Prelude to a piece titled “Strategy and personality in white nationalist leadership”.

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 26 July 2006 00:09.

“We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.”

“When,” he says.  When!  There before our amazed eyes stands the liberal in all his indifference and naivety, modelled for us with jaw-dropping honesty by the Swedish Integration Minister Jens Orback in a recent interview on Swedish radio.

I think this is just about the clearest statement of liberal-elite intent that I have ever encountered.  The things that folk like us say will come to pass he says too.  But he is totally untroubled by it, suffering from not the slightest remorse or sense of shame.  He simply has no concept of its meaning for his own, sorry people.  One must conclude that he is missing a fair quantity of essential, normalising brain circuitry.  And, indeed, he does seem very like some political parallel of the psychopath whose emotional life is all shallow affectation and whose capacity for love, empathy, guilt, remorse and even fear is in absentia.

Now, tempting though that conclusion is, it might not be the right one.

I say that because some months ago an MR regular pressed upon me the depressing view that, far from being a psychopathy of the elite, Jens’ Total Altruism is an evolutionarily-fit behaviour selected because sympathy is more hard-wired among European peoples than self-preservation.  In essence, then, the liberal zeitgeist that I bang on about all the time is the issue – and not the progenitor - of this new and, for us, final course in the river of life.  It is an effulgence of no meaning in itself except as it is defined by that vital, blind force - a definition, let it be said, that does not include liberalism’s own impertinent denial of that force.

But for racial loyalists there is a cost here.  If we assent to the evolutionary explanation for liberalism we are left with nothing.  We are all puppets of an unknowing, uncaring puppet-master.  We have no power, no way back to the life we knew, but will be swept onward to our fate regardless of everything.  Damn it, we might as well do liberalism’s freedom thing - then we might at least enjoy the ride.

For me personally, there is a genuine attraction in our mystery MRer’s thinking - something highly characteristic of other modes of thought in which I have an interest, beside the political.  It is that delicious idea of the sheer vanity and error of Man’s towering opinion of himself.  I like the idea that, actually, we are nothing - and not just because it is a healthy corrective to all the usual, tiresome inflation.  There is a profound morality in nothingness acknowledged.  But, also, there is the youthful hope that, somewhere, the means to become something and not just nothing are laying around unused, waiting to be picked up.  If only we knew where to look.

In other words, I am a rotten failure of a fatalist.  In other words, to become an advocate of the blind puppet-master militates too much against the heart of Man and I, for one, recoil from that.  In other words, I want to fight and I don’t give a damn about the inadvisability of it.  I do have an idea where we might look.

To be specific, I want to fight, or take the fight to, Jens head-on - on a basis of our ethnic interests.  In Sweden, England, America, Canada ... everywhere.  In the simplest, starkest terms, there will be no reprieve for us unless Jens and his Total Altruism and the whole blasted liberal elite is comprehensively binned and their vision of Man flushed down the s-bend.  To be a racialist revolutionary at the End of History is surely the only noble life.

But now I run into trouble again because when I look around me I find myself, not to put too fine a point on it, in the company of a most motley collection of like minds.  White Nationalism and White Nationalism’s leaders, especially in America, hardly inspire unalloyed confidence.  Is it remotely credible that such people can accomplish this impossible, enormous task: the saving of the West, no less?  It should be obvious to all that we need, at the very least, a few giants to bear us out of danger.  Are not, though, the leaders we have now mostly mundane and marginal figures?

Some days ago on another thread JW asked why so few White Nationalist leaders, most particularly in America, have incorporated Frank Salter’s magnificently utilitarian concept of ethnic genetic interest into their thinking, and allowed it to shape debate (even when they have it spoon-fed to them by JW himself).  It’s a good question.  JW’s answer is that laziness, incompetence and resistance to change are the problem.

Well OK, ethnic genetic interest is still a relatively new and, certainly, an obscure concept.  It is made of finer material than the usual anti-semitic autopilotry one encounters among the racially-conscious.  It requires effort, but surely it is not beyond the scope of intelligent men.  And, surely, they can see the wider presentational advantages in moving Salterism from (I think!) “an interest emergent from, and defined as, a specific pattern of distinctive gene frequencies” in the direction of “our common interests … our children … our land … us.”  If only the will existed!

In contemplating why it doesn’t, and why Jens Alback could very easily win, I can’t but wonder whether the cause is also to be found in the nature of Nationalism itself and its present arrested state of political development.  So in my next post or two on this subject I’m going to take a look at the thing itself as well as the psyche of its leaders, and see which best fits the bill.



Posted by john rackell on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 01:00 | #

Salter’s book is out of print to the best of my efforts trying to locate a copy. Hard to pick up and promote the ideas without the seminal text available. Maybe there’s repudiation by Salter himself of the ideas by not publishing it.


Posted by Stanley Womack on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 01:22 | #

This is a fascinating topic and worth a lot of analysis and counter-analysis.

Many of us who are active in protecting the interests of our young do not identify as White Supremacists, White Separatists, or White Nationalists. Sometimes we are just active to reduce the hate and slander directed at our children.

Many of us operate from that sick feeling in the stomach when we hear our own degraded, mocked, or pushed aside. It doesn’t have a label except revulsion at the “malignant other,” I imagine.

The leadership problem is, however, one of the biggest problems we face and it is very difficult. Our leaders are much more susceptible to discovery of clay feet than others’ leaders because it suits the dominant media culture to be more aggressive in smearing our leaders.

Besides that, very few leaders in our movement(s) have any idea what leadership means. Several of our members saw the destruction of an organization called “European American Issues Forum” when the first president decreed that only he could be president and commenced Stalinist (really!) show trials to expel members. And the forum was an extremely mild form of creating a voice for ourselves in the outside society. It now has four members and is presided over by the first president who has maintained his title rather than brought in members and expanded the forum’s reach. That’s one reason Resisting Defamation has a consensus form of leadership without a president. We prefer the Thing format to that of the Doge.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 02:17 | #

For someone to forsee his own self-inflicted demise,and acquiese his culture and racial heritage to a bunch of turd-world mad-men makes one want to puke.Yet we allow these shit-heads to be our academic,political,and philosophical leaders.Who’s the greater to blame? JJR-are you listening?


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 04:22 | #

GW-You are a rock-between your common sense and mastery of elucidation,you have garnered some of the most diverse,knowledgable,and prescient posters on the net.I consider it an honor to post here,as I have few outlets to vent anymore,and my wife ignores me.Thank you sir ,for MR,and Semper Fi!


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 05:06 | #

Soren-I volunteer-We MUST win-it means our race and culture.I may be 67,but can still hold a 3 inch group @300 yds with my .308 sniper rifle from Nam.I nailed over a hundred blacks in Angola in one day in 1963,working with theSADF and UNITA.GOOD DAY[for a merc] Got an extra $10/head.[right ears only counted].The world sucks,but it’s our home-deal with it,give up,or suck dick.Cheers!


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 05:50 | #

Soren-Are you ego-bound,or just have a “Caesar"complex ? If you place yourself in the category of Alex Linder,I THINK YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF A DISSERVICE.  He’s in the game for the bucks-how are YOU doing?And as how to solve all the world problems-kill all the academics,intellectuals,and politicians-let the type of MEN who built this country take back our streets,borders,cities,and government.Lock and load,buddy!Semper Fi!


Posted by Steven Palese on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 05:52 | #


Ethnocentrism is a direct function of group victimization. It’s a straight linear relationship. Although the controlled media works 24/24 to suppress the truth, reality will intrude regardless. It’s a question of when, not if.

Plus there’s a perfect storm coming:

1. Economic implosion under debt mountain
2. War and draft as the lunatics go for Iran and Syria
3. Immigration crisis reaching critical mass
4. Ongoing internet corrosion of traditional media

These are definetely on their way. Then there’s possible aggravators:

5. Possible 9/11 truth time bomb detonating
6. Possible Palestinian genocide
7. Possible exposure of Judeo-bolshevik genocides
8. Possible collapse of holocaust victimology
9. Possible Vatican recovery (long shot)
10. Possible anti-espionage mega-scandal

Personally, I have never been more optimistic.

Soren Renner,

The leaflet is ready and you can find it here. I’m almost done updating my blog, so the leaflet’s link is fine. However, remember I can make you a custom pdf with a link of your choice. Just post what you need.


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 06:03 | #

Opps-really screwed up un my last post-meant to say “quasi- intellectuals” Some of these guys [Intellectuals] actually have cogent statements now and then.Mea Culpa.


Posted by Steven Palese on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 06:16 | #

Nick Tamiroff,

You wanna fight? Good. Channel that anger into fighting the ZioNazi pigs and their pro-semitic bigotry. Direct action will do wonders for your nerves.

If you want a custom leaflet pointing to your resistance blog or to a website of your choice, let me know. Again, check this thread to see what I’m talking about. Photocopy a few thousand leaflets and slip them into books throughout college libraries and bookstores or slap them on windscreens. Then sit back and enjoy the heart-warming sound of ZioNazi pigs screeching their hatred of free speech and democracy until their throats go raw.

Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more pleasant than the sound of ZioNazi pigs squealing in pain. Hitting your tormentors where it hurts (exposure) is the best therapy there is. That’s what a Jewish psychologist once said.

You wouldn’t doubt a Jewish psychologist’s expertise in the matter, would you?



Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 07:19 | #

O.K.,Steven,youré on-Jews have never done me personally wrong-and I would rather fight beside them than most White ethnic groups,let alone the bastard minorities,Just what’s YOUR CV in the area of combat? As I have said before,the Jews are our pitbulls in the middle east,and continue to keep the crap from our shores. If you were a true American,you would be more worried about Illegal immigrtion[20-30million],Black/Hispanic crime,Baby-rapes,MS-13,your money disapearing into government coffers to appease tihs scum you somewhat defend.Yeah,I’ll fight-but bring your jock-strap!


Posted by Steven Palese on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 08:34 | #

Nick Tamiroff,

Did you read the leaflet or not? I’ll repost it here just in case. ZioNazi pigs and their courtier white uncle toms are the reason we’re being flooded by immigration. We’ve had consistent majorities against immigration, legal or illegal, for 40 years.

There’s something blocking the democratic process and if you paid attention to what’s going on in Washington you’d know what that is. Those sellouts in Congress just voted 410-8 to support Israel. That’s a 98% consensus - how’s that for a clue?

As far as your sniper rifle is concerned - shove it. It’s useless. It isn’t bullets that brought us down - it’s ideas. Today’s combat means fighting ideas with ideas. Get it now?

Here’s the leaflet - notice how it mentions immigration in the same section where it discusses white uncle toms, i.e. whites who venerate our ZioNazi pig masters:

Download pdf file - mirror 1

Download pdf file - mirror 2

Download pdf file - mirror 3


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 13:37 | #

“There’s something blocking the democratic process [...]”  (—Steven Palese)

I agree something’s blocking the democratic process in D.C. where immigration’s concerned and organized Jews are a major factor in that, possibly THE major factor.  It does no good to say (as I used to), “they’re only 2½ or 3 percent of the population so couldn’t decisively influence D.C.,” when they’re not three percent but 40% to 60% of the élite movers-and-shakers deciding all governmental and social policy areas they’re most interested in, they fight very aggressively and singlemindedly in a war Euros don’t even know has been declared (declared two thousand years ago) so don’t defend themselves, they spend lavishly on political bribes narrowly focused, and considering the preponderance of their influence on or outright control over the university professoriate, the press and broadcast media, entertainment/Hollywood, book publishing, the American Bar Association, the big foundations and NGOs, and so on, and so on, and so on.  Jews all seem to pursue the same small number of key goals like bees in a hive (yes, John Ray, there are exceptions which we all know about; I’m not talking about those but about the Jewish hive).  It’s sort of, among the Jews each man knows his job and does it, and each man’s job is, among other things, to promote the replacement of the European race with non-whites.

I favor explicitly naming the ethnicity of race-replacement advocates so we can see exactly who our enemies are from an ethnicity perspective.  Forced race-replacement immigration has many kinds of advocates.  A partial listing would include clueless women who, being female, view adults as two-year-olds and are born without the neuronal circuitry needed to conceive of those things men know as races, societies, and nations or to have the slightest inkling of how countries work, Cardinal-Mahony-type Catholics who want to make the country more Catholic and fill pews and catechism classes, Country-Club Republicans who strive to emulate Mexico’s set-up where there’s a small wealthy all-powerful white ruling class and a non-white peon slave class with nothing in between, and Jews who’ve loathed Europeans since forever simply on an ethnic-hatred basis—exactly the same as the Bosnians and Serbs, the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, the Ulster Prods and Catholics, or the Subcon Moslems and Hindus all loathe each other—and, as part of their Jewish nationalism, want Europeans exterminated.  Tyler Cowan is an example of the latter.  There’s nothing principled about his especially rabid, peculiarly Jewish type of pro-race-replacement advocacy.  It’s simply that, as a Jew, he hates Europeans (the traditional Jewish enemy) with a passion and wants them genocided out of existence so the Jews can live happily ever after (in his fantasy).  What you’re fighting against, in this type of Jewish race-replacement advocacy, isn’t principle but ethnicity-based white-hot Jewish hatred of Europeans, hatred arising from the fact that Europeans are the only kind of Christian whom Jews can’t simply ignore.  Was this Jewish hatred of Europeans caused by the anti-Semitism of the Nazi Party?  No.  It long predated the Nazi Party.  Our side has to name this Jewish anti-Euro-Christian prejudice and stop making believe Jewish attacks on European racial, ethnocultural existence are principled instead of what they are, an expression of a pure ethnic hatred which will invent any sophistry, bend any truth, to advance the destruction of Europeans as a people.


Posted by Kenelm Digby on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 14:06 | #

It is fascinating to note that the Swedes, who are commonly acknowldeged to be the highest type of man in their kindness and compassion, (which, alas, will only destroy them through their “compassionate” immigration policies), are the direct, lineal descendants of the Vikings, a group that is historically not noted for their kindness and compassion to peoples they subjugated.
Have the Vikings had a “bad press” historically speaking ?, or, strangely, has the humanitarian impulse in the Swedes only “evolved” recently?
  I know that the theory that the urge to co-operate and show “compassion” and “kindness” shown in Swedes and other Aryan Nordic descended populations, (what a counterpoint to those who rail against Germans and National Socialism !, if you want to see real cruelty, every day nasty, real cruelty, see how rich Saudi Arabs (Semites), treat their servants), is an eviloutionary strategy designed to cope with the vigors of snow and ice, particularly the last ice age.
  What a tragedy that the highest, best and finest instinct, found only in the finest type of man has been so perverted as to lead to the possessors’ self-destruction.


Posted by L Stewart on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 14:26 | #

I echo the entire content of the article by’Guessedworker’.
Minister Orback’s honesty is indeed jaw-dropping, because those in senior positions working for the destruction of their own people right across Europe, usually ignore or fudge the inevitable outcome of their policies, for fear that if enough citizens actually wake up to the reality of what is happening, the Nationaldemokraterna, Front National, British National Party, Vlaams Belang, Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands, etc, will sweep to power at the very next General Election.

The question that always comes to mind in the context of the ‘liberal’ politicians systematically destroying our Race and our Culture is : they can’t be that blind & stupid as not to see it ; nor can they surely be so weak that they will not only allow it, but even help to facilitate it; and they can’t be so sick (evil, even) that their hatred for their own kind is so strong that they gloatingly work for it.

But one or other, or a combination thereof, can be the only answer, and merely reflects a sizeable minority in the general population.

There are the Selfish, who close their minds to future consequences because they can profit from the present; and the Weak (e.g. Mr Orback) who instinctively shrink from any strong or decisive action, and would rather cringe, and disappear safely into oblivion. Both are often wilfully blind, and avoid reality in their own world of self-gratification or denial.

And then there are the Sick, whose unnatural hatred for their own is based on a ‘chip-on-the-shoulder’ resentment against those endowed in the lottery of life with social, economic, or intellectual advantages, or on an exaggerated & perverted concern for the underdog. Either way, they seek to drag everything down to the lowest common denominator.

If they allow themselves any doubts at all, they are all happy to excuse their passive or active contribution to the extermination of their kind by accepting the slogans about ‘differences are only skin deep’, ‘environment not heredity is what determines the difference in intelligence & creativity between races’, and ‘Whites ‘owe’ a debt to those they colonised & exploited’.

Such a warped view of life is reflected in many other aspects of liberalism, especially in the fields of law & order and morality, where their lip-quivering concern for the vicious, the depraved, and the thoroughly anti-social stands in stark contrast to their contempt for the welfare of the good & decent & natural.

Whether the result of a simple physical defect in the brain, or
a more complicated malfunction of the thinking process, what I have termed for brevity ‘liberalism’ (in its modern, thoroughly illiberal form) is a dangerous sickness.


Posted by On Holliday on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 15:15 | #

“white nationalist leadership”

an oxymoron?


Posted by Steven Palese on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 15:16 | #


Of course Jews are 30% of Harvard; their average IQ is higher and they are culturally attuned to work harder.  Non-Jewish whites at 25% is a disgrace; they are forced out not so much by Jews and Asians, who are genuinely brighter and harder working, but by Harvard’s disgraceful affirmative action towards African-Americans and Hispanics, who aren’t.

This leaflet is for general consumption and campus warfare in particular. IQ issues can’t be introduced in such environments. The leaflet addresses your argument by pointing to the CalTech stats. This college has the highest SAT scores (math and verbal) in the U.S. and their admission is rigidly meritocratic. Result: Jews can’t hack it above 5% where racial favoritism doesn’t work.

Here on this website - and only on websites such as this one - we can discuss IQ directly. There’s a range of IQ estimates for Jews and 115 is the highest. Let’s play with that highest estimate: 50% of Jews and 16% of whites have IQs above 115. There’s over 200m whites and 6m Jews. 16% of 200m is 32m and 50% of 6m is 3m. We should outnumber them 10 to 1, yet they outnumber us.

Case closed.

P.S. Blacks and Hispanics account for 24% of the population and 16% of elite college attendance. Even if you substituted them all for whites, we’d barely achieve parity with Jews. Blacks and affirmative action are borderline irrelevant.

Actually no, they’re not irrelevant - blacks are the fall guys. Affirmative action is a scam designed to disposses whites in favor of Jews while stiffing blacks with all the blame and white resentment. To quote Israel Shamir,

In Atlanta, I saw the true beneficiary of the great struggle for Blacks’ liberation. After bussing and fights with KKK, after many Black casualties, now the Jewish students constitute forty per cent of the elite Emory, while the Blacks, the plurality of Atlanta, retain a statutory 10 % presence. The Jewish students do not come to university from integrated schools their fathers and uncles demanded: they go to superb private segregated schools.

The blacks do not compete with the Jews in the universities, as they are preferred tenants of private-managed and profit-making jails. While the percent of Jewish students increased, “the number of black men in jail has grown fivefold”, reported the New York Times[8], and there are “more black men behind bars than are enrolled in colleges”. Twenty years ago, there were one hundred fifty thousand black prisoners and half a million black students. Now eight hundred thousand blacks are in jail and only six hundred thousand are enrolled in colleges or universities.

Source Divide and Rule


Posted by Steven Palese on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 17:42 | #

Karlmagnus, I think The Bell Curve has the average Ivy League IQ at 130 but am not sure. Anyway, you write, “At 145, it’s 0.13% of 200 million (260,000) vs. 2.3% of 6 million (138,000)”. Do you have a source for those two figures?


Posted by JJR Apologist on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 17:43 | #

Don’t forget that 115 is the upper bound. Consider that the mean IQ of American Jews may well be 107 or 110, Lynn’s two most recent results.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 19:37 | #

Herrnstein and Murray in the Bell Curve suggest that studies show 23 per thousand Ashkenazim have an IQ over 140, apparently the Harvard level, as opposed to 4 per thousand Northern Europeans. If you use the NE number for all whites in the US [which is probably high] then somewhere between 500,000 to 800,000 Euro-Americans possess an IQ >140.

The top 15 US universities showed an average of 21% Jews, ranging from the Harvard high to ~14% at Princeton to ~ 5% at CalState.


Posted by Steven Palese on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 21:09 | #

JJR Apologist,

I know the 115 IQ figure is bogus but when you’re looking at these massive differences it’s obvious IQ isn’t the real story. It therefore doesn’t matter if you concede the 115 IQ baloney. The numbers still don’t add up.


Thanks for the Bell Curve numbers - it’s been a while since I’ve read it. So 140 IQ Ahkenazi Jews are at 23 per thousand and whites at 4 per thousand. That’s a 6 to 1 ratio. Let’s multiply the Jewish population by 6 to 36m to achieve parity. 200m/36m yields a 5 to 1 ratio in our favor - just like you say (650k/138k). Yet we’re outnumbered - that’s the problem and the issue IQ arguments can’t explain. (I don’t know why you insist on the NE thing when Lynn has Italy’s IQ at 102 - same as Germany).

I realise Harvard is the extreme case. But nowhere - except CalTech - do we see a 5 to 1 ratio in our favor. CalTech is the only elite college that goes by SAT scores alone - no scope for racial favoritism whatsoever. That’s the smoking gun.

What we need is student or court pressure to access applicant SAT score data to know exactly how many SAT points being Jewish is worth.

If we lay hands on that data it’s party time.


Posted by Robert on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 21:54 | #

I suspect one important reason Jews are not as overrepresented at CalTech as they are at other elite schools is that CalTech is primarily an engineering school and Jews do not excel at engineering anywhere near the extent they do in other fields. The Jewish IQ skews heavily toward the verbal and mathematical; Jewish visuo-spatial skills, which are essential for the applied sciences, are mediocre. And the visuo-spatial skills of non-Jewish whites are as high if not higher than their verbal and mathematical abilities. Hence, CalTech is not the “smoking gun” Steven Palese wants it to be.


Posted by Steven Palese on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 22:51 | #

CalTech - like MIT - has excellent programs across the board. Hence, it is not primarily an “engineering school” like Robert wants it to be.

Plus, even when you concede the bogus 115 IQ figure, the numbers are still not adding up.


Posted by Steven Palese on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 23:11 | #

There is an interesting article that forecasts the same “perfect storm” I mentioned earler in this thread. It was written by ZioNazi pigs whose pro-semitic bigotry seeps out like toxic waste from a landfill so I apologize for its racist tone. In several places the article treats “anti-semitism” as a valid notion instead of a racist concept that posits that one group is above criticism. Anyway, notwithstanding it’s odious racism, it’s worth a read:

Study: Economic concerns to trigger anti-Semitism in US, Germany

A new behavior-research tool, Affective Encryption Analysis, has uncovered a dramatic trend in both the US and Germany—a developing wave of potentially violent anti-Semitism.

Affective Encryption Analysis, which was recently used to predict the outcome of the 2008 US Presidential election, uses naturalistic research methods to measure the way in which “feeling-trends” develop over time. It then forecasts the likely behavioral outcomes.

Using Affective Encryption Analysis, media psychologist, Dr. James N. Herndon, of Media Psychology Affiliates, led an investigation to predict long-term “feeling-trends” concerning the economy.

Population samples in both the US and Germany were chosen as indicators of both US and European feelings toward economic conditions.

“Our results showed far greater feelings of dread about the economic future than we currently find in mainstream survey research,” stated Dr. Herndon. “In fact, almost 70 percent of our sample expressed a precipitously declining sense of economic stability. This was especially strong among the lower-middle-class,” he added.

‘Scapegoating Israel’

“What we did not expect was a widespread association of economic problems with support for Israel. This belief appears to be growing exponentially in both the US and in Germany,” he said.

“We currently have worryingly low rates of savings and capital investment, combined with systemic unemployment and an ever-increasing spiral of debt and inflation,” said Dr. Herndon.

“If current trends are left unchecked, we believe that by late 2007, a feeling of economic desperation will begin to overtake large sectors of the lower-middle-class in the US, as well as the welfare-dependent classes in Germany,” he warned.

“Our results strongly suggest that this will provide the emotional trigger for the scapegoating of Jews, toward whom feelings in our sample were unexpectedly negative, and often violent.”

“The bottom line is that increasing numbers of persons at the economic margins believe that their economic interests are being ignored in favor of a foreign power, namely, Israel. Feelings about Jews and Israel are also associated with strife and insecurity, not peace and prosperity,” he explained.

Expecting violent reaction

A surprising forecast was that anti-Semitic behavior will predominate among nominally Christian, and not Muslim, groups.

“Unlike more ideologically-oriented Muslim groups, post-World War Two westerners in the so-called first-world are more driven by economic comfort and security. When their economic underpinnings are jeopardized, we can expect a violent reaction. And violence is rarely rational.”

“We believe that unrest will begin in the US Southwest. And in Germany, in areas of former East Germany. As with most emotionally-driven mob behavior, it will spread. Containing it will be difficult.”

Dr. Herndon emphasized the need to be proactive.

“Media exists to manage feelings. Our results strongly suggest that Jewish and Israeli organizations, in particular, are in the process of rapidly losing control of their PR initiatives. Opinion leaders in both the US and Europe must not stand-by passively as these trends develop.”

“I would characterize the anecdotal results of our research as frankly horrifying. A new strategy to diffuse these growing perceptions is clearly in order. This is one time where we cannot afford for history to repeat itself,” he concluded.

Source Ynet

Does anyone here know anything about Affective Encryption Analysis? I hear it comes straight from the intelligence community but not sure.


Posted by wintermute on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 00:05 | #

Does anyone here know anything about Affective Encryption Analysis? I hear it comes straight from the intelligence community but not sure.

I don’t know, but it’s predicting a huge win for Gore against any Republican challenger for ‘08, as well as huge losses for Hillary in the same scenario.

Couldnt’ find any details of methodology, which would be propriatary anyway.

As for an intelligence operation, who knows? We could speculate that this agency either does not have the technology it claims, and simply serves to agitate for a Gore candidacy and increasing Jewish policing of the print, broadcast, and Internet news and discussion, or that it does have the technology it claims, and is either telling the truth or twisting the truth, in order to achieve certain outcomes.

With the cover of a pyschological interviewing technique, they can always claim the ‘prophet’s dodge’: it didn’t happen because we told you about it in advance.

That trick never gets old.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 00:41 | #

Let’s multiply the Jewish population by 6 to 36m to achieve parity. 200m/36m yields a 5 to 1 ratio in our favor - just like you say (650k/138k). Yet we’re outnumbered - that’s the problem and the issue IQ arguments can’t explain. (I don’t know why you insist on the NE thing when Lynn has Italy’s IQ at 102 - same as Germany).Then where’s the overrepresentation of Jews Steve? At 5:1 or for every 100, 20 are Jews then does that not fall close to the 21% Jewish representation in the top US schools?

The NE reference is H&M’s not mine. German, Dutch, & Polish IQ is 109 & 108 respectively. Sweden is 106 and Austria 104. Greece is 92, Bulgaria 95, Southern Italy, where most of America’s Italian immigrants originated [per Volkmar Weiss] is 89 [as opposed to Lombardy and Tuscany’s 103 & 105 respectively], Spain and Portugal 97 and 95 per Weiss.

Robert’s assessment is supported by La Griffe, among others.

It’s not that your efforts aren’t grand Steven, it’s just that your numbers seem flabby, even to a sub-Askenazic IQ like mine. It would be a shame to see you assailed and have little dry powder with which to retaliate.


Posted by Calvin on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 01:38 | #

Why the pessimism? Look how fucked up pre-Nazi Germany was. Germany was brought down by a coalition of white European nations. This time the entire white race are afflicted by the same problems that once afflicted Germany. Germany rose up and made the world tremble before a European nation united by blood and proud of their racial heritage. I’m glad that the lower races are being allowed to humiliate as at this time.This humiliation is the prelude to the great White awakening. Gentlemen, the most advanced form of life on this planet is due to reassert its primacy. The greatest days of our race lie not behind us but before us.

“You’ll think I’m crazy, but listen to me: Hitler will bring us to catastrophe. But his ideas, once they have been transformed, will acquire a new strength.” 

Joseph Goebbles

“I have seen the new man. He was intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.”

A. Hitler

The new man is us.


Posted by Steven Palese on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 05:04 | #


Then where’s the overrepresentation of Jews Steve? At 5:1 or for every 100, 20 are Jews then does that not fall close to the 21% Jewish representation in the top US schools?

First, nowhere do we find that 5 to 1 relationship in elite colleges. That’s the issue, though not your question.

Second, that 21% is the average across the top schools (I’ll just take your 21% stat as is). Where the admissions process tends toward meritocracy, it drops and where admissions tend toward ethnic lobbying, it rises. That somewhat answers your question, but I’ll go further.

Third, the 21% itself is too much. The leaflet links to a Gardner (ygg) article because that’s where the 5% stat for CalTech is crunched out. But there’s plenty of other stuff in the same article, such as:

Jews have an average IQ that is .84 standard deviations above that of white gentiles. The average for white gentiles is 100. For Jews it is 112. Based on this higher average, we would expect them to be represented at a rate of 4 to 5 times their share of the population at the IQ range of 140, which populates Harvard. That means 10 to 12% of the seats, not 27%.

How does he get that 4 to 5 multiple? Off the top of my head, I guess it comes from

a) using an IQ figure of 112 and
b) factoring in the affirmative action applicants that reduce the pool we’re fighting over from 100% of slots to about 80%

Note that a 5:1 ratio, itself derived from the bogus 115 (or higher? what does the Bell Curve use, 118?), means 16.6 for them and 83.3 for us - not 20/80. Now plug in points a) and b) above and you’ll see Ashkenazi Jews drop to where ygg has them: Twice overrepresented across the board.

Our 5:1 ratio came out of a napkin analysis off of Bell Curve stats. Again, it’s been a while since I’ve read it but you seem to have it handy. Are they using 118 IQ? Just curious. I’m aware of the spatial/verbal imbalance and wonder whether they’re going by pure verbal IQ tests or something.

I’ll add that if you’re going to use 106-109 stats for North Europeans, you are contradicting yourself because that also blows our napkin 5:1 ratio out of the water.

Go with Lynn instead: It’s too easy to cherry pick the IQ studies one likes. Lynn uses a thorough meta analysis that includes just about every study ever made and therefore almost certainly (don’t have time to check the bibliography) incorporates the Robert, Weiss and La Griffe studies you mention. Insofar as the averages he derives are much lower, it follows there are plenty of other studies that go the other way.

Moreover, his data indicates a white average of 102, which would indicate ygg is also off and the Jewish overrepresentation is even worse. I hope you also have Lynn handy so you can confirm this last tidbit.

It’s not that your efforts aren’t grand Steven, it’s just that your numbers seem flabby, even to a sub-Askenazic IQ like mine. It would be a shame to see you assailed and have little dry powder with which to retaliate.

As you can see, the ygg link places the dry powder in the leaflet itself. However - and this is an important however - feedback from the black student union was very negative regarding the amren link and that’s why I took it out. It seems the ygg link doesn’t bother them but I’m still concerned about having it there. The actual problem is that the very presence of these IQ arguments (albeit indirectly through a reference) imperils the leaflet.

The ZioNazi pigs will almost certainly look for ways to mobilize their minority supporters against us. That’s the only item in the entire leaflet that they can use to assail us, as you put it. The immigration issue isn’t a big deal because a majority of blacks have had it with immigration and so have roughly half the hispanics. the mere mention of IQ however, inflames both groups down to a man.

My point is that these IQ arguments are not a threat even if they did justify Jewish overrepresentation and our underrepresentation - which they don’t. They’re not a threat because the first party that uses them gets chased all over campus by enraged blacks and hispanics. So don’t worry about us being assailed by them because a) they have no mileage and b) if they did use them, they’d explode in their face.

It’s not just the above mentioned minorities spazzing out. There’s a second issue that would emerge, to quote ygg

It is among the female descendants of European Christendom, those most likely to support “affirmative action”, “women’s liberation” and the other demographic engineering efforts of the inner party, that we find the widest and most shocking income disparities. Among females, the disparity is not confined to the top half of the IQ spectrum, but persists from top to bottom at consistent levels at each IQ range.

Indeed, if one were to view these data as the result of a purposeful system, then the object of the multi-culturalist enterprise is clearly two fold - first to displace and disadvantage majority males at the top of the IQ spectrum and second, to exploit majority women from top to bottom. At each level of IQ they are paid dramatically less than their Black, Hispanic and inner party counterparts with the same IQ.

Source Princeton Tries to Explain a Drop in Jewish Enrollment; or “What is Communism?”

As you can see, if they are so stupid as to play the IQ card, we’ll not only incite the minorities against them but also make a play for the feminists! Talk about a double whammy!

So, far from worrying about these IQ arguments, you should be praying that their self-delusions lead them down the IQ route. I’m certainly going to pray even though I seriously doubt they’re stupid enough to shatter their divide and rule strategy.

Still, you never know smile

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