There can, it seems, be too much of a good thing. JR’s inimitable contributions on the vexed issue of physical perfection may, by their popularity, have been responsible for the CPU problems we’ve had over the past few months.
In any event, our hosting service pulled the plug on us on Friday because we were starving other sites filed on the server. Can’t complain about that. Bluehost have a duty to their other paying customers.
JR has now cut back our CPU consumption and we are restored to life. It’s time to apologise to all MR readers who have been confronted by a “Site Suspended” notice over the last couple of days. We think the situation will be sufficiently stable to allow uninterrupted operation in the short-term. Long-term, another solution will have to be found - on which more later.
Thanks again for your patience and thanks for coming back.
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 19:22 | #
GW-Whew! I was afraid the site had been TOS’ed.And,I think it unkind to lay it on JR-I’ve seen some lenghty tomes from others that have elucidated a plethora of responses.It’s all to the advantage of MR,in the long run,as it validates it’s legitimacy.Anyway,glad you’re backup-find some more bandwidth! Cheers!