Serbia, Albania and the geopolitics of Europe’s south-eastern border A translation by Fred Scrooby of an article by Prof Robert Steuckers which places the the Serbs’ struggle against national fragmentation in its wider European historical context. Reflections on Kosovo’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence The question arises as to whether or not to recognize Kosovo’s independence. To put it differently: Can one recognize the right of a population represented by a provincial parliament to declare its independence if most of its representatives are in favor of such a step? Two principles are involved in this inquiry: 1) The right of peoples to arrange their own affairs, the full right of identity, based on objective criteria and concrete foundations (ethnic, linguistic, historical, etc.), the right of peoples to furnish themselves with their own system of political representation within a given spatio-temporal framework, whether within the framework of a multi-ethnic state (as in the Swiss model) or within a state which envisions a more or less extensive federalism based on alternative models, such as German federalism or the country of autonomous communities that is present-day Spain. Does this right to autonomy confer the right to independence? As regards the European context, this question can be debated. 2) The right of European peoples to refuse any Balkanization which weakens the continent as a whole, creating in its midst conflicts which can be exploited by third-party powers foreign to the European continent (in the terminology of Carl Schmitt, “territorially-alien powers” – raumfremde Mächte). The first of these principles is a principle of rights; the second, of geopolitics. Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence presents a contradiction: because it is unilateral it pits rights against geopolitics, whereas in Europe rights and geopolitics aren’t supposed to be at odds but are supposed to form, together, an indissoluble unit. Rights should help consolidate the territorial whole, barring the door to all efforts at disruption, and not acquiesce in actions having weakening and fragmentation as their effects. The first of these principles is a principle of rights; the second, of geopolitics. Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence presents a contradiction: because it is unilateral it pits rights against geopolitics, whereas in Europe rights and geopolitics aren’t supposed to be at odds but are supposed to form, together, an indissoluble unit. Rights should help consolidate the territorial whole, barring the door to all efforts at disruption, and not acquiesce in actions having weakening and fragmentation as their effects. The right of autonomy, even the most extensive possible, indeed the right to national independence, is inalienable from the point of view once expressed by Herder, philosopher-defender of population identities in the Germanic world as well as in the Balkans where he had lots of followers. However, this complicated dialectical game between, on the one hand, particular local identity and, on the other, the need to provide a solid framework in which all of these particular local identities can flourish in peace and harmony entails building, all together, a common European framework drawn, sometimes tragically, from the life experiences of the peoples of Europe down through the centuries. This common framework ought to be the contemporary embodiment of an initial common unity which first took wing in a central European land at prehistory’s close according to the claims of proto-history. The ethno-historical European fact spread from a beginning at the center, mainly high Danubian (land of the Michelsberg cultures, followed by the La Tène and Hallstatt civilizations) which then spread into the Balkans along the shores of that great river (Lipinski-Vir culture, Starcevo culture, etc.). The Balkans are ours if they are our immediate Ergänzungsraum [the French text uses this German word which means something like “land of fulfillment”], our springboard to the eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, Anatolia, and the Fertile Crescent. This right of autonomy is certainly a right but only for whoever fully recognizes the primordial unity of our peoples before their spread into their vast peripheries. Neither Albanity nor Hellenity, Celticity, or Itality [Prof. Steuckers coins those four words; they’re not French] are exempt from this rule. Therefore we fully recognize the principle of a European Albanity extending southward as well as toward the eastern Mediterranean and toward Egypt (Mehmet Ali was of Albanian origin). But Kosovo, since becoming Moslem following the Ottoman conquest, is no longer this Albanity capable of projecting itself thus southward and thus eastward, enlarging the ager europeus [“European territory”]. It’s treason against the spirit of the great hero Skanderbeg, captain against the Ottomans in the XVth Century Adriatic at the doors of the eastern Mediterranean. By becoming Ottoman and Moslem, Albanity turns its forces against Europe’s center, spearheading two geopolitical directions which are alien to Europe, therefore Europe’s enemies: the direction of the Turkic-Mongol peoples (arising in Mongolia, extending toward the Hungarian steppe and the Adriatic) and the direction of the Hamito-Semitic peoples (arising on the Arabian Peninsula, extending thence in every direction). An independent Kosovo would be the third Moslem Balkan state after Albania and Bosnia. Together with them it would constitute a pantouranian [a word referring to the peoples of Turkic central Asia] (Turkic-Mongol) and Arabo-Moslem (Hamito-Semitic) vanguard right in the middle of a region that has always been Europe’s springboard to its eastern Mediterranean and Egyptian periphery. A Europe blocked in this precise Balkan region would no longer have a real opening on the world and would be condemned to remain in place and implode. One must remember the pre-Hellenistic peoples who would create the glory of ancient Greece: they passed first through the Balkans, including Philip’s and Alexander’s Macedonians. One must remember Rome, which was obliged to completely subjugate the Balkans before going on the offensive in Asia minor and imposing its will on Egypt. Europe cannot tolerate a foreign body in this highly strategic region. Any foreign body, that is, any entity seeing itself as belonging to groups that do not respect traditional European geopolitical directions, hinders our continent’s development, present and future. For our leaders to acquiesce in such a weakening is unforgivable given the worldwide struggles taking shape in this dawn of the XXIst Century. In the quarrels that have animated the small circle of Parisian intellectuals these past few years, some participants have argued that there is — or used to be — an implicit alliance between central European Germanism and Ottomanism, then between Germanism and Bosnian and Albanian nationalists, during the two great worldwide conflagrations of 1914-18 and 1939-45. This view, of course, fails to take into account the changed circumstances. In those epochs the major center of power projection was found in our continent’s middle, in the parallel river basins of northern Europe and the Danube, and it pushed the Ottoman pole in a southward dynamic toward the Indian Ocean. In the Balkan conflict which erupted in the ‘90s Europe’s center was no longer at all a center of power; it was divided (Balkanized!) and vassalized. The resurgence of Bosnian and Albanian nationalism no longer reflected a European power center seeking to project itself toward the eastern Mediterranean basin or toward Mesopotamia and the Indian Ocean in non-threatening neutralization of some Moslem minorities by means of a policy of a hand extended in friendship. This new resurgence in the last decade of the XXth Century reflected an alliance between Saudi Wahhabis and North American Puritans seeking together to create an “Islamic axis” (to use the terminology of Serb geostrategists, including our late lamented friend Dragos Kalajic) having the twofold geostrategic purpose of 1) blocking the Danube at the level of the Serbian capital, and 2) setting up on the Belgrade-Salonika line a territorial bloc removed from Serbian sovereignty, for this line is on the shortest land route between Europe’s Danubian center and the eastern Mediterranean basin. A territorial bloc of this nature, enjoying Wahhabi and American support, is from a European point of view unacceptable even if the traitors, cretins, and numbskulls who pride themselves on representing Europe in Brussels or Strasburg claim otherwise. The way this collection of idiots thinks is by separating rights from geopolitics when they should be thought of as one harmonious whole. Furthermore, Kosovo, apart from occupying this central position on the Belgrade-Salonika line, is the ancient Field of Blackbirds, battlefield site of the bloody Battle of Kosovo in which the medieval Serb army clashed with the Ottoman invader. On this sacred ground did Serbia’s aristocracy shed all the blood it had, for the defense of Europe. By the sacrifice of these knights did the Field of Blackbirds become sacred territory, fraught with symbolism not only for Serbia and the other peoples of the Balkans who were struggling against Ottoman barbarism but also for the Hungarians, Burgundians, and armies of the Empire who mounted unsuccessful crusades in the hope of rendering null and void the Turkish victory on the Field of Blackbirds. To forget this amounts to another cardinal and unforgivable mistake: it is the profanation of history and of politics, the granting of primacy to the bureaucrat and to the present-day as regards political and geopolitical reasoning and policymaking; it is forgetting (both in looking backward and in looking ahead) the long view, to the advantage of the immediate and the shallow. Non possumus. [“We cannot!”] We will never vacillate in such wrong-headedness. Several European countries including Spain and the majority-Orthodox countries such as Romania and Bulgaria have declined to recognize the independence of the third link in the “Islamic axis.” In France, in the sacrosanct “Republic” considered to be the unsurpassed paragon of all the philosophical virtues, those two new burlesque laughing stocks of politics, the universalist media hound Kouchner and his president, Sarkozy (nicknamed “the Hungarian midget”) prepare, needless to say, to recognize, with trumpets blaring and drums rolling, the Wahhabo-Americanist entity that is Kosovo. You have to wonder how Voltaire or Robespierre, devoted to the goddess Reason, would reconcile their own secularism with the unreflecting religiosity of the Wahhabis and their American allies. But Sarko’s and Kouchner’s recognition of Kosovo is good news at least in this sense, that one wonders what retort these two thieves could give if, tomorrow, a bunch of European (or other) countries suddenly felt a desire to recognize a Republic of Corsica, a new Duchy of Brittany, or a new island nation among France’s overseas possessions or, simpler still, Savoy’s return to an independence which exists de jure. Savoy’s independence could become, very legally, the first step in reviving the political and national existence of Bresse (Savoy province), Lorraine (Imperial Grand Duchy), Franche-Conté, etc. Before you know it ancient Lotharingia could take shape, re-establishing itself along the Rhône en Provence and in the Dauphiné, suddenly breathing new life into the Testament of Charles V (which we never should have forgotten, neither at Munich, nor at Vienna, nor at Rome, Madrid, or Brussels). For its part Russia could, based on a juridic interpretation of Kosovo’s independence, insist on the independence of two provinces of the nation of Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, thereby disrupting the principal American and NATO pawn in the Caucasus. Whatever the outcome in Europe of Kosovar independence, it offers new possibilities for action: 1) If no one recognizes it or if full recognition is strongly opposed there will be no “Islamic axis” or territorial bloc obstructing the Belgrade-Salonika line; 2) If all recognize an independent Kosovo it will be a pretext for dismantling France and reconstituting the western and Roman flank of the defunct Holy Roman Empire whose restoration is the only thing that will permit Europe to regain a politico-spiritual backbone. At the same time, such a restoration would spell the definitive end of the Republican ideology, that pernicious nuisance which, with this Sarkozy-Kouchner pair, has attained the pinnacle of the ridiculous. The only danger of a general recognition of the Kosovar state would be in its potentially providing a pretext to the Moslems living in the Spanish outposts of Ceuta and Melilla [situated on Morocco’s Mediterranean coast] to do likewise and declare independence, with the same blessing of the Wahhabi and Yankee godfathers — which is one reason (in addition to the Basque situation) Spain declines to recognize the new self-proclaimed state. Either way, we’ll have an opportunity to press the case for our vision for Europe. To continue to be fighters. Genuine zoon politikon. Vestals of an ineluctable Grand Return of the imperial tradition. Comments:2
Posted by GT on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:56 | # European regimes are ultimately subservient to the United States. The European Union and ‘independent’ Kosovo could not exist without U.S. backing. Preserving Europe’s genetic and cultural continuity means U.S. power must be broken. It is in Europe’s interest to quietly promote the fracturing of the United States. 3
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:58 | # What about the Scots? Will England roll in the tanks if a Scottish referendum declares for a separate nation? Ottawa appeared ready to send in the troops in ‘95. 4
Posted by Matra on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 20:42 | # What about the Scots? Will England roll in the tanks if a Scottish referendum declares for a separate nation? If I were English I’d want the Scots out of the Union as soon as possible. Actually if I were English I’d want England out of the Union. I’m being picky here Desmond but England doesn’t have tanks to roll anywhere. The English don’t even have their own state. 5
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 21:11 | # Matra, English troops man the tanks. They will never roll into Bridge of Allen. But Burnley and Bradford might hear the burble and whine of trouble on tracks one fine day. Probably not in my lifetime, that’s all. No, in my lifetime there will only be the love of la-la land and endless English gratitude for the anti-racism of our wise, wise elites. Obviously. 6
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 21:12 | # I’m being picky here Desmond but England doesn’t have tanks to roll anywhere. Point taken. However, the answer, you feel is no? The British gov’t will not send in English regiments to stop the Scots from declaring independence. 7
Posted by Matra on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 21:53 | # English troops man the tanks. A quick search turned up no stats on that. The English are certainly the majority in all branches of the armed forces but it would not surprise me if Scots and Northern Irish are disproportionately represented. The British gov’t will not send in English regiments to stop the Scots from declaring independence. I wonder how the Scottish Raj would react to such a situation. Presumably the only thing to work out would be the share of the national debt. Would the English and Scottish people want to fight, with guns, over that? The border is well defined. It is not like Croatia with Krajina Serb communities or Quebec with the northern areas it was given for joining Confederation. 8
Posted by Will Stuteley on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:33 | # “European regimes are ultimately subservient to the United States. The European Union and ‘independent’ Kosovo could not exist without U.S. backing. Preserving Europe’s genetic and cultural continuity means U.S. power must be broken. It is in Europe’s interest to quietly promote the fracturing of the United States.” You hit the nail on the head, GT. This is the elephant in the room, and it never ceases to amaze me how infrequently this topic is breached, even by European nationalists and traditionalists. Europe is in vassalage to America/NATO, and has been since the second World War. (I believe Brzezinski once stated this bluntly.) Europe as a whole or in parts—on a nation-by-nation basis—has no substantial military power. (No substantial power that is not NATO-controlled, anyway.) Not having your own defense forces is identical to not having your own sovereignty. The EU is not independent, and we have to drive home the point that if Europe’s demographic and cultural policies are existentially AGAINST Europe, then it is because Europe’s ultimate elites and decision-makers are not European. As you point out, GT, this means that Europe’s ethnic-genetic interests are in an inverse relationship to America’s imperial fortunes. This is a scary position to be in. By the way, I’ve been reading this site for a while now, but seldom posting. Thank you to all of the regular posters, who are far better informed than I am for making this site so informative and such a pleasure to read. Are we ever going to have people like James Bowery and GuessedWorker appearing on podcasts or Skypecasts? When Jim appeared on VNN, the audience loved him and appreciated his knowledge, despite the show’s rocky end. I could have listened to his economic analyses for hours. I’m just saying, even a monthly podcast featuring Alex Linder and one or more of the MR crew would be stellar… 9
Posted by GT on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 21:29 | # Will, … this means that Europe’s ethnic-genetic interests are in an inverse relationship to America’s imperial fortunes. Absolutely. Amerikwa is the jewish power center of the world. It is protected by two oceans and can project power from an altitude of 32,000 feet, but its infrastructure and VIPs are extremely vulnerable. That is why money is pouring into remote surveillance, robo-killer technology, and raising human legions to monitor “homeland” security. The real battle for White freedom is here. This is the frontline. Everything else is a side show. European nationalist organizations should, at minimum, passively support the fracturing of the United States. Given the vassal status of their nations, however, active support must be accompanied by plausible deniability. When America is free, Europeans can free themselves and throw out the third world. 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 21:36 | # In a video posted a little over a week ago Chaim ben Pesach of the Jewish Task Force thanks and supports the Kosovar Serb minority in its attempt to fight back against outrageous Yankee-backed tyranny. The following is the blurb accompanying the video: “The heroic Serb Christians have staged mass protests condemning the illegal, immoral and evil decision to declare that Kosovo is now an independent Albanian Muslim terrorist state. The 150,000 heroic Serbs who remain in Kosovo are heavily outnumbered by the 2million Albanian Muslims, but the Serbs have valiantly continued their protests and have refused to accept the attempt to steal Kosovo from the Serb people. We must strongly support the brave Serb people as they try to save their historic homeland from an Islamic terrorist invasion.” As is common knowledge, the overwhelming majority of the Eurosphere’s Jews — consisting of two groups, the extreme-radical leftist fringe (Abe Foxman types together with all other Eurosphere Jews except the Jewish neocons) and the somewhat less extreme radical leftist fringe neocons (including Bush’s Jewish neocons) — not only support Euro-race genocide-by-race-forced-replacement-immigration but support it with a passion, an intensity, so great it takes on, for these Jews, almost the character of a Jewish religious tenet: something like, “The Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt support Eurospherewide race-replacement with non-white Third Worlders with all thy heart and soul and every bone in thy body,” a commandment Jews feel almost as passionately as the one that says “Thou shalt not buy anything retail.” An infinitessimal fraction of Jews not only does not join the overwhelming diaspora Jewish majority in treating support for race-replacement as a Jewish religious tenet, it actually opposes the present policy of race-replacement of all Euros in the world with non-whites, seeing it as “not exactly the greatest thing in the world for Jews since <strike>sliced</strike> unleavened bread.” That the Jewish majority sees it as “not only good for the Jews but the greatest thing in the world since unleavened bread” evidently means the vast Jewish majority both extreme radical left-wing fringe and slightly less extreme radical left-wing fringe (i.e., the full spectrum of Jewish opinion) thinks the threat posed to Jews by the existence of the European race is worse than a Europeanless world. Somehow the existence of European races is considered by these Jews to be so bad, so unpleasant, so threatening, they’d rather deal with any consequences that might flow from converting all Euros to Negroes, Arabs, Mexicans, Orientals, etc., than put up with overhearing one more Euro accidentally blurt out “Merry Christmas” within earshot or catch one more glimpse of that Catholic nun who hosts The Eternal Word Network on cable (Mother Something-or-other) (actually it’s not for them so much as for their kids — they can stand looking at that nun or hearing a Christmas greeting at Yuletide or — God forbid, a Christmas carol (Ooops, I didn’t warn the Jews I was going to pronounce that term — I hope all Jewish kids are out of the room?) — they’re adults, they’re tough and can take it — but they don’t want their kids to have to go through that ...). This infinitessimal fraction of Jews who feel the total eradication of all European-race peoples from the planet through the forcing of race-replacement immigration into every corner of the Eurosphere, which as eveyone knows is the present plan (and gives Jews their best orgasms since Alon Ziv masturbated to some porn of a gorgeous blonde shiksa with a group of West African pygmies in a fivesome), will pose bigger problems for Jews, both in the diaspora and in Israel, than stuff like accidentally overhearing a Euro wishing another Euro “Merry Christmas” or accidentally seeing Mother Whats-her-name on cable. I don’t deny it’s a hard choice as to which of those views is right ... (OK I admit I’m being sarcastic there — it’s not hard at all, it’s clear the tiny minority Chaim ben Pesach view is right ... UNLESS you combine the nun with John Zmirak, Paul Weyrich, and John McCain — then it’s either all bets are off, or hands down for the race-replacers, I agree — a no-brainer, even ...). 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 22:02 | # Incidentally, here are some good Jewish Task Force videos and here’s a 1999 interview with Chaim ben Pesach in six parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I consider Chaim ben Pesach and Moshe ben David great American patriots in the truest time-honored sense of the word. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 22:06 | # (Excuse me, ben Pesach’s co-host in the videos is David ben Moshe, not Moshe ben David.) 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 22:12 | # Oh, and while we’re showering praise, let’s shower some on the Albanians — by means of this highly enlightening man-in-the-street interview, conducted recently in that country ... 14
Posted by Alex on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 23:47 | #
Yourself and others that visit this site might find the obscure and unusual book, The New Rome; or, the United States of the World, published in 1853 by Theodore Poesche and Charles Goepp, excerpted here, and which can be purchased here, of some interest. The writers were two revolutionaries out of Germany, one of whom had fled the failed 1848 German revolution to the US, and another who had already been in the states some years. They write of a time in the future where Germany is conquered (by the United states and United Kingdom they indicate) which in turn is followed by a ‘world’s war’ between the US and Russia fought over which power will dominate Europe, and thus have hegemony over the world itself. ‘The lines are drawn. The choirs are marshalled on each wing of the world’s stage, Russia leading the one, the United States the other. Yet the world is too small for both, and the contest must end in the downfall of the one and the victory of the other.’ The New Rome; or, the United States of the World (1853) 15
Posted by Alex on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 00:08 | # Almost needless to say, but like many, if not most at this site, I find empires generally to be a bad business, and just asking for trouble. It’s plenty enough to deal with one’s own people without attempting to dominate others. 16
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 03:34 | # I consider Chaim ben Pesach and Moshe ben David great American patriots in the truest time-honored sense of the word. 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 04:48 | # Desmond, I know that video, and it means strictly nothing to me, nor should it to you. If these guys are flawless on opposing race-replacement and saving the country — and they’re better on those issues than Ron Paul, in fact — they’re on my side and I don’t care who they hyperbolically say they hate or “ought to be killed.” That means strictly NOTHING to me. If they knew of my existence and some of my ideas they’d say I ought to be killed along with the Ron Paul supporters. Means nothing. They’re our allies in the most important issue of our lives, the most important issue of our nation’s entire history, and the most important issue for all Eurodom in the last ten thousand years, and I’m going to care if they hate Ron Paul supporters??? I’m going to care if they hate me??? I don’t think so. See things in perspective, Desmond. You want everything you hold dear in this life to go down the tubes but no one hates Ron Paul supporters, or you want everything you hold most dear saved but these guys hate Ron Paul supporters? Which of those two choices is best sounds like a no-brainer to me. 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 04:52 | # These guys are Jewish nationalists and I begrudge no one his nationalism. No one. 19
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 05:30 | # Which of those two choices is best sounds like a no-brainer to me. Ya it’s a no brainer alright, Fred. The reference to the Nazis, overlayed on that video should tell all Euros exactly what they need to know. Maybe its not that much of a surprise you don’t get it. It’s all about Israel, all the rest is bullshit. 20
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 07:13 | # Chaim ben Pesach is the sort of Jew who would switch his allegiance instantaneously to race-replacement were tribal advantage obtainable. The man is dangerous to Europeans and not reliable as an ally in any situation. He’s angry, emotionally volatile, and advocate of extreme violence against any ethnic group not subservient to Jews. Certainly he would advocate the bombing of NS Germany were it still around, as he would a nationalist Belguim or Britain or Netherlands. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 14:16 | # Their attachment to Israel isn’t the issue any more than is my attachment to Germany. You’re going to reject me as an ally because I’m a strong Germany-supporter? You might, Desmond — I wouldn’t put it past you. I hope you know you’d be cutting off your nose to spite your face. (I also happen to be a strong Israel supporter — that clinches my utter rejection in your eyes? I imagine so.) Is CvH a better ally for being a very weak Germany-supporter or an outright non-supporter? (I don’t know which describes him better but it’s one of those two.) But wait — what about the fact he seems to be in love with Russia? Shouldn’t that disqualify him in your eyes? Russia is, after all, another country. What does support or absence thereof for another nation have to do with this fight we’re in? Marcus Epstein is half-Korean, half-Jewish. He’s also one of the best commentators out there on immigration and, I strongly suspect, “gets it” in the racial sense (although his more mainstream status makes him unable to be explicit, is my sense — I could be wrong). If it turns out he feels a strong attachment to Korea through his mother, is he disqualified in your eyes, Desmond, the way Chaim ben Pesach is? I don’t get rejecting people as allies who score one hundred percent correct on the opposition-to-race-replacement test but feel an attachment to another country at the same time. I don’t get that. What does the one have to do with the other, provided they’re one-hundred-percent right on the one (which Chaim ben Pesach and David ben Moshe most assuredly are)? I understand people are mad at the Jews, I understand that completely — I’m furious with them myself. But FINALLY two Jews come along whom people shouldn’t be mad at and people are mad anyway??? These guys aren’t New York Times Jews. They’re normal, men just like you and me, Desmond. They look at the world the same way you and I do. They don’t walk into an art exhibit, see a picture of the Virgin Mary smeared with elephant dung, and think it’s great, as that Jewish exhibit director did in Brooklyn. They don’t look at a nouveau-architecture building that looks like a giant pile of dog mess you sidestep in the street and exclaim how wonderful it is, as all these Jewish architecture critics do. They don’t applaud wildly in the audience when Bill Clinton announces that by such-and-such year not too far off the United States will be majority non-Euro, the way 99.999999999999999999999999% of Jews do. These two don’t do that. And you’re going to reject them??? They’re better Americans than 95% of your WASP Establishment. Compare the WASPs Bill Gates, George Bush, and Warren Buffett to these guys. Who’s a better American? Pesach and Moshe have expressed no opinions on the race-replacement crisis that aren’t an exact match of my own. And they’re going to get rejected for loving Israel??? If a full-blooded Nigerian Negro held exactly my views on race-replacement — and also loved Nigeria — I’d vote for him for president without a microsecond’s hesitation. No I take that back, I wouldn’t vote for him for president. I’d vote for him for Absolute Dictator. Once he got the immigration/race-replacement mess sorted out there’d be time enough to look at any areas of disagreement.
So would you or I, Lurker, if you want to phrase it that way — which points up the problem with what you wrote: he’d no more see race-replacement of Euros as being to his tribe’s advantage than you or I would as being to our tribe’s advantage. And don’t come back and concoct wild scenarios that have him reduced to choosing between Jewish survival and Euro survival because any of us could be placed in the corresponding scenarios without it having any bearing whatsoever on the current race-replacement crisis: what if Desmond had to choose between Anglo-Saxon survival and German survival, whom would he choose? What if I had to choose between German survival and Russian survival, whom would I choose? You can play the apocalypse game with anyone. It means nothing as regards the demographic crisis actually at hand.
He is? Then every fan of this blog is too, since their and his views on race-replacement are indistinguishable.
Damn right! So am I! You’re not normal if you aren’t. All the people out there who aren’t angry and emotional are either uninformed or not normal. This guy’s informed and normal.
He doesn’t want anyone to be subservient to Jews, he only wants Jewish survival and the survival of Israel, and my guess would be he wouldn’t shrink from employing violence in self-defense against violent aggression. If someone said, “See that Armenian guy over there? He doesn’t want anyone to be subservient to Armenians, he only wants Armenian survivial and the survival of the nation of Armenia and wouldn’t shrink from meeting violent anti-Armenian aggression with violence in self-defense,” everyone here would say, “OK, he’s a completely normal guy who happens to be Armenian.” Greek, Norwegian, Maltese, English, Dutch, Czech, Lithuanian, Scottish, or any other nationality can be substituted for Armenian there.
National Socialist Germany is not the issue. The current race-replacement crisis is. He supports our side on that, which is the side of Flemish, Walloon, British, and Dutch nationalists. I’ll let Desmond have the last word if he wishes, as I don’t intend to redirect the thread comments onto the subject of the JTF. 22
Posted by Lurker (Mk1) on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 17:18 | # Fred, the Lurker who posted at 6:13 AM wasnt me, the regular Lurker. Can I ask, as usual, that whoever the new Lurker is can they change their name. Thankyou. 23
Posted by YouTube Enthusiast on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 20:02 | # Come on! If your going to post a youtube video of Chiam Ben Pesach at least post one that hasn’t been tampered with. Like this one: 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 22:02 | # I don’t get “YouTube Enthusiast’s” point but I’ll say I’m a big fan of Frank Weltner’s as well as of ben Pesach’s. Weltner’s site, Jew watch (linked at the left-hand margin of this page under “Zionism,” the last sub-heading under “Links”) is invaluable for learning who among our media and political tormentors is Jewish and the full histories of anti-Euro involvement and the anti-Euro stunts they’ve pulled over the years, finding out who their goy political and media front men and stooges are, and so on. Weltner’s YouTube netcasts are always excellent but they place emphasis primarily on the ways in which the Bush dynasty’s Jewish neocons are completely screwing everything up internationally and not on the crisis of forced race-replacement, the most pressing topic of the past seven hundred thousand to a million years, in my view. Where that topic is concerned ben Pesach’s and ben Moshe’s netcasts are much better then Weltner’s — Weltner doesn’t emphasize race-replacement enough, whereas these two patriots get it just exactly right in terms of the issue and their level of emphasis. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 22:23 | # That someone like Pesach either doesn’t see or won’t admit the extent of harm Jews have done to the Eurosphere (and keep doing: no one — no Jew and no goy — has ever been able to stop them) and calls for the muzzling (or worse) of people like me who point it out doesn’t concern me in the least, any more than gravity or electromagnetism concern me: I don’t rale over the immutable laws of nature, I accept them and live with them, and there’s an immutable law of nature that says Jews either don’t see or won’t admit the immense harm Jews do to Eurosphere societies and nations. You can’t get ‘em to see it, you can’t get ‘em to admit it, so forget that — you haven’t a prayer of getting them to do either, they ain’t gonna, so just accept it and move on. Some people may be shocked when they find out there’s a law of gravity they can’t do anything about, some when they learn there’s a law of electromagnetism, and some when they learn there’s this immutable Jewish law of the universe about the Jews’ blindness. You have to simply accept it, accept this as fact, this fundamental law of the universe, and move on. Nothing, no force in the cosmos, is powerful enough to change this law so that Jews will finally be able to see the harm they do. Don’t waste time or energy fretting over it. It’s like wasting time and energy fretting over the fact that the sun shines or the Earth turns. 26
Posted by YouTube Enthusiast on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:18 | # Fred Scrooby wrote: The point is the earlier youtube link was from a critic of little Chiam which edited and overlaid comments/images that weren’t in the original. People may be suspicious of something taken out of context like that. My link showed him in all his uncensored, finger-waving loonyness. The bit where he starts his maniacal laughing at 5:45 followed by the “Hitler song” offers repeat viewing for the lulz connoisseur. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 22:35 | # You know, YouTube Enthusiast, one facet of life where I’m not finicky, not hard to please, but on the contrary very forgiving, easy to get along with and willing to overlook individual foibles, is whatever has to do with my allies on race-replacement. A person who gets race and race-replacement right is a diamond. He’s beyond price. And you know, I’m not finicky and hard to please when I find diamonds — call it one my many faults; hey nobody’s perfect ... 28
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:20 | #
Why Fiddler, you’re playing a different tune! 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:50 | # A different tune, Desmond? How so? Is Levant right on race and race-replacement, by the way? I strongly doubt it (I’d say he’s as wrong on those as hater Abe Foxman, head of the well-known hate-group the ADL) but even if he is right on those, where’s my supposed inconsistency? I criticize the Jews where they deserve criticizm by my lights and praise individual Jews where they merit praise. One can’t do group-praise of the Jews where race and race-replacement are concerned, only group-condemnation, because rightness on those is never a group-Jewish trait but is found solely in a relatively few scattered individuals among that tribe. 30
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 00:09 | # Kosovar Serbs Clash With the Police
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 00:38 | # Though Peter Feith’s last name sounds Scottish (on the model of Keith, Monteith, and so on) it’s shared with Douglas Feith, one of Bush’s Jewish neocons, and Peter Feith’s ideas in that excerpt Desmond posted sound extremely Jewish (what Jews want most in life after Israel’s well-being is to change all Euro nation-states into multi-ethnic ones so they themselves don’t stick out so much or feel so self-conscious), so I suspect Peter Feith may be Jewish. Anyone happen to know? 32
Posted by silver on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 04:47 | #
This sets the bar pretty low for being “flawless” on opposing race-replacement, Fred; so low, in fact, that one might wonder whether you get it, your voluminous postings on the subject notwithstanding. Under this scheme, one earns Fred’s accolades simply by making statements on certain issues consonant with what a “racialist” might say. Opposing race-replacement, then, would seem a virtue as cheap as anti-racism; in neither case is one required to actually do anything. 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:00 | #
Silver doesn’t need to worry about being cheapened then, since he doesn’t oppose it. No, Silver’s fervent support for race-replacement (almost but not quite as fervent as his support for Serb-replacement) will never cheapen him. Never. No, he’s more like the worthy Serbs who deliberately chose St. Vitus’ Day for binding Milosevich over to the E.U. to be murdered while in E.U. custody. 34
Posted by silver on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 02:12 | #
This is just silly, Fred. Sadly, it’s characteristcally silly. A Kosovo packed to the brim with Albanians is a deadweight around Serbia’s neck. Sans the will to cleanse Kosovo of its Albanians, opposing independance isn’t just futile, it’s positively retarding—who the hell wants or needs two million Albanian muslims, seething with hatred and contempt in his country? Furthermore, Albanians have a good historical claim to that territory—surely a multi-century presence is sufficient to establish a historical claim. The Albanians won the demographic battle and succeeding in displacing us, and it’s the failure to learn this lesson that galls me much more than the loss of some supposed “heartland”—in reality a backwater full of the most primitive, backward Serbs one could find anywhere. 36
Posted by silver on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 02:59 | # You accuse me of being a “fervent” supporter of race-replacement and use this accusation to justify ignoring or belittling everything I say, and then dismiss my defence, worded in the clearest, most umambiguous language, with a single acronym (whose meaning (in this context) is lost on me anyway)? I’m sorry Fred, but that just won’t do. 37
Posted by Matra on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 03:23 | # Canada has now joined the ranks of US lackeys recognising the independence of ‘Kosova’. Given how much our current PM has grovelled to the Americans it was just a matter of time. Under Stephen Harper Canada has also taken a Likudnik turn in its Mid-East policy. A Kosovo packed to the brim with Albanians is a deadweight around Serbia’s neck. Sans the will to cleanse Kosovo of its Albanians If that turns out to be the case Serbia should at least be willing to fight to partition Kosovo so that Serb enclaves in the north that can be defended remain a part of Serbia. 38
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 03:35 | # You’re not my cup of tea, Silver. Let’s agree to keep our distance from one another, shall we? Another thing: I don’t come on here seeking any person’s approval, but to discuss issues. May I recommend that approach? 39
Posted by joe on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 07:58 | # scotland is like mississippi in terms of it’s developement level in the UK. 40
Posted by silver on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:07 | # Scrooby, it’s you continues to make this personal, not I. I have sought only to “discuss issues” with you. My contribution to this thread was to note that you set the bar very low for “flawlessness”, yet instead of addressing that you chose to attack me.
Serb enclaves are spread throughout the territory. They’re not all concentrated in the north. There are regions of Serbia proper, like Presevo and Bujanovac in southern Serbia, along the Kosovo border, in which Albanians predominate. I’d rather see those Albanians expelled, or traded for Kosovo’s Serbs than a sentimental fight to cling to a portion of Kosovo. Exchanging populations, or simply proposing to, would address and bring to the fore on a global stage the key underlying issue: homogeneity; the value of it, and means of establishing it. An opportunity to do that was squandered in the 90s, when Euro-idiots were up in arms over Bosnian Serb “ethnic cleansing” policies. Times have changed somewhat since then, and perhaps this time around such an attempt might get a fairer hearing, and perhaps even see the emergence of new white leaders who would seize the opportunity to impart the wisdom of separation. 41
Posted by Told on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 20:35 | # bah, christianity, islam, it sounds like you’re living in middle ages. Religions are going towards death. Albanians are seculars and everybody knows that. 42
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:04 | #
Europe is going towards death. Thanks to people like Todd. Thanks, Todd. And thanks to everyone who’s just like you. 43
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:40 | # Er, thats right Told, so when I read in my local paper about a mosque opening its a misprint. Its actually a mosque closing. Right. 44
Posted by John on Wed, 12 Dec 2012 02:43 | # This article is really ridiculous, based on Serbian primitive propaganda. As a historian i would like to give you some fact’s about Europe, Balkan. 1. When it comes to race, Albanians are one of the oldest race of Europe, maybe the oldest. As Pelasgians-Illyrian-Albanian, you can read about Albanian language and see. 2. As Illyrians, they contributed to establish classical Greece, Roman empire, and Byzantine empire later. Many Cesar’s and emperor’s and popes were Albanian’s. 3.So, Albanias are native people of Europe, Serb’s came from central Asia on 7 century with other barbaric tribes, including Turks. 4. About religion! When ottoman empire conquered the hole Balkan peninsula, the only catholic nation where Albanian’s, all other’s where orthodox including 20% of Albanians. Being catholic for Ottomans where unacceptable, since Pope of Vatican was organizing crusades against Ottoman’s, and he found Orthodox as allies against pope, because orthodox hated Catholics more than Ottomans. So being Catholic in Ottoman empire was illegal and he forced Albanians to change religion. So Orthodox’s were not pushed to change religion, so also those Albanian Orthodox’s remained Orthodox. But Albanians change religion only on the eyes of administrate, because of high taxes and other punishment’s. They did this until 18 century when Greece and Serbia gained Independence from Ottoman’s with help of Russia. After this both Serbia and Greece started to Assimilate Albanian population and this was the reason why they finally accepted to be Muslims, but this was only a way to save nationality. Serbs never fought against Ottoman’s. The Battle of Kosovo was Balkan war not Serbian one. In this battle Serbs cheated…the son of Serbian king together with son of Sultan had a deal: To kill sultan Murat in order his son to became Sultan, next Ottoman’s to won the battle and the son of Serbian king to became a king of Serbia as ottoman ‘‘Vassal’’ and this happened. Btw first time Ottomans were invited by Serbs to help them against Albanians. Are albanians those who fought Ottoman’s lead by national hero George Castrioti-Skanderbeg. In the end Albanians were only to kick of Ottomans from this region, in the same time to save Albanian land from Greeks and Serb’s who where behaving like hyenas. So i see the bunch of people here talking about Albanians, people from countries that are never contributed nothing for European culture. Europe has born on Balkan’s. I’m French my self but this is the truth. Albanians are more Europeans than the most of other Europeans. btw on this article he wrote that Bulgaria hesitate to recognize Independence which is not true, Bulgaria is one of the first stated who recognized Kosovo. Post a comment:
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Posted by Matra on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 18:55 | #
But Sarko’s and Kouchner’s recognition of Kosovo is good news at least in this sense, that one wonders what retort these two thieves could give if, tomorrow, a bunch of European (or other) countries suddenly felt a desire to recognize a Republic of Corsica, a new Duchy of Brittany
But they won’t and France knows it. Legality is what the US and the main EU states - particularly France and Germany - say it is. The fact that Belgium’s elite have no trouble recognising Kosovo shows they don’t believe Flemish separatists can get away with using the same precedent. Regions wanting to secede can only do it if they have powerful backers: Kosovo had the US and its lapdogs; who will Corsica and Brittany have to back them? Small states like Serbia, unlike France, do not have leverage. Besides, in the French view Serbia and Kosovo will become a part of the EU making the border less important as EU integration proceeds.
Several European countries including Spain…have declined to recognize the independence of the third link in the “Islamic axis.”
Spain has an election next week. Zapatero might need the support of regional parties that support recognising Kosovo in order to form a new government. So after the election Spain might recognise Kosovo. That would mean all the main players in the EU would be on board.
BTW Nicholas Burns of the US State Department announced last week that Serb enclaves in Kosovo breaking away from the newly independent state would be unacceptable. Kosovo’s territorial integrity must be respected!