On minority status The news that white Americans will be a minority has washed up at the Telegraph:-
The companion piece to this was last November’s “come-clean” by the UK Official of National Statistics, which forecast that population would rise to hitherto unmentioned levels. The Daily Mail, ever anxious to stoke the fires of righteous indignation, majored on the upper level of the forecast thus:-
Missing from both the Census Bureau and the ONS forecasts is an isolate for, respectively, European-American and indigenous English numbers. Furthermore, the number which really counts in population projections is the number of females of child-bearing age. We know the European-American and indigenous English birth rates are below replacement level, so that number is declining too. But I have never seen - and would very much like to see - it plotted within a graph of the rising national total of this crucial demographic. In the absence of that, I would expect that both the Census Bureau and ONS forecasts are optimistic (from our point of view), and minority status will, in fact, come earlier. I don’t rule out ten years earlier in America, and maybe as much as twenty in England. I have that little confidence in the honesty and diligence of government bureaucracies. Who’s a “white American”? Arabs and Jews, Turks and Albanians? How many illegals are taken into account? The same number that we’re told so richly deserve amnesty? But I digress. Minority status itself is something that has not really been given sufficient thought. OK, right now, as a forthcoming real-world fact it has rhetorical value. It justifies all that we have said about race-replacement, and lends credence to all that we will say to kick the sleeper awake. It causes people to register the inexorability of demographic change, and ask about the implications from a personal, not just abstract, point of view. The thought that the gifts of “diversity” are going to follow you and your children whatever you do and wherever you go is a powerful recruiter … although, in the English context, it causes some to “fuck off to Australia”, which is deeply unhelpful. Of course, on its own it’s not enough. The deafness of the people has other causes in the falsely virtuous friend of Christian universalism and in the fear of appearing to be a racist - just like the media and the minorities and all the power people keep on saying. As the months and years slip by, the latter will likely lose its grip on the public mind - just take a look at this Daily Mail thread. A certain dissonance is already opening between the pronouncements of the political left, the gatekeeper of race-replacement, and the evidence of people’s eyes. If one looks ahead, assuming the shade of Garret Hardin doesn’t bring the curtain down first, we can postulate that it will be easier, based on the hardening evidence all around, to make our case. If the economies of the West are collapsing, it will be much easier. There are, though, some dynamics of persuasion that we don’t know enough about. We don’t know whether “the evidence” and the sheer power of EGI will have the effect of creaming off the easily awoken, and leave tougher cases progressively unmoved. We don’t know where the cut-off point for that might be. We don’t know whether the better educated, higher-IQ demographic would be disproportionately numbered among the stay-behinds. We don’t know whether, instead of that, a herd effect will be generated and a great slab of the populus will move almost as one towards nationalist ground. We know there will be movement, because of the frequency of white flight - moving out of the city is surely not less trying than moving away from liberal ideology. But we don’t know how the movement will occur, so we cannot organise very effectively to “receive” it. We may well need more than one political party to contain the range of opinion that will be released. One thing we do know is that the arguments over hereditarianism and the existence of race, which have taken up so much energy over the last twenty years or more, are over. The colleges remain bastions of Jewish-leftist indoctrination on the wonders of diversity. But it’s our privilege in life to pop that balloon. We need to develop better means to reach out, perhaps through white student bodies where they exist or can be set up. The last point I want to make about the threat and the actuality of becoming a minority is that we have to be ready to revise our own politics as the demographic situation deteriorates. The longer it takes to erect a formal structure of political expression (and I’m not underestimating the potential of the BNP by this) the more extreme the measures required for Restoration will be. “Captainchaos” made the point on the Kingsnorth thread that “National Socialism or something close to it would be the most muscular resistance to the ultimate extermination of our race.” Just so. The solution must fit the problem at any given time. Getting that wrong or sticking too long with a failing political model because of rigid ideology would be unforgivable. Ends and means. We are only to get one shot at this politically. If it doesn’t work there is one more option. And the determinants for that are the numbers and age of our demographic, its wealth and the strength of the fighting force we could put into the field. Am I getting carried away … being dramatic? No, absolutely not. This business is for real. Comments:2
Posted by wjg on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:40 | # “In the absence of that, I would expect that both the Census Bureau and ONS forecasts are optimistic (from our point of view), and minority status will, in fact, come earlier. I don’t rule out ten years earlier in America, and maybe as much as twenty in England. I have that little confidence in the honesty and diligence of government bureaucracies. Who’s a “white American”? Arabs and Jews, Turks and Albanians? How many illegals are taken into account? The same number that we’re told so richly deserve amnesty?”
You are right on here. In America the label “White” is so diluted that when you take a guess as to how many Euros/Aryans there are plus the other factors like illegals I think 2032 (ten less than 2042) may be too far out. Not only are we in free fall, the masses of our people are clueless to this or indifferent.
“Getting that wrong or sticking too long with a failing political model because of rigid ideology would be unforgivable. Ends and means.” Absolutely. We have to learn from numerous examples of failure in the past (Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, Russia, Germany, etc., and of course the present mess) and not fail again. I say Germany was a failure because Judah tricked Europe into destroying her, not that they weren’t incredibly successful until 1939. We are running out of chances as a race due to the coup-de-grace now at hand - not available to our enemy in past times - of the massive artificial influx of non-whites. Once they succeed this time they will truly realize their expected position as God-on-Earth with nothing but a ruined Goyim underfoot. Once Euro-Man is destroyed there is no stopping the master race. That is unless the Chinese prove better than us. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 02:11 | #
Sobering thoughts which of course every one of us has already had in one form or another. One thing that needs to start happening and I hope already is, is awake officers in the armed forces must feign agreement with forced race-replacement so they’ll get promoted. The enemy, who is lots of things but fool isn’t one of them, promotes army officers based partly on a demonstrated record of exemplary adherence to the goal of forced race-replacement. This goal must of course privately stick in some craws, and the junior officers whose craws it sticks in are the men we want feigninig agreement with it so they’ll get promoted to the highest levels of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard, so when the crunch comes we’ll have a portion of the armed forces on our side (or at least subtracted from the enemy forces), therefore possibly a fighting chance. Also, a major crunch might be avoidable if these awake officers who feign agreement with race-treason in order to get promoted can, once risen high, stage a coup d’état followed by rule by military junta, as proved necessary for getting things sorted out in Spain under Franco, Chile under Pinochet, Greece under the Colonels, and many other examples. Young army officers must feign loyalty to the enemy and to his race-replacement program in order to receive promotions to high levels and so be ready at the top levels when the time comes to act. 4
Posted by cladrastis on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 03:21 | # Also missing from this calculation are the number of white individuals of child-bearing age who will be murdered by minorities as the brown masses swell in numbers. That will surely bump down the minority status date by at least one calendar year. 5
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 03:46 | # I’m sure that liberals will be happy to provide examples of successful non-White societies in which Whites enjoy minority status; South Africa, for instance. 6
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 04:21 | # I saw a video on Friedrich Braun’s site towards the end of which Adolf Hitler, apparently speaking of his desire to reunite the German people torn away from their Fatherland via Versailles, says: “This land and this people do not come to the Reich with hat in hand. I myself [it is at this point that his voice cracks - apparently overcome by emotion] bring you home.” So it may be with our people when the end is near. I’m reminded of the movie “300”: “This is where we fight, this is where they die!” “We were out numbered three to one, what are such odds to us Greeks?” The Jews and the race traitors are sniveling pansy-cowards. The muds are low IQ savages. We are White and they are not - that is what we have going for us, let us never forget it. Damn the odds to hell. 7
Posted by Robert Reis on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 04:40 | # Crime triggering Incest! While the scale of the incest was not immediately ascertained, local officials say they have seen this worrying behaviour in at least four violent communities. “It is heart-breaking,” chairman of the Trench Town-based Caribbean Applied Technology Centre, Dr Henley Morgan, told the Sunday Observer. “There were areas in the inner cities where violence has forced individuals within a 30 square feet radius to remain there for years. They cannot go up the lane, down the lane or anywhere else because of violence. The end result is this heart-breaking situation.” Explaining further, Dr Morgan said, “The males have never left it (their communities) to find a girl. So they prey on each other. It is an unending web, and sometimes we read about this happening elsewhere and think it cannot happen here…” Renowned social anthropologist specialising in social violence, Dr Herbert Gayle, corroborated Dr Morgan’s story and said the practice wasn’t only among fathers and daughters, or brothers and sisters. “There are cases where mothers have turned to their sons, because their husbands or spouses are in prison and they go to her sons to fulfil her sexual needs…” Dr Gayle disclosed in an interview with Sunday Observer. He said mothers have often expressed concerns for their girls, especially when there are sustained curfews in the inner cities. “I am aware of it. We have never had a case to deal with it at Fathers Inc, but there are at least four communities where there are just too many instances of this happening,” Dr Gayle said. In at least one instance, he said, a man is still in prison for impregnating his underaged daughter. Morgan’s and Gayle’s accounts were confirmed by a senior crime fighter who has worked the inner cities for more than a quarter century. For him, the situation is nauseating. “I have come across situations where during the investigation of a crime, you find everybody with the same surname. In one instance I interviewed 30 persons and they all have the same surnames,” the cop said in an earlier interview with Sunday Observer. “They were brothers, sisters, cousins and friends. It got to a point where you say ‘wait a minute, what is happening here?’ Only to retrace your steps to find that they are all family in the sickest kind of ways… “It is just sickening…” he said, clearly uncomfortable discussing the issue. According to the cop, who asked for anonymity, when he stumbled on the situation, it had a chilling effect on him. “They are the product of the same lineage, and this cannot be good for any country and any community. Can you just imagine the maladjustments of this generation of young people?” he asked. In some communities, according to a social worker, there are real and imaginary lines across which residents can go, but still remain safe. However, there are sections referred to as “no man’s land” and individuals caught in these areas are at the mercy of gunmen. It is situations such as this that have barred residents from one end of a street, sections of communities or areas within close proximity from interfacing with each other. “This is well known. We know this already. I work in an inner-city community and this is something I know very well.” Dr Morgan said. The veteran cop also pointed to another deeply troubling practice in these inner-city communities. Criminal dons, claiming to be community benefactors, have, for years, demanded sexual favours from young inner city girls, some of whom they have assisted in going to school. In some instances, as soon as the girls reach puberty the dons ‘send’ for them for their sexual initiation. The little girls are sometimes gone for days and are sexually assaulted. According to the cop, it is not just anecdotal, there are enough stories. His disappointment, however, and that of his colleagues, is fuelled by the failure of relatives of the abused girls to file complaints and force official investigations. “The police face a dilemma. Oftentimes we do not have a case. There are no complainants to a crime. There are those who will say the police have a responsibility to act, yes we do. But when you have unwilling relatives, parents included, who will deny it, what do you do?” he asked in exasperation. Dr Gayle said it was a common violation. “That is so common. There are so many stories and actual cases. I had to insist to a don that I do not want to be in his company if he was going to be having sex with underaged girls…” Dr Gayle told the Sunday Observer. The social anthropologist, who is an authority on social violence, has done extensive research with at least 12 gangs across 40 inner-city communities and has won his local and international recognition for his body of work. His insistence, he said, caused the don to call a meeting of his ‘shottas’ and “tell them that the girl must be at least 16 years”. “That is still sexual assault,” Dr Gayle fumed. HE argued that the police have lost their legitimacy to the dons in the inner cities and while he sympathised with the cops, he said, “if the residents were not willing to report murders, it was unlikely that they were going to report incest”. He said the status and stock of the dons are closely linked to the number of children they sire, irrespective of their contribution to the lives of the children once they are born. Some families have opted to relocate in a bid to evade the ravaging of their young female members. However, for some adult women, it is a status symbol. Women have been known to give their bodies to the dons as a means of financial support in communities with high unemployment. In modern societies, victims are able to access public psychiatric assistance in a bid to heal. According to the veteran cop, “Here (in Jamaica) people suffer in silence, and even more worrying is that the tragedy is repeated over and over again.” Dr Gayle said there was hope, as even the crudest form of social intervention is appreciated in some communities, and has borne fruit. For Morgan, too, there is hope. “Despite the horror, some beautiful flowers (men and women) have bloomed in our inner cities,” he said. 8
Posted by EA (European American) Steve on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 06:32 | # From a White Preservationist Perspective, it might be best to give some of the Southwest to Mexico, and move our Hispanics outside thereof (with the exception of South Florida) to an area of that region. Whites will never gain control of the country again, unless we can find a way to get rid of at least 80-90% of our Hispanic population, and maybe even some of our Black population. The best solution may be to move the Hispanics to a piece of the Southwest (Most of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Western and Southern Texas), and just give it back to Mexico. Then the Blacks could have a homeland in the deep South (somewhere, not necessarily all, in the region of Eastern Texas, Louisiana, Southern Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and/or the West Florida Panhandle). The latter region is speculation; maybe it would include some of Georgia and more of Florida; or it could be even smaller than what was included in the parenthesis. The Chinese and East Indians should be dealt with, quickly, before China and/or India could intervene. (I don’t support murder towards either group, unless it is necessary in a military conflict, preferably not affecting civilian populations). After this is done, we would be like the old America, but a little bit weaker. I also see White Separatists actually supporting the Southwestern Hispanic Separatists who do and will hate their guts. The key to strategically winning, and filling in the void, if the government is not savable, and happens to collapse when we can’t save it, I suggest trying to take it’s place, if it becomes dead. It will mostly be Whites vs. Hispanics vs. Blacks, and vs. Asians to a small degree. The key therefore is selective migration. I strongly suggest Floridian Whites move Northward, north of Orlando. We also need Whites to move to Eastern Tennessee, NE Georgia, South Carolina, Eastern Maryland & Delaware, and maybe somewhere in Virginia. We must racially evacuate the American Southwest and Floridian South, immediately (Whites in interracial marriages (not to American Indians) and grandparents with a majority percentage number of non-White children (and children-in-law) and grandchildren, will be left behind. The latter will be saved, if they let us keep their non-White children/grandchildren stay away or at least contained.) In a possible Civil War 2 scenario, even our elderly will be put to work. They won’t be forced to militarily fight, but we need them for potential labor. In important areas of the U.S., especially in the former South, along the East Coast, we may need to resurrect the Klu Klux Klan peacefully and legally. We especially need to raise the “Stars and Bars” in South Carolina and Eastern Tennessee. We need to encourage White migrations to these areas, and increase White Racism, in the proper areas, too. We need to raise racial tensions in these parts of the South, bypassing the mainstream media, so Whites can’t turn to self-hatred, thereby having to take sides against the Black gangs or surrender all. With this predicament, the choice is too obvious, even for the Mainstream Media to deny 9
Posted by EA Steve on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 06:44 | # Message to Blacks who may have read the above message: The States in bold are not necessarily your most important states. Honestly speaking the area mentioned as your potential homeland is. If I were a Black Nationalist, I would actually encourage Blacks to move to the suggested possible Black Homeland, and try to call it a deal with the Whites, after maybe a little fighting. It might even be a relatively bloodless Civil War. Again this scenario is not guaranteed, and I don’t support military action against the Federal Government. 10
Posted by Diamed on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 08:04 | # This article is the bottom line. And no, of course it will not really be 2042. With either Mccain or Obama becoming president, we will see a new amnesty and a new influx of immigrants. Furthermore, you may as well discount white trash who we hardly want anyway, jews, middle easterners, armenians, and other caucasion riffraff. The true number is unknown. Furthermore, the important number is people aged 20-40, they are the people who decide the future of your nation. In terms of military strength, fertility, rioting, and everything else important. This of course will again be drastically slanted towards minorities. I agree with Guessedworker, the time for sending letters to congress or trying to elect some sort of local school board member are past. History has overtaken us and the rapidity of the change requires just as drastic a response. For every action, an equal and opposite reaction. If whites are to reverse this trend (and they won’t, this is just dream land), it will be by a revolt, coup, and civil war. Not only must the immediate problem of non-whites be dealt with, but at the same time society must be drastically reordered so the same problem never returns again. A full scale change that simply wipes the slate clean and starts over will be necessary. Corporations and business in general will have to be controlled, family planning must be done by the state, determining whether you will have more or fewer children for the good of the race, not your own selfish interests. Women must be restored to their feminine roles in life as caregivers and nurturers, and if they are to work it will be in a drastically reduced level. Marriage must be rewarded and enforced by the state so the fatherless generation never repeats. Mechanization of jobs must be accelerated, the collection of natural resources accelerated, no more crap about the environment. Homosexuality must be purged. Christianity abandoned, with a new race-first religion/philosophy taught to our kids. History taught as a vital connection and contract between ancestors, the current generation, and descendants. Everything must start over, all old order thinking, counter-revolutionary thinking, must be discarded as the evil that got us here in the first place. After proving that the current system was the worst one ever adopted by any people in all time, the only time any race has ever willingly genocided itself without even a whimper, it is time to completely scrap it and everything in it and start over with new thinking and new values. There can be no half measures. We will be utterly annihilated, or utterly transformed. 11
Posted by Guest on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 08:33 | # The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society still doing its evil and then the Lautenberg amendment and on and on. This war of destruction of our race started, according to Kevin MacDonald, in 1880. Can you imagine! 12
Posted by Guest on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 08:37 | #
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 09:11 | # It is doubtful whether, even allowing for the cancer of Christianity, the White race would have possessed, unaided, sufficient self-destructive, Othello-like traits to bring us to this dire pass. The Jew is Iago in this matchless tragedy and without Semitic machinations we might well have survived as a large majority in the US. 14
Posted by Proofreader on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 12:56 | # 2042? More likely in ten years time, around 2020. The current White population in the USA is no more than 55 %; don’t deceive yourselves. With the current rate of immigration, White birth rates and simple demographics (Whites being the majority only in the over-40 population), you can guesstimate that it will occur sooner than 2042 or even 2035. By the time US Whites realize what’s happening to them, they won’t be able to vote themselves out of the mess. Quite a lesson for Europeans: act now or face displacement and attrition in a couple of generations! Like GW, I a moderate but also a realist. I see no future in new political parties and the old ones are beyond repair. 15
Posted by the Narrator... on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 13:22 | # I’ve already witnessed the second fruits of White Guilt…...Whites who are thrilled at the prospects of becoming a minority!
I see older Whites who are completely defeatist and passive in outlook in regards to the Third Worlding of their towns and neighborhoods, yet get all charged up and patriotic talking about ‘them thar evil Ruskies’. (You can even see this attitude at the Russian/Georgian news thread on Stormfront!)
A racial partition is the very best we can hope for now, and that will only buy us a little extra time to prepare a defense against the coming all out onslaught. But to get to that point, our fellow Whites are going to have to actually give a damn. 16
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 14:19 | # Narrator: But to get to that point, our fellow Whites are going to have to actually give a damn. That’s hyper-individualism blocking that, broadly speaking. Those WNs who cling to the hope that we have only one enemy are tragically wrong. We are our own enemy, and a formidably divided one, with both “left” and “right” fighting against the struggle to survive. Obviously, too, our business, financial and political power elites - WASP and Jews - are our enemy. But Third Worlders are just immigrants. Like American blacks, they are a mere tool of the power elites, and they are an “opportunity” for all those sub-elite Jewish tribal ethnocentrists we know so well. They matter, obviously, because they are, or will soon be, pressing against our jugular. But the Strategy of Tension comes into play in respect to them. If we focus on them ... if we rouse ourselves to call them “muds” and “savages”, we weaken ourselves, since we confirm in our own peoples eyes all the accusations that are levelled against us. Today, responding with verbal aggression or worse to our race-replacers is self-harming. Acting indisciplined puts us back. Think about Richard Warman posting on WN sites as “lucy”. Why did he do that? 17
Posted by Maguire on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 14:45 | # GW, “We are only to get one shot at this politically. If it doesn’t work there is one more option. And the determinants for that are the numbers and age of our demographic, its wealth and the strength of the fighting force we could put into the field.” I view these two options as being sequential. They’re cause and effect. They are united, not mutually exclusive. I expect we’ll have to fight and win outnumbered by 1:5 and worse. I’m used to that. That’s the way it was from the time I first enlisted at 17. What terrifies me is what is, and worse, isn’t, behind me. In 1919 Marshal Ferdinand Foch made a prophetic statement about the White Armies opposing the Jew-led Bolsheviks:
The fantasy of passive McVictory is perennial among the Patriotarded and among the drooling senile old geezers who compose too much of the non-Movement. And the leading hallucination among these early stage Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients is that at some point in time there will be a spontaneous revolt of “white military officers”, even in the total absence of a viable civil movement and leadership. As far as I can see they envision this occuring on CNN during ESPN commercial breaks, complete with images of “Old Glory” and all to the stirring sounds of a Sousa march. After which they’ll surf back to more Jew-produced NiggerBall. Give it up, old droolers. This is just a secular version of Rapture, Armageddon, the Second Coming and the Millenium. Perhaps 1 in 50 of the old droolers is willing to play a resource and moral support role. The other 49 are just DNA waste awaiting disposal. Mere barnacles on the hull. And so I teach my sons. “The colleges remain bastions of Jewish-leftist indoctrination on the wonders of diversity. But it’s our privilege in life to pop that balloon. We need to develop better means to reach out, perhaps through white student bodies where they exist or can be set up.” The Bricks ‘N Mortar college is 20 years obsolete in its technology and concept. The days are long past when it was necessary to physically assemble students to hear the learned gowned Doctor “lecture” by reading to the students from the School’s single scribal copied Book. The instinct to inflict this on perhaps the final Last Chance generation of young whites is a product of drooling Senile Geezerdom. It’s a key part of the problem. It is no part of the solution. Lesson #1 for winning wars is starve your enemy. The reciprocal, giving the enemy your supplies, is the certain path to defeat. “Am I getting carried away … being dramatic? No, absolutely not. This business is for real.” It absolutely is. And you get precisely one chance with no reset or pause buttons. Maguire 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 14:49 | # Anyone not familiar with Kevin MacDonald must read the Hornbeck review of MacDonald’s book linked in “Guest’s” second comment, a few above. If you don’t have time to read it now, store the URL and read it later. 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 14:56 | # Incidentally, Maguire and GT are the same guy, I take it. 20
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 15:04 | # No, Fred. They are not the same, but they are of one mind. Maguire, I know you are endeavouring to plant acorns, or to locate potential acorn-planters. But what is the time line for your strategy and, in view of the demographic nature of this post, what numbers of hearts of oak are you seeking to arrive at to reach a critical revolutionary mass. 21
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 15:27 | # I can’t help but wonder what would happen if, instead of targeting swarthy invaders, skinheads were to target those of their cohort who are in Oxford attempting to suppress academic freedom? 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 16:10 | # What would happen is that their label would be changed from skinheads to brown shirts. There is a suggestion of this sort of intimidation with the “infamous” Redwatch (which, actually, is a response to pictures and addresses for “far right” activists being posted on anti-racist sites). I’ve no idea what kind of brake it has put on anti-racist extremism. But the membership of the main anti-racist organisation is slowly declining anyway - maybe a little social costing has figured in that, maybe not. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 16:31 | #
Good question. Why did he do that? I knew he and a confederate of his were later proven to have gone around posting over-the-top “racist, homophobic” language on anti-leftist comments threads, using different made-up pen names, in order to come back later and nail those sites under the draconian Canadian “anti-hate” statutes, using as evidence of “hate” the language he himself, and his friend, had posted. But I don’t immediately see why signing as a woman would particularly serve those carefully-pre-planned sting operations of his more than signing as a man or with some sex-neutral handle. 24
Posted by GT on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 16:37 | # Fred,
Several hundreds of miles separate us. ——
The flip side of the present White nationalist zeitgeist is the idea that a critical “revolutionary” mass of White urban/suburbanites is going to rise up in “cells” and through uncoordinated “covert action,” succeed in bringing down the very infrastructure and persons upon which they depend for survival The above “strategic” models – the first designed to appeal to easy money patriotarded geezers, the second designed to appeal to amateurs and the dysfunctional – are, without a doubt in my mind, promoted by the very enemies we profess to “fight.” The proof of this is the fact that White nationalists have followed both models for past 50 years without success and have suffered increased marginalization as a result. Marginalization is further reflected in the fact that at all hope is now placed on a remote, impersonal Internet which will be removed from our hands in the not too distant future. One start button without reset or pause. The “propaganda wing” of the non-movement had better get its act together soon. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 16:37 | # It was reported somewhere, incidentally, that Warmann made lots of $$ from those “hate” cases he repeatedly won in these Canadian kangaroo “human rights” courts. I forget how, exactly — presumably from fines imposed as part of the punishments, a portion of which went into the plaintiff’s pocket as “damages.” I believe I saw where he was making a comfortable living exclusively through this source of income. He was a professional scam/sting artist, in other words. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 16:55 | # Are you and Maguire making progress with getting microcommunities formed and setting up barter economies, GT? As for military coups d’état, they seem to have worked pretty well as stop-gap measures in most of the places they’ve been used — Argentina, Greece, Chile, tons of others. Singapore under the Lee dynasty has been run in something like military junta style and isn’t faring so badly. Maguire said, I believe, that a coup by the military would be as doomed as the White Russians fighting the Jews after 1917 were, for the same reason cited by Marshall Foch: no civil government to back them. But the coup leaders constitute the government that gets set up following a coup. Granted, it’s not a civil but a military government, but it’s the government and it will give them all the backing they’ll require while getting things sorted out. By the way, Maguire and GT, how have all these drooling Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s geezers been able to thwart the setting up of microcommunities and a barter economy? Do they wield that much influence? I’d have thought that particular demographic segment would be pretty insignificant socio-politically, being invisible, powerless, and in large measure confined to nursing homes and wheel chairs. What’s their secret? How have they managed to torpedo your plans so completely that all you ever seem to post here is resentment-filled invective against them? To read your comments one gets the feeling these guys are the most potent political force for ill since Abe Foxman took over the ADL. Aren’t you strong enough to overcome them in their enfeebled state and leave them in the dust? 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:21 | # GT’s perennial attack here is against “easy online money,” “easy online faith,” and “easy online racism.” At the same time he shoots off his mouth continually about the only solution being the setting up of microcommunities and a barter economy as if those were the easiet things in the world. Isn’t he then hoist on his own petard? Isn’t he guilty of promoting “easy online microcommunities” and “easy online barter economies”? If those are so easy to pull off, GT and Maguire, what are you two doing hanging around here forever, typing idly into a computer, when you could be out there actually setting them up? You guys strike me as nothing so much as easy online microcommunityists and easy online barter economyists 28
Posted by GT on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:22 | # Uh, oh. Maguire and I have struck a nerve. Fred is insulted.
Maguire and I are planting acorns and looking for acorn planters.
An apple to orange comparison, of course – US/Western Europe vs. Asia/Latin America/Africa, Constitutional traditions vs. Autocratic despotism. How well has your 50-year strategy of coup d’etat worked in the United States and Western Europe? Give us a break, Fred. You’ve failed. We’ve only just begun our acorn planting.
Doddering, easy money geezers and felons presently dominate the non-movement. That will change, in time. The following is fer you, Fred. Enjoy!
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:24 | # GT is not only allergic to ideas and to thinking, he snipes at them continually wherever he sees them, instead of politely keeping his allergies to himself. The usefullness of that kind of mind for what needs to be accomplished is severely limited. 30
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:28 | # It’s clear that I’m the one here who chiefly gets under GT’s skin. Why in hell is anyone’s guess. Maybe he’s just an asshole. I think that’s it. He’s useless as well. GT, let us know when any of those useless acorns you’ve planted sprouts, will you? Hey when I’m wrong I admit it. (Somehow I don’t expect to have to do much admitting in this case though .....) 31
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:30 | # In GT’s eyes, I, Fred Scrooby, am singlehandedly thwarting microcommunites and a barter economy. WHAT A FRICKING MORON. You’re an asshole, GT. 32
Posted by GT on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:38 | #
Oooh, Fred’s really insulted! We’ve actually done quite a bit of real world technical work on the concept and regularly consult with others involved in similar work. The difference between us is we’re planting acorns and demanding real work - right now! Contrast that with your promotion of easy online racialism which is all about waiting for others to do the heavy lifting - ya know, like military coups or a critical “revolutionary” mass comprised of utterly dependent urban/suburbanites motivated by an economic crash. You could help us. There is work for pensioned geezers. I’d like to see you leading a consortium providing online and distance education courses/preparatory training for CLEP examinations. I have faith in you. Really, I do. 33
Posted by GT on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:45 | #
Sniff, sniff. I’ve yet to meet an easy online racialist who thought otherwise. Maguire and I “have only just begun….” Repent, Fred. Jesus died knowing He was God. We must all do our share of heavy lifting, for we are mortal. One life to live. I nominate you for White nationalist education czar. Really, I’m serious! 34
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:46 | #
I make it a point to never feel insulted by assholes. Try it, you use a lot less Maalox that way.
Right, tell that to a guy named Oliver Cromwell. Oh I forgot, you can’t think nearly as well as you can yap. Excuse me, I’ll let you run off at the mouth some more. You’re showing yourself more and more to be a zero, GT. 35
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:52 | #
Put out a press-release when it gets off the ground. In the meantime: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…....................... 36
Posted by GT on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:53 | #
Zero is 50 years waiting for a third wold military coup or a “revolution” undertaken by utterly dependent urban/suburban amateurs. Huffing and puffing is all you can do. I want to change that, Fred. Put you to work doing something useful for young people. Think Education Czar. Think of it as redemption. 37
Posted by GT on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:55 | #
Well, Fred, I’m off to work. A few of us have to, you know. 38
Posted by John on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 18:14 | #
What part of the West is not on the fast track to devastation and dystopia? 39
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 18:37 | # Fred asks:“Are you and Maguire making progress with getting microcommunities formed and setting up barter economies, GT?” GT answered that question on another thread. Here’s his pathetic progress report:-
All we have from GT, folks: “Is a whoooooole lotta talkin’, but verrrrrrrry little doin’.” 40
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 18:54 | # GT, I think that people would be more receptive to your ideas if you were to package them in anecdotal form. Concrete examples of how we came to think the way we think and our own trials and errors are what really drives the point home, at least it does for me. Reading all that effectively genocidal, anti-White vitriol being spewed by Kingsnorth/Mudsworth in the Guardian thread really drove the point home for me (and I think had the same essential effect on GW): these bastards really want to or don’t give a damn if we are exterminated. I recall from an earlier post of yours that you said you were in the National Alliance. What experiences, specific ones, did you have that caused this sea change in your thinking? How is it that you came up with the idea of microcommunities? Its easier for people to digest if its attached to a narrative. I’d be interested in hearing it. 41
Posted by Tourist on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 18:54 | # In order to seize power in a western country, who do you think white nationalists have to take out of the way? Political executives? the national chief of police? Is it the same list as in any classical coup d’état? Or does it make sense to directly target the anti-white activists who make mass immigration possible? Would white people rally behind their treacherous government against the white nationalists? Would they stay indifferent? Maybe it would make them realize that change is possible (the audacity of change!) Let’s say there has been a successful rebellion by the Whites in a western country. Who gets sent to the firing squad and who gets banned from the Western world? I would get rid of immigration activists and prominent influential people who have supported the racial replacement. This would include some politicians, trade unionists, media celebrities, journalists, newspaper editors, education specialists, a few bishops… We are not in a position to get rid of them now, but it would be useful to say publically which race traitors are the most deserving of the death penalty, so as to help them understand that they are guilty of criminal behavior. Another thought: I am all in favor of a coup d’état, but I think a tense situation and a few small racial clashes involving white people would be enough to slow down the immigration enthusiasm of politicians. I don’t understand why it has not happened yet. White people are too polite and civilized! 42
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:23 | # I am all for microcommunities and a barter economy if it works. I’m all for anything that works. My objection is to GT’s incessant sniping like an imbecile at the discussion that goes on here. (And as I’ve said, there’s essentially no question but that for some really strange reason I can’t begin to fathom, I’m his main target. Why people who are supposed to be on our side target me in particular, as if I were the enemy, I never understood. A certain kind of mentality ostensibly on our side takes one look at my comments and gets a bee under his bonnet to the effect I’m the bad guy, I’m the race-replacer, I’m the leftist, I’m the one doing all the damage, I’m the one to attack. It’s very, very, very strange; weird, weird, weird in the extreme. GT certainly isn’t the first supposed ally to target me, and I’m sure won’t be the last. Again, why it happens is beyond me. I attack no one who is genuinely on our side. I attack all who are genuinely on the other side.) Let GT come here and discuss his preferred solution, and let others discuss matters as they deem appropriate, be they his proposals or anything else relevant to the crisis we’re in. But GT doesn’t want that. He wants only his stuff discussed, his stuff adopted, or nothing. He’s really becoming annoying. 43
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:25 | # Yes I attacked David Stennett. He’s not genuinely on our side. He’s at bottom a race-replacement advocate. 44
Posted by DaveJohns on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 22:25 | #
. To be fair with GT, and give him his due, I see “microcommunities” and “bartering” a necessary survival system if, and only if, there is a collapse of the monetary system and the government falls into chaos. Then “microcommunities,” set up far away from urban centers, will make sense. But not until then! However, in the mean time, it is wise, even necessary, to learn survival skills and relocate, if possible, into a rural area where plenty of fresh water is available before the proverbial stuff hits the fan. But as of now, in this time of seeming prosperity, who wants to give up the good life to live in a microcommunity and engage in bartering? First of all, everyone within that community must trust and get along with each other to the fullest extent. If not, it would implode in short order. Example: All it would take would be one pissed-off member to go to the IRS and report bartering has been going on and no taxes were paid on said bartering. Then its either cough up the back taxes owned (with interest and penalties added of course) or its off to Jailsville USA—maybe both. IMHO, human nature and individual egos would be the biggest obstacle to the success of such an endeavor. 45
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 00:20 | # The Jewish-controlled MSM (is there any other kind? If you see any, report it at once to the Audubon Society — that’s got to be damned rare!!! They’ll send a crew right out to film it for the next National Geographic TV special [hey your name might even appear in the credits!]) were forced to report this Story of the Dodecamillennium, but are keeping the lid screwed down tighter than a drum on any possible commentary about it. The Jews DO NOT WANT THIS DISCUSSED until the process goes to completion in another twenty years or so (whereupon there’ll be no desire to discuss anything — mystery meat isn’t interested in this). (Oops! better make that carne mysteriosum — wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by not using the formal Latin designation .... hafta try to keep that in mind, people are so sensitive nowadays ....) Emmanuel Swedenborg predicted exactly this centuries ago: what the Jews are after is to become kings of the world ruling over a worldwide population of degraded slaves devoted only to serving their Jewish masters. Boy, talk about weirdness — that Moslem “72 virgins” thing isn’t a patch on some of this Jewish stuff! 46
Posted by Guest on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 00:24 | # In addition to Warman I read, in a Canadian newspaper, that also many others were posting over at SF posing as WNs, including IIRC a member of the RCMP. Just how many of those Jewish organizations and law enforcement informants are posting on white survival forums is unknown but we do know that they are there. The finest human beings I have ever known have been White nationalists of various stripes, including NS and KKK. The average White American was far below the morality that I encountered with those brothers and sisters. I am sure that the racially conscious White population also has its miserable types but they are just par for the course in the typical American White community. I have to tell you that the most Whites I encounter, on all levels of economic ladder, are without honor, without any redeeming value. Now maybe this experience is peculiar to me however I do feel that expecting the American White masses to rise up is not realistic. We are evolving as a race, our people are those who share our energy, the others may look like us but they are not us. This will be a version of Brazil, perhaps. The system will not be able to cope with it all. The Chinese curse is upon the White race: may you live in interesting times. As is so often said: THANKS JEWS 47
Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 01:19 | #
The “really strange reason”, Fred, is quite easy to explain. GT is overly desirous for your validation of his prescription which he is trying to advance for solving our race-replacement dilemma. You’re not providing that validation for him. Hence, his hostility towards you. 48
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 01:25 | # OK, can someone else validate it for him in my place, and get him off my back? I’d be much obliged. Thanks in advance! 50
Posted by someguy on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 03:14 | # are whites really welcoming the change? see the poll http://news.aol.com/article/whites-fading-fast-as-majority-in-us/132730 51
Posted by Matra on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:44 | # The deafness of the people has other causes in the falsely virtuous friend of Christian universalism A strange remark. When we were Christians we were strong. For two generations we’ve been secular and weak. ‘Christian universalism’ isn’t new. It existed for centuries but only became a problem when we became secular. We need the atheist WNists to explain why the decline in religiousity coincided with the decline in white birthrates. They also need to explain why Jewish organisations like the ACLU put anti-Christianism at the top of their agenda. Are the Jews too stupid to realise that universalist Christianity is really on their side as GW would have us believe? 52
Posted by Guest on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 06:21 | # FRED, God help us that’s for sure! 53
Posted by Robert Reis on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 07:20 | # The amazing discovery by the Russian Security Service that Vladimir Putin was actually born in the United States and kidnapped and raised in former Soviet Union makes him elgible to run for President of the United States. Finally we have a candidate we can rally around! 54
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 07:48 | # “I expect we’ll have to fight and win outnumbered by 1:5 and worse.” -Maguire The liberal use of WMD could even up those odds. 56
Posted by GT on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 09:45 | # It is beyond stupid for genuine White nationalists to regard the endless rehashing-promotion of 50 years of failed strategy and a-historical fantasy to be “idea development.” It is so incredibly stupid, in fact, that we are perfectly justified in suspecting ZOG influence. Fred Scrooby’s defensiveness toward the phrase “easy online racialism” demonstrates a certain moral sensibility. The phrase stings not because it is a mischaracterization, but because it is accurate. Dave Johns, on the other hand, is not defensive. He persists in making the same errors over and over again. Johns’ transparently sycophantic attachment to Scrooby of late is an attempt to borrow credibility through association. Noted, too, is the manner in which he consistently ascribes his basest motivations to me. In psychology that is called projection, I believe. ———- By the way, Fred Jesus was either God Incarnate or He wasn’t. If He was, then He certainly didn’t “die” for you boys. He “died” knowing He was God. That’s a whole lot better than a “Beam me up, Scotty!” which is the most Man can hope for. God doesn’t worry about Scotty’s judgment or transporter malfunctions. God needn’t concern himself with kissing Scotty’s butt. Men do, however. Dave Johns certainly does. That is why he’s playing it safe:
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 09:46 | # Tha AOL poll posted by “someguy” is rather interesting. OK, it does not provide nearly enough fine-tuning for positions against white dispossession. “It bothers me” hardly hits the spot. And while it provides five racial categorisations from which participants must choose, the results do not appear to be available as a racial breakdown. That said, the present score is:- It bothers me: 47% total 32,386 Obviously, the great majority of non-white participants will vote in the latter two categories, against which I guess it needs to be said that voluntary polls will always emphasise the “bothered” end of the spectrum. So there’s a substantial factor boosting the two weak positions, and one boosting the strong position, such as it is. Let’s assume they counter-balance one another and, therefore, we can accept the result as indicative of white opinion. On that basis 47% “bothered” today is pretty damn promising from our point of view. There are two examples of opinion shift in recent British political history which are illuminating. One was the long, slow, one-way process of hardening opinion against the EU, and the other was the arising of anti-Union opinion in Scotland and, latterly and more rapidly, in England. Both shifts were informed by long-standing popular prejudices. The English have never been terrible keen on Johnny Foreigner across the English Channel. And the rivalry between England and Scotland is a mere 900 years old. These are firm foundations, but not as firm as full-blown racial competition between genetically distinct peoples. There are grounds to believe that awakening or something very close to it - close enough - is inevitable, even given the shiny compensations of consumer life, the dummy in the baby’s mouth, with which the elites hope to keep white America quiet. 58
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 13:15 | #
It’s not “defensiveness,” but telling a continually-sniping asshole who’s got some kind of bee under his bonnet and doesn’t know what in the goddamn hell he’s talking about and bores everyone to death to STFU. You’re a first-class moron, GT. You’re a pestering nitwit. You came away from other blogs because of the interpersonal flame wars there, and you start one here. And in a bizarrely sneaky way, too: lacking the straightforwardness to name the one you’re continually accusing of “easy online racialism” (whatever that’s supposed to be), you spend a year or so insinuating, till the guy you’re aiming it at finally figures out it’s got to be him. What a sneaky, insinuating creep you are. You’re pathetic. Go away! For the record, I’m not reading any more of this asshole’s commentary. I don’t come to this site to immerse myself in fricking creepiness or to end up with some kind of neurotic weirdo on my back who refuses to drop off. His putting this flame war above what’s at stake in the discussions here, by the way, reveals how his priorities go. I’m done with the asshole. 59
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 13:24 | # I will say again, for the record and for the third or fourth time if I’m not mistaken, I am in favor of GT’s idea of microcommunities and a barter economy if it works, or of any other idea that works. The problem is GT wants nothing else discussed. Sorry, GT, that part, the part about nothing else being discussed but your idea, is a non-starter. Ain’t gonna happen. 60
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 15:13 | # Further to Matra’s comment: I am interested in saving Christianity as the proper religion for Euros, if possible (if not possible then jettison it without so much as a second thought, most definitely: the choice between having the white race and having the Christian religion is a no-brainer, obviously). The Mormons, the Massachusetts Bay Pilgrim Fathers, the centuries of Southern slave-holding Christianity, the Christian Kinists, Ulstermen like the Rev. Ian Paisley, to an extent the Eastern Orthodox Church, and more, point to the possibility of a race-acknowledging Christianity which is non-universalist though non-universalist in a Christian race-respecting way, analogously to the demonstrated reality of a private-property-acknowledging, property-holding Christianity which is non-communist though in a Christian charitable help-the-poor way. If, according to Christianity, Christians aren’t allowed to have their race, then organized Christianity isn’t allowed to hold any property whatsoever (and that’s just for starters) but has to sell every scrap it owns that’s worth a penny and donate the proceeds to the poor. As long as the Vatican is sitting on art treasures and real estate all the money that ever existed in the world wouldn’t be enough to buy, instead of selling it off and donating the proceeds to the poor, I as a Christian am allowed to have my race. That’s not the only reason Christianity allows Christians to have and keep their race, it’s the most glaring in terms of the stupendous, nauseating hypocrisy of Catholicism and mainstream Protestantism today, as regards race. I as a Christian, because I’m a Christian, must lose my race? All right, the sodomites who run the Vatican aren’t the only ones who can play that game: two can play: they must lose every bit of property they own, every bit of personal rank they enjoy, and that’s just for starters: we go on from there once that’s done. There’ll be no Christianity left when I get through taking their effeminate race-denial to its logical conclusions. Hands off my race, Christians! To “Guest”: no I don’t have the reference for that. I looked for it recently but couldn’t find it on the internet. It’s something I remember reading in a university library in Europe decades ago, which popped up in my memory. 62
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 16:03 | #
Flesh-and-blood instantiation of the discoveries resulting from Prof. MacDonald’s scholarship: 63
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:47 | # Looking up this Harvard, MIT, and Brandeis University professor just now, Leonard J. Fein, who during the 1960s told Jews that Jews weren’t white whether figuratively or literally, I came to this book from 1968 and just finished reading pages 183 to 186 when I stopped because I’d had enough of confused, dishonest, stupid, hypocritical Jewish crap (little page-turing arrows are just above the page, to the right): here you see dumb Jews (and these are supposed to be top Jewish minds writing and speaking this crap) caught up in their own race hypocrisy, trying to resolve it, deal with it, get around it, but they can’t. In just these few pages lies a universe of understanding (if you know how to interpret it) of what the sixtes were all about and why, and how the sixties turned into the seventies, eighties, nineties, and today’s civilizational crises. If the stuff such as this which the Jews are perpetually doing, which they can’t seem to stop doing, if the sheer utter KUH-RAP, the pure el-sicko racial and other societal AGONY they’re going to continually put your poor country through, is what you get by letting Jews in any numbers settle in your country, then the best policy is to keep them the hell out. They’ve got their own country now, let them all go there and torture each other to death all they want (which is precisely what they’re doing over there). They can’t all fit there? OK, there’s Birobidzhan too: between Israel and Birobidzhan they can all fit. If necessary chop off the southern halves of the states of Florida and CaliThanksToTheJewsThirdWorldizedifornia and give them those, anything, ANYTHING, to get them and the agonies, the WOES, the unbelievable, neverending MISERIES, that follow them wherever they go the hell out of HERE. I have some Jewish grandparentage, and therefore wouldn’t be here if Jews were kept out. Isn’t what I’m calling for “pulling in the gangplank after I’ve gotten safely aboard”? DAMN STRAIGHT IT IS: I’M PULLING IN THE GANGPLANK AFTER I’VE GOTTEN SAFELY ABOARD! DAMN RIGHT! The Jews want to come aboard too? They want a warmer welcome? Then STOP ACTING LIKE ASSHOLES AND NATION DESTROYERS. No it’s not because the priest told me when I was seven that Jews killed Christ that I can’t stand you, that’s another one of your lies, your rationalizations, which you use as a substitute for facing the truth about yourselves. I can’t stand you not because of that (which never happened, by the way) but because you’ve TURNED MY GODDAMN COUNTRY THAT I LOVED INTO MINCEMEAT WITH YOUR OPEN BORDERS AND ALL THE REST OF YOUR JEWISH SHIT AND TORTURE. Since there’s as much chance of them stopping as there is of Alon Ziv marrying a Negro I somehow don’t think I gonna have to change my recommendation any time soon ... 64
Posted by skeptical on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 19:22 | # John, Yes, nearly all Western countries are well on their way to becoming non-White dystopias but some will get their sooner than others. And it would seem that America will be the first great Western power to fall victim to race-replacement. As America continues to rapidly transform itself into a third world wasteland with a dizzying array of nameless big box stores and strip malls I would hope that those countries who aren’t too far gone (by that point) will get the picture. 65
Posted by snax on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 21:32 | # Fred wants us to re-hash the same ‘ideas’ endlessly and counsels inactivity: Powell was the world’s greatest statesman for having the same ‘idea’ as 25 million Englishman, being in a position to do something about it, and DOING NOTHING. Jonathan Bowden, clearly a terrific intellect, communicator and potentially brilliant polemicist, has no reason to address our predicament directly, or explain it to a wider audience: if he wants to talk about art to small meetings of ‘thinkers’ that’s enough - please DON’T ENCOURAGE HIM! It is indeed strange. —- I’m sure GT’s secure enough not to need the reassurance, but I for one greatly appreciate his practical approach and also his ideas. 67
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 22:52 | # snax, None of us want inactivity, not Fred, not Jonathan Bowden (who actually joined the BNP for a brief period before running into Griffin trouble last year, as everyone does). Actually, it is a good thing, a heartening thing, that there is restlessness among us, and a searching for practical means. The weather-vane has moved, the wind is blowing cool and fresh. I, too, look at the world and want to grab hold of it with my bare hands. But can I do that today? I don’t have a way of answering in the positive at this point. Of course, GT - whose ideas I, like you, support - would say that 50 years of waiting has given us 50 years of failure. JWH would say the same thing. But that was then - a different time and a different political circumstance. I happen to believe that we need our people to be open to what we have to say. It was our isolation from them, as much as anything, which condemned us to those fifty years of failure. The opportunity to speak is coming close. It is the same opportunity that GT and maguire are waiting for to establish their strategy on the ground. Their way is Practic. Mine is the psychology and philosophy of Change for the Good. I believe my little area matters, and wish I wasn’t so dumb that I found it such a tough ask. To be completely truthful, I could do without being labelled an easy online racialist by someone I have a good relationship with off the blog! Still, the spur is to engage with the world, and that’s no bad thing - when the time is right, and I have something to bring to the party. 68
Posted by skeptical on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 00:06 | # Guessedworker, The problem, at least here in America, is that a great majority of our people have surrendered their minds to the media and its prevailing liberal vision for the future. Consequently, every attempt to lay the groundwork for a truly serious pro-White (or pro-European) organization has failed because its target audience has either been indifferent or hostile. Simply put, liberalism offers our people the broad and easy path where all that once was forbidden under the old Christendom is now allowed; Bosch’s garden of Earthly delights is theirs for the taking so long as they are willing to abandon their national character. And for the last five decades this has, apparently, been an acceptable deal for the White peoples. Paradise in their time in exchange for a future Hell that they won’t live to see. Hence, it is of no surprise that when an older generation of Americans is informed of the imminent displacement of their people the first remark that is bound to escape their lips is, “Good thing I’ll probably be dead by then.” I’m sure that the old in the U.K. would react similarly. One reaction to this unfortunate fact (born out of frustration) is to talk about abandoning our people and re-grouping in caves. Unpractical schemes that involve carving out a new nation (i.e. Vinland) from the American PNW or dropping out of the primary economy as much as possible and resuming for ourselves the problem of growing our own food. How an alienated 1% of America is to accomplish these grand schemes without even the indifferent consent of the country’s majority is left to the imagination. No, the answer lies in making the liberal bargain harder to swallow for each new generation of White people. We have to keep forcing our own to make the choice between certain race extinction and third world conditions or another few years of what a multicultural hyper-individualist consumer-centric society has to offer. And we should be more successful in this matter as our respective nations get closer and closer to the brink. 69
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 01:06 | # In my opinion, at the present time, the value of White separatist microcommunities lies in the safety from third-world savagery it can provide you and yours and a lack of dependence on the anti-White system that will free you up to engage in more effective activism. I’m seriously thinking of relocating to the country in the next few years myself. I am, however, sceptical that sufficient numbers of our people are willing to follow suit. And, if we don’t have the numbers, when ‘they’ come for us, and they will, we will be annihilated. The best we can do, in my opinion, is to save our own asses and lay the ground work for an effective (hopefully!) resistance to our ultimate extermination when the final crush comes. The worse conditions on the ground get for the average White person the more receptive they will be to doing what is necessary to ensure their own survival (and that of their people). May fortune have it that enough of them will be with us. 70
Posted by Stanley on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 04:53 | # Skeptical said above, “The problem, at least here in America, is that a great majority of our people have surrendered their minds to the media and its prevailing liberal vision for the future. Consequently, every attempt to lay the groundwork for a truly serious pro-White (or pro-European) organization has failed because its target audience has either been indifferent or hostile.” =================== In fact, on the Left Coast, we have had a series of organizations beginning with The Irish Task Force in San Jose (a long story) and proceeding through to the EAIF north of us now, and Resisting Defamation right here in northern California. I have to applaud Skeptical’s bringing up the reason that these groups fail, but it is not what the majority of the diverse white American peoples might or might not have surrendered their minds to. The problems are building a base—anyone can find 12 - 25 people—and providing governance and carefully rejecting infiltrators. Governing such organizations is a huge problem, and I am not sure why, but it happens over and over. We have the giant ego problem, and until white liberationists take thought about it, this will simply continue. Our group has spelled out its proposals for planning about this on this message board several times, but there seems to be no interest in any analysis about organizing on the ground. But the solutions are all there, already. It’s not television and film, it’s infiltration and bad leadership. 71
Posted by skeptical on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 05:52 | # Stanley, Yes, there are certainly a handful of organizations and institutions, but these have been invariably relegated to the fringe and aren’t in a position to save White America.
Do the ADL, NAACP, or SPLC worry about infiltrators? The mulattos that currently run the NAACP have ego problems as well but that doesn’t prevent them from sustaining some kind of national organization with major political influence. Personally, I wouldn’t expect anything less from our own. And yet… 72
Posted by Dan Dare on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 06:18 | #
To place this into some form of perspective that North American readers might relate to, a UK population of 109 million corresponds in terms of population density to a US population of almost 3.5 billion. What sort of society could the US conceivably sustain with 11 times its present population? 73
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 06:36 | #
And what sort of political class is permitting it to happen in either place, the UK or the US? Who’s giving the orders to thwart any and all oppostion to it? And why? 74
Posted by GT on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 07:52 | #
Fred is projecting. My opposition is to the endless re-hashing of failed strategy and esoteric ideas with nebulous or zero practical application. Yes, I laugh at the notion that ideas with a track record of failure should be taken seriously by sane individuals; for example, the dated and a-historical “idea” that military coups and “urban revolution” are viable options in a western nation. My disrespect for these ideas and the intelligence/motivation of its senior proponents offends. To regain “respectability” it is necessary for them to throw whatever is available and hope that something sticks, even at the short-term cost of appearing hypocritical. Why hypocritical? The only ideas routinely ignored and disrespected are those which criticize the non-movement’s endless “fascination” with the failed ideas of the past, and conflict with the modu$ operandi of its Internet bookclub$ and “activi$t” organizations.
Although Fred doesn’t know what “easy online racialism” is, he is offended by it. Apparently, this ‘nebulous’ concept is evidence of the motivation behind my coming to MR – which was to belabor him (or seek his “validation,” according to Johns). Fred’s hysterical and defensive reaction betrays guilt, a thin-skin, and paranoia. ———- Fred, despite the above it’s not too late to repent. White youngsters of college age need you to assist in providing them a low-cost CLEP preparatory education. 76
Posted by Dave Johns on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 13:21 | # GT, Why haven’t you answered Captainchaos’ question he asked of you on Friday, August 15, 2008 at 05:54 PM?
Inquiring minds would like to know. 77
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 06:16 | # “Hitler himself “I set up my fighting manifesto and tailored it deliberately to attract only
“Adolf Hitler had built the National Socialist movement in Germany not 78
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 07:02 | # If, as seems likely, the demographic future of the US is to resemble that of contemporary Brazil, it should be possible to self-segregate as the European - descended citizens of the 92% White, Brazilian state of Santa Catarina have, in the main, managed to do. 79
Posted by Guest on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 07:43 | # Al Ross I think it is very much possible, however we need a core of Whites who have our outlook. Also when the UN backed gun ban was held to national referendum the Brazilians voted it down. 80
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 16:34 | # The evidence reviewed below indicates that National Socialism developed in the context of group conflict between Jews and gentiles, and I propose that it may be usefully conceptualized as a group evolu-tionary strategy that was characterized by several key features that mir-rored Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy. 81
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 18:16 | # An example of the race the Jews can’t stand out of pure insane jealousy, and want to get rid of for good (and will get rid of if for good, too, if we let them). 83
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 18:31 | # (The “NEC” acronym used by JWH stands for “non-European Caucasian.” Each context will tell you which specific NEC group he’s talking about in each specific case. One in particular tends to ... uhhh ... predominate.) 84
Posted by Selous Scout on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 23:25 | # “If nothing else a devastated dystopian America should serve as some kind of recruiting tool for European nationalists.” I’ve been advocating this for years. Now, where do I (we) sign up? 85
Posted by bedtime4bonzo on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 00:20 | # Why should the Jews be jealous of Carolina Kluft? If you are talking athletic ability, maybe you have a point, maybe not. No, I can’t think of any great Jewish track stars, but Mark Spitz did win the same number of gold medals as Kluft. He won 7 in the 1972 Munich Games, more than she has won in any single Olympics. If it’s her looks, Kluft is attractive, but she is not Natalie Portman or Emmanuelle Chriqui. Portman Chriqui 86
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 01:13 | # How do you explain the Jews’ drive to genocide the Euros, Bonzo? And don’t do a disappearing act please: let’s have an answer. The Jewish habit is to pop up in a thread, fire off a few small-calibre rounds, then disappear without a trace instead of attempting to sustain an argument because they can’t sustain an argument. If Bonzo is a Jew we expect him to vanish without a trace now that he’s squeezed off a few small-arms pot shots. As for Jewish jealousy, damn straight they’re jealous of many things about the Euro race including their physical characteristics compared to those of Jews, and that jealousy is part of what feeds their genocidal Euro-hatred. We hear a lot about Euro Jew-hatred but precious little about Jewish Euro-hatred, perhaps a thousand times more potent. If you’re jealous of your rival’s looks — if you think on the whole he’s better-looking than you, as the Jews certainly do vis-à-vis the Euro races — one way to solve the problem would be to turn him into a monkey. But of course that’s only an imaginary solution, because Jews don’t exactly have magic wands for doing that ... turning Euros into monkeys ..... ... or do they? .... How about the Jewish-engineered 1965 It’s-Good-For-The-Jews Demographic-Slow-Death-to-Euros, Payback-For-That-Pogrom-In-The-Rheinland-In-The-Year-1190-Not-To-Mention-Payback-For-All-Those-Years-We-Had-To-Put-Up-With-Christmas Immigration Bill? Might that serve as the sought-after “magic wand” for the purpose? .... Yes, that ought to serve nicely, thank you very much; in fact it’s so doing already as we speak, right before our eyes. Sure enough, it’s working as planned, and pretty soon Jews won’t have to be jealous of their Euro rivals’ looks any more ... 87
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 01:21 | #
They’re jealous of the race, Bonzo, jealous of the race’s looks for one thing, and of other things about the race as well. I was providing an example of a race’s looks in posting that link, not intending to compare an individual’s looks with another individual’s looks. If you’re a Jew you’re one of the denser ones, I see. Any chance of getting an IQ boost before you post again? (Hey no offense, just trying to help.) 88
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 01:24 | # You’ve got good taste though, Bonzo — I agree, Natalie Portman is truly a striking beauty (though I strongly suspect she’s had a nose-job). 89
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 01:29 | # We only seem to get the really dumb Jews attracted to this site for some reason. Anyone know where the smarter ones post? 90
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 15:15 | # This one’s for Bonzo:
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 18:39 | # If, as seems likely, the demographic future of the US is to resemble that of contemporary Brazil, it should be possible to self-segregate as the European - descended citizens of the 92% White, Brazilian state of Santa Catarina have, in the main, managed to do. Where, of course, the European population sub-divides into it’s natural biologically distinct enclaves. Germans in the north, [“Pomerode, a small town where 90% of the population are of German-Brazilian heritage and most of the inhabitants speak German fluently” ], the Italians in the south and the Portuguese on the coast. Funny how it works that way. 92
Posted by silver on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 21:37 | # The Brazilian situation reflects historic settlement patterns more than self-segregation. The European immigrants largely settled in the south and south east, where they overwhelmed the locals by sheer weight of numbers. The northeast was were most of the black slaves were held and miscegenation between them and the colonial Portuguese was greatest. The north and west are mostly Portuguese-Indian mestizos, with smaller numbers of triracials. Rio and Sao Paulo were overwhelmingly European (and very beautiful) until the mass migrations of nordestinos got under way in the 60s and 70s. Nordestinos are arriving in the south but are said to face “discrimination,” meaning they’re not liked, which perhaps slows them down—but they still come. Old Rio in pics: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=462981
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPGbzhOtHeg Cariocas’ ease with the “colour-line” (watch the above) + nordestinos would lead to: 93
Posted by bedtime4bonzo on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:42 | # Fred, there are other examples of beautiful women of European descent. Most men don’t much care for women with masculine faces and no curves. How about Monica Bellucci? Or Penelope Cruz? Is it that Kluft is blond and Swedish, and thus less likely than these two southern Europeans to display what some here would call “NEC contamination”? If so, why not Kirsten Dunst (German-Swedish)? Or Maria Sharapova (a Russian of classic Slavic type)? Anyway, which is it? Jews are plotting to encourage Euros to intermarry but don’t do so themselves, or Jewish men are plotting to steal Euro women, and somehow importing Mexican Indians facilitates both these objectives? 94
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 05:44 | # Your and my personal tastes in women, Bonzo, isn’t the discussion and isn’t why I posted the Swedish woman. I posted her as an example of a race, nothing else: the race Jews hate most, are most jealous of, want most to destroy, and work hardest to exterminate.
Yes exactly, but leave off “are plotting.” Here, this is one way of putting it: “Jews encourage Euros to intermarrry [with Negroes first and foremost] but [refuse to] do so themselves. [This is not because they’re “liberals” but because they’re Jews, Jews fighting a tribal war of extermination against what they see as their mortal enemy, Euros. Forget ‘liberals.’ That has nothing to do with it.]”
Leave off “are plotting” and say lots of Jewish men exploit Euro women.
The main Jewish objective is to get Euros race-replaced. It facilitates that objective. 95
Posted by Concerned white on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 06:15 | # I am not sure where this should be posted. Race replacement poster card campaign I was thinking about a conscious raising exercise. White people would receive poster cards. They would be asked to check boxes for their desired race replacements or no race replacement. The post cards would have return mailing addresses for presidents and prime ministers. Post a comment:
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Posted by skeptical on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:12 | #
If nothing else a devastated dystopian America should serve as some kind of recruiting tool for European nationalists.
You can say of America, “They embraced ‘diversity’ and look at what happened to them. They lost everything.”