Postcivil Society: Urgent: Empty the Cities: Electromagnetic Pulse My Postcivil Society series on MR has focused on many threats and opportunities provided by the increasingly unbalanced nature of globalization, but none were so urgent as this: An imminent electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on the United States. Read on for why the neocons, who are promoting fear of this threat so as to justify preemptive war against Iran, may have outfoxed themselves while being correct in predicting an EMP attack with catastrophic consequences… Urgency First my justification for using the word “Urgent” in the title: Urgency is the state of facing rapidly decaying expected (risk-adjusted net-present) value, whether due to: 1) The rapid disappearance of an opportunity for gain, or Current geopolitics present a significant risk of an imminent attack on the United States which will result in the breakdown of centralized infrastructure hence the survivability of the centers of Jewish power in the US. This represents a potential loss for those co-located and unprepared. As the primary drivers of race-replacement are disabled, a zeitgeist vacuum will form. This represents a potential gain for those prepared. The greatest potential involves a false-flag operation, covertly supported by Russia and conducted by Sunnis—possibly involving even Al Qaeda itself—with USrael acting as useful idiot. Russia’s strategic objective? Trumping USrael’s capture of oil-rich (Shiite) Iran to become the world’s dominant superpower. The Factors Geopolitical disruptions of the likely-peaked oil resource supply are most effectively exploited by those who cause the disruptions since they possess critical information their competitors for oil do not. (This advantage, by the way, is left unmentioned by Jeff Vail’s afore-linked theory of oil supply disruptions, rendering such disruptions even more likely and sooner than Vail theorized.) As predicted by Ron Paul in 2002, USrael’s policy of preemptive war established precedent for Russia invading and capturing a critical portion of Georgia (not the US State). This has occurred as USrael’s paradigm is obviously failing. The neocon regime is facing a failing economy and an election in which their powerful coalition may suffer a humiliating political defeat in the US unless there is some sort of dramatic military action taken to stimulate the economy and distract the electorate. Such a defeat could well mean the end of USrael’s designs on Iran hence the middle east as a whole, so we must consider USrael to be on a hair-trigger. This is ideal for a false-flag operation. USrael’s hair-trigger can be tripped under conditions in which a nuclear retaliatory strike would be both likely and would result in geopolitical impotence for USrael. The False Flag Operation It should be clear from the history of USrael adventures in the middle east that concern about Al Qaeda is, at best, half-hearted. It is difficult to over-state the threat to the USrael zeitgeist of an Islamic state that, like Iran, understands human husbandry as well as a typical backwoods farmer—which means much better than USrael understands human husbandry—which then turns that primitive understanding into an explosion of engineering graduates (100,000 in 1979 to 2,000,000 in 2006) by maintaining a 2:1 female to male ratio in its engineering schools in profound contrast to the US where prime females are crammed into the harems of New York City and Hollywood. Rewarding your best engineers with harems of high quality females is not just eugenic—it is highly effective if you are playing technological catch-up with your strategic enemies. Jews cannot give up their de facto harems of captive nubile coeds, corporate concubines and Shiksas without losing control of the populations from which those females have been drawn—and just as importantly—they cannot tolerate a strategic enemy bringing them face to face with the fact of this cornerstone of their power over those populations. If there is anything that will make Jews irrational enough to suffer both a failure of judgment and loss of control of their dogs of war—this is it. Not oil. Peak oil will merely be the esoteric story they tell themselves to rationalize their irrational judgment and consequent behavior toward Iran—with their exoteric slogans continuing with the standard sophistries about “liberal democracy”. Hence the priority of Iran in USrael’s hysteria. USrael wants to believe Iran is the culprit behind anything remotely justifying a nuclear response. Moreover, by toying with nuclear technology, Iran is playing right into this hysteria, and this is what makes them the ideal patsy for a false flag operation. But, as Israel well understands, a mortal nuclear threat against the West doesn’t require a nuclear arsenal the size of Russia’s. A single nuke detonated at high altitude can disable the critical infrastructure of an entire continent. This is due to a consequence of high altitude detonations known as Electromagnetic Pulse. And quite conveniently for the USrael hawks, Congressional testimony (from the same man who ordered the launch of the Shuttle Challenger) has the Iranians testing a high altitude missile launched from a freighter and detonating at apogee: Exactly the scenario Israel must consider when establishing “mad dog” extortion against Western powers. Quoting the afore-linked article on pending legislation:
Of course, as is usual, USraelites like to conflate the interests of their urban centers with the interests of of the center of America, as illustrated by the following map: I’ve been thinking about scenarios like EMP and other “empty the cities” scenarios for some time, and as a consequence have just recently moved near the “ground zero” of the above map—not because I wanted to be at the center of the EMP, but because I know maps like this are the Big Lie used to scare the rural population into identifying with the truly threatened urban centers. If the EMP scenario occurs, it is most likely going to consist of a barrage of small nuclear weapons detonated at minimum altitude (say 40km) targeting all Jewish-dominated urban areas of the US with a sufficient EMP to disable their electronics—but not touch them with explosive force. This is due to a few considerations: 1) Small fission weapons are most energy efficient at producing EMP. Now, even at 40km it would be a challenge for Al Qaeda, or any other Sunni group, to figure out exactly what kilotonnage, as the measure of nuclear explosive, must be launched to what altitude, let alone set up rockets capable of 40km apogee with warheads of the appropriate size. Enter the Russians. Russia has more than enough ground-truth experiments with a wide variety of sizes and altitudes of nuclear devices to provide optimal advice to Sunni groups that may have already smuggled nuclear devices into key urban areas of the US. Moreover, recent decades have “cut loose” so many critical Russian nuclear technologists that plausible deniability is highly attainable. The only remaining problem is how to deliver these small nuclear warheads to 40km where Compton scattering will allow a them to target a fairly small ground footprint with EMP. Upon considering this problem the final piece of the puzzle fell into place for me: The minimum altitude at which Compton scattering can take place, giving rise to the EMP phenomenon, also happens to be, for very good physical reasons, the maximum altitude to which weather balloons can deliver significant payloads—say of the size of a (very) small fission device. All you need is a detonator that detects free-fall. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:31 | #
Could GT fit in that thing? 4
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:40 | # Of course, the trigger is a secondary (if that) consideration. I mention free-fall because it is a simple fail-safe device, assuming the balloon can carry sufficient payload to burst altitude (which is the obvious maximum altitude of the balloon). As to the minimum yield and weight of a warhead required for low altitude, minimum foot-print EMP attack, I would have to defer to the Russians who would, undoubtedly, have many alternatives for nuclear detonation. 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 22:03 | # Melba, just be thankful you’re not in one of those New York City or Hollywood harems. 6
Posted by Guest on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 00:34 | # Interesting scenario except 911 was strictly kosher: 7
Posted by zuwr on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 20:15 | # “like Iran, understands human husbandry as well as a typical backwoods farmer—which means much better than USrael understands human husbandry—and that then turns that primitive understanding into an explosion of engineering graduates (100,000 in 1979 to 2,000,000 in 2006) by maintaining a 2:1 female to male ratio in its engineering schools “ Interesting observation. I remember reading that Iran has a falling birthrate and would also suggest that university education for females has something to do with it. Why not eliminate the subsidizes that encourage females to go the humanities route in college? That is, no financial aid for fields outside of math, science, and technology. That would help fix the sex segregation in college majors. Also, allow people to discharge student loan debt in bankruptcy which eliminate a subsidy for indoctrination. 8
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 16:48 | # Both suggestions are significant advances over the backwoods farmer understanding of human husbandry—which means they are both even further from what is possible for USrael (although not for Israel itself, which seems to reserve a tiny number of neurons for human husbandry for Jews in Israel). I actually had not thought of the prohibition of student loans from bankruptcy protection as a subsidy for indoctrination, but now that you mention it—I can see fewer female students will be thinking about the onerous terms of their student loans than will loan officers providing those loans. Good catch there. Post a comment:
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Posted by melba peachtoast on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:10 | #
Free-fall? What happens to a helium balloon? Does it pop when it gets that high? Even if so, wouldn’t multiple weather balloons be used for a significant payload? One thinks of those fellows who ascend in lawn chairs beneath grotesque grapelike clusters. The whole cluster wouldn’t fail at once. So altitudinal envelope failure wouldn’t work as a trigger.
One of my wallies has escaped from the Faraday cage that I use as a disciplinary apparatus. I must go and chastise it.