Anti-racist, or anti-white?

Posted by Guest Blogger on Tuesday, 21 September 2010 23:17.

by Adelheim

We have all heard politicians talk about diversity, tolerance, understanding, multiculturalism, immigration, integration, assimilation, the melting pot, and so on.  What do they mean by this?  And what is their long-term goal?

“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.”

So says former Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev, whose magazine is called Race Traitor.

Anti-racists will rarely admit their goal as clearly as Professor Ignatiev does.  Anti-racists generally will not call themselves “race traitors” or “anti-white,” nor will they call white genocide their goal. Instead of saying it directly, they call themselves “anti-racist” and then argue for “a melting pot” where all will be mixed and become brown.

This goal of abolishing the white race can be divided into four basic stages:

(1) The demonization of whites. Another term for this is what is often referred to as “white guilt”;

(2) Third world immigration into all white countries and only into white countries;

(3) Forced integration as the first step towards assimilation. Assimilation is not directly forced but everybody who opposes it is condemned for being “racist”;

(4) In addition, anyone who speaks out against any part of the process of white genocide will be denounced as a “racist”, or as a “white supremacist”, or as a “naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

The demonization of whites, i.e. the white guilt complex, makes white people accept non-white immigration, integration and assimilation, leading to a melting pot where all formerly white countries turn brown, thus eventually eliminating the white race.

Consider the arguments that the so-called anti-racists use:

Why must white countries have immigration? A commonly used argument for why America must accept immigration is because white people took the land away from the native Americans. If that really was the case one might start to wonder why Germany must accept immigrants. For as we all know, Germans never took their land away from Indians or any other non-white group.

Then you will notice that anti-racists change their argument. They will now talk about the evil Nazis, Hitler, and the Holocaust. They say it would be a disgrace if Germany, with such a history, would discriminate and not take in non-whites.

So what about Britain and France? Britain and France never took their land from anyone nor did they support Hitler. Notice that the anti-racists change their arguments again and pretend to be objectively interested in former colonial powers taking in immigrants from former colonies.

What about Iceland? The people of Iceland did not take the land away from anyone, nor did they support Hitler, nor did they have any colonies. Again the anti-racists will change their arguments in order to support immigration and say that Iceland has an ageing population needing more workers.

If you have argued with so-called anti-racists, you will notice that they always have many arguments for why white countries must have immigration. These arguments, taken as single cases, may seem genuine.

However, consider Japan: Japan was allied with Hitler, had colonies and also has an ageing population. But Japan does not have massive third world immigration. Do anti-racists condemn Japan, and accuse Japan of being a racist country? No! That is because anti-racists are purely anti-white, not anti-Asian.

Anyone who opposes this agenda is automatically accused of being racist.

The agenda says that the white race is a social construct ... except when someone is to be blamed.

Another argument is that the white race does not exist and therefore there is no good reason to preserve it. Who is white, the anti-whites will ask?

Anti-whites pretend to have problems with identifying who is white and who is not when people who want to preserve the white race confront them. But at the same time they have no problems identifying who is white when they talk about slavery, colonization, the Holocaust, discrimination, racism and so on.

Anti-racists know, as does everybody, who is white and who is not. The reason they deny the existence of the white race is because they are justifying white genocide. And remember: nothing justifies genocide!

“Anti-racist” is just a code word for anti-white.

Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide from 1948 defines genocide as any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to
bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Anti-racists, as we know, are anti-white. They are going after all white countries and only white countries. Through their forcing of immigration, integration and assimilation into all white countries, and only white countries, they have shown their intent to destroy the white race in whole. They are deliberately inflicting on the white race conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole.

Whatever weapons these anti-whites come up with, whether the lynching of blacks in the American South in times long gone, or the mass killing of Jews in Germany three generations ago, it is all to justify genocide against the completely innocent generations of whites today.

These anti-whites think this way. Whatever has been done in the past or whatever is being done in the present, it can all be used to justify the genocide and elimination of the white race. Period.

What is our goal as whites?

We who are pro-white want to preserve our race. We believe that all races have the right to exist, including our race. And it is usually when we say this, and include our race, that these people who call themselves anti-racists get mad. We are fighting for our existence, for the right to live.

In the worldview of an anti-white, there is simply no place for white people. In contrast, according to our worldview there is a place for all races, including the white race.

Tags: Anti-racism



Posted by Kievsky on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 01:19 | #

Some really good points, especially the answer to “who is white?”  Well, you guys sure know who is white when its time to discriminate us against us with affirmative action now, don’t you?  When it is bad for us, you have no problem identifying the white race!  Anyone whose not eligible for affirmative action, and whose countries are to be opened to non-white immigration!


Posted by Dige on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 03:45 | #

Even if you are a liberal or respectable conservative, it is now obvious that Whites across the globe, have been targeted for genocide by assimilation.

Its time to stop having discussions with and trying to prove things to those, that have genocidal intentions towards us and to just expose them for what they are.

Anti-racist is a code word for ant-White.


Posted by Durotrigan on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:13 | #

An excellent dissection of the ‘anti-racist’ sophistry that saturates our political and media environments. Whenever we write articles, debate with opponents or discuss such matters with friends and family, we must constantly highlight the logical contradictions of ‘anti-racist’ discourse and the specious nature of its rationalisations. We must also illustrate that this false discourse is deeply embedded in mainstream reporting, as well as in popular television drama, film and fiction, and tear apart particularly egregious pieces of anti-white journalism and entertainment as a means of exposing the reality of this ugly, warped ideology. Our aim should be to change the consciousness of all white peoples so that it is purged of misplaced racial guilt. Then, our future will be assured.


Posted by pug on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 13:26 | #

Slightly relevant to the entry is the following article describing the behaviour of adherents of modern liberalism: Kill Whitey. It’s the Right Thing to Do.


Posted by Tilly on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:10 | #

The European White race has been earmarked for extermination not just via supposed assimilation - (normally, it’s the alien incomer who’s meant to do the assilimating), but forced integration with every category of non-White alien on the planet who’ve been deliberately enabled by the multiple group-headed Bilberberg cabal, to invade every ancestral White homeland for that specific purpose.

Their genocide agenda is comprised of a broad-brush variety, ie, discriminatory employment practices in favour of non-White aliens only, (Affirmative Action), removal of indigenous White free speech and orchestrated systematic fullscale demographic replacement of native White inhabitants both in their respective communities and in high-profile positions across the political, judicial, fiscal and social infrastructures of each country.

In addition, we are now witnessing a blatant acceleration of this planned genocide via outright ethnic cleansing in the shape of ever-increasing incidents of overt crimes of rape and murder perpetrated by several elements of the enabled non-White alien planter hordes themselves, effectively with impunity.

Let me state, therefore, this genocide is not just taking place in the form of forced integration/assimilation, it’s also being encouraged in the form of mass murder.

One might well say that the guilty parties positioned within our territories are getting their personal revenge for the Nazi holocaust whilst conveniently sidestepping their own previous holocausts against White nations, eg, the Bolshevik Revolution not to mention their covert involvement in countless others of past centuries through setting White nations against each another and the aiding and abetting of hostile attacks and invasions by non-European and anti-Christian enemies.

These malevolent parasites along with our own racial traitors (Useful Idiots) have to be made to pay an even greater price for their perpetual hate and evil doings against the White race.  It appears, they have not yet learnt well enough from their numerous previous misdeeds.


Posted by uh on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:32 | #

non-White alien planter hordes

Winner for Handiest Dysphemism of The Year.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 16:01 | #

Excellent letter by Tilly.  Can’t be improved upon.  (Gee I wonder if Tilly thinks “we’re doing it to ourselves”?  Uhhhh ...... maybe I’d better not ask ....................)


Posted by Irish Anti-Commie on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 19:34 | #

So what about Britain and France? Britain and France never took their land from anyone nor did they support Hitler. Notice that the anti-racists change their arguments again and pretend to be objectively interested in former colonial powers taking in immigrants from former colonies.

The argument put forward in Ireland is because the Irish suffered racism and discrimination in other countries and were colonized in the past, we have to take in immigrants and not complain.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 20:06 | #

“The argument put forward in Ireland is because the Irish suffered racism and discrimination in other countries and were colonized in the past, we have to take in immigrants and not complain.”  (—Irish Anti-Commie)

That’s like saying because the Japs in 1945 got A-bombs dropped on their heads the Japs today have to have A-bombs dropped on their heads.  It’s like saying the members of the Polish officer corps and Polish intelligentsia in 1941 received each a bulllet in the back of the neck in the Katyn Forest, so today’s Poles have to receive each a bullet in the back of the neck.  Makes sense.  What also makes sense is when people have the opportunity, the perfect opportunity in the total privacy of the voting booth, to vote these son of a bitch bastards out at election time, vote them out by simply voting for the BNP or Le Pen, roughly one-quadrillionth of one percent do so.  The other ninety-nine and quadrillion quadrillionths minus one-quadrillionth percent vote to keep them in.  Makes a lot of sense.  Huge huge huge amounts of sense it makes.  It must be me who’s the slow one, who can’t quite figure it out but hey that’s just me I’m not the brightest bulb on the tree.  I bet it’s Professor Ferdinand von Whatsisname who puts forth that argument in Ireland.  And I bet it’s the Irish cousins in Ireland of the Massachusetts Irish who always vote for the Kennedys who swallow it hook, line, and sinker.  Yeah, gotta be their cousins, no one else is that fucking dumb.


Posted by Irish Anti-Commie on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 20:28 | #

Makes sense.  What also makes sense is when people have the opportunity, the perfect opportunity in the total privacy of the voting booth, to vote these son of a bitch bastards out at election time, vote them out by simply voting for the BNP or Le Pen, roughly one-quadrillionth of one percent do so - Fred Scrooby

This is the “far right” in Ireland. Roughly one-quadrillionth of one percent vote for them.


Posted by Matra on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 21:35 | #

“The argument put forward in Ireland is because the Irish suffered racism and discrimination in other countries and were colonized in the past, we have to take in immigrants and not complain.”

I’ve heard this argument in Ireland from the same people who say Britain must take in immigrants because Britain colonised so many non-white parts of the world. Ditto the French and Dutch. And the Swedes and Swiss must take in immigrants because they were neutral in WW2 and thus morally compromised. And Canada, USA, Australia, must take them in because they are immigrant nations. There’s an excuse at hand for each and every white country. Unfortunately whites are so prone to moralism it seems to work. Meanwhile in Washington state a white kid is beaten for several hours, burned, and pissed on by two blacks “for enslaving our people”.   I guess these blacks are taking things to the next logical step.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 22:59 | #

Cheer up boys. As Yogi said. “It ain’t over till it’s over. ”

Intermarriage Slows Among Hispanics, Asians

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey for 1995-2008, which was released in March, sociologists Daniel Lichter and Julie Carmalt of Cornell University and Zhenchao Qian of Ohio State University identified trends in Hispanic-white marriage among 42,308 couples, divided almost equally between the 1990s and 2000 periods.

Among second-generation Hispanic women, who are the children of immigrants, the proportion who married outside their ethnicity—mainly to whites—fell to 16% in the 2000 period compared to 22% in the 1990s. The decrease in marriage to whites can be attributed mainly to a significant increase in the share of the second-generation Hispanic women who married Hispanics: 84% in the 2000 period compared with 78% in the 1990s.

“The massive influx of new immigrants from Latin America and Asia has not only fueled the opportunity to marry one’s co-ethnics, but also revitalized ancestral and cultural identity,” says Dr. Lichter.


And as the great Yankee also said, “The future ain’t what it used to be.”

We use principal components analysis to show that there is evidence of population stratification within the Framingham Heart Study, and show that the first principal component correlates with a North-South European cline. We then show that the first principal component is highly correlated between spouses (r = 0.58, p = 0.0013), demonstrating that there is ancestrally related positive assortative mating among the Framingham Caucasian population.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 23:06 | #

Sign of things to come. 

Transnational Progressivism.  Part one.  By Ralph Maddox from original By John Fonte.

Fonte is quick to forewarn us that this coming global administration will be no respecter of our freedoms and suggests that some form of racialist police state will be imposed. A state where the elites will encourage the historically oppressed to get even with their former oppressors. He claims that “dominant” groups will be obliged to yield power to “oppressed” groups, with the former being displaced from their jobs in the economic sphere until each category of task reflects the proportion of “oppressed” people in the population. Fonte believes that this will not be the end of it either. The proportion of “oppressed” people in the population will grow constantly. That’s because another tenet of this Tranzi-ism holds that “dominant” countries must welcome immigrants from “oppressed” countries in unlimited numbers. Furthermore, if any “dominant” people protest, they will be jailed for “hate speech.”

“Looking around our world we can see this beginning to happen with all kinds of laws being enacted to punish those who offend, even just by thinking something the authorities think you shouldn’t. It is becoming clear too that these laws are applied to the native “dominant” population rather than to the “oppressed” new arrivals. Examples abound of assaults by “oppressed” people on the persons of “dominant” people being ignored by police. Even replying in kind to a racist comment from an “oppressed” person brings instant arrest and the imprisonment of the offender. The “hate” laws apply to crimes against other groups and to quote a senior policeman, “homophobic and transphobic crimes are seen as particularly serious because they are motivated by prejudice, discrimination and hate, and undermine people’s right to feel safe in their sexual orientation and gender.”

Transnational Progrssivism.  Part Two.  By Ralph Maddox from original by John Fonte.

Fonte believes that the theory of transnationalism will be the next stage of the multicultural ideology and he expects it to be for the first decade of the 21st century

‘While some of this may seem diffuse and uncoordinated it should not be forgotten that many of the NGOs spend a great deal of their time trying to bring about transnationalism. These social movements with their ideologies of “global governance” and “transnationalism” imply that there is some kind of inevitability about it all because it is the result of social forces or the movement of history. It isn’t. If it happens at all it will be like all the previous movements such as the Bolshevik Revolution, the New Deal, the European Union and the National Socialist Revolution. It will be because of the exercise of political will by elites who mobilised their strengths and conquered all their opponents. Just like “diversity” and “multiculturalism,” transnationalism and global governance are not the forces of history but simply ideological tools advocated by the activist elites.’

Looks like we ain’t seen nutt’n yet.


Posted by Matra on Wed, 22 Sep 2010 23:34 | #

Cheer up boys. As Yogi said. “It ain’t over till it’s over. “

  Intermarriage Slows Among Hispanics, Asians

But it’s increasing in Canada.

Nearly 300,000 Canadians were involved in mixed marriages or mixed common-law relationships in 2006, a rise of nearly 30 per cent since 2001, according to the latest census figures released yesterday by Statistics Canada.

In 1991, just 2.6 per cent of couples in Canada were in a mixed-race marriage or

common-law relationship.

Mixed unions still make up a very small percentage - about 4 per cent - of all marriages and common-law relationships in Canada. But interracial unions represent a powerful and growing segment of the country’s increasingly multicultural mosaic.

“We are seeing this trend more and more and it’s becoming a prominent feature in our society, in Canadian society,” said Ayman Al-Yassini, executive director of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.

About 85 per cent of all mixed unions involve relationships in which one partner is white and the other is not.

Globe & Mail


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 00:23 | #

There might be an increase of 30%, however, the numbers in the Globe don’t make sense. The population in 2006 was what ~30 million which makes 300,000 (their number) ~1% which is less than half the 1991 number (although that number says couples…apples and oranges?) In absolute numbers there are more because the population grew. However, as a percentage of the population, even using the Globe’s numbers, it appears far, far less.


Posted by Armor on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 00:38 | #

Bill / Ralph Maddox / John Fonte : “Even replying in kind to a racist comment from an “oppressed” person brings instant arrest and the imprisonment of the offender.”

In France, simply complaining about proven Jewish racism can get you fined for incitement to racial hatred. Although so far, the enforcement has been erratic. If enough people get angry, I think the government will have to give up its current judicial policy.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 00:53 | #


You were doing fine until the claim of mass murder.  This:

Let me state, therefore, this genocide is not just taking place in the form of forced integration/assimilation, it’s also being encouraged in the form of mass murder.

... has to be instanced to be credible, including evidence of encouragement.

And this:

One might well say that the guilty parties positioned within our territories are getting their personal revenge for the Nazi holocaust whilst conveniently sidestepping their own previous holocausts against White nations, eg, the Bolshevik Revolution

... is the exact-same collective responsibility for past crimes that are attached to us with respect to slavery and the Big H, yet we protest it with righteous anger.  Sauce for the goose, I’m afraid.

And here it is again, stretching the collective responsibility even further in both place and time:

not to mention their covert involvement in countless others of past centuries through setting White nations against each another and the aiding and abetting of hostile attacks and invasions by non-European and anti-Christian enemies.

And this is pure Stormfront:

These malevolent parasites along with our own racial traitors (Useful Idiots) have to be made to pay an even greater price for their perpetual hate and evil doings against the White race.  It appears, they have not yet learnt well enough from their numerous previous misdeeds.

“They behave as if they were malevolent parasites” might get by.  “They could almost be the malevolent parasites some people accuse them of being” certainly would.  But “These malevolent parasites ...”, bereft of any attempt to be narrow, precise and just, is not acceptable.  The veiled threat at the end is even worse.  It means “all Jews”, and that ain’t what thinking people want to hear.

Tilly, this is a moral issue, and you have to maintain the moral high ground regardless of how you feel about the situation.  I am not going to take the comment down, though I probably should.  Since you can clearly string well-constructed sentences together, I have faith that you will want to equip them in future with moral weight.


Posted by Armor on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 01:07 | #

Dasein: “I don’t disagree that whites are ultimately responsible for what they permit and enable jews to do”

I think it doesn’t matter if white people are pathetic doormats who are ultimately responsible for what’s happening to themselves. The real question is whether we must challenge the anti-white Jewish activism in order to save our collective existence. The answer is yes.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 14:41 | #

I’m not sure what the point of this essay is, aside from a rhetorical exercise, but there are two important questions that need to be answered:

1) Since it is obvious to the most casual observer that the arguments of the anti-racists are specious, why are those arguments so effective as to accomplish what was never accomplished by force of arms during human history?

2) Why is this happening?


Posted by Notus Wind on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 14:44 | #

Since it is obvious to the most casual observer that the arguments of the anti-racists are specious, why are those arguments so effective as to accomplish what was never accomplished by force of arms during human history?

That’s the more interesting question to me as well.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 15:30 | #


If I understand the point behind this consistently reappearing message, it’s to set the terms of genocide into the public discourse, so that those responsible of it will become aware of the likely repercussions of their actions, when and if, there efforts fail.


Posted by uh on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 17:09 | #

Since it is obvious to the most casual observer that the arguments of the anti-racists are specious, why are those arguments so effective as to accomplish what was never accomplished by force of arms during human history?

I’m not sure it is so unprecedented. Christianity has sponsored anti-racism for centuries. Christians have modulated their cultural behavior to scenes of persecution and genocide from the Bible. Greek historians were exaggerating numbers of dead in battle long before that, and every villager in Central Asia points to the supposed grave of a saint as a cultural reference. It is no great mystery that this tendency (natural and learned) of the people to believe and to grovel has been most successfully orchestrated by the masters of the old European press in the age of the internet. Whites have been training themselves for this fate for two-thousand years.


Posted by sk on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 18:42 | #

A closed sytem has a lock on “TRUTH.”  Remember the Soviet Union?  It could not be brought down by arms, but it fell by sound.  Sound can bring down a system more thoroughly than arms can.  Repetition is very forceful.


Posted by Notus Wind on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 19:35 | #

uh: Whites have been training themselves for this fate for two-thousand years.

So we’re doing it to ourselves then.

I take it you also have the Enlightenment as being a natural product of Christianity’s two thousand yearlong quest to oblivion.


Posted by Michael on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 19:53 | #

This is a pretty good article that summarises well the problems with anti-white ideology. I would also add that it is important to totally pin down an anti-white agitator when they make these “moral arguments” and force them to explain their position.

For example, if they say that “I think white country X must adopt open borders because of moral rationale Y”, where rationale Y would apply equally to non-white country Z, you must force them to not only proclaim that they support precisely the same open borders policy for non-white country Z, but also that they support said policy with equal moral fervour (this being a moral argument) vis-a-vis non-white country Z, such that they allocate at least as much time agitating against Z as they do X; if they don’t do so, then we’ll safely assume that their argument isn’t really a moral one.

And if they even look like backsliding in the future (i.e. refusing to hold non-white country Z to the same standards they demand of white country X, with at least equal air-time), then they must be called on it and be tirelessly Alinskyed until they back down and attack non-white country Z, once again, with equal enthusiasm (a simple “going through the motions” denunciation will not be accepted). Of course, the “I only criticise my own country” line will be null and void if the individual in question has any record of expressing an opinion of a moral nature about any other country, which will invariably be the case.

The whole point is to knock the wind out of the moral sails of the Left and to drag them into an extended tit-for-tat argument that resembles trench warfare. They’ll wear down eventually.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 23 Sep 2010 22:55 | #

It does not really matter that the arguments are specious, because they serve self-interest. For Cromwell, it was self-interest. For Napoleon, it was self-interest.

My primary desire was to liberate the Jews and make them full citizens. I wanted to confer upon them all the legal rights of equality, liberty and fraternity as was enjoyed by the Catholics and Protestants. It is my wish that the Jews be treated like brothers as if we were all part of Judaism. As an added benefit, I thought that this would bring to France many riches because the Jews are numerous and they would come in large numbers to our country where they would enjoy more privileges than in any other nation.

The Polish nobles established the arenda system because it served their self-interest. Sir John A. MacDonald, Canada’s first Prime Minister, considered Jewish immigration to further his own self-interest.

In January 1882 Alexander Galt, Canada’s first high commissioner in London joined other non-Jews in protesting the Russian outrages(pogroms). But Galt had something more than humanitarian outrage to fire his passion. Galt wrote to Canadian Prime Minister John A. MacDonald that this crisis offered Canada “not a bad opportunity of interesting the Hebrews in our North West.” But, it was not just displaced Russian Hebrews, “a superior type of people,” he allowed, “partly farmers but generally trade people,” that Galt hoped to interest in the newly opened Canadian hinterland. For Galt an act of calculated kindness to hapless Russian Jews might pay handsome dividends in investment capital from wealthy European Jewish financiers. As Galt confided to MacDonald, welcoming a few Jews into the Canadian northwest could be “of great importance” in cultivating “future influence with leading Jews” in London and Paris, especially the Rothschilds and Montagues.

Self-interest is the common denominator. An adaptive response will occur at the individual level (the Polish peasant will fight the Jewish tavern owner), the kinship level (the Polish peasant and his family will fight) but not at the group level. It’s evident everywhere you look. An Anglo-Saxon Canadian will decry the loss of his country, (in private), to mass migration but will hire a Filipino care giver to care for his elderly mother-in-law. Why, because it costs him $10,000 annually (plus room & board) as opposed to $75,000-$150,000 for similar care. And if forced to pay that, he would not be able to afford to build his cottage in the wilds of Northern Ontario in order to escape the encroaching horde.

It appears, if the polls are to be believed, and Stoddard’s examination of pre-war Nazi Germany is accurate, the German embrace of NS was because it provided for the individual German’s self-interest: Monetary well-being, health care and a decent pension plan among other things.


Posted by Armor on Fri, 24 Sep 2010 01:52 | #

It does not really matter that the arguments are specious, because they serve self-interest. (—Desmond Jones)

Who’s self-interest? Most people’s interests are being trampled by mass immigration. What is surprising is the lack of a massive reaction.

People don’t really care about safe streets or neighborhood, because unless they’re a victim of crime, they will not act adaptively.

You are being misanthropic. People do care about safe streets.

There is a contradiction between self-interest and the common good. The interest of each person is to cheat while other people abide by the rules. But each person has less to lose in abiding by the rules than in living in a dysfunctional society where no one plays by the rules. The contradiction between individual and collective interests can be resolved by setting rules and having the police enforce them.

Some people are naturally honest and altruistic. They care about their race, not only about number one. Even so, you can not count on everyone to be 100% honest. That’s why you need the police.

Unfortunately, Western governments have been corrupted and hijacked by anti-white activists. The government and the police no longer do their jobs. If you start a militia group to protect the streets, which is what White people would naturally do, you will get in trouble with government and the police.

An Anglo-Saxon Canadian will decry the loss of his country, (in private), to mass migration but will hire a Filipino care giver to care for his elderly mother-in-law. Why, because it costs him $10,000 annually (plus room & board) as opposed to $75,000-$150,000 for similar care.

An Anglo-Saxon Canadian will hire a Filipino care giver because everyone else is doing it. In the current situation, his interest is to do so. But his interest would be better served if the Canadian government stopped immigration and sent the Filipinos back to the Philippines. Unfortunately, the Canadian government is deliberately flooding Canada with third-world immigrants. It’s absurd to think that the immigration policy can be enforced by individual Canadians. Until the anti-white government has been abolished, and the non-whites have been expelled, no one in his right mind should try to repair society through self-sacrifice.

Self-interest is the common denominator.

I think the common denominator that explains mass immigration and the pro-Jewish policy is the corruption of our governments.

the German embrace of NS was because it provided for the individual German’s self-interest: Monetary well-being, health care and a decent pension plan among other things.

I think Hitler tried to defend German interests, both individual and collective, while today’s Western governments are trampling our interests.


Posted by Tilly on Mon, 27 Sep 2010 06:39 | #

Posted by Fred Scrooby on September 22, 2010, 09:44 PM | #

<l>“Do you think we’re doing it to ourselves, Tilly?”</i>



Posted by Tilly on Mon, 27 Sep 2010 06:41 | #

Posted by Guessedworker on September 22, 2010, 11:53 PM | #

You were doing fine until the claim of mass murder.  This:
  Let me state, therefore, this genocide is not just taking place in the form of forced integration/assimilation, it’s also being encouraged in the form of mass murder.
... has to be instanced to be credible, including evidence of encouragement.”

Regarding integration/assimilation = genocide, yes it is indeed forced as outlined below. 

When one particular ethnicity and only one particular ethnicity is villified and dehumanised via the use of unwarranted racial slurs, of continuous out-and-out denial on the part of the political and judicial establishments even in the face of overriding evidence that points to indisguised non-White racially-motivated assaults and murders of White people,  a one-sided law which enables non-Whites to have White people arrested and tried for perceived (alleged) racism and yet another that allows for instant sacking as well as the criminalisation of free speech, is most definitely all the proof that’s required. 

Mass murder can occur either incremently or instantaneously.  The fact that far more White people are losing their lives at the hands of non-Whites who are effectively murdering with impunity, has to mean that there is an agenda behind it.  The powers-that-be are clearly sending out stealth signals that it’s quite acceptable to murder White people in cold blood.  I suggest you look up the various websites that keep extensive records of these crimes and evaluate the evidence for yourself.  South Africa, is a-case-in-point, incidently.

“And this:
... is the exact-same collective responsibility for past crimes that are attached to us with respect to slavery and the Big H, yet we protest it with righteous anger.  Sauce for the goose, I’m afraid.”

The Bolshevik Revolution occurred prior to the WW11 Holocaust.  On the issue of slavery, it’s not a bad idea to look into its origins and the fact of what is the human trait underlying the practice.  Incidently, our Semite brethren were the originators and architects of the transatlantic version, eagerly assisted at every turn by the various black African chiefs themselves.  I write on the matter as a Jew myself.

“And here it is again, stretching the collective responsibility even further in both place and time:”

Think, Moorish invasion and WW11 by way of a couple of examples. 

And this is pure Stormfront:
“They behave as if they were malevolent parasites” might get by.  “They could almost be the malevolent parasites some people accuse them of being” certainly would.  But “These malevolent parasites ...”, bereft of any attempt to be narrow, precise and just, is not acceptable.  The veiled threat at the end is even worse.  It means “all Jews”, and that ain’t what thinking people want to hear.”

Like, all avenues of life, there are always exceptions to the rule - benign or not.  However, it’s not exceptions which dictate the end result, it’s the collective. 

“Tilly, this is a moral issue, and you have to maintain the moral high ground regardless of how you feel about the situation.  I am not going to take the comment down, though I probably should.  Since you can clearly string well-constructed sentences together, I have faith that you will want to equip them in future with moral weight.”

If, by ‘moral weight’ you mean examples, that’s fine if one has the time to websearch and quantify.  I don’t.  Those who are interested will, no doubt, perform the task themselves.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Sep 2010 13:14 | #


There is nothing to be proven to me.  The proofs have to be made to the wider world, and in that regard more sensibility and discipline than you previously displayed are key.

It is a fact that we are held to higher standards of proof than anybody else.  Our claims have to be based on something observable and solid, or the world, being what it is, will conclude that they are based on simple prejudice.


Posted by Tilly on Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:16 | #

“Several centuries later the Jewish banking system secretly financed (and helped to organize several major events which changed the direction of world history). They organized and financed the Moorish invasion of Spain in AD 711, which destroyed the Visigothic Empire, and this reshuffled the power alignments of all of western Europe. It also made the Mediterranean for a time an Islamic lake, and ignited forces which led to the Renaissance and the supremacy of Lombard bankers in northern Italy. The Sephardic Jewish bankers also financed (and thus made possible) the invasion of England in 1066 by William the Conqueror.

“And in the 14th through the 16th centuries they were the essential element behind the expansion of the Ottoman Turks into the Middle East, Asia Minor; the Mediterranean, the Balkans and. eastern Europe. They assembled Jews from all over Europe for the Turks to re-populate conquered Constantinople, and they provided the administration, coordination and financing for the Turkish conquests in the Balkans an the Turkish invasions of Eastern Europe.

“Of course those anonymous Jewish bankers profited mightily from the conquests they financed.”

3. Moorish Spain and the Golden Age (711 to twelfth century)

“The Jews of Spain had been utterly embittered and alienated by Catholic rule by the time of the Muslim invasion. To them, the Moors were perceived as, and indeed were, a liberating force (Stillman, p. 53). Wherever they went, the Muslims were greeted by Jews eager to aid them in administering the country. In many conquered towns the garrison was left in the hands of the Jews before the Muslims proceeded further north. Thus was initiated the period that became known as the “Golden Age” for Spanish Jews.”


Posted by Tilly on Tue, 28 Sep 2010 16:56 | #

Accounts of Jewish involvement in WW11 and Nazism.

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, what was formerly rumour now appears to have been established as a fact.

The ethnicities of the dominant players behind the Bolshevik Revolution of 1915.


” The none-Jews were Lenin, Stalin and Bubnow (1).”

Rather odd assertions!  At least two of these, ie,  Lenin was of part-Jewish origin with Stalin strongly suspected of being too.


Posted by U.R. on Sat, 02 Oct 2010 22:59 | #

Throughout my life in the United States, I have met one white person with white guilt complex and countless white persons with white innocent complex. Please keep your personal experience in perspective.

You don’t have to be pro-White to preserve the White race. Is Japan pro-Japanese? No more than it is pro-White.

Japan definitely has immigration problems from third-world countries such as North Korea and Mainland China.

Let’s see ... White people are in ~50% of Asia, hybrids in another ~25% of Asia, ~90% of Europe, ~75% of Canada and the U.S., ~90% of Australia, hybrids in ~90% of Mexico + Central + South America, odds and ends in Africa. Gee, maybe they can still preserve their race in Antarctica, which is free of other races! In fact, the British are already thinking about that.


Posted by G on Thu, 28 Oct 2010 13:37 | #

I would like to know what is being done, or being organised, to regain control over the terminology of this debate in the public domain?  To me it seems we have almost reached a stage where any opposition to anti-racist policies like immigration can immediately be smeared with the racist-label.  Unless we regain control over the terminology of this topic pro-whites will always be marginalised.

I am a white South African living in England for career reasons.  For some this automatically places me in the racist category and enables them to disregard any logical argument I might present.  I don’t view myself as racist, but I am an ardent supporter of the idea that my race should exist in perpetuity.  I have asked numerous locals in England whether they consider such a wish to be racist.  The response has been really troubling.  They don’t answer “yes” or “no”, but with “it doesn’t matter, you will be dead before that happens”.  They literally don’t care.  Where has this apathy, lack of identity or pride, come from?  Believe me, I am not of English stock and have had a liberal dose of anti-Englishness in my (nationalist) upbringing but even I can admit there is so much history and accomplishments they should be proud of. I would if I was them.  If fact I relinquished most nationalist sentiments in my teens once I began to see how the long term race-integrity of Europe, Australia and America was heading.

Some things I cannot stand about many pro-white movements and groups however are; religiousness and anti-Semitism.  The former excludes a large portion of the population that would be sympathetic to your cause.  There is no point in trying to use that as support for your opinions as religion itself is fraught with contradictions.  Keep that as a private matter.  I am a-religious, pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage (not adoption etc) etc and support/opposition to any of those issues will not help combat the real threat.  It divides your attention and energy.  Let it go.  Allow people control of their lives.  The latter, and far more serious factor, undermines whatever credibility we try to build up with conspiracy theories etc.  It is completely irrelevent if there is “an agenda” by Jews, I don’t believe there is one personally.  Proving that there is (which is not possible anyway) won’t change peoples stance on this issue.  Reigniting pride in our cultures, race and history and most importantly nurturing a commitment to safe-guard our uniqueness will.  You won’t get converts to your cause if you demonize another race.

I recently read an article about how many young Israeli’s just don’t care about the Palestinian conflict anymore.  They have literally been exhausted by a never ending problem for which they see no solution.  Is this what has happened to whites?  Have most of us become too exhausted of being berated about how terrible we are after decades of white guilt?  Have the young people of our race just lost a will to live?  We are experiencing racial depression.

There are slight stirrings of nationalism across Europe, but is it enough?  Is it even directed accurately?  I look at parties like BNP in England and I just laugh.  They dilute their primary purpose so much with Nationalism that they kill off any chance of success.  These parties must cut the fat and wishful thinking and focus on what is important; our genetic surivival.  I ask again; what is being done to regain control of the terminology of the anti-white debate?


Posted by NeoNietzsche on Thu, 28 Oct 2010 15:04 | #

The latter, and far more serious factor [anti-Semitism], undermines whatever credibility we try to build up with conspiracy theories etc.  It is completely irrelevent if there is “an agenda” by Jews, I don’t believe there is one personally.  Proving that there is (which is not possible anyway) won’t change peoples stance on this issue.  Reigniting pride in our cultures, race and history and most importantly nurturing a commitment to safe-guard our uniqueness will.  You won’t get converts to your cause if you demonize another race.

But waving the Flag, singing the Anthem, reciting the Declaration and the Gettysburg Address certainly will.


Posted by Brent Gourley on Wed, 24 Nov 2010 07:17 | #

The only way to stop racism is to teach kids to accept other races.  Simply getting everyone to cross bread won’t work since people will always find something to hate about people.  That is why education is the only working method.

I also know that it is a common tactic for Neo-nazis and other hate groups to use lies, such as anti-racism is anti-white, to recruit people to their cause.  Johnny Lee Clary, a former KKK Imperial Wizard, even confirmed that racist groups recruit with deception. (Like the Devil)  I have been in the anti-racism game long enough to know that this is just a Neo-Nazi tactic.  <font color = “red”>Someone posted the same story and a link to this blog on my youtube channel.  When I went to that persons profile, I saw Images of swastikas and racist comments made by him. </font> Stop trying to spread your hate you racist dirt bags.


Posted by jonah on Wed, 29 May 2013 21:06 | #

theres a big difference between anti-white and anti-racism. it just so happens that white people are the dominant perpetrators of racism. anti-racism does not mean white genocide. you are suffering from a persecution complex that distorts the way you see the world. anti-racism means anti-oppression in all its forms. wake up.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 30 May 2013 08:20 | #

Posted by jonah on May 29, 2013, 04:06 PM | #

theres a big difference between anti-white and anti-racism.

No there is not. Not in how the term is used.

it just so happens that white people are the dominant perpetrators of racism.

No they are not. In fact, White people are less racist and more “anti-racist” than other groups, to their own detriment.

anti-racism does not mean white genocide.

Yes, it does mean that and worse: the most hideous abuse, servitude, exploitation, destruction of ancient, sublime evolution, until their death.

you are suffering from a persecution complex that distorts the way you see the world.

Typical Jewish psycho-babble: trying to place a massive social problem, a hegemony against White defense, inside an individual White person’s head.

anti-racism means anti-oppression in all its forms.

No it does not mean that, because it is not sanctioned against anyone but Whites.

wake up.

Sincerely, The awakened.







Posted by Olderandwiser on Sat, 01 Nov 2014 15:42 | #

White guilt is a trap. I live in a country where the majority is mulatto and black (Puerto Rico) and from real life experience I can say that white guilt is a trap leading to your doom. I was raised to be color blind (to not hate any race), and I can tell you that when these people are the majority and you are the minority. It is nothing but ugly for white people. There is nothing these people hate more in this life than to see a white person happy. They cannot conceive any form of happiness coming to a white persons life. They will not allow it. They will enter your personal life and destroy it.

I suggest that those full of white guilt take a trip to Puerto Rico…and live a few years among these people to see how it feels like to be a white minority.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 23:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 22:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 21:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:46. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)
