims, and implied that there was not a racial problem but a cultural/religious problem. But these two points were made in the closing minutes after any reasonable person would have made up their mind that Powell was correct on all counts. 24
Posted by Englander on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 02:10 | # One thing I liked especially was seeing so many ordinary, respectable Brits, (in period footage) male and female, marching in support of Powell. I felt a sense of pride in seeing that. We have come a long way from there, but it is always possible to return. 25
Posted by Barry on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 10:58 | # “The white working class have been spoiled. Whilst young white Englishmen men piss about ....” If you mean that their present condition is their own fault, well in a sense it is. However, if considerable resources can be diverted to protect blacks from themselves, I don’t see why the white working class should be left out. 26
Posted by Bert Rustle on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 16:04 | # Englander wrote ... the overall impression currently unenlightened viewers would have got was that Powell was right. ... I would suggest that the Powell program is viewed in conjunction with the previous program on a Working Men’s Club in the North of England, (or see the comments at The Guardian’s Comment Is Free that Guessedworker linked to above) to form an idea of how the Ruling Class may proceed from here. The question is not whether “Powell was right.” but rather “what is to be done?”. An implied admission of the former need not necessarily have any influence on the latter. Indeed, as the same Multiculti Extremists are in power now as before, what could change in practice? I would hazard a guess that the Ruling Class are of the view that “Multiculturalism has not been implemented correctly yet”. Which BBC or other broadcast programs address the hugely disproportionate crime rates for example? A rather more informative BBC Radio 4 program on Enoch Powell, Rivers of Blood, The Real Source is currently available, though it may be wiped by tomorrow. 27
Posted by Bill on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 17:02 | # Scroll down if you think this is off topic It is late Autumn 1955, there is sense of approaching winter as there is a keen east wind blowing across the estuary. I am a young man standing on a railway platform at a wayside country station - on a mainline in the West of England. It is a time of Elvis Presley, Rock’n Roll and the Cold War. For me personally, it is a time of excessive energy and of youthful optimism in a resurgent post war Britain. In short, for me, it is a great time to be alive. My job was on the railway, I had been directed to this station as a temporary replacement for another young man who had been called up for his National Service, my duration was for one week until a more permanent arrangement took place. It was a typical wayside country station, the tranquil days being past with long periods of quiet inactivity, occasionally interrupted by sudden bursts of movement on the main line or a local stopping train meandering its way to the county town.. In those quieter moments I whiled away my time observing the railway scene, with hindsight, I suspect these moments would have been accompanied by enjoying a cigarette. One day, whilst in such a mode, I casually noticed in the distance a muffled rumbling and a billowing of smoke; (plucked away by a brisk east wind) heralding the approach of a steam hauled non-stop express train bound for London. At the approach, I recognised the locomotive as a former Great Western Railway King class locomotive, resplendent in glistening green, burnished copper and polished brass, hauling a rake of (maybe) fifteen fully laden coaches carrying hundreds of passengers. Heavily loaded, the engine was straining hard in the collar and as the train sped by, I became aware that each set of windows were occupied by faces pressed hard against the window, eagerly scanning the open English countryside, it was a little while before I realised that all the faces were black. With the red tail lamp receding into the distance, only wisps of white smoke and steam accompanied me as the station returned to its tranquil self. Again, with hindsight, I guessed the train was a special boat train from Plymouth to London and the passengers were immigrant arriving from the West Indies, they were answering the government’s call to do the jobs the British would not do. I had been aware of the government’s plea for former colony workers to come to England to supplement the labour force, but this was the first time I had witnessed reality in action. I asked myself where were all these people going to live? Who would meet them at the station? Who would look after their needs? How would they find a job? I considered these questions and many more in my young mind, I marvelled at the organisation and planning that had gotten them thus far, little did I know, (how could I?) that I was witnessing the embryo efforts of a fledgling immigration industry. All of this happened a long time ago, but the memory of that day has never left me, the rest as they say is History. 28
Posted by martin_uk on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 01:04 | # Regarding my remark “The white working class have been spoiled”. The English have never suffered a military invasion as have the Poles many times in their history. They have never had to live under an authoritarian regime like Communism or Fascism. They have always been relatively well off, compared to places in the Eastern bloc or Asia. Benefits have always been available. One particular example. You see a lot of obese people in the UK. These people clearly don’t look after themselves very well, because if they fall ill, they know that the NHS will look after them. In countries that don’t have a health service, people will look after themselves better and watch what they eat, since there is nothing for them if they fall ill. As for the survival of the white working class. Any class of white people that looks up to black culture not only does not deserve to survive, it ought to be actively destroyed. 29
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 00:23 | # Bill, thank you. The first West Indians I saw were on a Sunday summer’s evening around 1955 or 6, sitting on the steps of the little Victorian houses in the Railton Road in Brixton. I was four or five years old, and lived, of course, in an English universe into which this splash of colour was no more than a zoological diversion. What we have now - this soft, slow genocide - cannot be allowed to stand. What is to be done, to quote Bert Rustle, is to invest as much energy and treasure in rescuing ourselves as others have spent in burying us. Bert, There must be a fair chance that you are right, and the conclusion that “Multiculturalism has not been implemented correctly yet” will creep into public discourse. One heard the same plaint in respect to communism, of course, and it was a deadbeat argument. But the MultiCult is something separate from Multiculturalism, and will stagger on regardless of what happens to that wretched strategy for accomodating conflicted humanity in our homeland. Right now we can say with certainty that Integrationism, possibly seasoned with a little lightweight Jewish theoretics, is the route our Nulab masters favour. It hasn’t a hope in hell, not least because NuLab itself is held by so many in outright contempt. I do feel that the ideological plates are moving, and the illusion of the unifiable MultiCult will increasingly become the preserve of those most prepared to apply police solutions to the problem. I spent most of the first half of my life cursing my luck that my Dad got to pilot a Lancaster, and all I had to hand was the wise man’s advice about uninteresting times. The second half of my life has been spent slowly understanding how very wrong that assessment was. The generations of Englishmen alive today, and the Frenchmen, Germans, Danes, Spaniards, European-Americans and Canadians - all the sons of Europe - have the greatest possible task before them, which we must not fail. 30
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 02:18 | #
Well said and amen to that. This is Tours, this is the Field of Blackbirds, and Lepanto, and Vienna. It’s even more than those, more than all those combined. 31
Posted by Bill on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 10:42 | # “I spent most of the first half of my life cursing my luck that my Dad got to pilot a Lancaster,” - GW. Was your Dad operational? If he was, he was an exceptional man, they all were - I salute him. If my memory serves, Bomber Command lost something like 44,000 crew, you can double that for American Eigth Air Force Daylight crews. Of course it is not pc to say such things these days. What a waste of of our best! 32
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:30 | # Bill, He was a Flight Lieutenant with 75 Squadron, and completed his tour in 1944, whereupon he was awarded the DFC. Got hit in the eyes by flying perspex in a daytime raid (through keeping his goggles on top of his head); spent six weeks in hospital and underwent three pretty crude operations without too much in the way of anaesthetic. Went back and completed the thirty with his crew, all of whom survived. The losses of Bomber Command and the USAAF 8th and 15th were pretty equal, around the 55,000 mark apiece. Rigorous on-board discipline helped, but in the final analysis it was all a matter of luck as to who lived and who died. Dad’s crew are all gone now. But he’s still with us, and probably remembers the war years better than what he ate for breakfast yesterday morning. 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 22:15 | # What would those 55,000 who never returned think, I wonder, had they known that the multiculti mess which today’s Londoners, Brummies, Scousers, and so on see around them every day and getting worse by the hour, was what they were really being sent up in the air to die for? There can be no doubt whatsoever but that what we’re being subjected to was already on the social planners’ drawing boards during that war, and that certain behind-the-scenes men knew that precisely this was indeed the hidden plan, to be implemented in its beginnings as soon as possible after V-E Day. Mutiny in the ranks would’ve been unstoppable had any of that been understood by the fighting men. In that war one side lied to the world and to its people regarding what was fundamentally at stake and what it was doing, and one side told the truth — and which was which is unfortunately not what everyone today was raised to believe. The mere fact you have to spend three, four, five years slogging through the internet to figure that out is simply further proof of it: had the other side won, Germans today wouldn’t have to spend years educating themselves on the internet to finally figure what in the hell was going on, as their government never lied to them in the first place. They’d know what was going on: their government had told them the honest truth from day one. We were the ones kept in the dark — and still kept in the dark two generations later. 34
Posted by Bill on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 22:16 | # Thanks for that GW - This subject is something I have always been interested in. My childhood was wartime, naturally I could not grasp the significance of what was going on all about me, it was later in life by avid reading and much questioning of parents etc. were events given real meaning. What really grieves me is what did they die for - surely not so that the country could be given away, all within my and your lifetime? PS. I am at a loss where I conjured up the figure of 80,000 US aircrew KIA. Strangely, a quick Google search only revealed a wide ranging clutch of results. 35
Posted by torgrim on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 22:52 | # Thanks too, GW. for this subject. My Dad also served in the War. US Naval Armed Guard, N. Atlantic 20 April 1944, Convoy UGs-38, Submarine attack. Tanker SS Gulfcoast. He too survived the War and is still with us. Fred; “What would those 55,000 who never returned think I wonder, had they known that the Multiculti mess, which todays Londoners,Burmmies, Scousers, and so on see around them everyday and getting worse by the hour, was what they were really being sent up in the air to die for?” Yes, this mess on this side of the Atlantic has my Dad saying the same thing. What was is all for? All those that fought in the Pacific, as my Dad watched the Marines crawl down the Cargo nets into the Landing Craft, from his Troopship. Pissed off Marines.He still sees the faces of those men. 36
Posted by Bill on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 07:00 | # On a (momentary) different tack, for the last eighteen months I have bee reading on the blogsphere of the coming economic Katrina that is about to hit our shores, judging from this mornings Times, the force ten hurricane is about to hit - is this a positive for our cause? 37
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 05:04 | # One reason the Catholics and Lutherans are such race-replacement advocates: they’re paid to be, paid by the federal government — and paid handsomely:
Posted by fellist on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 10:55 | # The website will close April 29th. A good quality version of the film can be downloaded there until that date, but then the Department of Education will be in charge of distribution and even the youtube vids may not always remain. You have to register an email and ID then login to download, but I think it’s worth having as a record. 39
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Apr 2011 23:02 | # fellist, Thank you. I have recorded all three parts. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by Bert Rustle on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:28 | #
Part 2
Part 3
John Cruddas is subtitled as a school governor. Is this at a school in his constituency,where his children are or elsewhere?