Political Platform for Mayoral Candidates

Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 23 September 2010 16:25.

Below the fold is a first-draft of a political platform for racialist mayoral candidates.

Ethnic neighborhoods of New York City.  Red: Caucasian, Blue: Negroid, Green: Mongoloid, Orange: Mesoamerican, Grey: Other.

1) Race is only a paramount issue because immigration and integration are an experimental treatment of society imposed on people who did not give their informed consent to be “cured” of their so-called “disease” of preferring self-determination.  In this context, to say that I am obsessed with “race” is like saying I am obsessed with freedom.

2) My economic platform consists of the following planks:

I. All current local taxes are abolished and in their place is a single tax on land value.  Land value is determined by the highest bid for that land.  Bids shall be placed in escrow with the City.  The City can place bids.  All land shall have a bid in escrow with the City.  Escrowed bids return the same interest rate that the City pays on its outstanding debt.

II. Land value tax, escrowed land bids, escrow interest and use-fees are optionally payable in a local monetary unit called City dollars, issued by the City, the quantity of which shall be fixed to be equal to the number of national dollars of land value within the City limits as of the first assessment.  Subsequent to the first assessment, the exchange rate between City dollars and national dollars shall be established by the market.

III. As a first step toward privatizing all City services: City services that were paid for out of taxes shall instead derive those revenues as a use-fee.  No salaries or other benefits are to be paid to elected officials unless those elected officials are paid out of such a use-fee.

IV. All tax, land rent and escrow interest revenues collected by the City shall be paid out equally to all Members of the City.  A Member of the city is an individual adult resident who is accepted by 2/3 of the other City members residing in the same Neighborhood.  The votes for acceptance by Members should be continuously registered and published and have immediate effect.

V. Neighborhoods:
  a. Are created by any individual or group of individuals residing on contiguous lots of the City by submitting a single document containing its entire body of law, not to exceed 10,000 words.  No legislation nor amendment or addition is permitted.  Neighborhoods live or die by their “DNA” as embodied in their immutable laws. 
  b. Are responsible for establishing their own police protection and for coordinating with other neighborhoods for the enforcement of Neighborhood Law. 
  c. Are legal persons that may be sued for their respective revenue streams.
  d. May not be enclaves.  A Neighborhood surrounded by another Neighborhood ceases to exist and becomes part of the surrounding Neighborhood.
3) A City ordinance:

I. Movement of any assembly larger than 2 reproductively mature males across neighborhood boundaries will be subject to stop by neighborhood police on reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.
II. Movement of any assembly larger than 5 reproductively mature males across neighborhood boundaries requires a permit.  “Swarming” or any activity whereby an assembly becomes unidentifiable during movement across neighborhood boundaries, is criminal fraud.
III. All Neighborhood border enforcement is by Neighborhood police. 
IV. The sole concern of City police shall be the protection of the City limits and enforcement of Judgements in disputes between neighborhoods.


Q: Are there precedents for obtaining municipal revenue from Land Value?
A: That’s what Chinese cities currently use and their economic growth is unprecedented in history.  See 15:50 in this video:

Q: What prevents a conspiracy from taking over a neighborhood?
A:  The public nature of voting for Members is so that neighborhood defectors can be identified and excluded.  The delivery of social goods is handled by the City Members since they are the recipients of the City’s land value tax revenue.  The more cohesive a Neighborhood, the more of the City’s land value, per capita, is enjoyed by that Neighborhood.

Q: Who would vote for such radical local self-determination?
A: It will resonate with those Anglo-Saxons whose individualistic genes still speak to them.

Q: Why are groups of “reproductively mature males” so threatening?
A: Again, the individualistic Anglo-Saxon character is not prone to form informal gangs.  This makes them, particularly the young males, vulnerable to the predisposition of the young males of other ethnic groups to form gangs. This totally eliminates gang activity.  It has precedent in old Norse law which treated individual men as humans and treated gangs of men as beasts known in the mythology as giants, serpents and dragons, depending on their scale and actions.  Anglo-Saxon men, individualistic as they are, form only temporary groups under a formal declaration of their intent, sometimes called a declaration of war and other times an oath to a military leader.  Once the objective of the declaration or oath to slay a giant, serpent or dragon is accomplished, they resume individualistic lives with their own nuclear families. The presence of a permanent Neighborhood police force, a kind of standing army under oath, is a compromise with the necessities of an Anglo-Saxion nation being invaded by less individualistic types.

Q: This platform is in violation of State, Provincial or National Law X. Its a non-starter.  Isn’t your candidacy therefore simply tilting at windmills at best?
A: If the majority votes for this platform. it would be a clear assertion of self-determination by the people of our City.  The central governments have, long ago, abrogated their duty to citizens by failing to protect the territory from immigrants not welcomed by the men of the nation—a duty taken on by central governments when they outlaw the individualistic traditions of Anglo-Saxons, such as single combat to the death between reproductive age men.  Since it is unlikely that the governments will allow their officers to be challenged to single combat to the death by young men who have to witness the girls they grew up with being raped by immigrants admitted by those officers, there is only one option left:  self-determination of bodies politic, such as Cities.

Q: If some family owns a home of value $100,000 and some malicious business owner (over) bids $150,000 does that mean that particular family will have to start paying taxes based on $150,000 and not just $100,000 which would be a more fair appraisal of the property value?

A: First of all, keep in mind this is not a “property” tax, but a land value tax.  In the real estate market, land value is also called “site value” or “lot value”.  But to get to the essence of your question:  The bid in escrow means the family has the option close the deal and accept the $150,000 in exchange for their title to the land on which their home sits.

Q: So what good is ownership of the land if the owner cannot build anything he wants on it?  What good is the house on the land if the owner of the land decides to put up a building of his own on the land?
A: The owner of the land is not entitled to alter the land so long as the owner of the house pays the escrow fee for the current bid on the land.  The owner of the land can, however, enjoy a tax free capital gains on the land value.

Q:  Doesn’t this mean land speculation will run rampant?
A: When a government exercises eminent domain to grab land for some public facility, such as a road or rail right-of-way, it is engaging in land speculation.  This privatizes such eminent domain land speculation so that private entities can clear rights of way or other areas which will enjoy an increase of land value due to some development in which they will invest.




Posted by PF on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 16:57 | #

Fragments of a future blueprint for America 2.0. I like this one. Its like a much more pragmatic Constitution. Nice work James.

I imagine thinking like this will minimize the otherwise inevitable white-on-white conflicts which will pop up in addition to our racial ones “when things really get going”. Its a way to re-civilize, regroup, and prevent Mad Maxx scenarios after a period of chaos. I hope the fact that this requires thinking to appreciate doesn’t act as a barrier to people keeping it handy when it might become applicable.


Posted by Matt Parrott on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 18:34 | #

This plan presumes infinite political capital and doesn’t appear to have or account for any constituency at all.

The entire point of a political platform is to speak to the actual concerns of the constituents and interest groups that determine who becomes the mayor.

How do you intend to keep the bureaucrats you wish to bounce en masse from organizing into a powerful political coalition against your candidacy?

How does a police shakedown when my dad, brother, and I attempt to go fishing in a pond in the neighborhood beside my home neighborhood jibe with Anglo-Saxon individualism?

On what planet is this platform to be applied?

Am I missing something, here?


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 19:53 | #

Well, Matt, what planet are you on?


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 20:11 | #

PF, you’re correct that the most likely scenario in which this platform will actually be implemented is in the aftermath of the increasingly inevitable implosion we’re witnessing.  However, part of that implosion is introducing such radical ideas to the populace and letting them think about what territory really means to them under a treasonous “powerful political coalition” consisting of elites that, aside from being increasingly “hated”, are suffering from a decreasing grip on their already-tenuous hold on realities important to their power.


Posted by Matt Parrott on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 20:25 | #


On my home planet, politics is the art of the possible. If this platform is to be applied on Earth, then it would need to be compatible with Earthlings and their ways. Their problems are not with “government”, per se, but with this specific government, which is hostile and unaccountable. If it were friendly and accountable, as is the case in Japan, China, Israel, and many other non-White nations, the organizational structure and system of taxation would be parochial considerations.

And therein lies my alternative mayoral platform for racialist candidates: Friendliness and Accountability!

Are you looking for a candidate who will take the practical steps necessary to make our streets safe enough for our White American children to play in? Put the Parrott on YOUR shoulder!

Are you looking for a candidate willing to do the hustling and horse-trading necessary to lure blue-collar factory jobs back to town without being side-tracked by ideological abstractions? Put the Parrott on YOUR shoulder!

Are you looking for a candidate whose platform doesn’t make your brain hurt? Put the Parrott on YOUR shoulder!

I know I’m kind of being a smartass here, but I think I am making a salient point that White Advocates aspiring to political success need to adapt their tactics to be compatible with the basic nature of the democratic election process.


Posted by flippityfloppity on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 21:16 | #

I didnt read past item 3, but am wondering what City is this for Tel Aviv or somewhere in Queens?  I dont think you can get away with it anywhere else.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 21:32 | #

Matt, if you want to get into campaign sloganeering, which is what you are really talking about, we can have that discussion.  The fact that you want to conflate articulation of a political platform, entailing substantive consequences subject to analysis, with electioneering tactics is evidence that you aren’t really up to either task.

Let me give you an example:

“You want lower taxes and a check deposited in your bank account every month from the city?  Vote for Bowery!”
“You want to live in a neighborhood where you like the people and the people like you?  Vote for Bowery!”
“You want to get City Hall off your back and out of your Neighborhoods?  Vote for Bowery!”
I could go on, but since I’ve just won the election against Parrot on my planet, what’s the point?


Posted by Sam Davidson on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 22:08 | #

Applied Autism - the perennial candidate of choice.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 23:15 | #

“You want lower taxes and a check deposited in your bank account every month from the city?  Vote for Bowery!”

This alone is the genius of JB’s plan. He looks the homeowner in the eye and promises to address his/her self-interest. People don’t really care about safe streets or neighborhood, because unless they’re a victim of crime, they will not act adaptively. And as LaGriffe has posited, neighborhoods go black, they don’t integrate. The individual will serve their individual interests by moving away. They will not stay and fight as a group for their neighborhood. However, if health care, lower taxes and a cheque in you bank account is promised and delivered, then policy is left to the elected officials.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 11:01 | #

People don’t really care about safe streets or neighborhood, because unless they’re a victim of crime, they will not act adaptively. And as LaGriffe has posited, neighborhoods go black, they don’t integrate. The individual will serve their individual interests by moving away.

The Anglo-Saxon diaspora will not rise up against those dispossessing them because they are not tied to the land as the Polish serfs were.  There is at least in the short term an escape.  But that is not the full story.  They are being dispossessed per se yet do nothing to stop it.  Why?  They are subordinated to a Weltanschauung which cannot countenance defiance.  One which deems exclusive possession of territory by them, or corporate action on their part, as manifestly illegitimate.  Corporate action - which would be required of them anyway to function as a people in diaspora as you suggest they should now - would be necessary.  And even if through mass, though individual, initiative they manage to stop their dispossession, so long as this is merely individual in character and not corporate their own elites will simply dispossess them again at a later time when it is in the self-interest of those elites to do it.  The only solution, then, is a new Weltanschauung which empowers elites to lead the Anglo-Saxon diaspora collectively whilst legitimating this in the minds of those who adhere to that Weltanschauung.  Something that conceives of their alleged universal moral beneficence as being bound to their blood, a sort of light unto the nations thing, and hence the necessity of preserving their blood, could do the trick.  Judaized as it is.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 11:20 | #

The key to reigniting Anglo-Saxon materialism consistent with their self-interest at the corporate level is through their moral vanity.  They must believe they are acting towards moral ends in some transcendent sense though really and obviously they would be acting selfishly.  Saying to themselves, as the Krauts did, that we will take this s*** at the expense of others because we want it will not do.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 12:47 | #

DJ, to be clear, the “policy”—delivery of social goods—will be entirely up to the respective Neighborhood’s City Members.  These are folks who have to be accepted as peers by 2/3 of the existing City Members of their Neighborhood.  That’s a pretty steep hill to climb in some circumstances but it is far from the kind of elite I suspect you are thinking of.

CC, the Anglo-Saxon “moral vanity” here is being served by the impartiality of the rules.  Immigrants and others who _claim_ individualism is merely a culturally determined character will be up against the real thing.  Anglo-Saxons will be playing by their own genetic rules far more than they are now.


Posted by PF on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 17:27 | #

Put the Parrott on YOUR shoulder!

its a precious moment when the eyeball lands on something like this.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 18:13 | #

Put the Parrott on YOUR shoulder!

its a precious moment when the eyeball lands on something like this.

Yep. I can’t help pondering this: If a Parrott goes on the shoulder, where would a Bowery go?


Posted by PF on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 18:23 | #

Mr. Marr,

I think a bowery would go over the head, right, like Adam and Eve’s nuptial bower described in Paradise Lost.

Where would a Marr go?

Where would you put a Renner?


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 18:28 | #

I can’t help pondering this: If a Parrott goes on the shoulder, where would a Bowery go?

Please refrain from considering this question as it might relate to a Scrooby.


Posted by Notus Wind on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 18:29 | #

Where would a Marr go?

Where would you put a Renner?

Yeah, but at least we know where wind comes from.


Posted by PF on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 19:14 | #

Bowery wrote:

Anglo-Saxon men, individualistic as they are, form only temporary groups under a formal declaration of their intent, sometimes called a declaration of war and other times an oath to a military leader.  Once the objective of the declaration or oath to slay a giant, serpent or dragon is accomplished, they resume individualistic lives with their own nuclear families.

Yeah, this is pretty much how things have been for me. Only form a gang temporarily, after an oath to slay a giant, or a serpent or dragon.

I think we should fuse Bowery and Parrott’s approaches: I call it the mixed Man-of-the-People/Reclusive-Genius ticket. There is something for everyone. The campaign slogan would be something like this:

When a government exercises eminent domain to grab land for some public facility, such as a road or rail right-of-way, it is engaging in land speculation.  This privatizes such eminent domain land speculation so that private entities can clear rights of way or other areas which will enjoy an increase of land value due to some development in which they will invest. Put the Parrott on YOUR shoulder!


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 20:30 | #

Where would you put a Renner?

I’m not sure, but in its case insensitive form, it won’t matter which end goes first.


Posted by PF on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:23 | #

That medallion is cool. Who is that he’s trampling underfoot and lancing through? Is that a reproductive age male that wanted to go fishing in the local creek without permission?


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:51 | #

Left or Right, Renner for royaM.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 22:28 | #

Dyslexics will untie in their support of Renner as he sires against the enemies of dogs.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 22:47 | #

Yes the Poles were tied to the land by the legal constraints of serfdom/slavery, however, if they acted adaptively on a group level, it would not matter. They did not. Ultimately it is the Cossack that breaks the back of the arenda. If the Polish nobility displayed an interest in furthering the EGI of their fellow Poles employing the “Other” to squeeze every last penny from the soul of their fellow ethny would be ill-advised. Any individual/kinship reaction by the Poles (minor pogroms etc.) met with legal coercion to the full extent of the law. Yes you are correct. “They are subordinated to a Weltanschauung which cannot countenance defiance.” However, if the adaptive action was initiated at a group level, it would not matter. But it’s not. Those that step out of line are largely rogue individuals who are subject to the full coercion and brutality of the law.

For instance, defense of group served capital in the South because a few individuals had a four billion dollar asset to protect.  However today, Hilary Clinton pushes standardized stoves for Africa because the carbon credits garnered by such action reap huge financial rewards. Even the Tea Party (Do we look like racists?) is a bunch of self-interested individuals acting adaptively. They’ve lost their job, face foreclosure, increased taxes and health care costs but show no commitment toward furthering the genetic interests of whites. Palin and Beck laud MLK as a savior. Beck, and some English Jew, suggest Moses was a man of love and peace. He suggests MLK led a peaceful revolution for freedom when a quick search for the Hough riot shows the Martin sitting with a smiley faced picaninny. It makes no sense if there is a group adaptive force in play, but there isn’t.


The genius of Hitler was his ability to serve the individual German’s self-interest. Stoddard’s book is filled with examples of well-being. In particular, though austere, health care was provided to every German. Polls show that the majority of Germans did not believe that Hitler invaded Poland to save ethnic Germans and yet they supported the policy because the Fuhrer provided for their individual needs.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 22:52 | #

Hey! I’m really beginning to dig the renneR. He made me laugh out loud when he intimated he was bummed out at the fact he didn’t have his own page at the SPLC site.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 23:26 | #

I’m really beginning to dig the renneR. He made me laugh out loud when he intimated he was bummed out at the fact he didn’t have his own page at the SPLC site.

Who needs Morris Seed? If we untie behind renneR, we could get a page with the SPCA.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 23:59 | #

PF, do you really not recognize St. George and the Dragon?

I suppose the Dragon might have Gone Fishing—it certainly seems to be the case nowadays.


Posted by Sam Davidson on Sat, 25 Sep 2010 03:35 | #

Again, the individualistic Anglo-Saxon character is not prone to form informal gangs.  This makes them, particularly the young males, vulnerable to the predisposition of the young males of other ethnic groups to form gangs.

Let’s approach this from another angle.

White Europeans are the race most capable of forming extended social bonds. In short, we’re capable of functioning with total strangers whereas virtually all other races are clannish and tribalist. Steve Sailer once wrote an article describing how a major turning point in his life was when he visited Latin America and noticed that the locals were no less industrious or driven than their northern neighbors. However, he noticed that a key difference was that these darker races had an inability to function beyond the level of an extended family. They were too clannish and too distrustful of strangers. The results: drug cartels, gang wars, systemic bribery, violence, etc…

Mexican leader Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna had the honesty to admit this in the 1830s:

”...it is very true that I threw up my cap for liberty with great ardor, and perfect sincerity, but very soon found the folly of it. A hundred years to come my people will not be fit for liberty. They do not know what it is, unenlightened as they are, and under the influence of a Catholic clergy, a despotism is the proper government for them, but there is no reason why it should not be a wise and virtuous one.”


Posted by Wanderer on Thu, 30 Sep 2010 17:36 | #

Desmond Jones wrote:

Polls show that the majority of Germans did not believe that Hitler invaded Poland to save ethnic Germans



Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 30 Sep 2010 23:22 | #

65.  ( Germany Oct 4 ‘46) Many people maintain the entire German people are guilty of the war for having brought into power a government which wanted to get the whole world into war. Do you believe that the German people are guilty on this basis? (omgus)
Yes   5%
No   92
No opinion   3
No answer   *
* Less than 0.5%.

66. ( Germany Dec 10 ‘46) Do you believe that the German people are guilty for the war because they let a government come to power which wanted to bring war upon the world? (omgus)
Yes, in part   28%
No   67
No opinion   5
No answer   *
* Less than 0.5%.

67. ( Germany Dec 10 ‘46) Did Germany attack Poland because she wanted to protect the Germans living there from Polish mistreatment? (omgus)
Yes   21%
No   46
No opinion   33
No answer   *
* Less than 0.5%.


Under the editorial direction of


Prepared by Mildred Strunk



Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 01 Oct 2010 15:18 | #

I’d like to see the renneR for royaM campaign can put this platform to good use against the recently announced competition.

PS. Someone out there in in cyber-security has a great sense of humor. The security code I need to copy to post this comment is nat88ional


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 01 Oct 2010 17:10 | #

We try to please.

Hey, my Captcha is soc92ial.


Posted by Wanderer on Fri, 01 Oct 2010 21:05 | #

Desmond thank you for that. Have you reproduced the entirety of this publication somewhere online?

A few thoughts:
Starkly different results were derived for the same question: #65 (October ‘46) vs. #66 (December ‘46).


Winter 1946-1947 was a dark time in Germany. A bitter winter, the coldest in living memory. Still-bombed-out sections of many cities. Fuel and food shortages. Frost became (and stayed) thick on the inside walls of residential homes till spring thaw. Literally thousands of Germans were starving to death and freezing to death, daily, through that winter. (Even U.S. Military personnel had to ration fuel on-base: Heating and hot water were only available at certain hours).

Germans, observing this bleak situation all around them, would surely be led into pessimism and cynicism. This must have boosted the “Yes” responses in #66 and the “No” responses in #67. Both were taken in December of 1946. Just as the biggest wave of starvations and freezings-to-death ever in Germany (and the whole of Continental Western Europe) in Industrial times was starting.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 01 Oct 2010 21:18 | #


Questia has it, but at a cost.

I don’t know why and I’ll say that the differences, generally, are not vast and strongly point to a verdict of not guilty from the German people. The impact on the yes and no responses may have been affected, but another poll showed a significant commitment to National Socialism, by the German people, during the same time frames. This surprised me. I expected with the Allied boot firmly planted upon their neck they would forsake NS in the thousands, but they didn’t, so it gives a bit of credence to their other responses.


Posted by Wanderer on Fri, 01 Oct 2010 21:28 | #

I’ve seen something about that, in 1947 or something Germans still saying “National-Socialism is a good idea” at a high rate. By the late 1950s this had dwindled to only 2% or something still willing to say so.

BTW, another possible criticism of the polling results posted above is more mundane and deals with the concept of the “leading question”.

Consider if #67 were phrased as follows: “Do you think the war with Poland came about (at least in part) because of widespread official and unofficial mistreatment of ethnic-Germans under Polish rule?” I’d bet a nickel on the spot that the results would show a majority giving a “Yes” answer. The only surer-thing is to bet on the religion of the next FED Chairman.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 21:05 | #

See the video now added to the original post.

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uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:05. (View)

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uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 19:08. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:15. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 01:30. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:04. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Thu, 06 Feb 2025 22:44. (View)
